Thor Intrusion System
Thor Intrusion System
Technical Manual Thor Intrusion System 91000601 Program version number: EU1-078.0609.030 EU2-078.0609.030 Publication date: 030214 Revision history: Ref. No. Revision remarks Date 92001001 First version 010518 92001001 Compliance information added to preface. Section about ferrite clamps added to Chapter 2. 030214 91000601 Technical Manual Thor Intrusion System This manual provides an overview of the Thor Intrusion systems, the concept of S-ART technology, concepts, input and output facilities and the way of operation. The manual also includes detailed description of the various components including information about their installation and connection. Needed programming information can also be found in this manual together with a description of the operation of the systems. The manual is valid from the date of publication stated below. Disclaimer Due to continuous research and development, the information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. HI SEC International declines any liability for not respecting or incorrectly using the information in this manual, as well as errors or omissions and their consequences in the installations. Date The date of publication is 030214. Version EU1-078.0609.030 and EU2-078.0609.030 Reference Reference number: 91000601. 91000601 Compliance If the installation instructions supplied in this manual are followed, the Thor Intrusion System complies with the following standards: EMC immunity EN 50130-4 Alarm systems Part 4: Electromagnetic compatibility. Product family standard: Immunity requirements for components of fire, intruder and social alarm systems. EMC emission EN 50082-1 Generic Immunity Standard Part 1: Residential, commercial and light industry. EN50082-2 Generic Immunity Standard Part 2: Industrial environment, heavy industry. EN 50081-1 Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic emission standard Part 1: Residential, commercial and light industry. EN 60950 Safety of information technology equipment, including electrical business equipment. Safety Copyright Copyright © 2003 by HI SEC International. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form for any purpose without the written permission of HI SEC International. Comments and corrections In our continuous effort to improve the documentation for our products, we need feedback from our users regarding useability, appearance, technical level of content as well as information about errrors you may find. You can mail your comment and corrections to the address: [email protected] 91000601 Table of contents 91000601 1. Functional description ................................................................... 1-1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 General description ........................................................................... 1-2 Local site intrusion system ................................................................ 1-2 Remote site intrusion system ............................................................ 1-3 System part list.................................................................................. 1-4 1.2 System description ............................................................................ 1-8 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 S-ARTs............................................................................................ 1-10 System diagram .............................................................................. 1-10 Line signals ..................................................................................... 1-10 1.4 The logical area concept ................................................................. 1-12 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 Inputs............................................................................................... 1-14 Overview of input soft types ............................................................ 1-14 Input soft type description ............................................................... 1-15 Input addresses and standard programming .................................. 1-22 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 Outputs............................................................................................ 1-26 Overview output soft types .............................................................. 1-26 Output soft type description............................................................. 1-28 Output addresses and standard programming ............................... 1-32 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 Reaction tables................................................................................ 1-34 Reaction table – local alarm/fault outputs ....................................... 1-34 Reaction table – transmission outputs ............................................ 1-35 Reaction table – various outputs ..................................................... 1-36 1.8 1.8.1 1.8.2 Timers and timer functions.............................................................. 1-37 Timer duration functions and delay functions.................................. 1-37 Output soft types and software timer types ..................................... 1-38 1.9 1.9.1 1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 1.9.5 1.9.6 1.9.7 1.9.8 Alarm functions ............................................................................... 1-41 IF - THEN expressions.................................................................... 1-41 Alarm functions for local / transmission outputs.............................. 1-42 Auto alarm reset of output alarm functions ..................................... 1-42 Alarm function without alarm input condition................................... 1-42 Special operands............................................................................. 1-43 Standard input addresses ............................................................... 1-43 Standard output addresses ............................................................. 1-44 Special input addresses .................................................................. 1-44 1.10 Single-site and multi-subsite system ............................................... 1-47 1.11 1.11.1 Auto alarm reset.............................................................................. 1-49 Input/output soft types affected by auto alarm reset ....................... 1-50 1.12 1.12.1 1.12.2 Anti-hostage system........................................................................ 1-51 Anti-hostage system operation........................................................ 1-52 Functional description ..................................................................... 1-53 2. Installation ...................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Noise emmission prevention ............................................................. 2-2 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 90T CU-30 and 95T CU-30 central unit.............................................. 2-3 Lay-out of the 90T CU-30 central unit ............................................... 2-3 Lay-out of the 95T CU-30 central unit ............................................... 2-4 95T CUB-30 CPU board ................................................................... 2-5 Expansion board 95T I/O .................................................................. 2-9 Power supply and battery................................................................ 2-11 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 95T CU-30-24V Central unit ............................................................ 2-12 General information......................................................................... 2-12 Installation of the optional I/O-board ............................................... 2-13 Mounting.......................................................................................... 2-14 Connection to mains voltage........................................................... 2-15 Installation of backup batteries........................................................ 2-16 Connection terminals and jumpers ................................................. 2-17 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 S-ARTs units ................................................................................... 2-18 List of S-ART units .......................................................................... 2-18 S-ART housing................................................................................ 2-19 S-ART controller connections ......................................................... 2-20 S-ART detector connections ........................................................... 2-21 Coding of S-ART-addresses ........................................................... 2-35 2.5 2.5.1 Remote keypads ............................................................................. 2-37 Remote keypad 95T RKP ............................................................... 2-37 2.6 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 General purpose Interface 95T GPI COM ...................................... 2-39 PC Interface application .................................................................. 2-43 Modem/X28 Interface application.................................................... 2-44 SECOM transmitter interface application ........................................ 2-44 2.7 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 99T IPI TCP/IP interface ................................................................. 2-45 Factory mounted TCP/IP interfaces ................................................ 2-45 99T IPI TCP/IP interface as separate unit....................................... 2-46 99T IPI interface applications.......................................................... 2-46 99T IPI and 95T GPI XXX IP specifications.................................... 2-48 2.8 GPI BR Bridge................................................................................. 2-49 2.9 GPI BRM/DLM Direct line modem interface .......................................... 2-50 2.10 GPI DLC Bus amplifier .................................................................... 2-52 2.11 RS-485 bus connections ................................................................. 2-53 2.12 Cable length and dimension............................................................ 2-54 2.13 Current consumption....................................................................... 2-55 3. Programming .................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 General.............................................................................................. 3-2 3.2 3.2.1 Start-up procedures .......................................................................... 3-3 Start-up of a Thor Intrusion central unit............................................. 3-3 3.3 Programming of input addresses ...................................................... 3-5 3.4 Programming of output addresses.................................................... 3-6 3.5 Programming of zones, areas and codes........................................... 3-7 3.6 Programming of remote keypads to zones ............................................ 3-8 3.7 3.7.1 3.7.2 Auto set time programming............................................................... 3-9 Area week time programming ........................................................... 3-9 Holiday list ....................................................................................... 3-11 91000601 91000601 4. Operating instructions ................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Operating facilities.............................................................................. 4-2 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 Operation in general.......................................................................... 4-3 Daily operation .................................................................................. 4-3 Sub-menus...................................................................................... 4-10 Intrusion menus on the Card Reader .............................................. 4-11 Overview of the menus ................................................................... 4-12 Use of the function keys.................................................................. 4-13 Operator codes ............................................................................... 4-14 Code priority .................................................................................... 4-14 4.3 Submenu 2 - Display/change of status ............................................. 4-17 4.4 Submenu 3 - System test................................................................ 4-22 4.5 Submenu 4 - Programming............................................................. 4-26 4.6 Autoset programming....................................................................... 4-40 This page is intentionally left blank. 91000601 Functional description Introduction This chapter provides an overview of the Thor Intrusion System and the equipment available. It also describes the basic concepts of intrusion systems together with the functions (soft types) related to the inputs and outputs. This chapter The chapter contains the following sections: Section 91000601 Page General description 1-2 System description 1-8 S-ARTs 1-10 The logical area concept 1-12 Inputs 1-14 Outputs 1-26 Reaction tables 1-34 Alarm functions 1-41 Single-site and multi-subsite system 1-47 Auto alarm reset 1-49 1-1 Functional description 1.1 General description The Thor Intruder Alarm System is a modern, flexible security system especially suited for medium to larger sized industrial installations. The central unit exists in two versions: 90T CU-30 and 95T CU-30, differing in cabinet size only. The software controlled functions for are the same for both versions. Two monitoring principles are used in the systems. A minor part of the system makes use of the well-known current loop inputs with end-of-loop resistors while the main part makes uses the S-ART technique that makes it possible to recognize each detector individually. An installation may include up to 120 individually addressable detector circuits (120 S-ART addresses) and a number of internal inputs. With this direct addressing, the system provides means of dividing the installation into a number of zones (up to 16) which are programmedinto areas (up to 250), each of which are operated individually by means of a remote keypad, communicating with the operator in clear text. Up to 250 operators can be assigned to the system - each with his individual code. 1.1.1 Local site intrusion system The diagram below shows a single site intrusion system. This system employs a single central unit accommodating one bus for communication with up to 30 detectors. With an extension board mounted in the central unit, the system accommodates three additional S-ART buses each with up to 30 S-ARTs, each connected to a detector. Fig. 1.1 Example of a local site system. T h o r 9 5 T C U -3 0 9 5 T I/O - E x te n s io n b o a r d ( O p tio n a l) S -A R T b u s (M a x . 3 0 S -A R T s ) S -A R T b u s (M a x . 3 0 S -A R T s ) S -A R T b u s (M a x . 3 0 S -A R T s ) + S -A R T b u s (M a x . 3 0 S -A R T s ) R S -4 8 5 b u s 1 2 V ,2 4 A h a c c u m u la to r P C w ith In tr u s io n M a n a g e m e n t p ro g ra m 9 5 T R K P 9 5 T A C M -E P o w e r s u p p ly 1 2 V , 1 .5 A C 4 R S -2 3 2 in te r fa c e 1-2 5 A I M S 6 2 1 G e n e ra l P u rp o s e In te rfa c e 9 5 T G P I C O M R S -2 3 2 9 8 7 9 5 T A C M 3 0 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 4 a 91000601 Functional description 1.1.2 Remote site intrusion system The diagram below shows an example of an intrusion system with two remote sites. Fig. 1.2 Example of a remote site system. H e a d o ffic e A IM S C lie n t S -A R T b u s e s 9 5 T G P I C O M R e g io n a l o ffic e S -A R T b u s e s 9 5 T C U 3 0 R S -2 3 2 R S -2 3 2 R S -2 3 2 R S -4 8 5 S -A R T b u s e s 5 /X 2 8 D N P /IP m o d e m A IM S C lie n t R S -4 8 5 X 2 IS T C H a y e s A IM S S e rv e r M o d e m o r P A D M o d e m o r P A D 9 5 T C U 3 0 R S -4 8 5 M o d e m o r P A D B r a n c h o ffic e L A N R S -4 8 5 R S -4 8 5 R S -4 8 5 9 5 T C U 3 0 R S -4 8 5 9 5 T G P I C O M 9 5 T G P I C O M 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 5 a The remote sites (Branch office and Regional office) are connected to the main office site by means of either dial-up modems or standard Hayes compatible PSDN/ISDN modems or PADs for X.25/X.28 transmission. The modems or PADs are directly connected to the RS-232 port of the 95T CU-30 at the remote sites. In case communication takes place through a TCP/IP network, the Modem or PAD at the remote sites are substituted by the 95T GPI IP and at the Head office site, the combination of the 95T GPI COM and Modem or PAD is substituted by a single 95T GPI IP directly connected to the RS-232 port of the 95T CU-30 at the remote sites. 91000601 1-3 Functional description 1.1.3 System part list The equipment illustrated and briefly described below is described in detail in this manual. Please note that the illustrations do not show the equipment in the same scale. Type Illustration Description 95T CU-30 - Central unit with connection for one S-ART bus with 30 addresses. Can be equipped with Expansion board 95T I/O. 12 V/1.5 A power supply for 0.9 A charging current to a 12 V/15 Ah accumulator. 12 V/0.6 A available for external consumption. CPU board with RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces. Mounted in a standard cabinet. + 95T I/O Expansion board for three additional S-ART buses with 30 addresses each for 95T CU-30 and 95T-CU-30-24V. 90T CU-30 Central unit with connection for one S-ART bus with 30 addresses. 12 V/1.5 A power supply for 0.9 A charging current to a 12 V/6.5 Ah accumulator. 12 V/0.5 A available for external consumption. CPU board with RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces. Mounted in a small cabinet. 95T CU-30-24V Central unit with connection for one S-ART bus with 30 addresses. Can be equipped with Expansion board 95T I/O. 24 V/3.8 A power supply for 1.2/1.8 A charging current to two 12 V/24 Ah accumulators. 24 V/2.0 or 2.6 An available for external consumption. CPU board with RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces. Mounted in a standard cabinet. - + + 95T PS 24/3.8 - External power supply (24V, 3.8 A) mounted in a standard cabinet. It has space for two 12V/24Ah accumulators. Built-in S-ARTs for supervision of mains supply, battery charging and battery load test. + + 95T RKP Remote Keypad. 95T ACM Access control terminal with built-in magstripe card reader. For a description, please refer to the Technical Manual for the Thor Access Control System. 1-4 91000601 Functional description Type Illustration 95T ACM-E Description Access control terminal with built-in magstripe card reader. C 7 8 4 5 1 For a description, please refer to the Technical Manual for the Thor Access Control System. 9 2 6 3 0 95T GPI COM General purpose interface. Can be set-up as Modem interface, Printer interface, PC interface or Alarm Transmitter interface. 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 2 a 95T GPI BR Bridge interface to connect two different bus levels together. 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 2 a 95T GPI BRM Direct Line Modem Interface. Asynchronous 9600 baud modem. 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 2 a 95T GPI DLM Direct Line Modem Interface. Asynchronous 9600 baud modem. 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 2 a 95T GPI DLC RS-485 bus amplifier (up to 1.2 km). Note: Only for one address. 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 2 a 99T IPI TCP/IP interface for mounting in an Intrusion Central Unit or for internal or external mounting in connection with a 95T GPI XXX interface. 95T GPI BRM IP Similar to the 90T GPI BRM – but with communication via a LAN/WAN using TCP/IP instead of a dedicated line. 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 2 a 95T GPI DLM IP Similar to the 90T GPI DLM – but with communication via a LAN/WAN using TCP/IP instead of a dedicated line. 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 2 a 95T GPI MI IP Dial-up modem communicating via a LAN/WAN using TCP/IP instead of the PSTN. 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 2 a 91000601 90T S-100 S-ART with alarm/tamper input. 90T S-101 S-ART with alarm/tamper input and 12 V DC output. 1-5 Functional description Type Drawing Description 90T S-102 S-ART with two NC inputs and one relay output. 90T S-103 S-ART with alarm/tamper input and 12 V DC, relay output. 90T S-106 Six inputs, one output, 12 V DC S-ART. 90T S-107 O N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Miniature S-ART for built-in applications for different detectors. Tamper/Alarm loop, one output, 12 V DC. 90T S-108 Sub-miniature S-ART for built-in applications for different detectors. Alarm loop, one output, 12 V DC. 90T S-130 S-ART with 30 alarm inputs, 30 anti-mask inputs and 30 open collector outputs. Comprises an S-ART Controller board, a Connector board and an Output module. 12 V DC S-ART. 90T S-099 Small S-ART housing including magnet. Detailed information about the Access Control Terminals the access control functions can be found in the Technical Manual for the Thor Access Control System. This manual describes only the functions of the Access Control Terminals operating together with the Thor Intrusion System. 1-6 91000601 Functional description Spare parts Type 91000601 Drawing Description 90T CUB-30-2 CPU board for the 90T CU-30 and 95T CU-30 Intrusion central unit. 95T PSU 24V-S Power supply 95T CU-30, 95T CU-30-24V, and 95T PS 24/3.8. 90T GIB Optocoupler board. Can be used in all 90T GPI interface types. 104-1x5 Fuse T500 mA for S-ART bus and RS-485 bus. 104-1xD Fuse T1.6 A for CU-30. 104-1xC Fuse T2A for 95T PS 24/3.8. 95 RKP-C Printed circuit board for 95T RKP 133-32S RS-485 line driver 133-301 RS-232 line driver 1-7 Functional description 1.2 System description The Thor system offers a possibility of dividing an installation into 16 zones really 16 separate systems with a common central unit. A maximum of 250 operators using different codes of various priorities are allocated to one or more zones called an area. The total number of areas is 250. The number of operators to each individual area is unlimited - so it is allowed to use for example 200 codes for one area and what is left for the remaining parts of the system. A zone is made up of a number of input circuits (detectors) and possibly some indicating outputs. Each input circuit belongs to one zone only, while output types may represent the individual zone or the complete installation. Operating is performed by means of remote keypads or card readers (max. 31 RKPs or readers - several may be operated at the same time) and some ancillary control equipment. The RKPs are individually allocated to one or more zones, while equipment (For example a key-switch) for completion/initiation of the setting/unsetting procedure is always allocated to just one zone or to area 001 to 016. Operating on a card reader is, when the system is unset, mainly to open a door by a card but it is possible to have full access to all the intrusion menus with the same performance as the operating of the system from a normal Remote keypad (RKP). Two kind of operating philosophies are used. Codes allocated to an area, which is defined as logical, operates in such a way, that zones common to more of those areas are not physically set until all such areas have been requested set. The other philosophy is called physical areas, where codes allocated to the areas performs normal physical setting/unsetting of the common zones. From the time on, a circuit is physically set, until it is unset again, an alarm condition is indicated by local optical and acoustical signalling devices and by external transmission as described in the following pages. Acoustical indicators are stopped automatically after typically 3 minutes (programmable), optical indicators typically by log-on (with code) and transmission signals are typically reset, when the alarm message is reset. Automatic alarm reset is included. Some parts of the installation are always monitored and able to release a local or external alarm - also when the area is unset - this applies for example to monitoring of the presence of some signalling devices (sirens etc.), junction boxes and a number of system faults. By activation of a hold-up pushbutton or by entering a hold-up code, a silent alarm is always released (and transmitted to the alarm station). The hold-up code feature can be disabled by option setting. Mains power fault is indicated by a flashing power lamp. Other system faults, i.e. battery fault, are indicated as described by the following pages. During mains power fault, the built-in rechargeable batteries (max. 2 x 24 Ah) provide power for typical 32 hours of operation, depending on the system configuration (See Section 2.13, Current consumption). 1-8 91000601 Functional description Two types of inputs are part of the Thor intrusion system, either the bus techniques with the addressable S-ARTs as described in the next section, or the two current input loops placed on the CU-board of the central unit. All inputs and outputs, S-ARTs, normal loop I/O or internal logical system messages, are programmable with input or output soft types to give each used address the wanted function. A long list of soft types is available and described in this section. 91000601 1-9 Functional description 1.3 S-ARTs The S-ART (Serial Addressable Receiver Transmitter) is a full custom integrated circuit, developed for transmission of data on a 2-wire cable and intended for use such as identification of each individual detector in alarm systems. Up to 30 S-ARTs may be connected to a 2-wire cable. The two wires distribute the power supply to the S-ARTs as well as data to and from the S-ARTs. If 12V/24V DC is needed for relays, detectors etc. this demands an extra pair of wires. 1.3.1 System diagram Four S-ART-lines (buses) may be connected to the S-ART Controller - each bus can handle max. 30 S-ART addresses. Fig. 1.3 The connection of S-ART lines to the S-ART Controller and the connection of S-ARTs to the S-ART lines (S-ART bus). The S-ART controller, placed on the main CPU-board in the Central unit, scans all the connected S-ARTs and gives the changes of the input condition to the Main CPU when they occur. The outputs of the S-ARTs are similarly set or reset by orders from the Main CPU. 1.3.2 Line signals The S-ART transmission includes 10 bits. When an S-ART recognizes its own address, it reacts corresponding to the read/write bit as follows: 1 - Data for the two outputs (OUT 0 and OUT 1) are latched. 2 - Data of the two inputs (IN 0 and IN 1) are transferred to the S-ART controller. 1-10 91000601 Functional description The line signal is divided into three levels in order to transmit DATA as well as CLOCK. Fig. 1.4 The three levels of the line signal of the S-ART line (S-ART bus). When the clock is high (17V), all S-ARTs are power supplied by the S-ART controller via a transistor. When the clock is low, data are transmitted. Logical "1" is 6.2V (supplied by the S-ART controller) and logical "0" is 0V. When the S-ART has recognized its address and is ready to transmit input data to the S-ART controller, it makes a short circuit of the line via a resistance of 150 Ω in case of a logical "0" and stays in the high impedance state in case of a logical "1", thus maintaining the 6.2V of the S-ART controller. When the S-ARTs are connected on a cable, the signal shape changes a little depending on the cable length. On the following two figures is shown a typical S-ART signal on a 200 m cable and 500 - 700 m cable (6/10 unshielded type). 91000601 Fig. 1.5 Signal shape with short cable (< 200m). Fig. 1.6 Signal shape with long cable (> 500m). 1-11 Functional description 1.4 The logical area concept The following example concerns a medium size installation and explains some of the facilities of the Thor alarm system. The installation is divided into 9 areas made up of 8 zones, each consisting of a number of detectors and indicating equipment. Each area is operated individually by means of four operating keypads. In order to make it possible for each employee to operate his own zone, the zones he has to pass and the common entry/exit zone, the following system programming concerning zone-relationship is made: Area 01 Area 02 Area 03 Area 04 Area 05 Area 06 Area 07 Area 08 Area 09 Zone 01 and 02 Zone 01, 03 and 05 Zone 01, 04 and 05 Zone 01, 04 and 05 Zone 01 and 06 Zone 01, 06 and 07 Zone 01, 06 and 16 All zones Zone 04 (physical) Purchasing department Shipping office Stock Factory Sales department Management Technical department System Stock Remote Keypad Remote Keypad Remote keypad Card Reader RKP 01 RKP 02 RKP 03 RKP 04 All zones Zone 07 All zones except zone 07 Zone 04 (physical) Set/Unset Bypass Unit Key-switch for setting/unsetting the stock (zone 04) Door contact for start/stop of entry/exit time To each area 01 to 07 a number of operator codes with priority P0 are attributed. To area 08 belongs an engineer code (P4) and a master manager code (priority P2) are programmed. Fig. 1.7 1-12 The division of the building into zones. 91000601 Functional description The first employee to be at work in the morning has to unlock the main entrance door. By doing so, he activates a BYPASS UNIT circuit (input type 05) in the door and by that he starts the entry time. During the entry time, alarm conditions of detectors within the reception are suppressed. Such circuits (door contacts, volumetric detectors etc.) must be defined as input type 04 - ENTRY ROUTE. After having accessed the reception, he logs-on to the RKP 03 by entering his personal code (6 digits) and pressing the - key, he unsets all zones of his area. Hereafter at least one operator of each area should log-on to the system and perform unsetting, as the system keeps track of which areas have been requested unset and which have not, in order to tell the operator - during the setting procedure - that he is the last one to leave and that the complete system is set. Although area 03 and 04 include exactly the same zones, they should still be set/unset individually by an operator of each area. The first person to unset one of the areas, of course really unsets zone 01, 04 and 05, but they are not physically set again until area 03 as well as area 04 have been requested set, which means, that employees in the factory do not have to worry whether the stock is set or not - they just perform a normal setting procedure. This type of areas is called logical areas. An additional feature is added to the stock, as the door from the factory may be opened by means of a CARD READER 04, which is possible only if the stock is unset. By means of this CARD READER (using card and code), the stock may be set physically during lunch etc. This area is called a physical area. In case the management is first at work, they have to unset area 06 by means of RKP 03 as well as RKP 02, because only zones common to the code and the keypad are affected. In this case, RKP 02 makes it easy to set zone 07 (and possibly a safe), when the management leaves for lunch. Setting is initiated by entering an operator code to the RKP 03 and pressing the - key upon which the operator is asked to leave. This action normally completes the setting procedure by physically setting zones exclusively found in his area and logically setting zones common to other areas (i.e. the reception). If he is the last one to leave, also an exit tone starts and he has to lock the main entrance door and hereby stops the exit time. During the night, goods are delivered to the stock, so zone 04 may be set/unset also by other means. Unsetting is performed by unlocking a key-switch (input type 25 - SET/UNSET ZONE) and completed by locking the key-switch again in case of setting faults, the circuits in question are automatically isolated. Completion of setting procedure is indicated by means of a buzzer (output type 18 - SET/FAULT). Most operators are allowed to reset alarm messages within their own area by using any keypad. Some alarm/fault messages, for example tamper, require a master manager code or an engineer code. This installation includes a PROGRAMMER - RKP 01, which can be used for programming of the system, but the RKP can also be used for unsetting for example in the morning. Furthermore this RKP includes all zones of the installation and is thus well suited for system test etc. using the manager or engineer code. 91000601 1-13 Functional description 1.5 Inputs The function of each address from 000 to 250 defined in the system must be described with an input soft type. The relation between input soft types and each input address is programmed in Menu 47. A soft type is a description of the alarm input function of the address to which it is programmed. A full definition of the reaction in unset/set conditions, when and who can reset messages from which soft types, which output soft types are affected etc. is provided. All S-ARTs have two different inputs, an alarm input and a tamper input. An input soft type is only connected to the alarm input. The tamper input on each S-ART address has a predefined tamper function. In the following, all input soft types available and the allocation of input addresses in Thor intrusion system are described. 1.5.1 Overview of input soft types The table below provides an overview of the input soft types available. Alarm reaction by zone: Unsetting, Conditions to Input types UNSET SET Isolation RESET 00 = Not defined - 01 = Normal Night - Intrusion Yes Unset or quiet 02 = Seismic Alarm - Intrusion Yes Unset or quiet 03 = 24h local alarm Intrusion Yes Quiet Intrusion Yes Unset or quiet 04 = Entry Route 05 = Bypass Unit Open to closed stop exit time, closed to open starts entry time. 06 = Normal Night 2h 07 = Tamper Tamper 08 = Night Deposit Box Intrusion Yes Unset or quiet Tamper No Quiet - P3/P4 code Intrusion Yes Unset or quiet 09 = Hold-up 1 Hold-up Hold-up No Quiet 10 = Technical/Film Counter Local Technic Technic 1 Isolation Counter reset 11 = Technical 1 Local Technic Technic 1 Isolation Quiet 12 = Technical 2 Technic 2 Technic 2 Isolation Quiet 13 = System Fault 1 System Fault System Fault No Quiet 14 = System Fault 2 System Fault System Fault No Quiet, automatic 15 = System Fault 3 System Fault System Fault No Quiet - P4 code 16 = System Fault 4 Event-log Event-log No 17 = Key Storage Box Sabotage Intrusion No Quiet - P3/P4 code 18 = Fire Alarm Fire alarm Fire alarm No Quiet Intrusion Yes Unset or quiet 19 = Beam Pair 1 Continued … 1-14 91000601 Functional description Alarm reaction by zone: Unsetting, Conditions to UNSET SET Isolation RESET 20 = Beam Pair 2 Intrusion Yes Unset or quiet 21 = Shock Count Intrusion Yes Unset or quiet 22 = Hold-up 2 Hold-up Yes Unset or quiet 23 = Local Perimeter Detection Local Intrusion Yes Unset or quiet Output Type 24 No Input types 24 = Follow Me Output Type 24 25 = Set/Unset Zone Pulse Open to closed circuit sets or unsets the zone 26 = Set/Unset Zone Level Close = Unset zone, Open = Set zone 27 = Set/Unset Area Pulse Open to closed circuit sets or unsets the area 28 = Set/Unset Area Level Close = Unset area, Open = Set area 29 = Alarm Reset Open to closed circuit resets the alarm messages in the corresponding area 30 = 24 h Seismic Local Intrusion Intrusion Yes Quiet 31 = Night Deposit Box 2 Local Intrusion Intrusion Yes Unset or quiet Event log Yes 32 = Vindicator Lock 33 = High Security – Entry Door Intrusion after timer 22 expires Intrusion after entry timer expires Yes 34 = Anti-mask Local Intrusion Local Intrusion Yes 35 = Primary Transmission Fault System Fault System Fault No 1.5.2 Quiet, automatic Input soft type description The following pages describe the various input soft types available. During system programming in Menu 47, the input types are allocated to physical inputs in the format: ZZ TT NNN ISCD ZZ (01 - 16) is the zone, this input is allocated to, TT is the type of the input, NNN (001-254) refers to a programmable detector name list (the detector name is shown in the display in case of an alarm etc.) and ISCD refers to special attributes allocated to this input. Description of attributes Attribute Name Description I Isolate The address can be isolated (Max. 1 per zone) in case of setting fault. S Soak test An alarm condition is not latched but is stored in the event log for the next 14 days. After this, the input is set for normal operation. C Invert This address is scanned using a protocol with a higher security level. Please note that not all S-ART types support this protocol. D Double knock 91000601 An alarm condition is defined as two activations within 5 minutes or an activation with a duration of 10 s or more. 1-15 Functional description Description of soft types 00 - Not defined Programming of unused inputs or S-ART addresses. 01 - Normal Night Can be set/unset. Isolation is possible. External + local alarm by open circuit in set condition. Alarm reset requires quiet & set or unset condition. Circuit attributes: Isolate, Double Knock, Soak Test and Invert. 02 - Seismic Alarm Can be set/unset. Isolation is possible. To be used for testable seismic detectors. If an input soft type 08 or 31 (Night deposit box) exists within the same zone, the alarm is inhibited during some time (timer 26 delay + duration) in case this timer is started by the input soft type 08 or 31 Night Deposit Box. External + local alarm by open circuit in set condition. Alarm reset requires quiet or unset condition. If an output soft type 19 Test is allocated to the corresponding output address, this is activated for some time (Timer 25 delay) when the setting condition is changed from set to unset. The purpose of this test signal is to activate the builtin test generator of the detector, and if the input does not react to this by being activated within the time window, a fault message of the input is indicated (System Fault 1). The same test can be performed manually in Menu 32 in unset condition or automatically by Timer 16. Circuit attributes: Isolation, Double Knock, Soak Test and Invert. Affects auto alarm reset. 03 - 24h Always set. Local fire door alarm by open circuit in zone unset condition. External + local alarm by open circuit in zone set condition. Direct input/output address relation if output soft type = 14. Alarm reset requires quiet condition. Circuit attributes: Isolation and Invert. 04 - Entry Route Can be set/unset. Exit time is started by setting the zone. Inhibited during exit time, which is indicated by the buzzer an output soft type 17 Entry/Exit Time. The detector can (see Option bit setting, Menu 52) give Set Fault indication during the setting procedure. External + local alarm by open circuit at expiration of the exit time if an input soft type 05 Bypass Unit is defined - if not so, entry time starts. Entry time is indicated by the buzzer and output soft type 17 and started by a change of input condition from passive to active - in case an input soft type 05 Bypass Unit is defined however, entry time is started by a change of input condition from active to passive of input soft type 05. External + local alarm if not unset until entry time expires or in case of an open circuit in zone set condition, if entry time is not started (by input soft type 05). Alarm reset requires quiet & set or unset condition. Circuit attributes: Isolate, Soak Test and Invert. 1-16 91000601 Functional description 05 - Bypass Unit Starts entry time - after exit time - by a change from passive to active. When the input is activated and the system is set, then the entry timer is started as normal, but if the system still is set when the entry timer expires, then it will cause an external alarm. When exit time is running, then an activation of the input will not stop the exit time. If an input soft type 04 exists in the same zone and the input soft type 04 is activated before the input soft type 05 then an immediate alarm will be created without Entry time delay. Circuit attributes: Invert. 06 - Normal Night 2h Can be set/unset. Isolation is possible. External + local alarm by open circuit in set condition. Alarm reset requires quiet or unset condition. When the setting condition is changed from set to unset, a 2 hours timer is started (Timer 25 - DURATION). If the input stays passive within this time window, a fault condition of the input is released (System Fault 1). Besides from this feature, it corresponds in any other respect to input soft type 01. Circuit attributes: Isolation, Double Knock, Soak Test and Invert. Affects auto alarm reset. 07 - Tamper Always set. Tamper alarm by open circuit in zone unset condition. External + local alarm by open circuit in zone set condition. Alarm reset requires quiet condition and a P3/P4 code. Circuit attributes: Soak Test and Invert. 08 - Night Deposit Box Can be set/unset. Isolation is possible. This input type is intended used for the door contact of a night deposit box together with one or more seismic or microphone detectors, input soft type 02 within the same zone, monitoring the box, as input soft type 02 is inhibited during the time the door is open and for some time hereafter. Inhibited during some time (Timer 26 DURATION), which is started by a change of input condition from passive to active in set condition. When the input condition returns to passive or at expiration of the duration time, whatever comes first, the delay time of Timer 26 is started. External + local alarm by open circuit at expiration of the duration time (in set condition). Alarm reset requires quiet or unset condition. Circuit attributes: Isolation, Double Knock, Soak Test and Invert. Affects auto alarm reset. 09 - Hold-up 1 Always set. External + local hold-up alarm by open circuit. An alarm condition blocks local intruder alarm outputs. Alarm reset requires quiet condition. Circuit attributes: Invert. 10 - Technical/Film Counter Always set. Local technical alarm by open circuit in longer time than indicated in Timer 22 (DUR) (accumulated), when the zone is unset. External + local technical alarm by open circuit in longer time than indicated in Timer 22 (DUR) (accumulated), when the zone is set. Alarm reset requires quiet condition and counter reset (by Menu 34). Circuit attributes: Isolate, Invert and Soak Test. 91000601 1-17 Functional description 11 - Technical 1 Always set. Isolation is possible. Local technical alarm by open circuit in zone unset condition. External + local technical alarm by open circuit in zone set condition. A change from open to closed circuit is logged. Alarm reset requires quiet condition. Circuit attributes: Isolate, Invert and Soak Test. 12 - Technical 2 Always set. Isolation is possible. External + local technical alarm by open circuit. A change from open to closed circuit is logged. Alarm reset requires quiet condition. Circuit attributes: Isolate, Invert and Soak Test. 13 - System Fault 1 Always set. External + local system fault by "open" circuit. Fault reset requires quiet condition. Used for fault monitoring i.e. battery fault, 1h mains fault. Automatic battery test is performed each 24 hours (15 s) and a short "fuse" test each 5 s. Circuit attributes: Invert. 14 - System Fault 2 Always set. External system fault by "open" circuit. Automatic fault reset by quiet condition. Used for service mode indication and transmission line fault. Circuit attributes: Invert. 15 - System Fault 3 Always set. External + local system fault by "open" circuit. Fault reset requires quiet condition and engineer code. Used for fault monitoring i.e. fatal CPU-reset. Circuit attributes: Invert. 16 - System Fault 4 Always set. Just a message in the event-log by "open" circuit. Intended use for internal fault monitoring i.e. non-fatal CPU-reset and mains power fault (which is also indicated by a flashing power lamp). Circuit attributes: Invert. 17 - Key Storage Box Always set. Sabotage alarm by open circuit in zone unset condition. External + local alarm by open circuit in zone set condition. The monitoring of the input is suppressed after setting the zone during a time defined by the Timer 21 (DURATION). An existing sabotage message from a Key Storage Box will be reset at the same time (independent of the input status - active or passive). After Timer 21 (DURATION) runs out a new alarm will be activated in case the input is still active. Manual reset is also possible by a P3 or P4 code. Circuit attributes: Invert and Soak test 18 - Fire alarm Always set. External + local fire alarm by open circuit. Alarm reset requires quiet condition. Circuit attributes: Isolate, Invert and Soak test 1-18 91000601 Functional description 19 - Beam Pair 1 Can be set/unset. Isolation is possible. In set condition, a change of input from passive to active starts a timer (Timer 27). If input soft type Beam Pair 2 (set - within the same zone) is activated within this time window, the alarm condition is latched as external + local alarm. Both inputs are logged. Only one Beam Pair 1 in each zone must be programmed. Alarm reset requires quiet or unset condition. Circuit attributes: Isolation, Double Knock, Soak Test and Invert. Affects auto alarm reset. 20 - Beam Pair 2 Can be set/unset. Isolation is possible. In set condition, a change of input from passive to active starts a timer (Timer 27). If input soft type Beam Pair 1 (set - within the same zone) is activated within this time window, the alarm condition is latched as external + local alarm. Both inputs are logged. Only one Beam Pair 2 in each zone must be programmed. Alarm reset requires quiet or unset condition. Circuit attributes: Isolation, Double Knock, Soak Test and Invert. Affects auto alarm reset. 21 - Shock Count Always set. Isolation is possible. In set condition the input type counts a number of pulses (programmable by means of Timer 20 DELAY) in a time window (specified by Timer 20 DURATION) and will generate an external (Output soft type 37) and local alarm (Output soft type 05) condition if the number of pulses exceeds the specified. In unset condition, it will generate a local alarm. Application: Seismic Shock detectors. Alarm reset requires quiet or unset condition. Circuit attributes: Isolation, Double Knock, Soak Test and Invert. Affects auto alarm reset. 22 - Hold-up 2 Can be set/unset. Isolation is possible. External + local hold-up alarm by open circuit when in set condition. An alarm condition blocks local intruder alarm outputs. Alarm reset requires quiet condition. Circuit attributes: Isolation, Invert. 23 - Local Perimeter Detection Can be set/unset. Isolation is possible. Local alarm only by open circuit in set condition. Activates output soft type01, 29 and 23 (if programmed on same S-ART address). The change from passive to active on the input in set condition starts Timer 19 (DURATION). If another input soft type 23 is activated before the timer has expired (in the same zone) then output soft type also is activated. Application: Perimeter detection with different local output reactions provoked by different input events. Alarm reset requires quiet & set or unset condition. Circuit attributes: Isolate, Double Knock, Soak Test and Invert. 24 - Follow Me An open circuit is indicated by output soft type 24 - Follow Input. Circuit attributes: Invert. 91000601 1-19 Functional description 25 - Set/Unset Zone Pulse A change from open to closed circuit changes the zone set condition - set to unset or unset to set (physically). Successful setting is indicated by a short activation of output soft type 18. In case of maximum two active circuits, they are isolated, indicated by activating output soft type 18 for a few seconds (programmable). In case of more than two active circuits or non-reset alarm/fault messages within the zone, setting is still carried out, but an alarm condition is released and output soft type 18 Set/Fault is activated until log-on to the keypad. The priority level of this input type is equal to any access code - they override one another. Circuit attributes: Invert. 26 - Set/Unset Zone level When the input is passive, the zone is unset. When the input is active, the zone is set (physically). Successful setting is indicated by a short activation of output soft type 18. In case of maximum one active circuit, this is isolated, indicated by activating output soft type 18 for a few seconds (programmable). In case of more than one active circuit or non-reset alarm/fault messages within the zone, setting is still carried out, but an alarm condition is released and output soft type 18 Set/Fault is activated until log-on to the keypad. The priority level of this input type is equal to any access code - they override one another. Circuit attributes: Invert. 27 - Set/Unset Area Pulse Setting/Unsetting is performed physical or logical as defined during area programming. In other respect, it corresponds to input soft type 25. Can be allocated to area 001 to 016 only. Circuit attributes: Invert. 28 - Set/Unset Area Level Setting/Unsetting is performed physical or logical as defined during area programming. In other respect, it corresponds to input soft type 26. Can be allocated to area 001 to 016 only. Circuit attributes: Invert. 29 - Alarm Reset When the input changes from active to passive all alarm messages in the area No. specified by the programmed zone no., that can be reset, will be reset. The alarms that are reset will be logged with the input number as operator. 1-20 91000601 Functional description 30 –24h Seismic Always set. Isolation is possible. To be used for testable seismic detectors. If an input soft type 08 or 31 (Night deposit box) exists within the same zone, the alarm is inhibited during some time (Timer 26 delay + duration) in case this timer is started by the input soft type 08 or 31 Night Deposit Box. External + local alarm by open circuit. Alarm reset requires quiet condition. If an output soft type 19 Test is allocated to the corresponding output address, this is activated for some time (Timer 25 delay) when the setting condition for the corresponding zone is changed from set to unset. The purpose of this test signal is to activate the built-in test generator of the detector, and if the input does not react to this by being activated within the time window, a fault message of the input is indicated (System Fault 1). The same test can be performed manually in Menu 32 in zone unset condition or automatically by Timer 16. Circuit attributes: Isolation, Double Knock, Soak Test and Invert. Affects auto alarm reset. 31 – 24h Night Deposit Box Always set. Isolation is possible. This input type is intended used for the door contact of a night deposit box together with one or more seismic or microphone detectors, input soft type 02 or 30 within the same zone, monitoring the box, as input soft type 02 or 30 is inhibited during the time the door is open and for some time hereafter. Inhibited during some time (Timer 26 DURATION), which is started by a change of input condition from passive to active in set condition. When the input condition returns to passive or at expiration of the duration time, whatever comes first, the delay time of Timer 26 is started. External + local alarm by open circuit at expiration of the duration. Alarm reset requires quiet condition. Circuit attributes: Isolation, Double Knock, Soak Test and Invert. Affects auto alarm reset. 32 - Vindicator lock Can be set/unset. Isolation possible The input soft type can be set or unset. It will generate a message in the event log by “open” circuit in set condition. If you try to set the input with the input active it will generate a set fault. 33 - High Security – Entry Door Isolation is possible In set condition then an active input will start the entry time (if entry time is programmed to 0, then an alarm will be produced). In unset condition then an active input in more than the programmed time (Timer 22 – delay) will give an alarm. 34 - Anti-mask Always set. Isolation is possible. This input soft type is always set, and generates a local alarm in open circuit condition. It sends special Anti Mask message on the MMP – bus when an alarm occurs. 35 – Primary Transmission Fault Used with input soft type 78 Incom Trans Blk. When using a primary and a secondary modem interface, a test mail can be set up for each (test mail 1 and test mail 2). The frequency between these is set by timer 28 and timer 17 duration. If input soft type 78 becomes active, then test mail 2 will shift frequency to timer 17 delay. In other words, if your secondary modem sends a test mail every 24 hour in normal condition, it can shift to sending a test mail every 1 hour if the primary modem is off. 91000601 1-21 Functional description 1.5.3 Input addresses and standard programming The relationship between each detector address (i.e. number displayed during operating and programming) and the physical location is listed below. In addition, the programming made from the factory concerning input type, circuit name and zone relationship are listed (by default). 95T CU30 on-board inputs Terminal number Designation 1 P3-1/3 Input loop 01 00 001 End of line resistor 10 kΩ 2 P3-2/3 Input loop 01 00 001 End of line resistor 10 kΩ Input address By default: Zone Type Name Remarks Remote operating keypads, etc. Input address Terminal number By default: Zone Type Name 17 - 24 485 Bus Vault controller inputs 01 00 001 Vault controller inputs 31 - 61 485 Bus Reader inputs 01 00 001 Reader soft type 99 (Reader No. 01 - 31) 500 - 531 485 Bus System Fault 16 16 099 Communication/Tamper RKP/ Central unit 00 - 31 532 Internal Printer fault 16 15 100 Internal printer (paper low) Designation Remarks Main controller internal addresses Terminal number Designation 076 485 bus Minitel fault 16 16 076 PC connection fault 077 * 485 bus Minitel fault 16 15 077 INCOM hardware fault 078 * 485 bus Minitel fault 16 14 078 Alarm transmission blocked 079 485 bus Minitel fault 16 14 079 Telephone line fault 080 485 bus Minitel fault 16 16 080 3 wrong code attempts on Minitel 081 Internal System fault 16 13 081 Battery fault 082 Internal System fault 16 16 082 Mains power fault 083 Internal System fault 16 15 083 S-ART power fault 084 Internal System fault 16 13 084 Mains fault 1 hour 085 Internal System fault 16 14 085 Service mode 086 Internal System fault 16 15 086 RAM fault 087 Internal System fault 16 15 087 EPROM fault 088 Internal System fault 16 16 088 Watchdog reset 089 Internal Tamper C089 16 07 089 Intrusion via RS-485 bus 090 Internal Tamper C090 16 16 090 Three faulty codes on a RKP 091 Internal Tamper C091 16 00 091 Remote printer fault 092 Internal Tamper C092 16 07 092 Site code error (from terminal) Input address By default: Zone Type Name Remarks * See the section, Input addresses 077 and 078, on the following page 1-22 91000601 Functional description Input addresses 077 and 078 The input addresses 077and 078 can be activated in the CU on the main RS485 bus in case of a transmission fault (after five retransmissions of the same alarm or event mail) from a 95T GPI COM (IP) interface in modem interface mode. This can be used for activating a backup transmission path if the main transmission path fails and it is impossible to transmit the mail on a secondary call number or the modem interface or transmitter on the remote site is programmed with a single call number or address only. In the example below, the main transmission path is through LAN and WAN via routers. The backup transmission path is through GPI COMs via modems and the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Fig. 1.8 Example of intrusion system with a main and a backup transmission path Remote site Central site AIMS 95T CU 30 with 99T IPI 95T CU 30 with 99T IPI 95T GPI COM 95T GPI COM 95T GPI COM Backup transmission path PSTN Modem Modem LAN Router Router WAN LAN Main transmission path 01020501a Note A backup transmitter cannot be used together with a transmitter in interface network mode since there will be no alarm reaction because the transmitter is always on-line. All alarm and event mails are retransmitted forever and there will be no alarm reaction. In the backup transmission path, the GPI COM on the remote site will remain in sleep mode as long as the main transmission path is operating properly. If this tranmission path fails, the CU input address 078 will be activated and wake the GPI COM from sleep mode for transmission of mails. It remain activated until a mail is transmitted correctly from the GPI COM. Any type of mail – very often a routine check response from the AIMS – will passivate the input address 078 and return the GPI COM to sleep mode. ☛ 91000601 Input address 077 will also be activated but will be passivated immediately if the GPI COM address is different from 01. 1-23 Functional description The following reactions will take place in normal mode depending however on the configuration of the modem interface. The GPI COM interface will go out of sleep mode in the following situations: ● If the input address 078 becomes active. ● If the GPI COM interface is a backup transmitter and it receives a device table without other transmitters (if the main transmitter is disconnected from the THOR bus) The GPI COM interface will go into sleep mode in the following situations: ● If the GPI COM interface has address 01, the modem is a Hayes type and another GPI COM is online on address 02. ● If the GPI COM interface has an address different from 01, the modem must be either a Hayes type or an ISDN type and another GPI COM is online on address 01. Typical backup configuration 1-24 The main transmitter is a TCP/IP transmitter on address 01 with a backup transmitter on any other address (02 to 31). In this configuration the CU input address 078 (Primary transmitter transmission fault) is used for activating the backup transmission path. The CU input address 077 (Backup transmitter transmission fault) can be used for activating an additional digital alarm transmitter to operate as a secondary backup transmitter. 91000601 Functional description Video front-end addresses Input address Terminal number Designation 30 + Device address of Video Front-end RS-485 bus Boot Remarks 500 + Device address of Video Front-end RS-485 bus Tamper 025 RS-485 bus Video Loss Camera input1 026 RS-485 bus Video Loss Camera input 2 027 RS-485 bus Video Loss Camera input 3 028 RS-485 bus Video Loss Camera input 4 029 RS-485 bus Video Loss Camera input 5 070 RS-485 bus Video Loss Camera input 6 071 RS-485 bus Video Loss Camera input 7 072 RS-485 bus Video Loss Camera input 8 S-ART circuits Input address 100 – 129 130 Designation Cir. 100-129 Tamper 130 By default: Zone Type Name Remarks 01 16 S-ART Line 1 (00 to 29) Pseudo S-ART (30) 00 07 001 093 131 - 199 200 – 229 230 Not available Cir. 200-229 Tamper 230 01 16 00 07 001 093 231 – 299 300 – 329 330 Not available Cir. 300-329 Tamper 330 01 16 00 07 001 093 331 - 399 400 – 429 430 431 - 499 91000601 S-ART Line 2 (00 to 29) Pseudo S-ART (30) S-ART Line 3 (00 to 29) Pseudo S-ART (30) Not available Cir. 400-429 Tamper 430 01 16 00 07 001 093 S-ART Line 4 (00 to 29) Pseudo S-ART (30) Not available 1-25 Functional description 1.6 Outputs Like the inputs, each output address defined in the system must be described with an output soft type. Programming of output soft types to output addresses are done in Menu 49. The output soft type describes the exact reaction of the corresponding output to which it is programmed that includes, which input soft type activates which output soft type, when the output soft types are reset again etc. All output soft types (except a few) can be connected to a zone and will then only activate when a corresponding input soft type in this zone is in alarm, or it can be a system type, which then will activate from alarms in any zone. Each S-ART address can be programmed with an input soft type and an output soft type that can work fully independent. They can even be programmed to different zones if wanted. In the following is described all output soft types available and the allocation of output addresses in the Thor Intrusion System. 1.6.1 Overview output soft types The table below provides an overview of the output soft types available. Primary output function Output types Local alarm Local indicator control 00 = Not defined External signalling Remarks - 01 = Common Alarm X Siren, bell or strobe 02 = Tamper Alarm X Siren or bell 04 = Seismic Alarm X Siren or bell 05 = Local Shock Count Alarm X Siren or bell 06 = Set/Unset (Zone) X Lamp 07 = Hold-up Alarm X Lamp 08 = More Than One Hold-up Alarm X Siren or bell 09 = Technical Alarm 1 X Bell or buzzer 10 = Technical Alarm 2 X Bell or buzzer 12 = System Fault X Bell or buzzer 14 = Local Alarm X Bell or buzzer 16 = SW.Power X Switched power supply 17 = Entry/Exit X Buzzer 18 = Set/Fault X Buzzer 19 = Test X For detector test 20 = Fire Reset X Power supply for fire Continued … 1-26 91000601 Functional description Primary output function Output types 21 = Fire Alarm Local alarm Local indicator control X 22 = Glass Break Remarks - X Reset signal 23 = Perimeter 1st Detector X - 24 = Follow Input X Buzzer etc. 25 = Local Alarm Function X Alarm Functions 26 = Auto-Set Prewarning X Buzzer 27 = Perimeter 2nd Detector X - 29 = Common Alarm 2 X Siren, bell or strobe 32 = Set/Unset Area X Transmitter input 33 = Intrusion X Transmitter input 34 = Tamper X Transmitter input 35 = More than One Alarm X Transmitter input 36 = Seismic Alarm X Transmitter input 37 = External Shock Count Alarm X Transmitter input 38 = Set/Unset X Transmitter input 39 = Hold-up/Duress X Transmitter input 40 = Duress X Transmitter input 41 = Technical 1 X Transmitter input 42 = Technical 2 X Transmitter input 43 = Transmission Test 1 X Transmitter input 44 = Trouble X Transmitter input 45 = 1h Mains Fault X Transmitter input 46 = Fire Alarm X Transmitter input 47 = Isolation X Transmitter input 48 = CPU-Reset X Transmitter input 49 = Transmission Test 2 X Transmitter input 50 = Anti Hostage 91000601 External signalling X Lamp 1-27 Functional description 1.6.2 Output soft type description The following pages describe in detail the various input soft types available 00 - Not defined Programmed for unused outputs. 01 - Common Alarm 1 Activated by intruder alarm from input soft types 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08 19+20 and 21. Passivated by timer or at log-on. 02 - Tamper Alarm Activated by tamper alarm from input soft type 07. Passivated by timer or at log-on. 04 - Seismic Alarm Activated by intruder alarm from input soft type 02. Passivated by timer or at log-on (local output). 05 – Local Shock Count Alarm Activated by intruder alarm from input soft type 21 (Shock Count) in Set and Unset condition. Passivated by timer or at log-on (local output). 06 - Set/Unset Activated by zone set with no isolations (after exit time). Please note that all zones (also unused zones) must be set, before a System set output will be activated. 07 - Hold-up Alarm Activated by hold-up alarm from input soft types 09 and 22. Blocks output soft types 01, 02, 04, 14, 29 and the internal buzzer. Passivated when all such messages are reset. 08 – More than one Hold-up alarm The output will activate only if more than one Hold-up alarm from the following input soft types has occurred: Input soft types 09 or 22. The output is passivated again when the number of alarms is 1 or 0 or by the timer programmed to the output soft type. Is used as an transmission output soft type. 09 – Technical Alarm 1 Follows input soft type 11 input condition - active or passive. 10 – Technical Alarm 2 Activated by technical alarm from input soft type 12. Passivated by timer or at log-on. 12 - System Fault Activated by system fault from input soft type 13 or 15. Passivated by timer or at log-on. 14 - Local Alarm Activated by local fire door alarm from input soft type 03. Direct input/output address relation. Output is following the corresponding input condition. 16 - SW. Power Activated during log-on to a keypad within the zone and when one or more of input soft types 01 - 04 are physically set. Can be used to control power for Ultrasonic detectors. 17 - Entry/Exit Activated during entry and exit time. A Timer No. (7 - 28) can be connected to the output soft type for creating a special Timer type but the Duration of this Timer must then be programmed to 999. 18 - Set/Fault Activated for a short time (normally 2 s - in case of isolations 5 s) to indicate completion of the setting procedure. Activated until log-on in case of exit faults. 1-28 91000601 Functional description 19 - Test Active during test Menu 32 - Walk/Seismic Test - in order to check passive infrared detectors, which have the option to control the walk test lamp by an on/off signal, and in order to test the reaction of seismic detectors etc., which have a built-in test generator. The Test soft type must in this case be programmed on an address with a Seismic input soft type 02 and with the same zone number as the input address. 20 - Fire Reset Normally activated - passivated for a short time by performing reset of fire alarm messages (input soft type 18) by pressing the Alarm reset pushbutton . The Fire alarm detector scanning is suppressed during the following 3 seconds (preprogrammed to use Timer 12 DURATION). 21 - Fire alarm Activated by fire alarm input soft type 18. Passivated by timer or log-on. 22 - Glass Break Normally activated - passivated for a short time (defined by timer 3 DURATION) by performing reset of intrusion alarm messages (input soft types 1 and 3) by pressing the Alarm reset pushbutton . The detector scanning is suppressed during the following seconds (Timer 3 DURATION plus 1 second). 23 - Perimeter 1st Detector Activated after an alarm from input soft type 23 if programmed on the same address as the input soft type 23. Passivated by timer or at log-on. 24 - Follow Input Activated during the time an input soft type 24 - Follow Me - is active (by zone). 25 - Local Alarm Function If the output address is programmed with the output soft type 25, then this output is reset at logon to a keypad within the zone (like a siren output). The output soft type 25 must not be programmed with zone 00 but only another zone No. included in the code/area that must reset the output. If no output soft type is programmed to the output address, then the output will work as a Transmission output which are reset when the inputs to the equation are FALSE (all input messages reset from the display buffer). 26 - Auto-set Prewarning Activated for some time (programmable by Timer 29), or until log-on to a keypad, 10 minutes before automatic setting. Auto-set may be delayed (one time only) by calling Menu 14 on any remote keypad. If the zone No. is between 01 to 16, the output will be activated when the zone is included in an area which makes an automatic setting. If the zone No. is 00 the, output will be activated for all areas making automatic setting. 27 - Perimeter 2nd Detector Activated after an alarm from input soft type 23 if another alarm from another input soft type 23 already exists but within a period of time defined by Timer 19 (DURATION). Passivated by timer or at log-on. 29 - Common Alarm 2 Activated by intruder alarm from input soft types 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 19 + 20 and 21. Passivated by timer or at log-on. If this output soft type is programmed with zone 00 (common), the output will be triggered only once, i.e. not re-triggered by a new alarm condition after Auto Alarm Reset. 32 - Set/Unset Area Activated when the area is physically set (before exit time). Isolated circuits may be present. Passivated when just one circuit is unset. Can be allocated to area 001 to 016 only! 33 - Intrusion Activated by external intruder alarm from input soft types 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07 (only if zone set), 08, 19+20 and 21. Passivated by timer or when all such messages are reset. 91000601 1-29 Functional description 34 - Tamper Activated by tamper alarm from input soft type 07. Passivated by timer or when all such messages are reset. 35 – More than one alarm The output will activate only if more than one intruder alarm from the following input soft types have occurred: 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 08, 19, 20 or 21. These are all the Intruder input soft types excluding Technical, Fire and Hold-up alarms. The output is passivated again when the number of alarms is 1 or 0 or by the timer programmed to the output soft type. Is used as an transmission output soft type. 36 - Seismic Alarm Activated by intruder alarm from input soft type 02. Passivated by timer or when all such messages are reset (transmission output). 37 – External Shock Count Alarm Activated by intruder alarm from input soft type 21 (Shock Count) in Set condition. Passivated by timer or when all such messages are reset (transmission output). 38 - Set/Unset Activated when the zone is physically set (before exit time). Isolated circuits may be present. Passivated when just one circuit is unset. Please note that all zones (also unused zones) must be set, before a System set output will be activated. 39 - Hold-up/Duress Activated by a hold-up alarm from input soft types 09 and 22 or when a duress code is used. Passivated by timer or when all such messages are reset. Please note that a timer with a limited time must be used for this output soft type, if the Hold-up code feature is enabled. 40 - Duress Activated by a hold-up alarm when a duress code is used. Passivated by timer. Please note that a timer with a limited time must be used for this output soft type, if the Hold-up code feature is enabled. 41 - Technical 1 Activated by external Technical Alarm 1 from input soft type 11. Passivated by timer or when all such messages are reset. 42 - Technical 2 Activated by external Technical Alarm 2 from input soft type 12. Passivated by timer or when all such messages are reset. 43 - Transmission Test 1 The soft type is controlled by Timer 28 which is programmed in 0.1 hours. The Timer DURATION specifies the frequency of the output activation (time between each activation). The Timer DELAY defines the time between when the programming is done and the first activation. If the Timer Type is programmed to type 3, the output soft type 43 will be activated only if the zone (01-16) or system (00) is set. All other Timer Types will activate the soft type in set or unset condition. The soft type can be connected to one of the standard Timers from 07 to 27. This timer will then - by the DURATION - control the activation time (pulse width). When output soft type 43 (common) is activated then a Transmission Test 1 mail is sent to bus device type: Modem interface Online (14H). 44 - Trouble Activated by system fault from input soft type 13, 14, 15 or 35. Passivated by timer or when all such messages are reset. NOTE! Activated during service mode (engineer at site) and automatically passivated (if no other system fault messages are present) when service mode is reset - if the internal input address 085 is programmed as soft type 14. 1-30 91000601 Functional description 45 - 1h Mains Fault Activated after 1 hour (or programmable time by Timer 06) of mains power fault. Passivated by timer or when the message is reset. Note! Must only be programmed in zone 00 (total system). 46 - Fire alarm Activated by fire alarm input soft type 18. Passivated by timer or when all such messages are reset. 47 - Isolation Activated when one or more circuits are isolated. Passivated when all such isolations are removed (by unsetting). 48 - CPU-Reset Activated for a short time upon non-fatal CPU-reset. 49 - Transmission Test 2 This output soft type works exactly as output soft type 43, but with Timer 17. It is possible to use the Minitel output message for the transmission test on the external dialer, by programming the output soft types 43 and 49 on the Minitel outputs (900 – 999), and programming Timer 28 and 17. When output soft type 49 (common) is activated, then a Transmission Test 2 mail is sent to bus device type: Modem interface Online (14H). 50 – Anti Hostage Active when entering code and unsetting area consisting of zone 15. Deactivated when all detectors in zone 15 are activated and entering the same code and unset again. 91000601 1-31 Functional description 1.6.3 Output addresses and standard programming The relationship between each output address (i.e. output number displayed during programming, etc.) and the physical location is listed below. It also appears which programming is already made from the factory. 95T CU-30 on-board outputs Terminal number Designation 001 P5-1/5 O1 00 00 NPN transistor output 002 P5-2/5 O2 00 00 NPN transistor output 003 P5-3/5 O3 00 00 NPN transistor output 004 P5-4/5 O4 00 00 NPN transistor output 005 P6-1/6 O5 00 00 NPN transistor output 006 P6-2/6 O6 00 00 NPN transistor output 007 P6-3/6 O7 00 00 NPN transistor output 008 P4 O8 00 00 Relay output Output address By default: Zone Type Remarks S-ART lines (Main Controller) Output address Terminal number Designation 100-129 P7-1/2 Out 100-129 By default: Zone Type 00 00 130-199 200-229 P8-1/2 Out 200-229 00 00 S-ART outputs line 2 (00 to 29) Not available P9-1/2 Out 300-329 00 00 330-399 400-429 S-ART outputs line 1 (00 to 29) Not available 230-299 300-329 Remarks S-ART outputs line 3 (00 to 29) Not available P10-1/2 Out 400-429 00 00 S-ART outputs line 4 (00 to 29) Transmission outputs (logical) Terminal number Designation 900 RS-485 Free 00 00 901 RS-485 Mains fault (1 h) 00 45 902 RS-485 Watchdog reset 00 48 903 RS-485 Problem 00 44 904 RS-485 Isolation 00 47 905-909 RS-485 Free 00 00 910 RS-485 Fire 00 46 Output address By default: Zone Type Remarks Continued … 1-32 91000601 Functional description 91000601 Output address Terminal number Designation By default: Zone Type 911-919 RS-485 Free 00 00 920 RS-485 Hold-up 00 39 921-929 RS-485 Free 00 00 930 RS-485 Sabotage 00 34 931-939 RS-485 Free 00 00 940 RS-485 Intrusion 00 33 941-949 RS-485 Free 00 00 950 RS-485 System set 00 38 951-959 RS-485 Free 00 00 960 RS-485 System set 00 32 961-969 RS-485 Free 00 00 970 RS-485 Tech. alarm 1 00 41 971979 RS-485 Free 00 00 980 RS-485 Tech. alarm 2 00 42 981-989 RS-485 Free 00 00 990 RS-485 Cyclic test 00 43 991-999 RS-485 Free 00 00 Remarks 1-33 Functional description 1.7 Reaction tables The following sections provide reaction tables for local alarm/fault outputs, transmission outputs, and various other outputs 1.7.1 Reaction table – local alarm/fault outputs The table below illustrates, which output types are affected by an active condition of the different input types (described by input type number and name). The outputs are described using a short form output name and the output type number. S The output is activated by the event in zone (or circuit) set condition. U The output is activated by the event in zone unset condition. (T) The output is activated for a short fixed time. Output type Input type Alarm O01 O29 01 - Normal Night S 02 - Seismic alarm S 03 – 24 h S 04 - Entry Route S Tamper Seismic Hold-up O02 004 O07 Tech1 Tech2 Fault Local Fire O09 O10 O12 O14 O21 1st detec. O23 Follow O24 2nd det. O27 S U 05 - Bypass Unit 06 - Normal Night 2 h S 07 - Tamper S 08 - Night Deposit Box S SU 09 - Hold-up 1 SU 10 - Technical/Film counter SU 11 - Technical 1 SU 12 - Technical 2 SU 13 - System Fault 1 SU 14 - System Fault 2 SU 15 - System Fault 3 16 - System Fault 4 17 - Key Storage Box S SU 18 - Fire Alarm SU 19 - Beam Pair 1 S 20 - Beam Pair 2 S 21 - Shock Count S 22 - Hold-up 2 23 - Local Perimeter Detection S S 24 - Follow Me S 25 - Set/Unset Zone Pulse S SU 26 - Set/Unset Zone Level 27 - Set/Unset Area Pulse 28 - S/Unset Area Level 29 - Alarm Reset 30 - 24 h Seismic SU 31 - Night Deposit Box 2 SU SU Continued … 1-34 91000601 Functional description Output type Input type Alarm O01 O29 Tamper Seismic Hold-up O02 004 Tech1 Tech2 Fault Local Fire O09 O10 O12 O14 O21 O07 1st detec. O23 Follow O24 2nd det. O27 32 = Vindicator Lock 33 = High Security - Entry Door SU 34 = Anti-mask SU 35 = Primary Transmission Fault SU The outputs are reset by timer or at log-on, except for Hold-up O07, which is not reset until the last Hold-up message is erased from the alarm list, and Tech. 1 O09 and Follow O24 which follows the corresponding input conditions. 1.7.2 Reaction table – transmission outputs The table below illustrates, which output types are affected by an active condition of the different input types (described by input type number and name). The outputs are described using a short form output name and the output type number. S The output is activated by the event in zone (or circuit) set condition. U The output is activated by the event in zone unset condition. (T) The output is activated for a short fixed time. Output type Intrusion Tamper Seismic Hold-up Duress Tech1 Tech2 Trouble O36 O39 O40 O41 O42 O44 1h Mains O45 13 - System Fault 1 SU (S U) 14 - System Fault 2 SU 15 - System Fault 3 SU Input type O33 01 - Normal Night S 02 - Seismic alarm S 03 - 24 hour S 04 - Entry Route S O34 Fire O46 CPU Reset O48 S 05 - Bypass Unit 06 - Normal Night 2h S 07 - Tamper S 08 - Night Deposit Box S SU 09 - Hold-up 1 SU 10 - Technical/Film counter S 11 - Technical 1 S 12 - Technical 2 SU 16 - System Fault 4 17 - Key Storage Box S SU 18 - Fire S 19 - Beam Pair 1 S 20 - Beam Pair 2 S 21 - Shock Count S 22 - Hold-up 2 S 23 - Local Perimeter Detection 24 - Follow Me Continued … 91000601 1-35 Functional description Output type Intrusion Tamper Input type O33 O34 Seismic Hold-up Duress Tech1 Tech2 Trouble O36 O39 O40 O41 O42 O44 1h Mains O45 Fire O46 CPU Reset O48 25 - Set/Unset Zone Pulse SU 26 - Set/Unset Zone Level 27 - Set/Unset Area Pulse 28 - Set/Unset Area Level 29 - Alarm Reset 30 - 24 h Seismic S 31 - 24h Night Deposit Box S S 32 - Vindicator Lock 33 - High Security - Entry Door S 34 = Anti-mask 35 = Primary Transmission Fault SU Non-fatal reset (T) The outputs are reset, when the last message is erased from the alarm list. 1.7.3 Reaction table – various outputs The table below shows the output types affected by certain events. The outputs are described using a short form name and the output type number. A Indicates that the output is activated. (A) Indicates that isolations may be carried out automatically when the setting is performed by means of a remote control device. R Indicates that the output is reset to the normal condition. T Indicates that the output is activated for a programmed time. Timer allocation and time set-up are determined during system programming (T) Indicates that the output is activated for a short fixed time. Output type/timer Action Set/unset O06 O38 SW power O02 Entry/ exit O17 Log-on to RKP A Initiate setting A T A R Test O19 Fire reset O20 Glass break O22 Auto set O26 Set/ unset O32 R A (A) R R Trans. test O43 Isolation O47 R Exit fault Complete setting Set/ fault O18 A A Initiate unsetting (T) T Entry fault Complete unsetting R R R Alarm reset (T) T Isolating circuits A Walk test, Menu 32 Time-prog. set Timer 28 A A A T A (A) T All quiet 1-36 91000601 Functional description 1.8 Timers and timer functions The following sections describe the timers available, timer duration functions and delay functions, output soft types and software timer types. 1.8.1 Timer duration functions and delay functions The table below lists the all Timers and the function linked to the Timer. Timer No. Duration function Delay function 1 Must not be used or changed. Must not be used or changed. 2 Must not be used or changed. Must not be used or changed. 3 Glass Break Reset timer Not used. 4 Timer for activation of output soft type 17 during Input test (Menu 35) and Zone test (Menu 34) Not used. 5 Timer for activation of output soft type 18 during automatic set and automatic isolation. Not used. 6 Mains fault timer in minutes before Mains Fault indication. Not used. 7 Free Free 8 Free Free 9 Free Free 10 Free Free 11 Free Free 12 Free Free 13 Free Free 14 Free Free 15 Free Free 16 Automatic Seismic test timer. The duration field specifies the interval between the activations (0.1 hour = 6 minutes). Automatic Seismic test timer: The delay field of the timer specifies the time from the timer is programmed to the first time the output soft type must be activated (0.1 hour = 6 minutes). 17 Transmission test 2 (output soft type 49) frequency timer. The Timer specifies the time between each activation in 0.1 hours. The Timer DELAY defines the time between when the programming is done and the first activation. If the Timer Type is programmed to type 3, the output soft type 49 will be activated only if the zone (01-16) or system (00) is set. All other Timer types will activate the soft type in set or unset condition. 18 Timer for Autoset Function 7 for Re-arm Timed set (Minutes). Delay time for Re-arm Timed set if delay is asked in Menu 14 (Minutes). 19 Max. time before the 2nd perimeter output (Output soft type 27) can be activated after the 1st has been activated. 20 Time window for the Shock count input soft type (Input soft type21) (seconds). 21 Key storage box timer input soft type (seconds). 22 Techn./Film counter timer. Time active before alarm for ITYP 10. (seconds) Timer for High Security door (ITYP 33) in unset condition before alarm. (seconds) 23 Auto Alarm Reset timer for Alarm Function Output addresses. (seconds) Double Knock active time. (seconds) Max. number of pulses before alarm from ITYP 21 (in time window). (count number). Continued … 91000601 1-37 Functional description Timer No. Duration function Delay function 24 Double Knock time window (seconds). Test time for Seismic input soft types after unsetting or from test Menu 32 (seconds). 25 Test time for the Normal Night Input Soft type (06). The detectors must during this time after unsetting give an active signal, otherwise a system Fault message will be created by the detector (minutes). The input soft type Seismic Alarm (02) is inhibited during the DELAY time if an Input soft type Night Deposit Box (08) in the zone has been opened (seconds). 26 The input soft type Night Deposit Box (08) is inhibited during the DURATION time (as well as the Seismic soft type in the same zone) (seconds). 27 Beam Pair time window (Input soft types 19 and 20). (seconds) The Timer DELAY defines the time between when the programming is done and the first activation. If the Timer Type is programmed to type 3, the output soft type 43 will be activated only if the zone (01-16) or system (00) is set. All other Timer types will activate the soft type in set or unset condition 28 Transmission Test 1 (output soft type 43) frequency timer. The Timer specifies the time between each activation in 0.1 h. The programmed DELAY will be subtracted the fixed 10 minutes prewarning time before Auto Set. 29 Automatic Set Pre-warning Time duration (Output soft type 26). Automatic alarm reset timer (seconds). 30 Soak test duration. (hours) Entry Time for Zone 1 – 16 (seconds) 31 – 46 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 (seconds) 47 Timer for activation of all output soft types. Duration is set in increments of one minute. 48 Timer for activation of all output soft types. 49 Timer for activation of all output soft types. 50 Used in connection with the verification period of the anti-hostage system (Option bit 23 set to 1, see section 1.12) where the alarm reaction from all input soft type 01 inputs of zone 15 is bypassed during DURATION time. The timer starts when a user - with an area containing only zone 15 - unsets zone 15. The timer is stopped when the same user unsets zone 15 again. If the timer expires, an alarm is generated from all input soft type 01 inputs of zone 15 ☛ 1.8.2 The DELAY determines the time when manual unsetting is allowed after manual setting. It is used in connection with the Lunch Break function (Section 1.12), and can only be used with P0 og P1 codes and only when FNC 11 is active. If option bit 1 is set to 0 (Bank mode), the function can only be used by P0 codes. Delay is set in increments of one minute with a minimum time of 10 minutes. Please note that the DURATION time can be set in the interval from 1 to 999 and the DELAY time in the interval from 1 to 255. Output soft types and software timer types Output soft types Default setup Timer/type 01 – Common alarm 1 3 min T07/1 02 - Tamper Alarm 3 min T08/1 10 - Technical Alarm 2 3 min T09/1 14 - Local Alarm 3 min T10/1 18 - Set/Fault (by setting completed) 2s T11/1 19 - Test 30 s T15/1 20 - Fire Reset 3s T12/2 22 - Glass Break (Reset) 2s T03/3 Continued … 1-38 91000601 Functional description Output soft types Default setup Timer/type 26 - Auto-Set Prewarning 5 min T29/1 29 - Common Alarm 2 3 min T07/1 39 - Hold-up/Duress 1 min T14/1 43 - Transmission Test 1 ∞ T2/1 * 48 - CPU-Reset 2s T11/1 *The Timer No. must be changed to another timer No. between 7 - 18 before using the soft type 43. 91000601 Name Default setup Timer/type Mains power drop-out detection time 250 ms Software Mains power failure detection time 1h T06/1 Mains power lamp flash 0.5 Hz Software Battery presence test frequency 5s Software Battery presence test duration 25 ms Software Battery load test frequency 24 h Software Battery load test duration 15 s Software Watch dog timer reset frequency <400 ms Software I/O-Board input sample time 62.5 ms Software S-ART input sample time 125 ms Software Input circuit change detection time 250 ms Software I/O-Board output refresh time 1s Software S-ART output refresh time 1s Software Normal auto-clear time 2 min. Software Auto-clear time during test/programming 25/10 min. Software Operating fault buzzer activation 0.5 s Software Keypad blockade after log-in fault 5 min. Software Log-out in alarm condition buzzing 15 s Software Engineer code acceptance after alarm 2 min Software Keypad lamp flash during lamp test 0.5 Hz Software Keypad display flash during lamp test 0.5 Hz Software Entry/Exit buzzing during zone test 5s T04/1 Set/Fault activation by 1-2 isolations 5s T05/4 Keypad buzzing during zone test 1s Software Status refresh time during input test 5s Software Double Knock time window 5 min. T24 DURATION Double Knock 1 event detection time 10 s T24 DELAY Soak test duration 7 days T30/1 DURATION Auto Set pre-warning time duration 5 min. T29/1 Auto Alarm Reset time-delay 3 min. T30/1 DELAY Exit time of zone 1 min. T31-46/1 Entry time of zone 1 min. T31-46/1 1-39 Functional description Timer types To describe the function of a timer, a timer type can be allocated to each timer No. Seven different timer types exist and can be used as required. Timer type No. Description 1 Normal function (output normally OFF) 2 Inverted function (output normally ON) 3 30 ms pulse width - only on I/O-board output address 001 to 016 4 Output alternating 0.5 Hz during time-duration 5 Like 4, but with inverted function (output normally ON) 6 Output alternating 0.25 Hz during time-duration 7 Like 6, but with inverted function (output normally ON). See Chapter 3, Programming, for more information about the allocation of timers/timer types to output soft types. 1-40 91000601 Functional description 1.9 Alarm functions Alarm Functions makes it possible to activate an output depending on alarms from specific input addresses and not only from a zone as the normal output soft types. In general, an Alarm Function can only be active when the input condition is in alarm, meaning that there must be an alarm message in the alarm display. However, the input types "Follow me" and "Only in log system fault" can activate an Alarm Function without creating an alarm message. See also Section 1.9.4 for information about Alarm Functions indicating that all detectors or certain detectors are in normal condition. 1.9.1 IF - THEN expressions Normally the large number of input and output soft types, each with individual characteristics, are more than adequate for creating the wanted input-output reaction. Sometimes however, a special function not found as standard, is needed. Such functions are often made by means of a small piece of hardware or by interconnections between a number of relay outputs. In order to supply some assistance in making "unforeseen" relations between input conditions and outputs, some free programmable IF - THEN expressions (or alarm functions) are added as a supplement to the fixed input/output soft types. In general the input and output fields of the expressions refer to physical addresses (not to soft types). The value of each field is either FALSE (0) or TRUE (1) corresponding to the input/output conditions PASSIVE or ACTIVE. The expressions are calculated according to the rules of Boolean Algebra, which means that multiplications are made before additions. Boolean Algebra: 1 + 1 * 0 = 1 + (1 * 0) = 1 The operands used are: (and not (1 + 1) * 0 = 0) + (logical OR - selected by the * (logical AND - selected by the - key) - key) In terms of Thor expressions, it works like this: Ex. 001 = 002 + 003 * 004 which is translated into the verbal description: IF input address 002 is active OR input address 003 AND 004 are both active, THEN output 001 is active, ELSE output 001 is passive. The number of expressions is 49 and each expression allows for a maximum of 11 input fields and 1 output field. The first field displayed is the expression number 851 to 899. The next 11 input fields are for standard input addresses. The value of an input (true = active or false = passive) depends on the input soft type allocated to this input address. The last field makes it possible to direct the expression to a standard output address (3 digits) and to allocate a timer to this output (2 digits). No further programming of the output is needed to make it follow the value of the expression. If, however, the output should be reset at logon to a keypad, the same output address must be programmed with an Output Soft type 25 in Menu 48. 91000601 1-41 Functional description If an input field is not filled-in or equal to 000, it is disregarded. The output field needs not to be programmed if the expression is an input to another expression. Apart from the standard input addresses, some special inputs are allowed in order to make larger calculations (one expression may be the input to another) or in order to take special conditions into account. 1.9.2 Alarm functions for local / transmission outputs If the output address is programmed with an Output Soft type 25 in Menu 48, then this output is reset at logon to a keypad within the zone (like a siren output). The Output Soft type 25 must not be programmed with zone 00 but only another zone No. included in the code/area that must reset the output. If no Output Soft type is programmed to the output address, then the output will work as a Transmission output which are reset when the inputs to the equation are FALSE (all input messages reset from the display buffer). 1.9.3 Auto alarm reset of output alarm functions If the Timer allocation to the output of an expression is Timer No. 23, then the normal reaction of this output is turned around, which means that the output is activated, when the expression becomes TRUE. When the expression comes false, the output is reset after the time specified in the DURATION part of the Timer No. 23 (see the example below for output address 400). This feature is primarily introduced in order to establish the Auto Alarm Reset function, which also requires the special operand 029 - ACTIVE to be used in the input field in front of each input address in order to have the proper reaction. Example: 851 = 029 * 100 + 029 * 101 + ...... = 40023 Important: If an address Input soft type 04 (Entry/Exit detector) is used in an Alarm Function, the address must always be AND'ed with the special Operand 025 (Detector set). If this is not done, the Alarm Function output will be reactivated during the unset period (entry time). See the example below: Example: 851 = 029*400*025*400 + .......=40023 1.9.4 Alarm function without alarm input condition Although an Alarm Function only can be active when the input condition is in alarm, it is possible to create Alarm Functions reacting on an output without the detector to be in alarm condition. This means that you can make an output, which can indicate if all or certain detectors are in normal condition, before you try to set the zone by for example a key-switch. This is done by the operands ACTIVE (29) and PASSIVE (30) which will take in the real condition of the detector alarm contact in Set or Unset condition. If this Operand is not used the Alarm Function will work as normal meaning that it must be in Alarm condition. The SET (25) and UNSET (26) operands can also be used without having the input to be in Alarm condition first. 1-42 91000601 Functional description 1.9.5 Special operands 025 The set/unset condition of the input address to the right in this part of the expression must be SET. Must be used together with * (logical AND) and works for standard input addresses and Input soft types 01, 02, 04, 06, 08, 19 and 20 only. 026 The set/unset condition of the input address to the right in this part of the expression must be UNSET. Must be used together with * (logical AND) and works for standard input addresses and Input soft types 01, 02, 04, 06, 08, 19 and 20 only. 027 Inverting "operand". Used to invert the value of the input address to the right 027 * xxx corresponds to xxx passive = TRUE. Works for standard as well as special input addresses. 028 The alarm condition of the input address to the right in this part of the expression must be TAMPER (the default set-up is the alarm input of the SART). Must be used together with * (logical AND) and works for standard input addresses only. 029 The actual input condition of the input address to the right in this part of the expression must be ACTIVE (the default set-up does not distinguish between active and passive). Must be used together with * (logical AND) and works for standard input addresses only. 030 The actual input condition of the input address to the right in this part of the expression must be PASSIVE (the default set-up does not distinguish between active and passive). Must be used together with * (logical AND) and works for standard input addresses only. 1.9.6 Standard input addresses 001 – 002 Loop Inputs of the CU-30 017 – 024 Vault Controller 025 – 029 Video Loss Camera 1 – 5 031 – 061 Bus Device Alarm/Fault Messages, address 01 – 31 070 – 072 Video Loss Camera 6 – 8 076 – 080 Minitel Fault Messages 081 – 092 Thor Intrusion Internal Fault Messages 100 – 130 S-ART inputs 200 – 230 S-ART inputs 300 – 330 S-ART inputs 400 – 430 S-ART inputs 500 – 531 Bus Device Tamper/Fault Messages, address 00 – 31 - 532 91000601 Printer 1-43 Functional description 1.9.7 Standard output addresses 001 – 008 Outputs of the CU-30 100 – 129 S-ART outputs 200 – 229 S-ART outputs 300 – 329 S-ART outputs 400 – 429 S-ART outputs 900 – 999 Minitel outputs 1.9.8 Special input addresses 140 – 156 Pseudo input addresses describing the hold-up alarm condition of the system (zone 00) and zone 01 to 16. TRUE if one or more messages of this kind are found within the zone. FALSE when all such messages have been reset. 160 – 176 Pseudo input addresses describing the intrusion alarm condition of the system (zone 00) and zone 01 to 16. TRUE if one or more messages of this kind are found within the zone. FALSE when all such messages have been reset. Note! Local alarm from Input Soft type 03 in the unset condition and tamper alarm no matter the set/unset condition do not affect these input addresses. 180 – 196 Note! System fault from Input Soft type 16 does not affect these input addresses. 240 – 256 Pseudo input addresses describing the tamper alarm condition of the system (zone 00) and zone 01 to 16. TRUE if one or more messages of this kind are found within the zone. FALSE when all such messages have been reset. 260 – 276 Pseudo input addresses describing the technical alarm condition of the system (zone 00) and zone 01 to 16. TRUE if one or more messages of this kind are found within the zone. FALSE when all such messages have been reset. Note! 1-44 Pseudo input addresses describing the system fault condition of the system (zone 00) and zone 01 to 16. TRUE if one or more messages of this kind are found within the zone. FALSE when all such messages have been reset. Local technical alarm from Input Soft type 11 in the unset condition does not affect these input addresses. 280 – 296 Pseudo input addresses describing the isolation condition of the system (zone 00) and zone 01 to 16. TRUE if one or more messages of this kind are found within the zone. FALSE when all such messages have been reset. 340 – 356 Pseudo input addresses describing the fire alarm condition of the system (zone 00) and zone 01 to 16. TRUE if one or more messages of this kind are found within the zone. FALSE when all such messages have been reset. 361 – 376 Pseudo input addresses describing the set/unset condition of the zones 01 to 16, i.e. TRUE when zone is SET or PARTIALLY SET, FALSE when zone is UNSET. 600 – 850 Pseudo input addresses describing the set/unset condition of the areas, i.e. 600 is TRUE when all areas used are set (SYSTEM SET - isolation may be present), while 601 to 850 represent the corresponding areas 001 to 250 - TRUE when the area is physically or logically SET, FALSE when the area is PARTIALLY SET or UNSET. 91000601 Functional description 851 – 899 IF-THEN Expression Buffers. May be directed to standard output addresses and at the same time be inputs to other expressions. Note If you are not using the operands ACTIVE (29) and PASSIVE (30), the functions will remain as outlined in the table below. However, if the operands 29 or 30 is used, the function will change accordingly. See Section 1.9.4 for more information. Conditions to become: 91000601 Input type and name “True” “False” 01 - Normal Night Alarm Message Alarm Reset 02 - Seismic Alarm Alarm Message Alarm Reset 03 - 24h (Fire door - related to OTYP 14) Alarm Message Alarm Reset 04 - Entry Route (With timer) Alarm Message Alarm Reset 05 - Bypass Unit Active Passive 06 - Normal Night 2 h (Test) Alarm Message Alarm Reset 07 - Tamper Alarm Message Alarm Reset 08 - Night Deposit Box Alarm Message Alarm Reset 09 - Hold-up 1 (blocks bells) Alarm Message Alarm Reset 10 - Technical/Film counter Alarm Message Alarm Reset 11 - Technical 1 (local) Alarm Message Alarm Reset 12 - Technical 2 (external) Alarm Message Alarm Reset 13 - Sys. Fault 1 (normal trouble) Fault Message Fault Reset 14 - Sys. Fault 2 (automatic reset) Active Passive 15 - Sys. Fault 3 (engineer reset) Fault Message Fault Reset 16 - Sys. Fault 4 (just event-log) Active Passive 17 - Key Storage box Alarm Message Alarm Reset 18 - Fire Alarm Alarm Message Alarm Reset 19 - Beam Pair 1 (With timer) Alarm Message Alarm Reset 20 - Beam Pair 2 (With timer) Alarm Message Alarm Reset 21 - Shock Count Alarm Message Alarm Reset 22 - Hold-up 2 (blocks bells) Alarm Message Alarm Reset 23 - Local perimeter detection Alarm Message Alarm Reset 24 - Follow Me Active Passive 25 - Set/Unset Zone Pulse Active Passive 26 - Set/Unset Zone Level Active Passive 27 - Set/Unset Area Pulse (Area 001-016) Active Passive 28 - Set/Unset Area Level (Area 001-016) Active Passive 29 - Alarm reset Active Passive 30 – 24 h Seismic Alarm Alarm Message Alarm Reset 31 – 24 h Night Deposit Box Alarm Message Alarm Reset 32 - Vindicator lock Active Passive 33 - High Security – entry door Alarm Message Alarm Reset 34 - Anti-mask Alarm Message Alarm Reset 35 - Primary Transmission Fault Active Passive 1-45 Functional description Alarm Message Alarm Reset An Alarm Reset is an alarm message manually deleted from the alarm list. Fault Message A Fault Message means an activation of the alarm input of the S-ART unit (not the tamper input) resulting in a message in the fault list of menu 12. Fault Reset Active or Passive Reaction time 1-46 An Alarm Message is a message in the alarm list, Menu 11, resulting from an activation of the alarm input of the S-ART (not the tamper input). A Fault Reset is a fault message manually deleted from the fault list. Active or Passive condition describe the actual condition of the alarm input of the S-ART. Typical time from alarm detection to output activation is 1 to 3 s. 91000601 Functional description 1.10 Single-site and multi-subsite system By use of the option bit 14, it is possible to run the software in two different modes, a multi sub-site mode (distributed system) or single site mode (integrated system). The purpose of the multi sub-site mode is to divide the Thor central unit into several sub-systems where each subsystem has one or more Remote keypads to operate the part belonging to the subsystem. In this mode alarms etc. are only shown on the Remote keypads belonging to the zones from where the alarms are coming. The user does not know what is going on the other sub-site systems. This can be used for example in sites with several companies in the same building. In the single site mode all alarms etc. can be seen by all codes and from all Remote keypads, but still the reset of alarms, disarming of other zones etc. are depending on the zone mask dependency. In the following tables the user zone mask dependency of user (area) and operating panel when operating a distributed or an integrated system is shown. Two columns for each type of system are shown. The are labelled User and RKP, respectively. When a "yes" is shown in the User column, it means that this function or menu is using the area/zone mask to display or to allow the function. On the contrary, when a "no" is written, the menu or function works global not depending on the area/zone mask. The RKPs can be defined to work on zones also (See Chapter 3, Programming). In the RKP column, a "yes" means that the function or menu is using the RKP/zone mask. Opposite when a "no" is written, it means that the menu or function works global with no RKP/zone mask dependency. Multi-subsite system Single site system User RKP User RKP Remarks Menu 10 Code-Area status - area display - area setting - area unsetting - autoset area unset - zone display - zone setting - zone unsetting - auto set zone unset - detector isolation yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes no no no no yes yes yes yes yes no no no no yes no yes yes yes no no no no yes All codes All codes All codes P2, P4 codes only All codes All codes All codes P2, P4 code only P0-P1 max. 2 Menu 11 Alarm list - alarm display - intrusion alarm reset - tamper alarm reset - hold-up alarm reset - technical alarm reset - fire alarm reset yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no All codes All codes P2-P4 codes only All codes All codes All codes Menu 12 System Fault List - system fault display - battery fault reset - 1h mains fault reset - system fault (3) reset yes yes yes yes no no no no no yes yes yes no no no no All codes All codes All codes P3-P4 codes only Menu 13 Isolations List - detector display yes no no no All codes Continued … 91000601 1-47 Functional description Multi-subsite system Single site system User RKP User RKP Remarks Menu 21 Area Status - area display - area setting - area unsetting no no yes yes yes yes no no yes no yes yes All codes All codes All codes Menu 22 Zone Status - zone display - zone setting - zone unsetting no no yes yes yes yes no no yes yes yes yes All codes All codes All codes Menu 23 Detector Status - detector display - detector setting - detector unsetting - detector isolation yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes All codes All codes All codes All codes Menu 25 Event-Log - log display no no no no P1 – P4 codes only Menu 26 Print Event-Log - log print no no no no P1 – P4 codes only Menu 27 Print Status - status print no no no no P1 – P4 codes only Menu 28 Print Set-up - set-up printing no no no no P2, P4 codes only Menu 29 Alarm Counter - counter display no no no no P2, P4 codes only Menu 31 Lamp Test - lamp and display test no no no no All codes Menu 32 Walk test - test output activation yes yes yes yes P1 – P4 codes only Menu 33 Battery Test - battery load test no no no no P1 – P4 codes only Menu 34 Zone Test - semi-automatic test yes yes yes yes P1 – P4 codes only Menu 35 Detector Test - individual input test no no no no P4 codes only Menu 36 Output Test - individual output test no no no no P2, P4 codes only Menu 37 Printer Test - test print-out no yes no yes P1 – P4 codes only Menu 38 Bell Test - bell output activation no no no no P1 – P4 codes only Menu 41 Date and Time - correction no no no no P1 – P4 codes only Menu 42 Change of Code - correction yes no yes no P1 – P4 codes only Menu 43 to 54 - programming no no no no P4 codes only (Note 1) Menu 50 Allow Service - allow service code - set in service mode - reset all alarm/fault no no no no no no no no no no no no P1 – P2 codes only P4 codes only P1 – P4 codes only Menu 51 End Service Mode - disable service code no no no no All codes Note 1: Requires a printer connected to the Control unit. 1-48 91000601 Functional description 1.11 Auto alarm reset The purpose of automatic alarm reset is to passivate the alarm outputs and prepare the installation for detecting another alarm condition without the need of human interference. Not only the acoustical indicators are affected, also the transmission outputs are reset to let the central alarm station personnel decide whether the alarm condition is a "faulty one" or a condition requiring immediate action (by repeated alarm transmissions). Automatic alarm reset is performed within each zone by means of individual zone timers, but using a time set-up common to all zones. When an alarm condition within the zone is detected, the timer of this zone is started. If another alarm condition of a different detector within the same zone takes place before time-out, the timer is restarted. At time-out, the actual input condition of all "auto alarm reset type" detectors within the zone, which are elements of the alarm list, are checked. In case the input condition of just one detector is ACTIVE, the timer is restarted and the check performed at next time-out and so forth. When the input condition of all such detectors are QUIET, all outputs within the zone, affected by automatic alarm reset, are reset (if not already reset by the normal output timer) and the alarm panel is prepared for a new alarm detection - also from detectors already listed in the alarm list, which can only be reset by the user. Fig. 1.9 91000601 Auto Alarm Reset signal diagram. 1-49 Functional description 1.11.1 Input/output soft types affected by auto alarm reset The table below lists the input and output soft types affected by an Auto Alarm Reset. Input soft types Input type 01 – Normal night Input type 02 – Seismic alarm Input type 03 – 24h (Fire door) Input type 04 - Entry route Input type 05 – Bypass unit Input type 06 – Normal night 2 h Input type 07 – Tamper Input type 08 –Night deposit box Input type 09 – Hold-up (only with option bit 3) Input type 19 – Beam pair 1 Input type 20 – Beam pair 2 Input type 21 – Shock count Input type 23 – Local Perimeter detection Input type 30 – 24 h seismic Input type 31 - Night deposit box 2 Input type 33 – High security entry door Input type 34 – Antimask Output soft types Output type 01 - Common alarm 1 Output type 02 - Tamper alarm Output type 04 – Seismic alarm Output type 07 – Hold-up (only with option bit 3) Output type 14 – Local alarm st Output type 23 – Perimeter 1 detector nd Output type 27 - Perimeter 2 detector Output type 29 - Common alarm 2 Output type 33 - Intrusion Output type 34 - Tamper Output type 36 – Seismic alarm Timer T30 DELAY is used for common Auto Alarm Reset time set-up where DELAY can be set in the range 000 to 250 s. If DELAY is set to 254 s, the auto alarm reset function is disabled. 1-50 91000601 Functional description 1.12 Anti-hostage system Introduction The anti-hostage system is a way to prevent taking hostages when the bank personnel meet in the morning by showing alarms or unsetting/unset status on an indicator box with three LEDs visible from the outside of the bank. The three LEDs - green, orange and red - on the indicator box have the following meaning: GO Green LED lit means that the unsetting procedure has been completed successfully; you may enter the bank. WAIT Orange LED lit means that the unsetting procedure is in progress but has not yet been completed; you must wait for permission to enter the bank. STOP Red LED lit means that an alarm condition is present; it is not permitted to enter the bank. The anti-hostage system allows an external alarm to be generated in case of assaults on persons that opens the bank in the morning. If a certain procedure is not followed or a timer expires while unsetting the intrusion system, an external alarm will be generated. The anti-hostage system is allocated to a logical area containing only a single zone (anti-hostage zone) containing all PIR detectors of the anti-hostage system In addition to this, special functions such as lunch timer, delay of autosetting, etc., are available The anti-hostage system comprises a number ofinfrared (PIR) detectors in addition to the indicator box located so that it is visible outside the bank. Usually the intrusion system will consist of at least two areas: a peripheral area and a main area. Both areas are controlled by by week programs that will ensure that they are automatically set as scheduled and that they can be manually unset on the scheduled dates and times. ☛ 91000601 Please note that the anti-hostage functions and associated function are enabled only when option bit 23 is set to 1. See page 4-35. 1-51 Functional description 1.12.1 Anti-hostage system operation System status When the first person arrives, the system is set and all LEDs on the box at are under normal conditions turned off. If an alarm condition is present, the red LED is lit and it is not permitted to enter the bank to unset the intrusion system. Unsetting the system To unset the system when all LEDs are turned off, the person must enter his pin-code on the 95T RKP and press the - key. The orange LED on the box will be turned on, the alarm reaction of the PIR dectors will be bypassed (i. e. temporarily disabled) and a verification period timer is started. The lit orange LED indicates that persons arriving to the bank later, must wait for a permission to enter the bank. The first person must then walk a tour in the bank within the verification period to activate all PIR detectors of the anti-hostage system. When the tour is finished, the person returns to the 95T RKP and enters the same pin code again and presses the - key. If all PIR detectors of the anti-hostage system were activated during the tour, the verification period timer is stopped, the orange LED is turned off, the system is unset, and the green LED is turned on. The lit green LED indicates that persons arriving to the bank have permission to enter the bank immediately. Hold-up In case of a hold-up, the person held may limit his tour in the bank to ensure that not all PIR detectors are activated. After this, the person returns to the 95T RKP and enters his pin-code again. This will put all unactivated PIR detectors into alarm condition, generate an external alarm and turn the red LED on. If the verification period timer - started the first time the - key was pressed expires before the pin-code is entered again and the - key is pressed the second time, all PIR detectors will go into alarm condition, generate an external alarm and turn the red LED on. After unsetting of the system After the unsetting, the system may be manually set again for example during the lunch break. A timer controls the time when a manual unsetting is allowed after a manual setting has been performed. The time can be set in increments of one minute; the minimum time that can be set is 10 minutes. The function is controlled by the week program function FNC 11. Setting the system When the system has to be set, the person will enter his personal pin-code and press the - key. The system is then set and all LEDs of the indicator box are turned off. After setting of the system After the system has been set after the normal working hours, it will remain set until the mnual unsetting is performed the following morning within the period where manual unsetting is allowed. However, a guard may make his usual round in the bank using his alarm patrol code (P3) that should be programmed to the logical area containing the antihostage zone. The procedure for the unsetting and setting the system is the same as that previously described and the anti-hostage system will provide identical reactions to identical circumstances as described above. It is not possible to use the alarm patrol code in weekends and on holidays. Only day types 1 to 5 will allow the alarm patrol code to be used. 1-52 91000601 Functional description 1.12.2 Functional description Anti-hostage zone The anti-hostage zone is defined to be zone 15. In this zone, the alarm reaction for the which are programmed for the zone can be bypassed (temporarily disabled) by users with a priority 0 code or a priority 3 code (Alarm patrol code) to an area that contains only zone 15. All inputs (from PIR detectors) programmmed with input soft type 01 and belonging to zone 15 can be put into the bypass mode where an activation of the input will be stored. The zone is put into this bypass mode the first time a user enters his pin-code on the 95T RKP and presses the - key. At the same time a verification period timer (Timer 50 – duration – see Section 1.8.1.) is started and the orange LED on the box will be turned on. The orange LED is controlled by a output soft type 50 (Section 1.6.2). The output soft type is active while the zone is in the bypass mode The output soft type must be programmed in zone 15 or as a common type (Zone 0) in order to work. The user must then walk a tour in the bank within this verification period to activate all PIR detectors of the anti-hostage system. When the tour is finished, the user returns to the 95T RKP and enters the same pin code again and presses the - key. If all PIR detectors of the anti-hostage system were activated during the tour, the orange LED is turned off, the system is unset, and the green LED is turned on. The green LED can be controlled by a normal zone set (inverted) output soft type or an alarm function, where timer 47 can be used for the activation. The timer 47 duration is set in increments of one minute. See Section 1.8.1. If not all PIR detectors of the zone were activated during the tour or the verification period timer expires, the entry of the pin-code again followed by the pressing of the - key will put all PIR detectors into alarm condition, generate an external alarm and turn the red LED on. The red LED is controlled by a normal local alarm output soft type. Peripheral area and main area The areas are controlled by automatic set/unset week programs that ensures that the areas are set and that they are allowed to be unset on the scheduled date and times. Peripheral area An automatic set/unset week program controls when it is allowed to manually unset the area. It will normally not be allowable to unset the area during nighttime but only during daytime (after lunch break). When the area is automatically unset, it is allowable to manually set the area. If during daytime, the peripheral area is set (at lunch break), it is not allowed to unset the area before after a predefined (programmable) time. Main area The main area is also controlled by an automatic set/unset week program. The week program will not unset the area but will give a user access to unset the area manually. If the area is not unset within the allowed period, it will not be possible to manually unset the area that day. If the main area is not manually unset at the end of the period in which it may be manually unset, the peripheral area must be set automatically. If during daytime, the main area is set (at lunch break), it is not allowed to unset the area before after a programmable time of minimum 10 minutes. In the evening, if some of the personnel have to work late, it is possible to delay the automatic setting with up to one hour. If the setting of the main area is 91000601 1-53 Functional description delayed, then the automatic setting of the peripheral area wil be delayed also until the setting of the main area takes place. Week program interdependence There is some interdependence between the functions of the automatic set/unset week programs of the peripheral area and main area. In general the interdependence is established by pairing the areas by incrementing the area number by one. This means that if the main area is area 1 and the peripheral area is area 2, the required interdependence can be established. The same interdependence can also be established by for example area 2 and area 3 and by area 8 and area 1, etc. All user dependent rights for setting and unsetting are only valid for P0 and P1 codes, when the CU is operating in bank mode. If not operating in bank mode, it is only valid for P0 codes. The normal function of P0 and P1 codes is preserved where the unsetting rights are controlled by week programs. Week program FNC 10 The week program function FNC 10 will allow manual unsetting at the start of the period. If the area has not been manually unset at the end of the period, the area + 1 is set automatically. This means that if the function is programmed for area 1, then area 2 will be set automatically; if the function is programmmed for area 8, then area 1 will be set. See also Section 3.7.1. Lunch timer A timer controls the time that must pass after a manual setting before a manual unsetting is allowed. Timer 50 – delay is used for setting this time (Lunch timer). This function is only valid for P0 and P1 codes, when the CU is operating in bank mode. If not operating in bank mode (option bit 1 is set to 0), it is only valid for P0 codes. The function is only enabled when the week program period with FNC 11 is started; it is disabled when the first automatic setting is activated. Week program FNC 11 Week program function FNC 11 will allow manual setting and unsetting at the start of the period, but only if the area is unset when the period starts. This function is used for enabling the lunch timer function described above. See also Section 3.7.1. Delay of automatic setting If the automatic setting for the week program functions FNC 1 to FNC 8 is delayed, the automatic setting for the area+1 is delayed also. When the area, where the automatic setting was delayed, is set, the area+1 is set too. 1-54 91000601 Installation Installation Introduction This chapter provides the information needed to install the various components of an intrusion system. This chapter The chapter contains the following sections: 91000601 Section Page Noise emmission prevention 2-2 90T CU-30 and 95T CU-30 central unit 2-3 95T CU-30-24V Central unit 2-12 S-ARTs 2-18 Remote keypads 2-37 General purpose Interface 95T GPI COM 2-39 GPI BR Bridge 2-49 GPI BRM/DLM Direct line modem interface 2-50 GPI DLC Bus amplifier 2-52 RS-485 bus connections 2-53 Cable length and dimension 2-54 Current consumption 2-55 2-1 Installation 2.1 Noise emmission prevention Introduction To prevent noise emmission and to comply with EN 50081-1, it is important that the installation instructions of this manual are followed. Protection needed In addition to this, all cables leaving the Thor Central Unit box must be protected by means of ferrite cores (except the mains power cable). This applies also to cables from the 95T I/O-board (Section 2.2.4 and 2.3.2) and an internally mounted 99T IPI interface. For this purpose, three ferrite clamp cores are supplied with the Thor Central Units 90T CU-30, 95T CU-30, and 95T CU-30-24V. Installing the ferrite cores Fig. 2.1 Example of a ferrite clamp core (side and top view, scale 1:1 ) as delivered and top view of a ferrite clamp core clipped around two cables. The ferrite clamp cores simply clip around the cables enabling the cores to be installed after the cables have been connected to the ThorGuard Central Unit CPU-board, a 95T I/O-board, or a 99T IPI interface. ☛ Each ferrite clamp core may accomodate two cables only and these cables must be connected to terminals on the same side of the CPU-board. The three ferrite clamp cores supplied will suffice for the majority of installations. However, if more are needed, they are available from HI SEC International under the stock No. 125034. 2-2 91000601 Installation 2.2 90T CU-30 and 95T CU-30 central unit The Thor Intruder System central unit CU-30 can be delivered in two cabinet types. The CPU board and the software functions are the same for both types. ! 2.2.1 Please note that the 90T CU-30 and the 95T CU-30 both are 12 V systems Lay-out of the 90T CU-30 central unit The 90T CU-30 can control one S-ART bus meaning max. 30 S-ARTs. The cabinet has space for one 12 V, 6.5 Ah accumulator. Fig. 2.1 90T CU-30 central unit layout. All dimensions is in mm. 241 40 237 317 12 V, 6.5 Ah accumulator 40 22 22 197 0 0 0 9 0 8 0 1 a External dimensions H x W x D: 91000601 317 x 241 x 95 mm 2-3 Installation 2.2.2 Lay-out of the 95T CU-30 central unit The 95T CU-30 can control one S-ART bus in the standard version but can accommodate the optional 95T I/O board that can control three additional S-ART busses, i.e. control of a maximum of 4 x 30 S-ARTs. The cabinet has space for one 12V, 24Ah accumulator. Fig. 2.2 95T CU-30 central unit layout. Optional 95T I/O board mounted. All dimensions is in mm. 375 40 445 525 + 12 V, 24 Ah accumulator 40 50 275 50 0 0 0 9 0 8 0 2 a External dimensions H x W x D: 2-4 525 x 375 x 140 mm 91000601 Installation 2.2.3 95T CUB-30 CPU board The 95T CUB-30 CPU board is used in both the 90T CU-30 and the 95T CU-30 central units. Lay-out Fig. 2.3 95T CUB-30 CPU board layout. Connector for flat-cable to 95T I/O OP1 J5 – 12 V/24 V setting of output voltage on S-ART and RS 485 connectors OP2 S-ART bus DC fuse J6 – CPU reset S-ART terminals (Addr. 100-129) SW3 – Address and application switch Input 1-2 terminals Main CPU EPROM Output 1-4 terminals J2 – RAM battery RS-485 fuse J3 – Factory test only Output 5-7 terminals COM EPROM RS-485 terminals J1 – RS 485 end-of-line resistor Relay terminals RS-232 terminals Battery terminals OP3 fuse test LED Battery fuses Battery load test terminals ! Switch SW3 settings 91000601 Tamper switch AC power terminals Fuse test socket 0 0 0 8 2 5 0 1 a Jumper J3 is used during factory tests. It must not be removed . Position Application Remarks SW3/1 On Central unit address 00, COM address 01 Please note that 90T CU-30 uses two addresses SW3/1 Off Central unit address 01, COM address 02 Please note that 90T CU-30 uses two addresses SW3/2 RS-232 COM definition See RS-232 COM port , page 2-7 SW3/3 RS-232 COM definition See RS-232 COM port , page 2-7 SW3/4 On No RS-485 encryption - SW3/4 Off RS-485 encryption selected - 2-5 Installation Jumpers Connection to S-ART terminals The 95T CUB-30 CPU-board is equipped with a number of jumpers for various purposes. These are described in the table below: Jumper Description J1 Connects the RS 485 end-of-line resistor when mounted J2 Disconnects RAM battery when removed. J3 Used during factory tests. Must not be removed. J5 When mounted on the pins labelled ”12V”, the output voltage on S-ART and RS 485 screw terminal connectors is supplied from the internal 12 V DC supply. When mounted on the pins labelled ”24V”, the output voltage on S-ART and RS 485 connectors should be supplied from an external power supply (12 V DC or 24 V DC). J6 Resets CPU when mounted. Fig. 2.4 Connections to S-ART terminals. 4 0 V 3 1 2 V 2 L - 1 L + P 2 Connections to output terminals Fig. 2.5 Connections to Output 1 - 4 terminals and Output 5 - 7 terminals. T 5 0 0 m A F 4 1 2 V O 4 4 2 0 0 3 5 O U T P U T U L N 3 O 3 2 O 2 1 O 1 P 5 T 5 0 0 m A 4 1 2 V O 7 3 O U T P U T F 5 2 O 6 1 O 5 P 6 L 2 C O M L 2 1 L 1 P 3 2-6 Connections to Input 1 - 2 terminals. 3 0 V IN P U T Fig. 2.6 2 Connections to input terminals L 1 1 0 k 1 0 k K o n ta k t N .C 91000601 Installation Connections to relay terminals Fig. 2.7 Example of connections to Relay terminals. T a m p e r s w itc h c o n n e c te d to In p u t L 1 o r L 2 ( P 3 ) T a m p e r s w itc h c o n n e c te d to In p u t L 1 o r L 2 ( P 3 ) R e la y o u tp u t R e la y o u tp u t 1 1 4 V 1 4 V P 4 Tamper switch 5 1 4 V 3 C N C 2 2 N C 4 N O S ir e n w ith b u ilt- in b a tte r y . 3 C 0 V 0 V 1 4 V S ir e n w ith b u ilt- in b a tte r y 1 5 N O 4 0 V 0 V P 4 The CPU-board has an on-board tamper contact. This tamper contact is using the input address 500 or 501 depending on the address selected on the RS-485 bus (00 or 01) (see CPU-board switch settings). RS-232 COM port The RS-232 serial port can have different functions depending on the switch setting of switch SW3, 2 and 3. The serial port can be used as PC interface, as printer interface, as modem and X28 interface, as an interface to the TCP/IP interface 99T IPI, and as an interface to a SECOM alarm transmitter. Printer interface application Switch position for printer application: SW3/2 = OFF, SW3/3 = OFF. The printer can be used in two different ways: Intrusion or Access. Default the printer interface will be an Intrusion printer. To change this the SW3/2 must be changed with DC connected as follows: SW3/2 OFF --> ON: Access printer SW3/2 ON --> OFF: Intrusion printer After changing SW3/2 for selecting printer type, power must be removed from the central unit and the SW3/2 must be put back to the default printer setting (SW3/2 and 3/3 both OFF). When the power is put back the interface will start up in the mode (intrusion or access) last selected when changing the switch with power on. For the connection diagram, please refer to the table on page 2-41 about the connection of a serial printer. PC Interface application Switch position for PC interface application: SW3/2 ON SW3/3 ON For the connection diagram, please refer to Section 2.6.1 on page 2-43. Modem/X28 Interface application Switch position for modem/x28 application: SW3/2 ON SW3/3 OFF 91000601 2-7 Installation The modem interface can be used in two different ways: Hayes modem or X28 Pad interface. Default the interface will be a Hayes modem interface. To change this the SW3/2 must be changed with DC connected as follows: SW3/2 OFF --> ON: X28 SW3/2 ON --> OFF: Hayes After changing SW3/2 for selecting modem/x28 type power must be removed from the central unit and the SW3/2 must be put back to the default Modem/X28 setting (SW3/2=ON, SW3/2=OFF). When the power is put back the interface will start up in the mode (Hayes or X28) last selected when changing the switch with power on. For the connection diagram, please refer to Section 2.6.2 on page 2-44. TCP/IP The 99T IPI is a TCP/IP interface that can be mounted in both the 90T CU-30 and the 95T CU-30. See the Installation instructions, 99T IPI, ref. No 94000401 (English version) for more information. SECOM transmitter interface application Switch position for SECOM transmitter application: SW3/2 = OFF, SW3/3 = ON. For further information concerning the SECOM transmitter, please refer to the French version of this manual. LED indicators The following LED indicators can be used to check if the CPU-board is running under normal conditions: OP1: Indicates that the RS-485 bus communication is OK. The LED must toggle with a frequency depending of the traffic on the bus. If no panels are logged on to, the LED will flash every 1/2 minute when the clock in the displays is updated. If one or more panels are logged on to the LED will flash every time a display picture is changed. See Fig. 2.3 for position. OP2: Indicates that the S-ART communication is OK and must give a flickering light or nearly steady light. See Fig. 2.3 for position. OP3: The LED OP3 will indicate fuse OK when lit if the fuse to test is inserted in the test socket next to the LED. See Fig. 2.3 for position. Fuses F1, F2: T5A, fuses in Bat+ and Bat-. 2-8 F3: T500mA, fuse for the S-ART bus DC output. F4: T500mA, fuse for DC output for the on-board outputs 1 - 4. F5: T500mA, fuse for DC output for the on-board outputs 5 - 7. F6: T500mA, fuse for DC output for the RS-485 bus. 91000601 Installation 2.2.4 Expansion board 95T I/O The 95T I/O board gives the possibility to add 3 more S-ART buses when used in connection with the 95T CU-30. The extra S-ART buses are using the addresses 200 - 229, 300 - 329 and 400 - 429. Moreover, the 95T I/O board is equipped with additional screw terminals for connection of an external power supply to allow for external supply (24V DC or 12 V DC) on the S-ART and RS-485 buses. Layout of the 95T I/O board Fig. 2.8 The connector, screw terminals and fuses of the 95T I/O board. S-ART line (Addr. 400-429) S-ART line (Addr. 300-329) S-ART line (Addr. 200-229) Connector for flat-cable to CPU-board Connections to external power supply 9 8 0 6 1 1 0 2 b The 95T I/O board can be mounted above the CPU-board on the stays in the 95T CU-30 cabinet. A flat-cable delivered together with the 95T I/O board must be installed between the CPU-board and the I/O-board. Connections to the 95T I/O board Fig. 2.9 Power supply and S-ART bus connections to the 95T I/O board. 0V 12V L- S-ART line (Addr. 200-229) L+ The connections are similar for the S-ART lines with the addresses 300-329 and 400- 429 PM BM BT1 BT0 24V 0V 0 0 0 8 2 4 0 1 a Please note that the 95T I/O board cannot be mounted in the 90T CU-30 cabinet. 91000601 2-9 Installation External power supply If you want to supply power to the S-ART and RS 485 screw terminal connectors for operation of the units on the two buses, an external power supply such as 95T PS 24/3.8 (24 V DC) or 90T PS (24 V DC – available as spare part only) can be used. The connections between the power supply and the 95T I/O board are shown in Fig. 2.10 and Fig. 2.11 below. ! Remember to mount the jumper J5 of the 95T CUB-30 CPU board on the pins labelled ”24V”, to supply the external power to the S-ART bus and RS-485 connectors. Fig. 2.10 24 V DC supply from an external power supply. 95T I/O board 95T PS 1 1 5 V C H E C K A C IN P U T A C IN P U T V O L T A G E 1 1 5 /2 3 0 V C A N C A U T IO N : V O L T A G E B E F O R E P O W E R O N A V O ID IN G D A M A G E P L E A S E 2 3 0 V Jumper J5 B E S E L E C T E D B Y C H A N G IN G J U M P E R P O S IT IO N . 95T CUB-30 CPU-board To battery 0 0 0 8 2 8 0 1 a External power supply connections Fig. 2.11 Connection of external power supply 95T PS 24/3.8. 95T I/O board 95T PS board Pin Pin Pin Pin 16 15 14 13 BT1 BT0 PM BM 24V GND 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 1 a 2-10 91000601 Installation 2.2.5 Power supply and battery ! Please note that the CU-30 power supply is a 12V DC power supply. The CU-30 power supply is included on the CPU board, only the transformer is placed below the board. The CU-30 power supply is used in both the 90T CU-30 and 95T CU-30 cabinets. Technical specifications Parameter Value or description Input voltage: 230 V AC +/- 15% Fuse: S 0.4 A (slow) Load: Max. 0.5 A on all output terminals Max. battery charging current: 1A Charging voltage: 13.1 V DC +/- 0.1 V at 0 0C 13.8 V DC +/- 0.1 V at 200C 14.2 V DC +/- 0.1 V at 500C Voltage drop from battery supply to terminals: 1.5 V Max. battery size 91000601 90T CU-30: 6.5 Ah 95T CU-30: 15 Ah 2-11 Installation 2.3 95T CU-30-24V Central unit The Central unit 95T CU-30-24V Central unit is mounted in a standard cabinet. It has connection facilities for one S-ART bus with 30 addresses. However, it can be equipped with the Expansion board 95T I/O that accomodates an additional three S-ART buses. The CPU board contains RS-232 and RS-485 interfaces. It has a 24 V, 3.8 A power supply for 1.2 or 1.8 A charging current to two 12 V, 24 Ah accumulators. For external consumption, 24 V, 2.0 A or 2.6 A is available. 2.3.1 General information Disassembly of cabinet To disassemble the cabinet, unscrew the four screws in the front cover using a 2.5 mm Allen wrench and lift the cover off. Remember to disconnect the grounding cable on the inside of the front cover. Fig. 2.12 View of the 95T CU-30-24V with front cover removed. Position of optional 95T I/O-board Mounting holes Mains voltage terminal block with fuse Mains cable entry Connector for 95T I/O-board below CU-board Cable entries Grounding cable for front cover Battery interconnection cable with fuse Positive battery cable (red) Negative battery cable (black) Space for two 24 V/24 Ah batteries Mounting holes 98060401a Layout With the cover off, the 95T CU-30-24V appears as shown in the figure above. Installation tasks Installation of the CU comprises the following tasks: ● Installation of the optional 95T I/O-board, if required ● Mounting of the cabinet ● Connection to mains voltage ● Installation and connection of the backup batteries ! 2-12 The EN 60-950 Low Voltage Directive requires that permanently connected equipment should be installed with a readily accessible disconnect device. 91000601 Installation 2.3.2 Installation of the optional I/O-board The optional I/O-board is mounted in the position shown in Figs. 2.13 and 2.14. The board includes the following items: ● Eight M3 x 6 mm screws ● Four 40 mm long, internally M3 threaded stays ● One interconnection cable All items are placed in a plastic bag. The installation comprises the following tasks: ● Mounting the board ● Connecting the board Fig. 2.13 Position and mounting of the optional I/O-board. Stays Red cable 98061001a Mounting For mounting, you should use the eight M3 x 6 mm screws and the four stays The four stays are mounted by means of four of the M3 screws in the position shown in Fig. 2.14 above. The I/O-board is screwed onto the stays by means of the remaining 4 M3 screws. Interconnection 91000601 The I/O-board interconnection cable is polarized and cannot be inserted wrongly. Locate the red cable and insert the connection cable in the connector of the I/O-board and the PS-board with the red cable situated as shown in above. 2-13 Installation 2.3.3 Mounting The cabinet is mounted by means of four screws with a diameter of approx. 5 mm. Do not use a smaller screw dimension. The screws should be able to carry the load from the backup batteries. Mark the holes to be drilled for the fastening screws. You can mark their position through the mounting holes in the cabinet or you can use the measurements on the drilling plan below. Fig. 2.14 Position of mounting holes. 38.5 mm 445 mm Outline of cabinet 38.5 mm 272 mm 50 mm 372 mm 50 mm 98060801a Before you fasten the mounting screws fully, insert all cables to be connected in to the cabinet through the cutouts and grommets. The mains cable should be inserted through the grommet in the upper left hand side of the cabinet. See Fig. 2.13 and 2.16. You are now ready to connect mains voltage as described in the following section. 2-14 91000601 Installation 2.3.4 Connection to mains voltage The 95T CU-30-24V should be connected to 230 V AC mains and ground as shown in the figure below. Remember that local regulations may require the CU is installed with an external mains power switch. ! The EN 60-950 Low Voltage Directive requires that permanently connected equipment should be installed with a readily accessible disconnect device. Fig. 2.15 Mounting and connection of mains cable. The optional I/O-board with cable is not shown. Live Cable relief Neutral Ground Grommet Fuse Mains voltage terminal block with fuse 98061002a Fuse The mains voltage terminal block is equipped with a fuse (1A slow blow) in series with the live terminal. Do not switch on Do not switch power on until you have completed the mounting and connection of the backup batteries as described in the following section. 91000601 2-15 Installation 2.3.5 Installation of backup batteries General information The cabinet of the CU can accommodate two 24 V/24 Ah back-up batteries. The batteries are not included with the CU. The interconnection cable for the batteries are placed inside the cabinet in a plastic bag. The batteries must not exceed the following dimensions: Height: 170 mm Width: 172 mm Depth: 129 mm Fig. 2.16 Position and connection of back-up batteries. Battery interconnection cable with fuse Positive battery cable (red) Negative battery cable (black) - + - + 98060301a Interconnection cable Find the interconnection cable and open the fuse holder. Remove the fuse to separate the cable into two parts. Mount one part of the interconnection cables on the positive terminal of one of the batteries. Mount the other part of the interconnection cable on the negative terminal of the other battery. Left hand battery Place the left hand battery with the orientation shown in Fig. 2.17, so that it rests on the edge of the cabinet and the negative terminal is accessible for connection. Mount the negative cable (black) from the power supply board. When done, push it carefully in place Right hand battery Place the right hand battery with the orientation shown in Fig. 2.17, so that it rests on the edge of the cabinet and the negative terminal is accessible for connection. Mount the positive cable (red) from the power supply board. When done, push it carefully in place Mounting fuse Ensure that no conductors or cable terminals are in contact with the cabinet before you mount the fuse again. 2-16 91000601 Installation 2.3.6 Connection terminals and jumpers This section indicates the connection terminals and jumpers of the CU-board and the connection terminals of the I/O-board. CU-board terminals The CU-board has one set of terminals for connection of the S-ART bus with the address range 100-129. The DC voltage available is 24 V for operation of detectors, etc. See the figure below for position of terminals. Jumper J 5 This jumper is used for switching between 12 V and 24 V for the S-ART connector, the RS 485 interface connector. When the CU is delivered it is set for 24 V. This setting must not be changed. For information about the remaining inputs, outputs and interfaces and setting of jumpers, switches etc., see Section 2.2.3 Fig. 2.17 CU-board terminals and jumpers. J5 – 12V/24 V setting of output voltage on S-ART and RS 485 connectors S-ART line/24 V DC (Addr. 100-129) Input SW3 – Address and application switch Output J2 – RAM battery Output J1 – RS 485 end-of-line resistor RS-485 interface RS-232 interface Relay 98061101a I/O-board terminals The I/O-board has three sets of terminals for connection of three S-ART buses with the address ranges 200-229, 300-329, and 400-429. The DC voltage available is 24 V for operation of detectors, etc. See the figure below for position of terminals and Section 2.2.4 for more information. Fig. 2.18 I/O-board terminals. S-ART line/24 V DC (Addr. 400-429) S-ART line/24 V DC (Addr. 300-329) S-ART line/24 V DC (Addr. 200-229) 98061102a 91000601 2-17 Installation 2.4 S-ARTs units This section provides an overview of the S-ART units available and describes the connection of the S-ART bus to the S-ART Controller. The connection of the individual S-ART units to detectors is described in Section 2.4.4. A last section shows how S-ART addresses are coded for the S-ART types where the address coding is not described in Section 2.4.4. 2.4.1 List of S-ART units Eight types of S-ART units are available for different applications as follows: 90T S-100 One common alarm/tamper input (range 50 m) with one end-of-line resistor and one alarm resistor. To be used for monitoring of door contacts, window contacts etc. with no need for 12 V supply. The internal tamper contact is a magnetic reed contact. 90T S-101: One alarm input and one tamper input (range 10 m) each with one end-of-line resistors. 12 V DC output 50 mA. To be used for monitoring of active detectors with the need of 12 V supply. The internal tamper contact is a magnetic reed contact. 90T S-102 One alarm input and one tamper input, normally closed contact (range 10 m). One voltage free, 1 A changeover relay output. To be used where a relay output is needed. The internal tamper contact is a microswitch. 90T S-103 One alarm/tamper input with one end-of-line resistor and one alarm resistor. Can be used with longer cables between the detector and the S-ART. One voltage free, 1 A changeover relay output. 12 V DC output, 50 mA. To be used in high security installations where a special surveillance of the alarm/tamper input is needed. The input is monitored against resistance, DC voltage, zener diodes etc. The internal tamper contact is a microswitch. 90T S-106 S-ART with six alarm/tamper loops each with one end-of-line resistor and one alarm resistor. One NPN or PNP transistor output. The internal tamper switch is a microswitch. 90T S-107 Miniature S-ART to be installed inside a detector. One alarm/tamper input with one end-of-line resistor and one alarm resistor, 12 V DC output and one transistor output. Contains no internal tamper switch. 90T S-108 Sub-miniature S-ART unit that can be mounted inside various detectors. It is equipped with leads for direct connection to the terminals of the detector by means of five leads. One alarm input and one tamper input each with one endof-line resistor.Contains no internal tamper switch. 90T S-130 The S-ART 90T S-130 has thirty alarm inputs with an end-of line resistor that can be set to 2.2 kΩ, 5.6 kΩ or 10 kΩ. Thirty selectable polarity anti-mask inputs for use with detectors with an anti-mask facility is also present together with thirty open collector outputs with indicator LEDs. Contains no internal tamper switch. 2-18 91000601 Installation 2.4.2 S-ART housing The S-ARTs 90T S-100, 90T S-101, 90T S-102 and 90T S-103 are all delivered in the housing shown in the figure below. The dimensions are: 65 x 130 x 19.6 mm. Fig. 2.19 Drawing of the normal S-ART housing. Fixing holes S-ART 130 65 Cable inlets Cover Bottom A smaller S-ART box can be used for example where the position or place of the S-ART demands It is available under the stock No. 90T S-099. It includes a magnet. The dimensions are: 65 x 65 x 19.6 mm. Fig. 2.20 Drawing of the small S-ART housing 90T S099. Fixing holes Magnet 65 65 Cable inlets Bottom Note 91000601 Cover The S-ARTs 90T S-103, 90T S-106, and S-130 cannot be placed inside the housing 90T S-099. 2-19 Installation 2.4.3 S-ART controller connections One set of four terminals for one S-ART bus are placed on the CPU board. Max. 30 S-ARTs addresses are available on the S-ART bus. With the I/O-board installed, 90 addresses can be added. All 120 addresses (30 + 90) can be used freely. The four buses consist of four wires each to which the S-ARTs are connected. Two of the wires are used for data communication with the various S-ARTs; the other two are used for power supply of the units. All S-ART types are installed in the same way regarding to the connections with the bus as shown in the following diagram. For the connection diagram of the different S-ART types, please refer to the next section. Fig. 2.21 Connections between the S-ARTs and the CPU-board. When connecting the S-ARTs to the bus cable care must be taken not to interchange terminals 2 and 4. The communication will in many cases work but there is a possibility of noise interference if the two terminals are interchanged. "Star"-connections are allowed if wanted. The cables can be pulled in the easiest and shortest possible way. Technical data Parameter Value or description Fuses on CPU board Line: 100 mA. DC: 500 mA. Power consumption Line : max 60 mA, DC max 500 mA Total DC for four lines: 750 mA. Wire length 500 m shielded, 1000m unshielded, twisted pairs/0,6 mm or 0,9 mm. Separate cable for each line. Addresses S-ART bus 1: 100-129. S-ART bus 2: 200-229. S-ART bus 3: 300-329. S-ART bus 4: 400-429. Detection time 2-20 With optional I/O-board. Max. 250ms (software controlled). 91000601 Installation 2.4.4 S-ART detector connections This section describes the connection of the individual S-ART units to various types of detectors. 90T S-100 Description S-ART unit to be used together with normal contacts. It includes tamper monitoring on the same cable. Fig. 2.22 Connections to the 90T S-100 S-ART. Technical data Parameter Value or description Alarm/tamper loop Any voltage free contact normally closed. Terminating resistor Reol 21.5 kΩ, 1% Max. length of cable 50 m Normal condition 19.6 kΩ < Reol < 23.9 kΩ Sensitivity alarm 25.8 kΩ < Reol < 27.8 kΩ Sensitivity tamper Reol < 18.2 kΩ or Reol > 29.9 kΩ S-ART Line current consumption 2 mA 24V DC current consumption 0 mA Temperature range -25 ºC to +70 ºC The S-ART Line current consumption is the current taken from the bus L+ and L-. 91000601 Note An open loop on the Alarm/tamper loop or "cover open" will give a message 3 in Menu 35, Test Input. Note The best noise immunity is achieved by connecting the alarm resistor (4.7 kΩ) to terminal 6 (COM) as shown in the connection diagram. 2-21 Installation 90T S-101 Description S-ART unit to be used together with active detectors, which need a 12V DC supply voltage. Fig. 2.23 Connections to the 90T S-101 S-ART. Technical data Parameter Value or description Alarm/tamper loop Any voltage free contact normally closed. Terminating resistor Reol 21.5 kΩ, 1% Max. length of cable 10 m Normal condition 18.4 kΩ < Reol < 23.7 kΩ Sensitivity alarm/tamper Reol < 17.1 kΩ or Reol > 25.6 kΩ S-ART Line current consumption 2 mA 24V DC current consumption 0 mA 12 V DC output 12 V ± 5% 12 V DC supply current Max. 30 mA (Vin = 28 V DC at +70 ºC) Max. 65 mA (Vin = 24 V DC at +20 ºC) Temperature range -25 ºC to +70 ºC The S-ART Line current consumption is the current taken from the bus L+ and L-. 2-22 91000601 Installation 90T S-102 Description S-ART unit to be used where an output relay is needed. Fig. 2.24 Connections to the 90T S-102 S-ART. 1 6 D C + 3 D C + 4 0 V 5 n .c . A L A R M 6 n .c . C O M 7 S1 2 A V B / O 5 T 0 A m G A E 0 V A L A R M T A M P E R 1 L - 2 2 L - 4 L + 8 1 L + 8 N C 1 0 N O + S IR E N E Technical data H i S e c In t. 9 - Parameter Value or description Alarm/tamper loop Any voltage free contact normally closed. Terminating resistor Reol None Max. length of cable 10 m 24V DC current consumption Relay in normal: 0 mA Relay activated: 12 mA S-ART Line current consumption 2 mA Relay switching voltage Max. 125 V AC or 150 V DC Relay switching current Max. 1 A Relay switching power Max. 30 W or 60 VA 12 V DC supply current Max. 30 mA (Vin = 28 V DC at +70 ºC) Max. 65 mA (Vin = 24 V DC at +20 ºC) Temperature range -25 ºC to +70 ºC The S-ART Line current consumption is the current taken from the bus L+ and L-. 91000601 2-23 Installation 90T S-103 Description High performance S-ART unit to be used where higher security, longer cables, 12 V DC etc. are needed. Fig. 2.25 Connections to the 90T S-103 S-ART. 6 C O M 7 1 2 V /5 0 m A 3 k 9 n .c . 8 A L A R M + 1 2 V 0 V P 2 A L A R M /S A B O T A G E H i S e c In te r n a tio n a l 1 6 8 4 0 V 5 n .c . D C + 0 V 4 2 1 k 5 T A M P E R L - D C + 3 R e o l 2 L - L + 2 1 1 L + 9 N C 1 0 - N O + S IR E N Technical data 2-24 Parameter Value or description Alarm/tamper loop Any voltage free contact normally closed. Terminating resistor Reol 21.5 kΩ, 1% Max. length of cable 1000 m Normal condition 19.1 kΩ < Reol < 23.5 kΩ Sensitivity alarm 25.2 kΩ < Reol < 27.4 kΩ Sensitivity tamper Reol < 17.8 kΩ or Reol > 29.3 kΩ S-ART Line current consumption Typically 2 mA Input voltage 14.5 to 30 V DC Output voltage 12 V ± 5% Output current Max. 30 mA (Vin = 28 V DC at +70 ºC) Max. 65 mA (Vin = 24 V DC at +20 ºC) Relay switching voltage Max. 125 V AC or 150 V DC Relay switching current Max. 1 A Relay switching power Max. 30 W or 60 VA Temperature range -25 ºC to +70 ºC Note An open loop on the Alarm/tamper loop or "cover open" will give a message 3 in Menu 35, Test Input. Note The best noise immunity is achieved by connecting the alarm resistor (4.7 kΩ) to terminal 6 (COM) as shown in the connection diagram. 91000601 Installation 90T S-106 Description Fig. 2.26 The S-ART 90T S-106 is designed for installations where several detectors are close to each other. The 90T S-106 contains six input loops and one NPN or PNP transistor output. The 90T S-106 is delivered in housing larger than the normal housing to provide additional space for cables. The dimensions are: 106.5 x 158 x 20.3 mm. Connections to the 90T S-106 S-ART. Note The best noise immunity is achieved by connecting the alarm resistor (2.2 kΩ) to the C -terminal (COM) as shown in the connection diagram. The six input loops are numbered from 0 to 5. The addresses used on the S-ART bus depends on the programmed address on the address switch (see the table below). The address of the output (npn or pnp) is automatically set to the address of loop 0. The tamper contact is in series with the tamper input on loop 0. An open loop on the Alarm/tamper loop or "cover open" will give a message 3 in Menu 35, Test Input. Address and protocol switch The addresses used and the protocol to use on the S-ART bus are set by opening or closing the jumpers on the address switch. See the example below. The example shows that inverted protocol has been selected and the addresses have been set to the range 24 to 29. “P” - Closed “1” - Closed “2” - Closed “4” - Open 91000601 2-25 Installation Protocol setting The jumper “P” sets the protocol applied: Open: Normal S-ART protocol Closed: Inverted S-ART protocol (Please remember the Invert attribute in Menu 47) Address setting Technical data 2-26 The jumpers 1, 2 and 4 set the addresses to use. They are set in sets of six addresses as follows: S-ART address Switch "1" Switch "2" Switch "4" 00 - 05 (for example 100 - 105) Closed Closed Closed 06 - 11 (for example 106 - 111) Open Closed Closed 12 - 17 (for example 112 - 117) Closed Open Closed 18 - 23 (for example 118 - 123) Open Open Closed 24 - 29 (for example 124 - 129) Closed Closed Open Parameter Value or description Alarm/tamper loop Any voltage free contact normally closed. Terminating resistor Reol 10 kΩ, 1% Max. length of cable 1000 m Sensitivity alarm ± 20 % Sensitivity tamper ± 40 % S-ART Line current consumption Typically 8 mA Current consumption 10 mA at 12 V DC (excluding the output current) Max. output current 50 mA. Temperature range -25 ºC to +70 ºC 91000601 Installation 90T S-107 Description 90T S-107 is a miniature S-ART unit that can be mounted inside various detectors. It is equipped with leads for direct connection to the terminals of the detector. The S-ART unit is fixed inside the detector by means of a selfadhesive pad fixed to the rear side of the S-ART unit. See the figure below. Fig. 2.27 90T-S107 S-ART in natural size showing self-adhesive pad and dimensions. C o m p o n e n t s id e v ie w E d g e v ie w S e lf- a d h e s iv e p a d w ith p r o te c tio n p a p e r 1 0 0 m m 4 5 m m O N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S w itc h e s fo r s e ttin g a d d r e s s , te r m in a tio n a n d n o r m a l/in v e r te d c o m m u n ic a tio n 6 m m 2 8 m m 0 0 0 8 2 3 0 2 a The 90T S-107 is equipped with a set of switches placed as shown above. Switches 1 to 5 are used for setting the address. Switch 6 is used for selection of the termination while the switches 7 and 8 are used for setting the communication (normal or inverted). The 90T S-107 is delivered with three resistors to be used in pairs depending on the required termination (10 kΩ or 21.5 kΩ). Fig. 2.28 Connections to the 90T S-107 S-ART. G re y M a u v e B lu e G re e n Y e llo w O ra n g e R e d B ro w n A la r m /S a b o ta g e in p u t 0 V 1 2 V o u tp u t (3 0 m A ) 0 V D C + S - A R T L in e S - A R T L in e + D e te k to r te s t S u p p ly v o lta g e fo r d e te c to r O N 1 1 0 k Ω ( 4 . 7 k Ω) A la r m 2 e o l 2 1 .5 k Ω ( 1 0 k Ω) S a b o ta g e O N 3 4 A d d re s s 5 6 7 8 O F F C o m m u n ic a tio n T e r m in a tio n 91000601 R a R D e te c to r 0 0 0 8 2 3 0 1 a 2-27 Installation Setting the address The address of the S-ART unit is set by means of the switches 1 to 5. The address can be set in the range from 00 to 29. Setting takes place as shown in the table below: Switch number Address Setting the termination 1 2 5 Address 00 ON ON ON ON ON 4 01 OFF ON ON ON ON 02 ON OFF ON ON ON 03 OFF OFF ON ON ON 04 ON ON OFF ON ON 05 OFF ON OFF ON 06 1 2 3 4 5 Switch number Address 1 2 3 4 5 10 ON OFF ON OFF ON 20 ON ON OFF ON OFF 11 OFF OFF ON OFF ON 21 OFF ON OFF ON OFF 12 ON ON OFF OFF ON 22 ON OFF OFF ON OFF 13 OFF ON OFF OFF ON 23 OFF OFF OFF ON OFF 14 ON OFF OFF OFF ON 24 ON ON ON OFF OFF ON 15 OFF OFF OFF OFF ON 25 OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON 16 ON ON ON ON OFF 26 ON OFF ON OFF OFF 07 OFF OFF OFF ON ON 17 OFF ON ON ON OFF 27 OFF OFF ON OFF OFF 08 ON ON ON OFF ON 18 ON OFF ON ON OFF 28 ON ON OFF OFF OFF 09 OFF ON ON OFF ON 19 OFF OFF ON ON OFF 29 OFF ON OFF OFF OFF The termination is set by means of switch 6. If you use termination with 10 kΩ resistor, the switch should be set ON; using the 21.5 kΩ, the switch must be set OFF. The delivered resistors of 21,5 kΩ, 10 kΩ and 4,7 kΩ are applied as follows: Switch 6 Setting the communication 3 Switch number Reol Ra ON 10 kΩ 4,7 kΩ OFF 21,5 kΩ 10 kΩ The communication on the S-ART bus for the signals from the alarm and sabotage contacts can be either normal or inverted. The required communication is set by means of the switches 7 and 8. Both switches must be either ON or OFF. Switch 7 and 8 Communication Both ON Normal Both OFF Inverted In Fig. 2.28, the switches 1 to 5 are set to address 09, switch 6 to OFF corresponding to the application of the resistors 21.5 kΩ and 10 kΩ. The switches 7 and 8 are set ON providing normal communication (Non-inverted). 2-28 91000601 Installation 90T S-108 Description 90T S-108 is a sub-miniature S-ART unit that can be mounted inside various detectors. It is equipped with leads for direct connection to the terminals of the detector by means of five leads. The S-ART unit is fixed inside the detector by means of a self-adhesive pad fixed to the rear side of the S-ART unit. See the figure below. Fig. 2.29 90T S-108 S-ART in natural size showing self-adhesive pad and dimensions. E d g e v ie w C o m p o n e n t s id e v ie w B ro w n R e d A d d r e s s s e ttin g O ra n g e Y e llo w S e lf- a d h e s iv e p a d w ith p r o te c tio n p a p e r G re e n 2 5 m m 4 .5 m m 1 0 0 m m Connections 2 5 m m 0 0 0 8 2 3 0 3 a Fig. 2.30 Connections to the 90T S-108 S-ART. Brown L+ Red L- Alarm Orange Yellow Green Tamper 00090101b Connection table Technical data 91000601 Colour Description Brown S-ART line + Red S-ART line - Orange Alarm input Yellow Common alarm/tamper (ground) Green Tamper input Parameter Value or description Alarm/tamper loop Any voltage free contact normally closed. S-ART Line current consumption Typically 0.8 mA Temperature range -25 ºC to +70 ºC 2-29 Installation Setting the address The address of the 90T S-108 is set in a similar way as for S-ARTs 90T S-100 to 90T S-103 by cutting of jumpers (Section 2.4.5). The jumpers of the 90T S-108 are formed as holes near the edge of the circuit board and are cut by means of a small pair of side-cutters. The holes are numbered 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. The table below shows which jumpers to cut to achieve a certain address. Hole number Address 1 2 4 8 Hole number 16 Address 1 2 4 8 Hole number 16 Address 1 2 4 8 16 00 O O O O O 10 20 ∪ O O O O 11 O ∪ O ∪ ∪ ∪ O ∪ O 01 O 21 O O ∪ O ∪ O ∪ O ∪ 02 O ∪ O O O 12 O O ∪ ∪ O 22 O ∪ ∪ O ∪ 03 ∪ ∪ O O O 13 ∪ O ∪ ∪ O 23 ∪ ∪ ∪ O ∪ 04 O O ∪ O O 14 O ∪ ∪ ∪ O 24 O O O ∪ ∪ 05 ∪ O ∪ O O 15 ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ O 25 ∪ O O ∪ ∪ 06 O ∪ ∪ O O 16 O O O O ∪ 26 O ∪ O ∪ ∪ 07 ∪ ∪ ∪ O O 17 ∪ O O O ∪ 27 ∪ ∪ O ∪ ∪ 08 O O O ∪ O 18 O ∪ O O ∪ 28 O O ∪ ∪ ∪ 09 ∪ O O ∪ O = Uncut O 19 ∪ ∪ O O ∪ 29 ∪ O ∪ ∪ ∪ ∪ = Cut ∪ In the example to the right , the jumpers 1 and 4 have been cut while the jumpers 2, 8 and 16 are uncut thereby fixing the address to 05. 2-30 91000601 Installation 90T S-130 Description The S-ART 90T S-130 is designed for installations where several detectors are close to each others. It has thirty alarm inputs with an end-of line resistor that can be set to 2.2 kΩ, 5.6 kΩ or 10 kΩ. The end-of-line resistance is the same for all alarm loops. In addition to this, it contains thirty selectable polarity anti-mask inputs for use with detectors with an anti-mask facility. Via output modules (One included) 30 open collector outputs with indicator LEDs are available. The 90T S-130 comprises an S-ART controller board connected to the S-ART bus, a Connector board for connection of the inputs and an Output module for the outputs . Interconnections between the three types of units are performed by means of flat-cables. See the figure below. Fig. 2.31 90T S-130 S-ART including connector board and one output module. Connector board Output module S-ART controller board Technical data Parameter Value or description Number of alarm loops 30 Alarm/tamper loop Any voltage free contact normally closed. Terminating resistor Reol 2.2 kΩ ±1 %, 5.6 kΩ ±1 %, or 10 kΩ ±1 % Max. length of alarm loop cable 1000 m (Max. resistance 200 Ω, max. capacity 200 nF). S-ART Line current consumption Typically 8 mA Supply voltage 11 to 16 V DC Current consumption Typically 25 mA at 13.6 V DC (excluding output current) Number of outputs 8 open collector outputs (can be expanded to 30) Maximum supply voltage for loads 45 V DC Max. output current 250 mA. with all outputs on. Temperature range 0 ºC to +70 ºC Dimensions: 90T S-130 controller: 166.5 x 72 x 26 mm Connector board: 175 x 72 x 49.5 mm Output module: 53 x 72 x 30.5 mm 91000601 2-31 Installation Jumpers and connectors of controller board Fig. 2.32 Position of jumpers and connectors of S-ART 90T S-130 controller board. Flat-cables to connector board Jumper D Jumper C Jumper B Jumper A S-ART bus connector +12 V Ground LL+ Jumper 4 Jumper 3 Jumper 5 Jumper 2 Jumper 1 Output module connectors 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 2 a S-ART bus connections The S-ART bus is connected to the S-ART bus connector together with the 12 V supply voltage (11 to 16 V DC). See Fig. 2.32 Output module connectors Four connectors for connection of one to four output modules by means of flatcables. See page 2-34 for information about the output module. Setting the address (jumpers 1 and D) The jumpers 1 and D are used for setting the address range of the 90T S-130. An S-ART bus can accommodate 30 addresses. This means that only one 90T S-130 can be connected to the S-ART bus. However, you can set the 90T S-130 only to use either the address range 00 to 15 or 16 to 29 by the setting of jumper 1. By means of jumper D, you can select which part of the addresses to use. With no jumper on D, the address range is set to 00 to 15; with a jumper installed, the address range is set 16 to 29 See Fig. 2.32 for position of jumpers 1 and D. Jumper setting for the various address settings (See Fig. 2.32 for real position of jumpers) Addresses 16 to 29 J P 1 J P 1 C D J P 1 D Addresses 00 to 15 C Full address range C D 0 0 0 9 0 4 0 2 a Enabling/disabling anti-mask inputs (jumpers A, B, and C) 2-32 Jumpers A and B allows you to enable or disable the anti mask inputs, while jumper C sets the polarity of the anti-mask. When delivered, jumpers A and B (and C) are not fitted, meaning that the anti-mask inputs should not be used. See Fig. 2.32 for position of jumpers A, B, and C. 91000601 Installation With only jumper A installed, the triggering of an anti-mask input generates a sabotage message. With only jumper B installed, the triggering of an anti-mask input generates an alarm message. The jumper C sets the polarity of the anti-mask inputs to use either a normally closed contact (NC) when mounted or a normally open contact (NO) when removed. End-of-line resistor (jumpers 2, 3, and 4) By means of the jumpers 2, 3, and 4, you can set the end-of-line resistor to 2.2 kΩ, 5.6 kΩ, or 10 kΩ. Please note that the value of 5.6 kΩ requires a 5.6 kΩ resistor mounted on JP5 as shown below. See Fig. 2.32 for position of jumpers 2, 3, and D. Jumper setting for the various end-of-line resistor values 2.2 kΩ J P 5 10 kΩ 5.6 kΩ J P 4 J P 4 J P 4 J P 3 J P 3 J P 3 J P 2 J P 5 J P 5 J P 2 J P 2 5 .6 k Ω 0 0 0 9 0 4 0 1 a Terminals and connectors of Connector board Fig. 2.33 Position of screw terminals and connectors of S-ART 90T S-130 connector board. Anti-mask alarm inputs Alarm inputs Terminal 30 Terminal 1 Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Tamper switch input Free terminals for distribution of power to detectors from external power supply Flat-cables to S-ART controller board 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 3 a Alarm inputs The alarm inputs from the detectors are connected to the alarm input terminals Row 2 and the common ground Row 1 (See Fig. 2.33 and the following table). Anti-mask inputs The anti-mask inputs from the detectors are connected to the antimask inputs (Row 3 and the common ground Row 1 (See Fig. 2.33 and the following table). 91000601 2-33 Installation Address Row 2 Row 3 Row 2 Row 3 Row 2 Row 3 Row 2 Row 3 Row 2 Row 3 Row 2 Row 3 Terminal 1 00 2 3 4 03 4 5 04 6 9 10 6 14 10 11 15 12 16 21 16 17 22 17 18 17 12 20 15 16 11 19 14 15 Address 18 13 14 9 11 13 13 8 10 5 05 8 09 Terminal 12 7 08 3 Address 7 07 2 02 Terminal 06 1 01 Address 23 18 Terminal 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 Address Terminal 25 24 25 26 25 26 27 26 27 28 27 28 29 28 29 30 29 30 Free terminals The two rows, each consisting of thirty terminals, can be used for distribution of power to detectors. The screw terminals of each row are interconnected so that you can use one row for positive supply voltage and one row for the negative supply voltage. Tamper switch input These terminals (See Fig. 2.33) are used for connection of a tamper switch to be placed in the box in which the 90T S-130 is mounted. If no tamper switch is used, the terminals should be interconnected by a jumper. Output module Up to four output modules (Fig. 2.34) can be connected to the controller board by means of flat-cables. See Fig. 2.32 for position of the connectors. The output module is delivered with a 50 cm long flat-cable for connection to the controller board. Fig. 2.34 Position of jumpers and connectors of S-ART unit 90T S-130 output module. Please note that the connectors for terminal rows K1 and K2 have been removed to show jumpers J3 and the labelling (1 to 8) of the connectors. Jumpers J2 for outputs 1 to 4 Indicator LEDs for outputs 5 to 8 Indicator LEDs for outputs 1 to Jumpers J2 for outputs 5 to 8 1 Normally closed 3 position 2 Connector for flat-cable to Controller board 4 7 3 6 4 5 J 1 1 Normally Closed position 8 Jumpers J3 for outputs 1 to 8 J 1 J 2 J 3 Terminal row K1 (Common) K 1 K 1 OFF position J 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Terminal row K2 (Output - NO or NC) ON position 0 0 0 9 0 4 0 3 a Jumpers J1 and J2 2-34 These jumpers are used for setting the output relays to be either normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC). When delivered, the jumpers are set to normally open (NO). See also Fig. 2.34. 91000601 Installation Indicator LEDs 1 to 8 Each relay is associated with a numbered indicator LED (1 to 8) situated next to relay. The LED (red) is switched on when the relay is activated. Terminal rows K1 and K2 The terminal rows K1 (1 to 8) and K2 (1 to 8) are used for connection of devices to be switched by means of the relays. The K1 terminals are connected to the common contact of the relays. As standard, the common contact of all relays are connected to ground by means of the jumpers J3. See also the paragraph below. The K2 terminals are connected to either the NC or NO contacts of the relays depending on the setting of the jumpers J1 and J2. Jumpers J3 The J3 row of jumpers (See Fig. 2.34) connects - as standard - the common contact of the individual relays to ground, meaning that these jumpers are set in their ON position when delivered. If this setting is not required for some of the relays or all, the required jumpers can be set to their OFF position (See Fig. 2.34). The jumpers are accessible when you remove (pull off) the connector for the terminal row K1. 2.4.5 Coding of S-ART-addresses When installing S-ARTs, the address code field of each S-ART must be coded with an address. The address coded on the S-ART will be added to the loop no., for example address 22 on loop No. 1 will show No. 122 in the display etc. Coding of 90TS-100, 90TS-101, 90TS-102 and 90TS-103 Five small jumpers are available on each S-ART board numbered 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16. Each jumper adds the value numbered to the address if it is cut, see the below example. An S-ART with no jumpers cut will have the address 0. The jumper to be cut depends on the address. The address is coded in binary numbers, for instance address 19 can be written as 10011 => 16 = 1, 8 = 0, 4 = 0, 2 = 1, and 1 = 1. If this address is to be coded the jumpers marked 16, 2 and 1 must be cut. Coding examples: 91000601 Fig. 2.35 Example of an uncoded S-ART and coding of the addresses 19 and 05. 2-35 Installation Table for coding S-ARTs The table applies to the S-ARTs 90T S-100, 90T S-101, 90TS-102 and 90T S-103. Fig. 2.36 Jumpers to cut for setting the address of an S-ART. 2-36 91000601 Installation 2.5 Remote keypads This section describes how to mount the Remote keypad 95T RKP and how to set its address on the RS-485 bus (Thor bus). 2.5.1 Remote keypad 95T RKP The unit is opened by loosening the Allen screw on top of the cabinet. Fig. 2.37 Mechanical measurements and lay-out of the Remote Keypad 95T RKP. 48 23 48 Fixing hole SW 1 Jumper for "Off the wall" contact 75LBC176 IC 7 152 Jumper J1 for RS485 "end of line" resistor D - D + OV12-24V RS 485 J1 1 2 3 4 P2 RS485 Terminals 68 Cable inlets Fixing holes 12 66 12 The recommended mounting height of the panels is app. 150 - 155 cm, to the upper edge of the cabinet. 91000601 2-37 Installation Technical data Parameter Value or description Supply voltage 10V - 30V DC Current consumption 80mA at 24VDC. Typically 60mA with backlight on Cable Length Max. 1200m - shielded or unshielded, twisted pairs Temperature range 0 - 55 ºC Address setting in the Remote Keypad 95T RKP The address used by the terminal must be programmed during power-up of the terminal. The programmed address will be stored in EEPROM and will not be lost even with no power connected. The below shown procedure must be used to program the address. The code 654321 cannot be changed. Please note that this code used here does not make a login to the central unit. This can be done after. Fig. 2.38 Programming the address. The address can later be changed by reprogramming the terminal during the 15 seconds after power on to the terminal. 2-38 91000601 Installation 2.6 General purpose Interface 95T GPI COM The General Purpose Interface 95T GPI COM can be used for the following applications depending on the SW1 switch setting: ● Printer interface ● PC interface ● Modem/X28 interface ● SECOM alarm transmitter interface ● TCP/IP interface The various applications are described in the following sections. Fig. 2.39 Layout of the 95T GPI COM board. Please note that J2 (defining the used EPROM type) must be moved to the position shown on the above drawing if you are updating an existing 90T GPI PC or other (EPROM size 256) to an 95T GPI COM (EPROM size 512). 91000601 2-39 Installation Address switch setting Five switches are used to program the address of each unit on the bus. The switch SW1 is placed on the CPU - board (see drawing). The addresses are set binary from 01 to 31. Since the master of the bus always has address 00, this address can not be used by a printer interface. Address Switch setting 54321 Address Switch setting 54321 Address Switch setting 54321 00 Not applicable 01 00001 02 00010 03 00011 04 00100 05 00101 06 00110 07 00111 08 01000 09 01001 10 01010 11 01011 12 01100 13 01101 14 01110 15 01111 16 10000 17 10001 18 10010 19 10011 20 10100 21 10101 22 10110 23 10111 24 11000 25 11001 26 11010 27 11011 28 11100 29 11101 30 11110 31 11111 0 means the switch is in the ON position and 1 means the switch is in the OFF position. Please note the position ON/OFF marked on the switch. The switch SW1/8 is used for selecting encrypted / non-encrypted communication. SW1/8 = ON: Non-encrypted communication SW1/8 = OFF: Encrypted communication SW1/6 and SW1/7 are used to select the wanted application. Please refer to the below descriptions. Printer interface application Switch position for printer application: SW1/6 = OFF, SW1/7 = OFF. The printer can be used in two different ways: Intrusion or Access. Default, the printer interface will be an Intrusion printer. To change this the SW1/6 must be changed with DC connected as follows: SW1/6 OFF --> ON: Access printer SW1/6 ON --> OFF: Intrusion printer After changing SW1/6 for selecting printer type, power must be removed from the interface and the SW1/6 must be put back to the default printer setting (SW1/6 and 7 both OFF). When the power is put back the interface will start up in the mode (intrusion or access) last selected when changing the switch with power on. 2-40 91000601 Installation Serial printer connection A standard 80 columns serial printer can be used. The below table shows the connections for a serial printer and the 95T GPI COM or 95T CU-30: GPI, terminal block P2 CU-30, terminal block P10 Signal function Standard 25-pin printer connector No. 1 No. 1 TxD - Transmitted data Pin 3 No. 2 No. 2 RxD - Received data No. 3 0 V - Power ground No. 4 24V - supply for low volt. printer No. 5 No. 3 RTS - Request To Send Pin 6 No. 6 No. 4 CTS - Clear To Send Pin 11 or 20 No. 7 No. 5 Gnd - Signal ground Pin 7 For the RS-485 bus connections please refer to Section 2.11. Serial Printer setup: - Baud rate: 1200 baud. - Number of data bits: 8. - Number of stop bits: 1. - Parity: even. - Termination of line: CR + LF. - Protocol: Hardware handshake. Intrusion/Access Printer Maximum one printer interface by application can be installed on the RS-485 bus. That means in a Thor Intrusion system, one printer interface, in a Thor Access Control System, one printer interface and in an Integrated system, two printer interface units. A table showing the function of the two bus printer possibilities and the internal printer depending on the programming is shown below: Acc. Int. printer 90T CU-120 Opt.4 Function 0 Intrusion 0 1 External Printer 1 Function SW 1/6 Access Off-->On Intrusion On-->Off External Printer 2 Function SW 1/6 Intrusion/access 0 1 Intrusion/access Intrusion/access On-->Off 1 Intrusion/access Access Off-->On 0 Intrusion Intrusion On-->Off 0 Intrusion Access Off-->On Intrusion On-->Off Access Off-->On Intrusion On-->Off Access Off-->On 0 0 Intrusion Acc. Opt.4 is Option bit 4, which is programmed during initialization of the Thor reader. See Manual for Thor Access Control System. 91000601 2-41 Installation The following rules can be given: ● Maximum 2 printers can be dedicated to access (incl. printer on Intrusion CPU-board). ● Maximum 2 printers can be dedicated to intrusion (incl. printer on Intrusion CPU-board). ● The printer on the Intrusion CPU board always counts as 1 even if it is not installed. For further information about the formats of the print-outs please refer to the description for the menus in the Thor Access Control or Thor Intrusion, Operating Instructions. When the printer(s) are used for real time printing of the events an "I" for Intrusion events or an "A" for Access control events will appear in the beginning of each line. 2-42 91000601 Installation 2.6.1 PC Interface application Switch position Switch position for PC interface application: SW1/6 = ON, SW1/7 = ON. Connections Fig. 2.40 Connection diagram J u m p e r fo r "E n d o f lin e " r e s is to r fo r R S 4 8 5 A d d r e s s S w itc h S W 1 R S 4 8 5 C o n n e c tio n s S W 1 P C D w ih 9 p in c o n n e c to r P 1 - 1 D 8 6 5 4 3 2 J 6 1 R 8 + 0 V F e m a le c o n n e c to r 7 S W 2 J 3 T E R M . T a m p e r c o n ta c t 4 + D C 1 T x C U -3 0 P 2 6 2 1 7 3 4 9 5 R x 2 8 R S 2 3 2 C o n n e c tio n s 0 V 7 J 4 8 L T 1 2 8 1 R S 2 3 2 D r iv e r P C w ih 2 5 p in c o n n e c to r rs m e d if e r w r b o u s t b e u s e d ith o p to a rd G P I E p ro m R a m 2 5 6 k J 5 J u m p e re m o v to g e th c o u p le J 2 N o te : T h e C a n n o n c o n n e c to rs a re s h o w n fr o m th e s o ld e r s id e C U -3 0 P 2 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 8 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 53 2 4 F e m a le c o n n e c to r 91000601 2-43 Installation 2.6.2 Modem/X28 Interface application Switch position Switch position for modem/x28 application: SW1/6 = ON, SW1/7 = OFF. The modem interface can be used in two different ways: Hayes modem or X28 Pad interface. Default the interface will be a Hayes modem interface. To change this the SW1/6 must be changed with DC connected as follows: SW1/6 OFF --> ON: X28 SW1/6 ON --> OFF: Hayes After changing SW1/6 for selecting modem/x28 type power must be removed from the interface and the SW1/6 must be put back to the default Modem/X28 setting (SW1/6=ON, SW1/7=OFF). When the power is put back, the interface will start up in the mode (Hayes or X28) last selected when changing the switch with power on. Connections Fig. 2.41 Connection diagram N o te : th e C a n n o n c o n n e c to rs a re s h o w n fr o m th e s o ld e r s id e A d d r e s s s w itc h S W 1 R S 4 8 5 C o n n e c tio n s S W T E R M . 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 J 6 1 J 3 2 5 p in m a le c o n n e c to r J u m p e r fo r "E n d o f lin e " r e s is to r fo r th e R S 4 8 5 b u s P 1 D D S W 2 R 8 1 M o d e m + 0 V 1 7 2 3 4 C U -3 0 P 2 1 T x 5 2 0 T a m p e r c o n ta c t 4 + D C 2 1 2 R x 5 R S 2 3 2 C o n n e c tio n s 7 0 V 8 L T 1 2 8 1 E E P R O M 2 8 C 6 4 R S 2 3 2 D r iv e r 2 5 p in m a le c o n n e c to r 2 5 6 k J 2 J 5 2 5 R a m 8 2 0 P a d X 2 8 G P I_ M I T h e s e ju m p e r s m u s t b e r e m o v e d w h e n u s in g th e o p to - c o u p le r b o a r d 7 3 4 5 6 2 1 2 1 2 1 4 C U -3 0 P 2 1 T x R x 5 R S 2 3 2 C o n n e c tio n s 7 0 V 8 2.6.3 SECOM transmitter interface application Switch position Switch position for SECOM transmitter application: SW1/6 = OFF, SW1/7 = ON. For further information concerning the SECOM transmitter, please refer to the French version of this manual. 2-44 91000601 Installation 2.7 99T IPI TCP/IP interface Introduction The 99T IPI (TCP/IP Interface) is a versatile TCP/IP interface board designed for interfacing Thor units - containing a GPI (General Purpose Interface) - with TCP/IP networks. The 99T IPI provides an Ethernet connection to a 10baseT LAN/WAN through an RJ 45 connector on the interface or a PPP connection to a LAN/WAN. The interface is available either as factory mounted in the 95T GPI XXX IP interfaces (New version) or as a separate unit. As a separate unit it can be internally mounted in for example an Intrusion Central Unit or a 95T GPI XXX interface (Old version) or externally mounted in a metal box and connected to a 95T GPI XXX interface (Old versions). Setup For setup of the interface, you can connect to the interface either via the RS-232 interface or via the TCP/IP network using the default TCP/IP address and get access from your web browser to a number of home pages for the setup. More information Detailed information about the 99T IPI TCP/IP interface can be found in the Installation instructions for the TCP/IP Interface 99T IPI, ref. No. 94000401 (English version). 2.7.1 Factory mounted TCP/IP interfaces When the 99T IPI is factory mounted in a 95T GPI XXX. it is available in the following configurations: ● 95T GPI BRM IP ● 95T GPI DLM IP ● 95T GPI MI IP The three interfaces are basically identical with respect to the hardware and differs only by the software contained in the EPROM on the main interface board. 95T GPI BRM IP The 95T GPI BRM IP - similar to the 90T GPI BRM – but with communication via a LAN/WAN using TCP/IP instead of a dedicated line. The interface is connected to the HUB of the network via an RJ 45 connector or an RS-232 PPP interface. 95T GPI DLM IP The 95T GPI DLM IP - similar to the 90T GPI DLM – but with communication via a LAN/WAN using TCP/IP instead of a dedicated line. The interface is connected to the HUB of the network via an RJ 45 connector or an RS-232 PPP interface. 95T GPI MI IP The 95T GPI MI IP is basically a dial-up modem communicating via a LAN/WAN using TCP/IP instead of the PSTN. The interface is connected to the HUB of the network via an RJ 45 connector or an RS-232 PPP interface. The 95T GPI MI IP uses an EPROM identical to the EPROM of the 95T GPI COM. However, it can only be used in the the modem interface configuration. EMC protection These interfaces all meet the demands for EMC protection according to the CE mark as specified in the generic standard for industrial products. 91000601 2-45 Installation 2.7.2 99T IPI TCP/IP interface as separate unit As a separate unit, the 99T IPI can be used for providing a TCP/IP connection for THOR/REFLEX equipment instead of the RS-232 connection normally used. The connection is accomplished as a 10baseT Ethernet connection or a PPP connection to the LAN/WAN. The following mountings and connections can be used: Internal mounting, (CU 30) The 99T IPI can be mounted in a 90T CU 30 or 95T CU 30 and connected through an RS-232 interface directly to the GPI COM part of the CU 30. The interface is connected to the HUB of the LAN/WAN via an RJ 45 connector. It is delivered with a mounting kit containing the items needed for a standardized mounting in a 90T CU 30 or 95T CU 30. Internal mounting (95 T GPI COM) The unit can also be mounted in a 95T GPI COM as an add-on board similar to the 90T GIB Galvanic Isolation Board. In this case, the connection of the 99T IPI to the LAN/WAN must be accomplished by a PPP connection to a Router. It is delivered with a mounting kit containing the items needed for a standardized mounting in a 95T GPI COM. Internal mounting (other units) It can also be mounted in other types of units that include a GPI COM part for communication, such as 95T CU-30-120, 95T CU-30-24V, etc. The 99T IPI interface is connected to the HUB of the LAN/WAN via an RJ 45 connector. Guidelines regarding mounting and mounting accessories are provided in Section 3 of the Installation Instructions for the 99T IPI, ref. No. 94000401. External mounting (95 T GPI XXX) In cases where a TCP/IP communication via a 10baseT Ethernet connection, is required with older versions of the 95T GPI XXX, the 99T IPI can still be used if it is mounted in a separate metal box and connected to the RS-232 interface terminals of the 95T GPI XXX. The 99T IPI interface is connected to the HUB of the LAN/WAN via an RJ 45 connector. Guidelines regarding mounting box and mounting accessories are provided in Section 3 of the Installation instructions for the 99T IPI, ref. No. 94000401. 2.7.3 99T IPI interface applications Introduction The main applications of the 99T IPI interface are currently as TCP/IP modem connection and TCP/IP tunnel connection. that are TCP/IP network equivalents to the well-known dial-up line and dedicated line connections, respectively, where the dedicated line or the dial-up line are substituted by a connection via the customer´s LAN/WAN. TCP/IP tunnel connection 2-46 An example of the TCP/IP tunnel connection is shown in Fig. 2.42 below. Two sub-buses are connected to the master bus over a LAN/WAN. Each connection requires a 95T GPI DLM IP and a 95T GPI DLM IP. The connection to the LAN / WAN network is a standard Ethernet RJ 45 to a HUB. Both interfaces of the connection will be programmed with a fixed TCP/IP destination address, a default gateway and subnet address. Immediately after power up reset, they will establish a transparent, reliable TCP/IP connection. If the connection is lost, they will attempt to re-establish the connection. Two interfaces will provide a full duplex transparent connection across the customer´s network. 91000601 Installation Fig. 2.42 Examples of the application of the 95T GPI DLM IP and 95T GPI BRM IP for connection of sub-buses to the master bus via the customer´s WAN/LAN. Tunneling GPI COM RS-485 CU 30 95T GPI DLM IP 95T GPI DLM IP TCP/IP TCP/IP Customer HUB PC Address 0000 Customer LAN/WAN Customer HUB Customer HUB TCP/IP RS-485 TCP/IP RS-485 95T GPI BRM IP 95T GPI BRM IP 9 9 1 0 1 1 0 1 a TCP/IP modem connection An example of the TCP/IP modem connection is shown in Fig. 2.43 below. The remote sites are connected to the customer´s LAN/WAN via 95T GPI MI IP interfaces. When an 95T GPI MI IP interface receives a connection request including an IP address it will establish a TCP connection on the network and transmit all mails transparently on the network. The connection to the LAN / WAN network can be standard Ethernet RJ 45 or a PPP connection via RS232 to a Router. In the TCP/IP modem configuration, the 95T GPI MI IP will be fully compatible with the default X28 configuration available in the 95T GPI COM. Fig. 2.43 Examples of the application of of the 95T GPI MI IP for connection of remote sites via the customer´s LAN/WAN. Dial-up 95T GPI MI IP 95T GPI MI IP GPI COM RS-485 CU 30 TCP/IP PC TCP/IP Customer HUB Customer LAN/WAN Customer HUB TCP/IP 95T GPI MI IP 99T IPI Remote site mounted in Bus 00 CU 30 Customer HUB TCP/IP Remote site Bus 00 95T GPI MI IP Customer HUB TCP/IP Remote site Bus 00 95T GPI MI IP 9 9 1 0 1 1 0 2 a 91000601 2-47 Installation 2.7.4 99T IPI and 95T GPI XXX IP specifications This section provides the main specifications of the 99T IPI interface as a separate unit and the main specifications of the 95T GPI XXX IP interfaces (95T GPI BRM IP, 95T GPI DLM IP, and 95T GPI MI IP). 99T IPI specifications Parameter Value or description RS-232 port: Baud rate: Flow control: Data bits: Parity: Stop bits: Selection: Programming: TCP/IP port: Baud rate: Connector: Cable: Cable length: For GPI connection (Screw terminals) 9600 Baud (Default) XON/XOFF (Default) 8 (Default) Even (Default) 1( Default) By jumper setting (J6 and J7) Via 10baseT Ethernet interface 10Mbit/s RJ 45 According to Category 5 Max. 100m Supply voltage: 9 to 30 V DC Current consumption: At 12 V DC: Typically 110 mA At 24 V DC: Typically 60 mA Temperature range: -10 to +60 °C Dimensions: H x W x D: 29.5 mm x 74 mm x 100 mm Weight: 61 g 95T GPI XXX IP specifications Parameter Value or description RS-485 port Baud rate: 9600 Baud RS-232 port (On 99T IPI): Baud rate: Flow control: Data bits: Parity: Stop bits: TCP/IP port: Baud rate: Connector: Cable: Cable length: For connection of Service PC (Screw terminals) 9600 Baud (Default) XON/XOFF (Default) 8 (Default) Even (Default) 1 (Default) 10baseT Ethernet interface 10Mbit/s RJ 45 According to Category 5 Max. 100m Supply voltage: 9 to 30 V DC Current consumption: At 12 V DC: Typically 170 mA At 24 V DC: Typically 120 mA Temperature range: -10 to +60 °C IP Class: IP41 Dimensions: H x W x D: 175 mm x 150 mm x 55 mm Weight: 630 g 2-48 91000601 Installation 2.8 GPI BR Bridge The 95T GPI BR Bridge interface is used to connect two RS-485 buses together (See the system diagram for multi-bus systems in Chapter 1 of the Technical manual for the Thor Access Control System). Connections The Bridge will always have address 00 on the second bus (Lower level). Fig. 2.44 Connection diagram. 3 SW1 1 P1 J3 TERM. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SW2 R8 DD+ 0V 24 V 1 Master bus (Upper level) 4 Power LED Address and application switch SW1 Tamper contact P2 1 DD+ J6 Jumper for end-of-line resistor for Master bus Second bus (Lower level) 0V J4 8 J2 J5 Jumper for end-of-line resistor for second bus SW1: 1 - 5: Master bus address, Low = 0, High = 1 8: Communication, Non-encrypted = 0, Encrypted = 1 Note 91000601 The Bus above (bus 00) and the bus below (bus xx) must not have the same 0 V. The Bridge makes a galvanic separation (optocoupler) between the two bus systems. If the 0 V from the two bus systems are connected together, it will create earth loops that can give electrical noise problems. 2-49 Installation 2.9 GPI BRM/DLM Direct line modem interface The 95T GPI BRM and 95T GPI DLM interfaces are used when the distances between two bus systems are more than 1.2 km and where it is not possible to use the 95T GPI DLC bus amplifier. The maximum distance between the BRM and DLM interfaces is specified by the modem supplier. The 95T GPI BRM and 95T GPI DLM interfaces must always be used together. Seen from the system (AIMS software) the readers connected after the modem line are shown as if a Bridge was installed. Maximum 31 readers can be installed at the end of the modem line. System diagram Fig. 2.45 System diagram. Bus level 1 (Bus 00), max 1.2 km 95T GPI DLM Modem Direct line or 2 wires The two interfaces must have the same address (XX) Modem 95T GPI BRM Bus level 2 (Bus XX), max 1.2 km 2-50 91000601 Installation Connections Fig. 2.46 Connection diagram. J u m p e r fo r "E n d o f lin e " r e s is to r fo r R S 4 8 5 A d d r e s s S w itc h S W 1 R S 4 8 5 C o n n e c tio n s S W 1 D D + P 1 1 M o d e m 8 T x 3 2 J 6 1 C U -3 0 P 2 1 R x 2 R S 2 3 2 C o n n e c tio n s 4 4 2 5 T a m p e r c o n ta c t + D C 3 6 R 8 0 V 7 7 S W 2 J 3 T E R M . 0 V 7 2 5 p in m a le c o n n e c to r J 4 8 N o te : T h e C a n n o n c o n n e c to r is s h o w n fr o m th e s o ld e r s id e L T 1 2 8 1 R S 2 3 2 D r iv e r Modem specifications 91000601 Parameter Value or description Speed: 9600 baud Protocol Asynchronous, half duplex Line: Transparent Data: 8 bit, Even parity G P I E p ro m R a m 2 5 6 k J 5 rs m u s t b e e d if u s e d e r w ith o p to r b o a rd J 2 J u m p e re m o v to g e th c o u p le 2-51 Installation 2.10 GPI DLC Bus amplifier The 95T GPI DLC can be used to prolong the RS-485 bus extra 1.2 km or to make a branch out from the bus if a star cabling of the RS-485 bus is needed. Note System diagrams After a 95T GPI DLC interface only one address can be connected. This address can be a 95T GPI BR bridge meaning a completely new bus. Fig. 2.47 Extension of the RS-485 bus or addition of new bus level. B u s le v e l 1 ( B u s 0 0 ) B u s le v e l 1 ( B u s 0 0 ) 9 0 T G P I D L C 9 0 T G P I D L C T h e in te r fa c e a n d th e re a d e r m u s t h a v e th e s a m e a d d re s s B u s le v e l 1 ( B u s 0 0 ) M a x . d is ta n c e 1 .2 k m T h e tw o in te r fa c e s m u s t h a v e th e s a m e a d d re s s 9 0 T G P I B R B u s le v e l 2 ( B u s X X ) Connections Fig. 2.48 Connection diagram. 3 SW1 1 P1 J3 TERM. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SW2 R8 DD+ 0V 24 V 1 Master bus (Upper level) 4 Power LED Address and application switch SW1 Tamper contact P2 1 DD+ J6 Jumper for end-of-line resistor for Master bus Second bus (Lower level) 0V J4 8 J2 J5 Jumper for end-of-line resistor for second bus 2-52 91000601 Installation 2.11 RS-485 bus connections The RS-485 bus is used for communication with Remote Keypads, Access Control Terminals, remote printer interface etc. The RS-485 bus terminals in the Central unit are placed on the 95T CUB 30 CPU board. All units are connected in parallel on the bus as shown below . Star-connections exceeding 0.3 m in length are not allowed but the Central unit can be placed anywhere on the bus and does not need to be in one of the ends of the bus cable. Fig. 2.49 Example of an RS-485 connection diagram. Remote Keypad 95T RKP Remote Keypad 95T RKP D - D + 0 V 2 4 V Jumper OFF D - D + 0 V 2 4 V Jumper OFF Jumper OFF Max. cable length 0.3 m Remote keypad 95T RKP D - D + 0 V 2 4 V Star-connected 1 2 V 0 V D + D - Jumper ON IC 3 6 E X T E R N R E A D E R Jumper ON P 3 5 V D 0 D 1 F 1 Access Control Terminal 95T ACM F 2 R S 4 8 5 /P O W E R P 1 0 V L E D 1 L E D 2 D - D + 0 V 2 4 V P 2 L + S -A R T L - D C + D C - S-ART bus 95T CUB 30 CPU board 0 0 0 9 1 1 0 1 a The bus must be terminated in each end with a 220 Ω resistor. This end-of-line resistor is present in all units, it must therefore be disconnected by removal of a jumper from the devices connected to the bus between the two ends of the bus. In the example above, the end-of-line resistor is still connected in the Access Control Terminal and in the 95T CUB 30 CPU board which are both placed in the ends of the RS-485 bus. The jumpers are placed as shown in the figure above. It is allowed to connect up to four bus devices to the power terminals (0V and 24V) of the RS-485 bus of the CPU-board. Additional bus devices must be powered from an external eparate power supply. ☛ Please remember that the 0V must be connected through all devices including the external power supply. In each Access Control terminal, you may connect a local separate S-ART bus with maximum 15 S-ARTs. This bus must not be connected together with the S-ART busses coming from the intrusion central unit. The S-ART bus of the Access Control Terminal is used for connection of the door contact, electric striking plate, exit pushbutton etc. to the reader. Please refer to the Technical Manual of the Thor Access Control System for further information. 91000601 2-53 Installation 2.12 Cable length and dimension When installing acoustical and optical warning devices, remote keypads and S-ARTs, cable length and current consumption must be taken into account when selecting the cable dimension. Connections to the I/O Board are carried out using standard installation cable. For the RS-485 bus, shielded cable with twisted pair is recommended. The total length should not exceed 1200 m, and the supply voltage at the end of the line should not drop below 10 V. All devices on this line must be connected in series - "star-connections" exceeding 0.3 m in length are not allowed. For the S-ART lines, unshielded cable with twisted pair is recommended. The total length including "star-connections" should not exceed 1000 m. The line voltage at the far end should not drop below 12 V (normally 17 V). The minimum supply voltage accepted depends on detector types etc. The voltage drop of a two-wire cable (both conductors included) may be calculated from: Ua = (Rd x Idc x L) : 500, where Ua = Voltage drop in volt. Rd = Wire resistance in Ω/m. Idc= Current consumption in mA. L = Cable length in metres. Resistance of a 0.6 mm diameter (0.25 mm²) cable is Rd = 6.15 Ω/100m. Resistance of a 1.0 mm diameter (0.75 mm²) cable is Rd = 2.32 Ω/100m. Resistance of a 1.4 mm diameter (1.50 mm²) cable is Rd = 1.16 Ω/100m. Resistance of a 1.8 mm diameter (2.50 mm²) cable is Rd = 0.69 Ω/100m. 2-54 91000601 Installation 2.13 Current consumption The table below lists typical current consumptions at 12 V and 24 V for the various units of an intrusion system. All values provided are for one S-ART, one keypad, etc. The values for the different S-ARTs do not include load on the outputs. Equipment Normal Alarm 95T CU-30 Main controller 115 mA at 12 V 115 mA at 12 V 95T I/O - I/O Board 20 mA at 12 V 20 mA at 12 V Remote Keypad/Card reader, 95T types. With backlight on, add 60 mA 60 mA at 24 V 60 mA at 24 V 90T GPI COM General Purpose Interface 50 mA at 24 V 100mA at 24 V (communicating) 99T IPI 110 mA at 12 V 60 mA at 24 V 110 mA at 12 V 60 mA at 24 V 95T GPI XXX IP 170 mA at 12 V 120 mA at 24 V 170 mA at 12 V 120 mA at 24 V 90T - S100 0 mA at 12V/24 V 2 mA at 17 V 0 mA at 12V/24 V 2 mA at 17 V 90T - S101 0 mA at 12V/24 V 2 mA at 17 V 0 mA at 12V/24 V 2 mA at 17 V 90T - S102 0 mA at 12V/24 V 2 mA at 17 V 0 mA at 12V/24 V 2 mA at 17 V 90T - S103 0 mA at 12V/24 V 2 mA at 17 V 0 mA at 12V/24 V 2 mA at 17 V 90T - S106 0 mA at 12V/24 V 12 mA at 17 V 0 mA at 12V/24 V 12 mA at 17 V 90T - S107 0 mA at 12V/24 V 2 mA at 17 V 0 mA at 12V/24 V 2 mA at 17 V 90T – S108 0 mA at 12V/24 V 2 mA at 17 V 0 mA at 12V/24 V 2 mA at 17 V 90T – S130 25 mA at 12V/24 V 8 mA at 17 V 25 mA at 12V/24 V 8 mA at 17 V The listed values are useful for not only calculating cable length and dimension, but also for calculating the total power consumption and the battery capacity needed. During log-on to a remote keypad etc., the current will increase with typically 60 mA due to the backlight and status lamps. For the calculation of the battery capacity needed, the S-ART consumption is the total of the consumption at 24 V/12 V and at 17 V. 91000601 2-55 Programming Introduction This chapter provides the information needed to program the intrusion system from a remote keypad. This chapter The chapter contains the following sections: 91000601 Section Page General 3-2 Start-up procedures 3-3 Programming of input addresses 3-5 Programming of output addresses 3-6 Programming of zones, areas and codes 3-7 Programming of remote keypads to zones 3-8 Auto set time programming 3-9 3-1 Programming 3.1 General All programming of the system can be performed from any of the Remote keypads. When a system is going to be installed it is only pre-programmed with the internal monitoring addresses, and all external addresses, zones etc. must be defined in the user programming. All programming menus are explained in Chapter 4, Operating instructions. To start-up, a Card reader please refer to the Technical Manual for Thor Access Control System. 3-2 91000601 Programming 3.2 Start-up procedures 3.2.1 Start-up of a Thor Intrusion central unit. To start-up a Thor central unit the following must be connected as a minimum: ● A Remote keypad or card reader on the RS-485 (the card reader must be initialized to mode 03) ● The BAT ON/OFF Jumper must be connected on the CPU-board. After connecting the power and short-circuiting the reset pins (approx. 2 s) placed on the CPU-board, the following procedure can be followed to program a new system. Please note the switch setting (SW1) on the CPU-board for the different software modes. Step What to do … 1 Enter the preliminary Service Code 654321. If a reader is used to initialize a Thor intrusion system a special procedure is used to call the preliminary engineer code as follows: a: b: c: d: Press - key and read the Master card. Press - key (YES) for Intrusion Menus. Key in 01. Key in the preliminary engineer code 654321. 2 Call Menu 50 to put the system in Service Mode and then Menu 42 to program the normal engineer code and alarm patrol code. 3 Call Menu 45 to allocate an area No. and a priority 4 to the engineer code and a priority 3 to the alarm patrol code. If a card reader is used as a terminal the service user No. must be No. 101, as this user No. is predefined to the service card for the reader. After this, it is possible to make a new log-on with the normal engineer code. 4 Call Menu 43 to program all zone names. 5 Call Menu 44 to define the zone - area relationship. The areas 1 to 8 must be used for auto set. If this feature is not used, they can be programmed freely. 6 Call Menu 45 to allocate users to the defined areas and the user priority. One or more users can be defined for each area. In this menu only a user number is defined, the code is programmed in Menu 42. The service engineer can program normal operator codes during start-up only, meaning that an engineer code cannot change any already programmed codes 7 Call Menu 46 if the predefined detector name list must be changed. 8 Call Menu 47 to set-up all input addresses in the installation. To each address is programmed a zone no., an input soft type no., a detector name no., and four attributes. 9 Call Menu 48 to setup all output addresses in the installation and the belonging zone No. or total installation. 10 Call Menu 49 to set-up the timers in the system. Each timer can be connected to one or more output soft types, which is done in Menu 53. Continued … 91000601 3-3 Programming Step What to do … 11 Call Menu 53 to connect the defined timers to the wanted output soft types. 12 Call Menu 57 to program the Alarm Functions. 13 Call Menu 54, if some of the Remote keypads or Card readers must be allocated to special zones. All panels are preprogrammed to cover all zones. 14 Call Menu 52 to program the Site code (if any) and the RS-485 communication mode (option 8). If the RS-485 communication mode is changed, the central unit must be reset before the new communication mode starts. 15 Normally the built-in clock does not need to be adjusted as it runs on the internal RAM-memory back-up battery. Even if the BAT ON/OFF switch on the CPU-board has been in the off position, it is not necessary to program the time and date in Thor. If, anyhow adjustment is needed it is done by calling Menu 41. 16 Call Menu 42. All user codes can be programmed. Please note that the Service code cannot change already made user codes but only create these the first time. 17 Call Menu 51 to leave Service Mode. Also if the system has been reset the menu 51 must be called to leave Service Mode. 18 Call Menu 55 to program the area week programs and the connected function to each time period. When a week program is made for one area, exit the Menu 55, and the same menu must be called again, if another area should be programmed. Up to eight areas can be programmed with each a different week program. 19 Call Menu 56 to program the holiday list connected to the two special days programmed in the above menu. 20 Call Menu 28 to make a print-out of the complete system programming. The Auto Set is then ready for use and will perform the programmed function at the first coming programmed time. In the sections 3.3 to 3.7 are explained in details the programming philosophy for the mentioned programming menus in the start-up procedure. 3-4 91000601 Programming 3.3 Programming of input addresses An input address in Thor can be an S-ART, a loop on the I/O-board or an internal monitoring function, for example, monitoring of the RAM memory. All used input addresses must independent of these hardware types of signals be programmed with the parameters shown in the below figure. The internal monitoring addresses are preprogrammed with some predefined data (See Chapter 1, Functional description). However, these data can be changed if required. Fig. 3.1 Input address parameters. As shown an input address is defined by: ● A soft type defining the function of the address (Menu 47). ● A physical zone where the address (detector) is installed (Menu 47). ● A detector name that will be displayed in case of alarm or fault messages from the address. A list of max. 250 names can be made by the Menu 46 and the connection to the address is programmed with Menu 47. ● Four attributes connected to each address. The function of the attributes is described in Section 1.5.2. The Menus 46 and 47 are explained in details in Chapter 4, Operating Instructions. 91000601 3-5 Programming 3.4 Programming of output addresses An output address in Thor intrusion can be an S-ART or an output on the I/O interface board. An S-ART can be used as an input address and as an output address at the same time and with complete independent functions. All used output addresses must be programmed with the parameters described and shown in the figure below. Fig. 3.2 Output address parameters. In Menu 48, each output address must be programmed with an output soft type. A zone No. is programmed in the same menu. This zone No. defines which input in which zone activates the output address. It is not necessarily the physical zone where the output is placed. For example, it is possible to have a zone for a vault with some detectors and then an output programmed with an output soft type with the same zone No. in the guard room to activate video equipment in case of alarm from the vault zone. If the zone No. is programmed as 00 the output will react as a general signal from the complete system for this output soft type. As shown in the above figure, to each output soft type by zone a timer can be connected. This means that for example all output addresses defined as output soft type No. 1 (Common alarm 1) in zone 01 uses timer No. 7, which has been programmed to have a duration of 180 s, no delay and a timer type 1 (normally off). Other addresses with output soft type No. 01 but defined for another zone than 01, can be defined to another timer No. The timer definition regarding output soft type and zone No. is made in Menu 53. Before connecting timer No. to output soft type no., each timer No. must be defined with a timer type. Seven different timer types are available, see the figure and the function description for exact definition of each timer type. In the timer type programming it is decided, if the output soft type will be normally on / off, pulsating etc. 3-6 91000601 Programming 3.5 Programming of zones, areas and codes In the figure below is shown the relation between zones, areas, users and codes. Fig. 3.3 Relation between zones, areas, users and codes. Each user can have a six digit pin-code, see code list and a priority P0 to P6 (see User list), which defines the menus the user is allowed to use. Several users can be connected to one area. All set / unset manipulations with these user codes will physically set or unset the area, meaning that the first code belonging to the area will set or unset the area not depending on what has been done with the other codes to the area. Two types of areas can be defined, logical or physical, describing the set/unset procedures. Physical areas: If the areas 001 and 002 in the above shown example are defined as physical areas the setting and unsetting of the common zone 01 will work as follows: The first code from area 001 or 002 in the morning will unset the corresponding area and also the common zone. In the evening when the first area is set, the common zone 01 will also be set. If the people from the other area must leave the building through the common zone, this programming does not work and the areas must be defined as logical areas as explained below. Physical areas are indicated by "axxx" in the System Programming print-out. Logical areas: If the areas 1 and 2 are defined as logical areas the setting and unsetting of the common zone 01 will work as follows: The first code from area 001 or 002 in the morning will unset the corresponding area and also the common zone. In the evening when the first area is set the common zone 01 will not be set before all areas covering the common zone have been set. In this case the people from area 001 can set the area and leave the building and the people in area 002 can still work and leave through zone 01 and make the setting of area 002, when they want. The setting of zone 01 takes place when both areas are set. Logical areas are indicated by "Axxx" in the System Programming print-out. 91000601 3-7 Programming 3.6 Programming of remote keypads to zones In Menu 54, a Remote keypad or other type of operating terminal can be programmed to belong to one or more zones. This feature is illustrated by the example below. Fig. 3.4 Division of an area into zones. The remote keypad near the entrance door is programmed to cover zone 01, 02, 03 and 05 and the RKP near the stock to cover zone 04. A user code for area 1 covering zone 01 to 05 will set and unset - at the main entrance RKP - zone 01, 02, 03 and 05 but not 04. The same user code used on the RKP 2 will only set and unset zone 04. By doing like described, it is possible with the same code to set/unset different zones from different RKPs and it is not necessary for the user to remember more than one code. 3-8 91000601 Programming 3.7 Auto set time programming This section describes the week time programming for auto setting including the autoset and autounset functions and the holiday list. 3.7.1 Area week time programming The week time programs for auto setting can be programmed by a P2 or P4 user code. It is possible to auto set and unset up to max 8 areas, area 001 to 008. For each area, a separate week program must be programmed. A week program comprises 7 days: Monday to Sunday plus 2 special days which refer to the holiday list. In this way, it is also possible to program half working days, for example the 24th of December or other specific dates. The figure below shows an example of a typical time program for a normal day. Fig. 3.5 Example of typical time program for a normal day. One day can have max. 8 periods where the first always starts at 00:00 and the last always at 24:00. In the above example, the system is set until 8:00, after which it is possible to unset the area. However, the area is not unset before 9:00 by the first coming user. At 12:00, it is automatically set and again unset at 14:00. At 18:00 it is auto set if no user has requested a delay in the setting. If a user has requested a delay, the auto set will take place at 20:00 and the complete program changes to the next day at 24:00. Each period must be programmed with a function (FNC). Eleven functions FNC 1 to FNC 11) are available as described below. 91000601 FNC 1 Setting the area at the beginning of the period or setting at the end of the period if delay has been requested from one of the Remote keypads. Delay can only be requested once FNC 2 Setting the area at the beginning of the period. FNC 3 Setting the area at the beginning of the period and enabling manual unsetting at the end of the period. FNC 4 Unsetting the area at beginning of the period. FNC 5 No change. 3-9 Programming FNC 6 At the beginning of the period and each 10 minutes in the period, it is verified that the area is set. If the area is not set, an alarm is generated on an input address corresponding to the area number. There is no reaction if the area is set. It is possible to delay the function in the pre-warning period. If this is the case, the verification will only take place at the end of the period. Related inputs: 3-10 Area 1: Input No. 62 Area 4: Input No. 65 Area 7: Input No. 68 Area 2: Input No. 63 Area 5: Input No. 66 Area 8: Input No. 69 Area 3: Input No. 64 Area 6: Input No. 67 Note FNC 6 corresponds to FNC 5 (No change) in the way that it is the prior function that decides the use of code priorities. If for example, the function before FNC 6 is a FNC 2, then it is not possible for P0 and P1 codes to perform an unsetting. Only if another function used before FNC 6 allows the unsetting, a manual unsetting can be performed. FNC 7 When the function becomes active and the area is unset, then a timer is started (timer 18 –duration in minutes) and when the timer expires, the area is automatically set. 10 minutes before the automatic setting the pre-warning output type is activated, as normal. If the area is unset when the function is active, the timer will be started as above. It is possible to delay the automatic setting (when the pre-warning is active) by means of Menu 14. The setting is then delayed for the programmed time (Timer 18 – delay in minutes). FNC 8 Operates as FNC 1. However, if there are any active detectors in the area to be set, the setting is cancelled and a set fault message is sent. This message will contain a list of all the detectors that where active when the Auto-Arm function would have set the area, maximum 100. The message is sent to following devices: Alarm / event transmitter, INCOM, GPI Host interface and Modem interface. FNC 9 Operates as FNC 2. However, if there are any active detectors in the area to be set, the setting is cancelled and a set fault message is sent. This message will contain a list of all the detectors that where active when the Auto-Arm function would have set the area, maximum 100. The message is sent to following devices: Alarm / event transmitter, INCOM, GPI Host interface and Modem interface. FNC 10 Allows manual unsetting at the start of the period. If the area is not unset at the end of the period, the area+1 is set automatically. FNC 11 Allows manual setting and unsetting at the start of the period, but only when the area is unset when the period starts. 91000601 Programming 3.7.2 Holiday list A holiday list of 25 periods can be made in Menu 56. For each period, a day No. (1-9) must be programmed, which refers to the 7 week days and 2 special days in the area week program. Normally 2 different special days will be programmed. One day, which is closed the whole day and another day, which is open half day. This makes it possible to have special opening times for certain dates during a year. It is also possible to use one of the normal week day No. 1 - 7 together with a period in the holiday list, if the programmed time for this day is suitable for the holiday period. The holiday list is common for all 8 area week programs using the same day ref. No. from each week program. Please refer to Section 4.6 for the Menu 56 for information about programming. 91000601 3-11 Programming This page is intentionally left blank. 3-12 91000601 Operating instructions Introduction This chapter describes the operating facilities of the remote keypads and the way in which the system is operated on a daily basis. In addition to this, an overview of the available menus gives an introduction to the following sections describing in detail the function keys of the keypads, and the operator codes and priority. After this follows a detailed description of the individual menus and their use. This chapter The chapter contains the following sections: 91000601 Section Page Operating facilities 4-2 Operation in general 4-3 Submenu 2 - Display/change of status 4-17 Submenu 3 - System test 4-22 Submenu 4 - Programming 4-26 Autoset programming 4-40 4-1 Operating instructions 4.1 Operating facilities The user terminal (Remote Keypad) has four Indication lamps, a two-line alphanumeric display and a numeric keyboard with six additional function keys. The four indication lamps are used for the following functions: Green power lamp: Indicates mains power present. Flash indicates battery operation (mains power dropout). Red alarm lamp: Lit after log-on to indicate the presence of an alarm condition within the keypad-area. The alarm condition can be seen on the display. Turned off, when all alarm messages are reset. Yellow system fault lamp: Lit after log-on to indicate the presence of a system fault within the keypad-area. The fault condition can be seen on the display. Turned off, when all fault messages are reset. Yellow set lamp: Lit after log-on, when all zones of the code used are set (code-area set). Display Two lines of each 16 characters displaying the status of the system and operating instructions. Normally date and time are displayed. The backlight is turned-on as soon as the keyboard is activated and automatically turned-off again two minutes (normally) after the last keystroke. Buzzer Used for acoustical indication of alarm/fault and entry/exit time. Also activated for a short time to indicate operating fault. Keyboard The keyboard includes the numerical keys and six function keys: to used for entry of codes etc. This key is used for setting. This key is used for unsetting. This key is used for alarm/fault reset. This key selects the displayed menu-function. This key is used for step back and log-out. This key steps through the different menus. The function keys are described in detail in Section 4.2.5. 4-2 91000601 Operating instructions 4.2 Operation in general The Thor operating procedure is menu-based which means, that all operating features are displayed as the operator replies to the questions asked by pressing YES ( - key) or NO ( - key). The menu includes a main menu for daily operating and three sub-menus for status display or change of status, system test and programming. Operating requires a 6-digit code to be keyed-in. The menu-functions displayed depend on the code-priority (Seven levels). 4.2.1 Daily operation Prior to any operating procedure, date and time are displayed. This is also the normal display upon log-out (by means of the - key or automatically after normally 2 minutes without operating). In case the system holds alarm/fault messages, which the operator in question might have the priority to reset, but has not yet done so, the buzzer sounds for approx. 15 s at log-out. Menu 00 Fig. 4.1 Example of Normal display. The backlight of the display is normally turned-off, but is turned-on as soon as the keyboard is used - and an access code is requested. A flashing cursor indicates which digit is expected. If the first keystroke was a decimal figure, it is regarded first digit of the code. Digits are indicated by * in the display. By entering an illegal code, the buzzer sounds for a short while and a new attempt is requested. After three attempts, the keypad is blocked for 5 minutes. Menu 01 Fig. 4.2 Example of Access code request. After code acceptance, status of the code-area (or zone) Menu 10 is displayed. 91000601 4-3 Operating instructions Menu 10: Fig. 4.3 Example of Display of status of code-area. The set/unset condition displayed depends on whether your code is allocated to a physical area or to a logical area. Codes allocated to a logical areas operates in such a way, that zones common to more of those areas are not physically set until all such areas have been requested set. Codes allocated to a physical areas perform normal physical setting/unsetting of the common zones. You can read Section 1.4, The logical area concept, to get more information about logical and physical areas. See especially page 1-13. By using the - key, the set/unset condition of zones belonging to the area are displayed one by one, and may be altered physically by means of the or keys. In case of alarm messages etc. within the zone in question, the number of alarms is displayed. After having displayed the last zone, or at any time using the - key, the area condition is displayed again. AREA UNSET means, that all detectors (apart from tamper etc.) of the area are unset. PARTIALLY SET means, that only a part of the area is set, either because the setting was performed by means of a keypad belonging to only a part of the area, or because zones or detectors have been individually set/unset in Menus 10, 22 or 23. AREA SET means that all detectors of the area are set (no isolations). Zones common to more logical areas are not physically set until the last one of such areas have been set. SYSTEM SET means, that all areas are set (isolations may be present). ZONE NAME UNSET means, that all detectors (apart from tamper etc.) of the zone are unset. ZONE NAME P.SET means, that some detectors (apart from tamper etc.) of the zone are physically set and some are either unset. ZONE NAME SET means that all detectors of the zone are set (isolations accepted). Normally the lower line displays operating instructions SET= or UNSET= . In case of alarm messages etc., the lower line of the display informs of the number of alarm messages (if present) or system fault messages (if present) or isolated detectors. By means of the - key a jump to the Alarm List Menu 11 or the System Fault List Menu 12 or the Isolated Detector List Menu 13 occurs. If no operating steps are performed within 5 s, alarm and system fault messages are displayed automatically one by one in intervals of 2 s. See Autoscroll, page 4-9 for more information. 4-4 91000601 Operating instructions Unsetting From a Remote Keypad After having entered the protected premises along the designated entry route, the access code is keyed-in, Menu 10 displayed and the - key is pressed to unset the area. The display changes accordingly. The -key performs log-out, which also happens automatically 2 minutes after the last keystroke. From a Card Reader Unsetting from a reader demands a card belonging to a personnel group programmed for unsetting and a PIN-code corresponding to the card. After having read the card and entered the PIN-code the - key can be pressed and the corresponding area will be unset and at the same time the door will be opened. Fig. 4.4 Example of the unsetting procedure from a Card reader. The PIN-code must only be entered once, before or after entering if the card is programmed with or without normal use of PIN-code. 91000601 depending on 4-5 Operating instructions Setting From a Remote Keypad The access code is keyed-in, Menu 10 displayed and the initiate the setting procedure. Fig. 4.5 - key is pressed to Example of setting the system from a remote keypad (RKP). Normally you are then requested to leave the premises along the designated entry/exit route - the buzzer sounds to indicate exit time is running. The - key performs log-out, which also happens automatically 2 minutes after the last keystroke. In case setting is not possible due to the condition of the system, the individual reasons - active detectors - are displayed (non-reset passive alarm and system fault messages do not affect the setting procedure). If a detector fault cannot be corrected (window closed etc.), the detector may be isolated (depends on detector type and code priority) using the - key, upon which the next fault is displayed. No more than one detector within each zone is allowed isolated using code priority P0-P1. At an attempt of isolating more detectors, Menu 10 is displayed as AREA UNSET - 001 ISOLATIONS. P2-P4 codes are allowed to isolate an unlimited number of detectors. By using the - key, elements of the detector fault list are just displayed (not isolated) - after the last element, Menu 10 appears again allowing for a new attempt of setting. Such isolated detectors take no part in the setting procedure to follow. Upon the next unsetting, the condition of these detectors are normal unset again. ☛ Please note that detectors in the exit/entry route (input soft type 4) will not give a Set fault indication in case of active detectors, but if the detector is still active at the end of the exit time give an external alarm. In case the alarm input of a detector is active, it may be isolated without disabling the ability to react to a tamper alarm condition. If the central unit is setup to work in the Bank mode (see CPU switch setting), another possibility exists when the setting of an area is giving a set fault. In stead of isolating the detector a "forced setting" can be performed. This is done by using the - key twice when having a set fault from a detector. The system will then perform the setting and go into alarm condition. 4-6 91000601 Operating instructions Fig. 4.6 Example of normal setting and forced setting. From a Card Reader: Setting of an area from a reader demands a card belonging to a personnel group programmed for setting and a PIN-code corresponding to the card. After having read the card and entered the PIN-code the - key can be pressed and the corresponding area will be set. Fig. 4.7 Example of setting the system from a Card reader. The PIN-code must only be entered once, before or after entering the card is programmed with or without normal use of PIN-code. , depending on if In case setting is not possible because of active detectors, the reader will display the same menus as in the Remote Keypad and the procedures to isolate etc. are the same as described above. 91000601 4-7 Operating instructions Menu 11: Alarm display Fig. 4.8 Example of displaying alarms. By NO ( ), Menu 12 appears. All alarm messages of the system or within the code-area (depends on system programming) are displayed including DETECTOR NAME, alarm type (HOLD-UP, TAMPER, ALARM, FIRE or TECHNIC), actual input condition (+ for ACTIVE and - for QUIET) and ALARM TIME in order of appearance - except for the first alarms, which are always hold-up alarms, if present. If the event belongs to the area of the code, it is erased from the list by pressing the - key, upon which the next event is displayed. If the element is not erased the buzzer sounds for a short time and the display remains unchanged. In this case the - key is used to display the next element. By means of the - key additional information concerning zone relationship, detector number and actual input condition are displayed. This key is also used to return to the list again. After having tried to reset all events, the list holds the elements only, which cannot be reset - either because the operator is not allowed to or because the actual condition of the input (see input types) does not allow for resetting. Such remaining messages are displayed by pressing the - key repeatedly. When the list is empty, Menu 11 appears again; this is also achieved using the - key. Menu 12: System fault display Fig. 4.9 Example of displaying system faults. By NO ( ), Menu 13 appears. All fault messages of the system or within the code-area (depends on system programming) are displayed including DETECTOR NAME, actual input condition (+ for ACTIVE and - for QUIET) and FAULT TIME in order of appearance. If the event belongs to the area of the code, is erased from the list by pressing the - key, upon which the next event is displayed. If the element is not erased the buzzer sounds for a short time and the display remains unchanged. In this case the - key is used to display the next element. By means of the - key additional information concerning zone relationship, detector number and actual input condition are displayed. This key is also used to return to the list again. After having tried to reset all events, the list holds the elements only, which cannot be reset - either because the operator is not allowed to or because the actual condition of the input (see input types) does not allow for resetting. Such remaining messages are displayed by pressing the - key repeatedly. When the list is empty, Menu 12 appears again; this is also achieved using the - key. If a log-out is performed with alarm or system fault messages not erased, the Remote Keypad will sound the buzzer in 15 seconds to remind the user not to forget to clear information, which is not valid any more. 4-8 91000601 Operating instructions Menu 13: List of isolations Fig. 4.10 Example of displaying list of isolations. By NO ( ), Menu 10 appears. All detectors of the system or within the code-area, isolated during the setting procedure or in Menu 23, are displayed including DETECTOR NAME, ZONE NAME, DETECTOR NUMBER and actual input condition (ACTIVE or QUIET) by using the - key and the - key. When the - key is pressed, Menu 13 appears again. Autoscroll Fig. 4.11 Example of automatic presentation of system messages by means of autoscroll. The - key will unset the area, but not stop the autoscroll. The - key will set the area and stop the autoscroll. The - key will reset the alarm or fault message (if so allowed), but will not stop the autoscroll. The - key and the - key will perform immediate operation as usual, but not stop the autoscroll. The - key will stop the autoscroll and perform a step back as usual. The purpose of autoscroll is to present messages of the system to untrained personnel in an automatic way. After log-on, the main menu (set/unset condition of the area) remains for 5 s. In case of alarm messages or system fault messages, each element is displayed for 2 s. After the last message, the main menu is displayed again, and the sequence is repeated. 91000601 4-9 Operating instructions Menu 14: Delay autoset Fig. 4.12 Example of delaying autoset. By NO ( ), Menu 10 appears. In systems where auto-set time programs are programmed it is possible to delay the auto-set each period in the week program by calling Menu 14. After keying in the area number (between 1 - 8), the auto-set time will be delayed the specified time. By pressing , the menu is left without delaying the auto-set time. Menu 14 can be called from all types of Remote Keypads or Card readers. 4.2.2 Sub-menus From the daily operating procedure a jump to the special functions is performed by entering XX, where XX indicates the number of the wanted function. The special functions are divided into three submenus: Fig. 4.13 The three submenus with special functions. Direct jump to any menu can be made by entering the menu number indicated on the menu overview diagram. 4-10 91000601 Operating instructions 4.2.3 Intrusion menus on the Card Reader The above description is valid for using the system from a Remote Keypad. To do the same on a Card Reader the following procedure can be used. Fig. 4.14 How to access the three submenus with special functions from a Card Reader. When using the card reader to operate the intrusion system it is necessary with a card and a corresponding PIN-code. Before reading the card the - key is pressed to tell the reader not to open the door but to go into "Menu" - mode. After entering the card and PIN-code, the user has the choice between "Access Menus" or "Intrusion Menus". Choosing the "Intrusion Menus" the user can do all the menus described in this manual. 91000601 4-11 Operating instructions 4.2.4 Overview of the menus The overview of the menus in the figure below shows how reach the menus and the priority required to get access to the displays of the menus for viewing, testing and programming. Fig. 4.15 Overview of the menus available with number and priority required for access to the displays of the menus. 4-12 91000601 Operating instructions 4.2.5 Use of the function keys It is always possible to use function keys different from the ones suggested by the display. If the unsetting key is pressed, when a menu-picture is displayed (not inside a selected menu), all zones of the operating keypad common to the code used are unset, after which the new condition is displayed by Menu 10. During isolation of setting faults and inside Menu 22 (zone setting-unsetting) and Menu 23 (detector setting-unsetting-isolating) the key unsets a part of the system only. If the setting key is pressed, when a menu-picture is displayed (not inside a selected menu), all zones of the operating keypad common to the code used are set, after which the new condition is displayed by Menu 10. In case of setting faults however, a fault list appears. Inside the Menus 21 (area setting), 22 (zone setting-unsetting) and 23 (detector setting-unsetting-isolating) the key sets a part of the system only. If the reset key is pressed after having entered Menu 50 (service mode), an attempt is made to reset all the alarm/fault messages, the code used is allowed to reset, after which the new condition is displayed by Menu 10. Please note that it takes app. 3 s by alarm or fault message before returning to Menu 10. During alarm reset (Menu 10 and 11) and fault reset (Menu 10 and 12), attempts are made to reset messages one by one only. In the System Programming Menus the cursor can be moved to the right by the - key to the wanted place where a new parameter is needed. When the menu key (NO-key) is pressed, the next menu appears. By pressing the - key in a sub-menu, the display will show the starting point of this sub-menu. During display of most lists etc., the key is used to bring the next element forward. After having displayed the last element, you are returned to the first element. The select key (YES-key) is used to select the displayed Menu. It is also used to get more information, when an input (detector) condition is displayed - and to return to the first picture. Such additional information is not necessarily needed by the operator, but is useful to engineers as zone name, detector number, type of event and actual input condition are included. Detector window Fig. 4.16 Explanation of the detector window content. This key performs an escape/log-out function. When it is pressed inside a selected menu, a jump back to the menu select picture occurs. By pressing the - key, the starting point of the sub-menu will appear and finally back to Menu 10. A maximum of four activations are required to log-out and turn-off the backlight of the display. This also happens automatically 2 minutes (normally) after the last keystroke. 91000601 4-13 Operating instructions 4.2.6 Operator codes In order to make a change of status such as setting, alarm reset, system test, programming etc. a 6-digit code must be entered. This code is allowed to operate the complete system or a part only as defined by programming. To each code belongs a hold-up code equal to the code + 1. Codes with last digit = 9 have no hold-up function. When a hold-up code is used, a time-limited transmission to the alarm station takes place. The condition is not indicated in the display, just by the event-log and some output types. Special hold-up codes can also be created. These codes will give the abovedescribed reaction and they are programmed by giving the user a priority P5. Upon three unsuccessful attempts of entering a code, the keypad is blocked for five minutes. When a code is modified, it is compared to all other codes of the system and rejected in case of to big resemblance (4 similar digits). 000000 may always be programmed and disables the code. Upon CPU-reset certain predefined codes are available, see Menu 42. 250 codes with different priorities (up to seven – P0 to P6) can be programmed. See the following section for more information. 4.2.7 Code priority This section describes the priority that can be assigned to the individual users of the system. Seven priorities are available. The priority defines the operating rights assigned to the operators as follows: Priority P6 The low priority operator code allows the user to set his own area. The P6 user has only access to Menu 10 and the - key to display zone status. The P6 user cannot reset alarms, but entry of the code will stop sirens, bells, etc. Priority P5 The hold-up code has the same rights as a P0 code. When using a P5 code, a hold-up alarm will be created as described above. Priority P4 The engineer code allows for all kinds of operation - except from changing P0 P2 codes. The code is accepted 2 minutes after an alarm/fault condition, and may be used until all such messages are reset. A P1 - P2 operator may allow, by typing 50, the engineer code to be used one time only - until log-out. When a P4 code types 50, the system is in service mode allowing for unlimited use of the engineer code for general alarm/fault reset, most system test etc. until service mode is reset by typing 51 (all codes are allowed to do so). The system programming (Menu 43 -54) requires service mode. Service mode is indicated by a pseudo-fault message being displayed and a transmission output "Trouble" being activated (both automatically reset by typing 51) and prevents alarm conditions from activating the local strobe and bell outputs. Priority P3 4-14 The alarm patrol code allows for most kinds of operating - except from system programming and some system test facilities. The code is accepted 2 minutes after an alarm/fault condition, and may be used until all such messages are reset. 91000601 Operating instructions Priority P2 The master manager code allows for all kinds of operating - except from changing P3-P4 codes, input test and system programming. Can allocate Users to Areas and change the priority for a user (P0 to P2 only) (Menu 45). Can always override automatic set/unset commands. Can make a reset of tamper alarms if the Option bit 5 (Menu 52) enables this function. Priority P1 The manager code like P2 allows for most kinds of operating, most test facilities, changing of date and time and change of own code and P0 codes. Cannot in Bank mode unset an area, which includes zones controlled by an automatic set period. Can only isolate one detector in each zone. Priority P0 The operator code allows for setting/unsetting, alarm/fault reset (not tamper alarm and some system faults) and lamp test. Cannot unset an area, which includes zones controlled by an automatic set period. Can only isolate one detector in each zone. Function or menu No. Description P0 P1 Unset: Own area Yes Auto set area No Set P2 P3 P4 P5 Yes Yes No Yes P6 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Foreign area No No No No No No No Own area Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Foreign area Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Isolate detectors Yes* Yes* Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes* Alarm (intrusion) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Tamper alarm No No Yes/No Yes Yes No No Hold-up alarm Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Technical alarm Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Fire alarm Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Battery/1h mains fault Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No System faults No No No Yes Yes No No Menu 14 Delay auto-arming Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Menu 21 Display area status Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Menu 22 Display zone status Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Menu 23 Display detector status Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Menu 25 Display event-log No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Menu 26 Print event-log No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Menu 27 Print status No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Menu 28 Print programming No No Yes No Yes No No Menu 29 Display alarm counter No No Yes No Yes No No Menu 31 Test lamps Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Menu 32 Test PIR etc No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Menu 33 Test battery No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Menu 34 Test zones No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Menu 35 Test inputs No No No No Yes No No Menu 36 Test outputs No No Yes No Yes No No Menu 37 Test printer No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Menu 38 Test bells No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Menu 41 Program date and time No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Menu 42 Program access codes No Yes Yes No Yes No No Menu 43 Program zone names No No No No Yes No No Menu 44 Program area-zones No No No No Yes No No Menu 45 Program code-area No No Yes No Yes No No Menu 46 Program detector names No No No No Yes No No Menu 47 Program inputs No No No No Yes No Reset No Continued ... 91000601 4-15 Operating instructions Function or menu No. Description P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Menu 48 Program outputs No No No No Yes No No Menu 49 Program timers No No No No Yes No No Menu 50 Allow for service code No Yes Yes No No No No Set in service mode No No No No Yes No No Reset all alarm/fault No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Menu 51 Cancel service mode Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Menu 52 Program Options and Site code No No No No Yes No No Menu 53 Program output-timer No No No No Yes No No Menu 54 Program keypad-zones No No No No Yes No No Menu 55 Program Auto Set programs No No Yes No Yes No No Menu 56 Program Holiday list No No Yes No Yes No No Menu 57 Program Alarm Functions No No No No Yes No No Menu 58 Adjust clock (CU-30 only) No No Yes Yes Yes No No Menu 59 Reset No No No No Yes No No * Only 1 detector in each zone. 4-16 91000601 Operating instructions 4.3 Submenu 2 - Display/change of status This section describes the menus and displays of submenu 2 used for displaying and changing the status of areas, zones and detectors, viewing and printing the event log and printing the system programming. Menu 21: Status of areas Fig. 4.17 Example of Menu 21: Area status with associated displays. By NO ( ), Menu 22 appears. The setting condition (UNSET, PART SET or SET) and alarm condition (QUIET, ACTIVE (active inputs), ALARM or FAULT (system fault)) of each area, included in the keypad-area, are displayed. If the condition is normal (QUIET), a (partly) unset area may be logically set by means of the pushbutton - even though the area includes zones not belonging to the code used. Zones of the area belonging to the code may be unset as well by means of the pushbutton. After having performed a setting/unsetting, the new condition is displayed. The next area is brought forward by pressing the - key. After having displayed the last area (max. 250), the first one (001) appears again. By means of the - key, a return to Menu 21 is made. Menu 22: Status of zones Fig. 4.18 Example of Menu 22: Zone status with associated displays. By NO ( ), Menu 23 appears. The setting condition (UNSET, P.SET or SET) and alarm condition (QUIET, ACTIVE (active inputs), ALARM or FAULT (system faults)) of each zone, included in the keypad-area, are displayed. If the condition is normal (QUIET), a (partly) unset zone may be physically set by means of the pushbutton although the zone does not belong to the code used. If the zone belongs to the code, it may be unset as well by means of the pushbutton. After having performed a setting/unsetting, the new condition is displayed. The next zone is brought forward by pressing the - key. After having displayed the last zone (16), the first one (01) appears again. By means of the - key, a return to Menu 22 is made. 91000601 4-17 Operating instructions Menu 23: Status condition Fig. 4.19 Example of Menu 23: Detector status with associated displays. By NO ( ), Menu 25 or 20 appears. All inputs included in zones common to the keypad and the code used are displayed by detector name, address, set/unset condition (SET, UNSET or ISOLATED), alarm condition (ALARM, TAMPER, HOLD-UP, FIRE, TECHNIC or SYS.FAULT), actual input condition (QUIET or ACTIVE) and zone relationship. Set detectors may be unset by means of the - key. Unset detectors may be set by means of the - key - provided the actual input condition is QUIET - or isolated by means of the - key. Isolated detectors may be reconnected (set) by the - key. After having performed a change of status, the new condition is displayed. The next detector is selected by the - key. After the last defined detector address, the first one is displayed. By entering XXX, detector address XXX is displayed. By means of the - key, a return to Menu 23 is made. Menu 24: Remote keypad data Fig. 4.20 Example of Menu 24: Remote keypad data. By NO ( ), Menu 25 appears. This menu requires at least a manager code (P1). In the menu is shown the complete address used on the RS-485 bus by the terminal. Example: 01 02 00 This means that the terminal is connected to the bus No. 01 and using address 02 on the bus. The 00 is not used for the moment. The second line in the menu indicates the version of the software in the terminal. Please note that it is not the software version of the central unit. This can be displayed in Menu 29. 4-18 91000601 Operating instructions Menu 25: Event-log Fig. 4.21 Example of Menu 25: Review log menu with associated displays for viewing the event log. By NO ( ), Menu 26 or 20 appears. The event-log stores the last 997 events and requires at least a manager code (P1) to be used. The second line displays time of occurrence of the event, which code was used (U250) or zone number (Z 16) in case no code is involved and event number, while the upper line displays events (the latest event is displayed first) such as: C123 RESET C 007 HOLD-UP C 011 TAMPER2 C 123 ALARM C 001 TECHNIC + C 001 TECHNIC C 005 FIRE C 081 SYS.FAULT C 001 TEST STA:1 C 002 ISOLATED C 004 UNSET C 004 SET C 100 ZONE TEST 14 DEC 90 K002 HOLD-UP K007 UNSET K008 SET K001 LOG-ON K003 LOG-OFF K002 BLOCKED Z003 UNSET Z004 SET A005 UNSET A006 SET A001 AUTO SET A001 AUTO UNSET M035 EXECUTE M035 END TEST K031 UP/DOWNLOAD Reset of alarm/fault message with detector address specification. Hold-up alarm with detector address specification. Tamper alarm with detector address and type specification. Intruder alarm with detector address specification. Technical alarm with detector address specification. Disappearance of technical alarm with detector address specification. Fire alarm with detector address specification. System fault with detector address specification. Alarm condition during detector test 35. Isolating a detector with detector address specification. Physical unsetting a detector with detector address specification. Physical setting a detector with detector address specification. Alarm condition during zone test 34. New date (recorded at midnight 00:00). Hold-up code alarm with keypad address specification. Unsetting keypad-zones different from a complete area. Setting a keypad-area different from a complete area. Code acceptance with keypad address specification. Auto-clear or log-off with C-key with keypad address specification. Blocking of keypad after 3 attempts of entering a (faulty) code. Physical unsetting a zone with zone number specification. Physical setting a zone with zone number specification. Unsetting an area with area number specification. Setting an area with area number specification. Automatic setting an area with area number specification. Automatic unsetting an area with area number specification. Execution of a menu-function with menu number specification. End of test menu Up/download from the AICS software. In order to step through the log, the - key is used. By typing a 3-digit number, a jump directly to this event number is performed. Just alarm/fault messages and new dates are displayed by using the - key. Pressing the - key hereafter performs a return to the normal log at the event prior to the alarm/fault/date. After having displayed the last event (oldest), the first one is displayed again. By means of the - key, a return to Menu 25 is made. 91000601 4-19 Operating instructions Menu 26: Print event-log Fig. 4.22 Example of Menu 26: Print event-log. By NO ( ), Menu 27 appears. This feature requires at least a manager code (P1). The oldest event is printed first. Each event of up to 998 takes approx. 2 s to print. By means of the - key, printing is stopped and a return to Menu 26 is made. Please refer to the list of events explained for Menu 25 to get information about the print-out formats. The format of the print-out corresponds to the format of an on-line printer connected to the central unit or printer interface. The lines below are an example of such a print-out. Menu 27: Print status Addr. Alarm type Time Detector name Zone name C104 ALARM 09:45 INFRARED DETEC. RECEPTION Fig. 4.23 Example of Menu 27: Print status. By NO ( ), Menu 28 or 20 appears. This feature requires at least a manager code (P1). For each input detector, the set/unset/isolated/alarm/actual condition is printed and for each zone, the set/unset condition is printed. By means of the - key, printing is stopped and a return to Menu 27 is made. Menu 28: Print system program Fig. 4.24 Example of Menu 28: Print system program. By NO ( ), Menu 29 appears. This feature requires a master manager code (P2) or the engineer code (P4). All system programming (Menu's 43 and up) are printed-out. By means of the - key, printing is stopped and a return to Menu 28 is made. 4-20 91000601 Operating instructions Please note that in the Area - Zone print-out a "Axxx" means a logical area and "axxx" means a physical area. Menu 29: Alarm counter Fig. 4.25 Example of Menu 29: Alarm counter. Counter value Program version By NO ( ), Menu 20 appears. This function requires a master manager code (P2) or the engineer code (P4). The alarm counter stores the total number of external alarms released since the alarm system was produced. The counter is never reset. By pressing the - key, the program version used and a checksum of the system programming are displayed. By means of the - key, a return to Menu 29 is made. 91000601 4-21 Operating instructions 4.4 Submenu 3 - System test This section describes the menus and displays of submenu 3 used for testing the various parts of the system. Menu 31: Lamp test Fig. 4.26 Example of Menu 31: Lamp test. By NO ( ), Menu 32 or 30 appears. This test requires no special code priority. The 5 status lamps starts flashing in 1 s intervals and the display shows the text above alternating with all segments turned on in 5 s intervals. By means of the - key, the test is stopped and a return to Menu 31 is made. Menu 32: Walk test Fig. 4.27 Example of Menu 32: Walk test. By NO ( ), Menu 33 appears. This test requires at least a manager code (P1). It is performed within the common code/keypad area. The test outputs are activated in order to check the reaction of passive infrared detectors by means of their built-in test lamps. This picture remains for 25 min. (opposite to the normal auto-clear after 2 minutes). By means of the - key, the test is stopped and a return to Menu 32 is made. If Seismic detectors with testable functions are defined in the common area, the test vibrator will be activated during a specified time (timer 26, delay) (normally 45 s). After or during this time the detector must give an alarm signal. If not, the detector will automatically be shown in the display as a detector with fault. The time-out for the seismic test follows the timer 26. The test must be stopped by pressing the - key after the 45 s. ☛ 4-22 The detectors that are tested must be in unset condition. 91000601 Operating instructions Menu 33: Battery test Fig. 4.28 Example of Menu 33: Battery test. By NO ( ), Menu 34 appears. This test requires at least a manager code (P1). When the test is started, the battery charging circuit is disconnected for 15 s, and the complete installation is supplied from the battery voltage. 1 s later the battery condition is displayed (OK or FAULT). This procedure is repeated each 16 s until auto-clear (2 min.) or until the - key is pressed, after which Menu 33 appears again. A battery fault message is not allowed reset until the battery condition is normal (OK). Menu 34: Zone test Fig. 4.29 Example of Menu 34: Zone test. By NO ( ), Menu 35 or 30 appears. This test requires at least a manager code (P1). By entering a zone number (01 to 16) within the common code/keypad area, this zone is transferred to a test state. During this test, the normal alarm reaction is blocked - instead an "alarm condition" is indicated by activating output type ENTRY/EXIT for 5 s. (programmable) and the internal buzzer for approx. 1 s. All input activations may be repeated and are listed in the event log. Hold-up, tamper and fire detectors are not to be tested, an activation results in a normal alarm reaction. In order to select another zone, the number is just overwritten or the - key pressed to bring the next zone forward. The test is unlimited in time, but may be stopped by the - key, in which case Menu 34 appears again. Menu 35: Input test Fig. 4.30 Example of Menu 35: Input test. By NO ( ), Menu 36 appears. This test requires the engineer code (P4) to be used and the system in Service mode. When a 3-digit address is entered, the input is transferred to a test state. During this test, the normal alarm reaction is blocked - instead an "alarm condition" is indicated by activating the output ENTRY/EXIT for 5 s. (programmable) and the 91000601 4-23 Operating instructions internal buzzer for approx. 1 s. All input activations may be repeated and are listed in the event log. Status of S-ART inputs are displayed and updated each 5 s as follows: 0 = quiet 1 = alarm 2 = sabotage 3 = sabotage and alarm 4 = no communication 5 = parity fault In order to select another detector (incl. hold-up, tamper and fire), the number is just overwritten or the - key pressed (next number). The test is unlimited in time, but may be stopped by the - key, in which case Menu 35 appears again. A programmed or a non-programmed input address can be tested by this menu. ☛ Menu 36: Output test This menu can only be called on one Terminal at a time. Fig. 4.31 Example of Menu 36: Output test. Choice of output By NO ( ), Menu 37 or 30 appears. This test requires a master manager code (P2) or the engineer code (P4) to be used. By entering a 3-digit output number, this is activated. In order to select another output, the number is just overwritten or the - key pressed (next number). The test is unlimited in time, but may be stopped by the - key. Menu 37: Printer test Fig. 4.32 Example of Menu 37: Printer test. By NO ( ), Menu 38 appears. This test requires at least a manager code (P1). The character set of the printer is printed-out. By means of the - key, printing is stopped and a return to Menu 37 is made. 4-24 91000601 Operating instructions Menu 38: Bell test Fig. 4.33 Example of Menu 38: Bell test. By NO ( ), Menu 30 appears. This test requires at least a manager code (P1). It is performed within the common code/keypad area. Bell and strobe outputs are activated - output type 01. By means of the - key, the test is stopped and a return to Menu 38 is made. 91000601 4-25 Operating instructions 4.5 Submenu 4 - Programming This section describes the menus and displays of submenu 4 used for programming the system. Menu 41: Date and time Fig. 4.34 Example of Menu 41: Date and time. Correction of date Correction of time By NO ( ), Menu 42 appears. This function requires at least a manager code (P1). The date is corrected by typing year, month and day. When the last digit is entered, the time automatically appears in order to adjust it by typing hours and minutes. If the date is not to be changed, the time is displayed by pressing the - key, which is also used to return to the date. The date and time is not corrected until the - key is pressed, upon which the seconds are reset; the picture remains. By means of the - key, a return to Menu 41 is made. Menu 42: Change of code Fig. 4.35 Example of Menu 42: Change of code. Code input Code choice By NO ( ), Menu 43 or 40 appears. A manager (P1) is allowed to change his own code and operator codes (P0) within his own area. A master manager (P2) is allowed to change all P0 - P2 codes. An engineer (P4) is allowed to change all P3 - P4 codes. Alarm patrol personnel (P3) are not allowed to change any codes. 6 new digits are entered (displayed as ******) and the - key is pressed to store the new value. If the resemblance of the new code is to big to existing codes (4 digits alike at the same positions), it is refused - indicated by the internal buzzer being activated for a short time and by the display remaining unchanged. If the new code is accepted, the next code with the same or lower priority is selected. By using the - key, no programming is made; instead the next element is brought forward by using the - key, or a jump to another element is performed by typing the number. By using the - key at any time, a return to Menu 42 is made. A code may be blocked (unacceptable) by changing it to 000000, which is always possible no matter the rules concerning resemblance. 4-26 91000601 Operating instructions A code, the last digit of which is 9, has no hold-up code function, which is defined as code + 1 (i.e. one added to the last digit). Upon CPU-reset, an engineer code (P4) of 654321 or a master manager code (P2) of 123456 is always usable for one operation - until first coming log-out. Menu 43: Zone names Fig. 4.36 Example of Menu 43: Zone names. Name typing By NO ( ), Menu 44 appears. This function requires the engineer code (P4) to be used, printer to be connected and Service mode. Each zone may be given a name (max. 10 characters - default zone 01, zone 02 etc.) by typing the 2-digit decimal value of standard ASCII-characters corresponding to the table below. By doing so, the characters appears at once in the upper line - one by one - beginning to the left. The zone name is updated, when the - key is pressed, after which the next zone is displayed. By using the - key, no programming is made; instead the next element is brought forward by using the - key or a jump to another element is performed by typing the number. The - key can be used to move the cursor to the wanted place without changing the characters. In case the name should remain unchanged, the appears again. Auto-clear time is 10 minutes. - key is used and Menu 43 Table of printable ASCII-characters Value Character Value Character Value Character Value Character 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 91000601 → Æ Ö Å ↓ Space ! “ # $ % & ' ( 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ) * + , . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 : ; < = → ? @ A B C D E F G H I J 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 4-27 Operating instructions Menu 44: Area-zone relation Fig. 4.37 Example of Menu 44: Area-zone relation. Zone selection Area selection By NO ( ), Menu 45 appears. This function requires the engineer code (P4) to be used, printer to be connected and Service mode. First decide whether the area should be logical by typing "1" in the upper line (L:1) or physical by typing "0" (L:0). After having done so, the cursor jumps to the lower line. By typing "1" here, the zone displayed by the upper line (zone 01 to the left - zone 16 to the right) belongs to the area, by typing "0", it does not. By pressing the - key, the new value is stored and the next element appears. By using the - key, no programming is made; instead the next element is brought forward by using the - key or a jump to another element is performed by typing the number. By using the - key at any time, a return to Menu 44 is made. Auto-clear time is 10 minutes. Menu 45: Code-area relation Fig. 4.38 Example of Menu 45: Code-area relation. Area/priority Code choice By NO ( ), Menu 46 appears. This function requires the engineer code (P4) to be used, printer to be connected and Service mode. The area, to which the code belongs, is typed as a 3-digit figure (001 to 250) and the code priority is defined by one digit (0 = normal operator code, 1 = normal manager code, 2 = master manager code, 3 = alarm patrol code and 4 = engineer code). By pressing the - key the new value is stored and the next element appears. By using the - key, no programming is made; instead the next element is brought forward by using the - key or a jump to another element is performed by typing the number. By using the - key at any time, a return to Menu 45 is made. Auto-clear time is 10 minutes. 4-28 91000601 Operating instructions Menu 46: Detector names Fig. 4.39 Example of Menu 46: Detector names. Name typing By NO ( ), Menu 47 appears. This function requires the engineer code (P4) to be used, printer to be connected and Service mode. A detector name list of 254 elements may be filled out (max. 16 characters) by typing the 2-digit decimal value of standard ASCII-characters corresponding to the table below. By doing so, the characters appears at once in the upper line - one by one - beginning to the left. The detector name is updated, when the - key is pressed, after which the next element is displayed. By using the - key, no programming is made; instead the next element is brought forward by using the - key or a jump to another element is performed by typing the number. The - key can be used to move the cursor to the wanted place without changing the characters. In case the name should remain unchanged, the appears again. Auto-clear time is 10 minutes. - key is used and Menu 46 Table of printable ASCII-characters Value Character Value Character Value Character Value Character 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 → Æ Ö Å ↓ Space ! “ # $ % & ' ( 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ) * + , . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 : ; < = → ? @ A B C D E F G H I J 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A list of 254 preprogrammed names is available after a reset of the RAM memory. The list of names can be seen by making a print-out of the Set-up. All preprogrammed names can be changed if needed. 91000601 4-29 Operating instructions Menu 47: Input set-up Fig. 4.40 Example of Menu 47: Input set-up. By NO ( ), Menu 48 appears. This function requires the engineer code (P4) to be used, printer to be connected and Service mode. The zone ZZ, to which the input belongs, is typed as a 2-digit figure (01 to 16), the input type TT as a 2-digit figure according to the list below, the detector name NNN as a 3-digit figure according to a free programmable detector name list and the attributes are selected by entering a 0 (not present) or a 1 (present) below I (isolation allowed), S (soak test), C (Invert) and D (double knock). By pressing the - key, the new value is stored and the next element appears. By using the - key, no programming is made; instead the next element is brought forward by using the - key or a jump to another element is performed by typing the number. By using the - key at any time, a return to Menu 47 is made. Auto-clear time is 10 minutes. The input soft types are described in detail in Section 1.5.2 and include: 4-30 Type Description Type Description 00 Not defined 18 Fire Alarm 01 Normal Night 19 Beam Pair 1 02 Seismic Alarm 20 Beam Pair 2 03 24h 21 Shock Count 04 Entry Route 22 Hold-up 2 05 Bypass Unit 23 Local Perimeter Detection 06 Normal Night 2h 24 Follow Me 07 Tamper 25 Set/Unset Zone Pulse 08 Night Deposit Box 26 Set/Unset Zone Level 09 Hold-up 1 27 Set/Unset Area Pulse 10 Technical/Film Counter 28 Set/Unset Area Level 11 Technical 1 29 Alarm Reset 12 Technical 2 30 24 h Seismic 13 System Fault 1 31 Night Deposit Box 2 14 System Fault 2 32 Vindicator Lock 15 System Fault 3 33 High Security – Entry Door 16 System Fault 4 34 Anti-mask 17 Key Storage Box 35 Primary Transmission Fault 91000601 Operating instructions Menu 48: Output zone/type Fig. 4.41 Example of Menu 48: Output zone/type. Output programming Output choice By NO ( ), Menu 49 appears. This function requires the engineer code (P4) to be used, printer to be connected and Service mode. The zone, to which the output belongs, is typed as a 2-digit figure (01 to 16 or 00 = common output) upon which the cursor jumps to the second line, where 2 digits, defining the type of the output according to the list below, are entered. By pressing the - key, the new value is stored and the next element appears. By using the - key, no programming is made; instead the next element is brought forward by using the - key or a jump to another element is performed by typing the number. By using the - key at any time, a return to Menu 48 is made. Auto-clear time is 10 minutes. The output types are described in detail in Section 1.6.2 and include: General purpose outputs 91000601 Signalling outputs Type Description Type Description 00 Not defined 32 Set/Unset Area 01 Common Alarm 33 Intrusion 02 Tamper Alarm 34 Tamper 04 Seismic Alarm 35 More than One Alarm 05 Local Shock Count Alarm 36 Seismic Alarm 06 Set/Unset (Zone) 37 External Shock Count Alarm 07 Hold-up Alarm 38 Set/Unset 08 More Than One Hold-up Alarm 39 Hold-up/Duress 09 Technical Alarm 1 40 Duress 10 Technical Alarm 2 41 Technical 1 12 System Fault 42 Technical 2 14 Local Alarm 43 Transmission Test 1 16 SW. Power 44 Trouble 17 Entry/Exit 45 1h Mains Fault 18 Set/Fault 46 Fire Alarm 19 Test 47 Isolation 20 Fire Reset 48 CPU-Reset 21 Fire Alarm 49 Transmission Test 2 22 Glass Break 23 Perimeter 1st Detector 24 Follow Input 25 Local Alarm Function 26 Auto-Set Prewarning 27 Perimeter 2nd Detector 29 Common Alarm 2 4-31 Operating instructions Menu 49: Timer set-up Fig. 4.42 Example of Menu 49: Timer set-up. Time-delay/duration Timer type Timer choice By NO ( ), Menu 53 appears. This function requires the engineer code (P4) to be used, printer to be connected and Service mode. 3 digits describing the time setting in seconds are to be entered. Time-duration = 000 means, that the output is not activated at all, while 999 means no time-limitation. The maximum time-delay is 254 s. Using the - key makes it possible to select one of 7 timer types: "1" = normal function, "2" = inverted function (output normally ON), "3" = 30 ms cannot be used, "4" = output alternating 0.5 Hz during time-duration, "5" = like 4, but with inverted function (output normally ON), "6" = output alternating 0.25 Hz during time-duration and "7" = like 6, but with inverted function (output normally ON). The timer is updated, when the - key is pressed, upon which the next timer appears. By using the - key, no programming is made; instead the next element is brought forward by using the - key or a jump to another element is performed by typing the number. By using the - key at any time, a return to Menu 49 is made. Auto-clear time is 10 minutes. The timer types are described in detail in Section 1.8 and include: 4-32 No. Description No. Description 1 Must not be used or changed. 24 Double Knock time window 2 Must not be used or changed. 25 Test time for Normal Night 3 Glass Break Reset timer 26 Timer for inhibition of Night Deposit Box 4 Timer for Input test and Zone test 27 Beam Pair time window 5 Timer for automatic set and isolation 28 Timer for Transmission Test 1 6 Time before Mains Fault indication 29 Automatic Set Pre-warning Time duration 7 Freely allocable to output types 30 Soak test duration 8 Freely allocable to output types 31 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 9 Freely allocable to output types 32 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 10 Freely allocable to output types 33 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 11 Freely allocable to output types 34 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 12 Freely allocable to output types 35 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 13 Freely allocable to output types 36 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 14 Freely allocable to output types 37 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 15 Freely allocable to output types 38 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 16 Automatic Seismic test timer 39 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 17 Transmission test 2 40 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 18 Timer for Autoset Function 7 41 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 19 Max. time before 2nd perimeter output 42 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 20 Time window for Shock count 43 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 21 Key storage box timer 44 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 22 Technical/film counter timer 45 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 23 Auto Alarm Reset timer for Alarm Function 46 Exit Time for Zone 1 – 16 91000601 Operating instructions Menu 50: Enable service mode Fig. 4.43 Example of Menu 50: Enable service mode. This function is selected by typing "50" and requires a manager code (P1) or the engineer code (P4) to be used. By answering NO ( - key), Menu 10 appears. If the manager code (P1) is used, answering YES ( - key) allows the engineer code (P4) to be used for one time only (until first-coming log-out following engineer code usage) and Menu 51 appears. In case alarm/fault messages are present and have been so for at least 2 minutes, the engineer code (P4) may still be used. If the engineer code (P4) is used, answering YES ( - key) brings the system into service mode allowing for time-unlimited use of this engineer code (P4) until service mode is reset by typing 51 (all codes are allowed to do so). After having entered the service mode, Menu 51 appears. Service mode is indicated by a pseudo-fault message being displayed and a transmission output "Trouble" being activated (both automatically reset by typing 51) and prevents alarm conditions from activating the external strobe and bells (Output soft type 01 and 29). Common alarm/fault reset can be performed by pressing the using a P2-P4 code. Menu 51: Disable service mode - key in Menu 50 Fig. 4.44 Example of Menu 51: Disable service mode. This function is selected by typing "51", which is allowed using any code priority. By answering NO ( - key), Menu 10 appears. By answering YES ( - key), the engineer code is no more allowed to be used and service mode (if present) is reset, indicated by the pseudo-fault message disappearing automatically, upon which Menu 10 appears. In case alarm/fault messages are present and have been so for at least 2 minutes, the engineer code may still be used. Menu 52: Options 91000601 Fig. 4.45 Example of Menu 52: Options. 4-33 Operating instructions In Menu 52, you can program a number of system options as shown below. Fig. 4.46 Overview of functions of option bit 1 to option bit 16. Option bit number: 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Encrypted communication Disable hold-up code Integrated/distributed system Industrial/bank set-up Set-LED indication includes panel zones Country selection Real-time print on top bus ITYP 04 setting fault Disable alarm/fault buzzing Disable P2 users to clear tamper alarms Enable setting fault for battery/mains fault Auto-alarm reset on hold-up detectors Allow only P4 users to correct clock Special bank features Fig. 4.47 Overview of functions of option bit 17 to option bit 24. Option bit number: 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Special area setting/unsetting menu Anti Hostage feature and other special features Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused The following table describes the functions that can be enabled or disabled by the setting of the option bits. Regarding the Option bits 9, 10 and 11, please refer to the section below the table. Bit 1 2 3 4 Function 0 Special bank features enabled. These features comprise zone and detector names added to the PC-event mail, auto-arm pre-warning using the buzzer of Remote Keypads and Access Control Terminals is included with the auto-arm zones. Auto-arm pre-warning starts 20 minutes before the auto-arming. 1 Special bank features disabled. 0 Allow only P4 users to correct clock enabled. P3 and P2 users may correct with ±2 min. 1 Allow only P4 to users to correct clock disabled. 0 Auto-alarm reset on hold-up detectors disabled. 1 Auto-alarm reset on hold-up detectors enabled. 0 Setting fault for battery/mains fault enabled. 1 Setting fault for battery/mains fault disabled. Continued … 4-34 91000601 Operating instructions Bit Function 0 The P2 user is able to delete tamper alarms. 1 The P2 user cannot delete tamper alarms (only P3 and P4 users). 0 The terminal buzzer will be activated in case of alarm or fault (if not in service mode). 1 The terminal buzzer is disabled in case of alarm or fault. Entry/exit buzzer will always work. 0 Input soft type 04 (entry/exit route detectors) will not give a set fault if the detector is active when a set command is performed. When the exit time is running out and the detector is still active an alarm will be created. 1 Input soft type 04 (entry/exit route detectors) will give a set fault if the detector is active when a set command is performed. 0 Print-out will be done on the printer installed on the same bus as the central unit. 1 Print-out will be done on the printer installed on the top bus 00. 9 - See the section: Option bits 9, 10, 11 on the next page 10 - See the section: Option bits 9, 10, 11 on the next page 11 - See the section: Option bits 9, 10, 11 on the next page 12 0 The LED is active when the zones corresponding to the user area are physically set. The LED is OFF if the zones are unset or partly set. 1 The LED is active when the zones included in the Panel - Zone programming is physically set. The LED is OFF if the zones are unset or partly set. 0 Bank set-up P0, P1 and P3 users are not allowed to unset zones included in "auto set areas" until such zones are released for unsetting by the auto set function. This means, that if they set their own area during business hour before the normal auto-set period, they are not able to unset it again. During auto set, automatic isolation is not allowed. In case of active detectors, forced setting is performed and an alarm condition is released. This is also the case if forced setting is carried out during manual setting - by pressing the closed lock key instead of the open lock key, when the setting fault list comes up. 1 Normal industrial set-up 0 Option 14 is used for selecting whether the system operates as independent subsystems or as one large system. When the option bit is 0, the keypad displays alarm/fault/isolation messages within the complete system, no matter which code is used for log-on. The alarm/fault lamps of the keypads reflect the status of the keypad-area. Resetting of alarm/fault messages is still allowed within the code area only. (single site) 1 When the option bit is "1", the keypads display only alarm/fault/isolation messages within the area of the intruder code. The alarm/fault lamps reflect the status of the keypad-area only, independent of the code priority used. (multi-sub sites) 0 Hold-up code function enabled (code + 1 except from codes with 9 as the last digit) 1 The hold-up code function is disabled 0 Non-encrypted communication 1 Encrypted communication. 5 6 7 8 13 14 15 16 17 - 22 23 24 91000601 Unused 0 Anti-hostage function and associated functions are disabled 1 Anti-hostage functions and associated functions are enabled. See also Section 1.12 0 Normal setting/unsetting procedure. 1 Special area setting/unsetting menu. See the section: Option bit 24 on the next page. 4-35 Operating instructions Option bits 9, 10, 11 Two different EPROM's exist for the 95T/90T CU-30): and The difference between the EU1 and the EU2 versions is which languages they are supporting. The different languages are shown in the following table: 11 10 9 version version 0 0 0 English (load default) English (load default) 0 0 1 English English 0 1 0 Dutch Czech 0 1 1 Swedish German Option bit 1 0 0 Norwegian Portuguese 1 0 1 Spanish Russian 1 1 0 Danish Italian 1 1 1 French Polish Option bit 23 See Section 1.12 for more information about the anti-hostage functions and associated functions. Option bit 24 The special area setting/unsetting procedure used on an 95T RKP is activated when option bit 23 is set to 1. The procedure is described below: 1. Enter the 6-digit code. The display will indicate AREA SET (as normal) 2. Press the Unset button. The display will indicate AREA NO.: _ _ _ 3. Enter the required area number. The area with the number entered can only be unset if all zones in the area belongs to the area of the current user, then only the zones that are common for both the user and the area will be unset. The display will now indicate for example AREA005 UNSET, if all zones belong to the user. The special area setting procedure used on an 95T RKP corresponds to the above procedure. If a setting fault occurs, it is possible to isolate as normal. Site code In Menu 52, you can also program a site code. This site code is specially used in connection with an IMS management system, where the IMS software also is programmed with a site code. Only if the two site codes are identically, it is possible to communicate between the PC and the Intrusion system. If a Thor Access Control System is connected to the Intrusion System, this site code will automatically be programmed with the site code from the access cards after a CPU reset and at least one reader initialized. 4-36 91000601 Operating instructions Menu 53: Output type/timer Fig. 4.48 Example of Menu 53: Output type/timer. By NO ( ), Menu 54 appears. This function requires the engineer code (P4) to be used, printer to be connected and Service mode. The timer allocated to an output type is displayed by pressing the - key or by overwriting the output type number. By overwriting the 4-digit output type number, a menu allowing for changing the allocated timer by overwriting the 2-digit number (01 - 48) appears. By pressing the - key, the new value is stored and the next output type appears. The first 2 digits of the output type represents the zone relationship (00 to 16 or 99, where 00 means the complete installation, while 99 means, that all output types 00yy to 16yy makes use of the selected timer), and the next 2 digits represents the output type itself. By using the - key at any time, a return to Menu 53 is made. Auto-clear time is 10 minutes. Menu 54: Keypad-zone relation Fig. 4.49 Example of Menu 54: Keypad-zone relation. By NO ( ), Menu 10 appears. This function requires the engineer code to be used, printer to be connected and Service mode. By typing "1", the zone displayed by the upper line (zone 01 to the left - zone 16 to the right) belongs to the operating keypad, by typing "0", it does not. Keypad 00 is the main control unit, while keypad 01 to 31 are remote operating keypads, readers etc. By pressing the - key, the new value is stored and the next element appears. By using the - key, no programming is made; instead the next element is brought forward by using the - key or a jump to another element is performed by typing the number. By using the - key at any time, a return to Menu 54 is made. Auto-clear time is 10 minutes. Only zones common to the keypad and the code used are allowed set/unset. ☛ 91000601 Please note that Keypad 00 cannot be present. 4-37 Operating instructions Menu 57: Alarm functions During the establishment or modification of an expression, it is checked, that valid figures are used for all fields. The validity of each individual input field and the operand to the right is checked, when the operand is selected (or passed by means of the alarm reset key). The validity of the output field including timer allocation is checked, when the timer is selected (or passed by means of the alarm reset key). In case of invalidity, a return to the first digit of the input field (or output field) takes place leaving this part of the expression unchanged. Fig. 4.50 Example of Menu 57: Alarm Functions. The validity of a complete expression is checked when it is stored by means of the - key. In case of invalidity - inconsistency between input field and operand - the complete expression is returned unchanged. The keys of the keypad have the following functions: Performs a jump back to the alarm functions select menu leaving the expression, in which it was pressed, unchanged. Performs a jump from the first window (first ½ expression) to the next window (second ½ expression) and further on to the general new number select menu. Is used to store the expression in either one of the two windows. Is used as logical OR operand. Can also be used to move the cursor from one operand to the next (will leave the input field as 000) to come to the Output address field. If the key is used within an input field, the operand to the right is changed accordingly and a jump to the first digit of the next input field (or back to the first input field - within the first ½ expression window only) takes place. 4-38 91000601 Operating instructions Is used as logical AND operand. Can also be used to move the cursor from one operand to the next (will leave the input field as 000) to come to the Output address field. If the key is used within an input field, the operand to the right is changed accordingly and a jump to the first digit of the next input field (or back to the first input field - within the first ½ expression window only) takes place. Makes the cursor step one position to the right and back to the first digit within each window (½ expression). Numerical keys (0 to 9) are used for entry of numbers in input fields or in output/timer fields only. If they are used in an operand field, a jump back to the first digit of the input field to the left occurs. Menu 58: Adjust Clock Only available in connection with 90T CU-30 and 95T CU-30. It is possible to correct the clock, if it goes to fast or too slowly. It can be corrected with max. +/- 999 seconds per week. Applies only to hardware without RTC-clock. Fig. 4.51 Example of Menu 58: Adjust Clock. The first digit of the correction factor indicates + or -, where 0 = - and 1 = +. Menu 59: Reset This menu is used for resetting the CU from the keypad. When the menu is activated then the output type 48 (CPU reset) is activated for 5 s before the reset takes place. Only P4 codes are allowed to use this menu and the CU must be in service mode. Fig. 4.52 Example of Menu 59: Reset. 91000601 4-39 Operating instructions 4.6 Autoset programming Priority 2 and Priority 4 codes can use the Auto Set programming menus. The programmed times can be printed out by Menu 28, Print Setup. Menu 55: Edit area week programs This function is used to create, change or delete a week program for an area. A week program has 7 normal days (Monday = day1) and two special days (day 8 and day 9) referring to the holiday list. Fig. 4.53 Example of Menu 55: Edit area week programs. One digit is keyed in for the area number 1- 8, for which this week program is programmed. After that day1 is displayed with the starting time 00:00. The first period will then be from 00:00 to xx:x0 where x is keyed in. The xx:x0 time will after automatically be transferred to the starting time of the next period for day1 to avoid that the user makes a time program with holes or overlapping times. One day is finished when 24:00 is programmed for the end-time and the next day2 is shown in the display. If the - key is used in this position a copy of the day before will be made for this day. If one of the menus is left by the - key, the programming of time programs is left without storing the data for this week program (area) number. By keying in 00:00 to 00:00 the week program is deleted. It is possible to program in 10 minutes intervals. That means that it is only necessary to key in 3 digits. The last digit is always 0. The FNC field is programmed with the function for the area. One of the following functions can be allocated to the time periods for area week time program. 4-40 FNC 1 Setting the area at the beginning of the period or setting at the end of the period if delay has been requested from one of the Remote keypads. Delay can only be requested once FNC 2 Setting the area at the beginning of the period. FNC 3 Setting the area at the beginning of the period and enabling manual unsetting at the end of the period. FNC 4 Unsetting the area at beginning of the period. FNC 5 No change. FNC 6 At the beginning of the period and each 10 minutes in the period, it is verified that the area is set. If the area is not set, an alarm is generated on an input address corresponding to the area number. There is no reaction if the area is set. 91000601 Operating instructions It is possible to delay the function in the pre-warning period. If this is the case, the verification will only take place at the end of the period. FNC 7 When the function becomes active and the area is unset, then a timer is started (timer 18 –duration in minutes) and when the timer expires, the area is automatically set. 10 minutes before the automatic setting the pre-warning output type is activated, as normal. If the area is unset when the function is active, the timer will be started as above. It is possible to delay the automatic setting (when the pre-warning is active) by means of Menu 14. The setting is then delayed for the programmed time (Timer 18 – delay in minutes). FNC 8 Operates as FNC 1. However, if there are any active detectors in the area to be set, the setting is cancelled and a set fault message is sent. This message will contain a list of all the detectors that where active when the Auto-Arm function would have set the area, maximum 100. The message is sent to following devices: Alarm / event transmitter, INCOM, GPI Host interface and Modem interface. FNC 9 Operates as FNC 2. However, if there are any active detectors in the area to be set, the setting is cancelled and a set fault message is sent. This message will contain a list of all the detectors that where active when the Auto-Arm function would have set the area, maximum 100. The message is sent to following devices: Alarm / event transmitter, INCOM, GPI Host interface and Modem interface. FNC 10 Allows manual unsetting at the start of the period. If the area is not unset at the end of the period, the area+1 is set automatically. FNC 11 Allows manual setting and unsetting at the start of the period, but only when the area is unset when the period starts. Menu 56: Edit holiday list Fig. 4.54 Example of Menu 56: Edit holiday list. This function is used to create a holiday list that refers to the above programmed week programs for the day8 and day9. The list has max. 25 periods where start date and end date are programmed for each period. A period includes the start date and end date. 91000601 4-41 Operating instructions 4-42 91000601 Denmark United Kingdom France Netherlands HI SEC International HI SEC International HI SEC International HI SEC International Marielundvej 16 DK- 2730 Herlev Denmark 4B Victoria Avenue Camberley Surrey GU15 3HX United Kingdom ZAC de Nanteuil 12, rue Jules Ferry F-93561 Rosny sous Bois France Populierendreef 968B NL-2272 HW Voorburg Holland Tel.: +45 44 50 78 00 Fax: +45 44 50 78 01 E-mail: dk @ Tel.: +44 (0) 1276 679 950 Fax: +44 (0) 1276 679 949 E-mail: gb @ Tel.: +33 (0) 1 48 12 90 10 Fax: +33 (0) 1 48 12 90 20 E-mail: fr @ Tel.: +31 (0) 70 386 1103 Fax: +31 (0) 70 387 4095 E-mail: nl @ Spain Germany USA HI SEC International HI SEC International HI SEC International C/. Ávila, 48-50 3° Planta, local G-H E-08005 Barcelona Spain Westerholtstraße 6 D-46119 Oberhausen Germany 6829 K Avenue, Suite 101 Plano, TX 75074 USA Tel.: +34 93 300.46.95 Fax: +34 93 485.60.78 E-mail: hisec @ Tel.: +49 (0) 208 - 611193 Fax: +49 (0) 208 - 6290299 E-mail: ghr @ Tel.: +1 (972) 509 7744 Fax: +1 (972) 509 0144 E-mail: jje @