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midatlantic - All Credit Motors
ANNOUNCING REGIONAL MEETINGS AND SEMINARS Penn sy l . e w ar ela I D MidAtlantic | Maryland | nia va . A. D. A DealerNews nd U ni a ted We St OCTOBER 2015 AFFILIATED WITH NIADA | PUBLISHED BY PIADA w w w. p i a d a . o r g | w w w. n e w j e r s e y i a d a . o r g | w w w. n e w y o r k i a d a . o r g | w w w. m d i a d a . o r g | w w w. d e i a d a . o r g GREG GEHMAN, OWNER/OPERATOR, ABC LANCASTER AUTO AUCTION PIADA 1501 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17102 Change Service Requested LEGISLATIVE WORKINGS VW EMISSIONS VIOLATIONS EFFECT ON DEALERSHIPS PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Harrisburg, PA Permit No. 557 DEALERSHIP POLICIES & PREPARING FOR THE END OF THE YEAR America’s Auto Auction 2 LOCATIONS IN PENNSYLVANIA BUY ONLINE AT www.americasautoauction.com It’s not just an auction... it’s America’s Auto Auction. Harrisburg THURSDAYS AT 8:45AM INOPS BEGIN 8:45AM 1100 South York Street Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Phone: 717.697.2222 THURSDAYS AT 12:30PM Pittsburgh INOPS BEGIN 12PM 55 East Buffalo Church Rd Washingon, PA 15301 Phone: 724.225.1777 R re p a i r s h o p oa d s id e a s si s t an n a t i o n wi d e H e lp fn d ga ce THEM. in US. Chec k line mer ser vi usto lc on 24/7 ce for clai m dates up Rea GET REAL. REAL PEOPLE. REAL ANSWERS. That’s what you’ll hear on every call made by you or your customers. Great coverage plans. Outstanding customer service. It’s the “Preferred Way” of doing business. Call PWI Today! (and hear it for yourself.) TM www.warrantys.com ©2015 Preferred Warranties, Inc. All rights reserved. 888.367.0636 MidAtlantic DealerNews Affiliated with National Independent Auto Dealers Association OCTOBER 2015 DEPARTMENTS & ARTICLES Announcing Regional Meetings and Celebrating MARIADA 2015 By John DeFilippo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Executive Directors’ Message By Paula Frendel, Reg Evans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 An Interview with Greg Gehman, ABC Lancaster Auto Auction By Peter Salinas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 MARIADA 2015 in the “City of Brotherly Love”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 North East Pennsylvania Auto Auction Celebrates 16th Year Anniversary. . . 14 Government Affairs – It’s All About Relationships By Bob Keaton. . . . . . . . . 14 Manheim Philadelphia 51st Anniversary Celebrated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Congratulations to All Credit Motors on Their First Anniversary . . . . . . . . . . 20 Preparing for the End (of the Year) By Al Mosher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Legal Corner By Tom Hudson, Esq. and Nicole Munro, Esq., Hudson Cook LLP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Kontos Kommentary By Tom Kontos, Adesa Auctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 PIADA, NJIADA/NYIADA, MIADA/DIADA PROGRAMS, OFFERS & EVENTS Code of Ethics and About PIADA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 AUCTION DIRECTORY - EXPANDED FOR OUR STATES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Pennsylvania Forms Dealers Can Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 ADVERTISERS ✷ ABC Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ✷ Adesa PA/Adesa Pittsburgh. . . . 21 ✷ America's Auto Auction. . . . . . . . 2 Auto Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ✷ Bel Air Auto Auction. . . . . . . . . . 29 ✷ Central Pennsylvania Auto Auction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Chesapeake Risk Management. . . 29 ✷ Corry ADE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 ✷ Counselor Library. . . . . . . . . . . 28 ✷ Dealer Goodies. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Fortna Auctioneers. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ✷ Greater Erie Auto Auction. . . . . . 25 ✷ GWC Warranty.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ✷ Kramer Insurance Center. . . . . . 25 Manheim Keystone PA. . . . . . . . . 18 Manheim New York. . . . . . . . . . . .15 ✷ Manheim Pennsylvania. . . . . . 16,17 NABD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 NextGear Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ✷ North East PA Auto Auction. . . . . 7 ✷ Preferred Warranties. . . . . . . . . . 3 ✷ ProGuard Warranty Inc.. . . . . . . 6,9 Shumaker Williams P.C.. . . . . . . . . . . 28 William J. Wheeler, Esq. & Assoc.. 23 ✷ ADVERTISER ALSO PARTICIPATING IN THE 2015 PIADA DISCOUNT BOOK, PIADA.ORG EXPANDED DISTRIBUTION OF THIS RENAMED MAGAZINE (FORMERLY PA DEALER NEWS) NOW INCLUDES DEALERS IN THE FIVE STATES OF PENNSYLVANIA, NEW JERSEY, NEW YORK, MARYLAND, DELAWARE: (1) VIA EMAIL TO ALL DEALER MEMBERS AND TO ALL NON-MEMBERS THAT PROVIDE US WITH THEIR EMAIL ADDRESSES: (2) PAPER COPIES ARE MAILED TO PIADA MEMBERS IN PA AND TO MEMBERS OF NJIADA, NYIADA, MIADA/DIADA: (3) PAPER COPIES FOR MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS IN ALL FIVE STATES MAY BE OBTAINED FOR FREE AT PARTICIPATING AUCTIONS ON AUCTION SALE DAY. MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS SENDS FREE COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION TO DEALERS AT AN ANTICIPATED APPROXIMATELY: 19 WHOLESALE VEHICLE AUCTIONS IN PENNSYLVANIA, 11 IN NEW YORK, 2 IN NEW JERSEY, 2 IN MARYLAND. WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE A DIGITAL VERSION OF THE MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS MAGAZINE EARLY EACH MONTH? Email Shannon at [email protected]. 4 | OCTOBER 2015 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS PA-MD-DE IADA'S 2015-2016 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS John DeFilippo, President DeFilippo Bros. Motorcars (PA)...........610.532.8771 Tad Swift, Chairman Corry Auto Dealers Exchange (PA)......814.664.7721 Tom Brandis, Treasurer Advantage Auto Sales & Credit (PA)....215.805.2034 Clint Weaver, Secretary Harrisburg Auto Auction (PA)..............717.697.2222 Michael Brill, Vice President B & B Automotive (PA).......................215.781.1818 Tom Hodges, Vice President Tom Hodges Auto Sales (MD).............301.373.2277 Michael Mansour, Vice President Car Connection, Inc. (PA)...................724.658.1212 Beth Melamed, Vice President Ticket to Ride Auto (PA).....................717.393.9133 Fran Morelli, Vice President Fran Morelli Sales & Service (PA).......814.265.1330 Lisa Cohowicz, Director North East Pennsylvania Auto Auction...570.207.2277 James Cuce, Director Manheim Philadelphia Auto Auction....215.962.6742 Jeff Dreier, Director Dreier Auto Sales (PA).......................570.675.5696 Joe Eikenberg, Jr., Director Aero Motors, Inc. (MD)......................410.686.3444 Gus Kurtz, Director Sports and Imports, Inc. (MD)............410.360.8600 Dan Limongelli, Director Jo-Dan Motors (PA)............................570.829.4043 Kevin Luring, Director Garden Spot Auto Auction (PA)...........717.738.7900 Noah Melamed, Director Ticket to Ride Auto (PA).....................717.393.9113 Kevin Novitsky, Director Village Auto Sales.............................570.254.6463 Chris Smiley, Director Mountville Motor Sales (PA)...............717.681.9610 George Smouse, Director Smouse Trucks & Vans (PA)...............724.887.7777 Steve Worley, Director Worley Motors (PA)............................717.732.2051 Jay Zimmerman, Director Zimmerman’s Auto Sales...................717.766.7656 STAFF Reg Evans, Executive Director [email protected]............................. 717.238.9002 x28 Arie Garcia, Director of Operations [email protected] x13 Shannon Becker, Membership Director [email protected] x18 Ping Goslawski, Finance Department [email protected]............................ 717.238.9002 x12 Nicole Autry, Dealer Development [email protected]......................... 717.238.9002 x26 Gigi Kode, Messenger/Title Call Center..717.635.2595 Peter Salinas, Special Contributing Writer Jerry Trone, Media Photographer To keep the MidAtlantic Dealer News on schedule, certain deadlines must be observed. All information is due at the Pennsylvania Independent Automobile Dealers Association (“PIADA”) office in Harrisburg thirty days prior to the publication date of each issue. The MidAtlantic Dealer News is a publication of the PIADA, 1501 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102, in cooperation with our partners the NJIADA, NYIADA, MD-DE IADA. Advertising rates available on request. If you have any questions please call the PIADA office at 717.238.9002 or your State IADA. PIADA was established in 1955, and chartered in 1959 under the Non-Profit Corporation Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the MidAtlantic Dealer News or the State IADAs. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as members of State IADAs, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured. Editorial and advertising requests should be directed to the Editor: MidAtlantic Dealer News, PIADA, 1501 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102. Telephone 717.238.9002, FAX 717.238.3870 or e-mailed to [email protected]. Logos are respective trademarks of the PIADA, NJIADA, NYIADA, MD-DE IADA. Copyright © 2015 by the PIADA. All Rights Reserved. PUBLISHING SERVICES PROVIDED BY WAVELINE DIRECT, LLC 192 Hempt Road, Mechanicsburg, PA wavelinedirect.com • 1.800.257.8830 WHEN THE RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD... YOU NEED A BEST-IN-CLASS SERVICE CONTRACT PROVIDER YOU CAN DEPEND ON. GWC Warranty offers dealers and their customers a “No Worries, Just Drive” experience through best-in-class service, products, training and technology. As the nation’s leading provider of used vehicle service contracts for independent dealers, we have more than 20 years of experience helping dealers give car shoppers the confidence to become car buyers. Find out how you can partner with a best-in-class service contract provider! 844-256-8121 | GWCWarranty.com @GWCWarranty FROM THE PIADA PRESIDENT TO ALL MIDATLANTIC DEALERS ANNOUNCING REGIONAL MEETINGS AND CELEBRATING MARIADA 2015 By John DeFilippo JOHN DEFILIPPO DeFilippo Bros. Motorcars 2240 East Lincoln Hwy. Coatesville, PA 19320 610.532.8771 www.ujobucredit.com THE PIADA CODE OF ETHICS We will employ truth and accuracy in advertising. We will strive constantly to improve our business methods. We will stand by a guarantee given with the sale of a motor vehicle. We will not perform any act to discredit our industry. We will guarantee the title of every vehicle sold. We will furnish every purchaser an approved bill of sale. We will comply with Federal and State laws. We will encourage the American system of free enterprise. 4th ANNUAL MIDATLANTIC “MARIADA” CONVENTION CONVENED On behalf of the five MidAtlantic States represented by the MARIADA Convention, we thank our Dealers who attended and the terrific Speakers, Sponsors, and Exhibitors who attended and participated in this 4th annual education and networking event on September 19 – 20 in Philadelphia. Our sponsors and exhibitors are listed below. Contact them when you need business expertise in their respective areas to assist your business in making and saving money and staying in regulatory compliance. For photos, see page 12 and our website for more photos of this annual convention event. REGIONAL MEETINGS We hereby announce Regional Meetings for Members and we invite Nonmembers to attend as well. Through our MidAtlantic “MARIADA” group of Independent Automobile Dealer Associations - that includes the newly multiple State organization of PIADA-MDIADA-DEIADA members, NYIADA members, and NJIADA members - we want to reach out to you on a wider and more frequent basis. When you see Staff or Directors in your region at the auctions or in our dealer education sessions, please let us know your business and regulatory concerns. Stop by at our Staff table at the auctions when we are there in your region so we can listen to your thoughts and industry views. Let us update you more about what we are working on to promote and protect the industry legislatively, with the regulators, and for updates on existing and new services, products, and benefits for our members. RESULTS OF ANNUAL MEETING OF PIADA-MDIADA-DEIADA MEMBERS See page 4 for our newly elected 2015 – 2016 Board of Directors and Officers for PIADAMDIADA-DEIADA. We look forward to working and serving you, the Dealers, Vehicle Auctions, and Industry Vendors to our Dealerships. PIADA ANNUAL PLATINUM SPONSOR 2015 SPONSORS PIADA ANNUAL BRONZE SPONSOR & KEYNOTE SPEAKER SPONSOR MARIADA BRONZE SPONSOR HOSPITALITY SUITE SPONSOR MARIADA SILVER SPONSOR NETWORKING RECEPTION SPONSOR MARIADA SILVER SPONSOR Spend $399 and Get $20,000 in Available Discounts on Your Auction and Industry Products and Services - Easy Math, Join PIADA Today Annual and Monthly Memberships Available. PIADA ANNUAL PLATINUM SPONSOR ZRHR Com logo (00000002).GIF[7/21/2015 12:03:49 PM] TM ScoreKeyper Dealer Management Software 800-507-1747 6 | OCTOBER 2015 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS' MESSAGE FIVE MILLION VEHICLES AFFECTED IS A LOT OF VEHICLES By Paula Frendel and Reg Evans MARIADA CONVENTION 2015 IS IN THE BOOKS. It was a great event for the Dealers! To echo John DeFilippo’s comments on page 6, thank you to our Dealers who attended and to all of the REG EVANS Sponsors, Speakers, and Exhibitors Executive Director for making it great. We plan for PIADA, MDIADA, DEIADA www.piada.org, MARIADA 2016 and for regional www.mdiada.org, meetings, seminars, and events www.deiada.org in 2015 – 2016 to benefit our Members. Members, check your emails periodically for updates and related announcements as the membership year progresses for events and meetings we hope you will attend or at least stop by for a quick conversation. For MARIADA photos, see page 12. POWER OF EDUCATION – UPCOMING SEMINARS. We provided A LOT OF EDUCATION at the MARIADA Convention held September 19 – 20 in Philadelphia. Look for our upcoming telephone seminars and webinars on topics such as Advertising (federal and state), Issuing Agent Best Practices (Pennsylvania), Spot Delivery (Maryland), Red Flag Rules, Examination Preparation, and Policies for Dealerships. Dial-in, watch, or attend in person. See upcoming announcements via Email Blasts to our Members. EMAIL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For PIADA-MDIADA-DEIADA Members, if you are not on our Email Blast list for Education, Newsletter, and other Announcements, send us your email and contact information to [email protected]. For NJIADA and NYIADA Email Blasts, contact www.newjerseyiada.org and www.nyiada.org. KEEP CREDIT CARD AND DEBIT CARD LIABILITY AWAY. After an Oct. 1, 2015 deadline created by major U.S. credit card issuers MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express, the liability for card-present fraud will shift to whichever party is the least Europay-Mastercard-VISA-compliant in a fraudulent transaction. If after October 1 you only process chip cards through card swipes and magnetic stripe data, you may be held liable if fraud occurs. Be sure to upgrade to a Point of Sale (“POS”) machine that handles the new chip card technology so that you can do as much as possible to protect yourself from liability. SPOT DELIVERY LAW IN MARYLAND. Beginning October 1, 2015, the new Maryland Spot Delivery law goes into effect so that notice is required when the retail financing is not yet finalized when the customer drives the vehicle off the lot. The dealer is required to provide notice in writing of the disapproval of any financing within four days. Then the buyer/lessee must then return the vehicle within two days, after which the vehicle is subject to repossession. For related Forms, Members may 8 | OCTOBER 2015 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS contact MDIADA at 717.238.9002 or email [email protected] or contact your attorney. V W M E E T S T H E E PA – APPLICABLITY TO DEALERS. The U.S. Environmental Protection PAULA FRENDEL Executive Director Agency (EPA) has been busy. The NYIADA and NJIADA EPA issued a notice of violation www.newyorkiada.org (NOV) of the Clean Air Act (CAA) www.newjerseyiada.org to Volkswagen AG, Audi AG, and Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. on September 18, 2015. The NOV alleges that four-cylinder Volkswagen and Audi diesel cars from model years 2009-2015 include software that circumvents EPA emissions standards for certain air pollutants. The software produced by Volkswagen is a “defeat device,” as defined by the Clean Air Act. California is separately issuing an In-Use Compliance letter to Volkswagen, and EPA and the California Air Resources Board have both initiated investigations based on Volkswagen’s alleged actions. According to the EPA, affected diesel models include: Jetta (MY 2009 – 2015), Jetta Sportwagen (MY 2009-2014), Beetle (MY 2012 – 2015), Beetle Convertible (MY 2012-2015), Audi A3 (MY 2010 – 2015), Golf (MY 2010 – 2015), Golf Sportwagen (MY 2015), Passat (MY 2012-2015). According to Volkswagen’s internal evaluation, approximately five million Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand vehicles are affected worldwide. That’s a lot of potential recalls and lawsuits. VW has hired the same law firm that represented BP in the aftermath of the Gulf Oil Spill. What should dealers and consumers do? It depends in part on how quickly and correctly VW gets this problem repaired and how much damage has been done to owners of these vehicles. Here are some answers and related information. You may want to keep in mind that EPA expects to compel VW to issue a recall in the future to reduce the emissions impacts of these vehicles. Owners will be notified of that recall once Volkswagen and Audi have developed a remedial plan and EPA has approved the plan. Manufacturers are given a reasonable amount of time to develop a plan to complete the repairs, including both the repair procedure and manufacture of any needed parts. Depending on the complexity of the repair and the lead time needed to obtain the necessary components, it could take up to one year to identify corrective actions, develop a recall plan, and issue recall notices. Have a Great Sales Month! PIADA ANNUAL BRONZE SPONSOR Selling made easy. Everyone wants you to offer their plans but ProGuard wants you to earn more revenue. We give you the tools and support to simplify selling vehicle protection plans so you close contracts. Attention-grabbing showroom displays and point-of-sale materials generate interest. Simple to follow brochures, rate cards and contracts help you walk through the discussion and select the best plan for your customer’s needs. Online contracting and VIN-decoding enable you to breeze through the contract process. With quality products, innovative revenue sharing and unmatched customer service, ProGuard protection plans are the right choice for both you and your customers. Talk to your ProGuard consultant today about simplifying your sales process. www.proguardwarranty.com • 1-877-474-9462 AN INTERVIEW WITH GREG GEHMAN, OWNER/OPERATOR, ABC LANCASTER AUTO AUCTION By Peter Salinas Editor’s Note: ABC Lancaster Auto Auction celebrated its third anniversary in its new auction building in September 2015. Weekly auction sales are held every Wednesday starting at 9 a.m. ABC is located at 1040 Commercial Ave, East Petersburg, PA. Q. Please provide us a few details about your background and relationship with ABC Auctions and being Owner/ Operator of ABC Lancaster, and your experience in the automotive industry? A. I grew up and have lived in Lancaster County most of my life. I’m married to Karolyn and we are blessed with 9 children, ages 33 to 11. In fact, today (Sept. 17), my 24-yearold daughter is giving birth to our third grandchild!! I graduated from Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, earning a degree in accounting. Franklin & Marshall is one of the oldest secondary education institutions and was established around 1787. My very first job I had was with Manheim Auto Auction. I was hired to work in their office as a staff accountant. After working in this position for a year, I had the opportunity to transfer to another Manheim Auto Auction facility in Florida to work as their Office Manager. After working in Florida for four years, I actually became homesick for my family and friends in PA and transferred back . . . the best part was that I could watch the Phillies again!!!! I’m not sure if that was a smart move or not because the Phillies haven’t played as well recently. In my transfer with Manheim Auto Auction, they hired me as their Fleet/Lease Manager for their location here in Manheim. After working in this position for just a year, I was promoted to the General Manager of the Manheim Auto Auction location in Manheim, PA. I was very blessed to hold that position for 18 and a half years – from January 1987 thru July 2005 – working with some of the most talented men and women in the automotive industry. When I started at Manheim we offered 1,000 cars a week and when I left we were running 10,000 cars per week. I was in the right place at the right time with a really nice group of extremely talented people to work with. After the position of General Manager, Manheim asked me to work in a new venue they were developing and I became the Vice President of Export Services. Working with their 10 | OCTOBER 2015 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS Export Services was an extremely interesting and challenging position, but required several weeks of travel across the globe and away from my family. I decided to end my career with Manheim in March of 2008 to spend more time at home. I was enjoying hanging out with my family and selling baseball cards on ebay when I was approached by Frank Nolt to see if I had interest in heading up a new auto auction!! Frank owns Lancaster County Motors and MB of Lancaster and had purchased what was the Yellow Freight property in East Petersburg in order to build a new MB dealership. He was interested in dividing the property and building an auto auction on the other half! Although I was enjoying time at home, I was very excited at the opportunity and honored that Frank contacted me for this new adventure. And this is where ABC Lancaster Auto Auction began! We needed assistance in getting started and were looking for another investor. I contacted Mike Hockett, CEO of ABC Auctions to discuss the possibility of him partnering with us. Mike was very interested in hearing more about our new venture and what this partnership would look like. Mike was just as excited as Frank and I were and so the partnerships were formed and ABC Lancaster was officially in the planning stages. We began to hire employees in December of 2011, and held our first auction in March of 2012. During our hiring process, we actually interviewed prospective employees in an RV parked in front of our temporary office building! It was exciting to see the response we received with the hundreds and hundreds of applications that poured in. Three of us took turns interviewing individuals in this RV . . an experience that none of us will quickly forget. During our start up, we were utilizing one building as our office, CR facility, recon center and auction arena!! We ran 4 lanes on sale day in the arena – the same space we used to detail cars the other four days of the week! During this time, we were in the process of building a brand new, state-of-the art facility in the front of our property. We held our first sale in the new facility on September 12, 2012 . . . brand new office space, 8 lanes in the sales arena and a full-service restaurant offering FREE breakfast to our dealers each week!! Q. Please provide some details of your facility: size, sale dates, number of units sold per week, number of employees, other services provided? A. We offered 388 cars in our first sale in March 2012. In comparison, yesterday, we celebrated our third anniversary of our new building and we offered 1,715 units. This was our biggest sale ever. Every employee at ABC strives to make us the most dealer-friendly auction we can be. In my opinion, our business is all about relationships, not cars. An auction doesn’t buy or sell cars – we merely provide a service to facilitate deals for both buyers and sellers to be successful. We provide the brick and mortar facility, online bidding opportunities and auctioneers to make deals come to fruition. For ABC Lancaster to continue to grow and be successful, we need to always put people first – all people. At ABC we strive to treat our employees, vendors, dealers, and auctioneers the same . . . making sure we do the right thing when nobody is looking. I truly believe this philosophy has given us an edge in our industry with exceptional customer service and why dealers continue to seek us out to buy and sell cars. Currently, our sale averages approximately 1,300 units consigned each week. 175 to 200 of these consignments are fleet/lease units. ABC Lancaster is predominately a dealerto-dealer auction with steady growth in our fleet/lease lanes. Our sale is held each Wednesday at 9:00am. Our buyers find eight action-packed lanes filled with vehicles on a weekly basis. ABC Lancaster offers a full-service detailing facility. A variety of services are offered at this facility – full reconditioning, windshield replacement, light body and paint work along with minor mechanical repairs. The staff in our Transportation Department will assist our dealers in scheduling pick-ups and deliveries of their units to and from any location. We employ a wide variety of retired professionals and military personnel as drivers for our local pick-up and delivery requests. Currently, ABC Lancaster employs over 170 part-time and full-time individuals from our community. Q. Tell us about the challenges and satisfaction that comes as a result of being the vice president and general manager of a very busy wholesale auto auction? A. My work is never completed - no matter what department I’m working with I always have a project I’m working on. I am a people person and I could spend all day, every day on the phone and answering emails. I get great enjoyment from just calling a dealer to check in and see how he’s doing and what I can do to make his experience this week better than before! Maintaining strong and healthy relationships with our employees and our dealers is the foundation of our business and what I enjoy the most. I have made a lot of friendships from being in the automotive industry. It’s very common for me to be out and about on the town with my family and run into somebody I know from the auction. I will always take the time to stop and chat with them . . . building relationships one person at a time. Q. Over your career in the auto auction industry, what have been some of the biggest changes you have seen? What has changed that you have missed, and what has changed for the better? A. The introduction of the internet has brought about the biggest changes in the automotive industry . . . and probably just about every other industry as well. When I began my career in auction business, office use of the computer had just been introduced. Manheim Auto Auction received their first computer in 1977. The Manheim auction in Florida received their first one in 1981 – the same day that I began working with Manheim Auto Auction in their corporate office. What the advent of the computer and internet has done to our industry is unbelievable. Every time I walk thru our lanes I see dealer after dealer using their smart phones to gather information on cars being offered for sale. Dealers use smart phones and tablets to scan barcodes with serial numbers and are then able to use programs that reference CarFax, AutoCheck and other auction market reports. This data enables them to be educated on purchases they are preparing to make. I have joined this new group of “techy” dealers. Instead of writing notes during our sale on a piece of paper, now I either send myself a text message or email!!! Sometimes when I’m feeling adventurous I just press a button on my iPhone, talk into the microphone, and like magic the message is transcribed into written words . . . it’s unreal! Q. Tell us a little about your auction’s community work in the area and region. A. I want ABC Lancaster to support our local communities as much as we can. We employ over 170 individuals from right here in central PA. In the spring, we held our very first community yard sale . . . offering tables to anyone from local towns for a $10 donation . . . and all the monies raised went to Wounded Warriors!!! Our employees also participated in the yard sale . . . and I had 3 tables of my own! Our restaurant chef was on hand preparing breakfast sandwiches and grilling burgers and hotdogs . . .again, with all proceeds going to support our local chapter of Wounded Warriors. In the Fall of 2012, we hosted a sports memorabilia charity auction to raise money for Wounded Warriors. All the items were donated, our auctioneers donated their time . . . it was open to all our dealers and employees to bid and buy! This event was near and dear to me as collecting baseball cards is one of my most favorite things to do!!! During our employee Christmas party last year, we had a firefighter from a local station come in with coloring books and crayons in gift bags for each child that attended to promote safety! Each Christmas season, ABC Lancaster proudly displays boxes for collection of Toys For Tots and our employees and dealers are encouraged to participate! ABC Lancaster is a corporate supporter of the Hempfield School District Flag Football Tournament this year. We are also a new supporter of MDA and the Harley Davidson, Ride For Life event. During our Anniversary Sale and Motorcycle Event just a week ago, we sold specially designed T Shirts to benefit MDA. ABC Lancaster donated the shirts, and all monies were given to MDA. Q. Is ABC Lancaster a National Auto Auction Association member. A. ABC Lancaster is a member of NAAA and we follow their guidelines. Each year, NAAA holds a national convention where members gather to learn new industry practices and brainstorm for the future. I am hoping to attend another one very soon. Q. Who helps your auction be so successful? A. ABC Lancaster is a team of great managers and great employees who work with great dealers . . . It really is just that simple. We have grown from a staff of 5 to over 170, each team member bringing strengths and passions that aid in our success and growth. Many of our employees also bring knowledge and experience from past employment adventures at other auctions. Our diversity, passion, experiences and friendliness make ABC a great place to work and do business. I will always strive to lead ABC Lancaster by focusing on people. I believe in people and in the overall goodness of mankind. By showing our employees and dealers that we care, they in turn are loyal and work to the best of their ability to help us be successful. Growing relationships and helping people is truly the definition of success. 3 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS OCTOBER 2015 | 11 MARIADA 2015 IN THE “CITY OF BROTHERLY LOVE” MARIADA 2015 kicked off on the afternoon of Saturday, September 19th at the Loews Philadelphia hotel in downtown Philadelphia, PA. Dealers were greeted with a welcome lunch in the exhibit hall where they interacted with various vendors, learning all about different products and services for their dealerships. Over the 2-day event, breakout sessions were held from some of the top speakers in the industry. 12 | OCTOBER 2015 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS Dealers learned about effective sales training methods, online marketing, increasing profit, financing their inventory, and much more! HUGE thanks to all of our generous sponsors who made this event possible! MARIADA 2016 dates and location will be announced soon, you won’t want to miss it! 3 NORTH EAST PENNSYLVANIA AUTO AUCTION CELEBRATES 16TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Nor th East Pennsylvania Auto Auction celebrated its 16th anniversary on Tuesday, September 22, 2015. The auction held a weekly black jack tournament for the entire month and gave away $1000 to the black jack tournament winner! They also had several other giveaways including grills, tool sets, a compact refrigerator, car cleaning kits, and many more! It was a beautiful day in Scranton, PA and a great time was had by all who attended. Congratulations to auction Owner, Jim Gaughan, Lisa Cohowicz, and the entire staff at North East Pennsylvania! 3 GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS – IT’S ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS By Bob Keaton, Senior Associate, Bigley and Blikle, LLC BOB KEATON Bob is a Senior Associate at Bigley and Blikle, LLC. Bob has worked in government affairs as a corporate lobbyist with Sunoco, Inc. and as a Policy Director for former Governor Tom Ridge. Most recently, he worked as the Legislative Director for NFIB. We have heard the phrase “you can’t fight city hall” or in this case, you can’t fight a certain issue. Often times, organizations admit to defeat and are willing to compromise before there is even a conversation about an issue. Why? The fear they will lose the debate and the issue. Fighting city hall can be very daunting task, but the only way you can even think about a fight is to develop relationships with the people in city hall. Building a relationship with your elected officials is one of the most important “government relations” functions you can perform as a member of any association. When I worked for Sunoco, often times government relations was the last stop executives would turn to when they had an issue. The only way I could help at the last minute was by relying on the relationships I had built with the decision makers. Those relationships were built so that when the time came, I could get answers quickly. Successful associations make the development of strong and meaningful relationships with elected officials a priority. This success, however, has to come from members of an association -- members who are willing to take two or three minutes to write or call their elected officials and express their opinions on issues affecting them. That one note or phone call can pay huge dividends. Reaching out to your elected officials and talking to them about how issues directly impact your business really is a game changer. Elected officials are interested to learn more about your business and eager to meet you and everyone at your business. It’s their job to know their constituents and to understand the issues of importance to you and your business. As a business owner, you create jobs, pay taxes and contribute to the community, and your elected officials have a vested interest in your success or failure. When an executive director of an organization gives testimony on an issue, it often gets less reaction than when a business owner speaks. Get a business owner to make remarks and all eyes and ears are on them. Because so much of the car industry is regulated at the state level, forming positive relationships with your state senator and/or state representative is crucial to the continued success and strength of your business. All of this is a great tool in government affairs grassroots, but it means nothing without the building of personal relationships with your elected officials – it’s all about relationships. 3 14 | OCTOBER 2015 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS SHORT DRIVE GREAT DEALS Manheim New York is one of the most easily accessible auctions around. MANHEIM NEW YORK On the crossroads of the Northeast in Newburgh, Manheim New York is easily accessible by plane, train and automobile. t-FTTUIBO.JMFTGSPN.BOIBUUBO t"DSPTTUIFTUSFFUGSPN4UFXBSU*OUFSOBUJPOBM"JSQPSU t%PXOUIFTUSFFUGSPNUIF/FXCVSHI4IPSU-JOF#VT5FSNJOBM t"RVJDLUSJQGSPN(SBOE$FOUSBMUPUIF.FUSP/PSUITUPQJO#FBDPO t-PDBUFEBUUIFJOUFSTFDUJPOPGUIF/FX:PSL4UBUF5ISVXBZ* BOE* ª.BOIFJN*OD"MMSJHIUTSFTFSWFE5IF.MPHPJTBSFHJTUFSFEUSBEFNBSLPG.BOIFJN*OD 2000 Dealer Drive Newburgh,NY 12550 www.manheim.com ONLINE AUTO DEALER SUPPLIES & SELLING AIDS FULL LINE OF AUTOMOTIVE RECONDITIONING AND DETAILING PRODUCTS DEALERGOODIES DETAIL SEMINAR BASIC: September 29th • ADVANCED: September 30th Must Sign Up in Advance: Call: 800-366-2141 See Your Route Salesman or Visit: DEALERGOODIES.com for details. CUSTOM DEALER IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTS 125 low cost, high impact, one color process Auto Plate Inserts. Starting as low as $177.00 500 Custom License Plate Frames $400.00. Additional styles and materials available. Whether you prefer pre-mades or die-cut Dealer-Cals, we have them starting at $105.00 & $341.00 (Additional quantities and colors available for an additional cost.) Please visit our website for additional details not mentioned in our ad. BANNERS, FLAGS AND MORE Quipall 200 AMP Port Charge All and Jump Starter PCJS400 $134.95 3x8 Stock Avenue Banners $70.00 Swooper flag and pole kit $150.00 Replacement Flags $59.00 VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION Versa Key Tags 250 per box $23.00 Kleer-Bak Stock Stickers 100 per pack $7.95 Consecu-Tags 125 per box $60.00 Arrow I.D. Tags 2 sizes 1000 per pack $16.00 – $19.50 PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO VIEW OUR HUGE SELECTION OF PRODUCTS! 88 AUCTION ROAD MANHEIM, PA 17545 800-366-2141 WWW.DEALERGOODIES.COM MANHEIM PHILADELPHIA 51ST ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATED! By Kelli Barsby, Manheim Philadelphia ✦ 51 Years in Business! We at Manheim Philadelphia celebrated our 51st Anniversary on Tuesday, September 22nd with our “September Customer Appreciation Sale-a-bration”. It was our way of giving back and saying thank you to all of our loyal customers for their business and continued support of our auction with a fun sports-themed event. The day kicked off with Pre Sale Games in the lanes during our Early Bird announcements – basketball free throw, football toss and hockey slap shots. Dealers were chosen to play via raffle ticket and the prize for the winners was American Express gift cards, which is always a favorite! Each of our 10 lanes were awarding lucky buyers with gift cards (Cabelas, Texas Roadhouse, American Express, Buffalo Wild Wings, Sports Authority, and more) for mystery car purchases. There was also great food and snacks served all sale long – freshly popped popcorn, nachos, soft pretzels, Cracker Jacks, peanuts and (the biggest hit of all) cheesesteaks, of course! We also had awesome prize packages with a Philly sports theme that were awarded to dealers. Flyers, Sixers and Eagles gift baskets included two lower level tickets to a game, two team hats and a $50 American Express gift card to use towards concessions. The Tailgating Prize Package included a cooler, two tailgating chairs, a portable grill and an Eagles fleece blanket. Attending and registering for the sale automatically entered each dealer into each drawing and the winners were chosen at random throughout the morning. It was a successful sale with great results and high attendance. Our customers and employees alike really enjoyed the day! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL CREDIT MOTORS ON THEIR FIRST ANNIVERSARY! ✦ 1 Year in Business! All Credit Motors in West Mifflin, PA celebrates 1 year in business this month! Co-Owners, Guy Gearhart and Mike Rowe also have another dealership, Southside Motors located in Pittsburgh, PA which opened for business in February 2008. 20 | OCTOBER 2015 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS OFF-LEASE CARS FRESH INVENTORY. OPEN SALE. Lower buy fees • CPO-eligible inventory Central processing • 30-day guarantee option Find one-owner, off-lease vehicles from these top consignors: © 2015 ADESA, INC. ACURA REMARKETING ALLY AUDI FINANCIAL SERVICES CHRYSLER CAPITAL FORD CREDIT GM FINANCIAL HONDA REMARKETING HYUNDAI MOTOR FINANCE JAGUAR FINANCIAL SERVICES KIA MOTORS FINANCE LAND ROVER FINANCIAL SERVICES LEXUS FINANCIAL SERVICES MAZDA CAPITAL SERVICES MITSUBISHI MOTOR CREDIT SUBARU MOTORS FINANCE SUBARU OF AMERICA INC SOUTHEAST TOYOTA FINANCE/CENTERONE TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES US BANK US BANK VOLVO VOLKSWAGEN CREDIT VOLVO CARS FINANCIAL SERVICES Go to ADESA.com/off-lease to learn more about extended arbitration and find off-lease inventory from these consignors. PREPARING FOR THE END (OF THE YEAR) By Al Mosher As we enter the final quarter of the year, there are two issues dealers need to address. The first is compliance. Several federal regulations require annual training to maintain compliance. Now is the time to make sure you have all of that necessary training completed by the end of the year. We’ll review those requirements in just a minute. The other issue is forecasting. Next month’s column will address the data you need to analyze from this year, and how to use that to forecast how your business will perform in 2016, as well as what changes you need to make to get there. Alan Mosher is a car guy. His first job ever was detailing cars at a dealership when he was in high school. He began selling cars in 1975, and has been in the car business in one form or another for most of the 40 years since. Half of that time he has been in the BHPH business. He has operated BHPH dealerships for 8 years and been a trainer and consultant in the business for 11. He can be reached via email at al@ alanmosher.com. While there are several regulations that predate 2000, compliance has really been a major concern for car dealers since the turn of this century. The tragic events of September 11, 2001, spawned many of these regulations. Over the years since, numerous laws were passed, regulations implementing these laws were developed and enforcement of these regulations begun. The founding of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in July of 2011 and the strengthening of the enforcement side of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that occurred around the same time, began a real emphasis on enforcing all of these regulations. It seems as if a competition to see which of these agencies could be the baddest enforcement cop began. There are now 9 regulations that require written dealership compliance policies. They are: 1. The Red Flag Rule 2. The Safeguards Rule 3. The Privacy Rule 4. PATRIOT Act – OFAC 5.PATRIOT Act – IRS/FinCen 6. Do Not Call Rules 7. OSHA – Dealership Safety & Health Program 8.OSHA – Hazard Communication Program 9.Collection Policies (BHPH) If you do not have written policies in place that address these requirements, you are well past the time to do so. Getting these policies in place should be one of your highest priorities. There are also 11 regulations that require formal dealership staff training. There are 8 additional regulations where formal training is advised. This training needs to be conducted for your staff at least annually to maintain compliance. The 11 required regulations are: 1.The Red Flags Rule 2.The Safeguards Rule 3. The Privacy Rule 4.PATRIOT Act – OFAC 5.PATRIOT Act – IRS/FinCen 6. Do Not Call Rule 7.OSHA – Dealership Safety & Health Program 8. OSHA – Hazard Communication Program 9. OSHA – Auto Repair Safety Program 10.Fair Debt Collections & Practices Act (BHPH) 11.Fair & Accurate Credit Transactions Act (BHPH) The 8 regulations where regular training is advised are: 1. The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act 2. The Federal Used Car Rule 3. The Truth in Lending Act 4. Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices 5. The Risk Based Pricing Rule 6. Dealership Advertising Guidelines 7.Sexual Harassment 8. Diversity in the Workplace 22 | OCTOBER 2015 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS Although several of these laws date from the 1970s and even before and compliance has been a major item of emphasis in our industry for the last decade, I’m still amazed at the number of dealers not in compliance. It seems there is a story in industry legal publications almost monthly of dealers being sued or prosecuted for violating one of these regulations. Just last month a dealer in Connecticut was fined in two separate cases (with several more pending) for requiring customers to buy extra products in order to obtain financing. Fines in each case exceeded $20,000. Over the last few years, several dealers were forced to close because their business could not bear the amount of the fines levied against them. As we wind towards the end of the year, it’s time to make sure your compliance house is in order. If you do not have written policies and procedures, do it now. If a regulator comes to your dealership, you will need to show them one of two things; your compliance manuals or your checkbook. If you have not provided formal training for your employees this calendar year, schedule it now. Make sure you are not the next dealership in the headlines for failing to comply with the law. 3 ABSOLUTE AUCTION Commercial Real Estate Former Retail Property Sells Regardless of Price, No Minimums, No Reserves! On-Site, 411 - 415 West Main Ave., Myerstown, PA Thursday, October 29 at 6:00pm • Two Buildings Totalling 8,277± sf on 0.49± Acre • Zoning R-2 • 20± Parking Spaces • Lebanon County; Jackson Township • Located in Downtown Myerstown, just off Route 422 • Surrounded by Major Banks, Eateries, Shopping, etc. Property Inspection - Mon., Oct. 12th @ 1PM SHARP! Visit www.FortnaAuctioneers.com for info & photos! MARIADA 2015 CONFERENCE MARIADA 2015 CONFERENCE and Sunday, September 19-20, 2015 | Saturday Loews Hotel in Downtown Philadelphia, PA Loews Hotel in Downtown Philadelphia, PA | Saturday and Sunday, September 19-20, 2015 MARIADA 2015 CONFERENCE Loews Hotel in Downtown Philadelphia, PA | Saturday and Sunday, September 19-20, 2015 PA Dealer News, 1/4 pg color. Oct. Issue William J. Wheeler, Esq. & Associates, P.C. Serving Clients Since 1980 LAW PRACTICE LIMITED TO REPRESENTATION OF NEW & USED MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS – 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE VEHICLE INDUSTRY P.O. Box 1945 • Boothwyn, PA 19061 • 215-988-9320 • Fax: 484-766-3630 Email: [email protected] The Automotive business is a very specific and unique business, dealers often find it difficult to locate an attorney who has in depth knowledge of the automotive industry. Dealers on the average need legal representation for 10 instances per year. Our law practice is limited to representing auto dealers, we can give you our 100% undivided attention. We have over 35 years experience in the automotive industry. • I’m also a former dealer & fully understand your business • Out of Trust Matters • Lender Liability • Consumer Protection Matters • State Motor Vehicle Board Licensure Disputes • Department of Transportation Disputes • Factory Franchise Matters • Breach of contract cases • Partnership Disputes • Buy/Sell Agreements MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS OCTOBER 2015 | 23 AUCTIONDIRECTORY PENNSYLVANIA ABC - LANCASTER AA 1040 Commercial Ave., P.O. Box 406 East Petersburg, PA 17520 Phone: 717.569.5220 / Fax: 717.569.3109 Greg Gehman, Owner/Operator; Ed Fazio, GM Weekly Sales Wed. 9:00 A.M. Office: M-F 8:30-5:00 www.abclancaster.net ADESA MERCER 758 Franklin Road, Mercer, PA 16137 Phone: 724.662.4500 / Fax: 724.662.2840 Barry Fabricant, GM; Sharon White, Fleet Manager Friday 9:00 A.M. Office: M-F 8-5:00 www.adesa.com ADESA PA I-83 Ex. 28 (Old Ex. 12), 30 Industrial Rd., York, PA 17406 Phone: 717.266.6611 / Fax: 717.266.7650 George Johnson, GM Angel Alicea, Fleet Manager Igor Skinder, Sales Manager Wednesday 8:20 A.M. Powersports Sale, 4th Wed. of every month www.adesa.com ADESA PITTSBURGH 378 Hunker Waltz Mill Rd., New Stanton, PA 15672 Phone: 724.925.4700 / Fax: 724.925.4701 Bernie Nemec, Dealer Contact Tuesday 9:00 A.M. www.pittautoauction.com AMERICA’S AA-PITTSBURGH 55 E. Buffalo Church Rd. Washington, PA 15301 Phone: 724.225.1777 / Fax: 724.225.7223 Lou Craig - GM; Skip Thomas - GM Thursday 12:30 P.M. www.americasautoauction.com BLOOMSBURG AUTO AUCTION 25 Ridge Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Phone: 570.784.2306 Wednesday 1:00 P.M. John and Heather Vance, Owner/Operators www.bloomaa.com CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AA Exit 178 of I-80, Lock Haven, PA 17745 Phone: 800.248.8026 / Fax: 570.726.7841 Grant Miller, Owner; Doug Miller, V.P./COO Tim Keohane, GM Thursday 10:00 A.M. Office: MTF 8-5:30 W-Th 8-6:00 www.cpaautoauction.com CORRY AUTO DEALERS EXCHANGE P.O. Box 317, Route 6, Corry, PA 16407 Phone: 814.664.7721 / Fax: 814.664.7724 Tad Swift, Auction Manager Jeri Elmquist, Dealer Contact Thursday 10:00 A.M. www.corryade.com GARDEN SPOT AUTO AUCTION Robert Rd. & Apple St., Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: 717.738.7900 / Fax: 717.738.7930 Kevin Luring, Marketing Manager; Kristi Kohl, GM Omar Landis, Owner Tuesday 10:00 A.M. www.gardenspotautoauction.com GREATER ERIE AUTO AUCTION 7700 Avonia Road, (Exit 16 of I-90 & PA Route 98) Fairview, PA 16415-0916 Phone: 814.474.3900 / 877.474.GEAA Fax: 814.474.4969 Todd Briggs, Co-Owner/GM; Chuck Williams, Dealer Contact/Sales Manager; Todd Briggs, Fleet Lease Repo Contact; Scott Porter, Transportation Re-Con Manager; Chrissy Briggs, Marketing Manager Tuesday 2:30 P.M. www.greater-erie.com HARRISBURG AUTO AUCTION 1100 S. York St., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Phone: 717.697.2222 / Fax: 717.697.2234 Lynn Weaver, GM; Clint Weaver, AGM; John Congdon, Operations Manager; Sharon Guise, Office Manager; Tom Wesner, Dealer Sales; Tammy Leppo, Dealer Sales; Randy Donovan, Dealer Sales; Glenn Gochenaur, National Accounts Every Thursday 8:45 A.M. www.harrisburgautoauction.com MANHEIM KEYSTONE PENNSYLVANIA 488 Firehouse Road, Grantville PA 17028 Phone: 717.469.7900 / Fax: 717.469.2842 Sal Cuomo, Manager Tamra Habbershon, Dealer Services Manager Shirley Kennedy, Office Manager Every Monday 12:00 noon www.manheim.com MANHEIM PENNSYLVANIA 1190 Lancaster Rd., Manheim, PA 17545 Phone: 717.665.3571 / Fax: 717.665.9265 Julie Picard, VPGM; Tim Doyle, AGM; Kevin Gantz, AGM; Amy Taitano, AGM; Sal Cuomo, AGM; Randy Derr, AGM; Darren Teague, Auction Manager Exotic Highline Sales every other Thurs.- 9:00 A.M. Every Friday Sale 8:30 A.M. www.manheim.com MANHEIM PHILADELPHIA AA 2280 Bethlehem Pike, Hatfield, PA 19440 Phone: 215.822.1935 / Fax: 215.822.8140 Charles Pollina, GM; Scott Mulligan, AGM Gregg Pachik, Dealer Services Manager Troy Moyer, Commercial Accounts Manager Tuesday 9:30 A.M. TRA Sale - Tuesday 1:00 P.M. Office: M-Th 8:30-5 F 8:30-3 www.manheim.com / www.traauctions.com MANHEIM PITTSBURGH AA 21095 Route 19, Cranberry Twp., PA 16066 Phone: 724.452.5555 / Fax: 724.452.1310 Tom McDonald, GM; Chris O’Donnell, AGM Shawn Byers, Commercial Accounts Manager Melissa Robison, Dealer Services Manager Wednesday, 9:00 A.M. www.manheim.com NORTH EAST PENNSYLVANIA AA 860 N. Keyser Ave., Scranton, PA 18504 Phone: 570.207.CARS / Fax: 570.207.1860 James Gaughan, Owner; Joseph Gaughan, Dealer Contact; Lisa Cohowicz, Dealer Contact Kevin Jennings, Dealer Cnt/F-L Tuesday 10:00 A.M. www.nepautoauction.com ORANGEVILLE AUTO AUCTION 2040 St., Rt. 487, Orangeville, PA 17859 Phone: 570.683.4006 / Fax: 570.683.4018 Brenda Hartzel, Dealer Contact Angela Dawson, Dealer Contact Wednesday 10:00 A.M. www.orangevilleautoauction.com 24 | OCTOBER 2015 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS PERRYOPOLIS AUTO AUCTION Route 51 S. Perryopolis, PA 15473 Phone: 724.736.4445 / Fax: 724.736.0466 Renee Smith, Director of Operations Friday 9:45 A.M. www.perryautoauction.com Spend $399 - Get $20,000 in Discounts on Auction and Industry Products & Services. Join PIADA Today! MARYLAND BSC AMERICA/BEL AIR AUTO AUCTION 803 Bel Air Rd., Bel Air, MD 21014 Phone: 410.879.7950 / Fax: 410.893.1515 R. Charles Nichols, President; Michelle Nichols-Neff, Vice President; Cindy Mitchell, VP of Fleet Operations; Mike Corrado, Dealer Sales; Chuck Wenzel, Dealer Sales; John Bellus, Dealer Sales; Christina Thorneycroft, Dealer Sales Thursday 8:30 A.M. www.bscamerica.com MANHEIM’S BALTIMOREWASHINGTON AA 7120 Dorsey Run Rd., Elkridge, MD 21075 Phone: 410.796.8899 / Fax: 410.799.0512 Toll Free: 800.533.2923 Steve Sirianni, GM; Tina McCarty, AGM Sherry Houghtling, Dealer Sales Mgr. Brian Seabrease, OVE Mgr. Matt Groller, Fleet/Lease Mgr. Tuesday Sale starting @ 9:30 A.M. TRA Salvage Sale @ 1 P.M. www.manheim.com NEW JERSEY ADESA AUCTION OF NEW JERSEY 200 N. Main, Manville, NJ 08835 Phone: 908.725.2200 / Fax: 908.725.3446 Craig Estep, GM Consignment Sale Thursdays 8:45 A.M. Topline Sale 9 A.M. monthly Thursdays GM Factory Sale Bi-weekly Tuesdays 10 A.M. www.adesa.com MANHEIM NEW JERSEY AA 730 Rte. 68, P.O. Box 188, Bordentown, NJ 08505 Phone: 609.298.3400 / Fax: 609.298.4489 Pete Sauber, GM; Greg Conover, AGM Wednesday 9 A.M. www.manheim.com NEW YORK ADESA BUFFALO SWADE SCRANTON/WILKES-BARRE ADE 11 R. South Keyser Ave., Taylor, PA 18517 Phone: 570.961.3800 (Scranton) Phone: 570.823.2800 (Wilkes-Barre) Fax: 570.562.1344 Justin Priblo, Dealer Contact Dottie Arnone, Office Manager Gene Scagliotti, Owner Monday 6:00 P.M. www.swadeaa.com BUFFALO AUTO AUCTION 8418 Southwestern Blvd., Angola, NY 14006 716.549.4800 Sally Schueckler, GM [email protected] MANHEIM ALBANY 459 Route 146, Clifton Park, NY 12065-0440 518.371.7500 Jay Waterman, GM [email protected] MANHEIM NEW YORK AA 2000 Dealer Drive, Newburgh, NY 12550 Phone: 845.567.8400 / Fax: 845.567.8410 Mark Pester, GM / Darryl Vrooman, AGM Sale Day Wednesdays 9 A.M. Monthly Tuesday Ford Factory Sales 10 A.M. 3rd Tuesday of the Month Specialty Sales 10 A.M. 1st Wednesday of the Month Heavy Truck & Equipment Sales 10 A.M. Office: M,T, Th 9-5, W 7-6, F 9-1 www.manheim.com ROCHESTER’S CENTRAL AUTO AUCTION 20 Cairn Street, Rochester, NY 14611 Julie Quinn, GM 585.328.2277 [email protected] ROCHESTER- SYRACUSE AUTO AUCTION 1826 State Route 414, P.O. Box 129 Waterloo, NY 13165 315.539.5006 Scott Prankie, GM [email protected] STATE LINE AUTO AUCTION 830 Talmadge Hill Rd. S., Waverly, NY 14892 Phone: 607.565.8151 / Fax: 607.565.8659 Jeff Barber, Owner; Jim Terwilliger, Sales Manager Neal McEwen, Fleet/Lease Manager GM Closed Factory Sale Alternate Thursdays @ 10:00 A.M. Sharp Dealer Consignment Sale EVERY Friday @ 9:20 A.M. www.statelineauto.com 12200 Main St., Akron, NY 14001 Phone: 716.542.3300 / Fax: 716.542.3547 Warren Clauss, GM, Mike Phillips, Assistant GM Consignment Sale Tuesday 9 A.M. Boat & RV Sale 2nd Tuesday Monthly 11 A.M. Ford Factory Tuesday Monthly 9 A.M. Office: M-Tu: 8-5, W: 8-4, Th: 9-4, F: 9-3 www.ADESA.com/Buffalo ADDITIONAL STATES MOUNTAIN STATE AUTO AUCTION ADESA LONG ISLAND WINCHESTER AUTO AUCTION 425 Patchogue Yaphank Rd., Yaphank, NY 11980 Noel Nixon, GM 631.205.5000 www.adesa.com/LongIsland ADESA SYRACUSE 5930 State Rte. 31, Cicero, NY 13039 David Taylor, GM 315.699.2792 www.adesa.com/Syracuse Route 2, Box 835, Shinnston, WV 26431 Phone: 304.592.5300 / Fax: 304.592.3510 Chad Garrison, GM; Joe Pyle, Owner Monday 10:30 A.M. Office: 9-5:00 www.mtstateaa.com 12828 Winchester Ave., Bunker Hill, WV 25413 Phone: 304.229.4400 / Fax: 304.229.9067 David Angelicchio, Chairman & CEO; Dennis Angelicchio, President; Bryan Dougherty, GM Friday 10:00 AM www.WinchesterAA.com YORKMONT AUTO AUCTION 799 South Main Street, Fair Haven, VT 05743 Phone: 802.278.8057 / Fax: 802.457.7110 [email protected] EXIT 16 I-90 & RT. 98 FAIRVIEW, PA “WE ARE THE DEALER’S AUTO AUCTION” GROWING L COMMERICA T! N E CONSIGNM 400+ D EALER CO UNITSNSIGNED WEEK L E Y! ◊ Garage and Automobile Liability ◊ Dealer Physical Damage ◊ Tow Truck on the Same Policy NEXTGEAR AFC AUTO USE FLOORPLAN EXPRESS AN ADDITIONAL 15-20 BANKS – CREDIT UNIONS – LEASE COMPANIES 500+/– TOTAL UNITS EVERY TUESDAY - 2:30 ◊ Quick Quote Turnaround ◊ Low Monthly Payments 607 Corporate Drive, West Langhorne, PA 19047 215-860-6510 Tel. 814-474-3900 • (877) 474-GEAA • Fax (814) 474-4969 www.greater-erie.com “GOTTA GET TO ERIE” www.KramerInsuranceCenter.com MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS OCTOBER 2015 | 25 LEGAL CORNER THE CARLAWYER© By Thomas B. Hudson and Nicole Frush Munro August was a slow month in Washington, but we found a few interesting items for you. This month, we feature developments from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission and the Pennsylvania Attorney General we thought might interest to those in the auto sales, finance or leasing business. We also recap some of the auto sale and financing lawsuits we follow each month. Remember – we aren’t reporting every recent legal development, only those we think might be particularly important or interesting to dealers. Why do we include items from other states? We want to show you new legal developments and trends. Also, another state’s laws might be a lot like your state’s laws. If attorneys general or plaintiffs’ lawyers are pursuing particular types of claims in other states, those claims might soon appear in your state. Note that this column does not offer legal advice. Always check with your own lawyer to learn how what we report might apply to you, or if you have questions. THIS MONTH’S CARLAWYER© COMPLIANCE TIP Tom ([email protected]) and Nikki (nmunro@hudco. com) are partners in the law firm of Hudson Cook, LLP. Tom is the author of a book, CARLAW®, and is the Editor/author of the CARLAW® F&I Legal Desk Book. The books are available at www.counselor library.com. Tom is also the publisher of Spot Delivery®, a monthly legal newsletter for auto dealers, and the Editor in Chief of CARLAW®, a monthly report of legal developments in all states for the auto finance and leasing industry (not to be confused with the book). Nikki is a contributing author to the F&I Legal Desk Book and frequently writes for Spot Delivery®. Spot Delivery®, CARLAW® and the books are produced by CounselorLibrary.com LLC. For information, call 410.865.5411 or visit www.counselorlibrary.com. Copyright CounselorLibrary. com 2015, all rights reserved. Single publication rights only, to the Association. HC# 4850-2079-6456 9/15) State attorneys general have their collective hair on fire about dealer advertising. Most of the advertising violations the AGs are prosecuting are for violations of some pretty basic rules. Do you know the federal and state advertising rules that apply to your dealership? If not, urge your state dealer association to put on a “Car Dealer Advertising Basics” seminar or webinar. Also, collect all the advertising rules into a manual, and have your lawyer confirm that you’ve found them all. Finally, schedule periodic reviews of the material you have gathered and periodic training of the employees responsible for your ads. FEDERAL DEVELOPMENTS E-Closings in the F&I Office? On August 5, the CFPB published a report on its “Know Before You Owe” eClosing project which found that borrowers can benefit from electronic closings when navigating the mortgage closing process. Specifically, the results of the pilot indicate that those who closed their mortgage using an electronic platform are generally better off on measures of understanding, efficiency, and feeling empowered than borrowers who used just paper forms. In April 2014 the CFPB released a report that outlined the major pain points associated with the closing process – the last step before consumers are contractually obligated to their loans. The report found that consumers felt like they did not have enough time to review the documents. Consumers also felt overwhelmed by the stack of complex paperwork. Finally, consumers complained about finding errors in the documents. The CFPB identified electronic closings, also known as eClosings, as one solution to address some of these pain points. Electronic closings rely on technology for borrowers to view and sign closing documents electronically. The benefits can include faster delivery of the documents and embedded links to help consumers understand specific terms as they come across them. The report, “Leveraging technology to empower mortgage consumers at closing” is available at: http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/201508_cfpb_leveraging-technology-to-empowermortgage-consumers-at-closing.pdf The CFPB’s report focused on mortgage lending, but some of its findings and conclusions might well apply in the auto finance area, as well. FTC Interested in Debt Collection. On August 6, the FTC announced the panels for its September 29 Dallas meeting on debt collection. The FTC will host a similar meeting in Atlanta on November 18. The FTC’s first such meeting with debt collection industry leaders and professionals was held in New York in June. The participants will discuss enforcement actions, consumer complaints, compliance issues, and industry best practices. Both events are free and open to the public. News from the Complaint Department. On August 25, the CFPB released its second monthly complaint report, which highlights trends in the complaint data the Bureau receives through its 26 | OCTOBER 2015 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS Consumer Complaint Database. Car industry folks will have a hard time gleaning anything from the report dealing specifically with auto financing. The monthly report includes complaint data specific to certain companies, overall complaint volume and complaint volume by state, and other trends in the data. Each month, the report spotlights complaints about a particular issue and complaints from a particular geographic location. This month’s report focuses on credit reporting complaints and complaints from consumers in Los Angeles. Pennsylvania AG Curbs “Free Range” Dealers. On July 30, the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General announced that it obtained settlements with three dealerships and one individual for advertising and selling used vehicles without a valid license. The attorney general’s office also alleged that the dealerships failed to use proper sales contracts and failed to disclose their business names and addresses or use the word “dealer” within their ads on Craigslist. One dealership also allegedly misrepresented the quality of its vehicles and failed to disclose in writing any verbal representations made to customers. The settlements are the result of a statewide task force that investigated used car dealerships. LITIGATION Consumer Leasing Act Not Applicable to Lease to Individual and Non-Profit Organization: A non-profit organization and its chief executive officer leased a car from a dealership. Later, the CEO sued the assignee of his lease and the dealership’s sales manager for violating the Consumer Leasing Act. The assignee moved to dismiss the complaint, and the trial court granted the motion. The federal appellate court affirmed. The appellate court agreed with the trial court that the CLA, which does not apply to a lease to an organization, did not apply to the lease because there was no question that the non-profit was a co-lessee and that it was an organization under the CLA. The appellate court noted that the fact that the CEO was a natural person did not convert the lease into a consumer lease because when there is more than one lessee, all lessees must be natural persons in order for a lease to be a consumer lease. See Dixon v. Toyota Motor Credit Corporation, 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 12732 (5th Cir. (E.D. La.) July 23, 2015). Borrowers Not Entitled to Remedy for Violations of Maryland’s Repossession Notice Requirements Unless They Had Repaid More than Principal Amount: Two individuals bought cars under retail installment sale contracts governed by the Maryland Credit Grantor Closed End Credit Provisions. When they defaulted, the creditors repossessed the cars and sent them notices that their cars would be sold at public auction. After the sale of the cars, the creditors sent them notices that the cars were sold and that they owed deficiency balances. In response, the individuals sued the creditors, alleging violation of the CGCEC Provisions, among other claims. The trial court granted summary judgment for the creditors, finding that the individuals did not sustain any damages because they had unpaid principal balances remaining and the creditors had abandoned their claims for deficiency judgments. The federal appeals court affirmed. A creditor that violates the CGCEC PENNSYLVANIA FORMS DEALERS CAN ORDER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY “As is” Supplemental Statement Buyers Guide Plastic Holders (50) Buyers Guide Window Form Buyers Guide Window Form (Spanish) Consignment & Sales Agreement Form Deal Jackets Fees Chart (wall mount) Installment Sales Contract (100) Key Tags (250) Lease Agreements Limited Warranty No Purchase Required Disclosure Notary Receipt Pad Notary Register Odometer Mileage Statement Power of Attorney Disclosure Forms Rental Agreements Retail Buyer Order Form Secure Power of Attorney Secure Power of Attorney Log Book Temp Tag Log Book Title Release Authorization Used Vehicle Record MEMBERNON-$MEMBER MEMBER EXT NON-M EXT _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 24.00 $ 00 40. $ 00 18. $ 00 18. $ 00 18. $ 00 24. $ 00 14. $ 00 75. $ 00 32. $ 00 53. $ 00 26. $ 00 24. $ 00 15. $ 00 15. $ 00 18. $ 00 18. $ 00 32. $ 00 32. $ 00 50. $ 00 15. $ 00 15. $ 00 15. $ 00 15. 48.00 $ 00 80. $ 00 36. $ 00 36. $ 00 36. $ 00 48. $ 00 28. $ 129.00 $ 00 64. $ 106.00 $ 00 52. $ 00 48. $ 00 30. $ 00 30. $ 00 36. $ 00 36. $ 00 64. $ 00 64. $ 00 50. $ 00 30. $ 00 30. $ 00 30. $ 00 30. $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ $ 28.00 28.00 $ 00 28. $ 00 28. $ 00 28. $ 00 28. $ 00 28. $ 00 28. $ 00 28. $ 00 28. $ 00 28. $ 56.00 56.00 $ 00 56. $ 00 56. $ 00 56. $ 00 56. $ 00 56. $ 00 56. $ 00 56. $ 00 56. $ 00 56. $ $ _______ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ _______ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ ADP FORMS Customer Delivery Check List Customer Proposal Damage Disclosure Delivery Confirmation Goodwill Repair Acknowledgement Insurance Coverage Acknowledgement Interpreter Confirmation of Translation Lease Spot Delivery Agreement Notice to Co-Signer Test Drive Agreement Trade-In Appraisal _______ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ $ _______ Subtotal $ _______ $ _______ PA Sales Tax $ _______ $ _______ Shipping $ per pound + Special Shipping $ at cost. Total w/o shipping $_________ P lease make checks payable to PIADA, 1501 North Front St., Harrisburg, PA 17102 (call in to receive shipping cost to include in payment) or you may fax orders to 717.238.3870 with credit card information. *All orders MUST be accompanied by a method of payment. *Must provide DIN if applicable. Dealership_________________________________________________________________________ Contact_______________________________________________Date_________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________State ______Zip__________ Phone _____________________Fax ____________________*DIN____________________ Card Type: VISA MasterCard AMEX Name on Card____________________________________________________ Exp. Date________ Card Number _____________________________________ Security Code________ CONTINUED ON PAGE 28 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS OCTOBER 2015 | 27 LEGAL CORNER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 Provisions may collect only the principal amount of the loan and not any interest, costs, fees, or other charges. In addition, a creditor that violates the repossession section, including the requirement to furnish a notice following repossession, is not entitled to a deficiency judgment. Relying on 2013 precedent, the appellate court recharacterized all of the individuals’ payments as payments toward principal and then subtracted that total and the sale proceeds from the original principal amount owed. The appellate court concluded that the individuals each still owed approximately $11,000 in principal and, thus, did not sustain any damages. See Gardner v. GMAC, Inc., 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 13737 (4th Cir. (D. Md.) August 6, 2015). Awarding Buyer Cost of Repairs for Defective Truck Sold “As Is” Contravened Dealer’s Right to Exclude Warranty: A couple bought a used truck. Deal documents provided that the truck was sold “as is - no warranty.” On their way home from the dealership, the buyers discovered that the truck was damaged and not roadworthy. They sued the seller under “civil tort law.” The trial court found that the seller committed a tort in selling the buyers a truck that was not roadworthy and that placed them, and other drivers, in danger. The court awarded the buyers damages in the amount of the costs they incurred to repair the truck, as well as their attorney’s fees. The Court of Appeals of Indiana reversed the trial court’s judgment. The appellate court determined that the buyers were not entitled to relief under a tort theory because the “economic loss rule” precludes tort liability for “pecuniary loss unaccompanied by any property damage or personal injury (other than damage to the product or service provided by the defendant).” Because the buyers failed to provide evidence of any personal injury or damage to any property other than the truck they bought, the appellate court determined that the economic loss rule applied and barred their recovery under a civil tort theory. The appellate court noted that Indiana law permits a dealer to expressly exclude implied warranties. The appellate court found that the seller had sold the truck “as is,” with no implied warranties, and therefore the buyers were not entitled to relief under a warranty claim. The appellate court determined that the trial court had effectively contravened the seller’s right to sell the truck “as is” by awarding the buyers the same relief in tort that was excluded by the agreement. See Griffin v. Martin, 2015 Ind. App. Unpub. LEXIS 787 (Ind. App. July 15, 2015). So there’s this month’s roundup! you next month. 3 Stay legal, and we’ll see MARIADA 2015 CONFERENCE MARIADA 2015 CONFERENCE and Sunday, September 19-20, 2015 | Saturday Loews Hotel in Downtown Philadelphia, PA Loews Hotel in Downtown Philadelphia, PA | Saturday and Sunday, September 19-20, 2015 MARIADA 2015 CONFERENCE Loews Hotel in Downtown Philadelphia, PA | Saturday and Sunday, September 19-20, 2015 Telephone: 717-763-1121 ■ Fax: 717-763-7419 On the Web at: www.shumakerwilliams.com Offices in Camp Hill and York, PA, and Towson, MD Established 1964 COMMITTED TO MEETING THE LEGAL AND BUSINESS NEEDS OF THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY: Vehicle Finance ■ Buy Here Pay Here ■ Installment Sales Floor Plan Financing ■ Loan Workouts ■ Auction Matters ■ Agents Messenger Services ■ Licensing and Regulatory Compliance Enforcement Matters ■ Warranties ■ Insurance ■ Service Contracts and SCRIPs ■ Leasing ■ Internet Sales ■ ELT Program ■ Contracts Repossessions ■ Starter Interruption Devices and GPS Intellectual Property ■ Capital Raising ■ Mergers & Acquisitions ■ Corporate Governance Commercial Litigation ■ Human Resources & Benefits Real Estate ■ Tax Strategy Counsel to the Succession Planning (family, ownership, management) Pennsylvania Independent Automobile Dealers Estates and Trusts Planning ■ Immigration Association 28 | OCTOBER 2015 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS BelAir_4.22x5.65_ad.pdf 1 12/11/13 10:51 AM PAYING TOO MUCH FOR GARAGE INSURANCE? C M Y CM MY Chesapeake Risk Management, Ltd. is a Risk Management and insurance consulting company involved in the Auto Industry for over 40 years. CY CMY K We DO NOT sell insurance! We negotiate benefits up and premiums down. Please call to discuss your needs: Richard R. Pohl, CPCU, A.R.M. 1-410-357-4004 [email protected] www.chesapeakeriskmanagement.com BUYER AND SELLER FEES NO CHANGE SINCE 2011 GROWING NEW CAR DEALER CONSIGNMENT ATTEND EVERY THURSDAY AT 10:00AM FIND US ON: 12141 Route 6 , PO Box 317 CORRY PA 16407 (814) 664-7721 33 + YRS CELEBRATING as an INDEPENDENT AUTO AUCTION MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS OCTOBER 2015 | 29 KONTOS KOMMENTARY CURRENT USED VEHICLE MARKET CONDITIONS SUMMARY Average wholesale used vehicle prices fell on a year-over-year basis for the first time since August of 2014, as previously elevated sales of higher-priced, late-model off-rental program units have subsided and comparisons to prior year are now on more of an apples-to-apples basis in terms of seller-type composition. We now see a clearer picture of the downward pressure that supply growth is putting on prices. Moreover, though retail used vehicle demand has been strong, average new car incentives have been climbing, which puts further downward pressure on used vehicle prices. These impacts are most evident in car prices, as truck prices have held up well in the current low fuel price environment. Tom Kontos is Executive Vice-President, Customer Strategies and Analytics. In this position, Mr. Kontos interfaces with members of the media, Wall Street and automotive analysts, dealers, and key ADESA clients to provide information and insight on economic trends in the vehicle remarketing industry, of which ADESA is a major player. Mr. Kontos also provides analytical services to internal and external ADESA audiences in the form of annual market reports, periodic reports on used vehicle price trends, web-based information products, dealer surveys, and other strategic studies. He supplies monthly used vehicle price data to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) as part of the BEA’s effort to estimate various components of Gross Domestic Product. ADESA Auctions 13085 Hamilton Crossing Blvd., Suite 500 Carmel, IN 46032 317.249.4235 [email protected] DETAILS According to ADESA Analytical Services’ monthly analysis of Wholesale Used Vehicle Prices by Vehicle Model Class1, wholesale used vehicle prices in August averaged $9,575 – down 3.1% compared to July and down 0.2% relative to August 2014. Car prices continue to bear the brunt of price declines, falling 5.8% month over-month and 5.2% year-over-year, while truck prices fell only modestly (0.6%) on a sequential basis and actually went up significantly (9.8%) on a year-over-year basis. Average wholesale prices for used vehicles remarketed by manufacturers were up 1.7% month-over-month but down 9.1% year-over-year. Prices for fleet/lease consignors were up a modest 0.7% sequentially but down 2.0% annually. Dealer consignors saw a 3.6% price decrease versus July but a 2.1% increase relative to August 2014. Data from NADA showed a 10.6% year-over-year increase in used vehicle sales by franchised dealers and a 12.4% increase for independent dealers in August. CPO sales were down 0.1% month-over-month and down 1.1% year-over-year, according to figures from Autodata. WHOLESALE USED VEHICLE PRICE TRENDS Average Prices ($/Unit) Aug-15 Jul-15 Aug-14 Latest Month Versus: Prior Month Prior Year Total All Vehicles $9,575 $9,876 $9,595 -3.1% -0.2% Total Cars $8,010 $8,503 $8,450 -5.8% -5.2% Compact Car $6,514 $7,105 $6,748 -8.3% -3.5% Midsize Car $7,272 $7,628 $7,832 -4.7% -7.1% Fullsize Car $6,238 $7,297 $5,786 -14.5% 7.8% Luxury Car $11,425 $11,720 $11,857 -2.5% -3.6% Sporty Car $11,750 $12,512 $12,325 -6.1% -4.7% Total Trucks $11,276 $11,346 $10,270 -0.6% 9.8% Mini Van $6,624 $6,839 $6,126 -3.1% 8.1% Fullsize Van $12,813 $12,420 $11,499 3.2% 11.4% Mini SUV $13,642 $13,560 $12,407 0.6% 10.0% Midsize SUV $7,826 $7,968 $7,401 -1.8% 5.7% Fullsize SUV $11,161 $11,090 $10,400 0.6% 7.3% Luxury SUV $18,136 $17,769 $18,588 2.1% -2.4% Compact Pickup $7,686 $7,938 $7,333 -3.2% 4.8% Fullsize Pickup $14,593 $14,731 $12,857 -0.9% 13.5% Total Crossovers Compact CUV Mid/Fullsize CUV $11,339 $10,106 $12,278 $11,569 $10,428 $12,447 $11,950 $10,666 $13,198 -2.0% -3.1% -1.4% -5.1% -5.3% -7.0% Source: ADESA Analytical Services. July data revised. 1 The analysis is based on over seven million annual sales transactions from over 150 of the largest U.S. wholesale auto auctions, including those of ADESA as well as other auction companies. ADESA Analytical Services segregates these transactions to study trends by vehicle model class, sale type, model year, etc. The views and analysis provided herein relate to the vehicle remarketing industry as a whole and may not relate directly to KAR Auction Services, Inc. The views and analysis are not the views of KAR Auction Services, its management or its subsidiaries; and their accuracy is not warranted. The statements contained in this report and statements that the company may make orally in connection with this report that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Words such as “should,” “may,” “will,” “anticipates,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates,” “bode”, “promises”, “likely to” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results projected, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include those matters disclosed in the company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings. The company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements. 30 | OCTOBER 2015 MIDATLANTIC DEALER NEWS OVER $2500 IN PRIZES AT END OF SALE!! INCLUDING: (8) $250 Gift Cards To Random Buyers At End Of Bargain Boulevard (4) Per Lane!!! Bargain Bargain Boulevard Boulevard abclancaster.net FREE Hotdogs & Popcorn FLAT SELL FEE $100 FLAT BUY FEE $150 Every week beginning September 30th Lanes 7 & 8* *following Fleet/Lease Units typically $4000** and under **Bargain Boulevard units NOT elibigle for PSi Featuring THESE SELLERS: STARTING LANE 8 STARTING LANE 7 WEDNESDAY SALES AT 9AM | 1400+ UNITS Bid Online With www.edgepipeline.com 1040 Commercial Ave, PO Box 406, East Petersburg, PA 17520 • Phone: (717) 569.5220 • Fax: (717) 569.3109 www.edgepipeline.com | www.abclancaster.net www.facebook.com/abclancaster • www.twitter.com/greggehman