Age at onset and genetic risk for Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2
Age at onset and genetic risk for Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2
Rev Cubana Genet Comunit 2008;2(2) 23-28 ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL Age at onset and genetic risk for Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 Edad de inicio y riesgo genético en la Ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2 Luis Enrique Almaguer Mederos,I Milena Paneque Herrera,II Carlos Leyva Proenza,IIIYanetza González Zaldivar,IV Edilberto Martínez Góngora,V Dany Cuello Almarales, VI Luis Velásquez Pérez. VII Abstracts Resumen Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 is a neurodegenerative disorder that reaches the highest worldwide prevalence in Holguín province, Cuba. To obtain probabilistic estimates of the risk of having inherited the disease causing mutation with dependence of the age for at-risk descendants with a priori risk of 50% or 25%. Medical records were reviewed from the 748 affected patients belonging to 101 spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 families. Molecular testing was made by PCR. The mean age at onset was 33 years, and 50% of the patients became symptomatic before being 31 years old. The empiric risk for 7-year-old or younger children remains at 50%, but in the cases of 65 years old or more, the risk decreases up to approximately 0%. There is a progressive decrease in the genetic risk for spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 at-risk descendants as the individual gets older. These data are presented as an aid for genetic counseling of atrisk individuals. La Ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2 (SCA2) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que alcanza las mayores tasas de incidencia y de prevalencia en Holguín, Cuba. Obtener estimados probabilísticos del riesgo dependiente de la edad, de haber heredado la mutación causante de la SCA2. Fueron revisadas las historias clínicas de 748 pacientes afectados pertenecientes a 101 familias con SCA2. El diagnóstico molecular fue realizado por PCR. La edad de inicio promedio fue de 33 años, y el 50% de los pacientes fueron asintomáticos antes de los 31 años de edad. El riesgo empírico fue del 50% para individuos con 7 años de edad o menos, pero en los casos con 65 años o más, el riesgo disminuyó hasta casi un 0%. Existe una disminución progresiva del riesgo genético para la SCA2 a medida que avanza la edad del individuo. Los resultados son presentados como un apoyo para el asesoramiento genético de individuos en riesgo. Keywords: Presymptomatic diagnosis, spinocerebellar ataxia type 2, genetic counseling, risk estimation, polyglutamine disorders. Palabras clave: Diagnóstico presintomático, ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2, asesoramiento genético, estimación de riesgo, enfermedades poliglutamínicas. Recibido: 16 de enero de 2008 Aprobado: 12 marzo de 2008 Introduction Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 2 (SCA2) belongs to a group of hereditary neurodegenerative diseases caused by the expansion of a CAG repeat tract in coding regions of novel genes which are translated into polyglutamine stretches containing proteins. This group includes Huntington’s disease (HD), spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA), and the spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA) type 1, type 3 or Machado-Joseph disease, type 6, type 7, type 12, and type 17.1 Of all these conditions, HD it is the most common and well known,2 while SCA3 is the most common autosomal dominant ataxia syndrome in the world accounting for about one third of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias (ADCAs), and reaching its highest prevalence in the Azores Islands of Portugal.3 Similarly BSc.-Biology; Assistance Professor. E-mail: [email protected] MSc.-Genetic Counseling. [email protected] III. MD [email protected] IV. BSc-Microbiology. [email protected] V. MD-Neurology. [email protected] VI. MSc.-Neuroscience. [email protected] VII. MD, PhD. Titular Professor. [email protected] I. II. Revista Cubana de Genética Comunitaria 23 RCGC vol 2 no 2.indd 23 06/03/2009 06:01:20 p.m. Age at onset and genetic risk for Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 SCA2 is broadly distributed and is the second most common ADCA, accounting for about 12% of cases in Europe, mainland China and Taiwan, and reaching its highest worldwide prevalence in Holguín province, Cuba.4, 5 These mutations show very high penetrance, and they follow an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, meaning that each descendant from an affected patient has an a priori genetic risk of 50%. However, it has been proven that the empiric risk of having inherited the mutation causing HD or SCA3 lessens with advancing age. This fact has significant implications in the genetic counseling of at- risk individuals. Accuracy and precision achieved in the estimate of the genetic risk of developing a certain hereditary illness will have a very important impact on decision making linked to health, reproductive, financial matters, and family planning. Therefore we undertook a survey of the age of onset in a cohort of SCA2 patients from Holguín province and made a comparison with published estimates carried out for HD and SCA3. Methods Subjects For the purposes of this investigation we retrospectively assembled data conformed by a total of 748 SCA2 cases belonging to 101 unique families studied during a genetic survey realized on the worldwide largest and genetically homogenous SCA2 population in Holguín, Cuba, since 1990. The diagnosis of SCA2 was made on the basis of molecular testing. Age at onset was determined according to subjective complains of the diagnostic symptoms gait ataxia, dysarthria, dysmetria, adiadochokinesia and intention tremor. The study protocol was approved by the institutional review board and informed consent was obtained from each study participant or their guardians. Molecular testing for SCA2 Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood leucocytes using a standard protocol.6 The SCA2 CAG repeat was assessed by PCR amplification with the previously published UH10 and UH13 oligonucleotide primers,7 followed by polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis in an ALFExpress II apparatus (Amersham Biosciences). Cases with 32 or more repeats were designated SCA2 gene carriers in accordance with published association with disease expression.8 Statistical Analysis For statistical analysis a comparison of means for the age at onset between male and female patients was performed with F test. The frequencies shown, as well as the statistics of central tendency and dispersion, were calculated with the software SPSS version 10.0 for Windows. We have made a Bayesian analysis for risk calculation. We start our Bayesian analysis with two mutual exclusive hypotheses, the first one is that the consultant is a carrier for SCA2 mutation and the second hypothesis is that he/she is a non-carrier. A generalized Bayesian analysis formula could be represented as:9 P = αβi/[αβi + (1- α) γ], [1] The prior probability of being a SCA2 mutation carrier is designated as α, and the prior probability of not being a SCA2 mutation carrier is designated as (1 - α). As the SCA2 follows an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, both hypothesis have a 0.50 prior probability in the case of asymptomatic individuals with an a priori risk of 50%. Corresponding figures in the case of asymptomatic individuals with an a priori risk of 25% are 0.25 and 0.75 for α and (1 - α), respectively. The probability of not being sick at an specific age would occur if we assume that the at-risk descendant is a SCA2 mutation carrier is designated as βi (βi was calculated starting from the accumulative relative frequency for age at onset (see Figure 2); βi equals one minus accumulative relative frequency for age at onset). The probability of not being sick at a specific age would occur if we assume that the at-risk descendant is not a SCA2 mutation carrier is designated as γ (γ=1). This way, a more practical formula in the case of asymptomatic individuals with an a priori risk of 50% will be: P = βi/[βi +1]. [2] In a similar way, a more practical formula in the case of asymptomatic individuals with an a priori risk of 25% will be: P = βi/[βi +3]. [3] Results General characterization of the study sample In this cohort, the age at onset showed an asymmetrical distribution, with a skewness (S.E) of 0.33 (0.09) and a kurtosis (S.E) of -0.56 (0.18), indicating a slightly displaced to the left and a more flatted distribution than a normal one. Non-normality of the age at onset distribution was confirmed by Shapiro-Wilk’s test (SW-W=0.7; p<0.001); however, visual examination of the data suggests a distribution very close to normality ( Figure 2). 24 RCGC vol 2 no 2.indd 24 06/03/2009 06:01:20 p.m. Luis Enrique Almaguer Mederos Figure 1. Distribution of age at onset frequencies in Cuban SCA2 patients Figure 2. Accumulative frequency for the age at onset in SCA2 Cuban patients Table 1. Life table risk for asymptomatic individuals with an a priori risk of 50% for the SCA2 Age (years old) Risk (%) Age (years old) Risk (%) ≤7 50 38-39 24 8-12 49 40 21 13-15 48 41 20 16-17 47 42-43 19 18 46 44 18 19 45 45-46 16 20 44 47 15 21 43 48 14 22-23 42 49 12 24 41 50 10 25-26 39 51-52 9 27 38 53 8 28 37 54-55 7 29 36 56 6 30-31 33 57 5 32 32 58-59 4 33 31 60 3 34 29 61 2 35 27 62-64 1 36 37 26 25 ≥ 65 ~0 The mean [±SD] age at onset was 32.5±13.8 years old, varying in a wide range from 2 to 68 years old. The standard error of the mean was 0.51, and the 95% confidence interval moves from 31.54 to 33.53 years old. The observed median age at onset was 31 years old, and the most frequent value was 30 years old, representing 5.84% of the total sample. Of the patients studied, 51.1 % are males with a mean [±SD] 31.8 ± 13.9 years of age at onset, on average, they became symptomatic approximately one year earlier than women (mean [±SD]=33.2 ± 13.5 years); these differences are not statistically significant (F= 1.92; P = 0.166) (Figure 1). Bayesian Risk dependent of the age for the SCA2. The calculation of the cumulative frequency for the age at onset of the disease showed that 50% of patients became symptomatic before being 31 years of age; 25% of the cases became symptomatic approximately before being 21 years old, while 98% were symptomatic by the age of 61. The calculation of the Bayesian risk for asymptomatic individuals with an a priori risk of 50% or 25% indicated the existence of a progressive decrease in the genetic risk as the individual gets older. Thus, while for 7-year-old or younger children the empiric risk remains in 50% in the case of asymptomatic individuals with an a priori risk of 50%, the 30-year-old individuals have an empiric risk of 33%, and in the cases of 65-year-old or older individuals, the empiric risk decreases up to approximately 0% (Table 1). Similarly, in the case of asymptomatic individuals with an a priori risk of 25%, while for 9-year-old or younger children the Revista Cubana de Genética Comunitaria 25 RCGC vol 2 no 2.indd 25 06/03/2009 06:01:21 p.m. Age at onset and genetic risk for Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 empiric risk remains in 25%, 30-year-old individuals have an empiric risk of 14%, and in the cases of 63year-old or older individuals, the empiric risk decreases up to approximately 0% (Table 2). Table 2. Life table risk for asymptomatic individuals with an a priori risk of 25% for the SCA2 Age (years old) Risk (%) ≤9 25 10-14 24 15-17 23 18 22 19 21 20-22 20 23-24 19 25 18 26-27 17 28-29 16 30-31 14 32-33 13 34 12 35-36 11 37-38 10 39 9 40-41 8 42-44 7 45-47 6 48 5 49-50 4 51-54 than 60 of about 10% each has been reported.13 Also for SCA3 the rare occurrence of juvenile or older than 60 cases has been described.12 However, for SCA2 a higher frequency of juvenile onset had been noted, with cases developing the disease before being 25 years reaching approximately 40%, and those developing disease before being 14 years reaching approximately 11%.10 In our cohort, corresponding figures are 31% and 6,6% for onset before 25 and 14 years respectively; a frequency of only 2% for cases older than 60 was noted. This distribution confirms the earlier age-ofonset of SCA2 in comparison with these other two polyglutamine diseases. As it was previously reported for the SCA314 and also for the SCA2,5 we do not find statistically significant differences in age at onset between men and women. In SCA2 there is an a priori risk of 50% of transmission from the affected individual to each of their children. However, the empiric risk of having inherited the gene of the illness decreases along with the individual’s age. For HD and for SCA3, decreased empiric risk is too slow as to obtain sufficiently low risks during the reproductive phase of life.12, 15On the contrary, Table 3. Comparison of genetic risk in three CAG repeat expansion disorders Age (years old) Risk (%) SCA2 SCA3* HD** 10 49 49 - 15 48 48 - 20 44 47 50 3 25 39 45 49 55-57 2 58-61 1 30 33 41 48 ≥63 ~0 35 27 36 46 40 21 29 43 45 16 22 38 50 10 14 32 55 7 9 25 60 3 2 19 65 0 1 13 70 - 0 6,2 Discussion Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 is considered a late onset disease, although the age when the first symptoms appear is very inter- and intra-familiarly variable.10The age at onset shows a broad distribution, where in most individuals the illness appears from the third to the fourth decades of life; a similar image has been described for HD,11 and for SCA3.3, 12 For HD, a frequency of juvenile cases and of individuals older 26 RCGC vol 2 no 2.indd 26 06/03/2009 06:01:22 p.m. Luis Enrique Almaguer Mederos decreased genetic risk is quite marked in SCA2. We find that individuals with a 50% a priori risk and 25 years of age have a 39% empiric risk of inheriting the mutated gene of the illness, for 35-year-old individuals we have estimated a 27% empiric risk, while for those being 45 years old, the risk was only 16% (Table 3). These differences in the empiric risk for these illnesses could be explained on the basis of the neuropathological and molecular distinctive features and favor the hypothesis that for ataxin-2 the flanking translated sequences are less protective against the gain of function produced by the polyglutamine expanded tract, giving an explanation for the appearance of a significant number of SCA2 juvenile cases, and the relatively quick decrease in the empiric risk for asymptomatic individuals with a 50% a priori risk.16-18 As our risk estimates are based on the age at onset distribution in Cuban SCA2 population, and age at onset is influenced by genetic and environmental factors, differences in age at onset distributions should be expected between diverse SCA2 populations in the world, due to dissimilar genetic and environmental backgrounds. So caution should be taken in order to apply these probabilistic estimates to other SCA2 populations in the world. 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El Centro Nacional de Genética Médica con la cooperación técnica de la OPS ha editado este material didáctico con toda la información que debe conocer la pareja al detectar el embarazo. 28 RCGC vol 2 no 2.indd 28 06/03/2009 06:01:24 p.m.