Excitation of the Chandler wobble by the geophysical annual cycle
Excitation of the Chandler wobble by the geophysical annual cycle
Excitation of the Chandler wobble by the geophysical annual cycle W. Kosek Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Bartycka 18A, 00-716 Warsaw, Poland. Abstract. It was found that the change of the Chandler oscillation amplitude is similar to the change of the beat period of the Chandler and annual oscillations and to the negative change of the phase of the annual oscillation of the coupled atmospheric/ocean excitation. The beat period increases due to decrease/increase of the phase/period of the annual oscillation, which means that the annual oscillation period becomes closer to the Chandler one. The exchange of the atmospheric angular momentum and ocean angular momentum with each other and with the solid earth at the frequency equal approximately to 1 cycle per year is called in this paper the ’geophysical annual cycle’ which can be represented by the broadband annual oscillation in the sum of the atmospheric and oceanic angular momentum excitation functions. The phase variations of this annual cycle are one of the most important source exciting the Chandler wobble. 1 Introduction The excitation of the Chandler wobble (CW) has been explained partially by many authors, who have taken into account electromagnetic torques acting on the core-mantle boundary, earthquakes as well as the atmospheric and oceanic angular momentum. Rochester and Smylie (1965) had found that electromagnetic torques acting on the core-mantle boundary play a negligible role in excitation of the Chandler amplitude. O’Connel and Dziewonski (1976) and then Mansinha et al. (1979) concluded that large earthquakes was a noticeable contribution to the excitation of the CW, but their hypothesis was verified by Souriau and Cazenave (1985) and Gross (1986) who concluded that this excitation was negligible. The contribution of meteorological sources to the CW excitation was estimated as about 11 to 19% by Ooe (1978). Hameed and Currie (1989) found the 14.7 month signal in the surface air pres- sure which was identified as the ”atmospheric pole tide”. Plag (1997) showed the 14-16-month atmospheric pressure fluctuations are responsible for most of the oceanic pole tide attributed to the CW. Furuya et al. (1996) and Aoyama and Naito (2001) concluded that the atmospheric wind and inverted barometer (IB) pressure variations maintain a major part of the observed CW. Aoyama et al.(2003) have shown that the quasi 14-month fluctuation of the atmospheric wind of the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecast data plays and important role in the CW excitation between 1980 and 1993 years. The ocean-atmosphere excitation compares substantially better with the observed polar motion excitation at the annual and Chandler frequencies than when only the atmosphere is considered (Ponte et al. 1998). Celaya et al.(1999) and then Brzeziński and Nastula (2002) confirmed that some combination of atmospheric and oceanic processes explains the observed CW excitation. The most important mechanism exciting the CW was the ocean-bottom pressure fluctuations (Gross 2000; Gross et al. 2003). In this paper the idea of Jeffreys (1972): ”The reason is that whatever produces a slow fluctuation of the annual motion is precisely what is needed to maintain the free motion” has been followed. Instead of looking for the ∼14 month signal in the fluids (Furuya et al. 1996; Plag 1997; Aoyama and Naito 2001; Aoyama et al. 2003) only the variable annual oscillation of the geophysical fluids is considered as one of the possible sources of the CW excitation. The annual and Chandler oscillations are both treated as stochastic processes, having variable phases and amplitudes. Of course, we are aware of the fundamental difference between these two components. The annual wobble is a forced motion connected to the seasonal thermal cycle therefore its phase can only fluctuate around its well-defined expectation. In contrast, for the CW, which is a free motion, the phase has not expected value. Even the sudden reversal of phase is possible for the observational evidence (see Vondrak and Ron, this issue) and for the theoretical model (see Brzeziński, this issue). To detect variations of the amplitudes and phases of the stochastic Chandler and annual oscillations the least-squares (LS) method was applied in finite time intervals sliding along the whole time interval of the pole coordinates data. The variations of the annual oscillation phase in the pole coordinates data (Kosek et al. 2001, 2002) suggest that the phase of the annual oscillation in the geophysical fluids is also variable. The variations of the phase and amplitude of this annual oscillation in the geophysical fluids, which is called in this paper as the geophysical annual cycle, can be one of the most important source exciting the CW due to leakage of the power from the annual to Chandler frequency band in the fluid excitation function. 2 oceanic (AAM+OAM) excitation functions were computed and are shown in Figure 1. In this analysis the AAM excitation functions are the sum of wind and pressure modified by inverted barometer correction terms and the OAM excitation functions are the sum of the mass and motion terms. The MWT coherence as the running correlation coefficient between the wavelet transform coefficients computed using the Morlet wavelet analyzing function (Schmitz-Hübsch and Schuh 1999) shows the amplitude and phase agreement as a function of time and frequency in the geodetic and fluid excitation functions. It can be noticed that after adding the OAM to the AAM the coherence becomes greater in the vicinity of the Chandler and annual frequencies but especially for oscillations with periods less than 1 year. GE & AAM 500 300 Data 0.9 100 2E+003 3 Coherence between the geodetic and atmospheric/oceanic excitation functions The geodetic excitation (GE) functions were computed from the C04 pole coordinates data using the time domain Wilson and Haubrich (1976) deconvolution formula. The time-frequency Morlet Wavelet Transform (MWT) coherences (Popiński and Kosek 2000; Popiński et al. 2002) between the complex-valued GE and AAM as well as GE and the sum of the atmospheric and 2E+003 2E+003 2E+003 2E+003 0.8 -200 period (days) The following data sets were used in the analysis: 1) the x, y pole coordinates data from the IERS C04 in 1962.0 - 2004.5 with 1 day sampling interval and the IERS C01 in 1846 - 2002 with 0.1 year sampling interval in 1946-1889 years and 0.05 year sampling interval afterwards(IERS 2003). In some cases the C04 data were extended into the past before 1962 year by the smoothed and interpolated with 1 days sampling interval C01 data. 2) the equatorial components of the effective atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) reanalysis data in 1948.0-2004.0 from the U.S. NCEP/NCAR, the top of the model is 10 hPa (Barnes et al. 1983; Salstein et al. 1986, Kalnay et al. 1996). 3) the equatorial components of global oceanic angular momentum (OAM) mass and motion terms from Jan 1980 to Mar 2002 with 1 day sampling interval (Gross et al. 2003). 2E+003 0.7 -400 -600 0.6 1970 1975 GE & AAM 1980 1985 1990 1995 GE & (AAM + OAM) 500 0.5 0.4 0.3 300 0.2 100 2E+003 2E+003 2E+003 2E+003 2E+003 2E+003 0.1 -200 -400 -600 1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 years Fig. 1. The MWT spectro-temporal coherences between the complex-valued GE and AAM as well as GE and AAM+OAM excitation functions. Analysis of the phasor diagrams of the annual excitation in the AAM and OAM excitation functions have shown that their sum has a better agreement with the GE functions than the AAM excitation function alone (Brzeziński et al. 2005; Gross et al. 2003). 4 Amplitudes and phases of the Chandler and annual oscillations The Chandler and annual oscillation amplitudes were computed together with their phases by the LS method (Fig. 2). The time interval of the complex-valued C04 pole coordinates data going into the LS model which consists of the Chandler circle, annual and semiannual ellipses (McCarthy and Luzum 1991; Kosek et al. 2002) was equal to 5 years. The amplitude and phase variations of the Chandler oscillation are much smother than of the annual one as it has been previously noticed by Schuh et al. (2001), Kosek et al. (2001, 2002) and Höpfner (2002, 2003). Next, the Chandler amplitude was also computed as the envelope of the Chandler oscillation filtered from the extended into the past before 1962 year complex-valued C04 pole coordinates data using the Fourier transform band pass filter (FTBPF) (Kosek 1995) with the optimum frequency bandwidth (Fig. 2). The optimum frequency bandwidth was chosen so that the variance of the residuals after subtracting the filtered Chandler and annual oscillations was a minimum. The agreement between the amplitude variations of the Chandler oscillation computed by the LS and FTBPF methods is very good (Fig. 2). amplitudes arcsec 0.2 Ch An 0.1 0.0 o 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 1980 days periods 440 420 400 380 360 340 Ch An o C phases An Ch Ch - long period 1984 1988 1992 1996 4 2 0 -2 1980 Nino 1+2 1984 1988 Nino 3 1992 years Nino 4 1996 2000 2000 years Fig. 2. The envelope of the Chandler oscillations filtered by the FTBPF (circles). The LS amplitudes and phases of the Chandler (black line) and annual (x - blue line. y - red line) oscillations, and the phase of the Chandler oscillation after removing long period variations by the LS method (dots). The aim of this investigation is to find the excitation mechanism responsible for the variations of the Chandler amplitude. 5 CW oscillation phase shows low frequency variations explained by variations of the Chandler frequency (Vondrak 1985). The Chandler frequency variations were detected by many authors (Carter 1981; Okubo 1982; Lenhart and Groten 1987; Vicente and Wilson 1997; De-Chun and Yong-Hong 2004). To use eq. 2 for computation of the Chandler period variations from it’s variable phase determined by the LS method the longer period variations of the phase were removed (Fig. 2. dots) to keep the expected value of the Chandler frequency constant. The long period variations of the Chandler phase were computed by the LS model fit to the last 50 years of the Chandler phase data. This LS model consisted of oscillation with periods of 70 and 140 years. The beat period of the Chandler and annual oscillations A change of a phase ∆ϕ(t) of an oscillation with variable frequency is associated with an opposite change of a period ∆T (t) according to: 2πt/Tm + ∆ϕ(t) = 2πt/(Tm + ∆T (t)) (1) where Tm is the mean period of oscillation. Assuming the mean values of the Chandler and annual periods, equal to TCh = 434.0 days, TAn = 365.2422 days, respectively their period variations were computed (Fig. 3) from their phase variations shown in Figure 2. The free Fig. 3. The period variations of the Chandler (black line) and annual (x - blue line. y - red line) oscillations computed from their LS phase variations shown in Figure 2. The Niño 1+2, 3 and 4 indices. It can be noticed that the Chandler period is much smoother than the annual one and before the biggest El Niño events in 1982/83 and 1997/98 the period of the annual oscillation had minimum values and increased during these events (Fig. 3). It has been previously found that the amplitude and phase/period variations of the annual oscillation are correlated with the biggest El Niño events (Kosek 2003, 2004; Kosek et al. 2001, 2002). Next, the variable beat period Tb (t) of the Chandler and annual oscillations were computed from the their period variations by the formula: 1 1 1 = − (2) Tb (t) TAn + ∆TAn (t) TCh + ∆TCh (t) where ∆TCh (t), ∆TAn (t) are the Chandler and annual oscillation period variations about the mean. Most part of the beat period variations shown in Figure 5 are caused by the phase (Fig. 2) or period (Fig. 3) variations of the annual oscillation. The beat period variations can be also computed from polar motion radius data given by the formula: p R(t) = (x(t) − xm (t))2 + (y(t) − ym (t))2 (3) where x(t), y(t) are the extended into the past C04 pole coordinates data, and xm (t), ym (t) are the mean pole coordinates data. To obtain the radius the mean pole coordinates data were computed by the Ormsby (1961) low pass filter. The Ormsby filter parameters were assumed to minimize the variance of the residual Chandler and annual oscillations in the mean pole coordinates data (Kosek et al. 2004). The most energetic oscillation of the radius shown in Figure 4 has a period approximately equal to 67 years which is the beat period induced by the superposition of the Chandler and annual oscillations. arcsec radius 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 o phases 200 180 1962 1968 1974 1980 1986 1992 1998 2004 years Fig. 4. The polar motion radius (black line) and the phase variations of the 6-7 years oscillation computed by the LS method in 12 (green line) and 13 (blue line) years time intervals. Next, the phase variations of the 6-7 years oscillation were computed by the LS method from the radius data (Fig. 4). The LS model consists of oscillation with periods of 6.37, 20 and 40 years and it is fit to the 12 and 13 years of the radius data. These phase variations together with the mean beat period value estimated from eq. 2 for ∆TCh (t) = ∆TAn (t) = 0 enable computation of the beat period variations by eq. 1. The beat period variations computed from the radius data are smoother than those computed from the LS phases of the Chandler and annual oscillation due to longer time span of averaging in the first case (Fig. 5). The Chandler amplitude changes obtained as the first difference of the Chandler amplitude variations computed by the LS method are shown in Figure 5. The LS model of the Chandler circle, annual and semiannual ellipses is fit to 4, 5 and 6 years of the complex-valued C04 pole coordinates data. Next, the phase variations of the annual oscillation were computed from the complex-valued AAM+OAM excitation functions data by the LS method (Fig. 5). The LS model consists of the annual oscillation and it is fit to 3 and 4 years of the AAM+OAM data. years beat period from the radius 6.6 6.4 6.2 years 8 7 6 5 4 beat period from the phases of Ch and An mas/day Chandler amplitude change 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 o 310 300 290 1980 AAM + OAM 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 years Fig. 5. The period variations of the 6-7 years oscillation computed from the LS phases in 12 (green line) and 13 (blue line) years time intervals from the radius data. The beat period computed from the LS phases of the Chandler and annual oscillations in 4 (black line), 5 (blue line) and 6 (green line) year time intervals. The Chandler amplitude change computed by the LS method in 4 (black line) 5 (blue line) and 6 (green line) year time intervals. The LS phases of the annual oscillation computed from the complexvalued AAM+OAM excitation functions in 3 (red line) and 4 (black line) year time intervals. 6 The physical mechanism of the Chandler Wobble excitation It can be noticed that after 1984 when the accuracy of polar motion data became better the variations of the beat period estimated from the radius data and from the LS phases of the Chandler and annual oscillations are similar (Fig. 5). The beat period variations are also similar to the Chandler amplitude change as well as to the negative change of the LS phase of the annual oscillation computed from the AAM+OAM excitation functions (Fig. 5). The correlation coefficient between the beat period computed from the radius data in 13 year time intervals and the Chandler amplitude change computed by the LS method in 6 year time intervals is equal to 0.51. The correlation coefficient between variations of the beat period of the Chandler and annual oscillations computed from their LS phases in 6 year time in- tervals and the Chandler amplitude change computed by the LS method in 6 year time intervals is equal to 0.65. The correlation coefficient between the Chandler amplitude change computed by the LS method in 4 year time intervals and the phase variations of the annual oscillation in the AAM+OAM excitation functions computed by the LS method in 3 year time intervals is equal to 0.52. All these correlation coefficient were computed from 1984 to the end of available data and are significant at 95% confidence level. These results suggest that the Chandler amplitude change is correlated with the beat period variations as well as with the phase variations of the annual oscillation in the AAM+OAM excitation functions. The physical mechanism of the Chandler excitation can be explained as follows (Kosek 2004): The variations of the phase of the annual oscillation in the AAM+OAM excitation cause similar variations of phase of the annual oscillation of polar motion. The decrease of this phase or increase of the annual oscillation period means that this period gets closer to the Chandler one which causes the increase of the beat period between the Chandler and annual oscillation (Fig. 6). Thus, the Chandler amplitude change increases during decrease of the phase of the annual oscillation in polar motion and its AAM+OAM excitation. TAn TCh Fig. 6. A graph showing that the increase/decrease of the annual oscillation period/phase results in the increase of the beat period of the Chandler and annual oscillations according to eqs. 1 and 2. Conclusions The amplitudes and phases of the Chandler oscillation are smoother than those of the annual one. The change of the Chandler amplitude increases with the increase of the beat period of the annual and Chandler oscillations and decrease of the phase of the annual oscillation in the pole coordinates data and the coupled atmospheric/ocean excitation. The beat period increases because the annual period gets closer to the Chandler one. Thus, one of the most possible source exciting the CW can be decrease of the phase of the broadband annual oscillation in the AAM+OAM excitation functions. The period of the annual oscillation was a minimum before the biggest 1982/83 and 1997/98 El Niño events and increased during these events. Thus, the CW can be excited during the biggest El Niño events. 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