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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
No. 139 - 21. May - 28. May 2014
Danger After Dark in Bali
Purse Snatching in Denpasar Results in Death of an 18-year-old South Korean Woman
A purse-snatcher operating
along Jalan Teuku Umar Barat
in the early hours of Saturday,
May 17, 2015, has caused the
death of a young South Korean
woman and serious injuries to another girl from
prison, came along
side and grabbed
the bag of the pillion passenger,
Kim Eun Sol (19).
In the ensuing
struggle over the
hand bag, the
South Korean fell
off the back of the
motorbike driven by her friend
Amy Fitria Sidharta (18) of Germany. The South Korean tumbled into the oncoming lane of
traffic where another motorcycle
driven by Gede Bagia (27)
struck the woman in head, killing her instantly.
When the third girl returned in
search of her two friends she
discovered the grisly scene.
Sidharta also fell from her bike
and suffered bruises and contusion, as did the driver of the
oncoming motorcycle - Gede
According to the State News
Agency Antara, Kim Eun Sol
had recently graduated from
Taman Mahatma Gandhi High
School in Denpasar and was
planning to continue her studies
The second motorcycle carrying in Bali
a third girl and friend of Kim and
Sidharta went on for some dis- Police continue to investigate
tance when she noticed the two the fatality.
girls were no longer following.
The latest attack adds to
a pattern of concerning
criminal attacks, many
directed at women, occurring in Bali‘s tourist
Three young women
riding on two motorbikes
were returning from an
evening out in Seminyak
at 2:00 am on Saturday
morning when a man,
who apparently had
been following the
women since they
passed the Kerobokan
Live Sports Daily
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Page 3 Girl Of The Week: Gina (20)
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
HOURS TO GO (from 6am on Friday 25th of May 2014)
The annual tribute to Douglas Adams, author of
Shoulder your towel all day and then join us at 6pm in:
THE BALI PUB on SUNDAY 25th May 2014
RYS registered Yoga School
3 or 4 daily classes, in a variety of styles
Purpose built bamboo studio on the beach next to the Mercure Hotel. Certified legally kitas‘ed teachers
Medium / Advanced players in Sanur / Renon Area
Call Wally on 0819 9957 1288
Tue May 27th - Kids (under 12 years old)
Sat May 31st - Teens (over 12 years old)
from 10am to 2pm ($50)
Book now: [email protected] or call :0821 2242 6103
To fill our Event Calendar we need YOU! Please send your events for the next weeks
to: [email protected]
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
South African Charged to Death Sentence in Bali
alty as he was caught carrying 1.5 kilograms of
methamphetamine shortly
after landing at Ngurah Rai
International Airport, Bali.
―We charge the defendant
on Law of Narcotics Import
and Ownership with a maximum to death penalty,‖ said
the General Prosecutor
(JPU), I Ketut Sujaya, in a
trial in the Denpasar District
Court, on Monday.
As reported by The Bali Times
Stephen Henri Lubbe (58), a
tourist from South Africa, is
threatened with the death pen-
Page 04
dreas Manalu, Iswahyudi and
Mansur Efendi.
―The defendant arrived at Ngurah Rai Airport on February 9,
2014 at 1:00 pm using Hong
Kong Airlines flight. Then, the
airport officials suspected the
suitcase brought by the defendant,‖ said prosecutor Ketut
named Martin Odi from Nigeria.
Then, on February 7, 2014 before flying from Johannesburg,
South Africa, heading to Bali,
Martin Odi put some of the defendant‘s clothes into a suitcase, which had contained
those illicit goods.
The defendant‘s friend told us
that in addition to containing
clothes, inside the suitcase it
also contains money worth U.S.
$ 30,000 and asked to give it to
a friend in Jakarta.
After the officers conducting an
inspection, they found a black
plastic bag tucked into the suitThe trial chaired by the
case cavity with clear crystals
Judge Anak Agung Wirakanta
containing methamphetamine or
scheduled for prosecution. The shabu-shabu.
After running the query, the
defendant was accompanied by The incident was started from
defendant would receive a rethree attorneys, namely Anthe defendant knew a man
ward of U.S. $1,000.
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Grandpa, How Could You?
84-year Old Man Caught with 2.5 kilogram of Methamphetamines at Bali's Airport
The smuggler, Arsain Bin Anwar, has been turned over by
Customs officer to the narcotic
division of the Bali police.
The man was caught when Xray were made of his suitcase
On Friday, May 16, 2014, an 84 and a backpack carried by the
-year-old grandfather was cap- man.
tured by Bali Customs officials
trying to smuggle 2.5 kilograms Anwar who told officials he
of methamphetamines off a
worked for 27 years as a car
Malindo Air flight from Kuala
washer in Malaysia. He said
that the narcotics were given to
him by a friend and neighbor
from Sampang, Madura who
paid him 200 Ringgit, The elderly man claimed he had no
knowledge to the content of the
packages he was carry at his
friend's request.
Police suspect another man on
the same flight, identified only
by the initial "R", was traveling
on the same flight to monitor
Anwar's movements. Investigators postulate that "R" immediately informed an entire drug
syndicate when the old man
and drugs were seized by Customs officials.
The old man may now be
charged as a distributor under
Indonesia's tough anti-narcotics
laws and, based on the large
quantity of drugs involved he
could be sentenced to death
before a firing squad.
Police and the national narcotic
squad continue to investigate
the case.
Strippers face 10 years behind bars
As reported by Bali Daily (The
Jakarta Post) Detectives with
the Denpasar Police said Tuesday they would charge the naked dancers they arrested during a raid recently under the
2008 Pornography Law, which
carries a maximum of 10 years‘
―We will charge the two naked
dancers with Article 36 of the
Page 06
law,‖ said the head of Denpasar imprisonment for violating ArtiPolice detectives, Comr. Benny cle 296 of the Criminal Code.
The nightclub manager, identiTwo dancers — identified as
fied as Y, was also arrested.
RW, 20 and P, 20 — along with The five have been named sustwo pimps, ES and L, were arpects and remain at Denpasar
rested at Lavender nightclub in Police‘s detention facility for
Kuta, Badung regency, during a further questioning.
raid last Thursday.
Police said they were still develES and L are facing 16 months‘ oping the case, including by
questioning another 11 people,
also alleged to be strippers.
The raid was initiated after reports were received from local
people, who believed that the
nightclub was presenting striptease performances. During the
raid, the police also confiscated
several receipts and Rp 3.1
million (US$270) in cash.
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Page 07
SAND restaurant on Sindhu
beach close to the beach market came into being roughly 18
months ago following a protracted high court contractual
battle between the owners of
the original Bonsai Café and the
landowners, the Hattens wine
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
kilo depending on your choice.
In our case, the BBQ grilled
snapper, which was delivered to
our table accompanied by salad
and chips (or vegetables and
rice) was the best fish I‘ve
tasted in a long time. Perfect,
although the smallest fish on
So much for history. Last week, offer on this occasion was
stemming from a sudden rush
500gr which may prove too
For the previous 15 years Bon- of blood to the head, we venlarge for some.
sai had been one of our favour- tured into Sand for our evening
ite places to sit and watch the
meal and I‘d have to say that I
Elsewhere on the main menu,
world go by and we‘d seen it
was impressed.
entrees include tomato and
progress from, literally, a hole in From the moment we sat down goat‘s cheese terrine (65k) and
the wall serving drinks to a fully the service was excellent with
Asian moon scallops (65k), folfledged beach restaurant and
one particular waiter taking
lowed by selections of pasta, a
pride in ensuring that we
la carte seafood dishes, meats
wanted for nothing.
and Asian favourites (well,
Sadly Bonsai was forced out
‘Asian famous‘ according to the
when Hattens decided to rede- The vista, of course, has always menu) including beef rendang
velop the entire site between
been fantastic. It‘s a great loca- (75k) and Thai green chicken
the beach and the main road.
tion with enough beach space
curry (65k).
Out went the bonsai garden
to accommodate 150 diners
behind the café and out went
outside. A further 50 can sit
‗Seafood Grande‘ (445k), a
Piccadilly restaurant. Most reinside or at the bar.
meal to share comprises 400gr
grettably Seamen‘s Bar (Bali
Lobster and a kilo of assorted
Seafarers Centre) where I had
The standout for me was the
seafood including Calamari.
spent hundreds of happy Bali
fresh seafood displayed by the
evenings was another casualty. side of the footpath on a jukung All prices are +15% with bin(fishing boat) from 5.30 pm on- tangs at 24/38k and Bali Hai
The landowners renovated Bon- wards.
22/32k. International white and
sai café and the result was
red wines range between 300
Sand. Initially, after a couple of You pick your own snapper,
and 380k per bottle. The Two
visits we were not terribly imprawns, lobster etc. and pay per Islands Shiraz at 45k per glass
Page 08
pressed as the prices had increased, the pizza oven was no
more and the service (not to put
too fine point on it) was abysmal. Consequently it disappeared from our eating and
drinking radar.
21. May - 28. May 2014
is very reasonable considering
the 150mL serve but I still struggle with it being listed as a S.
Australian wine.
Sure, the grapes originate in Oz
but the wine is produced by
Hattens in Sanur. No wonder
it‘s good value at Sand.
Anyway, one way or another,
I‘m genuinely pleased that the
restaurant has addressed its lax
staffing issues and I will not
hesitate in recommending Sand
next time someone asks me
where to go for a great seafood
Following on from my earlier
‗lost in translation‘ dish names
such as Gordon Blue, Turn and
Surf and Fruit Lazy etc, I‘m curious to find out what Inna Sindhu
Beach hotel is serving under the
title ‗Duck Burn‘. Cremated bebek??
Finally, hope you can join us
this Sunday 25th May for the
the main street opposite Werdapura hotel). Starts 4pm.
Come alone or bring your brains
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Hail Blue Bird Taxi in Bali on YourSmart Phone
Blue Bird Taxi On Line Booking Application in Bali
After the introduction
and trial operation of
the same system in the
greater Jakarta metropolitan area, Medan
and Semarang – Blue
Bird Group has extended their Taxi Mobile
Reservation System to
Bali commencing May
14, 2014
Indonesia‘s leading taxi and
transportation company – the
Blue Bird Group has introduced
a mobile application that promises to make hailing a taxi in
Bali a less burdensome task
than in the past.
five applications listed only
need to perform a free
download via
or via the social network on
Facebook or Twitter at
location of your taxi in relation
to your current position.
Editors note: We are going to
try this new app the next week
and we‘ll publish an article on
this soon.
The new application using
Global Positioning SysUsing an Android, IPone, Black- tems (GPS)
berrry, Windows 8 and Nokia
allows immeAsh applications - the new sys- diate confirtem allows both visiting tourists mation in the
and local residents in Bali to hail form of a taxi
a taxi via their smart phones.
number and a
map showing
Those wishing to use one of the the current
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Dozens of Dogs in Nusa Penida Culled
by being shot or poisoned.
Calvin & Hobbes
As reported by The Bali Times
Government of Klungkung regency, Bali, culled dozens of
stray dogs in Nusa Penida to
prevent the spread of rabies.
Page 14
―We did the
culling gradually,‖ said Head
of Husbandry
and Fishery
Technical Operation Unit of
Nusa PenidaDistrict, I
Nyoman Sangging, on Saturday.
According to him, the dog population in the island is getting out
of control. ―Many residents of
Nusa Penida bring dogs from
outside the island. Many boats
to Nusa Penuda also contributed influx of dogs from outside
the island,‖ he said.
Besides culling, the local government also provides antiThe culling was done in the
rabies vaccine. ―People can
morning until the evening, either bring their dog to our place to
get routine vaccine for four to
six months,‖ said Sangging.
Meanwhile, Agus Harta Wijaya
Kusuma, a resident of Nusa
Penida, said that in recent days
the stray dogs had begun to eat
the residents‘ pets.
―In addition, many carcasses of
stray dogs on the streets because they were hit by motorbike. Not a few riders also were
fell as they were hit by stray
dogs,‖ he said.
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21. May - 28. May 2014
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Blowing in the Wind
Sudden Wind Storm Causes Property Damage in Sanur, Bali
Semawang and 3
places of business.
A series of small tornado-like
whirlwinds (angin puting beliung) struck areas on Sanur late
on the night of Monday, May 12,
2014 causing damage over a
wide area including Sanur, Banjar Semawang and the village of
Sanur Kuah.
The head of the rehabilitation
and reconstruction section of
Denpasar Disaster Alleviation
Agency (BPBD-Denpasar), I
Made Prapta, told NusaBali that
10 households suffered damage
in the Blanjong Community,
Sanur Kauh; 20 households in
Page 16
Mangku Dalem Semawa suggested the strong winds in Sa"Mostly the damage
nur were also connected with
occurred to roofing
the missing body of a young
tiles with damage
Balinese man swept out to sea
ranging from 10 tiles the day before at Gumicik
to hundreds. We are beach in nearby Ketewel.
inventorying the dam- "Every time someone floats
age to determine the away, the sea becomes angry.
amount of assistance After they find the body the
we will provide," said Prapta.
seas will quiet down," he said.
Meanwhile, community and
religious leaders see a deeper
meaning to Bali's changing
weather patterns and the most
recent windstorm that ravaged
parts of otherwise peaceful Sanur.
The body of the missing Balinese youth was recovered by
Search and Rescue officers late
on Tuesday, one
day after the
When Sanur fisherman Mangku
Dalem Semawa was asked to
comment, he replied: "Ten keni
antuk, sawireh alam sampun
usak" (the weather can no
longer be predicted because
nature is damaged).
Semawa said he
was thankful that
none of the Sanur fishing community were at
sea on the evening of the
storm, explaining: "When someone's body has drifted out to
sea, this is what happens. Our
fishermen won't go to sea because the nature conditions are
not good, as they normally are."
Semawa together with fellow
fishermen of Sanur teamed up
to help clean up fallen
branches, leaves and roofing
tiles around Sanur on the morning after the wind storm.
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Asita to Spread „Spies‟ to Oversee Illegal Travel
will be immediately
reported to the relevant
parties. We also have
coordinated with the
Public Order Agency
and the Bali Provincial
Tourism Department to
respond to our report,‖
said Asita Bali chairman, Ketut Ardana, in
Denpasar, on Wednes-
As reported by The Bali Times
the Association of Indonesia
Travel Agent (Asita) of Bali will
deploy ‗spies‘ to monitor the
operation of illegal travels that
increasingly spreading on the
―Members of Asita will be used
as a ‗spy‘ and if there is any it
Page 18
son when many tourists come
to Bali,‖ he said.
According to Ardana, a travel
agency should not need running
an illegal business. If it already
have moratorium permit, they
should join with other companies that have license.
The presence of illegal travels,
he added, is actually not good
for Bali as it can degrade the
Asita Bali earlier will also match tourism image. The services
the data with the Department of provided may not meet the
Tourism related to the legality of standards.
the existing travels.
―Not only local entrepreneurs
―The illegal travel agents that
work in the business of illegal
are rampant during the year, not travel, but now there are also
just at the moment of high sea- have foreigners
done it,‖ said Ardana.
On the other hand, he regretted
the number of brochures from
random travel agencies on display at Ngurah Rai International
Airport, Bali. However, he is
now grateful for the opportunity
given by Angkasa Pura I to also
check to the field in relation to
the existence of illegal travels
―Our members are 370 and all
are licensed or legally operated.
They are asked to oversee the
existence of illegal travel agents
because they will already know
each other among the members
who have been authorized,‖
said Ardana.
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21. May - 28. May 2014
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21. May - 28. May 2014
The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Cryptic Crosswords
1 Editor's put in news that's upset the country (6)
4 Can't have venison without a bottle of wine (8)
9 Name is translated for French city (6)
10 Chaps keep score in mind (8)
12 It opens the door for the boss (4)
13 Such charges may be dropped (5)
14 Principal feature of a vault (4)
17 It's a country that's not in dispute (7,5)
20 Crime in deliberate return of revolutionary spirit (6,6)
23 Frightfully large fairytale character (4)
24 One proverbial source of corporate strength (5)
25 Bearing an exploded mine (4)
28 Understood the devil came to a lawful end (8)
29 Made a false impression (6)
30 Strange relics to be found in a secluded walk (8)
31 Politician in new test case appeals (6)
1 Not trying hard with a point deficit (8)
2 Close of play (8)
3 Bird in the wilderness (4)
5 Sort of silver currently produced (12)
6 Plays parts or play's parts (4)
7 Top men in the building trade (6) 8 Beat time (6) 11 An underworld racket? (4,2,1,5) 15 Follow the steps shown (5)
16 Object to being not quite sober (5) 18 Calculating a pudding mixture (6,2) 19 New range of French bombs (8)
21 Signs of interest to astrologers (6) 22 It's excessively used by composers (6)
26 When he's around one moves quickly (4) 27 A sound record (4)
Solution for this crosswords on page 31
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Paddy was planning to get married and asked his doctor how he could tell if his bride
is a virgin. The doctor said, "Well, you need three things from a do it yourself shop. A
can of red paint, a can of blue paint, and a shovel." Paddy asked, "And what do I do
with these, doc?" The doctor replied, "Before the wedding night, you paint one of
your testicles red and the other one blue. That night if she says, 'That‘s the strangest
pair of balls I ever saw,' you hit her with the shovel."
An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says, "Ah,
you're an engineer - you're in the wrong place." So the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is
let in. Pretty soon, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and starts designing and building improvements. After a while, they've got air conditioning and flush toilets and
escalators, and the engineer is a pretty popular guy. One day God calls Satan up on the telephone and says with a sneer, "So, how's
it going down there in hell?" Satan replies, "Hey, things are going great. We've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators,
and there's no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next." God replies, "What??? You've got an engineer? That's a mistake - he should never have gotten down there; send him up here." Satan says, "No
way. I like having an engineer on the staff, and I'm keeping him." God says, "Send him
back up here or I'll sue." Satan laughs uproariously and answers, "Yeah, right. And just
where are YOU going to get a lawyer?
Little Johnny was sitting in class one day. On this particular day, the teacher wanted to
ask her class which part of the body went to heaven first. One little girl raised her hand
and said, "I think your mind goes to heaven first because you have to have a mind in
order to believe in God." The teacher praises the little girl as a little boy raises his hand.
He says, "I think your heart goes to heaven first because God is all about love." "Very
good," said the teacher. The teacher looked up and saw Little Johnny's hand up. "Oh
no," she thought, "I'm not gonna like this". "Little Johnny, which part of the body do you
think goes to heaven first?" Little Johnny thinks for a minute and says, "Your feet." The
teacher asked him why he thought your feet go to heaven first. He replied, "Well, I was
walking past my parents bedroom last night and my mom had her feet up in the air and
she said, "Oh God, I'm coming!", but fortunately dad was on top of her holding her down."
After a few years of married life, a man finds that he is unable to perform. He goes to his doctor, and his doctor tries a few things but
nothing works. Finally the doctor says to him: "This is all in your mind" and refers him to a psychiatrist. After a few visits, the shrink
confesses: "I am at a loss as to how you could possibly be cured." Finally the psychiatrist refers him to a witch doctor. The witch doctor says: "I can cure this." He throws some powder on a flame, and there is a flash with billowing blue smoke. The witch doctor says:
"This is powerful healing, but you can only use it once a year! All you have to
do is say '1-2-3' and it shall rise for as long as you wish!" The guy then asks
Masters Of Transport & Logistics
the witch doctor: "What happens when it's over?" The witch doctor says: "All
you or your partner has to say is '1234' and it will go down. But be warned; it
will not work again for a year!" The guy goes home and that night he is ready
to surprise his wife with the good news. So, he is lying in bed with her and
says: "1-2-3" and suddenly he gets an erection. His wife turns over and says:
"What did you say '1-2-3' for?"
A middle aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While
on the operating table she had a near death experience. Seeing God shesked
"Is my time up?" God answered, "No, you have 40 more years, 2 months and
8 days to live." Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and
have a facelift, liposuction, and a tummy tuck. She even had someone come
in and change her hair color. Since she had so much more time to live, she
figured she might as well make the most of it. After her last operation, she
was released from the hospital. While crossing the street on her way home,
she was hit by a car and died immediately. Arriving in front of God, she demanded, "I thought you said I had another 40 years, why didn't you pull me
from out of the path of the car?" God replied, "I didn't recognize you."
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21. May - 28. May 2014
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Not the Right Sort of Welcome to Bali
Shenanigans at Bali's Airport Underline the Need for Serious Change and an Urgent Need to fix
First Impressions in Bali
A travel expert once said that
the experience of arriving at
airport is a pretty accurate representation of the travel experience awaiting a visitor beyond
the airport's doors.
If that postulation is correct,
then Bali is in serious trouble.
We heared reports of waiting
times of as much as two-hours
or make to make it through the
customs and immigration process.
Making matters worse and creating an even more negative
Page 26
impression of
ineptitude and
preying corruption are reports
that officials and
middlemen areactively circulating and working
these crowds
offering VIP express service
through immigration and customs for a "special" fee of Rp.
750,000 - a figure roughly three
time the VIP service available to
by prior arrangement.
Bali visit then the message
seems clear: it's all about usurpation and how much money
you're prepared to pay.
part of any extra fees should
accrue to airport officials and
the proceeds should be transparently accounted and paid to
local charities.
This unfortunate situation is
At the very least, this would
further enforced by aggressive
remove current sordid impresluggage porters who try to hold sion that visiting tourists are
luggage trolley ransom while
viewed as "easy marks" for unrefusing to accept the published scrupulous officials in search of
porter tariff of Rp.5,000 per bag. extra income.
Predators rule during Bali's year
-long season on tourists.
In the past, the sort of ciriticism
leveled here has been greeted
While there is a legitimate need by mean-spirited airport officials
for "express service" through
who respond by suspending the
immigration for VIPs, important VIP express visa service in
Because of these offers for
business visitors or heads of
combination with a retaliatory
"faster service for a fee" many
conference delegations and
slow down of counter service.
Bali visitor are left with the imother - the express service
pression that these long lines at should be done on a more
Question the way brutes exerimmigration are part of a larger transparent basis for published cise their power and be preconspiracy, purposely designed rate to prevent the shameful
pared for petulance served up
to compel people to shell out
charade now taking place on a by the bucketful.
extra money in addition to their daily basis at Bali's airport/
$25 visa-on-arrival fee.
Welcome to Bali. We hope the
One suggestion put forth is for
Island beyond the airport is
If the experience at Bali's airport the express-visa-service to be
worth the wait.
reflects what lies ahead on a
handled by a foundation. No
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21. May - 28. May 2014
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Straighten Up and Fly Right
Quarrelling Couple on Sydney to Singapore Scoot Air Flight Cause Unscheduled Emergency Landing in Bali
Bali was once again touched by
an incident of Australian travelers behaving badly on international flights.
On April 25, 2014, 28-year-old
Australian Matt Christopher
Lockley caused a security
scare when he tried to gain
access to the cockpit on a Virgin Australia flight from Brisbane to Bali.
Less than a month later, Bali
experience another in-flight
scares requiring the emergency
diversion to Bali of a Scoot Air
flight bound for Singapore. The
security detail at Bali‘s airport
again went on alert on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 when the
Sydney to Singapore Scoot
flight TZ001 was diverted to
Bali due to a domestic altercation among two passengers,, quoting the
head of the communications
and legal department at Ngurah
Rai Airport, Shively Sanssouci,
confirmed the
landing took
place at 4:46
pm with the
plane departing again for
Singapore at
7:32 pm.
flight in which the Australian
The flight diversion was caused man reportedly tried to injure
by an physical fight between a
himself and his wife suffered a
couple, believed to be a hussuspected broken arm.
band and wife, on board the
Shively would not confirm to the
press if the man and woman
were fighting on the flight, but
did confirm the flight crew determined the couple represented a threat to the flight‘s
safety and that the women's
injuries needed urgent medical
The pilot contacted the Denpasar Airport tower reporting he
had two sick passengers on
board and requested permission for an emergency landing.
The two passengers were
brought to the BIMC Hospital
after they were disembarked
from the airplane.
The airport was earlier informed
that two passengers were running amuck on the flight.
A third male passenger, believed to be intoxicated, became agitated and aggressive
towards the flight crew saying
he unhappy at the flight‘s diversion to Bali. A decision was
made to disembark the angry
passenger who was put on a
Singapore Airline flight departing at 8:00 pm.
Scoot issued a statement regarding the third passengers
saying, ―The captain off loaded
the man because he was
deemed to be a threat to the
safety of the aircraft and passengers.‖
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
New ferries to cross Bali Strait
As reported by Bali
Daily (The Jakarta
Post) PT ASDP Indonesia, a state-owned
ferry port management firm in Gilimanuk, plans to add
new ferries to its fleet,
taking the total to 29,
to allow more passengers to
cross the Bali Strait from
Banyuwangi Port in East Java.
Susanto, operation manager of PT
ASDP Indonesia,
said school holidays and the Idul
Fitri holidays were
Likewise, thousands of people
will also travel home during Idul
Fitri in July.‖
Crossword solution from page 22
―We are anticipating a flood of tourist
buses from Java
carrying school
students who will
holiday in Bali.
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Sanur Weekly Tide Charts 21. May - 28. May 2014
* = New Moon
** = Full Moon
Desertion at Sea
Captain of Ocean Express Dive Boat Being Tried for Negligent Homicide
Augustinus Brata Kusuma (30),
the Captain of the MV Ocean
Express is standing trial in Denpasar in connection with the
death of two Japanese women
near Nusa Penida during a diving expedition from his boat.
The diving boat captain is being
charged under three counts of
the criminal code for the negligent homicide of the two
tion with the order for a ship
transportation from Yellow
Scuba (PT Jaya Sentana) to
bring a group of five female
Japanese divers to a dive spot
Prosecutors have told the court near Nusa Penida island, off
how on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, Bali's southeastern coast.
the deaths happened in connec- Augustinus and his crew were
assigned by the owner of the
Ocean Express to bring the
divers on the desire dive trip.
Continue reading on page 35
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21. May - 28. May 2014
Continuation of “Desertion minutes. The group then moved When the Japanese group of
on to a third dive site near the
divers emerged on the surface,
at Sea” from page 33
"In the
of doing
Japanese were accompanied by two
Japanese dive instructors Furokawa Saori and Shoko Rakahashi," the prosecutor told the
Sakenan mangrove at Nusa
Lembongan where the Japanese dive instructor told the
captain to meet the group at
Blue Corner where they would
re-emerge at the end of the
Evidence presented to the court
says the five divers and two
instructors cut short their
planned 45-minute dive to just
30-minutes when the group
encountered strong underwater
currents. The prosecutor continHe went on to explain that upon ued, "When they resurfaced,
arriving at the desired dive spot the Captain failed in his responat Manta Point on Nusa Penida, sibility to wait for the group of
that was followed by a visit to a Japanese divers but had left the
second dive spot at Crystal Bay. area to buy more fuel from a
depot at Nusa Lembongan."
Each dive lasted for about 45
nearly 24-hours becoming
separated by the incessant
the MV Ocean Express was
waves. Two divers - Miyata
nowhere to be seen.
Ritsuko and instructor Shoko
Takahashi went missing while
The women joined hands in
the remaining four divers were
order to remain united until the eventually rescued by on Februdive boat returned. At the same ary 16 and 17 by Search and
time, the two instructors inflated Rescue officers from the Water
orange-colored "sausages" to
increase their visibility in the
rolling seas.
Miyata Ritsuko's lifeless body
was found near Serangan IsStaying afloat and holding on to land on February 18, 2014 while
each other throughout the night, Shoko Takahashi's body was
one of the instructors, Furokawa found one week later floating off
Saora, tried without success to the coast of East Java near
swim to a passing boat manag- Blitar.
ing instead to make it a nearby
shore late that afternoon.
The trial of Captain Agustinus
Brata Kusuma continues in
The remaining six divers floated Denpasar
and hung on to each other for
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
Bali crime wave leaves expats bruised and wary
It was a rare visit to Kuta‘s
nightspots on Saturday with
friends -visiting from Britain. But
Richard Irving, a Bali-based
London expat, won‘t be back
after being mugged by about
eight Indonesians as he ventured home at 4am.
As Mr Irving, 31, tried to hail a
taxi, the group surrounded him
on the pretext of offering transport while pickpocketing him. ―I
noticed a hand on my wallet
and grabbed his arm,‖ Mr Irving
said. ―They tripped me up,
pushed me to the ground and
started kicking and punching
Page 36
Mr Irving‘s ordeal is one of a
growing number of increasingly
violent crimes being committed
in Bali‘s tourism centre. Reports
on Bali social media reveal victims suffering increasingly serious injuries such as punctured
lungs and broken ribs.
report crimes. Nine incidents,
most involving theft and motorbike robberies, have been recorded this year, compared with
34 last year.
Tourism Board chief Ngurah
Wijaya said unbridled development, choked traffic and rising
Department of Foreign Affairs
living costs were contributing to
and Trade figures show 32 Aus- the outbreak, which was also
tralians died in Bali in 2012-13, targeting locals. ―We are very
and 90 were hospitalised. Deconcerned … but it‘s a police
spite that, Australians continue job,‖ Mr Wijaya said. ―The police
to top foreign arrivals and
need better training and they
800,000 -visited the island last
should speak English but the
year. Chief of city police Joka
problem is they get moved
Hari Utomo, whose beat covers around — out of Bali.‘‘
Kuta, Legian and Seminyak,
admits foreigners do not like to Expats and tourists have taken
crimes and hotspots. Ubud
Watch has catalogued 62 reported incidents in Ubud from December 2012 to this month.
Last month shows the heaviest
traffic: there were 17 thefts
compared with none last April.
Mr Irving‘s ordeal has left him
with a broken toe, bruises,
grazes and several lumps on
his head — and without his
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21. May - 28. May 2014
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21. May - 28. May 2014
about it, they care more about
Continuation of “Bali
crime wave leaves expats extorting bribes from tourists
without helmets.‘‘
bruised and wary” from
page 36
Though he retained his wallet,
the fight for it could have cost
him dearly.
At 193cm tall, Mr Irving reckons he was saved by his size
but as he got to his feet ―one
guy had picked up a breeze
block ready to drop it on my
head‘‘. By then he was scared
and managed to flee.
The incident happened 30m
from a police tent parked by
the Bali bombing monument.
Two police were asleep in the
―When I told them what happened, they could not care
less,‖ he said. ―Only when I
took the registration number of
their bike and threatened to tell
their superior they were not
helping did they do anything.‘‘
Gold Coast expats Marisa and
Steven Fitzroy, too, are casualties. Ms Fitzroy, 53, is suffering shoulder pain two weeks
after being flung from the motor bike her husband was riding. Returning to their Canggu
home after dinner, Mr Fitzroy,
59, slowed to allow another
bike to overtake. Instead, two
Indonesians sidled up, ramming the couple‘s bike.
Ms Fitzroy was clutching a
small purse. Her arm was
wrenched and her purse containing house keys and a mobile phone was snatched.
―Then they sped off,‘‘ she said.
―I was ‗Oh my God‘ — I lay
there and cried. I could see
Steven on the ground and the
bike was still running.‘‘
Mr Fitzroy — who takes blood
thinners for a heart condition
Mr Irving, manager of a beach— was covered in blood and
club, has posted the incident
suffering deep gravel cuts.
on the Bali Crime Reports fo―They don‘t know if you‘re
rum amid mounting traffic from
dead on the ground,‖ he said.
desperate expats. ―This week
―We were both in shock, it hapmy flatmate had her bag stolen
pened so quickly.‘‘
from her while on a bike,‘‘ Mr
Irving writes.
Last month, Italian woman
Valeria Avallone, a Bali resi―For those people saying usedent was hospitalised and coless platitudes like ‗crime hapmatose for a month after a
pens everywhere‘ ... get real.
motor bike robbery. She may
This is a growing problem.
not recover from head injuries,
Crime … happens a lot here
according to Sanglah Hospital
and a lot more than it used to.
The police do not give one shit
(The Australian)
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21. May - 28. May 2014
Corby Comes to Correctional Centers for Counseling
few days ago the well known
Australian convict of drug case
Schapelle Leigh Corby came to
Class I Correctional Center
(Bapas) Denpasar to undergo
counseling as a condition of
obtaining parole.
―Corby is in good health but still
under the supervision of doctors,‖ said Bapas Class I Denpasar Counselor, Andiyani, on
down to undergo counseling
session. ―She (Corby) is still
traumatized to the journalist,‖
said Andiyani.
Corby who was sentenced to 20
years in prison then tried to
avoid the cameras by covering
her face with her black jacket
when she was completing the
presence book in front of the
Bapas itself has even been suggested Corby to ignore the
presence of media crews in
order not to experience stress.
Upon entering the counselor
office, Corby even hid behind
the door before finally sitting
Corby was in Bapas about 15
minutes. When she came out of
the Bapas office, Corby even
slapped three reporters‘ cameras before leaving Bapas.
Calvin & Hobbes
Corby met the counseling
As reported by The Bali Times a schedule for the fourth time
since she came out of the Penitentiary Class II -A Denpasar, in
Kerobokan, Badung regency,
on February 10, 2014.
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21. May - 28. May 2014
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21. May - 28. May 2014
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Useful Numbers
Ambulance : 118
Fire : 113
Police : 110
Search & Rescue : 51111
Blue Bird Taxi - (0361) 701111
Hospitals & Clinics
BIMC Hospital +62 361 761 263
SOS Medical Clinic +62 361 710 505
Sanglah Public Hospital +62 361 227 911
Kasih Ibu Hospital +62 361 223 036
The Sanur Weekly HandyMan List
BRITISH CONSULATE +62 361 270 601
GERMAN CONSULATE +62 361 288 535
CONSULATE OF ITALY +62 361 701 005
US CONSULATE +62 361 233 605
CONSULATE OF JAPAN +62 361 227 628
SWISS CONSULATE +62 361 751 735
This List contains Names and Numbers of reliable HandyMan and HandyWoman.
Pak Wayan (Electrical, Plumbing, Air conditioning) Call: 0361 7966020
Pak Yose (Plumbing, Pools, Spas, Saunas, Awnings, Sails etc.) Call: 0813 3709 1769
Pak Yono (Gardening, Landscaping) Call 085 2339 75649
Made Toucan (Speaks good English, driver very good at all aspects building trade. Can work unsupervised)
Ref the Gov 0821 1238 5795 Ready to start 085 2379 46418
Pak Anton (Expert Tiller little English, First Class Worker from Java) Call 081339862372
Pak Syaifur First Class Carpenter Own Tools Call 085850222731
Pluto for all home maintenance. Fluent English. Call 081805506105
Additions to this list are welcome. Please send name, description and number to [email protected]
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The Weekly News Magazine For Sanur
21. May - 28. May 2014
9 La Bruschetta
52 Warung Kayu Api
16 Art Café Sanur
19 Leha Leha Spa
51 Lazer Sport Bar
49 Good Massage
Goanna Bar & Restaurant
Utama Spice
MD Warung
50 Power of now Oasis
53 Toro-Toro
Sanur Weekly is published by: PT ABDI DWIPANTARA,
JL. Betngandang 2 No. 29, Sanur
Denpasar, Bali.
(Nomor TDP:
Nomor SITU: 11/992/4958/DB/BPPTSP&PM/2013
Nomor SURAT IJIN USAHA: 624/2209/PM/XI/2013.
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21. May - 28. May 2014