Russell County, Kentucky - Kentucky Geological Survey
1000 r se C er C r Coo p 1000 1000 800 1000 1000 0 100 e yn a W 800 #4 S A power transmission line from nearby Wolf Creek Dam crosses southern Russell County near Creelsboro. Power line right-of-ways must be taken into account for land-use planning purposes. Photo by Bart Davidson, Kentucky Geological Survey. 800 800 1000 UB US H FA PR ING S MI LL S Z BE JA 100 800 0 800 1000 800 RUSSELL COUNTY 1000 0 #3 S The Creelsboro Arch, locally known as the Rockbridge, in southwestern Russell County, is formed from limestone in the Mississippian Fort Payne formation. While not officially a state park, it is protected by the landowner and is a common destination for tourists and artists. Photo by Bart Davidson, Kentucky Geological Survey. 0 Cub Cr 0 Jabez V& 3277 ø ÷ # S 0 100 1000 y yne # S r ub C eC Littl Co # S # S unt "196 ! S ## S 800 ty n u o C 127 1000 100 800 1000 1000 800 0 100 1000 tt Br S # S# Wa 800 0 100 800 1000 1000 1000 800 LAKE CUMBERLAND 800 Bucke 100 Goo Br Jones 1000 800 800 r 800 600 600 PH IL EL I N D # S 1000 800 V&Rowena Br 100 0 100 D 1000 LE NN VIL OW ST ME JA CU MB CITERL Y AN Copyright 2005 by the University of Kentucky, Kentucky Geological Survey For information on obtaining copies of this map and other Kentucky Geological Survey maps and publications call: Public Information Center 859.257.3896 877.778.7827 (toll free) View the KGS World Wide Web site at: 800 DU R SP USS RIN EL GS L RO BO LS CRWOL DA EEK F M D 1000 kin C ## Puckett # S 800 # S 1000 600 Coe Cr 600 600 LIE R PE NT EE CR # S 0 RUSSELL MO VIL LE ND A # S # S 800 1000 AM A McFarland Cr Perkins Cr rk Jobbes Fo 0 100 100 0 0 ey Cr Rams 800 Millers Cr ily Cr Br 1000 1000 1000 100 800 1000 0 100 r sy C Grea 1000 lby Se 1000 k Cr Mud L ic 1000 1000 Little 0 100 100 0 1000 ell C r Rus s 0 100 ty oun ir C Ada 1000 1000 Mill C r 1000 1000 1000 Indian V& Hills 0 0 100 800 # S 800 "196 ! 100 1383 ø ÷ V&#SOno # S # S 0 # S V& Vinnie 100 Cr 1000 Mud Lick 800 more 800 800 800 Pump 800 "76 ! Lick Cr # S 6 y unt Co # S 1000 # S ki las Pu # S # S # S 1680 ø ÷ Concealed fault Fault # S 800 D Artificial fill Watershed divide County line 3 Photo location 50-foot contour interval igator Cr ig a # tor C r 1000 Syca 0 E Fork All All # S D Faults # S 800 600 100 r r 800 Cr yB Ro B dom Free Dudley Cr Jim C r tle Lit r 800 1000 Salem B rk 800 Bledsoe Cr Cr 800 800 800 se 0 800 800 o Go L Fo 800 1000 800 o rk 800 ily Cr # S 800 100 800 0 Sinkholes rk W V&#S Whittle 800 # 100 1000 1000 State Br # S 800 ## # # NUNN PARKWAY # S # S# S 800 1000 800 st F Fork r Fo Eli V& 0 100 S# # S# S Cr Water Wells # S Domestic # S Industrial # S Monitoring # S Public Incorporated city Wetlands > 1 acre (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 2003) Wildlife management area Source-water protection area, zone 1 1000 # S 0 /( 800 " ! 100 800 Ea ey Turk Clea 0 100 800 V& Karlus # S # 3525 100 Geology of Kentucky Learn more about Kentucky Geology at rk Fo Severe to moderate limitations. Possible rock excavation. y ne Severe limitations. Reservoir may leak where rocks are fractured. Sinks possible. Ca Slight limitations. Reservoir may leak where rocks are fractured. 1000 # S 800 800 7.5-Minute Map Index 1000 Severe to slight limitations, depending on activity and topography. Possible steep wooded slopes. #8 S 1000 1000 # S 800 800 Severe to moderate limitations. Rock excavation may be required. 800 800 Severe to moderate limitations. Possible rock excavation. nty 0 Slight to moderate limitations. Reservoir may leak where rocks are fractured. 800 # S Cr # ø ÷ # S S ## S 1611 ø ÷ # S # 800 #7 S X 100 Slight to moderate limitations. Reservoir may leak where rocks are fractured. Cou Long Bottom V& Ind # S S # Br Severe to slight limitations, depending on activity and topography. Possible steep wooded slopes. ø ÷ 1730 # S # S "6 19 ! wn Severe to slight limitations, depending on activity and topography. Possible steep wooded slopes. # S 0 # S To Slight to moderate Severe limitations. limitations. Reser- Possible rock voir may leak where excavation. rocks are fractured. Sinks possible. V& Manntown tle Lit ian "910 ! 800 Slight to moderate limitations. Reservoir may leak where rocks are fractured. Sinks possible. ton 800 # S 800 Clin # 600 # S # S 100 # # # # ## ###### # ### # ## # ### ## # # # # ###### ## # X # ## # # # S "92 ! D D # S 76 # S Cr 1000 #S ## S S 1000 Severe to slight limitations, depending on activity and topography. Possible steep wooded slopes. er ## # # S 600 # S # S # S 3278 ø ÷ # S # S V& Freedom kfis c Bla # S # S # S # S # S r hC Salem # S Clifty D # S # S # S 2284 # V& Helm # S # 600 ### ## # # ### r # ick C ## # Salt L # 600 # Riv 800 # # # # # 800 4 /( 800 Moderate to severe Severe limitations. limitations. Reser- Possible rock voir may leak where excavation. rocks are fractured. Sinks possible. land # 800 # # 0 # # # 600 Moderate to severe limitations. Reservoir may leak where rocks are fractured. Sinks possible. 800 D - V& Sewellton ø ÷ # S School Oil and Gas Wells X Gas well # Oil well Spring # S # S 127 1000 # 1000 # X 100 Lily Jamestown Elementary 3281 ø ÷ 1000 ber # S Severe to slight limitations, depending on activity and topography. Possible steep wooded slopes. # # S JAMESTOWN # S rk 800 Cum # # V&#S " ! # # S # S D D 55 # Cr Moderate limitations. Possibility of thin soils and rock excavation. Creelsboro # V& Ribbon # S # S 800 # Lick Slight limitations. Reservoir may leak where rocks are fractured. 800 Rock Slight to moderate limitations. Reservoir may leak where rocks are fractured. Sinks possible. Moderate limitations. Highly variable amount of rock and earth excavation. # S 3 " ! Rose Crossroads V& # S# S# S # S # S # S # S 6 19 # S # Mo # ore sF o - V&D # S Big "6 19 ! 0 r Bob B # S # S # S - # S # #S S 1000 # S # S "92 ! r 100 00ll Cr 8Mi # S V& Esto r 1000 # S " ! # S # S eC Olga V& #S # -- V& Middlestown # S 1000 # S 800 # D 800 379 # S Bethel Cr 600 1000 /( # S " ! ll Cr " ! # S # S RCHS RCMS "910 ! # S # S # S # S 379 1000 ter # Cr r ø - ÷ # S 1000 Cr Severe limitations. Slight limitations. Reservoir may leak Steep slopes. where rocks are fractured. Damron Cr rty 800 XLes # # on C 800 # ## # S # S # S# # SS # S Salem Elem # S # S 127 "379 ! 800 # ## ## ##S ##S 800 Buttler Cr Moderate limitations. Highly variable amount of rock and earth excavation. # X # S 2#S # # # # ppl 3281 ø ÷ # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # 1058 # # ## # # # # # ## # ## # ## Union # # ##Chapel # # # # # S# # # # ## # # # # # # # # 379 # X # S # S Br #5 S # S # S 1000 Libe 1000 Cabin Fork Cr Severe limitations. Steep slopes. # # S 1 0 Old Olga V& 800 Slight limitations. Reservoir may leak where rocks are fractured. Severe limitations. Steep slopes. High groundwater table possible. Moderate to severe limitations. Refer to soil report (Fehr, 1982). Moderate limitations. Highly variable amount of rock and earth excavation. Cri # # # # ## # 000 # # #S # ## #1 # # # # ### ## #### X # # ## # ## # # # # # ## # # ## # # # X 1058 ø ÷ D Potts Br Slight limitations. Reservoir may leak where rocks are fractured. Severe limitations. Leaky reservoir material. Refer to soil report (Fehr, 1982). Underground Utilities " ! # S "430 ! # S S # S# " ! # S # S # S 100 Cr # ## # # # # X# ern "55 1000 ! # 800 Severe limitations. Leaky reservoir material. Refer to soil report (Fehr, 1982). Reservoir Embankments 800 0 100 3280 ø ÷ 1000 # ## ### #### # # ## # Reservoir Areas RUSSELL SPRINGS 1000 # S V& Fonthill # S 80 # S # S 1000 cus Cr Clif # S # S # S # S Rouse B # S # S 0 # S # S EXPLANATION 100 Casey County p Cr am on C nche # S # S # S # S Cr Pu # S # S # S # S r ty C "832 ! nt V Cro Severe limitations. Rock excavation; locally, upper few feet may be rippable. Steep slopes. Possible expansion of shales. Severe to moderate limitations. Rock excavation may be required. Possible steep slopes. Slight limitations. ick 0 100 Big Br Blakey Mou 800 Fair to good foundation material. Difficult to excavate. Severe to moder- Severe limitations. Moderate limitations. ate limitations. Rock Rock excavation; Rock excavation. excavation; locally, locally, upper few Steep slopes. upper few feet may feet may be rippable. be rippable. Steep Steep slopes. slopes. Possible ex- Possible expansion pansion of shales. of shales. Severe to moder- Severe to moder- Severe to moderate limitations. ate limitations. ate limitations. Rock excavation Rock excavation Rock excavation may be required. may be required. may be required. Possible steep Possible steep Possible steep slopes. slopes. slopes. 3 Miles dL 1870 ø ÷ # S V& Jericho # S 3017 ø ÷ # S# S ose # S # S S # S# 92 # S # S 600 9. Siltstone, dolomite and chert Severe to moderate limitations. Rock excavation. Possible steep slopes and narrow ravines. 1000 V& Bryan # # 800 Fair to good foundation material. Difficult excavation. Possible expansion of shales. Severe limitations. Rock excavation. Possible steep slopes. 1000 800 800 0 100 8. Shale and dolomite Severe limitations. Rock excavation may be required. Steep slopes along major drainages. 2 600 Very good foundation material. Difficult to excavate. Severe limitations. Severe limitations. Rock excavation; Steep slopes. locally, upper few feet may be rippable. Steep slopes. Slight to moderate limitations. 1 600 7. Dolomite and limestone/siltstone Slight to moderate limitations. 0 ty Severe limitations. Impermeable rock. Locally fast drainage through fractures and sinks to water table; possible groundwater contamination. Severe limitations. Impermeable rock. Locally fast drainage through fractures and sinks to water table; possible groundwater contamination. Severe limitations. Impermeable rock. Locally fast drainage through fractures and sinks to water table; possible groundwater contamination. Severe limitations. Thin soils and impermeable rock. Fast drainage through fractures to water table; possible groundwater contamination. Check to see if area is flood prone. If not, slight limitations based on type of structures. Refer to soil report (Fehr, 1982). Slight to moderate limitations. 1 San un Fair to very good foundation material. Difficult to excavate. Extensive Recreation Severe limitations. Severe limitations. Rock excavation; Steep slopes. locally, upper few feet may be rippable. Steep slopes. Possible expansion of shales. Slight limitations. Moderate limitations. Rock excavation; Steep to moderate locally, upper few slopes. feet may be rippable. Steep slopes along major drainages. Possible expansion of shales. Severe to slight lim- Severe to slight limiitations, depending tations, depending on topography. Rock on activity and topography. Possible excavation. Local drainage problems. steep wooded slopes. Sinks common. Groundwater contamination possible. Moderate to slight Severe to slight limilimitations, depend- tations, depending ing on topography. on activity and toRock excavation. pography. Possible Local drainage prob- steep wooded lems. Sinks common. slopes. # # # Co Severe limitations. Thin soils and impermeable rock. Fast drainage through fractures to water table; possible groundwater contamination. Scale 1:48,000 1 inch equals 3/4 mile nd 6. Limestone, dolomite, and shale Fair to good foundation material. Difficult to excavate. Possible expansive shales. Severe limitations. Rock excavation; locally, upper few feet may be rippable. Steep slopes. Possible expansion of shales. Check to see if area is flood prone. If not, slight limitations based on type of structures. Refer to soil report (Fehr, 1982). Severe limitations. Steep slopes. 100 800 1000 5. Limestone, shale, and siltstone Slight limitations. Refer to soil report (Fehr, 1982). Intensive Recreation # rla Fair to good foun- Severe limitations. Im4. Sandstone, conglomerate, dation material. Diffi- permeable rock. Thin cult to excavate. soils. and minor shale Moderate to severe Slight to moderate Slight to moderate limitations. Check limitations. Refer to limitations. Refer to area to determine if soil report (Fehr, soil report (Fehr, flood prone. Base- 1982). 1982). ments can be wet. Refer to soil report (Fehr, 1982). Severe to moder- Severe limitations. Moderate limitations. ate limitations. Rock excavation; Rock excavation. Rock excavation; locally, upper few Steep slopes. locally, upper few feet may be rippable. feet may be Steep slopes. rippable. Steep Possible expansion slopes. Possible of shales. expansion of shales. Severe to moder- Severe limitations. Moderate limitations. Rock excavation; Rock excavation. ate limitations. Rock excavation; locally, upper few Steep slopes. locally, upper few feet may be rippable. feet may be ripSteep slopes. pable. Steep slopes. Possible expansion Possible expansion of shales. of shales. Severe to moder- Severe limitations. Moderate limitations. ate limitations. Rock excavation; Rock excavation. Rock excavation; locally, upper few Steep slopes. locally, upper few feet may be rippable. feet may be rip- Steep slopes. pable. Steep slopes. Moderate limitations. Moderate limitations. Slight limitations. Rock excavation; Rock excavation; Rock excavation. locally, upper few locally, upper few Steep slopes along major drainfeet may be ripfeet may be rippable. Steep slopes pable. Steep slopes ages. along major drain- along major drainages. Possible ex- ages. Possible expansion of shales. pansion of shales. Severe limitations. Moderate limitations. Moderate limitations. Rock excavation Rock excavation. Rock excavation. Local drainage may be required. Local drainage problems. Sinks problems. Sinks Steep slopes common. along major drain- common. ages. Light Industry and Malls 00 # # 8 ## # # # # # # # # ### # # # # ## ## # # ## ## # # S # # # ## # 0 # N be Fair to good foun- Severe limitations. Imdation material. Diffi- permeable rock. Thin cult to excavate. soils. Possible expansive shales. Access Roads D # Glable Br 800 Fair to good foun- Severe limitations. Imdation material. Diffi- permeable rock. Thin soils. cult to excavate. Possible expansive shales. EPA recommends action be taken if indoor levels exceed 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L), which is 10 times the average outdoor level. Some EPA representatives believe the action level should be lowered to 2 picocuries per liter; other scientists dissent and claim the risks estimated in this chart are already much too high for low levels of radon. The action level in European countries is set at 10 picocuries per liter. Note that this chart is only one estimate; it is not based upon any scientific result from a study of a large population meeting the listed criteria (from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986). m Cu 3. Shale, sandstone, limestone, and siltstone Slight limitations. Easy to excavate. Refer to soil report (Fehr, 1982). Highways and Streets T 800 Planning Guidance by Rock Unit Type Residence with Basement H s Cr r urner B # ## # 800 2. Shale, siltstone, sandstone, and coal Fair to good foundation material; easily excavated. Refer to soil report (Fehr, 1982). Septic System ne ca urri nold # S "619 ! 800 1. Alluvium, landslide, and terrace deposits Foundation and Excavation Rey # S 0 100 Rock Unit 800 D LAND USES Septic tank disposal systemA septic tank disposal system consists of a septic tank and a filter field. The filter field is a subsurface tile system laid in such a way that effluent from the septic tank is distributed with reasonable uniformity into the soil. ResidencesRatings are made for residences with and without basements because the degree of limitation is dependent upon ease and required depth of excavation. For example, excavation in limestone has greater limitation than excavation in shale for a house with a basement. Highways and streetsRefers to paved roads in which cuts and fills are made in hilly topography, and considerable work is done preparing subgrades and bases before the surface is applied. Access roadsThese are low-cost roads, driveways, etc., usually surfaced with crushed stone or a thin layer of blacktop. A minimum of cuts and fills are made, little work is done preparing a subgrade, and generally only a thin base is used. The degree of limitation is based on year-around use and would be less severe if not used during the winter and early spring. Some types of recreation areas would not be used during these seasons. Light industry and mallsRatings are based on developments having structures or equivalent load limit requirements of three stories or less, and large paved areas for parking lots. Structures with greater load limit requirements would normally need footings in solid rock, and the rock would need to be core drilled to determine the presence of caverns, cracks, etc. Intensive recreationAthletic fields, stadiums, etc. Extensive recreationCamp sites, picnic areas, parks, etc. Reservoir areasThe floor of the area where the water is impounded. Ratings are based on the permeability of the rock. Reservoir embankmentsThe rocks are rated on limitations for embankment material. Underground utilitiesIncluded in this group are sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water mains, and other pipes that require fairly deep trenches. # S Go # S # S # S V& Royville # S # S "76 ! # S # S # S# S S# # S# S # S r # S 1000 1000 LIMITATIONS SlightA slight limitation is one that commonly requires some corrective measure but can be overcome without a great deal of difficulty or expense. ModerateA moderate limitation is one that can normally be overcome but the difficulty and expense are great enough that completing the project is commonly a question of feasibility. SevereA severe limitation is one that is difficult to overcome and commonly is not feasible because of the expense involved. le Litt nC # A cattle watering trough, probably fed from the nearby water well. Such wells are often the most economical source of water for rural communities. Photo by Bart Davidson, Kentucky Geological Survey. In source-water protection areas, activities are likely to affect the quality of the drinking-water source. For more information, see Honey Acre V& #S S ## S Little Goose Cr # S Russell -Springs Elem # S # S #5 S Source-Water Protection Areas # # S 0 # S V& Decatur # S # S # S 100 Humble V& # S # S # S # S # S # S 127 dso 800 1000 # S # S# S /( Hu # S # 127 # S # S # S # S # S Cr ty Clif /( # 1000 # S In the northwestern third of Russell County about three-quarters of the drilled wells yield enough water for domestic use. Throughout the rest of the county, only a few wells yield enough water for a domestic supply, except in areas close to the Cumberland River in the southern end of the county. In the southern end of the county most wells are adequate for a domestic supply, especially wells that penetrate small solution openings within the limestone bedrock. For more information on the groundwater resources of the county, see Carey and Stickney (2004). 800 1000 V& Sycamore Flat #S # S # S "80 ! # # # V& Webbs Cross Roads O # S Radon gas, although not widely distributed in Kentucky in amounts above the Environmental Protection Agency's maximum recommended limit of 4 picocuries per liter, can be a local problem. Unit 6 on the map may contain high levels of uranium or radium, parent materials for radon gas. This unit and several other limestones in the state locally contain the phosphate mineral apatite. Uranium is sometimes part of the apatite structure, and when the limestone weathers away the phosphates containing uranium become concentrated in the soil and ultimately can give rise to high levels of radon. Homes in these areas should be tested for radon, but the homeowner should keep in mind that the health threat results from relatively high levels of exposure over long periods, and the remedy may simply be additional ventilation of the home. # # Groundwater Availability # S # # 1545 ø ÷ # S D Radon FOUNDATION AND EXCAVATION The terms "earth" and "rock" excavation are used in the engineering sense; earth can be excavated by hand tools, whereas rock requires heavy equipment or blasting to remove. 1729 ø ÷ 2283 ø ÷ 1000 NUNN PARKWAY Faults are common geologic structures across Kentucky, and have been mapped in many of the Commonwealth's counties. The faults shown on this map represent seismic activity that occurred several million years ago at the latest. There has been no activity along these faults in recorded history. Seismic risk associated with these faults is very low. Faults may be associated with increased fracturing of bedrock in the immediately adjacent area. This fracturing may influence slope stability and groundwater flow in these limited areas. PLANNING TABLE DEFINITIONS # # # # "76 ! Cr live nt Mou 1000 1000 Mapped Surface Faults Sinkholes such as this one (right center) may appear overnight when the soil plug at their base collapses into a fracture or cave in the underlying limestone. Photo by Bart Davidson, Kentucky Geological Survey. # # 1000 V& Sano # S The term "karst" refers to a landscape characterized by sinkholes, springs, sinking streams (streams that disappear underground), and underground drainage through solution-enlarged conduits or caves. Karst landscapes form when slightly acidic water from rain and snowmelt seeps through soil cover into fractured and soluble bedrock (usually limestone, dolomite, or gypsum). Sinkholes are depressions on the land surface into which water drains underground. Usually circular and often funnel-shaped, they range in size from a few feet to hundreds of feet in diameter. Springs occur when water emerges from underground to become surface water. Caves are solution-enlarged fractures or conduits large enough for a person to enter. These cattle are resting near a pond that is probably a sinkhole pond, meaning that it is connected to the limestone aquifer by fractures in the bedrock, but is plugged with soil. Cattle feedlots or pastures such as this can cause increased nitrates in groundwater if the ponds or feedlots drain into the aquifer. Photo by Bart Davidson, Kentucky Geological Survey. # # S A problem of considerable concern in this area is the swelling of some of the clay minerals in shales such as units 2, 3, 5, and 8. This process is exacerbated when the shale contains the mineral pyrite (fool's gold), such as is the case in the Chattanooga Shale (unit 8). Pyrite is a common mineral and can be found distributed throughout the black shale, although it is not always present and may be discontinuous both vertically and horizontally. In the presence of moisture and oxygen, pyrite oxidizes and produces sulfuric acid. The acid reacts with calcium carbonates found in water, the rock itself, crushed limestone, and concrete. This chemical reaction produces sulfate and can form the mineral gypsum, whose crystallization can cause layers of shale to expand and burst, backfill to swell, and concrete to crack and crumble. It can heave the foundation, the slab and interior partitions resting on it, and can even damage upper floors and interior partitions. This phenomenon has been responsible for extensive damage to schools, homes, and businesses in Kentucky. We strongly suggest that anyone planning construction on these shales seek professional advice from a geologist or engineer familiar with the problem. #6 S k Sulphur Cr Karst Geology #1 S For # Swelling Shales and Soils The Chattanooga Shale (unit 8), shown at left, is the equivalent of the New Albany Shale in Estill County, which is well known for exhibiting pyrite expansion. The telltale yellow weathering usually denotes the presence of pyrite. Care must be taken to check for swelling shales when building on this material. Photo by Bart Davidson, Kentucky Geological Survey. Ellis # Geology adapted from Ciszak (2004), Conley (2004), Johnson (2004a, b), Lambert (2004a, b), Murphy (2004a, b), Mullins and Thompson (2004), Petersen (2004), Zhang (2004a, b), and Zhang and Melton (2004). Sinkhole data from Paylor and others (2004). Thanks to Jim Currens, Kentucky Geological Survey, for karst illustrations. Constructed between 1941 and 1950, Wolf Creek Dam is a comprehensive flood-control system for the Cumberland River. It impounds Lake Cumberland, one of the largest lakes in Kentucky and a vital source of tourism for Kentucky. Photo by Bart Davidson, Kentucky Geological Survey. This map is not intended to be used for selecting individual sites. Its purpose is to inform land-use planners, government officials, and the public in a general way about geologic bedrock conditions that affect the selection of sites for various purposes. The properties of thick soils may supercede those of the underlying bedrock and should be considered on a site-to-site basis. At any site, it is important to understand both the soils and the underlying rock. For further assistance, contact Bart Davidson, Kentucky Geological Survey, 859-257-5500 x162. For more information, and to make custom maps of your local area, visit our Land-Use Planning Internet Mapping Web Site at 1000 # S Acknowledgments #7 S For Planning Use Only # S 1000 #2 S T. Jeffrey Adams Don Molden Multiple Services Inc. Bart Davidson and Daniel I. Carey Kentucky Geological Survey reek ms C Willia1000 Never use sinkholes as dumps. All waste, but especially pesticides, paints, household chemicals, automobile batteries, and used motor oil, should be taken to an appropriate recycling center or landfill. Make sure runoff from parking lots, streets, and other urban areas is routed through a detention basin and sediment trap to filter it before it flows into a sinkhole. Make sure your home septic system is working properly and that it's not discharging sewage into a crevice or sinkhole. Keep cattle and other livestock out of sinkholes and sinking streams. There are other methods of providing water to livestock. See to it that sinkholes near or in crop fields are bordered with trees, shrubs, or grass buffer strips. This will filter runoff flowing into sinkholes and also keep tilled areas away from sinkholes. Construct waste-holding lagoons in karst areas carefully, to prevent the bottom of the lagoon from collapsing, which would result in a catastrophic emptying of waste into the groundwater. If required, develop a groundwater protection plan (410KAR5:037) or an agricultural waterquality plan (KRS224.71) for your land use. (From Currens, 2001) # 0 100 Limestone terrain can be subject to subsidence hazards, which usually can be overcome by prior planning and site evaluation. "A" shows construction above an open cavern, which later collapses. This is one of the most difficult situations to detect, and the possibility of this situation beneath a structure warrants insurance protection for homes built on karst terrain. In "B," a heavy structure presumed to lie above solid bedrock actually is partially supported on soft, residual clay soils that subside gradually, resulting in damage to the structure. This occurs where inadequate site evaluation can be traced to lack of geophysical studies and inadequate core sampling. "C" and "D" show the close relationship between hydrology and subsidence hazards in limestone terrain. In "C," the house is situated on porous fill (light shading) at a site where surface and groundwater drainage move supporting soil (darker shading) into voids in limestone (blocks) below. The natural process is then accelerated by infiltration through fill around the home. "D" shows a karst site where normal rainfall is absorbed by subsurface conduits, but water from infrequent heavy storms cannot be carried away quickly enough to prevent flooding of low-lying areas. Adapted from AIPG (1993). Luttre Residential Construction Environmental Protection 800 Generalized Geologic Map for Land-Use Planning: Russell County, Kentucky James C. Cobb, Director and State Geologist UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON MAP AND CHART 94 Series XII, 2005 Little L Kentucky Geological Survey 8 # S Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery, located next to Wolf Creek Dam, pro- duces over a million pounds of trout annually. Water feeding the hatchery comes from Lake Cumberland at a rate of 10,000 gallons per minute, and is between 40 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Photo by Bart Davidson, Kentucky Geological Survey. Additional Planning Resources Listed below are Web sites for several agencies and organizations that may be of assistance with land-use planning issues in Russell County: County C hamber of Commerce of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Cumberland Area Development District Economic Development Information System Atlas and Gazetteer, Russell County Census data information from the Kentucky Geological Survey References Cited American Institute of Professional Geologists, 1993, The citizens' guide to geologic hazards: 134 p. Carey, D.I., and Stickney, J.F., 2004, Groundwater resources of Russell County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, County Report 104, Ciszak, E.A., 2004, Spatial database of the Faubush quadrangle, Pulaski and Russell Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-802. Adapted from Thaden, R.E., and Lewis, R.Q., Sr., 1969, Geologic map of the Faubush quadrangle, Pulaski and Russell Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-802, scale 1:24,000. Conley, T.J., 2004, Spatial database of the Creelsboro quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-204. Adapted from Thaden, R.E., and Lewis, R.Q., Sr., 1963, Geology of the Creelsboro quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-204, scale 1:24,000. Currens, J.C., 2001, Protecting Kentucky's karst aquifers from nonpoint-source pollution: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Map and Chart 27, 1 sheet. Fehr, J.C., 1982, Soil survey of Russell County, Kentucky: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 93 p. Johnson, T.L., 2004a, Spatial database of the Cumberland City quadrangle, southern Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-475. Adapted from Lewis, R.Q., Sr., and Thaden, R.E., 1965, Geologic map of the Cumberland City quadrangle, southern Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-475, scale 1:24,000. Johnson, T.L., 2004b, Spatial database of the Jamestown quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-182. Adapted from Thaden, R.E., and Lewis, R.Q., Sr., 1962, Geology of the Jamestown quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-182, scale 1:24,000. Lambert, J.R., 2004a, Spatial database of the Amandaville quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-186. Adapted from Taylor, A.R., 1962, Geology of the Amandaville quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-186, scale 1:24,000. Lambert, J.R., 2004b, Spatial database of the Wolf Creek Dam quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-177. Adapted from Lewis, R.Q., Sr., and Thaden, R.E., 1962, Geology of the Wolf Creek Dam quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-177, scale 1:24,000. Murphy, M.L., 2004a, Spatial database of the Mill Springs quadrangle, south-central Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-1057. Adapted from Lewis, R.Q., Sr., 1972, Geologic map of the Mill Springs quadrangle, south-central Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1057, scale 1:24,000. Murphy, M.L., 2004b, Spatial database of the Montpelier quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-337. Adapted from Lewis, R.Q., Sr., and Thaden, R.E., 1964, Geology of the Montpelier quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-337, scale 1:24,000. Mullins, J.E., and Thompson, M.F., 2004, Spatial database of the Russell Springs quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-383. Adapted from Lewis, R.Q., Sr., and Thaden, R.E., 1965, Geology of the Russell Springs quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-383, scale 1:24,000. Paylor, R.L., Florea, L., Caudill, M., and Currens, J.C., 2004, A GIS coverage of karst sinkholes in Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digital Publication 5, 1 CD-ROM. Petersen, C., 2004, Spatial database of the Dunnville quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-367. Adapted from Maxwell, C.H., 1965, Geology of the Dunnville quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-367, scale 1:24,000. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986, A citizen's guide to radon, what is it and what to do about it: U.S. EPA, OPA-86-004. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2003, National Wetlands Inventory, Zhang, Q., 2004a, Spatial database of the Eli quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-393. Adapted from Thaden, R.E., and Lewis, R.Q., Sr., 1965, Geology of the Eli quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-393, scale 1:24,000. Zhang, Q., 2004b, Spatial database of the Jabez quadrangle, Russell and Wayne Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-483. Adapted from Thaden, R.E., and Lewis, R.Q., Sr., 1966, Geologic map of the Jabez quadrangle, Russell and Wayne Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-483, scale 1:24,000. Zhang, Q., and Melton, C.E., 2004, Spatial database of the Phil quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-395. Adapted from Maxwell, C.H., 1965, Geology of the Phil quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-395, scale 1:24,000.
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