November - Navan Community Association
November - Navan Community Association
NAVAN NUGGET PAGE 1 NOVEMBER 2010 BUSINESS CARDS ROTATED BI-MONTHLY Electronic version available on the website NAVAN CENOTAPH RE-DEDICATED IN THE MEMORY OF THOSE WHO MADE THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE Navan, October 17, 2010: With intense pride and significant community support, the restored veterans’ memorial was unveiled today to pay tribute to Navan-area residents who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country.The unveiling took place with hundreds of veterans, community leaders, and serving armed forces personnel looking on as organizers praised the sacrifices made in defending freedom. The unveiling was carried out by Eileen Vaillancourt and Sqn. Ldr. Eric Smith DFC CD (Ret’d). In 1987 Mrs. Vaillancourt’s mother, Annie McFadden, unveiled the original Cenotaph. “Today is an important milestone for our community and our local fallen heroes – we now have a beautiful memorial, built through local contributions, that will stand forever as a tribute to those who served our country in the past, those who continue to serve and in particular those who have made the supreme sacrifice so that we could live in peace,” stated Ross Bradley, chair of the Cenotaph Restoration Project. In 1914 the town of Navan and its surrounding area had a population of approximately 300 people, 15 of whom made the ultimate sacrifice in WW1. They are remembered, along with all others from the Navan area who have died defending their country."It is a testament to the strength of our local community that this beautiful memorial could be built with the support of local residents, businesses like BFI Canada, Annis O'Sullivan Vollebekk Ltd., Lafarge, Vars Concrete, community organizations like Friends of the Mer Bleue, Navan Lions Club, Streetdance 2010, the City of Ottawa, Veterans Affairs Canada and the Cumberland Township Agricultural Society which has made land available for this project," added Bradley. The Navan Community Association Restoration Committee spearheaded this project in order to replace the original Cenotaph that needed updating and was located in an area no longer suitable for such an important memorial. VANDALISM WITHIN THE VILLAGE CONTINUES In last month's Nugget, the NCA Public Safety Committee published an article expressing our concerns over the recent rash of vandalism, graffiti and thefts within the village. Unfortunately, it appears the incidents are continuing. Just recently, a company truck was destroyed and ransacked while parked at Navan Automotive overnight, shrubs were stolen from a resident's property and pumpkins have been smashed around several homes. This is a reminder that we, as responsible parents and community members, need to ensure that we supervise our children's activities, especially during the late hours of the night. Parents should always be aware of their children's whereabouts and should not be afraid to conduct random checks of their bags, bedrooms and other personal belongings. Let's not take the: "my son/daughter would never do this" attitude; the culprit(s) of these crimes are most likely living in the village and we need to identify them before additional costly incidents occur. Reminder: any victim of vandalism, graffiti or theft, no matter how minor in nature, should report the incident to the Ottawa Police by telephone at (613) 236-1222 ext.7300. It is important to report all crime, as police resources are deployed in accordance to where crime occurs and is reported. NAVAN NUGGET Crime Prevention Ottawa’s Neighbourhood Toolkit Crime Prevention Ottawa’s Neighbourhood Toolkit is an online resource that provides ideas, information and resources to help Ottawa residents make their neighbourhoods better places to live. The toolkit encourages residents to get involved in their neighbourhoods and to be accountable and proactive about community safety. Individuals, community associations, Neighbourhood Watch volunteers and many others will find helpful ideas and practical information about building safer neighbourhoods from the ground up. The toolkit also contains information about specific problems and crimes and how to get help from municipal and community resources in Ottawa. You can learn more about the toolkit and download a printable version by visiting NOTABLES (complements of the Navan Women’s Institute) Navan Fall Fest The second Fall Fest was a big hit again this year. What a wonderful crowd of residents attended the event! A big thank you goes to Juanita Vetter and the Navan Women’s Institute for organizing this special day. Navan @ 150 years in 2011 was launched with presentations to the Logo and Essay contest winners. The new park area was dedicated by Emmanuelle Grandmaître, with children letting balloons fly up in the air. Rob Jellett attended and was thanked for his efforts in helping to realise this reconstruction. In the blue building there were a number of activities going on. Puddles, the sweet little lamb, was in attendance with its owners, Shirley and Chris Browski. The Knotty Knitters were there. The Home Decorating contest was judged by those attending the Fest and my mannequins finally won a prize!! The scent of the Chilli pots, wafting through the blue building, enticed many to try out the various recipes. PAGE 2 There was a young lady giving out I Love Navan stickers. The Navan Community Association was selling memberships. We were entertained by a fellow who sang some old country songs. Face painting was a busy corner. The games were well run and lots of fun for all. Building Scarecrows was the most popular activity ! Thanks goes out to Colleen Fleming, our Navan Fair Youth Ambassador, and her Dad, Eric, for their help and encouragement to all the young ones who jumped eagerly into the hay. What a big hit!! The Navan Lions Club gave out popcorn and bed rides while the Navan Community Association provided free hot dogs and pop for everyone. In the evening, to top off a busy sunny day, we had a Barn Dance put on by the Cumberland Township Agricultural Society . What a day this was!! Verna Cotton and Jackson Bender our proud Navan historians We wish to thank the following for their support, without which we wouldn’t have had such a variety of activities and so much FUN!!! Eastway Kennels, Chilly Chilies, Vezina Optical, Jonny Canuck's Bar & Grill - Orleans; Steve & Krista Barban, Marg MacNeill, Barry Johnston, Don Lawlor, Navan Fire Department, Navan Nursery School, Ottawa City Police, Navan Women's Institute, Navan Lions Club, Navan Community Association, CTAS, and the numerous volunteers & judges. Sheila Minogue-Calver FALL FEST MONTAGE ON LAST PAGE OF NUGGET Total Foot Spa Reflexology Pedicure Footcare Navan W.I. had 2 tables - a silent auction table and a baked goods table. Thanks for all the support. Save 50% on 1st reflexology appointment Gift Certificates Website: Christine Lanthier RN/Reflexologist 5714 Dunning Rd, Navan 613-835-3397 [email protected] NAVAN NUGGET On October 2nd the CTAS Barn Dance which was part of the Fall Fest activities was a fun night of dancing, socializing and refreshments. The lucky winners of the bike draw was Andrew Jeacle and Ray Lanthier won the collectable tractor and Dave Bergeron the Senator tickets. Former Navan Fair Ambassadors on the move: Sara McFadden (Ambassador 2007) has been selected by the Ottawa Carleton Plowmen’s Association to represent them as their Queen of the Furrow for 2011 not 2010 as reported in the last Nugget. Sara will be attending the Ontario Plowmen’s Association Convention in Toronto in February where she will meet approximately 48 competitors for the International Queen of the Furrow competition in August 2011 in Chute-A-Blondeau, Ontario. Any organization or event who would like to have Sara take an active part in, please do not hesitate to email her at [email protected] PAGE 3 S cott Matthews (Person who initiated the Navan Fair Ambassador Program) has constantly been involved with agriculture from a very early age whether it was beef or dairy cattle. He has been actively involved with raising, breeding and showing Simmental cattle. Upon graduation from Guelph he joined Cargill Meat Solution where he is the Eastern Canadian cattle buyer. He has judged and shown internationally and continues to exhibit at many fairs along with his Dad (Ivan) and brother Craig. During Thanksgiving weekend, turkey was not on the agenda for the Matthews family of Rosemead Farm of Navan. They were exhibiting their Purebred Simmental cattle in Victoriaville Quebec were the animals shown in the picture, owned by Scott and Craig were All Breed Champions of the show. Craig was also named Champion Intermediate showman of the YCS show. In early November they will be off to the Royal Winter Fair. They also qualified to show at the Western Agribition in Saskatchewan in late Nov CTAS President: Mario St Denis Admin. Coord.: Marg MacNeill Tel.#: 613-835-2766 Email: [email protected] NAVAN NUGGET PAGE 4 NAVAN LIONS CLUB (meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at the Navan Curling Club) October 1st the Lions had their Turkey Friday night supper which was a huge success with Lion Ross Bradley’s maneuvering skill he accommodated 140 hungry mouths a seat at a table. The Navan Lions were on serving mode at the Fall Fest activities. Lion Gord Curry manned the popcorn machine the entire day. Lions David Gratton, Shirley Fraser, Bea Wall, Don Macartney, John Bishop and Christina MacPherson provide unique rides for the kids on the cow bed. Not sure who had more fun, the Lions or the kids. President: Lion Mark O’Donoughue 841-5444 Secretary: Lion Christina MacPherson Treasurer: Lion David Grattan NAVAN COMMUNITY ASSOCATION MEETINGS 3RD MONDAY OF MONTH – UPSTAIRS AT NAVAN ARENA CPR AND AED TRAINING The Ottawa Paramedic Service is offering residents free CPR and Automated External Defibrillator training. The four-hour class includes a short lecture on patient assessment, followed by group breakouts for clinical training. Participants who complete the course will receive valid CPR C “Basic Rescuer” and AED certifications. Topics to be covered include: · Scene management and patient assessment · Adult, child and infant CPR · Adult, child and infant choking · Automated External Defibrillation (AED) · Cardiovascular emergencies – Heart attack and stroke Classes are held at various locations across Ottawa, including in the rural area. Please check out the Course Schedule for the location nearest you and visit to register. Rural locations include the following: Date Nov 6 Location Region Time Language RJ Kennedy Rural - 9 am English Memorial East to 1 1115 Dunning Rd, pm Cumberland RJ Kennedy Rural - 2 pm French Nov 6 Memorial East to 6 pm 1115 Dunning Rd, Cumberland NAVAN NUGGET Snow Go Program and Snow Go Assist Program An Ottawa winter averages 235 cm of snowfall and in recent years, an increasing amount of rain and freezing rain. Clearing snow from private driveways and walkways is difficult but essential to ensuring mobility in the winter months. Many seniors and people with disabilities are unable to clear snow from their own private driveways or walkways and must rely on friends, family or private contractors. The City of Ottawa’s Snow Go Program provides a matching service for seniors and people with disabilities looking to hire an individual or contractor to clear snow from private driveways and walkways. Eligible low-income seniors and people with disabilities may also apply to receive financial assistance to pay for a portion of their snow removal costs through the Snow Go Assist Program. For more information, visit PAGE 5 WORK OPPORTUNITY ML Bradley in Navan is looking for additional school bus drivers for the current school year. If you know anyone who is looking for part time work close to home and maybe interested in driving a school bus contact ML Bradley at 613-835-2488. To find out more about ML Bradley visit Navan Community Association Youth Dances - Ages 10-14 The Navan Community Association youth dances are for 10-14 year olds. They are held 7-10:30 pm the 2nd Friday of each month with a $5.00 admission at the Navan Arena. Win a prize - dance contest during the November 12th dance (For dance rules go to 2010-2011 Dates: November 12, 2010 December 10, 2010 January 14, 2011 February 11, 2011 – Valentine’s Day Theme March 11, 2011 April 8, 2011 May 13, 2011 June 10, 2011 – School’s Out Theme NAVAN NUGGET CENOTAPH PROJECT UPDATE Sunday, October 17, 2010 should go down in Navan as one of the most historically significant days we have ever had as a community. I, Ross Bradley, have been honoured to be the chairperson of a committee made up of members who were completely dedicated to seeing the Cenotaph Restoration and Relocation project succeed and produce a beautiful Navan War Memorial. Just one week after Thanksgiving, this is what I was thankful for: 1. An excellent afternoon weather wise (even though it was a bit cool and windy). 2. An impressive crowd of people who attended (400-500), many of whom where veterans and current military, and many who were residents from all over our Cumberland Ward and beyond. 3. Some very willing and able young men (Cumberland Grads Junior A hockey team) who got chairs and stage in place all before 9:30 am. 4. The Ottawa Firefighters Band (30 strong) and 632 Orleans Legion Colour Party who performed so well and added so much. 5. The Navan Volunteer Firefighters who aided parking of the handicapped and seating. 6. The uniqueness of the very way the actual unveiling took place and the spectacular photographs taken which will preserve this moment forever. 7. The excellent flow of the whole ceremony and the professionalism in how it was conducted. And now a request to our entire community. We have a beautiful War Memorial in our midst. Let us all do our utmost to keep it that way. If you see any actions taking place at the War Memorial which you believe to be disrespectful, please make it known to those who are able to correct the problem. Please come to the Remembrance Day Services at 10:45 am, Thursday, November 11th. PAGE 6 NAVAN’S 150TH ANNIVERSARY UPDATE Above is the official logo for the Navan’s 150th Anniversary co-designed by Allie Schurman and H. Harper which was digitalized by Andrew Griffin. T-Shirts with the logo are at JT Bradley’s for $15.00 Going fast, we only need 5 more flags to be sponsored for decorating our main street next spring. The cost is only $70 each – contact Sheila Minogue-Calver Chair: Anne Marie Potvin 835-2757 Secretary: Christina MacPherson Treasurer: Dale Borys Youth: Tom Devecseri Safety: Fred St Pierre Website: QUOTE OF THE MONTH The world is so fast that there are days when the person who says it can’t be done are interrupted by the person who is doing it. NAVAN NUGGET PAGE 7 NAVAN CO-OPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL 1279 Colonial Road Navan, ON 613-835-9243 Kids Korner: Cooking Activities Children always enjoy the opportunity to help in the kitchen. Here are some simple recipes to try and enjoy! Mini Pizzas English muffins Tomato sauce Pepperoni Chopped veggies Shredded Mozzeralla cheese Children can have fun making their own mini pizzas. Bake at 350 degrees until cheese is melted. Conecakes 1 pkg of cake mix 24 flat bottomed ice cream cones Icing Sprinkles and candies. Make cake mix as directed on package. Fill cone 1/2 full with batter. Bake at 350 degrees until tester comes out clean. Once cool children can have fun decorating the ice cream cone cupcakes. UPCOMING EVENTS: On November 20th, the Navan Nursery School parents will be hosting the bake table and lunch counter at the Navan Christmas Craft Fair from 10-4 the Navan arena. Thanks again to the Navan Crafters for their continued support. Thinking about Preschool for your child? Navan Nursery School will continue to accept registration until programs are full. The school offers a 2, 3, or 5 morning preschool program for children ages 2 ½ to 5 years of age. The school is staffed by a Registered Early Childhood Educator who provides a warm, nurturing learning environment for the youngest residents of our community For more information, please visit our website at, or call Michelle at 613835-3314. HOME TIP OF THE MONTH Fall Gardening Tips Bring in your houseplants that have summered outdoors. If the pots are sitting on the ground, give the pots a twist to loosen. Check them carefully before bringing back inside. A good gentle spraying with the garden hose will help dislodge pests and clean the plant before you return it to its indoor home. If you want your Christmas cactus to bloom on time, start in the fall. About three months from the desired bloom time, stop feeding, reduce or stop watering, give the plant complete darkness from sundown to sunrise, and then sunlight all day. When buds have formed, resume a regular water and food schedule and you will have beautiful flowers in December. Add to your compost. Leaves and other lawn and garden cleanup material are perfect for composting. Turn your compost material at least once a week with a garden fork to speed its decay. Chopping and shredding materials to make them smaller before adding to the pile helps compost break down faster. Get your tools, especially your mower, ready for the off-season with a little simple maintenance. Drain the water from garden hoses at the end of the season. Coil them and store them in a spot where they won’t freeze. NAVAN NUGGET PAGE 8 Clean up debris in the lawn and garden. Leaves, sticks, rocks and other late season leftovers can harm next year’s lawn and harbor pests and diseases over the winter. - Have your chimney inspected and cleaned by a certified and insured chimney sweep - Be mindful of the type of wood you are burning - Check your furnace and furnace filter and make sure that everything is clean and in good working order. - Obtain burn permits for clean up at Station 73 in Vars (613-835-1682) - For further information on fire safety and prevention, please visit On behalf of all of the firefighters at Station 71 in Navan, we wish you and your families a safe and fun season and hope that you enjoy all that it has to offer. NAVAN’S VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS CORNER Good news! After a brief hiatus, the Firefighter’s Corner will once again be featured in the Nugget. It has been a busy few months, so we will re-cap the major events to bring you up to speed. Back in August during the Navan parade, firefighters from station 71 collected over $1300.00 in donations. Thank you everyone for your kindness. This money went to the MD association. On September 25th, Station 71 hosted the annual banquet at the fairgrounds barn. It was a great night filled with entertainment, good food, good music, and lots of dancing! We would like to thank the Navan Lions Club for their assistance that evening, as well as the many individuals and businesses who donated fabulous door prizes. Congratulations goes out to Navan’s award recipients of the evening; Dane Vartija (District FF of the year), Peter Tadiello (Station 71 FF of the year), Jeff Cotton (10 year service pin) and Bruce Robillard (5 year service pin). More recently, we shared in the fun at the Navan Fall Fest. It was a great community event and a great time was had by all – especially the kids who out-tugged the firefighters in the tug-of-war! Needless to say, we will start training for next year’s re-match soon. The festival also featured a delicious chilly cook-off. It was so delicious that we would like to encourage anybody to drop off their late entries to a Monday training night at the fire hall for judging…! Now that the cold weather is upon us, a friendly reminder that it is that time of year again to; NAVAN VETERINARY SERVICES 3425 Trim Road, Box 100 Navan, Ontario K4B 1J3 613-835-2646 Fax 835-2537 Dr. David Douglas Dr. Jean Cyr Dr. Adrian Domen Dr. Richard Smith Dr. Dan Shock Dr. Brianne Hagan NAVAN NUGGET PAGE 9 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS PARISH OF BEARBROOK, NAVAN & VARS Priest in Charge: Rev’d. John Blakley Sunday Worship Trinity, Bearbrook: 8:30 a.m. St. Mary’s, Navan: 10:00 a.m. St. Andrew’s, Vars: 11:30 a.m. For further information please call 613‐835‐2200 or [email protected] Two local athletes, Damian and Serena Moffatt, children of Angela (Watson) and David Moffatt have earned the honour of representing Canada at the World Karate & Kickboxing Council’s 2010 World Championships in Portugal next month. Damian, 13, and Serena, 12, had to win both provincial and national championships in order to be awarded spots on the Canadian team. They joined Elite Martial Arts in Orleans in 2007, where they train under Guy Ouellette. Damian and Serena, will be competing in two categories, Sparring and Continuous Kickboxing. They are fantastic ambassadors for their sport and for their community, and we wish them well in Portugal. NEW REVEREND IN TOWN Well Sunday, October 17th was definitely a busy day in Navan! Besides the unveiling and re-dedication of the Cenotaph in a beautiful and moving ceremony, the Anglican Parish of Bearbrook, Vars and Navan also had its own celebration at St. Mary’s Church that evening. The community gathered to induct and formally welcome the Reverend Canon John WilkerBlakely as the Parish’s minister. While John has been with the Parish for a while now, he was only technically there as a “temporary” minister. But now it’s official – he’s here to stay and we hope it will be for a very long time. John brings many impressive talents to our parish. He is funny, kind, caring, and extremely knowledgeable. The parish considers him a real blessing. John regularly visits the elderly and the sick, reaches out to families in need, leads our youth in interesting activities, and has been known to fly over the community or take the odd tractor ride now and then. St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Navan along with Trinity in Bearbrook and St. Andrew’s in Vars gladly welcomes anyone and everyone to our church services on Sunday. Feel free to drop in and give us a try. We don’t bite (well not that hard) and we even serve coffee and treats (for free) after the service. The Sunday service times are: 8:30 at Trinity in Bearbrook, 10:00 at St. Mary’s in Navan and 11:30 at St. Andrew’s in Vars. If you have any questions, our email address is: [email protected]. NAVAN NUGGET Navan Community Sunday School has started it's 2010 - 2011 year from 9:45 am to 11 am at St. Mary's Hall. Please arrive 5 minutes early and join your children for a short 10 min children's service. After which the children participate in children's liturgy, choir, a bible lesson, craft and snack. Thank you for your support and looking forward to sharing the light of the Lord with you and your family. Your Navan Community Sunday School Teachers. For information please contact Kelly Davies email: [email protected] Navan Community Sunday School Schedule 9:45 a.m. - ll:00 a.m. Nov 7 - Sunday School (start practicing choir for Christmas service) 14 - Family Sunday - attend church of your choice 21 - Sunday School 26 - Sunday School Dec 5 - Practice for Joint Christmas Service 12 - Joint Family Christmas Service (10:00 a.m. @ St. Mary’s Hall - Pot Luck & Children’s Crafts) 19 - Family Sunday - United Church Christmas Pageant at the hall 26 - Family Sunday - attend church of your choice Bob and Glen are pleased to announce our relaunch of Laura’s Corner which will now be called “Laura’s Corner – Rowe at Home” We will focus exclusively on Rowe customer upholstered furniture from our studio at 1356 Colonial Road, Navan, ON, K4B 1N1, - contact info. 613-835-1616 or By appointment only please. PAGE 10 WANTED Mother of twin 3 year old girls, (well behaved, courteous, hyper) requires help with a new born baby, beginning mid January, light house keeping duties as well while baby sleeps. Mon, Wed, Thurs, possible Fri or Sat morns, 7:45am - 1:00pm. Pays $12 to start. Please sends resumes to 613 443 2371 or call 613 835 3424. Located on Forest Lea in Navan NOV 20 and 21 - 32nd ANNUAL NAVAN ARTS AND CRAFTS SALE From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day in the Navan Hall, upstairs at the Navan Arena, the Navan Arts and Crafts Group will present a good selection of fine art and top quality crafts. This year will see some exciting new exhibitors as well as well as exhibitors that buyers return to each year. There will be a door prize each day of gifts donated by the exhibitors . A donation of any amount will make a visitor eligible for one of these prizes. The proceeds from these donations will be given to the OrleansCumberland Community Resource Centre Christmas Program. To date we have donated close to $18,000.00 to the Resource Centre, as well as numerous boxes of food. The Resource Centre is not the only beneficiary of our weekend fundraising. The Navan Nursery School and the Guides and Brownies use our venue to raise monies for outings and materiels by providing a light lunch and a wonderful selection on their bake table, including some very artfully wrapped and decorated delicacies ready for gift giving. We have our fabric wall with a large section to choose from as well as a few sample floor models of furniture to help with your customer selection. Give us a call – we’re anxious to see you again. Nov. 27 & 28, - THE CUMBERLAND ARTS AND CRAFTS GUILD CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 27 & 28, 2010 from 10 – 4 at École secondaire publique Gisèle Lalonde Trim Road near Millenium Sports Park 50 Juried artists and artisans - Free parking and admission Door prizes for donations to the Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre Christmas Program NAVAN NUGGET PAGE 11 CONGRATULATIONS Thursday, December 16th - HERITAGE PUBLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL - Annual Toy & Bake Sale An upcoming fundraiser that is being planned by School Council at Heritage Public School is the Toy and Bake Sale. The date has been set for Thursday, December 16th, 2010. This is a very exciting day for the students! On this date each student will have the opportunity to visit the gym with their class and purchase some toys and baked items. Students also have a chance to purchase tickets for prizes before or on the day of the event. How can you help make this fund raiser a success. 1. Send in donations of gently used toys, books, games, and movies. Popular items include: Happy meal toys, diecast cars, lego, and collector cards. Keep this in mind if you are doing a fall clean-up. Donations can be dropped off at the school starting December 1st, 2010. 2. Send in nut free baking individually wrapped on the day of the sale. Popular items include: cupcakes, popcorn, cookies, rice crispies, chocolate lollipops and candy canes. 3. We require donations of new items for our draw. Items should be appropriate for our students. Popular items include: barbies, Lego, craft kits, WebKinz, movies, board games. If you have a business contact or an item for the raffle; please let us know. 4. Come and help set-up, or man a station on the day of the sale! Please contact Virginia Lowe (613-835- 3389) for further information. Rebecca St. Cyr and Sylvain Lavallée are engaged to be married next September! Congratulations to the happy couple!! We wish them lots of happiness. NAVAN NUGGET NAVAN FOR KRAFT HOCKEYVILLE 2011 – DO YOU HAVE A HOCKEY STORY FOR US! Let's Show our community spirit by including this in our 150 year Celebrations! As you are aware, the Navan Memorial Centre is once again entered in the Kraft Hockeyville 2011 competition. Four communities will win $25 000 while the top one receives $100 000 in upgrades to their facility and an NHL pre-season game will be played in the arena in the fall of 2011 with a fun day of activities for everyone to enjoy! Organized hockey has been part of Navan’s precious heritage for 97 years! Did you know that in 1913 in the village of Navan, a hockey club was formed of 24 members? Each member paid ten dollars and this money was used to establish an open air rink. If you have played on any Navan hockey teams, against them, or attended a game at the arena you definitely have a hockey story to share! We need the support of the community to make this dream a reality so please help us by submitting a hockey story and a photo to and selecting Navan Memorial Centre from November to January. All stories are accepted including the ones just supporting our quest to the Kraft Hockeyville 2011 title. If you don’t have access to a computer, you can drop off your stories in the box located on the Hockeyville billboard at the arena and we will submit them for you. On your sheet please include your name, address, phone number and date of birth. Navan’s Hockeyville Celebrations will be held on Sunday December 5th from 1pm to 5:30pm at the Navan Memorial Centre. We are kicking off our quest to the Kraft Hockeyville title by inviting the community to attend free public skating from 1 – 2:20pm then cheering the Cumberland Junior “A” Grads against the Ottawa Senators. A banner will be on hand for fans to sign. You are welcomed to wear any hockey jersey. Door prizes and lots of fun for the family! If you have any questions, need help in submitting your story or would like to volunteer, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email [email protected] or by telephone Barry Irvine 613-835-2509 and Lyne Proulx 613-833-1779. You can join our Facebook group: Navan for Kraft Hockeyville 2011. PAGE 12 Carleton Regional Snowmobile Club New construction has already begun on the abandoned rail line. The City of Ottawa, through the infrastructure department, has commenced the building of a multi-use trail connecting to the existing Prescott-Russell multi-use trail. This trail will be for hiking and cycling during the summer months and snowmobiling, cross-country skiing and walking during the winter months. Reduced speed limit signs will be erected in the sensitive low-noise areas of the trail, so be on the lookout and adhere to the instructions on the signage. Even though signs are currently posted indicating no snowmobiles; Carleton Regional Snowmobile Club have been assured by Rob Jellett's office and the City of Ottawa; snowmobilers will continue to use this trail. The signs have been posted temporarily till the project is completed. Please note any adjoining groomed trails off the main railway line are landowner's private property and only the snowmobile club has authorization to use. OFSC trail permits December 1st or prior are $200, after December 1st $250. Buy before you ride! Tickets available for two demo Yamahas and an enclosed trailer for $5.00 each. Please call Wayne Dandy 613-835-2375 for tickets or trail permits. NAVAN NUGGET PAGE 13 NAVAN/VARS UNITED CHURCH 1129 Smith Road, Navan Village Minister: Rev. Bill Brown * Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. A friendly greeting awaits you! Wheelchair accessible www.navan‐vars‐ (613) 835‐4030 For information regarding Navan Community Sunday School Contact: Debbie at (613) 835‐3592 The NAVAN NUGGET is a composite of news and articles involving the Navan Community Association, Navan Lions Club and the Cumberland Township Agricultural Society. Articles or announcements must be submitted by to [email protected] by 20th of the month to be included in next month’s issue of the newsletter. Announcement for any nonprofit will be accepted – template available on the website at We are looking for local businesses to support the publication of THE NUGGET by purchasing a yearly business card advertising space for $40. Please call Marg MacNeill if you are interested What a wonderful place in which we have chosen to live. All issues of the Navan Nugget can be found on our website at NAVAN NUGGET PAGE 14
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