Ordinance 2013-34_6 Month Zoning Map Review 12-12-2013
Ordinance 2013-34_6 Month Zoning Map Review 12-12-2013
Ordinance # 2013 -34 Brownsburg, Indiana 2014 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF BROWNSBURG UPON THE COMPLETION OF THE 6 MONTH REVIEW OF THE ZONING MAP RTF REALTY, BROWNSBURG BUSINESS PARK, REX & KATHLEEN GIVAN, BBV INVESTMENTS, LLP, DEANNA WHETSTONE, AND SCHUMACHER MOTORSPORTS) WHEREAS, The Advisory Plan Commission for the Town of Brownsburg ( "Commission ") and committed to completing a 6 month review of the Zoning Map that became Town Council ( "Council ") effective February 1, 2013; to allow property owners an additional opportunity to request a Zoning Classification other than what was proposed within Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map update process of 2012. WHEREAS, RTF Realty, owner of approximately 3. 24 acres of real estate at 721 & 757 N. Green Street, in the Town of Brownsburg, Lincoln Township, Hendricks County, Indiana, Parcel Numbers 32 -0702- 385 -001. 000 -016 & 32- 07 -02- 385 -015. 000 -016 ( "RTF Realty Property') which real estate is more particularly described on Exhibit " A" and generally depicted on Exhibit " B ", has filed a request with the Town to amend the zoning of said real estate to High Intensity General Commercial ( C2) District; and WHEREAS, the Commission has considered said Zoning Map Amendment for the RTF Realty Property at a public meeting, on November 20, 2013 and by a vote of its members has made a FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION that the zoning on the above -described Property be amended, subject to and conditioned upon the following: 1. That the following commitments be executed by the owner on the Town' s standard written commitment form, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, and the same be binding upon the owner and all subsequent owners of the real estate subject to this application: a. That the property owner be willing to either grant an easement, donate or sell property to the Town of Brownsburg, pursuant to an appraisal, that is sufficient in area along North Green Street, to implement the 2008 Greenways Master Plan, which recommends a 12' Urban Trail in this area, at the time there is a trail project proposed by the Town of Brownsburg and /or at the time a trail is extended to the north or south property line of the property. WHEREAS, Brownsburg Business Park, owner of approximately 3. 92 acres of real estate located north of E. 56th Street, south of Patrick Place and west of E. Northfield Drive, in the Town of Brownsburg, Lincoln Township, Hendricks County, Indiana, Parcel Numbers 32- 07 -02- 456- 001. 000 -016 & 32- 07 -02400- 018. 000 -016 ( " Brownsburg Business Park Property ") which real estate is more particularly described on Exhibit " C" and generally depicted on Exhibit " D ", has filed a request with the Town to amend the zoning of said real estate to Moderate Intensity General Commercial ( Cl) District; and Page 1 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued WHEREAS, the Commission has considered said Zoning Map Amendment for the Brownsburg Business Park Property at a public meeting, on November 20, 2013 and by a vote of its members has made a FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION that the zoning on the above -described Property be amended. WHEREAS, Rex & Kathleen Givan, owners of approximately 4. 07 acres of real estate at 7850 E. County Road 600 N, in the Town of Brownsburg, Lincoln Township, Hendricks County, Indiana, Parcel Number 32- 07 -02- 400 -017. 000 -016 ( "Givan Property') which real estate is more particularly described on Exhibit " E" and generally depicted on Exhibit " F ", has filed a request with the Town to amend the zoning of said real estate to High Intensity General Commercial ( C2) District; and WHEREAS, the Commission has considered said Zoning Map Amendment for the Givan Property at a public meeting, on November 20, 2013 and by a vote of its members has made a FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION that the zoning on the above -described Property be amended, subject to and conditioned upon the following: 1. That the subject property be zoned Moderate Intensity General Commercial ( Cl) not High Intensity General Commercial ( C2). That the following commitment( s) be executed by the owner on the Town' s standard written commitment form, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, and the same be binding upon the owner and all subsequent owners of real estate subject to this request: That the property owner be willing to either grant an easement, donate or sell property 56th to the Town of Brownsburg, pursuant to an appraisal, that is sufficient in area along Street, to implement the 2008 Greenways Master Plan, which recommends a 12' Urban Trail in this area, at the time there is a trail project proposed by the Town of Brownsburg and / or at the time a trail is extended to the east or west property line of the property. WHEREAS, BBV Investments, LLP, owner of approximately 1. 74 acres of real estate at 680 E. 56th Street, in the Town of Brownsburg, Lincoln Township, Hendricks County, Indiana, Parcel Number 32- 07 -02- 476 -002. 000 -016 ( "BBV Investments Property ") which real estate is more particularly described on Exhibit " G" and generally depicted on Exhibit " H ", has filed a request with the Town to amend the zoning of said real estate to High Intensity General Commercial ( C2) District; and WHEREAS, the Commission has considered said Zoning Map Amendment for the " BBV Investments, LLP Property" at a public meeting, on November 20, 2013 & November 25, 2013 and by a vote of its members has made a FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION that the zoning on the above described Property be amended, subject to and conditioned upon the following: 1. That the subject property be zoned Moderate Intensity General Commercial ( Cl) not High Intensity General Commercial ( C2). Page 2 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued 2. That the following commitment( s) be executed by the owner on the Town' s standard written commitment form, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, and the same be binding upon the owner and all subsequent owners of real estate subject to this request: a. That the property owner be willing to either grant an easement, donate or sell property to the Town of Brownsburg, pursuant to an appraisal, that is sufficient in area along 56th Street, to implement the 2008 Greenways Master Plan, which recommends a 12' Urban Trail in this area, at the time there is a trail project proposed by the Town of Brownsburg and / or at the time a trail is extended to the east or west property line of the property. WHEREAS, Deanna Whetstone, owner of approximately 0. 30 acres of real estate at 47 West Main Street, in the Town of Brownsburg, Lincoln Township, Hendricks County, Indiana, Parcel Number 32- 07 -11- 305 -003. 000 -016 ( "Whetstone Property') which real estate is more particularly described on Exhibit " I" and generally depicted on Exhibit " J ", has filed a request with the Town to amend the zoning of said real estate to Traditional Residential ( TR) District; and WHEREAS, the Commission has considered said Zoning Map Amendment for the Whetstone Property at a public meeting, on November 20, 2013 and by a vote of its members has made a FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION that the zoning on the above -described Property be amended, subject to and conditioned upon the following: That the following commitment( s) be executed by the owner on the Town' s standard written commitment form, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, and the same be binding upon the owner and all subsequent owners of real estate subject to this request: That the property owner be willing to either grant an easement, donate or sell property to the Town of Brownsburg, pursuant to an appraisal, that is sufficient in area along West Main Street, to implement the 2008 Greenways Master Plan, which recommends a 12' Urban Trail in this area, at the time there is a trail project proposed by the Town of Brownsburg and /or at the time a trail is extended to the east or west property line of the property. WHEREAS, Schumacher Motorsports, owner of approximately 15. 52 acres of real estate at 1681 E. Northfield Drive, in the Town of Brownsburg, Lincoln Township, Hendricks County, Indiana, Parcel Number 32- 07 -13- 251 -001. 000 -016 ( "Schumacher Motorsports Property') which real estate is more particularly described on Exhibit " K" and generally depicted on Exhibit " L ", has filed a request with the Town to amend the zoning of said real estate to Low Intensity Industrial ( 11) District; and WHEREAS, the Commission has considered said Zoning Map Amendment for the Schumacher Motorsports Property at a public meeting, on November 20, 2013and by a vote of its members has Page 3 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued made a FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION that the zoning on the above -described Property be amended, subject to and conditioned upon the following: 1. That any future development on -site be subject to characteristics and architecture that is compatible with the existing facilities. WHEREAS, the Commission has found that these amendment does not adversely affect the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Brownsburg but rather satisfies the current standards, and has been favorably recommended by the Commission to the Town Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council as follows: 1. The zoning on the RTF Realty Property, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, shall be amended to the High Intensity General Commercial ( C2) District, subject to and conditioned upon the following: a. That the following commitments be executed by the owner on the Town' s standard written commitment form, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, and the same be binding upon the owner and all subsequent owners of the real estate subject to this application: i. That the property owner be willing to either grant an easement, donate or sell property to the Town of Brownsburg, pursuant to an appraisal, that is sufficient in area along North Green Street, to implement the 2008 Greenways Master Plan, which recommends a 12' Urban Trail in this area, at the time there is a trail project proposed by the Town of Brownsburg and / or at the time a trail is extended to the north or south property line of the property. 2. The zoning on the Brownsburg Business Park Property, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, shall be amended to the Moderate Intensity General Commercial ( Cl) District; and The zoning on the Givan Property, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, shall be amended to the Moderate Intensity General Commercial ( Cl) District, subject to and conditioned upon the following: That the subject property be zoned Moderate Intensity General Commercial ( Cl) not High Intensity General Commercial ( C2). b. That the following commitment( s) be executed by the owner on the Town' s standard written commitment form, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, and the same be binding upon the owner and all subsequent owners of real estate subject to this request: i. That the property owner be willing to either grant an easement, donate or sell property to the Town of Brownsburg, pursuant to an appraisal, that is sufficient in area along 56th Street, to implement the 2008 Greenways Master Plan, which Page 4 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued recommends a 12' Urban Trail in this area, at the time there is a trail project proposed by the Town of Brownsburg and /or at the time a trail is extended to the east or west property line of the property. 4. The zoning on the BBV Investments Property, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, shall be amended to the Moderate Intensity General Commercial ( Cl) District, subject to and conditioned upon the following: a. That the subject property be zoned Moderate Intensity General Commercial ( Cl) not High Intensity General Commercial ( C2). That the following commitment( s) be executed by the owner on the Town' s standard written commitment form, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, and the same be binding upon the owner and all subsequent owners of real estate subject to this request: That the property owner be willing to either grant an easement, donate or sell property to the Town of Brownsburg, pursuant to an appraisal, that is sufficient in area along 56th Street, to implement the 2008 Greenways Master Plan, which recommends a 12' Urban Trail in this area, at the time there is a trail project proposed by the Town of Brownsburg and /or at the time a trail is extended to the east or west property line of the property. 5. The zoning on the Whetstone Property, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, shall be amended to the Traditional Residential ( TR) District, subject to and conditioned upon the following: a. That the following commitment( s) be executed by the owner on the Town' s standard written commitment form, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, and the same be binding upon the owner and all subsequent owners of real estate subject to this request: i. That the property owner be willing to either grant an easement, donate or sell property to the Town of Brownsburg, pursuant to an appraisal, that is sufficient in area along West Main Street, to implement the 2008 Greenways Master Plan, which recommends a 12' Urban Trail in this area, at the time there is a trail project proposed by the Town of Brownsburg and / or at the time a trail is extended to the east or west property line of the property. 6. The zoning on the Schumacher Motorsports Property, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, shall be amended to the Low Intensity Industrial ( 11) District, subject to and conditioned upon the following: That any future development on -site be subject to characteristics and architecture that is compatible with the existing facilities. 7. That the commitments identified above be executed by the owner on the Town' s standard written commitment form, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, and Page 5 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued the same be binding upon the owner and all subsequent owners of the real estate subject to this petition. PASSED by the Town Council of the Town of Brownsburg, Indiana, this ayes, and (_) by a vote of (_) day of nayes. TOWN OF BROWNSBURG HENDRICKS COUNTY, INDIANA 0 Gary Hood, President ATTESTED BY: Jeanette Brickler, Clerk- Treasurer This instrument was prepared by Todd A. Barker, AICP, Town of Brownsburg, 61 North Green Street, Brownsburg, Indiana. I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each Social Security Number in this document, unless required by law (Jonathan K. Blake). Page 6 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued EXHIBIT `A' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel Owner: R. T.F. Realty Company Parcel (s): 32- 07 -02- 385 -001. 000 -016 32- 07 -02- 385 -015. 000 -016 Reference: DB 220 / PG 469 -470 A part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 16 North, Range 1 East, bounded as follows, to -wit: Beginning 14 chains and 87 links North of the Southeast corner of said quarter -quarter, and running thence North 89 degrees West 7 chains and 43 links to the center of the Brownsburg and Lebanon Public Highway; thence Northeast along the center of said highway to the North line of said quarter -quarter; thence East on said line to the Northeast corner thereof; thence South on the East line of said quarter -quarter to the place of beginning, estimated to contain 4 acres more or less. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: From a point on the east line of said quarter -quarter section 981. 42 feet north of the southeast corner thereof; run thence west 243. 00 feet for a place of beginning: From said beginning point, thence continue West 243. 77 feet to a point on the centerline of State Road # 267, said point being 404.88 feet measured southwesterly along said centerline from the intersection of the North line of said quarter -quarter section and said centerline; thence right 114 degrees 29 minutes measure northeasterly and along said centerline 140 feet; thence deflecting right 65 degrees 31 minutes measure easterly 184. 62 feet; thence southerly, parallel to the east line of said Section 127. 43 feet to the place of beginning, containing 0. 63 acres, more or less, and containing in the tract herein described 3. 37 acres, more or less, subject, however, to all legal highways, rights -of -way and easements of records. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Part of the Southwest quarter of Section 2, Township 16 North, Range 1 East of the Second Principal Meridian in Indiana, said part being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a stone at the Southeast corner of said Quarter Section; thence North on and along the east line of said Quarter Section 975. 00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 00 minutes West 208. 11 feet to the beginning point of this description; thence continuing North 89 degrees 00 minutes West 34. 89 feet; thence North 00 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds East 127. 43 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes East 53. 91 feet; thence South 08 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds West 128. 66 feet to the beginning point of this description. Containing in all 0. 13 acres, more or less subject to all legal highways, rights -of -way and easements of record. Containing exclusive of said exceptions 3. 24 acres, more or less. Page 7 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued EXHIBIT' B' GENERAL DEPICTION Page 8 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued EXHIBIT' D' GENERAL DEPICTION Page 10 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued EXHIBIT ' E' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel Owner: Rex Givan & Kathleen W. Givan Parcel (s): 32- 07 -02- 400 -017.000 -016 Reference: DB 309 / PG 208 -209 An undivided one -half (1/ 2) interest in and to the following: Being a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Township 16 North, Range 1 East of the Second Principal Meridian, Hendricks County, Indiana, and beginning at a point on the South line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, said point being 613. 79 feet South 88 degrees 33 minutes 38 seconds West of the Southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2; thence bearing South 88 degrees 33 minutes 38 seconds West and running on and along the South line of said Southeast Quarter for a distance of 287. 57 feet to a point; thence bearing North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East ( Assumed bearing for the purpose of this survey) and running parallel to the East line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2 for a distance of 614.07 feet to a point; thence bearing North 87 degrees 35 minutes 48 seconds East for a distance of 287. 73 feet to a point; thence bearing South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West for a distance of 618.92 feet to the point of beginning. The above described tract contains 4. 07 acres, more or less, and is subject to all easements and rights -of -way of record. Excepting and reserving therefrom and for the benefit of Patrick J. Wynne, Jr. and Ann L. Wynne a right -of -way easement for the purposes of ingress and egress across and upon the real property described above. Subject to all highways, easements, mortgages, liens, encumbrances, and agreements of record and all taxes and assessments. Page 11 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued EXHIBIT ` F' GENERAL DEPICTION Page 12 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued EXHIBIT' G' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel Owner: BBV Investments, L. L. P. Parcel (s): 32- 07 -02- 476 -002. 000 -016 Reference: Inst. No. 200333952 Lot Numbered Fifteen ( 15) in Brownsburg Business Park, Section 10, an addition to the Town of Brownsburg, Hendricks County, Indiana as per plat thereof recorded September 9, 2000 in Plat Cabinet 3, Slide 139, Page 2, in the office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, Indiana. Page 13 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued EXHIBIT' H' GENERAL DEPICTION Page 14 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued EXHIBIT' I' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel Owner: Deanna M. Whetstone Parcel (s): 32- 07 -11- 305 -003. 000 -016 Reference: Inst. No. 200124455 A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 16 North, Range 1 East, Hendricks County, Indiana, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of the Indianapolis and Crawfordsville State Road, which point is 256 and 3 inches west with the bearing of said road, from the northwest corner of Lot 1, in Block 4 in the Original Plat of the Town of Brownsburg; thence West along the south line of said road 50 feet; thence South with the bearing of said town 220 feet; thence East with the bearing of the alley on the south line of said Original Plat 50 feet; thence North with bearing of said town to the point of beginning. Subject to all highways, rights -of -way and easements. Page 15 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013- 34 continued EXHIBIT T GENERAL DEPICTION Page 16 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued EXHIBIT ` K' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel Owner: Schumacher Motorsports, Inc. Parcel (s): 32- 07 -13- 251 -001. 000 -016 Reference: Inst. No. 200429188 Lot Numbered Three ( 3) in Lot # 2 & # 3 — Park 1001, an addition to the Town of Brownsburg, Hendricks County, Indiana as per plat thereof recorded September 16, 2004 in Plat Cabinet 5, Slide 193, Page 1ABC, in the office of the Recorder of Hendricks County, Indiana. Page 17 of 18 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 -34 continued EXHIBIT ` L' GENERAL DEPICTION Page 18 of 18