MAINSTAy MAINSTAy - Mission Bay Yacht Club


MAINSTAy MAINSTAy - Mission Bay Yacht Club
Mission Bay Yacht Club
JULY 2012
Photo courtesy Edna Johnson
Mission Bay Yacht Club
2011 Flag Officers
Charlie Hochart
Vice Commodore:
Derek Bateman
Rear Commodore:
Brian Anderson
Secretary/Treasurer: Lori Longstreet
Fleets Captain:
James Perry
Port Captain:
Van Barr
Jr. Staff Commodore: Mike Poltorak
Board of Directors Meetings:
Held the second Wednesday of each
month, 7PM, Main Clubhouse.
Commodore’s Comments
By Commodore Charlie Hochart
July is traditionally the start of summer, school is out, our Junior Sailing Program
has begun and hopefully the June Gloom is gone. July 4th is a significant event that
helps us get into the swing of summer fun. On Wednesday, July 4th we have a great
band booked for an evening of music and dancing on the beach. Our Galley will be
open, so come down early and stay into the evening. Please read Vice Commodore
Derek Bateman’s article for information on the 4th of July parking policy.
July is a busy month for racing at MBYC, starting on Sunday, July 1st with our
Ocean Regatta. We have Bay races starting with the July Series on July 8th & 15th followed by the July Short Course on July 22nd. The Laser Fleet is sailing in the SCRA
races on July 29th.
Club Manager: Jason Proctor
The Thistle Class is having their Pacific Coast Championship Regatta in the Ocean
Office Manager: Kristina Smith
on July 21st & 22nd. The Thistle National Championships is being held at our Club
Receptionist/Membership Secretary: from July 28th through August 3rd. This is a big event, as we are expecting fifty boats
from all over the United States. It is an honor for MBYC to host this event and a great
Jenny Johnson
opportunity for us to show our guests from around the country what a great Club we
Office hours: Daily 8-5
have. Feel free to come down to the club and become acquainted with sailors for all
Accountant: Mike Curtin
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7 to 4 over the United States.
Mission Bay Yacht Club was proudly represented at Silver Gate Yacht Club’s anOffice Phone: (858)488-0501
nual Wheelchair Regatta. Mission Bay Yacht Club was recognized for providing the
most boats from a Yacht Club. Dick Statler was recognized for his 37 years of participation in this event. The Power Fleet did another outstanding job of representing our
Club. I want to thank everyone who participated in the fantastic event.
Editor: Lorraine Peck
The Sr. Sabot Fleet hosted the Senior Sabot Nationals last month. The more than
Calendar and Staff Photographer:
fifty boat fleet was the largest turnout in many years. It was fun watching the Senior
Edna Johnson
Sabot sailors relive their childhood sailing days and hear them complain about all
Support Staff: Doug Swenson, Greg their aches and pains after the races. Our Sr. Sabot Fleet did an outstanding job of
hosting this event. It was a pleasure to show our guests from all over Southern CaliBrown, Larry Baker
(Deadline for articles and ads:12 of each fornia what a great club we have. Thanks to Regatta Chair, Selby Winkler, all of our
month. Email articles as attachments in race committee and regatta helpers for hosting a first class event.
Over the past few months we have experienced several break-ins on boats at the
MS Word, photos separately as attached
dock, many kayaks have been stolen and a dingy that was locked and chained
jpeg, and ads in pdf in 300dpi)
to a swim step was taken. Because of this, we all need to be watchful and report any
Send to:
thing we feel is suspicious. The Board is looking into the possibility of more lighting
[email protected]
and additional surveillance cameras.
Mainstay Questions, call: (619)992-4199
I look forward to seeing you at the Club.
Clubhouse Information
Are these new storage Lockers? NO! They are
the new hulls for Barca Nueva that arrived
in early June. Thanks to all the volunteers
who helped unload this precious cargo. Now,
let the construction begin!
Executive Chef: John Matyka
Friday: Full Service Dinner 6 to 8:30
Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch, and
Bayside Grill Dinner
Sunday: Breakfast and Lunch
Bar Hours
Friday: Five to Ten p.m.
Saturday: Noon to Ten p.m.
Sunday: One to Eight p.m.
Music in the Bar most Saturdays
Jim Graham took this shot of Dave Watry’s very patriotic
sabot. Happy Independence Day, everyone!
Our Mission:
MBYC Exists to Perpetuate
Corinthian Yachting and the
Sportsmanship and Fellowship Incident Thereto.
Our Website:
Mainstay / July 2012
Barca Photos courtesy Commodore Hochart
Please see
Rear Commodore
for more
about Barca
By Derek Bateman
Well the new Barca has finally arrived. It left Florida on Friday morning and arrived at MBYC early Sunday morning. I want
to thank all of the volunteers that showed up to help unload the
boat hulls from the trailer. Now the real fun begins as it is put together over the next several months. Apparently, there have been
several ideas out there from a big screen TV, barbeque, full bar,
galley and of course a head. I sure hope it’s big enough. I am glad
I’m not in charge of this project. It will be interesting to see what
it looks like when it’s finally completed.
The 4th of July is just about here. Remember, member parking only will be strictly enforced and board members will be at
the main gate with the security guard to enforce club policy. If
you want a picnic table, be here early. As usual, everything will be
cleared off the tables early the morning of the 4th. Our rear commodore will be by the BBQs early Wednesday morning and will
let everyone who is in line grab a table on the deck or the main
picnic area. If you want a table, I would advise you get here early,
as they tend to go fast. Remember, it’s on a first come basis.
As usual there will be entertainment and the galley and the
bar will be open all day. Hopefully the weather will cooperate
and everyone will have a great 4th of July at MBYC.
Social Scene
By Doug Paine
So you went to the 50’s party on June 30th and got seriously
rocked by the Bobby Sanchez Combo. Now what???
Well ladies and gentleman, the answer is simple, party hearty
with Mozart’s Ghost on the 4th of July starting at 7:00 pm. This is
a great cover band that will get those feet moving and backbones
slipping! Covering a range of tunes from older soul numbers to
70’s and 80’s rock, I can assure you that your evening will be highly entertaining. See the Sea World fireworks from the beach or
deck, eat ‘till you burst at the galley or from your own BBQ, dance
till you drop, and then go home tired and happy after another
great 4th at MBYC! It’s a tradition not to be missed.
It is a busy month at the club for certain at MBYC. There are
a great many private parties, as our venue offers great facilities,
wonderful food, and an unbeatable view. The Catalina Cruse
starts on the 21st. Year after year terrific stories are created, told,
and retold on this cruise. If you can make it to Catalina, it will
certainly be one of the highlights of your year.
Mike Poltorak’s long awaited Thistle Nationals are finally at
our doorstep! Four years ago Mike had a countdown timer on his
watch he would dutifully inform us each meeting to the second
how long it would be before this event. Congratulations to Mike,
and to all of the people who put in their valuable time and efforts
to bring this nationally recognized event to our club. It takes a
good deal of effort on many people’s parts to make this happen.
Drop by and see how our club’s sailors are doing against the nation’s best.
One final note. Events like the 4th of July are open to all
club members. They are a perk of belonging to MBYC and are
intended to enrich your experience of membership. When you
participate in these events you not only make your membership
a richer experience, but your interaction with others makes their
experience at MBYC better also. From playing bridge to brunch,
from scrapbooking to sailing, your experience at MBYC becomes
the richer the more you participate!
By Brian Anderson
Barca Nueva Update:
Phase I - Acquistion of New Hulls: Completed
The three hulls for our “new Barca” (ie; Barca Nueva) have
arrived safe and sound. After a bit of a false start which required
a return to the factory for repackaging and after a delayed departure due to the tropical storm and torrential rain in the Florida
panhandle, the truck carrying the hulls made a swift trip across
the country. Indeed, the trip across was much quicker than expected. The Commodore and I were surprised in mid-afternoon
of Saturday, June 9th that the hulls would arrive late that same day.
The truck had to be unloaded early Sunday morning, June 10th.
We were able to muster a small group of volunteers at 7:00 AM
that Sunday. The very long semi-tractor trailer rig backed down
and into the Club main gate from Mission Blvd. The fork lift
rented by the Commodore was invaluable. The hulls now safely
sit in the work area by the shop and are awaiting assembly. Many
thanks to Jon Real for organizing the transportation and for driving the fork lift so adroitly. I would also like to thank volunteers
Bill Taylor, Pete Hunter, and Richard Hoffmann for their early
morning labor. Now on to the next stage of this project.
Stage II - Hull & Deck Assembly
I am hoping that the next phase of the project will occur in
a slow and gradual fashion so that we can examine and evaluate
the construction of the new hulls and deck as they are assembled.
The old Barca will serve the Club well for the rest of this year as
we construct Barca Nueva. I will need the help of volunteers who
have previous knowledge and/or experience with boat building,
construction, marine electronics & wiring, outboard engines,
etc. I have absolutely no talents or skills in these areas. Dave
Eberhardt and Doug Paine have already generously offered to
help with this phase. A few others have mentioned to me that
they may be interested in volunteering for this phase of the project. Now is the time. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you
would like to help.
Important Side Show Projects:
Engine: I am told that the present old Barca engine is the
worst one in the Club’s inventory. Therefore, it seems appropriate to me that we plan for the purchase of a new outboard engine
with a power tilt lift.
Design of the Superstructure: Any decision regarding the
topsides design depends on the Club’s PROs. As soon as Stan
Betts returns from his trip to Europe, I would like to again meet
with the PROs in order to come to some sort of agreement on
this subject.
Rick Harp, whose company makes specialty medical equipment, has volunteered to help by putting potential designs into
his sophisticated computer software which will allow rotational
3D evaluation before construction.
Final Comments:
Please, if you have any ideas that you would like to suggest for
Barca Nueva, feel free to bring them to my attention.
Please, if you have any skills or experience with boat building
or repair, consider volunteering for this Club project. We need
your help.
Thank you, all.
See you at The Club.
Mainstay / July 2012
Port Captain Report
By Van Barr
Catalina is the big deal again this year and members with
boats in the water that are going would be most helpful to let Judy
Jilka know when you leave and expect to return. As the Racing Cruising Fleet Captain, Judie is the contact for this event and
is responsible for maintaining a list for the Club’s information.
Empty slips are then available to share with visiting guests from
other clubs. Beside the slip issue, it is good policy for others to
know when you are traveling so you are expected and checked on
by cell, radio, or whatever. This year is shaping up to be epic!!!
A word about dogs. It needs to be said that the current rules
regarding dogs was derived by give and take and it works if we
ALL comply. Your leashed dog is allowed to and from your vehicle, your boat, or to the designated dog walk area. That is it.
Walking your dog from your boat to the car does not include
allowing the animal to pee anywhere along the way. A leash is
required-that gives you control to keep the animal from peeing
on the dock. Peeing, as we all know, leaves a scent that other dogs
fine an invitation to do the same. My boys know about the scent
and try, every trip, at every point, to add to it. Accidents happen,
but effort will help.
It is the Club member’s responsibility to insure that guests,
parents of juniors, and friends know of the club policy. They
seem to be the biggest offenders.
June's article mentioned the policy change charging double
slip fees for those without current proof of insurance on file with
the office. This month those fees will be charged for those more
than thirty day without proof. There are three or four members
who will get nailed (at this writing) with this fine despite efforts
to reach them. The club will be taking on the task of tracking
insurance and registration before the next port captain is seated.
Insurance and registration are NOT optional.
It is sad to say that some of our boats in the water do not
cherish their status. Having a boat at the club docks is a privilege
and responsibility. Is your boat one that no longer means much
to you? Want to sell it? Want to spend money on it? Think about
it. There is a list of people eager to replace your albatross with a
boat of their dreams.
Summer season is the time to clean up, spruce up and get
the boat moving and active. Get out on the water and enjoy our
great bay and ocean environment with the kids, family, friends
and neighbors-there are fish out there also.
See you on the docks,
Please be sure to update your email
contact information with Kristina,
as we send a lot of notices of events
happening at the club via the email
list. If you want to be “in the know”,
let the office know!
Mainstay / July 2012
By Bob Henderson
Have you sponsored any new members recently? If so, don’t
forget to follow up with your continued contact and assistance.
Introduce them to other members, Club Officers, fleets, activities
or special interest groups they might be interested in. Use your
sponsor dinner certificate and take them to the club on a Friday
evening, especially now that summer is here and the front deck
is the best seat in town. Help them learn how to enjoy the many
benefits available, entertainment and special events, member services and use of facilities. Keep up the good work, folks! Your
personal efforts to spread the news and generate interest in the
MBYC will always be the backbone of our new membership cadre
every year. Thank you.
There is no doubt – give folks a deal on a good thing and they
will come. Eighteen new members took advantage of the April
initiation fee special and will begin enjoying the MBYC experience. We welcomed many in the June issue so let’s have another
hearty welcome aboard for the most recent July additions: Flag
members Timothy and Stacey O’Neill (Lido 14), Brent and Kerri
Gutekunst (Sabot) and Robert Gales (Laser). Social flag members
Roland and Bridget Santos, Gerald and Becky Paul, Tom and Geri
Hedges, Gary and Marjorie Garcia, William and Barbara Hagey,
Petra Martens and Susan Lester. In addition, two members have
been reinstated – Ken and Carol Fox, Arthur and Anne Bleier.
Race Committee
By Keith Nuthall
Small boat racing is alive and well at MBYC. Our sailing
season is under full throttle with a club, regional and national
regatta coming to our waters almost every weekend. This means
many, many club members are involved in planning and serving
on race committee. Thank you to all involved in hoisting flags on
the signal boat, setting marks, scoring, serving on protest committee and rescuing distressed sailors. A special thank you goes
to our Principal Race Officers (PRO). Their dedication, expertise
and experience are appreciated.
Interested in learning more about the racing rules? San Diego area US Sailing certified Judges and/or Umpires are conducting a monthly sailing rules seminar series intended to hone your
knowledge. The seminars are for the local sailboat racing community, and there is no charge. New and experienced sailors will
benefit from attending.
Held on the second Thursday of every month for the next
14 months, these seminars will help you learn the finer points
of the rules, and are a great way to meet sailors in the San Diego
area. Can’t commit to attending over the next year? No problem.
Attend when you are able and ask lots of questions. The folks
presenting the information know their stuff and committed to
serving the San Diego sailing community. Tuck your rules book
under your arm, buy a beverage at the bar and know your rights
at your next mark rounding.
The next seminar will be held on Thursday, July 12th at Silvergate Yacht Club from 6:30 to 8:30. To help Silvergate plan for the
evening, please RSVP to Brad Brown at [email protected]
or by phone (619)587-9581. Future locations will be announced
soon with MBYC hosting the event in October and November.
Ladies Group
By Barbara Hochart
Summer is a great time to come down and enjoy our club.
The weather is getting warmer, the days are longer and the evenings are incredible. We are so lucky to be living here. I am looking forward to seeing more of you at the club.
Saturday, July 14th is our next Ladies’ Group function. It
will be kayaking or Duffy rides, followed by a picnic lunch on
the deck. If you are interesting in kayaking, have your boat in the
water by 10:30. If you would like to go kayaking but don’t own
a kayak, give me a call at (858)273-7118. I will help you either
borrow or rent one for the day. If you would rather not kayak, we
have arranged for a Duffy (comfortable, electric boat) to take you
for an adventure on the bay. Your Duffy will be waiting for you
on the main dock at 10:30. Reserve your spot on the Duffy early,
as there is limited seating. If you do not wish to kayak or take a
Duffy ride, you are welcome to reserve a table for lunch and view
our kayakers in action from the deck. We will all return and be
ready for a picnic lunch on the deck starting at 12:30. Looking
forward to a wonderful afternoon with friends, and enjoying time
at the club.
On Saturday, July 7th, the Ladies’ Group is sponsoring a
“Family Game Night”. The proceeds from this fund-raiser will be
used for an upgrade of the fireplace in the Main Clubhouse. There
will be Bingo, checkers and a variety of family games for all ages.
Come down and play the game, or games, of your choice. Prizes
and treats for everyone. See the flyer for more details. If you are
interested in helping out, give Carol Shear a call at (619)692-0382.
It’s Burgee Time!
Who Else Has Been To This
Recently, member
Ken Nemeroff visited
the Knysna Yacht Club
in South Africa. KYC is
a great little club with a
very active sailing program. When he went
inside, lo and behold,
up on their wall was
evidence of a MBYC
member who had been
there before him. Ken
is curious to know who
else has had the pleasure of visiting this
fine little club down in
South Africa, and if this
person brought one of
KYC’s burgees back to
our club. Please contact him (nemeroffs@ and let
him know. He’d love to
swap stories about mutual experiences on the
other end of the world.
Fleets Captain Report
By James Perry
Hello Mission Bay Yacht Club members! This report reflects
the current activities from our first Wednesday of June meeting.
Overall we continue to have enormous support from the fleets
and fleet captains. We spoke this year of increase the number
of boats in regattas and to solicit new sailors. Every month we
continue to receive support from our captains and fleet members.
Ideas continue to flow and a significant drive to ensure our club
improves and stays healthy for years to come are discussed. Here
is another month’s worth of support, ideas and passion for this
great club!
A few important notes…
Nikki Hunter continues to drive a positive support for ALL
club activities. Remember her passion for the San Diego Crew
Classic? Well once again Nikki is at it. This time Nikki is supporting with Sue P. as the lead Military Appreciation Day. Last
month Sue came in to ask for support for this noble event. This
month Nikki continued to drive the club responsibilities for this
event by additionally asking the juniors to man the gate and they
will be in full force for this event as gate duty. Even our Junior
Program supports additional club activities.
As is our usual standing activity, we reviewed the coming six
weeks’ worth of regattas and determined we are fit for action for
all fleet race committee support. This is another way each fleet
volunteers to ensure our club continues a long standing dinghy
sailing tradition. Also, Selby is working on the appropriate level
of support for trophies. Our trophy cadence has picked up and
seems to be taking hold. Based on the feedback from all of you,
Selby is running club trophies with greater frequency than ever.
It’s nice to see so many racers sticking around on a Sunday and
enjoying the club while trophies are handed out. This ‘experiment’ turned into a very fun result with more people enjoying the
moment when races are won.
Another item related to our responsibilities as fleet leads is
to begin to focus our attention on the yearly club trophy s. We
spoke of looking at the deed of gift for each our trophies and to
think in advance about the qualifications we’d like to see in our
winners. We’re thinking about this ahead of the sailing ‘high season’ in order to pay attention to the qualities that go into all the
nominees and winners. It is nice to stay in front of these serious
responsibilities before we need to make key decisions.
All in the fleets are VERY glad for the work that Brian Anderson is doing, including all the volunteers, on the Barca. Brian
reminds us we are now going to ‘slow it down’ and ‘do it right’ so
the Barca is built to last a keen 40 more years. The fleets were all
excited to help where they can to ensure this endeavor meets with
full support and success.
On another note, I’m asking ALL members, fleets and race
committee support to ensure all race support and tools are following ‘camper’s rules’. Let’s “leave the place better than you
found it”. I’ve noticed the Barca and Tower in rough shape after
several TNTs and races. If you notice something that needs to be
repaired, there are fix it forms in the main office. Please fill those
out as soon as you see something that needs a going over. Nick
does a GREAT job in ensuring quality repairs are completed in a
timely manner.
Let’s all kick it into high gear as the summer sailing season is
now upon us. I look forward to seeing you all on the water this
Mainstay / July 2012
Bicycle Cleanup
Power Fleet
By Katie Ham
TEN bikes were taken off the rack in February because
they did not have the required 2012 permit from the
Who are we? And you're thinking... “Really, again with that?”
club. These bikes are now stored in the bone yard and
We are the Power Fleet and with the help of our entertainment
will be discarded on Sept. 1.
committee, Mayreen Caldwell we are getting creative. Another
fleet dinner meeting with a theme and in June it was "Black and
Volunteer Opportunity
White". Everyone in attendance wore only black and/or white
How would like to walk into the club house and hear people apparel (I did see a glimpse of lavender) even our desserts were
“There goes the club’s “Jury Secretary”. Do you want to be im- black and white...O.K. so the black was Chocolate...what's anothportant and noticed at regattas with skippers, judges and scorers er 5 lbs before Catalina? And the winners are.... Good Gal award
seeking you out? Do you want to be able to tell Judges, PROs and went to Regina Kelley for making those most delicious black and
competitors where to go? Then you want to be the club’s “Jury white desserts..yum! The Ooops award went to Dennis Anzouni
for buying a power boat....someone needs to explain this to me,
This prestigious position involves the organization of protest aren't we the Power Fleet? Congrats to both recipients and as
committee hearings for major regattas. This position requires ab- those flags high and proud! Lots of events went on
solutely no knowledge of sailing or the sailing rules. It just takes in June, a number of boats participated in the Wheel Chair Resomeone willing to learn some simple procedures for organizing gatta, you can read about it in the Commodore's column (so I
the hearings. You will not have to attend every regatta. This is a was told). We also had the Military Family Appreciation Day, the
great opportunity to serve your club and you are guaranteed to Hamburger in Paradise back dock party, Father's Day and the 1st
be a success since we have never had a person in this capacity. day of summer!!! I'll do my best to report on all events for the
Training will be provided. Contact Grant Williams, Doug Hart, next Mainstay issue.
What are we planning? The Fish Fry!!! I know you've already
or Jane Engelman for more information.
read about this and it seems really early, however it's a big deal
and we need to get planning now. If you have a favorite restaurant, bagel joint, sandwich shop, pub or salon go ahead and ask
them for a gift card or some other donation for the Fish Fry. It's a
great way for them to acquire new clients/customers and you can
share your favorite places with your yacht club buddies. Do you
have airline miles to donate(?), we'll take them! And, if you are
interested in volunteering contact Mayreen or Nick, it's a great
The big event since my last writing was the F-18 Memorial way to meet new members.
Day Regatta in Long Beach. Denis and I were out sailing my
Another great way to meet members...Catalina!!! RememI-20 in the Ocean (here) that same weekend. We had an ideal ber, new departure date is June 21....stay for a short visit or long,
15 knots and some of the best sailing of the year. We wondered you'll have a blast. And one more great way to meet members is
what it was like for the F-18 racers in Long Beach, where there is to join the Ladies Group. I met Sue P and CC Rider (White) at
always more wind.
my very first luncheon and made two life long friendships. Next
Sure enough, they had a wild time with 20 knots and even Ladies Luncheon is July 14th...make reservations.
stronger gusts. Conditions were challenging and competition
So, no matter what you're into, there is always something to
was intense. In a fleet of 12 boats, Damon LaCassala and Matt do at MBYC. ONE CLUB!
Strubel won 2nd place, and Scott & Patty Miller came in 5th. Jason
Moore received a standing ovation from the crowd at the clubhouse when he got slammed by a violent puff on approach to the
clubhouse, capsizing instantly, and launching crew Jake Sailor
through the mainsail window in “Willie E. Coyote” fashion.
July should be a fun month with racing options on four consecutive Sundays! The Ocean Regatta is on July 1, the doubleheader Bay races are on July 8th and 15th, and short courses on
the 22nd. Not to mention TNT races on Thursdays. Hopefully
Mother Nature will cooperate this year and we will have some
nice Summer sailing.
Until next time, see you on the water!
Multihull Musings
By Bob Sherman
At the June
Power Fleet meeting, Regina Kelley
(upper left) received
the Power Fleet’s
“Good Gal” award
and Dennis Anzouni (upper left)
the “Oops Award”.
Lower left: The
Power Fleet poses in
their black and/or
white apparel.
Mainstay / July 2012
Capri 14 News
By Angus Henderson
It was a typical June TNT with light, fickle wind. We had four
boats on the line, Jim Rutledge and crew, Team Olenick (Parker,
Samantha and Kevin), Megan and Tim Sheehan in their first race
of the season and the Henderson’s. All of the boats had decent
starts, but Jim beat everyone to mark A and after a quick reach,
also lead around One. Team Olenick was in second, followed by
the Henderson’s in third and the Sheehans in fourth. On the run
down to Five, the first three boats were searching for wind, but
the Sheehans caught a flyer and went by to the leeward to round
well ahead. On the beat up to E, the Sheehans banged the left
corner, but team Olenick worked the shifts and rounded ahead
of the Henderson’s, followed by the Sheenans in third. After the
Henderson’s spun a quick 360 (for nudging E), there was a drag
race to Six but the Olenicks held off the charging Morgan Henderson, who had sensibly taken the tiller from her dad. On the
shifty beat to D, the Hendersons caught a huge lift and rounded
first to make it a two boat race. On the run toT, team Olenick regained the lead and held on for the win ahead of the Hendersons,
Sheehans and Jim Rutledge.
I think this is why I like sailing Capri 14s, close sailing. At
different times of the race, each boat had the lead—and not a disparaging word was heard. If this kind of sailing sounds appealing
to you, come and check us out.
Lightning Rounds
By Donna Collins
You never know who will contact you about our Lightning
fleet and this time it was Captain Alex Edwards. Captain of the
sport fishing yacht Angle & The Badman II, (, he is the youngest Captain to win the world's
richest marlin tournament, the 2007 Bisbee's Black & Blue, also
winning it the 2008 International Governor's Cup tournament. It
turns out his boss has just bought a Lightning and asked Alex to
do some research on Lightnings while he was in San Diego, so he
called me. He will be sailing on a Lightning in the New York area
with his boss and wanted to learn more about crewing and rigging
these boats. So Dan Gravatt and I took Alex out sailing on a Friday in the fleet loaner boat. Alex trimmed the spinnaker and got
a good idea about racing a Lightning on Mission Bay. Alex had
fun and may be back racing with us in August after this year Marlin tournaments are finished. The Lightning fleet will have had the
District Championship when you read this, they were June 30th &
July 1st, so congratulations to all the racers and winners. Larry,
Steve and Dan went out to the ocean June 10th for a casual practice
day and boat tuning in preparation for the upcoming districts.
Our fleet is also contributing $125 to the Military Appreciation
Day festivities. I hope everyone enjoyed the day and members get
a chance to pay tribute to members of the U.S. Military for their
service to the country. In the continuing cross training efforts,
Dan and I took our Sabots to Lake Cuyamaca and Newport to
sail. Much to our surprise, they do not allow sail boats on Lake
Cuyamaca, but we did have a great picnic and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Newport turned out much better for the sailing and
your fleet captain brought home a first place Novice trophy.
Heroes of the Senior Sabot Nationals
The Senior Sabot National Race Committee ran a wonderful but busy regatta. On Saturday, Bill and Mike H had a very hard day with 7 capsizes. One
skipper flipped 3 times. On Sunday, this skipper put a message on his boat -"This
end up." Above are the RC volunteers from Sunday. Thank you to Regatta Chair,
Selby Winkler, PRO Jim Hecht and all the volunteers who helped with the racing.
We can’t run quality races without the dedicated RC volunteers.
Mainstay / July 2012
Mainstay / July 2012
Racing Cruising
By Judie Jilka
Summer is here and the Racing/Cruising Fleet is preparing to
cruise to Two Harbors on Catalina ( leaving
MBYC on July 21. We have checked and doubled checked our
lists and stocked our holds. Some vessels go directly to Catalina
others harbor hop via Oceanside and Dana Point. Don’t forget
to fly your burgee so we can find you in the Isthmus and nearby
coves. Keep your radios dialed to 71 for announcements. Remember what happens on the island stays on the island.
We had a shakedown cruise to San Diego Bay at the end of
June. Power and Sail enjoyed their vessels, friends, and MBYC
family at our La Playa raft up.
We thank all our MBYC members and our organizer, Sue P.
for another successful thank you to the MILITARY on June 23 for
the Military Family Appreciation Day.
There will be no Racing/Cruising Fleet dinner in July because
we are cruising! Look for pictures of our great adventure in the
August Mainstay. Bon Voyage.
The next Racing/Cruising Fleet meeting is August 24 at
Sabot Scene
By Mary Mackey
SCWSA Senior Sabot Regatta,
Newport Harbor, June 3, 2012
MBYC sent 10 boats, the largest fleet from all yacht clubs.
We finished just out of the money except for Mixed Novice where
Donna Collins came home with the first place trophy – go novices!
Ladies A: Serena Hanby (4th of 9), Mens A: John Lyon (4th of
11) Ladies B: Ruth Jones (4th of 8), Mixed Novice: Donna Collins
(1st of 3)
Next Race will be held at Lido Isle Yacht Club on Sunday July
15--All Girl Regatta (Jr. & Sr.) And don't forget the Dutch Shoe
Marathon on Friday July 20 at San Diego Yacht Club.
Left: Donna
Collins holds her
Mixed Novice
first place trophy
which she won
up in Newport
Handicap Keel
By Kyle Henehan
Calling all Scrappers and Crafters!
Do you have an interest in participating in a Scrapbooking or Card Crafting group? If so, there is a friendly
bunch of MBYC ladies who meet regularly to work on
their projects. They get together to share ideas, supplies
and camaraderie as they put photos and embellishments
on paper to create one of a kind memory books and
cards. Please feel free to join them in the Fleet Room
from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on ALL TUESDAYS in July and
August and SUNDAYS July 8th & 22nd and August 12th
& 26th. Spend the whole day or as long as you like. It’s
nice to have the big table space to work on layouts and
spreads undisturbed. It’s also great to be able to share
ideas, gadgets and gizmos while creating beautiful keepsakes.
We have been getting very good turnout for the TNTs with
an average of over 9 boats racing each week. For our lightest
weeks there have been only 8 boats and our biggest was week #4
with 13 boats racing. I think we have been, or are very close to
being, the largest fleet racing ever Thursday night. Let’s keep it
going all summer. I will be totaling all the TNT races together
with throw outs to determine an overall winner. This will be the
boat and crew that is awarded the HCK Fleet Champion Trophy
for the year.
If you are interested in more racing other than TNTs, give me
a call or an email. I would like to know who is interested in racing
on the weekends, we just need to get enough boats signed up and
we can get a start in any of the Bay Series racing. In addition to
MBYC racing, I would also like to know if any boats are planning
to race in any events outside our club.
Kyle Henehan – [email protected] / (858)204-6840
At left, the
Keel fleet
starts the
May 10th
What a
variety of
Photo by Edna
Mainstay / July 2012
M-Main Room;B-Bar;P-Picnic area; D-Deck; F-Fleet Room; L-Lawn
Mainstay / July 2012
M-Main Room;B-Bar;P-Picnic area; D-Deck; F-Fleet Room; L-Lawn
Mainstay / July 2012
Victory Lane
By Randy Carper
The Victory fleet has had a slow start for the TNT racing so
far the summer with Mike Tabler making all the TNTs so far. I
would like to thank Selby, Mona, Keith Nuthall and anyone else
that I did not name for helping get the Victory Fleet through their
first TNT Race Committee. For the last couple of years the Victory fleet has had R/C duty in which we have been fortunate to only
have been assigned Short course days. After running around,
short on time, we eventually got the tower portion figured out
(kind of) and got the races off. If it wasn’t for Keith and the Barca
team we would have been a mess. This was a great learning event
that has provided us with a different perspective on how much
effort others have been giving all this time while we raced. This
makes me more thankful to those that have given their time for
race committee.
The Victory 21 class will be holding the 59th Annual Victory
Nationals on July 16-17 at beautiful Huntington Lake, California.
The Nationals will follow the Fresno Yacht Club's annual High Sierra Regatta Keel boat weekend on July 14-15. If you have never
sailed, this is one of the greatest venues for fresh water racing
with an almost guarantee for high winds and flat water. This provides for a lot of tacking upwind with exciting downwind runs.
Below is a picture of a Victory 21 that was blown on its side on a
downwind run. How exciting is that?!
By Gurden Hutchins
Painting deck chairs has become the new standard task for
the Seagulls. Four more of them were done in May, and more will
probably come due for work later this year, in addition to the foot
replacement. They get a lot of use, all year long.
The latest outing for the Gulls was a field trip in May to the
Marine Corp Museum over at MCRD. After an informative, docent-led tour, the Gulls headed over to the base café (formerly
the Officers’ Club) for a nice lunch. Joe Hill is probably going to
come up with another field trip to a local microbrewery soon. The
Great American Beer Festival was held in San Diego last month,
and a number of awards were given to local brewers. An article
about this was published in the Union Tribune.
The next big public boating event in San Diego will be the
annual Tall Ship Festival at the Maritime Museum during Labor
Day weekend. This year the festival will run Friday thru Monday,
Aug. 31–Sept. 3. The list of visiting tall ships hasn’t been finalized
yet. Getting all the required government bureaucracies’ permissions to come into San Diego bay can be a daunting proposition
for any foreign-flagged vessels. In past years, the events’ director
at the museum actually flew out of the country to help ship owners jump thru the myriad of red-tape hoops. We can always count
on seeing our US Pacific coast tall ships visit here. Some of we
Seagulls who are also museum docents can be seen manning the
booths and helping out visitors at this major event.
The Gulls meet every Thursday morning at 10:00 AM in the
bar, and invite any interested members to join us for coffee and
Progress is being made by the
Maritime Museum’s 12 Master
Shipwrights and
working on the
San Salvador.
This replica of
the flag ship of
Jaun Rodriguez
Cabrillo should
be completed in
about a year and
a half.
Poway Vision Care wants you to get Oakley High Definition Optics® (HDO®) sunglasses and help Juniors in
Boating at Mission Bay Yacht Club. Poway Vision Care will give you a 20% discount on Oakley sunglasses,
prescription or non-prescription if you make a minimum donation of $25.00 to Juniors in Boating at Mission Bay
Yacht Club. We hope you think this is a win-win!
For your convenience, you don’t have to come to our Poway office to choose, order or receive your Oakley
sunglasses. You can shop on line at, or try on Oakley sunglasses at any convenient location.
Make a donation then call Poway Vision Care at 858-486-7609 to place an order. We’ll deliver them to Mission
Bay Yacht Club for free or ship them to your home for a nominal fee.
Get Oakley High Definition Optics® (HDO®) and help Juniors in Boating at Mission Bay Yacht Club.
See you on the water!
David Bloomberg,O.D.
Poway Vision Care
13035 Pomerado Road Suite C
Poway, Ca 92064
Office 858-486-7609
Mainstay / July 2012
Mainstay / July 2012
Mainstay / July 2012
ABYC Memorial Day Account
By Jason Moore
My most memorable event from the Memorial Day regatta
at ABYC is in two parts. First, I should have followed my basic
instinct to sail away from potential trouble, but the breeze was on
and I was trying to minimize tacks because the risk of a blown
tack or capsize increases with the wind strength on the F18. We
rounded the leeward mark in good position and had a clear shot
to lay the finish with one tack-except for a Laser on the same
board out ahead of us in a lower lane. I thought it was clear
with my crew that if the Laser tacked we would have to go even
though we were just short of our layline. Sure enough, the Laser
tacks onto starboard without even a glance over his shoulder, I
call for our tack, go off the wire onto the boat and come about.
My crew never saw it coming and was acting as a sea anchor on
the (now) leeward wire. Over we went, and out the back of the
fleet. We righted the boat and finished the race, but we were now
wet and cold from our unexpected swim. The last race of the
day started, but we were spent and headed into the harbor to get
an early start on the break down for the trailer home. Just short
of the harbor entrance the second, arguably more memorable
event happened when a big puff came swirling around the ABYC
clubhouse and capsized us again before I could even touch the
main sheet, which was already pretty loose. As I hit the water I
heard a loud crack and tearing sound (not good!) that turned out
to be my crew going through the window of the main sail. We
have been in a lot of crashes over the years, but have never gone
through a sail before. My crew swam back out of the hole in the
main and we righted the boat in record time. The worst part
of the whole thing was it happened right in front of the ABYC,
so we ended up getting a standing ovation for our performance.
The best part was while we were putting the boat on the trailer a
wide eyed young Optimist sailor came up to me and asked if we
were the boat that capsized. When I sheepishly answered yes, he
exclaimed “that was SO COOL!” I tried to explain that we try
not to flip the boat, that it is not fast or good sailing, and then
realized that he was just as impressed as I was when I saw the
video of pro sailor Russell Coutts going through the wing sail
on his AC45 in a capsize last summer. I guess the lesson learned
is stay out of trouble in the first place, but if you are going over
anyway do it in style.
Thistle Patch
By Scott Dalin
With the summer sailing season in full swing, Thistle Nationals is just around the corner! Our fleet has seen some great
racing in the past couple of months and is looking forward to
getting even more boats on the line. As excited as we are about
hosting these upcoming regattas, teams from around the country
are itching to start packing up their boats and heading to San Diego. It’s not very often that Nationals come to us, so it is extremely important to take advantage of every practice opportunity we
get. Even if you are not planning on sailing Nationals, put your
boat in the water and come join in on the fun!
There is a lot of work that goes into running a great regatta
such as Nationals. I want to give a huge thank you Cesar and his
outstanding team for all of their hard work so far. Some of the
best Thistle Nationals that I have been to in the past ten years
have all started with a seamless registration and measurement
process. Please lend a hand and join our team so we can get
these boats in the water! I am certain that this will be an amazing
week for everyone in attendance, so lets do everything we can to
welcome each and every Thistle team to our wonderful club. See
you on the water!
Lido Lines
By Kathy Dryden
On the weekend of May 19th and 20th your MBYC Lido Fleet
7 hosted the Pete Jefferson Invitational in honor of our friend and
sailing legend, Pete Jefferson. We had 12 boats participate; Six
from our local Fleet 7; Stu Robertson(photo below right), Kent
Foster and Pam Fairley, Grant and Barbara Williams, Roger Patterson and Kathy Dryden, Roger and Anne Hinton and Nigel and
Derrick Wood. Six teams from out of town joined us as well as
a special MBYC guest, Keith Nuthall and wife Mona who were
back enjoying the Lido after nearly 20 years of going astray. Welcome Back!
We had a great regatta with perfect wind and weather all
around. A Saturday evening BBQ, thanks to Kent Foster and Pam
Fairley was a huge success and we all enjoyed visiting with our
sailing friends from close and far. In usual fashion, the members
of Fleet 7 prepared a chili cookoff for the racers Sunday afternoon.
Coming up, the Lido Fleet will be hosting the Juniors and
their families on July 19th for TNT. We would love as many Juniors and their families as would like to join us sailing and for
an after sailing BBQ hosted by the Lido Fleet. Please contact the
Junior Coordinator, Gene Ratliffe or Kathy Dryden, if your family
is interested in joining us.
FRIDAY MORNING~Yes it was cold and windy, but that beautiful
boat got christened anyway. Its name is Tigger. There was Champagne
and muffins. Neptune gave an eloquent invocation. You should have
been there! (And no, nobody went sailing.) So add John Hildebrand to
the Senior Sabot email list.
Mainstay / July 2012
Point Lomastand Cathedral
Catholic place 1 and 3rd in Team
Racing Championship
The Baker team racing national championship was held over
Memorial Day weekend at the MIT boathouse on the Charles
River in Boston, MA.
Due to predicted poor winds for Sunday, the race committee
chose to run races while the wind lasted on Saturday and succeeded in completing over 100 races in the one day.
After the first round robin, Point Loma and Tabor Academy
were tied at 10-1, followed by Antilles HS at 8-3 and Cathedral
Catholic at 7-4. The 12 competing teams were then divided into
the Gold, Silver and Bronze fleets.
There were some exciting battles on the water and on the
water judging to keep everyone in line. Point Loma dominated
the Gold championship, winning 5 of 6 races and had a very exciting last race against Tabor, who unbeknownst to everyone, lost
a protest against Antilles just before the last race, but the judges
chose not to announce the result.
Everyone was on their feet to watch the last race between
PL and Tabor, as just feet from the finish boat, PL managed to
pull off a 1-3-6 combo to win. Tabor had 2 wins in the end, with
Cathedral winning 4 races to place 3rd and Antilles came in 4th.
Newport Harbor HS, the 3rd school from our PCISA district, came in 9th.
Kyle Sutter, Trevor Hecht, Olin Paine, Rebecca McElvain, Matt
Hecht, Scott Sinks, Johannes McElvain, Jake Reynolds, Maddy Brownsea.
Olin Paine, Jake Reynolds and Scott Sinks were the skippers for Pt. Loma
and Olin has the distinction of winning every high school championship
he has skippered in.
Junior sailors prepare to participate in the Luff In the first
week of June. There were fleets of 420s, FJs and 29ers out on the
course. Thanks to PRO Ken Wild and his dedicated parent volunteers, it was a great weekend of Junior sailing.
Mainstay / July 2012
Junior Coordinator
By Gene Ratliffe
It is the time of year when the junior program is focused on
all the details of the summer classes. The recent June gloom has
not infected enthusiasm and sign up numbers have been great.
We are really excited about the enhancements made to the 2012
sessions which include a new adventure sailing course, new all
day racing modules for each fleet, and an exciting guest speaker
program. Chris, Jimmer and team worked hard to get the fleet
ready and the summer staff trained for all the fun. You'll recognize a lot of our summer staff as they are MBYC junior program
alumni. Take a look at the staff listing and bios by going to our
web page or our bulletin board in the main clubhouse.
MBYC hosted the SDAYC Luff In event the first weekend of
June. Ken Wild was the PRO and with the help of a host of parent
volunteers we ran a great regatta. On Saturday, 420, FJ, and 29er
classes took over the bay. Decent breeze and a brief appearance
of the sun allowed six races to be run without a hitch. MBYC
sailors did well and we had five teams in FJ, one team in 29er and
two teams in the 420 divisions. On Sunday, the sunshine was
hiding but the winds were good and the RC got six races off for
the Sabots and Laser Radials. In the Sabot class, MBYC sailors
dominated all divisions. C2 and C3 divisions had their own race
course run in Chicken Cove with Start and Finish managed in the
tower by James Perry.
May was a busy month for our junior sailors too. On May
12th a group made the short trip to Coronado to sail in the annual Joe Sabot Regatta at CYC. For Memorial Day weekend several
Sabot sailors and one laser sailor made the trip to ABYC for their
Memorial Day regatta. For Sabots, the ABYC event represented
an opportunity to practice at the 2012 Junior Nationals venue and
Mother Nature delivered summertime wind conditions.
Looking ahead, July is packed full of great events! A team has
been selected to represent MBYC for the Dick Sweet Team Race
Series and practice is set to begin right away. Also, the Hoffman
brothers are assembling a team for the Governor’s Cup. Finally,
parents and kids alike are already making plans for the Dutch
MBYC Junior summer coaches and instructors Jimmer Montgomery, Reece Bernett, Matt Hecht, Chris Wright, Alex Ranum, Scott Hoffmann, Olin Paine, Tyler Caroe, Ryan Hopps, Director Gene Ratliffe,
Alexis Tarakjian, Lauren White, Jenny Lyons. Thesy work very hard
to put on a great summer sailing program for the juniors at the club.
Senior Sabot Nationals 2012- A Bird’s Eye View
Perched high--atop a boat named "Helena Troy" in the Capri 22 row, I observed all the SABOT NATIONAL goings-on. I used to
reside on a big power boat called "Thriller" but when the dock burned, I left my nest and moved up here. After all, what's a seagull
to do? Since being here, at Mission Bay Yacht Club, I've learned a thing or two, but the Nationals were something I knew very little
about. So let me tell you what I saw:
Friday Sabots began to arrive from yacht clubs all over Southern California. They arrived on car-top carriers, in the back of
trucks, on trailers for one, two, three, four, six, and I even saw a trailer for nine. Wow! These sabots, all 8 feet of each and every one
needed to be weighed and measured before they could compete. I could see from my lofty vantage point on Jill Hallett's (INSA sec./
treas.) roster that 44 sabot sailors had already signed up. And, perhaps, there would be more to come. Families were competing in
multiples as evidenced by last name repetition. Part of registration were several mandatory check points to be completed by each
participant. A whole assembly line of stations ensued including Equipment Check, Sail Check, Leeboard (4") Rule, Boat Weight,
Mast & Boom, Rudder & Leeboard and Skipper Weigh-In.
It would seem, in a Sabot, which is the smallest of boats at the club proportionate smaller stature and lighter weight would be an
advantage. But no, always "UP" for a challenge, there is a class called "Clydesdale" and the requisite poundage is 200 and above. The
other classes are designated by age: Seniors (19 to 39), Masters (40 to 64), Grand Masters (65 and beyond) Some mighty competent
sailors were well beyond this Grand Master benchmark. To tell you the truth, though, I didn't see anybody checking IDs. It seems to
me a lot of license was taken as to which class some wanted to compete with or NOT!
One thing was for darn sure on Saturday, there was a heck of a lot of wind. Fifteen mph steady and gusting over 20. As one
Sabot sailor said, "It was blowing dogs off of chains." All went out, but some judiciously chose NOT to sail all races. There were seven
capsizes that first day. One optimistic soul---three times! But a few got right back in the race and still managed to beat some boats.
Even some of the "old pro's" (with gold shoes on their sails) suffered equipment damage which foiled chances to score as high.
An extra chase boat might have been a help. All in all, I'd say, a harrowing experience (or is that "hero-ing"?) considering the size
of boat and the amount of freeboard. At the end of Saturday, our very own Anne Hinton was tied in points with Geves Kenny from
SDYC for first. Way to go the distance! The Grand Master Class always sails one of the two days. Trophies were presented on the
deck with snacks for all and a no-host bar that very evening.
Sunday arrived with less wind and more sunshine- Hallelujiah! But, one could still hear those halyards clanging against the
masts in the boat yard. The day promised to be, at least a bit, more pleasant. The remaining three classes only managed to get three
races in and that was plenty. Although the wind wasn't as strong as the day before, it was shifty. Some, if not all, skippers were tired
from waiting around for starts. With that amount of wind and that size boat, survival sailing kicks into high gear. Going to and fro,
back and forth, up and down, side to side, wig and wag, until your class was on the start line--well you can well imagine---it zaps
your stamina--much like riding an unruly horse. Not to mention there were postponements, I-Flags and Recalls that all added to the
drama. To say it was a dry sail or a mild day would have been a bald-faced lie. But chili, hot soup, salad, cookies, and libations at the
day's end were a welcome comfort. Personal stories were exchanged and glad tidings offered on the deck afterwards to those who
trophied. Boats were loaded back onto cars, truck and trailers. And our intrepid little sailors headed back to their respective yacht
clubs both near and far: ABYC, SDYC, BYC, BCYC, DPYC, SSC, SBSC, NHYC.
Next year another club will host this event but Selby Winkler (Sabot Fleet Capt.) and Jim Hecht (PRO) and crew did a splendid
job this year for MBYC. Thank You---and now a gull needs to get back to what a gull likes to do. Oh winners, you ask? Check the
MBYC Website.
There were a whole lot of boats out on Mission Bay for the Senior Sabot Nationals
Mainstay / July 2012
FAX: (619)523-8165
Transmission and Auto Repair by People Who Care
Gravatt Boat Works
New/Used Lightning Sailboats
Owner: Dan Gravatt
[email protected]
Synthetic Teak
Teak & Holly Vinyl
Slate & Stone Vinyl
PVC Marine Carpet
Hybrid Natural Decking
Custom Carpets
Area Rugs
Hardwood Vinyl
Sound Proofing
Non-skid Surface
Bridge Anyone?
We meet Wednesdays at 9:00am
Call Billie Hame for Information
For information on sponsoring your Mainstay, contact the editor at (619)992-4199 or email [email protected]
Mainstay / July 2012
Mainstay / July 2012
Mission Bay Yacht Club
1215 El Carmel Place
San Diego, CA 92109
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 26
San Diego, CA
The Mainstay is on the Web at
Photo by Edna Johnson
There were many different boats rounding the mark during the All Girls Sail Jam last month. The ladies
were quite competitive with each other out on the course. If you missed all the fun this year, be sure to take
part next year.