Caillon et al full Methods
Caillon et al full Methods
The angiotensin II type 2 receptor activates flow-mediated outward remodeling through T cells-dependent interleukin-17 production Antoine Caillon, Céline Grenier, Linda Grimaud, Emilie Vessieres, Anne-Laure Guihot, Simon Blanchard, Eric Lelievre, Marie Chabbert, Etienne D Foucher, Pascale Jeannin, Céline Beauvillain, Pierre Abraham, Laurent Loufrani, Yves Delneste , Daniel Henrion. Detailed Material and methods 1 1. Animal protocols Three-month-old mice (Charles River, L’Arbresles, France) were submitted to diverse surgical procedures in order to increase blood flow. The investigation was performed in agreement with the guidelines from Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (authorization of the laboratory # 00577). The protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC): Committee on the Ethics of Animal Experiments of “Pays de la Loire” (CEEA, permits # CEEA PdL 2012.118 and 2012.141). 1.1 Chronic increase in blood flow in the mesenteric artery. Three consecutive first-order arteries, equivalent in size were used. Ligatures were applied to 4 second-order arterial branches, as shown below. The artery located between the two ligated arteries was designed as high flow (HF) artery. This artery had then to supply blood to the surrounding tissues initially irrigated by the ligated vessels thank to the presence of an arcading artery. Arteries located at distance of the ligated arteries were used as controls (normal flow, NF) 1; location of the ligations is shown below: 2 1.2 Skin-flap procedures Skin ischemia model consists in a U-shaped peninsular skin incision on the dorsal surface of the mouse 2. In brief, the skin flap was elevated dorsally from the underlying muscular bed and immediately resutured. The vascular remodeling was evaluated to compare the right and left vascular pedicles arising from the lateral thoracic arteries at day 0 and day 21 with the ImageJ software (NIH) (see scheme below). 1.3. Anesthesia and analgesia In each protocol, animals were anesthetized with isoflurane (2.5%) and treated with buprenorphine (Temgesic®, 0.1 mg/kg, s.c.) before and after surgery. They were housed in a thermoregulated pre-warmed, humidified incubator allowing mouse surveillance. 2. Experimental groups: a- Untreated mice (named wild type, WT): Swiss mice (control for the Nude mice) and FVBN mice (WT littermate control for the AT2Ry/- mice). b- Wistar rats treated were treated or not with the AT2R blocker PD123319 (30 mg/kg per day, solvent H2O) using ALZET osmotic minipumps, as previously described 3, 4. After one week, they were submitted to surgery, as described above, in order to increase blood flow in one mesenteric artery. 3 c- WT (FVB/N) mice treated daily with an anti-mouse CD3ε monoclonal antibody (mAb) (150 µg clone 145-2C11. BioXcell, West Lebanon, NH) IP injection at day 0, 1, 3 and 6). d- WT (FVB/N) mice treated at day 0 and 4 after ligation with 200 µg (IP injection) of the following antibodies (BioXcell): - Mouse IgG1, - Mouse anti–mouse IL-17A Ab (clone 17F3). e- Nude mice Crl:NU(Ico)-Foxn1nu (from Charles River; Swiss background) treated or not with IL-17 (5 ng/h, IP, solvent Phosphate Buffered Saline) during one week using Alzet minipump (ALZET osmotic minipumps, ref 1002; Cupertino, CA). IL-17 was purchased from eBioscience (San Diego, CA). f- Male mice lacking the gene encoding for AT2R (AT2Ry/-). Mice were on the FVB/N background 5. g- AT2Ry/- mice treated or not with IL-17 (5 ng/h, 7 days, IP, Alzet osmotic minipump, ref 1002, solvent Phosphate Buffered Saline). h- Mice lacking the gene encoding for IL-17 (IL-17-/-) and their WT littermate control. i- Swiss mice aged 12 months were treated chronically with the AT2R agonist C21 using Alzet osmotic minipumps (0.3 mg/kg per day for 3 consecutive weeks, solvent H2O) or with the vehicle (0.9% NaCl, pH 9). One week after implanting the minipump, surgery was performed in order to change blood flow in one mesenteric artery. 3. Removal of the tissues for analysis: For mice submitted to the ligation of the mesenteric arteries (paragraph 1.1.), the mesentery was quickly removed after CO2 euthanasia and placed in an ice-cold physiological salt solution (PSS) of the following composition (in mmol/L): 135.0, NaCl, 15.0, NaHCO3, 4.6 KCl, 1.5, CaCl2, 1.2, MgSO4, 11.0, glucose, 10.0, N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2ethylsulfonic acid. The PSS was maintained at pH 7.4, PO2 160 mmHg, PCO2 37 mmHg 6. Mesenteric arteries (HF and NF) were gently dissected and divided into two segments, proximal for the functional study and distal for histological and biochemical studies. For analysis of the mechanism segments were collected after 2 days and for measurements of the remodeling segments were collected after one week For mice submitted to the skin flap procedure (paragraph1.2.), animals were anesthetized as described above and vascular remodeling evaluated to compare the right and left vascular pedicles arising from the lateral thoracic arteries at day 0 and day 21 using ImageJ software (NIH) (see the scheme above in 2.1.3). 4 4. Pressure-diameter relationship in mesenteric arteries in vitro Arterial segments collected after one week were cannulated at both ends and mounted in a video monitored perfusion system (Living System, LSI, Burlington, VT) as previously described 7. Two glass cannulae were used to cannulate a 2-3 mm long arterial segment. Arterial segments were bathed in a 5 ml organ bath containing a Ca2+-free PSS containing ethylene-bis-(oxyethylenenitrolo) tetra-acetic acid (EGTA, 2 mmol/L) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 10 µmol/L). Pressure steps (10 to 125 mmHg) were then performed in order to determine passive arterial diameter. Pressure and diameter measurements were collected continuously using a Biopac data acquisition system (Biopac MP100 and Acqknowledge® software; La Jolla, CA) 1. Glass micropipette artery 5. Quantitative Real-time PCR The levels of mRNA encoding selected proteins (see Table 1) in HF mesenteric arteries from wild type mice and AT2R-/- mice after 2 days of ligation were determined by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reactions (qPCRs), as previously described 8. Mesenteric arteries were dissected in ice-cold physiological salt solution (PSS) and kept in 100 µL RNAlater (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO) at -20°C until RNA extraction using the RNeasy® micro kit (Qiagen, Venlo, The Netherlands). Total RNA (200 ng) extracted from each artery were used to synthesize cDNA for RT-PCR using the QuantiTect® Reverse Transcription kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer instruction. The qPCRs were performed on a Light Cycler 480 (Roche Life Science) using Power SYBR® Green PCR Master Mix (Applied Biosystems, Illkirch, France). Gene-specific primers were designed using Primer3 online software and validated by testing PCR efficiency. 5 Table 1. List of the genes analyzed and primers used NCBI Reference Gene Protein Sequence forward sequence (5'-3') reverse sequence (5'-3' agtr1a AT1R (a) NM_177322.3 actcacagcaaccctccaag ctcagacactgttcaaaatgcac agtr1b AT1R (b) NM_175086.3 gtgacatgatcccctgacagt agtgagtgaactgtctagctaaatgc agtrap ATRAP NM_009642.4 acatgcaccgtgaacgag tgatgagtcaattgtctggtagg bdkrb1 Bradykinin b1 R NM_007539.2 ccggtattgcccagtagga cttggctcaatgctgtttca bdkrb2 Bradykinin b2 R NM_009747.2 cggctcgcttgagaaaag accgacagaaacccgagtag cav1 caveolin1 NM_007616.2 aacgacgacgtggtcaaga cacagtgaaggtggtgaagc esr1 ER alpha MN_007956.4 gctcctaacttgctcctggac cagcaacatgtcaaagatctcc gapdh GAPDH NM_008084.2 ccggggctggcattgctctc ggggtgggtggtccagggtt gusb GUSB NM_010368.1 ctctggtggccttacctgat cagttgttgtcaccttcacctc hprt ter HPRT NM_013556.2 tgatagatccattcctatgactgtaga aagacattctttccagttaaagttgag ICAM icam1 NM_010493.2 gctaccatcaccgtgtattcg aggtccttgcctacttgctg IFN-γ R1 ifngr1 NM_010511.2 tcaaaagagttccttatgtgccta tacgaggacggagagctgtt IFN- γ R2 ifngr2 NM_008338.3 tcaaaagagttccttatgtgccta tacgaggacggagagctgtt il17ra IL17a R NM_008359.2 tgggatctgtcatcgtgct atcaccatgtttctcttgatcg il17rc IL17c R NM_134159.4 tactttaaaccacacagacctggtt ggctctagcgaccacacct il23r IL23 R NM_144548.1 ccaagtatattgtgcatgtgaaga agcttgaggcaagatattgttgt itgam CD11b NM_001082960.1 caatagccagcctcagtgc gagcccaggggagaagtg itpr3 IP3 R NM_080553.3 atcttccaggagagcattgg tcaggttgtagaaagacttctgga mmp2 MMP2 NM_008610.2 gtgggacaagaaccagatcac gcatcatccacggtttcag MMP9 mmp9 NM_013599.2 ttctggcacacgcctttc ccatagtaagtggggatcacg mtus1 AtIP NM_001005865.2 tgtgagaagcttcagagcattt ggcggcgtttaagttgtc iNOS nos2 NM_010927.3 ctttgccacggacgagac tcattgtactctgagggctgac nos3 eNOS NM_008713.4 ccagtgccctgcttcatc gcagggcaagttaggatcag parp1 PARP1 NM_007415.2 ctcatgctaccacgcacaac cctcgcgctctatcttgaa sell L-Selectin NM_011346.2 cagtgtggagcatctggaaa aaaggctcacactggaccac thbs1 TSP1 NM_011580.3 ccccaaccttcccaactc gggttgtaatggaatggacag timp1 TIMP1 NM_011593.2 catggaaagcctctgtggat gatgtgcaaatttccgttcc VCAM1 vcam NM_011693.2 tgattgggagagacaaagca aacaaccgaatccccaactt Gene expression was quantified comparative cycle threshold (Ct) method and Hprt, Gapdh and Gusb was used as reference. Differences in gene expression between groups were compared with M.E.V. software. 6. Cell culture and activation of immune cells Immune cells were isolated from lymph nodes and spleen of WT mice by grinding and washed by centrifugation. CD4+ T cells were isolated by positive selection before purification of CD44high CD62low memory T cells and CD44low CD62Lhigh naive T cells by FACS; purity was >99% (data not shown), as assessed by flow cytometry. Naive or memory CD4+ T cells (1×105), cultured in X-VIVO 15 medium (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland), were stimulated with immobilized anti-CD3 mAb (145-2C11) and 1 µg/ml anti-CD28 mAb (eBioscience). Cells were stimulated with Angiotensin II (AngII, 10-8 M), the non-peptidic AT2R agonist C21 (gift of Vicore-Pharma, Sweden, 10-8M) or the 6 petidic AT2R agonist CGP42112 (10-8M, Sigma-Aldrich). IL-6 plus TGFβ (respectively 200 and 2 ng/ml) and IL-23 (200 ng/ml) were used as positive controls to induce IL-17A production by naïve and memory T cells, respectively. In some experiments, cells were stimulated in the presence of 0.1 µM of candesartan (TCV, 10-8M, gift of Astra-Zeneca, Sweden) or PD123319 (10-7M, Sigma-Aldrich). 7. Cytokine quantification IL-17A was quantified by ELISA (eBioscience). 8. Western-blot analysis After an overnight starvation, the mouse endothelial cell MS-1 was cultured without or with IL-17A (10-1000 ng/ml) during 6 h in X-Vivo 15 medium (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland) The mouse brain microvascular endothelial cell MBrMec was cultured with or without IL17A (100 ng/ml) during 6h in Optimem medium. The mouse aorta smooth muscle cell MOVAS was cultured with or without IL-17A (100 ng/ml) during 6h in DMEM medium. Proteins were separated by 10% SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitrocellulose. Membranes were subsequently incubated overnight with the primary antibody before incubation with the appropriate peroxidase-labeled secondary antibody (table shown below) for 1 h. The reaction was visualized by ECL detection according to the manufacturer's instructions (Bio-Rad, Marnes-la-Coquette). Membranes were stripped in 0.1 M glycine, pH 2.8, for 1 h before reblotting. Target Protein eNOS/NOS type III Phospho-eNOS (Ser 1177) β-actin Reference 610297 612392 A5316 Phospho-p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2)(Thr202/Tyr204) 9101 ERK 610031 Phospho-p38 MAPK (Thr180/Tyr182) 9211 p38 MAPK 9212 IKB-β sc-74452 c-Jun sc-45 Phospho-NFκB p65 (Ser 276) sc-101749 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) HRP conjugate Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) HRP conjugate 31460 31430 Provider BD Biosciences BD Biosciences Sigma-Aldrich Cell Signaling Technology BD Biosciences Cell Signaling Technology Cell Signaling Technology Santa Cruz Biotechnology Santa Cruz Biotechnology Santa Cruz Biotechnology Thermoscientific Thermoscientific 9. Effect of IL-17 on arterial contractility and endothelium-dependent relaxation. Segments of mesenteric arteries (2-mm long each) were dissected and mounted in a wire myography (Danish Myo-technology, DMT, Copenhagen, DK) 9. Cumulative concentration-response curves to phenylephrine (0.001 to 10 µmol/L) and acetylcholine (0.01 7 to 10 µmol/L) were performed after one-hour incubation with IL-17A (10 ng/mL) or with the vehicle. Cumulative concentration-response curves to acetylcholine were obtained before and after incubation (20 min) with the NO-synthase inhibitor L-NAME (10 µmol/L). Acetylcholine-dependent relaxation was performed after precontraction of the arteries with phenylephrine and serotonin to 70% of their maximal contractile response 10. 10. Zymogram assay Mouse macrophages (RAW 264.7 cell line), previously starved over-night, were treated or not with IL-17A (100 ng/ml) during 24 h in X-Vivo 15 medium (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland). The mouse brain microvascular endothelial cell MBrMec was cultured with or without IL-17A (10-1000 ng/ml) during 24h in Optimem medium. The mouse aorta smooth muscle cell MOVAS was cultured with or without IL-17A (10-1000 ng/ml) during 24h in DMEM medium. Supernatants were collected to evaluate MMPs activated in zymogram assay 6 8 11. Flow cytometry analysis Arteries with the surrounding perivascular tissue (including mainly fat tissue) were isolated and digested using 450 U/ml collagenase type I and 5 U/ml elastase for 1 h at 37°C, with intermittent agitation. Cell suspensions were then passed through a 100 µm diameter filter before washing by centrifugation (800×g). Cells were fixed with 1% (v:v) PFA. After washing, cells were stained for 25 min at 4°C with anti-CD3, anti-CD45, anti-RORγt, anti-Tbet and antiCD4 monoclonal antibodies (eBioscience) or isotype control monoclonal antibodies. Fluorescence was analyzed on a LSR-II flow cytometer with DIVA software driving (Becton Dickinson Biosiences, Franklin Lakes, NJ). Data were analyzed using the FlowJo software (Tree Star Inc., Ashland, OR). The sorting strategy used is detailed in the following figures: After gating on the SSC and FSC parameter, immune CD45+ cells were isolated among mononuclear cells before sorting CD3+ T cells among CD45+ cells. Contour plots from one representative experiment of five independent experiments are shown below: -../01%21334%56705% 8%21334%56705% !!"#$% !!"#$% $"# &!"#$% "'()#$*"% + %%%%%%%"'()#$*"% !"# "'+#*,% Immune cells (CD45 cells) and T cells (CD3+ cells) were quantified by flow cytometry in the mesenteric fat tissue around the NF and the HF artery. Contour plots from one experiment representative of five independent experiments are shown. 9 ")**#+1% ")234#&56"% ")**#+1% 6"% Flow cytometry sorting of CD44high CD62Llow CD4+ memory T cells and of naive CD44low CD62Lhigh CD4+ naive T cells is shown below (contour plots from one representative experiment of 12 independent experiments are shown): ")234#&56"% 10 12. Confocal imaging Confocal imaging was performed as previously shown 11 on NF and HF arteries with perivascular fat tissue collected after 2 days of ligationand stained with anti-mouse CD45 Antigen PE (eBioscience, Ref 12-4801 Clone BM8 1µg/ml), anti-mouse CD31 (PECAM-1) FITC, (eBioscience, Ref 11-0311 Clone 390 2.5µg/ml), anti-mouse Ly-6G (Gr-1) PE (eBioscience, Ref 12-5931 Clone RB6-8C5 1µg/ml), anti-mouse F4/80 Antigen PE (eBioscience, Ref 12-4801 Clone BM8 1µg/ml) and Dapi, Sigma-Aldrich (Ref D9542 25µg/ml). PE-labeled anti-rabbit IgG antibodies (eBioscience) were used to detect bound rabbit antibodies. 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