Equitech-Bio, Inc.
Equitech-Bio, Inc.
Equitech-Bio, Inc. We are an international supplier of blood products and custom antibody production services offering BSA Control, Calibrators Sera and Makers Call us for Technical Support for project advice, product details and recommendations and updates Equitech-Bio, Inc. 512 Cotton Gin Lane Kerrville, TX 78028 Tel: (830) 257-0005 Fax: (830) 257-0006 www.equitech-bio.com 1 目次 BSA 3 Controls and Calibrators 12 Makers 17 All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 2 BSA Description of Product Equitech-Bio offers a wide range of heat-shock and cold ethanol processed animal serum albumins. With our high purity albumins, researchers can formulate and customize their own specialized media for specific applications. Our albumins are especially useful for creating defined serumfree or serum-reduced mixtures from basal media, reducing shear in bioreactor systems, and binding non-specific toxic compounds. Equitech-Bio offers albumins as a powder as well as a sterile solution. All of Equitech-Bio’s BSA os certified US origin. All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 3 BSA : Cold Ethanol All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 4 BSA : Cold Ethanol All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 5 BSA : Heat Shock All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 6 BSA : Heat Shock All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 7 BSA : Heat Shock 8 BSA : Heat Shock All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 9 BSA solutions All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 10 Ultra Clear Controls & Calibrators TM Description of Product Human source naturally occurring antibodies from purified pooled sera. All raw materials of human origin are tested and found negative for: HIV Ag, HBs Ag, HIV I & II Ab, HCV Ab and a test for Syphilis, by FDA approved methods. Final products are sterile filtered through 0.2 µ filters and filled into sterile containers. Final products are preserved with a suitable antimicrobial (e.g. sodium azide, proclin). Alternatively, customers may request a specific preservative to be used. Positive controls may be prepared as high titered bulk preparation which customers may dilute with their own diluents to a suitable working dilution or to prepare calibrators. Alternatively, customers may request that Equitech-Bio prepare the controls and/or calibrators at a specific titer. Negative controls are non-reactive for all markers and can be prepared from human source materials or synthetic materials. All controls and calibrators are stable for 1 year when stored at 2-80C. All controls and calibrators are standardized to (WHO) International Standards. Can be supplied to the customer in different size containers per request. Product is ultra clear for definitive results without interference. Custom controls and calibrators offer benefits that are cost effective while incorporating customer needs not found in off-the-shelf products. Unlike conventional controls and calibrators, custom products are manufactured to fulfill a particular user’s needs without a compromise to meet the needs of a wide array of users. All desired analytes may be included at the required values and fill volumes. Color coding may be tailored to the individual customer’s needs. Equitech-Bio has personnel who are expert in the manufacture of controls and calibrators. All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 11 Acute Phase Reactants (APR) Controls Substance Low Medium High Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) 20-30 ng/ml 1.0-13.5 ug/dl 200-400 mg/dl Antistreptolysin O (ASO) 90-115 IU/ml 180-220 IU/ml 360-440 IU/ml C-Reactive Protein +ve (CRP) 1.2-1.5 mg/dl 4.5-5.5 mg/ml 7.2-8.8 mg/ml Rheumatoid Factor (RF) 25-35 IU/mg 30-50 IU/ml 110-140 IU/ml Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Positive Control Product CFPL-0500 Catalog # 500 ml Size please inquire Price Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Positive Control CFPL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Positive Control CFPM-0500 500 ml please inquire Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Positive Control CFPM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Positive Control CFPH-0500 500 ml please inquire Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Positive Control CFPH-1000 1000 ml please inquire Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Positive Calibrator CBFPL-0500 500 ml please inquire Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Positive Calibrator CBFPL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Positive Calibrator CBFPM-0500 500 ml please inquire Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Positive Calibrator CBFPM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Positive Calibrator CBFPH-0500 500 ml please inquire Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Positive Calibrator CBFPH-1000 1000 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Control CASOL-0500 500 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Control CASOL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Control CASOM-0500 500 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Control CASOM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Control CASOH-0500 500 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Control CASOH-1000 1000 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Calibrator CBASOL-0500 500 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Calibrator CBASOL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Calibrator CBASOM-0500 500 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Calibrator CBASOM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Calibrator CBASOH-0500 500 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Calibrator CBASOH-1000 1000 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Serum ASO-0500 500 ml please inquire Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Positive Serum ASO-1000 1000 ml please inquire All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 12 Acute Phase Reactants (APR) cont’d. Product Catalog # Size Price C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Control CCRPL-0500 500 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Control CCRPL-1000 1000 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Control CCRPM-0500 500 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Control CCRPM-1000 1000 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Control CCRPH-0500 500 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Control CCRPH-1000 1000 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Calibrator CBCRPL-0500 500 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Calibrator CBCRPL-1000 1000 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Calibrator CBCRPM-0500 500 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Calibrator CBCRPM-1000 1000 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Calibrator CBCRPH-0500 500 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Calibrator CBCRPH-1000 1000 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Serum CPR-0500 500 ml please inquire C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Positive Serum CPR-1000 1000 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Control CRhFL-0500 500 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Control CRhFL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Control CRhFM-0500 500 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Control CRhFM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Control CRhFH-0500 500 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Control CRhFH-1000 1000 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Calibrator CBRhF-0500 500 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Calibrator CBRhF-1000 1000 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Calibrator CBRhF-0500 500 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Calibrator CBRhF-1000 1000 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Calibrator CBRhF-0500 500 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Calibrator CBRhF-1000 1000 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Serum RhF-0500 500 ml please inquire Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Positive Serum RhF-1000 1000 ml please inquire All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 13 General Chemistry Substance Low Normal High Cholesterol-HDL Cholesterol-LDL 20-40 mg/dl 30-60 mg/dl 40-80 mg/dl 60-100 mg/dl - Cholesterol-Total 80-140 mg/ml 200-250 mg/ml - Cholesterol-Triglyceride 80-140 mg/dl 200-300 mg/dl - Product Catalog # Size Price Cholesterol-HDL Positive Control CCHL-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-HDL Positive Control CCHL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-HDL Positive Control CCHN-0500 500ml please inquire Cholesterol-HDL Positive Control CCHN-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-HDL Positive Calibrator CBCHL-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-HDL Positive Calibrator CBCHL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-HDL Positive Calibrator CBCHN-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-HDL Positive Calibrator CBCHN-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-LDL Positive Control CCLL-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-LDL Positive Control CCLL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-LDL Positive Control CCLN-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-LDL Positive Control CCLN-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-LDL Positive Calibrator CBCLL-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-LDL Positive Calibrator CBCLL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-LDL Positive Calibrator CBCLN-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-LDL Positive Calibrator CBCLN-1000 1000 ml please inquire All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 14 General Chemistry cont’d. Substance Low Normal High Cholesterol-HDL 20-40 mg/dl 40-80 mg/dl - Cholesterol-LDL 30-60 mg/dl 60-100 mg/dl - Cholesterol-Total 80-140 mg/ml 200-250 mg/ml - Cholesterol-Triglyceride 80-140 mg/dl 200-300 mg/dl - Product Catalog # Size Price Cholesterol-Total Positive Control CCTL-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Total Positive Control CCTL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Total Positive Control CCTN-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Total Positive Control CCTN-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Total Positive Calibrator CBTL-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Total Positive Calibrator CBTL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Total Positive Calibrator CBTN-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Total Positive Calibrator CBTN-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Triglyceride Control CCTRL-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Triglyceride Control CCTRL-0500 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Triglyceride Control CCTRN-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Triglyceride Control CCTRN-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Triglyceride Calibrator CBTRL-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Triglyceride Calibrator CBTRL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Triglyceride Calibrator CBTRN-0500 500 ml please inquire Cholesterol-Triglyceride Calibrator CBTRN-1000 1000 ml please inquire All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 15 Immunology Substance Low Medium High Albumin liquid, Human 1567 mg/dl 3133 mg/dl 4700 mg/dl Immunoglobulin G, Human 667 mg/dl 1333 mg/dl 2000 mg/dl Product Catalog # Size Price Albumin Liquid, Human Control CAHL-0500 500 ml please inquire Albumin Liquid, Human Control CAHL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Albumin Liquid, Human Control CAHM-0500 500 ml please inquire Albumin Liquid, Human Control CAHM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Albumin Liquid, Human Control CAHH-0500 500 ml please inquire Albumin Liquid, Human Control CAHH-1000 1000 ml please inquire Albumin Liquid, Human Calibrator CBAHL-0500 500 ml please inquire Albumin Liquid, Human Calibrator CBAHL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Albumin Liquid, Human Calibrator CBAHM-0500 500 ml please inquire Albumin Liquid, Human Calibrator CBAHM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Albumin Liquid, Human Calibrator CBAHH-0500 500 ml please inquire Albumin Liquid, Human Calibrator CBAHH-1000 1000 ml please inquire Immunoglobulin G, Human Positive Control CIGL-0500 500 ml please inquire Immunoglobulin G, Human Positive Control CIGL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Immunoglobulin G, Human Positive Control CIGM-0500 500 ml please inquire Immunoglobulin G, Human Positive Control CIGM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Immunoglobulin G, Human Positive Control CIGH-0500 500 ml please inquire Immunoglobulin G, Human Positive Control CIGH-1000 1000 ml please inquire Immunoglobulin G, Human Positive Calibrator CBIGL-0500 500 ml please inquire Immunoglobulin G, Human Positive Calibrator CBIGL-1000 1000 ml please inquire Immunoglobulin G, Human Positive Calibrator CBIGM-0500 500 ml please inquire Immunoglobulin G, Human Positive Calibrator CBIGM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Immunoglobulin G, Human Positive Calibrator CBIGH-0500 500 ml please inquire Immunoglobulin G, Human Positive Calibrator CBIGH-1000 1000 ml please inquire All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 16 ToRCH Panel Antibodies IgG & IgM Positive Multiple Markers ToRCH is an acronym for a group of infectious diseases that can cause illness in pregnant women and may cause birth defects in their newborns. The test is a screen for the presence of antibodies to these infections. Confirmation of an active infection may require more specific tests: Toxoplasma gondii Positive Control (titer adjusted to customer’s specifications). Rubella Virus Positive Control (titer adjusted to customer’s specifications). Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Positive Control (titer adjusted to customer’s specifications). Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Positive Control (titer adjusted to customer’s specifications). Product Catalog Size Price Cytomegalovirus IgG (CMVG) Positive Control CCMVG-0500 500 ml please inquire Cytomegalovirus IgG (CMVG) Positive Control CCMVG-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cytomegalovirus IgG (CMVG) Positive Calibrator CBCMVG-0500 500 ml please inquire Cytomegalovirus IgG (CMVG) Positive Calibrator CBCMVG-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cytomegalovirus IgG (CMVG) Positive Serum CMVG by unit please inquire Cytomegalovirus IgM (CMVM) Positive Control CCMVM-0500 500 ml please inquire Cytomegalovirus IgM (CMVM) Positive Control CCMVM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cytomegalovirus IgM (CMVM) Positive Calibrator CBCMVM-0500 500 ml please inquire Cytomegalovirus IgM (CMVM) Positive Calibrator CBCMVM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Cytomegalovirus IgM (CMVM) Positive Serum CMVM by unit please inquire All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 17 ToRCH Panel Antibodies IgG & IgM Positive Multiple Markers cont’d. Product Catalog Size Price Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgG (HSVIG) Positive Control CHSVIG-0500 500 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgG (HSVIG) Positive Control CHSVIG-1000 1000 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgG (HSVIG) Positive Calibrator CBHSVIG-0500 500 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgG (HSVIG) Positive Calibrator CBHSVIG-1000 1000 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgG (HSVIG) Positive Serum HSVIG by unit please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgM (HSVIM) Positive Control CHSVIM-0500 500 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgM (HSVIM) Positive Control CHSVIM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgM (HSVIM) Positive Calibrator CBHSVIM-0500 500 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgM (HSVIM) Positive Calibrator CBHSVIM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgM (HSVIM) Positive Serum HSVIM by unit please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG (HSVIIG) Positive Control CHSVIIG-0500 500 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG (HSVIIG) Positive Control CHSVIIG-1000 1000 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG (HSVIIG) Positive Calibrator CBHSVIIG-0500 500 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG (HSVIIG) Positive Calibrator CBHSVIIG-1000 1000 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG (HSVIIG) Positive Serum HSVIIG by unit please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgM (HSVIIM) Positive Control CHSVIIM-0500 500 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgM (HSVIIM) Positive Control CHSVIIM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgM (HSVIIM) Positive Calibrator CBHSVIIM-0500 500 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgM (HSVIIM) Positive Calibrator CBHSVIIM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgM (HSVIIM) Positive Serum please inquire HSVIIM by unit All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 18 ToRCH Panel Antibodies IgG & IgM Positive Multiple Markers cont’d. Product Catalog Size Price Rubella Virus IgG (RubG) Positive Control CRubG-0500 500 ml please inquire Rubella Virus IgG (RubG) Positive Control CRubG-1000 1000 ml please inquire Rubella Virus IgG (RubG) Positive Calibrator CBRubG-0500 500 ml please inquire Rubella Virus IgG (RubG) Positive Calibrator CBRubG-1000 1000 ml please inquire Rubella Virus IgG (RubG) Positive Serum RubG by unit please inquire Rubella Virus IgM (RubM) Positive Control CRubM-0500 500 ml please inquire Rubella Virus IgM (RubM) Positive Control CRubM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Rubella Virus IgM (RubM) Positive Calibrator CBRubM-0500 500 ml please inquire Rubella Virus IgM (RubM) Positive Calibrator CBRubM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Rubella Virus IgM (RubM) Positive Serum RubM by unit please inquire Toxoplasma gondii IgG (TOXG) Positive Control CTOXG-0500 500 ml please inquire Toxoplasma gondii IgG (TOXG) Positive Control CTOXG-1000 1000 ml please inquire Toxoplasma gondii IgG (TOXG) Positive Calibrator CBTOXG-0500 500 ml please inquire Toxoplasma gondii IgG (TOXG) Positive Calibrator CBTOXG-1000 1000 ml please inquire Toxoplasma gondii IgG (TOXG) Positive Serum TOXG by unit please inquire Toxoplasma gondii IgM (TOXM) Positive Control CTOXM-0500 500 ml please inquire Toxoplasma gondii IgM (TOXM) Positive Control CTOXM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Toxoplasma gondii IgM (TOXM) Positive Calibrator CBTOXM-0500 500 ml please inquire Toxoplasma gondii IgM (TOXM) Positive Calibrator CBTOXM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Toxoplasma gondii IgM (TOXM) Positive Serum TOXM by unit please inquire All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 19 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Syphilis Antibody Positive Control (titer adjusted to customer’s specifications). Herpes Simplex Virus II (HSV) Positive Control (titer adjusted to customer’s specifications). Product Catalog Size Price Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG (HSVIIG) Positive Control CHSVIIG-0500 500 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG (HSVIIG) Positive Control CHSVIIG-1000 1000 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG (HSVIIG) Positive Calibrator CBHSVIIG-0500 500 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG (HSVIIG) Positive Calibrator CBHSVIIG-1000 1000 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG (HSVIIG) Positive Serum HSVIIG by unit please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgM (HSVIIM) Positive Control CHSVIIM-0500 500 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgM (HSVIIM) Positive Control CHSVIIM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgM (HSVIIM) Positive Calibrator CBHSVIIM-0500 500 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgM (HSVIIM) Positive Calibrator CBHSVIIM-1000 1000 ml please inquire Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgM (HSVIIM) Positive Serum HSVIIM by unit please inquire Syphilis Antibody Positve Control CSYP-0500 500 ml please inquire Syphilis Antibody Positve Control CSYP-1000 1000 ml please inquire Syphilis Antibody Positve Calibrator CBSYP-0500 500 ml please inquire Syphilis Antibody Positve Calibrator CBSYP-1000 1000 ml please inquire Syphilis Antibody Positve Serum SYP by unit please inquire All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 20 Viral Markers Herpes Viruses Other Viruses CMV-Ab (IgG/IgM) EBV-Ab (IgM) EBV-VCA EBV-EAAb Mono EBNA HSV-Ab Type I HSV-Ab Type II HSV-Ab (IgM) VZV-Ab (IgG/IgM) Dengue-Ab Measles-Ab (IgG/IgM) Mumps-Ab (IgG/IgM) Papilloma-Ab Rubella-Ab (IgG/IgM) PVB19-Ab Autoimmune Disorders ANA Centromere Ab Anti-Microsomal Ab DNA/DS Ab JO-1 Ab ANA Histone Ab Anti-Mitochondrial Ab DNA/SS Ab RNP Ab ANA Homogenous Ab Anti-Myelo Peroxidase Ab Granulocyte Ab SCL-70 Ab ANA Nucleolar Ab Anti-Proteinase 3 Ab Immunoglobulin E Smith Ab ANA Speckled Ab Anti-RNA Ab Polymyositis Ab SSA Ab Anti-Cardiolipin Anti-Smooth Muscle Ab Rheumatoid Factor Ab SSB Ab Bacteria, Parasites & Other Infectious Diseases B. burgdorferi-Ab/Lyme Disease R. rickettsii-Ab/Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Ehrlichia chaffeensis-AB/monocytic Ehrlichiosis Streptolysin O-Ab/Streptococcal Infection E. histolytica-Ab/Diarrhea-Dysentery T. cruzi-Ab/Chagas Disease H. pylori-Ab/Gastritis T. gondii-Ab (IgA/IgG/IgM)/Toxoplasmosis Legionella-Ab (IgG/IgM)/ Legionnaire's Disease T. pallidum-Ab/Syphilis M. pneumoniae-Ab (IgG/IgM)/Respiratory Infection C. trachomatis-Ab/Trachoma All products are sold for use as intermediate products in IVD, pharmaceutical or laboratory use only, and are not intended for use as direct or indirect exposure or inoculation into laboratory or domestic animals. 21 22 BEQC-3005 (0910000)V
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