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>:CA >@723:=<2=< /::G=C<332B= 9<=E/0=CBB67A G3/@¸A43AB7D/: A13<3¬ >=>AB/@H >@=47:3 :=<2=<5:=0/: 2/<1343AB7D/: 9C0/@ 2/D726=G:3 4CA7=< :33 @G/< B630:C30=G0=C<13A0/19 7<A723/1B/@B&7<8C#B7135/G=A:=B7;;1/@B6C@ 9G:73¸A/>6@=27B3@3D73E32A=6=6=CA303@:7< EEE=Cb;/51=C9 7AAC34=@BGB6@33% 4@33 B63C:B7;/B35C723B=5/G:=<2=< =CbT`]\b EDITORIAL// ADVERTISING Sushino and Brighton’s Blanche House PAGE 24 LEE RYAN PAGE 46 DATE MATES Ten alternative ideas for dates in London Editor David Hudson [email protected] PAGE 49 OUT THERE Upcoming scene highlights for July, plus coverage of Popstarz, Ku Bar, Royal Vauxhall Tavern, Fusion and Profile +44 (0)20 7258 1943 Staff writer John O ’Ceallaigh [email protected] Design Concept Boutique Marketing Graphic Designer Ryan Beal Sub Editor Kathryn Fox Contributors Richard Bevan, Mal Božić, Irina Buznea, Adrian Foster, Edward Gamlin, Knight Hooson, Mark PalmerEdgecumbe, Max Skjönsberg, Richard Tonks, Michael Turnbull Photographer Chris Jepson Publishers Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley PAGE 77 OUTREACH Brighton Pride, Stonewall FC and community listings PAGE 04 LETTERS Send your correspondence to [email protected] ISDN: 1473-6039 Head of Advertising Rob Harkavy [email protected] + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 Head of Business Development Lyndsey Porter [email protected] + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 Senior Advertising Executive Dan Goodban [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Senior Advertising Executive Maz Ogden [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Square Peg Media Ltd. 37 Ivor Place London NW1 6EA Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 The content of this publication, either in whole or in part may not be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission from the publishers. Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2009. Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. HUDSON’S LETTER Pride London is again upon us, and in this issue we have details of this year’s festival. Just as we were going to press we received late news from the Pride organisers about changes at this year’s event. The major celebration remains the same: the parade will kick off at 1am on Saturday 3 July, and the rally will take place in Trafalgar Square afterwards. However, due to the ongoing Crossrail road works around the Soho Square area, the organisers have now decided to move the Soho Square Dance Stage down to Leicester Square. They were still awaiting final approval from Westminster Council but didn’t “foresee any problems”. If this is the case, it would, sadly, mean the Women’s Stage in Soho would be dropped this year. Do keep checking for the latest updates at www. Last month, I wondered exactly how gay-friendly the new government would prove to be, and how many of the Lib Dem’s LGBT manifesto pledges might be retained or cast by the wayside. Credit where it’s due, though. I was a little surprised how quickly the new government has published details of its intended work to tackle LGBT equality issues – including helping LGBT asylum seekers, addressing homophobic bullying and the formulation of a Government Action Plan on transgender equality – issues which I had the chance to discuss at the LGBT reception ahead of Pride London held at Downing Street on 16 June 2010. I look forward to the coalition government honouring these and other pledges over the coming months. [email protected] PAGE 06 MY LONDON Marc Massive and Oliver Frost, curators of Act Art, give us their capital highlights PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON CONTENTS PAGE 56 FUSION PAGE 08 SHOPPING Bear University and Humor shoes PAGE 30 INJU5TICE The UK’s newest boy band on the block… PAGE 11 DIARY July’s cultural highlights in and around London PAGE 32 FILM Splice, Skeletons, The Collector and The Rebound reviewed PAGE 20 PRIDE LONDON A preview of the upcoming Pride London festival and parade PAGE 36 THEATRE After The Dance reviewed plus theatre news and an interview with director and actor Tim McArthur PAGE 24 LEE RYAN PAGE 38 The ex-Blue star is back FOOD with a new record deal and new album. We caught up with the comeback kid PAGE 28 MUSIC New albums from Kylie, Tom Jones and Feeder PAGE 82 OUTNEWS All the gay news from home and abroad PAGE 86 CAREER Mark Palmer Edgecumbe on implications of the new Equality Bill, plus Ben Summerskill of Stonewall PAGE 92 PROPERTY Living in Borough, and the latest products for the home PAGE 102 MOTORING We test drive the new Clio Renaultsport 200 Bug PAGE 104 TRAVEL Norway PAGE 110 HOROSCOPES PAGE 06 MY LONDON PAGE 112 HEALTH ! =CbT`]\b :3BB3@A BALLSY ON FIRE HEARTBREAKER Even if you never normally drag yourself to the cinema to see French flicks, make an exception for France’s funniest and coolest romcom, Heartbreaker – out this month. GELUPO Delightful new gay-run ice-cream parlour from the boys at Bocca di Lupo – a couple of doors down from BarCode Soho at 7 Archer Street, W1. GRAFFITI 6 Hot debut single (‘Annie You Saved Me’), and a hot singer (the lovely Jamie Scott), we predict Graffiti 6 to be one of the year’s better pop discoveries. 7eOaW\bS`SabSRb] `SORbVSW\bS`dWSe eWbV5O`SbVBV][Oa I=7B1³8c\S K PcbeWZZPSSdS\[]`S W\bS`SabSRb]aSS eVS`SVSbOYSaVWa QO`SS`T`][VS`S7 R]V]^SVSR]Sa\¸b USbb]]QOcUVbc^ W\Q]c`bW\UbVS^`Saa O\RU]R]e\bVS 0`WO\>ORRWQY`]cbS ]T`SOZWbgBDaV]ea O\RObbS\RW\UO\g]ZR ZOc\QV^O`bg7eOa OZa]OPWbRS^`SaaSR b]`SORbVObRSa^WbS VWa]e\Q][W\U]cb 5O`SbVRWR\¸bY\]e ]TO\g]bVS`UOg ^`]TSaaW]\OZ`cUPg ^ZOgS`a7aWb`SOZZgacQV O`O`S]QQc``S\QS]` O`SbVSgbS``WTWSR]T Z]aW\Ua^]\a]`aVW^ RSOZaO\ROZWS\ObW\U WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL QUINTON JACKSON Former ‘Ultimate Fighting’ champion and star of the new A Team movie, Quinton Jackson recently said that he found acting “is kind of gay. It makes you soft.” We pity the fool. BLOOD BAN The new coalition government has unveiled a range of new LGBT equality measures, but the ban on gay men giving blood remains. ON ICE " WELSH WONDER 7XcabeO\bSRb]aOgbVO\Yg]cT]`bVSa[OaVW\U W\bS`dWSeeWbV5O`SbVBV][Oa³eV]Z]]YSR U]`US]ca]\g]c`T`]\bQ]dS`I=7B1³8c\S K6SQO[SOQ`]aaOaO`SOZZg\WQSPZ]YS ³\]bb][S\bW]\Z]]YW\Uabc\\W\UEVObO P`WZZWO\b`]ZS[]RSZT]`g]c\UUOg[S\7\TOQb \]bXcabT]`g]c\UUOg[S\T]`g]c\U^S]^ZS SdS`geVS`S³eV]eWZZaSSVW[O\R`SOZWaSbVOb UOg[S\O`S^`SaS\bW\OZZeOZYa]TZWTSESO`S XcabOaQO^OPZS]TSfQSZZW\UW\`]cUV¸\¸b]cUV bSO[a^]`baOaO\g]\SSZaSBVSTOQbbVOb5O`SbV BV][OaWaO`UcOPZgbVS[]abacQQSaaTcZ`cUPg ^ZOgS`b]VOdSQ][S]cb]TEOZSa^`]dSabVWa7¸[ UZORb]aSSbVObVSWaabWZZ^ZOgW\U^`]TSaaW]\OZZg O\R7V]^SbVObVWaQO`SS`Q]\bW\cSab]^`]a^S` ³eVS`SdS`Wb[OgZSOR Brian, Forest Hill WIN! DAVID LAWS The MP says he only wanted to keep his private life private, but in doing so, he’s become tarnished by the expenses scandal that he so denounced before the General Election. STAR LETTER bVSW`TO\a-7T\]]\S QO\P`W\UbVS[aSZdSa b]Q]\TWRSW\a][S]\S ZWYS5O`SbVBV][Oa eV]eWZZY\]ePSbbS` bVO\O\g]\SSZaSeVOb bVSg¸`SU]W\UbV`]cUV bVS\eS[WUVbVOdS OZ]\UbW[Sb]eOWb PST]`SbVS\SfbUOg ^`]TSaaW]\OZ`cUPg ^ZOgS`abWQYaVWaVSOR ]dS`bVS^O`O^Sb :Sb¸a\]bT]`USbbVOb \]^`S[WS`ZSOUcS T]]bPOZZS`VOaQ][S ]cbaW\QS8cabW\ 4OaVO\c³O\RbVOb eOa gSO`aOU] 5O`SbVBV][Oa¸ Q][W\U]cbWaOPWU O\RP]ZRabS^O\RVS¸a b]PSQ][[S\RSRT]` VWaP`OdS`gAORZga^]`b abWZZ\SSRab]^`]dS WbaSZTOeSZQ][W\U O\RS[P`OQW\U Ob[]a^VS`ST]`]bVS` g]c\UUOg^ZOgS`a Andrew, WC1 /\g]\SeV]VOaOZSbbS` ^cPZWaVSRW\bVS/cUcab WaacS]T=cb7\BVS1Wbg eWZZeW\OQ]^g]T5Og ASf7\BVS%aBVWa\Se 2D2R]Qc[S\bO`g]TTS`a OTOaQW\ObW\UUZW[^aS bV`]cUVW\bS`dWSea O\R^V]b]U`O^Va]TUOgZWTS W\'%a<SeG]`Y³eVS\ UOgZWPS`ObW]\`SacZbSRW\O \SeQ]\TWRS\QSO[]\Uab UOg[S\³ZSORW\Ub]O\ W\Q`SOaW\UZgc\W\VWPWbSRO\R P`OhS\ObbWbcRSb]eO`RaaSf7b¸a]cb 8cZg³eee^SQQO^WQaQ][ BVSe`WbS`]T/cUcab¸aAbO`:SbbS`eWZZ`SQSWdS OQ]^g]T5OgASf7\BVS%aO\ROQ]^g]T bVSE]``WSR/P]cbBVS0]g2D2@SQS\bZg b`O\a[WbbSR]\001 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PHOTO © JAMES @ SKINPIX.CO.UK =CbaV]^ >@=2C1BA BACK TO SCHOOL Any regulars on the London bear scene may already have spotted clothing designs by fashion company Bear University ( The team produces a selection of collegecouture inspired T-shirts and hoodies emblazoned with the words ‘Bear’, ‘Cub’, paw prints or their own Bear University shield logo. The full range is available from, priced from £15 upwards – with everything from small to 2XL sizes! GLAMOUR GIRLS We’ve always thought it a shame that more clubs don’t pictorially capture themselves for posterity. Someone who clearly thinks on the same wavelength is photographer James Andrew Yardley – a regular at cult Wednesday-nighter Trannyshack. His self-published tome of photographs, simply entitled Trannyshack UK, is out now – featuring 74 pages of glorious photographs of Trannyshack regulars, plus an introduction by co-hostess Dusty O (who graces the book’s cover). It’s available for £19.99 in softback or £24.99 in hardback from or www. MUSIC MEN FUNNY SHOES Add a dash of blue to your summer wardrobe with the latest range of footwear from Danish brand Humor. The label has designed a range of colourful, soft suede desert boots and deck shoes – many in blue-ish hues, in denim or with blue piping. Shoes start at £45 and boots/trainers at £70. Stockists: 0207 436 0986. & Everyone has heard of the Village People, if only for their camp classic ‘YMCA’… but can many of you remember that at the height of their fame, the boys also featured in their own movie? In the wake of the huge success of Saturday Night Fever, Hollywood producers reckoned Can’t Stop The Music could have been cinema’s next big disco mega-hit. Unfortunately, even with a clutch of well-known hit songs, an early star turn from Steve Guttenberg (Police Academy, Cocoon), and lead roles for each of the Village People boys, the film proved something of a flop. However, 30 years down the line, it’s a true camp gem from a lost era. It’s finally getting released on DVD on 28 June from all good DVD stockists and online retailers (priced £15.99). =CbT`]\b 27/@G HIGHLIGHT EVENTS// JULY 2010 THUR 01 JUL: SAT 03 JULY Singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright will perform at Kenwood House (NW3) on the same day as this year’s Pride London Parade. Wainwright has had a busy spring with both album and opera releases – as well as featuring on the front cover of Out In The City in April. Tickets cost £30. RSaW`SO\RaSfcOZ ^]eS`UO[Sa¶/P]dS bVSAbOUBVSOb`S# 0`SaaS\RS\>ZOQS :]\R]\AE3eee OP]dSbVSabOUQ][ 30 JUNE-11 SEPT: BVS <SWZAW[]\^ZOgBVS 15 JUN-11 JULY: ES >`Wa]\S`]TASQ]\R Z]dS:Sa:WOWa]\a /dS\cSeOa[ORS 2O\US`ScaSa³eWbV W\b]OacQQSaaTcZTWZ[ P]bVbVS]`WUW\OZ^ZOg eWbV8OQY:S[[]\ O\R¿Z[]TTS`W\UO W\bVS'%a7b¸a\]e [Wfbc`S]TPWbQVW\Saa `Sbc`\W\Ub]bVSESab U]aaW^W\b`WUcSO\R 3\ReWbV6]ZZge]]R R`O[O5WdS\bVS abO`8STT5]ZRPZc[ acPXSQb[ObbS`bVS 8c`OaaWQ>O`Y WRSO]T^`]RcQW\UO\ 7\RS^S\RS\QS2Og OZZ[OZSORO^bObW]\Wa W\bVSZSORW\U`]ZS7b a][SeVObW\a^W`SR eWZZPS`c\\W\UObbVS BVSaW[^ZgbWbZSR DOcRSdWZZSBVSOb`S 2O\US`]caWabVS E1 PSbeSS\! ZObSab^`]RcQbW]\ 8c\SO\RAS^bS[PS` T`][bVS`SaWRS\b BWQYSbaQ]abPSbeSS\ Q][^O\gOb/P]dS #O\R"'#eee BVSAbOUO\RWb dOcRSdWZZSbVSOb`S b`O\aTS`abVSOQbW]\ Q]cY T`][&bVQS\bc`g 4`O\QSb]OU`]c^ 01-15 JULY: BVSO\\cOZ ]TUOg[S\ZWdW\UW\ :]\R]\:WbS`Obc`S bVS abQS\bc`gW\ 4SabWdOZObbVS :]\R]\O\R4`O\QS A]cbVPO\Y1S\b`S ES¸`S^`][WaSROµTOab A3QSZSP`ObSa ^OQSRO\R`Oc\QVg ZWbS`Obc`SW\OZZWba[O\g `SbSZZW\U]TbVWabOZS]T aVO^SaO\RT]`[a aSZTW\RcZUS\QSaSZ¿aV 2c`W\UbVSbe]TW`ab PHOTO © RICHARD DAVENPORT Scissor Sisters are currently touring worldwide to promote fantastic new album, Night Work. They return to London for one date in July at the Roundhouse in Camden. The gig will kick off the iTunes Festival, which will feature 62 bands over 31 nights at the iconic North London venue. and 04 JULY-04 SEPT Promising to offer a rather unique theatrical outing is a new production of The Railway Children, which will be taking place in the old Eurostar terminal at Waterloo Station! Given that so much of this beloved story revolves around railways and steam trains, this production will take place on the station concourse, with an historically accurate steam train lending an authoritative air to the action. The audience will sit on either side of the original train track. The production commemorates the 40th anniversary of the original 1970 film. Adapted from the novel by E Nesbit, The Railway Children tells the story of Bobby, Peter and Phyllis – three children whose lives change dramatically when their father is mysteriously taken away. They move from London to a cottage in rural Yorkshire with their mother where they befriend the local railway porter. =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS// JULY 2010 Jay Z 02-04 JULY: The Wireless Festival is set to grace Hyde Park for the sixth summer on the trot this month. The line-up this year is possibly the most impressive so far, especially if you are into R&B and dance. Pink headlines on the Friday (the Pink Day), with LCD Soundsystem and Missy Elliot on the Saturday (the Dance Day) while Jay Z and Lily Allen will finish the event on Sunday (the Jay Z day). A one day ticket costs £47.50; two days £85 and a full weekend ticket £110. Pink TUE 06 JULY Singer-songwriter Kate Nash will undoubtedly be one of the highlights at the iTunes Festival at the Roundhouse in Camden. London-based Nash is promoting her second studio album My Best Friend Is You, which reached the top ten upon its release in April this year. eSSYa]T8cZgO eWRS`O\US]Tb]^WQa T`][^VWZ]a]^Vgb] a^]`beWZZPSSf^Z]`SR =\S]TbVS[]ab W\bS`SabW\USdS\ba aV]cZRPS6][] 1][^cbS`a^O`b]T eVWQVWaQ]\QS`\SR eWbV/ZO\Bc`W\UbVS UOgU`O\RTObVS`]T bVSQ][^cbS`eV] eOa^`]aSQcbSRT]` V][]aSfcOZOQbaW\ bVS#aBVSSdS\beWZZ TSObc`SVWaPW]U`O^VS` /\R`Se6]RUSaBVS TSabWdOZOZa]eSZQ][Sa /[S`WQO\\]dSZWab 0`Sb3Oab]\3ZZWa /[S`WQO\>agQV] ]QSO\Sf^Z]`S`AgZdWO 3O`ZSO\R\]dSZWab 8SO\SbbSEW\bS`a]\ =`O\USa/`S<]b BVS=\Zg4`cWbeee a]cbVPO\YQS\b`S Q]cY 06-10 JULY: <SdS`[]`S WaO[caWQOZTOPZS T]`ORcZbaOP]cbbVS W[OUW\O`gZWTSO\R [gabS`W]caRSObV]T 3RUO`/ZO\>]S>]S¸a ZWTSWaac``]c\RSReWbV OZ[]abOa[O\g[gbVa OaVWa`S[O`YOPZS e`WbW\U8]\ObVO\ 1V`WabS\a]\VOa e`WbbS\RW`SQbSRO\R Q][^]aSRbVWaU]bVWQ bVSOb`S^WSQST]`bVS 0O`PWQO\BVSOb`S 31 7b¸a^O`b]T:WTb ³O\O\\cOZ TSabWdOZ]T7\bS`\ObW]\OZ BVSOb`SBWQYSba Q]ab $eee PO`PWQO\]`UcY 09-10 JULY: 4`S\QV Rc]/W`eWZZOZa]PS ^S`T]`[W\UOa^O`b]T bVSAc[[S`AS`WSaOb bVSA][S`aSb6]caS '8cZgBVSP]gaeWZZ OZa]^ZOgObbVS TUE 06 JULY Kele Okereke from Bloc Party released his debut solo album in June – the fabulous and brooding The Boxer. The singer-songwriter performs at Village Underground (EC2) on 6 July. =CbT`]\b 27/@G SAT 03 JULY: The annual Pride London parade returns to the capital, drawing hundreds of thousands to both watch the march and join the rally in Trafalgar Square. Expect Soho to be packed to the gills with homosexualists! Check pages 20-21 for full details. This year’s theme is ‘Paint The Town Ruby Red’, so wear something appropriately scarlet. CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS//JULY 2010 4]`c[<E#bVS T]ZZ]eW\UROg8cZg S\OW`QVS]Z]UgQ][ 09 JULY::]\R]\ \ObWdSa;c[T]`R A]\aVWbbVS @]c\RV]caSW\ 1O[RS\Oa^O`b]T bVSWBc\Sa4SabWdOZ :]\R]\BVST]ZY`]QY U`]c^¸aRSPcbOZPc[ AWUV<];]`SeOa `SZSOaSRb]Q`WbWQOZ OQQZOW[ZOabgSO`eee [c[T]`RO\Ra]\aQ][ 14-18 JULY Stalwarts of the Las Vegas scene, world-renowned magicians Penn & Teller – who specialise in wowing their audiences with spectacular stunts before revealing the tricks of their trade – return to London for a limited-run of five shows at the HMV Hammersmith Apollo – their first UK shows in 16 years. " SAT 10 JULY:BV]aS eV]ZWYSbVSW`XOhhO\R Q`]]\W\U[OgeO\b b]^OQYbVS[aSZdSaO ^WQ\WQO\R^c`QVOaS bWQYSbab]QObQVbVS VcUSZgacQQSaaTcZ 1O\ORWO\^WO\Wab O\RaW\US`2WO\O 9`OZZ³O^^SO`W\UOb 9S\e]]R6]caSOa ^O`b]TbVS3\UZWaV 6S`WbOUS>WQ\WQ 1]\QS`baeee ^WQ\WQQ]\QS`baQ][ SAT 10 JULY:4]ZY W\RWS`]QYS`a<]OV BVSEVOZSP`W\U bVSW`^O`bWQcZO`P`O\R ]TRSZWQObSa]\U e`WbW\Ub]A][S`aSb 6]caSOa^O`b]T bVSdS\cS¸a]\U]W\U Ac[[S`AS`WSaeee a][S`aSbV]caS]`UcY MON 12 JULY: /caaWS OZb`]QYS`aBVS BS[^S`B`O^bOYSb] bVS]^S\OW`abOUS ObA][S`aSb6]caS ³T]ZZ]eW\UbVSacQQSaa ]T '¸aVWbaW\UZS ·AeSSb2Wa^]aWbW]\¸ eeebVSbS[^S`b`O^ Q][ 12-15 JULY: /QQZOW[SR W\RWSZOPSZEWQVWbO 15-18 JULY Definitely one of our favourite festivals is Latitude, which returns this July to Henham Park in Southwold, Suffolk. This year’s event will feature its strongest line-up yet, with confirmed appearances from Florence and The Machine, Belle & Sebastian, Vampire Weekend, Empire of the Sun (pictured), The Maccabees, Rodrigo y Gabriela, The Horrors, Corinne Bailey Rae, Mumford & Sons, The xx and The Feeling. There’s also a wealth of cabaret, film, book readings, DJs, comedy, theatre, political debate and art, with confirmed appearances from the likes of Ardal O’Hanlon, Rich Hall, Tommy Tiernan, Marcus Brigstocke, Richard Herring, Russell Kane, Mark Lamarr, Wendy Cope, John Cooper Clarke, Blake Morrison and Bret Easton Ellis. =CbT`]\b 27/@G HIGHLIGHT EVENTS// JULY 2009 12-13 JULY: IMAGE © ALIYA NAUMOFF One of last year’s brightest new discoveries, The xx come to the Roundhouse this month (12 July) as part of the iTunes festival. The Wandsworth three-piece will be airing plenty of tracks from last year’s acclaimed debut album, XX, while support will be provided by Wild Beasts. They also play Somerset House on the following night (13 July). THUR 15 JULY There’s something gloriously appealing about the thought of Florence & The Machine performing at Somerset House – it’s exactly the kind of grandiose venue in which you’d want to catch the stately and slightly eccentric Florence Welch. 22 JULY Although its singles have criminally not troubled the charts, we are still loving the latest Goldfrapp album. Catch Alison and Will (above) when they perform at the Roundhouse on 22 July – supported by the much acclaimed Marina & The Diamonds. $ @SQ]`RW\UaeWZZPS QSZSP`ObW\UWbabS\bV O\\WdS`aO`gPgbOYW\U ]dS`bVS@SZS\bZSaa 5O`OUS 6WUVPc`g 1]`\S`<#T]`Oab`W\U ]TUWUa3f^SQb^ZS\bg ]TEWQVWbOO`bWaba b]bOYSbVSabOUS W\QZcRW\UBVS1`WPa :WaagB`cZZWSAYg:O`YW\ 8]V\\g4]`SWU\S` 4W`ab/WR9WbO\RBV]aS 2O\QW\U2Oga4cZZ RSbOWZaObeeeeWQVWbO `SQ]`RW\UaQ][ WED 14 JULY: 4`SaV T`][bVSacQQSaa]T bVSW`ZObSabOZPc[ VWbbW\UbVS\c[PS` be]a^]bW\bVSC9 OZPc[QVO`baO`SdWdSR 4OWbVZSaa^S`T]`[Ob bVS@]c\RV]caSW\ 1O[RS\ 15 JUL-26 SEPT: @Sa^]\aWPZST]` ^`]^SZZW\U;WQVOSZ 0OZZb]TO[S gSO`a OU]/\R`Se:Z]gR ESPPS`¸a/a^SQba =T:]dSUSbaWbaTW`ab :]\R]\`SdWdOZeVS\ O\Se^`]RcQbW]\ Q][Sab]bVS;S\WS` 1V]Q]ZObS4OQb]`g7b WaPSW\URW`SQbSRPgAW` B`Sd]`<c\\eV]OZa] VSZ[SRbVS]`WUW\OZ '&'^`]RcQbW]\BVS QOabWaZSR]\bVWa ]QQOaW]\Pg;WQVOSZ /`RS\O\R:ObVS`W\S 9W\UaZSgO\RT]` bV]aSc\TO[WZWO`eWbV bVSe]`YWbbSZZabVS ab]`g]T^OaaW]\Z]dS O\RZ]aaOQ`]aabV`SS US\S`ObW]\a]TOTO[WZg O\RbVSW`Q][^O\W]\a ³OZZaSbOUOW\abbVS POQYU`]c\R]T'"¸a 4`O\QSO\R7bOZg eee[S\WS`QV]Q] ZObSTOQb]`gQ][ 16-18 JULY: BVS O\\cOZAV]`SRWbQV 4SabWdOZ`Sbc`\ab]3Oab :]\R]\BOYW\U^ZOQS W\AV]`SRWbQV>O`Y W\6OQY\SgbVS`SeWZZ PSORWdS`aSZW\Sc^ ]TS\bS`bOW\[S\b W\QZcRW\UbVS@]gOZ >VWZVO`[]\WQ =`QVSab`OO\R TW`Se]`Ya]\bVS4`WROg %!'!^[³$8cZg O`]abS`]Tc^Q][W\U PO\RaO\RaW\US`a]\ bVSAObc`ROg 16-23 JULY Stand-up fans will find plenty of laughs in Walpole Park (Mattock Lane, W5) for the annual Ealing Comedy Festival. Comics appearing include Stephen K Amos (pictured), Ardal O’Hanlon, Jo Caulfield, Alistair McGowan, Rufus Hound and Emo Phillips. The closing gala on Friday 23 July features Bob Mills, Topping & Butch and Sean Moe. =CbT`]\b 27/@G Grace Jones HIGHLIGHT EVENTS// JULY 2010 Hot Chip 16-18 JULY: Lovebox – the annual music festival in London’s Victoria Park – has cultivated quite a gay following over the past couple of years, always offering a mixture of the cutting-edge and nostalgic. This year will be no exception. In fact, taking place over three days, the Sunday Loveboxevent is aiming to be particularly popular with gay music and clubbing fans. Get along on Sunday 18 July to catch live performances from Grace Jones, Hot Chip, Peaches, Hercules & Love Affair and Hurts, while scene favorite Jonny Woo acts as host on the main stage. There will also be club tents from Horse Meat Disco (with DJs Jim Stanton, Severino, James Hilliard and Luke Howard) and Disco Bloodbath (Dan Beaumont and Damon Martin), while the Bear Your Soul boys will be looking after the VIP tent. The Friday date (16 July) will feature Dizzee Rascal, Anisettes, Ellie Golding, Maccabees and Chew Lips, while Saturday (17 July) will feature Roxy Music, Mark Ronson, Paloma Faith, Wild Beasts and Grandmaster Flash. One day tickets cost £45, or it’s £80 for two days and £99 for three days. Full details at The Horse Meat Disco DJs %^[³%8cZg O\R·E]`ZR7\;]bW]\¸ ]\Ac\ROg&8cZg³O Q]ZZOP]`ObW]\PSbeSS\ bVSAV]`SRWbQVB`cab 0O`PWQO\1S\b`SO\R 5cWZRVOZZAQV]]Z]T ;caWQO\R2`O[O /R[WaaW]\b]OZZ SdS\baWaT`SS1VSQY bVSeSPaWbST]`c^b] RObSZWabW\Ua(eee aV]`SRWbQVTSabWdOZ ]`UcY 24-25 JULY We love ice-cream, which is why we’re always tempted by the now annual Ben & Jerry’s Nuts about Fairtrade Sundae Festival. This year’s event takes place on the 24-25 July on Clapham Common. Back for the sixth year in a row, this fun-filled family fête-style festival will feature fairground attractions, social activism, live music (this year from Billy Bragg, Doves and Cherry Ghost, among others) and plenty of free dollops of Ben & Jerry’s 19 different flavours. Tickets cost £15. & ObbVS@]c\RV]caS W\1O[RS\Oa^O`b ]TbVSWBc\SaTSabWdOZ ac^^]`bSRPg9SZS =YS`SYS 17-18 JULY: 5SSY OZS`bBVS:]\R]\ 4WZ[1][WQ1]\ bOYSa^ZOQSOb3O`Za 1]c`b eWbVUcSaba RcSb]bOYS^O`b W\QZcRW\U8]\ObVO\ 4`OYSaASO\G]c\U O\RbVS]\SO\R ]\ZgEWZZWO[AVOb\S` eeeZ]\R]\TWZ[O\R Q][WQQ]\Q][ SUN 18 JULY:EVOb eWbVUWUO^^SO`O\QSa T`][C\RS`e]`ZR O\R4OWbVZSaabVWa SAT 17 JULY: EWZZ []\bVWabc`\W\UW\b] G]c\UVOaPSS\^`Sbbg a][SbVW\U]TOb`SOb _cWSbbVWagSO`Pcb T]`Z]dS`a]TQZOaaWQ TO\aQO\QObQVVW[W\ 0`WbWaVRO\QSG]cQO\ Q]\QS`b]\AObc`ROg% QObQVa][S[]`SOb 8cZgeVS\VS^S`T]`[a A][S`aSb6]caS]\ Ob9S\e]]R6]caS Ac\ROg&8cZgeVS\ bVSaS[W\OZA]cZ77A]cZ VWbbVSabOUSeee SAT 17 JULY: a][S`aSbV]caS]`UcY C\RS`e]`ZR^S`T]`[ FRI 30 JULY One for all lovers of Euro-trance, dance DJ Tiësto returns to Victoria Park in east London. His 2009 show in the park attracted a whopping 25,000 fans. He’s supported by drum’n’bass duo Pendulum. =CbT`]\b 27/@G >@723:=<2=<7A=<13 /5/7<C>=<CA63@3¸A 3D3@GB67<5G=C<332 B=9<=E/0=CBB63 =44717/:>/@/23/<2 @/::GB/97<5>:/13 =<A/BC@2/G!8C:G >:CA6756:756BA4@=; B63@3;/7<23@=4B63 >@31327<543AB7D/: 4=@B<756B /TbS`bVS^O`ORSbVS`SeWZZPSbVS b`ORWbW]\OZ`OZZgO\RS\bS`bOW\[S\bW\ B`OTOZUO`A_cO`SBVS`SeWZZPS^ZS\bg]T Q][[c\Wbg[O`YSbabOZZa^Zca[OW\abOUS S\bS`bOW\[S\bT`][bVSZWYSa]TAO[S 2WTTS`S\QS?0]g;13\d9g[;OhSZZS PRIDE LONDON 2010 O\R]bVS`a/bbVSbW[S]TU]W\Ub]^`Saa \Sea`SOQVSRcabVObbVSA]V]A_cO`S 2O\QSAbOUSVOaPSS\[]dSRb]:SWQSabS` A_cO`SRcSb]Q`]eR`Sab`WQbW]\aW\ A]V]PSQOcaS]TbVS1`]aa`OWZ`]OR e]`Ya=`UO\WaS`aeVS`SOeOWbW\U¿\OZ Q]\¿`[ObW]\T`][ESab[W\abS`Q]c\QWZ OP]cbbVWaa]YSS^g]c`SgS]\eee ^`WRSZ]\R]\]`UT]`c^RObSa 4]ZZ]eW\UbVS[OW\^O`ORSO\R`OZZg :]\R]\]TTS`aOVcUSaSZSQbW]\]T>`WRS QZcPSdS\baO\R^O`bWSaBVWagSO`bVS >`WRS:]\R]\bSO[O`SbV]eW\UbVSW` ]e\]T¿QWOZ^]ab>`WRS^O`bgBVS[OaaWdS :WPS`ObW]\eWZZbOYS^ZOQSOb9]Y]W\ 1O[RS\O\ReWZZTSObc`SOe]`ZRQZOaa aSZSQbW]\]T28bOZS\b³W\QZcRW\UbVS 4`SS[Oa]\aEOg\S5/\Rg/Z[WUVbg O\RAbSeO`bEV]-/abVS]\Zg·=T¿QWOZ >O`bg¸]\!8cZg]T^`]¿baeWZZPS `Sbc`\SRb]bVSQVO`Wbgb]VSZ^Tc\R\Sfb gSO`¸aT`SS>`WRSSdS\b2]]`aeWZZPS]^S\ T`][^[bWZZ#O[eWbVbWQYSba # ³OdOWZOPZSW\^S`a]\T`][>`]eZS`1Z]\S H]\S2D&O\R9c0O`4`WbVAb`SSb BVS>`WRS:]\R]\]`UO\WaS`aO`SabWZZ]\ bVSZ]]Y]cbT]`d]Zc\bSS`ab]VSZ^bVS[ ]dS`bVSTSabWdOZ7Tg]c¸RZWYSb]bOYS^O`b `SUWabS`g]c`W\bS`SabObbVS>`WRS:]\R]\ eSPaWbSeVWQVg]cQO\OZa]dWaWbb][OYS OQOaVR]\ObW]\b]aV]eg]c`ac^^]`b 4]`[]`SRSbOWZaYSS^QVSQYW\UbVS eSPaWbSObeee^`WRSZ]\R]\]`U³QVSQY ]c`aQS\S^OUSaT`][^OUS"']\eO`Ra T]`[]`SW\T]`[ObW]\]\^]ab>`WRS ^O`bWSaO\ROaa]QWObSRSdS\ba TEXT BY RICHARD BEVAN BVWagSO`>`WRS:]\R]\QSZSP`ObSaO\ W[^]`bO\b[WZSab]\SW\WbaVWab]`gOaWb`SOQVSa WbaT]c`bVRSQORSBVSgaOgbVOb\]]\S Z]dSaOTOW`g]dS`"^OVPcbW\bVWa QOaSeS¸`S^`]cRb]\]bWQSOTSeQ`]e¸a TSSbO\RZOcUVbS`ZW\Sa]\bVSTOQS]T]\S b]cUV]ZRPW`R >`WRS¸abVS[SbVWagSO`Wa·>OW\bbVSB]e\ @cPg@SR(1SZSP`ObW\U"GSO`a]TbVS 5Og:WPS`ObW]\4`]\b¸7b¸aW\Q`SRWPZSb] bVW\YbVObbVWaVcUSO\\cOZSdS\babO`bSR ]cbOaOa[OZZO\RQ]c`OUS]ca^`]bSab [O`QVPOQYW\OR`SO`g1]\aS`dObWdS`c\ Q]c\b`gW\'%7\a^W`SRPgbVSAb]\SeOZZ `W]babVObVORbOYS\^ZOQSbe]gSO`a SO`ZWS`W\<SeG]`YeVS\OUOUUZS]TR`OU _cSS\aTO[]caZgRSTS\RSRbVSW`bS``Wb]`g ObbVSAb]\SeOZZ7\\OUOW\abbVS^]ZWQS bVSC9¸a]e\5Og:WPS`ObW]\4`]\bOZa] [ORSVWab]`geVS\WbRWa`c^bSRO·[]`OZWbg QO[^OWU\¸O\R`OZZgOb;SbV]RWab1S\b`OZ 6OZZ]\'AS^bS[PS`'%BVSSdS\b W\d]ZdW\UeSZZY\]e\0`WbWaV¿Uc`SaO\RO dS`gg]c\U>SbS`BObQVSZZ[ORSVSORZW\Sa W\bVS\ObW]\OZ^`Saa B]ROg>`WRS^O`ORSO\RTSabWdWbWSaO`S VSZRc^O\RR]e\bVSQ]c\b`g4`][O [O`UW\OZWaSR[]dS[S\bW\bVSSO`Zg%¸a WbVOaSd]ZdSRW\b]O[OX]`ac[[S`SdS\b S\R]`aSRPg^]ZWbWQWO\aO\RObb`OQbW\U [OW\ab`SO[^`SaaVWUV^`]¿ZSORdS`bWaW\U O\Rb]c`Waba<]bPORT]`OUO\U]T RSbS`[W\SR^S]^ZSeV]aSb]cbb]QVO\US bVSZWdSa]T:50BT]ZYW\bVWaQ]c\b`gT]` Tcbc`SUS\S`ObW]\a BVWagSO`bVSPWU>`WRS:]\R]\>O`ORS eWZZbOYS^ZOQS]\AObc`ROg!8cZg7beWZZ OUOW\bOYSO`]cbSbV`]cUVbVSESab 3\R¸a^`S[Wc[aV]^^W\UQS\b`SabO`bW\U Ob0OYS`Ab`SSbOb^[eW\RW\UWbaeOg ^Oab0]\RAb`SSbbcPSabObW]\OZ]\U =fT]`RAb`SSbPST]`Sbc`\W\UOb=fT]`R 1W`Qca]\b]@SUS\bAb`SSbBVS\Wb¸aR]e\ b]>WQQORWZZg1W`QcaPST]`Sbc`\W\UW\b] B`OTOZUO`A_cO`SeVS`Sg]c¸ZZ¿\RbVS [OW\abOUS`OZZgO\R[O`YSbabOZZaPST]`S `SOQVW\UWbaRSabW\ObW]\W\EVWbSVOZZ =CbT`]\b 27/@G PRIDE STAGES PRIDE MIDNIGHT MATINEE BVS;WR\WUVb;ObW\SSaO`SRSaWU\SRT]`bVSZObS \WUVbQcZbc`OZSf^Z]`S`@SQ][[S\RSRW\BW[S =cb¸a·BVW\UaB]2]4]`C\RS`OBS\\S`¸]c` 8c\SA^SQWOZQSZSP`ObSaT`SSR][]TSf^`SaaW]\ O\Ra^]\bO\SWbgeWbVOQbaT`][a][S]TbVSC9¸a []abW\\]dObWdSO`bWabaBVSW\TO[]caA^O[O\R 0SO\aeWZZPSV]abW\UbVS\WUVbeVWQV^`][WaSab] PSOa^SQbOQZS]T^S`T]`[O\QS^]Sb`gW\bS`OQbWdS \Se[SRWOW\abOZZObW]\aQ][SRg[caWQO\R RO\QS AObc`ROg'8c\S[WR\WUVbB`WabO\0ObSaBVSOb`S OB]eS`Ab`SSb1]dS\b5O`RS\E1 /R[WaaW]\ #eeeb`WabO\PObSabVSOb`SQ]cY Bourgeois and Maurice COME TOGETHER CONFESSIONS OF A DANCEWHORE >]ZWbWQaO\R^]^QcZbc`S QZOaVW\bVWaT]cZ[]cbVSR bVSOb`WQOZQOPO`Sb³O\ OQQ][^ZWaVSRO\RdWdWR ^S`T]`[O\QST]`SdS`g]\S eV]VOaSdS`TSZbZWYS O\·]bVS`¸@S[WfSR Michael Twait O\R`SdWaWbSRT]`>`WRS 1]\TSaaW]\a]T/ 2O\QSeV]`SeWbV^S`T]`[S`;WQVOSZBeOWbTcaSa Q][SRgPc`ZSa_cSO\RR`OUb]Sf^Z]`SbVS Q]\b`ORWQbW]\aO\RQZWQV{a]T_cSS`ZWTS 4`][;]\ROg 8c\SAObc`ROg!8cZg ObB`OTOZUO`AbcRW]a"EVWbSVOZZ AEBW[S(%"#^[BWQYSba& FUCK, WE’RE FORTY! IMAGE © WWW.PICSBYGAZ.COM >`WRSUSbaO[caWQOZO\RQ][SRg`]OabW\Ub] QSZSP`ObS"gSO`a]TbVS5Og:WPS`ObW]\4`]\b AO\R`O0S`\VO`RAQ]bb1O^c``]>]ZZg@OS 0]c`US]WaO\R;Oc`WQSbVS:]\R]\5Og Ag[^V]\g2]\¸b[Waa BVc`aROg8cZg'!^[Ob:SWQSabS`A_cO`S BVSOb`SEBWQYSba # # GUYS HANGING BVSTW`abU`]c^ SfVWPWbW]\T`][bVS5Og >V]b]U`O^VS`a¸<Sbe]`Y BVSeSSYZ]\USfVWPWbW]\ TSObc`SaOdO`WSbg]Te]`Y T`][P]bV^`]TSaaW]\OZ ^V]b]U`O^VS`aO\R OQQ][^ZWaVSRO[ObSc`a [O\g]TeV][O`S Guys Hanging SfVWPWbW\Ue]`YT]`bVSTW`ab bW[S 7b`c\aT`][;]\ROg &8c\S³AObc`ROg!8cZgObbVS 1]\W\UaPg5OZZS`g!B]bbS\VO[Ab`SSbEBBVS UOZZS`gWa]^S\T`]['O[³$^[ WOMEN’S STAGE - 3 JULY DESIRE /a]\UQgQZSOP]cbUOgZWTSW\/[S`WQOO`]c\R '%'³POaSRc^]\AbObSa]T2SaW`SPg3R[c\R EVWbSEWbV[caWQPg>SbS`;c`^Vg7bVOaOQOab ]T O\RO"^WSQS]`QVSab`O ESR\SaROg!8c\S³4`WROg 8cZg%"#^[Ob bVS/ZPO\g3[^W`S2]cUZOaEOg2S^bT]`RA3& "/5BWQYSba&# &$' """$ 2-2.20pm 2.20-2.40pm 2.40-3pm 3-3.20pm 3.20-3.40pm 3.40-4pm 4-4.20pm 4.20-4.40pm 4.40-5pm 5-5.20pm 5.20-6pm 17:40-18:00 6-6.20pm 6.20-6.40pm 6.40-7pm 7-7.20pm 7.20-7.40pm 7.40-8pm RUFUS WAINWRIGHT BVWaa^SQWOZQ]\QS`b eWZZaSSVW[^ZOgW\UO a^SQWOZaSZSQbW]\]TVWa []ab^]^cZO`a]\Ua [ObS`WOZT`][VWa\Se OZPc[/ZZ2Oga/`S <WUVba(A]\Ua4]`:cZc ^Zcae]`YaT`][VWa Q`WbWQOZZgOQQZOW[SR Rufus Wainwright 8cRg5O`ZO\Rb`WPcbS ·@cTca2]Sa8cRg¸EW\OdS`ga^SQWOZ^OQYOUS W\RSSReWbV>`WRS:]\R]\4SabWdOZ4]`b\WUVb AObc`ROg!8cZg%!^[Ob9S\e]]R6]caS 6O[^abSORBWQYSba!"# eee^WQ\WQQ]\QS`baQ][ ROSIE WILBY : THE SCIENCE OF SEX 4]ZZ]eW\UVS` ^S`T]`[O\QSaObbVS Rosie Wilby 3RW\Pc`UV4`W\USO\R :SWQSabS`A_cO`SBVSOb`S^ZcaaSZZ]cbaV]eaOb 1O[RS\4`W\US1O[P`WRUS1][SRg4SabWdOZ O\R1O[P`WRUSAQWS\QS4SabWdOZT]`[S`4c\\g E][S\TW\OZWab@]aWSEWZPg^`SaS\baVS`4`W\US @S^]`bOeO`ReW\\W\UaV]eW\dSabWUObW\UbVS aQWS\QS]TObb`OQbW]\aSfcOZQVS[Wab`gO\RaSfcOZ WRS\bWbg BVc`a4`W " #8c\S&^[ObBVS2`WZZ6OZZ $ 1VS\WSaAb:]\R]\E1BWQYSba&Q]\Qa %!%#$ Line up to be confirmed at the time of going to press, but confirmed acts include Nick Mager, Scarlettz, Massive Ego (pictured), Greymatter, Kelly Pepper, the cast of Wicked The Musical, Waterloo, Tight Fit, Same Difference, MC Env, Christopher James, Big Dance, Dirty Flag, Q Boy, the Freemason featuring Amanda Wilson and Kym Mazelle. Planned to take place at the junction of Dean Street and Romilly Street, Soho – however, do check the Pride website for confirmation. Due to Crossrail roadworks in the area, the Women’s Stage was under threat of cancellation at the time of going to press. If it does go ahead, it will offer an eclectic mix of music, dance and DJ acts. Listings as follows: DJ Emily Capell DJ Genniva (r’n’ singer) Sarah Campbell Scarlettes We Rock Like Girls Dont DJ Black Nazarene DJ Lala Nicolette Street DJ Lil Jo MC Angel (Hip Hop) DJ Sandra D Laura Steel (electro/pop) DJ Lil Jo Headline act (TBC) DJ Sandra D DANCE SQUARE IMAGE © MIKEKEAR FESTIVAL FORTNIGHT HIGHLIGHTS >`WRS:]\R]\O\R?cSS`?cSabW]\BW[S^`SaS\b O\OTbS`\]]\]TTWZ[O\RRSPObSQSZSP`ObW\U" gSO`a]TbVS5Og:WPS`ObW]\4`]\b AObc`ROg $8c\ST`][!^[ObbVS3ZSQb`WQ 1W\S[O<]bbW\U6WZZ'>]`b]PSZZ]@]ORE TRAFALGAR SQUARE – 3 JULY At the time of going to press, Pride organisers informed us that the Dance stage was being moved to Leicester Square on 3 July. The team from Fire and Area are once again looking after the soundsystem, and DJs include the following: 2-3pm 3-4pm 4-5pm 5-6pm 6-7pm 7-8pm Jonny M Terry Bryan Mikey D and Jamie Head The Oli and Paul Martin Steve Pitron (pictured) and Alan K The Sharp Boys =CbdWSe 1=:C;7<7AB HOLDING THE MAN 9<756B6==A=<7A;=D320G/@313<B:=<2=< B63/B@3=CB7<5¬ 7¸[\]ba][S]\SeV]`SOZZgQ`WSa[cQV7eWaV7eOa 7OR[W`S^S]^ZSeV]O`SbVOb]^S\eWbVbVSW`TSSZW\Ua7 UcSaabVS`SWa[]`S]TbVS`S^`SaaSRE/A>W\[SbVO\7QO`S b]OR[Wb6]eSdS`7[ORSc^T]`WbObO`SQS\b^S`T]`[O\QS ]T6]ZRW\UBVS;O\ObbVSB`OTOZUO`AbcRW]a/TbS`ZOcUVW\U bV`]cUV/QbP]^^W\UW\[gaSObb]bVS&¸aVWbaO\R V]^W\UbVObbVSac^S`V]b;ObbHS`S[SaeOaU]W\Ub] bOYS]TTVWab]^7aSbbZSRR]e\T]`/Qb eWbVOaS\aS]T T]`SP]RW\U ;gVc\QVeOa`WUVb>O`beOgbV`]cUVbVSaSQ]\ROQb7 T]c\R[g\]aSabO`bW\Ub]bW\UZS7PSUO\b]RWUO`]c\RW\[g XOQYSbV]^W\UbVObbVS`SeOaObWaacSW\bVS`Sa][SeVS`SOa 7Y\SebVObbVW\UaeS`S OP]cbb]USb[Saag/\R bVSgRWR0gbVSbW[S eSU]bb]bVSS\R[g [OaQO`OeOaOZZ]dS`[g TOQSO\R7eOaOe`SQY /aeSS[S`USRW\b] 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I HAVE TO STOP MYSELF SOMETIMES. 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SOME JOURNALISTS ARE HATEFUL, TOO $ EVOb¸abVWaOP]cbg]cO^^`]OQVW\UB][1`cWaSGSOVVS¸aZ]]YW\UObbVWaaQ`W^b7e`]bSA][S]\S 7Y\]e^OaaSRWb]\b]VW[7e`]bS]\BeWbbS`b] B][1`cWaSaOgW\U·7Y\]eg]c¸`SRgaZSfWQ7¸dS e`WbbS\OTWZ[aQ`W^b1O\7aS\RWbb]g]c-¸7U]b aZObSRW\bVS^`SaaaOgW\U·EVge]cZRB][1`cWaS eO\bb]PSW\bS`SabSRW\ORWQYVSORZWYS:SS-¸ :SS¸a2]cPZS/AWRSaW\UZS·7/[EV]7 A]7Xcabbc`\SRO`]c\RO\ReS\b·4cQYg]c7¸[ /[¸¸ASQ`Sb:]dS¸Wa]cb"bV8cZg U]W\Ub][OYSac`SWbZO\RaW\VWaVO\Ra¸7O[ W\bVS^`]QSaa]TR]W\UWbO\ReVS\VSQ][Sa =Cb\]e You could never accuse Kylie – these days – of not knowing what her audience wants. Aphrodite is – incredibly – her eleventh studio album, and like 2007’s X, it’s another sumptuous collection of dance-pop thumpers. In fact, featuring a pick’n’mix selection of acclaimed dancefloor luminaries, it could in fact just have been titled X2. Calvin Harris, Stuart Price, Richard X, Jake Shears and Nerina Pallot have all had a hand in its creation, seemingly out-competing one another to come up with the quintessential Kylie track. For fans, there will be highlights aplenty. You’ll already be familiar with lead single ‘All The Lovers’. ‘Get Outta My Way’ bounces along like the step-sister of ‘Love At First Sight’. ‘Put Your Hands Up (If You Feel Love)’ completes a strong opening trio of power pop. Penned by Stuart Price, ‘Closer’ is euro-disco cheese, with some distorted Mozart-style piano that makes it sound like Falco humping Giorgio Moroder. It’s an album track rather than a single, as is ‘Everything Is Beautiful’. Cowritten by Tim Rice-Oxley (Keane), it’s a piano-driven disco cut that fails to make an impression. Vocally, even Kylie sounds a little bored. Fortunately, things pick up again for title track ‘Aphrodite’; an album highlight. It’s the first number where Kylie drops the breathy, synthesised vocals and adds a dollop of genuine attitude into the mix. A strong contender for future single is ‘Better Than Today’, which bounces along with a genuine sense of joie de vivre. “What’s the point in living if you don’t take a chance… what’s the point in living if you don’t want to dance?” chirps Kylie on one of the album’s most addictive tunes. Similarly, ‘Looking For An Angel’ (another Price offering) drops all pretence towards cool sophistication, and offers instead heavenly backing vocals and an irritatingly simple chorus. Kylie herself has described the record as ‘euphoric’, and she’s not far wrong. If there was anything missing, it’s that sense of Kylie herself. Lyrics have never been Miss Minogue’s strong point, and we again get little sense of what’s really going on beneath the surface. Perhaps that’s expecting too much. If you want something to lose yourself to beneath the mirror ball, Aphrodite hits all the right notes. DH ALBUMS OUT IN JULY 2010 KYLIE Aphrodite (Parlophone) +++++ Out: 5 July FEEDER Renegades (Big Teeth Music) They say life begins at 40, but when Feeder launched their sixth studio album, Silent Cry, two years ago, you might have been forgiven for thinking that these 40 year-old rockers had reached their sell-by date and ought to settle down with a pipe and slippers. Indeed, following the record’s mixed reception and underwhelming sales, the London trio seemed to quietly edge away into hiding – that is, until last December, when the Feeder website mysteriously featured the word ‘Renegades’, pre-empting the release of one of the most exciting alternative rock albums of 2010. Earlier this year, the band played a number of ‘undercover’ shows under the name Renegades, road-testing new material. Though the new guise seemed to hint at a desire to break ties with the old Feeder and start afresh, Renegades harks back to their grubbier, grungier roots. Reminiscent of ‘Polythene’ and the ‘Swim’ EP, the album is driven by heavy bass hooks and crunching guitar riffs. Self-releasing on their new label, Feeder are enjoying a newfound creative and commercial freedom which is reflected in the raw, unharnessed energy of Renegades. Geared towards fans rather than airplay, tracks such as the gritty, fast-tempo ‘Barking Dogs’ are certainly no ‘Buck Rogers’. Though less radio-friendly however, ‘Renegades’ retains the sing-along factor of ‘Echo Park’, with the anthemic title-track and upcoming single, ‘Call Out’, just begging to be played live at this summer’s festivals. IB TOM JONES Praise and Blame (Island Records) Now aged 70, Sir Tom Jones is perhaps contemplating his musical legacy. Either that or he’s eyed the success that Rod Stewart has reaped with his American Songbook series of albums and thought ‘I fancy some of that!’. New album Praise & Blame takes him as far away from the kitsch ‘Sex Bomb’ image that he’s been lumbered with over recent years and into all-together more bluesy direction. It’s described, somewhat portentously on the accompanying press release, as an album that ‘examines choice and responsibility via a musical journey through the traditional spiritual repertoire’. Hooking up with producer/musican Ethan Johns, Jones offers a collection of 11 covers, kicking off with a brooding version of Bob Dylan’s somewhat funereal ‘What Good Am I’. What follows is a selection of gospel (Mahalia Jackson’s ‘Didn’t It Rain’), traditional blues (Blind Willie Johnson’s ‘Nobody’s Fault But Mine’) a bit of country (Don Gibson’s ‘You Don’t Knock’), and a couple of Jonny Cash songs, with the odd contemporary number (such as Cat Power’s ‘Lord Help’) demonstrating that Sir Tom can still belt them out. It’s a consistent and lovingly crafted piece of work, and whatever the motivation behind making it, Jones never comes across as anything less than sincere is his treatment of these earthy, bluesy numbers. That said, with a lack of obvious singles, it’s not entirely clear who the audience for this work will be, but it definitely deserves to be heard. DH +++++ Out: 26 July PROFESSOR GREEN Alive Till I’m Dead (Virgin Records) Having already scored a massive hit with his re-working of the old INXS hit ‘I Need You Tonight’, London’s own Professor Green looks set to consolidate his success with the release of his debut album. An underground star of the London rap scene, plenty of Alive Till I’m Dead comes across as straightforward macho rap, but the references are firmly rooted within the UK – whether it be name-checking George Best or his neighbourhood Hackney streets. Green also likes his ladies, and he even gets sensitive and reflective towards the end of the album on tracks such as ‘Where Do We Go?’ and ‘Closing The Door’. The pace remains fairly fast and frenetic, and musically, Green draws upon a range of influences – from electronica to drum’n’bass, De La Soul to The Streets. The album undoubtedly kickstarts with its three best tracks – all of which tellingly feature strong backing vocals from some feisty females – most notably Lily Allen on ‘Just Be Good To Green’ (the next single). It’s a rap mash-up of the SOS Band’s ‘Just Be Good To Me’ and Beats International’s ‘Dub Be Good To Me’. As such, it can’t really fail. ‘Monster’, featuring Example, re-asserts the impression that Green is at his best when playing off another act. The tracks that are Green alone are less satisfactory. That said, this remains a decent opening salvo from Professor Green, who takes his place amongst the UK’s growing number of audacious rap talents. MS +++++ +++++ Out: 5 July Out: 19 July & REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON, IRINA BUZNEA AND MAX SKÖNJSBERG IMAGE © WILLIAM BAKER ;CA71 ' =Cb\]e ;CA71 Inju5tice (L-R): Matt, Luke, Harry, Kyle and Chris HIGH FIVE 4=::=E7<5B63AC113AA=48:A3F>31B/<3E 0/B16=40=G0/<2AB=B@GB637@:C197<B63 16/@BA47@AB=44B63AB/@B7<50:=19(7<8C#B713 0SbeSS\5W`Za/Z]cRO\RAcUOPOPSaUW`ZPO\Ra ^`Sbbg[cQVVORbVS\]cUVbWSaaSe\c^C\bWZ bVSO``WdOZ]T8:AbVSRSQORSeOa^`Sbbg[cQV OP]gPO\RRSaS`bGSaBOYSBVOb0]gh]\SO\R 0ZcSVOdSOZZ`ST]`[SR¬PcbbVSgO`S\]Z]\US` P]ga<]eVS`SQ][S7\Xc#bWQS`SORgb]P`W\U POQYbVSROga]TZObS'a^]^BVW\YAbS^aBVW\Y A1ZcP%BVW\YO[OhW\U 6O``g':cYS ;Obb 9gZS%O\R 1V`Wa OZZO\aeS`SRO\ORW\BVSAbOUSO\R \]ebVSgO`S^`S^O`W\Ub]OaaOcZbbVSQVO`ba ³]\SPOQYTZW^ObObW[S;WQVOSZBc`\PcZZ[Sb bVS[b]TW\R]cbbVSW`[OabS`^ZO\ A=5CGAE6/BE3@3G=C2=7<5034=@3 7<8C#B7136O``g(7VORXcabU]bW\b];O[[O;WObVS\7aOe bVWa7OcRWbW]\SRO\RbVSg]TTS`SR[SbVSX]P ab`OWUVbOeOg :cYS(7RWROPcaW\SaaRSU`SSa]7eOaU]W\UW\ Q][^ZSbSZgbVS]^^]aWbSRW`SQbW]\ 9gZS(7VOROZ]b]TQ]c`aSe]`Y]\O\ReOa\¸b U]W\Ub]U]7U]bbVS`SO\RbVS`SeS`SOZ]b]T U]]RZ]]YW\UUcgabVS`S7bV]cUVb·=V5]R¬O Z]b]TQ][^SbWbW]\¸ 1V`Wa(7eOab`gW\Ub]P`SOYW\b]BDe]`Y7¸dS OZeOgaeO\bSRb]PSW\OP]gPO\RBVS`SO`S\] P]gPO\RaObbVS[][S\bO\RbVS^]^aQS\SWa a]]^S\\]eeWbV5OUOO\R:O@]cf E6=¸AG=C@4/D=C@7B30=G0/<2:cYS(>`]POPZg<ag\Q7`SOZZgZWYSbVSW`a]\Ua 6O``g(;W\SWa0OQYab`SSb0]ga ! 1V`Wa(0OQYW\bVS'a^]^eOaW\Wba^`W[S7U`Se c^b]0]gh]\S 9gZS(>`]POPZg8:A7O[\]bac`SOP]cbbVSW` ZObSaba]\UbV]cUV7baO[^ZSaBVSA]c\R=T ;caWQ³OP]ZRQV]WQS ;Obb(0]gh77;S\O`S[gTOd]c`WbSP]gPO\R¬O PWb[]`S;]b]e\7O^^`SQWObSbVSaW\UW\UO\R VO`[]\WSa E6716;3;03@E=C:2G=C;=AB:793:G 037<G=C@4/D=C@7B30=G0/<2- :cYS(7b¸aU]bb]PS8cabW\BW[PS`ZOYS 6O``g(7e]cZRPSSWbVS`0`WO\]`/87R]\¸bVOdS O\gbObaa]7e]cZRPS0`WO\ 1V`Wa(0OQYW\bVSROg@]\O\eOabVS[OW\Ucg7 OZeOgaeO\bSRb]PSZWYSVW[ 9gZS(?cWbSOZ]b]TbVSTO\aQ][^O`S[Sb]/abW\ =\SUW`ZaOWRaVSb]]YVWa^]abS`R]e\O\R^cb [W\Sc^I:OcUVaK B63@3/@3CAC/::G27443@3<B@=:3A 7<0=G0/<2AB636=B0CB<=BA= B/:3<B32=<3B632/<13@B635/G=<3 /@3G=C5CGAB63A/;3:cYS(ESOZZe]`YOaObSO[`SOZZgBVS`S¸a\]]\S ZWYS<WQ]ZSAQVS`hW\US`>caagQOb2]ZZaESOZZ aW\U]c`]e\PWba E6/B2=G=C3/160@7<5B=B630/<2:cYS(BVSgaOg7¸[bVS2ORRg¬OZbV]cUV6O``g bOYSabVS^WaaO\RQOZZa[SbVS;c[[g 6O``g(=\abOUS7P`W\UO[O\Zg^`SaS\QS 1V`Wa(7O[^`]cRb]PSESZaVO\R7¸[[WfSR`OQS b]]>S]^ZSQOZZ[SQVO`[W\UBVS]bVS`ab`gb] PSI:OcUVaK ;Obb(0`SOYRO\QW\UESTWUc`SRbVObZORaeV] VORQ][SeWbVbVSW`UW`ZT`WS\Ra[Og\]bZWYS]c` [caWQa]eSeO\bSRb]UWdSbVS[a][SbVW\Ub] eObQVA][SZORaaSSbVSaSPO\RaO\RbVW\Y·=V eVObOPc\QV]TUOgP]ga¸PcbbVS\bVSgaSSbVS P`SOYRO\QW\UO\RWbOZZQZWQYa 0=G0/<2A=4B3<6/D3/5/G;3;03@ 2=3A7<8C#B713;Obb(3dS`g]\SVOaUOgbS\RS\QWSaO\ReSQO\ OQbQO[^W\OTc\\geOg7aOgg]cTOZZW\Z]dSeWbV eV]g]cTOZZW\Z]dSeWbVPSWbO[O\]`Oe][O\ 6O``g(ES¸`SOZZXcabOPc\QV]T\]`[OZZORaES¸`S \]bQO[^]`TS[W\W\S]`O\gbVW\UZWYSbVObBW[S eWZZbSZZbV]cUV 1V`Wa(ESO`SOZZaW\UZS)bVSPO\RWa]c`[OW\ ^`W]`Wbg7O[]\bVS^`]eZbV]cUV=c`TO\aO`SO PWbb]]g]c\UPcbOZ]b]TbVSaWfbVT]`[S`aVOdS abOgSRPSVW\Rb]VOdSOa\SOY^`SdWSeBVS\bVSg ORRg]c]\4OQSP]]Y7b¸aZWYS·=97¸ZZaS\RVS`O ZWbbZS^]YS¸ E7::G=C03:793B/93B6/B/BB63 0357<<7<5=4B637@1/@33@/<2AB/@B @C<<7<5/@=C<27<>D1:cYS(I:OcUVaK<]PcbWTeSQO\USbVOZTbVS acQQSaabVSg¸dSU]beS¸RPS]dS`bVS[]]\ 9gZS(ESO`SdS`g]^S\b]R]O\gbVW\UO\R7bVW\Y bVSUOg[O`YSbWaOdS`gPWU[O`YSb7TbVSgeO\b WbbVS\eVg\]b¬UWdSbVS[a][SbVW\Ub]aSS ES¸`S\]bZW[WbW\U]c`aSZdSa ;Obb(7TeSR]UOgQZcPag]c¸dSU]bb]^ZSOaSbVS Q`]eRO\RbOYSg]c`b]^]TT7RWRWbObbVSZOc\QV ^O`bg7¸[^`]POPZgbVSTW`ab]\Sb]bOYS[gb]^]TT ³7¸[a]V]bOTbS`bVSRO\QW\U 7<B63>@3AA@3:3/A37BA/GAG=C@ /:0C;7AA6/>7<5C>B=03=<3=4B63 07553AB/:0C;A=4 B6=A3/@3075 E=@2A 9gZS(7bVW\YeSVOdSbVS^]bS\bWOZESO`SOZZ dS`gbOZS\bSR7bVW\YOZ]b]T^S]^ZSeWZZPSbOZYW\U OP]cb]c`[caWQeVSbVS`U]]R]`POR Inju5tice’s debut album, World’s Most Wanted, is out 19 July, followed by the debut single, ‘Long Long Way From Home’, on 26 July. =Cb\]e 47:; FILMS OUT IN JULY THE BEST DVDS JULY ’10 GAY SEX IN THE 70S HEARTBREAKER This really should be subtitled Gay Sex in the 70s (in New York), as the bulk of this film concentrates on that city (and nearby Fire Island). However, don’t let that put you off. Told mainly through interviews with those who lived through the period, it’s a fascinating glimpse at a decade of Bacchanalian excess; the ‘free-love’ period following the 1969 Stonewall riots, through disco, gay liberation and bathhouses, until the party ended with the advent of AIDS in 1981. OUT: 2 JULY +++++ bVWaWaacTTWQWS\bQOcaST]`aS^O`ObW]\O\RbVS 6SO`bP`SOYS`¸aaS`dWQSaO`SS\ZWabSR/\Ra]¬bVS QVOaSPSUW\a /ZSfT]ZZ]ea8cZWSbbSb];]\OQ]eVS`SaVS¸abOYS\ ZSOdST`][VS`X]POaOeW\SQ]\\]WaaSc`V]e 4`S\QVW\]`RS`b]^`S^O`ST]`VS`eSRRW\U/\R T`][bVS`SbVW\UaUObVS`^OQSBVS`OdWaVW\UZg PSOcbWTcZO\RTWS`QSZgW\RS^S\RS\b8cZWSbbSaOaVOga T`][aQS\Sb]ac[^bc]caaQS\SeWbVQ][^ZSbS W\RWTTS`S\QSb]eO`Ra/ZSf¸a^`SdW]caZgc\OaaOWZOPZS QVO`[a/ZSfW\bc`\PSQ][SaW\Q`SOaW\UZg RSa^S`ObSO\RVWac\]`bV]R]fSTT]`bab]eW\ VS`OTTSQbW]\³OPSbbSRO\RW[^SRSRPgVWabe] OaaWabO\ba³aSSVW[aYSZbS`bV`]cUVaQS\O`W]aP]bV VO^VOhO`RO\RVWZO`W]caBVS^OQSWaSfVWZO`ObW\U O\RWbaVc[]c`S\RSO`W\UO\RSTTSQbWdSSdS\ eVS\`SZOgSRbV`]cUVacPbWbZSa6]eSdS`bVS`SOZ R`OeaO`SbVSTWZ[¸a[OU\SbWQZSORa0]bVSfQSZW\ `]ZSabVObacWbbVS[^S`TSQbZgO\ROabVSTWZ[R`Oea b]Wbaa][SeVObOPac`RPcba][SV]eQ]\dW\QW\U Q]\QZcaW]\Wb¸aZWYSZgbVS6SO`bP`SOYS`eWZZVOdS e]\g]c`VSO`bOaeSZZ8=¸1 =cb( 8cZg +++++ THE REBOUND AO\Rg1ObVS`W\SHSbO8]\SaWaO[WRRZSOUSR e][O\eV]c^]\RWaQ]dS`W\UbVObVS`VcaPO\R VOaPSS\QVSObW\U]\VS`ZSOdSabVSaOTSacPc`P eVS`SaVSVOa^`SdW]caZg`SaWRSRO\R[]dSab] ;O\VObbO\eWbVVS`YWRab]abO`bO\SeZWTS/TbS` \c[S`]caTOWZSRRObSaeWbV[S\]TVS`]e\OUS aVSWU\WbSaOa^O`YeWbVPOPgTOQSRPO``WabS` /`O[8cabW\0O`bVOPcbV]e^`OQbWQOZWaWbT]`O VO`Re]`YW\U[]bVS`]Tbe]b]bV`]eVS`aSZTW\b]O `SZObW]\aVW^eWbVa][S]\S#gSO`aVS`Xc\W]`ASfg]ZRS`e][S\RObW\Ub]gP]gaWaOb`S\Rg Q]\QS^bW\6]ZZge]]RObbVS[][S\bT]ZZ]eW\U bVSBDaS`WSa1]cUO`B]e\eWbV1]c`b\Sg1]f 6]eSdS`^S`VO^aT`][O3c`]^SO\^S`a^SQbWdS bVSTcaa]dS`OUSRWTTS`S\QSTSSZaaZWUVbZg SfOUUS`ObSR)Sa^SQWOZZgOabVSZSORW\UOQb]`aVS`S Z]]Yb]PSOP]cbbVSaO[SOUS BVObaOWRBVS@SP]c\R]TTS`aP]bVVWUVaO\R Z]eaBVST]`[S`W\QZcRSa][SUS\cW\SZgTc\\g aQS\SaacQVOabVS]\SeWbVO^O`bWQcZO`ZgdW]ZS\b aSZTRSTS\QSQ]c`aSBVSZ]eaO`SbVSb`WdWOZWbWSa ! THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO Adaptations of bestselling novels can often be disappointing, but this Swedish take on the first novel in the late Stieg Larsson’s Millennium trilogy is a gripping and atmospheric success. It follows journalist Mikael Blomqvist and goth computer hacker Lisbeth Salander as they battle to solve a 40 -year-old mystery: Don’t be put off by the subtitles – this is a cracking thriller. OUT: 19 JULY +++++ RAGING SUN, RAGING SKY When his lover, Ryo, is abducted, Kieri sets out on a quest to find him under the watchful eye of a female spirit. A stylish, sensual and award-winning epic from underrated Mexican auteur Julián Hernández, Raging Sun, Raging Sky is not going to be to everyone’s tastes – if only for its 191-minute duration. However, those who persevere be rewarded with a ravishing piece of world cinema. OUT: 12 JULY +++++ OTTO, OR UP WITH DEAD PEOPLE bVObZWSPSbeSS\acQVaQS\SaBVS`SO`SOZa]a][S [][S\ba]T^c`SQ`W\USe]`bVW\Saa³cacOZZg W\d]ZdW\UAO\Rg¸aQcbSPcbO\\]gW\UYWRa >]^ZSUS\R/`b5O`Tc\YSZ^ZOga/`O[¸aTObVS` O\RVSb]USbVS`eWbVVgabS`WQOZ[]bVS`@]PS`bO 8]O\\O5ZSOa]\ORRSfb`OVc[]c`O\ReO`[bV C\ZWYS[O\gTWZ[aW\bVSUS\`SBVS@SP]c\RUSba PSbbS`b]eO`RaWbaTW\OZS³O\ReVWZS\SWbVS`bVSYW\R ]TTWZ[bVObeWZZQVO\USg]c`ZWTSWb¸a\]b]\Sg]ceWZZ `SU`SbeObQVW\USWbVS`;A =cb( &8cZg +++++ Anything by radical queer filmmaker Bruce La Bruce is pretty sure to divide opinion and unlikely to reach out beyond the cult film circuit. However, if you’ve previously enjoyed his work then you might warm to this – possibly the world’s first gay zombie romance. Otto (Jey Crisfar) is the undead character of the title, staggering around Berlin seeking to find a lost love. Not quite porn, horror or love story, but as always with La Bruce, rather unique. OUT: 12 JULY +++++ REVIEWS: JON O ‘CEALLAIGH AND MAX SKJÖNSBERG BV]cUV6SO`bP`SOYS`WaO`Sa]ZcbSZg4`S\QVTWZ[ T]`USbOZZg]c`^`SQ]\QS^bW]\aOP]cb4`S\QV QW\S[O@][OW\2c`WaBVS0SObBVOb;g6SO`b AYW^^SR^ZOgaacOdSO\Ra]^VWabWQObSR/ZSfbVS W[^]aaWPZgVO\Ra][SO\RRSP]\OW`^`]bOU]\Wab eV]RSRWQObSaVWaZWTSb]`SaQcW\URO[aSZaW\ RWab`Saa0cb\]bW\OQ]\dS\bW]\OZeOg³VS¸aO VW`SRVO\RUWdS\bVSbOaY]TaSRcQW\Ue][S\ W\RO[OUW\U`SZObW]\aVW^aW\]`RS`b]aV]ebVS[ bVObZSU`O\RO[]c`WaabWZZ]cbbVS`S6Waab`WYS`ObS Waa^SQbOQcZO`)T`][;O``OYSQVb]0SWXW\Ue][S\ TOZZT]`VWaQVO`[aO\R]cb]TZ]dSeWbVbVS^WbWTcZZg TZOeSRTOQaW[WZSa]T[OaQcZW\WbgbVSgVORa]PZW\RZg T]]ZWaVZgOR]`SR 8cZWSbbSDO\SaaO>O`ORWaOYO8]V\\g2S^^¸a ]bVS`VOZTR]Sa\¸baSS[b]\SSRVWaVSZ^ bV]cUV6S`TWO\Q{WabVSW\Q`SRWPZgVO\Ra][S W[^]aaWPZgeSOZbVgO\Rc\W[OUW\OPZgQ]\aWRS`ObS 3\UZWaV[O\8]\ObVO\/\R`Se:W\Q]Z\³BVWa :WTSBVSg¸`SRcSb]PS[O``WSRW\TWdSROgaO\R OZbV]cUVSdS`gbVW\UaSS[a^S`TSQb8cZWSbbS¸a TObVS`WaQ]\QS`\SR7b¸aXcabbVObeSZZ8]\ObVO\¸a a][SeVOb¬P]`W\U/b`WTZW\UW\QWRS\bOZb]PZO\R 0`Wba^S`VO^aPcbW\bVS4`S\QVaQVS[S]TbVW\Ua !! 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After Holding the Man and Dirty White Boy, get ready for Wolfboy. Described as a “psycho-sexual musical thriller”, it will be the first full-scale musical to be performed at the Trafalgar 2. It’s about two boys having an intimate adventure – one being a street hustler who may or may not have the powers of a wolf! Gregg Lowe and Paul Holowaty, the latter known as the badboy Macki in Hollyoaks, play the two boys. Wolfboy premiered at last year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival with the same cast, and was described as one critic as: “Mind-blowingly brilliant.” It runs between 5 July and 31 July with tickets at £30. A DIFFERENT DANCE Box Office: 0844 871 7632 32E/@25/;:7<@3D73EA/4B3@B632/<13 !$ +++++ BEASTLY PERFORMANCE PHOTOS © HUGO GLENDINNING TOQW\U`SOZWbg/a6SZS\^S`acORSa2OdWRb]UWdS c^R`W\YT]`VSOZbV`SOa]\aa]PS``SOZWaObW]\a OP]cbbV]aSO`]c\RVW[aW\YW\³T`][VWaT`WS\Ra¸ aVOZZ]e\Saab]>SbS`¸aW\abOPWZWbWSa EVWZSRW`SQb]`BVSOAVO``]QY¸a5ObSBVSOb`S W\<]bbW\U6WZZWaY\]e\T]`Wba[]`SSa]bS`WQ ^`]RcQbW]\aVS`e]`Y]\/TbS`bVS2O\QSWa ^c`Sb`ORWbW]\OZWa[EVWZS2O\QSWaQZSO`Zg O^`]RcQb]TWbaS`OAVO``]QYR`OeacaPOQY b]^`S; #:]\R]\)bVSYW\R]Te]`ZReVS`S ^S]^ZSO`SXcRUSRPgbVSabWTT\Saa]TbVSW`c^^S` ZW^aO\ReVS`S[]dW\Ub];O\QVSabS`e]cZRPS Q]\aWRS`SRORSObVaS\bS\QS1`SRWb[cabOZa] PSUWdS\b]6WZRSUO`R0SQVbZS`T]`VS`ZOdWaVZg RSbOWZSRaSbO\R;O`Y6S\RS`a]\T]`VWaa]TbgSb STTSQbWdSZWUVbW\U`S[W\RW\UcaOZZ]TbVSPSOcbgW\ Oe]`ZReWbV]cbVOZ]US\ZO[^aW\SdS`g`]][ EVS`SbVS^ZOgaVW\SabV`]cUVb][]RS`\bW[Sa V]eSdS`WaW\]\S]TWba[]abRObSROa^SQba(bVS ZO\UcOUS/ad]QOZWaSRW\'!¸aaZO\UbVSe]`ab bWbZST]`O\gP]RgW\2OdWR¸ae]`ZRWaO·P]`S¸³PS bVOba][S]\SeWbVO^`]^S`X]PO[PWbW]\a]`O RSaW`Sb]ZSOdSbVSaQS\SEVWZS@ObbWUO\³UOg VW[aSZT³RWR\¸bVOdSOQWbgTcZZ]TOZZ\WUVb UOgQZcPab]R`W\YO\RRO\QSOeOgW\bVS QVO`OQbS`a¸S[^VOaWa]\YSS^W\UP]bV bVS^O`bgO\RbVSW`W[OUSU]W\UWa [OW\bOW\SR]\ZgbV`]cUVbVSaOQ`WTWQS ]TeVOb¸a`SOZZgW[^]`bO\b)PSWbTO[WZg `SZObW]\ab`cSZ]dS]`e]`ZRSdS\ba ObZO`US6]e[O\g[S[PS`a]T]c` ]e\Q][[c\WbgTSO`PSW\UQOZZSR O·P]`S¸O\RV]e[O\gZWYS2OdWR eWZZ]\Zg`SOZWaSbVSQ]aba]TX]W\W\U bVSRO\QSZSbOZ]\SZSOdW\UeVS\ bVSgVOdSb]b`g La Bête is one of this year’s major West End revivals. Written in 1991 by American David Hirson, and first performed on Broadway, it proved something of a failure in the US but a hit in the UK. The subsequent West End version was awarded an Oliver Award for Best Comedy of the year. The play is set in 17th century France and is inspired by the works of Molière, arguably the most prominent French playwright of all time and famous for his farces (la bête means ‘the beast’). This new production will feature Mark Rylance, David Hyde Pierce (Niles from Frasier) and Joanna Lumley. It’s playing between 26 June and 4 September at the Comedy Theatre (SW1) with tickets costing £10-45. Box Office: 0844 871 7622 MORE WILLY The revivals of Willy Russell’s Educating Rita and Shirley Valentine proved so successful at the Menier Chocolate Factory earlier this year that the productions have now been transferred to the Trafalgar Studios. The plays are among Russell’s most famous and were both made into highly-acclaimed films in the 80s, receiving BAFTA awards and Oscar-nominations. This stage-adaption of Education Rita is stars Laura Dos Santos as the hairdresser Rita and Larry Lamb as her drunken Open University-teacher. Glen Walford is directing Shirley Valentine, a monologue telling the story of a housewife (Meera Syal) experiencing a midlife crisis and whose life suddenly changes after a holiday abroad. They will run between 20 July and 30 October with full price tickets for £44.50. PHOTOS © JCATHERINE ASHMORE 7b¸aOZeOgaOX]gb]aSSbVS<ObW]\OZBVSOb`S R]W\UeVObbVSgR]PSab(ZOdWaV^`]RcQbW]\a ]TQZOaaWQ0`WbWaVR`O[O³O\RR]cPZga]eVS\ bVSgRWUO[]`S]PaQc`Se]`Y]cbT`][O ^ZOge`WUVb¸a`S^S`b]W`SBVW\Ua]\ZgUSbPSbbS` eVS\O\S\bW`SZg\Se[]RS`\acPbSfbWa`SdSOZSR ]\SbVObBS`S\QS@ObbWUO\VW[aSZTQ]cZR\SdS` VOdSS\dWaW]\SRT]`/TbS`bVS2O\QS 7b¸abVSZObS'!¸aO\RbS\aW]\aO`S`WTSSa^SQWOZZg W\;`2OdWRAQ]bb4]eZS`¸a:]\R]\TZOb/ T`cab`ObSR[O\]T[SO\a2OdWR0S\SRWQb 1c[PS`PObQVWaObbS[^bW\Ub]e`WbSPW]U`O^VWSa ]\ZSaaS`[]\O`QVaeVWZSVWaTZWUVbgeWTS 8]O\bVSRSZWUVbTcZ<O\Qg1O``]ZZWaO a]QWOZPcbbS`TZg1]caW\O\ReO`R>SbS`O ^O`bWQcZO`ZgR`SO[g8]V\6STTS`\O\e]`Ya Oa8]V\¸aaSQ`SbO`gPcbTSSZaVS¸abOYW\UQVO`Wbg T`][VWa`SZObW]\aO\RV]^Sab]TW\RO^`]^S` O\RPSbbS`^OgW\UX]Pa]VSQO\[O``gbVSZ]dS ]TVWaZWTSbVSa[O`b^S`a]\OPZS O\RgSbRS[O\RW\U6SZS\ 4OgS1OabSZ]eEVS\6SZS\¸a aQV]]ZUW`ZQ`caV]\2OdWR \]b]\Zgbc`\aaS`W]caPcbWa `SQW^`]QObSRbVSTO[WZg¸ae]`ZR PSUW\ab]Q]ZZO^aS 1]\aWRS`SR]\S]T@ObbWUO\¸a Z]abe]`YaWbaR]e\PSObO\R OQQcaOb]`gb]\ST]`QSRO\ SO`ZgQZ]ac`SW\'!'O\RbVS ^ZOgVOa`O`SZgPSS\^S`T]`[SR aW\QS/TbS`bVS2O\QSWaOZ]]Y ObeVObeSR]b][OW\bOW\]c` a]QWOZWZZcaW]\a@ObVS`bVO\ OR[WbbVSW`US\cW\SZ]dST]` SOQV]bVS`P]bV2OdWRO\R 8]O\QZOW[b]PS[O``WSRT]` O[caS[S\bT]`ZOcUVa0]bV O`SQVO`OQbS`aeV]Od]WR Box Office: 0844 8717632. !% =Cb\]e B63/B@3 MR WEST END /1B=@27@31B=@/<2>@=2C13@ B7;;1/@B6C@³/AB/:E/@B=4 :=<2=<¸A4@7<53B63/B@3A13<3 ³B/93AB7;3=CB4@=;@363/@A/:A B=B/:9B==CB7<B6317BG¬ 1O\g]cbSZZcaOPWbOP]cbg]c` POQYU`]c\RO\RV]eg]cU]bW\b] bVSbVSOb`S7eOaP`]cUVbc^W\O^ZOQSQOZZSR 5cWaP`]cUVW\bVS<]`bV3OabeVWQV WadS`g^]^cZO`eWbVQ]OQVSaBVSg XcabR`WdSbV`]cUVWbc\T]`bc\ObSZg /aOTO[WZgeSe]cZRdWaWb:]\R]\ O\RaSSO[caWQOZBVSTW`ab]\SeS aOeeOa0O`\c[O\R7bV]cUVb bVOb¸aeVOb7eO\bb]R]XcUUZSPOZZa W\bVSOW`<]eVOb7`SOZZgeO\bSRb] R]eOaOQbaW\UO\RRO\QS7bc`\SR %O\RU]bW\b];]c\bdWSeBVSOb`S AQV]]ZO\Ra^S\bbV`SSZ]\UgSO`a eSO`W\U:gQ`O^`SbS\RW\Ub]PS 5`WhOPSZZOT`][1ObaO\RaWbbW\UW\ OQZOaa`]][aW\UW\UOP]cbU`SS\ T`]Ua EV]O`Sg]c`S\bS`bOW\[S\bO\R bVSOb`WQOZW\a^W`ObW]\aBVSTW`ab`SOZW\TZcS\QS]\[SeOa AbS^VS\A]\RVSW[7TW`abVSO`R7\b] BVSE]]RaeVS\7eOaOP]cb" O\RXcabZ]dSRbVSbc\SaBVS\]T Q]c`aS;`A]\RVSW[¸a`S^S`b]W`S ]^S\SRc^W\T`]\b]T[SZWYSOQVWZR ]^S\W\UVWa^`SaS\baT`][AO\bO]\ 1V`Wab[Oa[]`\W\U7Z]dSRAeSS\Sg B]RRO\RAc\ROgW\bVS>O`YeWbV 5S]`US1][SRgVOaPSQ][S_cWbS W[^]`bO\bW\[gQO`SS`W\bVS^Oab bS\gSO`a7a^S\baWf[]\bVa]\bVS `]OReWbV6SZS\:SRS`S`]T /P4OPTO[SO\R7 ZSO`\ba][cQVT`][ VS`OP]cbbW[W\U RSZWdS`g]TZW\SaO\R QOPPOUSRWSba7b eOaOPZOabO\R7O[ Qc``S\bZgRW`SQbW\UVS` ZObSab]\Se][O\ aV]e0S7\BVS<]e W\8cZgOb8S`[g\ Ab`SSb³eVWQVWaO `SOZV]\]c` G]caSS[b] VOdSg]c`TW\US` W\[O\g^WSa ³RW`SQbW\UOQbW\U aW\UW\UQ][SRg ³eVObSZS[S\b]T g]c`QO`SS`Wag]c` TOd]c`WbS- !& 5]RbVWaWaO`SOZZgRWTTWQcZb_cSabW]\ 7TSSZdS`gZcQYgb]VOdSacQVO RWdS`aS`O\US]Te]`Y]\[g1D \]eBVSgO`SOZZRWTTS`S\b2W`SQbW\U ^`]POPZg]TTS`a[]`SaQ]^S Q`SObWdSZgPcb7abWZZZ]dSOQbW\UEVOb 7abWZZe]cZRZ]dSb]R][]`S]TWa ^`SaS\bW\U7caSRb]VOdS[g]e\ QVObaV]e]\bVSOb`S`ORW]O\R W\bS`dWSeOZZbVSESab3\RES\RWSa eVWQVeOaO[OhW\U7W\bS`dWSeSRO `SOZ`O\US]T^S]^ZSO\Re]cZRabWZZ Z]dSb]VOdS[g]e\BDQVObaV]e bV]cUVBVOb¸aOaSQ`SbR`SO[ESZZ \]bO\g[]`S·QOcaS7]^S\SR[gPWU []cbV¬ 1O\g]cbSZZcaOPWb[]`SOP]cb g]c`R`OUOZbS`SU]AWabS`;O`g ;Q/`bVc`AVS¸aO\c\T`][Ab>SbS`a]TBVS AWabS`a]TBVSBVW`R@S[]dSRW\ A]V]AVS¸adS`gRWTTWQcZbb]e]`Y eWbVa[SZZa]T^SO`R`]^aW\aWaba bVObSdS`gP]RgaV]cZReSO` ^]^a]QYaS[P`OQSbVSZ]dSZgPOPg 8SacaO\R^]^O\]QQOaW]\OZaV]e bc\SW\b]bVSW`ZWdSaAVS`SQS\bZg ^S`T]`[SRObESab3\R3c`]dWaW]\ `S^`SaS\bW\U8S`[g\Ab`SSbBVSOb`S O\RQO[S%bV<]·\cZ^]W\ba¸T]`VS` a]aVS¸aTSSZW\UdS`g^ZSOaSReWbV VS`aSZT G]c¸dSe]`YSR]\OdO`WSbg]T aV]eaObbVS/P]dSBVSAbOU O\R8S`[g\Ab`SSbbVSOb`Sa 6]eRWRg]c`W\d]ZdS[S\b eWbVbVSaSSabOPZWaV[S\ba Q][SOP]cb7^S`T]`[SR[gTW`ab]\S [O\aV]eOb8S`[g\ Ab`SSbW\ O\R aW\QSbVS\VOdS ^S`T]`[SROa [gaSZTO\RAWabS` ;O`g;Q/`bVc` ^`]RcQSR aV]eaeWbV 9ObVS`W\S 7dSa]TB`WZPg >`]RcQbW]\a O\RRW`SQbSR a][S`SdcSa O\R[caWQOZa bVS`S>S\\gO\R 6]eO`ReV]`c\ bVSbVSOb`SVOdSUWdS\ [Sa][O\g]^^]`bc\WbWSa Tim McArthur THAT’S A SECRET DREAM. WELL, NOT ANYMORE ‘CAUSE I OPENED MY BIG MOUTH b]RSdSZ]^[gQ`OTbOaO\O`bWab7 TW`ab[Sb>SbS`0cZZeV]`c\a/P]dS bVSAbOUOP]cbTWdSgSO`aOU]eVS\ 7RW`SQbSRbVS^ZOgASRcQbW]\T]` VW[6S]^S\SR/P]dSbVSAbOU OP]cb&[]\bVaOU]6SW\dWbSR [Sb]^`SdWSeAWabS`;O`g¸a\Se A]cbV/T`WQO\aV]ePST]`SaVS RS^O`bSREVS\eSU]bPOQYZOab ac[[S`VSOaYSR[Sb]Q]RSdWaS O\RQ]RW`SQb0ZW\YaW\QSeVS\7¸dS PSS\W\d]ZSReWbVZ]ba]TaV]ea bVS`SW\QZcRW\U;Oc`WQS 2]g]cVOdSO^O`b\S`-7aVSO bVSOb`SeWR]e7R]O\RVSWaOQbcOZZg6SWaOb`OdSZ e`WbS`O\RVOaVOR[O\gP]]Ya ^cPZWaVSR]\VWab`OdSZORdS\bc`Sa eVWQVWaZ]dSZgOaVSa^SQWOZWhSa ]\4`O\QSa]eSVOdSVOR[O\g V]ZWROgab]1O\\SaO\RAbB`]^Sh 0SaWRSag]c`c^Q][W\UASQ`Sb A]\RVSW[aV]eaeVOb]bVS` ^`]RcQbW]\aO`Sg]cQc``S\bZg e]`YW\U]\T]`ZObS`W\bVSgSO`E]`YeWaS7¸ZZPSU]W\Uab`OWUVb W\b]^S`T]`[W\UO\RRW`SQbW\U0ZW\Y BeWQSOb/P]dSBVSAbOUO\Se dS`aW]\]T0ZW\YT`][ZOabgSO`)bVS\ 7¸[`SRW`SQbW\U;Oc`WQSeVWQVWa Q][W\UPOQYb]/P]dSbVSAbOUW\ AS^bS[PS`7VOdSOQ]c^ZS]T]bVS` bVW\UaW\bVS^W^SZW\SbVObO`SPSW\U RWaQcaaSReVWQVWa\WQSPcb7\SdS` PSZWSdSO\gbVW\Uc\bWZ7O[W\bVS `SVSO`aOZ`]][R]W\UWb7[SO\XSZZg Wa\¸bXSZZgc\bWZg]c¸dSaSbWb Jermyn Street Theatre presents Secret Sondheim – a celebration of the composer’s lesser known works – devised and directed by Tim McArthur, from 6-24 July 2010. !' =CbdWSe 1=:C;<7AB THE CLOSET OBSESSION ;/:0=711/<=<:GE/B16A=;/<G1=;7<5 =CB2@/;/A/<2A3FC/:/E/93<7<5A BVWa[]`\W\UO\SeS[OWZbeW\YZSRW\[gW\P]f O\\]c\QW\UbVObµbVS:]\R]\:SaPWO\O\R5Og4WZ[ 4SabWdOZPSUW\aWba\ObW]\eWRSb]c`¶A^ZS\RWR7bV]cUVb( bVWagSO`^S]^ZSOZZO`]c\RbVSWaZO\ReWZZOUOW\USbb]aSS bVS`][O\QSX]gQ]Z]c`O\RQ][^ZSfWbg]TQ]\bS[^]`O`g UOgZWTS]\bVSPWUaQ`SS\6]eSdS`OQ]c^ZS]TaQ`]ZZaR]e\ bVS^OUS`SdSOZSRbVSVWUVZWUVba]TbVWaQW\S[ObWQQO`OdO\ O\RWbZSTb[Se]\RS`W\UgSbOUOW\WTbVSUOgTWZ[W\Rcab`gWa aZSS^eOZYW\UW\b]W``SZSdO\QS =TbVSTWdSTWZ[aTSObc`SRW\bVSS[OWZ be][OX]`SRW\ZSaPWO\bVS[Sa3dS\ bV]cUV7VOdSa^S\b[O\g\WUVba ab]`[W\UbV`]cUVBVS:E]`RP]faSba bVSaWabS`a]dS`ObU![OUOhW\SO`S PSbbS`^ZOQSRb]Q`WbW_cSbVSaSZSQbW]\ ]TUW`ZgTZWQYa4]QcaW\U]\bVSP]g bVS[SRTWZ[aOPZO\RO\RbW`SR[]bWT 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SLEEPWALKING INTO IRRELEVANCE 7PSZWSdSbVObPSaWRSa^`]TSaaW]\OZZg O\RTW\O\QWOZZgS\`WQVW\UbVSW`[OYS`a UOgbVS[SRTWZ[a^ZOgbV`SSW[^]`bO\b `]ZSaW\]c`a]QWSbg(OaS\bS`bOW\W\U U`]c^bVS`O^gbVSgbSZZUOgab]`WSa b]UOgOcRWS\QSaVSZ^W\Uca[OYSaS\aS]T]c`ZWdSaO\R Sf^S`WS\QSaPg^]`b`OgW\UbVS[bV`]cUVO^]eS`TcZ[SRWc[) OaQObOZgabaT]`a]QW]^]ZWbWQOZQVO\USacQVTWZ[aa^`SORbVS U]a^SZ]TUOg\]`[OZWbgb]OcRWS\QSaeWbVW\]c`Q][[c\Wbg O\RPSg]\R/\RTW\OZZgOaQV`]\WQZS`a]TVWab]`gbVSgQO^bc`S bVS`SOZWbg]TOaSQbW]\]Ta]QWSbgT]`bVSPS\STWb]TTcbc`S US\S`ObW]\a=\OZZbV`SSQ]c\babVSQc``S\bQ`]^]TUOg bVS[SRTWZ[a[O\OUSa[S`SZgO^Oaa ASZTRWaQ]dS`gOQQS^bO\QSO\RRWaQZ]ac`SO`SW[^]`bO\b [WZSab]\SaW\OZZUOg[S\¸aZWdSa)Pcbac`SZg[]ab]TcaR] " " =CbbVS`S 4==2 Babbo FANTASTIC FUSION JOHN O ‘CEALLAIGH REVIEWS SUSHINHO 312-314 King’s Road 020 7349 7496. As fusion food goes, splicing Japanese sushi with Brazilian cuisine sounds as appetising as merging Icelandic herring with Indian curry. However, there’s a good reason for it. The largest Japanese community outside of Japan is based in Brazil and its members have reinterpreted staple Japanese dishes to capitalise on the bounty of exotic ingredients and foreign flavours available in their new home. It’s a development that King’s Road restaurant Sushinho is committed to bringing to the masses: Latin flair and Japanese style integrated in subtle ways. We arrived on a Wednesday night to find the restaurant near capacity, our table buffered by bamboo screens and shaded by a miniature palm tree. At first glance, the menu seems just as Japanese as any other – sushi and sashimi dishes form its bulk and it was only when our waitress guided us through the (somewhat confusing) plethora of dishes available that we were able to make sense of it. The sushinho roll of salmon, crab and cream cheese is served warm, with a crunchy exterior, while beef and raw carrot are the primary ingredients in the wagyu sirloin tataki roll. We chose both as starters, with the sushino roll winning us over completely despite our initial hesitation. The crackle of the exterior was offset perfectly by the soft fleshiness of the salmon and warmth of the melted cheese – a few bites in and we suddenly thought that Japanese-Brazilian cuisine seems a very good idea indeed. Suitably emboldened, we chose the sushi platter as a main course (£20). A selection of the restaurant’s signature dishes, the chunky cuts of fresh fish were excellent although less experimental than our starters. If we’d known how HAPPY HOUSE MAZ OGDEN REVIEWS BLANCH HOUSE 17 Atlingworth Street, Brighton East Sussex, BN2 1PL 01273 603 504. Discreetly placed in the heart of Kemptown, Blanch House has achieved legendary status among fine dining Brightonians and tourists alike. We rang the doorbell and were greeted by the first in a parade of charming staff. We were immediately enchanted by the venue’s classy but intimate cocktail bar, and even more pleased to find that it’s open to the public – whether they wish to dine or not. The pre and post-dinner cocktail list could have kept us busy even without dinner. The bar staff were also extremely helpful, whipping up a ‘Virgin Surprise’ for my pregnant lady friend. The restaurant is a delightful affair, with plush, cream-coloured banquettes along the back wall and exclusive romantic " amazing the Brazilian-style sushi starters would prove to be, we’d have perhaps been more adventurous with our main course selection That said, our second main course (dishes are served as soon as they’re prepared rather than in tandem) was more Brazilian inspired; pork loin with sweet potato and mozzarella gratin (£16). Apparently it came with pancetta too but while that was undetectable, the dish itself was delicious, and we struggled heroically to finish it, already being full. At this stage, dessert wouldn’t have corners. The one problem with the menu is that we quickly knew we were going to have to come back quite a few times to sample it properly! However, after much debate, we decided to share our starters and opted for the crab, crayfish and lemon salad with rocket, cucumber and Bloody Mary sauce (£6.75), with the local asparagus, watercress and quail’s egg salad with parmesan shavings and walnut oil (£5.95). We were not disappointed. The crab and crayfish was not so much a salad but a tower of seafood delights. For our main course, my partner had the poached fillet of halibut with local asparagus, pesto mash and red pepper and star anise sauce (£15.50) while I enjoyed a medium rare sirloin of Sussex beef with garlic wild mushrooms, Sussex blue cheese Dauphinoise and red wine and rosemary sauce (£16.95). On our waitress’s recommendation, we also had a side dish of duck fat and rosemary roast potatoes (£2.50). A visit to Blanch House would not be complete without at least sampling their extensive dessert, teas and coffee and recommended digestifs menus. Once been possible so we finished instead with cocktails (from £8.50). My companion chose The Brazilian, a refreshing concoction made with Salto (a citrus-flavoured cachaca) while I ordered from Sushinho’s low-calorie cocktail menu. A new development, it features a small range of drinks containing 86-140 calories. Not that you’d guess from the taste. My cucumber sour (gin, midori and cucumber) was excellent, refreshing and reassuringly potent despite its virtuous calorie count. Yet another pleasant surprise from our revelatory dining experience. again, we agreed with our waitress’s recommendation had the very unique baked chocolate tart with Turkish delight, ice-cream and fresh strawberries (£5.50) and the raspberries in an amazing elderflower jelly with white chocolate and raspberry sorbet and a zingy raspberry and mint coulis. Then of course, we retired to the cocktail bar as we didn’t want the evening to end. Overall – with a restaurant, cocktail bar and boutique hotel by the beach – what more could we ask for from a dirty weekend in Brighton? =CbbVS`S 4==2 EATING OUT OUR FAVOURITE RESTAURANTS AND GAY-FRIENDLY DINING OPTIONS CENTRAL Aqua, fifth floor, 240 Regent Street (entrance on Argyll Street), W1. 020 7478 0540. Big, signature restaurant from Hong Kong’s Aqua group – split into two halves; Spanish themed Aqua Nueva and Japanese-inspired Aqua Kyoto. Around £40 per person. www. Balans, 60 Old Compton Street, W1. 020-7439 2183. The nearest Soho has to a gay restaurant, busy throughout the week and open throughout the day and night. Traditional British dishes with Meditteranean and Asian flourishes. Approx. £28 per head. See also the nearby Balans Café at 34 Old Compton Street. www. Bocca di Lupo, 12 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 2223. Gay-run, hugely-acclaimed, upmarket Italian restaurant, opened November 2008 and running Monday-Saturday. Approx. £29 per head. www. Bodeans, 10 Poland Street, W1. 020-7287 0506. Cheap and cheerful barbecue restaurant, with counter service upstairs and restaurant down below. Popular with visiting Americans, plus the odd bear from the nearby Kings Arms! Branches also in Clapham, Fulham and Westbourne Grove. Cha Cha Moon, 15-21 Ganton Street, Soho, W1. 020 7297 9800. Very popular noodle restaurant from Hong Kong-born restaurateur Alan Yau (Hakkasan). Great selection of soup-based dishes, wok-fried noodles and sides. Ed’s Diner, 12 Moor Street, W1. 020 7434 4439. Delightfully kitsch, American-style 50s diner, at the Shaftesbury Avenue end of Old Compton Street, great for burgers and milkshakes. www. First Out, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020-7240 8042. Long-running, gay-run café "" and bar, serving homemade vegetarian dishes, coffee and cakes. Lots of gay magazines, community info and flyers. Floridita, 100 Wardour Street, W1. 020-7314 4000. Large, glamorous Cuban-themed restaurant and bar, with regular music acts and even occasional drag. Approx. £36 per head. Wagamama, 10a Lexington Street, Soho, W1. 020-7292 0990. Our favourite branch of the noodle chain, offering cheap, healthy Japanese delights! £16 per head. Check website for other branches - www. NORTH Gilgamesh, Camden View, Camden Stables Market, Chalk Farm Road, NW1. Huge, ornate and lavish pan-Asian restaurant with one of London’s most stunning interiors. Food good rather than outstanding, but worth a visit for the décor. EAST Bistrotheque, 23-27 Wadeson Street, Bethnal Green, E2. Modern, contemporary, classy restaurant with basement bar and cabaret room, and fine dining upstairs – modern British cuisine and French bistro dishes – approx. £35 per head. www. The Easton, 22 Easton Street, WC1. 020-7278 7609. Cool gastropub just off Exmouth Market. Sunday lunch is packed with Clerkenwell-istas and the food is top notch. www. The Luxe, 109 Commercial Street, E1. 020 7101 1751. Large, recently-opened Spitalfields venture offering several dining areas – including takeaway kiosk, ground-floor café and fine dining restaurant. It offers a wide selection of classic British and European dishes, and is great for breakfast, lunch or dinner. www. Saf, 152-154 Curtain Road, Shoreditch, EC2. 020 7613 0007. A stylish and upmarket vegan and raw food restaurant. Approx. £24 per head. www. The Landau, Langham Hotel, Portland Place, W1. 020 7965 0165. Grand and glamorous hotel restaurant, offering a pricey but imaginative modern European menu. Approx. £60 per head. Ristorante Biagio, 189 Piccadilly, W1. 020-7434-1921. Great, authentic Italian food in contemporary and smart surroundings, spread over four floors. Approx. £32 per head. Stef’s, 3 Berners Street, W1 0203073 1041. Huge, gay-friendly Italian – formerly Linda’s Pasta Bar on Poland Street – moved to the other side of Oxford Street in 2007. Pizza and pasta heaven. St Pancras Grand, Upper Concourse, St Pancras International, NW1. 020 7870 9900. Old-fashioned, art-deco glamour at this stunning, all-day restaurant from Searcys (who also operate the neighbouring Champagne Bar). Approx. £40 per head. Donna Margherita Restaurant, 183 Lavender Hill, SW11. 020 7268 2660. Traditional, Southern Italian restaurant that’s very gay-friendly – even offering a ‘Pizza Gay’ on its menu! Pizzas from £5.90. www. El Panzon @ The Dogstar, 389 Coldharbour Lane, SW9. Authentic Mexican and Tex-mex restaurant and fantastic prices in the trendy Dogstar bar. Don’t miss the burritos or the taco plate to share. Approx. £14 per head. The Loft, 67 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020-7627 0792. Upmarket and stylish restaurant, bar and late-night haunt. Classic British dishes and lots of cocktails. Approx. £40 per head. L’Autre Pied, 5-7 Blandford Street, Marylebone Village, W1. 020 7486 9696. Chic, stylish, upmarket restaurant from the same team that created the Michelin-starred Pied-à-Terre on Charlotte Street. Approx. £40 per head. Profile, 84-85 Wardour Street, Soho, W1. Daytime gay bar and diner. Upmarket and smart surroundings, with gorgeous yellow leather banquettes. Offering food and drink from 11am till 11pm. www. in Bonnington Square. Pig out on three courses for £10! http:// The Riverside, 5 Hamilton House, 5 St George Wharf, Vauxhall, SW8. Great pub food in upmarket, riverside gastropub that boasts terrific views of the river Thames. We’ve always loved Inn The Park in St James’s Park, but this summer the venue is offering even more reasons to pay it a visit with the unveiling of its new Roof Top Bar. Enjoy cocktails such as the Cucumber and Mint Martini or Ginger and Lemongrass Mule, or head downstairs to the restaurant an enjoy such dishes as mackarel tartar with watercress and asparagus salad or Highbury Farm chicken with spring vegetable and herb and barley broth. There’s also plenty of al fresco seating for when the temperature really rises. Inn the Park, St James’s Park, SW1A 2BJ. 020 7451 9999 Cheaper at lunchtime than the evening. La Porchetta, 141-142 Upper Street, N1. 020-7288 2488. Great value pizza and pasta restaurant, with possibly some of the biggest pizzas in London! Sister branches in Finsbury Park and Bloomsbury. Approx. £17 per head. Little Bay, 228 Belsize Road, NW6. Wonderfully down-toearth and charming restaurant serving Modern European cuisine at very reasonable prices. Excellent value for money. Spotted Dick, 292 Caledonian Road, Islington, N1. 020 7607 5577. Gay-friendly café/bar/ restaurant offering modern and traditional British grub. Open from breakfast till late. www. Green and Red, 51 Bethnal Green Road, E1. 020 7749 9670. Fiesta-style restaurant with Mexican food and a huge tequila selection - with basement bar and dancefloor area for afterwards. Kenza, 10a Devonshire Square, EC2. 020-7929 5533. Delightful and sumptuous subterranean Middle Eastern restaurant a stone’s throw from Liverpool Street station. Arabic interior and mezza menu – approx. £35 per head. Les Trois Garcons, 1 Club Row, Whitechapel, E1. 020-7613 1924. A former Victorian boozer, stuffed with baroque decor and antiques, creating a camp, culinary haven near Old Street. British/French menu. www. Tinseltown, 44-46 St John Street, Farringdon, EC1. Want a double cheeseburger and Mars Bar Milkshake at 5am? Then 24-hour, subterranean American diner Tinseltown is the place to head. Popular with late-night clubbers – very near Fabric. Cool when quiet but avoid if there’s a queue for entry. www. Volupte, 7-9 Norwich Street, EC4. 020 7831 1622. Trendy, popular supper club offering avant-garde cabaret and burlesque performance. Approx. £37 per head. SOUTH Bonnington Café, 11 Vauxhall Grove, SW8. Cheap, cheerful and very gay-friendly cooperatively run vegetarian café Roxy Bar and Screen, 128-132 Borough High Street, SE1. 020 7407 4057. London’s unique, gay-friendly cinema restaurant. Free film screenings – everything from recent blockbusters to arthouse documentaries. www. Royal Teas, 76 Royal Hill, Greenwich, SE10. 020-8691 7240. Delightfully charming café offering tea, scones, cakes and other delights for an eclectic crowd. Brit camp fabulousness. Upstairs Bar and Restaurant, 89b Acre Lane, SW2. Hidden gem and local secret. Critically acclaimed, eclectic European menu, with emphasis on French cuisine. Limited choice but menu changes daily. Open Tue-Sat. WEST Balans Chiswick, 214 Chiswick High Road, W4. 020 8742 1435. Gay-friendly service and British and Meditrerranean dishes. =Cb\]e 2/B7<5 E7B6A=;C16B=2= 7<:=<2=<G=C¸@3 C<:793:GB=E7<;/<G >=7<BA4=@=@757</:7BG 74G=CAC553ABB@3/B7<5 G=C@<3E2/B3B=/ >7<B/BG=C@:=1/: >C08=6<=¸13/::/756 AC553ABAA=;3=4B63 03AB/:B3@</B7D32/B3A 7<B631/>7B/: TEN ALTERNATIVE DATES 1 HACKNEY CITY FARM 6OQY\Sg@]OR 8cab^OabbVS8]W\S`a/`[a6OQY\Sg1Wbg4O`[ WaO\]OaWa]TU`SS\S`gW\bVS[WRab]TbVSQWbg /Tc\QbW]\W\US\bS`^`WaS`ObVS`bVO\OTZOaV Obb`OQbW]\bVS]^S\TO`[WaV][Sb]OV]ab ]TQcbSO\W[OZaW\QZcRW\U5`SU]`gbVSU]]aS O\R6S\`WSbbObVS^WU/R[WbbSRZgg]c`RObS¸a S\bVcaWOa[[WUVb\]b_cWbS[ObQVbVOb]TdWaWbW\U W\\S`QWbgYWRaeV]¸dS\SdS`PSS\PSg]\RbVS ; #PST]`SPcbWb¸aabWZZOQVO\QSb]W[^`SaaVW[ eWbVg]c`aS\aWbWdSaWRS eeeVOQY\SgQWbgTO`[Q]cY 2 DENNIS SEVERS’ HOUSE &4]ZUObSAb`SSb3$0F /dS`WbOPZSbW[S QO^acZS2S\\Wa ASdS`a¸6]caSWa O\W\Q]\a^WQc]ca b]e\V]caSXcab]TT A^WbOZTWSZRaeWbVO\ W\b`WUcW\UW\bS`W]` 7b¸aPSS\Z]dW\UZg `Sab]`SRb]Wba]`WUW\OZ &bV1S\bc`gabObS O\ROaUcSaba[]dS T`][`]][b]`]][ bVSg`Sb`OQSbVSabS^a]TWbaOPaS\b]QQc^O\ba(O TO[WZg]T6cUcS\]baWZYeSOdS`a\O[SR8S`dWa 4`][bVSRW[ZgZWbQSZZO`b]bVS_cOW\b^O`Z]c` bVS^`]^S`bg¸a\]]YaO\RQ`O\\WSaO`SQ`O[[SR eWbV@SUS\QgO`bSTOQbaO\RR][SabWQTc`\WaVW\Ua eVS`SbVSUV]aba]TbVS^OabOZZ]eg]cO\ ]^^]`bc\Wbgb]b`OdSZPOQYW\bW[Sb]USbVS` eeeRS\\WaaSdS`aV]caSQ]cY 3 FIRST THURSDAYS BV`]cUV]cbSOab:]\R]\ 7b¸aabWZZ^]aaWPZSb]PSQ`SObWdS]\OPcRUSbO\R PSOb`cSQcZbc`dcZbc`S=\bVSTW`abBVc`aROg]T SdS`g[]\bV]dS`SOab:]\R]\[caSc[a O\RUOZZS`WSaSfbS\RbVSW`]^S\W\UV]c`ac\bWZ '^[eWbVT`SSS\b`gQ][^ZW[S\bO`gPSS`O\R 28aSbaOa^O`b]TbVS^OQYOUSW\[O\g]TbVS dS\cSaBVSSdS\b¸aeSPaWbSOZa]acUUSabaO eOZYW\U[O^g]cQO\T]ZZ]eW\]`RS`b]aSSOa [O\g]TbVSSdS\baOa^]aaWPZS³^S`TSQbWTg]c¸dS U]bOaV]`bObbS\bW]\a^O\]`\SSRORWab`OQbW]\ aV]cZRg]caORZgRWaQ]dS`g]cVOdS\]bVW\Ub] bOZYOP]cb eeeTW`abbVc`aROgaQ]cY "$ 023 quatem volor ipisi lorem tat volorti onsecte magna feum iriliqu ationsed ex euModolorer 4 SPEAKERS’ CORNER 6gRS>O`YE /:]\R]\W\abWbcbW]\A^SOYS`a¸1]`\S`R`Oea ]`Ob]`aP]bVSZ]_cS\bO\RS``ObWQb]6gRS>O`Y SdS`gAc\ROgBVSb`ORWbW]\aSSabVS[RSZWdS` [O\RObSa]\eVObSdS`bOYSabVSW`TO\QgO\R Oab]^WQaaeS`dST`][VO`[ZSaaZgc\VW\USRb] RO`W\UZgQ]\bS\bW]cabVS`S¸a^ZS\bg]T]^^]`bc\Wbg b]acPbZga]c\R]cbg]c`^]bS\bWOZ^O`b\S`¸a ]^W\W]\]\bVS^S`bW\S\bWaacSa]TbVSROg 5 SECRET CINEMA BV`]cUV]cb:]\R]\ 7Tg]c`RObSW\aWaba]\Ob`W^b]bVSQW\S[ObVS`S O`SabWZZa][SeOgag]cQO\[OYSWbW\bS`SabW\U ASQ`Sb1W\S[OWaO[]\bVZgSdS\beVWQVaSSaO `O\US]TRWTTS`S\bTWZ[aaQ`SS\SRW\OQ]`\cQ]^WO ]TQc`W]cadS\cSaEVWZSbVSRObSWaO\\]c\QSR W\ORdO\QSbVSTWZ[O\RZ]QObW]\Wa\¸b³g]cQ]cZR S\Rc^QZO[PS`W\U]dS`:]\R]\¸a`]]Tb]^ab] eObQVOQcZbQZOaaWQ]`bW^b]SW\UW\b]ORS`SZWQb bVSOb`Sb]eObQVO\SfQZcaWdS^`SdWSe eeeaSQ`SbQW\S[O]`U 6 JACKY’S JUKEBOX @Wd]ZW0OZZ`]][0`]QYZSg 7b[OgaSS[O\c\ZWYSZgRSabW\ObW]\PcbWTg]c `SOZZgeO\bb]W[^`Saag]c`RObSbVS\bOYSbVS[ b]0`]QYZSg0c`WSRRSS^W\bVWac\Oaac[W\U aeObVS]TacPc`PWOWabVS'#a@Wd]ZW0OZZ`]][ eVWQVV]aba8OQYg¸a8cYSP]f]\bVSTW`ab AObc`ROg]TSdS`g[]\bV/[WfSRO\RaO[SaSf SdS\W\U]TPOZZ`]][:ObW\O\RQ]c\b`gRO\QW\U Wb¸a\]bXcabbVS]^^]`bc\Wbgb]USbb]U`W^aeWbV g]c`^O`b\S`bVOb[OYSbVWaOeW\\S`³bVSZOdWaVZg RSQ]`ObSRPOZZ`]][Wae]`bVbVSX]c`\SgW\WbaSZT eeeXOQYgaXcYSP]fQ]cY Secret Cinema RSd]bSRS\bW`SZgb]TO\aO\RTO\[OYW\UeWbVO eV]^^W\U!#]`a]TO\aW\WbaQ]ZZSQbW]\ eeeTO\[caSc[]`U 8 HIGHGATE CEMETERY /RObSR]e\PgbVSQ`g^baVOaRcPW]ca Q]\\]bObW]\aPcb6WUVUObS1S[SbS`gWa]\S ]TbVS[]abPSOcbWTcZW\3\UZO\R@SabW\U^ZOQS ]T9O`Z;O`fO\R[O\g]bVS`Zc[W\O`WSabVS DWQb]`WO\Pc`WOZU`]c\RWaVcUSO\ROb[]a^VS`WQ Oa^`OeZ]T5]bVWQb][PaO\ROUSRdOcZba aV`]cRSRPgRS\aSaV`cPPS`gO\ReWZRTZ]eS`a eeeVWUVUObSQS[SbS`g]`U 9 LONDON RIB VOYAGES G]cQO\aOdSbVSZSWac`SZgO[PZSOZ]\UbVS A]cbV0O\YT]`eVS\g]c¸`S[O``WSR4]`O[]`S \]dSZeOgb]Sf^Z]`SQS\b`OZ:]\R]\O\RO\Se ^S`a^SQbWdS]\bVSQO^WbOZ¸a[]abWQ]\WQaWUVbaO b`W^OZ]\UbVSBVO[SaPga^SSRP]ObWaW\TW\WbSZg []`SSfQWbW\U:]\R]\@70D]gOUSaWa]\S]TbVS Q][^O\WSabVOb`W^aWbaeOgOZ]\UbVS`]cbSeWbV b`W^aQ]abW\UT`][! # eeeZ]\R]\`WPd]gOUSaQ][ 10 RUDE BRITANNIA BObS0`WbOW\;WZZPO\Y BVSBObS0`WbOW\ WaOTOWZaOTST]`O ZOab[W\cbSRObS BVSQc``S\b@cRS 0`WbO\\WOSfVWPWbW]\ WaO\OPa]ZcbSQ]`YS` 2`OeW\UT`][bVS []abacUUSabWdSO\R aQW\bWZZObW\U0`WbWaV Q][WQO`bT`][bVS $ab]bVS^`SaS\b bVSe]`Ya]\aV]e dSS`T`][aOcQg 5`SS\eWQV b]R]e\`WUVbaSfg AOdSOb`W^b]bVS0`WbWaV;caSc[T]`eVS\g]c` a]bVS`S¸a]^^]`bc\WbgT]`R]cPZSS\bS\R`SO\R T]ZYaO`SdWaWbW\UASQ`SbSROeOgW\5`SS\eWQV W\\cS\R]aO^ZS\bgEOVSg bVS4O\;caSc[WabVS]\Zg[caSc[W\bVSe]`ZR eeebObS]`UcY 7 THE FAN MUSEUM CLUBS>BARS>FASHION>GOSSIP>NEWS>TRENDS>SCENES>QUEENS>FACTS> PHOTO © CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S PAGE 52 POPSTARZ The Popstarz crew celebrated the club's 15th anniversary with a wild 'Bondage Birthday' party at The Den and Centro... PAGE 54 KUBAR The Ku Bar threw a big Eurovision Party in its basement at the end of May, while the ground floor offered some sexy May Pole dancers! WORLD OF DANCE 0=GA4@=;/1@=AAB63A13<367BD/CF6/::4=@ B6347@AB:=<2=<5:=0/:2/<1343AB7D/: PAGE 58 PROFILE Visit Profile in Soho on any Saturday night and it's sure to be busy - as we discovered on a recent trip to the stylish venue... Staged at Fire and Area, the event took place over the late May bank holiday weekend, with eight different events offering a smorgasbord of hedonistic delights. Check out our full review of the 'Main Event' on pages 50-51... "' @3D73E LONDON GLOBAL DANCE FESTIVAL # =CbbVS`S D/CF6/::>:/G326=ABB=B63 47@AB:=<2=<5:=0/:2/<13 43AB7D/:=D3@B63:/B3;/G0/<9 6=:72/GE3393<2¬ WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E We do love a big name club event and in the past have travelled far and wide for that ‘special’ experience. Fortunately, for the last bank holiday of May we didn’t have to go far at all as every ass-kicking DJ and club promoter descended on Vauxhall for a marathon of parties under the moniker ‘London Global Dance Festival’. The highlight of the weekend was Sunday night’s ‘Main Event’ where club brands from Madrid, Paris, Rome, Moscow, Lille, Cologne and Cape Town came together with their top name DJs (and some household names) for a ninehour clubbing extravaganza – which is where these pictures were captured. The music was house throughout but with each room having its own special blend: we experienced everything from deep and tribal to progressive tech beats through to uplifting anthems. The ‘Face of Ibiza’, Baby Marcello, hosted the Lightbox room, but was risking life and limb atop his eight-foot stilts as punters danced like whirling dervishes. Over in the Mirror Arch, a posse of muscled-up gladiators from Rome’s Muccassassina heralded the arrival of a show from club diva Anna Buckley with her ‘Express Yourself’ dance anthem. We couldn’t decide which room we liked best as each showcased the best of our international friends. Even the outside garden terrace had a make-over – all new grass and potted plants for that summery tropical vibe. A-ma-zing! # POPSTARZ >=>AB/@H13:30@/B327BA/<<7D3@A/@G/<2 B63:/C<16=47BA<3E/4B3@6=C@AA3AA7=< E7B6/0=<2/5307@B62/G0/A6¬ Popstarz went over to the dark side in mid May to celebrate its anniversary with a huge Bondage Birthday bash at The Den and Centro. We arrived to find leatherette lads and pervy punks being seduced by ridiculously cheap drinks and even cheaper blokes! Upstairs in the Skybar, Madame Whiplash was taking any naughty revellers in hand and dishing out S&M treats. At midnight, boxes of pervy party favours were tossed from the indie room’s stage into the out-stretched arms of the packed dance floor… cue the donning of fake boobs, leather caps and dog collars. Later in the evening, the main room hosted a series of perverted performances from ‘Ride of the Valkeries’. These included such # delights as a large lass singing opera while her skinny side-kick jumped up and down on broken glass – before machete-ing open a melon on her stomach! Downstairs, in the pop and r’n’b rooms, DJ Philly and a plethora of DJ deck talent kept the dance floors moving and grooving. The place was packed with a predominantly young crowd of über cute lads and ladies, many of whom were taking advantage of the fact that they could lie in late the following morning, and were, therefore, free to enjoy the ‘Popstarz After Dark’ after-party launch – a new late-night session following the main Popstarz session. Poptastic! WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E =CbbVS`S @3D73E KU BAR B639C0/@=<:7A:3AB@33B 13:30@/B32B63:/B3;/G0/<9 6=:72/GE7B6;=@3>=:32/<17<5 After the massive success of Ku Bar’s first May bank holiday, the team dusted off the pole once more for the second bank holiday at the end of the same month. It was a weekend of hot, professional pole dancing with boys (and girls) strutting their stuff in tight, white underwear. First up, the lovely Lola wrapped her thighs around the shaft of steel while doing tricks and moves the right way up and upside down – before handing over to the drop dead gorgeous Owain, whose inverted sit-ups and crunchees had us baying like depraved banshees until our throats were dry and we had to force our way to the bar. Downstairs, Lady Lloyd was hosting the Eurovision party with much merriment and #" flag-waving, and lots of booing at the point scoring! Just as we thought we’d experienced everything Ku had to offer us, we walked through the main bar and straight in to four of the most physically perfect specimens of manhood dressed only in ‘Lick’ underwear, and as we pressed them into a huddle for a photograph we couldn’t help but notice that they packed out their pants as well as their pecs! When we caught up with guv’nor Gary a couple of days later he said it had been a fabulous weekend and the bar was heaving with young cute hotties every night, which you gotta love, right? WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM Sarah Brown @3D73E =CbbVS`S FUSION WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM B63:=<2=<0@7253/@163A 6=AB32/<3FB@/A>317/: 4CA7=<>/@BGB=1=7<1723 E7B603/@>@7237<;/G¬ #$ =CbbVS`S @3D73E Every year Bear Pride goes from strength to strength, with bigger and bolder events to attract an international crowd and offer a choice of things to see and do. One of the main events right from the start has always been Fusion and this year was no exception as Mark Ames and the team invited back the fantastic Freemasons with their legendary brand of club anthems and remixes. Also playing to the dancefloor in the main room were XXL resident Christian M and new boy, the RVT’s fabulous Simon Le Vans, while the back arches rocked to the beats of the Kimono Krush DJs, who had popped along as special guests. The club was packed with a really diverse crowd that, although stacked with hirsute hunks, also featured loads of cute, young, fit guys and even a few women. With all five arches open and outdoor areas also packed to the rafters, it wasn’t long before the muscled-up, fur-clad shenanigans sent the temperature soaring as the masses worshipped at the alter of high-energy funky house. We might not all be big and we might not be hairy, but we do love this party! Expect the next Fusion party to hit London around the August bank holiday. #% PROFILE /@35C:/@4@72/G<756B/B>@=47:37< A=6=B6@=EAC>>:3<BG=4;3;=@/0:3 A756BA/<2A=C<2A¬ By day, Profile on Wardour Street is a great venue for food, with a range of classic American and British dishes and – in our opinion – legendary fajitas. However, by night, Profile is transformed by just the flip of a dimmer switch into a fabulously camp gay bar with yellow and black décor, sexy bar staff and almost naked go-go muscle boys in the window. They host pre-parties for all the best circuit shenanigans the London scene offers, including Matinee and SuperMartXé. We popped along for just a ‘normal’ Friday night and found the bar packed with top-notch totty knocking back the cocktails and making inroads #& to the extensive drinks menu, while parading the fruits of a long winter in the gym. DJ Nathan6 mixed an upbeat housey soundtrack while sexy, oiledup go-go boys provided steaming visuals that made our throats dry. Cue more cocktails! The equally hot bar boys were bursting out of their tight black vests and working up a sweat, keeping up with the demands of the party crowd until, at the allotted hour, the doorway at the back of the bar was thrown open and the crowd moved downstairs to continue their revelling in what is fast becoming Soho’s venue of choice for the in-crowd. WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E =CbbVS`S @3D73E FRINGE FOLK 4=::=E7<5B63AC113AA=4:/AB G3/@¸A7</C5C@/:3D3<BB63 6=B/C5CAB4@7<5343AB7D/:7A /::A3BB=@3BC@<B=B63@=G/: D/CF6/::B/D3@<B67A;=<B6¬ =\QSOUOW\OaaS`bW\UWbaQ`S RS\bWOZaOa]\S]T:]\R]\¸ab]^ QOPO`SbdS\cSabVS@]gOZDOcfVOZZ BOdS`\ZOabgSO`VSZRWbaW\OcUc`OZ 6]b/cUcab4`W\USTSabWdOZBVS WRSOeOaaW[^ZS(b]^`SaS\bO Q][^ZSbSa[]`UOaP]`R]TQOPO`Sb O\R^S`T]`[O\QSO`b³eWbV!" RWTTS`S\bOQbaO^^SO`W\USdS`g \WUVbT`][ZObS8cZgbV`]cUVbWZZbVS S\R]T/cUcab1cab][S`aQ]cZR ^Ogb]aSSOaW\UZSOQb]`b]aSSOZZ bVSSdS\W\U¸a^S`T]`[O\QS^WSQSa ³eWbVRW\\S`b]]WTbVSgeO\bSRb] [OYSOeV]ZSSdS\W\U]TWb :OabgSO`¸aTSabWdOZ^`]dSRO `c\OeOgacQQSaa³SO`\W\UbVS SabOPZWaV[S\bO\OeO`RT]`·0Sab DS\cS¸PgbVS4`W\US@S^]`beee T`W\US`S^]`bQ][³`SeO`RW\U·bVS PSab]TbVSPSab]TbVS:]\R]\ 4`W\US¸ µ7beOac\PSZWSdOPZS¶Q]\TW`[a BOdS`\]e\S`>OcZ=fZSgµ0SW\U bVSTW`abgSO`]TbVS6]b/cUcab 4`W\US7VOR`OWRSR[geO`R`]PS T]`O\c[PS`]TaVW`babVOb7Q]cZR OTT]`Rb]Z]aSBVWa^`]dSRc\\SQSa aO`gOabVSTSabWdOZeOaOacQQSaa PSg]\R[geWZRSabR`SO[a7b ^`]dWRSRbVS]^^]`bc\WbgT]`\Se bOZS\bb]^S`T]`[T]`]c``SUcZO` O\R\SeQcab][S`a;O\g]TbVSaS ^S`T]`[S`aO\RQcab][S`aVOdS `Sbc`\SRbV`]cUV]cbbVSgSO`O\R [O\g]TbVS^S`T]`[S`aO`SbOYW\U b]bVSabOUSOUOW\W\bVWagSO`¸a TSabWdOZ¶ BVSTSabWdOZ]TTS`SRa][SbVW\U T]`SdS`g]\S³VWZO`W]caQ][SRg W\aWUVbTcZa^]YS\e]`RSRUgQOPO `SbO[OhW\U[OUWQ^`]d]QObWdS bVSOb`SPSeWZRS`W\U^S`T]`[O\QS O`bYWQYOaaPO\Ra[W\RPZ]eW\U PSObP]fW\UO\R^`]d]QObWdS^VgaW 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AUGUST Band Night AbS;Q/PS ^`SaS\baaV]`baSba BVSOQQZOW[SR Ste McCabe T`][aWf_cSS` Q][WQO\R5cO`R TS[W\Wab\]WaS WO\Q]Zc[\Wab`]OR [S`QVO\ba³PSbeSS\%O\R^[ bSabaVS`\Se abO\Rc^aV]eSfQZcaWdSZgT]`bVS WEDNESDAY 18 AUGUST @]gOZDOcfVOZZQ`]eR/Za]`c\\W\U Anal:KY in the UK (10pm) ESR\SaROg '8cZgOb^[ 7bOZWO\_cSS`UZO[`]QYS`4OP`WhW] >OUO\P`W\UaVWaZObSab]cb`OUS]ca FRIDAY 30 JULY ^S`T]`[O\QS^WSQSb]bVS@DB Joe Rowntree abOUSeWbV[]`SaObW`WQOZa]\UaO\R abO\Rc^/Za]^S`T]`[W\UBVc`a (7pm) BVSabO\Rc^ ROg'/cUcab Q][WQO\RabO` THURSDAY 19 Joe Rowntree ]TAYg¸a0`OW\WOQ aV]e^`SaS\ba AUGUST VWa\SeQ][SRgdSVWQZS>SOQS Dickie Beau TcZEO``W]`³eVWQVSfO[W\SabVS – Retroflection \Obc`S]Te]``gW\U 2WQYWS0SOc aVO^SaVWTba Dickie Beau More Or Lesque bV`]cUVO]\S 0c`ZSa_cSP]ga^`SaS\bOabSO[g [O\aV]ebVObaSSYab]`ST`O[SbVS V]bO\RaSfgaV]eTcZZ]TQ][SRg [gbV]T<O`QWaaca a]\UaSfgRO\QSO\ROQ`]POb WQa/Za]O^^SO`W\UESR\SaROg" FRIDAY 20 AUGUST /cUcabO\RBVc`aROg#/cUcab Faux Real with Fauxnique (8.30pm) /`SOZe][O\^]aW\UOaOR`OU TUESDAY 3 AUGUST _cSS\PZc`aUS\RS`P]c\RO`WSaO\R La John Joseph – Underclass Hero _cSabW]\abVSRWTTS`S\QSPSbeSS\ OcbVS\bWQWbgO\RO`bWTWQS (8.30pm) 4]ZZ]eW\UZOabgSO`¸aaV]e(76O^ ^S\B]:WYS<SeG]`Y:O8]V\ MONDAY 23 8]aS^V`Sbc`\aeWbVO^WSQSbVOb AUGUST SfO[W\SaVWaT]`[ObWdSgSO`aW\ <ObVO\3dO\aO\R :WdS`^]]Z/Za]O^^SO`W\UBcSaROg >]ZZgEWaS[O\ /cUcab ^`SaS\b/b][WQ³O [caWQOZb`WPcbSb] Nathan Evans SATURDAY 7 AUGUST 0Z]\RWSO\R2SP Double-decker Knees- Up PWS6O``g&!^[ C\RS`ZW\UO\RD]eO\RBW[PS`ZW\O Q][[O\RO\]ZR@]cbS[OabS`T]` WED-FRI 25-27 AUGUST ObeWabSRTc\TWZZSRPW\U]QOZZW\U BVS2cQYWSbSO[V]abbV`SS Pca`WRSO`]c\RbVSQO^WbOZ0OQYOb QOPO`Sb^OQYSRSdS\W\Ua]T bVS@]gOZDOcfVOZZBOdS`\AQ]bbSS µ>S`T]`[O\QSO\R1]QYbOWZa¶ eWZZV]abO\OZZROgW\abOZZObW]\^WSQS BWQYSbaT`][eeebWQYSbeSPQ]cY =CbbVS`S @3D73E LICKING WOUNDS PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM B637<7;7B/0:32/D726=G:3@313<B:G @3BC@<32B=B63@=G/:D/CF6/::B/D3@< 4=@/<=B63@A3@73A=4B6C@A2/G<756B <3=1/0/@3BA3AA7=<(:7197<5E=C<2A Reviewing nightclubs on the gay scene for more years than we care to remember, we can occasionally believe that we have seen pretty much everything there is to see in terms of cabaret and ‘out there’ performances. However, a simple Thursday night trip to see David Hoyle acts as a sharp reminder that some things still have the power to shock. The hugely talented and arch Mr Hoyle bounded onstage to the strains of Cliff Richard’s ‘Devil Woman’, before warning the audience that this evening’s entertainment aimed to demonstrate that we should live in a world without limits and values. Cue a performance from female artiste Mouse, which prompted jaws to drop throughout the venue and the entire front row to pick up their drinks and retreat to a safe distance when she started to insert water into various body orifices and then impressively squirt it back across the auditorium. “I look forward to you all giving that a try later,” quipped Mr Hoyle, in true Generation Game-host fashion. Perhaps fortunately, no-one took him up on his challenge! The rest of the evening included some more spontaneous art from Mr Hoyle, and a routine from porn performer Ashley Ryder and his boyfriend, which again, resulted in a very messy stage. Licking wounds? We're not sure about that, but it must certainly have taken staff a while to mop up the blood! $ =CbbVS`S A13<3 ^`]RcQbW]\O\RSTT]`bbVObU]SaW\b]QO^OQWbg PcWZRW\UOabVSQO^WbOZ¸aQZcPa^`S^O`Sab] eSZQ][SV]`RSa]TUZ]POZUOgb]c`Waba >ZcaWa\¸bbVS`Sa][SbVW\UVWRS]caZg^`]dW\QWOZ O\RS[PO``OaaW\UOP]cbbVSeV]ZSOTTOW`-7VOdS O\OUUW\U[S[]`g]TaZWUVbZg]dS`eSWUVbPSO` QZ]\SaW\ZObSfa[OZZaZSaPWO\aeWbVQ`OhgQ]Z]c`SR R`SORZ]QYSfbS\aW]\aO\RSdS`ga[OZZb]e\ ^`]dW\QWOZ_cSS\`S^ZSbSeWbVO`OW\P]e]TZO[{ Q`]^b]^aO\RPOReWUa6]eQ]cZRO\gbVW\UZWYS bVWaVOdSO\g^]ZWbWQOZdOZcSO\g[]`S]``SZSdO\QS b]O[]RS`\UOg[O\ZWYS[S- PERHAPS THE BIGGEST BIGOTS TOWARDS THE GAY COMMUNITY LIE WITHIN… OVER THE RAINBOW? @716/@2B=<9A>=<23@AE63B63@ B63@37AAB7::/<GB67<5:34BB=03 >@=C2/0=CB >`WRS:]\R]\aSOa]\Wac^]\ca³O\R]\QS OUOW\7¸[b]`\3dS`ggSO`7USbQOcUVbW\ ZW[P]PSbeSS\bV]aSbVObbVW\Y]c`O\\cOZ QSZSP`ObW]\O\RRS[]\ab`ObW]\]TOZZbVW\Ua_cSS` WaO\]\U]W\UZSUOQg]TbVSOQVWSdS[S\bO\R QSZSP`ObW]\]TRWdS`aWbgeWbVW\O\W\Q`SOaW\UZg Q]\TWRS\b[W\]`WbgBVS]bVS`QO[^PSZWSdSabVS S\bW`SQVO`ORSWaOQg\WQOZSfQcaST]`A]V]b]`OWaS Wba^`WQSaO\R\SSRZSaaZg^`]dWRSO^ZObT]`[T]` SfVWPWbW]\WabV][]aSfcOZWbgbVObe]cZR\¸bZ]]Y]cb ]T^ZOQS]\ODWZZOUS>S]^ZS^]^dWRS] BVS`SWaOQbcOZZgObVW`RQO[^^]^cZObSRPgTSZZ]e c`PO\V][]aSfcOZaeV]OPa]ZdSbVS[aSZdSa OZ[]abQ][^ZSbSZgT`][O\gYW\R]TUOgOQbWdWbg O\ReWZZ\]bSdS\Y\]e>`WRSeSSYS\RWa VO^^S\W\Ua]RWaS\UOUSRO`SbVSgeWbVbVS eV]ZSSdS\b >S`a]\OZZg7¸dSOZeOgaPSS\OPWb]T·TOW` eSObVS`¸>`WRSac^^]`bS`?cWbSZWbS`OZZgWTbVS eSObVS`Wa\WQS7[Og^O`bWQW^ObS7TbVS`S¸aO QVO\QS]T`OW\7OZ[]abQS`bOW\Zge]\¸b/\RbVOb U]SaT]`OZ]b]TbVS^O`bWSaOaeSZZBVSQg\WQW\ [SaSSabVSaZWUVbZg`OWaSRQZcPS\b`g^`WQSaO\R Tc`]`S]dS`bWQYSbaO\RUcSabZWabaO\RW[[SRWObSZg TSSZaW``WbObSRBVSUS\S`OZQ]\aS\acaO[]\Uab [g^SS`aWabVOb>`WRSWa^`W[O`WZgOQ][[S`QWOZ dS\bc`SbVSaSROgabVObWaVSOdWZgR][W\ObSRPg ·bVSaQS\S¸O\RWaSfQZcaWdSb]bV]aSeV]PSZWSdS bVSUOgQ][[c\Wbg¸aPWUUSabQ]\b`WPcbW]\b] a]QWSbgWabVS`WaS]TbVS[WReSSYOTbS`V]c`aQZcP 7bS\Rb]T]`USbbVObbVSaS[W\]`W\Q]\dS\WS\QSa [OgOQbcOZZgPSQ][^S\aObSRPgbVSSfb`O $ 6]eSdS`VO\U]\[W\cbS7a\¸bWbbW[ST]`O `OW\QVSQYVS`S-2WRg]cTW\Rg]c`aSZT\]RRW\U W\OU`SS[S\bObbVSOP]dS-ESZZe]cZRg]c OU`SSbVObP]bVg]cO\R7eS`SPSW\UOeSS PWbXcRU[S\bOZXcabbVS\³OQOaS]T>`WRSO\R >`SXcRWQSG]caSSOTbS`Obg^WQOZP]cb]T]dS`ZgO\OZgbWQOZ `STZSQbW]\WbacRRS\Zg]QQc``SRb][SbVOb ^O`ORSa]TOZZYW\Ra[WUVbOQbcOZZgPS[SO\bb] PSQSZSP`Ob]`gO\RTZO[P]gO\b)OeOg]Tbc`\W\U bVSPO\OZWbg]TbVSSdS`gROg]\WbaVSOR7a\¸b bVSW[^]`bO\bbVW\UbVSTOQbbVObVS`SW\:]\R]\ g]cQO\Sf^`Saag]c`>`WRSW\eVObSdS`eOgg]c RSS[b]PS^`WRSTcZ-/\RWTbVOb[SO\a[O`QVW\U eWbVObS[^S`O[S\bOZQVWVcOVcOO\RR]RUg^OW` ]TQVSO^b`O\\gVSSZab][OYSg]c`^]W\bO\RTSSZ OQQS^bSRa]PSWb >S`VO^abVSPWUUSabPWU]bab]eO`RabVSUOg Q][[c\WbgZWSeWbVW\³VOdS7PSQ][S]\S]T bVS[-2O`S7aOg7[OgVOdSSdS\RSbSQbSROVW\b ]T_cSS`aSZTZ]ObVW\Ua][SeVS`SW\bVS`SeVS\7 TSSZb]]S[PO``OaaSRb][O`QVW\^cPZWQ-EVObWa [gPWURSOZWTa][S]\SeO\bab]eSO`ObV]\U]\ ^cPWQW\^cPZWQ-BVSg¸`SVOdW\UTc\a]eVgQO\¸b76]eSdS`Oab]bVS^]ZWbWQOZdOZcS]TWb³Xcab eVObO`SeS[O`QVW\UT]`bVSaSROgaeVS\ :]\R]\WaPWZZSR(bVSW\bS`\ObW]\OZQO^WbOZ]TUOg b]ZS`O\QS-BVSTOQbWa0]`Wa8]V\a]\aQ`O^^SR :]\R]\¸a:50BORdWa]`g^O\SZQcbTc\RW\U T]`A]V]>`WRSO^^O`S\bZgb]RWdS`b[]\Sgb] bOQYZSV][]^V]PWQVObSQ`W[SO\ReWbVR`Se bVS5`SObS`:]\R]\/cbV]`WbgT`][Ab]\SeOZZ¸a ZWab]TbVS[]abUOgT`WS\RZgS[^Z]gS`a/\R eVWZS7R]\¸beO\bb]PSc\\SQSaaO`WZg[]`PWR 7O\0Og\VO[³bVSdWQbW[]TO\OPV]``S\b V][]^V]PWQObbOQYW\B`OTOZUO`A_cO`S³RWSR]\ !=Qb]PS` 'BVOb¸aZSaabVO\\W\S[]\bVa OU]`WUVbW\bVSVSO`b]TbVSQ]a[]^]ZWbO\ESab 3\RO\RSfOQbZgbVS^]W\beVS`SbVS>`WRS^O`ORS eWZZS\RO\RbVS`OZZgW\UPSUW\a G]ceWZZ\]bTW\R[SPZ]eW\UOeVWabZS]`eSO`W\U OVO\RZSPO`[]cabOQVS]`VO`\SaaPcbbVWagSO` 7eWZZPSUSbbW\U]TT[gZOhgUOgO`aSb][O`QV eVObSdS`bVSeSObVS` GET ON THE GUEST LIST The Duckie crew will be turning back the clock and staging an authentic London club night set back in the swingin’ sixties on Saturday 3 July. Hostess Amy Lamé hosts the retro set-up and there’ll be appearance from queer performance stalwarts The Actionettes, Bird La Bird, Scottee and more, with the resident Readers Wifes spinning a very, very retro set up to 1967. There is a strict dress code of 1960’s style clothing. 'Gross Indecency' is at the Camden Centre, Euston Road, Kings Cross on Saturday 3 July from 9pm till 3am. Tickets are ‘sixteen Guineas’ from the Retro Bar – see www.duckie. for more details. After a rather secretive sabbatical, scene hostess Megan and DJ Stevie B return to clubland with the launch of new tea-dance Revolución on Sunday 4 July. Fat Tony and Stevie B will be layin’ down the their unique brand of kickass house music all night – together with Danny Gilligan who’ll be mixing up a tougher vibe. It all goes off in Opal (formerly Motion and Rock), which has undergone huge refurbishments. Revolución is Sunday 4 July at Opal, Hungerford House, Victoria Embankment. Doors are open from 6pm till 1am and entry’s £5 in advance from Soho outlets. See =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A A13<3 HIGHLIGHTS SuperMartXé and (inset) Abigail Bailey PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD… Freemasons PRIDE LIBERATION The organizers of Pride London will themselves be throwing an official party for this year’s event. Liberation will take place on the night of 3 July 2010 at Koko in Camden and will feature a world-class selection of DJ talent. Presiding over the decks will be the Freemasons, Wayne G, Andy Almighty and Stewart Who?, while the assembled crowd will also be treated to some fire-breathing, stilt-walking drag queens, dancers, acrobats and other visual delights. There will also be a suprise PA to accompany the stage show. VIP ticket holders will be hosted by scene legend Dave Lynn and will enjoy a great view of the whole event from a glamorous balcony at the centre of the club. The night will be run by Pride London’s own team, and as the only ‘Official Party’ on 3 July, 100% of profits will be returned to the charity to help fund next year’s free Pride event. Liberation will be on 3 July 2010 from 10pm-5am at Koko in Camden. Tickets are £20/£25 VIP and are available online at, or in person from Prowler, Clone Zone, DV8 and Ku Bar (Frith Street). Promoter Logan returns with another mega dose of clubbing giant SuperMartXé on Saturday 3 July. This wild night always attracts a capacity crowd to whichever venue it chooses to visit – with recent parties taking place at the 2,000-capacity Coronet in Elephant and Castle. The July bash will be a post-Pride special, and is sure to be a sell-out. Logan and his team always pull out all the stops when it comes to production, with lavish sets and stage shows. Given that it’s Pride night, the team are upping the camp factor with a giant Wizard Of Oz theme party – with all friends of Dorothy very welcome to attend! For this special party, the SupermartXé team will be teaming up with Jodie Harsh and her Circus gang. Expect the likes of Hugo Sanchez, Pagano and Tony English to be spinning the Spanish house beats and Ibiza sounds on the main floor, while Jodie Harsh, Kris Di Angelis and Fat Tony take care of Room Two. Abigail Bailey (‘I Just Can’t Get Enough’, ‘Touch Me’) will provide the live PA on the main floor, and you can expect the usual dazzling go-go boys and pyrotechnics. Doors will be open from 10pm till 7am, and you’ll find the Coronet at 26-28 New Kent Road, SE1. To help get you in the mood, there will be a SuperMartXé pre-party at Profile/ Lo-Profile in Soho on Friday 25 June. Tickets available now from LATE NIGHT POPSTARZ $" GROSS INDECENCY The Duckie crew will be celebrating Pride night with a one-off event entitled ‘Gross Indecency’ at the Camden Centre on Euston Road on Saturday 3 July. Billed as a ‘Pre-Gay Lib Gay Club’, Amy Lamé and the team will be turning back the clock, hosting a night fictionally themed in the mid-60s – before homosexual acts were decriminalized in the 1967. The event has been designed by Laura Hopkins and Simon Kenny, and will strive to be as authentically ‘early 60s’ as possible. To this end, there will be a strict dress code; “Please wear 1960s style clothing: Effeminate dilly boys, dusty dykes, modest mods, retrosexual rockers, sister george, closet cases, toffs, spivs, belgravia brasses, married men, Jamaican sailors, ladies in tweed and the criminal underworld.” Taking part in the event will be Readers Wifes, Amy Lamé, The Cloths, Scottee, Bird La Bird, Tony Rebel-Rebel, Lucille Power, Harold Offeh, Robin Whitmore, Wrnech & Franks, Russell Harris, ‘Dusty Springfield’ and The Actionettes – with choreography by Luca Silvestrini. Tickets cost “16 guineas in advance in person from the Retro Bar”. For more details, check the ‘Gross Indecency’ page on Facebook. WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM Long-running indie club Popstarz has recently extended itself to include an after hours session. After the main party has wound down at The Den, you can now enjoy Popstarz After Dark – within the same venue. Admission is free after 3.15am, whether you’ve been to Popstarz earlier in the evening or not. The DJs will be offering slightly more danceoriented tunes, and there will also be drinks deals at the bar. Popstarz at The Den (formerly The End), 18 West Central Street, off New Oxford Street, WC1. Meanwhile, the Popstarz team have told us that they will be celebrating Pride with a massive ‘Ghetto Superstarz’ party – reuniting many of the nights that they used to run at the Ghetto (which sadly closed to make way for Tottenham Court Road’s Crossrail development). The event will take place at The Den & Centro on Saturday 3 July, and will offer pop, r’n’b and electro all under the one roof. They’re attempting to squeeze seven different club nights into the one event – WigOut, The Cock, Miss Shapes, Gutterslut, Babe, Work and PYT. “Since the closure of the Ghetto people have begged us to bring back some of our old events,” explains head honcho Tommy Turntables. “After the successful relaunch of Wig Out on Saturdays at Centro we couldn’t resist bringing back some old nights alongside it for a post-Pride party like no other!” Expect pure pop madness in the Wig Out main room, The Cock ‘Bass Basement’ with guest DJs from Gutterslut, a joint R’n’B Lounge from the Work and PYT crews, plus a free ‘Tunnel of Love’ and free “Ghetto-trash makeovers”. Doors will be open 10pm till 6am. Advanced £10 tickets available from Popstarz every Friday (no booking fee), or online (plus booking fee) from – tickets on the door cost £12 before midnight and £14 after. =CbbVS`S A13<3 $# =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A A13<3 LONDON RAUNCH HIGHLIGHTS DUSTY O’S BIRTHDAY BASH PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON The fabulous Trannyshack is one of London’s best midweek outings, attracting a camp and colourful crowd down to Madame Jo Jo’s in Soho every Wednesday night. Fresh from launching their first-ever Trannyshack UK book (a beautiful hardback collection of photographs compiled by James Andrew Yardley), the team have a gaggle of performance Sagat and appearances lined up for the coming weeks. The exotic Lady Imelda Francois will be gracing the stage on Wednesday 30 June, with her own inimitable brand of cheeky comedy, song and risqué humour. One of the biggest dates in the Trannyshack calendar, hostess Miss Dusty O (pictured above) will be celebrating her birthday on Wednesday 7 July with a Marie Antoinette-themed party entitled ‘Let Them Eat Cake’. The amazing Globe Girls will provide the cabaret, and you can expect a capacity crowd of drag lovelies. Miss Laquisha Jonz will be celebrating her birthday at Trannyshack on 14 July, while the legend that is Sandra will be turning the air blue on Wednesday 21 July. There will be a tribute to Lady Gaga on Wednesday 28 July, with many of the regulars performing their own tribute routines, while August will kick off with an appearance from Lady Rue. As always, expect camp dance and retro pop tunes from Tasty Tim, Lady Lloyd and Dusty O. Munroe Bergdorf works the doors, while regular performers and hostesses include Miss Ritzy Crackers , Miss Vanilla Lush and Miss Glendora Mucklefanny! Trannyshack takes place at Madame Jo Jo’s from 10.30pm tll 3am, with admission free for anyone in drag and £5 everyone else. Organised by the guys at, Barbara Tucker Fetish Week London is a raunchy weekend celebration hitting the capital from 14-18 July 2010. The festival will include a host of special events and bar nights, with six official Fetish Week parties. These will include Leather Nexus (at Fire in Vauxhall) on Friday 16 July, Full Fetish at the Scala in King’s Cross and a Skinhead party at the Eagle in Vauxhall (both Saturday 17 July). There will be a Fetish Week BBQ at the Lightbox in Vauxhall (Fire) on Sunday 18 July, followed by a Rubber Party and Closing Party at the Hoist in Vauxhall (18 July). Sponsors for the festival include Folsom Street San Francisco and Folsom Street Berlin, The Hoist, RoB and, among others. Folsom Street will be joining forces with Recon to host the opening party at Fire on the Friday night (Leather Nexus), and all involved are working hard to promote the weekend internationally and attract as many guys as possible to the UK for this unique celebration of all things fetish-related. The full diary of events is as follows: FRIDAY 16 JULY • Welcome drinks at Novotel Hotel, 113 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7LS. From 7-10pm. Admission free. • Leather Nexus at Fire, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall SW8 1RT. From 10pm-6am. Admission £15 in advance or £20 on door. SATURDAY 17 JULY • Skinhead at The Eagle, 349 Kennington Road, Vauxhall SE11 5QY. From 3-9pm. Admission £6 in advance or £8 on the door. • Full Fetish at the Scala, 275 Pentonville Road, Kings Cross N1 9NL. Open 10pm-6am. Admission £15 in advance or £20 on the door. Sunday 18 July • GT Spit Roast Sunday at the Lightbox, South Lambeth Place, Vauxhall SW8 1SP. From 4-10pm. Admission £5. • Rubber Gear Party at The Hoist, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall SW8 1RH. From 6-11pm. Admission £6 in advance or £8 on the door. • Deconstruction – Official Closing Party at The Hoist, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall SW8 1RH. From 10pm-late. Admission £8 in advance or £10 on the door. Full details at DALSTON PARADISE Dalston Superstore offers no end of boutique club nights and delights. One that’s currently picking up plenty of critical acclaim and kudos is Body Talk, which – according to the promoters – even gave name to Swedish star Robyn’s new album! The people behind Body Talk started Following the success of previous such events, the guys at Horse Meat Disco host their arranging miscellaneous club nights next vogueing ball on 11 July. Entitled Vauxhall Is Gurning V (in homage to classic at Dalston Superstore last year, which Guy Williams documentary Paris Is Burning), expect teams of flamboyantly dressed competitors. The eventually evolved into this monthly competition will be split into the following categories: “Town and Country”, “Body Art”, event. The music has been a vital part of the club’s success and the team – led by DJ Rokk “High Fashion Parisienne”, “Butch Queen Bride’s Maid” and “Get your freak on”. Don’t forget to – play everything from 80’s soul and funk to house. The club has recently been graced by register by emailing the housemother ([email protected]). guest appearances from DJs such as Disco Damage, Jeffrey Hinton, Jim Stanton and Jim The competition will be judged by a celebrity jury which is yet to be announced. Filthy Warboy. There is no cover before 10pm and then it’s £5 after. There is also a limited £3 guest Luka is your hostfor the evening, the Italian artist Hard Ton will be making a guest list (email: [email protected]). The next edition of Body Talk will be on 26 appearance, and resident DJs James Hillard, Jim Stanton, Severino and Luke Howard will be June. playing the cult disco sounds. Meanwhile, Paradise 45 is a new, monthly underground disco/Italo/electronic funk night The doors open at 8pm and close at 3am, with entrance at £8 (free for everyone in running every first Friday of the month at the Dalson club. Guy Williams spins the sounds, and each month he’s joined by a special guest. For July it will be Peter Herbert. Upstairs, Ian drag). It takes place at the Eagle, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. Robinson (TrailerTrash) spins the 80s pop. Taking place on Friday 2 July, doors are open from 10pm and entry is free. Dalston Superstore at 117 Kingsland High Street, E8. VAUXHALL GURNS AGAIN $$ WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM Horse Meat Disco =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A GOING=Cb W1. 020 7439 1313. Tottenham Court Road tube. Noon-1am, Sun 2pm-11.30pm. Stylish, hip gay bar spread over four intimate floors, with regular nights from top DJs, regular piano bar and tasty food. ESCAPE, 10a Brewer Street, W1. 020 7734 2626. Piccadilly Circus tube. 5pm-3am. Cover charge after 11pm. Every night’s a party at this late-night video dance bar. FIRST OUT CAFÉ, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020 7240 8042. Tottenham Court Road tube. 10am-11pm. Sun 10.30pm. Over 20 years old and still going strong. Long-running community café bar. BEST OF BRITISH One of London’s biggest post-Pride parties will be the one taking place at Fire in Vauxhall (Saturday 3 July). Entitled ‘The Best Of British’, this mega bash will run from 9pm till 7am, and as its name suggests, aims to celebrate “the finest UK-based gay talent, and the fabulous diversity within the gay community in Great Britain.” “Pride is a very special time of year, and the Fire crew is proud to be a part of the fun. Once again, as London’s premier gay club group we have the honour of hosting the official dance stage during the afternoon, and we will also be bringing you this incredible and unique night, showcasing the absolute finest of gay DJs.” The whole of Fire will be utilised for this very special night, with highlights including the ‘Best of British’ main room, featuring the best Fire and Area residents, a ‘London Underground’ room with UK-based tech house and progressive DJs such as Manchester’s Nik Denton, an ‘International Room’, a ‘Brit Pop’ room headed by Dusty O, and a ‘New Brits On The Block’ room, showcasing up’n’coming talent. There will also be a live PA, plus a British Garden Party to kick off proceedings in the infamous Fire Garden. Advance tickets are available now for £10 from VENUES: CENTRAL LONDON 79 CXR, 79 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020 7734 0769. Leicester Square tube. Mon-Sat 1pm-3am, Sun 1pm-10.30pm. Cover charge after 11pm. Large, cruisy, late-night bar - always busy after 10.30pm with those who don’t want to head home too early. ADMIRAL DUNCAN, 54 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7437 5300. Leicester Square tube. Friendly, famous, traditional gay pub - just look out for the purple and pink exterior! BARCODE, 3-4 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 3342. www. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Sat 4pm-1.30am. Sun until 10.30pm. Dance bar on three floors, with club-style basement. Comedy Camp stand-up night each Tuesday, and more danceoriented sessions at weekends. THE BOX, 32-34 Monmouth Street, Seven Dials, WC2. 020 7240 5828. Leicester Square tube. 11am-11pm. Stylish and awardwinning gay café bar popular with scene and muscle queens. Frequent exhibitions on the walls and great food. CANDY BAR, 4 Carlisle Street, W1. 020 7494 4041. Tottenham Court Road tube. Mon-Thu 5-11.30pm. Fri & Sat 5pm-2am. Sun 5-11pm. Longrunning and famed lesbian bar. COMPTONS, 52 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7479 7961. Leicester Square tube. Noon-11pm. A Soho institution. Large, traditional gay boozer on two floors, attracting a butch and manly crowd. www. THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 77 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7439 1274. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat noon-midnight, ‘til 10.30pm on Sun. Traditional and fun gay pub over two floors, attracting a good cross-section from across the scene. THE EDGE, 11 Soho Square, FREEDOM, 66 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7734 0071. Piccadilly Circus tube. Opulent style bar, with late-night club promotions for a mixed, metrosexual crowd. FRIENDLY SOCIETY, 79 Wardour Street, WC1. Trendy and unique, intimate basement bar with quirky decor and fun atmosphere – attracts a mixed crowd. G-A-Y BAR, 30 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7494 2756. Leicester Square tube. 12pm12am. Huge, poptastic gay bar, with a multitude of video screens, pop tunes and drinks promotions. G-A-Y LATE, 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. Tottenham Court Road tube. 11pm-3am. Late-night sister venue to G-A-Y Bar – more video screens, camp pop fun and cheap drinks.Gets very busy most nights of the week. for details THE KINGS ARMS, 23 Poland Street, W1. 020 7734 5907. Oxford Circus tube. Mon-Thur 12pm–11pm, Fri-Sat 12pm-12am, Sun 12pm-11.30pm. London’s bar for bears and blokes. Traditional atmosphere plus pool table. Sunday night karaoke very popular. KU BAR, 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 020 7437 4303. Leicester Square tube. Large, award-winning, upmarket gay bar spread over three floors, open till 3am daily and always busy throughout the week. www. KU BAR SOHO, 25 Frith Street, W1. Leicester Square tube. New, smaller sister venue to Lisle Street Ku Bar, with entrances on Old Compton Street and Frith Street - open till 11pm daily. The first floor houses a Gay Tourist Office from noon-6pm throughout the week ( KUDOS, 10 Adelaide Street, WC2. 020 7379 4573. Charing Cross tube. 3pm-11pm, Sat noon-11pm, Sun noon-10.30pm. Beautiful and stylish café bar, with clubbier vibe and video screens in the basement. Popular with Asian crowd upstairs, plus a basement women’s bar. LO-PROFILE, The Basement, 84-85 Wardour Street, W1. Swanky, sophisticated, 400-capacity late-night basement bar and club space – from the people that bring you Open 11pm-3am Thursdays, and 10pm4am on Fridays and Saturdays. LONG YANG CLUB, long-running social group for East Asian gay guys and friends. Regular parties and social events. Check website at for full details. MADAME JO JO’S, 8-10 Brewer Street, W1. Long-running, late night gig venue, nightclub and cabaret bar - open to very mixed crowd. Home to popular Wednesday nighter Trannyshack. MOLLY MOGG’S, 2 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7434 4294. Tottenham Court Road tube. Small, intimate little gay pub, with regular drag shows attracting a mixed crowd of theatre folk and tourists. PROFILE, 84-84 Wardour Street, W1. 020 734 3444. Piccadilly Circus tube. Upstairs bar above Lo-Profile, owned and run by the team behind Gaydar. Stylish gay bar/diner, open for food and drink from early morning through till 11pm – when the action moves downstairs. THE QUEBEC, 12 Old Quebec Street, WC1. 020-7629 6159. THE GREEN CARNATION, 4-5 Greek Street, Soho, W1. 020-7434 3323. Stylish, three-floored late night gay venue, with bar, dancefloor and nightly promotions. Attracts a very mixed crowd. www.greencarnationsoho. HALFWAY TO HEAVEN, 7 Duncannon Street, WC2. 020 7321 2791. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat 12pm-12am. Old-style gay pub spread over two floors. HEAVEN, The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. Charing Cross Road tube. Huge, world-famous gay club, which is now home to G-A-Y, along with mixed/studenty Monday nighter Popcorn. Check MARVELLOUS RETURN Long-running south London indie mash-up Marvellous is set to return! Tentatively returning for a one-off reunion soirée spectacular, the inimitable Joan Dairy Queen will again be your hostess. The event will take place at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, on Friday 16 July. DJs Lush, Jonny Slut, Wayne Shires and Felix will spin the indie, rock, punk and retro tunes, and are also promising visuals and live acts. Doors will be open from 9pm till 3am, and admission will be £6. $% =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A Marble Arch tube. Long-running and huge pub, on two floors, attracting an older crowd. Open till 3am at weekends. Off the beaten Soho track but well worth checking out. THE QUEEN’S HEAD, 25 Tryon Street, SW3. 020-7589 0262. Sloane Square tube. Popular, very long-running, cosy gay pub – a Chelsea institution. RETRO BAR, 2 George Court, WC2. 020 7321 2811. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Fri noon-11. Sat 5pm-11pm, Sun 5pm-11pm. A traditional boozer for the gay scene’s indie, alternative and student-types – Tuesday’s pop quiz is an institution. RUPERT STREET, 50 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7292 7141. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-11pm, Sun 10.30pm. Large, designer-style bar, popular with professional gay boyz and post-work drinkers. JULY AT THE TAVERN Jodie Harsh’s infamous club night Circus holds a Summer Ball on 2 July (the day before the Pride Parade) in the gorgeous Bloomsbury Ballroom (WC1B). Circus normally takes place at the Paramount Club at the top of Centre Point, and has earned a reputation for offering one of the wildest and most eclectic nights in town. In the spirit of Studio 54, it aims to make its customers the centre of attention, and so warns all attending to “dress to impress”. Expect everything from drag queen and indie kids to neon-painted fashion followers and celebrities –people such as Amy Winehouse, Will Young, the Noisettes, The xx, Ladyhawke and Robyn have all passed through its doors or taken control of the decks. Peaches The club often features guest DJs, and the Summer Ball will be no exception as it will feature a guest deck appearance from Canadian electro-rock artist Peaches (of ‘Fuck The Pain Away’ fame). She’ll be joining the residents in the DJ booth – Jodie Harsh, Kris Di Angelis and newcomer Erol Sabadosh. There will also be a dedicated ‘Beach Bar’, sponsored by the St Tropez tanning products company. The doors of this very special party open at 9.30pm and close 4am. Tickets cost £13 in advance (through and £16 on the door. $& SHADOW LOUNGE, 5 Brewer Street, W1. 020-7287 7988. Piccadilly tube. Exclusive, gorgeous, late-night bar and club for A-list gays and celeb-spotters. Open from late each evening. SWEATBOX, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020-3214 6014. Exclusively gay gym (ground floor) and sauna (first floor), with occasional late-night parties. Open Sun-Thurs noon-2am, and till 7am Friday and Saturday. www. VAULT 139, 139 Whitfield Street, W1. 020-7388 5500. Central, daytime and evening intimate cruise club, for a men-only crowd. Open 4pm-1am seven days a week. VILLAGE, 81 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7434 2124. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-1am, Sun 11.30pm. Late night door charge. Soho’s original gay café bar, spread over four floors, and now with basement dancefloor and discos. Popular with a youngish crowd of boys and girls. THE YARD, 57 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7437 2652. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thur 4pm-11pm, Fri & Sat 1pm-11pm, Sun 1pm10.30pm. Busy gay bar with hugely popular courtyard area, outdoor balcony and cosy loft bar. SAUNAS CHARIOTS WATERLOO, 101 Lower Marsh, Waterloo, SE1. 020 7401 8484. Waterloo tube. Wellpresented, popular sauna, open 24/7. PLEASUREDROME, 124 Cornwall Road, Waterloo, SE1. Waterloo tube. Big venue with lots of different areas – open 24 hours, 365 days of year. SAUNABAR PORTSEA, 2 Portsea Place, Marble Arch, W2. 020 7402 3385. Marble Arch tube. Small and friendly gay sauna with masseurs. SAUNABAR COVENT GARDEN, 29 Endell Street, Covent Garden, WC2. 020 7836 2236. Covent Garden tube. Basement sauna with pool, sauna and rest rooms. Check website for discount entry. SWEATBOX SOHO, Ramillies House, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020 3214 6014. Oxford Circus tube. Gay-owned and run gym and basement sauna. Camden Town tube. Shufflewick Bar: Mon-Thu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am, Sun Noon-10.30pm. Club: Mon-Thu 10pm-2am, Fri-Sat 10pm-3am, Sun 10pm-1am. Longrunning, famed gay pub – probably the most famous cabaret pub in London. CENTRAL STATION, 37 Wharfdale Road, N1. Tel: 020 7278 3294. Kings Cross tube. Big, late-opening gay bar on three floors, with ground floor cabaret and infamously cruisy cruise nights in basement. Upstairs restaurant offering gastropub menu, plus B&B accommodation. www. CLUB KALI, The Dome, 1 Dartmouth Park Hill, Tufnell Park, N19. World’s biggest lesbian and gay Southern Asian music night, running every third Friday of the month. Always busy and rather unique. EGG, 200 York Way, King’s Cross, N7. 020 7609 8364. King’s Cross tube. Bespoke club space on three floors, hosting occasional gay club nights and after-hours sessions (mixed afterhours every Saturday night/Sunday morning). www. NORTH LONDON THE BLACK CAP, 171 Camden High Street, NW1. 020 7485 0538. THE GREEN, 74 Upper Street, N1. 020-7226 8895. Angel tube. London’s first ‘gay gay-stropub!’ Stylish, Islington bar, serving full =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A PLAYPIT, 357 Caledonian Road, N7. Caledonian Road tube. 0333 700 1231. Intimate, King’s Cross sleaze club – basically a basement darkroom. Open Thur-Sat 9pm3am, Sun 3pm-1am. Take your own booze. SOUTH LONDON AREA, 67-68 Albert Embankment, SE1. Gorgeously-designed, hard dance club and cabaret rooms, with eclectic roster of different gay nights and one-off promotions, including Friday nighter Onyx and new Sunday nighter Booster, amongst others. BARCODE VAUXHALL, Arch 69, Albert Embankment, SE11. 0207 734 3342. Vauxhall tube. Open 7 days a week. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri-Sun 4pm-4am. Very popular club bar, with dancefloor and mezzanine chill-out space - gets busy at weekends. JULY AT THE TAVERN As we report elsewhere, the Royal Vauxhall Tavern goes into overdrive later this month when it hosts the return of its annual Hot August Fringe festival. Read Duckie more details about that on page 60. However, that isn’t, of course, the only thing that’s going on at the establishment, and the teamRobert Owens have plenty of delights lined up in the run up to that. Boogaloo Stu and his crew will be in the house on Friday 25 June for Splosh-A-Rama’s first birthday – which is guarateed to be a messy, pop-laden affair. Rosie Wilby returns with her Femmes by the Thames session on Wednesday 30 June – a sassy sister cabaret that will feature entertainment from Lady Carol, Helen Arney, Alsion Brumfitt, Suzi Ruffell, Roxy Rawson and Rose France. Dr Sketchy returns on Wednesday 14 July with a special event to tie in with Bastille Day. Expect cabaret, live life drawing and burlesque. All audience members are encouraged to pick up a pencil and express their inner artistic talents! Open from 7-11pm, tickets cost £10 ( Thursday nights in July will feature Barry and Stuart’s Séance Show (part of a comedy double bill preview show with Shazia Mirza) on 1 July, Myra Dubois and Miss Annabel Sings on Thursday 8 July, Flay and Deville’s Great Escape on Thursday 15 July, and the return of the Magic Faraway Travel Agency on Thursday 22 July (with Mister Meredith, Claire Benjamin and guests). Besides this, regular events include the Monday Pub Bingo with Timberlina, Bar Wotever on Tuesdays, Duckie on Saturdays and the hugely popular S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out on Sundays. % food menu and wide range of cocktails. Mixed, chilled crowd - now run by the same team as The Edge in Soho. KING EDWARD VI, 25 Bromfield Street, N1. Tel: 020 7704 0745. Angel tube. Sun-Thu 12noon12midnight, Thu 12noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am. Very long-running gay pub, with ‘local’ atmosphere and character, plus popular beer garden. KW4, 77 Hampstead High Street, NW3. 020-7435 5747. Large, cosy, traditional old gay pub, with regular entertainment, beer garden and food. One of London’s longestrunning gay establishments. THE LOAD OF HAY, 207 Pinner Road, Watford, 01923-441113. Watford’s only gay pub, with big beer garden and regular entertainment. THE OAK BAR, 79 Green Lanes, N16. 020-7354 2791. Manor House tube. Friendly, diverse gay bar with late-night club promotions, and open ‘til 3am at weekends. Very popular with lesbians and male friends. CABLE, 33a Bermondsey Street, SE1 2EG. 020 7403 7730. London Bridge tube. Huge, purpose-built clubbing venue in railway arches. Host to occasional one-offs and monthly promotions. CLUB COLOSSEUM, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, SW8. Huge, late-night venue for after-hours crowd – hosting various monthly promotions such as Bootylicious ( and Exilio. THE EAGLE, 349 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7793 0903. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 9pm-late, Tue 9pm-2am, Sun 9pm-late. Vauxhall tube. Large, club-bar with nightly promotions. Tonker (Fridays) and Horse Meat Disco (Sundays) are particularly popular. EXILIO, Bar Rez, Club Colosseum, 1 Nine Elms Lane, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Long-running, Friday night gay Latin and salsa night. Open 11pm till 4am. FACTORY, 65 Goding Street, SE11. Stylish, railway arch Vauxhall venue, hosting occasional dance and cruise nights. THE FORT, 131 Grange Road, SE1. 020-7237 7742. Small cruise club, open till 11pm throughout week, with regular boots-only and underwear parties. Check website for full listings. FIRE, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Infamous, late-night gay venue beneath the Vauxhall railway arches, host to the likes of Orange, A:M, Later and Juicy. Open around the clock at weekends. or or THE FRIDGE, Town Hall Parade, Brixton, SW9. 020 7326 5100. Brixton tube. Large and legendary venue - formerly a theatre. Now home to occasional gay club nights such as Love Muscle. www.fridge. and THE GEORGE & DRAGON, 2 BlackheathHill, Greenwich, SE10. 020 8691 3764. Deptford Bridge DLR. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri & Sat 4pm-4am, Sun 4pm-2am. Late-night pub with nightly entertainment and cabaret. COME TOGETHER FOR PRIDE One of the highlights of the Pride London festivities is a joint venture between Pride London and Queer Question Time. ‘Come Together’ will take place on Saturday 26 June at the Electric Cinema, 191 Portobello Road, Notting Hill, W11. Pride London will this year be commemorating the 40th anniversary of the formation of the Gay Liberation Front, and Come Together will be re-examining the GLF’s original eight-point manifesto in greater detail – looking at what has been achieved and what remains to demanded. The demands were as follows: 1) That all discrimination against gay people, male and female, by the law, by employers, and by society at large, should end. 2) That all people who feel attracted to a member of their own sex be taught that such feelings are perfectly normal. 3) That sex education in schools stop being exclusively heterosexual. 4) That psychiatrists stop treating homosexuality as though it were a problem or sickness, thereby giving gay people senseless guilt complexes. 5) That gay people be as legally free to contact other gay people through newspaper ads, on the streets, and by any other means they may want, as are heterosexuals, and that police harassment should cease right now. 6) That employers should no longer be allowed to discriminate against anyone on account of their sexual preferences. 7) That the age of consent for gay males be reduced to the same as for straights. 8) That gay people be free to hold hands and kiss in public as are heterosexuals. Come Together will feature film screenings, including original documentaries and early 70s interviews with GLF members, followed by a panel debate with plenty of audience participation. The event will be hosted by Stewart Who?, and panel members will include trans poet and activist Roz Kaveney, Shami Chakrabarti (Director of Liberty), Peter Tatchell, artist Stuart Feather and journalist Andrew Lumsden. The event will run from 1-3pm, with entry £7.50 (£4 NUS and unwaged). All door proceeds will go to Pride London. Tickets from % =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A HIDDEN, 100 Tinworth Street, SE11. Railway arch venue, home to infamous Hard On night once a month (, and now also Megawoof (www. and popular urban night Work on Wednesdays. THE HOIST, Arch 47c, South Lambeth Road, SW8. 020 7735 9972. 10pm-late. Door charge and strict dress code. One of London’s most famous dress-code and cruise clubs - busy with a men-only crowd. Open Friday-Sunday and occasional Thursdays (SM Gays every third Thursday of the month - JACKIE’S JUKEBOX, Rivoli Ballroom, 350 Brockley Road, SE4. First Saturday of the month, 7pm-midnight (£7). Gay ballroom and Latin dancing night, attracting up to 300 dancers a month to the glam 1950s-style Rivoli Ballroom. Crofton Park BR. KAZBAR, 50 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7622 0070. Clapham North tube. Mon-Thu 4pm- midnight, Fri 4pm-1am, Sat noon1am, Sun noon-midnight. Clapham video bar, popular throughout the week, with DJs at weekends. LITTLE APPLE, 98 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7735 2039. Kennnigton tube. Open 7 days a week. Small, traditional gay boozer for local gay boys and girls - open till 1.30am Fri-Sat. PARIS GYM, 73 Goding Street, Vauxhall, SE11. 020 7735 8989. Vauxhall tube. Huge, well-equipped men-only gym with large, devoted following. Regular classes. Tourists welcome. Check website for entry details and membership. ROYAL VAUXHALL TAVERN, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7840 0596. Opening times vary. Vauxhall tube. Door Charge. Huge, traditional and historic gay pub, with long history of hosting cabaret. Packed to rafters on Saturday (Duckie) and Sunday (S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out). Check or the facebook group RV Taverners for information. THE STAG, 15 Bressenden Place, SW1. 020 7828 7287. Victoria tube. Mon & Tue midday-midnight, Wed-Fri midday-2am, Sat 5pm2am, Sun 4pm-midnight. Dark and atmospheric gay bar in Victoria, with occasional cabaret and DJs at weekends, and now an upstairs theatre space. 286, 286 Lewisham High Street, SE14. 020-8690 7648. Large, lateopening gay venue, with regular entertainment, DJs and cabaret. Open till 2am Sun-Thur and 4am Fri-Sat. JULY DICK Quarterly club night Dick & Fanny – an East End mash-up that aims to appeal equally to both gay boys and girls (hence the name) – returns for its summer outing on Saturday 10 July. Following a packed affair in April, The Star of Bethnal Green will again play host to an eclectic selection of DJs, gathered from underground disco and gay scenes from all across the globe. First up will be DJ Kim Anh (, the founder and resident of monthly L.A party Booby Trap – which attracts Hollywood’s hip and alternative lesbian scene. Next up is Warboy, who has been at the forefront of London clubbing over the last decade, through his involvement with nights like Kash Point, All You Can Eat and Caligula. He also just recorded an acid-driven vocal track with Vogue cover star Andre J to be released later in the summer (http://www.myspace. com/warboy). They’ll be supported by Philippos N. Originally from Greece, but now London resident, he’s head honcho of Freshit Records. Last, but by no means least, will be British-Japanese DJ/Producer Maya Jane Coles. Between them, they’ll be offering up a mixture of classic house, techno, Italo, hi nrg and disco. Basically, anything that will get your feet moving! Dick and Fanny takes place from 9pm till 3am on Saturday 10 July at the Star of Bethnal Green, 359 Bethnal Green Road, E2. Admission is just £3 before 10pm and then £5 after. % THE TRAFALGAR ARMS, 148 Tooting High Street, SW17. 020-8767 6059. A spacious, lively, attitude-free, gay-friendy pub. Excellent food served all day. Weekly DJs on Friday and Saturday nights. Karaoke on Wednesdays. THE TWO BREWERS, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7819 9539. Clapham Common tube. Mon-Thu 5pm-2am, Fri & Sat 5pm-4am. South London’s most famed gay cabaret venue. Large bar and separate dancefloor room. An institution for over 20 years. UNION, 66 Albert Embankment, SE1. 020-7793 9262. Cruisy dance club which hosts regular HEY MISTER DJ July at the Ku Bar is all about Pride London and the World Cup. Although there will be no cabaret stage in Leicester Square this year, both Ku Lisle Street and Ku Frith Street will be celebrating Pride with big parties on Saturday 3 July. The Frith Street Bar will stay open until 2am, while all three floors of the Lisle Street bar will stay open until 5am. Don’t forget that you can watch the remaining World Cup matches at the Lisle Street Bar – and the bar boys have been getting into the World Cup mood by donning sports kits. Like they needed much excuse to show off their legs…! Finally, the bar’s DJ Quest continues throughout July, with entrants in the contest showing off their deck skills at the bar’s basement club O Zone session on Fridays, alongside the more established talent. The Ku Bar on Lisle Street offers non-stop entertainment throughout the week, with a nightly rotation of different promotions – for full details, check promotions. Plays areas and hot go-go’s. and XXL, The Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. www.xxl-london. com. London Bridge tube. Huge world-famous club for bears, big men and admirers, on Saturday and Wednesday. Pulls in 1,000+ customers each Saturday with uplifting dance anthems and occasional guest DJs. STEAMWORKS, 309 New Cross Road, New Cross, SE14. 020 8694 0606. New Cross/New Cross Gate station. Small, long-running establishment. EAST LONDON THE ANGEL, 21 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8555 1148. Stratford BR and tube. Big gay pub, always popular at weekends, with regular cabaret, DJs and disco nights. SAUNAS CHARIOTS STREATHAM 292 Streatham High Road, SW16. 020 8696 0929. Streatham station. Large sauna, with weekly theme nights (bears, men of colour, etc). CHARIOTS VAUXHALL 63-64 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1. 020 7247 5333. Vauxhall tube. Large, modern sauna in converted railway arch. THE LOCKER ROOM, 8 Cleaver Street, Kennington, SE11. 020 7735 6064. Kennington tube. Long-running, intimate gay-owned and run sauna. THE BACKSTREET, Wentworth Mews, off Burdett Road, E3. 020-8980 8557. Over 25 years old – small but legendary East End dress code leather club, open Thur-Sun. Very strict rubber and leather dresscode, ensuring a wide and loyal following. www. BISTROTHEQUE, 23-27 Wadeson St, E2. Tel: 020 8983 7900. Bethnal Green tube. Very mixed, gay/straight crowd of trendy metrosexuals. Great bar, restaurant, plus separate cabaret room. CHARLIE’S BAR, 124 Globe Road, E1. Tel: 020 7790 1007. Whitechapel tube. Recently refurbished, Moroccan style – friendly, local gay bar. DALSTON SUPERSTORE, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8. 020 7254 2273. Highbury & Islington tube. New, two-floor mixed gay-straight venue - café by day and fashionable performance space and club promotions at night. Open noon-2am seven days a week. GAY LICK, Club Lick, 58 Hoe Street, E17. Walthamstow tube. Twice-monthly gay promotion at a cruisy club space. Every first and third Friday from 9pm-4am. Entry £4 before midnight and £7 after. THE JOINERS ARMS, 116 Hackney Road, E2. Tel: 020 7739 9854. Debauched decadence – old-skool boozer popular with post-club crowd at weekends. Gets busy later in the evenings. KINGS HEAD, 11 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8534 0197 Stratford BR and tube. Intimate and welcoming East End gay pub – regular cabaret. Open till late throughout the week. THE OLD SHIP, 17 Barnes Street, E14. Tel: 020 7790 4082. Limehouse DLR. Small, local, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret - five minutes’ walk from BJ’s White Swan (see below). BJ’s WHITE SWAN, 556 Commercial Road, E1. Tel: 020 7780 9870. Limehouse DLR. A large, legendary, long-running gay pub and club, open throughout the week. Wednesday’s Amateur Strip is an institution. www. SAUNAS CHARIOTS LIMEHOUSE, 574 Commercial Road, E14. 020 7791 2808. Limehouse rail station. Multi-level, well-established sauna. Themed parties such as ‘Big and chunky’ each Monday evening, FLESH RETURNS! Think that the best gay clubs are only found in London? One of the most famous and influential gay nights of the last two decades must be Flesh – the monthly gay night at Manchester’s infamous Hacienda – which ran throughout the early 90s. There’s not been a Flesh party for several years, but to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the club’s first party in 1990, promoter Paul Cons will be throwing a one-off Flesh party on the August Bank Holiday Sunday (29 August) – to coincide with the annual Manchester Mardi Gras. This one-off spectacular will take place at Peter Hook’s Fac 251 – The Factory (the building that was originally Paradise Factory). If you’re planning on attending Manchester Mardi Gras, the Flesh party – which will act as a fundraiser for the Albert Kennedy Trust and the Peter Tatchell Human Rights Fund – is sure to be one of the weekend’s highlights. The night will feature original Flesh DJs Dave Kendrick, DJ Paulette and Kath McDermott, and there’s the promise of a very special Live PA, as well as exciting stage happenings to celebrate the Flesh years, with contributions by a host of stars inspired by their patronage of the night. “I’ve been asked many times to bring back Flesh and I have always resisted,” promoter Cons told Out In The City. “However, this time it felt right. The Flesh generation is now in its 30’s and 40’s and fast approaching mid-life. It’s a good time to look back and celebrate our lives, yet we also need to look to the future and what comes next. I’d love the night to be a kind of ‘queer reboot’ – a night of memories , passion and excitement that might inspire who knows what?! For me this isn’t about nostagia – it’s necessary.” Tickets cost £15 plus booking fee and are available now from amongst others. CHARIOTS SHOREDITCH, 1 Fairchild Street, Shoreditch, EC2. 020 7247 5333. Liverpool Street station. Biggest gay sauna in UK, with a maze of rest rooms. Very popular (particularly at weekends). BRIGHTON E15 CLUB, 6 Leytonstone Road, Stratford, E15. 020 8555 5455. Stratford tube. Deceptively large sauna behind a discreet facade. WEST LONDON ESCAPE, 184 London Road, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, KT2. 020 8549 9911. Revamped, longrunning gay club open WednesdaySunday. THE HOPE & ANCHOR, 20 Macbeth Street, Hammersmith, W6. (020 8748 1873). Gay pub for Hammersmith and Chiswick. Traditional boozer with nightly entertainment – open noon-11pm throughout week, with popular karaoke at weekends. THE RICHMOND ARMS, 20 The Square, off Princes Street, Richmond. 020-8940 2118. Longrunning, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret and entertainment. One of gay London’s better locals. TED’S PLACE, 305a North End Road, West Brompton, W14. 0207 385 9359. Earls Court or West Brompton tube. Mon-Fri from 7pmlate, closed Sat & Sun. Small, West London cruise club. Dark and sleazy. WEST 5, Popes Lane, South Ealing, W5. 020-8579 3266. Large, popular gay pub with Piano Room and cabaret bar, open till late at weekends with entertainment and DJs. Attracts a big local crowd - particularly at weekends. WINDSOR CASTLE, 152 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3. 020 8577 6590. Hounslow West tube. Large, local gay pub with regular cabaret and entertainment throughout the week. TO UPDATE LISTINGS, PLEASE SEND INFORMATION TO [email protected] AUDIO, Marine Parade, BN1. Club venue with outdoor terrace – making it a summer favourite. Hosts regular club nights such as Sunday Sundae (www. AMSTERDAM BAR, 11-12 Marine Parade, BN2. www. 01273 688825. Long-running establishment, with an adjoining hotel and sauna. Great outdoor terrace for the summer months. AQUARIUM, 6 Steine Street, Brighton. 01273 605525. www. the-aquarium-theatre-bar. Long-running, traditional style pub popular with gay guys. Regular entertainment. BLANCH HOUSE, 17 Atlingworth Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 603504. www. Plush, hip, mixed hotel cocktail bar that’s popular with a cross-section of Brighton residents and visitors. Open late at weekends. BRIGHTON TAVERN, 100 Gloucester Road, North Laine, BN1. 01273 680365. A stylish but homely venue with wooden flooring, open fire, real ales and a friendly welcome. THE BULLDOG, 31 St. James Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 696996. www.bulldogbrighton. com. Legendary scene bar (nearly 30 years old!), attracting a bloke-ish crowd with drinks promotions, entertainment and long hours thanks to a 24-hour licence in operation at weekends. CHARLES STREET BAR, 8 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 624091. www.charles-street. com. Large, stylish and popular gay bar overlooking the seafront – particularly busy with pre-club crowds at weekends. DOCTOR BRIGHTONS, 16-17 Kings Road, BN1. 01273 208113. Another long-running scene institution, ideally placed for the seafront, shopping on The Lanes, or Brighton’s club life. THE HONEYCLUB, 214 Kings Road Arches, BN1. 01273 202807. Acclaimed club venue, which hosts occasional gay nights and parties. THE KING’S ARMS, 56 George Street, BN2. 01273 245128. Brighton’s bar for bears and blokes, with promotions throughout the week and occasional dress-code parties. LEGENDS, 31-32 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 624462. www. A true scene stalwart, and part of the New Europe hotel complex. Longrunning bar that’s still going strong – open late throughout the week. MARINE TAVERN, 13 Broad Street, BN2. 01273 681284. www. Small, cosy, traditional-style bar. QUEEN’S ARMS, 7 George Street, BN2. 01273 696873. Long-running scene pub with camp tunes and fun entertainment throughout the week. R-BAR, 7 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 608133. www.revenge. Sister bar to the longrunning and famous Revenge nightclub. A hip and stylish establishment that’s popular with its own crowd of regulars. REVENGE, 32-34 Old Steine, BN1. 01273 606064. www. Brighton’s famous, long-running, full-time gay club, offering two floors of music and club promotions. Attracting a wide range of customers from all sections of the city’s gay scene, and a hot spot for visitors. VAVOOM VIDEO BAR, 31 Old Steine, BN1. 01273 603010. As its name suggests, a bight and glitzy video bar, next door to Club Revenge. WILD FRUIT, Tru, West Street, BN1. 01273 327083. The biggest gay night on the south coast. A huge, monthly party that’s been running for years – pulling in clubbers from far and wide. Check the website at www.aeonevents. for details of upcoming dates and ticket prices. THE ZONE, 33 St James’s Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 682249. Friendly, mixed venue with regular entertainment and laid-back attitude. %! =Cb`SOQV PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM 1=;;C<7BG PRIDE IN BRIGHTON AND HOVE >@7237<0@756B=</<26=D313:30@/B3A7BA&B6 07@B62/GB67A/C5CABE3:==9/63/2B=A=;3=4B63 /BB@/1B7=<A1=;7<5C>=D3@B63<3FB43EE339A¬ PHOTO © DOUG CRAIB /TbS`>`WRS:]\R]\W\8cZgbVS PWUTSabWdOZbVOb[O\g]TbV]aSW\ bVSa]cbVZ]]YT]`eO`Rb][]abWa bVSO\\cOZ>`WRSW\0`WUVb]\O\R 6]dSTSabWdOZObbVSPSUW\\W\U]T /cUcab 2SbOWZaO`SaZ]eZgPSUW\\W\U b]S[S`USOP]cbbVWagSO`¸a TSabWdWbWSaeWbVbVS[OW\ ^O`ORSO\RTSabWdOZaQVSRcZSR b]bOYS^ZOQSAObc`ROg% /cUcab 6]eSdS`bVS`SO`S^ZS\bg]T ]bVS`SdS\baZW\SRc^W\bVS eSSYaPST]`SbVOb2]UZ]dS`a T`][OZZ]dS`0`WUVb]\O\R 6]dS³OaeSZZOabVS`Sab]T bVSQ]c\b`g³eWZZPSVSORW\U T]`6]dS@cUPg4]]bPOZZ 1ZcP]\bVS=ZRAV]`SVO[ @]OR]\Ac\ROg"8cZgT]` bVWagSO`¸a>`WRS1][^O\W]\ 2]UAV]eW\Oaa]QWObW]\eWbV 1]OabeOgDSbS`W\O`g5`]c^ BVS]`UO\WaS`aO`SV]^W\Ub] PSObZOabgSO`¸a`SQ]`RS\b`g ]T[]`SbVO\$R]Uab] bVSeWRSdO`WSbg]TQZOaaSa ³P]bV^SRWU`SSQ]\RWbW]\O\R \]dSZbg µ3dS`ggSO`bVS>`WRS 1][^O\W]\2]UAV]e USbaPWUUS`O\RPWUUS`¶ aOgaB]\g1]eWS]T 1]OabeOgµO\ReSO`S OW[W\Ub]PSObZOab gSO`¸a`SQ]`RS\b`g¶ An entrant at last year’s Pride Companion Dog Show - returning again Sunday 4 July >]^cZO`0`WUVb]\UOg^cPbVS ?cSS\¸a/`[aWaQ]\bW\cW\U eWbVWbaESR\SaROg\WUVb BOZS\bAV]e>`WRS¸a5]b BOZS\b]\bVS%" O\R &8cZgBVSeW\\S`eWZZPOU bVS[aSZdSabVSQVO\QSb] ^S`T]`[ObbVS>`WRS4SabWdOZ WbaSZTW\>`Sab]\>O`YW\T`]\b]T bV]caO\Ra]Ta^SQbOb]`aA] \]^`Saac`SbVS\ BVS>`WRSac[[S`TSabWdOZ eWZZ`c\T`][AObc`ROg!8cZg c\bWZbVS[OW\^O`ORSO\R^O`Y SdS\b]\AObc`ROg%/cUcab 3dS\babOYW\U^ZOQSW\QZcRSbVS /`bT]`>`WRS3fVWPWbW]\O\R AOZSOb0`WUVb]\;SRWO1S\b`S ]\Ac\ROg/cUcab³eWbV# ]TOZZaOZSaR]\ObSRb]>`WRSW\ 0`WUVb]\6]dS :]]YW\UOVSORb]bVSPWUROg WbaSZT]\AObc`ROg%/cUcab bVSbVS[ST]`bVWagSO`¸a>`WRS ^O`ORSWaµ>`WRSO\R<] >`SXcRWQS¶=`UO\WaS`aO`S Sf^SQbW\UObZSOab##À]Oba O\RQ][[c\WbgU`]c^ab] PSbOYW\U^O`bOZ]\UaWRS W\RWdWRcOZeOZYS`aO\R ac^^]`bS`aBVS^O`ORSeWZZ YWQY]TTObO[]\;ORSW`O 2`WdS\Sfbb]0`WUVb]\>WS` BVS`]cbSbOYSaWbOZ]\UbVS 9W\UaeOgc^ESabAb`SSbb] bVS1Z]QYB]eS`^OabbVS@]gOZ >OdWZW]\O\R]\b]>`Sab]\ >O`Y3dS\baW\bVS^O`YeWZZ `c\T`][bWZZ&^[4cZZRSbOWZa VORgSbb]PSO\\]c\QSROa eSeS`SU]W\Ub]^`SaaPcb g]cQO\Sf^SQbQOPO`SbRO\QS bS\baPO`aO\R[O`YSbabOZZa /R[WaaW]\OaOZeOgaeWZZPS T`SSPcbR]^ZSOaSR]\ObS a][S[]\Sgb]bVSVSZ^S`a QO``gW\UQ]ZZSQbW]\PcQYSba /aOTSabWdOZWbe]cZRPSTOW` b]aOgbVOb0`WUVb]\>`WRSVOa PSS\R]UUSRPgWbaTOW`aVO`S ]TQ]\b`]dS`ag]dS``SQS\b []\bVa:OabgSO`¸aSdS\b TOWZSRb]TcZZQ]dS`WbaQ]aba ³O\R]`UO\WaS`aaOgbVObbVSg VORb]R`Oec^]\Q]\bW\US\Qg `SaS`dSab]^OgOZZbVSW`PWZZa BVWaVOaZSRb]U`SObRWaQcaaW]\ PSbeSS\]`UO\WaS`aa^]\a]`a O\RZ]QOZPcaW\SaaSaOab] V]ebVSTSabWdOZaV]cZRPSab ‘Pride and (No) Prejudice’ is this year’s theme PS`c\/TbS`OZ]\U`c\\W\U Oaa]QWObW]\>`WRS]`UO\WaS`a bS`[W\ObSRbVSPO`Q]\b`OQb \]`[OZZgVSZRPg/S]\3dS\ba :W[WbSRbVSQ][^O\gbVOb `c\aEWZR4`cWbO\R]bVS`eSZZ Y\]e\QZcP\WUVbaW\0`WUVb]\ 7beOaORSQWaW]\bVObVOa ac`^`WaSRO\Rc^aSbO\c[PS` ]T^S]^ZS³[O\g]TeV][ Q]\aWRS`SREWZR4`cWbb]PSO\ W\bSU`OZ^O`b]TbVSSdS\b BVS]`UO\WaS`aOaOZeOgaVOdS bVSW`e]`YQcb]cbb]S\ac`S bVObbVWagSO`¸aTSabWdOZWaO acQQSaaO\ROZbV]cUVbVSg VOdSaOWRbVOb[cQV]TbVSW` [OX]`a^]\a]`aVW^Wa\]e aSQc`SRbVSg¸ZZPS`SZgW\U]\O PWUbc`\]cb]\bVSROg³O\R ^ZS\bg]TR]\ObW]\aT`][bV]aS ObbS\RW\U³b]OQVWSdSbVSW` U]OZ ES¸ZZP`W\Ug]c[]`SRSbOWZa OP]cbbVSTSabWdOZW\\Sfb []\bV¸aWaacS]T=cb7\ BVS1WbgO\Rg]cQO\YSS^ QVSQYW\UbVSeSPaWbSObeee P`WUVb]\^`WRS]`UT]`bVS ZObSabW\T]`[ObW]\]`b]UWdS bVS]`UO\WaS`a³eV]eO\b b]`SOaaS`bbVSTSabWdOZ¸a Q][[c\Wbga^W`Wb³g]c`]e\ TSSRPOQY=VO\ROTbS`ZOab gSO`¸ac\T]`bc\ObSR]e\^]c` ZSb¸aOZZYSS^]c`¿\US`a Q`]aaSRbVObeSUSbPZOhW\U ac\bVWagSO` %# =Cb`SOQV ART CLASSES The Gay Tourist Office (above Ku Bar on Frith Street, Soho, W1) is running two classes for LGBT people wishing to explore their creative side. There’s a ‘Demystifying Digital’ photography class and a ‘Gay Social Art Class’. Prices range from £10 for a basic art lesson or £60 for four two-hour photography classes. For more information: email michele@gaytouristoffice. for photography and [email protected] for art classes. GROUPS//ORGS Albert Kennedy Trust: 020 7831 6562 (London). Housing advice for under 21s. Antidote: 020 7437 3523. Counselling, Thursday drop-in, complementary therapies around alcohol and drug issues. BKY - Alternative Jewish Community: www.bkylondon. Islington LGB Forum: Rachael: 07989 747824. An initiative between local police, the council and victim support. Regard: Regard, BM REGARD, London WC1N 3XX, secretary@ uk. Disabled LGBT group. Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group: 020 8952 0137. Step Out Tower Hamlets: Social & support group for LGBT and questioning young people. 5-8pm Tues 079 4633 7160 Kairos: 020 7437 6063, www. Soho project promoting health and wellbeing among LGBT community. Lesbian Gay Christian Movement: 020 7739 1249, [email protected]/www.lgcm. London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Groups in Islington. Quaker London Lesbian & Gay Fellowship: Religious group – 020 8675 6740. Metro Centre: 020 8265 3311, Greenwich-based LGBT support. Croydon Area Gay Society: Friendly social group in Croydon. 020 8645 0943 - One-Up: LGBT under-18 youth Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association, (GALHA): National campaigning organisation, founded 1979. Monthly meetings in central London, all welcome. www. - [email protected] - 0844 800 3067 Outrage!: 020 8240 0222. Political campaiging group. group, meets every Monday 4-7pm (based in Hendon - North West London) - contact Theresa (PACE) 07504226793 (mobile). OutZone: London-based social and support group for gay and bisexual young men under 25. Every Friday 6.30-9.30pm - [email protected] - www. PACE: 020 7700 1323. Counselling and support groups. Quest LGB Catholics: 0808 808 0234. GAY GOLFERS WANTED Brighton Lesbian and Gay Sports Society (BLAGSS) has been meeting the sporting and social needs of the gay and lesbian community of Brighton and Hove since 1997. BLAGSS initiated a golf group in 2005 and the organisation had its first Open Championship in 2007. Its fourth Open Championship golf tournament will be taking place this %& South London Gays: 020 8672 5268/020 8674 5191. Friendly social group. Stonewall: 020 7593 1850. Campaign group for LGBT rights. KINGS CROSS STEELERS RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group: – 020 7922 7811. - Every Mon 2-6.30pm, Tue 10am-5pm and Wed/Thur 10am-1.30pm. Helpline and meetings. Mosaic: 0800 0433 411. www. Youth group based in Brent. ELOP: 020 8509 3898. Support and community events in Walthamstow. Youth, advice, counselling and groups. PHOTO © DAVID HUDSON :7AB7<5A HATE CRIME Gay Police Association: Action Line 07092 700 000 (24hrs), [email protected]. Galop: 020 7704 2040. www. Advice and support for victims of hate crime. HIV//AIDS Crusaid: 020 7539 3880, The Kings Cross Steelers Rugby Football Club is the full name of the world’s first rugby team for gay and bisexual men. It was founded in 1995 and played its first game the following year in the Surrey County Union. The club currently has two teams represented in the Essex Rugby Union. The club was founded in the Kings Cross district, but are currently based in West Ham at the East London Rugby Club. The club welcomes experienced players who want to get back in the game as well as beginners. They offer training every Tuesday and Thursday as well as fixtures. Training restarts 1 July. The club aims “to be a role model to the gay community, and a successful example of friendly cohabitation between people of different sexual orientation” – an aim that contributed towards its nomination in last year’s Stonewall Awards. Rugby has been in the pink spotlight lately. Former Welsh international Gareth Thomas came out in December last year and was on the front cover of Out In The City last month. Thomas plays for Crusaders in the European Super League. The KC Steelers also like to party. If you want to meet the members you are very likely to find them in Comptons of Soho, which currently sponsors the team. GMFA: 020 7738 6872. Gay men’s health charity. Grace’s Cricket Club: The National AIDS Trust: 020 7814 6767, world’s only gay cricket club! or 020 8376 0630. Terence Higgins Trust: 02078121777. Counselling Services. Irons: . Gay golfing, events for all levels. SPORTS King’s Cross Steelers Rugby Football Club: 07090 421 367, Gay men’s rugby. Cruisers basketball: 020 8960 0750 (Debbie)/ 020 7582 7009, (Jordi). Mixed basketball. Frontrunners: 07092 346340, Gay running group. Goslings Swimming: 07814 258 055. Gay social swimming group, Thur 8.30pm-9.30pm. July (16-18 July 2010). The event has rapidly become a big date in the UK’s LGBT sporting calendar. The organisers say “Equality for all is the name of this game, and it’s open to any LGBT golfers who want to take part in a competitive, social and fun event.” There are two trophies to be won: the BLAGSS Open Golf Championship Shield (20 handicap and below) and the London Amateur Wrestling: The London Royals Hockey Team: Mixed hockey for all levels. or email iainkimmins115@ Out to Swim: 07090 422 526, Gay swimming group. BLAGSS Rainbow Challenge Shield (handicap 21 and above). There are also three medals to be won in each of three categories of play: Gold, Silver and Bronze. All this takes place at the wonderful Singing Hills Golf Course just outside Brighton, one of the UK’s leading weekend destinations. For more information, contact [email protected] or visit www. London Raiders: Gay and lesbian softball club – both beginners and experienced players welcome. www. Stonewall Football Club: 07090 422 390. Sunday soccer. 3337. Counselling service. PACE: 0808 1807 223. Helpline open Monday 9.30am-12.30pm and Thursday 6.30-8.30pm, offering structured telephone counselling or 30-minute counseling sessions. Or email [email protected] HELPLINES POSITIVELINE: 0800-1696806. Broken Rainbow: LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline. 0300 999 5428 (Mon and Thurs, 2-8pm/Weds, 10am-1pm). Dazz-elle: 020 8257 3068. London drug/alcohol support. HIV info and counselling (weekdays: 11am-10pm and weekends: 4pm -10pm). www. Stonewall Housing Advice: 020 7359 5767. Stonewall infoline: London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: 020 7837 7324 London Friend: 020 7837 Information on all LGB rights WANT TO GET LISTED? Please send listings to [email protected] =CbV]caS /2D3@B=@7/: STONEWALL HOUSING AB=<3E/::6=CA7<5=<6=EG=C 1/<1=;;3<B=<B63;/G=@=4 :=<2=<¸A<3E:=<2=<>:/< 0]`Wa 8]V\a]\ bVS;Og]` ]T:]\R]\ Wae`WbW\U VWa:]\R]\ >ZO\eVWQV aSba]cb Bob Green eVObVS bVW\Ya :]\R]\¸a SQ]\][gS\dW`]\[S\bb`O\a^]`b V]caW\UO\Ra]QWOZT`O[Se]`Y aV]cZRZ]]YZWYS]dS`bVS\Sfb #gSO`aBVS;Og]`¸a>ZO\ Wa\]ePSW\UaQ`cbW\WaSRPgO\ W\RS^S\RS\b^O\SZRc`W\UbVWa ac[[S`O\ROcbc[\BVS:]\R]\ >ZO\eWZZUcWRSOZZ]TbVS;Og]`¸a ]bVS`^]ZWQWSaO\RbVSZ]QOZ^ZO\a]T OZZ:]\R]\Q]c\QWZa 0]P5`SS\1VWST3fSQcbWdS]T Ab]\SeOZZ6]caW\UVOaPSS\ W\dWbSRb][OYSO^`SaS\bObW]\b] bVSW\RS^S\RS\b^O\SZ & Ab]\SeOZZ6]caW\UO^^ZOcRabVS ;Og]`]\bVSV]caW\URSaWU\ Oa^SQba]TbVS:]\R]\>ZO\Pcb PSZWSdSabVWaWaO[WaaSR]^^]`bc\Wbg aW\QSbVS>ZO\[OYSa\][S\bW]\ ]TbVSa^SQWTWQ\SSRa]TbVSZSaPWO\ UOgPWaSfcOZO\Rb`O\aUS\RS` Q][[c\WbWSaeV][OYSc^O aWU\WTWQO\b^`]^]`bW]\]T:]\R]\ `SaWRS\bae]`YS`aO\RdWaWb]`a Ab]\SeOZZ6]caW\UPSZWSdSabVOb bVS:]\R]\>ZO\aV]cZRQSZSP`ObS bVObZSaPWO\UOgPWaSfcOZO\R b`O\aUS\RS`^S]^ZSZWdSW\:]\R]\ O\RSf^ZOW\V]eWbeWZZW[^`]dSbVSW` aS\aS]TaOTSbgW\bVSQWbgO\RV]e WbeWZZ[SSbbVSW`V]caW\U\SSRa ]\QSO\RT]`OZZSa^SQWOZZgbV]aS eV]O`Sg]c\US`]ZRS`aSSYW\U OagZc[]`TZSSW\UVO`Oaa[S\b]` R][SabWQOPcaS BVS>ZO\aV]cZROZa]]TTS`[]`S RW`SQbW]\O\RbO`USbab]Z]QOZ Q]c\QWZaSa^SQWOZZgQ]\QS`\W\U S_cOZWbgWaacSa G]cQO\`SORAb]\SeOZZ6]caW\U¸a `Sa^]\aSb]bVS;Og]`¸a:]\R]\ >ZO\W\TcZZ]\bVSW`eSPaWbS(eee ab]\SeOZZV]caW\U]`U 7Tg]ceO\bb]acUUSab]bVS`bVW\Ua bVObAb]\SeOZZ6]caW\UaV]cZRPS aOgW\Ub]bVSaQ`cbW\g^O\SZbVS\ ^ZSOaSS[OWZ0]PPg!bV8cZg (P]P.ab]\SeOZZV]caW\U]`U /ZbS`\ObWdSZgdWaWbbVSAb]\SeOZZ 6]caW\UabOZZOb:]\R]\>`WRS O\R0ZOQY>`WRS]`T]ZZ]eca]\ 4OQSP]]Y The Stonewall Housing website and stalls will also have more information about future events – such as the LGBT Asylum Seeker and Refugee Conference taking place at the University of Greenwich 6-7 July 2010 – and future plans such as Stonewall Housing’s apprenticeship programme which starts in the summer of 2010. & =Cb\Sea <3EA NEWS FLASHES CRUSAID AND TERRENCE HIGGINS TRUST MERGE Two of the UK’s best-known HIV charities, Crusaid and Terrence Higgins Trust, have announced that they are to merge. Jordan Hay, Chief Executive of Crusaid, said: “We initiated this merger to ensure that our hardship fund can continue to make a vital difference to the ever-increasing numbers of people diagnosed with HIV each year in the UK. THT shares our vision and values and we are excited about the opportunities to support people with HIV that this merger presents.” Sir Nick Partridge, Chief Executive of Terrence Higgins Trust said: “I’m delighted to confirm that Crusaid and Terrence Higgins Trust have merged. The merger will preserve the Crusaid Hardship Fund in a very challenging economic climate and help ensure that people with HIV have the ongoing support that they so vitally need. “We are also looking forward to combining our experience and research for a renewed anti-poverty strategy in support of people living with HIV in the UK.” BVSSRWb]`O\R OZZ]e`SZWUW]caPcWZRW\Ua ^cPZWaVS`a]T=cb b]V]abQWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^ 7\BVS1WbgeS`S QS`S[]\WSaO[SOac`S O[]\UbV]aS W\b`]RcQSRW\bVSZOab W\dWbSRb]ObbS\RO\ ^O`ZWO[S\bPg]cbUOg :50B`SQS^bW]\Ob ^SS`:]`R/ZZW 2]e\W\UAb`SSb]\ ;`1O[S`]\OZa]aOWR ESR\SaROg$8c\S bVOb[]`Se]`Y\SSRSR ³bVSTW`abacQVSdS\b b]PSR]\Sb]Q]c\bS` b]PSV]abSRPgO V][]^V]PWQPcZZgW\UW\ 1]\aS`dObWdS^`W[S aQV]]ZaOZbV]cUVbVWaeOa Prime Minister David Cameron and Nick Clegg [W\WabS`7beOaVSZR []`SOP]cbOµQcZbc`S b]Q]W\QWRSeWbVbVS QVO\US¶bVO\O[ObbS`]T c^Q][W\U>`WRS ^OaaW\UTc`bVS`ZOea :]\R]\TSabWdOZO\R 6Waa^SSQVQ]W\QWRSR eOacaSRPgbVS>; eWbVbVS^cPZWQObW]\]TO b]c\dSWZO`O\US U]dS`\[S\bR]Qc[S\b ]T:50BS_cOZWbg ]cbZW\W\UWbaQ][[Wb[S\b [SOac`Sa b]UOgS_cOZWbg[SOac`Sa /`]c\R UcSaba eVWQVW\QZcRSaa^SQWTWQ eS`SW\dWbSRb]bVS ^]ZWQWSaT]`b`O\a^S]^ZS SdS\bW\QZcRW\U O\RbVS^ZSRUSb]`S[]dS [S[PS`a]TbVSUOg VWab]`WQQ]\dWQbW]\a ^`SaaQZcP^`][]bS`a T]`\]eZSUOZUOgaSf QVO`Wbge]`YS`aO\R ]TTS\QSaAb]\SeOZZ QSZSP`WbWSa3dO\ 1VWST3fSQcbWdS0S\ 2OdWa/[O\RO0O``WS Ac[[S`aYWZZeV]eOa 8]V\0O``]e[O\ ^`SaS\bObbVS`SQS^bW]\ 2`1V`WabWO\8SaaS\ eSZQ][SRbVS\Sea O\R2c\QO\8O[Sa µAb]\SeOZZeSZQ][SabVWa O[]\U]bVS`a OUS\ROeVWQV`STZSQba >]ZWbWQWO\aeV] RWaQcaaW]\aeSVOReWbV Out In The City editor David Hudson and co-publisher Linda Riley OZZbVS[OW\^]ZWbWQOZ ObbS\RSRW\QZcRSR 7OW\2c\QO\A[WbV ^O`bWSaOVSOR]TbVS 6][SASQ`SbO`gBVS`SaO;OgO\R4]`SWU\ SZSQbW]\BVWa^`]U`O[[S]Te]`YW\QZcRSa ASQ`SbO`gEWZZWO[6OUcS a][S]TbVS[]ab^`SaaW\UO`SOaeVS`SOQbW]\ BVS>`W[S;W\WabS`VOR:WP2S[2S^cbg Wa`S_cW`SRW\]`RS`b]Q]\bW\cSb]aSQc`S >`W[S;W\WabS`<WQY1ZSUUObVWaaWRSeVS\VS S_cOZWbgT]`UOg^S]^ZSW\0`WbOW\Ab]\SeOZZeWZZ RSZWdS`SROa^SSQVeSZQ][W\UOZZbV]aSeV] e]`YeWbVbVS5]dS`\[S\bOaeSZZOa;>aT`][ VORObbS\RSROUOW\OaaS`bW\UbVSUOgT`WS\RZg OZZ^O`bWSab]bOQYZSa][S]TbVSaSS\b`S\QVSR Q`SRS\bWOZa]TVWa^O`bg6SO\\]c\QSRbVObbVS O`SOa]T^`SXcRWQSES¸dSOZ`SORgVOR 5]dS`\[S\be]cZRPSQVO\UW\UbVSZOeb] Q]\ab`cQbWdSRWaQcaaW]\aeWbV\Se[W\WabS`a¶ DAVID LAWS OUTED AND THEN RESIGNS OVER EXPENSES PROBE BORIS SCRAPS PRIDE LONDON RECEPTION London Mayor Boris Johnson has cancelled the Pride London mayoral reception. The decision is part of a broader strategy to end receptions aimed specifically at minority groups. Instead, the Mayor plans to hold “borough community receptions”, aimed at geographical districts of London – which would welcome LGBT representation. Pride London’s spokesman Colm Howard-Lloyd said: “Things in the public sector are pretty tough right now but City Hall does still sponsor us a decent amount.” City Hall is Pride London’s largest sponsor and is expected to contribute about £100,000 to the festival this year; approximately a third of the event’s estimated costs. & CONSERVATORY FUNDRAISER FOR THT PHOTOS © MARK WEEKS Chief Secretary to the Treasury, David Laws MP, has resigned from his position after the Daily Telegraph newspaper ran a story detailing his expenses claims. The Liberal Democrat MP – a high-profile member of the new coalition government – claimed around £40,000 in expenses between 2001 and 2009 for renting a room from a man that it now transpires was his partner. Since 2006, MPs have not been allowed to claim expenses if they are renting rooms from a spouse or partner. In his defence, Mr Laws – the MP for Yeovil, Devon – said that his motivation in not declaring the arrangement, besides not thinking he was in breach of parliamentary rules, was a desire to keep his relationship with the man private and not have to reveal his sexuality. “At no point did I consider myself to be in breach of the rules which, in 2009, defined partner as ‘one of a couple… who, although not married to each other or civil partners are living together and treat each other as spouses’,” said Mr Laws. “Although we were living together we did not treat each other as spouses – for example, we do not share bank accounts and indeed have separate social lives. However, I now accept that this was open to interpretation and will immediately pay back the costs of the rent and other housing costs I claimed from the time the rules changed until August 2009.” Once the revelations came to light, Laws – a former top banker from the City – referred himself to the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner. Laws then resigned from his role at the Treasury, but has expressed the desire to remain an MP if he has the backing of his constituents. Terrence Higgins Trust supporters gathered at the Conservatory at the Barbican on Wednesday 2 June for the sexual health charity’s ninth annual Cocktail Club. Paying £50 per ticket, those who attended enjoyed free canapés and cocktails throughout the evening, as well as the exotic flora of this unique venue. An estimated £35,000 was raised at the evening event. Debbie Holmes, Director of Fundraising at Terrence Higgins Trust said: “We’re thrilled to have had such a wonderful turn-out to this year’s Cocktail Club. A huge thank you to all our guests for such generous support, donating funds to help Terrence Higgins Trust safeguard essential services for people affected by HIV.” PRIME MINISTER IMAGE IMAGE © EVENTS ONE PRIME MINISTER HOSTS LGBT PRIDE RECEPTION UK NEWS =Cb\Sea <3EA NEWS FLASHES CAMDEN’S NEW GAY MAYOR AND MAYORESS Amy Lamé and Jonathan Simpson BVS:]\R]\P]`]cUV]T1O[RS\VOa`SQSWdSROUOg[Og]`O\R[Og]`Saa :]QOZ:OP]c`Q]c\QWZZ]`8]\ObVO\AW[^a]\PSQO[SbVSP]`]cUV¸aTW`ab ]^S\ZgUOg[Og]`OTbS`aOTSZg`SbOW\W\UVWaaSObW\bVS;OgSZSQbW]\a6S OaYSRU]]RT`WS\R/[g:O[{2cQYWS^`][]bS`O\RBD`ORW]^`SaS\bS` ³WTaVSe]cZROQbOaVWa:ORg;Og]`SaaT]`bVSbS\c`S]TVWabW[SW\]TTWQS/ TSZZ]e1O[RS\`SaWRS\bVS`aSZT/[geOa]\Zgb]]VO^^gb]OQQS^bbVS]TTS` BVSRc]eS`SRcZgO^^]W\bSRW\T`]\b]TO^OQYSRQ]c\QWZQVO[PS`Ob 1O[RS\B]e\6OZZ]\bVSSdS\W\U]T $;Og;S[PS`a]TbVS:]\R]\5Og ;S\¸a1V]`caeS`S]\VO\Rb]^`]dWRSO[caWQOZPOQYR`]^7beOaOacWbOPZg [caWQOZ\WUVbOabVS\Se;Og]`O\\]c\QSRbVSP]`]cUV¸a[caWQVS`WbOUSb] PSVWabVS[S]^bW\UT]`bVS@]c\RV]caSB`cabOaVWaQV]aS\QVO`WbgT]`VWa gSO`W\]TTWQS µ7bWaOTO\bOabWQV]\]c`b]PSbVS;Og]`]T1O[RS\¶aOWRAW[^a]\]\VWa O^^]W\b[S\bµ7¸dSPSS\^`]cRb]`S^`SaS\bbVSQ]c\QWZaW\QS O\R \]e7W\bS\Rb]caSbVWaa^SQWOZgSO`b]R]OZZ7QO\b]^`][]bSbVSP]`]cUV¸a W\Q`SRWPZS[caWQO\Rb]S\Q]c`OUSSdS`gP]Rgb]PSOQbWdSOaQWbWhS\a¶ INTERNATIONAL NEWS RUSSIA Despite the mayor of Moscow again banning an official Gay Pride march from taking place in the city, around 30 Russian LGBT activists held a ten-minute ‘flashmob’ Gay Pride demonstration in the Russian capital on Saturday 29 May. “The guerrilla-style hitand-run Moscow Gay Pride march was over before the police arrived. When they turned up, officers scurried around aimlessly, searching for protesters to arrest. All escaped the police dragnet,” said British campaigner Peter Tatchell, who took part in the event. CANADA A report in the Canadian Medical Association Journal has suggested that gay men who have lived in monogamous relationship for at least one year should be allowed to donate blood. The lifetime ban on gay men giving blood has been in place in North America and the UK since the early 80s. It was issued following the outbreak of HIV. ...AND FINALLY ELTON WOWS MOROCCO Sir Elton John defied anger from local Islamists and pulled off a performance at the Mawazine music festival in Morocco’s capital, Rabat, last month. Several politicians had complained that Sir Elton’s performance would “spread un-Islamic values” and possibly enhance the spread of homosexuality in the country. However, the 63-year-old rock star received support from the government, the royal palace and thousands of fans in the audience – who were reportedly singing along to his hits despite limited knowledge of English. Morocco was known for being a tolerant country up until the middle of the 20th century, but has grown politically more conservative in the last couple of decades. However, in a possible indication of shifting attitudes, the country’s first regular gay magazine was recently launched. SLATER’S LIFE TOASTED Gay cook and food writer Nigel Slater is to have his best-selling memoirs turned into a BBC film. The company has bought the rights to his book Toast, which revisits his 60s childhood and passion for food – recalling foods that have fallen in and out fashion over the course of his early life. The writer talks about seeking solace in food after the death of his mother when he was aged nine, and his sometimes difficult relationship with his father and step-mother. Helena Bonham Carter has been confirmed to play the role of his step-mother. The casting was announced at the Cannes Film Festival. BBC 1 controller Jay Hunt said: “Toast is a wonderfully nostalgic drama that will be a real treat for BBC One viewers.” JANE LYNCH MARRIES PARTNER Jane Lynch, the lesbian actress who has shot to worldwide fame in her role as bitchy coach Sue Sylvester in American series Glee, has married her partner Lara Embry in a Memorial Day ceremony in Massachusetts. The small ceremony and reception – attended only by a small number of close family and friends – took place at the lesbian-owned Blue Heron restaurant. The venue’s chef and co-owner Debra Snow said afterwards that the couple had been planning the event for several months. OUTSPOKEN: ARSHAM PARSI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE IRANIAN RAILROAD FOR QUEER REFUGEES (IRQR) HIGHLIGHTS THE PLIGHT OF LGBT PEOPLE IN IRAN. “On September 2007, the world was told that ‘there are no homosexuals in Iran. We do not have this phenomenon’. Such a denial makes me proud to again state that I am an Iranian homosexual, that we do exist, and that we are fighting for our rights, because queer rights are human rights. I am the founder and Executive Director of the Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees (IRQR), an international queer human rights non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Toronto, Canada. The mission of IRQR is to aid and assist to the best of our abilities Iranian gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered refugees in countries around the world. We aid Iranian queers who face the threat of deportation back to WE AID IRANIAN Iran. We also assist QUEERS WHO FACE Iranian queers in obtaining asylum in THE THREAT OF safe countries. IRQR assists those refugees DEPORTATION through their legal and social processes BACK TO IRAN and, whenever possible, financially. We provide funds for safe houses through donations. These are necessary because most of our queer clients find themselves in physical danger – both in their native countries and countries of transit. Today, IRQR is the only active NGO that works on behalf of the global population of Iranian queers. We document human rights violations against Iranian LGBTs on the basis of their sexual orientation; provide letters of support for Iranian queer asylum seekers and refugees; and vigorously support anti-homophobia and anti-persecution efforts in Iran. As founder and ED of IRQR, I consider the work I am doing today to be an investment in that freer and brighter tomorrow for all Iranians in my now-troubled country. We are working to simplify our structure to focus exclusively on supporting Iranian queers in fleeing Iran, processing their asylum applications, preventing their deportation back to Iran and in maximizing their safety. Most Iranian LGBT refugees are scattered throughout Europe, primarily in the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, and Norway. Many also live in the United Kingdom, where the British government has been extremely reluctant to grant permanent asylum status to queer Iranian refugees. I recently visited the UK for the first time in my life and spent time with refugees and listened to their sad stories and difficulties – assuring them that there is at least a person who knows what they have been through. There are many people who wants to support and help. There is a long way ahead of us. We had dark days in the past and difficult days now, but the most important thing is that tomorrow is us. Help us to achieve this dream.” &! =Cb\Sea <3EA NEWS FLASHES WALK FOR LIFE 2010 NEWS MALAWIAN COUPLE FREED Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga, the Malawian gay couple who were sentenced to 14 years in prison because of their gay relationship, have been pardoned and released. Their conviction and sentence received worldwide attention and condemnation, and high-profile donors and human rights groups had been putting pressure on the Malawian Government to repeal the sentence and free the men. Madonna, who has adopted children from the country and invested money in building a Malawain orphanage, spoke out against the sentence and launched a petition against the judgement. Amnesty International also took up Monjeza and Chimbalanga’s cause and campaigned for their release. Malawian president Bingu wa Mutharika issued the pardon during a visit to his country by UN chief Ban Ki-moon in late May. Ban, who it is believed is encouraging Malawian government to reform its anti-homosexuality laws, hailed the president’s decision as “courageous”. However, in granting the pardon, Mr Mutharika again reiterated his own belief that homosexuality was wrong. “In all aspects of reasoning, in all aspects of human understanding, these two gay boys were wrong – totally wrong,” he said. “However, now that they have been sentenced, I as the president of this country have the powers to pronounce on them and therefore, I have decided that with effect from today, they are pardoned and they will be released.” Monjeza, aged 26, and Chimbalanga, 20, were released on Saturday 29 May, and were returned separately to their home villages. However, Malawian authorities have stated that the pair could be re-arrested if they continue with their relationship. News of the couple’s release was welcome by campaigners around the world, with many vowing to continue to apply pressure to the African state. Michael Nastari of Right2Love – a group which had organised protests against the pair’s incarceration on the day that it was announced that they would be pardoned, said, “whilst this is fantastic news for Steven and Tiwonge, we should not be celebrating it as an outright victory. The world needs to continue watching Malawi and encourage the government to review their colonial legislation.” At the time of going to press, it was believed that Monjeza and Chimbalanga has ended their relationship, following their incarceration, death threats and media attention. PETER TATCHELL TO PRESENT POPE PROGRAMME Channel 4 Television have announced that human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell will present an hour-long documentary on the Pope, to be broadcast shortly before the pontif’s State Visit to Britain in September this year. “My aim is to make a robustly factual programme that explores the Pope’s personal, religious and political journey since the 1930s, as well as the motives and effects of his controversial policies,” said the 58-year-old campaigner. “I intend to ensure that we hear the voices of the Pope’s defenders, as well as his critics. I would like to interview the Pope himself. It would be ideal for Pope Benedict to be able to explain himself in his own words, but I doubt that I will be granted an audience.” A spokesperson for Channel 4 added: “The programme will give voice to a range of views on the Pope – featuring interviews with both critics and supporters.” &" ghghghghgh hghghghghgh hghghghghh hghghghgh hghghghhg ghghhghg Some Disney queens and princesses at this year’s Walk For Life 4 Poofs (minus their piano!) ‘We’re off to see the Wizard...” The Feeling perform for walkers and supporters Relaxing after this year’s Walk For Life Over 2,000 took to the streets of the capital on Sunday 6 June to help leading HIV and AIDS charity Crusaid celebrate the 21st Birthday of Crusaid’s Walk for Life. Walkers of all ages attended the event – many clad in fancy dress – in a bid to raise funds for the charity’s work helping adults and children living with HIV and AIDS in the UK and internationally. They were joined by a host of famous faces including 4 Poofs and a Piano, Hollyoaks star Glen Wallace and pop band The Feeling, led by out gay singer Dan Gillespie Sells. At the time of going to press, it had been estimated that this year’s 10km event had raised around £250,000, with further money continuing to roll in – walkers are allowed to continue to raise sponsorship funds up until the beginning of September. EMMERDALE IS GAY FAVOURITE Voters in Stonewall’s latest social media poll have decided that of the three main soap operas on British TV, Emmerdale is the best for gay storylines. The online poll, with 1,025 responses, was a close call with Emmerdale narrowly taking the top spot at 44%, and EastEnders coming a close second with 43 per cent. Coronation Street received 13% of the vote. Emmerdale’s high ranking was partly prompted by its recent storyline involving bad boy character Aaron Livesy (played by Daniel Miller - pictured right) coming to terms with his sexuality. Commenting on the results of the poll, Emmerdale series producer Gavin Blyth said, “From the outset, we always wanted to be very truthful and honest in the story of Aaron’s sexuality and how he as an individual attempted to deny himself. While we obviously recognise this doesn’t mirror the journey of every man and woman, we were aware that it would resonate with very many. The enormous positive feedback we have received has proved it to be the case and to be recognised by Stonewall in this way is a huge honour to all involved.” Actor Daniel Miller =Cb\Sea 1/@33@ COMING OUT AT WORK 4=::=E7<52/D72:/EA¸=CB7<5/A/5/G;/<3?C/:7BG 3F>3@B;/@9>/:;3@32531C;03:==9A/B6=E03ABB= 1=;3=CB/BE=@9/<2B63/2D/<B/53A7<2=7<5A=¬ Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe is the founder of Ari Consulting, and is one of the world’s leading diversity professionals, having been the Global Head of Diversity at Barclays Group. 2OdWR:OeabVS T]`[S`1VWST ASQ`SbO`gb]bVS B`SOac`gWaO[S[PS`]TbVS[]abUOgT`WS\RZg ^]ZWbWQOZ^O`bgW\ESab[W\abS`6WaP]aa<WQY 1ZSUUTcZZgac^^]`baUOg[O``WOUSO\RbVS:WP 2S[aO`SbVS]\Zg^O`bgeV]aS:50BeW\UWa O\]TTWQWOZ^O`b]TWbaU]dS`\O\QS/\RgSbVS abWZZQV]aSb][WaZSORW\UZgQZOW[OQQ][[]RObW]\ Sf^S\aSa³^OgW\U`S\bb]VWa^O`b\S`³W\]`RS` b]Q]\QSOZVWaaSfcOZWbgO\R\]bQ][S]cb 2OdWR:OeaaOgabVObVSµU`Sec^ObObW[S eVS\V][]aSfcOZWbgVOR]\ZgXcabPSS\ ZSUOZWaSRO\ReVS\[]ab^S]^ZSabWZZbV]cUVb WbeOae`]\U]`aVO[STcZ¶0SQOcaS]TbVWaVS abO`bSRVWaQO`SS`W\bVSQZ]aSbO\RµbVSTc`bVS` bW[SeS\b]\bVS[]`SRWTTWQcZbWbaSS[SRb]PS b]bSZZbVSb`cbV¶ ;O\gUOg[S\TW\RbVS[aSZdSaW\bVWaaWbcObW]\ O\R7VOdS]TbS\PSS\OaYSReVObORdWQS7e]cZR UWdSb]bV]aSeV]O`SbVW\YW\UOP]cbQ][W\U ]cbObe]`Y7\OZ[]abOZZQW`Qc[abO\QSa7ORdWaS PWbW\UbVSPcZZSbO\RR]W\UWb7VOdSgSbb][SSb a][S]\SeV]VOaQ][S]cbbVObeWaVSabVOb bVSgQ]cZRU]POQYW\7\TOQbSdS`g]\S7Y\]e &$ eWaVSabVSgVORQ][S]cba]]\S` 7bWaOZeOgaRWTTWQcZbb]RSQWRSWTeVS\O\RV]eb] Q][S]cbObe]`YO\ROQbcOZZgQ][W\U]cbWaO ^`]QSaa`ObVS`bVO\O]\S]TTSdS\b6S`SO`S[g b]^bW^aT]`[O\OUW\UbVS^`]QSaa( Q2=<¸B03=D3@E63:;32 GSabVWaeWZZ^`]POPZgbVS[]abW[^]`bO\bbVW\U ]\g]c`[W\RPcbbVS`SOZWbgWabVObWbe]\¸bPS T]`SdS`g]\SSZaSOabVSgeWZZVOdSOZ]b]T]bVS` bVW\UaU]W\U]\Obe]`YO\RW\bVSW`ZWdSa7T ^S]^ZSaSS[O^ObVSbWQR]\¸bPSO\\]gSRBVWa WacacOZZgO`STZSQbW]\]TbVSW`OQQS^bO\QSO\RbVS TOQbbVObbVSgVOdS]bVS`bVW\Ua]\bVSW`[W\Ra Q >@7=@7B7A3E6=G=CB3:: 1][W\U]cbWaO\]\U]W\U^`]QSaabVObeWZZ Q]\bW\cSOag]c[SSb\SeQ]ZZSOUcSaQZWS\baO\R W\bS`OQbeWbVac^^ZWS`a]dS`bW[S7bWaW[^]`bO\b b]S\ac`SbVObbVS^S]^ZSg]cVOdSbVSQZ]aSab `SZObW]\aVW^aeWbVY\]eTW`ab7bWacacOZZgU]]R b]abO`beWbVg]c`ZW\S[O\OUS`O\RQZ]aSab Q]ZZSOUcSaBVSW`ac^^]`beWZZ[OYSWbSOaWS`b] Q][S]cb[]`SeWRSZg QB67<9>=A7B7D3 6OdSQ]\TWRS\QSW\g]c`aSZTb`cabg]c`XcRU[S\b O\RVOdSTOWbVW\bVS^S]^ZSg]cO`SQ][W\U]cb b];]ab^S]^ZSdOZcSRWTTS`S\QSeWZZaSSbVSdOZcS g]cP`W\Ub]bVS]`UO\WhObW]\O\ReWZZPSTZObbS`SR bVObg]cO`SaVO`W\UbVWaeWbVbVS[ Q03</BC@/: 7bWaSOaWS`b]R`]^WbW\b]bVSQ]\dS`aObW]\bVO\ [OYSOT]`[OZO\\]c\QS[S\b7Ta][S]\S OaYag]ceVObg]cRWRObbVSeSSYS\Rg]c QO\[S\bW]\bVObg]ceS\bb]g]c`P]gT`WS\R¸a ^O`S\b¸aV]caST]`SfO[^ZS Q03B@C3B=G=C@A3:4 =\S]TbVSb`OWba]TU`SObZSORS`aWabVObbVSg O`SOcbVS\bWQ7Tg]cO`SZSOdW\U^O`b]Tg]c`aSZT ObV][SSdS`gROgbVS\^S]^ZSeWZZ`SOZWaSbVOb bVS`SWaa][SbVW\Ug]cO`SVWRW\UO\RbVSg eWZZe]\RS`eVObWbWabVObg]cO`SYSS^W\U T`][bVS[@SaSO`QVPgAb]\SeOZZVOaaV]e\ bVOb^S]^ZS^S`T]`[PSabeVS\bVSgQO\PS bVS[aSZdSaO\RQ][W\U]cbWaO\W[^]`bO\babS^ W\PcWZRW\UO\OcbVS\bWQZSORS`aVW^abgZS Q<3BE=@9 ;O\g]`UO\WhObW]\aVOdS:50BS[^Z]gSS \Sbe]`Ya8]W\W\UbVS\Sbe]`YeWZZUWdSg]c OQQSaab]O\Rac^^]`bT`][]bVS`^S]^ZSeV] VOdSQ][S]cbObg]c`e]`Y^ZOQS Q9<=EG=C@@756BA AW\QS !bVSZOeVOaabObSRbVObg]cQO\\]b PSRWaQ`W[W\ObSROUOW\ab]\bVSU`]c\Ra]T aSfcOZ]`WS\bObW]\4W\R]cbg]c`]`UO\WhObW]\¸a ^]aWbW]\2]bVSgVOdSORWdS`aWbgabObS[S\bO\R O^]ZWQg]\PcZZgW\UO\RVO`Oaa[S\b-7Tg]ce]`Y W\OZO`US]`UO\WhObW]\g]cQO\TW\RbVWa]cbT`][ g]c`6@[O\OUS`]`]`UO\WhObW]\¸aW\b`O\Sb 1][W\U]cbaV]cZRPSO^]aWbWdSSf^S`WS\QS ³]\SbVObP]]abag]c`aSZTQ]\TWRS\QSEVS\ OaYSRWTVSaV]cZRVOdSQ][S]cbPST]`S2OdWR :OeaVOaaOWRµ7UcSaa7eOa^`Sbbgabc^WR`SOZZg /ZZ]TbVS^S]^ZS7VOdSa^]YS\b]VOdSOQQS^bSR WbeWbV]cbVSaWbObW]\<]bPSW\UV]\SabeWbVbVS[ VOa[SO\bOVcUS^`WQS]dS``SQS\bgSO`a¶ =Cb\Sea PHOTO © PIERS ALLARDYCE 1/@33@ MAN ON B3::CA/07B/0=CBG=C@8=0/<2E6/B 7B7<D=:D3A Ab]\SeOZZWa\]eW\d]ZdSRW\OVcUS`O\US]T OQbWdWbWSaT`][]c`3RcQObW]\T]`/ZZQO[^OWU\³ bOQYZW\UV][]^V]PWQPcZZgW\UW\aQV]]Za³b] ]c`e]`Y^ZOQS^`]U`O[[S)O\ReSQ]\bW\cSb] R]dWbOZ^O`ZWO[S\bO`gZ]PPgW\UO`]c\RS_cOZWbg T]`UOg^S]^ZS0SW\UOU]]RQVWSTSfSQcbWdSWa OPWbZWYSPSW\UbVSQ]\RcQb]`]TO\]`QVSab`O( g]ceO\bSdS`g]\Sb]PS^ZOgW\UbVSaO[Sbc\S ObbVSaO[SbW[SPcbbVSg¸`SOZZdS`ga^SQWOZO\R bOZS\bSRO\Rg]cVOdSb]UWdSSdS`g]\SbVS ]^^]`bc\Wbgb]W\bS`^`SbbVS[caWQW\bVSW`]e\ eOg E6/B2=G=C3<8=G;=AB/0=CBG=C@ 8=0- BVS^S]^ZSES\]eVOdSOZ[]ab$abOTTOQ`]aa 0`WbOW\³`SQ`cWbSRT`][bVS^`WdObSbVS^cPZWQ O\RbVSQVO`WbgaSQb]`aBVSg¸`S]\S]TbVS[]ab Q`SObWdSW\bS`SabW\UQ][[WbbSRP`WUVbO\RTc\\g bSO[a7¸dSSdS`e]`YSReWbVBVOb¸a·Tc\\gVOVO¸ \]b·Tc\\g^SQcZWO`¸ E6/B2=G=C47<26/@2/0=CB7BBVSVO`RSabbVW\U³Xcab]QQOaW]\OZZg³WaPWbW\U g]c`ZW^eVS\V][]^V]PWQ^S]^ZSO`SPSW\U OPa]ZcbSZgdWZS]`OUU`SaaWdS]`c\^ZSOaO\b >S]^ZSZWYSbVObe]cZRZ]dScab]Z]aS]c` bS[^S`aPcbWb¸aO\W[^]`bO\b^O`b]TU]]R Z]PPgW\U\SdS`b]USbQ`]aa7^`STS`b]PWRS[g bW[SO\RUSbSdS\ E6=7AG=C@BG>71/:1:73<BES\]ee]`YeWbVOZ[]ab$[OX]`S[^Z]gS`a bV`]cUV]c`2WdS`aWbg1VO[^W]\a^`]U`O[[S VSZ^W\UbVS[`SQ`cWbO\R`SbOW\bVSPSabUOg abOTT0SbeSS\bVS[bVSgS[^Z]gTWdS[WZZW]\ ^S]^ZSa]bVSg¸`SVcUSZgdO`WSRBVS^S]^ZS7 [SSb`O\UST`][\c`aSaW\V]a^WbOZab]US\S`OZa O\ROR[W`OZa E6/B¸AG=C@4C<<73AB;3;=@G4@=; 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PLACE TO BE: BOROUGH 8=6<=¸13/::/75627A1=D3@AB6/BB63@3¸A;=@3B=0=@=C56 B6/<8CAB7BAE=@:24/;=CA;/@93B¬ 8cabOa[OZZ^O`b]TA]cbVeO`Y 0]`]cUV¸aRWabW\QbWdSQVO`OQbS`VOa `S[OW\SRW\bOQbRSa^WbSbVSaWU\WTWQO\b RSdSZ]^[S\baSS\bVS`SW\`SQS\b bW[Sa=\S]TbVS]ZRSab^O`ba]TbVS QWbg0]`]cUVeOaTW`abaSbbZSRPgbVS @][O\aPcbRSa^WbSWbaO\QWS\b]`WUW\a Wb`S[OW\SR]cbaWRSbVSP]`RS`aO\R bVcabVSXc`WaRWQbW]\]TbVSQWbg]T :]\R]\T]`QS\bc`WSaBVWaa^SQWOZabObca aOeWbPSQ][SO]\Sab]^aV]^T]` US\S`OZZOaQWdW]ca\SaaeWbVP`]bVSZa O\RRWa`S^cbOPZS^cPaBSabO[S\bb] bVWabVS\]b]`W]ca1ZW\Y>`Wa]\ab]]R W\bVSO`SOT`][#b]%&O\RVOa aW\QSPSS\b`O\aT]`[SRW\b]O[caSc[ R]Qc[S\bW\UbV]aSbW[Sa4]`bc\ObSZg bVSO`SOVOaPSQ][SW\Q`SOaW\UZg US\b`WTWSRW\`SQS\bgSO`a 7beOa\O[SR·BVS0]`]cUV¸W\bVS##a b]RWabW\UcWaVWbT`][BVS1WbgOQ`]aa bVSBVO[SaO\RWba^`]fW[Wbgb]QS\b`OZ BOROUGH WHAT YOU CAN BUY IN THE AREA 01 LAW STREET, SE1 £289,000 A light and spacious threebedroom apartment (right) in a secure apartment block. 020 7033 1414 ' :]\R]\VOa[ORSWbO\Obb`OQbWdSH]\S Z]QObW]\T]`O\g]\SeWaVW\Ub]ZWdSW\bVS [WRab]TbVSQO^WbOZ1VO`W\U1`]aaZWSa Xcab "Y[#[WZSaOeOgO\R0]`]cUV c\RS`U`]c\RabObW]\:]\R]\0`WRUS O\RA]cbVeO`YabObW]\aOZZ^`]dWRS Tc`bVS`Q]\\SQbW]\ab]bVS<]`bVS`\ 0OYS`Z]]O\R8cPWZSS:W\Sa 2Sa^WbSab`]\Ub`O\a^]`bZW\YabVS`S¸a ^ZS\bgb]YSS^`SaWRS\baW\bVSW`Z]QOZWbg 0]`]cUVWaOaV]`beOZYT`][bVSA]cbV 0O\YO\R[O\g]TbVSQO^WbOZ¸a[]ab WQ]\WQaWUVbaeVWZSWb¸aOZa]bVSZ]QObW]\ ]TA]cbVeO`Y1ObVSR`OZO\RV][Sb] O`S^ZWQO]TbVS5]ZRS\6W\RO\3\UZWaV UOZZS]\bVObQW`Qc[\OdWUObSRbVSUZ]PS /\SeORRWbW]\b]bVSO`SOWabVSAVO`R aYgaQ`O^S`Ob\SO`Pg:]\R]\0`WRUS 2cST]`Q][^ZSbW]\W\ WbeWZZPS bVSbOZZSabPcWZRW\UW\bVSC94]`\]e V]eSdS`bVSObb`OQbW]\[]abOaa]QWObSR eWbVbVSO`SOWa0]`]cUV;O`YSb7\ SfWabS\QSW\a][SQO^OQWbgaW\QS %$ WbVOaab]]RObWba^`SaS\baWbSaW\QS &#=dS`bVSZOabQ]c^ZS]TRSQORSa WbVOaSd]ZdSRW\b]b]W\QZcRSVWUVS\R ^`]RcQSO\RPSa^]YSTO`[ac^^ZWS`a 4O\QgTWaV[]\US`aO\R]`UO\WQ dSUSbOPZSaSZZS`a^`]^c^bVSabOZZaVS`S eVWZSW\RS^S\RS\b`SabOc`O\baO\R eW\SPO`aac``]c\RWb;O\gQ]\aWRS` WbbVSPSab[O`YSbW\bVSQ]c\b`gO\R eVWZSWba`S^cbObW]\[SO\aWbQO\PS c\Q][T]`bOPZgPcagObbW[SaWb`S[OW\a O\SfQSZZS\b³OZPSWb]QQOaW]\OZZg Sf^S\aWdS³`Sa]c`QST]`Z]QOZaBVOb aOWROaeWbVSdS`geVS`SW\H]\SWT g]cQO\OTT]`Rb][]dSbVS`Sg]cQO\ ^`]POPZgOTT]`R]dS`^`WQSROa^O`OUca EVWZS`SZObWdSPO`UOW\aQO\abWZZPS T]c\RT]`0]`]cUVO\RA]cbVeO`Y []RS`\TZObaQO\Q]abQ][T]`bOPZg]dS` "eVWZSbS``OQSRV][SaQO\ ac`^Oaa%# 02 PILGRIM HOUSE, SE1 £189,000 03METRO CENTRAL HEIGHTS, SE1 £395,000 Small but homely, this onebedroom apartment offers an affordable introduction to Borough. Located near both Borough and London Bridge stations, it also provides easy access to the rest of the capital. 020 7033 1414 On the twelfth floor of a popular development, this two-bedroom apartment (left) benefits from access to an on-site gym and swimming pool. Even more impressive are the views towards Westminster. 020 7033 1414 THE ROXY 128-132 BOROUGH HIGH STREET, SE1 A popular and acclaimed gay-friendly bar, restaurant and cinema. Enjoy fine cuisine and a cult movie, or a beer and football screening. VINOPOLIS BANK END, SE1 A magnet for wine aficionados, Vinopolis offers wine-tasting tours to groups large and small. THE GEORGE INN BOROUGH HIGH STREET, SE1 London’s only surviving galleried coaching inn, The George Inn is also considered one of London’s most beautiful pubs. The current structure dates from 1676. =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 01 02 WE WANT B67A;=<B6¸A6=B >@=2C1BA4=@B636=;3 '$ 04 01 DIESEL WITH FOSCARINI GRAF SUSPENSION LIGHT Continuing its foray into interior design, Italian clothing label Diesel’s latest creation is the Foscarini Graf Suspension Light. Available in a range of finishes, colours and sizes, the design shown here is simply titled ‘Natural Pattern’, thanks to its tasteful array of petals, leaves and flower buds. 02 PLATNER CHAIR With its wicker-like appearance boasting universal appeal, this Platner Chair could sit just as easily on a shaded porch in Louisiana as a fancy apartment in London. That said, the base is actually constructed from nickel-coated steel wire while the plush seating looks just as stylish and inviting now as when Warren Platner designed it in the 1960s. 03NOTCH CABINET Its sturdy design may give this bedside cabinet a timeless quality but it’s unlikely you’ve seen it before – it’s newly available this month. Subtly curved at the edges and supported by tubular legs, the table is more classic than contemporary but the warmth of the walnut veneer should ensure it remains a stylish addition to the home. RRP £225 RRP £2,930 RRP £99 WORDS BY JOHN O’ CEALLAIGH 03 =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 05 06 07 08 04 KARLSSON CLOCK July marks the start of the Pride season, so this rainbow-coloured clock by Dutch brand Karlsson seems an appropriate tool with which to count down the minutes to the next party. Encased by sleek stainless steel, it continues Karlsson’s tradition of producing quality, dependable clocks with a vibrant flash of personality. RRP £29.99 05 BCN STOOL More than the sum of its parts, the simple design of this BCN stool conceals a secret: the seat is made from a special plastic that, until now, has been used to insulate electronic components, making it incredibly durable – yet surprisingly comfortable. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, the stool has been developed by Italian design company Kristalia. 06 AMBRA CUSHION Interwoven strands of coloured ribbon give this pillow-shaped Ambra cushion a fresh and vibrant look that’s perfect for summer. Its iridescent finish is enhanced by the polyester finish on the front while the cotton case on the back and feather-filled body means it’s soft and comfortable to the touch. It’s one of a range of candycoloured designs from Habitat. 07 BLANDA BOWL Always a reliable destination for affordable household essentials, IKEA proves its worth again with this polished and pretty Blanda Bowl. Available in a range of colours and sizes, we think the tropical hue and the promise of barbecue weather means the larger-sized fruit bowls are best reinterpreted as fruit punch bowls for the remainder of the summer. RRP £225 RRP £35 RRP From £1.99 08 TOOLBOX UNIT Whatever your design desires may be, you can count on this ‘Toolbox’ storage unit from Emmebi SRL to satisfy them. The disorganised can gain a semblance of control with its numbered drawers while those with a structured sense of style can find their own perfect fit by selecting from the range of sizes, colours and finishes available. RRP Price on application. 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Torstraße 1, 10119 Berlin. Tel.0049 177 4940513. Guest rooms and amenities at the new Soho House Berlin TEXT: MAX SKÖNSBERG BVSQ][^O\g¸aW\V]caSRSaWU\S` AcaWS/bYW\a]\O\R;WQVOSZWa 0]gR/aa]QWObSaO`S`Sa^]\aWPZS T]`bVSW\bS`W]`RSaWU\B]USbVS` bVSgVOdSQ`SObSRO\Ob[]a^VS`S bVObR`Oeac^0S`ZW\¸a'!a UZO[]c`^S`W]RbVW\Y1OPO`Sb O\RPZS\RSRWbeWbVO[]`S Q]\bS[^]`O`gW\Rcab`WOZTSSZ BVSV]bSZ¸a"`]][aO`S OdOWZOPZSW\aWfaWhSaO\RW\QZcRS OZZbVSQ]\dS\WS\QSag]ce]cZR Sf^SQb(Qcab][[ORSPSRa 1]eaVSRP`O\RSRZcfc`g^`]RcQba W\bVSPObV`]][O\R·`OW\T]`Sab aV]eS`a¸BVS[Wf]T`Sb`]O\R []RS`\Wbg[O\WTSabaeWbVAO[ac\U TZObaQ`SS\a\Sfbb]dW\bOUSdW\gZ `SQ]`R^ZOgS`a 7be]cZR\¸bPSA]V]6]caSeWbV]cb Zcfc`W]caTZ]c`WaVSaO\RbVSZO`US` `]][aTSObc`ST`SSabO\RW\UO`b =Cb`c\ ;=B=@7<5 CRUISING DAS IST GUT /2@7/<4=AB3@1/B163AB63<3E 1:7=@3</C:BA>=@B 0C5 =\S]T]c`TOd]c`WbSV]bVObQVPOQYaXcabU]b SdS\PSbbS`BVWaWabVSaS`W]caZg_cWQYdS`aW]\]T bVS1ZW]bc\SRPgbVS[OabS`aOb@S\OcZba^]`b ³bVSP`O\QV]TbVSWQ]\WQTW`[bVOb¸a`Sa^]\aWPZS T]`[]b]``OQW\U7bT]ZZ]eaOaW[^ZS`SQW^S(bOYS ObV`SSR]]`1ZW]eWbVO ZWb`SS\UW\SabWTTS\ bVSaca^S\aW]\bVS\QVcQYa][SORR]\abgZW\U b]VO[[S`bVS^]W\bV][S`WUVb-E`]\UAc`S bVS`S¸aO ZWb`S$dOZdSaQ`SO[S`c\RS`bVS abcPPgP]\\SbbVS `STS`ab]Wba^]eS` ]cb^cbPcbORRSRb]bVObbVS`S¸aabc[^ ^cZZW\Ub]`_cSbVObUWdSabVWaQO`bVS^]eS`O\R R`WdSOPWZWbg]TO>]`aQVSBc`P]]\\]`[OZ`]ORa HARDCORE CLIO 1][^O`SRb]Wba`WdOZabVS`S¸a\]bVW\UTO\Qg]` `STW\SROP]cbbVWaVO`RQ]`S1ZW]/TbS`OZZbg^WQOZ @S\OcZba^]`bQcab][S`aeWZZPS[]`SW\bS`SabSR W\PZOabW\UOeOgT`][bVSb`OTTWQZWUVba_cWQYS` bVO\bVSDE5BWW\bVS\SfbZO\SbVO\Zcfc`WObW\U W\Q]agZSObVS`b`W[[SRQ][T]`b1]\aS_cS\bZg bVS ¸aaSObaaSS[b]PS[WaaW\UO\gdSabWUSa ]T^ORRW\U)g]cORXcabbVS[W``]`a[O\cOZZgO\R bVS`ORW]Q]cZRObPSabPSQOZZSRPOaWQ7\TOQb 7¸dSY\]e\a][S`S\bOZQO`abVObQO[SPSbbS` S_cW^^SRbVO\bVWaPcbbVObe]cZRPS[WaaW\U bVS^]W\b7b¸aSaaS\bWOZZgO\]T`WZZaQO`T]`^S]^ZS eV]S\X]gO\OR`S\OZW\S`caV 7bQ][SaW\be]dS`aW]\a(bVS 1c^³T]` S\bVcaWOabWQR`WdS`aeV]O`S^OaaW]\ObSOP]cb R`WdW\U_cWQYZgO\RbVS1ZW]@S\OcZba^]`b ³T]`bV]aSaSSYW\UOeSZZS_cW^^SR^S`T]`[O\QS QO`gSbabWZZeWbVbVS]^bW]\]TbVS1c^QVOaaWa BVS@S\OcZba^]`b1ZW] Wa_cWbSeSZZS\R]eSR( O12abS`S]OZZ]geVSSZaOW`Q]\RWbW]\W\UQ`cWaS Q]\b`]ZQc`bOW\OW`POUaT`]\bT]UZWUVbaSZSQb`WQ eW\R]eaabOPWZWbgQ]\b`]ZO\Ra^]`baaSOba3fb`O Q]ab]^bW]\aW\QZcRSO\Obb`OQbWdS·gSZZ]eTOaQWO¸ W\bS`W]`^OQY·/\bV`OQWbS¸Q]Z]c`SRSfbS`W]` b`W[O\RO`O\US]T%W\QVa^]`baOZZ]geVSSZa eWbVbg`Saa]bVW\g]c¸ROZ[]abbVW\YbVSgeS`S ^OW\bSR]\b]bVS`W[a PRACTICAL INTERIOR BVS`]][gW\bS`W]`OQbcOZZgVOa_cWbSOZ]b ]T^`OQbWQOZab]`OUSa^OQSeWbVOVcUSUZ]dS Q][^O`b[S\bO\RZ]\UaWRS^]QYSbaW\bVSR]]`a BVSP]]bWaeWRSO\RRSS^PcbQZW[PW\UW\b] bVS`SO`aSObaQO\PSb`WQYgOabVS@S\OcZba^]`b 1ZW]]\ZgQ][SaW\ObV`SSR]]`UcWaSBVS`SO` aSObaT]ZRTZObW\O$"a^ZWb]TTS`W\UZcUUOUS a^OQS]T &&ZWb`SaW\abO\RO`RT]`[Ob]`c^b] !&ZWb`SaeWbVP]bV`SO`aSObaT]ZRSRR]e\ UNCOMPROMISING SET-UP 5`SOb`SaS`dSa]TU`W^O`SOdOWZOPZSeVS\g]c QVcQYWbW\b]TOabQ]`\S`aO\RbVS 1c^Wa [O`dSZZ]caZgORXcabOPZS]\bVSbV`]bbZSbVO\Ya b]Wbac\Q][^`][WaW\UaSbc^=\STZOeWabVS abSS`W\UeVWQVWaO\SZSQb`WQ^]eS`OaaWabSR agabS[bVObTSSZaO`bWTWQWOZZgVSOdgO\ROZWbbZS ZWTSZSaaBVSeVSSZWaOZa]\]bORXcabOPZST]``SOQV ³eVWQVeSRWR\¸bZWYS WOULD WE BUY ONE? BVS@S\OcZba^]`b1ZW] WaOPSZbS`]TO V]bVObQVO\RabO`bW\UObXcabOaVORS]dS` $%WbWaVO`Rb]PSObT]`aVSS`R`WdW\U S\X]g[S\b6]eSdS`eVWZSWb¸aSOagb]^O`YO\R ac`^`WaW\UZg^`OQbWQOZOaSdS`gROgb`O\a^]`b Wbac\Q][^`][WaW\U^S`T]`[O\QSO\RTW`[ aca^S\aW]\QO\[OYSbVWaOeSO`gW\UR`WdS]\ Z]\UX]c`\SgaO\R]dS`^]]``]ORac`TOQSa Price from: £16,710 OTR For information visit: BACK TO THE FUTURE Although it bears more than a passing resemblance to an oldfashioned carriage, the experts at MercedesBenz claims that this roadster is what the car of the future may well look like! Built by 150 students based at Daimler AG, this car combines traditional design features dating back from the first Benz car of 1886 with the very latest technology. So, while it has large, spoked wheels reminiscent of a Penny Farthing, it is powered by a hybrid drive system using an advanced, emission-free fuel cell. It can reach a socially responsible 15.5mph and has a range of 220 miles. The car, which is controlled by drive-by-wire technology and a joystick – in place of a conventional steering wheel, comes with carbon-fibre bucket seats with hand-stitched leather covers and a striking front-end design inspired by Formula One racing cars. Good effort boys, but where do you put the shopping and the dog? Price: Ask us again in 2050! Visit: WORDS BY ADRIAN FOSTER/DRIVELINES YELLOW PERIL Those clever people at Volkswagen have been at it again. This time, they have developed a customer magazine as an app – especially for the new Apple iPad. Named ‘DAS’, the product coincides with the launch of the new Apple product in Europe. The title stands for ‘Digital Automotive Space’ and will be published quarterly in five languages and can be accessed here in the UK. Apparently, VW’s app “transforms the user into a player who can enjoy the magazine’s themes in an innovative virtual reality using the familiar functions of the iPhone”. Five chapters tell stories from the Volkswagen world and the German manufacturer makes comprehensive use of the iPad’s digital potential. The 360° images, for example, give the user a realistic impression of technical features on the Volkswagen Touareg such as ‘Area View’. Price: No charge Visit: =CbeO`R B@/D3: NORTHERN EXPOSURE 8=6<=¸13/::/75627A1=D3@AB63@3¸A;=@3B=<=@E/GB6/< 48=@2A/<2D797<53<1=C<B3@A 7b¸aOPOZ[gac[[S` SdS\W\U]\bVS`]]Tb]^ PO`]T5`W[a5`S\YO V]bSZO\R³OaZ]dSZg OabVSaSbbW\UWa ³Wb¸aVO`Rb]USb]\S¸a PSO`W\Ua@SQc[PS\b O\R`SZOfSR]\bVSa]Tb ZSObVS`Z]c\US`abVObO`S a^`SOROZ]\UbVSPO`¸a ^S`W^VS`gOZZeSQO\ [OYS]cbWabVSQZ]cRZSaaPZcSaYgOP]dSca7b¸a OdWSebVObQO\PSSf^S`WS\QSRT`][=`ZO\R]b] ;]\bS\SU`]PcbWb¸a]\ZgOTbS`a^SOYW\Ub]OZ]QOZ bVObeSO^^`SQWObSeSQ]cZR]\ZgPSW\=aZ] 7[[OQcZObSZgR`SaaSRO\RZcaQW]caZgRWabc`PW\UZg PZ]\ROR`W\YS`X]W\acab]`SQ]c\b`SQS\bSdS\ba W\W[^SQQOPZS3\UZWaV7baSS[abVS^]ZWQSQOcUVb VW[a^SSRW\UW\VWaP]ObO\RVSOZa]aVO`Sa eWbVcabVSab]`g]TOZ]QOZ=Zg[^WO\eV]VORVWa SgSU]cUSR]cbW\OTWUVbeWbVO`SW\RSS`/QbW\U OabV]cUVbVSaSO`SSdS`gROg]QQc``S\QSa VSbSZZaca[]`SOP]cb<]`eOgO\ReVS\eS SdS\bcOZZg^O`beSOaYVW[b]`S^SObVWa\O[S µ7b¸aAdS``S¶VSaOgaµPcbQOZZ[S;O`bW\ ³T]`SWU\S`aVOdSb`]cPZSeWbVDWYW\U\O[Sa¶ /aW\b`]RcQbW]\ab]<]`eSUWO\abS`S]bg^SaU] R`W\YW\UPSS`eWbVOPZ]\RDWYW\UeV]abWZZaOWZa bVSaSOaOba^SSRWa\¸bOPOR]\S Ab`SbQVW\UOZ]\UbVS[]ab\]`bVS`Zg^]W\b]T 3c`]^SPcb\]bOQbcOZZg^O`b]TbVS3C<]`eOg [OgaVO`S]abS\aWPZSaW[WZO`WbWSaeWbVbVS`Sab ]TbVSQ]\bW\S\bO\RWba<]`RWQ\SWUVP]c`aPcb Wb`S[OW\aO\ObW]\O^O`bDOab`SaS`dSa]T]WZ VOdSZSTbbVSQ]c\b`gW\RS^S\RS\bZgeSOZbVg O\RaSQc`SPcbWbaUS]U`O^VWQ^]aWbW]\O\R bVSaSdS`Wbg]TbVSSZS[S\baVOdSOZa]Q`SObSR OVOPWbObeWbVWba]e\_cW`YaO\RQVOZZS\USa EW\bS`aVS`SO`S\]b]`W]caZgZ]\UO\RRWTTWQcZb eWbVbVSS\bW`SQ]c\b`gaV`]cRSRT]`[]\bVaW\ VSOdgZOgS`a]Ta\]eO\RRO`Y\SaaAc[[S`aO`S ac`^`WaW\UZgeO`[eWbV\SO`^S`^SbcOZac\ZWUVb ³O^SQcZWO`^VS\][S\]\bVObabO`bab]aZ]eZg acPaWRST`][bVSS\R]T/cUcab BVSTOd]c`OPZSeSObVS`Q]\RWbW]\a[SO\bVOb \]eWa]\S]TbVSPSabbW[Sab]dWaWbO\ROabVS \ObW]\¸aQO^WbOZWb¸ab]=aZ][]ab^S]^ZSTW`ab U]6][Sb]O^^`]fW[ObSZg#^S]^ZS bVSQWbgaV]eQOaSabVSaO[SaS\aS]TaZSSY AQO\RW\OdWO\OcabS`Wbgg]c[WUVbTW\RW\6SZaW\YW ]`1]^S\VOUS\PcbWb¸abVSaSbbW\UbVOb[OYSaWb a^SQWOZ:OWROZ]\UbVSVO`P]c`=aZ]¸aQ][^OQb " QS\b`SWaPcTTS`SRPga^`SORa]TacPc`PWORS\aS T]`SabO\RXOUUSR[]c\bOW\abVOb`ORWObST`][Wb 4]`:]\R]\S`acaSRb]O\c\`S[WbbW\UQWbgaQO^S Wb¸aO`ST`SaVW\UZgb`O\_cWZPOQYR`]^T]`O`SZOfSR eSSYS\RP`SOY³eVWQVWa=aZ]¸aT]`b{7b¸ae]`bV ^]W\bW\U]cbbVObRSa^WbSPSW\UOQO^WbOZQWbg =aZ]Wa\]bWQSOPZgaZ]e^OQSRO\RZOWRPOQY /a^W`W\UPO`V]^^S`aO\RQ][[WbbSRQZcPPS`a [OgPSRWaO^^]W\bSRPgeVOb¸a]\]TTS`PcbW\ Oslo harbour SdS`g]bVS``Sa^SQbWb¸aU]bbVSTcZZQ]\bW\US\b]T ZO\R[O`YaO\RObb`OQbW]\a >S`VO^abVS[]abWQ]\WQPcWZRW\UW\bVSQWbgWa bVSVO`P]c`aWRS=^S`O6]caS]^S\SRW\ & 4OQW\UbVSVSObVS`QZORWaZO\RabVObac``]c\R =aZ]Wba[O`PZSPOaSRW^aW\b]bVSPOgeVWZS abSS^TZO\YaO`]c\RbVSQS\b`OZOb`Wc[OZZ]e dWaWb]`ab]QZW[PbVS`]]T3dS\[]`SW[^`SaaWdS bVO\bVSSfbS`W]`eOabVSb]c`bVObb]]YcaW\aWRS bVSPcWZRW\U6WUVZWUVbaW\QZcRSRbVSeWUO\R Q]abc[SRS^O`b[S\baO\R\OdWUObW\U]c`eOg bV`]cUVObV`]\U]T[OZSPOZZS`W\Oa BVSQWbg¸a]bVS`aWU\Obc`SObb`OQbW]\WabVS& OQ`SDWUSZO\R>O`Y>c\QbcObSRPg ]`a] P`]\hSO\RU`O\WbSabObcSa]T\OYSRTWUc`SaWb¸a Tc`bVS`^`]]T]TV]ea]QWOZZgORdO\QSRbVSaS AQO\RW\OdWO\aO`SEVWZSbVSb]c`WabaeV]dWaWb PcagbVS[aSZdSabOYW\UXcdS\WZS^V]b]a]TbVS abObcS¸aUS\WbOZWO<]`eSUWO\U`O\R[]bVS`aO\R bVSW`PSOcbWTcZPZ]\RSU`O\RQVWZR`S\ab`]ZZPgSgSa `]ZZSRW\QOacOZ`SaWU\ObW]\ 0SbbS`^ZOQSab][OYSOU]]RW[^`SaaW]\eWbV Z]QOZaO`ST]c\RPOQYW\bVSQWbgES^OWROdWaWb b]bVSRWab`WQb]T5`g\S`Z¤YYOeVWQVZ]QOZa`STS` b]OabVSAV]`SRWbQV]T=aZ]BVOb¸aO[Wa\][S` ³OaR`c\YS\TOaVW]\abcRS\bab`O[^ZW\UYSPOPa c\RS`T]]beS`S\]bOPZgOPaS\b³PcbeSRWRTW\R Z]ba]TZWdSZg`SabOc`O\baO\RPO`a2SZWQObSaaS\ A¤\R`S5ObS&WaO^O`bWQcZO`Zg^]^cZO`bO^Oa ^ZOQSeVWZSeSOZa]ZWYSRbVSb`OdSZbVS[SR PO`/Yc/Yc! 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Further recognising the value of the gay market, the island’s tourist board has this year launched its first brochure aimed specifically at gay visitors. Downloadable from the organisation’s website (, the publication includes not only a lengthy list of gay-friendly accommodation, restaurants, bars and clubs but also recommendations for boutique spas, cultural pursuits and notable attractions. It’s an encouraging sign of yet another tourist office formally recognising the contribution that the gay market can make to local economy, with the tourist office explicitly referencing “the high-spend per-person-contribution this market makes to the total value of tourism to the island”. AMERICAN LUXURY That times have been tough for the travel industry is well documented, but there are signs that those longawaited “green shoots” of recovery are finally sprouting – Stateside at least. Launching in America this summer, gay hospitality brand G Worldwide bills itself as the first ever luxury-resort brand to cater to the LGBT community. Still expanding its portfolio of properties, the company is currently concentrating on opening its first Torget Bar series of luxury resorts in five major US locations over the next two years. New York, Las Vegas and California are among the destinations so far confirmed but there are also plans to expand the brand internationally. While the company has been keeping specific details of the project under wraps until they officially launch their website this month, expectations are high. MOVING MOUNTAINS TRANSPORT ACCOMMODATION Q was Eurovision’s official airline. They fly from London Gatwick to Oslo from as little as £34 one way and from London to Bergen from as little as £29 one way, including taxes. Oslo La DolceGate) Vita resort Top-end hotel Grims Grenka (5 Kongens is widely considered Oslo’s most stylish hotel. Central mid-range hotel Folketeateret (21-23 Storgaten) is excellent value, with rooms costing from £120 upwards. ‘Pensjonat’ – a mixture of B&Bs and hostels – such as Central Cochs Pensjonat (25 Parksveien; www. are best for budget travellers. Q For more information about visiting Oslo and the rest of Norway see Oslo’s official site is; Bergen’s is Q Norway’s national rail service is NSB (www.nsb. no). Fjord Tours is the official organiser of ‘Norway in a Nutshell’ trips from Oslo: $ Bergen Directly by the station, the imposing but unpretentious Grand Hotel Terminus (6 Zander Kaaesgate; www. is one of Bergen’s most popular hotels. How quickly things can change. Three years ago, homosexuality was classified as a crime in Nepal and could be punished by a jail term of up to two years. Now, this isolated nation – probably best known to tourists as the location of Mount Everest – is introducing legislation that should see it become the first country in Asia to allow same-sex marriages. A welcome step towards equality for Nepal’s LGBT community, the country’s tourism minister Sharat Singh Bhandari is also hoping the move will encourage larger numbers of gay visitors to consider visiting the country. Writing to the International Conference on Gay & Lesbian Tourism, which in itself is an unprecedented act for an Asian minister, he stated his intention to “invite and welcome all the sexual and gender minorities from around the world [to Nepal].” =CbRW`SQb]`g % =CbRW`SQb]`g >@=>3@BG To take advantage of our fabulous advertising opportunities, contact Dan Goodban on 0207258177 or [email protected] @31@C7B;3<B & =CbRW`SQb]`g >@=>3@BG D3<C3A :35/: 23A75<7<B3@7=@A ' =CbaQ]^S AB/@A 23 AUG-22 SEP VIRGO It’s holiday time, Virgo. You deserve it and you certainly need it. However, don’t be tempted into a cheap sex ‘n’ sunshine holiday, as it has the potential to leave you more exasperated than before you went. You need a nice chilledout vacation so you can return looking fabulous and healthy. 23 SEP-22 OCT LIBRA After a lean period, when it looked like nothing was happening for you, you’re suddenly finding opportunities popping up everywhere. Although this is a positive development, don’t bite off more than you can chew when trying to demonstrate your abilities. Pace yourself. 22 DEC-19 JAN Don’t be too concerned about experimenting, or, more accurately, your lack of experimentation. Do what feels right for you and not what you think you should be doing. Not everyone is comfortable being uninhibited; if it’s not your cup of tea you shouldn’t feel obliged to try it. Stay true to yourself and you’ll never go wrong. CAPRICORN Neil Tennant 10.07.1954 From being assisant editor of Smash Hits to one half of one of Britain’s best-loved synth-pop duos – Pet Shop Boys – Cancerian Neil Tennant may utilise his hard crab-like shell to protect his inner feelings but he’s also made excellent use of Cancer’s creative nature to rack up 42 top 30 singles and millions of worldwide album sales. The boys play Glastonbury this month, while Mr Tennant celebrates his 56th birthday on 10 July. 22 NOV-21 DEC SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS You need to be wary of the sting that’s in your tail, Scorpio. You may think that you’re a strong and confident person, well equipped to deal with any situation, but every time you lash out you lose a bit of respect. Love for you is infinite, patience is not. Temper that tongue – before it gets you into trouble. It’s all very well being good with money, but there’s a difference between frugality and being an outright miser. Pinching pennies is fine, but splash out a bit now and then – if only to improve your social image. Being known as generous will do you no harm – you may even feel good about it. Hurry up and get a round in! 20 JAN-18 FEB Someone who has been your existence pretty AQUARIUS making miserable will be making an exit from your life very soon. A considerable amount of angst and irritation will disappear with them, and you will slowly begin to move forward and reclaim some much-needed happiness. It may feel strange at first, but allow yourself to go with the flow. 19 FEB-20 MAR 21 MAR-19 APR 20 APR-20 MAY 21 MAY-21 JUN 22 JUN-22 JUL 23 JUL-22 AUG PISCES ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO You’ve been looking for love in all the wrong places again Pisces, haven’t you? Open your eyes a little more and you may find it staring you in the face. Sometimes love is so obvious that we miss it and when we eventually do see it, it seems like the most natural thing in the world. Look harder! 63/:B6 23 OCT-21 NOV GEMINI A delicate situation is likely to arise this month, Aries – you need to tread very carefully. Think things through very thoroughly before you decide upon any specific course of action. If you keep your head together then you’ll find the outcome should be very much in your favour. Take a little time out for your friends this month, Taurus. You’ve been so busy with other issues in your life that you’ve neglected those people that make life worth living. Focus on having a good time with your pals because you need to relax and they need to know that you still hold them in high regard. Recent disappointments in your romantic life may have taken the wind out of your sails, but do not let that deter you from trying to get a little bit of loving. You have so much to offer – allow someone close and they will repay your affections ten-fold. Throw yourself back into dating. Get passionate! You’ve been coasting along recently and not feeling very positive. Kick yourself into action. Revisit things that make you excited and seek out things that arouse your curiosity. Involve friends, too – they can keep check that you don’t fall back into ‘sleep’ mode. Normally, I would advise you to stay away from gossip and bitching, but for once you need to hit back – if only to show that you’re no pushover and that if someone wants a fight then you’ll retaliate with more venom than Malcolm Tucker in a bad mood. Show your claws and watch them retreat. =CbTWb 63/:B6 63/:B6 @31@C7B;3<B 43@B7:7BG =CbTWb 63/:B6 </;3(//@=<43::=EA /53(!% E3756B/<263756B(#¸$¶ B/::#AB :0 EVS\O\ReVgRWRg]cabO`b e]`YW\U]cb- 7abO`bSRe]`YW\U]cb`]cUVZg% gSO`aOU]8cabOTbS`7ZSTbaQV]]Z OT`WS\R]T[W\SO\R7RSQWRSR eSeS`SU]W\Ub]X]W\OUg[ES X]W\SROZ]QOZUg[PcbeSVOR\] QZcSeVObeSeS`SR]W\UO\RTSZb dS`g]cb]T^ZOQS<SSRZSaab]aOg7 bVW\YWbZOabSRXcabT]c`]`TWdSdWaWba /P]cbT]c`gSO`aZObS`O\]bVS`\Se Ug[]^S\SRc^O\ROe]`YT`WS\R ]T[W\SeOaPORUS`W\U[Sb]U] eWbVVW[OaVSRWR\¸beO\bb]U] OZ]\S7Sf^ZOW\SR7¸RPSS\bVS`S O\RR]\SbVObO\ReOa\¸b`SOZZg W\bS`SabSRW\R]W\UWbOUOW\6S[cab VOdSPSS\TOW`Zg^S`aWabS\bOa7UOdS W\O\ReS\bOZ]\UeWbVVW[7\SdS` ab]^^SRU]W\UOTbS`bVObO\RVS¸a \SdS`PSS\aW\QS EVOb¸ag]c`bg^WQOZeSSYZgUg[ `]cbW\SObbVS[][S\b7b`gb]USbW\bVSUg[OP]cb T]c`bW[SaOeSSYWT7QO\7 a^S\R`]cUVZg'[W\cbSabVS`S ^`SR][W\O\bZgR]W\UeSWUVba7¸dS \SdS``SOZZgbOYS\b]QO`RW]7b¸a]\S ]TbV]aSbVW\Ua7Y\]e7aV]cZRR] Pcb\SdS`aSS[b]USbO`]c\Rb]Wb EVOba]`b]TeSWUVbaR]g]c\]e bS\Rb]ZWTb- ;gb`OW\W\U\]eWadS`gRWTTS`S\b T`][V]eWbcaSRb]PS=PdW]caZgWT g]ceO\bb]PcWZRaWhSO\Rab`S\UbV bVS\T`SSeSWUVbaO`SbVSeOgb] U]PcbbVSgQO\OZa]ZSORb]e]`\ X]W\baO\RW\Xc`WSa]dS`bVSgSO`a ³]TeVWQV7¸dSVORaSdS`OZ/a7¸dS ^`Sbbg[cQVPcWZbOZZbVSaWhS[g P]RgT`O[SeWZZQO``g7\]ebS\R b]`SZg[]`S]\[OQVW\SaO\R QOPZSab]PcWZRaVO^S`ObVS`bVO\ aWhS/Q][[]\TOd]c`WbSP]Rg ^O`bT]`Ucgab]b`gb]PcWZRTW`abWa bVSW`QVSabEVS\QVSabb`OW\W\U 7[cQV^`STS`b]caSRc[PPSZZa MY BODY =CB7<B6317BG@3/23@A B3::CA/0=CBB637@ 47B<3AA@=CB7<3A¬ ]dS`PO`PSZZa³7TW\RbVSgUWdSO [cQVPSbbS`e]`Y]cb/bg^WQOZ aSaaW]\T]`[SeWZZabO`beWbVW\QZW\S Rc[PPSZZ^`SaaSa/TSeZWUVbaSba T]`eO`[W\Uc^O\RbVS\bV`SS e]`YaSbaBVSe]`YaSbaeWZZPS& b]`S^aSOQVabO`bW\UbVSTW`abaSb eWbV"YURc[PPSZZabVSaSQ]\R eWbV#YUO\RbVSbVW`ReWbV$YU Rc[PPSZZaBVSaSQ]\RSfS`QWaS e]cZRPSTZObTZgSaac^S`aSbeWbV TZOb^`SaaSa2]U]]R`S^a]TTZOb TZgSacaW\U!#YURc[PPSZZaO\R]\ bVSbV`S^QVO\USVO\R^]aWbW]\ W[[SRWObSZgb]TZOb^`SaaSaT]` []`S`S^aBV`SSaSba]TbVWaaV]cZR VOdSg]cPc`\W\U\WQSZg 2]g]cbOYSO\g\cb`WbW]\OZ ac^^ZS[S\ba- =PdW]caZgbVS\c[PS`]\S ac^^ZS[S\bbVObO\g]\SeWZZbSZZ g]cb]caSWa^`]bSW\^]eRS`O\R Wb`SOZZgaV]cZRPSbVSTW`abbVW\U g]cbVW\YOP]cbOTbS`a]ZWRT]]R 7bS\R\]bb]VOdSb]]ZO`USO\ O^^SbWbSO\RTW\RWbRWTTWQcZbb]SOb eVOb7aV]cZReVS\7aV]cZRa]`SZg dS`gVSOdWZg]\^`]bSW\^]eRS` A]QOZZSRRSaWU\S`ac^^ZS[S\ba ZWYSQ`SObW\SO\R6;0VgR`]fg [SbVgZPcbg`ObSQS`bOW\ZgVOdS bVSW`^ZOQSPcb\]\S]TbVS[O`S [W`OQZSe]`YS`aO\RaV]cZR`SOZZg ]\ZgPScaSReVS\SdS`gbVW\USZaS WaW\^ZOQSBVS]\SbVW\U7¸ROZa] VWUVZg`SQ][[S\RO`S^`Se]`Y]cb \Wb`WQ]fWRS^]eRS`a³bVSg¸`S RSTW\WbSZga][SbVW\Ue]`bVb`gW\U WTg]cTW\Rg]c`aSZTUSbbW\UabOZSW\ g]c`e]`Y]cba 2]g]cQO`STcZZgeObQVg]c`RWSb- 0gOP]RgPcWZRW\UeSWUVbZWTbW\U abO\RO`R7¸RVOdSb]Q]\TSaaO\R aOg[gRWSbWa^`]POPZgTOW`ZgPOR 7SObOZZ]TbVSO^^`]^`WObST]]Ra eVS\7aV]cZRPcbO[\]bb]]Tcaag WTSfb`ObVW\UaUSbQ]\ac[SROZ]\U bVSeOgBVS\OUOW\7¸[\]bb`OW\W\U T]`bVScZbW[ObSRSTW\SROPaZ]]Y ;gP]Rgbg^SWa\¸bZWYSbVOb)7¸[TOW`Zg `SZOfSROP]cbbVSTOQb]TPSW\UPcWZb T]`Q][T]`b\]ba^SSR 2]g]cVOdSO\g^S`a]\OZ e]`Y]cbORdWQS]`bW^a- <SdS`aOQ`WTWQST]`[T]`eSWUVb 7Tg]c¸`SaeW\UW\UeSWUVbacaW\U bV`SS]`T]c`[caQZSU`]c^ab] []dSbVSeSWUVb]``SZgW\U]\ a^]bbS`aT]`OeV]ZSaSbbVS\Wb¸a b]]VSOdgBVObWa\¸bb]aOgbVOb g]caV]cZR\¸bPS^caVW\Ug]c`aSZT O\Rb`gW\UVO`RbV]cUV>`]U`Saa eWZZ]\ZgPS[ORSeWbVQ]\aWabS\Qg O\RTW\RW\UbVSPOZO\QSWabVSYSg 2]\¸b`SZg]\]bVS`^S]^ZSb]Q][S c^eWbVO[OUWQ`]cbW\SbVObg]c V]^SeWZZb`O\aT]`[g]c3dS`g]\S¸a P]RgWaRWTTS`S\bO\RbVS`SWa\] ]\S[OUWQe]`Y]cbbVObeWZZe]`Y T]`SdS`gP]Rg2STW\WbSZgUSbOa [cQVORdWQST`][]bVS`^S]^ZS Oag]cQO\`SUO`RW\USfS`QWaSa WSaSZSQbW]\O\RSfSQcbW]\Pcb ZWabS\W\Ub]g]c`]e\P]RgWa bVSPSabeOg]T^cbbW\UbVS[OZZ b]USbVS`7bQ][SaeWbVbW[SO\R ^`OQbWQS7Tg]cVOdS\]^ObWS\QS bVS\g]ce]\¸bUSbTO`:OabZgS\X]g eVObg]c¸`SR]W\U7b¸ab]]RWTTWQcZbO a^]`bWTg]cR]\¸b =CbTWb 63/:B6 BE PROUD! 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Urban Kings can be found in the revamped Regents Quarter of King’s Cross (behind Starbucks on Pentonville Road). It’s different from other gyms in that it’s selling itself as a ‘Luxury Martial Arts Gym’. Not only will it boast state-of-the-art equipment, but it will also cater for classes and one-to-one training in Thai boxing, MMA, K1, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, boxing and wrestling. The two-floor facilities include a full-size (19’) boxing ring, no less than 12 punch bags, a cage wall and two large dojo areas. Besides the standard array of gym equipment, you’ll also find kettlebells, monkey bars, cable machines and an Olympic lifting area. As well as the specialised training sessions, there are also classes specifically titled Abs and Body Conditioning. The facilities also include designer changing rooms, men and women’s saunas and an upstairs Juice Bar. Membership at Urban Kings includes use of all facilities, including the sauna, and unlimited access to all classes. It also allows access to one-to-one training with highprofile trainers (additional fee applies). Membership costs £95 per month for a 12 month period with an initial joining fee of £150. Urban Kings, 4 Bravingtons Walk, King’s Cross, N1. 020 7837 7774 LOOKING FOR LOVE? Are you looking for a boyfriend? Do you want a relationship that lasts longer than a night? If so, look out for the ‘Getting a Boyfriend’ course from gay men’s health charity GMFA, which will be running in several cities across the UK in July. It’s a free one-day course to help you understand more about yourself and what you want in relationships. It also includes advice on how to stick to safer sex when you do find that special someone. Matthew Hodson, Head of Programmes at GMFA, says: “For many of us, having some romance or even a partner to share our life with is important. However, finding and maintaining a relationship can take work. This course will help men take a fresh look at what they want from a relationship and how to go about " getting it.” This course will encourage you to think about whether you are ready for a relationship, what you bring to and want from a relationship, as well as the qualities that attract you to a man. You’ll have a chance to think about areas such as whether you want an open or monogamous relationship, what sort of commitment you are after, and whether you are looking for a boyfriend in the right places. The course also covers the sexual decisions that are made in relationships, how your safer sex strategy may change, and how to minimise your risks of HIV and STI infection. “There’s no denying the excitement of a new love,” says Hodson. “In the first few months, emotions can run high, and it’s in this time that men often take sexual risks they wouldn’t normally take. The course will help men to stay focused and in control of the sex they have so they can protect themselves and their partners from HIV and other STIs.” The course will run in London on 17 July, Bristol, Plymouth and Southampton on 24 July, and Brighton on 31 July. All of GMFA’s courses are free of charge but places are limited and must be booked in advance. To book a place, go to uk/national or call 020 7738 3712.
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