holstein farmer catalogue 2014 / 2015
holstein farmer catalogue 2014 / 2015
HOLSTEIN HOLSTEIN FARMER CATALOGUE 2014 / 2015 PERFORMANCE EFFICIENCY BALANCE SERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL is the leading French exporter of cattle genetics, a supplier of genetic advance for more than 50 years: • N°1 in the world for beef breeds, • N° 1 in the world for goat genetics, • N°1 in Europe for dairy genetics. With its network of partner distributors covering more than 70 countries, SERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL aims to be one of the top 5 exporters of animal genetics in the world. DURABILITY YOUR NEEDS, OUR AREAS OF EXPERTISE TECHNICAL SUPPORT TOP MORPHO To advise you, ensuring you have the best genetic advance All of the technical experts of SERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL and our partners (Breed Selection Enterprises) are here to advise you, to provide you with the genetics that are the most suited to your needs in cattle and goat species. GENETICS / GENOMICS POLLED RED FERTILITY+ Successful breeding programmes at the service of livestock farming SERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL offers you the best of genetics for: Dairy or dual purpose cattle breeds : Holstein, Normand, Pie Rouge, Brown Swiss Large format suckler breeds: Limousin, Charolais, Blond d’Aquitaine Hardy breeds: Aubrac, Salers, Gasconne, Tarentaise, Abondance Specialised breeds : Rouge des Prés (Maine-Anjou), Parthenais, Bazadais Breeds for crossing: LIMOUCROSS, INRA 95 and Charolais Excellence Goat breeds : Saanen and Alpine EMBRYOS CROSS-BREEDING SEXED SEMEN Genetic advance in fast motion To ensure maximum genetic advance, SERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL brings you a wide range of embryos that covers all their dairy and beef breeds. From dams with confirmed potential and the best bulls, these embryos will be the guarantee of success for your herds. w w w. ser si a.fr 2 PERFORMANCE CONTENTS 16 EFFICIENCY 21 DURABILITY 27 TOP MORPHOLOGY 32 FERTILITY+ 37 RED 40 POLLED 43 SEXED SEMEN 48 CROSS-BREEDING 49 DURABILITY BALANCE EFFICIENCY 11 BALANCE PERFORMANCE TOP MORPHO FERTILITY+ RED POLLED CONTACT : SEXED SEMEN SERSIA France - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL 69 Rue de la Motte Brûlon CS 80644 35706 RENNES CEDEX 7 - France ©Pictures: BGS, EVOLUTION, Meekma, Midatest Restelli, Soldi 3 CROSS-BREEDING phone: + 33 (0)2 99 85 21 40 [email protected] PERFORMANCE A BREEDING PROGRAMME OF WORLD WIDE DIMENSIONS BALANCE A local creation… Team work with breeders and our technicians: XY CREATION is the name of the breeding programme. It is defined by 3 key points: > 1500 French breeders, partners of the XY CREATION programme and its partners. > French production: among the 140 active bulls, 46 have as their sire… EFFICIENCY an EVOLUTION bull! … for high-performance selection at world scale RELIABILITY DURABILITY Sires and proven technologies From 1.8 million cows tested, XY CREATION genotypes 3000 males per year, which makes it: > The N°1 European breeding programme > One of the largest programmes in the world! TOP MORPHO Its purpose: to provide genetic solutions of very high quality, responding to the wide variety of expectations and nutritional and environmental challenges of the present and the future. DIVERSITY A well-organised programme, at the cutting edge of innovation Genetics made multiple by its projects and its origins Holstein foundation stock 1 800 000 Holstein cows tested EXTERNAL FEMALES: FERTILITY+ • Replacement • Non-French •E xclusive of partners of XY Création AGILITY RED Proposing innovative solutions and genetic products to give a world-wide response to all forms and strategies of the livestock farming of today and tomorrow 720 nulliparous bull-dams SERVICES: Stage when Bull-Dam numbers are increased (Production of 8 500 embryos a year) Farm Stations Superovulations Embryo collections Superovulations Embryo collections Ovum pick-up (OPU) In vitro fertilisation Biotechnologies of the embryo 3 000 males genotyped • Stations • Sales of embryos • Network of recipients 3 200 females genotyped POLLED 220 male calves admitted to stations 100 bulls brought into service 50 bulls exported on the hoof XY Création bullsires SEXED SEMEN CROSS-BREEDING 3 200 females genotyped at birth 4 External bullsires PERFORMANCE EVOLUTION YOUNG BULLS CONFIRM LES JEUNES TAUREAUX EVOLUTION CONFIRMENT LEUR FIABILITÉ ! THEIR RELIABILITY! BALANCE EFFICIENCY After confirmation on progeny, 13 points of ISU compared to the range on progeny! The animals in production on your farms make it possible to review our 2010 catalogues > The > The young bulls evolved in the same > S ERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL > After confirmation on progeny, the > Whether way as the proven bulls (-5 points of ISU in fixed base). young bulls are still superior by 13 points of ISU compared to the bulls available on progeny at the same time. SERSIA EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL young bulls speed up genetic advance in herds recommendations for use: diversify the sires used. they are young or confirmed, the most important thing is to use bulls whose qualities (proofs) correspond to your farming system. RED 76% of correlation on average between the genomic proofs and progeny > A reliable system for fast motion genetic advance FERTILITY+ omparison of the proofs of C 680 Holstein bulls that were genomic young bulls in June 2010 with their proofs confirmed on progeny in October 2012 (> 40 daughters). In practical terms in my herd, what use is that? TOP MORPHO French genomic assessment: reliability demonstrated! > DURABILITY our young genomic Holstein bulls have additional POLLED 4 2 Catalogues Holstein 2010 59 bulls tested on progeny in 2010 ISU 2010 153 (3 157 daughters) ISU 2013 expressed in base 2010 148 (7 726 daughters) ISU 2014 Expressed in base 2010 SEXED SEMEN 151 (10 370 daughters) 0 30 bulls on genomic proof in 2010 and with daughters in 2013 -2 -4 -4 -2 0 2 166 (0 daughters) 161 (190 daughters) 163 (856 daughters) 4 %P genomic proof June 2010 5 CROSS-BREEDING %P progeny proof October 2012 +1.0 of protein content (%P) in 2010 = 1.0 of %P in 2012 PERFORMANCE WHAT IS ISU? BALANCE ISU is a composite index calculated by the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA). It combines the production traits (INEL), the functional traits (cell count, fertility and longevity) and the combination of the morphological traits. The ISU of the Holstein breed is composed of: EFFICIENCY PRODUCTION FUNCTIONALS DURABILITY 35% 7,5% UD 50% 3%1,4% 4,5% BC FAT 6,6% F&L FR 15% Fat content (FAT) 1,4% Fat rate (FR) 6,6% Protein quantity (PROTEIN) 13,5% 13,5% PROTEIN 5% MS TOP MORPHO MORPHOLOGY Protein content (PR) 13,5% Reproduction (REPRO) 22% 5% PL 13,5% PR 18% UDH Udder health (UDH) 18% Longevity (PL) 5% Milking speed (MS) 5% FERTILITY+ Udder (UD) 7,5% Feet and legs (F&L) 4,5% 22% REPRO Body capacity (BC) 3% RED Whilst continuing to exert strong pressure on milk production, ISU places emphasis on the functionality of the animals; criteria that are in line with the needs of livestock farmers throughout the world. ISU is an index very close to the American Net Merit. Calendar of proofs and rolling base: Since 2014, France has joined the international proofs calendar with publications in April, August and December. POLLED ISU has a rolling base that evolves each year. CROSS-BREEDING SEXED SEMEN It expresses the annual genetic advance of the French Holstein population. For example, in 10 years, gross French production per cow has increased by 1300 kg. The French Livestock Institute estimates that genetics have contributed 952 kg to this improvement. APRIL 2014: annual genetic progress of the French Holstein population 6 ISU MILK MORPHOLOGY +5pts +111kg +0,2pts PERFORMANCE France is one of the countries which gives most importance to the animals’ health traits and management. It is the country which places the most emphasis on female fertility. France (ISU) 27% 8% 15%5%18% 36% New Zealand (BW) 31,8% Italy (PFT) Spain (ICO) Hungary (HGI) Czech Repub. (SIH) Ireland (EBI) USA (Net Merit) 30% 5% 30,6% 33,6% 23% 11,7% 8% 10%10% 22% 29% 22% 20,4% 8% 3%3% USA (TPI) 21,9% 36% 9% 15,1% 15% 16% 9,5% 2,4% 17% 21,1% 10% 5,5% 20% 29% 27% 12% 24,1% 22% 10,9%5,6% 10% 2% 7%7% 23,2% 17% 12,4% 27% 25% 11,5%3,2% 19% 6,8%3% 11%5% 18,5% 7% 4,1 10%3% DURABILITY Germany (RZG) 27,2% 15,4% 4% 12% 16% Scandinavia (NTM) 10% 10% 30%15%32% 10% 10% 3% UK (PLI) Netherlands (NVI) 10% 8%9% 9,3% 11,4% 14,7% 6,4%14,7% 39% 16% EFFICIENCY Canada (LPI) 11% 5% BALANCE Australia (APR) 22% 9% 5% 11%3% 22% 8% 4%15%4%14% 15% 12% 6%3% 26% Milk Productive life (PL) Fertility (FERT) Fat Type (TS) Udder Health (UDH) Other healt traits TOP MORPHO Protein Udder: 30% Ude + 15% FUA + 15% RUH + 10% UC 10% FTP - 10% RTP + 10% TL Udder depth (Ude) FERTILITY+ Body Capacity Index: Rear Udder height (RUH) 40% BC + 30% CW + 30% TW Body depth (BD) Udder Cleft (UC) Stature (ST) RED Front teat placement (FTP) Chest width (CW) Rear Teat Placement (RTP) Thurl width (TW) POLLED Teat length (TL) Dairy Form (DF) Udder Balance (UB) -2 0 +2 -2 0 SEXED SEMEN Fore udder attachment (FUA) Rump Angle (RA) +2 Feet and legs Index: 60% LO + 20% PI + 20% MR -2 0 Blue cell: the target Heel depth (HD) +2 -2 0 Rear Leg rear view (RLRW) +2 -2 0 +2 7 CROSS-BREEDING Rear leg set (RLS) DURABILITY EFFICIENCY BALANCE PERFORMANCE SERSIA - EVOLUTION THE SERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL TOP MORPHO BULL SEMEN PRODUCTION CENTERS Leader for cattle genetics, SERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL today has 4 bull semen production centres in the West of France for a global production of 7. 5 million doses of semen each year. FERTILITY+ The overall numbers that can be kept in these centers are around 600 to 650 bulls and in them at the present time there are between 500 and 550 bulls. 75% of the bulls admitted to the SERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL bull semen centers are Holstein bulls; some of them have an ISU up to 200 points and represent the very best of cattle genetics at the moment. RED The quality of the bulls admitted requires strict attention to detail at all times, in particular with regard to health safety. Whether it is the health of the bulls, the hygienic conditions surrounding the semen or traceability, all the stages are controlled. The rules of procedure go beyond the obligatory constraints imposed by legislation. POLLED To anticipate demand, in 2012, SERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL established one of the only two laboratories for sexed semen in France. It produces straws containing semen, male or female, enabling breeders to choose the sex of their future calves. This is a strategy that pays, since the use of sexed semen is in full expansion. CROSS-BREEDING SEXED SEMEN The St Aubin du Cormier bull semen production centre is the most recent. Built in 2009, it routinely functions with 200 bulls. 8 PERFORMANCE INTERNATIONAL TOOLS BALANCE EFFICIENCY DURABILITY HEIFER STATION, TOP MORPHO AN INOVATIVE TOOL FOR THE SELECTION SCHEME OF SERSIA – EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL. To speed up the genetic progress, and multiply the genetics of the best heifers, SERSIA – EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL has set up donors stations. FERTILITY+ Thanks to the accuracy of the genomic information, this innovative tool allows us to intensify the embryo production of high indexed heifers. In a sanitary controlled environment, our technical team is at the forefront of innovation in the area of embryo transplant. Choose female sexed embryos to produce your next heifers, with the technical criteria you are looking for in your herd. RED POLLED SEXED SEMEN CROSS-BREEDING 9 PERFORMANCE BALANCE CROSS-BREEDING SEXED SEMEN POLLED RED FERTILITY+ TOP MORPHO DURABILITY EFFICIENCY TOP 5 10 TOP ISU ISU TOP INEL INEL ILLET 197 DAYEL ISY 76 HAMMIG ISY 195 EDELWEISS 75 HERIVIA 195 HYPNOTIC 65 HABORO 190 HUBANCY 65 HURIGNY 188 GRYLAU ISY 64 TOP MILK Kg MILK TOP CALVING EASE CE EWOK 1943 GNOCCHI P 94 HYPNOTIC 1860 EWOK 93 GIAGI 1670 GLADIATOR 93 HOUDINI 1649 GAINSBARRE 93 HAMMIG ISY 1587 FEUFOLLET 93 TOP UDDER UDH TOP FEET AND LEGS F&L EXTREME +3.9 HULK +2.6 GOODTYPE +3.2 EXTREME +2.3 ISITOLO +3.1 HARVAL ISY +2.2 GAUSS +3.0 GOVOU +2.2 GRELON ISY +2.9 GERVITA +2.0 TOP LONGEVITY PL TOP REPRO FERT HARROGATE +2.5 HECTO ISY +2.2 GOFAST +2.4 GOTHAM +2.0 GIFONCE +2.4 ILLET +1.9 HERIVIA +2.3 FINGER +1.9 HORED P ISY +2.3 HAURIZON +1.9 PERFORMANCE BALANCE EFFICIENCY PERFORMANCE DURABILITY This Performance segment brings together the sires that are the most likely to support your high level of production. To achieve your goals you use resolutely improver bulls in morphology, with high milk proof values, but you don’t eliminate bulls that are low in functionals or solids. You are convinced that the longevity of your cows depends on the quality of their mammary system and the soundness of their feet and legs. TOP MORPHO Sire Maternal grandsire ISU CE Milk TS UD COSINUS CREOL TOY DACTYL ISY DAYEL ISY DUGA ISY ELECTORAT EWOK FEUFOLLET FLOAT ISY FONTOY FOXY ISY GALOSH ISY GELIZAT GERVITA GIAGI GLADIATOR GOLESNIL GRYLAU ISY HABORO HADANGE HAMMIG ISY HATIS HAXTY ISY HEFALO ISY HIBISCUS HINES ISY HORSAIN HOUDINI HURIEL HURIGNY HUSSON MAXWELL O-MAN 166 89 1381 2,1 1,6 0,7 TOYSTORY FORD 160 91 955 1,5 1,5 -0,1 BAXTER O-MAN 140 92 879 2,4 2,1 0,6 STOL JOC RAUL 166 90 1586 1,8 1,1 1,3 STOL JOC SHOTTLE 163 90 1011 2,0 1,4 1,8 PLANET BOLTON 152 87 1119 0,0 1,2 -1,1 TENNYSON ENCINO 151 93 1943 0,9 0,6 -0,2 MAN-O-MAN STOL JOC 182 93 723 1,5 1,3 0,7 MAN-O-MAN SHOTTLE 168 90 1114 1,4 1,2 0,4 MAN-O-MAN BAXTER 164 92 472 2,0 1,8 0,7 VIA THELO SHOTTLE 179 92 952 1,8 1,7 1,1 GERARD BOLTON 172 91 1090 2,0 2,1 0,7 IOTA PLANET 171 91 676 1,7 1,4 0,4 AFRAN GER RANDVIEW 171 92 1017 3,0 2,0 2,0 NIAGRA BOLTON 162 92 1670 1,2 1,4 -0,2 GERARD RANDVIEW 173 93 1008 1,9 1,7 0,9 DUNHILL USONET FIN 182 91 1047 2,2 1,3 1,8 NIAGRA SHOTTLE 178 89 837 2,1 2,0 0,3 ENZIBA VIA THELO 190 89 893 2,4 2,5 0,9 MASSEY TOYSTORY 172 90 1145 2,0 1,5 0,9 SANTANA SUPER 195 89 1587 2,5 2,0 0,7 FYJNOE ISY MAN-O-MAN 171 90 1267 1,6 1,6 0,2 FYJNOE ISY BAXTER 164 91 901 2,5 2,0 1,3 EHMAN ISY STOL JOC 175 91 1176 2,3 1,6 1,5 EHMAN ISY USONET FIN 178 90 1227 2,2 2,0 0,8 JIVES MAN-O-MAN 177 88 1038 2,7 2,1 1,8 FYJNOE ISY MAN-O-MAN 164 92 1159 1,7 1,5 0,6 FRANCKY VIA THELO 173 91 1649 1,5 1,5 0,2 FOLKLORE PLANET 179 91 1406 1,8 2,0 0,1 ENZIBA VOLADI MAN 188 90 1149 1,3 1,0 0,9 FAMOUS MAN GABOR 183 90 1022 2,7 2,2 1,2 F&L FERTILITY+ RED POLLED SEXED SEMEN 11 CROSS-BREEDING NEW Bull UN LEADER CONFIRMÉ PERFORMANCE COSINUS MAXWELL X O-MAN JUST X JOCKO BESN ISU DACTYL ISY Une référence parmi les confirmés Excellent rapport lait-TP-Morphologie Facile sur génisses (NAI 90) CD 2,2 1,6 1,8 0,8 0,5 -0,4 -0,6 0,3 BALANCE 04/12/07 EXPRESS, FILLE DE COSINUS 92 TB 1 -1,8 90 ISU LAIT 1370 140 PERFORMANCE AND REGULARITY onfirmed with 636 C daughters -2 EFFICIENCY 2244592229 -1 0 1 2 3 is daughters are H productive, calm and fast to milk TOP MORPHO DURABILITY complete bull in A morphology with a score of 92 for calving ease 4435729483 08/10/08 32 DAUGHTER OF DACTYL ISY FERTILITY+ From the American bloodline Lynncrest BW Marshall Horizon EX 91, just like HORIZON ISY, COMEDIEN and GOODTYPE, DACTYL ISY is a great French confirmation! Today farmers who milk his daughters are unanimous: they are productive, have good morphology and are easy to manage in the herd! DACTYL ISY arouses interest in many countries because, as a confirmed sire, he has good proof values in the American base. TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS POLLED RED Daughters 636 95 Morphology (MO) 2,4 Economical Dairy Index (INEL) 23 Udder Index (UD) 2,1 Protein (PROT) 19 Body Capacity Index (BC) (BC) 1,5 Fat 30 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 0,6 Rel. Protein Content (‰P) -1,3 Udder Cleft 1,3 Fat Content (‰F) -1,0 Udder depth 1,8 Milk 879 Udder Balance 1,4 Fore udder attachment 1,1 Rear Udder height 2,9 Front teat placement 2,9 SEXED SEMEN FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS Rear Teat Placement 2,1 Teat length -1,4 Stature 1,7 Chest width 1,2 Body depth 1,8 Dairy Form 0,9 0,2 Udder health -0.5 Reproduction (REPRO) 0.1 Milking Speed (MS) 1,2 Somatic cells count -0,4 Longevity (LGV) 1,0 Fertility Cows 0,4 Fertility Heifers -0,3 Rump Angle Calving Ease (CE) 92 Thurl width 0,5 Calving Abilities 93 Rear leg set -1,2 1,4 Heel depth 2,1 Vitality calves at birth 95 Rear Leg rear view -0,7 Vitality calves at calving 94 Locomotion 0,5 Temperament CROSS-BREEDING TP BAXTER X O-MAN X MARSH MARA MO MA CC ME SAMA REPRO LGF VT NAI 166 -2 12 -1 0 1 2 3 PERFORMANCE GELIZAT ISU 171 IOTA X PLANET X SHOTTLE BALANCE THE INTERNATIONAL GENETIC COMPOSITION EFFICIENCY rotein content +1.7 & P milk +676 ! ood balance in all the G body dimensions 06/12/11 TOP MORPHO 2919576349 DURABILITY ood fertility of the G daughters ROZA ELIZA (PLANET) DAM OF GÉLIZAT TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS Daughters 0 Rel. Morphology (MO) 1,7 Economical Dairy Index (INEL) 54 Udder Index (UD) 1,4 Protein (PROT) 38 Body Capacity Index (BC) (BC) 1,5 Fat 68 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 0,4 1,7 Udder Cleft 0,9 Fat Content (‰F) 4,4 Udder depth 1,1 Udder Balance 1,4 Fore udder attachment 0,2 Rear Udder height 2,3 Front teat placement 1,7 676 FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS 0.3 Reproduction (REPRO) 0.9 Milking Speed (MS) 0,9 Somatic cells count 0,5 Longevity (LGV) 1,1 Fertility Cows 1,2 Fertility Heifers -0,1 Calving Ease (CE) Calving Abilities Temperament 91 91 0,8 1,1 Teat length -0,4 Stature 1,4 Chest width 0,9 Body depth 1,6 Dairy Form 1,7 Rump Angle 0,8 Thurl width 0,2 Rear leg set 0,6 Heel depth -0,1 93 Rear Leg rear view 0,5 Vitality calves at calving 94 Locomotion 0,5 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 13 CROSS-BREEDING Vitality calves at birth SEXED SEMEN Udder health Rear Teat Placement POLLED Protein Content (‰P) RED 71 Milk FERTILITY+ At the origin of the family of GELIZAT, you will find a sire that is well-known in Europe, TVM Hesne. Since then, by dint of using recognised bull-sires, the exposure of this bloodline has become international! With his TPI proof values as well, this complete sire will engender productive and profitable cows. PERFORMANCE COSINUS MAXWELL COSINUS O-MAN JUST JOCKO BESN X X MAXWELL x O-MAN x JOCKO BESN UN LEADER CONFIRMÉ A CONFIRMED LEADER Une référence parmi les confirmés A reference among confirmed bulls Excellent rapport lait-TP-Morphologie CD BALANCE E xcellent milk-protein-morphology Facile sur génisses (NAI 90) ratio EFFICIENCY 2244592229 04/12/07 2244592229 04/12/07 EXPRESS, FILLE DE COSINUS MS DURABILITY STOL JOC x RAUL x CAPRI TOP MORPHO 0 -1 -1 A confirmed sire from the same family as Via Thelo and Galosh Isy RED POLLED -1 SEXED SEMEN CROSS-BREEDING CE MILK 1586 -2,1 1 2 ISU ‰P 87 MILK ‰F 0,1 3 CE 152 1119 0,0 0 1 2 ISU A confirmed sire with almost +2000 in milk and high set udders Rel ‰P 93 93 MILK ‰F -2,1 3 CE 151 A n original pedigree, half-brother of Garcill (Afran ger) 14 0 Rel F ertile daughters HÉLICE, EWOK’S DAUGHTER 3 90 ‰F 1,8 95 -2 MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 2 ISU ORIGINAL BUT ABOVE ALL N° 1 IN MILK TENNYSON x ENCINO x RAMOS 13/09/09 1 3 0,0 1,2 -1,5 -1,1 1.4 0.4 0,8 -0,8 CANICULE (BOLTON), ELECTORAT’S DAM EWOK 7952450483 2 ‰P 95 G ood, healthy udders 06/03/09 0 Rel A very milky bull 2253772285 1 THE SECOND CONFIRMATION OF THE FAMILY MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS LAIT 1,8 1,1 1,0 1,3 -0.1 -1.0 -0,8 0,6 -2 PLANET x BOLTON x ROLEX LAT TB 90 CE 89 166 A confirmed son of Stoll with 551 daughters N° 2 in France in the ranking on INEL! Morphology at +1.8 03/12/08 ELECTORAT FERTILITY+ -1 -2 MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS NAI -1,8 MILK ‰F 1370 1381 -1,7 1 ‰P 1,0 A CHAMPION OF PROTEIN CONTENT DAYEL ISY 4477604956 0,4 -2 TP 92 Rel 92 E asy to use on heifers (CE 89) MO 2,2 MA 1,6 2,1 MO CC 1,8 1,6 UD ME 0,8 1,8 BC SAMA 0,5 0,7 F&L REPRO -0,4 0.4 UDH LGF -0,6 -0.4 FERT VTPL 0,3 -0,5 EXPRESS, DAUGHTER OF COSINUS ISU 166 ISU 166 1943 -4,1 0,9 0,6 1,6 -0,2 -0.4 1.3 0,6 0,1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 MAN-O-MAN x SHOTTLE x DUTCH BOY THE START OF A LONG STORY… Rel -1 92 ‰F MILK -0,6 0 1 2 ISU 92 MILK ‰F 0,4 FERTILITY+ ‰P 71 3 CE 162 Rel 1670 0,9 RED 1,2 1,4 0,8 -0,2 0.4 -0.2 1,5 0,7 -2 -1 0 1 ISU Rel ‰P G ood locomotion 91 MILK ‰F 1,3 1176 -1,1 SEXED SEMEN 69 3 CE 175 F rench n° 1 of the sons of Ehman Isy in INEL, n° 1 in ISU W ide cows and high udders 2 POLLED HIGH PROTEIN PRODUCTION 2,3 1,6 1,2 1,5 1.3 0.8 0,8 0,2 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 15 CROSS-BREEDING MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 952 TOP MORPHO -1 A lmost +1670 in milk and +1.4 in udders DONBROO 16 (BOLTON), DAM OF GIAGI 02/07/12 DESTFALIA (STOL JOC), DAM OF HEFALO ISY -0,5 THE MILK SPECIALIST MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 2245731885 ‰P 72 A n interesting pedigree for production EHMAN ISY x STOL JOC x MARION CE 179 DURABILITY Rel -2 HEFALO ISY 3 1,8 1,7 -0,2 1,1 1.9 0.6 1,4 -0,4 08/07/10 04/09/11 2 ISU H igh rear attachment 1532181070 1 N umber 1 of the sons of Via Thelo MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS NIAGRA x BOLTON x MASCOL 0 LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON! E xcellent udder health GIAGI 1114 2,0 EFFICIENCY -2 V ery high udders 7259420303 MILK ‰F 1,6 1,4 1,2 0,8 0,4 0.7 1.1 1,1 -0,4 EDH FAWN (MOM) SISTER OF FLOAT ISY VIA THELO x SHOTTLE x OKENDO ‰P 74 BALANCE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS FOXY ISY 90 M ilk +1114 & Pr. content +1,6 S hottle Bergame family EX90 27/09/10 CE 168 F ertile daughters 5373868296 ISU PERFORMANCE FLOAT ISY PERFORMANCE BALANCE EFFICIENCY BALANCE CROSS-BREEDING SEXED SEMEN POLLED RED FERTILITY+ TOP MORPHO DURABILITY This Balance segment has the advantage of bringing together bulls which are high in milk and which have a good level in solids. For you, fertility is a key element in your reproduction choices, as are your animals’ development and their locomotion. An ideal compromise between balanced morphology and high-performance milk production. NEW NEW 16 Bull Sire Maternal grandsire ISU INEL TS UD UDH FERT COSINUS CREOL TOY DIDOT EHMAN ISY ETUI FACETIE FYJNOE ISY GADEAN ISY GALOSH ISY GEDELOIR GERVITA GLADIATOR GOTCHA ISY GOTHAM HABORO HACKY HAMMIG ISY HDMI HEFALO ISY HELMONDO HERGILLY HERIVIA HIGH ISY HIGHTECH HOMOGENE HORA HURIGNY HYPSOS IDILIO IMPORTANT VOLADI MAN MAXWELL O-MAN 166 60 2,1 1,6 0.4 -0.4 TOYSTORY FORD 160 36 1,5 1,5 1.1 0.7 TARTARE SHOTTLE 156 45 1,4 1,1 0.3 1.1 PLANET BUCKEYE 183 35 2,3 2,2 1.7 1.8 GOLDWYN O-MAN 152 16 1,1 0,6 1.4 1.6 VIA THELO BOLTON 173 52 2,1 2,0 1.2 0.1 GOLDWYN SHOTTLE 167 25 2,7 2,4 0.5 1.5 ELECTORAT MAXWELL 176 44 1,3 2,0 2.2 1.0 GERARD BOLTON 172 47 2,0 2,1 0.9 1.0 IOTA MEGA-MAN 169 36 2,1 1,6 0.9 1.1 AFRAN GER RANDVIEW 171 39 3,0 2,0 1.0 0.4 GERARD RANDVIEW 173 42 1,9 1,7 0.9 1.3 IOTA BOLTON 170 27 2,6 2,7 0.9 1.5 IOTA BAXTER 171 41 1,6 1,5 0.4 2.0 ENZIBA VIA THELO 190 59 2,4 2,5 1.7 0.8 SUDAN GOLDWYN 170 35 2,2 1,0 1.7 0.5 SANTANA SUPER 195 42 2,5 2,0 2.3 1.2 EKOPE RANDVIEW 163 35 1,6 1,8 0.5 1.8 EHMAN ISY STOL JOC 175 42 2,3 1,6 1.3 0.8 IOTA ALEXANDER 163 30 2,2 1,4 1.4 0.6 FAMOUS MAN GOLDWYN 177 31 2,2 2,5 2.1 1.4 SUDAN BOGART 195 28 2,8 2,3 3.2 1.4 SUDAN MAN-O-MAN 180 39 2,4 1,6 1.3 1.3 ENZIBA VIA THELO 180 48 2,5 2,4 1.9 0.6 MASSEY TEUFFEUR 174 54 1,6 1,6 1.9 -0.4 ENZIBA BAXTER 188 52 1,8 1,8 2.2 0.8 ENZIBA VOLADI MAN 188 62 1,3 1,0 1.6 1.0 GOLD CHIP PLANET 166 16 3,1 2,6 2.1 0.6 GASY NIAGRA 178 31 2,6 2,4 2.4 0.9 SUPERSONIC BRONCO 177 44 2,5 1,8 1.3 1.1 O-MAN HERSHEL 167 26 1,3 0,9 2.1 1.3 PERFORMANCE EHMAN ISY ISU 183 PLANET X BUCKEYE X O-MAN JUST BALANCE THE BEST FRENCH SON OF PLANET NOW PROVEN! GIBECIÈRE, EHMAN ISY’S DAUGTER TOP MORPHO 11/03/09 DURABILITY 3704257074 EFFICIENCY reat milk abilities, high G ISU and TPI Excellent udders, very high and very good attachment Improves feet and legs with good locomotion ERIKA, EHMAN ISY’S SISTER TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS Daughters 54 Morphology (MO) 2,3 Economical Dairy Index (INEL) 35 Udder Index (UD) 2,2 Protein (PROT) 32 Body Capacity Index (BC) 0,1 Fat 28 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 1,2 -0,9 Udder Cleft 0,3 Fat Content (‰F) -1,1 Udder depth 2,5 Udder Balance 0,5 Fore udder attachment 2,1 Rear Udder height 2,6 Front teat placement 0,2 Milk 1176 FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS Rear Teat Placement 1,0 Teat length -1,0 1.7 Reproduction (REPRO) 1.8 Milking Speed (MS) 0,7 Somatic cells count 1,9 Longevity (LGV) 0,9 Fertility Cows 2,0 Fertility Heifers 0,4 Rump Angle 0,1 90 Thurl width -0,6 92 Rear leg set 0,4 0,6 Heel depth -0,4 Calving Ease (CE) Calving Abilities Temperament Stature 0,5 Chest width -0,1 Body depth 0,2 Dairy Form 0,9 93 Rear Leg rear view 1,5 Vitality calves at calving 93 Locomotion 1,4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 17 CROSS-BREEDING Vitality calves at birth SEXED SEMEN Udder health POLLED Protein Content (‰P) RED 86 Rel. FERTILITY+ This son of Planet comes from the famous origin Luke Classic EX90. The technical team had foretold it. Heifers of EHMAN ISY are top for UDDER : very high, with a strong front rear attachment, and wide at the back. Good surprise with the frame and the locomotion qualities. His daughters are also good in milk production, with udder health. Ehman isy will be profitable for many countries since his TPI index is over 2100. PERFORMANCE VOLADI MAN O-MAN X HERSHEL X BESNE BUCK BALANCE THE STAMP OF FRENCH GENETICS IN YOUR HERD! TOP MORPHO DURABILITY EFFICIENCY n exceedingly wellA confirmed sire with more than 15,000 daughters N° 2 of the French sons of O-Man behind Via Thelo Excellent in all the health traits 4947788082 29/08/04 FAUVETTE 36, DAUGHTER OF VOLADI MAN FGH FOLADI, DAUGHTER OF VOLADI MAN FERTILITY+ This son of O-Man orginal excellent combination of genes… from his sire health traits, from his grand-sire those of udder qualities! But the input does not stop there! When we find Besne Buck, Ugela Bell and Ocles Wayn in front of this combination, we can understand this level of milk production and harmony in all the body dimensions! Today, the daughters of Voladi Man are well established in herds, and will remain there for a long time to come! TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS POLLED RED Daughters 15489 Rel. 95 Morphology (MO) 1,3 Economical Dairy Index (INEL) 26 Udder Index (UD) 0,9 Protein (PROT) 23 Body Capacity Index (BC) 1,4 Fat 22 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 0,4 Protein Content (‰P) -0,4 Udder Cleft 0,2 Fat Content (‰F) -1,4 Udder depth 1,7 Milk 842 Udder Balance 0,6 SEXED SEMEN FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS Udder health 2.1 Reproduction (REPRO) 1.3 Milking Speed (MS) 0,2 Somatic cells count 1,9 Longevity (LGV) 1,9 Fertility Cows 1,2 Fertility Heifers 0,5 Fore udder attachment 1,3 Rear Udder height -0,4 Front teat placement -0,2 Rear Teat Placement 0,4 Teat length -0,8 Stature 0,9 Chest width 1,5 Body depth 0,4 Dairy Form -0,5 Rump Angle 1,5 -0,8 Calving Ease (CE) 91 Thurl width Calving Abilities 94 Rear leg set -0,9 0,4 Heel depth 0,9 0,1 0,2 Temperament CROSS-BREEDING ISU 167 Vitality calves at birth 93 Rear Leg rear view Vitality calves at calving 94 Locomotion -2 18 -1 0 1 2 3 AFRAN GER x RANDVIEW x NARISTI LO FRENCH AUTHENTICITY ISU V ery good milk and protein ratio Rel ENZIBA x VIA THELO x SHOTTLE -2 -1 A very popular bull-sire at 190 ISU! A full brother of HIGHTECH, from the maternal line of the son of Jocko US, Applouis Jet Stream… Rel -2 -1 -2 ‰P 3 CE 89 MILK ‰F 0,2 1587 -2,3 0 1 2 ISU 3 POLLED HERIVIA OR THE POWER OF FUNCTIONAL LONGEVITY CE 195 89 ‰F MILK N ° 5 of sires available in France on ISU Rel ‰P 68 -1,1 -1,0 686 SEXED SEMEN 2,8 2,3 1,4 1,2 3.2 1.4 2,3 0,7 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 19 CROSS-BREEDING MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS DÉLICATE (SHOTTLE), MATERNAL GRAND-DAM OF HERIVIA 2 ISU Rel -1 E xceptional in udder health 05/07/12 1 195 68 A morphology for very functional, very wide cows (chest width +1.5) 3517966278 893 RED SUDAN x BOGART x SHOTTLE MILK 2,5 2,0 2,1 0,7 2.3 1.2 2,1 0,6 FLAMMIG (SUPER), DAM OF HAMMIG ISY HERIVIA ‰F FERTILITY+ H igh level in milk, qualities and udder health! 11/09/12 0 N ° 4 of sires available in France on ISU MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 89 -0,5 THE NEW INTERNATIONAL STAR C ows that are very big, wide and deep! 2245731888 2,0 CE 190 TOP MORPHO SANTANA x SUPER x STOL JOC ‰P 65 3 2,4 2,5 0,1 0,9 1.7 0.8 0,6 -0,1 FAGA (VIA THÉLO), DAM OF HABORO HAMMIG ISY 2 DURABILITY 15/09/12 1 ISU R emarkable in protein and udder health 5616683557 0 A POPULAR BULL SIRE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 1017 -2,1 3,0 2,0 1,8 2,0 1.0 0.4 0,6 -0,1 10/12/11 CRISTALINE (RANDVIEW), MÈRE DE GERVITA HABORO MILK ‰F 0,8 EFFICIENCY 2931364727 92 BALANCE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS ‰P 73 A morphology proof of +3.0 with 92 for CE ! CE 171 A ‘dash of genetic originality’ at 171 of ISU! (Afran ger* Randview Naristi lord) PERFORMANCE GERVITA PERFORMANCE HIGH ISY SUDAN x MAN-O-MAN x SHOTTLE FUNCTIONALS TRAITS AND FEET & LEGS ISU T he image of regularity in all health traits Rel E xcellent in feet and legs S ame family as Camary Isy rf EFFICIENCY BALANCE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 2231594548 20/03/12 ENZIBA x VIA THELO x SHOTTLE -2 -1 DURABILITY TOP MORPHO FERTILITY+ MASSEY x TEUFFEUR x ROUMARE -2 RED POLLED SEXED SEMEN CROSS-BREEDING 20 3 CE 180 90 ‰F MILK 0,8 926 1 2 ‰P 1,6 3 CE 174 89 ‰F MILK -0,7 776 1,6 1,6 -0,3 0,9 1.9 -0.4 1,0 0,1 -2 -1 0 1 A BENCHMARK IN ISU 2 ISU In the continuity of the high ranking sons of Enziba (+188 in ISU) MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS DORA TENE (BAXTER), DAM OF HORA 0 72 Rel ‰P 65 F rom the same family as Flow, Frenes and Genetoile… 21/02/12 1,6 Rel D aughters that will last in herds 4432722672 ‰P 65 A pedigree that is easy to use (Massey* Teuffeur* Roumare) 23/03/12 EBÈNE 13 (TEUFFEUR), DAM OF HOMOGÈNE ENZIBA x BAXTER x SHOTTLE 2 ISU F rom the same family as Edelweiss and Feufollet HORA Rel -1 P rotein and udder health balance 2405071403 1 JUST LIKE HIS SIRE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 526 2,5 2,4 0,4 1,1 1.9 0.6 0,5 -0,8 FAGA (VIA THÉLO), DAM OF HIGH TECH HOMOGENE MILK ISU V ery healthy udders 22/05/12 0 F ull brother of Haboro MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS ‰F 2,4 TOP CLASS GENETICS R emarkable in udders and optimal teat placement 5616683535 0,4 90 2,4 1,6 0,8 1,9 1.3 1.3 1,3 0,7 FLORIDA (MAN O MAN), DAM OF HIGH ISY HIGHTECH ‰P 69 CE 180 0,9 3 CE 188 88 ‰F MILK 2,0 773 1,8 1,8 0,2 0,7 2.2 0.8 1,8 0,1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 PERFORMANCE BALANCE EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY DURABILITY This Efficiency segment brings together bulls with a great variability of pedigrees, a good level of INEL and fertility, as well as great complementarity on contents and development traits. You are particularly looking for cows that produce a lot of solids, as well as fertile cows with a functional morphology, so choose bulls in the EFFECTIVENESS segment. TOP MORPHO F&L UDH FERT CREOL TOY DRANCE ISY EDELWEISS EFEB ISY EXEMPT FEUFOLLET FINGER FLOW FLYBOY ISY FRANCKY GAIWAY ISY GALION GAYOLI GAZOL ISY GEOLSIA GRIEF ISY GUELIXIR GUIDE HADANGE HARDI HARROGATE HENDRIX HORLY HORSAIN HUBANCY HURIEL HYPNOTIC TOYSTORY FORD 160 28 1,2 -0,1 1.1 0.7 FROSTY O-MAN 169 36 2,1 0,6 0.6 1.8 PLANET ROUMARE 178 56 0,9 0,8 0.3 0.5 STOL JOC SHOTTLE 161 34 2,0 1,8 1.0 0.1 OMAN JAKE BOLTON 163 40 -0,3 0,2 1.3 0.8 MAN-O-MAN STOL JOC 182 46 0,4 0,7 1.2 1.4 MAN-O-MAN MASCOL 174 35 0,3 1,0 1.1 1.9 DOTSON ROUMARE 169 41 1,2 1,0 1.3 0.2 MAN-O-MAN PAGEWIRE 166 36 0,8 -0,1 0.4 1.1 NIAGRA BOLTON 157 38 0,3 -0,2 0.6 0.2 IOTA BOLTON 169 26 2,1 0,9 0.4 1.4 IOTA SIDNEY 169 31 1,0 0,3 1.4 0.9 MAN-O-MAN SHOTTLE 170 33 1,3 0,9 0.0 1.5 SHOUT PLANET 167 24 1,1 0,6 1.7 0.8 IOTA GOLDWYN 156 9 1,9 0,8 1.2 1.5 IOTA STOL JOC 167 28 2,4 0,7 1.1 1.3 D SKOTTE STOL JOC 169 40 0,0 1,2 1.2 0.4 SUPER TARTARE 170 18 1,0 0,4 2.1 1.7 MASSEY TOYSTORY 172 32 1,4 0,9 2.1 0.7 BOOKEM USONET FIN 175 39 1,9 1,1 1.2 0.5 BOOKEM BOLTON 176 36 0,3 1,1 0.9 0.9 LEVI SHOTTLE 176 32 0,0 1,2 1.5 1.1 CABARET DOTSON 171 30 -0,1 1,4 1.3 1.1 FYJNOE ISY MAN-O-MAN 164 29 0,7 0,6 0.5 1.1 LEVI BOLTON 185 54 -0,6 0,5 2.0 0.6 FOLKLORE PLANET 179 33 0,5 0,1 1.7 1.5 FACECY EBA MAN-O-MAN 186 58 1,8 0,5 1.1 1.3 21 CROSS-BREEDING BC SEXED SEMEN ISU PROT POLLED Maternal grandsire RED Sire FERTILITY+ NEW Bull PERFORMANCE EDELWEISS ISU 178 PLANET X ROUMARE X SATURN BALANCE A RARE FLOWER AMONG CONFIRMED SIRES EFFICIENCY on of Planet confirmed S with more than 170 daughters! Excellent production ratio TOP MORPHO DURABILITY ood udder attachments G and good teat placement! 4309210499 10/08/09 FERTILITY+ This son of Planet with his very good production ratio will seem even more familiar when you will read the sires of the same family: Feufollet, Gingo, Homogène, or quite recently Hospador, in our range on American proofs. TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS RED Daughters 179 94 Morphology (MO) 1,0 Economical Dairy Index (INEL) 75 Udder Index (UD) 0,5 Protein (PROT) 56 Body Capacity Index (BC) 0,9 Fat 80 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 0,8 Rel. Protein Content (‰P) 2,4 Udder Cleft 0,3 Fat Content (‰F) 3,5 Udder depth 0,3 Udder Balance 0,8 Fore udder attachment 0,4 Rear Udder height 1,5 Front teat placement 1,3 POLLED Milk 1070 SEXED SEMEN FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS Udder health 0.3 Reproduction (REPRO) 0.5 Milking Speed (MS) 0,8 Somatic cells count 0,1 Longevity (LGV) 0,8 Fertility Cows 0,9 Fertility Heifers Calving Ease (CE) Calving Abilities Temperament CROSS-BREEDING GIROFLÉE, DAUGHTER OF EDELWEISS Rear Teat Placement 1,1 Teat length -1,2 Stature 0,2 Chest width 0,8 Body depth 0,6 Dairy Form 0,6 0,5 Rump Angle 0,7 91 Thurl width -0,5 90 Rear leg set -0,5 0,6 Heel depth -0,1 Vitality calves at birth 91 Rear Leg rear view 0,3 Vitality calves at calving 92 Locomotion 1,1 -2 22 -1 0 1 2 3 PERFORMANCE HARROGATE ISU 176 BOOKEM X BOLTON X MASCOL BALANCE AN ORIGINAL SON OF BOOKEM EFFICIENCY he best French son of T Bookem! Improver in contents and in milk igh, firmly attached H udders DURABILITY 21/08/12 TOP MORPHO 1533202563 DONBROO (BOLTON) DAM OF HARROGATE TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS Daughters 0 Morphology (MO) 2,1 Economical Dairy Index (INEL) 49 Udder Index (UD) 1,9 Protein (PROT) 36 Body Capacity Index (BC) 0,3 Fat 58 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 1,1 1,3 Udder Cleft 0,7 Fat Content (‰F) 1,7 Udder depth 1,5 Udder Balance 0,9 Fore udder attachment 2,3 Rear Udder height 1,9 Front teat placement 1,8 Milk 925 FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS Udder health 0.9 1,3 Teat length -0,9 Stature 0,9 Chest width 0,2 Body depth 0,2 Dairy Form 0,2 0,4 Reproduction (REPRO) 0.9 Milking Speed (MS) -0,5 Somatic cells count 1,0 Longevity (LGV) 2,5 Fertility Cows 1,1 Fertility Heifers 0,8 Rump Angle Calving Ease (CE) 91 Thurl width 0,7 Calving Abilities 94 Rear leg set -0,2 1,0 0,3 92 Rear Leg rear view 0,7 Vitality calves at calving 93 Locomotion 1,3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 23 CROSS-BREEDING Heel depth Vitality calves at birth Temperament SEXED SEMEN Rear Teat Placement POLLED Protein Content (‰P) RED 69 Rel. FERTILITY+ This son of Bookem is the best of French origin on ISU! He has the additional asset of having a different pedigree since on the maternal side we find the Bolton* Mascol* Coolcat combination. His udder profile has little volume with very good attachments; to be noted too is that his very good proof value in feet and legs is to be found on 4 generations on the maternal side with only VG scores on this trait! PERFORMANCE CREOL TOY TOYSTORY x FORD x ADDISON THE HIGH-GRADE SON OF TOYSTORY EFFICIENCY BALANCE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS FROSTY x O-MAN x HERSHEL -2 -1 DURABILITY TOP MORPHO FERTILITY+ -2 -1 RED POLLED SEXED SEMEN CROSS-BREEDING 0 MILK 1117 -0,2 1 2 ISU Rel ‰P 72 -2 -1 2,8 3 CE 182 93 ‰F MILK 2,1 0 1 INTERESTING AND RARE 723 2 ISU 3 CE 169 92 ‰F MILK B est son of D-Skotte available Rel MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS ‰P 69 V ery good calving ease 24 91 1,5 1,3 0,4 0,7 1.2 1.4 0,8 -0,2 02/10/10 21/10/11 3 CE ‰F 0,0 H igh protein potential B alanced in production 2911799580 2 ISU THE PRODUCTION BENCHMARK MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS D SKOTTE x STOL JOC x O-MAN JUST 1 ‰P 95 V ery good health traits GUELIXIR 0 Rel V ery marked ligament, high rear attachment! 1210021669 955 1,3 0,5 2,1 0,6 0.6 1.8 0,1 0,9 FUEGO, DAUGHTER OF DRANCE ISY MAN-O-MAN x STOL JOC x SHOTTLE MILK 0,5 169 MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS FEUFOLLET ‰F B alanced in production A confirmed bull with high fertility 20/03/08 0,0 THE CONFIRMED ASSET, PROFITABILITY! S ound bodies with lots of depth 2238143044 ‰P 1,5 1,5 1,2 -0,1 1.1 0.7 0,7 0,5 EVASION, DAUGHTER OF CRÉOL TOY DRANCE ISY Rel 92 V ery good calving ease 12/01/07 CE 91 A confirmed son of Toystory Improver in milk with very high udders 7273519635 ISU 160 2,4 -0,3 567 1,6 1,4 0,0 1,2 1.2 0.4 1,3 0,3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 MASSEY x TOYSTORY x NEGUNDO REMARKABLE UDDER HEALTH Rel -2 -1 0 1 EASY TO USE 2 ISU 3 CE 176 91 ‰F MILK O ne of the few sons of Levi available 0,6 1,1 728 1,8 1,6 0,0 1,2 1.5 1.1 1,9 0,3 20/05/12 -2 -1 0 1 S on of Fyjnoë Isy, very regular production-morphology-functionals Rel V ery marked ligament, high rear attachment! ISU CE 164 ‰P 65 92 MILK ‰F 0,4 3 FERTILITY+ A MILKY SIRE FROM THE DURHAM SHERRY FAMILY 2 TOP MORPHO MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS ‰P 69 DURABILITY Rel Interesting quality of feet and legs FYJNOE ISY x MAN-O-MAN x BAXTER 1145 -0,8 EFFICIENCY 11/07/12 HORSAIN MILK ‰F -0,9 2,0 1,5 1,4 0,9 2.1 0.7 1,0 -0,4 A champion in all the health traits 6413261080 ‰P 71 BALANCE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS LEVI x SHOTTLE x MARION 90 E nsures healthy udders Internationally recognized pedigree HENDRIX CE 172 G ood dairy production 4984611097 ISU PERFORMANCE HADANGE 1159 1,3 S ame family as Fontoy rf 4432722694 1,7 1,5 0,7 0,6 0.5 1.1 1,7 0,6 FIMAN SHER (MAN O MAN), DAM OF HORSAIN 08/07/12 FOLKLORE x PLANET x BOLTON -2 -1 V ery good production ratio (milkprotein content) Rel CE 91 MILK ‰F 0,7 1406 -1,0 1,8 2,0 0,5 0,1 1.7 1.5 -0,4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 25 CROSS-BREEDING DELLA (BOLTON), MATERNAL GRAND-DAM OF HURIEL ISU 3 SEXED SEMEN MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 2 179 ‰P 65 E xcellent udder health 23/07/12 1 THE COMBINATION OF PRODUCTION AND FUNCTIONALITY V ery high, well-attached udders 2930983456 0 POLLED HURIEL RED MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS ings v l a c f o n io t c e t e d The ity n e r e s e t e l p m o c in > The comfort solution > Safety for your calvin > Cutting-edge technolo gies… Simplicity too for calvings gs Comfort Simplicity Profitability Safety PERFORMANCE BALANCE EFFICIENCY DURABILITY DURABILITY This Durability segment offers you bulls which give the best solids and excellent results in terms of quantity of total solids. They are also notable for their functional qualities, in particular longevity, as well as calving ease and calving abilities. You are looking for fertile cows, resistant to mastitis, to ensure good longevity, so opt for the DURABILITY bulls. TOP MORPHO %F UDH FERT PL CAMARY ISY DIDOT DUNHILL EVINS FIBOR ISY FINGER FOLKLORE FRAIMBOIS FRIED ISY GAHARD GAINSBARRE GASY GAYEL GENETOILE GIBERVIL GO MAN GOLESNIL GONDOL RF GORAT GRAPON P HAURIZON HECTO ISY HERZOG HEUSAY HIRAGANA HOUX ILLET ROUMARE MANAGER 163 0,3 0,3 2.9 -0.1 1,1 TARTARE SHOTTLE 156 1,2 5,4 0.3 1.1 0,4 BOLTON O-MAN 167 2,8 4,6 0.8 1.1 1,2 RANDVIEW GOLDWYN 148 2,8 1,8 0.6 0.9 0,8 GIBOR BOLTON 152 1,9 2,8 0.8 0.5 1,1 MAN-O-MAN MASCOL 174 1,3 -0,3 1.1 1.9 1,1 MAN-O-MAN GOLDWYN 159 2,2 2,7 1.1 1.0 1,2 BOGART BOLTON 164 0,8 2,2 0.4 1.3 1,1 OTTO PAGEWIRE 167 2,9 4,2 1.7 0.9 1,6 AFRAN GER ROUMARE 165 1,1 1,8 1.5 -0.1 0,9 AFRAN GER MASCOL 163 1,1 1,3 1.0 0.0 0,5 TIME STOL JOC 164 3,3 2,4 1.9 1.0 0,9 VOSAC MAN RESTELL 157 1,6 2,9 0.6 1.3 0,9 DUNHILL SHOTTLE 176 1,6 0,0 2.0 1.8 1,8 IOTA USOLEN 173 0,2 1,3 1.0 1.4 1,0 MAN-O-MAN BAXTER 168 2,6 2,9 1.2 1.6 0,8 DUNHILL USONET FIN 182 1,6 0,4 1.3 1.1 1,5 JERUDO JANGO 166 1,0 0,2 1.2 1.7 1,9 DONOVAN BOLTON 171 2,1 3,8 2.1 0.9 1,3 MITEY P USONET FIN 155 0,6 1,3 1.6 1.2 1,5 LAVAMAN XACOBEO 174 1,3 1,4 1.1 1.9 FYJNOE ISY GABOR 169 0,4 1,7 1.8 2.2 2,0 CREOL TOY OTTO 180 1,9 2,3 1.4 0.7 0,2 SOLSTICE VIA THELO 174 1,3 3,9 2.5 1.0 0,8 EVINS OTTO 169 3,5 4,2 1.6 1.5 1,2 FERVANT MAN-O-MAN 176 2,3 3,3 1.2 1.0 0,2 FAMOUS MAN MASCOL 197 4,3 4,3 2.9 1.9 1,3 27 CROSS-BREEDING %P SEXED SEMEN ISU POLLED NEW Maternal grandsire RED NEW Sire FERTILITY+ NEW Bull PERFORMANCE DUNHILL BOLTON X O-MAN X JOCKO BESNE BALANCE THE CONFIRMED SIRE… CLEARLY SHOWN IN HIS PROFILE!! EFFICIENCY confirmed bull A with more than 2.000 daughters true ambassador for A durability TOP MORPHO DURABILITY n improver in all the A health traits 4931269100 01/03/08 FLORALIE, DAUGHTER OF DUNHILL FERTILITY+ Here is a bull that perfectly illustrates this segment! He has the qualities required to satisfy breeders who want health, management, solids and hardiness! He has perhaps all this from his great grand-dam Mélodie EX 91 (Enehould* Besne Buck). Indeed Enehould is today one of the sires the most often on the prize-winning lists of cows of more than 10 years of age in France! TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS RED Daughters 2014 95 Morphology (MO) 1,6 Economical Dairy Index (INEL) 44 Udder Index (UD) 1,2 Protein (PROT) 30 Body Capacity Index (BC) 0,2 Fat 51 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 1,3 2,8 Udder Cleft -0,1 4,6 Udder depth 0,6 Udder Balance 0,1 Fore udder attachment 0,8 Rear Udder height 1,7 Front teat placement 2,6 Rel. Protein Content (‰P) Fat Content (‰F) POLLED Milk 159 SEXED SEMEN FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS Udder health 0.8 Reproduction (REPRO) 1.1 Milking Speed (MS) 0,0 Somatic cells count 1,2 Longevity (LGV) 1,2 Fertility Cows 0,9 Fertility Heifers Rear Teat Placement 0,5 Teat length -0,7 Stature 0,9 Chest width 0,8 Body depth 0,5 Dairy Form 0,1 -0,9 0,8 Rump Angle Calving Ease (CE) 91 Thurl width -0,2 Calving Abilities 94 Rear leg set 0,0 1,5 Heel depth 0,8 Temperament CROSS-BREEDING ISU 167 Vitality calves at birth 94 Rear Leg rear view 1,0 Vitality calves at calving 95 Locomotion 1,3 -2 28 -1 0 1 2 3 PERFORMANCE FINGER ISU 174 MAN-O-MAN X MASCOL X FORD BALANCE WELL-ILLUSTRATED MATERNAL DURABILITY EFFICIENCY ery good milk-protein V content balance xcellent in all the E functionals Very easy calvings DURABILITY 29/03/10 COMÈTE FP (MASCOL), DAM OF FINGER TOP MORPHO 4926543534 FRIVOLE FP (MAN O MAN) SISTER OF FINGER TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS Daughters 0 Rel. Morphology (MO) 1,6 Economical Dairy Index (INEL) 40 Udder Index (UD) 1,4 Protein (PROT) 35 Body Capacity Index (BC) 0,3 Fat 22 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 1,0 Udder Cleft 1,5 Fat Content (‰F) -0,3 Udder depth 1,6 Milk 698 Udder Balance 0,2 Fore udder attachment -0,4 Rear Udder height 1,4 Front teat placement 0,3 Rear Teat Placement 1,0 Teat length 0,6 Stature 1,2 Chest width 0,1 Body depth 0,1 Dairy Form 1,1 Rump Angle 0,5 FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS Udder health 1.1 Reproduction (REPRO) 1.9 Milking Speed (MS) -0,5 Somatic cells count 1,3 Longevity (LGV) 1,1 Fertility Cows 1,8 Fertility Heifers 0,6 Calving Abilities Temperament 92 93 0,1 Thurl width 0,1 Rear leg set -0,1 Heel depth 0,0 93 Rear Leg rear view 0,4 Vitality calves at calving 95 Locomotion 1,3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 29 CROSS-BREEDING Vitality calves at birth SEXED SEMEN 1,3 POLLED Protein Content (‰P) RED 72 Calving Ease (CE) FERTILITY+ A few elements that speak for themselves: out of 8 generations, the cows of this family produced an average of more than 5 lactations; 6 of them exceeded the threshold of 50,000 kgs of milk produced and 2 of them more than 60,000 kgs. Still on this same bloodline, you will also find in our range the sire GUIDE (Super* Tartare* Mascol) who excels in all the health and longevity traits. PERFORMANCE A FINE CONFIRMATION DIDOT TARTARE x SHOTTLE x FORD C onfirmed with about 1550 daughters H is daughters are productive, very calm and fertile W ide cows EFFICIENCY BALANCE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 4432722468 EVINS -2 DURABILITY TOP MORPHO 0 1 Rel ‰P 82 2,8 -2 -1 0 RED POLLED SEXED SEMEN MAN-O-MAN x GOLDWYN x JOCKO BESN -2 7216401002 30 22/04/10 FELMANE (MAN O MAN), SISTER OF FOLKLORE CE 148 91 ‰F MILK -198 2 ISU Rel ‰P 71 1,9 3 CE 152 91 ‰F MILK 2,8 -1 0 1 THE HEALTH PACKAGE 275 2 ISU High solids Good in all the health traits Very easy calvings MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 3 1,5 1,4 0,3 0,6 0.8 0.5 1,1 -0,5 UC-OLTONE (BOLTON), DAM OF FIBOR ISY FOLKLORE 2 1 ONE OF THE BEST SONS OF GIBOR NOW AVAILABLE High potential for solids Regular in all the udder traits Very easy calvings 21/01/10 532 1,8 GIBOR x BOLTON x CHAMPION 4438259038 MILK 5,4 1,6 2,1 -0,9 0,6 0.6 0.9 0,8 0,6 05/12/09 MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS ‰F ISU S on of Randview, a true sire of bulls with durability MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS FERTILITY+ 1,2 IN HIS SIRE’S PROFILE… E xcellent in all the udder traits FIBOR ISY ‰P 95 -1 Improver of solids 2953263790 Rel CE 89 1,4 1,1 1,3 0,4 0.3 1.1 0,4 -0,6 2897, DAUGHTER OF DIDOT 08/06/08 RANDVIEW x GOLDWYN x ADDISON CROSS-BREEDING ISU 156 Rel ‰P 72 2,2 3 CE 159 93 ‰F MILK 2,7 663 1,0 1,2 0,2 0,0 1.1 1.0 1,2 0,3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 OTTO x PAGEWIRE x O-MAN JUST LASTING POWER ISU Rel -1 A n exceptional pedigree to satisfy the objective of durability Rel 1,6 0 MILK 237 1 2 ‰P CE 91 MILK ‰F 1,6 3 1047 0,4 RED 2,2 1,3 1,1 1,8 1.3 1.1 1,5 -0,2 -1 0 1 2 ISU Rel ‰P R egularity on all the udder traits 2,3 CE 176 90 ‰F MILK 3,3 347 SEXED SEMEN 64 3 POLLED THE FERVENT DEFENDER OF DURABILITY G ood milking speed 1,8 1,6 0,7 0,8 1.2 1.0 0,2 1,0 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 31 CROSS-BREEDING DOLIVER (OLIVER), DAM OF HOUX ‰F FERTILITY+ Rel G reat solids 26/10/12 93 2,9 FERVANT x MAN-O-MAN x OLIVER 3534790411 157 ISU 72 -2 MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 3 CE 182 S on of Dunhill with very good milkprotein content balance EBOTELES (USONET FIN), DAM OF GOLESNIL HOUX ISU THE COMPLEMENTARITY OF THE PEDIGREE V ery good locomotion 27/05/11 2 TOP MORPHO -1 W ide, sound cows 4457929705 1 ‰P 72 -2 MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 145 2,0 2,0 0,7 0,4 0.6 1.3 0,9 0,3 BANETTE (RESTELL), DAM OF GAYEL DUNHILL x USONET FIN x SHOTTLE MILK DURABILITY MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS GOLESNIL 0 THE RIGHT COMBINATION OF SERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL E xcellent calving ease 05/01/11 ‰F 4,2 EFFICIENCY -2 V ery high udders 3515606130 2,9 0,7 -0,2 2,2 0,3 1.7 0.9 1,6 -0,3 02/07/10 VOSAC MAN x RESTELL x MERDRIGNAC 90 BALANCE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS ‰P 72 A n improver in all the health traits GAYEL CE 167 V ery wide, powerful cows L ots of protein content 2251222031 PERFORMANCE FRIED ISY PERFORMANCE BALANCE DURABILITY EFFICIENCY TOP IN MORPHOLOGY CROSS-BREEDING SEXED SEMEN POLLED RED FERTILITY+ TOP MORPHO This segment of bulls is made up of the best sires presently available from among the world elite. Many of them have a composite morphologic proof higher than 3. By using the bulls of this range, you will produce animals with superior morphology, cows with excellent mammary systems, very good feet and legs and angularity. NEW 32 Bull Sire Maternal grandsire ISU %P %F TS UDH FERT ABRIBUS AVIC SHO BOHEME SHO DEXEL DUGA ISY EXTREME FOMTOY ISY FYJNOE ISY GAUSS GEVAUDAN GIJA ISY GLAIEUL GOFAST GOODTYPE GOTCHA ISY GOVOU GRAAL GREIZH ISY GRIMOIRE HAIROLI HARVAL ISY HERGILLY HIDGY ISY HOLVAL ISY HORTUN ISY HUBBLE ISY HULK HYPSOS SHOTTLE MONTU 146 -1,1 -5,5 2,1 0.9 0.0 SHOTTLE NEGUNDO 166 1,0 0,9 2,5 1.5 1.1 SHOTTLE JESTHER 142 -0,3 -0,9 2,9 0.6 0.5 SURVIVOR TITANIC 152 0,4 -1,0 2,8 0.7 0.2 STOL JOC SHOTTLE 163 -0,5 -1,7 2,0 2.4 -0.5 SANCHEZ GOLDWYN 119 -0,1 -1,5 4,5 -0.3 0.4 GARRETT DUPLEX 153 0,6 0,0 2,4 0.3 0.7 GOLDWYN SHOTTLE 167 2,1 3,4 2,7 0.5 1.5 JORDAN ROUMARE 157 -0,8 -3,7 3,1 1.5 0.5 AFRAN GER PLANET 170 0,3 2,3 2,8 1.8 0.3 MUCHO GOLDWYN 169 0,4 -0,8 2,6 1.3 1.2 GERARD SHOTTLE 172 1,3 0,3 3,1 0.6 1.0 BEACON GOLDWYN 170 -0,1 -0,1 3,0 1.5 0.8 LAUTHORITY GAVOR 152 -0,3 0,0 3,6 0.5 0.3 IOTA BOLTON 170 0,0 0,0 2,6 0.9 1.5 AFRAN GER GOLDWYN 168 0,1 2,8 3,3 2.3 0.0 AFRAN GER STOL JOC 174 0,4 2,1 3,3 1.8 0.5 EXPLODE GOLDWYN 155 -0,6 -3,9 2,7 1.3 0.8 AFRAN GER ROUMARE 160 0,8 -1,2 3,5 1.2 -0.2 GOLD CHIP USONET FIN 159 0,8 1,8 3,0 1.8 0.3 GOLD CHIP MAN-O-MAN 163 -1,1 1,9 3,0 1.2 0.4 FAMOUS MAN GOLDWYN 177 1,2 1,3 2,2 2.1 1.4 GOLD CHIP MAN-O-MAN 158 0,1 2,6 3,2 0.5 1.0 GOLD CHIP MAN-O-MAN 149 0,4 3,8 2,9 0.3 0.6 GOLD CHIP BOGART 154 1,0 -1,1 3,5 0.9 0.5 MOGUL STOL JOC 171 1,6 2,4 3,0 1.1 0.9 WINDBROOK BOHEME SHO 156 1,9 4,9 3,8 0.5 0.3 GOLD CHIP PLANET 166 -0,1 3,1 3,1 2.1 0.6 PERFORMANCE AVIC SHO ISU 166 SHOTTLE X NEGUNDO X JELT BALANCE A BEAUTIFUL EXPRESSION OF LONGEVITY EFFICIENCY confirmed sire with more A than 970 daughters reat regularity of G production-morphologyfunctionals Very docile cows DURABILITY 25/11/05 GALLO, DAUGHTER OF AVIC SHO TOP MORPHO 4959454914 CHAUSSETTE, DAUGHTER OF AVIC SHO TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS Daughters 970 Morphology (MO) 2,5 Economical Dairy Index (INEL) 22 Udder Index (UD) 2,0 Protein (PROT) 17 Body Capacity Index (BC) 1,0 Fat 18 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 1,3 Protein Content (‰P) 1,0 Udder Cleft 2,5 Fat Content (‰F) 0,9 Udder depth 1,7 Udder Balance 1,3 Fore udder attachment 0,6 Milk 227 -0,1 Rear Teat Placement 1,0 Teat length 0,9 Stature 1,3 Chest width 0,6 Body depth 0,6 Dairy Form 1,5 1,3 0,4 Udder health 1.5 Reproduction (REPRO) 1.1 Milking Speed (MS) 0,1 Somatic cells count 1,9 Longevity (LGV) 1,6 Fertility Cows 0,9 Fertility Heifers 0,8 Rump Angle Calving Ease (CE) 87 Thurl width Calving Abilities 89 Rear leg set 0,3 1,7 Heel depth -0,3 Temperament 91 Rear Leg rear view 1,3 Vitality calves at calving 95 Locomotion 1,6 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 33 CROSS-BREEDING Vitality calves at birth SEXED SEMEN 1,9 Front teat placement POLLED FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS Rear Udder height RED 95 Rel. FERTILITY+ When you look back over Avic Sho’s pedigree, there are 8 generations of Sersia-Evolution bulls one after the other! Each of them having an average of 7 lactations! Of the 5 generations classified, a class average Fat Content with 86.6 points is obtained! The sister of Avic Sho is EX 92 and has already distinguished herself in national competitions. All these performances achieved with the cow-calf producer are rewarded by the attractive level of this son of Shottle! PERFORMANCE GOFAST ISU 170 BALANCE BEACON X GOLDWYN X DUPLEX A MODERN PROFILE EFFICIENCY genetic combination A on morphology L ongevity ensured by the quality of the udders and the feet and legs TOP MORPHO DURABILITY High functional proofs 3547062392 06/06/11 FERTILITY+ When all the values of GOFAST are studied, it is safe to say that he is an essential sire of the Sersia-Evolution range! His main asset of morphology is not to the detriment of the rest, because among other things, he has very good values in all the health traits. But he also has that side which enables him to create show cows! He combines udder height and attachments, the dairy proof and quality of feet and legs... TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS POLLED RED Daughters 0 71 Morphology (MO) 3,0 Economical Dairy Index (INEL) 23 Udder Index (UD) 2,5 Protein (PROT) 20 Body Capacity Index (BC) (BC) 0,8 Fat 20 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 1,8 Rel. Protein Content (‰P) -0,1 Udder Cleft 1,1 Fat Content (‰F) -0,1 Udder depth 1,8 Milk 543 Udder Balance 1,0 Fore udder attachment 1,9 Rear Udder height 2,6 Front teat placement 0,0 Rear Teat Placement 0,0 Teat length 0,8 Stature 1,8 Chest width 0,6 Body depth 0,7 Dairy Form 1,6 0,5 SEXED SEMEN FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS Udder health 1.5 Reproduction (REPRO) 0.8 Milking Speed (MS) -0,2 Somatic cells count 1,5 Longevity (LGV) 2,4 Fertility Cows 0,8 Fertility Heifers 0,2 Rump Angle Calving Ease (CE) 90 Thurl width 0,7 Calving Abilities 93 Rear leg set -0,5 0,5 Heel depth 0,9 Vitality calves at birth 92 Rear Leg rear view 1,7 Vitality calves at calving 96 Locomotion 1,8 Temperament CROSS-BREEDING EASY 53 (GOLDWYN), DAM OF GOFAST -2 34 -1 0 1 2 3 STOL JOC x SHOTTLE x NACTIF AND EUROPEAN PODIUMS… A confirmed bull from a famous family with more than 900 daughters Rel -2 -1 Rel -1 92 ‰F MILK 3,4 -10 1 2 ISU Rel ‰P 0,4 3 CE 169 90 ‰F MILK -0,8 991 RED 2,6 2,6 0,6 0,8 1.3 1.2 1,8 -0,3 MYS EDEJA (GOLDWYN), DAM OF GIJA -2 -1 0 1 2 ISU 3 POLLED THE IOTA OUT OF THE LAURIE SHEIK COW FAMILY CE 170 91 ‰F MILK G ood dairy potential Rel 0,0 0,0 747 SEXED SEMEN 2,6 2,7 0,9 0,4 0.9 1.5 1,8 1,1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 35 CROSS-BREEDING MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS ‰P 71 E xcellent in reproduction! CHARLESTON (BOLTON), DAM OF GOTCHA ISY 0 69 E xcellent udder improver 07/06/11 167 FERTILITY+ H is dam is none other than one of the sisters of Fyjnoe Isy MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 2212304304 ‰P 2,1 AND THE FAMILY OF FYJNOE ISY CONTINUES E xcellent in health traits IOTA x BOLTON x STORMATIC CE TOP MORPHO -2 GOTCHA ISY 3 2,7 2,4 0,4 1,5 0.5 1.5 1,8 0,5 08/01/10 02/09/11 ISU 73 E xcellent udders 3525709958 2 DURABILITY MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS MUCHO x GOLDWYN x SHOTTLE 1 V ery popular French son of Goldwyn S olids, functionals and easy calvings GIJA ISY 0 A GLOBETROTTER OF GENETICS W ill provide future show cows 3533266539 1011 -1,7 EFFICIENCY GOLDWYN x SHOTTLE x BEST HIDD MILK ‰F -0,5 2,0 1,4 0,3 1,8 2.4 -0.5 1,1 0,1 BENZOUKA (SHOTTLE), DAM OF DUGA ISY FYJNOE ISY 90 BALANCE 17/07/08 ‰P 95 F rom the famous Shottle Benzouka EX 91 MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS CE 163 G ood productive udders 5358071490 ISU PERFORMANCE DUGA ISY PERFORMANCE GOVOU AFRAN GER x GOLDWYN x RESTELL THE COMPLEMENTARITY OF AFRAN GER GOLDWYN P edigree and a well-thought-out mophological combination Rel E xcellent in feet and legs V ery easy calvings EFFICIENCY BALANCE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 3543908247 22/08/11 EXPLODE x GOLDWYN x NEGUNDO -2 -1 DURABILITY Rel TOP MORPHO FERTILITY+ -2 -1 RED MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS POLLED WINDBROOK x BOHEME SHO x MARION -2 SEXED SEMEN CROSS-BREEDING 89 ‰F MILK 1 691 2 ISU 1,0 3 CE 154 89 ‰F MILK -1,1 -1 0 1 FROM THE DELLIA BLOODLINE -1 2 ISU S trong, very wide cows MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 36 155 -3,9 ‰P 69 Rel S on of Windbrook, an improver in longevity 14/01/12 0 Rel E asy calvings 2601211985 CE 3,5 2,7 1,9 1,7 0.9 0.5 1,4 0,2 FORTUNE (BOGART), HORTUN ISY’S DAM HULK -0,6 3 F rom the family of Camary Isy G ood level in feet and legs 02/04/12 2 ISU HIS FAMILY IS A SOUND INVESTMENT H armonious, sound bodies! 2211467779 666 2,7 2,2 1,7 1,1 1.3 0.8 1,3 -0,3 13/05/11 BÉRÉNICE (GOLDWYN), DAM OF GREIZH ISY GOLD CHIP x BOGART x MAXWELL MILK 1 ‰P 70 V ery high udders, well attached at the front HORTUN ISY 0 F rom a cow that is a prize-winner in national shows MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS ‰F 2,8 THE COMPLETE SON OF EXPLODE! L ots of harmony in all the body dimensions 2931254110 0,1 CE 93 3,3 1,9 2,7 2,2 2.3 0.0 1,2 -0,3 ELITE (GOLDWYN), DAM OF GOVOU GREIZH ISY ‰P 72 ISU 168 ‰P 70 1,9 3 CE 156 89 ‰F MILK 4,9 -31 3,8 2,2 2,7 2,6 0.5 0.3 1,3 -1,1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 PERFORMANCE BALANCE EFFICIENCY FERTILITY+ DURABILITY This segment offers you bulls recognized for the high fertilizing capacity of their semen. A bull with +5 in SFR (Sire Fertility Rate) generates a 5% better non-return rate in oestrus than the average of the bulls used in the EVOLUTION area. You are looking for bulls to optimize the fertility of your herd, so choose the FERTI + bulls. TOP MORPHO FERT CE FC FH AVALON BALATO RAM BERIX MCOL BIJAN OFF BOHEME SHO CASTRI TOY DASSI DIDOT DUGA ISY DUKANIL EDELWEISS ELBOYRED ENDRO ISY EVINS FLYBOY ISY FOLKLORE FOTAROSS GALOP GARVIC GEOPARM GIAGI GLORIEUX URKY JOIN USONET FIN VAGAN LCT VOLTRON RAMOS FINLEY 127 2,1 0.6 90 0,4 0,4 RAMOS TRENT 148 2,1 1.7 93 1,6 0,3 MASCOL LANCELOT 143 2,2 -0.3 88 0,0 -0,4 OFFROAD FORD 135 2,2 0.7 90 0,6 0,6 SHOTTLE JESTHER 142 2,2 0.5 86 0,5 -0,1 TOYSTORY O-MAN 134 3,2 0.8 90 0,6 -0,3 LAWN BOY P O-MAN 139 3,2 0.3 92 0,7 -0,5 TARTARE SHOTTLE 156 2,6 1.1 89 1,0 0,7 STOL JOC SHOTTLE 163 1,4 -0.5 90 -0,5 -0,6 BURNS O-MAN 124 2,1 1.7 89 1,3 1,2 PLANET ROUMARE 178 2,3 0.5 91 0,9 0,5 LAWN BOY P SEPTEMBER 131 4,3 0.5 91 1,0 -0,5 UNEL TEAM BOLTON 148 2,1 0.8 85 0,8 0,9 RANDVIEW GOLDWYN 148 2,2 0.9 91 0,8 0,3 MAN-O-MAN PAGEWIRE 166 2,9 1.1 89 0,8 0,3 MAN-O-MAN GOLDWYN 159 3,0 1.0 93 1,2 -0,3 ALTAROSS BAXTER 143 2,0 0.4 91 0,3 0,1 GERARD MASCOL 166 2,5 0.4 91 0,5 0,0 MARCOS MICKEY 162 1,3 -0.2 89 -0,5 0,9 PALERMO SIDNEY 164 2,6 1.3 90 1,0 1,0 NIAGRA BOLTON 162 2,9 -0.2 92 -0,2 0,1 AFRAN GER MAXWELL 171 1,9 -0.8 91 -0,3 -0,8 JOINTIF BE CORKY 121 3,2 1.5 88 1,0 0,9 FINLEY JANZE MOUN 144 2,4 -0.7 91 -0,5 -0,5 LANCELOT JOCKO BESN 126 3,4 1.2 87 1,7 0,9 DAWSON JOCKO BESN 126 2,2 -0.5 91 0,4 0,0 37 CROSS-BREEDING SFR SEXED SEMEN ISU POLLED Maternal grandsire RED Sire FERTILITY+ Bull PERFORMANCE BIJAN OFF ISU 135 BALANCE OFFROAD X FORD X DECISION STILL VERY POPULAR EFFICIENCY confirmed sire with an A original pedigree is daughters are wellH developed, sound and calm TOP MORPHO DURABILITY Easy calvings 4460978438 28/06/06 DIJANE, DAUGHTER OF BIJAN OFF FERTILITY+ Bijan off is part of the bulls staying popular year after year. During various visits of international groups, his daughters always were unanimously approved ! Calm, deep, walking easily, they also satisfy their owners. In addition to his original pedigree and easy calvings which makes him easy to use, Bijan Off has been identified for his superior fertility. TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS Daughters 94 Rel. Economical Dairy Index (INEL) RED Protein (PROT) POLLED 93 Morphology (MO) 1,8 14 Udder Index (UD) 0,9 Body Capacity Index (BC) (BC) 2,2 6 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 0,9 Protein Content (‰P) 0,5 Udder Cleft 0,5 Fat Content (‰F) 2,9 Udder depth 0,0 Udder Balance 1,7 Fore udder attachment 1,1 Fat Milk 30 44 SEXED SEMEN FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS Rear Udder height 1,6 Front teat placement -0,4 Rear Teat Placement 0,3 Teat length 1,0 Stature 1,5 Chest width 1,1 Body depth 2,6 1,8 1,1 Udder health 0.5 Reproduction (REPRO) 0.7 Milking Speed (MS) -0,4 Somatic cells count 0,3 Longevity (LGV) 0,5 Fertility Cows 0,6 Dairy Form Fertility Heifers 0,6 Rump Angle Calving Ease (CE) 90 Thurl width 1,0 Calving Abilities 89 Rear leg set -0,7 1,1 Heel depth 0,5 Vitality calves at birth 94 Rear Leg rear view 0,2 Vitality calves at calving 93 Locomotion 1,1 Temperament CROSS-BREEDING DORDOGNE 08, DAUGHTER OF BIJAN OFF -2 38 -1 0 1 2 3 TOYSTORY x O-MAN x MORTY SON OF TOYSTORY, CONFIRMED AND FERTI+ A confirmed sire, son of Toystory, with about 1.600 daughters ISU Rel V ery good balance of all the body dimensions ‰P 95 -1,2 PERFORMANCE CASTRI TOY CE 134 90 ‰F MILK -1,9 679 V ery high udders 12/02/07 COCCINELLE (TOYSTORY), SISTER OF CASTRI TOY FLYBOY ISY MAN-O-MAN x PAGEWIRE x SHOTTLE -2 -1 -1 MILK 0,5 707 1 2 3 CE 90 ‰F MILK FERTILITY+ 164 ‰P -0,2 -0,5 868 RED 1,7 1,6 2,3 -0,6 1.2 1.3 2,3 -0,6 -2 -1 0 1 2 ISU 3 POLLED THE MILKY SON OF LANCELOT CE 126 87 ‰F MILK A very well-confirmed sire Rel ‰P 95 -0,8 -5,2 864 SEXED SEMEN 0,8 0,8 0,5 0,0 -0.1 1.2 0,1 -1,4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 39 CROSS-BREEDING MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 1323, DAUGHTER OF VAGAN LCT ‰F ISU 71 G ood fertility of the daughters 30/07/04 0 Rel G ood milk production 5619216306 1,3 V ery deep cows EXCELLANTE (SIDNEY), DAM OF GÉOPARM LANCELOT x JOCKO BESN x MANFRED ‰P AN INTERNATIONAL PEDIGREE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS VAGAN LCT 89 TOP MORPHO -2 G ood calving ease 23/07/11 166 1,7 1,9 0,8 -0,1 0.4 1.1 0,7 0,6 V ery good in all the health traits 2939314115 CE DURABILITY Rel 72 PLS-DAGEWI (PAGEWIRE), DAM OF FLYBOY ISY PALERMO x SIDNEY x SHOTTLE 3 G ood level of protein MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS GEOPARM 2 ISU F ertile daughters! 22/07/10 1 EASY TO USE H igh udders with very good ligament 7230840378 0 EFFICIENCY 4437472415 2,4 1,9 2,0 0,7 -0.3 0.8 -0,1 0,8 BALANCE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS PERFORMANCE BALANCE EFFICIENCY RED SEXED SEMEN POLLED RED FERTILITY+ TOP MORPHO DURABILITY This segment offers you the best Red Holstein bulls. From the EVOLUTION selection programme, these bulls offer many assets for those who prefer red. Bring colour to your herd and at the same time respect your farming objectives, from the most high-powered to the most durable. CROSS-BREEDING NEW 40 Bull Sire Maternal grandsire ISU CE UD F&L DIPRED ISY ELBOYRED FENO RED FRANC RED GENZO RED GOY RED HERSIO ISY HILPAK RED HOKA R ISY HOREDP ISY VORMAN TAL LAWN BOY P MANAGER 139 90 1,8 LAWN BOY P SEPTEMBER 131 91 1,2 FICTION CANVAS 126 93 JERUDO ELAYO RED 121 JERUDO LAWN BOY P 141 JERUDO CANVAS LARSON FONTOY UDH FERT 0,4 0.6 1.1 1,0 -0.6 0.5 -0,3 0,7 -0.2 0.3 90 -0,3 0,3 0.9 1.2 89 0,6 0,4 1.0 0.1 134 89 0,6 0,3 0.7 -0.2 DEEJAY RED 149 90 0,6 1,6 0.7 0.2 JERUDO 153 91 0,9 1,0 0.7 1.1 MR SAVAGE BUCKEYE 137 89 2,1 1,5 1.4 1.3 COLT P RED BURNS 156 90 2,1 0,7 1.3 1.4 TALENT BORMIO 77 89 0,3 0,7 -2.5 -1.8 PERFORMANCE HORED P ISY ISU 156 COLT P RED X BURNS X MARION BALANCE THE RED AND POLLED GENES AND SUPERB UDDERS EFFICIENCY dders that are very high U and perfectly attached at the rear xcellent in all the health E traits TOP MORPHO 2234482774 DURABILITY Easy calvings 15/03/12 TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS 0 Daughters Rel. Economical Dairy Index (INEL) 70 Morphology (MO) 2,1 5 Udder Index (UD) 2,1 Body Capacity Index (BC) (BC) 0,4 -27 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 0,7 Protein Content (‰P) 0,5 Udder Cleft 0,2 Fat Content (‰F) -4,4 Udder depth 2,0 Milk 380 Udder Balance 1,1 Fore udder attachment 1,1 Rear Udder height 1,7 FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS 1.3 Reproduction (REPRO) 1.4 Milking Speed (MS) 0,5 Somatic cells count 1,3 Longevity (LGV) 2,3 Fertility Cows 1,4 Fertility Heifers Calving Abilities Temperament 1,1 Rear Teat Placement -0,5 Teat length -0,2 Stature 0,6 Chest width 0,5 Body depth 0,1 Dairy Form 0,6 0,7 Rump Angle 0,5 90 Thurl width -0,8 91 Rear leg set -0,5 0,7 Heel depth 1,4 93 Rear Leg rear view 0,3 Vitality calves at calving 94 Locomotion 0,4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 41 CROSS-BREEDING Vitality calves at birth SEXED SEMEN Udder health Front teat placement POLLED 12 Fat RED Protein (PROT) Calving Ease (CE) FERTILITY+ The average level on this type of segment is steadily progressing! Hored P Isy is the perfect illustration of this since he comes from a bull-dam family at the base in which the red gene was introduced! Over 5 generations classified in France, the very good average is 87.2 points in udder! This sire can transmit this type of qualities since he is clearly an improver in them. PERFORMANCE DIPRED ISY LAWN BOY P x MANAGER x TRIBUTE GR THE CONFIRMED RED OF A RECOGNIZED ISU FAMILY 139 A confirmed red with almost 150 daughters Rel F rom the family of Camary Isy V ery good health traits EFFICIENCY BALANCE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 2211467455 LARSON x DEEJAY RED x FROSTY -1 DURABILITY TOP MORPHO FERTILITY+ RED POLLED 42 470 0 1 2 ISU 3 CE 149 90 ‰F MILK A red with an original pedigree MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 26/07/12 -4,8 RED, FEET AND LEGS, SOLIDS, CALVINGS... C an be used on heifers SEXED SEMEN CROSS-BREEDING -2 A very milky family with good feet and legs 5356774980 MILK ‰F -0,2 1,5 1,8 -0,4 0,4 0.6 1.1 1,8 -0,2 15/11/08 HERSIO ISY ‰P 90 CE 90 Rel ‰P 69 1,1 1,1 533 1,6 0,6 1,3 1,6 0.7 0.2 0,6 -0,1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 PERFORMANCE BALANCE EFFICIENCY POLLED USEFUL TO KNOW A priority in our breeding programme. A dominant gene from which there is rapid benefit Diversity of pedigrees DURABILITY Transmission of the polled trait: 50% 50% DASSI P RF, GLOR P ISY or even GANADERO P can be used on the Lawn Boy origin, very much present in the polled population! pp x Pp = Pp pp TOP MORPHO 50% 25% 25% Pp PP pp Pp x Pp = 100% PP FERTILITY+ PP x PP = 100% Pp PP x pp = CE UD F&L UDH FERT DASSI P RF DUPARC EDGE P ISY FRAG P ISY GANADERO P GARGAN PP GECKO P RF GELLY P RF GERONIMO P GLACIER P GLOBULE P GLOR P ISY GNOCCHI P GORTY P GRAPON P GRUTI P RF HARY P HESSE P HOREDP ISY HOUDAIN P HOUMACK P ISERAN P LAWN BOY P O-MAN 139 92 2,1 0,4 0.1 0.3 LAWN BOY P O-MAN 121 89 1,1 -0,9 -0.5 0.5 MALTBY OSWALD 143 90 1,1 0,0 2.4 1.3 MITEY P FROSTY 141 91 0,8 1,2 0.7 0.4 AFRAN GER LAWN BOY P 153 90 2,1 1,4 1.2 0.4 DASSI OTTAWA 112 91 1,3 -0,5 -0.4 0.2 MAGNA P BURNS 151 89 2,3 1,1 0.1 0.6 MITEY P FBI 148 87 0,9 0,9 1.4 0.5 MITEY P O-MAN 153 89 1,8 0,8 1.1 0.6 MITEY P FBI 153 89 1,6 0,6 1.4 0.8 DASSI TOYSTORY 141 92 1,6 0,4 0.2 0.2 BENEDICT GOLDWYN 154 89 2,2 0,5 2.2 1.1 DASSI ROUKI 139 94 1,4 0,9 0.2 0.1 MITEY P RAFAEL 149 89 1,1 0,4 2.4 0.5 MITEY P USONET FIN 155 90 1,4 0,7 1.6 1.2 NIAGRA LAWN BOY P 149 89 2,1 -0,4 1.0 0.5 DASSI RESTELL 141 89 2,1 0,9 0.4 0.4 GUNNAR O-MAN 156 92 1,9 0,6 0.6 0.6 COLT P RED BURNS 156 90 2,1 0,7 1.3 1.4 EQUIPE ROUMARE 171 87 1,9 0,5 2.4 0.9 SUDAN LAWN BOY P 164 90 0,4 0,3 1.0 0.0 LADD P RED BOLTON 178 87 1,7 0,9 2.1 0.5 50% 50% Pp PP PP x Pp = P : Allele which expresses the polled trait p : Allele which expresses the trait with horns 43 CROSS-BREEDING ISU SEXED SEMEN Maternal grandsire POLLED Sire RED new Bull PERFORMANCE DASSI P RF ISU 139 BALANCE LAWN BOY P X O-MAN X JOCKO BESN THE AMBASSADOR OF THE POLLED GENE EFFICIENCY onfirmed polled, red C factor complete bull in A morphology TOP MORPHO DURABILITY Very easy calvings 3523006961 25/08/08 FOUGÈRE, DAUGHTER OF DASSI P RF FERTILITY+ What could be more reassuring today than to have a confirmed polled bull from the maternal family of Enehould and that of Benarlinda! This bloodline is well-known for its record levels of production, but above all for the famous Jocko Besne Benarlinda EX 90, the grand-dam of Dassi p fr. A large number of his progeny are being used in Europe. The Lawn boy* O-Man combination has brought the polled gene and the health traits into a bloodline recognized for its production potential and its udders. TYPE PRODUCTION TRAITS Daughters 1236 95 Morphology (MO) 2,1 14 Udder Index (UD) 2,1 Protein (PROT) 17 Body Capacity Index (BC) (BC) 0,9 Fat -12 Feet and legs Index (F&L) 0,4 Protein Content (‰P) 0,8 Udder Cleft -0,9 Fat Content (‰F) -2,7 Udder depth 2,3 Milk 294 Udder Balance 1,5 Fore udder attachment 2,1 Rear Udder height 0,9 Rel. POLLED RED Economical Dairy Index (INEL) SEXED SEMEN FUNCTIONNAL TRAITS Udder health 0.1 Reproduction (REPRO) 0.3 Milking Speed (MS) 0,3 Somatic cells count 0,3 Longevity (LGV) 1,7 Front teat placement 0,4 Rear Teat Placement -0,4 Teat length 1,1 Stature 1,6 Chest width 1,1 Body depth 0,5 Dairy Form -0,1 Fertility Cows 0,7 Fertility Heifers -0,5 Rump Angle 0,7 92 Thurl width -0,4 94 Rear leg set -1,0 0,8 Heel depth 0,9 Calving Ease (CE) Calving Abilities Temperament CROSS-BREEDING 1536, DAUGHTER OF DASSI P RF Vitality calves at birth 92 Rear Leg rear view -0,7 Vitality calves at calving 95 Locomotion 0,5 -2 44 -1 0 1 2 3 AFRAN GER x LAWN BOY P x SHOTTLE FROM THE MATERNAL FAMILY OF GIBBON A n excellent composite morphological level V ery wide cows -1 A carrier of the polled gene from an international family (Durham Lucille) S uperb udders for fast milking -2 154 89 ‰F MILK -0,1 1 ‰P 70 351 2 3 CE 155 90 0,6 ‰F MILK 1,3 RED -2 -1 0 1 2 ISU A famous family that has carried the polled gene for 7 generations Rel ‰P 1,0 CE 156 92 ‰F MILK 2,4 487 SEXED SEMEN 69 3 POLLED FIXES THE POLLED GENE 2,0 1,9 0,7 0,6 0.6 0.6 1,2 0,4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 45 CROSS-BREEDING MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS 536 1,8 1,4 1,2 0,7 1.6 1.2 1,5 0,4 V ery easy calvings 19/06/12 0 Rel V ery high well-attached udders 3529074219 CE ISU EPICE (USONET FIN), DAM OF GRAPON P GUNNAR x O-MAN x SHOTTLE 3 A n original pedigree MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS HESSE P -0,8 EASY TO USE H igh udders and wide rumps 31/07/11 ISU ‰P 70 -1 Great in all the functionals 3538741533 Rel 2 FERTILITY+ MITEY P x USONET FIN x FBI 1 2,0 2,2 0,2 0,5 2.2 1.1 1,5 1,4 DIJS L’OR (GOLDWYN), GLOR P ISY’S DAM GRAPON P 421 TOP MORPHO 19/12/11 MILK DURABILITY A dairy profile with good udder health 1447146751 0 A HIGHLY DESIRABLE POLLED PROFILE MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS ‰F -2,0 EFFICIENCY -2 BENEDICT x GOLDWYN x O-MAN JUST 90 3,0 2,1 2,4 1,4 1.2 0.4 1,2 -0,6 29/04/11 GLOR P ISY ‰P -0,7 CE 153 BALANCE 7253842492 Rel 72 G ood calving ease MO UD BC F&L UDH FERT PL MS ISU PERFORMANCE GANADERO P PERFORMANCE BALANCE GEN’IMPROVE The SERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL solution, to genotype your females, to prepare for the future and increase your profitability. DURABILITY EFFICIENCY Check & Mate! Genotyping an animal means estimating its genetic potential with great reliability, from its earliest age. TOP MORPHO A biological sample of each animal is taken at birth and is analysed then compared to the reference base, composed of animals of the same breed whose performances are known (genotyping + test on progeny). FERTILITY+ The larger the reference base is, the more reliable the results are. France in EUROGENOMICS possesses the largest Holstein reference base in the world. 3 to 4 months after the analysis, you will receive the information on your female. The breeding value on progeny, even after 3 lactations, does not reach the level of a genotyped animal! RED Example of production in Holstein 0,8 0,7 POLLED Rel = reliability 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 CROSS-BREEDING SEXED SEMEN Heifer 1 lactation 2 lactations 3 lactations >3 lactations Genotyped heifer Proofs on progeny + performances 46 Genotyped bull Genomic proofs PERFORMANCE THE VALUE ADDED PRODUCT Increase your profitability by directing and accelerating your genetic advance. BALANCE • Manage your replacement stock more efficiently and reduce the proportion of cows in 1st lactation • Plan matings on a case by case basis to generate genetic advance • Optimise all your breeding cows by insemination with sexed semen, sale or cross-breeding • Increase the genetic variability of the breed • Adapt your management to the profile of the cows EFFICIENCY Use each replacement female effectively and know its destination from its earliest age thanks to gen’improve. DURABILITY ISU 140 Embryo transfer Insemination with sexed semen Classic insemination ISU 125 ISU 120 ISU 110 FERTILITY+ ISU 150 TOP MORPHO ISU 165 Crossing with beef breeds or sale or use as recipients CHOOSE YOUR FEMALES BETTER RED Let’s consider two Holstein twins by FARRAGO / RALDI AD / MELKIOR BW. Comparison between the genomic proofs of the two twin sisters: ISU %P Milk MO UDH FERT PL MS 1355 146 1,3 115 1,4 0,7 0,2 0,9 0,2 1356 144 0,8 1283 0,7 0,0 -0,2 0,4 1,0 POLLED N° of animal A similar ISU but completely different profiles ISU %P Milk MO UDH FERT PL MS 149 0,4 398 1,0 0,8 0,2 0,9 0,4 SEXED SEMEN Proof on ancestry of these animals: The two heifers are genetically a long way from the known proof on ancestry. 47 CROSS-BREEDING TO FIND OUT MORE, contact us! PERFORMANCE BALANCE EFFICIENCY SEXED SEMEN DURABILITY SERSIA - EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL master their sexed semen production by using their sexing station in Brittany. Sexed semen to manage your replacement stock MORE SERENITY TOP MORPHO I can control the number of female births MORE COMFORT I can allocate my batches of heifers MORE PERFORMANCE A new generation every two years born from my best females FERTILITY+ MORE PROFITABILITY I can produce more heifers of better quality to renew my herd or to offer for sale. I produce fewer male calves that have no added value on my market. MORE CALVING EASE FOR THE HEIFERS RED A better start for their dairy traits. Gestation rate of heifers on 1st and 2nd AI Conventional 47% 67.0% Evolution Sexed 90% 56.4% Difference more than 43% of females 10.6% of semen fertility POLLED EVOLUTION data collected on 32 050 first and second AI on heifers and on 9499 births CHOOSE YOUR BEST BULL TO PRODUCE YOUR FUTURE HEIFERS SEXED SEMEN CROSS-BREEDING Female ratio Type of semen We propose to sex the young bulls of your choice, those which will perfectly suit your needs. We will also offer you each month a list of sires from among the bulls of the moment available in sexed semen. 48 PERFORMANCE BALANCE EFFICIENCY CROSS-BREEDING DURABILITY To improve fertility, to make best use of a male calf, to seek more functionals, more total solids; these are just some of the criteria which can justify the interest of using cross-breeding in a herd. Here we present the segment on cross-breeding with dairy breeds or beef breeds. TOP MORPHO The objectives differ, depending on the crossing chosen, but you will certainly find in these pages the cross-breeding bull which will suit you. FERTILITY+ RED HO X INRA 95 POLLED SEXED SEMEN HO X BROWN SWISS 49 CROSS-BREEDING HO X NORMANDE PERFORMANCE BALANCE DURABILITY EFFICIENCY CROSSING WITH THE NORMAND BREED TOP MORPHO Crossing Normand on Holstein, thanks to the heterosis effect, makes it possible to obtain more robust cows, while keeping their dairy character. The quantity of milk produced will approach the yield produced by the Holstein, and at the same time, the milk will be richer in contents, thanks to the richness of Normand milk. CROSS-BREEDING SEXED SEMEN POLLED RED FERTILITY+ In addition, the crossed progeny will gain in fertility compared to the Holstein, and morphology will also benefit from the heterosis effect. There is everything to gain with Normand cross-breeding 50 PERFORMANCE AUBRAY BEST STRENGTH AND VITALITY NIVEA x LOOK H igh body strengh and rump width B ring body conditions related to health & longevity E xceptionnal Calving ease and calves vitality MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT CW TS 1,0 0,7 CALVING EASE BALANCE CHEST WIDTH CE 92 EFFICIENCY CARESSE, AUBRAY’S DAUGHTER 5006498801 2005 GAME OVER TOP SEMEN FERTILITY : GET YOUR COW PREGNANT! UPERISE x ROYAL HOLL MILK PROTEIN CONTENT Milk ‰P 4966522981 1,2 CALVING EASE CE 91 TOP MORPHO 865 DURABILITY E xcellent fertility of semen H igh Calving Ease A bsolutely complete bull : production, type, health 2011 BRING HEALTH AND FITNESS FERTILITY+ GEYSER ISY ULOZON x MADAGASCAR F ertility improver & easy calving H igh Longevity E xcellent udder health FEET & LEGS UDH F&L 1,0 5356431222 1,7 CALVING EASE RED UDDER HEALTH CE 93 2011 POLLED ROYAL HOLL THE HIGHLY CONFIRMED GRAZING SPECIALIST HOLLYDAYS x DIAMETRE PROTEIN CONTENT FEET & LEGS ‰P F&L 0,5 CALVING EASE CE 92 TOSCANIE, ROYAL HOLL’S DAUGHTER 6114595144 2000 51 CROSS-BREEDING 2,6 SEXED SEMEN E xceptionnal protein & fat contents M oderate frame with good feet & legs and udders A bsolute fertility and calving ease PERFORMANCE BALANCE DURABILITY EFFICIENCY CROSSING WITH THE BROWN SWISS BREED TOP MORPHO Brown Swiss x Holstein Crosses: N°1 in solids production in front of the Holstein: The Brown Swiss is the only dairy breed used in crossing on the Holstein capable of rivalling the Holstein in terms of productivity. With protein and fat contents appreciably higher, BS x HO crossbred animals exceed even the Holsteins in solids from +2 to +4%. FERTILITY+ Health of the udders and the feet and legs: In cross-breeding, the Brown Swiss brings its high resistance to infections: udder health is clearly improved, as well as the cell counts. The excellent structure of the feet of the Brown Swiss breed is very appreciable in BS x HO crosses. These two criteria of health enable crossbred animals to have a longer career. Time gained with easy calvings: The other great strength of the Brown Swiss is its excellent calving ease since 97.5% of calvings take place easily or without assistance. BS X HO crossed cows demonstrate this quality. There are also fewer losses of calves and they have much better vitality. RED Fertility: fewer unproductive days: BS x HO crossbreds also benefit from the heterosis effect as far as fertility is concerned. The conception rate is better, and the AI fertilisation calving interval is reduced: the productivity of the herd is improved! Grazing systems, hot, arid zones, sub-tropical climates: the Brown Swiss adapts everywhere! POLLED The figures are here: Experimental farm – University of Halle (Germany) CROSS-BREEDING SEXED SEMEN Milk (kg/day) Fat (%) Protein (%) Fat (kg) Protein (kg) Cell counts AI/gestation Holstein 31.5 4.19 3.60 1.32 1.13 251000 1.9 BS x HO crossbreds 31.2 4.33 3.71 1.35 1.16 216000 1.6 Gain -0.3 +0.14 +0.11 +0.03 +0.03 -35000 -0.3 BS x HO crossbreds 32.4 3.86 3.17 1.25 1.03 2.28 145.4 Gain -0.2 +0.19 +0.13 +0.06 +0.04 -0.42 -12.4 Study of 16 farms - Penn State University (USA) Milk (kg/day) Fat (%) Protein (%) Fat (kg) Protein (kg) Average SCS Calving-AIF (days) 52 Holstein 32.6 3.65 3.04 1.19 0.99 2.70 157.8 PERFORMANCE CALCIA POWERFUL DAIRY PRODUCTION HUCOS x PRELUDE Ideal for providing power C ows with high production Improves fertility too REPRODUCTION UDH FERT 1,2 0,4 LONGEVITY BALANCE UDDER HEALTH PL 1,2 EFFICIENCY FORTUNE, CALCIA’S DAUGHTER 1013147015 12/08/07 GREENWICH A SUBTLE BALANCE PROHUVO x EMERUP UDDER HEALTH REPRODUCTION LONGEVITY UDH FERT PL 0,6 0,0 UDDER HEALTH REPRODUCTION LONGEVITY UDH FERT TOP MORPHO 0,7 DURABILITY V ery well-balanced cows D urability B alance between production and contents ELSA, GREENWICH’S DAUGHTER 3555133434 22/09/11 THE HEALTH ASSET FERTILITY+ HORS LALOI ASTERIX x VIGOR T he 1st son of Asterix S uperb fertility and health E xcellent contents PL 0,6 1,0 UDDER HEALTH REPRODUCTION LONGEVITY UDH FERT RED 1,5 DOUCETTE, FULL SISTER OF ELITE (DAM OF HORS LALOI) 1213005843 27/09/12 POLLED HUGOR FBS A MODERN LEADER HUXOY x VIGOR 0,4 PL 1,6 DAISY, DAM OF HUGOR 2916309184 10/06/12 53 CROSS-BREEDING 0,9 SEXED SEMEN ISU + 181 H igh milk A truly complete profile PERFORMANCE BALANCE DURABILITY EFFICIENCY CROSSING WITH SUCKLER ANIMALS TOP MORPHO A unit complementary to milk, the production of crossbred calves, can be set up very quickly. Before anything else, it is calving ease and the value of the calf when marketed which will guide the farmer in his choices. FERTILITY+ Crossings with bulls with early-developing muscularity correspond well to these objectives. The crossbred calves are better conformed and better marketed by the cow-calf breeder. For fatteners, they are heavier at slaughter (50 to 100 kg more for bull calves, and 10 to 60 kg more for heifers) and have a better killing-out rate. To be sure of the production of a male calf, it is also possible to inseminate your not-so-good breeding cows with a beef sire available in male sexed semen. CROSS-BREEDING SEXED SEMEN POLLED RED You will find below a selection of sires to use for crossing on your breeding females. They have been selected on their calving ease, their growth and their muscularity 54 UGENE HIVAN x JANABET PERFORMANCE CALVING EASE CHAROLAIS THE CHAMPION OF CALVING EASE CALVING EASE MU 111 CE 118 18/11/03 LIMOUSIN THE GUARANTEE OF EASY CALVINGS DURABILITY CHARMEUR x GENIAL EFFICIENCY MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT FR6950283914 SUC AU MAY BALANCE Remarkable muscularity At 3 weeks, magnificent calves Homogeneous progeny Early-developing conformation Good growth potential Calves that are pleasing MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE GR 107 MU 97 CE 120 FR1931361363 NICODEME x IMPACT 02/11/01 BLONDE D’AQUITAINE FERTILITY+ VIVALDI TOP MORPHO GROWTH QUITE SIMPLY INDISPENSABLE Heavy calves Well-conformed calves The best son of NICODEME MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE GR 116 MU 111 CE 113 SPIKE ARCHIBAL x BERLUSCONI 04/03/04 POLLED FR6464179125 RED GROWTH INRA 95 THE CROSSING SPECIALIST SEXED SEMEN The worthy successor of ARCHIBAL Strong muscular development High carcass yield MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE GR 98 MU 146 CE 114 FR8130391700 23/04/01 55 CROSS-BREEDING GROWTH PERFORMANCE MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT DALTON ORMEAUX x MALAKOF CHAROLAIS THE BEST FOR MUSCULARITY EFFICIENCY BALANCE Homogeneous progeny Good calving ease To be used on all types of females MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE MU 120 CE 109 FR6950470130 CHAUMEIL DURABILITY OBJAT x IONESCO 26/03/08 LIMOUSIN EXCEPTIONAL MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT TOP MORPHO Early-developing and well-conformed calves Heavy carcasses To be used without moderation GROWTH MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE GR 111 MU 110 CE 117 FR1932967173 FERTILITY+ VASCO NICODEME x TONNERRE 25/11/07 BLONDE D’AQUITAINE A CROSSING REFERENCE RED Remarkable muscularity Compact and heavy carcass High carcass yield GROWTH MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE GR 112 MU 107 CE 111 POLLED FR6464197593 ULRICH CROSS-BREEDING SEXED SEMEN COCOTIER x ARCHIBAL 18/12/04 INRA 95 THE CONFIRMATION OF CROSSBREEDING Very beefy animals Economic added value guaranteed Very good carcass yield GROWTH MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE GR 91 MU 149 CE 114 FR8130562111 56 04/02/03 SOUCI HAUBOIS x GIGOLO PERFORMANCE GROWTH CHAROLAIS CALVES WITH RAPID GROWTH CALVING EASE MU 118 CE 107 15/10/01 LIMOUSIN THE CHAMPION FOR GROWTH DURABILITY USKUDAR x JAGUAR EFFICIENCY MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT FR4340354404 EUPHRATE BALANCE Superb muscularity Calving ease A balanced sire Heavy carcasses Remarkable calves The worthy successor of USKUDAR MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE GR 117 MU 124 CE 95 FR1933413375 EUGENE x IMPACT 13/01/09 BLONDE D’AQUITAINE FERTILITY+ ANETO TOP MORPHO GROWTH THE PERFORMANCES OF A CHAMPION Calves that are remarkable when very young Heavy carcasses Exceptional killing-out rate MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE GR 111 MU 130 CE 108 GROWTH MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE GR 102 MU 135 CE 109 FR8123136847 NAUDOR x GAUDIN 14/09/05 POLLED CASIMIR RED GROWTH INRA 95 HEAVY CALVES SEXED SEMEN Exceptional muscular development Compact and heavy carcasses Very good carcass yield 05/02/07 57 CROSS-BREEDING FR8124067607 PERFORMANCE MALE SEXED SEMEN DOMINO RASPAIL x LUTTEUR CHAROLAIS FOR INCOME-GENERATING MALE CALVES EFFICIENCY BALANCE Easy calving Regular and homogeneous calves Good early-developing muscularity MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE MU 117 CE 110 FR4308187820 CORREZE DURABILITY OBJAT x ROMEO 20/20/2008 LIMOUSIN THE CHAMPION OF CARCASS YIELD TOP MORPHO The worthy successor of OBJAT Heavy carcasses Economic gains guaranteed GROWTH MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE GR 101 MU 112 CE 112 FR1932749881 FERTILITY+ COBY VANUPIED x IMPACT 06/10/07 BLONDE D’AQUITAINE EFFECTIVENESS GUARANTEED RED Compact calves Impressive muscular development Very fine bone structure GROWTH MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE GR 95 MU 118 CE 104 POLLED FR1207102257 DROOPY CROSS-BREEDING SEXED SEMEN UGO x BERLUSCONI 12/11/07 INRA 95 THE GUARANTEE OF ADDED VALUE Remarkable muscularity Good beef killing-out rate Compact carcasses GROWTH MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT CALVING EASE GR 97 MU 141 CE 104 FR8126149772 58 13/09/08 r for : e n t r a p r u ies g Yo o l o n h C e d biot n a f e e b , y dair s dairy CoW tial high poten Holstein normande beef limousin charolais brown swiss blonde d’aquitaine f hardy bee FRENCH THE ts dairy goa TOUCH re l alpine nc e pie rouge a iab m ility & perfor beef Crossing gasconne aubrac saanen limoucross inra 95 blond charolais excellence salers