Spring 2011 Issue 5 - Delgado Community College
Spring 2011 Issue 5 - Delgado Community College
The Dolphin April 6, 2011 Delgado Community College French Quarter Festival, p. 6 Volume 43: Number 11 The crawfish are coming! 2011 annual Crawfest By Ambria Washington Photo courtesy of SGA Rhonda Davis (Northshore SGA senator), Ralph Nader (4-time Independent U.S. Presidential candidate), and J.C. Romero (SGA president for City Park). SGA visits our nation's capital By D. Shedrick City Park, Charity School of Nursing, Northshore and Westbank Student Government Associations met with other SGA leaders nationwide to attend the American Student Association of Community College's Spring 2011 conference last month in Washington D.C. The purpose of the visit was to discuss and vote on issues that matter to us most, like students being able to receive the maximum Pell Grant for school expenses and the Student Aid Responsibility Act (SAFRA) that could extend loan repayment periods. This was Delgado's first time at the convention. In the past, SGA attended a fall conference for programming and event planning and a political and policies convention in the spring with COSGA (Conference on Student Government Associations). This year they opted for something new with ASACC. SGA fought on our behalf to get an extension from six months to a year after graduation for student loan repayment and they advocated for Pell Grants to continue to cover fees and tuition for summer sessions. In addition to fighting for student rights and privileges, our leaders sat in on independent workshops. City Park SGA President J.C. Romero learned a lot from a lecture called, “How the sausage is made; understanding and influencing the legislative process.” He recalls a quote from Canal Street Renaissance the presenter that stuck in his head, "History matters. Know how people voted in the pastbecause it will influence how they vote in the future," said Rich Williams, Higher Education Advocate of the United States Public Interest Research Group (US PIRG). The seminar taught how to interpret law terms and how things get done in Congress. Other notable speakers were SGA, continued on page 2 Old Maison Blanche becomes new Hotel Indigo By D’Corian Jackson Changes are coming to Canal Street, from the Pinkberry Frozen Yogurt store added outside of the Double Tree Hotel to the Saenger Theatre renovations. One of the most recent transformations to a familiar landmark, the old Maison Blanche building, has created two different hotels side-by-side, the Ritz-Carlton and Hotel Indigo. The Ritz Carlton New Orleans hotel came along five years before the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Before the building became the Ritz Carlton Hotel, it was Maison Blanche, New Orleans’ department store which operated at that location and others from 1897 until its closing in 1997. The downtown location was an abandoned building between 1997 and 2000, when the original Ritz Carlton New Orleans was established. In 2007, it was renovated and reopened after Hurricane Katrina. The owners of brand-name hotels Intercontinental Hotel and Holiday Inn decided to extend another branch of their brand to the New Orleans downtown area, and to put it on the hotel corridor on Canal Street. Over the past few weeks, construction workers have been remodeling the condemned portion of the building which housed the old Maison Blanche, where the new Hotel Indigo French Quarter will be located. Hotel Indigo already has a presence in Baton Rouge, Atlanta, and San Diego. The boutique-themed hotel is well-known for captivating its surrounding culture and atmosphere, giving its guests a feel for the city around them. Hotel Indigo is a fastgrowing hotel brand and Hotel Indigo French Quarter will showcase the offerings of the city, with locally-inspired murals and music and menu selections that will change throughout the year. “Every Hotel Indigo has its own target audience based on demographics and those who know what they want,” said Bill Mehalco, assistant general manager at Hotel Indigo Chelsea-New York. Mehalco went on discuss the traits of the hotel, “For example, if you stayed at our Photo by D’Corian Jackson location, here in Chelsea, the Site of new Hotel Indigo under construction on murals in our rooms reflect Canal Street next to the old Maison Blanche. the fashion industry, since we are near a fashion institute. Although Hotel Indigo varies in types So you may see dresses, buttons, or needles and pins on our of guests, they tend to attract the casual murals.” Hotel Indigo French Quarter traveler to corporate businessmen. will open up about 50-100 jobs. Hotel Indigo French Quarter is scheduled to open this summer. D e l g a d o ’s S G A a n n u a l Crawfest has been going o n f o r o v e r 2 0 y e a r s n o w. O n We d n e s d a y A p r i l 1 3 , SGA will be having its annual Crawfest from 1p.m.-5p.m. behind Building One. According t o Ta y i s h a G r e e n , S G A’s Vi c e P r e s i d e n t o f S o c i a l A ff a i r s , “ T h i s is the biggest, traditional event o f t h e s c h o o l y e a r, s o y o u d o n ’t w a n t t o m i s s i t . ” In previous years, the crawfish festival always had two sessions---one in the morning from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and one in the evening from 4-6 p.m. Last year they had close to 1,000 students and faculty members show up, and they ran out of 3,000 pounds of crawfish. Ti m G a l l i a n o , d i r e c t o r of auxiliary services, said, “In the year 2000, Delgado h a d t h e l a rg e s t c r a w f i s h festival in the state of L o u i s i a n a , w i t h 11 , 5 0 0 pounds of crawfish.” T h i s y e a r ’s C r a w f e s t w i l l b e m u c h d i ff e r e n t . The festival will only have one session for five hours. To p r e v e n t t h e p r o b l e m o f running out of crawfish, SGA will provide 5,000 pounds of crawfish this y e a r. N o t o n l y w i l l t h e r e be FREE boiled crawfish but also corn, potatoes, and snowballs. There will also be two live band performances including L l o y d D o b l e r E ff e c t ( I D E ) a n d T h e B o C a r t e r. I D E i s a full-time touring band that has performed in over 40 states and at many universities and colleges. CRAWFEST, continued on page 3 News Page 2 The Dolphin CAMPUS BRIEF: (DCC)-This fall, Delgado Community College will mark its 90th anniversary and has started the initial planning for celebrating this milestone. Planning and implementation of activities to commemorate this occasion has begun with Vice Chancellor Debbie Lea leading a planning committee to develop and launch several anniversary celebration initiatives. There are a handful of subcommittees working on activities to be a part of a year-long celebration, which will launch in August for the 2011/2012 academic year. LOCAL BRIEF: (AP) — New Orleans authorities have announced a schedule for dealing with lead found in the soil at 11 playgrounds around the city. Lead abatement activities started recently at one park and the efforts will spread to nine others throughout April. Officials have planed a meeting with supporters of one of the most visible parks — Daneel Playspot on historic St. Charles Avenue — to discuss how the lead problem will be handled there. City officials said lead in the soil of various playgrounds in some of the oldest parts of the city was likely the result of removal of lead paint from older buildings and the use, years ago, of lead in gasoline. Delgado chooses employee of the year By D. Shedrick Administrative Assistant David A. Coleman was selected as employee of the year. Coleman works in the Evening Division along with Dean Mercedes Munster. His responsibilities are providing media equipment and basic supplies for the night instructors. He is also the main contact person, answering phone calls and doing whatever it takes to meet the needs of students attending school in the evenings. Coleman has worked at Delgado since October 2008. He is also an alumnus of the school with two degrees. He has an associate's degree in TV Production and another in Administrative Office Technology. He was also awarded a scholarship while pursuing his ADOT degree from the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP). In the very near future, he will be the City Park campus representative for the organization. "The school has grown by leaps and bounds since I first started attending in 1993," said Coleman. I remember when we didn't have labs and we used floppy discs. I never dreamed that Delgado would enroll 19,000 students." There is a huge difference between day and evening classes. "There are a lot of inequities because of lack of resources available at night. It's almost like we are stepchildren," said Coleman. "But I love my job and I don't plan to ever look for another one." Coleman always wanted to work at Delgado, even when his family moved away to Texas briefly. "You know that song by Louis Armstrong, ‘Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?’ (AP) — Enrollment is about to begin for Louisiana’s first online charter school for students from kindergarten through 12th grade, which could radically change the way children are educated. The Baton Rouge-based school, which is called Louisiana Connections Academy, will start accepting applications and plans to begin operations for up to 500 students later this year. The school was approved by the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education in December. Well, I sure do. I couldn't wait to return home." Coleman came out the winner because his colleagues nominated and voted for him. He believes that Christine Chavez, following in her grandfather's footsteps, Cesar Chavez, as a civil rights leader and activist, multiple presidential candidate Ralph Nader and Eduardo M. Ochoa, current Assistant Secretary for PostSecondary Education. Photo courtesy of SGA (AP) — The barbed-wire fence surrounding the Hempstead County Hunting Club divides more than property lines. It separates rich from poor. On one side: wealthy duck hunters who have preserved a private forested paradise largely untouched by chain saws. On the other: the people of this struggling Arkansas town where jobs are scarce and families live in run-down trailers. The hunters are now waging a bitter legal battle over construction of a coal-fired power plant, and the dispute has laid bare the class tensions that have long beset this rural area. Townspeople welcome the new facility because it will bring jobs and valuable tax revenue. But club members fear the plant will spew pollutants that cause acid rain, threatening the pristine hunting grounds they have protected for more than a century. Photo by D. Shedrick Employee of the year , David A. Coleman he won because he is good with helping people solve problems. The only thing that Coleman knows is that, "I love my job and I can't get enough." SGA, continued from page 1 STATE BRIEF: NATIONAL BRIEF: April 6, 2011 SGA members in front of the Washington Monument. Michelle Denham (Northshore SGA treasurer), Mary Jason (West Bank SGA senator), Nic Whitacre (Charity School of Nursing SGA president), Le'Anne Havernack (Charity School of Nursing SGA treasurer), Joshua Ivy (Charity School of Nursing vice president), Kathleen Hermo (Charity School of Nursing SGA secretary), Tayisha Green (City Park SGA VP of social affairs), Ivy Poree-Marco (West Bank SGA president), David Teagle (City Park SGA VP of policy), Rhonda Davis (Northshore SGA senator), J.C. Romero (City Park SGA president), Tara Williams (West Bank SGA senator) SGA also got a chance to visit Capitol Hill. Some of them talked to staffers in Sen. Cedric Richmond's office. They discussed the SUNO/ UNO merger with Aketa Marie Simmons, Communications Director who announced that their cabinet is completely against the merger. They were also guests at Sen. Mary Landrieu's office, but the staff was too busy to talk with them. In spite of that, they found the staffers very friendly and open to e-mail to answer any questions. Sen. David Vitter's office was not as open and available as the other congressional offices, "Which was sort of sad," said Romero. "We also were scheduled to tour the White House, but it was closed because of safety concerns on account of the ordeal in Libya." The Washington trip was not all work and no play. Members of SGA usually attended sessions during the day and had free time in the afternoon. Some of the representatives went to the American History Museum and Madam Toussand's Wax Museum. A museum filled with waxed figures dating back to the 1700's, the museum houses historical, political, cultural, sports, musical and Hollywood life-sized replicas of famous people, such as George Washington, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Duke Ellington, Beyonce, Johnny Depp, Julia Roberts, Tiger Woods and Babe Ruth. SGA also took time to break bread, eating Mexican food at Ashton Grill and traveling to Virginia for some home-style cooking at a soul food restaurant. The SGA stayed at The Liaison, a boutique hotel on Capitol Hill. "The trip was amazing. I got to see things I never saw before. If you are a nerd like me, it was great to network with other student government leaders who think about the future a lot. It was nice to meet people who share the same goals as you-like being a senator one day and working for Congress. It was awesome. I loved it," Romero said. INTERNATIONAL BRIEF: (AP) — Britain’s Royal Mail is celebrating Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding with a new set of stamps that feature their official engagement portraits. Two pictures of the couple taken by fashion and celebrity photographer Mario Testino will be printed on the set of commemorative stamps. The Royal Mail said the collectibles have been approved by William and will be released on April 21, the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. William has been featured on stamps twice before — to mark the Queen Mother’s 100th birthday on August 4, 2000, and three years later to mark his 21st birthday. Meanwhile, Transport for London said that William and his bride-tobe will also grace special commemorative transit cards. Photo courtesy of SGA City Park SGA president J.C. Romero in front of the White House. Page 3 The Dolphin April 6, 2011 CRAWFEST, continued from page 1 They will be performing at 2 p.m. •YOU MUST STUDENT I.D. There will be handson entertaining activities such as decorating streets signs, and making your own music. The crawfish are coming, and they’re coming soon so you must have your s t u d e n t I . D . r e a d y. Yo u will then be given a bracelet and four coupons. Those coupons can be used toward the boiled crawfish and other food, snowballs, activities, and games. Yo u c a n m a k e y o u r o w n CD and get your friends to jam with you. There will be many active games including speed pitching and the velcro wall, as well as the bungee jump and mechanical bull. All of these activites are FREE and sponsored b y S G A . G r e e n s a i d , “ I t ’s student fees at work.” Yo u r a c c e s s crawdads: to FREE • S AV E THE D AT E : We d n e s d a y A p r i l 1 3 Ti m e : 1 p . m . - 5 p . m . W h e re : B e h i n d B u i l d i n g One on the other side of the bookstore BRING •NO OUTSIDE GUESTS T h i s e v e n t i s O N LY f o r D e l g a d o ’s s t u d e n t s a n d f a c u l t y. • D O N O T L E AV E W I T H C R AW F I S H Make sure you eat your crawfish before you leave. b e c a u s e y o u w o n ’t b e a b l e t o t a k e c r a w f i s h o ff t h e premises. Photo from The Dolphin archives Crawfest 2009 at City Park campus, with a pirogue full of tasty mudbugs. • VO L U N T E E R S N E E D E D 2 9 , 2 0 11 f r o m 1 2 p . m . 2 p.m to assist with the Crawfest. Ta y i s h a Green, S G A’s Vi c e P r e s i d e n t o f S o c i a l A ff a i r s , w i l l b e l o o k i n g for volunteers on March Every volunteer will r e c e i v e a f r e e t - s h i r t . Yo u d o n o t h a v e t o v o l u n t e e r, but this will be a great way to work with some of the S G A o ff i c e r s . •SGA WORKS SO SHOW A P P R E C I AT I O N HARD YOUR t h i s e v e n t f o r D e l g a d o ’s s t u d e n t s a n d f a c u l t y, s o i f you can take the time out to t h a n k a n S G A o ff i c e r, t h e y will greatly appreciate it! Have fun and enjoy this great event! SGA sponsors HIV: Still with us New Orleans and Baton Rouge have the greatest number of persons living with the virus By Whitney Martin Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) infects millions of persons and continues to spread globally. Yet, this virus still goes unnoticed by many individuals. In order to get people to become aware and open about the virus, the first step is to educate them on the virus. People are dying from the virus because they aren’t aware of the early preventions. “Too many of us have already left the planet,” said Michael Hickerson, a social worker, community activist, and Family Research and Evaluation Specialist for Total Community Action. “Knowledge is power and education has always been our most effective weapon in the fight against HIV/AIDS.” HIV and AIDS have been increasingly high in people between the ages of 17-29, mainly in the South and Midwest. HIV and AIDS is the second cause of death of people between the ages of 25-44. According to www. hiv-aids-stastics.com, although the largest number of HIV and AIDS [cases] reported have been in large cities, there has been a shift of newlydiagnosed infections to small cities and rural areas. March was HIV/AIDS Awareness Month. One of the places to get free HIV testing is located on Delgado’s campus in Building One provided by the WISE (Women In Search of Excellence) Center located on the second floor. The testing in the WISE Center is on the first and third Monday of every month from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and they will provide free condoms. The New Orleans and Baton Rouge regions have been where HIV/ AIDS diagnoses are the largest (both New Orleans and Baton Rouge are in the top three cities for HIV/AIDS cases in the U.S., with Miami falling in the number two spot, according to Michael Hickerson). Baton Rouge has the largest number of diagnoses in black females, whereas, in New Orleans the largest number of new diagnoses are among black males. Shreveport, number three of the nine regions, has the third largest number of diagnoses in both male and female. As of Dec. 31, 2010, there were 12,261 people living with HIV/AIDS in Louisiana, majority of those being African Americans; (37 percent) were female and (63 percent) were male. In Louisiana, it has been reported that 154 infants were born to mothers infected with the HIV/AIDS virus within the past year. According to the HIV/AIDS statistics, legislation requires physicians to provide HIV testing for all pregnant women. “Over the course of the past quarter-century, nearly 25 million people have died from AIDS. HIV/AIDS causes debilitating illness and premature death in people during their prime years of life and has devastated families and communities,” according to Michael Radcliff, writer for blackvoicenews.com. According to the Global Health Council, "Through unprecedented global attention and intervention efforts, the rate of new HIV infections has slowed and prevalence rates have leveled off in many regions. However, despite the progress seen in some countries and regions, the total number of people living with HIV continues to rise." There are some facts about HIV/ AIDS that people can’t continue to escape below, as taken from blackvoicenews.com: • In 2008, globally, about two million people died of AIDS, 33.4 million were living with HIV and 2.7 million people were newly infected with the virus. As of March 31, 2009, a cumulative total of 28,843 persons have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in Louisiana. • HIV infections and AIDS deaths are unevenly distributed geographically and the nature of the epidemics vary by region. While epidemics are abating in some countries, they are growing in others. In a recent study by UNICEF, it is notable that "more than 90 percent of people with HIV are living in the developing world." • The HIV/AIDS virus does not discriminate by age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status - everyone is susceptible. However, certain groups are more at risk of HIV, including men who have sex with men (MSM), injecting drug users (I DUs), and commercial sex workers or prostitutes. • The impact of HIV/ AIDS on women and girls (especially Africans and African Americans), has been particularly devastating. According to the World Health Organization (or WHO), women and girls now comprise 50 percent of those aged 15 and older living with HIV. • HIV continues to disproportionately affect African-Americans in Louisiana. In 2008, 72 percent of newly diagnosed HIV cases and 70 percent of newly diagnosed AIDS cases were among African Americans. • The impact of HIV/AIDS on children and young people is a severe and growing problem. WHO goes on to say that, in 2008, 430,000 children under age 15 were infected with HIV and 280,000 died of AIDS. In Louisiana, in 2009 there were 308 cases of children under the HIV, continued on page 11 April 6, 2011 Sports News Flash Football (AP) — Los Angeles officials are inviting members of the public to share their concerns and suggestions surrounding a proposed downtown NFL stadium. Environmental groups have expressed concerns that stadium planner AEG may seek state legislation protecting it from lawsuits over its environmental review process. AEG officials have said they're completing a full environmental review but may seek protections from what they characterize as frivolous lawsuits once the review is complete. Basketball (AP) — The Anaheim city council unanimously approved a $75 million bond to entice the Sacramento Kings to relocate to Orange County. The Dolphin Page 4 Sports Delgado baseball wins MISS-LOU conference play By Tyler Scheuermann It’s been a busy few weeks for the Dolphin Baseball squad. Following their return from Disney World earlier this month, Delgado swept Moraine Valley, St. Charles, and McHenry County in each of their series. to score on the opportunities. Chad Gough-Fortenberry went 2-3 with a single and a double to lead the Delgado offense. Brent Bonvillain picked up his first loss of the 2011 campaign as the Dolphins fell 7-0. On the weekend of (3/26-3/27), Delgado opened its 2011 MissLou Conference schedule by hosting Baton Rouge Community College at Kirsch-Rooney. Delgado broke the 1-1 tie in the second game in the fifth inning when Daniel Brockhoeft’s double scored Scott Fabre, who had reached on a lead-off single. The Dolphins would pick up two insurance runs in the sixth on two sacrifice flies to secure their 4-1 victory and the doubleheader split. Jake Fabre went the distance on the mound for Delgado, allowing one run on three hits while striking out eight In the first game, Baton Rouge’s Joshua Powell pitched a scoreless game to hand the Dolphins their fifth loss of the season, breaking Delgado’s eight-game winning streak. The Dolphin bats were responsible for nine hits, but failed Bear batters and walking only two. On that Sunday, the Dolphins failed to capitalize on a 9thinning rally, falling 8-6 to Baton Rouge Community College in Saturday’s Miss-Lou Conference match up at Kirsch-Rooney Stadium. Down 8-4 at the start of the inning, Daniel Brockhoeft singled and Chad GoughFortenberry doubled to jumpstart the late rally. Alex Prestenbach’s RBI-single scored Brockhoeft, improving the score the 8-5. With the tying run on first base with no outs, Delgado grounded into a double play, scoring Prestenbach before Matt Smith flew out to right field to end the game with the Dolphins still trailing by two. Delgado had squashed Baton Rouge’s early 3-0 lead in the bottom of the 2nd inning with Kevin Williams’ RBI-single and Daniel Brockhoeft’s three-run homerun. Nate Fury picked up his first loss of the season in relief of starter Stone Speer. Delgado won two out of three games against Meridian in MissLou conference action on the weekend (4/2-4/3) in a threegame series at Kirsch-Rooney Stadium. Baseball (AP) - The commissioner's office suspended minor league players free agent P Junior Astacio, C Erick Castillo (Cubs), free agent RHP Tony Feliz, free agent OF Pedro Nunez and RHP Amalio Reyes (Cubs) 50 games for violations of the Minor League Drug Prevention and Treatment Program. Hockey (AP) — University of North Dakota men's hockey coach Dave Hakstol is one of eight finalists for the Spencer Penrose Award. The American Hockey Coaches Association gives the award annually to the NCAA Division I men's hockey coach of year. Nominees include coaches who have been honored by their conferences or whose teams make the national semifinals. UND has advanced to the Frozen Four for the fifth time in the past seven years. The award will be presented at a banquet in Naples, Fla., on April 30. Tennis (AP) — Venus Williams withdrew from the Sony Ericsson Open, citing an abdominal injury that has sidelined her for nearly two months. Williams is a threetime champion at the tournament. She hasn't played since retiring because of the injury in the third round of the Australian Open on Jan. 21. The No. 8-ranked Venus Williams lives 90 minutes north of Key Biscayne in Palm Beach Gardens and considers the tournament her home event. She once won 22 consecutive matches in the event and was the champion in 1998, 1999 and 2001. Soccer (AP) — After a five-day tryout proved that he was a good teammate who lacked enough soccer skills, NFL star Chad Ochocinco got what he was hoping for—a spot on the reserve team for Sporting Kansas City. Now he'll work out a couple of times a week with the MLS team's reserve squad, which is what he was hoping for all along. As a member of the reserve team, the six-time Pro Bowl wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals will not be given a contract or be paid. But soccer will be a great way to stay in shape until owners and players work out their differences and the NFL lockout is lifted. A Saint no more By Erika Canales On February 22, 2011 the New Orleans Saints chose to release tight end, Jeremy Shockey leaving a majority of the Who Dat Nation truly appalled. Shockey told ESPN's Rachel Nichols that he had been released by the New Orleans Saints. "It's a business, I understand," Shockey said. "I'll just go play hard for someone else. Whoever gets me, it's going to be a steal." When you look at the facts, it should not come as a surprise that Shockey was released. There were many factors working against him. One of the prime issues was that Shockey has spent much of his nineseason career injured. He has never actually played an entire season. His rookie season is statistically one of his best with 74 catches for 894 yards and 2 touch downs. Last season, Shockey made 41 catches for 408 yards and 3 touch downs in 13 games. The Saints seem to have taken to rookie Jimmy Graham, who, like Shockey, played college ball for Miami. Graham played basketball for 3 years and played one season of football before being recruited by the Saints. Shockey actually served as a mentor to the rookie tight end. As Graham filled in for an injured Shockey, the chemistry between him and QB Drew Brees was obvious. At this point Graham seems to have much potential; he finished his first season with 31 catches for 365 yards and 5 touchdowns. The Carolina Panthers struck a one-year deal with Jeremy Shockey on March 3, 2011. The Panthers are a young team, who can hopefully get a boost to their offense with a seasoned player like Shockey. Regardless of his stats and injuries aside, Shockey was a vital part of our Super Bowl victory over the Indianapolis Colts, scoring a 2-yard touchdown in the 4th quarter. If there was ever an injured teammate, Shockey was right next to him playing the care-taker. He may have been released but he will always be a Saint and cherished in our community for years to come. Did you know... TE Jeremy Shockey recently became the spokesperson for Cult Energy Activator, an all-natural energy beverage. The Cult Energy campaign that features Jeremy Shockey launched earlier this year on Jan. 4, 2011 with a contest to meet Shockey in person. According to defendneworleans.com., the guidelines for the contest, established by Cult, feature taking a photo of the entrant with one of the many life-sized Shockey cutouts with a Cult, visiting the energy drink fan page on Facebook, “liking” the page and submitting their picture for viewing. The winner of the contest will receive dinner, an autographed jersey and a year supply of Cult Energy Activator, which will be personally delivered by Shockey. The Facebook link for the contest is http://www.Facebook.com/CultEnergy. Upcoming games: NBA Wizards vs Pacers, 6 p.m. (TV;CSNB) Knicks vs 76ers, 6 p.m. (TV; CSNt) Cavaliers vs Raptors, 6 p.m. (TV; TSN2) Magic vs Bobcats, 6 p.m. (TV; SPSO) Nets vs Pistons 6:30 p .m. ( TV; FxDt) Bucks vs Heat, 7 p.m. (TV; ESPN) Suns vs Timberwolves, 7 p.m. (TV; MyAz) Clippers vs Thunder, 7 p.m. (TV; FxPT) Rockets vs Hornets, 7 p.m. (TV; CST) Kings vs Spurs, 7:30 p.m. (TV; FxSW) Nuggets vs Mavericks, 8:30 p .m. (TV; ESPN) Lakers vs Warriors, 9:30 p.m. (TV; ESPN) NHL MLB Angels vs Rays, 12:10 p.m. (TV; FoxW) Pirates vs Cardinals, 12:40 p.m. (TV; FoxW) Mariners vs Rangers, 1:05 p.m. (TV; FxSW) White Sox vs Royals, 1:10 p.m. (Tv; FxKC) D’Backs vs Cubs, 1:20 p.m. (TV; WGN) Dodgers vs Rockies, 2:10 p.m. (TV; PRIM) Giants vs Padres, 5:35 p.m. (TV; CSBy) Tigers vs Orioles, 6:05 p.m. (TV; FxDt) Mets vs Phillies, 6:05 p.m. (TV; TCN) Twins vs Yankees, 6:05 p.m.( TV; ESPN) Red Sox vs Indians, 6:05 p.m.(NESN) Athletics vs Blue Jays, 6:07 p.m.( TV; RSN) Astros vs Reds. 6:10 p.m. ( TV; FxOh) Nationals vs Marlins, 6:10 p.m. (TV; MASN) Braves vs Brewers, 7:10 p.m.( FxWi) Islanders vs Bruins, 6 p.m. (TV; NESN) Red Wings vs Hurricanes, 6 p.m. (TV; FxDT) Maple Leafs vs Devils, 6 p.m. (TV; TSN) Panthers vs Capitals, 6 p.m. (TV; CSW) Blues vs Blackhawks, 7 p.m. (TV; CSNC) Oilers vs Flames, 6:30 p.m. (TV; RSNW) Sharks vs Ducks, 9 p.m. (TV; KDOC) Coyotes vs Kings, 9:30 p.m. (TV; FoxW) Page 5 The Dolphin April 6, 2011 Shark-bitten! Garcia, Sharks drop Voodoo to 0-3 By James Tolliver Jr. OK, Voodoo fans, in the Jacksonville ran away and Force will visit the Graveyard last two games the team has hid, outscoring New Orleans on April 2. Georgia's passing not played very inspiring 32-14. When it was all said attack is third best in the football, 13 and done, the Voodoo were AFL with 699 yards through points to Orlando and 31 to left with their third straight two games. On defense, the Jacksonville on March 26. loss to open the season. Force has given up 403 yards losing by What seems to be the problem is not how they start, but how they finish. In their game against Jacksonville, the Voodoo jumped out to a 6-0 lead, only to see the Sharks take the lead at 13-6. In the second quarter, the two teams exchanged but the touchdowns Sharks consecutive scored touchdowns to make the score 32-19 at halftime. In the second half, "We did not play to the best of our caliber today," said Voodoo coach Derek Stingley, when talking to reporters after the game. "I know we're a better football team than what we showed out there today. That's really all the Voodoo can do but it won't be easy.” game is By Sean Paul Back in the day when I was young, on those days when the sun shone bright in the sky and a light summer breeze blew, you could find the youth of the inner rushing. In order to win this game, the Voodoo will need Quarterback Danny Wimprine to continue his consistent play and for the defense to slow down Georgia Quarterback Brett Elliott and the Force offense. Their next against another division rival. The Georgia city outside engaging in what we call “hood sports”. These sports required the kids in the neighborhood to be very creative. ‘Hood sports passing and just 108 yards In my neighborhood we didn’t have access to a gym or any sports facility and sports equipment, so we would improvise. I still remember my friends and I looking through trash dumpsters to find some well-formed, empty soda or vegetable cans, two nice-sized flat pieces of wood and a tennis ball so we could enjoy a friendly game of cool cans. Cool cans was a game that every kid in the neighborhood knew how to play, with one person trying to knock down the cans and another hitting the ball to keep the cans from being knocked over. Some other activities that the kids would take part in were hopscotch, basketball, football, and dodge ball. All the sports that took place in the hood could be played by both males and females so no one was excluded from participating. Those were the days when kids created their own favorite sports and enjoyed playing outdoors. “A taste of New Orleans” By Whitney Martin Louisiana provided by some of New Orleans most famous restaurants, learn more about the future of the New Orleans Hornets and enjoy playing games for prizes, which included a trip for two to Las Vegas. The food was served by the entire Hornets team as well as those who worked for the restaurants. The games and activities were also hosted by the Hornets players. Photo by Whitney Martin Hornets power forward David West serving food at the “Taste of New Orleans” event at Harrah’s Casino. The event was a different-from-the norm experience. It was a great opportunity to meet Hornets fans l while enjoying food from many restaurants that you could only dream about eating from, and of course, meeting the players and the entire Hornets staff! By James Tolliver Jr. It's that time of the year again! That time of the year where you go out to the old ball game, buy peanuts and cracker jacks and root for the home team, which in this case is our New Orleans Zephyrs. We ' r e j u s t 2 1 d a y s a w a y from the team opening up their eighteenth season in t h e B i g E a s y. The Zephyrs will open the season, at Zephyr Field, against their division rivals the Round Rock Express. Manager Greg Norton returns for his second season as the team head skipper and looks to improve on the 66-77 record the team had a season ago. Hornets event at Harrah’s Casino The "Taste of New Orleans" event was held at Harrah's Casino, courtesy of the Hornets office and Hornets players. The event was for Hornet fans to taste the different foods of Zephyrs baseball preview For the opening weekend o f t h e 2 0 11 s e a s o n , t h e Zephyrs have a list of promotions they are doing before and after each game. Photo by Whitney Martin Hornets point guard Chris Paul serving food at the “Taste of New Orleans” event as Harrah’s Casino along with volunteer. On opening night, April 15, the team will give away a magnet schedule presented by the Blood Center of New Orleans to the first 5,000 people that come to the game. A f t e r t h e g a m e i s o v e r, the team will have a fireworks s h o w. April 16, People's Health will give away visors with the team's logo to the first 1,000 fans who enter the ballpark. That same night, Zatarains is hosting Zatarains Z a t u r d a y, w h e r e y o u g e t a 2 - f o r- 1 ticket deal if fans bring two Zatarains proofs of purchase. Coca-Cola will present Kids Day on April 17. The first 500 kids will get a voucher for one free kids meal and can come on the field and run the bases after the game. The last day of opening weekend is Senior C i t i z e n ' s D a y. Z e p h y r f a n s 6 0 y e a r s a n d o v e r, g e t $ 5 admission to the game. So with the season fast approaching, get out a n d e n j o y t h e 2 0 11 N e w Orleans Zephyrs baseball season! April 6, 2011 A rt s The Dolphin an d Calendar of Events Making a Living as an Artist and Writer, a discussion Speakers: Virginia Howard, a professional artist and illustrator. Kathleen Nettleton, Publishing, Assistant Publisher Pelican to the Terry Callaway, Pelican Publishing, production manager. Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. Room 310 W, next to the Art Gallery- 3rd floor Main Bldg. Sponsered by DASA Xavier DeSoto 258-5011 [email protected] [email protected] International Fair and Fashion Show Delgado’s SGA and the faculty and students of the ESL Department invite you to attend The International Fair and Fashion Show. The event will feature crafts, fashion and food from around the world, and music by Julio and Cesar. It all takes place Thursday, April 7, 2011, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM, in the Delgado Patio on the City Park Campus. Should it rain, the event will be moved to The Delgado Gymnasium (Building 11). “Mother-in-law,” a play Delgado Community College’s final production for the 2010/11 academic year will be “The Mother-in-Law” by the Roman playwright, Terence. Performances are on April 8, 9, 15 and 16 at 8pm and April 10 and 17 at 3pm. All performances will take place in the 3rd floor Drama Hall in Building 1 on the City Park Campus. General admission is $8 ($5 for Delgado students, faculty and staff). Please call 504-6716360 for reservations or more information. E n t e rta i n m e n t ; F r e n c h Q u a rt e r Los Hombres Calientes Pinettes Brass Band Thur., April 7, 4:15 Sat., April 9, 6 p.m. Abita Beer Stage Capital One Riverside Legacy Stage "W e're not a Latin band, we're not a jazz band, we're not a funk band, we're not a reggae band. We're all of that," percussionist Bill Summers said to the Miami New Times. Los Hombres Calientes believe that we as a people are all one and strive to educate as well as entertain. They are mostly classified as an Afro-Cuban Jazz based group. Los Hombres have released 5 albums with Basin Street Records. The group was founded by coleaders Bill Summers who plays percussion and Irvin Mayfield, the group’s trumpet and keyboards. Los Hombres was nominated twice in 1999 for the Gambit Big Easy Entertainment Award. Free Agents Brass Band Delgado will host a job fair Wednesday, April 13, 2011, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. The event will take place in the Lac Pontchartrain Room on the 2nd floor of the Student Life Center (Bldg. 23) on Delgado’s City Park Campus. The job fair is free and open to all Delgado students and alumni. Register online: http://www. mydelgadoevent.com/RegJF. asp?EID=160 or for more information, call (504) 671-5142 or email our Career Advisor/ Job Developer Brian Simon at [email protected]. fest A spin-off from the Pinstripe Brass Band, The Pinettes was founded by band director, Jeffrey Herbert in 1991 at St. Mary’s Academy. The eight-member band plays traditional brass band instruments:saxophone, The Pinettes Brass Band Photo by D. Shedrick "Brass band music is a feeling, it's what you think and how you live your life," said lead vocalist, Dionne Harrison.” trumpet, tuba, snare and bass drums. “Brass band music is a feeling, it’s what you think and how you live your life,” said lead vocalist Dionne Harrison. The Pinettes is New Orleans’ only all-female brass band. “We just want to prove that brass band music is not just a male-dominated industry.” The Pinettes performances are nonstop and high-energy. They have been known to get kicked offstage because they went over their allotted time. “It’s our drive that keeps us going--we don’t stop be- cause we don’t feel like the show is over yet,” said Harrison. To solve that problem, the band will just take the party outside and keep performing. Recently, the band changed its name to the Original Pinettes Brass Band. And original is the title they justly deserve. Sat., April 9, 7:30 p.m. Capital One Riverside Legacy Stage C reated by band leader, Ellis "Ejo" Joseph, a month after Katrina brought the city to its knees, the Free Agents were formed. Along with band members Keith "Wolf" Anderson, Chad and Larry Brown, Traves Carter, Tyrus Chapman, John "Prince" Gilbert, Julian Goslin, Floyd Gray and Shannon Haynes, Joseph and the Free Agents keep the brass band traditions of New Orleans alive. The name of the band comes from Joseph thinking of himself as a free agent after the storm hit and he had to relocate to Atlanta, Georgia. The band brings a level of professionalism, sound and musicianship to their performances, which has earned them the respect of the music community. To hear the Free Agents play is like hearing that old traditional brass band with a blend of harmony and new funk. Higher Heights Reggae Zion Trinity Fri., April 8, 4 p.m. Sun., April 10, 5 p.m. Johnny Sketch and the Dirty Notes take on French Quarter Festival Malibu Rum Latin/World Stage WWL-TV Stage Fri., April 8, 5:30 p.m. The band the Higher Heights is a local band known for their reggae style of music. They also incorporate and mix other music such as hip-hop, dancehall, and rock-steady melodies. One of the most important members of the band is the leading female singer who is introduced as Bob Marley. She is known for switching to voice and rapping for eight measures in her performance.The rest of the band includes the pianist/vocalist is Chez Chez MacKaye. The rest of the band includes the drummer/ vocalist Juan, and bassist Dale. They perform every year at the French Quarter Festival and other local festivals. Higher Heights is a band that captivates the audience’s attention and leaves them dancing to tunes. So, check them out if you want something to groove to. Z ion Trinity was established by The Creator in 1997 as a prayer group and became known as the “New Orleans Female Vocal Sensation”. The three women who make up the band, Sula (Spirit), Oshun (Water) and Andaiye (Blood) are songwriters who capture the genres of reggae, jazz, funk, African ritual music, and all in between. These three soulful women are known especially for their harmony and the way their music grabs a person’s soul. Zion Trinity has been an opening act for Joseph Hill, Culture, The Wailers, Burning Spear, Maze featuring Frankie Beverly, and Groundation. The band has also performed internationally at the Harlem Jazz Club in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Their unique, yet soulful music, has been played on radios from Ghana and Ethiopia to Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Guam, France and beyond. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY By Whitney Martin Aries: (March 21-April 19) Today is the day Libra: (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) People often underes- to be catered to. You’re always taking care of timate you, but you’re capable of anything. You’ll people, so let those same people take care of end up accomplishing many things and surprising you for once. those who know you. Taurus: (April 20-May20) You need to close a few doors before you can really move on. JOB FAIR Page 6 Gemini: (May 21-June 20) The time is now to try something new. Start on some new projects. You already have all the support you could possibly need! Scorpio: (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) The energy you have today will allow you to break down a big wall in your life. Sagittarius: (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) People are ready to hear what you have to say. So, get ready to speak out. Touch people with your desires. Cancer: (June 21-July 22) Things may not be Capricorn: (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)Try hard to going your way, but focus on persevering. Just succeed. keep going! business. Let your mind expand. Leo: (July 23-Aug. 22) Upgrade yourself, whether physically or mentally. Be sure to show off the new you to your loved ones. Virgo: (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Get out of your old habits and you’ll be sure to make progress. Think religion, politics, art, and Aquarius: (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Make the most of your social energy while the sun is still glistening. Pisces: (Feb. 19-March 20) Try not to let what people say get you down, but stand up for yourself if and when necessary. Zodiac art by Danny Nicholas Coca-Cola Stage I n a town where there are just as many musicians as there are drunk visitors, Johnny Sketch and the Dirty Notes has made their mark as one of New Orleans favored funk bands. JSDN came together in 2001 and since then many locals have heard of them or even seen them perform, but what people may not know is that every member of the band studied music in college. According to their bio even though they’re a ‘classically trained unit’ ‘a night with JSDN is a lot different then a night at the symphony.’ Their funk vibes are reminiscent of the Radiators and make the crowd want to move with the ‘harddriven rhythm’. JSDN’s debut album won them many awards including the 2003 Offbeat Magazine Best Rock Album by a Louisiana Artist and Best Rock Band for the Big Easy Entertainment Awards. Many locals have had the pleasure of seeing them perform at local venues such as The Maple Leaf, Howlin’ Wolf and the Blue Nile, but this year we also get to check them out at the 2011 French Quarter fest. If you haven’t had the chance to see this band perform, now is definitely the time. Page 7 The Dolphin Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue Amanda Shaw and the Cute Guys Sat., April 9, 7:45 p.m. Sat., April 9, 7:15 p.m. Abita Beer Stage Offbeat Cajun/Zydeco Showcase T A roy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews was born on January 2, 1986 in New Orleans. Andrews is a trombone and trumpet player, and the younger brother of trumpeter and bandleader James Andrews. Trombone Shorty played the trombone in brass bands as young as six years old. He attended and graduated from New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts (NOCCA). In 2009 and 2010, he played in the band Orleans Avenue. Orleans Avenue was also the name of his funk/pop/ hip-hop mix that included musicians Mike Ballard on bass, Dan Oestreicher on baritone sax, Tim McFatter on tenor sax, Pete Murano on guitar, Joey Peebles on drums, and Dwayne “Big D” Williams on percussion. He also made appearances in four of the episodes of the hit HBO series Treme. The year of 2010 was a breakthrough for Trombone Shorty with the release of this label debut, “Backatown”, which stayed on the Billboard Magazine’s Contemporary Jazz Chart at number one, and stayed there for nine consecutive weeks. Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue also went on tour across North America, Europe, Brazil, Japan and the United Kingdom. The band appeared on television shows including The Late Show with David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Austin City Limits, and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Trombone Shorty will appear on upcoming CDs from Galactic, Eric Clapton, Lenny Kravitz, and on the Academy Nominated “Down in New Orleans” with Dr. John. manda Shaw’s success has led to her becoming one of the youngest leading performers at music festivals throughout the world. The young talented cajun fiddle embraces and integrates the classic traditional sounds and the pop upbeat sounds of the mainstream. Since the age of eight, the now 20 year old has traveled nationally and internationally throughout the world. The Louisiana sounds of the Delta blues, Brass, Zydeco, and Jazz influence Amanda’s musical performance. Ms. Shaw started out by studing the violin at the age of three, and was later captivated by the cajun fiddler tunes and styles, which led to her own band. At the age of 14, she was awarded with the Big Easy Award for Best Female Entertainer. In 2009 she was also awarded as the Emerging Cultural Leader by the State of Louisiana. Amanda performs at multiple festivals every year throughout the state of Louisiana including the French Quarter Festival and the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage festival. Amanda Shaw’s CD release has been part of the top ten best sellers for the pass three years at The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. So, go and check out the New Orleans based performer. Walter “Wolfman” Washington & The Roadmasters on any given stage with a gold earring dangling from one ear and a big smile (surrounded by a salt and peppered goatee) that lights up the room. Washington started out playing spirituals, until someone told him, "You should play Rock and Roll," and that's exactly what he did. Washington has been on Sat., April 9, 6:15 p.m. W alter “Wolfman” Washington, 67 and still full of spunk, performs regularly around town with his current band, The Roadmasters. Washington can be found Kelcy Mae Fri., April 8, 11 a.m. Coca-Cola Esplanade in the Shade Stage K elcy Mae originally known as Kelcy Wilburn, started her career in 2004 after writing poetic lyrics and melodies in 2004. Kelcy pursed her career in writing at Loyola University in New Orleans and now holds an MFA in poetry from University of New Orleans. Kelcy found her voice while attending both universities as well as finding her audience. Her songs are a mixture between a traditional root music and indie rock. Kelcy has regularly performed around the New Orleans area as well as around the state. Big Al Carson Sun., April 10, 5 p.m. WWL-TV Stage If you will be attending this year’s French Quarter Festival, make sure that during all the fun and excitement you take some time out and listen to some of our great local musicians that will be performing during the festival. One such person is Big Al Carson. This performer is from New Orleans and enjoys great music like the rest of us. You can easily find the band performing throughout the week at The Funky Pirate night club located in the French Quarter. The band plays a wide range of music, from blues to R&B and of course their own grooving tones. Their music also has a taste of New Orleans jazz. According to Big Al, “I have been in the music business my entire life and he enjoys playing music for the people.” This band is made up of a core group of individuals whom have been performing together for many years. The band has changed its name and a few members twice over the years and they all enjoy playing with each other. Big Al says “they will do what they normally do and entertain us with some wonderful music.” The band is no stranger to the French Quarter Festival. They have been performing during the French Quarter Fest for many years and hope to be around for many more. So remember to take a break during the festivities and come get your groove on with Big Al Carson. April 6, 2011 Russell Batiste and Friends Sat., April 9, 5:30 p.m. Coca-Cola Esplanade in the Shade Stage M any people start the festival off enjoying the different types of cuisine and the new and exciting things that are available to purchase. Others just sit back in their lawn chairs and take in the music and the interesting sites throughout the day. For other folks, just being able to attend the French Quarter Festival is good enough for them and their families. Performing during the festival this year will be several groups. Most of these bands are comprised of local artists who are deeply rooted here in New Orleans. Russell Batiste and Friends will be bringing the funk for everyone during this year's French Quarter Festival. “This is not our first time performing during the festival,” Russell says. While talking to Russell he explained to me that “the group plays Rock, Jazz, R&B and so many more types of music so the band has something for everyone--- young and old.” What contributes to the band's diversity is the fact that they have a representation of several different sounds and instruments. “The band uses drums, piano, horns and different types of instruments when giving the audience what it wants, which is the funk.” Russell says. He was born into the music business, like his entire family The Batistes Brothers. Russell has been playing music for 40 years. The band is well known here in the city and has a number of fans and followers. Photo by D. Shedrick UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS The Greater New Orleans Teacher Recruitment Fair will be held Friday, April 8, 2011 at the University of New Orleans from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. It will take place in the UNO Human Performance Center Gym and is hosted by the Counseling and Career Center. Students and the public are welcome to present their resumes for employment within the greater New Orleans region. Schools from all surrounding parishes, including Tangipahoa and Jefferson, along with neighboring charter schools, will be available to promote the activities provided by these schools. For additional information, please contact Martha Barnes in the Counseling and Career Center at 504.280.6225. SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AT NEW ORLEANS Voices for Change Speaking Competition will be held at Southern University at New Orleans on April 6, 2011 at 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Students and the local community are invited to be a part of this fundraiser. Participants will pick a local organization to represent and create a persuasive speech that influences the community to donate to that organization. Money raised from the entry fee will benefit local non-profit organizations. The top two speakers will win MP3 players. For more information or to find out where the competition will take place, call Dr. Lora Helvie-Mason at 504.286.5013 or visit [email protected]. LOYOLA UNIVERSITY “Wolfman” Washington playing the guitar with his teeth. Photo by D. Shedrick "I never thought I would be a pillar for New Orleans," said Washington. “Wolfman” Washington and the Roadmasters performing. Other Campus Events the music scene for fortysix years. "I never thought I would be a pillar for New Orleans," said Washington. His music covers all genres from jazz, to blues, to R&B, to funk and everything in between. "I love playing music. I've learned a lot about myself and people." Washington believes that musicians help people understand life. His music will make you sway from left to right in your chair or dance on the dance floor, if you can find room. If you leave before the show is over, you'll miss him playing his guitar with his teeth and you definitely wouldn't want to miss that! FEST, continued on page 9 Loyola University will host Alumni Family Day on April 16, from 11 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Turchin Stadium at Tulane University. Tailgating will commence at 11 a.m. and 1st pitch will be at noon. It is open to the public and all alumni and family are invited to attend the Loyola Wolfpack vs. Faulkner University baseball game. The game will be honoring 20 years of baseball alumni. This fundraiser will support alumni organizations in their efforts to meet the needs of the university. Food and beverages will be included in the registration fee. For information on the registration fee or additional information, contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 504.861.5454 or visit www. [email protected] April 6, 2011 Opinion poll The Dolphin Page 8 E ditorials From the Editor Question: How do you use the newspaper as a teaching tool in your curriculum/classroom? people of all ages can benefit from having a pet as part of their family." is man's best friend, you can get plenty of exercise while taking your friend out for its daily walk. There are many rewards to the human-animal bond. You can experience unconditional love and companionship. You can have a playmate, a confidant and a friend. And if your pet of choice I have been with my cat, Toulouse almost eight years. He is one of the best things to happen to me. He is always excited to see me when I come home. He helps keep me warm at night. We enjoy lounging in the sun together. We have long conversations. And he sits and listens to me sing for hours on end (my alter ego is a singer/entertainer). I love Toulouse. He is my biggest fan and I am his. I couldn't imagine my life without him. Re: Vet specializes in pet family interactions The Advocate (Baton Rouge), March 21 Name: Melanie Deffendall Coordinator of College and Career Success Skills Coordinator We've all heard the saying, "Dogs are a man's best friend." Well, so are cats and any other animal you decide to welcome into your life. Doctors are beginning to see how beneficial owning a pet can be. "The trend is toward A. For my CCSS, I use the companion animal medicine," newspaper as a tool for my students to get information from. For instance, I put them in groups and assign them with a questionnaire and they have to use The Dolphin newspaper to find the answers, so they have to read the whole thing. I think the Dolphin newspaper has really improved this year. said veterinarian Lynn Buzhardt who won Veterinarian of the Year in 2010 from the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association to The Advocate. "I want to promote responsible pet ownership so that Single In The City Cartoon by: Jacob Raymond “We treat Spot as a part of our family.” Let the Memories Begin is Mickey Mouse? From the Peoplemover to the Liberty Square Riverboat, there were many couples enjoying the rides without any children accompanying them. By Jade Rouzan Name: Edward Fields Head coach for Women’s Baskeball A. We love the paper! I suggested that you all include more sports, which you did and it’s great. I see my players reading it all time. It’s very informational and interesting to read different quotes from different articles. As I walked down the streets of Disney World, I couldn’t help but notice all of the couples. The last time I had visited the Magic Kingdom, I was 8 years old and my remembrance of it was that it was a haven of fun for kids all ages. Times have surely changed. Now it’s common to see couples of all ages, from high school sweethearts to seasoned seniors walking There were quite a few newlyweds showing off their Mickey Mouse bride’s veil hats, beaming with joy and the excitement that comes with saying “I do”. It gave me a new Photo by Jade Rouzan perspective on where to go to have a pleasurable, hand-in-hand as they stroll fun, and romantic vacation through the theme park. It was a beautiful sight to see. Who would have thought that you could have a romantic get-a-way with your love at an amusement park whose main attraction POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: Name: Geralyn Morrell College and Career Success Skills Teacher A. I use it to inform my students about different things that are going on around campus. For my CCSS class, my students have to attend a college event on campus, so that makes it a very useful tool for my students. The Dolphin is written, edited and produced by students enrolled at Delgado Community College, Delgado alumni and guest writers invited by staff to submit work. Signed opinions are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the administration of Delgado Community College, other members of the staff, or the faculty adviser to the newspaper. The Dolphin reserves the right to accept or reject any submission or advertisement. Only publication constitutes acceptance of the submission or ad. Letters to the editor should be typed, double-spaced, and not longer than 400 words. Guest columns and articles should be no longer than 700 words. The Dolphin reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for space and to reject any letter without notification of the author. Faculty and staff members should include their titles and department. Students should include their majors and classifications. All submissions must include full name and phone number. Submissions can be mailed to The Dolphin, 615 City Park Ave., New Orleans, LA 70119 or brought to the Dolphin office in CP11 Room 104, Monday through Friday. The office phone number is (504) 671-6005, and the e-mail address is [email protected]. when the time comes. I’ve been a few places with exes on vacation and have searched hard to find a place that was different but offered all the benefits of excitement, relaxation and beauty and never once did I think of Disney World. Now I don’t have to search anymore so I know where I’ll be going and I’m going to have more fun than a four year-old girl when I do. I can’t wait! Dolphin Sink or swim Swim to Sink to •Hornets David West’s injury • LSU chancellor’s salary of over $500,000 • Pollen in the air • Spring break • Fish Fry Fridays • Outdoor activities The Dolphin 615 City Park Ave., New Orleans, LA 70119 Office Location: Building 11, Rm. 104 Office Numer: (504) 671-6005 [email protected] Staff Editor-in-Chief..........................................................D. Shedrick Managing Editor.....................................................Jade Rouzan Graphic Designer................................................Whitney Martin A & E Editors..................Jennifer Fuentes & Shannyn Riedlinger Sports Editor.....................................................Tyler Scheuermann Editoral Editor.................................................Ambria Washington Staff Writers...............................Ari Antoine, Erika Canales, Jake Germain, D’Corian Jackson, Sean Paul, James Tolliver Jr, Ambria Washington. Faculty Adviser.......................................................Susan Hague Page 9 The Dolphin here in New Orleans and it was the best decision I ever made. Motorcycle class By Sean Paul For the last several years I have been debating on whether I should take a motorcycle course. I would often see individuals riding up and down the streets of the city on their motorcycles and, as they would drive by, I would find myself imagining it was me on that motorcycle, enjoying the cool breeze and the beautiful sites of the city. This week I changed the dream into a reality. I attended a local motorcycle safety course FEST,continued from page 7 Colin Lake Sun., April 10, 1;15 p.m. BMI Songwriter Stage C olin Lake is a guitarist and songwriter known for his soulful vocals and lap-slide guitar style. In 2001, Lake secretly practiced on his guitar trying to create his own original style. Several years later, the sound that Lake had been dreaming of years earlier had taken shape in the form of a band called “Wellbottom”. The band consists of Lake on lap steel and vocals, Bryan Appel on electric guitar, Kevin Marcotte on bass, Paul Ansotegui on drums, and DJ Redi Jedi on turntables and trombone. Influenced by the modern music of Bukka White and Chris Whitley, Lake and Wellbottom released his debut album, “Wax Wane” in 2007. Shortly after his album release, he won the 2007 Telluride Acoustic Blues Competition. By Spring 2008, Colin and the band released Bullet, a high energy album that showcasing Lake’s growth in songwriting, along with the band’s chemistry and knowledge of blues, funk and rock. Colin's latest effort, titled “In On Time”, has just been released to the world for download. Lake’s “In On Time” as the first solo-only recording. His single effort is described as a honest, natural performance marked by pleading vocals and familiar, yet innovative guitar playing. Bucktown All-Stars Sun., April 10,12:15 p.m. Abita Beer Stage When the Bucktown All-Stars hit the stage, a party breaks out. For the past 18 years the band has entertained fans with their high energy performances that leave the crowds wanting more. What's good about the band is that they play a variety of songs. You name it the Bucktown All-Stars play it! Their music contains a little bit of second line funk, soul funk, R & B, Motown soul and rock. With musical selections like this, the Bucktown All-Stars definitely know how to keep the party going. This is evident at wedding receptions, Mardi Gras balls, outdoor festivals, fundraisers and conventions. Signing up for the course was very simple and affordable. The location of the classroom and the practical application range were simple to find. By me never having any experience on a motorcycle, it was very scary and exciting at the same time. The instructor explained “it is ok to feel that way, just don’t get over excited and become a safety issue.” April 6, 2011 how to do a pre-inspection of a motorcycle and which position to travel in a lane of traffic when riding. The first night in the classroom, we started off with the basic fundamentals of motorcycling like: proper clothing, posture, hand positioning, switch locations, etc. Also, during the class the instructor shared several of his personal experiences and was constantly passing on to the class information some people would call “pocket knowledge.” This is information to remember as you are out riding your motorcycle. By the end of the night, the class had been given information on The second day of the course, the class met up with the instructor at the practical application range to apply our skills and knowledge of a motorcycle in real time; and for me that was little to none. The first exercise we conducted at the range was application of the knowledge we learned in class the night before such as, correct posture, proper clothing, hand placement, movement of the motorcycle, switch location, etc. Throughout the day we took part in several types of events that demonstrated how each of us handled the motorcycle. After several hours of events, the range ended and we returned back to the classroom where we discussed the events of the day, our concerns on the range and more motorcycling information; we also had to take and pass a written exam in order to move on and continue the course. Erin Miley Some Like It Hot Charmaine Neville Sat., April 9, 11:45 a.m. Fri., April 8, 4:30 p.m., 6 p.m. Thur., April 8, 5 p.m. Where Y’at Magazine Stage WWL-TV Stage BMI Songwriter Stage Erin Miley is a Baton Rouge native and has received her BS from LSU. Erin is an alternative folk singer and believes that there is an audience for her original music. The style of music that she sings comes from gospel, folk, and indie/rock and sometimes children's music. Erin has said when she is in her darkest moments she sounds like Cher but never feels like Cher. All the background sounds that are heard in her songs are made by Erin herself but with the exception of the song “Knife Song”. She plays the acoustic guitar and writes her own songs and added in playing the electric guitar with violinist. Her goal for this year is to play in new cities, play new instruments and to make a new record. Erin has performed at various locations in Baton Rouge. Debauche Some Like It Hot is a funfilled, high energy New Orleans Dixieland Jazz Band. The band consists of: Kaye Caldwell (Leader and on trumpet), Janice Medlock (on trombone), Eric Shuman (on clarinet), Ron Kennedy (on banjo), Nita Hemeter (on drums), and Lil Josephine (on string bass). Some Like It Hot is well-known throughout the New Orleans area for their traditional style of Jazz music. In the past few years, they have performed at numerous festivals such as: the French Quarter Festival, the Satchmo Festival, and the 2006 and 2010 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. The band has also left their mark on the city by performing for various charities, fundraisers, and special events. They can also be seen every Sunday during Jazz Brunch from 11am to 2pm at the Buffa’s Lounge on the corner of Burgundy and Esplanade Ave. Come out and see a phenomenal performance! D ebauche is a self-styled “Russian mafia band” that plays “Punk-Rock-Hooligan-Russian Street Songs.” What this means is that they play Russian music very loud and very fast. The performance gets better as the singer slowly inebriates himself and all of the songs start blending together into a lot of fast-paced, loud Russian noise. It’s probably fair to say that the band only plays one song, because that’s not really criticism. The one song they play is awesome! It’s the best band ever. If you miss this, I’m deleting you from Facebook. Easy rider Sean Paul learning motorcycle safety. On the final day of the course, we all had to be evaluated individually to show if we could safely maneuver the motorcycle throughout the range; this is a must-pass evaluation. Upon completion of these events, each person that safely and successfully passed was issued a certificate Charmaine Neville is a local celebrity, known by her infamous last name that she shares with her father, uncle and brothers. She was born into the third generation of musicians whose music still resonates with native New Orleanians today. She has worked hard to make a name for herself and her popularity has grown as a result. Her career started as a backup singer for the Neville Brothers, a band made comprised of her brothers, and has since grown and advanced into one of her own, The Band. When asked what genre does her music belong to, she responds, “Good!.” She believes that “all music is good music” so she steers clear of the clichés and sings all types from jazz to funk and more. Kourtney Heart Sat., April 9, 2:45 p.m. BMI Songwriter Stage The Historic New Orleans Collection Fri., April 8, 12:30 p.m. Coca-Cola Esplanade in the Shade Stage Courtesy of Crescent City Motorcyle Training Coco Robicheaux and The Swamp Monsters Fri., April 8, 3:15 p.m. Abita Stage C oco Robicheaux and The Swamp Monsters is a local band comprised of erudite musician Coco Robicheaux (neé Curtis John Arcineaux) and his buddies. They play some sort of crazy swampy country-jazz that people around here like so much. He’s been at every French Quarter Festival since 1995 and the last ten Jazzfests. It’s like Cowboy Mouth, if they played bluegrass-y bayou music instead of awful “country rock.” Go see it. T his year’s French Quarter Fest will feature a 30 minute set performed by local R & B artist Kourtney Heart. At just 17 years old, Heart is a singer/song-writer and junior at Edna Karr Magnet High School. Her first single “Spell It Out” received local airplay and DJ support. She released her debut album “Eye Dee Kay” in the fall 2010. Heart’s collaboration with late bounce artist Magnolia Shorty, “My Boy”, was a success on local radio and on the club scene. She has performed at various talent shows, open mic nights, and was chosen to perform at Mayor Ray Nagin’s Mardi Gras Ball in 2009. Heart is active in her community, working with church and youth advocacy groups to raise awareness and empower teenagers. She also performs at some of the New Orleans Hornets games. of completion and a Motorcycle Safety Foundation Card. I learned so much information during this course, I would recommend this course to all bikers whether you are a beginner or an experienced rider. Attending this course was worth the money and time. Kid Simmons New Orleans Jazz Band Sun., April 10, 11 a.m. Buick/GMC Stage J ohn “Kid” Simmons is the lead in this local jazz band, playing the trumpet, who gets his style from George “Kid Sheik” Cola. The band’s music is influenced by the styles and sounds of Bunk Johnson, Percy Humphrey, George Lewis, Kid Howard, and George “Kid Sheik” Cola and a few tunes emulate the great legend Louis Armstrong. Kid Simmons got his roots in jazz when England imitated the George Lewis Ragtime Band in the late 1950’s. He first visited New Orleans in 1964 and made it his home in 1970. Not long after, he married a native New Orleanian, Doratha “Dodie” Smith, who was well-known on the jazz scene, whom he met while performing at a gig in Preservation Hall. In 1973, he became a member of the Young Tuxedo Brass Band and traveled all around the country and Europe, where he performed at the Glasgow festival in Scotland. In 1986, he ran a traditional jazz radio program on WWOZ 90.7 and it was well-received. His band has also performed several times at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival and will continue to make their annual appearance at the French Quarter Festival. For a good time and classical, local New Orleans jazz entertainment, come out and see Kid Simmons perform. April 6, 2011 The Dolphin Page 10 Let’s hear it for New York! A review of The Big Apple through the eyes of a Big Easy native By Erika Canales From the big screen to television series, classic novels to the theater and music, New York City has long been at the heart of America’s entertainment. New York has inspired countless characters and tales all professing their love for the Big Apple. Remember a girl named Carrie Bradshaw? Or have you seen any films by Woody Allen, Spike Lee, or Martin Scorsese? New York’s diversity, fast pace, and enigmatic energy truly make you feel as though you are visiting the capitol of the Western Hemisphere. Between the 5 boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Staten Island, and Queens) and countless neighbor hoods, New York City seems like a foreign country you’re both intrigued by and in culture shock from. Everyday thousands of people from all over the world travel to the mecca that is New York City to experience it for themselves. Whether you would like to visit for a weekend or you are pondering a move,it is sure to be an amazing experience. If you are planning to visit New York, a trip to Times Square is definitely a must. It is a tourist attraction everyone has to see with their own eyes. The blocks are covered with lights from every store and the billboards are stories high. It is visually captivating and such a contrast from our little metropolis. Times Square consist of restaurants, souvenir shops, and more. Shopaholics be aware or be prepared! People travel from every direction; street vendors trying to close a sale, locals running off to work, but mostly tourist sight seeing. Here is where you notice a huge change in pace from New York to New Orleans. The French Quarter is the biggest attraction in the everything everywhere Big Easy and the moment tasted. We are no you set foot in it, you are strangers to seasonings over come with culture and and spices down here! warm people. I couldn’t When it comes to help but think that no matter meals, this is one of where you are in New York those times to consult you are always a stranger. a local; they may know Wherever you are in New of restaurants that offer Orleans, you always feel food that is appetizing right at home. As a patron and affordable. Most at a local pub in Midtown meals fell into a $ told me, “New York has 20 minimum (before an energy about it, but no drinks). Food is hardly personality.” It’s difficult to a reason to avoid a assimilate to a place that is city but a newfound so diverse you can’t feel its appreciation for the true spirit. My advice- don’t quality of food in let one person’s perspective New Orleans quickly influence your decision surfaced. I made it a Photo by Erika Canales about a place. Take a walk point to visit Tommy’s The Statue of Liberty is more striking in person than off the beaten path, map in you can imagine. on Tchoupitoulas when hand and explore the city I came home and I want to spare a couple of hours on your own. couldn’t have been to appreciate it. New York has happier to pay over $ 20 for a As cliche as it might seem, go many other museums to explore meal. out and see the sights! Take time including The Metropolitan to visit New York’s treasures like Museum of Art and The Brooklyn Spending almost a week in Museum. If you are not afraid of Ellis Island, the Empire State Manhattan does not make me an building, and the Museum of the altitude, do tour the Empire expert. My trip was pleasant and Modern Art. You’ve probably State Building. For $ 21 you can I was ecstatic to meet so many seen the Statue of Liberty a million go up to the observatory deck different people cramped into one times, just not in person. For just on the 86th floor (1,050 ft up in city! It was a great opportunity $ 13 you can tour both Liberty the air) and see the entire city. to see the world from a It is an absolutely breathtaking Island and Ellis Island Immigrant Museum. The museum inside the sight. You should also take a walk pedestal will shed a new light on through Central Park, the very the Statue of Liberty. Not only lovely Grand Central Station, and do you learn about her creation visit Washington Square Park. and history but you realize what she meant to American’s in another time. Today we simply associate her with New York but in the 1890s she was a symbol of hope and freedom to millions of immigrants who entered the country. The Museum of Modern Art is a cost of $20 for adults. With six floors, a café, and book store, it makes for a fabulous afternoon. Each floor houses a few different types of art so you may The only downside to New York I would have to say is the food. I know, that’s a fairly broad statement. However I made it a point to visit various restaurants in different parts of the city to get the full spectrum. I finally realized my issue with the food was how bland everything tasted to me. It all made sense, for years I had heard tourist in New Orleans talk about how good A look at Times Square at night. new perspective. I can honestly say my expectations of the city were often surpassed. Most people believe New Yorkers to be rude and think that the city is filthy. The latter maybe somewhat true as there are a lot of people there, but I found them to be nice. New Yorkers sure do move a lot faster than we do. We usually stroll along as they speed walk through their days, but I still had people hold doors open for me or apologize when they bumped into me on the subway. Whether it be New York, Rome, or London you want to visit, don’t be afraid to make it happen. As another friendly Manhattanite said to me, “The world is your oyster!” Remember, the best way to get the most out of a trip is to wear comfortable shoes, stay hydrated, bring a camera, and smile at people like a proud Southerner. Trust me, they’ll smile back in a New York minute! Photo by Erika Canales Page 11 The Dolphin April 6, 2011 HIV, continued from page 3 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and they will provide free condoms. Following, is a list of the many locations around the New Orleans area that offers free HIV testing : age of 13 diagnosed with HIV/ AIDS. •In addition, globally, about 15 million children have lost one or both parents due to the disease. Even though HIV/AIDS is a virus that spreads like a wildfire and takes the lives of many, there are still new developments for people to prevent the virus or treatments for people living with the virus such as certain medications and vaccinations. Because of these new developments, the life expectancy of those with HIV/ AIDS has grown. There are also places that people can go to get free HIV testing, one of those places are located on Delgado’s campus in Building 1 provided CAN Office Hours: 507 Frenchmen St. •Monday 1:00 – 3:00 pm •Tuesday 4:30 – 7:30 pm •Thursday 4:30 – 7:30 pm •Saturday 1:00 – 3:00 PM by the WISE (Women In Search of Excellence) center located on the second floor. The testing in the WISE Center is on the first and third Monday of every month NO/AIDS Main Office 2601 Tulane Ave, 5th Floor •Wednesday 5:00 – 7:00 pm •Friday 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Outreach Venue Testing NOTE: Venue Based testing is subject to change and/or cancellation depending on Holidays or events at the bars. •Club New Orleans, first & third Tuesday: 9pm – 11pm •Bourbon Pub, first & third Thursday: 8:30pm – 10:30pm •Oz, first & third Wednesday: 8:30pm – 10:30pm •Corner Pocket, second & fourth Thursday: 8:30pm – 10:30pm •Country Club, second & fourth Saturday: 4pm – 6pm •Cafe Lafitte’s, fourth Tuesday: 8:30pm – 10:30pm •Phoenix, first Friday, (in the Care Van mobile unit): 7:30pm – 9:30pm If you would like to find more about free HIV testing in New Orleans, search http://www. noaidstaskforce.com/testing. Testing and locations are updated regularly throughout the city. •Good Friends, second & fourth Wednesday: 8:30pm – 10:30pm Quote of the Day : “Learn to encourage people around you. Your children, your co-workers, and your family all need encouragement. If you tell a person that he or she is bad or dysfunctional, that’s what you will get out of them. See and treat people in a way that you want them to act.” -Rev. Run Page 12 The Dolphin F estivals April • 7-10 French Quarter Festival (New Orleans) HarryFest Street Festival (Baronne Street between Common and Gravier streets in New Orleans) Dutch Alley Artist Co-op- Art Fest (Dutch Alley Courtyard in the French Quarter) • 8-10 Strawberry Festival (Memorial Park in Ponchatoula) Cajun Hot Sauce Festival (713 N.W. Bypass, New Iberia) Bogalusa’s Festival in the Park (608 Willis Ave., Bogalusa) Our Lady of Prompt Succor Potpourri Festival (484 Sala Ave., Westwego) • 9th (Lamar-Dixon Expo Center 9039 St. Landry Rd., Gonzales) Olde Towne Slidell Spring Antique Street Fair (First, Second and Erlanger streets in Olde Towne Slidell) •16 a day trip away Zurich Classic of New Orleans (TPC New Orleans, 11005 LaPalco Blvd., Avondale) • 26- May 8 Contraband Days festival (900 Lakeshore Dr., Lake Charles) Angola Spring Rodeo • (Louisiana State Penitentiary, Angola) Festival International de Louisiane 27th- May 1st Art in April (Downtown Lafayette) (1101 E. Judge Perez Dr., Chalmette) • 28 – May 1 Asian Heritage Festival Thibodaux Firemen’s Fair (Audubon Zoo) (Fairgrounds, 1101 Tiger Dr. Thibodaux) Original Downtown Lake Charles Crawfish Fest • April 6, 2011 May • 4th Chaz Festival (Truck farm, 3020 St. Claude Ave., New Orleans) • 6th Zoo to Do (Audubon Zoo, 6500 Magazine St.) •6-8 Breaux Bridge Crawfish Festival (Parc Hardy, Breaux Bridge) Le Fete du Monde (Church St, Lockport) 29th • 16-17 Louisiana Indian Heritage Association Spring Powwow 24-29 New Orleans Wine and Food Experience (Multiple locations around New Orleans) • 26-29 Jambalaya Festival (Fritchie Park, 901 W. Howze Beach Rd., Slidell) Italian Festival Baton Rouge Blues Festival (Cajundome, Lafayette) (Baseball field behind Our Lady of Pompeii Church, 14418 Market St., Tickfaw) (Repentance Park downtown Baton Rouge) • • Greek Festival Southdown Marketplace Festival (Southdown Plantation House, 1208 Museum Dr., Houma) Little Red Church Food & Fun Festival (St. Charles Borromeo Church, 13396 River Rd., Destrehan) 12– 15 Plaquemines Parish Seafood Festival (Bourbon Orleans Hotel & other French Quarter venues, New Orleans) (Northlake Nature Center in Mandeville and various sites in St. Tammy Parish) • Cajun Heartland State Fair 7th Our Lady of Prompt Succor Great Louisiana Bird Fest (LE Beau Plantation Grounds, Arabi) • (Trailhead Park, 22049 Main St., Abita Springs) •15-17 Sugar Festival • • (Municipal Auditorium, Houma) 21st (2653 Jean Lafitte Blvd, Lafitte) 29– May 1 Saints & Sinners GLBT Literary Festival Over and Under Tunnel Run • • Tomato Festival 10th (Bayou St. John between Orleans Ave. and Lafitte St.) Slidell Crawfish Cook-off Abita Art and Music Fest • Mid-city Bayou Boogaloo (Audubon Zoo, 6500 Magazine St.) (Civic Center Exhibition, 900 Lakeshore Dr., Lake Charles) (215 Betz Place, Metairie) (529 W. Fifth St., La Place) 20-22 St. Anthony & St. Pius X Blessing of the Fleet • St. Joan of Arc Fair Deaux Deaux • Zoo to Do for Kids Old Metairie Fest 9-10 (A studio in the woods, 13401 Patterson Rd., New Orleans) 17th Baton Rouge Earth Day (North Boulevard downtown Baton Rouge) Laurel Valley Spring Heritage Festival (Laurel Valley Village Store 706 Louisiana 307, Thibodaux) New Orleans Earth Day Festival and Green Business Expo (Bayou St. John, 500 N. Jefferson Davis Pkwy. at Orleans Ave.) (2320 Paris Rd., Chalmette) Visitation of Our Lady Cajun Festival (3520 Ames Blvd., Marrero) • 29t– May 8 New Orleans Jazz * Heritage festival presented by Shell (225 F. Edward Herbert Blvd., Belle Chasse) • 14th St. Angela Merici Great Gumbalaya Cook off (St. Angela Merici School, 835 Melody Dr., Metairie) • 14 -15 (New Orleans Fair grounds Racetrack, 1751 Gentilly Blvd) Steamfest 2011 • (Audubon Park Riverview (The Fly), New Orleans) 30th Spring for Art Grillin in the Park • (Downtown Covington) City Park, 300 Parkview Dr., New Iberia FORESTival • 25 – May Dear Delgado Family, This fall, Delgado Community College will mark its 90th anniversary. We are very excited and in the initial planning stages of activities for this momentous occasion. Currently, we are working on a "Family Tree" project. We want to identify generations of Delgado faculty, staff and students. This commemorative event cannot take place without your input and participation. So contact us to share your stories. We look forward to hearing from you as we celebrate Delgado's 90th anniversary. Call us at, (504) 671-5497 or e-mail us at [email protected]. Thank you for your support, Delgado Public Relations *Look for us soon on Facebook 15th (120 Irma Blvd., Gonzales) 26 –June 5 27 -29 (Hellenic Cultural Center, 1200 Robert E. Lee Blvd., New Orleans) • 28th Gospel Festival (1232 Troxton St., Grenta) • 28-29 Bayou Country Superfest (LSU Tiger stadium, Baton Rouge)