fine art + antiques - Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner
fine art + antiques - Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner
International auction 858 BRUUN RASMUSSEN FINE ART + ANTIQUES A U C T I O N 8 5 8 • S E P T E M B E R 2 01 5 20/08/15 14.26 858_antik_omslag.indd 1 ANTIQUES + ART FINE FINE ART + ANTIQUES International auction 858 AUCTION 15 - 24 September 2015 PREVIEW Thursday10 September 3 pm - 6 pm Friday11 September 11 am - 5 pm Saturday12 September 11 am - 4 pm Sunday13 September 11 am - 4 pm Monday14 September 11 am - 5 pm or by appointment Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 [email protected] · 858_antik_s001-011_start.indd 1 20/08/15 14.20 Lot 16 858_antik_s001-011_start.indd 2 20/08/15 14.20 DAYS OF SALE ________________________________________________________ FINE ART + ANTIQUES Tuesday 15 September 4 pm Paintings Books and manuscripts 1 - 113 114 - 138 Wednesday 16 September 2 pm Furniture, clocks and bronzes Silver, glas and ceramics Oriental carpets 139 - 269 270 - 294 295 - 332 Thursday 17 September 2 pm Jewellery and handbags Wristwatches 333 - 502 503 - 548 ________________________________________________________ MODERN ART Tuesday 22 September 4 pm Modern paintings and sculptures Wednesday 23 September 2 pm Modern paintings and sculptures Prints ________________________________________________________ NORDIC DESIGN Wednesday 23 September 4 pm Silver Decorative art Thursday 24 September 4 pm Furniture and lamps ________________________________________________________ DEADLINE FOR CLAIMING ITEMS: 7 OCTOBER Items bought at Auction 858 must be paid no later than eight days from the date of the invoice and claimed on Bredgade 33 by Wednesday 7 October at the latest. Otherwise, they will be moved to Bruun Rasmussen’s storage facility at Baltikavej 10 in Copenhagen at the buyer’s expense and risk. This transportation will cost DKK 100 per item VAT included, and storage will cost DKK 100 per item per week VAT included. 858_antik_s001-011_start.indd 3 20/08/15 14.20 Lot 285 858_antik_s001-011_start.indd 4 20/08/15 14.20 MALERIER + ANTIKVITETER International auktion 858 AUKTION 15. - 24. september 2015 EFTERSYN Torsdag10. september kl. 15 - 18 Fredag11. september kl. 11 - 17 Lørdag12. september kl. 11 - 16 Søndag13. september kl. 11 - 16 Mandag14. september kl. 11 - 17 Bredgade 33 · 1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 [email protected] · 858_antik_s001-011_start.indd 5 20/08/15 14.20 Lot 353 Lot 354 Lot 355 858_antik_s001-011_start.indd 6 20/08/15 14.20 AUKTIONSKALENDER ________________________________________________________ MALERIER OG ANTIKVITETER Tirsdag 15. september kl. 16 Malerier Bøger og manuskripter 1 - 113 114 - 138 Onsdag 16. september kl. 14 Møbler, ure og bronzer Sølv, glas og keramik Orientalske tæpper 139 - 269 270 - 294 295 - 332 Torsdag 17. september kl. 14 Smykker og håndtasker Armbåndsure 333 - 502 503 - 548 ________________________________________________________ MODERNE KUNST Tirsdag 22. september kl. 16 Moderne malerier og skulpturer Onsdag 23. september kl. 14 Moderne malerier og skulpturer Grafik ________________________________________________________ NORDISK DESIGN Onsdag 23. september kl. 16 Sølv Kunsthåndværk Torsdag 24. september kl. 16 Møbler og belysning ________________________________________________________ SIDSTE FRIST FOR AFHENTNING: ONSDAG DEN 7. OKTOBER Effekter købt på auktion 858 skal være betalt senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen og afhentet i Bredgade 33 senest onsdag den 7. oktober. I modsat fald bliver de transporteret til Bruun Rasmussens lager på Baltikavej 10 i Københavns Nordhavn for købers regning og risiko. Transporten koster 100 kr. pr. effekt inkl. moms, og opbevaringen koster 100 kr. pr. effekt pr. påbegyndt uge inkl. moms. 858_antik_s001-011_start.indd 7 20/08/15 14.20 SPECIALISTS IN FINE ART AND ANTIQUES Paintings and russian art Martin Hans Borg +45 8818 1128 [email protected] Ceramics and oriental art Ralph Lexner +45 8818 1161 [email protected] Paintings Birte Stokholm +45 8818 1122 [email protected] Ceramics, glass and oriental art Charlotte Hviid +45 8818 1162 [email protected] Paintings Julie Arendse Voss +45 8818 1123 [email protected] Silver and ceramics Heidi Schophuus Jensen +45 8818 1163 [email protected] Books and manuscripts Lærke Bøgh +45 8818 1217 [email protected] Ceramics and oriental art Alexandra Nilsson +45 8818 1164 [email protected] Jewellery and wristwatches Katrin Mikkelsen Sørensen +45 8818 1174 [email protected] Furniture and carpets Henrik Schleppegrel +45 8818 1145 [email protected] Jewellery Lise Jacobsen +45 8818 1175 [email protected] Furniture, bronzes and clocks Anders Fredsted +45 8818 1142 [email protected] Wristwatches Kristian Haagen +45 8818 1168 [email protected] Silver and branding Alexa Bruun Rasmussen +45 8818 1091 [email protected] Paintings and furniture Frederik Bruun Rasmussen +45 8818 1003 [email protected] Director of sales Kasper Nielsen +45 8818 1121 [email protected] 858_antik_s001-011_start.indd 8 20/08/15 14.20 Jens-Peter Brask Photo: Søren Solkær Lærke Bøgh Åbningen af eftersynet torsdag 10. september kl. 15-18 Foredrag i auktionssalen, Bredgade 33: Kl. 16.00 “At samle på samtidskunst” ved kunstsamler Jens-Peter Brask Kl. 16.30 “Passion for sjældne bøger” ved vores bogekspert Lærke Bøgh Foredragene kan også opleves direkte på via live streaming. Man kan købe et eksemplar af Jens-Peter Brasks nye bog ”BRASK STUDIO VISITS” for 350 kr. og få den signeret af ham efter foredraget. Opening of the preview Thursday 10 September, 3 pm – 6 pm Lectures in the main saleroom, Bredgade 33: 4 pm “Collecting Contemporary Art” by art collector Jens-Peter Brask 4.30 pm “Passion for rare books” by our book expert Lærke Bøgh Both lectures will be in Danish. The lectures can also be viewed online via live streaming at You can purchase a copy of Jens-Peter Brasks new book “BRASK STUDIO VISITS” for DKK 350 and have it signed by the author after the lecture. 858_antik_s001-011_start.indd 9 20/08/15 14.20 Skagensmalerier, tebordsblade og slotsinventar Vi kommer vidt omkring på efterårsauktionen i Bredgade og starter med malerier som vanligt. Skagen er repræsenteret med 21 værker fra den berømte kunstnerkoloni. Udbuddet føres an af Michael Anchers folkelivsskildring af nogle børn og deres lærer i skolestuen fra 1881 og P.S. Krøyers stemningsfulde motiv hentet fra Skagen Strand en sen augustaften i 1899 ( 38 og 29). Andre maleriske højdepunkter tæller et stort blomstermaleri af I.L. Jensen fra 1837, mange værker af Peder Mønsted, hvor vi bevæger os rundt i den forårsgrønne skov, og flere af Paul Fischers livagtige skildringer af det gamle København omkring år 1900 ( 16, 70 og 60). Med to tebordsblade af fajance kaster vi lys over en tid hvor te, kaffe og chokolade kom på mode hos den europæiske overklasse. Bordene blev udviklet i 1700-tallet, fordi man manglede et møbel til at placere temaskinen og servicen til de hede drikke. Det ene af tebordsbladene er særdeles sjældent, da det er produceret på Kastrup Fajancefabrik og dekoreret med blomster i farver. Det andet er udført på Fajancefabrikken St. Kongensgade fra den eftertragtede Johan Pfau-periode og er blådekoreret med et byprospekt og sågar et dannebrogsflag ( 285 og 279). En af auktionens kuriositeter er Pastor Mallings sjældne skrivekugle – verdens første seriefremstillede skrivemaskine. Rasmus Johann Malling Hansen var uddannet teolog og døvstummelærer og fungerede fra 1865 som forstander og præst ved Det Kongelige Døvstummeinstitut i København. Hans arbejde med tegnsprog inspirerede ham til opfindelsen af skrivekuglen, der blev præsenteret på Verdensudstillingen i Paris i 1878 og vandt en guldmedalje ( 235). Ingen tvivl om at Danmark er rig på skønne herregårde og slotte, og fra syv af disse byder vi denne gang på kunstværker, der dækker et stilmæssigt spænd fra renæssance til nyrokoko. Det gælder fx en del af interiøret fra Tølløse Slot hos familien Schulin-Zeuthen. Fra Fredensborg Slot stammer et enormt spisebord af mahogni og fra Knuthenborg Gods et fransk bureau plat ( 145, 254 og 164). Til sidst i kataloget præsenteres auktionens smykker og armbåndsure, heriblandt et af de fineste eksempler på moderne dansk smykkedesign – diamantarmringen ”Blomster” fra Ole Lynggaard. Den får selskab af juveler fra det eksklusive fransk-italienske brand De AMBROSI ( 358, 355). I front blandt armbåndsurene er to elegante guldure – Patek Philippes Golden Ellipse med den karakteristiske blå skive og Vacheron Constantins kronografur, hvor ypperlig urmageri og design går op i en højere enhed ( 529 og 536). På gensyn til eftersynet i Bredgade 33! Jesper Bruun Rasmussen 858_antik_s001-011_start.indd 10 20/08/15 14.20 Skagen Paintings, Tea Trays and Castle Inventory The range of items is impressive at the autumn auction in Bredgade, where we begin with paintings as usual. Skagen is represented by 21 paintings from the famous artist colony. The selection is led by Michael Ancher’s scene of everyday life with a group of children and their teacher in a classroom painted in 1881, and P.S. Krøyer’s evocative motif drawn from Skagen Strand a late August evening in 1899 (Cat. no. 38 and 29). Other picturesque highlights include a large floral painting by I.L. Jensen from 1837, several paintings by Peder Mønsted, where we move around a green beech wood forest during spring, and several of Paul Fischer’s vivid depictions of Old Copenhagen around the turn of the century (Cat. no. 16, 70 and 60). With two faience tea trays, we shed light on a time where tea, coffee and chocolate became fashionable among the European upper class. The tea tray was developed in the 1700s, because there was a piece of furniture missing upon which to place the tea urn and set for the hot drink. One of the tea trays is extremely rare, since it was produced at Kastrup Faience and decorated with flowers in colour. The second was made at the St. Kongensgade Fajancefabrik during the coveted Johan Pfau period, and it is decorated in blue with a cityscape and even the Danish flag (Cat. no. 285 and 279). One of the auction’s more curios items is Pastor Malling’s rare writing ball - the world’s first commercially produced typewriter. Rasmus Johann Malling Hansen was educated as a theologian and a teacher of the deaf-mutes. From 1865 he worked as principle and pastor at the Royal Deaf-mutes Institute in Copenhagen. His work with sign language inspired him in the invention of the writing ball, which was presented in public at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1878, where it won a gold medal (Cat. no. 235). There is no doubt that Denmark is rich in beautiful manor houses and castles, and from seven of these, we offer true works of art, covering a stylistic span from the Renaissance to Neo-rococo. This includes a portion of the inventory from Tølløse Castle from the family Schulin-Zeuthen. From Fredensborg Palace comes a huge mahogany dining table and from the Manor House of Knuthenborg a French bureau plat (Cat. no. 145, 254 and 164). Finally in the catalogue we present the auction’s jewellery and wristwatches, including one of the finest examples of modern Danish jewellery design – the diamond ring ”Flower” by Ole Lynggaard. It is accompanied by jewels from the exclusive French-Italian brand De AMBROSI (Cat. no. 358, 355). Leading the wristwatches are two elegant gold watches - Patek Philippe’s Golden Ellipse with the characteristic blue dial and Vacheron Constantin’s chronograph watch, which encapsulates how excellent watchmaking and design can come together in perfect harmony (Cat. no. 529 and 536). See you at the preview in Bredgade 33! Jesper Bruun Rasmussen 858_antik_s001-011_start.indd 11 20/08/15 14.20 JEWELLERY HANDBAGS Thursday 17 September 2 pm Lot 333 - 502 Lot 343 333 GEORG JENSEN & WENDEL 336 OLE LYNGGAARD A jewellery set comprising a necklace and a bracelet of 18k gold. L. necklace app. 66 cm. L. bracelet app. 20 cm. Total weight app. 68 g. Connectable. Circa 1960-70. (2) Accompanied by case. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 A "Flowers" diamond ring set with green enamel and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.82 ct., mounted in 18k partly satinated gold and white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VS. Size 53. Model no. A1879-401. Accompanied by original jewellery bag. Retail price app. DKK 75.000. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 334 OLE LYNGGAARD A diamond ring "Shooting Star" set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k satinated gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VS. Size 51. Weight app. 15 g. 2007. Purchased for DKK 39.000 in 2007. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 335 TOVE & EDVARD KINDT-LARSEN b. 1906, d. 1994 A necklace of 18k gold. Design no. 1104 A. L. app. 41 cm. Weight app. 58.5 g. Georg Jensen after 1945. Similar depicted in silver in Janet Drucker, “ Georg Jensen - A Tradition of Splendid Silver” 1997, p. 173. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 266 337 A bracelet of 18k gold. L. app. 18.5 cm. Weight app. 62 g. Circa 1950-60. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 338 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.35 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI1. L. app. 18.5 cm. Weight app. 64 g. Circa 1950-60. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 333 334 335 336 338 337 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 267 339 OLE LYNGGAARD 343 DE AMBROSI A three-strand “Fox” necklace with an “Elephant” diamond clasp set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 0.10 ct., mounted in 14k satinated gold, white gold and oxidized sterling silver. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VS. L. clasp app. 2.5 cm. L. necklace app. 80 cm. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 A diamond brooch in the shape of teddy bear “Teddy Love” set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.10 ct. and enamel in various nuances, mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS. L. app. 3.7 x 4.0 cm. Weight app. 29.8 g. Limited edition. Paris, circa 2008. Accompanied by original case. Retail price app. DKK 93.000. Illustrated in “De AMBROSI Paris”, 2008, pp. 16-17. 340 MARLENE JUHL-JØRGENSEN A diamond eternity ring set with numerous brilliantcut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 53. Circa 2010-12. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 341 OLE LYNGGAARD A diamond ring “Lotus” set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.66 ct., mounted in 18k satinated pink gold. Colour: Wesselton (G). Clarity: VS. Size 52. Design Charlotte Lynggaard. 2014. Accompanied by original case. Retail price DKK 43.900. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 342 A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.55 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Top WesseltonWesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI1. Size 54.5. Rome, circa 1950. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 268 Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 344 CARTIER A diamond bangle "Love Bangle" set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold. Size 17. Serial no. 012742. Diam. app. 5.6 cm. Signed Cartier. Circa 2011. Accompanied by original screwdriver and case. Retail price circa EUR 10.400. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 345 SHAMBALLA An emerald and diamond bracelet with beads of emerald and beads set with brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.21 ct., mounted in 18k gold and green plait. Pearl diam. app. 7.4 -10.4 mm. Adjustable. Retail price app. DKK 49.200 Accompanied by original case. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 340 339 341 342 343 344 345 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 269 346 350 A sapphire and Tahiti pearl necklace set numerous sapphire beads and cultured baroque Tahiti pearls and clasp with circular-cut sapphires, mounted in 14k black rhodinated white gold. Pearl diam. app. 10.0-13.8 mm. L. app. circa 83 cm. Milan, circa 2008. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 A diamond eternity ring set with numerous marquisecut diamonds weighing a total of 3.90 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton-Top Cape (H-K). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 55. Switzerland, circa 2010. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 347 ANNI BACKHAUSEN A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.20 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 1.8 cm. Circa 2014. (2) Accompanied by original case and certificate. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 348 A pair of diamond ear studs each set with brilliant, emerald and baguette-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.40 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VVS. Circa 2008. (2) DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 351 DE AMBROSI A pair of ebony and diamond cufflinks each set with carved ebony and bone and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.74 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS. L. app. 2.0 cm. Total weight app. 20.7 g. Limited edition. Paris, 2008. (2) Accompanied by original case. Purchased for app. DKK 55.500 Illustrated in "De AMBROSI Paris", 2008, pp. 10-11. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 349 A diamond jewellery set comprising a ring and a pendant each set with numerous brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.16 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI. Ring size 54.5. L. pendant app. 2 cm. Circa 2005. (2) DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 270 352 A diamond bracelet set with numerous baguette and princess-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 11.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VVS-VS. L. app. 17 cm. Circa 2005. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 346 348 347 349 350 351 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 352 271 353 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 5.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app 37 cm. Circa 1980. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 354 GEORG JENSEN & WENDEL A diamond solitaire ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 3.41 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Cape (L). Clarity: VS1. Size 52.5. Circa 1969. Accompanied by original case and copy of certificate from Georg Jensen. DKK 80,000-100,000 / € 10,500-13,500 272 355 DE AMBROSI A diamond bangle set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.86 ct., mounted in 18k white gold and pale blue silk on leather. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS. Flexible. Weight app. 42 g. Limited edition. Paris, circa 2008. Accompanied by original case. Purchased for app. DKK 94.500 Illustrated in "De AMBROSI Paris", 2008, pp. 34-35. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 353 354 355 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 273 356 OLE LYNGGAARD A necklace with a “Flowers” diamond pendant set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.06 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS. L. pendant app. 3.5 cm. L. necklace app. 38 cm. Accompanied by detachable pendant set with a briolettecut aquamarine. L. pendant app. 2.5 cm. Model no. A1780-504. Design Charlotte Lynggaard. (2) Accompanied by original jewellery bag. Retail price app. DKK 75.000 DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 357 OLE LYNGGAARD A pair of "Flowers" diamond ear clips each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.10 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS. L. app. 4 cm. 274 Accompanied by four detachable pendants set with briolette-cut amethysts and green quartz. L. pendant app. 2.5 cm. Model no. A1785-502. Design Charlotte Lynggaard. (6) Accompanied by original jewellery bag. Retail price app. DKK 139.500. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 358 OLE LYNGGAARD A "Flowers" diamond bangle set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 7.12 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS. Diam. app. 5.5 cm. Adjustable size. Model no. A1878-501. Design Charlotte Lynggaard. Retail price app. DKK 492.000. DKK 150,000-200,000 / € 20,000-27,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 356 357 358 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 275 359 361 An Art Deco diamond brooch set with numerous single and old mine-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.50 ct., mounted in platinum. L. app. 3.3 x 5.5 cm. Weight app. 26 g. Milan, circa 1930. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 A diamond ring set with numerous emerald-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.60 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Top Crystal (I). Clarity: VVS-VS. Size 54. Milan. ca. 1970. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 362 HARTMANN'S 360 A diamond ring set with an emerald-cut diamond weighing app. 2.03 ct. flanked by numerous princess-cut diamonds, totalling app. 2.53 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: Internally Flawless (IF). Size 57. Milan, circa 2005. Accompanied by GIA certificate no. NY 228282. New York, 1979. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 276 A diamond bracelet set with numerous emerald and princess-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 11.21 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: RiverTop Wesselton (E-G). Clarity: VVS. L. app. 18 cm. Circa 2010. Accompanied by original case and certificate with insurance valuation of DKK 270.000 from Hartmann's. DKK 80,000 / € 10,500 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 359 360 362 361 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 277 363 366 A South Sea pearl necklace with cultured South Sea pearls and a diamond clasp set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 11.5-14.5 mm. L. app. 48 cm. Milan, circa 2012. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 A diamond ring set with a cushion-cut diamond weighing app. 1.51 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, totalling app. 1.83 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Size 53. Circa 2011. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 367 364 A pair of South Sea pearl and diamond ear pendants each set with a cultured South Sea pearl and numerous brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 9.50 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 11.0 mm. L. app. 5.5 cm. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 365 A pair of South Sea pearl and diamond ear pendants each set with a cultured South Sea pearl and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.47 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-VS. Pearl diam. app. 13.5 mm. L. app. 2.5 cm. Rome, circa 2012. (2) DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 278 A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.22 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton-Top Cape (H-K). Clarity: VVS-VS. Size 56. Milan, ca. 1950-60. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 368 A diamond eternity ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.21 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Milan, circa 2010. DKK 18,000 / € 2,400 369 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 6.75 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 19.5 cm. Circa 2011. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 363 365 364 366 367 369 368 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 279 370 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 8.50 ct., mounted in 18k gold. L. app. 6 cm. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 371 DE AMBROSI A diamond brooch in the shape of a bird set with numerous brilliant and baguette-cut white, fancy yelllow and cognac coloured diamonds weighing a total of app. 6.00 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Clarity: VVS-SI. Signed. L. app. 9.5 x 4.5 cm. Weight app. 22 g. Limited edition. Paris, 2008. Accompanied by original case. Purchased for app. DKK 120.000. Depicted in "De AMBROSI Paris", 2008, pp. 20-21. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 372 DE AMBROSI A diamond brooch in the shape of a flower set with a pear shaped and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.55 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS. App. 3.2 x 2.7 cm. Limited edition. Paris, 2008. Accompanied by original case. Purchased for app. DKK 75.000. Depicted in "De AMBROSI Paris", 2008, pp. 30-31. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 280 373 DE AMBROSI A diamond ring in the shape of a flower set with a pear shaped brilliant-cut diamond and numerous brilliant-cut fancy yellow and white diamonds, totalling app. 3.95 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-SI. Size 52. Paris, 2008. Accompanied by original case. Purchased for app. DKK 90.000 Depicted in "De AMBROSI Paris", 2008, pp. 18-19. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 374 DE AMBROSI An enamel and diamond brooch "Teddy Love" in the shape of a golf playing teddy bear set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.87 ct. and enamel in various nuances, mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS. App. 4.0 x 3.5 cm. Weight app. 41 g. Limited edition. Paris, circa 2008. Accompanied by original case. Purchased for app. DKK 94.000. Depicted in "De AMBROSI Paris", 2008, pp. 10-11. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 375 MARLENE JUHL-JØRGENSEN A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold and white gold. L. app. 19 cm. W. app. 4 cm. Weight app. 120 g. Circa 2005. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 371 370 372 373 375 374 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 281 376 KLARLUND A diamond solitaire ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 0.80 ct., mounted in 14k gold og white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VVS. Size 53. Circa 1999. Accompanied by original case. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 379 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 10.00 ct, mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Cape (K). Clarity: VS. L. app. 18.5 cm. Circa 2008. DKK 80,000 / € 10,500 380 377 A ruby and diamond ring set with an oval-cut natural Burma ruby weighing app. 1.61 ct. and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of 0.28 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Size 54. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS. Size 54. Rome, 1990. Certificate no. 9 R-15 from Prof. Dott. Maurizio Martini, Università di Roma, 2015. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 378 A bracelet of 18k gold and white gold. L. app. 20 cm. Weight app. 37.5 g. Rome, circa 1950-60. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 282 A jewellery set comprising a bracelet and a ring of 18k gold. Adjustable. Total weight app. 81 g. Circa 1950. (2) DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 381 A bracelet of 18k gold. L. app. 19 cm. Weight app. 117 g. Detachable buckle. Circa 1950-60. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 382 A pearl and diamond tiara set with numerous cultured pearls and single-cut diamonds, mounted in 14k gold. Pearl diam. app. 3.6 - 4.7 mm. Diam app. 13 cm. Weight app. 30 g. Denmark, circa 1930. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 376 377 378 380 379 381 382 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 283 383 385 A Tahiti pearl necklace with numerous cultured Tahiti pearls and clasp of 18k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 13.0 -14.75 mm. L. app. 48 cm. Rome, circa 2011. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 A diamond solitaire ring set with an old mine-cut diamond weighing app. 2.20 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Cape (K). Clarity: VS. Size 51. Rome, 1950-60. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 384 386 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 8.85 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 3.8 x 3.5 cm. Circa 2002. (2) DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.40 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Top Crystal (G-I). Clarity: VVS-VS. L. app. 19 cm. Milan, circa 1970. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 284 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 383 384 385 386 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 285 387 390 An emerald and diamond jewellery set comprising a necklace and a pair of ear pendants set with pearshaped emeralds weighing a total of app. 7.50 ct. and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.10 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. pendant app. 3 cm. L. ear pendants app. 3.2 cm. Circa 2008. (3) Accompanied by original case. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 An emerald and diamond ring set with a pearshaped emerald weighing app. 4.25 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Size 55. Circa 2008. Accompanied by certificate. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 388 391 A pair of emerald, opal and diamond ear pendants each set with a pear-shaped emerald weighing a total of app. 1.50 ct., a pear-shaped opal doublet weighing a total of app. 8.50 ct. and numerous single-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.25 ct., mounted in oxidized silver. L. app. 7.5 cm. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 An emerald and diamond bangle set with numerous emerald-cut emeralds and old mine-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.24 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI1. Diam. app. 6 cm. Circa 1950. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 389 V. DRACHMANN 392 An emerald and diamond ring set with an emeraldcut emerald weighing app. 3.00 ct. flanked by two brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.50 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS. Size 51.5. Circa 2008. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 A diamond brooch set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.86 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton: (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI. Diam. app. 3.8 cm. Circa 1984. Accompanied by certificate and original case. DKK 18,000 / € 2,400 286 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 387 388 389 390 392 391 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 287 393 397 A necklace with a diamond pendant in the shape of a heart set with a brilliant-cut heart-shaped diamond weighing app. 1.50 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, totalling app. 2.20 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton-Top Crystal (H-I). Clarity: VS-P1. L. pendant app. 3 cm. L. necklace app. 40 cm. Circa 2010. DKK 30,000-35,000 / € 4,000-4,700 A pair of diamond ear pendants "Creoles" each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.98 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VS. L. app. 3.8 cm. Milan, circa 2010. (2) DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 394 CHR. RASMUSSEN 398 A pair of sapphire and diamond ear screws each set with a modified cushion-cut sapphire weighing a total of 8.00 ct. and numerous old mine and singlecut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.70 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS. L. app. 3 cm. Circa 1950-60. (2) Accompanied by original case. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 395 A pair of South Sea pearl and diamond ear pendants each set with a cultured baroque South Sea pearl and single and brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 14k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 16.5-20.0 mm. L. app. 4.5 cm. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 A sapphire and diamond ring set with an oval-cut sapphire weighing app. 4.30 ct. encircled by nume rous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of 2.50 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 54.5. Milan, circa 1980. DKK 18,000-20,000 / € 2,400-2,700 399 A sapphire and diamond bracelet set with numerous square-cut sapphires and single and brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.21 ct., mounted in 18 white gold. Colour: Wesselton-Top Crystal (H-I). Clarity: VS-SI1. L. app. 18.5 cm. Rome, circa 1960. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 396 An Art Deco sapphire and diamond clip/brooch set with numerous square-cut sapphires weighing app. 1.50 ct. and baguette, single and old mine-cut diamonds weighing app. 5.90 ct., mounted in platinum. L. app. 5.5 cm. Milan, circa 1930. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 288 400 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.50 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VVS-VS. L. app. 17,5 cm. Milan, circa 2010. DKK 12,000 / € 1,600 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 393 394 395 396 399 400 397 398 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 289 403 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 8.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Crystal-Top Cape (J-K). Clarity: VS. L. app. 18 cm. Ca. 2010. DKK 70,000 / € 9,400 401 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliantcut diamonds weighing a total of app. 23.85 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 43 cm. Weight app. 63 g. Circa 2010. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 402 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 6.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 4.5 cm. Weight app. 12.5 g. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 290 404 A diamond brooch set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 6.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 6.5 cm. Circa 2010. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 405 A sapphire and diamond bracelet set with numerous square-cut sapphires weighing a total of app. 7.50 ct. and brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 10.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-S1. L. app. 17.5 cm. Milan, circa 1950-60. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 401 402 403 405 404 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 291 406 An Art Deco aquamarine and diamond pendant set with a cushion-cut aquamarine weighing app. 30.00 ct. encircled by numerous old mine-cut diamonds, mounted in 14k white gold. L. pendant app. 4 cm. L. necklace app. 41 cm. Circa 1920-30. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 407 A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.45 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Top WesseltonWesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI. Str. 53. Milan, circa 1980. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 408 An Art Deco aquamarine and diamond ring set with a cushion-cut aquamarine weighing app. 11.00 ct. encircled by numerous single-cut diamonds, mounted in 14k white gold. Size 56. Circa 1920-30. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 410 RENÉ KERN An aqumarine and diamond brooch/pendant set with an emerald-cut aquamarine weighing app. 42.80 ct. encicled by numerous brilliant and old mine-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.00 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS. L. app. 4.2 x 3.5 cm. Germany, circa 1950-60. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 411 A diamond bangle set with numerous single-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.10 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI. Diam. app. 5.8 cm. Weight app. 70 g. Circa 1950-60. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 409 MARCUS & CO. 412 A diamond brooch set with numerous old mine-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 5.00 ct., mounted in platinum. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI1. L. app. 7.5 cm. Circa 1930-40. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.60 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: SI. L. 18 cm. One diamond is missing. Circa 2007. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 292 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 407 406 408 409 410 412 411 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 293 415 DE AMBROSI A pair of mother-of-pearl and diamond ear pendants each in the shape of a flower set with carved motherof-pearl and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.53 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS. Signed. Diam. app. 3.7 cm. Total weight app. 42.5 g. Limited edition. Paris, circa 2008. (2) Accompanied by original case. Purchased for DKK 69.750. Illustrated in “De AMBROSI Paris”, 2008, pp. 2-3. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 413 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 5.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Clarity: Top Crystal (I). Colour: VS-SI. L. app. 42 cm. Circa 2005. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 414 A diamond solitaire ring set with an old mine-cut diamond weighing app. 2.15 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Top Cape (L). Clarity: P1. Size 52. Circa 1980. Accompanied by case. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 294 416 DE AMBROSI A coral and diamond brooch in the shape of a flower set with carved white coral and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.56 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS. L. app. 4.5 cm. Weight app. 32.4 g. Limited edition. Paris, 2008. Accompanied by original case. Purchased for app. DKK 62.000. Depicted in "De AMBROSI Paris", 2008, pp. 24-25. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 413 414 415 416 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 295 417 GEORG JENSEN 419 BUCCELLATI A jewellery set comprising a two-strand pearl necklace set with cultured pearls, a bracelet, a pair of ear clips and a ring all set with oval cabochon moonstones, mounted in 18k gold. Design no. 43, 1063, 1017 and 1046A. L. necklace app. 40 cm. Pearl diam. app. 6.0-8.75 mm. L. bracelet app. 19 cm. L. earclips app. 3.3 cm. Ring size 62. Total weight app. 142 g. After 1945. (5) Accompanied by original cases. Made on special request by the family of the present owner around 1960. A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 1.15 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, totalling app. 2.25 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VVS-VS. Size 55. Milan, circa 1950. Grading of center diamond: Colour: Top Crystal (I). Clarity: VS1. DKK 60,000-70,000 / € 8,050-9,400 Similiar depicted in "Georg Jensen Jewelry", published for The Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture, 2006, pp. 250 and 266. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 420 A pearl bracelet set with numerous cultured baroque pearls, mounted in 14k gold. Diam. app. 6 cm. Pearl diam. app. 4.0-5.0 mm. Weight app. 63.5 g. Circa 1950-60. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 418 A pair of coral and diamond ear pendants each set with natural cabochon coral weighing a total of app. 15.00 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.00 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Wesselton-Top Crystal (H-I). Clarity: VVS-VS. L. app. 4.8 cm. Milan, circa 1960. (2) Accompanied by Cisgem certificate no. 1174 from Milan. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 296 421 A diamond bracelet set wigh three rose-cut diamonds, mounted in 14k gold and pink gold. Diam. app. 6 cm. Weight app. 42.5 g. France, circa 1910-20. Provenance: Wedding present from Prince Felix Felixovich Yusupov, Count Sumarokov-Elston. Paris, circa 1920. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 417 418 419 421 420 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 297 422 425 A necklace with a diamond pendant in the shape of a heart set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.26 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-VS1. L. pendant app. 2 cm. L. necklace app. 44 cm. Circa 2005. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 A pair of onyx and diamond cufflinks each in the shape of a dice of carved onyx set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI1. L. app. 3 cm. Milan, ca. 1980. (2) DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 426 423 DAMIANI A pair of diamond ear pendant each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.90 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VVS. L. app. 4 cm. Milan, circa 2008. (2) DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 424 A sapphire and diamond ring set with an oval-cut yellow sapphire weighing app. 2.00 ct., encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.40 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS. Size 51. Circa 2008. Accompanied by case. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 298 A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.28 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 58.5. Milan, circa 1980. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 427 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 5.60 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 18 cm. Circa 2012. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 428 A diamond bracelet "Tutti Frutti" set with numerous oval, pear, cabochon and circular-cut rubies, sapphires, emeralds, amethysts, tsavorites, citrines and brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (F-H). Clarity: VS-SI1. L. app. 18.5 cm. Weight app. 52 g. England, circa 1990. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 422 424 423 425 426 428 427 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 299 429 LAPPONIA 433 LAPPONIA A necklace of 14k satinated gold. Design Björn Weckström. L. app. 42 cm. Weight app. 29 g. Finland, 1970. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 A pearl and diamond jewellery set comprising a ring, a brooch and a pair of ear clips set with numerous cultured pearls and brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 14 and 18k partly satinated gold and white gold. Ring size 59. L. brooch app. 4.6 cm. L. ear clips app. 1.5 cm. Total weight app. 34 g. Finland, 1973-79. (4) Accompanied by original case. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 430 A ruby and diamond ring set with a cognac coloured brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 1.95 ct. flanked by numerous square-cut rubies, mounted in 14k gold. Size 54.5. Circa 2008. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 431 OLE LYNGGAARD A necklace of 18k gold. L. app. 40 cm. Weight app. 68 g. No clasp. Retail price app. DKK 65.000. DKK 12,000 / € 1,600 434 LAPPONIA A bracelet of 14k satinated gold. Design Björn Weckström. L. app. 18 cm. Weight app. 84 g. Finland, 1978. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 432 OLE LYNGGAARD A bracelet with a diamond clasp “Smile” set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VS. L. app. 18 cm. Weight app. 35 g. Circa 2000. Retail price app. DKK 60.000. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 300 435 LAPPONIA A bracelet of 14k satinated gold. L. app. 17.5 cm. Weight app. 64 g. Finland, 1985. Accompanied by case. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 429 430 433 431 432 435 434 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 301 436 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.51 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VS. L. app. 125 cm. Milan, circa 2011. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 437 A pair of Tahiti pearl and diamond ear pendants each set with a cultured baroque Tahiti pearl and numerous brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 14.516.0 mm. L. app. 3.7 cm. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 438 PER BORUP A diamond eternity ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.80 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-VS. Size 55. Circa 2005. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 439 A pair of emerald and diamond ear pendants each set with numerous oval-cut emeralds weighing a total of app. 5.50 ct. and single and rose-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.00 ct., mounted in partly gilded and oxidized silver. L. app. 6.5 cm. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 302 440 PIAGET A diamond eternity ring “Possession” set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.25 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VS. Serial no. A92978. Size 54. Accompanied by original case. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 441 SHAMBALLA A diamond and Tahiti pearl bracelet with cultured Tahiti pearls and beads set with brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.21 ct., mounted in 18k white gold and grey plait. Pearl diam. app. 8.25-10.25 mm. Adjustable. Retail price app. DKK 51.000. Accompanied by original case. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 442 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.85 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VVS-VS. L. app. 17.5 cm. Milano, 2011. DKK 22,000-25,000 / € 2,950-3,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 303 443 447 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.61 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI1. L. app. 40 cm. Milan, circa 2009. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 A ruby and diamond ring set with a cabochon star ruby flanked by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.30 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-VS. Size 54.5. Circa 2011. DKK 18,000-20,000 / € 2,400-2,700 444 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: SI. L. app. 5.8 cm. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 445 A pair of diamond ear studs each set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 0.80 ct. totalling app. 1.61 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VVS1-VS. Milan, ca. 2012. (2) DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 448 A ruby and diamond bracelet set with numerous circular-cut natural rubies weighing a total of app. 6.30 ct. and brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.63 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton-Top Crystal (H-I). Clarity: VVS-SI. L. app. 18.5 cm. Rome, circa 1950. Accompanied by Gisgem certificate no. 839. Milan, 2015. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 446 C. ANTONSEN A diamond solitaire ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 1.20 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: Internally Flawless (IF). Size 52. Circa 2000. Accompanied by SGL certificate. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 304 449 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: (F-G). Clarity: VVS-VS. L. app. 18 cm. Italy, circa 2013. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 443 445 444 446 448 447 449 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 305 450 A South Sea pearl necklace with cultured South Sea pearls and clasp set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 14k white gold. L. app. 44 cm. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI. Pearl diam. app. 9.7-12.0 mm. L. app. 44 cm. Rome, circa 2010. DKK 18,000 / € 2,400 453 B. AHLGREEN A diamond solitaire ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 0.92 ct., mounted in 14k satinated white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS1. Size 55.5. Weight app. 14 g. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 454 V. HOLMSTRUP 451 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.40 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VS. L. app. 2.2 cm. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 452 A pair of South Sea pearl and diamond ear pendants each set with a cultured baroque South Sea pearl and numerous single-cut diamonds, mounted in sterling silver. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI. Pearl diam. app. 18.0 mm. L. app. 4.4 cm. Circa 2010. (2) Accompanied by case. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 306 A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.40 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS. Size 54. Circa 1990. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 455 Two pearl and diamond bangles set with cultured freshwater pearls and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds mounted in 14k pink and white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI. Pearl diam. app. 9.09.5 mm. Adjustable. Circa 2006. (2) DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 456 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.75 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS. L. app. 18 cm. Circa 2008. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 307 457 459 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliantcut diamonds weighing a total of app. 22.75 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 42 cm. Circa 2010. Accompanied by case. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 A diamond solitaire ring set with an old mine-cut treated diamond weighing app. 3.90 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Cape (M-N). Clarity: P2. Size 51.5. The diamond is clarity treated. Accompanied by certificate. DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500 458 460 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 7.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 5.5 cm. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 5.50 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 19 cm. Circa 2010. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 308 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 457 459 458 460 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 309 461 UNGARI A two-strand onyx necklace set with carved flowers of onyx, mounted in 18k tri-coloured gold. L. app. 47 cm. Milan, circa 2012. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 462 OLE LYNGGAARD A three-strand "Fox" necklace with a "Luna" sapphire and diamond clasp set with a cabochon sapphire weiging app. 0.10 ct. and a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 0.08 ct., mounted in 14k gold, white gold and oxidized sterling silver. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VS. Diam. clasp app. 2.5 cm. L. necklace app. 80 cm. Accompanied by original case. Retail price app. DKK 39.000. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 463 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut blue diamond weighing app. 1.17 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.50 ct., totalling app. 1.67 ct., mounted in 14k pink gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 52. Circa 2010. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 310 464 A diamond solitaire ring set with a brilliant-cut champagne coloured diamond weighing app. 1.50 ct., mounted in 14k gold. Clarity: VS1. Size 55. Circa 2002. DKK 18,000-20,000 / € 2,400-2,700 465 Three bangles of 18k gold, white gold and pink gold. Diam. app. 6 cm. Total weight app. 31 g. Milan, circa 2009. (3) DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 466 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.25 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 18 cm. Milan, circa 2012. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 467 CHOPARD A diamond bracelet "Happy Diamonds" set with numerous single and brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.37 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VVS-VS. L. app. 20 cm. Weight app. 30.5 g. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 461 463 462 464 466 465 467 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 311 468 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.05 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: SI1. L. app. 43 cm. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 471 An emerald and diamond ring set with an emeraldcut emerald weighing app. 5.70 ct. flanked by two pear-shaped diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.10 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Size 53.5. Circa 2006. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 472 469 An enamel bracelet set with five Arab Guinea coins of 22k gold and blue and green enamel, mounted in 18k gold. L. app. 19 cm. Weight app. 87 g. Circa 1974. Accompanied by original case. Provenance: Gift from King Faisal during Queen Margrethe’s official visit in Saudi Arabia in 1974. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 470 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 1.12 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, totalling app. 1.62 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Size 52.5. Milan, circa 1950. Grading of center diamond: Colour: Top Crystal (I). Clarity:VVS. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 312 An emerald and diamond ring set with an emeraldcut emerald encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.07 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 55. Circa 1996. Accompanied by original case and copy of certificate with an insurance valutation from Ruben Svart of DKK 43.000. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 473 A chalcedony bracelet set with numerous cabochon chalcedonies, mounted in 18k gold. L. app. 18 cm. Weight app. 62 g. Circa 1950-60. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 474 ELIZABETH CAGE An emerald and diamond ring set with numerous emererald-cut emeralds and old mine-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.90 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: SI. Size 54. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 468 471 469 470 472 473 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 474 313 475 479 A necklace with a diamond pendant set with numerous natural pink and white diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.03 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VS-SI. L. pendant app. 3.5 cm. L. necklace app. 42 cm. Rome, circa 2011. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.00 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VS2-SI. L. app. 4.8 cm. Circa 2010. (2). DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 476 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with a heart shaped and numerous baguette-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-VS1. L. app. 1.5 cm. Circa 2005. (2) DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 477 A pair of diamond ear studs each set with a brilliantcut diamond weighing app. 0.75 ct. totalling app. 1.50 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Circa 1980. (2) DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 480 A diamond bangle set with two brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.80 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VVS. Diam. app. 5.9 cm. Weight app. 18 g. Klarlund, 1981. Accompanied by original case and receipt of DKK 32.400. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 481 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 7.50 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 18 cm. Circa 2012. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 478 An aquamarine and diamond ring set with a pearshaped aquamarine weighing app. 16.50 ct. en circled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.50 ct, mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VS. Size 53. Circa 2010. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 314 482 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.50 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VVS-VS. L. app. 18,5 cm. Milan, circa 2012. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 477 476 475 478 479 480 481 482 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 315 483 GEORG JENSEN 485 THORVALD BINDESBØLL b. Rådvad 1866, d. Hellerup 1935 b. Copenhagen 1846, d. s.p. 1908 A chalcedony and amber brooch set with cabochon chalcedony and amber, mounted in silver. Design nr. 59. Diam. app. 5 cm. 1904-14. Similar brooch depicted in David A. Taylor, Georg Jensen Jewelry, 2005, p. 34. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 An Art Noveau brooch of silver. Diam. app. 5.8 x 5.5 cm. Made by Holger Kyster, circa 1904-8. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 484 THORVALD BINDESBØLL 486 NANNA DITZEL b. Copenhagen 1846, d. s.p. 1908 b. Copenhagen 1923, d. s.p. 2005 An Art Noveau amber brooch set with an oval amber cabochon, mounted in silver. L. app. 9.3 x 6.5 cm. Made by Holger Kyster, circa 1904-8. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 A sterling silver jewellery set comprising a bracelet and a pair of ear clips. Design no. 389. L. app. 18 and 3 cm. Georg Jensen after 1945. (3) Accompanied by original case. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 316 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 483 484 485 486 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 317 487 488 489 492 491 490 487 LOUIS VUITTON A Pegase 65. Monogram canvas suitcase with wheels, leather trim, handles and polyamide lining. Zipped pocket on the front of the suitcase. Interior pocket and two clothing protection flaps. Self locking expandable handle. L. 47 x 67 x 25 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 488 LOUIS VUITTON A Pegase 65. Monogram canvas suitcase with wheels, leather trim, handles and polyamide lining. Zipped pocket on the front of the suitcase. Interior pocket and two clothing protection flaps. Self locking expandable handle. L. 47 x 67 x 25 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 489 LOUIS VUITTON An "Alize" 3 compartment luggage travel bag of monogram canvas whith leather trim, three compartments, shoulder strap, golden hardware and name tag. L. app. 55 x 42 x 25 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 318 490 LOUIS VUITTON A " Présidente" briefcase in monogram canvas with leather trim, handle and name tag and brass hardware. L. 33 x 43 x 11 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 491 LOUIS VUITTON An Alzer suitcase in monogram canvas with leather handles and canvas interiour. Removable interiour tray. Louis Vuitton S lock with two keys. Leather trim reinforced with rivets and golden brass corners. L. 80 x 52 x 26 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 492 LOUIS VUITTON A garment bag in monogram canvas with leather trimmings, handle and adjustable removable shoulder strap. Golden brass hardware and canvas lining. Garment cover hook with removable, pivoting hanger and three interior hangers and zipped pockets. L. 96 x 56 x 6 cm. DKK 8,000 / € 1,050 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 493 494 495 497 496 493 CHANEL A "Cocoon" bag of quilted nylon and leather with two handles, three internal compartmens and one zipper pocket. L. app. 40 x 30 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 494 HERMÈS 496 CHANEL A "Kelly" 32 bag of black crocodile (crocodylus porosus, CITES Anexe IIB)) with golden hardware, padlock, keys, keychain and three internal pockets. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 A "Diamond Stich Jumbo Accordion Flap Bag" of black calfskin with silver toned hardware and logo and double chain strap. L. app 32 x 16 x 12 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 495 CHANEL 497 LOUIS VUITTON A "Cambon" bag of pink and black partly quilted leather with black logo, two handles, two internal and one external pocket. L. app. 19 x 22 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 A L'ingenieux GM bag of purple Suhali leather with golden hardware, one internal pocket and two handles. L. app. 42 x 21 x 18 cm. DKK 12,000 / € 1,600 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 319 498 499 500 501 502 498 HERMÈS A “ Drag” bag of brown box leather with golden hardware, two handles and three internal pocket. L. app 26 x 19 x 10 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 499 HERMÈS 501 HERMÈS A “Kelly” 35 bag of grey ostrich with golden hardware, padlock, keys, keychain and three internal pockets. 1989. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050 A "Kelly" 32 bag of brown crocodile (crocodylus porosus, CITES Anexe IIB)) with golden hardware, padlock, keys, keychain, and three internal pockets. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 500 HERMÈS 502 HERMÈS A “Kelly” 28 bag of blue box leather and canvas with golden hardware, padlock, keys and keychain and two unoriginal shoulder straps. 1978. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 A "Kelly" 32 bag of black alligator (alligator mississi pensis, CITES Anexe IIB) with golden hardware, padlock, keys, keychain, shoulder strap and three internal pockets. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 320 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 WRISTWATCHES Thursday 17 September Lot 503 - 548 Lot 505 503 CHAUMET A lady's diamond wristwatch of steel. Model Class One Diamonds. Quartz with date. Mother of pearl dial with black hands and diamond hour markers. Turning bezel set with numerous diamonds. Integrated bracelet of steel with hidden folding clasp. Circumference approx. 18 cm. Watch diameter approx. 33 mm. 2004. Purchased on Feb. 12th 2004. Chaumet box and certificates included. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 503 504 CHOPARD A lady's diamond wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Happy Sport. Quartz with date. Mother of pearl dial with black hands and silvered hour markers. Unused Chopard crocodile strap with Chopard C-buckle of 18k gold. Watch diameter app. 38 mm. 2000s. Box, certificates and three Chopard straps of crocodile included; white, lime green and one black rubbers trap. Retail price app. DKK 130.000. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 504 322 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 505 PATEK PHILIPPE A lady's diamond wristwatch of 18k white gold. Model Golden Ellipse. Mechanical movement with manual winding. Light dial with black hands and hour markers. Bezel set with 26 diamonds. Integrated bracelet of 18k white gold. Circumference approx. 17 cm. Watch dia meter approx. 25 mm. 1990s. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 505 506 HAMILTON A lady's diamond wristwatch of 14k white gold. Model Lady Hamilton. Mechanical movement with manual winding. White dial with silvered hands and hour markers. Bezel and bracelet set with numerous diamonds. Bracelet of 14k white gold. Circumference approx. 16 cm. Watch diameter approx. 14 mm. 1970s. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 506 507 PATEK PHILIPPE A lady's diamond wristwatch of 18k white gold. Ref. 3100/19. Mechanical movement with manual winding. Light dial with silvered dial and silvered hands and hour markers. Bezel set with numerous diamonds. Integrated bracelet of 18k white gold. Circumference approx. 17.5 mm. Watch diameter approx. 16 mm. 1958. Purchased at Chronometrie Beyer on Dec. 8th 1958. Patek Philippe leather holder and certificate included. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 507 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 323 508 CHOPARD A lady's diamond wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Happy Diamonds. Quartz. Gold-colored dial with hands of gold. Bezel and bracelet set with numerous diamonds weighing a total of 1.32 ct. Integrated bracelet of 18k gold. Circumference approx. 18 cm. Watch diameter approx. 24 mm. 1993. Purchased at Hvelplund on March 24th 1993. Chopard box, certificates and adjustment pin included. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 508 509 ROLEX A lady's diamond wristwatch of 18k gold. Model DateJust. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. Gold-colored dial with gold hands and diamond hour markers. Rolex bracelet of 18k gold with folding clasp. Circumference approx. 17 cm. Watch diameter 25 mm. Approx. 1975. Rolex box and service certificate from 2010 included. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 509 510 CARTIER A lady's diamond wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Cougar. Quartz. Blue dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Cartier bracelet of 18k gold with hidden folding clasp. Circumference approx. 17 cm. Watch diameter approx. 26 mm. 2000s. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 510 324 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 511 PATEK PHILIPPE A lady's wristwatch of gold. Model Nautilus, ref. 4700/001. Quartz, caliber E19C. Light dial with hands of gold and diamond hour markers. Integrated bracelet of gold with folding clasp of white gold. Circumference approx. 17 cm. Watch diameter approx. 27 mm. 1989. Purchased at Hvelplund on May 30th 1989. Patek Philippe certificate and sales receipt included. Service sticker still on case back. DKK 60,000-65,000 / € 8,050-8,700 511 512 ROLEX A lady's diamond wristwatch of 18k gold. Model DateJust, ref. 69178. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. Gold-colored dial with hands of gold and diamond hour markers. Rolex"President" bracelet of gold with folding clasp. Circumference approx. 16 cm. Watch diameter approx. 26 mm. Approx. 1991. Service receipt dated May 22nd 2015 included. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 512 513 ROLEX A lady's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model DateJust Pearlmaster, ref. 80318. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. White dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Bezel set with 12 diamonds. Rolex Pearlmaster bracelet of 18k gold with folding clasp. Circumference approx. 17 cm. Watch diameter 29 mm. Approx. 2000. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 513 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 325 514 CARTIER A lady's diamond wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Ballon Bleu. Automatic movement. Light guilloche dial with blued hands and black hour markers. Bezel set with numerous diamonds. Orange Cartier strap with folding buckle of 18k gold. Watch diameter approx. 37 mm. Approx. 2010. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 514 515 HUBLOT A lady's wristwatch of white ceramic. Model Aspen All White. Automatic chronograph movement with date. White dial with silvered hands and hour markers. White Hublot rubber strap with folding clasp of steel. Watch diameter 41 mm. Approx. 2010. Hublot box and open certificate included. Service receipt dated March 10th 2015 included. DKK 55,000 / € 7,350 515 326 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 516 IWC A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Ingenieur SL, ref. 3521. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. White dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Integrated bracelet of steel with folding clasp. Circumference approx. 18 cm. Watch diameter 34 mm. 1990s. DKK 18,000-20,000 / € 2,400-2,700 516 517 JAEGER-LECOULTRE A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Reverso Grand Taille, ref. 270.8.62. Mechanical movement with manual winding, caliber 822. Silvered dial with blued hands and black hour markers. Brown strap with Jaeger-LeCoultre folding clasp of steel. Watch diameter approx. 26 mm. 2000s. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 517 518 CARTIER A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Ballon Bleu. Quartz. Silvered dial with blued hands and black hour markers. Integrated bracelet with hidden folding clasp. Circumference approx. 20 cm. Watch diameter approx. 37 mm. 2000s. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 518 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 327 519 CORUM A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Admiral's Cup Tides. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date, GMT and tidal indicator. White dial with silvered hands and LumiNova hour markers. Corum bracelet of steel with hidden folding clasp. Circumference approx. 20 cm. Three extra bracelet links included. Watch diameter 43 mm. Approx. 2003. Corum box included. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 519 520 PANERAI A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Luminor Base PAM112. Mechanical movement with manual winding. Black "sandwich" dial with silvered hands and SuperLumiNova hour markers. Black Panerai rubber strap with C-buckle of steel. Watch diameter 44 mm. 2009. Purchased at Bartorelli May 22nd 2009. Panerai box and certificates included. Also included: three Panerai alligator straps (one with Panerai folding clasp of steel), two black Panerai rubber straps, two Panerai leather straps and two after-market leather straps with sewn-in C-buckles of steel. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 520 521 GIRARD-PERREGAUX A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Laureato Evo3, ref. 8018. Automatic chronograph movement with date and AM/PM indicator. Black dial with silvered hands and hour markers. Integrated bracelet of steel with hidden folding clasp. Circumference approx. 19 cm. Watch diameter approx. 42 mm. 2000s. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 521 328 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 522 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model GMT-Master, ref. 1675. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date and GMT. Black dial with silvered hands and tritium hour markers. Rolex Oyster bracelet of steel, ref. 78360. Circumference approx. 23 cm. Watch diameter 40 mm. Approx. 1972. Service receipt from Rolex service center dated Nov. 2012 included. DKK 35,000-40,000 / € 4,700-5,350 522 523 BULGARI A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k white gold. Model Ergon. Automatic chronograph movement with date. Blue dial with hands and hour markers of white gold. Brown Bulgari strap with folding buckle of white gold. Watch diameter approx. 40 mm. 2000s. Bulgari box and one unused blue Bulgari strap included. DKK 35,000-40,000 / € 4,700-5,350 523 524 CORUM A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Admiral's Cup Challenge 44. Automatic chronograph movement with date. Black dial with silvered hands and hour markers. Corum bracelet of steel with folding clasp. Circumference approx. 23 cm. Watch diameter 44 mm. 2011. Purchased at Plaza on Jan. 17th 2011. Corum box and certificates included. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 524 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 329 525 CORUM A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Gold Coin. Quartz. 10 Dollar dial with blued hands. Integrated bracelet of 18k gold. Circumference approx. 19 cm. Watch diameter approx. 1983. Purchased on April 16th 1983. Corum holder and certificates included. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 525 526 PIAGET A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k white gold. Automatic movement with date. Silvered dial with hands and hour markers of white gold. Integrated bracelet of white gold. Circumference approx. 18 cm. Watch diameter approx. 32 mm. 1970s. Service receipt dated Feb. 3rd 2015 and Piaget transport box included. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 526 527 CORUM A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Automatic movement. Gold-colored dial with gold hands and French hour markers. Integrated bracelet of 18k gold. Circumference app. 20 cm. Watch diameter approx. 31 mm. 1976. Purchased on Jan. 15th 1976. Corum box and certificate included. Total weight of watch approx. 137 gr. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 527 330 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 528 PATEK PHILIPPE A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Nautilus, ref. 3800. Automatic movement with date. Blue dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Integrated bracelet of gold with folding buckle of white gold. Circumference approx. 20 cm. Watch diameter 35 mm. 1980-90s. DKK 100,000-120,000 / € 13,500-16,000 528 529 PATEK PHILIPPE A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Golden Ellipse, ref. 3848/1. Mechanical movement with manual winding. Blue dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Integrated bracelet of 18k gold. Circumference approx. 18 cm. Watch diameter approx. 26 mm. 1990s. Patek Philippe box, leather folder and service receipt dated Nov. 25th 2013 included. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 529 530 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of gold and steel. Model DateJust, ref. 16013. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. Blue dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Rolex Jubilee bracelet of gold and steel. Circumference approx. 19 cm. Two extra links included. Watch diameter approx. 36 mm. Approx. 1982. Rolex box included. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 530 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 331 531 ETERNA A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Eterna-Matic 1948 Grande Date. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. Silvered dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Black strap with Eterna folding clasp of steel and gold-plated steel. Watch diameter approx. 38 mm. 2002. Eterna box, COSC certificate from 2002 and manual included. DKK 18,000 / € 2,400 531 532 OMEGA A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Mechanical movement with manual winding, calibre 511. Slightly patinated guilloche dial with gold-colored hands and hour markers. Omega winding crown. Brown Hirsch strap with C-buckle of gold-plated steel. Watch diameter approx. 32 mm. 1960s. DKK 6,000 / € 805 532 533 IWC A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. ref. 808. Automatic movement with date, cal. 8541. Champagne-colored dial with hands and hour markers of gold. IWC "Fish" winding crown. IWC strap with C-buckle of gold-plated steel. Case diameter approx. 35 mm. 1960-70s. IWC box included. Service receipt dated June 10th 2015 included. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 533 332 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 534 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model YachtMaster, ref. 16228. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. White dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Rolex Oyster bracelet of gold. Circum ference approx. 20 cm. Watch diameter 40 mm. 2002. DKK 80,000 / € 10,500 534 535 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of gold and steel. Model DateJust, ref. 1603. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. Gold-colored dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Rolex Jubilee bracelet of gold and steel. Circumference approx. 20 cm. Watch diameter 36 mm. Approx. 1977. DKK 12,000 / € 1,600 535 536 VACHERON & CONSTANTIN A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Ref. 49003/000J. Automatic chronograph movement with date, caliber 1136. Silvered dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Brown strap with Vacheron Constantin Maltese C-buckle of gold. Watch diameter approx. 37 mm. 2000. Purchased on Nov. 10th 2000. Vacheron Constantin certificate and travel pouch included. DKK 55,000-60,000 / € 7,350-8,050 536 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 333 537 FRANCK MULLER A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Master Banker, ref. 3802. Automatic movement with date and two separate timezone indicators, caliber 2800. Blue dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Black Franck Muller strap with C-buckle of 18k gold. Watch diameter approx. 37 mm. 1990s. Eletronic watch winder included. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 537 538 BREITLING A gentleman's wristwatch of steel and gold. Model Old Navitimer, ref. D13022. Automatic chronograph movement with date. Silvered dial with gold hands and printed hour markers. Breitling strap with C-buckle of steel. Watch diameter 41 mm. 1994. Purchased at Aderley in Paris on June 13th 1994. Breitling box and certificates included. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 538 539 CONCORD A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Delirium. Automatic movement. Silvered dial with blued hands and black hour markers. Black Concord strap with C-buckle of 18k gold. Watch diameter approx. 28 mm. 2008. Purchased aon April 7th 2008. Concord box and certificate included. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 539 334 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 540 JAEGER-LECOULTRE A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Reverso Day Date. Mechancial movement with day, date and manual winding. Silvered dial with blued hands. Black strap with Jaeger-LeCoultre folding clasp of 18k gold. Watch diameter approx. 26 mm. 1999. Purchased at Hvelplund on Jan. 28th 1999. Purchased pre-owned at Ole Mathiesen on May 7th. 2003. Sales receipt included. Jaeger-LeCoultre box and certificates included. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 540 541 IWC A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Portugieser, ref. 5001. Automatic movement with date and seven days power reserve. Champagne-colored dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Brown Santoni/IWC strap with folding buckle of gold. Watch diameter 42 mm. 2012. Purchased at Sarøe Ure on Nov. 9th 2012. IWC box and certificates included. DKK 80,000-100,000 / € 10,500-13,500 541 542 CARTIER A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Santos Dumont, ref. 2649. Mechanical movement with manual winding, caliber 430 MC. Ivory-colored dial with blued hands and black hour markers. Unused blue Cartier alligator strap with Cartier folding clasp of 18k gold. Watch diameter approx. 35 mm. Approx. 2006. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 542 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 335 543 OMEGA A gentleman’s wristwatch of steel. Model Seamaster Planet Ocean, ref. 2908.5038. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. Black dial with silvered hands and hour markers. Brown Omega strap with folding buckle of steel. One used orange Omega strap included. Watch diameter approx. 45 mm. 2006. Purchased at Klarlund on Oct. 10th 2006. Omega box and certificates included. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 543 544 BREITLING A gentleman's wristwatch of gold and steel. Model Chronomat Evo, ref. C13356. Chronometer certified automatic chronograph movement with date. Black dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Turning bezel of steel with "Rider's Taps" of gold. Breitling bracelet of gold and steel with folding clasp. Circumference approx. 20 cm. Watch diameter approx. 43 mm. 2006. Purchased at Joyeria Helga on Dec. 24th 2006. Breitling box and certificates included. This lot is being sold at the request of a lawyer, an insurance company or a public authority. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 544 545 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of gold and steel. Model Daytona, ref. 116523. Chronometer certified automatic chronograph movement. White dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Rolex Oyster bracelet of gold and steel with folding buckle. Circumference approx. 19 cm. Two extra links included. Watch diameter 40 mm. 2004. Purchased at Bucherer on Jan. 2nd 2004. Rolex box and certificates included. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 545 336 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 546 OMEGA A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Speedmaster "The First Watch Worn On The Moon", ref. 145022. Mechanical chronograph movement with manual winding, cal. 861. Black dial with white hands and hourmarkers. Newer Omega Speedmaster bracelet of steel, ref. 1479. Circumference approx. 22 cm. Watch diameter approx. 42 mm. 1969. Watch was serviced on August 14th. 2014 Service case and receipts are included. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 546 547 CHOPARD A gentleman’s wristwatch of gold and black PVD’d steel. Model Mille Migilia GTXT Speed Black. Chronometer certified automatic chronograph movement with date. Black dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Chopard rubber strap with folding clasp of black PVD’d steel. Watch diameter approx. 45 mm. 2007. Purchased on July 20th 2007. Chopard box, certificates and extra rubber strap included. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 547 548 BREGUET A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Transatlantique Type XXI, ref. 3810. Automatic flyback chronograph movement with date. Brown dial with silvered hands and hour markers. Brown Breguet strap with folding clasp of steel. Watch diameter 42 mm. 2011. Purchased on Jan. 28th 2011. Breguet box and certificates included. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 548 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 337 INDEX A D Ahlgreen, B. 453 Ancher, Anna 30, 44 Ancher, Michael 22, 23, 31 Hilker, Georg Christian, style of 20 Dalham, Floriani 123 Holmstrup, V. 454 Damiani423 Holsøe, Carl De AMBROSI 343, 351, 355 Hublot515 67, 68 33, 34, 38, 41 371, 372, 373 Hunt, Edgar 84 42, 43, 46, 47 374, 415, 416 Høst, Georg 134 Antonsen, C. 446 Arnesen, Vilhelm 50, 57 B Dickens, Charles 138 Ditzel, Nanna 486 Dobrzensky, Jacobus J. W. 130 Drachmann, Holger Bache, Otto 21 40 Drachmann, V. 389 Backhausen, Anni 347 Duhamel du Monceau, H.L. 118 Barocci, Federico, follower of 108 Dyck, Anthony van, style of 110 Bendixen, Bernhard (Benny) 2 Bille, Carl 48 Bille, Vilhelm 49 Bindesbøll, Thorvald 484, 485 Birkholm, Jens 98 Bissen, Hermann Wilhelm Bloch, Marcus Elieser Boesen, A. W. 5 116 3 I IWC 516, 533, 541 J Jaeger-LeCoultre 517, 540 Jensen, Georg 417, 483 Jensen, I. L. 14, 15, 16 E Jerichau Baumann, Elisabeth 81, 97 Eterna531 Juhl-Jørgensen, Marlene 340, 375 Eumorfopoulos , George Aristides K 119 F Fischer, Hans Christian 10 Kern, René 410 Kindt-Larsen, Tove & Edvard 335 Kiste, J. Adolf 4 Fischer, Paul 45, 54, 55 Klarlund376 Boucher, Francois, style of 101, 102 56, 59, 60 Kratzenstein Stub, C. G. 106 Bredal, Niels 61, 62, 99 Krock, Heinrich 109 278 Borup, Per 438 6 Breguet548 Franck Muller 537 Krog, Arnold Breitling Fritzsch, C. D. 104 Krøyer, P. S. 538, 544 Brendekilde, H. A. Bruun, Johan Jacob 72, 73, 74, 77 137 G Buccellati419 Gallon, J.-G. Bulgari523 Georg Jensen & Wendel C Cage, Elizabeth Cartier 474 344, 510, 514, 518, 542 Cellarius , Andreas 115 28, 29, 39 Kyhn, Vilhelm 79 Küchler, Albert 1 129 333, 354 L Girard-Perregaux521 la Cour, Janus Guericke, Otto, von Lahde, G. L. 114 Gurlitt, Louis 78 18, 19 137 Lapponia 429, 433, 434 435 H Larsen, Hugo 89 Hamilton506 Larsen, Johannes Chaumet503 Hammer, Hans Jørgen Larsson, Carl Chopard Hartmann’s362 Ledermüller, Martin Frobenius 117 Heinrich-Hansen, Adolf Locher, Carl Chanel 493, 495, 496 467, 504, 508, 547 Clausen, Christian 58 53 8 Concord539 Hermès 494, 498, 499 Louis Vuitton Corum 500, 501, 502 338 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 338 519, 524, 525, 527 85, 86 63 24, 25, 27, 32 487, 488, 489 490, 491, 492, 497 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 20/08/15 15.47 INDEX Lynggaard, Ole 334, 336, 339 341, 356, 357 358, 431, 432, 462 S Saintin, Jules-Émile 100 Schenk, Pieter 115 Schiøttz-Jensen, N. F. M Magnussen, Frans 281 Mandelslo, J.A., de 127 Marcus & Co. 409 Memling, Hans, after 113 Meyer, Elias 12, 13 Monnoyer I, Jean Baptiste, circle of 105 Mønsted, Peder 11, 17, 51 69, 70, 71, 75 76, 87, 88, 91 92, 94, 95, 96 Shamballa Simonsen, Simon Skovgaard, Joakim Sonne, Jørgen 9 345, 441 82, 83 93 7 T Therkildsen, Michael Thurah, Laurids de Tuxen, Laurits 90 136 26, 35, 36 37 U Ungari461 N Newton, Isaac 122 V Nilsson, Sven 121 Vacheron & Constantin 536 Valck, Gerard 115 O Omega 532, 543, 546 P Pallas , Peter Simon 126 Z Zonca, Vittorio 124 Zorn, Johannes 125 Panerai520 Ó Patek Philippe Ólafsson, Eggert 505 132 507, 511, 529 Petzholdt, Fritz 80 Philippe, Patek 528 Piaget 440, 526 Pilo, Carl Gustav 111 Pontoppidan, Erik Povelsen, Bjarne 131, 135 132 R Rasmussen, Chr. 394 Rasmussen, I. E. C. Ring, L. A. 52 64, 65, 66 Rolex 509, 512, 513, 522 530, 534, 535, 545 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 339 339 20/08/15 15.47 PIERRE SOULAGES “Peinture”, 1963. Oil on canvas. 97 x 130 cm. Estimate: DKK 3,000,000 / € 400,000 22 September 2015 POUL KJÆRHOLM Poul Kjærholm: “PK-80A”. Manufactured circa 1969-1971 by E. Kold Christensen. H. 34 cm. W. 140 cm. L. 140 cm. Estimate: DKK 3,000,000 / € 400,000 24 September 2015 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 340 20/08/15 15.47 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 341 20/08/15 15.47 C.W. Eckersberg: Landscape with a church tower – mounted with a mechanical clock. Dated 1809. Oil on panel. 60 x 45 cm. Estimate: DKK 200,000-300,000 / € 27,000-40,000 “Most likely the only picture clock by C.W. Eckersberg and therefore a very rare piece. A picture clock is a painting fitted with a working clock.” 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 342 20/08/15 15.47 C.W. ECKERSBERG AND PAINTERS OF THE DANISH GOLDEN AGE International Auction 24 November 2015 Martinus Rørbye: Tower of the Winds, Athens. 1839. Oil on canvas. 60 x 80 cm. Estimate: DKK 2,000,000-3,000,000 / € 270,000-400,000 Consignment for this sale until the end of September For further information, please contact: Birte Stokholm - tel. +45 8818 1122 / [email protected] Julie Arendse Voss - tel. +45 8818 1123 / [email protected]. Martin Hans Borg - tel. +45 8818 1128 / [email protected] 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 343 20/08/15 15.47 Christen Købke: View of Marina Piccola on Capri. 1846. Oil on canvas. 82 x 121 cm. Estimate: DKK 1,000,000-1,200,000 / € 135,000-160,000 Christen Købke: Portrait of Købke’s sister Conradine Købke. 1830. Oil on canvas. 94 x 64 cm. Estimate: DKK 1,000,000-1,200,000 / € 135,000-160,000 C.A. Jensen: Portrait of Adam Oehlenschläger. 1834. Oil on canvas. 26.5 x 22.5 cm. Estimate: DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 344 20/08/15 15.47 The Golden Age Sale at Bruun Rasmussen The Danish Golden Age is today exhibited at art museums worldwide, and paintings, sculptures and drawings from the period are highly in demand with art collectors. This autumn the National Gallery of Denmark will present a large exhibition on Eckersberg, and here at Bruun Rasmussen we will also focus on the Danish Golden Age at the upcoming international auction in November. Right now we are looking for paintings and drawings by C.W. Eckersberg, Martinus Rørbye, Christen Købke, Dankvart Dreyer, I.C. Dahl, C.A. Jensen, Emil Bærentzen, Wilhelm Marstrand, J.Th. Lundbye, Jørgen Roed, Constantin Hansen, Fritz Petzholdt, I.L. Jensen, P.C. Skovgaard and Bertel Thorvaldsen. 8. oktober — 24. januar 2016 En smuk løgn Eckersberg Eckersberg revolutionerede dansk malerkunst. Hans sans for at rekonstruere virkeligheden er uovertruffen, og hvad der virker som klassiske malerier, er reelt set et studie i historiefortælling. Oplev den alsidige mester i SMK’s særudstilling. C. A. Jensen: Portrait of architect Charles Robert Cocquerell/Cockerell (1788-1863). 1838. Oil on canvas. 29 x 23 cm. Estimate: DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 Statens Museum for Kunst National Gallery of Denmark 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 345 #smkmuseum 20/08/15 15.47 INFORMATION CITES EKSPORT TILLADELSE CITES EXPORT PERMIT Møbler, der er lavet af palisander eller indeholder dele af træsorten, kræver et CITEScertifikat for at kunne blive eksporteret fra Danmark til et land uden for EU. Købere med fast bopæl uden for EU er forpligtet til at indhente denne tilladelse. Yderligere information kan fås på opfordring. Pieces of furniture that are made of Brazilian rosewood or contain parts of it, require a CITES export permit in order to be exported from Denmark to a country outside The European Union. Buyers residing outside the EU are required to obtain this permit. More information is available upon request. Katalognumre, der indeholder palisander, er markeret med en (¥ ) Lots containing Brazilian rosewood are marked with an (¥ ) AFHENTNING DISPATCH Afhentning af effekter købt på traditionel auktion SKAL SKE senest 2 uger efter sidste auktionsdag. Collection of purchases bought at traditional auctions must be no later than 2 weeks after the last auctionday. Uafhentede effekter vil herefter uden yderligere varsel blive sendt til opbevaring for købers regning og risiko. Uncollected items will without further notice be sent into storage at the expence and risk of the buyer. SALGSRESULTATER SALES RESULTS Hammerslagspriser fra de seneste auktioner kan ses på vores hjemmeside: Sales results from the latest auctions are available at our website: FOTO PHOTO Fotos af alle effekter kan ses på vores hjemmeside: Photos of all items are available at our website: EURO EURO Der bydes og faktureres i danske kroner. Bids and invoicing are made in DKK. Ved omregning fra DKK til Euro er anvendt Nationalbankens officielle valutakurs på tidspunktet for udarbejdelse af kataloget. For the conversion from DKK into Euro, Bruun Rasmussen has used the official rate of exchange from Denmarks Nationalbank (the Danish National Bank) at the time of preparation of the catalogue. Beløbet i Euro er afrundet til et tal, der efter Bruun Rasmussens skøn fremtræder på en præsentabel måde i forhold til beløbet i DKK. BEVARINGSTILSTAND Bruun Rasmussen henleder opmærksom heden på, at katalognumrene som udgangspunkt ikke er forsynet med oplysninger om tilstand (jvf. købskonditionernes § 10). Vi henviser imidlertid til vores hjemmeside:, hvor der under det enkelte katalognummer ofte er oplysninger om bevaringstilstand, reparationer o. lign. Er disse oplysninger ikke tilstrækkelige kan én af afdelingens sagkyndige kontaktes for yderligere informationer. 346 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 346 The amount in Euro is, in Bruun Rasmussen's judgment, roughly adjusted to presentable figures. CONDITION Bruun Rasmussen draws attention to the fact that, as a rule, no information is provided regarding the condition of the lots (cf. conditions of purchase § 10). However, we refer to our website: where infor mation regarding condition, repairs, etc. can usually be found for the individual lot. Should this information be insufficient, further details can be obtained by contacting one of the experts of the department. BANKFORBINDELSE BANKERS Danske Bank · Konto: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK Danske Bank · Account: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK VIRKSOMHEDSREGISTRERING BUSINESS REGISTRATION CVR-nr. DK25472020 CVR-nr. DK25472020 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 20/08/15 15.47 FINE PHOTOGRAPHS AND PHOTO BOOKS We are experiencing a rising interest in fine photographs and are now seeking consignments for this fall’s forthcoming photo auctions. We are interested in art photographs by internationally recognized photographers as well as important photographs documenting historic events and expeditions. For further information and consignments please contact Christine Almlund tel +45 8818 1216 or mail [email protected]. “Helmut Newton SUMO”. Hammer price: DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 H.C. Andersen. Estimate: DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 347 Lea Porsager. Estimate: DKK 3,000-4,000 / € 400-535 Karen Blixen. Estimate: DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 20/08/15 15.47 KØBSKONDITIONER § 1. BUDGIVNING Køber er den byder, der får hammerslag. Den, der byder for andre, hæfter som selvskyldnerkautionist for berigtigelsen af købet. På opfordring fra Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner (herefter benævnt Bruun Rasmussen), skal alle bydere, hvadenten de ønsker at afgive et bud ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller afgive en kommission pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside eller byde direkte pr. telefon eller hjemmeside, kunne dokumentere deres betalingsdygtighed samt til enhver tid identificere sig. Bruun Rasmussen er altid berettiget til at nægte at acceptere et bud, hvis på forlangende ikke tilstrækkelig sikkerhed er stillet eller en passende à conto betaling har fundet sted. Bud afgives af byderen ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller ved skriftlig kommission enten pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside. På online-auktioner afgives bud direkte fra hjemmesiden. Afgivelse af bud pr. telefon er muligt under visse forudsætninger, der afgøres af Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejl eller fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Auktionarius bestemmer overbuddets størrelse og træffer ligeledes afgørelse i alle tvivlstilfælde om budgivningen. For at kunne byde på Bruun Rasmussens auktioner kræves forudgående registrering af byders betalingskort-/kreditkortoplysninger. § 2. BETALING Ved køb på alle traditionelle auktioner tillægges hammerslagsprisen 30% (for vin, mønter og frimærker 25%), der dækker salær på 24% samt moms af salæret. Ved køb på alle net-auktioner tillægges hammerslagsprisen 25%, der dækker salær på 20% samt moms af salæret. Visse numre handles efter særlige regler til fuldmoms, så udover auktionsomkostninger på 24% (for net-auktioner, vin, mønter og frimærker dog 20%), beregnes moms på 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Disse numre er mærket med en stjerne (*). Danske momsregistrerede købere skal overfor Bruun Rasmussen oplyse deres SE-/CVR-nr. (moms-nr.), da dette skal anføres på de fakturaer, hvor varen købes i fuld moms. For visse udenlandske købere gælder der særlige regler for afgiftsfritagelse jvf. § 4. Afgiftsfritagelse omfatter ikke EU private købere, som ligestilles med danske købere jvf. gældende dansk lovgivning om handel med brugte varer, kunstgenstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter. Købesummen forfalder til betaling ved tilslaget. Der kan betales kontant op til DKK 50.000 eller med Dankort, banknoteret check, rejsechecks, Visa-, Master-, Diners Club- eller Eurocard. Personlige udenlandske checks kan kun anvendes efter forudgående aftale. På de traditionelle auktioner i Bredgade skal betaling af købte emner finde sted under eller umiddelbart efter auktionen og under alle omstændigheder senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen. På net-auktionerne trækkes købesummen automatisk på det af kunden oplyste betalings-/kreditkort i forbindelse med, at det købte emne udtages til transport (ca. 12 timer efter dagens salg). Samtidig tilsendes køber faktura og transportoplysninger. Betales købesummen ikke rettidigt, skal der svares rente heraf med 1,5% pr. påbegyndt måned. Betales købesum og renter ikke inden 8 dage efter at Bruun Rasmussen har afsendt påkrav herom til køber, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at annullere købet og bortsælge det købte på ny auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen eller underhånden og afkræve køber ethvert herved opstået tab. Et eventuelt overskud tilfalder den, der har indleveret det købte til auktion. Har den misligholdende køber tilgodehavender fra salg af effekter hos Bruun Rasmussen, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at berigtige ethvert tilgodehavende hos køber ved modregning. Har den misligholdende køber indleveret andre effekter til salg, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at bortsælge sådanne effekter på auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen uden at være bundet af en af den misligholdende køber fastsat mindstepris. Den mislighold- 348 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 348 ende køber er ikke berettiget til at kræve udlevering af effekter indleveret til salg, så længe forfalden gæld til Bruun Rasmussen ikke er betalt, uanset om værdien af sådanne effekter må anses at overstige forfalden gæld. Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at afvise bud afgivet af en køber, der er i misligholdelse med sine betalingsforpligtelser over for Bruun Rasmussen eller et bud afgivet af en anden på den pågældendes vegne, ligesom Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at kræve et depositum som betingelse for accept af fremtidige bud. § 3. FORTRYDELSESRET A. Ved køb på alle traditionelle auktioner er der ikke fortrydelsesret. Køb kan derfor ikke fortrydes, uanset om budafgivning er via web-kommissionsbud, live-bidding eller på anden vis. B. For privatkøb af emner på en online-auktion gælder loven om fjernsalg, herunder også 14 dages fortrydelsesret. Eventuelle omkostninger forbundet med transport af købte emner retur fra køber, betales af køber selv. Såfremt køber benytter sig af sin fortrydelsesret, refunderer Bruun Rasmussen betalingen umiddelbart efter, at varen er sendt retur og modtaget af Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen gør opmærksom på, at det herefter er op til bankerne/kreditkortselskaberne, hvornår refusionen indgår på købers konto. § 4. AFGIFTSFRITAGELSE Udenlandske købere, der opfylder nedennævnte betingelser, betaler henholdsvis 24% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget på traditional auktion og 20% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget på net-auktion, og bliver ikke belastet af danske afgifter. A. Købere med bopæl i et andet EU-land: Købere, som er momsregistreret i et andet EU-land, fritages for at betale dansk moms, når momsregistreringen dokumenteres over for Bruun Rasmussen, som skal påføre momsnummeret på fakturaen. B. Købere med bopæl uden for EU: 1. Forsendelse gennem speditør: Effekter, der eksporteres gennem en af Bruun Rasmussen godkendt speditør, fritages for afgift. 2. Udførsel som rejsegods: Der kan ske fritagelse for dansk afgift, når køberen selv medtager det købte under forudsætning af, at følgende betingelser er opfyldt: Fakturaen skal være betalt, og den danske afgift på 25% af fakturabeløbet skal være deponeret hos Bruun Rasmussen. a. Købere med fast bopæl i Norge vil få den danske moms refunderet, så snart Bruun Rasmussen har modtaget købsfakturaen retur med påtegning om officiel indførsel fra det endelige lands toldmyndighed eller anden på omsætnings-afgiftsområdet kompetent myndighed, hvis købet overstiger DKK 1.200. b. Købere med fast bopæl andre steder uden for EU vil få den danske moms refunderet, efter at effekterne har været forevist til toldbehandling i forbindelse med køberens udrejse fra EU. Eksportørblanketten returneres til Bruun Rasmussen efter at være forsynet med et toldvæsens attest for udførslen, hvis købet overstiger DKK 300. Dette gælder også for Færøerne og Grønland. § 5. AFGIFTSBETALING A. Momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, der ikke ønsker at gøre brug af § 4, kan i stedet vælge at handle til brugtmoms/fuldmoms på lige fod med private købere. Dette skal meddeles Bruun Rasmussen inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. B. Momsregistrerede i Danmark kan vælge at købe til fuldmoms med 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Dette skal meddeles inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 20/08/15 15.47 § 6. UDLEVERING Købesummen skal være betalt, inden det købte kan udleveres til køberen. Det købte henligger fra hammerslaget for købers regning og risiko. For varer, der ikke afhentes ifølge aftale efter hammerslaget, vil blive kørt på fjernlager på købers regning og risiko. Købte varer, der er betalt, men ikke afhentet, vil efter 1 år blive videresolgt for købers regning ved auktion eller underhånden. § 7. FORSENDELSE Såfremt Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at emballere og fremsende købte varer, sker dette på købers regning og risiko. Bruun Rasmussen kan således ikke drages til ansvar for skader forvoldt på købte varer under forsendelse eller for forsvundne forsendelser. § 8. KUNSTNERAFGIFT TIL COPY-DA N CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal der opkræves følgeretsvederlag for værker af nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere, som enten er nulevende eller ikke har været døde i mere end 70 år. Følgeretsvederlaget opkræves af Bruun Rasmussen på vegne af kunstnernes organisation Copydan. Disse værker er mærket (CD) for Copydan ud for katalognummeret. Den såkaldte Copydan-afgift tillægges hammerslagsprisen inkl. salær, når beløbet overstiger €300. Copydan-afgiften er: • 5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl. moms), der udgør indtil €50.000. • 3% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl. moms), der ligger mellem €50.000 og €200.000. • 1% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl. moms), der ligger mellem €200.000 og €350.000. • 0,5% af den del af hammerslagsslagsprisen (ekskl. moms), der ligger mellem €350.000 og €500.000. • 0,25% af den del af hammerslagsprisen (ekskl. moms), der ligger over €500.000. Copydan-afgiften kan ikke overstige €12.500 for det enkelte kunstværk. Euro-kursen er fastsat af Copydan i 2015 til kurs 744,01 pr. €100. Såfremt det må erkendes, at det købte er en forfalskning, eller såfremt beskrivelsen har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har medført en væsentlig højere hammerslagspris, end en korrekt beskrivelse må antages at ville have resulteret i, er køber berettiget til at annullere købet, hvorefter den samlede erlagte købesum tillagt auktionsomkostninger og evt. moms, vil blive refunderet køber. Væsentlige fejl i beskrivelsen relateret til mål eller vægt erstattes kun procentuelt i forhold til differencen. Retten til under de her anførte betingelser at annullere et køb kan kun udøves af den, der købte den pågældende effekt hos Bruun Rasmussen og er betinget af, at krav om annullering fremsættes skriftligt over for Bruun Rasmussen inden 2 år efter købsdagen, og af at det købte inden samme frist returneres til Bruun Rasmussen i den samme stand i enhver henseende, som det købte var i på hammerslagstidspunktet. Køber kan i tilfælde af annullering ikke gøre krav på betaling af renter af købesummen og er ej heller berettiget til at kræve anden udgift eller tab, herunder eventuel mistet videresalgsfortjeneste, dækket. Et køb kan ikke kræves annulleret efter ovenstående bestemmelser, såfremt: a. beskrivelsen i katalog eller på hjemmesiden på hammerslagsdagen var i overensstemmelse med den på dette tidspunkt gældende opfattelse blandt lærde og eksperter. b. den eneste måde til på salgstidspunktet at få fastslået et falskneri var iværksættelsen af videnskabelige processer, hvis gyldighed først blev anerkendt efter salgstidspunktet, eller som ville have været uforholdsmæssigt omkostningskrævende eller uigennemførlige uden beskadigelse af den pågældende effekt. I tillæg til ovenstående frist gælder de almindelige forældelsesregler i forældelsesloven, efter hvilke køber ikke under nogen omstændigheder kan gøre noget krav gældende over for Bruun Rasmussen, når der er forløbet mere end 5 år fra købsdagen. Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auktionsholder Jørgen Byriel, Auktionsleder § 9. EKSPORTTILLADELSE Kulturværdiudvalget er blevet ansøgt om eksporttilladelse, hvor dette kræves iflg. gældende dansk lovgivning om sikring af kulturværdier i Danmark. Foreligger en sådan ikke, vil dette blive meddelt den udenlandske køber umiddelbart efter hammerslaget. Derefter vil Bruun Rasmussen igen ansøge Kulturværdiudvalget på købers vegne, nu hvor prisen kendes. Gives eksporttilladelse ikke, er Kulturværdiudvalget forpligtet til at overtage det købte til den opnåede pris, hvilket betyder at købet bliver hævet for køber. § 10. BESKRIVELSE AF EMNER Alt sælges i den stand, hvori det ved hammerslaget er at forefinde og som beskrevet i katalog eller hjemmeside med senere offentliggjorte ændringer og modifikationer. Beskrivelsen er foretaget efter bedste overbevisning og under anvendelse af de anførte katalogiseringsprincipper. De solgte effekter er ofte af en alder eller af en art, der bevirker, at de kan være behæftet med fejl, mangler, restaurering eller beskadigelser, der ikke nødvendigvis angives i katalog eller på hjemmesiden. Afbildninger i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er blot til identifikation og kan ikke anvendes til vurdering af effekternes stand. Enhver der ønsker at byde på auktion, bør derfor ved selvsyn på de før auktionen afholdte eftersyn forvisse sig om de ønskede effekters stand. Beskrivelsen er udtryk for den på salgstidspunktet blandt lærde og eksperter herskende opfattelse. Skulle der efter købet opstå tvivl om det købtes ægthed eller dettes overensstemmelse med beskrivelsen, skal dette straks meddeles til Bruun Rasmussen. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 349 KOMMISSIONER Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at byde i kommission for bydere, der ikke kan være til stede ved auktionen. Det er en forudsætning, at kommissioner indleveret pr. brev eller fax er Bruun Rasmussen i hænde i 24 timer før auktionens start, så om nødvendigt bydernes kreditværdighed kan undersøges. Via hjemmesiden er denne deadline 3 timer. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service KONDITIONSRAPPORTER Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig, hvis det er muligt, at orientere nærmere om numrenes kondition og tilstand. Dette er ment som en service for kunder, der ikke selv har mulighed for ved selvsyn at undersøge numrene på eftersynet. Det understreges, at de givne oplysninger ikke kan gøres til genstand for reklamationer; her henvises til beskrivelsen. FRITAGELSE FOR DANSK FULDMOMS Købere skal ifølge § 2 betale fuldmoms af de varer der i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er markeret med stjerne (*). Når virksomheder, der er momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, køber hos Bruun Rasmussen og videresælger til private, skal der ikke betales dansk moms, men moms i henhold til de regler der gælder, hvor den udenlandske virksomhed er momsregistreret. Det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de lokale myndigheder. 349 20/08/15 15.47 CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE § 1. BIDDING The buyer shall be the highest bidder at the “hammer price”. Any person bidding on behalf of a third party shall be liable in surety for completion of the sale. 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Bid DKK dagligt every day efter auktion after the auction Max +15%+25% B R U U N R A S M U S S EN KUN S TAUKT I ON ER A /S Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 · [email protected] · " Fortsættes næste side Please turn over BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 355 355 20/08/15 15.48 KOMMISSIONSBUD COMMISSION BIDS Beskrivelse Description Bud kr. Bid DKK Max +15%+25% Ret til ændringer forbeholdes © 2015 Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Foto: Bent Lange Tryk: Cool Gray Grafik og dtp: Jorge Figueiredo & Lene Søbo Katalog nr. Lot. No. BREDGADE AUKTION NR AUCTION NO: 356 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 356 858 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 20/08/15 15.48 MOMS OG KUNSTNERAFGIFT VAT A N D C O P Y- DA N I N F O R M AT I O N STANDARD AUKTIONSOMKOSTNINGER BUYER’S STANDARD PREMIUM 30% - BRUGT MOMS 30% AUCTIONEERS’ MARGIN SCHEME 1. januar 1995 trådte nye love i kraft i EU vedrørende moms ved handel på auktion med brugte varer, kunst genstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter, der nu kan handles til brugt moms. As of 1 January 1995 new EC regulations came into effect regarding the sale of secondhand goods, works of art, collector’s items and antiques; these items may now be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. Efter de nye regler er det kun auktionsomkostninger, der skal tillægges moms, og ikke som tidligere varens fulde pris. I auktionsomkostninger er indregnet ikke fradragsberettiget moms. Under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme the premium only is subject to VAT, i.e. the hammer price is exempted from VAT. The buyer’s premium of 25% will thus henceforth include non-refundable VAT. FULD MOMS * FULL VAT * anvendes for visse varer som ikke kan handles i brugt moms. Disse er mærket med en stjerne *. Købere skal betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger, hvortil lægges 25% moms af hammerslaget og auktionsomkostningerne. will be charged on goods that cannot be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. These lots are marked with an asterix *. The buyer pays the auction premium of 24% plus 25% VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyer’s premium. REDUCEREDE AUKTIONSOMKOSTNINGER 24% BUYER’S REDUCED PREMIUM 24% betales af købere der opfylder følgende betingelser: is paid by buyers fulfilling the following terms/conditions: 1. Danske momsregistrerede købere kan vælge at betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger + 25% moms af hele (fuldmoms). Momsbeløbet kan køber modregne, og betaler derved 24% i auktionsomkostninger. 1. Danish VAT registered buyers may choose to pay the 24% buyer’s premium + 25% VAT on the total amount (Full VAT). The buyer may have the total VAT refunded and thus pays 24% in buyer’s premium only. 2. Momsregistrerede købere i andre EU-lande kan, ved at anvende deres EU-momsnr., undgå den danske moms og derved betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger. 2. VAT registered buyers in other EU countries may avoid Danish VAT by using their VAT registration number and thereby pay a buyer’s premium of 24% only. Grafik og dtp: Jorge Figueiredo & Lene Søbo 3. Alle købere med bopæl i et land uden for EU, der opfylder de danske toldmyndigheders krav i forbindelse med eksport, betaler derved 24% i auktionsomkostninger (se købskonditioner, §4, Afgiftsfritagelse). KUNSTNERAFGIFT TIL COPY-DAN CD 3. Residents of countries outside the EU meeting the Danish customs authorities’ requirements regarding the export of goods pay the buyer’s premium of 24% only (see Conditions of Purchase §3, Exemption from VAT). ARTISTS’ ROYALTIES PAYABLE TO COPY-DAN CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret, skal der opkræves 5% i kunstnerafgift af hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 24% excl. moms på værker af alle nyere danske og de fleste udenlandske kunstnere. Disse værker er mærket CD for Copy-Dan ud for katalognummeret. Pursuant to current Danish legislation on copyright an artists’ royalty of 5% of the total price exclusive of VAT (i.e. hammer price plus buyer’s premium 24%) shall be collected on works of modern art by all Danish and most foreign artists. These works are marked CD for Copy-Dan next to the lot number. For nærmere information henvises til købskonditionerne. For further information please refer to the Conditions of Purchase. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 357 357 20/08/15 15.48 UNIQUE PROVENCAL PROPERTY CONFERENCE AND MEETING CENTRE This unique property consists of three adjacent villas. Set in the heart of magnificent Provencal countryside, the This unique property consists of17 three adjacent which have formed successful meeting, training and quality accommodation provides bedrooms andvillas a wide range of high classa leisure facilities and set in its own conference centre for some years now. Set in the heart of the Var, in magnificent Provencal countryside, sculpture park with many artistic details (including detailing by one of Hundertwasser’s main collaborators).the In quality accommodation provides a wide range ofand highatclass conference, meeting and leisure facilities. the uppermost villa there is a large infinity pool the main house there is an artful prize winningTwo lap large pool. swimming a atennis a In addition pools; there is tenniscourt; court;a apetanque petanquecourt, court;full full18 18hole holemini-golf mini-golf course; course; gym, gym; massage massage room; room; and and a room containing Jacuzzi, sauna and a hydrotherapy pool, and a unique pool house with a full outdoor kitchen room containing Jacuzzi, sauna and a hydrotherapy pool. A unique pool house with a full outdoor kitchen helps (including wood fired pizzahome oven)or allan help to provide the environment foracreative a meeting to provide athe ideal family environment for ideal creative thinking or meetingthinking, place forasdemanding place forThis demanding or has the potential to be developed into a looking boutique and wellness This clients. property client, will make a remarkable acquisition for any family forspa a unique family hotel. home with property will make a remarkable acquisition for any company looking to invest in its personnel by getting them exquisite guest accommodation – or a company looking to invest in its personnel by getting them out of their out their daily routine, an organisation looking to develop a world class conference and meeting business or dailyofroutine; or an organisation looking to develop a world class conference and meeting business. Set in its a hotel entrepreneur focusing on spa and holistic wellness therapies. Set in its own sculpture park in one of the own sculpture park and with commanding views over one of the most beautiful areas of Provence, the sky really most Provence, the sky really aisfurther the limit. Two more would nearbybeproperties a further 11 is the beautiful limit. Twoareas moreof nearby properties offering 11 bedrooms available offering by separate negotiabedrooms would be available by separate negotiation if required, as is the neighbouring plot of land with plantion if required, as is the neighbouring plot of land with planning permission to erect a new dwelling of 250 sqm ning permission to erect a 1.2 newacres/4,800 dwelling of sqm 250 sq. m. and offering an additional 1.6 acres of land. and offering an additional of land. Location: Cotignac Living area: 1,000 m² Land area: 17,891 m² Price: 5,250,000 € • Peter Koch +33 6 2200 3722 • [email protected] • 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 358 857_modernekunst_s306-328_slut.indd 326 20/08/15 14.50 15.48 07/05/15 857 15 14.50 60KMS FROM THE BAY SAINT TROPEZ 60KMS FROM THE BAY OFOF SAINT TROPEZ • Peter Koch +33 6 2200 3722 • Peter Koch +33 6 2200 3722 • [email protected] • [email protected] • • 857_modernekunst_s306-328_slut.indd 327 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 359 07/05/15 14.50 20/08/15 15.48 ANTIQUES 360 858_antik_s338-360_slut.indd 360 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 858 20/08/15 15.48
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