November 25, 2014 Notebook
November 25, 2014 Notebook
ALLEN COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2014 8:30 AM CALL TO ORDER: PRESIDENT, DARREN VOGT APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 & OCTOBER 16, 2014 FINANCIAL REPORT: AUDITOR, TERA KLUTZ UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: Allen County Indiana Illinois Michigan Ohio National August 5.0% 5.5% 6.7% 6.7% 5.3% 6.3% September 4.7% 5.1% 6.2% 6.7% 5.1% 5.7% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS REQUESTED IN OTHER FUNDS: $1,988,720 ALLEN COUNTY-FORT WAYNE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BOARD (DBA GRAND WAYNE CENTER) BUDGET FOR 2015. VISIT FORT WAYNE BUDGET FOR 2015 ALLEN COUNTY WAR MEMORIAL COLISEUM Update on the financing of the remodel of the Expo Center ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Vogt 1. Consideration of a resolution approving a Statement of Benefits for D&W Fine Pack LLC located at 7707 Vicksburg Pike. 2. Tax Phase-In Update for 2013 Payable 2014 DEPARTMENT 05 - SHERIFF Harris TRANSFER IN COUNTY GENERAL FROM: 1. 100-0501-421.36-03 AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT $20,000 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT COMPUTER HARDWARE $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 TO: 2. 100-0501-421.43-06 3. 100-0501-421-43.43 Request permission to apply for a Justice Assistance Grant through the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. 1 DEPARTMENT 06 - SURVEYOR Buskirk TRANSFER IN COUNTY GENERAL: FROM: 1. 100-0601-419.13-19 HYDROLOGIST $50,000 CONTRACTUAL $50,000 TO: 2. 100-0601-419.31-13 DEPARTMENT 09 - COUNTY ASSESSOR Armstrong TRANSFER IN REASSESSMENT FUND 261: FROM: 1. 261-0901-419.13-34 2. 261-0901-419.13-48 SALES & MARKET ANALYST SR SALES DISCLOSURE ANALYST $35,000 $8,541 $43,541 CONSULTING SERVICES $43,541 TO: 3. 261-0901-419.31-06 DEPARTMENT 29 - BUILDING DEPARTMENT L Brown TRANSFER IN COUNTY GENERAL: FROM: 1. 100-2901-424.22-01 GASOLINE, OIL & LUBE $9,000 AUTO LIABILITY $9,000 TO: 2. 100-2901-424.34-04 DEPARTMENT 37 - DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SVCS Vogt TRANSFER IN DPS FUND 337: FROM: 1. 337-3701-419.31-06 2. 337-3701-419.32-03 CONSULTING SERVICES TRAVEL $3,000 $2,320 $5,320 OFFICE/COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $5,320 TO: 3. 337-3701-419.43-03 2 DEPARTMENT 41 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY B Brown APPROPRIATION IN INTERNET ACCESS FUND 318: 318-4001-411.43-03 OFFICE/COMPUTER EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT 55 - ACJC $40,000 Buskirk TRANSFER IN COUNTY GENERAL : FROM: 1. 100-5501-421.39-96 GUARDIAN AD LITEM $10,637 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT $10,637 TO: 2. 100-5501-421.43-04 APPROPRIATION IN PER DIEM FEES FUND 738: 3. 738-5501-421.43-01 FURNITURE & FIXTURES $35,334 Request permission to apply for the JDAI Programming Grant. DEPARTMENT 61 - CIRCUIT COURT Harris TRANSFER WITHIN COUNTY GENERAL: FROM: 1. 100-6101-412.21-01 2. 100-6101-412.21-03 SUPPLIES STATIONERY & PRINTING $2,200 $3,000 $5,200 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS SCHOOLS & SEMINARS $2,200 $3,000 $5,200 SUPPLIES STATIONERY & PRINTING OFFICE/COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $150 $420 $2,000 $2,570 POSTAGE FILE STORAGE CONTRACTUAL $150 $420 $2,000 $2,570 TO: 3. 100-6101-412.36-07 4. 100-6101-412.39-70 FROM: 5. 100-6102-412.21-01 6. 100-6102-412.21-03 7. 100-6102-412.43-03 TO: 8. 100-6101-412.32-02 9. 100-6101-412.39-11 10. 100-6102-412.31-13 3 DEPARTMENT 72 - HIGHWAY Armstrong APPROPRIATE IN COUNTY CEDIT FUND 329: 1. 329-0208-431.49-66 CAPITAL OUTLAY - BASS ROAD $213,386 APPROPRIATION IN RAINY DAY FUND 736: 2. 736-7201-431.43-04 EQUIPMENT & MACHINERY PURCHASE $1,700,000 DISCUSSION AND OTHER BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE COUNCIL: County Council Meeting Dates for 2015 Board Appointments: Alcohol Beverage Commission - Ozzie Mitson Allen County Child Care Facility Board - Roger Brugh PTABOA Board - Mike Clough & Judy Macon Redevelopment Commission - Roy Buskirk & Darren Vogt Regional Sewer District (2 yrs) - Adam Day Woodburn Economic Development - Tom Harris Grabill Economic Development (4 yrs) - Tom Harris Library Board (4 yrs) - Paul Moss RECENT and/or UPCOMING MEETINGS: LIAISON REPORTS: PUBLIC COMMENTS: Approval to waive the second reading on any matter approved today for which it may be deemed necessary for the County Council meeting of November 25, 2014. The next County Council regular meeting will be held at 8:30 am Thursday, December 18, 2014 in the Discussion Room of Citizens Square. Allen County does not discriminate because of disability in the admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. The Human Resources Director has been designated to coordinate compliance with nondiscrimination requirements contained in Section 35.107 of the Department of Justice regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided therein, and Allen County's ADA policy is available from the ADA Coordinator. Suggestions on how the County can better meet the needs of persons with disabilities may be submitted to the ADA Coordinator at: Human Resources Department 200 E. Berry Street, Suite 380, Fort Wayne, In. 46802 or by phone at (260)449-7217. 4 ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR COUNTY GENERAL FUND October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 100 ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 6,162,779 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 6,162,779 ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: Percentage of Collections: 2014 Property Tax 59,039,435 Less Circuit Breaker Credit (7,085,857) Total Property Taxes charged 51,953,578 Less Allowance for Uncollected Property Tax (1,558,607) Miscellaneous 19,639,087 TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 70,034,058 Total Percentage of Collections 76,196,837 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget 2013 Encumbrances Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION 55.57% 28,872,152 93.00% 18,264,988 67.31% 47,137,140 53,299,920 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 72,439,642 59,083,693 1,979,764 540,235 74,959,641 Percentage of Disbursements 78.82% Rainy Day Temporary Loan AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 1,237,196 59,083,693 10,500,000 ACTUAL CASH BALANCE YTD: 4,716,227 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:21 PM Allen County General Fund Miscellaneous Revenue October 2014 % OF YEAR PAST = 83.33% DLGF Account Code R112 R114 R135 R110 Estimated Revenue 2014 OTHER TAXES: Financial Institutions Tax Vehicle License Excise Tax Commercial Vehicle Excise Tax Riverboat Wagering Tax Revenue Percent Collected Total 263,215 3,949,969 384,895 441,308 55.56% 84.74% 46.91% 100.00% 146,231 3,347,240 180,573 441,308 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES: Indirect Costs - Chld Sprt IV-D Emerg Prep/Civil Def-Fed Match Care of Federal Prisoners Juvenile Justice Center/Trans. Child Care Youth Serv/Regular Child Care Change of Venue R109 Liquor Excise Tax Distr. - ABC R128 Inheritance Tax-County Share R133 C Public Defender Reimbursement R414 A Examination of Records R414 B SSI Payments 375,000 80,000 1,600,000 230,000 330,000 0 20,000 0 1,025,000 30,000 45,000 65.02% 110.15% 79.66% 83.58% 93.01% 0.00% 94.63% 0.00% 80.73% 99.48% 99.56% 243,812 88,123 1,274,622 192,236 306,920 25,588 18,926 27,552 827,454 29,845 44,800 LICENSES AND PERMITS: R203 A Department of Planning R203 B Building Department R210 Cable Franchise License Fees 650,000 1,500,000 385,000 90.36% 94.95% 79.38% 587,358 1,424,211 305,602 CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Departmental Revenue: R404 Treasurer R402 Recorder R403 Sheriff R424 Surveyor R401 Auditor R409 Data Processing R414 C Charges for Services - N.I.R.C.C. R502 Clerk of Circuit Court 200,000 900,000 1,350,000 85,000 6,500 280,000 700,000 1,875,000 53.39% 74.21% 107.28% 225.54% 8296.16% 192.37% 78.85% 57.66% 106,790 667,852 1,448,339 191,706 539,250 538,623 551,956 1,081,062 R132 A R133 A R133 B R423 A R423 B 11/6/2014 Allen County General Fund Miscellaneous Revenue October 2014 % OF YEAR PAST = 83.33% DLGF Account Code Estimated Revenue 2014 Percent Collected Total MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Child Support Exp Budget Reimb Election Expense Reimbursements/Refunds Copy Machine Charges Telephone Reimbursement Interest on Investments Rental of County Property Co. Misc - Non-identified Rev 1,770,000 0 40,000 200 4,000 100,000 395,000 149,000 59.91% 0.00% 101.91% 10.00% 32.18% 150.74% 86.07% 90.80% 1,060,407 0 40,765 20 1,287 150,737 339,957 135,297 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: R905 Sale of Real & Personal Property R906 A Property Tax Refund Reimbursements R906 B Unclaimed Surplus Tax TOTAL 50,000 200,000 225,000 19,639,087 97.14% 857.27% 60.19% 93.00% 48,571 1,714,540 135,429 18,264,988 R132 B R414 D R913 A R913 B R913 C R902 R413 R913 D 11/6/2014 County General Miscellaneous Revenue Explanations October 2014 83.33% of Year Elapsed Revenue Source Annual Estimate Percent Actual Explanation OTHER TAXES: Financial Institutions Tax Two equal installments June and December. 263,215 55.56% 146,231 3,949,969 84.74% 3,347,240 Commercial Vehicle Excise Tax 384,895 46.91% 180,573 Two equal installments May and December Riverboat Wagering Tax Rev 441,308 100.00% 441,308 Full year distribution received in August. 375,000 65.02% 243,812 Received Quarterly-4th Qtr 2013, 1st & 2nd Qtr 2014 80,000 110.15% 88,123 1,600,000 79.66% 1,274,622 ACJC/Trans Child Care 230,000 83.58% 192,236 Per Diem fees received monthly, except out-ofcounty contracts pay full year in first quarter Youth Serv/Regular Child Care 330,000 93.01% 306,920 Varies monthly depending on youths housed 0 0.00% 25,588 Reimbursement for Bisard case 20,000 94.63% 18,926 Two Distributions per year 0 0.00% 27,552 Received Quarterly-Law repealed effective 1/1/13 1,025,000 80.73% 827,454 Examination of Records 30,000 99.48% 29,845 Two Distributions per year SSI Payments 45,000 99.56% 44,800 Receive monthly from Social Security Admin 650,000 90.36% 587,358 Collections deposited monthly 1,500,000 94.95% 1,424,211 Collections deposited monthly Cable Franchise License Fees 385,000 79.38% 305,602 Paid Quarterly from Cable Vendors CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Treasurer 200,000 53.40% 106,790 Tax Sale Fees receipted with December Settlement Recorder 900,000 74.21% 667,852 1,350,000 107.28% 1,448,339 Collections deposited monthly Made up of different fees, including tax warrants at 10/31 $145,798.13. 85,000 225.54% 191,706 6,500 8296.15% 539,250 Vehicle License Excise Tax INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES: Indirect Costs - Child Support Emerg Prep/Civil Def-Fed Match Care of Federal Prisoners Change of Venue Liquor Excise Tax Dist-ABC Inheritance Tax-County Share Public Defender Reimbursement Distributed April, June , October & December Received 1x per yr Varies monthly depending on prisoners Received Quarterly-3rd & 4th Qtr 2013, 1st Qtr 2014 LICENSES AND PERMITS: Department of Planning Building Department Sheriff Surveyor Auditor Summer months usually yield higher collections Copy, Notary, Payroll Processing fees and Ineligible deductions fund transfer of unused balance $533,995. County General Miscellaneous Revenue Explanations October 2014 83.33% of Year Elapsed Revenue Source Annual Estimate Percent Actual Explanation Data Processing 280,000 192.37% 538,623 Data file fees monthly / final Qtr of year receive "settle up" Data sharing costs from City of Ft Wayne / Joint Permit Brd 50% reimb from City of Ft Wayne N.I.R.C.C. 700,000 78.85% 551,956 Reimbursed from Feds as it is spent and invoiced 1,875,000 57.66% 1,081,062 Collections deposited monthly 1,770,000 59.91% 1,060,407 Reimbursed from State as it is spent and invoiced 0.00% 0 40,000 101.91% 40,765 200 0.00% 20 4,000 32.18% 1,287 Interest 100,000 150.74% 150,737 Received monthly Rental of County Property 395,000 86.07% 339,957 Received monthly. Co. Misc. - Non-identified Rev 149,000 90.80% 135,297 Miscellaneous one time revenue 50,000 97.14% 48,571 Unclaimed Surplus Tax 225,000 60.19% 135,429 Property Tax Refund Reimb 200,000 857.27% 1,714,540 Clerk MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: Child Support Exp Budget Reimb Election Expense Reimburse Reimbursements Copy Machine Charges Telephone Reimbursement Miscellaneous Reimbursements, i.e. Commissary part-time salaries All other Departments copy fee charges Payphone commissions OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Sale of Real & Personal Property TOTAL 19,639,087 Less Property Tax Refunds Total Miscellaneous Collections Unclaimed Surplus and Tax Sale Surplus is moved to General Fund. County is reimbursed from units at Settlement for tax refunds paid throughout the year. 93.00% 18,264,988 1,514,540 19,639,087 Proceeds from sale of county owned property 85.29% 16,750,448 Eliminate refunds above the estimated revenue to calculate a more accurate picture of collection rate. ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR COIT Public Safety October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 120 ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL - - ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: Percentage of Collections: COIT distributive shares 3,081,061 83.33% 2,567,551 Miscellaneous TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 27,384 3,081,061 Total Percentage of Collections 3,081,061 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget 84.22% 2,594,935 2,594,935 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 3,081,061 1,973,279 Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 3,081,061 0 Percentage of Disbursements 64.05% ACTUAL CASH BALANCE YTD: 1,973,279 621,656 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:22 PM ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR COIT DISTRIBUTIVE SHARES October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 121 ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 56,544 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 56,544 ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: Percentage of Collections: COIT distributive shares 15,082,000 83.16% Miscellaneous TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 164,070 15,082,000 Total Percentage of Collections 15,138,544 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget 12,542,421 84.25% 12,706,490 12,763,034 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 15,082,000 12,599,839 Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 15,082,000 56,544 Percentage of Disbursements 83.54% ACTUAL CASH BALANCE YTD: 12,599,839 163,195 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:23 PM ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT HIGHWAY FUND October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 250 Department - Highway ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 5,822,241 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 5,822,241 ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: Percentage of Collections: Sur Tax Distribution Wheel Tax Distribution Highway Fees MVH State Distribution Miscellaneous/Other TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 1,885,800 91.56% 1,726,651 332,911 113.34% 377,315 400,841 91.41% 366,396 7,646,186 91.80% 7,018,845 528.26% 672,834 127,368 10,393,106 Total Percentage of Collections 16,215,347 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget 2013 Encumbrances Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 97.78% 10,162,041 15,984,282 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 10,289,229 10,337,466 4,045,945 1,627,731 15,962,905 252,442 Percentage of Disbursements 64.76% 10,337,466 REMAINING CASH BALANCE YTD: 5,646,816 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS UNAPPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:23 PM ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR Sur/Wheel Tax Bridge Fund October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 252 Department - Highway ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 3,611,919 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 3,611,919 ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: Percentage of Collections: Interlocal Agreements TOTAL ESTIMATED CASH: 1,844,479 1,844,479 Total Percentage of Collections 5,456,398 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 81.00% 1,493,951 81.00% 1,493,951 5,105,869 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget 1,844,479 2013 Encumbrances 3,287,192 996,397 Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION 5,131,671 AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 324,726 Percentage of Disbursements 19.42% REMAINING CASH BALANCE YTD: 996,397 4,109,473 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS UNAPPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:24 PM ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT LOCAL ROAD AND STREET October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 255 Department - Highway ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 2,191,074 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 2,191,074 ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: Percentage of Collections: LRS Distributions Federal Reimb/Misc TOTAL ESTIMATED CASH: 1,381,122 85.12% 1,175,614 186,000 231.00% 429,659 102.43% 1,605,273 1,567,122 Total Percentage of Collections 3,758,196 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 3,796,347 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget 1,567,121 2013 Encumbrances 1,967,619 1,629,169 Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 3,534,740 223,456 Percentage of Disbursements 46.09% REMAINING CASH BALANCE YTD: 1,629,169 2,167,177 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS UNAPPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:24 PM ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR REASSESSMENT 2017 October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 261 Department - Co. Assessor ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 702,587 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: 2014 Property Tax 516,530 Less Circuit Breaker Credit (62,943) Total Property Taxes charged 453,587 Less Allowance for Uncollected Property Tax (13,608) Miscellaneous 702,587 Percentage of Collections: 41,228 481,207 TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 1,183,795 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget 2013 Encumbrances Total Percentage of Collections 55.92% 253,665 83.36% 34,370 59.86% 288,035 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: 990,622 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 611,110 386,712 737 Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION 611,847 Percentage of Disbursements 63.20% AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 571,947 REMAINING CASH BALANCE YTD: 386,712 603,910 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS UNAPPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:25 PM ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR Board of Health Fund October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 285 Department - Health ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 2,999,988 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 2,999,988 ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: Percentage of Collections: 2014 Property Tax 2,363,127 Less Circuit Breaker Credit Total Property Taxes charged Less Allowance for Uncollected Property Tax Miscellaneous (284,819) 2,078,308 55.61% 1,155,787 (62,349) 1,590,045 TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 3,606,004 Total Percentage of Collections 6,605,992 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget 2013 Encumbrances Additional Appropriations 91.65% 1,457,353 72.47% 2,613,140 5,613,128 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 4,455,221 3,395,594 1,479 38,000 TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION 4,494,700 Percentage of Disbursements 75.55% 3,395,594 AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 2,111,292 REMAINING CASH BALANCE YTD: 2,217,534 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS UNAPPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:25 PM ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT Cumulative Capital Development October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 321 Dept - Commissioners ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 3,251,200 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 2014 Property Tax ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: 2,660,132 Less Circuit Breaker Credit Total Property Taxes charged Percentage of Collections: (325,237) 2,334,895 Less Allowance for Uncollected Property Tax (70,047) Miscellaneous 522,175 TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 3,251,200 55.76% 1,301,983 237.11% 1,238,152 2,787,023 Total Percentage of Collections 6,038,223 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 91.14% 2,540,135 5,791,335 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget 2,810,600 2013 Encumbrances 1,197,892 1,454,028 Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION 4,008,492 Percentage of Disbursements 36.27% 1,454,028 AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 2,029,731 REMAINING CASH BALANCE YTD: 4,337,307 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS UNAPPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:26 PM ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT MAJOR BRIDGE FUND October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 340 Dept - Highway ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 5,050,970 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 5,050,970 ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: Percentage of Collections: 2014 Property Tax Less Circuit Breaker Credit Total Property Taxes charged 1,665,811 (202,684) 1,463,127 Less Allowance for Uncollected Property Tax (43,894) Miscellaneous 129,736 TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 1,548,969 Total Percentage of Collections 6,599,939 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 55.60% 813,548 171.72% 222,777 66.90% 1,036,325 6,087,295 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget 1,530,035 2013 Encumbrances 4,654,535 3,342,577 Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 6,184,570 415,369 Percentage of Disbursements 54.05% REMAINING CASH BALANCE YTD: 3,342,577 2,744,719 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS UNAPPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:28 PM ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR COUNTY BOND FUND October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 401 Department - Auditor ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 1,277,316 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 2014 Property Tax Less Circuit Breaker Credit Total Property Taxes charged Less Allowance for Uncollected Property Tax Miscellaneous 1,277,316 ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: 4,480,902 Percentage of Collections: 4,480,902 4,697,854 Total Percentage of Collections 5,975,170 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget 2013 Encumbrances 2,431,112 80.41% 282,545 57.76% 2,713,657 (134,427) 351,379 TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 54.25% 3,990,973 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 4,385,825 3,141,784 0 Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION 4,385,825 Percentage of Disbursements 71.63% AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 1,589,345 REMAINING CASH BALANCE YTD: 3,141,784 849,189 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS UNAPPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:28 PM T OURKOW , C RELL , R OSENBLATT & J OHNSTON , LLP ______________________________________ A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W _______________________________________ JOSHUA I. TOURKOW STANLEY L. ROSENBLATT DOUGLAS E. JOHNSTON JAMES C. YANKOSKY JAMES P. BUCHHOLZ JOHN D.COWAN ANGELICA N. FUELLING 127 W. BERRY STREET, SUITE 1200 FORT WAYNE, IN 46802-2781 TELEPHONE (260) 426-0545 FAX (260) 422-9991 October 24, 2014 Allen County Council Members Re: 2015 Budgets of the Allen County Fort Wayne Capital Improvement Board of Managers (Grand Wayne Center) and Visit Fort Wayne Dear Council Members: Please find enclosed the 2015 Budget for the Allen County Fort Wayne Capital Improvement Board of Managers (the Grand Wayne Center). Pursuant to the statutory provisions governing the activities of the Board, we are submitting for your review and approval the operating budget for the year 2015 which reflects both the projected revenues as well as the operating expenses for the ensuing year. This letter also very briefly describes the process for adopting the budget and the process for disbursing the funds by the Board. At the time when the budget is considered, the Members of the Board are informed of the revenues and expenditures for the year and receive information and input from the various standing committees as to the available resources and needs for the ensuing year. The proposed budget reflects the income from all sources as well as the probable expenditures by the Board in order to conduct its business during the year 2015. After a thorough discussion by the seven-member Board, the budget is voted upon and adopted by a majority vote. By Statute, the proposed budget also includes the Supplemental Food and Beverage Tax revenue and corresponding potential disbursement of those funds for economic development projects as approved by the Board during the upcoming year. Should you have any questions in connection with the procedure for the adoption of the budget, the payment of the individual budgeted expenses, or the income and expenses incurred by the Board in the past year, please feel free to direct your questions to any Member of the Board: to the Director, Barton Shaw; to the President, Nancy Jordan; to the Controller, Yogesh Parikh; to the Attorney for the Board, Douglas E. Johnston; or to the Office Manager, Carole Lynn Copeland. The requested information will be collected for you and reviewed with you. Pursuant to statutory requirements, the budget of Visit Fort Wayne (formerly the Convention and Visitors Bureau) is also being presented to you at the same time. The Board requested and Visit Fort Wayne agreed to be bound by all of the rules promulgated by the Indiana State Board of Accounts OTHER OFFICES MONROEVILLE (260) 623-6082 125 E. SOUTH GARRETT (2 6 0 ) 3 5 7 - 3 1 0 7 108 N. RANDOLPH DECATUR (260) 724-7779 106 N. SECOND STREET regarding the expenditure of public funds. At this time, we are filing the proposed budget for the year 2015, and we will appear before you in regular session, asking that the proposed budget be approved and be made the Budgets for the Board for the year 2015. Very truly yours, TOURKOW, CRELL, ROSENBLATT & JOHNSTON, LLP Douglas E. Johnston DEJ/grc Enclosure 2 ALLEN COUNTY FORT WAYNE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF MANAGERS PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2015 Grand Wayne Center Receipts Room Tax (net to GWC) - Note A Building Revenue Food and Beverage Interest Income Transfer from PSCDA Capital Reserve Fund Other Grand Wayne Center Disbursements Operating expenditures - see attached Redevelopment Pledge - Note C Capital Outlay Grand Wayne Center PSCDA Capital Reserve Fund Activity Beginning Balance PSCDA Tax Collected -Note B PSCDA Tax Redevelopment Commission Remittance - Note B Transfer to general fund for capital outlay PSCDA Capital Reserve Fund Balance Grand Wayne Center Reserve Fund Balance 2014 Projected 2,998,564 897,469 517,778 14,250 234,345 3,000 4,665,406 2015 Budget 3,125,000 850,000 450,000 10,000 300,000 3,000 4,738,000 4,327,849 250,000 234,345 4,812,194 4,306,885 250,000 300,000 4,856,885 92,365 400,000 (175,000) (234,345) 83,020 83,020 400,000 (175,000) (300,000) 8,020 3,495,200 3,413,622 3,812,052 21,565 (3,706,889) 3,900,000 15,830 (3,812,052) Capital Improvements Board Activity Food and Beverage tax reserve (restricted) - Note D Interest Income Economic Development Disbursements Note A Note B NoteC NoteD The 2015 total Room Tax is estimated at $4,375,000 with approximately $1,250,000 going to Visit Fort Wayne. Monies from the PSCDA tax are pledged to the Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission for bond repayment in the amount of $175,000. Excess PSCDA tax monies are restricted to capital expenditures. In July, 2007, the Fort Wayne Allen County Convention and Tourism Authority pledged $2.5 million to the Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission for the development of the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel and adjacent parking garage. It Is to be It is to be distributed over a 10 (ten) year period beginning in 2011. Pursuant to Indiana Code 6-9-33-8, Allen County Supplemental Food and Beverage Tax collected In excess of amounts necessary to fulfill pledge obligations existing as of January 1, 2009 of the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum will be transferred to the Allen County Fort Wayne Capital Improvements Board of Managers. The transferred funds must be held in reserve for at least 12 (twelve) months before they may be used to provide funding for capital improvements or economic development projects. STATE OF INDIANA) COUNTY OF ALLEN) NaJ1CYk)rdt:r~~~ c:::' Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, In and said County and State, this My Commission Expires: DOUGLAS E. JOHNSTON Allen County My Commission Expires MAY 15,2015 Resident of Allen County, Indiana GRAND WAYNE CENTER SALARIES 2015 Bart Shaw Operations Manager Carole Copeland Dir. Sales & Marketing Marcy McKinley $55,000 - $90,000 Sales Managers $40,000 - $55,000 Sales & Adm Ass't Stacey Paunovich Wages 10/22/2012 2 127,500.00 130,050.00 10/13/2003 11 51,204.00 52,228.00 5/1/2007 7 72,626.00 74,078.52 5/22/1989 3/1/1994 9/4/2012 25 20 2 45,900.00 43,860.00 41,616.00 46,818.00 44,737.20 42,448.32 2/1/1996 18 49,980.00 50,979.60 1/3/2006 8 43,860.00 44,737.20 9/9/1985 29 76,500.00 78,030.00 2/1/1995 19 53,040.00 54,100.80 60,000.00 60,000.00 $70,000 - $110,000 $45,000 - $65,000 Chief Building Engineer Dennis Raney Asst Bldg. Supervisor Bryan Reed Wages $115,000 - $155,000 Business Manager LeeAn n Pollock Susie Guenin Missy Eppley Sr. Event Coordinator Babette Record Asst Event Coordinator Kim Kelso Di•• Audio Visual Richard Browning Asst AN Dir. Pete Prowant 2015 Years of Service Range Executive Director 2014 Hire Date Pay $45,000 - $65,000 $40,000 - $60,000 $60,000 - $85,000 $45,000 - $65,000 7/7/2014 $35,000 - $55,000 1/15/1988 26 49,500.00 50,490.00 6/6/1989 25 37,995.00 38,754.80 $30,000 - $44,000 Carolyn warsco:erntro~ , • ~-----~~ ---~-~------~-~----~--~-- --------- GRAND WAYNE CENTER FULL TIME HOURLY Full Time Hire Date Jeremy Bugge Craig Hernandez Bradley Maxwell Kirk Pollock Daniel Relue Earnest Tucker William Van Dorp 7/29/2013 9/26/2010 1/1/2014 1/5/1988 10/1/2006 4/17/2008 4/4/2005 Years of 2014 Hourly 2015 Hourly Service Wages Wages Wages Wages 1 4 1 26 8 6 9 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 33,904.80 22,913.28 19,760.00 40,861.20 24,164.82 23,337.60 26,964.72 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 16.30 11.02 9.50 19.64 11.62 11.22 12.96 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 34,582.90 23,371.55 20,155.20 41,678.42 24,648.12 23,804.35 27,504.01 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 16.63 11.24 9.69 20.04 11.85 11.44 13.22 RESOLUTION NO. ______ ____ ALLEN COUNTY COUNCIL RESOLUTION APPROVING A STATEMENT OF BENEFITS FOR D&W FINE PACK LLC WHEREAS, the County of Allen has been requested by D&W Fine Pack LLC to find pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-12.1 that the attached Statement of Benefits justifies a deduction in assessed value of personal property property; and, WHEREAS, on December 16, 2004, the County Council of Allen County, Indiana, did adopt a Confirmatory Resolution for the designation of all real estate in unincorporated Allen County except that zoned RS, RSP-1, RSP-2, A-2, A-3, RSP-3, and MH as an Economic Revitalization Area (ERA # 135) pursuant to Allen County Council Resolution No. 2004-12-1603; and, WHEREAS, the project location is in an area zoned I2 General Industrial, which is an eligible zoning district under ERA 135; and, WHEREAS, 50 IAC 10-2-6 requires that when an Economic Revitalization Area has previously been designated and such designation has not expired, that the taxpayer shall submit a Statement of Benefits and the designating body shall review the Statement of Benefits to determine whether the totality of the benefits justify the deduction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that after reviewing the Statement of Benefits the Council finds that a deduction should be allowed based upon the following findings: 1. That the estimate of the cost of the new equipment is reasonable for projects of that nature and equipment of that type; and, 2. That the estimate of the number of individuals who will be employed or whose employment will be retained can be reasonably expected to result from the installation of new manufacturing equipment; and, 3. That the estimate of the annual salaries of those individuals who will be employed or whose employment will be retained can be reasonably expected to result from the installation of new manufacturing equipment; and, 4. That any other benefits about which information was requested are benefits that can be reasonably expected to result from the installation of new manufacturing equipment; and, 5. That the totality of benefits is sufficient to justify the deduction; BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that based on the information provided in the Statement of Benefits, the Council authorizes ten (10) year tax phase in of personal property taxes and one (1) year tax phase in of special tooling in accordance with I.C. 6-1.1-12.1-4. Schedule is as follows: Personal Property Special Tooling Year 1 100% Year 1 100% Year 2 90% Year 3 80% Year 4 70% Year 5 60% Year 6 50% Year 7 40% Year 8 30% Year 9 20% Year 10 10% BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that D&W Fine Pack LLC is responsible for filing the actual tax phase in forms with the Allen County Auditor, Room 102 of the City County Building, between March 1st and May 10th in order to receive its deduction on real property and between March 1st and May 15th each year in order to receive its deduction on personal property. BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that D&W Fine Pack LLC must provide the Allen County Auditor and the Allen County Council, at the time of filing the deduction, information showing the extent to which the company has been in compliance with the signed Statement of Benefits in accordance with I.C. 6-1.1-12.1-5.1. BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that if any part, parts, clause or portion of this Resolution shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of this Resolution as a whole or any other part, clause or portion of this Resolution. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that by adoption of this Resolution, the Allen County Council does approve the Statement of Benefits attached hereto and made a part hereof. ADOPTED, this 25th day of November, 2014, by the County Council of Allen County, Indiana. __________________________________ Darren Vogt, President Allen County Council ATTEST: _____________________________ Tera K. Klutz, Auditor Allen County, Indiana • STATEMENT OF BENEFITS FORM 89-1 I PP PERSONAL PROPERTY State Form 51764 (R3/12-13) Prescribed by the Department of Local Government Finance PRIVACY NOTICE Any information conceming the cost of the property and specific salaries paid to individual employees by the property <7MIer is confidential per Ie 6-1.1-12.1-5.1. INSTRUCTIONS This statement must be submitted to the body designating the Economic Revitalization Area prior to the public hearing if the designating body requires information from the applicant in making its decision about whether to designate an Economic ReVitalization Area. Otherwise thIs statement must be submitted to the designating body BEFORE a person installs the new manufacturing equipment and/or research and development equipment, andlor logistical distribution equipment andlor information technology equipment for which the person wishes to claim a deduction. 1. 2. Tha statement of benefits form must be submitted to the designating body and the area designated an economic revitalization area before the installation of qualifying abatable equipment for which the person desires to claim a deduction. 3. To obtain a deduction, a person must file a certified deduction schedule with the person's personal property return on a certified deduction schedule (Form 103-ERA) with the township assessor of the township where the property is situated or with the county assessor if there is no township assessor for the township. The 103-ERA must be filed between March 1 and May 15 of the assessment year in which new manufacturing equipment andlor research and development equipment andlor logistical distribution equipment andlor information technology equipment is instal/ed and fully functional, unless a filing extension has been obtained. A person who obtains a filing extension must file the form between March 1 and the extended due date of that year. 4. Property owners whose Statement of Benefits was approved, must submit Fonn CF-1IPP annually to show compliance with the Statement of Benefits. (IC 6-1.1-12.1-5.6) 5. For a Fonn SB-1IPP that is approved afler June 30, 2013, the designating body is required to establish an abalement schedule for each deduction aNowed. For a Form SB-1IPP that is approved prior to July 1, 2013, the abatement schedule approved by the designating body remains in effect. (IG 6-1.1-12.1-17) Allen Description of 9 ~~i~~r:::;; and/or loglst/cal .lidnhl,tlnn ... (Use additional sheets if lIe1ot:S5Bry.) See Exhibit B. infnnno,tinn development eqUipment technology eqUipment. Manufacturing Equipment R&D Equipment Logist Dist Equipment IT Equipment 1110112014 0212812017 FOR USE OF THE DESIGNATING BODV We have reviewed our prior actions relating to the designation of this economic revitalization area and find that the applicant meets the general standards adopted in the resolution previously approved by this body. Said resolution, passed under IC 6-1.1-12.1-2.5, provides for the following limitations as authorized under IC 6-1.1-12.1-2. A. :he designam lrea has been limited to a period of time not to exceed _A_N_Y_ _ _ caiendar years * (see below). The date this designation expires . ~ B. The type of deduction that is allowed in the designated area is limited to: 1 . Installation of new manufactUring equipment; 2 . Installation of new research and development equipment; 3 . Installation of new logistical distribution equipment 4. Installation of new information technology equipment; mves OVes DYes OVes ONo rn'No l]11.Jo ~No C. The amount of deduction applicable to new manufacturing equipment is limited to $ ,..!A'-"'L""L"'-_ _ _ _ cost with an assessed value of $_-----D. The amount of deduction applicable to new research and development equipment is limited to $ _N_/A _____ cost with an assessed value of $------~ E. The amount of deduction applicable to new logistical distribution equipment is limited to $ _ _N""'/_A ____ cost with an assessed value of $-------, N/A F. The amount of deduction applicable to new information technology eqUipment is limited to $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cost with an assessed value of $-------, G. Other limitations or conditions (soecify) ONE (1) SPECIAL TOOLING TAX PHASE IN H. The deduction for new manufacturing equipment andlor new research and development equipment andlor new logistical distribution equipment andlor new Information technology equipment installed and first claimed eligible for deduction is allowed for: o Year 1 o Year6 o Year2 o Vear7 o Vear3 o VearS o Vear4 o Vear9 o Year5 (see below *) u;(vear10 I. Fora Statement of Benefits approved after June 30, 2013, did this designating body adopt an abatement schedule per IC 6-1.1-12.1-17? lSaYes If yes, attach a copy of the abatement schedule to this form. If no, the designating body is required to establish an abatement schedule before the deduction can be determined. ONo Also we have reviewed the information contained in the statement of benefits and find that the estimates and expectations are reasonable and have determined that the totality of benefits is sufficient to justify the deduction described above. ApproVed by: (signatuTB and title of authorized member of designating body) PRESIDENT Printed name of authorized member of designating body Telephone number I Date signed (month, day, year) (260 ) 449-7241 NOVEMBER 25 2014 Name of designating body ALLEN COUNTY COUNCIL Attested by: (signature and title of attester) Printed name of attester AUDITOR * If the designating body limits the time period during which an area is an economic revitalization area, that limitation does not limit the length of time a taxpayer is entitled to receive a deduction to a number of years that is less than the number of years designated under IC 6-1.1-12.1-17. Ie 6-1.1-12.1-17 Abatement schedules Sec. 17. (a) A designating body may provide to a business that is established in or relocated to a revitalization area and that receives a deduction under section 4 or4.5 of this chapter an abatement schedule based on the following factors: (1) The total amount of the taxpayer's Investment in real and personal property. (2) The number of new full-time equivalent jobs created. (3) The average wage of the new employees compared to the state minimum wage. (4) The infrastructure requirements for the taxpayer's Investment (b) This subsection applies to a statement of benefits approved after June 30, 2013. A designating body shall establish an abatement schedule for each deduction allowed under this chapter. An abatement schedule must specify the pertentage amount of the deduction for each year of the deduction. An abatement schedule may not exceed ten (10) years. (c) An abatement schedule approved for a particular taxpayer before July 1, 2013, remains in effect until the abatement schedule expines under the terms of the resolution approving the taxpayer's statement of benefits. Page 2 of2 D&W Fine Pack R-1 0 0 R-8 0 7707 Although strict accuracy standards have been employed in the compilation of this map, Allen County does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the information contained herein and disclaims any and all liability resulting from any error or omission in this map. © 2004 Board of Commissioners of the County of Allen North American Datum 1983 State Plane Coordinate System, Indiana East ST. DEDICATION Rec. # 800021328 10-2-1980 ST. Rec. # 74 7625 ´ 1 " = 235 ' Date: 10/31/2014 TAX ABATEMENT POINT SYSTEM Personal Property Abatements Company: D&W Fine Pack I. Tax Base Benefits A. 20 $ 29,920 15 10 7 4 2 10 Local income taxes generated from jobs retained $80,000 or more $30,000 to $79,999 $10,000 to $29,999 $5,000 to $9,999 less than $5,000 D. 20 14 10 6 3 Investment per employee (both jobs created and retained). $35,000 or more $18,500 to $34,999 $6,250 to $18,499 $1,250 to $6,249 less than $1,250 C. Points Assigned Total new investment in new equipment $6,250,000 or more $1,250,000 to $6,249,999 $625,000 to $1,249,999 $300,000 to $624,999 under $300,000 B. Points Possible $ 118,039 5 4 3 2 1 5 Local income taxes generated from jobs created (Double pts for start-up) $30,000 or more $10,000 to $29,999 $5,000 to $9,999 $3,000 to $4,999 less than $3,000 $ 4,488 5 4 3 2 1 2 Points Possible Points Assigned over 250 100 to 249 50 to 99 25 to 49 10 to 24 under 10 10 8 6 4 2 1 10 Total number of jobs created (Double pts for start-up) over 100 50 to 99 25 to 49 10 to 24 1 to 9 10 8 6 4 2 II. Job Creation Benefits A. B. C. Total number of jobs retained 6 Eighty percent of the jobs created and/or retained are within the following salary range. over $45,000 $40,000 to $45,000 $35,000 to $39,999 $30,000 to $34,999 $25,000 to $29,999 under $25,000 $ 31,658 25 20 15 10 5 0 10 Points Possible Points Assigned Greater than 50% Less than or equal to 50% 3 0 3 Location quotient in designated Occupation Code (use Occupational group data that describes the majority function of the business) Greater than 1.0 2 2 3 1 0 3 III. Economic Base A. B. Estimated percent of business done outside Allen County IV. Benefits A. Employee benefits package provided by Company. Comprehensive benefits Some benefits provided No benefits provided V. Reciprocating Benefit A. The applicant agrees to contribute a percentage of savings to tax abatement development fund. 2 B. The applicant does not agree to contribute to the tax abatement development fund. 0 0 ________ Totals 71 70 to 100 points 60 to 69 points 45 to 59 points 30 to 44 points ten-year abatement seven-year abatement five-year abatement three-year abatement *If Average Annual salary of the full-time jobs created by listed occupation is 10% or greater than the average salary for Allen County using current occupational employment statistics, then the applicant is eligible for an amended schedule of their abatement with the following appropriate deduction schedule: 10 Year Year 1-5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 7 Year Year 1-5 Year 6 Year 7 100% 90% 80% 65% 50% 40% 100% 71% 43% Tax Phase-In Projection Ten Year Personal Property Tax Phase In for D&W Fine Pack TAX INVESTMENT TRUE NET % OF TRUE TRUE TAXES TAXES DUE COMPANY YEAR IN PERSONAL TAX TAX DUCTI VALUE VALUE DUE WITH WITHOUT SAVINGS PROPERTY VALUE RATE DEDUCTED TAXED $8,550,000 $3,420,000 $1.8936 100% $3,420,000 $0 $0 $64,761 $64,761 DEDUCTION DEDUCTION 2015 PAY 2016 2016 PAY 2017 $4,788,000 $1.8936 90% $4,309,200 $478,800 $9,067 $90,666 $81,599 2017 PAY 2018 $3,591,000 $1.8936 80% $2,872,800 $718,200 $13,600 $67,999 $54,399 2018 PAY 2019 $2,736,000 $1.8936 70% $1,915,200 $820,800 $15,543 $51,809 $36,266 2019 PAY 2020 $2,565,000 $1.8936 60% $1,539,000 $1,026,000 $19,428 $48,571 $29,143 2020 PAY 2021 $2,565,000 $1.8936 50% $1,282,500 $1,282,500 $24,285 $48,571 $24,285 2021 PAY 2022 $2,565,000 $1.8936 40% $1,026,000 $1,539,000 $29,143 $48,571 $19,428 2022 PAY 2023 $2,565,000 $1.8936 30% $769,500 $1,795,500 $34,000 $48,571 $14,571 2023 PAY 2024 $2,565,000 $1.8936 20% $513,000 $2,052,000 $38,857 $48,571 $9,714 PAY 2025 $2,565,000 $1.8936 10% $256,500 $2,308,500 2024 TOTALS $43,714 $48,571 $4,857 $111,065 $420,947 $309,882 Special Tooling Projection One Year Special Tooling Abatement for D&W Fine Pack TAX INVESTMENT TRUE NET % OF TRUE TRUE TAXES YEAR IN PERSONAL TAX TAX DEDUCTION VALUE VALUE DUE WITH PROPERTY VALUE RATE $2,700,000 $810,000 $1.8936 2015 PAY 2016 TOTALS DEDUCTED TAXED 100% $810,000 $0 TAXES DUE COMPANY WITHOUT SAVINGS DEDUCTION DEDUCTION $0 $15,338 $15,338 $0 $15,338 $15,338 , . t~) APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A STATEMENT OF BENEFITS (SB-l) (ll/ll) This application is to be completed and signed by the owner, or an authorized representative, of the property for which a tax abatement deduction is being sought. The Allen County Council designated all of unincorporated Allen County, except for certain residential and agricultural zoning districts, as Economic Revitalization Area (ERA) No. 135 by Resolution 2004·12·16..03 on December 16, 2004 in accordance with I.C. 6·1.1·12.1 and 50 lAC 10-2·2(b}. The approval ofa deduction for an existing ERA through the approval ofa Statement of Benefits (SB-l) is authorized under I.C. 6·1.1·12.1·3 and 6-1.1-12.14.5 and 50 lAC 10-2-6. The Allen County Council makes no representation as to the effect of an approval of a S8-1 granted by it for purposes of any further applications or approvals required under I.C. 6-1.1-12.1, and makes no representation to an applicant concerning the validity of any benefit conferred, also under I.C. 6-1.1-12.1. A Statement of Benefits is a public document and may be inspected and copied under I.C. 5-14-3-3. APPLICATION Is FOR: (check either or both) o ~ Real Estate Improvements (New Building, Addition, and/or Modification) New Equipment (Manufacturing, Research and Development, Logistical Distribution, and/or Information Technology) There is a non-refundable filing fee of $500 for either of the categories above or $750 for both. A fee may also be assessed if the applicant requests a waiver of non-compliance for failure to apply prior to obtaining building permits andlor installing equipment The filing fee will be used to defray the costs incurred by Allen County in processing the application pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-12.l-2(h). Please make the check payable to the Allen County Treasurer and include it with the application. Please send check:, application, and applicable state forms to: Department of Planning Services Attn: Nikki Liter 200 E Berry Stl Suite 150 Fort Wayne, IN 46802 II CONTACT INFORMATION II 1. Taxpayer name for REAL Improvements: D&W Fine Pack LLC Taxpayer name for Personal Improvements: D&W Fine Pack LLC (**Please make sure these names match the SB-l state forms for tax purposes) 2. Contact person/representative: Matt Hansel - Area Controller 3. 260-459-9724 Telephone number: _ _ 4. Mailing address of contact person: 7707 Vicksburg Pike Fax number: 260-459-9883 Fort Wayne, IN 46804 5. E-mail address:[email protected] 6. Name and title of contact person for annual compliance survey: Matt Hansel Area Controller JOB CREATION AND RETENTION II II Please be specific on job descriptions by choosing an "Occupation Code" provided in the Occupational Employment Statistics - website for Fort Wayne, IN Click on the Occupation Group name and find the specific occupation that is being created and/or retained. List your company's wage information. 7. Current full-time employment: Occupation Occupation Code Number OJ'Jobs Average Salary Salary Range Maintenance 37-0000 27 $20.51/HR $15.30IHR to $22.95/HR Production 51-9199 316 $15.221HR $12.64IHR to $18.97/HR Office Admin. 43-0000 15 $20.78/HR $19.61IHR to $29.421HR 8. Full-time jobs to be created as a result of this project: Occupation Production Office Admin. 9a. 43-0000 Number OJ'Jobs Average Salary $12.89/HR $20.78/HR 17 1 Salary Ran~e $11.18IHR to $16.78IHR $19.61IHR to $29.421HR Please note any temporary positions: Occupation Current or created? Production Office Admin. 9b. Occupation Code 51-9199 Occupation Code 51-9199 43-0000 Number OJ'Jobs Average Salary $9.90/HR $13.00IHR 19 2 Salary Range $10.45IHR to $15.68IHR $10.45IHR to $15.6BIHR Please note any part-time positions: Occupation Current or created? Occupation Code Number OJ'Jobs Average Salary None. 10. .. . AnticIpated date for reaching employment level In Question 8: 12131/2017 2 Salary Range 11. Check all of the benefits listed below that the company provides to workers who have been employed for 6 months. The company must pay at least 70% of the benefit cost. o Paid Vacation o Health Insurance DUnifonns o Sick Leave o Paid Holidays o Life Insurance o Dental Insurance o Employee Training o Tuition Reimbursement 040 1klPension/ o Vision Insurance o ESOP/Profit Sharing SEP/Keogh o Other (Please List): _ _ INVESTMENT 12. II Please provide the amount invested for each category: a. Total cost of real estate improvements: b. Total cost of manufacturing equipment: c. Total cost of research and development equipment: d. Total cost oflogistical distribution equipment: e. Total cost ofinfonnation technology equipment: f. Total cost ofimprovements and equipment: $11,250,000 $11,250,000 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 13. What year was the company founded? 1985 14. What is the company's NAICS code? 3626112 1S. Indicate the nature of the company's business, in general: Manufacturing Other: N/A 16. For "Office" and "Service" businesses, please indicate the percentage of clients/customers that are located within Allen County: ~ 3 17. Description of product or service to be offered at the project site: This facility produces polypropylene and polystyrene rigid container products for the food packaging industry. 18. Dollar amount of annual sales for each ofthe last three years: $83,300,579 19. $90,448,272 $90,262,744 List the three largest customers, their locations, and amount of annual gross sales: Customer 20. City / State MBM Multiple locations in US $25,819,404 Quality Custom Distribution Multiple locations in US $8,393,885 US Foods Multiple locations in US $7,238,722 List the three largest material suppliers, their locations, and amount of annual purchases: City / State Supplier 21. Annual Gross Sales Gross Purchases Formosa Plastics Livingston, NJ $11,494,340 Plastic Suppliers Columbus, OH $5,953,212 American Styrenics LLC The Woodlands, TX $5,169,639 Does the company's business include a retail component, meaning that goods or items are sold to the ultimate consumer for the consumer's use or consumption and not to a person for resale? ~ (If yes, continue below. !fno, then skip to question 21.) a. What percentage of floor space will be utilized for retail activities? b. What percentage of sales are made to the ultimate consumer as defined above? c. Provide the amount of sales tax collected in each of the last three years? d. What percentage of business is from service calls? _ _ 22. Impact on existing businesses: a. Will this project be in competition with existing local businesses? ~ 4 b. Will this project complement existing local business? Yes c. Provide the names of who you consider to be your top three competitors: Pactiv LLC Dart Container Corp. Genpak, LLC REAL ESTATE TAX PHASE-IN II II Complete this section only if you are requesting a deduction from assessed value for real estate improvements. 23. Address of property where improvements will be made: _ _ 24. Parcel Identification Number of property: _ _ 25. Current use of the property: a. How is the real estate presently used? _ _ b. What structures are on the property? _ _ c. What is (are) the general condition of structure(s )? 26. Current assessed value of the real estate: a. Land: b. Improvements: _ _ 27. Total real property taxes owed during the immediate past year: _ _ 28. Describe the proposed improvements to the subject property: 29. Have Allen County building permits been filed for this project? DYes D 30. Projected Construction timeframe: a. Construction start date: 31. No b. Construction completion date: _ _ Will this project require approval of a rezoning, plat, development plan, vacation, variance, special exception, or contingent use prior to the issuance of an Improvement Location Permit? _ _ If yes, list: _ _ 5 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX PHASE-IN II Complete this section only if you are requesting a deduction from the assessed value of new manufacturing, research and developmenllogistical distribution. or information technology equipment. 32. Address of property where equipment will be installed: 7707 Vicksburg Pike 33. Current Assessed Value of existing Equipment at the project site: $18,656,109 34. Total Personal Property taxes owed during the immediate past year: $265,876.54 35. Describe the purpose of the proposed equipment at the project site: See Exhibit A. 36. Please provide a list of the equipment for which you are applying for a personal property abatement along with the expected life of the asset for purposes of depreciation (attach a separate sheet if necessary): Expected Life of Asset For Purpose of Depreciation Proposed Equipment (list individually) See Exhibit B See Exhibit B 37. Will any of the equipment listed above be classified as special tooling (as d~fined by regulation No. 16 and reported on Form 103-T) for property tax purposes?,~ / ";;-~'\ " ~-""/ a. If yes, please indicate the total cost of special tooling($2,7?P,OOO "'-.",/" 38. Has any of the equipment for which you are seeking a designation been installed? ~ 39. Has any of the proposed equipment ever been used for any purpose in Indiana? ~ a. If so, who was it purchased from: 40. Development time frame a. Equipment purchase date: 11/1114 b . Equipment installation date: 2128/17 6 COMMUNITY BENEFITS 41. II The Allen County Council began the Tax Abatement Development Fund in 1992 as a means to fund future economic development efforts which benefit expanding or new industries. The fund is being capitalized with voluntary contributions of either 10% or 5% of the tax savings realized by companies receiving tax abatement. Is the company willing to contribute a portion ofits tax savings? (please check one) No:~ Yes: 010% REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS II This application will not be considered complete unless signed and the items listed below are attached. Once the application is determined to be complete, then this project will be placed on the agenda ofthe Allen County Council. ItI~) Application Fee (Make check payable to "Allen County Treasurer") t/ ) Statement of Benefits (SB-1) Form(s) (Fill in pg 1 and sign) II CERTIFICATION Filing this application constitutes a request for approval of a Statement of Benefits (S8-1) only and does not constitute an automatic deduction of property taxes. I understand it is the responsibility of the applicant to file the appropriate abatement forms with the Allen County Auditor and the Allen County Assessor if the SB-l is approved. I hereby certify the information and representations of this application are true and complete and that neither an Improvement Location Permit nor a Structural Permit have been med for construction of improvements, nor has equipment which is a part of this application been purchased and installed as of the date of the filing of this application. I understand that I must me a correctly completed Compliance with Statement of Benefits Form (CF-l) demonstrating compliance with the community benefits described on the SB-l form and that failure to demonstrate compliance on an annual basis may result in the bate nt benefits authorized by the approval of the SB-l. termination of t ~ 7 D&W Fine Pack LLC 7707 Vicksburg Pike Fort Wayne, IN 46804 Attachment To Application For Approval Of A Statement Of Benefits (SB-l) EXHIBIT A D& W Fine Pack LLC is transferring and purchasing equipment to increase the Polypropylene (PP) capacity in the Fort Wayne Indiana operation. Fort Wayne Indiana operations main food packaging plastic products of Polystyrene (PS) and Polypropylene (PP) are for national, regional, and local end-user grocery and restaurant industries. Some states have banned foamed Polystyrene (PS) use and Polystyrene (PS) has a negative environmental view in these industries. The Polystyrene (PP) transferred and new equipment will allow D&W Fine Pack to transition current customer products to Polystyrene (PP) to maintain current production levels, as well as position the Fort Wayne Indiana Plant to obtain additional opportunities with current and new customers transitioning to Polystyrene (PP). D& W Fine Pack LLC 7707 Vicksburg Pike Fort Wayne, IN 46804 Attachment To Application For Approval Of A Statement Of Benefits (SB-l) EXHIBITB 2014 Eguillment Auxiliary Support Equipment Thermoformer Line - Lyle (asset transfer from Vernon, CA) Tooling Misc. Tooling upgrades, replacement, refurbishment Est. Total Tooling Customer Specific Polypropylene Tooling Customer Specific Polypropylene Tooling Customer Specific Polypropylene Tooling Customer Specific Polypropylene Tooling Customer Specific Polypropylene Tooling Misc. Tooling upgrades, replacement, refurbishment Customer Specific Polypropylene Tooling Life Date Of Asset 100,000 400,000 500,000 11/1/2014 12/1/2014 2128/2014 7 Years 2128/2014 7 Years $ 2014 - Total Tooling $ 50,000 50,000 11/1/2014 212812014 3 Years 2014 - Total Spending $ 550,000 Est. Total Start End Life Date Date Of Asset $ $ $ $ $ $ 2015 - Total Equipment $ 120,000 300,000 2,900,000 1,600,000 250,000 230,000 5,400,000 3/1/2015 3/1/2015 3/1/2015 3/1/2015 3/1/2015 3/1/2015 2/28/2016 2128/2016 2/2812016 212812016 212812016 212812016 7 Years 7 Years 7 Years 7 Years 7 Years 7 Years $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2015 - Total Tooling $ 900,000 150,000 300,000 500,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 2,450,000 11/30/2014 12/1/2014 12/1/2014 2/1/2015 3/1/2015 3/1/2015 4/1/2015 4/30/2015 6/1/2015 6/1/2015 8/1/2015 8/112015 212812016 12/3112015 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 2015 - Total Spending, $ 7,850,000 Est. Total 2016 Eguillment New Chain Rails - Irwin Auxiliary Support Equipment New Cater Line to PP Reprocessing Line Upgrade - Standard Davis Vacuum Pump Lines Thermoformer Line - Kiefel (asset transfer from Cadiz, KY CA) Thermoformer Line - Lyle or Brown (asset transfer - Lyle from Fort Calhoun, NE or Brown from Chicago, IL) Tooling Misc. Tooling npgrades, replacement, refurbishment End Date $ $ 2014 - Total Equipment $ 2015 Eguillment New Chain Rails - Irwin Auxiliary Support Equipment PP Expansion - New Extrusion Line - Standard Davis PP Expansion - New Thermoformer Line - Lyle Reprocessing Line Upgrade - Standard Davis Vacuum Pump Lines Start Start End Life Date Date Of Asset $ $ $ $ $ $ 120,000 300,000 1,000,000 200,000 230,000 400,000 3/112016 3/1/2016 3/1/2016 3/1/2016 3/1/2016 4/1/2016 $ 2016 - Total Equipment $ 400,000 2,650,000 9/1/2016 12/3112016 7 Years $ 2016 - Total Tooling $ 200,000 200,000 3/112016 2128/2017 3 Years 2016 - Total Spending $ 2,850,000 GRAND TOTAL 11,250,000 $ I 2/28/2017 2/2812017 8/1/2016 212812017 2/2812017 7/1/2016 7 Years 7 Years 7 Years 7 Years 7 Years 7 Years T TAX PHASE-IN ANALYSIS UPDATE: 2013 PAYABLE 2014 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES NOVEMBER 2014 1 Annually, the Department of Planning Services updates the original study of the tax phase-in program published by Allen County Department of Planning Services – Tax Abatement: A 1991 Analysis of Allen County’s Program1. This particular update covers the 2013 Payable 2014 tax year and includes data for the companies and taxing districts located in unincorporated Allen County as well as the cities of New Haven and Woodburn and the towns of Grabill, Monroeville, and Huntertown and which use County Economic Development staff to administer the County’s tax phase-in program. The data and information pertaining to the City of Fort Wayne is not included in this analysis unless specified. PROGRAM OVERVIEW Since the beginning of the Allen County Tax Abatement Program (1982) through 2013, there has been 305 tax phase-in’s granted in unincorporated Allen County and the smaller cities and towns. Based upon information provided when these companies applied for their tax phase-in, they have committed to invest more than $2.375 billion. These are significant dollars being invested in Allen County by companies who believe this is a great place to do business. These tax deductions phase in a company’s taxes over time, which helps ease the costs associated with start-up, new equipment, and expansions. Table 1 Investment in Real Property $ Investment in Personal Property $ Total $ 675,089,944 Jobs Retained 1,699,831,068 Jobs Created 2,374,921,012 Total 56,422 16,699 73,121 2013 APPLICATIONS FOR STATEMENT OF BENEFITS / ERA DESIGNATION Allen County saw a significant increase in applications from 2012 to 2013. The number of applications close to doubled from eight applications in 2012 to fifteen approved applications in 2013. Investment dollars in new or additional construction increased dramatically in 2013 from 2012. The amount invested in real property from 2012 ($6,793,000) to 2013 ($53,311,850) demonstrates an increase of approximately 685% in companies looking to expand in the area. Personal property investment, or investment in equipment, also increased from 2012 to 2013. The large projects like FedEx Ground and CSC-Indiana, LLC in New Haven invested heavily in equipment. In 2012, investment in new equipment amounted to $14,826,220 while in 2013 that number was estimated at $128,876,796. Table 2 on the following page details the proposed investments that were brought before area councils in 2013 and the estimated savings for each project. 1 This analysis, as well as previous updates, has utilized tax phase-in filing data provided by the Allen County Auditor’s Office. 2 Table 2 Investment in Real Property Term Company Moon River LLC/Parco Inc Great Dane/BMD Agency Setzer/FedEx Ground QuikCut, Inc. Central States Enterprises, LLC CSC-Indiana, LLC Waterfurnace Silverado/Ground Effects Hatfield/Custom Eng & Fab Vera Bradley Vera Bradley AITF Services, LLC Midwest Tile/Canalway General Motors Silverado / ICON Exhibits Totals Investment in Personal Property Term 2 yr vacant 2 n/a n/a $3,200,000 10 $215,000 5 $12,500,000 5 $12,473,396 5 n/a n/a $1,400,000 5 $6,790,350 7 $1,130,000 5 na na $12,600,000 10 $ 56,500 5 $ 263,500 5 $ 2,500,000 7 $ 2,162,500 7 $ 50,000 5 $ 50,000 5 $ 1,645,000 7 $ 220,000 5 $ 18,770,000 10 $ 1,580,000 10 $ 300,000 7 $ 160,000 5 $ 1,500,000 5 $ 800,000 3 na na $ 94,500,000 10 $ 6,000,000 10 $ 1,322,400 7 $ 53,311,850 $ 128,876,796 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Estimated Savings 17,793 320,163 1,540,015 2,003 859,780 788,155 9,908 268,065 25,678 136,295 1,915,355 36,781 90,289 6,583,910 1,067,263 13,661,453 Moon River LLC, dba Parco Inc., is a light manufacturing company who specializes in safety guarding and ergonomic workstations. The company was originally located in Huntertown but moved to a vacant building on Front Street in Allen County in January of 2013. The Huntertown Town Council and Allen County Council signed an Inter-local Cooperation Agreement in February, 2013 where Huntertown retains the original tax phase in for equipment that was granted in Huntertown. The 2-year vacant building deduction was granted by Allen County for the Front Street address. In March, Great Dane Realty LLC and BMD Agency, LLC partnered on a project for a new building to house BMD Agency at Stonebridge Drive in Allen County’s Lafayette Township. BMD is a promotional material ad agency who produces material for Vera Bradley, as well as other large companies in Chicago, IL. The proposed project was initially for a $3.2 million investment in real improvements and $215,000 in new manufacturing and information technology equipment. At the end of March, Setzer Properties and FedEx Ground Package System were approved for a tax phase in by the New Haven City Council. A 178,000 square foot facility was built off of Lincoln Highway East which now houses FedEx’s new Ground Package operations. Additionally, FedEx invested more than $12 million in logistical equipment while Setzer Properties invested another $12.5 million in the building. The project is to generate at least $1.04 million in annual salaries with the addition of 87 new hires. Not new to Allen County is the consistent and continuous growth of QuikCut Inc, who is located on the east side of the county on Allen Martin Drive. The company specializes in steel fabricated parts and sandblasting and painting of parts. QuikCut invested $1.4 million in three new pieces of equipment, which include a plasma cutting table, a new press break, and laser machine. QuikCut also continues to hire as orders grow. This project called for twelve new employees. Central States Enterprises, LLC is another New Haven company who has been operating as a grain terminal elevator since the 1970s. Their latest project announced an investment of just under $7 million in the construction of two new silos, 132 foot concrete grain silo and another silo of 124 feet. CSE is also investing in new conveyors, bridges, and aeration fans which total a little more than $1 million. The company plans to hire an additional 27 employees that will create another $1.16 million in annual salaries. 3 CSC Indiana, LLC is also located in New Haven. At the Summit Street address, the company manufactures corrugated sheets for boxes and point of purchase displays. With rising customer demands and competitor capabilities, CSC was in need of new equipment. The $12.6 million investment was used to purchase a 110”BHS Corrugator, conveyor system, and boiler. In addition to the 27 new hires, CSC has opted to contribute 5% back of their savings from the tax phase in. Waterfurnace, a developer, designer, and manufacturer of energy efficient geothermal heating and cooling systems, is located on Conservation Way, which is along Airport Expressway. In July the company presented a project to council that would include investments of $56,500 to building improvements to accommodate new testing and research equipment and $263,500 for that equipment. Currently, Waterfurnace employs 250 people with annual salaries of more than $5 million. Silverado Properties LLC came before the Allen County Council with two different projects in 2013. The first was approved in July. Silverado partnered with a company who is doing business with General Motors as a second stage manufacturing of robotically applied spray-in bed liners – Ground Effects. A new building was constructed along Aboite Road just north of Lafayette Center Road. Silverado invested $2.5 million in the 42,000 square foot facility while Ground Effects invested $2.16 million in the equipment. This new employer to the county is anticipating 160 new jobs with annual salaries of more than $4 million. In August, Hatfield Properties / Custom Engineering and Fabrication was approved for a five year real and personal property tax phase in and a two year vacant building deduction by the New Haven City Council. The new company specializes in final assembly for steel fabricated equipment and is bringing 8 to 10 new jobs to the New Haven area. Although the investment is $100,000 in new equipment and building improvements, the company was able to fill a vacant building at 5225 New Haven Avenue. Vera Bradley also came before the County Council with two new projects in August. The designer bag giant continues with improvements to both their facilities at the Stonebridge addresses. The first project is the $1.6 million investment for an additional 10,000 square feet of office space at the 11222 Stonebridge Road facility, with an additional $220,000 investment in IT equipment. The second project is an investment of more than $18.7 million in 150,000 square feet to the Design Center at 12420 Stonebridge Road. This project also called for an additional $1.58 million investment in new IT and logistical equipment. Together, these two projects will allow Vera Bradley to add 128 positions and more than $7.2 million in annual payroll to the community. Adaptive Technologies, Inc (AITF) presented before the Huntertown Town Council in September to request a tax phase in for real improvements and new manufacturing equipment. The automated equipment design and build company planned on an investment of $300,000 in a new 7500 square foot facility at 14220 Plank Street. Another $160,000 investment was to be made in new manufacturing and IT equipment. The company proposed eight new positions to add to their existing 33, bringing in an additional $332,000 in annual payroll. Canalway Properties, dba Midwest Tile and Concrete Products is located on the east side of the county at 4309 Webster Road. The company produces reinforced precast concrete drainage structures. In September, the Allen County Council approved a tax phase in for a $1.5 million investment for construction of a new 20,000 square foot steel building and $800,000 in new manufacturing equipment. With the new project, Midwest Tile and Concrete planned to hire 10 additional employees, adding just under $300,000 to its payroll. General Motors also presented a project to council in September. The $94.5 million projected investment was approved for a ten year 100% tax phase in for new paint shop related machinery and equipment. General Motors later presented their project to their corporate counterparts for the opportunity to be awarded the project at the Fort Wayne Plant. General Motors has been a presence in Allen County for almost 30 years and continues to expand and invest in the area. 4 The second project submitted by Silverado Properties was in coordination with ICON Exhibits, which was the final tax phase in approved for the year in December. Silverado Properties proposed a $6 million investment of a new facility that will start out at 200,000 square feet and be expandable to 300,000 square feet. The new building will house ICON’s Midwest Division Headquarters where design and construction of exhibits for trade shows, museums, and permanent installations will take place. ICON is investing $1.3 million in new manufacturing, logistical, and IT equipment. The project is expected to create 68 new positions, which will more than double ICON’s current 35 employee total. All in all, these fifteen projects have proposed to invest more than $182 million in the local community, of that, $460,000 will be devoted to Huntertown and more than $20.6 million in New Haven. These two communities represent 11.5% of investments made in Allen County in 2013. EMPLOYMENT Employment creation levels for the 2013 tax phase in applicants are considerably higher than the 2012 created jobs. This can be attributed to the fact that the amount of applications in 2013 almost doubled the amount submitted in 2012. In 2013 the fifteen projects approved for tax phase in combined to total 5,158 retained jobs and 543 jobs to be created. Table 3 breaks down the employment projections for each individual company. Table 3 Company Retained Created Moon River/Parco Great Dane/BMD Setzer/FedEx QuikCut Central States CSC Indiana Waterfurnace Ground Effects Custom Eng & Fab 18 29 103 44 24 57 250 0 - Vera Bradley 358 14 Vera Bradley Design Cntr 351 114 33 8 39 10 3817 0 AITF Midwest Tile General Motors ICON Exhibits Total 6 27 87 12 0 27 2 160 8 35 68 5158 543 Another aspect of business expansion that is of interest is the quality of the jobs created and retained. An objective of economic development is to increase the average wage paid to workers which is often translated into an increase in the quality of life for citizens. The average annual wage for Indiana in 2012 was $41,240³ and the national average was $45,7902. The average for Allen County was just below the state average and well below the national average at $39,7983. Figure 1 demonstrates how the average annual wages paid by the companies approved for tax phase-in in 2013 compare to the U.S. and Allen County averages. In 2013 companies applying for tax phase in now use an updated application. Page 2 of the application asks companies to use job codes provided by the Occupational Employment Statistics website. This website breaks down job descriptions by an occupation code and enables companies to be more specific when listing new and/or retained employment. It also gives the county a better understanding of a company’s wages compared with average annual wages in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Because a majority of the criteria on the application for tax phase in is job numbers and salaries, county staff can reward points on specific information instead of consolidating all jobs together and averaging the salaries. It is a more effective and precise way of making sure companies are rewarded points correctly. 2 3 Bureau of Labor Statistics STATS 5 Figure 1 COMPLIANCE FORMS By the end of May 2014, 42 companies submitted a Compliance with Statement of Benefits form (CF-1) for 2014 Payable 2015 documenting the extent to which they have followed through with their original investment and employment projections. These forms must be filed annually to receive the actual tax deductions. Table 4 shows the percentages of the total numbers companies submitted regarding investment, jobs, and salary compliance. The current policy for Allen County states companies must be at least 75% compliant in one of the three categories. Table 4 Investment Jobs Salaries $ Real Property 224,673,315 Percentage Personal Met Property 143% $ 562,220,156 Percentage Met 136% Jobs Retained 26,466 Percentage Met 102% Jobs Created 5,637 Percentage Met 326% Percentage Met Salaries Created 108% $ 459,868,475 Percentage Met 519% Salaries Retained $ 1,742,157,571 As the economy has been recovering the last couple of years, companies who before may have fallen short on their projected numbers on their Statement of Benefits, began to hire back and/or create new jobs and payroll within the past few years. 6 BREAKDOWN OF DEDUCTIONS The actual deductions received in 2014 indicate the impact tax phase in has on the current tax revenue for Allen County. For the 2013 Payable 2014 year, approximately 73 deductions were granted to companies in Allen County totaling $226,660,636 of assessed value. The companies saved approximately $4,690,404, but still paid more than $9,343,991 in property taxes in 2014. Attachment A includes a detailed list of the deduction amounts, taxes saved, and taxes paid for each company. Figure 2 below shows the amount of true tax value deducted for tax phase ins for the past five years. The yellow bars indicate the total amount deducted in a given year. The red bars show how much of the total tax deductions belong to General Motors, which has been and continues to be by far the largest beneficiary of the tax phase in program. Added last year, as seen in the green bar, is General Mills (RG-Fort Wayne) who has started receiving deductions based on their $36 million project from 2011. This year, SDI LaFarga was added to show that they are also receiving large deductions in regards to the total deducted in 2014. These three companies account for more than half of the abated amounts in 2014. The amount deducted for General Motors had started to decrease from 2008 thru 2012 because of the depreciation of equipment. The total amount of deductions also decreased, by almost $50 million in 2009 due to a number of old phase ins winding down or ending. However, the addition of new equipment shows that GM’s deductions increased in 2014. In addition, larger companies designated for tax deductions from 2011 on, Figure 2 Assessed Value Deducted $250,000,000.00 $200,000,000.00 Total $150,000,000.00 GM GMI $100,000,000.00 SDI LaFarga $50,000,000.00 $0.00 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 have begun to receive their deductions. Phasing in of taxes is generally the only form of assistance available to existing businesses. When compared to the volume of other tax deductions available to other property owners, tax phase in is a diminutive piece of the pie which is demonstrated in Figure 3 on the following page. This breakdown of deductions does include values for the City of Fort Wayne for the purpose of showing the magnitude of the impact of tax phase in throughout the entire county. The secondary pie is meant to demonstrate the size of the City’s program in comparison to the County’s. Combined, the city and county had tax deductions totaling $403.67 million. Although a majority of businesses are located within the city limits of Fort Wayne, 2014 tax deduction amounts for county businesses exceeded the City of Fort Wayne’s amount. In addition, homeowners benefited from approximately $7 billion in deductions in 2013 payable 2014. Changes made by the General Assembly in 2008 allowed for additional homeowner deductions and credits as well as caps on tax rates. 7 Figure 3 Breakdown of Deductions 2013 pay 2014 2.6% 11.9% 0.3% Homestead 2.0% 1.8% Mortgage Tax Exempt 4.7% 78.7% Investment Deduction Others 2.6% County Abatements FW Abatements TAX ABATEMENT DEVELOPMENT FUND The Tax Abatement Development Fund was established in 1992 and is funded through contributions from companies receiving tax phase in. The fund was intended to be used as a resource to supplement future economic development projects. To date, the fund has been used on three occasions; most recently, in 2013 approximately $420,500 was used for efforts in the Allen County Redevelopment Commission’s Land Banking Program and work on the Bandelier Drain. Going forward, the fund will likely be used as another resource for controlling land and certifying shovel-ready sites as well as continuing to be a source for supplemental funding of other economic development projects. The additional use of this fund for shovel-ready sites was added as a result of the changes made to the County Council’s Tax Abatement Policy. The other change to the fund was the decrease in percentage of savings contributions to be made by those companies receiving an abatement deduction from twenty percent (20%) and ten percent (10%) to ten percent (10%) and five percent (5%). Since 1994, 50 companies have voluntarily contributed $1,218,169. The balance of the fund as of November 13, 2014 was $188,981.57, which includes principal and interest and accounts for the disbursements and a January, 2014 loan payment of $50,000 from the Bandelier TIF Fund. 8 Table 5 Year 1994 pay 1995 1995 pay 1996 1996 pay 1997 1997 pay 1998 1998 pay 1999 1999 pay 2000 2000 pay 2001 2001 pay 2002 2002 pay 2003 2003 pay 2004 2004 pay 2005 2005 pay 2006 2006 pay 2007 2007 pay 2008 2008 pay 2009 2009 pay 2010 2010 pay 2011 2011 pay 2012 2012 pay 2013 2013 pay 2014 TOTAL Total $6,988 $21,908 $30,590 $49,649 $54,008 $51,706 $27,917 $43,024 $25,801 $43,693 $47,127 $45,619 $95,518 $140,222 $134,494 $124,578 $97,071 $57,940 $57,935 $62,381 $1,218,169 For the 2013 Payable 2014 tax year, eighteen of the companies receiving tax phase in had committed to contributing a percentage of their tax savings back to the County (see Table 6). Of the 18 companies, 13 actually sent in their contributions. Fortunately, three out of five of the fifteen companies approved for tax phase in 2013 did elect to participate in contributing to the fund once they begin receiving their tax deduction. Table 6 Company Vera Bradley Designs Breast Diagnostic Center, LLC JKBC Properties/St Joe Med Yost/Saratoga Potato Chips Precision Laser IOM Health/Lutheran Hosp Summit Foundry Systems Allied Building Co. CSC Indiana Contribution $ 31,943 $ 163 $ 565 $ 6,140 DNC $ 15,791 DNC DNC $ 519 Company Terex Advance Mixer Parker Hannifin OmniSource Corp Feenix, LLC Hercules Machinery Waterfurnace International Ash Realty Group Apollo Design Technology Parkview ONE Total: Contribution $ 259 $ 163 $ 1,328 $ 3,774 $ 100 $ 780 DNC DNC $ 856 $ 62,381 *DNC = Did not contribute 9 CONCLUSION The Allen County tax phase in program still remains a viable resource for attracting and retaining local businesses. Its impact on tax rates is minimal but justified in the fact that the new investment will eventually benefit not only the taxing units it supports but the potential for job creation which benefits all citizens in Allen County. In light of questions about the program’s efficacy, the updates made in August 2008 and December 2011 to the County Council’s policy will hopefully increase accountability while maintaining the business friendly atmosphere in Allen County. 10 Attachment A (2013 pay 2014) COMPANY Total Deduction Allied Building Co (NeuroSpine Pain Ctr) American Mitsuba Corp Android Industries/Crown Enterprises Apollo Design Technology Ash Brokerage/Realty Group Asphalt Drum Mixers Bailey Enterprises, LLC Breast Diagnostic Center BS Land / One Resource Group C&M Fine Pack Cedar Creek Inv / AVI Foodsystems Central States Enterprises Inc. Continental Diamond Tool Corp CSC Indiana LLC Fort Wayne-Rube Realty LLP Gator Cases Inc. General Motors Grabill Country Village Great Dane Realty LLC/ Vera Bradley Hercules Machinery/Innovative Piledriving IOM Health Systems/Citadel/FW Oncol IOM Health Systems LP/Lutheran Hosp Inverness Pointe/Petroleum Traders JCR Enterprises LLC JKBC Properties, LLC/St Joe Med Grp Larson Financial Group LLC Long Term Care Investments Michelin N America / Uniroyal Goodrich Moon River LLC / Parco Inc OmniSource Corp Parker Hannifin Corp Parkview Health System/Feenix LLC Parkview Health/Orthopaedics NE Precimed / Greatbatch Medical Precision Laser Services Inc Press Seal Gasket / Skinner Properties Primco QuikCut Inc Quincy Recycle R3 Composites Corporation RG-Ft Wayne / General Mills RMI Properties / Riverside MFG Romines BA Sheetmetal Saratoga Potato Chips / Yost Holdings SDI LaFarga LLC Summit Foundry / Richard Meyer Terex Advance Mixer Vera Bradley Designs Vera Bradley New Haven Waterfurnace International Inc Totals: $ 1,844,190 $ 2,466,370 $ 4,127,160 $ 310,270 $ 79,580 $ 1,660 $ 110,030 $ 34,170 $ 1,728,240 $ 3,860,540 $ 198,650 $ 1,246,250 $ 433,240 $ 946,720 $ 172,150 $ 81,750 $ 81,953,010 $ 585,230 $ 848,840 $ 64,480 $ 1,564,093 $ 4,522,463 $ 691,490 $ 67,540 $ 364,980 $ 14,280 $ 4,305,500 $ 30,633,900 $ 399,210 $ 351,210 $ 52,610 $ 1,578,410 $ 716,000 $ 8,559,260 $ 73,300 $ 11,970 $ 223,280 $ 256,360 $ 307,830 $ 112,500 $ 32,730,000 $ 277,750 $ 21,840 $ 3,242,440 $ 18,690,010 $ 251,690 $ 132,810 $ 14,869,750 $ 157,320 $ 388,310 $ 226,660,636 Total Saved $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 62,494 74,206 83,872 10,448 1,507 43 2,236 817 35,121 73,103 6,148 38,570 13,408 29,037 5,280 2,136 1,665,449 15,291 17,250 1,996 53,002 153,253 23,433 1,246 11,296 270 102,945 547,489 7,779 6,651 1,628 37,740 17,120 166,794 1,901 403 4,880 5,948 9,441 2,010 657,840 7,204 404 61,399 344,681 7,790 2,588 302,183 4,869 7,805 4,690,404 Taxes Paid $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 195,695 264,844 75,641 53,847 84,318 7,490 16,559 7,679 44,467 683,716 7,553 381,389 6,755 34,456 148,333 2,522 4,014,508 8,067 33,331 17,983 202,927 669,333 76,837 2,741 60,607 352 11,903 1,033,105 3,235 101,548 122,611 71,137 262,995 92,967 25,139 64,396 8,190 13,779 8,633 8,626 49,763 17,566 6,551 48,726 17,160 28,719 13,735 185,495 23,534 22,528 9,343,991 11 COUNTY COUNCIL GRANT APPROVAL CHECKLIST What is the Department/Agency applying for grant? Allen County Drug Task Force What kind of grant are you applying for? ___Federal _X___State____Other What is the total amount of funds you are applying for? $21,188 What is the grant application deadline? 31-Oct-14 Is this a direct grant or a pass-through? Direct If this is a pass-through grant, what County entity is sponsoring the grant? n/a Is this a reimbursement or "up-front" grant payment? Reimbursement What match is required by the applicant? Cash___X_____In-Kind_________ If cash is required, what funds will be used? Are these funds on hand now? The Sheriff’s budget, yes If in-kind, what will be the in-kind contribution? n/a New Haven Police Department, Who (if any) are the partners in the project? Huntington County Sheriff’s Department, Huntington City Police Department. Have you discussed your grant application with the Yes - Jackie Scheuman Auditor's Office? Have you discussed your grant application with your liaison? Yes Are all expenses for the proposed program covered by the grant? If not, please disclose any hidden costs, such as insurance, vehicle use, etc. Vehicles leased by the Drug Task Force will be used. Please attach a written report to substantiate your need for grant funds. Please attach a financial report that demonstrates the cost/benefit of the grant. At the end of your grant project please return to Council with a brief report about the success of the project. Submitted by:__________________________________Date:_______________________ Please return completed copy to Becky Butler by cut-off date for Council agenda requests. Any questions should be directed to: Jackie Scheuman, Budget & Finance Director, 449-7967. Form approved by County Council 4/17/03. Revised 5/2009. The Allen County Drug Task Force is requesting permission to apply for a Justice Assistance Grant through the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute for 2015. The request is $21,188.00: o $4,206 for two officers to attend the weeklong National Technical Investigator’s Association training in Charlotte, NC; o $4,362 for 6 officers to attend the 3-day Indiana Drug Enforcement Agency training in Indianapolis; o $9,620 in equipment and related items for covert purposes; and o $3,000 for confidential funds for purchasing drugs. Requesting these funds from ICJI will allow the officers to stay abreast of the latest technology used in covert operations and the latest drug trends in and around our area. They will also be able to utilize specialized equipment and confidential funds to arrest drug dealers and help ensure convictions. There is a 75% match required. The salary of the Drug Task Force Secretary and one of the detectives, which are already in the Sheriff’s budget, will be used as the match. We have applied for, and been a successful recipient of, an ICJI grant for the Drug Task Force for the last 29 years. Our current grant amount is $7,618.00. COUNTY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS WITHIN FUND BUT BETWEEN SERIES DEPARTMENT: Sherifl'sDepartment NAME OF FUND: General Fund (0.50.1) TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERRED: $20.,0.0.0. FROM LINE ITEM: $ 20.,0..0.0. AMOUNT $ $ TO LINE ITEM: 10.0.-0.50.1-421043-0.6 $ 10,0.0.0. IDQ-Q5Ql-421043 C43 $ 10.,0.0.0. $ WHY IS THIS NEEDED? CURRENT FORENSIC COMPUTER SYSTEM IS OUT OF DATE MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT FOR JAIL HAS REACHED/SURPASSED LIFE EXPECTANCY PROJECTED EXPENDITURE FOR TRANSl:'llR-OUT LINE ITEM: $20.,0.0.0. IS THERE SUFFICIENT FUNDING FOR FUTURE NEEDS AFTER TRANSFER? YES WHY IS THERE EXTRA MONEY IN THE TRANSFER-OUTLINE ITEM? N/A DISCUSSED WITH LIAISON? LIAISON'S NAME: NOTIFIED, BUT NOT DISCUSSED TOM HARRIS DATE REVISED 5/15/09 COUNTY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS WITHIN FUND BUT BETWEEN SERIES DEPARTMENT: Allen County Surveyor's Office NAME OF FUND: General Fund TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERRED: $50,000.00 FROM LINE ITEM: 100-0601-419-1319 - Hydrologist $ 50,000.00 AMOUNT $ $ TO LINE ITEM: 100-0601-419-3113 - Contractual $ 50,000.00 $ $ WHY IS THIS NEEDED? Surveyor is proposing a hydraulic study of the Bullerman Drain to effectively propose a direction for addressing flooding in the Hacienda Village Neighborhood. PROJECTED EXPENDITURE FOR TRANSFER-OUT LINE ITEM: $0.00 IS THERE SUFFICIENT FUNDING FOR FUTURE NEEDS AFTER TRANSFER? Yes WHY IS THERE EXTRA MONEY IN THE TRANSFER-OUT LINE ITEM? It is a salary position that has not yet been filled. DISCUSSED WITH LIAISON? LIAISON'S NAME: No Roy Buskirk DATE REVISED 5/15/09 COUNTY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS WITHIN FUND BUT BETWEEN SERIES DEPARTMENT: County Assessor NAME OF FUND: Reassessment Fund TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERRED: $43,541.00 FROM LINE ITEM: 261-0901-419.13-34 $ 35,000.00 261-0901-419.13-48 $ $8,541.00 AMOUNT $ TO LINE ITEM: 261-0901-419.31-06 $ $43,541 $ $ WHY IS THIS NEEDED? Attorney/Appraisal fees for large appeals. PROJECTED EXPENDITURE FOR TRANSFER-OUT LINE ITEM: $0 IS THERE SUFFICIENT FUNDING FOR FUTURE NEEDS AFTER TRANSFER? Yes WHY IS THERE EXTRA MONEY IN THE TRANSFER-OUT LINE ITEM? Vacant positions that are no longer needed. DISCUSSED WITH LIAISON? LIAISON'S NAME: Email Bob Armstrong DATE REVISED 5/15/09 COUNTY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS WITHIN FUND BUT BETWEEN SERIES DEPARTMENT: Building Department NAME OF FUND: General Fund TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERRED: $9000 FROM LINE ITEM: 100-2901-424-2201 $ 9000 AMOUNT $ $ TO LINE ITEM: 100-2901-424-3404 $ 9000 $ $ WHY IS THIS NEEDED? Inspector at fault accident totaled county vehicle and damage 2 other vehicles. Funds will be used for department deductible. PROJECTED EXPENDITURE FOR TRANSFER-OUT LINE ITEM: $5000 for county vehicle - Risk Manager does not have estimates for other two vehicles yet. IS THERE SUFFICIENT FUNDING FOR FUTURE NEEDS AFTER TRANSFER? Yes WHY IS THERE EXTRA MONEY IN THE TRANSFER-OUT LINE ITEM? Fuel cost less than projected for 2014 DISCUSSED WITH LIAISON? LIAISON'S NAME: Yes Larry Brown DATE REVISED 5/15/09 COUNTY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS WITHIN FUND BUT BETWEEN SERIES DEPARTMENT: Department of Planning Services NAME OF FUND: Fund 337/DPS Fund TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERRED: $5,320 FROM LINE ITEM: 337-3701-419.31-06 $ 3,000 337 -3701-419.32-03 $ 2,320 AMOUNT $ TO LINE ITEM: 337-3701-419.43-03 $ 5,320 $ $ WHY IS THIS NEEDED? To purchase a peice of equipment that can read, print, and save microfilm/microfiche to a PDF. DPS has over 500,000 images stored on film. The current microfilm reader was purchased in 1996 and it is now difficult to find parts and to repair the machine. Broken parts make it difficult to use and the results are poor quality reproductions. PROJECTED EXPENDITURE FOR TRANSFER-OUTLINE ITEM: $0 IS THERE SUFFICIENT FUNDING FOR FUTURE NEEDS AFTER TRANSFER? There are no anticipated funding needs from these line items. WHY IS THERE EXTRA MONEY IN THE TRANSFER-OUTLINE ITEM? Two main reasons: 1) The $3000 in consulting services was not needed in 2014 and 2) Staff did not travel to conferences during this year. DISCUSSED WITH LIAISON? LIAISON'S NAME: Yes Mr. Darren Vogt DATE REVISED 5/15/09 • IMAGING® Office Systems, Inc. Description End of Year Promotion - free Productivity Suite software Created Date 10/8/2014 Expiration Date 12/19/2014 Created By Beth Schrader Phone (260) 248-9696 E-mail [email protected] Quote Name ScanPro 3000 Quote Number 00000269 Address 4505 East Park 30 Drive Columbia City, IN 46725 Bill To Name Allen County Contact Name Kim Bowman Bill To Citizen's Square, 4th Floor 200 East Berry Street Phone (260) 449-7607 Email [email protected] Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Ship To Name Allen County Ship To Citizen's Square - DPS 200 East Berry Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802 9863200 ScanPro 3000 Microfilm Scanner with PowerScan Software, Cables, USB 3 Interface. 1.00 $8,121.00 $8,121.00 *MINSTALL Installation and Setup of Scanner 1.00 $750.00 $750.00 SHIP ScanPro - Shipping 1.00 $299.00 $299.00 9863310 Scan Pro 3000 - 16/35mm roll film carrier UCC 310 Motorized Non 3M Cartridge 1.00 $2,937.00 $2,937.00 9862754 Scan Pro 3000/2000 Zoom Lens (7/54X) 1.00 $1,117.00 $1,117.00 9863700 Scan Pro 3000 - Power Scan Productivity Suite 1.00 Seanf'1'o-@QQg.....,..Auto gea~uft"lfI. "AulolTlatie sealillir ig-re~lWilm, ~ Mdepot9863000 Scan Pro - Depot Maintenance Non Onsite reqj!irg~4Qtprjzed $875.00 $0.00 +.€I6 $S,24&:66 $~e1.00 $695.00 $695.00 Terms and Conditions 1. Orders accepted are subject to the conditions set forth herein and no agreement or other understanding in any way modifying these conditions shall be binding upon the Seller unless made in writing, and accepted over the signature of an authorized executive of the Seller. 2. Net 30 payment terms. 3. Additional payment terms: For orders over $25,000, and/or for those orders that require a pre-installation meeting prior to the start of product installation, the following terms apply. 1/2 of order total due at signing and 1/2 of total due at the end of the installation. 4. If any sales, excise, occupation, or use tax is applicable to this transaction, the amount will be added to the price stated herein. 5. Every effort will be made to effect shipment and installation within the time stated, but the Seller assumes no liability for delay due to causes beyond the sellers control. 6. All orders are "FOB" Shipping Point. Destination charges will be added to the invoice unless specifically excluded on the reverse side. The method of transportation and carrier will be of the Seller's selection. If shipment is made at Customer request via a method other than that which would normally be used, or if special handling is necessary due to receiving limitation of the customer, additional charges will be added to the invoice. 7. Title to each component of the Product shall pass to Customer when payment in full for the Product has been made. Notwithstanding the state of title to the Product, risk of loss with respect to the Product and/or each component thereof shall pass to Customer upon lOS's delivery of each such component to Customer, or delivery to carrier for shipment. At the time of such delivery, Customer shall, at its own expense, be responsible for purchasing any insurance coverage for the Product, and lOS shall not have responsibility for the placement of any insurance coverage. 8. This agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement. A facsimile signature of one or more of the parties hereto shall be deemed an original signature for all purposes. IMAGING Office Systems, Inc. ® Quote Name ScanPro 3000 Quote Number 00000269 Address 4505 East Park 30 Drive Date: Columbia City, IN 46725 -----~ Signature- - - - - I decline maintenance -- Description End of Year Promotion - free Productivity Suite software Created Date 10/8/2014 Expiration Date 12/19/2014 Created By Beth Schrader Phone (260) 248-9696 E-mail [email protected] Total Price $17,~4:OO 11'?,CllCl .00 - ScanPr ®3000 Bringing Ultra High Definition to Microfilm The Scan Pro 3000 microfilm scanner features a 26 megapixel camera, nearly twice the optical resolution of any microfilm scanner. The Scan Pro 3000'5 26 megapixel camera uses proprietary technology developed by e-lmageData to capture 26 Megapixels of optical image information using a conventional sensor. This provides customers with exceptional image quality never before seen in the micrographics industry. The optical resolution is over SOOdpi on a letter page and saved files are both archival-quality and small in size. The highest spatial resolution microfilm scanner on the market. With a single click, the on-screen magnifier lets you view text and image detail at up to 800%. 4 ScanPro 3000 "TURANDOT." Beth Greenberg bas entirely redirected the New York City Opera's 1971 All other microfilm scanners* *actual scanned image segments 24" LCD Monitor (optional) shown with Ultra High Definition newspaper Image Scan Pro 3000 Shown with Combination Fiche, and Motorized 16/35mm Film Carrier image data microfilm scanners g ,!ll 340 Grant Sf. Hartford, WI 5302'f e FiH-sQO-251 ~22?1 ~~~ " 11\ ~~~" " Hax 262-a73-3496 , ScanPr ®3000 Bringing Ultra High Definition to Microfilm The ScanPro microfilm scanners are chosen by universities, libraries, and corporations around the world for their ease of use, performance and value. The Scan Pro microfilm scanners receive high praise for their cutting-edge design and the powerful software capabilities that have revolutionized the way patrons and researchers work with microfilm. Scan Pro 3000 Product Information* Easy to Use The ScanPro 3000 software is an intuitive Windows® computer application with familiar icons and text labels that reduces the learning curve for both occasional and first time users. The customlzable interface keeps the tool bar simple by allowing for the selection of just the controls needed for your application. To get started, just CLICK the Film Selection Wizard to automatically set up your scanner. Then use the interactive on-screen help menu, always at your fingertips, to provide details on how to use any button control. Performance Small and compact, the ScanPro 3000 fits almost anywhere and it is Library Quiet™. Our patented FOCUS-Lock technology keeps your microfilm image always in focus so you can complete look ups and research quickly and efficiently. And, the combination carriers, considered the best in the industry, are easy and fast to operate and make it possible to precisely position your film image on the view screen. Value The ScanPro 3000 keeps the same sleek and durable design as you have come to expect from the Scan Pro series. It is designed and built to stand up to the rigors of public use by incorporating heavy gauge steel throughout for long term reliability. It is not unusual to find ScanPro scanners with over 1,000,000 scans and working just like new. The ScanPro products have a proven track record of performance and reliability backed by factory trained and certified dealers. ~® ~ ·us~ C (E OPERATION Camera optical resolution: 26 megapixels. Maximum image size 426 megaplxels. Ultra High Definition scanning all microforms (Firewire or USB3) Optical zoom magnification: 7x-54x or 7x-105x (for Ultra Fiche). Optical zoom magnification with digital zoom 7X to 432X. Input Media (All microforms): Film and Micro opaques. Touch Screen ready. SOFTWARE PowerScan™ 3000 Customizable interface for all controls. Film Selection Wizard: automatic scanner set up. FOCUS-Lock™: maintains focus during optical zoom. OCR: Word searchable, single page by ABBYY®(inciuded). Automatic-Scanning for microfilm (included). MergeClipsTM and annotation. Magnifier for text and images: Up to 800%. One Click buttons: Print, HD, CD, USB, e-mail, Cloud storage. Editing: SPOT-EditTM (edits selected images and text). Automatic Adjust: Brightness, Contrast, Straighten, Crop. Cropping: Custom (scissor snipping), Automatic, Manual. Save and Restore settings (applies to all settings). Brightness and Contrast. Straighten: Automatic, Line straighten, Manual. Film Type: Positive, negative. Rotate 90°: clockwise or counter clockwise. Mirror Image. Scan Size Adjustment. Scan Mode (selectable): Gray scale, Enhanced, Bitone. Selectable DPI: 150 to 1200. Vending payment solutions. Remote Access. OPTIONAL SOFTWARE AUTO-Scan® Pro. PowerScan Productivity Suite: INFO-LlnkTM, WORD-Search, Copy to Clipboard, Word searchable PDFs (multi page). HARDWARE Film Illumination: Optical green LEOs (lifetime warranty). Image Capture Speed: One second. Operating Systems (32/64 bit): Win 7, Win 8. Dimensions [HxWxL]: 7.5"x12"x16" (19cm x 31cm x 41cm). Power: Local AC Weight:19.5Ibs (9kg). Warranty: One year. Energy Star (labeled): Registered. Meets OSHA workplace safety requirements, UUCSA. Emission Approvals (labeled): FCC. Patent Nos. 8,269,890 8,537,279 ,Ja'. AI image data r.t:f1 . •. ~ 340 Grant 8t. Hartford, WI 53027 07/2014 e-!mageDataCorp. microfilm scanners Ph 800-251-2261 Fx 262-673-3496 COUNTY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUEST FROM FUNDS OTHER THAN THE GENERAL FUND: DEPARTMENT: Information Technology/Commissioners LINE ITEM NUMBER: 318-4001-411.43-03 CURRENT FUND BALANCE: 187035 AMOUNT REQUESTED: $ 40000 42000 EXPECTED ANNUAL REVENUE: IS REVENUE ON PACE TO MEET EXPECTATIONS? Yes STATUTORY GUIDELINES: HOW WILL THIS APPROPRIATION BE USED? Purchase a new Universal Power Supply (UPS) for the Rousseau data center to replace an existing unit that has reached end of life. SPECIFIC COST OF ITEM AND HOW WAS THIS COST DETERMINED? Cost for the unit and installation is $78777. This was competitively bid by RFP. HOW DOES THIS FIT INTO THE STRATEGIC PLAN? This unit filters the utility power 100% of the time to accommodate fluctuations in power. If a loss of utility power occurs, this unit maintains uninterrupted power to the data center until generator power is applied. This unit provides power stability for all the servers and network infrastructure in the data center. WAS THIS A PART OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN? IF NOT, WHY NOT? In February 2014, the vendor advised that the existing unit is end of life. IS THIS A RECURRING EXPENSE? After 1 year warranty, there is annual maintenance which is budgeted. WILL OTHER EXPENDITURES BE NECESSARY? No DISCUSSED WITH LIAISON? LIAISON'S NAME: Yes, via email Bill Brown DATE REVISED 10/18/2010 ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR Internet Access Fund October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 318 Department ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 IT/Commissioners ACTUAL 167,259 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 167,259 ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: Percentage of Collections: Access Fees 45,000 45,000 TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 212,259 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget Total Percentage of Collections 96.57% 43,455 96.57% 43,455 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: 210,714 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 43,000 23,678 Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 43,000 169,259 Percentage of Disbursements 55.07% ACTUAL CASH BALANCE YTD: 23,678 187,035 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS 40,000 11/10/2014 1:29 PM COUNTY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS WITHIN FUND BUT BETWEEN SERIES DEPARTMENT: ALLEN COUNTY JUVENILE CENTER NAME OF FUND: COUNTY GENERAL TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERRED: $10,637 FROM LINE ITEM: 100-5501-421-3996 $ 10637 AMOUNT $ $ TO LINE ITEM: 100-5501-421-4304 $ 10637 $ $ WHY IS THIS NEEDED? OUR DETENTION WORKERS ARE EQUIPPED WITH ANALOG RADIO UNITS. THEY ARE SHOWING THEIR AGE AND WE WISH TO UPGRADE TO DIGITAL UNITS. THE FCC HAS SERVED NOTICE THAT WE MUST PREPARE FOR TERMINATION OF OUR 12.KHZ ANALOG SIGNAL BUT NO END DATE HAS BEEN SET. PROJECTED EXPENDITURE FOR TRANSFER-OUT LINE ITEM: $10,637. IS THERE SUFFICIENT FUNDING FOR FUTURE NEEDS AFTER TRANSFER? YES. WHY IS THERE EXTRA MONEY IN THE TRANSFER-OUT LINE ITEM? GUARDIAN AD LITEM SERVICES ARE RANDOM FROM YEAR TO YEAR AS USAGE IS DETERMINED IN LARGE MEASURE BY EACH CHILD'S UNIQUE CIRCUMSTANCE. HOWEVER JUDGE HEATH AND OUR MAGISTRATES HAVE PROACTIVELY WORKED TO REDUCE THESE SERVICE REQUESTS. DISCUSSED WITH LIAISON? LIAISON'S NAME: YES. ROY BUSKIRK DATE REVISED 5/15/09 COUNTY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUEST FROM FUNDS OTHER THAN THE GENERAL FUND: DEPARTMENT: ALLEN COUNTY JUVENILE CENTER LINE ITEM NUMBER: 738-5501-421-4301 CURRENT FUND BALANCE: $87,130 $50,000 EXPECTED ANNUAL REVENUE: IS REVENUE ON PACE TO MEET EXPECTATIONS? STATUTORY GUIDELINES: AMOUNT REQUESTED: $ 35,334 YES. ORDINANCE #2002113 DATED 11/20/02. HOW WILL THIS APPROPRIATION BE USED? TO CONTRACT WITH A COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY TO HAVE OUR BUILDING'S RADIO AMPLIFIER SYSTEM REPLACED DUE TO EQUIPMENT FAILURE. SPECIFIC COST OF ITEM AND HOW WAS THIS COST DETERMINED? QUOTES FROM THREE ORGANIZATIONS. QUOTED PRICE, PLUS 10% FOR POTENTIAL UNKNOWNS. HOW DOES THIS FIT INTO THE STRATEGIC PLAN? THIS PURCHASE WILL ENHANCE EMPLOYEE AND JUVENILE SAFETY. THIS SYSTEM WILL ELIMINATE OUR RADIO DEAD ZONES. THESE RADIO DEAD ZONES, NOW MADE MUCH WORSE WITH OUR AMPLIFIER DAMAGE, HAVE ALWAYS PLAGUED OUR STAFF. WAS THIS A PART OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN? IF NOT, WHY NOT? NO. IT IS BELIEVED OUR AMPLIFIER WAS DAMAGED MOST LIKELY BY A LIGHTENING STRIKE. THE NEW SYSTEM, IF AUTHORIZED, WILL BE GROUNDED SO AS TO PROTECT US FROM FUTURE STRIKES. IS THIS A RECURRING EXPENSE? NO. WILL OTHER EXPENDITURES BE NECESSARY? NO. DISCUSSED WITH LIAISON? LIAISON'S NAME: YES. ROY BUSKIRK. DATE REVISED 10/18/2010 ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR ACJC PER DIEM FUND October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 738 Department - ACJC ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 56,554 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 56,554 ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: Percentage of Collections: Miscellaneous 50,000 50,000 TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 106,554 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget Total Percentage of Collections 81.84% 40,918 81.84% 40,918 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: 97,472 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 21,500 10,342 2013 Encumbrances Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION 21,500 Percentage of Disbursements 48.10% AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 85,054 REMAINING CASH BALANCE YTD: 10,342 87,130 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS 35,334 UNAPPROPRIATIONS 11/12/2014 8:59 AM COUNTY COUNCIL GRANT APPROVAL CHECKLIST What is the Department/Agency applying for grant? ALLEN COUNTY JUVENILE CENTER Wbat kind of grant are you applying for? _Federal _x_State_ _Other What is the total am'ount of funds you are applying for? $ 12/31/2014 What is the grant application deadline? DIRECT. Is this a direct grant or a pass-through? If this is a pass-through grant, what County entity is sponsoring the grant? ' Is this a reimbursement or "up-front" grant payment? What match is required 'by the applicant? NIA NIA REIMBURSEMENT. Cash,_ _ _ ,ln-Kind,_ _ __ If cash is required, what funds will be used? Are these funds on hand now? If in-kind, what will be the in~kind 105,000 JDAI COORDINATION AND PROGRAMMING SERVICES. NIA contribution? NIA Who (if any) are the partners in the project? ,.;. N,;. ;O;. ; N.,;.;E; ;,; ._ __ Have you discussed your grant application with the Auditor's Office? . . ; Y. ,; ; E;. ; S,.;. ._ __ Have you discussed your grant application with your liaison? . ......Y_E....;;S_._ __ Are all expenses for the proposed program covered by NO. JDAI PROGRAMMING IS the grant? If not, please disclose any hidden costs, EXPECTED TO INCLUDE such as insurance, vehicle use, etc. DAY AND EVENING REPORTING. WE EXPECT SOME MINOR ADDED EXPENSES ASSOCIATED WITH SECURITY, TEACHING STAFF, TRANSPORTATION, AND COMPUTER LAB RESOURCES. attach a written report to substantiate your need for grant funds. ATTACHED. Please attach a financial report that demonstrates the cost/benefit of the grant. ATTACHED. n At the end of your grant project Plea;z:;e retur to Council with a brief report about the success of the project. t- /l • ' Submitted by: i ~4 Date: 11/7/2014 Please return completed copy to Becky Butler by cut-off date for Council agenda requests. Any questions should be directed to: Jackie Scheuman, Budget & Finance Director, 449-7961. Form approved by County Council 4/17/03. Revised 5/2009. ALLEN COUNTY JUVENILE CENTER GRANT APPROVAL CHECKLIST REQUIRED NARRATIVES SUBSTANTIATE NEED FOR GRANT FUNDING We've been invited to apply for the 2015-2016 cycle. In addition, we've been notified that we will be invited to apply to the 2016-2017 and the 2017-2018 grant cycles at the appropriate times. The JDAI (Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative) process is a multi-year project covering a diversity of areas including: Admission screening policies, examining and addressing racial disparities, providing juveniles with alternatives to secure detention, case-processing timeline reviews and improvements, monitoring confinement conditions, enhancing data collection and analysis, and more. A Coordinator is needed to facilitate and maintain momentum to advance this process through these many stages of change. FINANCIAL COST/BENEFIT OF THE GRANT The JDAI process will lower the long-term secure Detention numbers of our facility. A reduced population will lower our daily operating expenses. Savings resulting from a permanently reduced population will materialize year after year once the JDAI system takes root. These areas of savings include: Meals, Clothing, Legal expenses, Janitorial, Medical and other health care expenses, Transportation, Trash removal, Recreation expenditures, and countless other areas. The reputation of Allen County government as a whole stands to benefit significantly from this proactive effort to address the issues of troubled youth; with lockup used as a last resort and only when public safety is truly at risk. COUNTY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS WITHIN FUND BUT BETWEEN SERIES DEPARTMENT: Circuit Court NAME OF FUND: County General 100.61.01 TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERRED: $5,400.00 FROM LINE ITEM: 100.61.01412.21-01 $ 2,400.00 2,200.00 100.61.01 412.21-03 $ 3,000.00 AMOUNT $ TO LINE ITEM: 100.61.01412.36-07 $ 2,200.00 2,400.00 100.61.01 412.39-70 $ 3,000.00 $ WHY IS THIS NEEDED? To pay for maintenance contract on Courthouse security that will be due in November and travel expenses for scheduled meetings/conferences for Judge Felts through the rest of the year. PROJECTED EXPENDITURE FOR TRANSFER-OUT LINE ITEM: $5,400.00 IS THERE SUFFICIENT FUNDING FOR FUTURE NEEDS AFTER TRANSFER? Yes, it will be year end and no other expenses should need paid out of the 2014 budget. WHY IS THERE EXTRA MONEY IN THE TRANSFER-OUTLINE ITEM? Our supply and prinintg costs were down this year. DISCUSSED WITH LIAISON? LIAISON'S NAME: Tom Harris will be contacted prior to Council meeting. Tom Harris DATE REVISED 5/1 5109 COUNTY COUNCIL REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS WITHIN FUND BUT BETWEEN SERIES DEPARTMENT: N-D Court - Circuit Court NAME OF FUND: County General - IV-D TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE TRANSFERRED: $2,570.00 FROM LINE ITEM: TO LINE ITEM: 100.6\ 02 412-21.0 I $ 150.00 100.61.02412.21-03 $ 420.00 100.61.02 412.43-03 $ 2000.00 100.61.01 412.32-02 $ 150.00 100.61.01 412.39-11 $ 420.00 100.61.02 412.31-13 $ 2,000.00 AMOUNT WHY IS THIS NEEDED? To pay postage for court orders that need sent, file storage expenses (Iron Mountain), and for scheduled arbitrators through mid-December. PROJECTED EXPENDITURE FOR TRANSFER-OUT LINE ITEM: $2,570.00 IS THERE SUFFICIENT FUNDING FOR FUTURE NEEDS AFTER TRANSFER? Yes, it will be year end and no other expenses will need paid put of the 2014 budget. WHY IS THERE EXTRA MONEY IN THE TRANSFER-OUT LINE ITEM? Our supplies and printing costs were down this year (200 series) and we purchased a copy machine for $2,000 less than we thought it would cost (400 series). DISCUSSED WITH LIAISON? LIAISON'S NAME: Tom Harris will be contacted prior to the Council meeting. Tom Harris DATE REVISED 5/15/09 COUNTY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUEST FROM FUNDS OTHER THAN THE GENERAL FUND: DEPARTMENT: Highway LINE ITEM NUMBER: 329-02-08-431-49-66 AMOUNT REQUESTED: $ 213,386 $14,185,551.38 CEDIT CURRENT FUND BALANCE: $7,396,231 EXPECTED ANNUAL REVENUE: IS REVENUE ON PACE TO MEET EXPECTATIONS? Yes STATUTORY GUIDELINES: HOW WILL THIS APPROPRIATION BE USED? Bass Road Project SPECIFIC COST OF ITEM AND HOW WAS THIS COST DETERMINED? HOW DOES THIS FIT INTO THE STRATEGIC PLAN? This request is to appropriate reimbursed funds from various projects to the Bass Road project. WAS THIS A PART OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Yes IS THIS A RECURRING EXPENSE? WILL OTHER EXPENDITURES BE NECESSARY? Not at this time DISCUSSED WITH LIAISON? LIAISON'S NAME: Yes Bob Armstrong DATE REVISED 10/18/2010 ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT CEDIT October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 329 Dept - Commissioners ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 10,414,920 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 10,414,920 ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: Percentage of Collections: CEDIT Tax Loan Repayment 6,873,000 83.34% 5,728,031 100,000 100.00% 100,000 Miscellaneous (Commissioners) Federal/State Project Reimb-Highway 16,604 657,921 7,630,921 TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 18,045,841 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: Total Percentage of Collections 100.00% 657,921 85.21% 6,502,556 ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: 16,917,477 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget, Encumbrances and Additional Appropriations: Highway Planning Commissioners 10,681,739 2,026,005 247,280 207,509 3,857,119 498,411 TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION 14,786,138 AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 3,259,703 Percentage of Disbursements 18.48% REMAINING CASH BALANCE YTD: 2,731,925 14,185,552 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS 213,386 UNAPPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:27 PM COUNTY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUEST FROM FUNDS OTHER THAN THE GENERAL FUND: DEPARTMENT: Allen County Highway Department LINE ITEM NUMBER: 736-72-01-431-43-04 CURRENT FUND BALANCE: $2,700,000 AMOUNT REQUESTED: $ 1,700,000 Unknown at this time EXPECTED ANNUAL REVENUE: IS REVENUE ON PACE TO MEET EXPECTATIONS? STATUTORY GUIDELINES: HOW WILL THIS APPROPRIATION BE USED? This loan would be used for the 2nd phase purchase of 10 Tandem Axle Dump/Snow Plow Trucks SPECIFIC COST OF ITEM AND HOW WAS THIS COST DETERMINED? Bids will be taken for the truck chassis and dump bodies. HOW DOES THIS FIT INTO THE STRATEGIC PLAN? The Highway Department currently has 32 dump trucks. The trucks are expected to last 15 years and by replacing 10 trucks every five years the truck fleet can be maintained. This is the Second Phase of the truck plan implemented in 2011. The final payment on the initial loan will be made in Jan. 2015 and repayments will begin in Jan. 2016. WAS THIS A PART OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN? IF NOT, WHY NOT? IS THIS A RECURRING EXPENSE? WILL OTHER EXPENDITURES BE NECESSARY? DISCUSSED WITH LIAISON? LIAISON'S NAME: Yes Bob Armstrong DATE REVISED 10/18/2010 ALLEN COUNTY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR Rainy Day Fund October 31, 2014 November 25, 2014 Meeting Fund - 736 Department - Commissioners ESTIMATE CASH BALANCE AT 1/1/14 ACTUAL 13,048,447 ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR 2014: 13,048,447 ACTUAL REVENUES TO DATE: Percentage of Collections: Community Corrections loan repayment Interest/Miscellaneous Highway loan repayment 68,521 15,000 85.32% 12,797 320,000 100.00% 320,000 82.47% 332,797 403,521 TOTAL CASH & ESTIMATED REVENUES: 13,451,968 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS: 2014 Budget approved for General Fund 2013 Encumbrances 0.00% Total Percentage of Collections ACTUAL CASH YEAR TO DATE: 13,381,244 ACTUAL DISBURSEMENTS: 0 177,292 176,092 Additional Appropriations TOTAL BUDGETED APPROPRIATION 177,292 Percentage of Disbursements 99.32% Temporary Loan to County General AMOUNT LEFT FOR APPROPRIATION 13,274,676 REMAINING CASH BALANCE YTD: 176,092 (10,500,000) 2,705,152 FOR CONSIDERATION TODAY: APPROPRIATIONS 1,700,000 UNAPPROPRIATIONS 11/10/2014 1:29 PM DATES FOR 2015 ALLEN COUNTY COUNCIL MEETINGS MEETINGS ARE HELD IN THE DISCUSSION ROOM, GARDEN LEVEL, CITIZENS SQUARE DATE DAY TIME PURPOSE REQUEST DEADLINES January 8, 2015 Tsday 8:00 AM Election of Officers (Auditor's Office) January 15, 2015 Thursday 8:30 AM Regular Meeting December 24, 2014 February 19, 2015 Thursday 8:30 AM Regular Meeting January 30, 2015 March 19, 2015 Thursday 8:30 AM Regular Meeting February 27, 2015 April 16, 2015 Thursday 8:30 AM Regular Meeting March 27, 2015 May 21, 2015 Thursday 8:30 AM Regular Meeting May 1, 2015 June 18, 2015 Thursday 8:30 AM Regular Meeting May 29, 2015 Budget Allocation Regular Meeting June 26, 2015 July 31, 2015 July 15, 2015 July 16, 2015 Wednesday 8:30 AM Thursday 8:30 AM August 20, 2015 Thursday 8:30 AM Regular Meeting September 17, 2015 Thursday 8:30 AM Budgets/Reg. Mtg. August 28, 2015 October 15, 2015 Thursday 8:30 AM Regular Meeting & Annual Meeting September 25, 2015 November 19, 2015 Thursday 8:30 AM Regular Meeting October 30, 2015 December 17, 2015 Thursday 8:30 AM Regular Meeting November 25, 2015 LOCATION, DATES AND TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE ALLEN COUNTY COUNCIL BOARD APPOINTMENTS ALCOHOL BEVERAGE COM TERM ANNUAL Ozzie Mitson EXPIRATION 12/31/2015 ALLEN CO.CHILD CARE FAC. BD. ANNUAL Roger Brugh 12/31/2015 PTABOA BOARD ANNUAL Mike Clough Judy Macon 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ANNUAL ANNUAL Roy Buskirk Darren Vogt 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 REGIONAL SEWER DISTRICT 2 YEARS Adam Day 12/31/2016 WOODBURN ECON. DEV. COM. ANNUAL Tom Harris 12/31/2015 GRABILL ECONOMIC DEV. COM. 4 YEARS Tom Harris 12/31/2015 LIBRARY BOARD LIBRARY BOARD 4 YEARS 4 YEARS Paul Moss Bill Brown 12/31/2018 12/31/2016 ALLEN CO.ECONOMIC DEV.COM. 4 YEARS Steven Bercot 12/31/2016 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS 4 YEARS Thomas Black 12/31/2016 PARK & RECREATION 4 YEARS 4 YEARS Mitch Sheppard Stephanie Veit 12/31/2016 12/31/2016 CITY ECONOMIC DEVELOP. COM. 4 YEARS Lanni Connelly 12/31/2016 LEO/CEDARVILLE REGIONAL SEWER DISTRICT 4 YEARS Neil Wisler 8/31/2017