to view the AFTJ Newsletter. - Asian Studies Program


to view the AFTJ Newsletter. - Asian Studies Program
n of F l
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Summer, 2011
June 22 2011
The Tidings
Message from the president
Inside this issue:
Message from
the president
School reports
FFLA annual
Japan Immer8-9
sion Days report
Report for the
Speech and skit
Japan Culture
Day &
Other News
I feel honored to complete the two-year term as an
AFTJ president, and by your kindness and dedication to
our fantastic organization; we have become closer and
now have smoother operation. I will remain as a director.
I am planning to support the young board members to
make an even better AFTJ. I sincerely urge everyone to
provide their continued cooperation and involvement.
Mieko Avello
Naoko Komura
Etsuko Woodbury
Mako Nozu
Thank you very much.
Marci Muench
- Mieko Avello, President of AFTJ
Naoko Komura
School Reports
Watkins Elementary Magnet School, Hollywood
Here at Watkins Elementary Magnet School, we had another exciting year. We had annual magnet showcase in Fort Lauderdale, which was a great success. I believe this opportunity helped
parents and guardians to choose Japanese program at Watkins, the only elementary Japanese
program in South Florida. We also had a fundraising project for Japan Tsunami and Earthquake
relief. Japanese students also teamed up with O’Ambassodor’s club (school’s extracurricular program which organize charity events) and collaborate with Western High school’s project “Crane
for Kids” (another Tsunami/Earthquake relief). After many hours of folding, many 5th graders
are now masters of Origami! We also had a field trip to Morikami Museum and learned about Japan and Japanese culture. Not so many students are familiar with Japanese house, and they were
amazed to experience Japanese house’s mixture of modern technology and tradition! We recently had a mother’s day presentation and sang a song “Kata tataki” for hard working mothers.
The picture shown is of my 3rd graders—as you see, they are energetic, fun-loving and full of curiosity!
- Fusako Lang
Miami Palmetto Senior High School, Miami
Miami Palmetto Senior had a wonderful year. We started our year as the first place in Homecoming. We also won first place in the Panther Prowl skit contest, and second place in the hallway
decoration competition. No other club in our school ever achieved our record. We have been the
winner of these contests for the last three years. We are greatly respected in our school. 8 Kagoshima exchange students visited us in February for 3days. My students became hosts brothers/sisters, and made wonderful friends. We also participated in the Asian Culture Festival and
the Japan Culture Day by performing the Soran dance. It now has become our tradition to dance
the Soran Bushi. We also had two teams that competed in the National Japan Bowl. Our level III
team won fourth place once again, and the level II team won twelfth place in the nation. It was
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our pleasure to participate in Mrs. Columba Bush, the wife of the former Florida governor, Jeff
Bush. Her project was to make and bring one thousand origami paper cranes to the Hiroshima
Peace Park. Our school collaborated with Gulliver schools in Miami, Tampa Bay Technical high
school, and Middleton high school in Tampa. One of our students, Anastasia Clegg, was chosen as
one of thirty two 2011 JET Memorial Invitation Program for U.S. High School students. I feel so
fortunate to have so many dedicated students. I look forward to having another exciting year in
the 2011-12 curriculum year at Miami Palmetto Senior HS.
- Mieko Avello
Mainland High School, Daytona Beach
It was such a productive year at Mainland HS! Students are eager not only to participate in projects and contests but also bringing great recognitions. Paul Turner received an honorable mention at FFLA post card advocacy contest in January, 7 students won the first prize for Japanese
culture projects at Volusia County Foreign Language Festival in February, our video entry received an grand prize at AFTJ Speech contest.
Our Japanese club also had a busy year. We invited a local shamisen teacher and student for a
mini live in December. We danced TANKO-BUSH with Mrs. Yoko Sheffield and Mrs. Mitzi
Dykes. In March, 20 students attended Morikami Museum field trip. We enjoyed tea ceremony, kimono exhibit. Students had most fun at new Yamato kan’s hands-on activities. Some
students volunteered at a charity 5K run “Waves of Hope for Japan” to help earthquake recovery effort in late April. We are very proud to be part of this event helping with origami booth
and water stations.
The two local library teen programs were also successful in March and April. Patrons participated in calligraphy, vocabulary game and other Japanese cultural activities. I am again invited
to do a similar program in June.
- Etsuko Woodbury
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Western High School, Davie
We had a busy school year at Western High. In January we hosted the Japan Immersion Day
the first time at Western High. Broward students enjoyed Fushudaiko concert, Kendo demonstration, a various workshops, and bento catered by a local restaurant. We hope to host the
fun event again next year - if our campus is allowed to be used. In February four of our students participated in Broward County Academic Competition. They received 12 gold medals in
total, and 3 Best of the County trophies for level I, II, and IV. After the unfortunate earthquake/tsunami in Japan in March, we collected change from Western students everyday for 2
weeks. We raised more than $3300 and donated it to the Japan Red Cross via the Consulate of
Japan in Miami. We also folded more than 1500 paper cranes for the student rebuild program
and Carter's to help the victims from the earthquake in Japan. In addition, we sold cookies to
raise money for Morikami Park, and donated $1000. This is our 3rd year of donating money to
Morikami. We hope that Morikami will use the money to promote Japanese culture in our community. I am very pleased to announce that one of our students, Brandon Dong was accepted to
the JET memorial fund to visit Japan this summer. He was one of 3 students who were selected to go to Japan from Florida.
- Satoko Fisher
Middleton High School & Tampa Bay Technical High School, Tampa
Now as June is upon us, events are ending one by one as the students and I are focusing on final
exams now. This year as usual was very busy filled with school activities. Between the two
schools, there were scheduled activities almost every day. The strength to do these activities
came only from seeing the students’ happy and delighted faces. I had great support from the
parents at the various events, so I am very grateful for their enthusiasm and unceasing assistance. We will have just one more event this year, which is a field day. The high school students
and alumni will get together at a local park and have a fun time. We are very happy to know that
Ms.Ann Welsh is going to join us also. I am happy to report that students have made great
achievements this year: students from Middleton high school and Tampa Bay Technical high
school received senior awards for Japanese. A Japanese skit team was also recognized at the
school board meeting and received an award, which is the forth over all. As far as school activities, due to the earthquake and tsunami disaster, we added some events and lectures this year.
We joined a community fundraising event for the victims of the earthquake. Many students participated in this event by inviting people they know, making signs and posters, or dancing Soranbushi. In the classroom, a teacher in the county made a very informative powerpoint about
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earthquakes and let us use it in class. My students then made cards for Japanese high school
With all of this said, I feel somewhat bitter sweet to announce that I will be leaving my job at
the end of this school year to have time to devote to my family. I was truly blessed to have enthusiastic students and be able to share my culture and language. I am truly thankful to have
been a member of AFTJ also. Without the association, many events and programs would not
have been possible and it was sincerely a privilege to get to know other hard working outstanding teachers who share a goal to spread the Japanese language to others. I have made
dear friends whom will last long after the teaching career. Lastly, I wish to thank Ann Welsh
who for the past ten years has been my boss, my mentor, my consultant, my relief, and my
friend. She also has made the Japanese program in Tampa firm and made my job much easier. It
was truly a privileged to work with such an incredible and outstanding person.
- Hiroko Watanabe
University of South Florida, Tampa
At the University of South Florida, we finished the busy but great 2010-2011 school year. On
November 13, we had our third annual Japanese Social Picnic at USF Riverfront Park. More than
60 people, including USF students in Japanese program and Japanese exchange students from
Kansai Gaidai, friends in the local community, participated. We enjoyed the food, drink and
games and made a lot of new friends. On January 29, USF Japanese Club hosted an event called
“A Night in Tokyo.” They had Kimono fashion show, martial art demonstrations, Okinawa folk
dances with food and drink provided by the local Japanese restaurants. There were over 200
attendees and it was really successful. A few days after the Earthquake and Tsunami disaster
in northern Japan, former students in Japanese program and Japanese exchange students from
Kansai Gaidai have established a website “” and started selling relief Tshirts. They have sold over 700 T-shirts by the end of the spring semester. Japanese students
at USF also started asking for donations and selling wristbands in front of Marshall Student
Center on every Wednesday and some sports events. On April 2, we participated in a Japan relief event called “Japan Day” and we had calligraphy, kimono try-on, tea ceremony, T-shirt sale,
garage sale and bake sale, as well as high school students’ Soranbushi. A lot of high school and
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college students at Middleton High School, Tampa Bay Tech High School, USF, and Eckerd
College also participated and cooperated in raising money for Japan.
- Mako Nozu
University of Florida, Gainsville
In late March we enjoyed the Spring Festival, presented by the UF Japanese Club. There were
traditional and modern dancing, tea ceremony, kendo & aikido performances, a fashion show,
cultural tables, fundraising to support relief efforts in Japan, and more. We would like to thank
the AFTJ for supporting the event. In late April, several students participated in Mid Florida
Japanese Speech and Skit Contest in Tampa. The girls below received first place in Skit Contest
Level IV (2nd-yer Japanese at college level). Mako-sensei, Watanabe-sensei, and Otani-sensei,
thank you for all of your hard work in organizing the event. This spring our program had 15
majors receive their BA degree in East Asian Languages and Literatures - Japanese track. Our
graduates will go on to become graduate students, JET ALTs, a representative at a video game
company and so on.
For information about our program, please visit:
Explore our major - Japanese:
- Yasuo Uotate
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Florida International University, Miami
We had a lot of events that the students in the Japanese program participated in this year.
First, the French club at FIU hosted the Halloween party in October and some our students participated the foreign languages talent show. Students sung and danced the Japanese song
“Hyokkori hyoutanjima,” rapped the Japanese Hayakuchi kotoba, and read some Japanese Haiku.
Audiences were impressed with our students’ Japanese talent! In March after Grater Eastern
Japan Earthquake, the Japan club opened a “Japanese maid café” for one day only for fundraising
for Japan. Because of their hard work, they made about $1,000 and sent a check to the Japan
Read Cross. On March 26, several students participated the Japanese speech and skit contest in
East and one of students from FIU received the grand champion. Congratulations, Mr. Kenneth
Rouldac! Finally in May, AFTJ hosted the Japan Earthquake Charity event and many FIU students
came to volunteers for this event. We really appreciated their effort and willingness to succeed
this event.
- Naoko Komura
FFLA Annual Conference
Florida Foreign Languages Association’s annual conference was held at Hilton Clearwater beach
in Clearwater on October 14-16,2010. Seven members from AFTJ, Mieko Avello, Naoko Komura,
Juan Carlos Morales, Yukari Nakamura, Mako Nozu, Yasuo Uotate and Hiroko Watanabe, attended the conference. We carried out our presentations and exchanged our ideas. This year,
AFTJ received a small cultural grant from the Japan Foundation, Los Angeles and we invited
Ms. Kuniko Yamamoto to do her professional “Storygami” workshop. It was amazing and very informative. We can use this to help our teaching in class. Also, at this conference, Watanabe
sensei from Tampa received the “Best Japanese Teacher of the Year” award. Congratulations,
Watanabe sensei!
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Japan Immersion Day in Miami-Dade
One of our main events of the year “Japanese Immersion Day” for Miami-Date county schools was
held on December 15, 2010 at Florida International University. This year, we decided to have two
separate events for Miami-Date schools and Broward schools. The total of 125 students from Miami Palmetto High School, TERRA Green School and Florida International University participated
in this event. This year, we offered Kendo, Origami, Bon Odori, Robotics in Japan, Kimono try-on,
Tea ceremony, Chopsticks, Keitai strap, Sushi, Anime drawing, and Shuji. All students took two
workshops and they really enjoyed their classes. After the workshops in the morning, we had a
delicious Obento from Maido Restarurant in Doral and during lunch, the group from Miami Palmetto High School performed Yosakoi Soran Bushi. Their performance was excellent as usual! We
had another success year in our Japan Immersion Day!
Japan Immersion Day in Broward
Another Japanese Immersion Day was held at Western High School in Broward County on January 29, 2011. All 85 students from Western High School and Deerfield Beach High School participated in this event. At the opening ceremony, Mieko Avello Sensei, the president of AFTJ,
and Brandon Dong, the president of Japan club at Western High School, welcomed us. Then, the
Honorable Hayato Nakamura from the consul-General of Japan in Miami and Ms, Blanca Guerra
from Broward School District World Languages made remarks. Fushu Daiko’s dynamic Taiko performance was followed by. The people who came to this event were so lucky to see their amazing
live performance. After Fushu Diako performance, our member William Collazo sensei and his
teammates demonstrated Kendo. Collazo sensei explained us about some Kendo techniques and
everyone’s eyes were glued to their performance. After the opening ceremony, the workshops
started. The workshops we offered in this event were: Sushi, Shuji, Cosplay, Kimono try on,
Anime, Machimaki making, Kendo, decollating chopsticks, Koto, and making Keitai Strap. Students
took two workshops and everyone enjoyed them. This was our first time having another immersion
day in Broward county and it was great success.
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10th High School Immersion Day in Tampa
Mrs. Melissa Morgado, the supervisor of the World Languages Department, again offered us the
use of wonderful facility at Instructional Services Center of Hillsborough County Public Schools.
AFTJ members, Hiroko Watanabe and Sachi Ann Welsh, were assisted by 11 volunteers from
the community to conduct 15 classes in 7 different subjects (Aikido; calligraphy; flower arranging; headband painting; kimono try-on; tea ceremony; and traditional toys). A total of 74 students
enjoyed participating in 3 classes of their choice. The Immersion left us $63.80 in black, and
with a profit of $110.50 from the sales table.
- Sachi Ann Welsh
3rd Middle School Immersion Day in Tampa
Dowdell, Rodgers, and Young Middle School students enjoyed participating in 3 classes and eating
obento lunch on March 14, 2011, at Instructional Services Center. Led by 3 teachers (all JET returnees) and transported by a dozen chaperons, over 80 students participated in the same variety of lessons as done on Dec. 16, 2010, for the high schools. Mieko Avello, AFTJ President,
drove from Miami to lend us her help, and Ann Welsh was the only other member there. Thankfully 11 volunteers from the community assisted in the event. Mrs. Melissa Morgado, the district
supervisor, stopped by to encourage us. It was an ideal chance for articulation activity. At the
end of the day, a dozen of Hiroko Watanabe’s high school students came to perform two dance
numbers, introduce the high school Jpn. language classes, and answer the questions. We came
with an excess of $12.95, but raised $171.95 by selling the handmade items, etc.
- Sachi Ann Welsh
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Meeting with the Consulate General Of Japan
On February 26, we had the information exchange meeting with the Consulate General of Japan
at the residence of the Consulate General of Japan. 11 members who came from Tampa, Orlando,
and Miami area participated in the meeting in Miami. At the meeting, the AFTJ members explained about the current situation of Japanese language education in FL and discussed about the
future of the Japanese language education in FL. The meeting was extremely positive and productive. All the participants were thankful to the Consul general and his staffs for making this kind
of meeting happen as well as the fantastic lunch.
Meetings in Orlando
AFTJ members had two meetings at Hanamizuki Restaurant in Orlando on November 13, 2010 and
February 19, 2011 to meet new and prospective members in Orlando. At the meetings, we explained about AFTJ activities and exchanged some teaching ideas. We are hoping and thrilled to
have some events in Orlando area soon.
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Speech and Skit Contest in West
On April 23, we held the 5th Mid-Florida Japanese Speech and Skit Contest in Marshall Student
Center at USF. More than 34 students from Middleton High School, Tampa Bay Tech High
School, University of Florida and University of South Florida participated. We also had the Japanese Song section at the end of the contest and three students performed their favorite songs
in Japanese. The following are the results:
1st Place: Natalia Mora (Tampa Bay Tech High School)
1st Place: Jovanna Williams (University of South Florida)
2nd Place: Jacob Pierce (University of South Florida)
3rd Place: Stacia Gorniak (University of South Florida)
1st Place: Ariadna Lobo (University of South Florida)
2nd Place: Jesus Martinez (University of South Florida)
1st Place: Anthony Shima (University of South Florida)
2nd Place: Jacqueline Collier (General –Private tutoring)
3rd Place: Patrick Brown (University of Florida)
1st Place: Jacob Pierce, Nic Stemm, Hannah Wapshott (University of South Florida)
1st Place: Amy Bradley, Marisa Figueroa, Julia Ford, Grace Pilgrim, Emily Xu (University of Florida)
- Mako Nozu
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Speech and Skit Contest in East
We had the annual speech and skit contest in East on March 26, 2011 at Florida International University. This year, 111 students from six high schools(Lyman high school, Mainland high school,
Gulliver high school, Hallandale high school, Palmetto senior high school and TERRA Green School)
and two universities(the University of Florida, and Florida International University) had participated in the contest including the categories of the 4 koma manga, the music video, and the Japanese promotional video, as well as speech and skit.
Grand Champion:
Kenneth Rouldac, Florida International University
Grand Champion: Miami Palmetto Tanabata team
Music Video:
Grand Champion: Mainland High School
Japanese Promotional Video:
Grand Champion: University of Florida
4Koma Manga:
Grand Champion: Isabel Segera, Miami Palmetto High School
Speech: High School
Level 1
1. Christopher Hidalgo 私の夢(My Dream) Hallandale
Level 2
1.Julian McFarlane 文化(Culture)Hallandale
Level 3
1. Samantha Agron
知識は力なり(Knowledge is Power ) Miami Palmetto
1. Anastasia Clegg
Miami Palmetto
3. Caitlin Baisley 父と日本 ( My Father’s Time in Japan ) Hallandale
4. Julian Santblo みんなつかまえなくちゃ(Gotta Catch Them All)
Level 4
1. Emma Holrook
ソーラン(Soran ) Miami Palmetto
2. Natalia Conterus アメリカと日本の相違点(Difference Between America and Japan)
Speech: University
Level 1
1. Kenneth Roulhac 日本に行きます(I’m Going to Japan) FIU
2. Juan Jaramillo フアン2分(2 Minutes with Juan) FIU
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Level 2
1.Charlane-Jade Service 私の日本語の活動(My Japanese Activities)FIU
2. Philip Ho 私が好きなガンダム( My Favorite Gundom)
Level 3
1. Barbara Jeons 日本語を勉強して得たこと(What I gained from Learning Japanese ) FIU
2. Caity Strickland Miyabi:ギターの侍( Miyabi: Guiter Samurai ) FIU
Skit: All levels
1. Miami Palmetto Senior スタープリンセスと彦星
2. Miami Palmetto Seniorフグの毒
Star princess and Hikoboshi
Fugu Poisoning
3. Hallandale きっさてんでのrenion
4. Terra おにばば Onibaba
Music Video: All levels
1. Mainland High School
2. FIU
3. Lyman High School
Japanese Promotional Video: All levels
1. University of Florida
2. Miami Palmetto
3. University of Florida
4Koma Manga: All levels
1. Kelly Ma
1. Isabel
1. Kendall Armstrong
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Japan Culture Day in Miami
AFTJ and the FIU Asian Studies Program had a joint project for the Japan earthquake charity
event named “Japan Culture Day.” The Miami Kagoshima Sister City Committee also collaborated
with us. We are thankful to FIU SIPA (School of International & Public Affairs) for offering its
building for our event. We had the following 22 supporters:
FIU School of International and Public Affairs
Japan Club at FIU
Miami Hoshuko
City of Miami
Morikami Museum and Japanese gardens
Fushu Daiko
Ikebana International Mieko Kubota
Friends of Koto Yoshiko Carlton
South Florida kendo and Iaido clubs Frank Nieves
Matsuri Japanese Restaurant
Shibui Japanese Restaurant
Maido Japanese Restaurant
Fujiya Japanese Restaurant
Miami String Project, Miriam Stern Miriam Stern
George Moss
Sayuri Horai
Sole farms
Tate’s Comics
K’s America Inc Koji Tsuchiya
Miami Palmetto Senior High
Gulliver Schools
University of Miami
We had seven workshops and one game contest followed by wonderful entertainments that included music performances, martial arts demonstrations, and a Japanese folk dance. We are very
grateful to Wendy Lo from the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens for the wonderful raffle
and enormous amount of fantastic Japanese item donations for the garage sale. We raised
$3,604.20 (Tampa members raised $700, Arigatogozaimasita!!) to be donated to UC-Japan Council Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. Thanks to all of you who helped make this event so successful.
- Mieko Avello
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Mainland High school students made their version of the song which is called “I love you and I
need you Fukushima.” Please check it out!
Also, here is the site you can check for their first place of the Music Video contest.
- Etsuko Woodbury
Articulation Day in Orlando
The Articulation Day will be in Orlando on August 6th and 7th as an overnight stay. AFTJ will
cover the lodging cost. Depending on the number of participants, help for transportation costs is
being considered. By being in a more central location, we can have more members attend, get away
for one night, and share our best ideas. We hope to have fun and learn from each other at the
same time! Please check your calendar. See you in Orlando!!
Conference Information
There are two major conferences soon. Please check the website as follow.
Florida Foreign Language Association(FFLA) Annual Conference
Cape Canaveral, FL on October 13-15
ACTFL Annual Conference
Denver, CO on November 18-20
Have a wonderful summer!
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Association of Florida
Teachers of Japanese
AFTJ Annual Membership 2011-201
If you have not paid your AFTJ mem
for 2011-2012 please pay by Novemb
er 1,
2011. You can download the member
ship form
Mieko Avello
Please make your check payable to AFT
J and
submit to:
[email protected]
AFTJ Website:
Yasuo Uotate, AFTJ Treasurer
PO Box 115565, 333 Pugh Hall
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-5565
AFTJ Calendar of Events
FFLA Annual Conference
October 13-15, 2011
Cape Canaveral
ACTFL Annual Conference
November 18-20, 2011
Denver, CO
Japan Immersion Day – East
December 12, 2011(tentative)
FIU campus
Japan Immersion Day – West
Speech committee meeting - East
January, 2012
Japanese Speech and Skit Contest – West
Japanese Speech and Skit Contest -East
March 24, 2012(tentative)
FIU campus
National Japan Bowl Competition
April 11 and 12, 2012
AFTJ Board Meeting
April, 2011
Annual Meeting
May , 2012
The Morikami Museum,
Delray Beach
If you have any comment or question, please contact Naoko Komura ([email protected]).