Animal News Fall Paper 2012


Animal News Fall Paper 2012
Animal and Creature News
Milton School
Fall 2012
Cat Spots
by Sophie Rukeyser
There are so many different types of cats!
There are cheetahs, jaguars, leopards, and tigers.
There are also less common cats like servals and
fishing cats. A lot of people confuse the fur of
jaguars and leopards. However, there is a difference. For example, the Jaguar’s spots are little
dots inside smaller rings. The leopards’ are just
rings, with no dots inside. Not only are the jaguars’ and leopards’ fur similar, but so are the
cheetahs’ and servals’. The difference with
these two fur patterns is that the servals’ dots
are usually around the size of a freckle, and the
cheetahs’ is the size of a human thumbprint. I
hope you learned a lot about different cats’ fur!
The Amazing Fish
by Annie Howard
Fish are amazing. Some
fish even clean their own tank.
Fish are neat pets. Did you know
I have thirteen fish? Fish come in
different colors, shapes, and sizes.
Some fish are not so nice, like the Japanese Fighting
Fish. I have one of these fish too.
by Julia Svoboda
Cuddly most of the time
Talented from climbing trees
Super cute
The Spotted Eagle Ray
by Aristea Alexopoulos
The spotted Eagle ray
lives in tropical regions. It has
a flat body with spots and a
poisonous tail. The eagle ray
leaps out of the water. It lives
and travels in schools. Eagle
rays eat shrimp, crabs and small fish. Sharks eat and
hunt spotted eagle rays.
by Clara Kruijtzer
Okapis are a rare
species of animals located in
the Ituri Rainforest. These
strange looking
creatures grow
up to 6 feet tall
and are in the
animal group
known as “giraffids”. They are herbivores so they only
eat leaves and grasses. Okapis are very difficult to spot
because many of them live in the high terrains of Mount
Hoyo in the Democratic Republic of Congo Africa (the
largest mountain in the Ituri Rainforest).
Alaskan Husky
by Diana Moschetti
Strange Friends
by Chiara Kaufman
This husky needs a lot of exercise but
shouldn’t be over exercised in the heat.
Alaskan huskies need weekly brushing
with a metal comb. The Alaskan Huskies’ lifespan is 10 — 15 years.
Alaskan huskies usually don’t get along
with other pets but are still eager, energetic, playful, and
loyal to families.
Usually dogs are friends with other dogs. Deer
are friends with other deer. But have you ever heard of
deer being friends with dogs?
In Prescot, England, Mi Lu the deer came to live
with Kipper and his
owners. Because
Kipper is a dog,
you would think at
the most they
would get along.
But then you would
be wrong. Kipper
was always there
for Mi Lu and
would lie beside the
deer, licking and comforting him. The two pals would
run in the woods together, chasing each other.
Before joining Kipper and his owners, Mi Lu was
orphaned at Knowsley Safari Park. Unfortunately, Mi
Lu went to join the other deer in the park. But they have
not forgotten each other. They still visit each other often.
Hyena Hunter
by Finn Ahrens
Did you know the Hyena can make a giggling
noise. But this animal is not funny. It is a dangerous
killer. The spotted hyena hunts in the grasslands of Africa. It lives in a group called a clan. The animals speak
to each other with wails and screams. They also giggle.
You can hear their giggles
three miles away. Here
are three things that make
the spotted hyena dangerous. First is that they can
run 30 miles per hour.
Second, it usually hunts
in a pack and third, a
hyena will eat anything,
even metal pots. Now
that is scary!
by Matthew Bremer
This is Charlie and she’s a golden retriever. My
mom got her when she was in college. A golden retriever is a dog. She died when she was 12 and in dog
years she was 99, which is older than my oldest
grandma! Charlotte was beautiful and died by getting
too old. Charlotte’s tail was very, very hairy and a lot of
her tail’s hair was hanging down. Golden retrievers are
gold in color, that’s why gold is in their name. Charlotte
loved to play in the grass.
Animal News Staff:
Gabby Beechert
Henry Burdick
Tyler Gilman
Chiara Kaufman
Madeleine Macora
Emily Mehler
Sophie Rukeyser
Madeline Saffer
Advisor: Mrs. Young
We would like to thank all
the students, and teachers
who helped us gather all
these articles.
Albino Animals
by Hailey Wilmarth
by Gabrielle Beechert
Rabbits are small animals. They live in meadows, woods, forest, grasslands, deserts, and wetlands.
Rabbits live in groups. Rabbits eat grass herbs, peas and
lettuce. A baby rabbit is called a kit. Did you know rabbits’ teeth never stop
growing? Rabbits
are born with their
eyes closed and
without fur. More
than half the world’s
rabbits live in North
America. In England, rabbits are the third most popular pet after dogs and
cats. Rabbits are very cool animals.
In the wild, animals have brilliant hues. These
colors have a purpose.
The colors help the animals find mates or blend
into the surrounding.
This comes from a pigment called melanin.
The pigment cells help
color the animal’s eyes,
skin, fur, feathers, and scales. Certain colors the cells
produce come from genes. Genes are what the animal is
made from. But what if the pigment can’t produce the
melanin? Animals without the pigment have a case of
albinism. In albinos animals’ altered genes prevent the
pigment cells
from making
color. Albino
animals are all
white with pink
or blue eyes.
Many animals
have rare genes
that cause albinism. Albinos face problems in the wild
because they stand out. Some of them have trouble finding mates. Now most of them live in captivity. Now
these rare animals live safely instead of out in the wild.
by Callie Radke and Abby Bozek
Cheetahs are the
fastest animals alive. The
cheetah lives in the grasslands of Africa. Cheetah
moms teach their cubs to
hunt. They eat rabbit,
deer, and bison. The cheetah is a carnivore. The king
cheetah is not fully covered with spots. Instead, he has
three stripes going down his back. He also has fur on his
neck. Cheetahs mark their territory.
by Conor Galligan
by Effie Thomas
Fury and vicious
Fast as lightning
from the sky
Hunting day to night
Puppies are cute
Unusual and sweet
Puppies are adorable
Puppies are awesome
Yesterday I saw a
For Pet Owners Left Homeless by Hurricane
by Abby Lonnegren
by Lauren Kreydieh
Clucking down the road,
Hiding their babies.
In the farm coop,
Clever and tricky.
Kind sometimes.
Every one is different,
Nesting in their nest.
In the November 18, 2012, New York Times, I
read an article called “For Pet Owners Left Homeless by
Hurricane, a Temporary Home for the Animals” by Liz
Robbins. She told how the A.S.P.C.A opened an animal
shelter for homeless pets. If people had to evacuate their
homes and the place they evacuated to didn’t allow pets,
the people could send their pets to the shelter. They
could do this for 30 days or until the people found a new
home. The A.S.P.C.A., also helped pet owners whose
by Marissa Fink
Ostriches are a crazy and big kind of bird. No
bird is bigger than an ostrich in the whole world. Ostriches are heavier and taller than most people. Ostriches
are 8 feet tall, weigh 330-pounds and their intestines are
46 feet long.
Ostriches eat sand and small rocks to help them
digest other foods. Since ostriches eat plants they don’t
run to get food. They run to keep them from being other
animals’ dinner, like lions and hyenas. Lions and hyenas
love to eat ostriches. They are the ostrich’s predators.
Ostriches run fast because their feet are just like track
shoes. Ostriches run 40 miles per hour. Ostrich’s feet
need to be strong enough to hold 300-pounds of animal
every day. Ostriches have a good grip which also helps
them run fast. The ostrich’s legs aren’t just for running,
they’re for kicking too. Even though ostriches don’t like
fighting, they’ll protect their babies by kicking to save
them. To be safe, ostriches have big eyes to watch out
for predators. They also listen carefully to hear noises
around them.
homes were destroyed in Hurricane Sandy too.
If I had to get evacuated and the place we evacuated to didn’t allow dogs, then I would send my dog
Shadow to the shelter. I would visit Shadow every day.
I’m glad the A.S.P.C.A. did this because it was so helpful for people with animals, who had no place to keep
them. It probably also helped with the hurricane clean up
and let workers get their jobs done faster without being
distracted by their animals.
by Annabella Mazzilli
Cute and cuddly
Ticklish and great at climbing trees.
Baby Sea Turtle Birth
by Henry Burdick
by Tino Sculti
Turtle birth is a very cool and
magical thing. I can tell you this
because I was lucky enough to see
it happen. It all starts when a
mother turtle lays her eggs. She
digs deep in to the sand on the
beach. A cool thing about mother
turtles is that they always go back to the beach they were
originally born, to lay their eggs. After constructing a
large hole, the
mother turtle
lays about one
hundred eggs in
the hole. After
few months, the
eggs hatch into
lots of babies.
The part I got to see was the little turtle hatchlings coming out from the ground.
Elephants are one of the
strongest animals in the world! Elephants weigh about seven tons.
Since elephants don’t have hands,
they use their long trunks to pick up
things and drink water. Their tusks
are used for defense. Elephants eat
grass and leaves. Elephants are endangered because they are being
hunted by poachers for their tusks, which is an illegal act.
Elephants are such cool and interesting animals!
Animal Jokes
What happens when a cat eats a lemon?
It becomes a sour puss!
What do you get if you cross a fish with
an elephant?
Swimming trunks!
What day do fish hate?
by Jack Sullivan
What do you call a bear with no ears?
Dogs dig
Dogs are playful
Dogs like dinner
Dogs like meat
Dogs like walks
Dogs like being pet
Dogs like sleeping
Dogs like licking
Dogs like playing
Dogs like treats
Dogs like breakfast
Dogs like water
Dogs like all of this stuff
Where do cows go on Saturday nights?
To the MOO-vies!
What do you get when you cross a parrot with a centipede?
A walkie talkie!
What’s the difference between an injured lion and a wet
One pours with rain, another roars with pain!
What is the strongest animal?
A snail. He carries his house on his back!
Where do hamsters come from?
What kind of snake is good at math?
An adder.
by Elizabeth Fink
by Paul Kraut
Peacocks are interesting creatures. They are very
colorful. A peacock can be blue, green, white, purple,
and brown. Males are called peafowls and females are
called peahens. However, very often both genders are
called peacocks. India’s forests are home to both blue
and green peacocks. African rainforests are home to
Congo peacocks. Some people raise peacocks on farms.
From head to tail, males are seven-and-a-half feet. Females measure a little bit
smaller with a shorter tail. A
male has bright colors to attract its mates. Females are
the opposite and have dull
colors to help them hide and
keep their eggs safe. Peacocks are omnivores which
means they eat both meat
and plants. They eat using
their short and strong beak.
A peacock’s diet is worms,
insects, nuts, and seeds. Wild peacocks form groups and
stay together. To stay safe at night, peacocks sleep in tall
trees. When danger is near, such as predators, peacocks
call warnings. Did you know males mate with several
females? Most females give birth from five to six eggs.
After 28-30 days from birth, the babies, peachicks, will
come out of their eggs. Peachicks start walking and
feeding themselves after two days. Most peacocks have
a life span of about 20 years. Some scientists think they
can live for 50 years. Can you believe all these facts
about the peacock?
An octopus eating fish.
My Dog and the Good Life
by Nicole Jonassen
Eats the food he is fed
A home always provided
Many, many treats
No work to do ‘cause I did it
Rest upon a soft plush bed
Snoozing all day long
Days devoted to a rested head
Must sound like a dreamy song
Step outside for a fresh breath of air
Wagging tail and drooping ears
He always has much fun out there
Sometimes he just sleeps in the darkness
*Typically dogs sleep 12-18 hours a day*
Scared Chipmunk
by Ella Rivera
You get ready for the winter as you store the nuts in the
ground. I watch you
get into your burrow.
by Jack Ginsberg
Flying fish
Instinct fish
Sharp fish
Huge manta
Animals by Tommy DeCaro
My Shark, Runner
by Madeline Saffer
Recently, my family bought some new fish for
our fish tank. One of them is the fresh water shark,
which I call Runner.
Runner is a Rainbow Shark. He is dark gray with
a bright red tail. Rainbow Sharks grow up to be 6 inches.
The species of fish is semi-aggressive, but for a strange
reason, he doesn’t kill the other
fish in the tank.
He will chase
them, but he
isn’t as aggressive as some of
the previous
fish we’ve had.
Caring for Runner is much easier than caring for
a cat or dog. All I have to do is feed him and the other
fish a pinch of food every morning.
Even though you can’t play with fish, they are
still great pets.
Also known as puma Also known as puma Dog
by Charlotte Spierings
Does usually
Answer Key
Dog / Man’s best friend
Clown / Nemo’s type
Shark / King of the sea
Salmon / Swims up stream
Ferret / A cousin to the weasel
Koala / Tree bear with a pouch
Habitat / Place where animals live
Fawn / A baby deer
Shrek’s best friend
Cheetah I Fast cat
US National Bird
by Jack Formon
Ferocious and fierce
Dangerous and very fast
Watch out they can bite
by Megan Ferris
Green and brown and
Sometimes small and
sometimes big
Swims in the ocean
by CJ Nemsick
Aquatic Frogs
by Maya Mathisson
Narwhals are one of the rarest whales in the
world. They are in the family with Beluga whales. They
live in the Greenlandic waters and the Canadian Arctic.
Male Narwhals
weigh 1600kg
and females
weigh 1000kg.
Their tusks are 7
-10 feet long and
weigh approximately 22
pounds. The Narwhal’s tusk is actually a tooth that
grows out of their jaw. Narwhals consume squid, fish,
and shrimp. They’re hunted by polar bears, Orcas, and
Inuit people who are allowed to hunt them. Narwhals
give birth every 3 years to one kid. Their population is
only 20-30 thousand left on earth so I hope they don’t
become extinct.
(with help from my 5th grade brother, Jonah Mathisson)
Recently, my older brother Jonah and I bought
aquatic frogs. We got three of them. We keep the frogs
in his room. We got them on Saturday the first of December. At first, they were often behind an ornament in
the tank, but now they move around as freely as they
please. Jonah owns two of them and I own the third.
They like to swim around the tank, but sometimes they
float very still and try to look dead. It does not work.
Actually we think it is quite funny. We feed the frogs
once a day in the
morning. By the
time we come
home from school,
they have eaten all
the food. It takes a
while for them to
eat because they need the food to be right in their faces
for them to find it and eat it. They breathe air and have
four legs, so we got them instead of fish. I have always
wanted something other than a fish and finally I got that.
I am very happy that we got them. I wonder how long
we will have these wonders.
Night Stalker
by Thom Kruijtzer
The great horned owl is an
Asian and European owl.
It is 76 centimeters and 30
inches long. This owl eats
small deer, small mammals, and rabbits. Did you
know a normal owl makes a hoo sound and the night
stalker makes a bark sound?
The Fierce Fish
by Henry Johnson and Teddy Berkery
This fish slices through water silently. It lives in
Australia and other places such as Africa. It has rows of
teeth. It has 300 teeth! They can grow up to 20 feet and
5000 pounds. If it attacks a human, it is a mistake because it thinks you are a seal. Do you know what I am?
I’m a great
white shark.
by Sean Bremer
Cheetahs run so
fast. Cheetahs are a type
of cat. Cheetahs are a
wild animal. Cheetahs
are huge cats. Cheetahs
are the fastest cats in the
world. Cheetahs are considered to be the fastest thing in
the world.
by Emily Mehler
Acrostic about Penguins!
by Leah Zion
Penguins are very unique.
Endangered are some species.
Not a flying bird.
Great swimmers.
Unusual feathers.
Interesting to study.
Not herbivores, but carnivores.
Spectacular birds of the world!
Did you ever know pigs could pursue their dream
of Olympic gold? They can! The reason is, the Russians
have created “Pig Games”! This year was the third annual games. The competition was fierce with pigs from
around the world. Some activities were pigball, pig
swimming and pig racing. It takes a lot of practice and
training to get the pigs this far.
Golden Retrievers
by Caroline Courtney
Golden retrievers are dogs that can be light gold
or have a bit of red in them like my dog. They are used
to hunt in Scotland and pick up the dead birds. They are
athletic and cuddly. They need lots of attention. They
love people. Golden
retrievers usually love
to swim, but some
don’t. Golden Retrievers are obedient, which
makes them easy to
handle despite their
size. If you are looking for an outgoing
friend, who likes to be around kids, a Golden Retriever
may be the dog for you!
Well of course there are prizes, but what? An example of a prize for first place was a tub of cooked carrots with cream. Wow! The home team, Russians, beat
their opponents 16-3.
Word Scrabble
by Reese Wolfe and Ashley Morgner
by Jack McRedmond
Polar bear
Polar Bear
by Lindsey LaBaugh
They are soft.
Have big ears.
Big noses!
by Linsay LaBaugh
Cuddly Penguin
by Ella Rivera
I see you sliding on the ice
and swimming in the water.
You look so graceful.
by Lindsey LaBaugh
It has gills
and teeth.
by Eva Magnus
by Ryan Antrim
Dolphins are sea mammals. They live in seas and
rivers all over the world. Baby dolphins are called calves.
A dolphin has lots of
teeth. Dolphins eat
squid and fish like
grey mullet. Sometimes dolphins herd
fish to make it easier
to catch.
A bird can fly.
It can sing.
It can build a nest.
It can travel to many
northern states.
by Oliva Nash
Birds don’t fall off their
perches when they sleep because their toes lock in place
around the twig or branch
My Animals
by Tyer Gilman
by Bella Platts Martin
I have two dogs, a cockapoo and a labradoodle. My 6
year old labradoodle, Scooter is giant and weighs 90lbs.
Our tiny cockapoo
Rudy weighs less than
12 pounds. Rudy is
small and red, while
Scooter is large and
peach colored. Scooter
and Rudy are good
friends and get along
well. The only problem is that Scooter sometimes comes
close to stepping on Rudy. Other than that, my two dogs
are very good friends. We have only had Rudy for 3
months now and he is mostly potty trained. Scooter is
trained well and knows many tricks like sit, down, come,
and play dead. The only tricks Rudy knows are sit and
come, put he is still learning.
Cats have whiskers
that help them do many
things. They can catch mice
and they also help them get
away. They use these whiskers to feel their way in the
dark. Another way they use
them is to find out how large a hole in a wall is so they
can see if they can go through.
by Rebecca lannucci
Clownfish are small fish that live among the
Anemone. This brightly colored fish comes in several
color variations. It can be pink in color with three white
vertical stripes and round fins with black lines around the
white stripes. The female Clownfish are larger than the
male Clownfish. A Clownfish grows to be about 2 to 5
inches long. They are coated with a mucous that protects
them from the poison of the Anemone’s tentacles.
Clownfish can also be called the Clownfish Anemone
fish. There are 28 known species of Anemone fish.
The Clownfish live on the sea floor in the warm
waters of the tropical Pacific Ocean, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and Australia’s Great Barrier Reef among the
Anemone’s tentacles. Anemones are fish eating animals
that look like under sea flowers and have hundreds of
poisonous tentacles.
The Clownfish eats dead Anemone’s tentacles,
plankton and the Anemone’s leftovers. It waits until the
Anemone paralyzes and eats a fish. Then it helps itself to
bits that the Anemone leaves uneaten.
by Kelsey Walsh
Around and
See it
Swishing by
On and
Popping and
Pouncing of your arm
Exciting to watch it
Run and hop all over
by Tom Dore
Gila Monster
by Eric Lynch
Tasmanian Wolf
by Esme Girard
They are like a kangaroo. It is thought that they were
hunted to extinction by ranchers
trying to protect their sheep.
They say that there maybe a few
left still in the wild, but no one
has ever found them. They were named after the island
where they were last seen in the wild.
The gila monster is the only venomous lizard native to the United States. It
also has a fat tail.
The Cheetah
by Katie Mulcahy
Word Search
Who an I
by Noelle Johnson and Natasha Gilman
The cheetah is a typical member of the cat family
that hunts using speed by itself. It is the fastest land animal and can reach speeds up to 70 mph (112 km/h).
Cheetahs are large sized felines (family felidae, subfamily feline)
living in most
of Africa and
parts of the
Middle East.
It is the only
member in
still living, in the family group: genus acinonyx. The
cheetah lives in Africa (Savanna) in long brown grass.
The cheetah is fast, but can only run for a short amount
of time.
The sperm whale
has the largest
brain of any mammal.
Zoo Animals
by Megan Davies
Can you figure out what these are?
by Keira Baden
A dolphin’s body is thick in the middle and has
smooth shiny skin. The back is gray and the belly is
white. Dolphins
exchange information in a kind of
language sometimes known as
Dolphins are close
relatives of whales
and porpoises. A dolphin cannot fall deeply asleep underwater. They would drown. Instead they stay half
asleep for part of the day. Dolphins eat squid and fish
like grey mullet. Sometimes, dolphins herd fish to make
them easier to catch. They are found worldwide, mostly
in the shallower seas of the continental shelves. They are
carnivorous which means they eat meat. I got my information on the computer and in books, especially the
Magic School Bus books.
Animal Riddles
I have four legs and a long tail.
I eat oats and hay.
I love to run fast.
I let people ride on my back.
I am a…
by Madison Barber
I’m very, very big
I like to eat peanuts and hay
I have four legs and two big ears.
My long nose is called a trunk.
I am an…
Cats are one of the most popular pets in the
world. They are sneaky and
they chase mice. There are
500 million cats in the world.
Cats are animals. Cats can
stay in or go out. Cats have a
could sense of smell. Cats
can be good company. Cats have powerful night vision.
I like cats!
I live in an ocean.
I have eight legs, two big claws, and a tail.
My body has a hard shell.
I eat anything that I can find.
I am a…
I have a tail. I can fly. I’m covered in colorful
feathers. I can whistle and I can talk. I am a…
The jellyfish is 99 percent
Like trees, frog bones grow new
rings as they age.
Did You Know?
Dalmatians are born without
There can be more than
20,000 bees living in one
Giraffes are the only animals born
with horns.
A grizzly bear can run as fast as a
The shark’s
skin is covered with
tiny teeth.
The small
teeth can
scrape the skin off a human just by brushing against it.
Hummingbirds can fly upside down, sideways, and
backward, but they can’t
Ants have five different
Seals sleep for only about one
and a half minutes at a time.
The huge albatross can sleep
while it flies.
After chasing and killing
prey, the cheetah needs
half an hour to catch its
breath before it can eat.
Dogs don’t get frostbite because their vein
and arteries are so
close together that it
provides warmth.
These fun facts were found by the staff in
Cows Sweat Through Their Noses and other
Freaky Facts about Animal Habitats, Characteristics and Homes
by Barbara Seuling