Gerbeaud cakes
Gerbeaud cakes
C A T E R I N G G e r b e au d ca k e s BUDA P ES T ANNO 1858 G e r b eau d cakes C A T E R I N G G e r b eau d cakes C A T E R I N G Do b o s to r t e E s t e r h á z y to r t e Based on the traditional recipe, sponge cake pastry layered with a chocolate cream made with vanilla and egg, and topped with caramel. Dacquois sponge cake pastry made with finely ground walnuts, layered with brandy-flavoured vanilla cream, and topped with the traditional fondant decorated with chocolate. 1 4 s l i c es .................................................................................. 1 1 4 1 0 H U F 4 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 6 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 8 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 1 2 s l i c es .................................................................................... 1 5 s l i c es ................................................................................... 1 8 s l i c es ................................................................................... 3 4 6 9 12 14 260 890 52 0 78 0 2 25 6 70 HUF HUF HUF HUF HUF HUF G e r b eau d cakes C A T E R I N G s ac h e r to r t e O r a ng e - Ca r a m e l 21st century soft, creamy Sacher torte with marzipan-pased chocolate butter sponge, homemade apricot jam and Valrhona chocolate icing. Chocolate sponge with dark chocolate, caramelized wafer crisps, orange-almond pastry encased with caramel mousse and caramel topping. 1 4 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 1 1 4 1 0 H U F 4 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 6 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 8 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 1 2 s l i c es .................................................................................... 1 5 s l i c es ................................................................................... 2 0 s l i c es ................................................................................. 3 4 6 9 12 16 260 890 52 0 78 0 2 25 300 HUF HUF HUF HUF HUF HUF G e r b eau d cakes C A T E R I N G Ba i l e y ’ s Roya l c ho c o l at e French Linzer, cocoa sponge, coffee-dark chocolate ganache, marzipan-Bailey’s bavarois, encased in milk chocolate-Bailey’s icing. Crispy caramel wafer, hazelnut praliné and white Valrhona chocolate on a chocolate sponge base, crowned with a topping of bitter chocolate mousse. 4 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 3 2 6 0 H U F 1 4 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 1 1 4 1 0 H U F 4 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 3 9 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 7 1 2 s l i c es .................................................................................... 9 1 6 s l i c es . . ................................................................................. 13 2 0 s l i c es ................................................................................. 1 6 25 s l i c es ................................................................................ 2 0 260 335 78 0 040 300 375 HUF HUF HUF HUF HUF HUF G e r b eau d cakes C A T E R I N G e m i l g e r b e au d ’ s l e g ac y P i s tac h i o - r a s p b e r ry yog u r t ca k e Chocolate and almond marzipan sponge delicacy with homemade cognac cherry. Raspberry jelly-filled pistachio sponge cake, white chocolate yogurt cream, pistachio-walnut linzer crisps. 4 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 3 2 6 0 H U F 1 4 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 1 1 4 1 0 H U F 4 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 6 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 8 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 1 2 s l i c es .................................................................................... 1 5 s l i c es ................................................................................... 1 8 s l i c es ................................................................................... 3 4 6 9 12 14 260 890 52 0 78 0 2 25 6 70 HUF HUF HUF HUF HUF HUF G e r b eau d cakes C A T E R I N G g e r b e au d cak e This traditional, yet newly fashioned cake is prepared with Gerbeaud chocolate and iced with chocolate ganache cream. The layers of walnut-almond-marzipan chocolate butter sponge are laced with walnut praliné. And of yource, there is apricot compot between each layer. 4 s l i c es G e r b e au d J O UR ca k e i n e l eg a nt g i ft b ox ............................................................................................................................................. 3 9 5 0 H U F 8 s l i c es .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 52 0 H U F 8 s l i c es G e r b e au d Co c k ta i l ca k e i n woo d e n b ox .............................................................................................................................................. 8 9 9 0 H U F G e r b eau d cakes C A T E R I N G s a lt y - p e a n u t s a p r i c ot c h e e s e ca k e Made of peanut butter and hazelnut praliné with apricot on a chocolate sponge. Light cottage-cheese mousse based on a butter sponge cake made with brown sugar. 4 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 6 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 8 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 1 2 s l i c es .................................................................................... 1 6 s l i c es . . ................................................................................. 4 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 8 s l i c es ..................................................................................... 1 2 s l i c es .................................................................................... 1 5 s l i c es ................................................................................... 1 8 s l i c es ................................................................................... 2 4 s l i c es ................................................................................. 3 4 6 9 13 260 890 52 0 78 0 040 HUF HUF HUF HUF HUF 3 6 9 12 14 19 260 52 0 78 0 2 25 670 560 HUF HUF HUF HUF HUF HUF cak e s to tak e away a n d o r d e r i ng d e a d l i n e s C A T E R I N G Flavors and ordering deadlines for cakes to take away are available in the table. Fort he ordering deadlines of larger cakes that are not included in the table, please contact the Gerbeaud Café on the phone number +36 1 429 9026. The discount of all cakes are already included in the price. When ordering a 21-slice- or larger cake, we charge 50% deposit of its price. N AME ALWAYS AVAILABLE AVAILABLE I N 4 8 H O URS AVAILABLE I N 7 2 H O URS * P RICE / SLICE (HUF) SHAPE SIZE O F T H E CAKES I N SLICES Ro ya l c ho c o l at e 4 6, 9, 12 1 6 , 2 0 , 25 8 15* S Q UARE BAILEY ' S 4 14 - 8 15* ROUND DOBOS 14 - - 8 15* ROUND ES T ER H ÁZY - 4, 6, 8, 12 16, 18 8 15* S Q UARE s a lt y- p e a n u t s a p r i c ot 4 6, 8, 12 16 8 15* S Q UARE e m i l g e r b e au d’ s l eg acy 4 14 - 8 15* ROUND cheese cake 4 8, 12 15, 18, 24 8 15* S Q UARE SAC H ER 14 - - 8 15* ROUND G ERBEAUD 8 - - 8 15* ROUND O r a ng e - C a r a m e l 4 4, 8, 12 16, 20 8 15* S Q UARE P i s ta c h i o - r a s p b e r r y yog u r t c a k e 4 6, 8, 12 15, 18 8 15* S Q UARE *We offer 50% discount of take away cakes with a price of 815 HUF/ slice. In case of eating in 4-slice cakes cost 7 000 HUF + 15% service charge. s w e e t an d sa lt y t e a c oo k i e s C A T E R I N G SWEE T T EA C O O KIE O RDER ( MI N IMUM O RDER Q UA N T I T Y: 0 , 5 KG / T Y P E ) P RICE H U F / KG O RDERI N G DEADLI N E ALM O N D BALLS 9 9 8 0 H U F ac c o r d i ng to ag r e e m e nt WAL N U T CUBES , ISC H LER , N ER O RI G O LE T T O , M O SZKAUER 8 9 8 0 H U F ac c o r d i ng to ag r e e m e nt LI N ZER WREAT H ES , f r u i t c a k e , E N G LIS H BU T T ER C H O C O LAT E - ALM O N D - LI N ZER 7 9 8 0 H U F ac c o r d i ng to ag r e e m e nt SALT C O O KIE O RDER P RICE H U F / KG O RDERI N G DEADLI N E SALT C O O KIE SELEC T I O N 4 0 0 0 H U F 4 8 H O URS MI N I SC O N E A N D P AS T RY SELEC T I O N F R O M T H E G ERBEAUD BAKERY 4 0 0 0 H U F 4 8 H O URS G e r b eau d wedding cak e s C A T E R I N G When it comes to the big event, to our own wedding, we would like everything to be dressed up, we want every little detail to reflects our happiness perfectly, indeed the wedding cake. It should wow the wedding people while expressing the love between bride and groom. The second sweetest moment – after the wedding kiss – is when wife and husband cut the wedding cake together. We believe that every couple has a dream cake. We would like to offer our help with our exclusive wedding cake sortiment. Experience has shown that cakes on shelves are much more popular, but the modern single cakes of the Gerbeaud Café can be found in our collection, like the Royal chocolate. G e r b eau d wedding cak e s C A T E R I N G Recommended classic cake flavours: G ERBEAUD C H O C O LAT E P EA N U T – T RU F F LE ES T ER H ÁZY SAC H ER S T E FÁ N IA (Dobos cake without caramel topping) C H ES T N U T M O DER N , LI G H T , AIRY ca k e s C A T E R I N G In the renewed sortiment of the Gerbeaud Café fresh, modern flavours can be found among classical ones. These cakes cannot be covered with marzipan considering their consistence and shapes. The multi-storey cakes are made in rectangular or square shape. R OYAL C H O C O LAT E Crispy carame wafer, hazelnut praliné and white Valrhona chocolate on a chocolate sponge base, crowned with a topping of bitter chocolate mousse S T RAWBERRY DREAM Strawberry mousse with strawberry jelly in the middle covered with white chocolate O RA N G E - CARAMEL Chocolate sponge with dark chocolate, caramelized wafer crisps, orange-almond pastry, encased with caramel mousse and caramel topping C H EESE CAKE Light cottage-cheese mousse based on a butter sponge cake made with brown sugar SALT Y- P EA N U T S A P RIC O T Made of peanut butter and hazelnut praliné with apricot on a chocolate sponge w e d d i ng b i s c u i t s C A T E R I N G sw e e t t e a coo k i e s e l ect i on ..................................................................................................................................................................................... l i nze r w r e ath s , e ng l i s h b u tt e r c ho co l at e-a l m on d l i nze r ................................................................................................................ wa l n u t c u b es , i s c h l e r , n e r o, r i go l e tto, m o sz k au e r .............................................................................................................................. a l m on d ba l l s ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... sa lt y coo k i es , M i n i s con e a n d pas t ry f r o m th e G e r b e au d ba k e ry ............................................................................................... 8 980 7 980 8 980 9 980 4 0 0 0 HUF / HUF / HUF / HUF / HUF / kg kg kg kg kg M aca r on C A T E R I N G M aca r on (G LU T E N - F REE) .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 0 0 H U F / P c s Macaron can be ordered with standing, in this case the deposit of the standing is 25,000 HUF, that we pay back at return. 10-storeyed .......................................................................................... 237 pcs 9-storeyed ............................................................................................ 196 pcs 8-storeyed ............................................................................................ 162 pcs 7-storeyed ............................................................................................ 132 pcs C u s to m q u ot e r eq u es t i s n ec es sa ry fo r s l i c es of ca k e . prices C A T E R I N G BASE O F CAKE ( N OT DE P E N D O N T H E F LAVO UR) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 1 5 H U F / SLICE MARZI PA N COV ERI N G (O N LY FO R CLASSIC CAKE) .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 0 0 H U F / SLICE DECO RAT I O N ( MARZI PA N F LOWER / F I G URE , F RUI T, C H O CO LAT E) ...................................................................................................................................... 5 0 0 0 - 3 5 0 0 0 H U F F IREWO RKS (SMALL ) : 1 2 c m .. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 70 0 H U F / P CS F IREWO RKS ( MEDIUM ) : 1 8 c m ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 0 0 H U F / P CS F IREWO RKS ( LAR G E) : 2 6 c m ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1 0 0 H U F / P CS DELI V ERY C A T E R I N G Within the area of Budapest the delivery cost is 12,700 HUF, for outside of Budapest we charge 300 HUF/KM. Our cakes and wedding cakes can be delivered with our own truck, with cooling if necessary In case of orders over 70,000 HUF (excluding VAT) for one time we do not charge delivery cost within the area of Budapest (except for wedding cakes). The transportation is with cooling truck. The cakes need cooling, so after the delivery the customer is responsible for the cooling and storage of the cakes. references During the last few years we had the opportunity for organizing more than 100 weddings. Weddings that took place int he Gerbeaud House C A T E R I N G Gerbeaud Café, 1051 Budapest, Vörösmarty tér 7-8. Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 9-21 Tel.: +36-1-429-9000, [email protected], C A T E R I N G