
 ON‐SITE ADVERTISING will WHAT ABOA CAN DO FOR ITS SPONSORS? ADVERTISE ON NATIONAL TV FOR YOU We will adver+se on the Chambell’s Outdoor Challenge Show . Which is shown on the Versus Channel, 32 +mes a year, Wednesday’s at 12:00pm cst/1:00pm est 1 hour format. Plus special Bowfishing Show which will show 9 +mes this year. Same +me on Versus in hour format. AIR TIME BREAK DOWN Behind the lens: introduc+on of teams, ABOA shown 20x, with an announcement of our sponsors, and sponsors name, logo and website come up (15+sec) Team interviews: +me line runs on boQom of screen with sponsors name (10+sec) Team Hunts: sponsors name runs on +me line on the boQom of screen ( 10 sec+). We verbally announce and acknowledge our sponsors on air. We plug sponsors by using products on air, with close up of sponsor’s name and or logo on products. For example zooming in on rest or arrow name when arrow is being pulled back to shoot. We addi+onally will promote sponsors logos in the field at any given opportunity. Verbal acknowledgements: in blinds before the hunt; or aVer in the field during recovery. We will approximately be on each show for 5‐10 minutes depending on if animal is harvested. Animal harvest includes more footage. ADVERTISE AT TRADE SHOWS THAT WE ATTEND We will promote sponsor’s name and logo in the backdrop. LOGO PLACEMENT On truck, back‐drop, gear, atv’s, boat and team shirts. To Our Sponsors, American Bow Hunters Outdoor Adventures is a team of professional hunters and videographers whose purpose is to educate others about the outdoors through filming and execu+ng tradi+onal sports such as hun+ng, fishing and bow fishing. We are a professional video team that competes in the “sport of filming hunts”, seen on The Campbell Outdoor Challenge TV Show. We are entering our second year with the Campbell Outdoor Challenge Circuit. The Campbell Outdoor Challenge is aired on VERSUS. VERSUS is now in more than 75 million homes. As well as reaching outdoor sportsman for fishing and hun+ng the network is also the na+onal cable home of the Na+onal Hockey League (NHL) as well as best‐in‐class events such as The Tour de France, Davis Cup Tennis, the Professional Bull Riders (PBR), World Extreme Cage figh+ng (WEC), the Indy Racing League and Professional Boxing. The network also offers collegiate sports. VERSUS features the best field sports programming on television and is a des+na+on for sports fans, athletes and outdoorsmen to find exclusive, compe++ve events that audiences can't find elsewhere. Demographics show that these subscribers are dedicated and passionate outdoor enthusiasts. VERSUS, a wholly owned company of Comcast Corpora+on (NASDAQ: CMCSA, CMCSK), is distributed via cable systems and satellite operators throughout the United States. The Campbell Circuit Challenge consisted of 4 events: April was Turkey in Indiana, May was Wild Hog in Georgia, September was Antelope in South Dakota and November was Whitetail in Illinois. We also par+cipated in June in the Campbell Bow Fishing Challenge in Kentucky. We did well in all the events and excep+onally well in the antelope challenge where we came in first. Overall we placed fiVh in the challenge out of fiVeen teams. This is an amazing accomplishment for our first year and we feel confident in our ability and skill to place in the top three for next years challenge. With your sponsorship this will allow us to par+cipate again in the challenge and help us further our career in the sport of filming hunts. Last years events are scheduled to begin airing December 31, 2008 through December 2009. The Campbell Outdoor Challenge Show will air 32 Xmes where Team American Bow Hunters can promote you and your products on VERSUS. AdverXsing for our sponsors includes: on‐air endorsement, boZom of screen banner promoXons, mulX‐
placement of logos and endorsing products using a hands on approach. For example; in our bow fishing compe++on we used two of our sponsors products: AMS Bow Fishing reel and a push‐pull, which helped us in the compe++on. Whether it is equipment, a piece of clothing or any product we will use it to help us get an edge on our compe+tors. As well as the Campbell Challenge we are in the process of pulng together DVD’s: Bow Fishing; carp, s+ng ray, alligator also Hun+ng Big Game; bear, deer, antelope and more. Which offers great adver+sing for our sponsors. Any trade shows we aQend we will also promote sponsors. Let us promote your product or service in a unique manner. Check out our sponsorship packet, our promo+onal DVD and visit us at www.AmericanBowHuntersOutdoorAdventures.com Thanks you for your +me and we look forward to working with you. Please contact Kurt at 914 804‐6778. Sincerely, Kurt Wall Laura Santucci Team Captain Team Co‐Captain Basic Demo Male………………………………80% Median Age……………………..47 Income…………………………$54k Home Owners…………….….111 Married………………………….113 Married/Children……………111 Who beZer to promote your company/product then Team American Bow Hunters Outdoor Adventures who are passionate outdoor enthusiast filming in real situaXons. PromoXng and endorsing your products to other outdoor enthusiasts. SPONSORED BY CRACK SHOT GOLD SPONSORSHIP $5000.00 (Yearly Sponsorship) *Promo+on of your product in personal interviews throughout The Campbell Outdoor Challenge Show. *Plugging your name and product live during The Campbell Outdoor Challenge Show. *Brand exposure by using your product during hunts on the show. *Promo+on of your logo/product on a moving +me‐line, mul+ple +mes throughout the show in bold leQers. Campbell Outdoor Challenge show will air 32 +mes a year in an hour format. *Exposure of logos on team shirts, which will be worn on interviews at the Campbell Outdoor Challenge, 3D shoots and DVD’s. *Usage of logos on our truck and inside blind for more brand impression. *Web exposure on AmericanBowHuntersOutdoorAdventures.com on the front page and the current sponsor page. *Men+oning Team Sponsorship on The Campbell Outdoor Challenge Web site. SILVER SPONSORSHIP $3500.00 (Yearly Sponsorship) *Brand exposure by using your product during hunts on The Campbell Outdoor Challenge Show. *Promo+on of your logo/product on a moving +me‐line, mul+ple +mes throughout the show in bold leQers. Campbell Outdoor Challenge show will air 32 +mes a year in an hour format. *Exposure of logos on team shirts, which will be worn on interviews at the Campbell Outdoor Challenge, 3D shoots and DVD’s. *Usage of logos on our truck and inside blind for more brand impression. *Web exposure on American BowHuntersOutdoorAdventures.com on the front page and the current sponsor page. *Men+oning Team Sponsorship on The Campbell Outdoor Challenge Web site. BRONZE SPONSORSHIP PRODUCT SPONSOR (Yearly Sponsorship) *Brand exposure by using your product during hunts on the Campbell Outdoor Challenge Show. *Exposure of logos on team shirts, which will be worn on interviews at the Campbell Outdoor Challenge, 3D shoots and DVD’s. (payment for embroidering logo on shirts is requested). *Usage of logos on our truck and inside blind for more brand impression. *Web site exposure on AmericanBowHuntersOutdoorAdventures.com. On The Home Page and The Current Sponsor Page. *Men+oning Team Sponsorship on The Campbell Outdoor Challenge Web site. We want to thank our current sponsors for all their help. Team American Bow Hunters Outdoor Adventures will conXnue to work hard to promote the companies and products that support us. To help ensure this we have created a special sponsor page on our website. On this current sponsor page the sponsored logo is displayed and by clicking on it, it will link you to the sponsors website. There is also a brief endorsement from American Bow Hunters and then a Picture portraying the endorsement. Thanks again and please visit us at AmericanBowHuntersOutdoorAdventures.com. We also want to thank Campbell’s for all their help. We look forward to the next season with the Campbell’s Outdoor Challenge.