Zeus Lion - Shambala Preserve


Zeus Lion - Shambala Preserve
6867 Soledad Canyon Road
Acton, CA 93510
The Roar Foundation News • Fall 2009
Mission Statement
To educate the public about exotic animals who have suffered from
gross mistreatment and neglect and to
advocate for legislation to protect them.
To provide sanctuary to rescued exotic
animals so they can regain their physical
and mental health and live out their lives
in dignity.
Fire Watch
T he R oar F oundation
President: Tippi Hedren
R oar N ews
Editor: Anita Herrick
Writers: Tippi Hedren, KSZ
Photography: Bill Dow (except as noted)
Production: Kaye S. Zigrang
All material copyrighted ‘09
News • 2010 Safari Schedule •
Oct 24th Members Party Invitation Enclosed
Our new web site is coming soon • www.shambala.org
We are very excited about introducing our new Roar Foundation Logo designed by Alma
Aroustamian. The photograph of the Wild Ones
are by Shambala Staff Photographer, Bill Dow.
Kermit photo © Bill Dow
Tippi Hedren
Vice President
Stephen Shultz
Vice President
in Charge of
Chris Gallucci
Catherine Shultz
Wilhelmina DelCampo
Kaye S. Zigrang
Adopt A Wild One
Christine Link
Partners in Education
Kris & Wally Lampe
Lisa Bagley
William O. Dow
Special Projects
Kathleen Edman
Office Manager
Anita Herrick
John C. Siebert
Preserve Veterinarians
Jon J. Bernstein, DVM
Chris Cauble, DVM
Martin R. Dinnes, DVM, DACZM
Gay Naditch, DVM
Animal Supervisor
Trudy Farley
Advisory Board
Loni Anderson
Janice Payne
Animal CARE
Alma Aroustamian
A. W. Gryphon
Ann Pfohl
Antonio Banderas
Linda and Ken Howard
Jesus (Chui) Torres
Paris Sneider
Rafael Perez
Donald Spoto
Harlan Böll
Susan Johnson
Deanda H. and Todd J. Thoman
Ann Adkins
Margaret Cameron
Deborah Zara Kobylt
Lily Tomlin
Rebecca Brown
Terri W. Cammarano, Esq
John C. Kobylt
Althea and Abe Toubail
Dee Crawford
Christine Link
Thomas Ryan
Steve Valentine
Darcy DeMoss
Pat Low
Director of Docents
Tina Ward
Bo Derek
John Marshall
Betty White
Janice Payne, Tina Ward, William O. Dow
Diane McBain
Melissa and Steve Whitmire
and Chris Link
David Gainey
Bill McIntyre
Melanie Griffith
Janet Newcomb
Kaye S. Zigrang
Thank you, thank you so much for your support through
your prayers, phone calls and emails during this demonic
“Station” fire; a fire that has consumed lives (animal and
human), homes, forests and businesses in an area which
covered over 158,000 acres. The biggest thanks go to our
firefighters and our staff and crew who are the most diligent,
kindest, strongest, smartest group of dedicated professionals. I respect all of them so highly. The Shambala Preserve
has survived fire, flood and drought, because of excellent
planning developed from 37 years of experience.
Here are the reasons for our survival:
The care of these magnificent beings includes a prime diet, daily
cleaning of the habitats, constant monitoring of food intake, daily
checks for health conditions and giving medications to animals
who are chronically or temporarily ill. Each aspect is entered on
a chart for each animal by our animal staff on a daily basis.
In charge of Preserve operations is Vice President, Chris Gallucci
who has been with us since 1975. Our animal supervisor, Trudy
Farley, has been with us since 1987. Both Chris and Trudy have
created a position of safety for the humans and the animals.
Here are our fire safety precautions:
1) Prior to and during a fire we have close contact with both local and city Fire Departments.
2) Area of land easily accessible to accommodate an entire
strike team plus plenty of room to off-load heavy equipment.
3) Every 4-6 weeks, fire drills are scheduled for the Shambala
Staff to maintain familiarity with procedure and the working
order of equipment.
4) Steel powder coated transport carriers, each on its own
trailer, for the lions, tigers, etc.
5) Frequent feeding of animals in evacuation carriers to dispel
fear of being enclosed.
6) One acre body of river fed Shambala lake water.
7) Veterinary team on call to tranquilize animals if necessary.
8) Three 2200 gallon water tanks with fire hoses, pumps
and pressure nozzles all backed up by emergency
9) 10 foot deep river fed swimming pool holding thousands of gallons of water.
Please join
Tippi Hedren
Zeus Lion
as we
October 24th, 2009
at the Shambala Preserve ­
12:00 noon to 4:00 PM
(must be at least 18 years old to attend)
Please RSVP by October 16th
RSVP enclosed- renew your membership now.
Tours • Bingo • Silent Auction • Raffle
10) Designated locations in Acton and Aqua Dulce to maintain
evacuated animals in the evac carriers for duration of evacuation.
We have surmounted enormous challenges on this journey with the
Wild Ones since 1972.
Because of your support with membership to the Roar Foundation, participation in our Wild One adoption program, donations, volunteering, or in kind donations we are able to continue giving these magnificent rescued beings as good a life as possible in captivity.
Again, a very meaningful thank you
From all of us at Shambala,
Animal and Human,
To our Wild One Lovers-
An Editorial Thought
Are my efforts in vain?
Need I battle the minions of the powerful
to obtain mercy for wild beings born in a
captive situations to serve the thoughtlessness of humans?
Shall I let it just go by and not put forth the
But how many lives will be shattered,
abused? There in lies the answer. Who
Thank you!!
We will proceed! Nothing will prevent
this effort to stop the breeding and abuse
of the magnificent exotic cat for human
possession! No matter how long it takes!
2010 Membership Ambassador
photos © Bill Dow
Am I being presumptuous? Are we be-
coming part of a natural course of evolution
that is occurring much faster than thought
These predators we protect should not
be born in this part of the world. If it were
not for human domination, entertainment,
or the absurd thought of them becoming the
domestic cat, which is fantasy, they would
not be.
Is it possible because of the economics of
2009 falling so low, the purchasing of exotic
cats would be out of the question?
Problem solved?
Will a U.S. Legislative Bill become needless?
The Elephant Man book is available
in English from our boutique. This
is an amazing coffee table book with
outstanding photography and diary of
our own Chris Gallucci.
Chris recently made his voyage to Africa to return Timbo and Cora’s
spirit to their final resting place. The
film is in post production. Stay Tuned.
Chris Gallucci is on
to Shambala from a private owner in Huntsville, Texas. Zeus had
been their “pet”. After the laws in the Texas county changed to ban
exotics, his people found a home for him at Shambala, arriving by
U-Haul on July 2, 2002.
Zeus is particularly mellow, often amusing himself with a stick or a
rock, or by showing off for any nearby lioness. Unlike most lions, he
also loves splashing in the small stream that runs through his compound, often much to the consternation of a tour guide who has just
told their group that lions do not like the water!
Please consider “adopting” Zeus so you can see for
yourself why he is called the Lion of 1000 Manes.
2010 Safari
All Tours Start at 12 Noon • gate opens at 11:30
(All guests must be at least 18 years old to attend)
9 - 10
10 - 11
February 13 - 14
14 - 15
Sept 12 - 13
Oct 17 - 18
13 - 14
September11 - 12 Nov 14 - 15
10 - 11
October 16 - 17
Dec 12 - 13
15 - 16
November 13 - 14
12 - 13
December 11 - 12
Bodega Chocolates will donate 20%
of their sales to The Roar Foundation for The Wild Ones of Shambala,
www.bodegachocolates.com • Use ShambalaR Buy the Book
Shambala’s Mane Event,
Zeus Lion of the windswept hair was born July 7, 1999. He came
Partners with Shambala
Please donate to the Priority Fund
The Roar Foundation is in the process of establishing a We can always use building materials, hardware, lawn, garden and
Priority Fund for our immediate needs. We have compounds outdoor supplies and office equipment. We ask that all donated
The Winner is Zeus
when anyone purchases chocolate with the
SHAMBALAR code. Bodega has been voted the
best chocolate in the world by Bon-Appetit Magazine! “I LOVE these taste delights, and I finally found the best
Chocolate!!!!” XOXOXO Tippi
Check out Shambala at www.starcam.com
that are in desperate need of revamping. We currently have 64 cats
living in 42 compounds on the preserve. Approximately half of our compounds have been upgraded and reworked. We have at
least $200,000.00 worth of rework left on the remainder of the
We also have very fickle cottonwood trees that arbitrarily decide to
fall on a whim or a fence. The trimming of just a handful at a time
costs thousands of dollars.
One of the items we need is a “ranch truck”. Nothing fancy, it just
has to run. If you have an old small pick up truck that runs that you
don’t need we’d be thrilled to have it. It will never leave the preserve so all we need is the pink slip. It will be used for everything
from hauling grass hay bedding from the dens, tree branches and
just about anything we need to move.
items be new, I’m sure you can understand.
If you would like to donate to a specific project in this way, please
call Chris Gallucci, VP of Operations at 661.268.0380 for the specific item’s cost. We ask that you mark your check for the “Priority
Fund”. That way you can rest assured that every dollar you donate
will go to the highest priority at the moment. With the economy at
present, the priority simply may mean food (and lots of it) for the
big cats, or it may mean a brand new truck or fencing needed for
This is a very real plea with love for the Wild Ones.
Please make your check payable to The Roar Foundation.
With our most grateful thanks.
Special Thanks
A Trip to the Circus
To the firefighters- and all the Angel donors for helping
us to pre-fund our Membership party, and to everyone
who loves us and have supported us through this difficult economy and fire season! Special thanks to our Shambala brother David Gainey.
Help us go paperless!
Did I get your attention? Hope so!
We’re in the process of creating a new website where you’ll find
new and updated information about the preserve, the cats, the people who make it all work, and of course Tippi Hedren. During this
process we’ve had many discussions about how to raise money for
our future. One of the main things that we can do right now, is save
money. That means, if you’re willing to help us with the process
and the recycle bins we say thank you! Our newsletter will be going
on-line with the next issue. If you’re not a member, a pdf membership application will be on line for your convenience.
PS. We will be able to have more photos on
our on-line newsletter!
Please help us by providing us with your e-mail
address to: [email protected]
Register your Ralph’s and Albertsons Club Card
with The Roar Foundation.
Use Goodsearch.com as your search engine.
Roar Foundation (Acton, CA) money goes to feed
the Wild Ones of Shambala.
I recently went to the circus to observe their animal practices on stage.
Honestly I was quite appalled by the entire show. The best part of it
was the shooting of humans out of cannons. The dogs were cute and
very well trained and they didn’t really seem to mind the process.
When the elephants came out I almost panicked. First of all, where
are they keeping them while they are on the road? Can they roam and
throw trees, dust themselves and move logs? These 11 ladies dressed
in ridiculous costumes were marched onto the stage like parade floats.
When they had them stand on one hind leg and pirouette I just about
bolted out of the venue. What are these people thinking?
When elephants are plucked from the wild for circuses, they steal the
babies from their moms. The mothers and aunts of the babies left in
the wild will grieve for years. Elephants are matriarchal herbivores
and entire herds are nurtured by their moms as well as the their
Countries such as Sweden, Austria, Costa Rica, India, Finland, and
Singapore have all banned or restricted the use of animals in entertainment. When are we going to understand that animals used for circuses
are not really ours to abuse?
A recent study by the University of Bristol, UK written by Stephen
Harris a lead researcher of the study said “Whether it’s lack of space
and exercise, or lack of social contact, all factors combined show it’s
a poor quality of life compared with the wild,”
The survey concludes that on average, wild animals spend just 1 to 9
per cent of their time training, and the rest confined to cages, wagons
or enclosures typically covering a quarter the area recommended for
The tigers in the show that I saw were being poked in the behind to
get them to step off their stools. The man in the center with the whip
was smacking the tigers and making them extremely angry. Their ears
were so far back they appeared to be stuck to their heads. They would
have killed that man if they could.. That was obvious by their body
I urge you to please do the research and decide for yourself.
Check out Tippi Hedren at www.starcam.com