2015 Annual Report - Guilford Foundation


2015 Annual Report - Guilford Foundation
Live Here. Give Here.
2015 Annual Report
How To Give
Create a personal legacy in Guilford by establishing a named fund, for
yourself, your family, or a loved one. The minimum amount required to
establish a fund is $10,000. To help reach your philanthropic goals, we
offer an “Acorn Fund” option, which allows interested donors 5 years to
reach the $10,000 minimum.
If you are not ready to create a charitable fund but want to contribute to our
efforts to enrich the quality of life in Guilford, provide a direct donation
of any amount at any time to one of our existing charitable funds.
Finally, consider a gift to our operating fund, which allows us to maintain
our visibility in the community; provide leadership around community
issues; raise new dollars to invest back into the organizations that serve
Guilford; and provide excellent stewardship for our existing funds.
Gifts can be accepts from cash, stock or other assets; bequests; or
planning a future gift through your IRA or insurance policy.
Live here. Give here.
A Letter from Tom & Liza
The Guilford Foundation
(TGF) celebrates 40 years
of community service in
2015. Founded in 1975 by
a group of friends intent
on keeping our unique
Town Green beautiful, TGF
has grown to over $1.8
million in endowment funds as of January 31, 2015. Support for our
work to enrich the quality of life in Guilford has grown stronger each
year, and we continue to invest an increasing amount of funds to
local organizations serving our community. In our 40th year, we have
fully embraced our leadership role in the community, most recently
through our efforts to address a lack of housing availability in town.
TGF is positioned better than ever to meet Guilford’s constantly
changing needs for the next 40 years.
Update on Housing
TGF identified Guilford’s lack of diverse housing stock as an issue of
focus for the past year. There are few to no options in Guilford for
college graduates who want to return home, divorcing spouses who
need to stay in the school system, and down-sizing seniors, much less
affordable housing for those who qualify as low income (in Guilford, a
household would qualify for low income housing if their income is equal
to or below $76,000).
Our efforts around this issue included $15,500 in grant investment
in Guilford last year to three organizations for: 1) emergency financial
assistance for housing; 2) pre-development costs for building
affordable housing units; and 3) outreach and support around the
issue. While the grants amount is a modest number, we view our effort
as investments for the future. We will continue to look to support worthy
efforts around this cause.
We continue to work with the Town of Guilford on their Incentive
Housing Zone (IHZ) grant, which is being used to identify parcels,
evaluate their suitability for sewage disposal, establish design criteria
and draft IHZ regulations. This study will reveal specific information
that will help in locating appropriate setting for new housing units.
Finally, we are thrilled to report that we’re also successful in
reinstating the non-profit status of Guilford Interfaith Housing, a
separate, independent non-profit organization that will serve as a
catalyst for solutions to the housing crisis in Guilford. This revitalized
organization has 10 new and invested Board members and has been
meeting regularly since December 2014. Their current focus is to assist
the Town on the IHZ grant, as well as guide our grant to the Partnership
for Strong Communities to educate Guilford about housing needs and
how we can address them.
Planning for the Future
In addition to taking a leadership role on housing and continuing TGF’s
efforts to invest in Guilford beyond housing, TGF’s Board of Directors
undertook a major strategic planning process in 2014. Reflecting on
TGF’s growth of resources and impact in the community over the past
few years, the Board has set an ambitious agenda in order to better
meet our mission to enhance the quality of life in Guilford. The three
major goals to come out of the process are: 1) Grow TGF’s permanent
philanthropic endowment; 2) Position TGF as a community leader and
investor; 3) Ensure TGF has sufficient management and governance
infrastructure to support the organization’s growth.
The Board and staff are energized to strive for these goals, and
recognize that we need more substantive back office to support
this plan. In order to manage operating costs, we entered into a
Memorandum of Agreement with the Branford Community Foundation
to share back office support. This will allow us to hire an administrative
assistant and invest in technology support—with the costs to be
shared between the organizations.
Thank you for joining us on this adventure
This is an exciting and inspiring moment in our history. None of our
efforts would be possible without the support of our generous donors:
those who created permanent endowed funds, those who gave to our
Operating Fund Drive, those who sent contributions to our Year End
Appeal. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and for enabling
us to “connect people who care with causes that matter to them” and
improve the quality of life in Guilford: now, and for generations to come.
Happy 40th Anniversary to TGF!
Most sincerely,
Tom Pinchbeck , Board President
& Liza Janssen Petra, Executive Director
2014 Board of Directors & Corporators
Board of Directors
Tom Pinchbeck,
James Mancini,
Daniel Fisher
Roger Joyce
Vice President
Mary Jo Kestner
Edward Seibert,
Delaney Lundberg
Michael McNiff
Jan Walzer,
Michael Mikolay
Jeffrey Beatty
Kyle Eagleson
Helen Rizzo
Irving Schloss
Amy Earls
Deborah Abildsoe
Deirdre Jacob
Carl A. Balestracci
Allen Jacobs
Sharon Barrett
Annie Kaplan
Jonathan Bishop
Kate Lee
Maryann Bracken
Lawrence Leete
Theresa Bryant
Rick Mayer
Jeffrey Capone
Chris Moore
John J. Crawford
Laura Page
Frank DePino
Stephen Page
John T. Dillon
Barbara Pearce
Andrew Eder
Sandra Ruoff
Charles Frey
Ralph Schoemann
Timothy P. Geelan
Joan Shrewsbury
John D. Gillespie
Brendan Smith
Norma S. Ginz
Pamela Stoddard
Joe Goldberg
Katie Tuttle
William “Bo” Huhn
Kathleen White
Frank Ifkovic
Katherine Wiltshire
Liza Janssen Petra,
Melissa Lamoreaux,
Executive Director
Summary Statements
As the Guilford Foundation celebrates its 40th anniversary, it is displaying youthful vigor in fundraising, grant-making and investment
performance. Assets have grown more than 30% in 5 years to a record $1.8 million. Annual contributions are up more than 100% since 2011, while
the Foundation disbursed $88,302 in grants in fiscal 2015—more than double the $40,000 we distributed in 2011. In the past year, our operating
expenses have declined significantly as we put in place new efficiencies while maintaining our breadth of services.
Summary Statements of Financial Position
The mission of the Guilford Foundation is to
connect people who care to the causes that
matter to them to enrich the quality of life in
Guilford; now and for generations to come.
The Guilford Foundation was established in
1975 as a public foundation to enrich the
quality of life in Guilford, forever. We fulfill
our mission by building and maintaining a
charitable endowment and using a portion of
the annual income to address the needs of
the Guilford community.
(As of January 31st, 2013 and 2014)
FY Ending
Jan 2015
Cash and cash equivalents
Short term investments
Fixed Assets
Current liabilities
FY Ending
Jan 2014
Foundation net assets
Investment income
Grants awarded & program expenses
Operating expense
Other income
Our Finance Committee works with the professionals at the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven to preserve and grow our endowment.
TGF’s individual funds are pooled together and invested in a diversified portfolio. Individual legacy fund growth is recorded by percentage and
used for grant making purposes.
Grant Highlights
Community Dining Room
The Community Dining Room, located in Branford, is a private, not-for-profit organization providing valuable and necessary food, social
support and companionship to the greater Branford/Shoreline community.
While it surprises some, many people living along this affluent stretch of the
Connecticut shoreline struggle financially and are hungry. TGF was pleased to
provide a $5,000 grant in 2014 to the Community Dining Room (CDR).
CDR programs include hot lunch every day of the year. In addition, CDR provides
breakfast on Saturday, family dinner with reading, cultural events and art
programs for kids on Tuesday, and take-out dinner for working families on
Wednesday. The CDR also hosts community holiday dinners on Thanksgiving,
Christmas, Easter and other cultural holidays. In addition, they provide home
delivery dinners with friendly visiting for older adults, chronically ill individuals
and those recuperating from surgical procedures who are unable to prepare meals
for themselves. Finally, CDR hosts community service Saturdays for students and
vocational assessment and training for individuals with disabilities.
Partnership for Strong Communities
Partnership for Strong Communities (PSC) seeks to expand the array of housing choices in Connecticut, town by town. When a town can offer a
variety of housing to its residents, it can retain Millennials and Boomers, who are looking for walkable, affordable municipalities. Towns that
include affordable housing are able to house the teachers, police officers, and firefighters who educate our children and keep Guilford safe. An
older town like Guilford (median age 47, compared to Connecticut’s median age of just under 40) can retain older residents looking to age in place
and who who may bring institutional wisdom along with greater leisure time to volunteer for town boards and activities. With affordable housing,
Guilford can keep the young families looking to start homes of their own. At present, with Guilford’s median home value of $420,700 (compared to
Connecticut’s $293,100), that option is limited.
TGF awarded a $7,500 grant and Guilford Interfaith Housing provided an additional $2,500 to PSC to increase awareness within the community
around these housing issues. They will assist in creating a town conversation around the need for more housing that costs less, and help
to educate the Guilford population on what new housing is needed, where it could be located, and the positive impact it could have on local
merchants and community life in general.
Boardwalk at Chittenden Park
CFPA completed construction of a boardwalk and overlook platform at the NET’s southern gateway at Guilford’s Chittenden Park on Long Island Sound.
This sustainably constructed and fully accessible trail to the Sound allows visitors and hikers to better experience the natural beauty of the shoreline
at the trail’s southern-most point. The official dedication of the NET’s terminus
took place on June 2, 2014, which coincided with both the Town of Guilford’s 375th
celebration and National Trails Day.
“There is nothing more important than direct support from
the community where a project takes place. The Guilford
Foundation’s support and involvement in the New
England Trail (NET) gateway project in Chittenden Park is
like a local seal of approval.”
– Eric Hammerling, Executive Director,
Connecticut Forest & Park Association (CFPA)
Donor / Fund Highlight
A Legacy for Guilford
Two different women chose a similar path to honoring the lives and passions of their husbands. Anita Catardi and Norma Ginz each recently lost
their husbands, and each widow turned to the Guilford Foundation to create a permanent legacy to memorialize their husbands’ and their families’
love for Guilford and its citizens.
The Catardi Family Loaves & Fishes Fund
On National Hunger Awareness Day (September 4, 2014), Anita
Catardi formally established the Catardi Family Loaves &
Fishes Fund in memory of her husband, Salvatore Catardi. This
fund provides permanent source of funding for the two Guilford
organizations that provide food for those in need: the Guilford Food
Bank and the Saint George Food Pantry.
Anita set this fund up in memory of her late husband, Sal, to honor
his dedication to the Guilford Community and his concern for those
in need. Anita tells a wonderful story of Sal’s mother (her mother-inlaw), who raised six children and didn’t have very much but always
enough to feed the extra neighborhood kid who inevitably came to the
table. Her door was always open, and she never turned anyone away:
Anita says, “She’d turn what little they had into a feast.”
The Guilford Food Bank and the St. George Food Pantry will receive
an annual contribution from this fund each year, forever, thanks to
Anita’s generosity and kind remembrance of Sal.
The Thomas M. Ginz Fund for Children
Thomas M. Ginz loved his family life. He cherished his boys, Tommy
and Peter, and his four grandchildren. Tom’s love for kids went
beyond his own household, however. As his wife Norma explains it,
“Tom was always on the lookout for the underdog, the kid who was
in a tough spot and could use a hug, a laugh, or a caring shoulder
to lean on. He wished for all children to be nurtured and have joy in
their lives, regardless of their personal circumstances.”
Norma Ginz established The Thomas M. Ginz Fund for Children to
create a permanent source of funding for Guilford’s children who
need some happiness, encouragement, or room to flourish in their
lives. This field of interest fund looks to support endeavors that
match Tom’s devotion and inspiration for the children of Guilford.
Tom was a decorated Vietnam Veteran, and Norma and her children
instructed that priority might be given to children of military families.
Through this fund, Tom’s care and concern for children will live on
in perpetuity.
Grant Awards by Fund
The Guilford Foundation’s current assets enable the Board to fund less than half of what our grant applicants request. Regardless, the Board
strives to support a wide range of organizations serving Guilford residents through our grant making. A full listing of grant awards are compiled
according to which legacy fund was used.
Elisabeth C. Adams Fund
Supports projects that provide Guilford youth with a set of positive values to
prepare them for successful integration into adult society.
• $500 to Camp Hazen for financial assistance for Guilford campers.
• $2,400 to Make A Wish CT to support the wish of a Guilford family whose
child is facing a serious illness.
• $500 to Shoreline Arts Alliance for “Rising Star Theater Camp.”
• $500 to Shoreline Arts Alliance for “Rising Star” Summer Camp.
• $2,000 to Women & Family Life Center to support referral services.
Al and Gene Bishop Fund for Vocational & Industrial Arts
Supports students and programs in vocational and industrial arts.
• $500 to East Shore Region Adult Continuing Education for job
Michael B. & Maryann Bracken Family Fund
Protects the Guilford Shoreline, where “salt water touches the shore.”
• $645 to the Connecticut Forest & Park Association to support construction
of a trail boardwalk and overlook platform at Chittenden Park.
Stuart D. Burt Fund
Supports work-study mentoring of high school students by local businesses;
provides scholarships for higher education in business and technical trades.
• $500 to East Shore Region Adult Continuing Education for job
Helen E. Downing Outdoor Education Fund
Promotes an appreciation and understanding of the natural environment
among Guilford school children.
• $1,500 to the Connecticut Forest & Park Association to support construction
of a trail boardwalk and overlook platform at Chittenden Park.
Effie Good Fund
An unrestricted fund to respond to needs in the Guilford community.
• $3,625 to First Congregational Church to provide emergency
housing assistance.
• $3,000 to Lifelinx for predevelopment costs for affordable housing units.
• $3,000 to Orchard House to take clients on day trips for recreation.
• $7,000 to Partnership for Strong Communities for community education
around housing diversity.
• $1,200 to the Town of Guilford’s 375th Committee to support a civil war
reenactment on the Guilford green.
Guilford Savings Bank Charitable Fund
A field of interest fund to support scholarships, TGF operations, and needs in
Guilford including supporting low-to-moderate income families.
• $3,222 to the Community Dining Room to support food, social support and
companionship to families who are struggling financially.
• $1,611 to the Guilford Foundation to support operations.
Guilford Interact Club Youth Advisory Group Grants
This initiative is funded equally through fundraising efforts of the YAG
students and matching support from TGF.
• $1,750 to Guilford Social Services for a back to school program for
needy students.
• $1,500 to Women & Family Life Center for their “Safe Search” program,
which provides a safe an anonymous space for individuals seeking to leave
a dangerous home envi\ronment.
• $1,000 to the Guilford Free Library to establish a 3D Printing station.
• $1,000 to Shoreline Arts Alliance for “Rising Star” Summer Camp.
• $500 to GHS Apple Pi Robotics to purchase a new robot.
• $250 to Guilford Art Center for Guilford High School art field trips.
Corky Fisher Educational Fund
Supports projects that provide Guilford youth with a set of positive values to
prepare them for successful integration into adult society.
• $500 to East Shore Region Adult Continuing Education for job
General / Trustees Fund
An unrestricted fund to respond to needs in the Guilford community.
• $5,000 to Ability Beyond Disability to support Roses for Autism.
• $230 to the Connecticut Forest & Park Association to support construction of
a trail boardwalk and overlook platform at Chittenden Park.
• $2,600 to Make A Wish CT to support the wish of a Guilford family whose
child is facing a serious illness.
• $500 to Partnership for Strong Communities for community education
around housing diversity.
• $1,380 to Read to Grow to support their “Books for Babies” program.
• $5,000 to SARAH, Inc., for recreational services for their clients.
Guilford Interfaith Housing Fund
Supports housing needs for Guilford residents.
• $1,375 to First Congregational Church to provide emergency
housing assistance.
Eleanor Little Fund
An unrestricted fund to respond to needs in the Guilford community.
• $1,300 to Literacy Volunteers Valley Shore for ESL training to be located on
site at businesses.
Competitive grants are awarded to qualified nonprofit and government agencies serving the town of Guilford. Grant applications are
accepted and reviewed quarterly. For more information and the application form, go to our website: www.guilfordfoundation.org
Virgil & Elizabeth McDaniel Fund
Supports the general fund and reserves income for future growth.
• $1,778 to the Community Dining Room to support food, social support and
companionship to families who are struggling financially.
Stanley H. Page Fund
Supports the general fund of the Guilford Foundation.
• $500 to Guilford Community Television to upgrade their technology.
• $120 to Read to Grow to support their “Books for Babies” program.
• $800 to Town of Guilford’s 375th Committee to support a civil war
reenactment on the Guilford green.
Elizabeth Stevens Tree Fund
Supports the care of the trees around the Green and the Guilford Green.
• $525 to the Connecticut Forest & Park Association to support construction of
a trail boardwalk and overlook platform at Chittenden Park
• $400 to the Guilford Garden Club to install a tree.
Thomas M. Ginz Fund for Children
Al and Gene Bishop Fund for Vocational & Industrial Arts
Supports students and programs in vocational and industrial arts.
• $1,200 for Michael Montesano (New England Technical School)
Stuart D. Burt Fund
Supports work-study mentoring of high school students by local businesses;
provides scholarships for higher education in business and technical trades.
• $1,500 for Madeline Blank (University of Kentucky)
Stephen A. Looney Fund
Supports two soccer scholarships for Guilford High School college-bound
• $500 each for: Wyatt Vilaseca (Catawba College) and
Claire Weil (Tulane University)
Elizabeth M. “Lizzie” Schwanfelder Scholarship Fund
Established by the Guilford High School Class of ’93 to support scholarships
for Guilford High School college bound students.
This is a new fund and no grants were made in FY2014-15.
• $1,100 for Megan Burke (University of Connecticut)
Donor Advised Funds
Designated Funds Awards
Guilford Bell Curve Charitable Fund
Jane H. Berger Fund
• $3,250 in $250 increments to each of the following organizations:
Community Dining Room, CF & MS Fund Foundation, Connecticut Hospice,
Inc., Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America, Guilford A Better Chance, Inc.,
Kick for Nick Foundation, Inc., Madison ABC Program, Inc., Ronald McDonald
House of Connecticut, St. Baldricks Foundation, Inc., Stop Leukemia, Inc.,
Terri Brodeur Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc., Women & Family Life Center,
and Wounded Warrior Project.
• $472 to the Guilford Preservation Alliance
Gustave & Carol L. Sirot Fund
Norma and Arthur Hall Fund
• $500 to the Shoreline Arts Alliance
• $255 to the Visiting Nurse Association
Catardi Family Loaves and Fishes Fund
This is a new fund and no grants were made in FY2014-15.
Guilford Interfaith Volunteers Endowment Fund
This is a new fund and no grants were made in FY2014-15.
• $255 to the Guilford Foundation
2012-13 Scholarship Awards
Elisabeth C. Adams Fund
Supports projects that provide Guilford youth with a set of positive values to
prepare them for successful integration into adult society.
• $500 each for: C laire Suits (University of Connecticut) and
Jake Morgan (Quinnipiac University)
Carl A. Balestracci, Jr. Humanitarian Fund
Supports veterans, children and families with special needs, local
commemorative endeavors and scholarships in government, public policy,
Foreign Service, social studies or special education.
• $500 each for: K athryn VanSteenbergen (Wheelock College) and
Michael Greco (College of the Holy Cross)
Liz Jones Fund for Art
• $2,709 to the Guilford Free Library
Lou & Susan Weady Fund
• $2,221 to the Guilford Agricultural Society
Saint George Knights of Columbus Fund for Children in Need
Supports Guilford Social Services.
• $465 to Guilford Social Services
Women & Family Life Center Endowment Fund
• $611 to Women & Family Life Center
$10,000 and up
Anita Catardi
Guilford Savings Bank
Jan Walzer & David Etzel
$5,000 to $9,999
Steve E. Downing
Guilford Interfaith Volunteers (GIV)
David & V. Patricia Penman
$2,000 to $4,999
Rick Mayer & Melanie Barocas
Albert & Barbara Bishop
The Community Foundation for Greater
New Haven
Eder Family Foundation
Joe & Cindy Goldberg Family Foundation
The Guilford Rotary Club
$1,000 to $1,999
Keith & Debbie Bishop
Michael & Maryann Bracken
Edith & Howard Brown
Barbara A. Fisher
Guilford Agricultural Society
Michael Haggerty
Kristine & Raymond Iglesias
Julia & Jeffrey Jonathan
Roger & Constance Joyce
Jane Kammerer
Bill & Kate Lee
Bruce & Delaney Lundberg
Michael & Jennifer McNiff
Irving Schloss & Deborah Abildsoe
Stoddard Family Foundation
Susan Weady
$500 to $999
Barbara & Chip Angle
John & Donita Aruny
Carl & Linda Balestracci
Charles (Gene) & Jane Bishop
Caird Forbes-Cockell
Patrick & Maria Fourteau
Richard Fucci
Mark Gahm
Timothy & Melissa Geelan
John & Andrea Gillespie
Thomas Ginz
Lisa Gray & Alan Organschi
Stephen & Jane Gresham
Guilford Funeral Home
Guilford High School Student Activity
Dierdre & Robert Jacob
David & Amy Jaffe
Mary Jo Kestner & Russell Campaigne
Paul Looney
David Knapp
Leighton & Marie Lee
J. Thomas Macy
Elizabeth & James Mancini
Stephen & Elizabeth Page
Thomas Pinchbeck & Bonnie Garmisa
Helen & Marco Rizzo
Matthew Robison
Donald Rusconi
Eric & Kathryn Sejourne
John & Joan Shrewsbury
Fred & Carol Wright
$250 to $499
Roger & Bridget Berman
Jonathan & Nancy Bishop
William & Katie Bloss
Kimberly Brockett & Michael Cappelli
Theresa Bryant & John Braccio
David Burkholder & Penny Pettis
Howard & Christine Cohen
John & Cathy Crawford
Dytopia Foundation
Kyle Eagleson
Anne Elsaid
Richard & Lana Ferguson
Dan & Ann Fisher
Hans & Dorothea Flink
Guilford 375 Committee
Robert & Eleanor Hartmann
Kara Heller
John & Merri Hyman
JJ Sullivan
Michael & Saundra Janssen
Theodore & Noemi Kearns
Jean Kelley
Gary LaChance & Sharon Barrett
Bob & Carol Lyons
Jane Marcher Foundation
Maria Miranda
Robert & Cynthia McNamara
Edward Meyer
Michael & Jamie Mikolay
Linda Nickerson
Laura Page & Richard Beatty
Renee Pallenberg
Julie Paquette & Derek Steinbacher
Theodore Sands & Caroline Henrick
Barry Saunders
Eugene & Margery Schiller
Joan & Ralph Schoeman
Robert Shulman & Stephanie Spangler
Jeremy & Erin Springhorn
Timothy & Melissa Sullivan
David & Kathleen Summerlin
Allen Jacobs & James Goodridge
Elizabeth Vinson & Sarah Verasco
Robert & Kathleen White
Douglas Williamson
$100 to $249
George & Anne Aghajanian
Jennifer Alexander
Peter Aronson
BJH Associates Inc
Ronald & Nancy Bailey
Doug Baldwin & Betsy Gribble
Christopher & Kathleen Balestracci
Paula Baraket
Karen & Terry Bergantino
Josephine Bickel
Ann Bradley
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Brenda & Howard Brody
Jeffrey Burt
Peter Cain
George Caligan
Georgeanne Campaigne
Robert Carmody
John & Linda Carr
Linda Cignatta
Shannon Clarkson
Joel Colker
Erina Connors & John Bastetter
Tom & Jackie Cost
Tim & Donna Costello
Dennis Culliton
Ronald A. Cwik
Alice Dadourian
Michael DeBlieux
Frank DePino & Sonia Baghdady
Peter Decamilli & Clausia Buzzi
Phil & Andrea Dickey
John & Lois Dillon
Millard & Jacqueline Dorwin
John & Barbara Eismeier
John & Peggy Elefteriades
Jana Eliseo
Edith (Dede) Fisher
Roberta Flannery
Frank’s Package Store
Jefferson & Landa Freeman
Friends of Rosa DeLauro
Lyle Fulton
Rose & Michael Galiger
Josh & Allison Geballe
Laura Berkowitz Gilbert
Eric & Sandra Glover
James Golding & Mindy Pollack
Maureen Goxx
Guilford Garden Club
Craig Gunderson & Sandy Springer
Mary Gunther & Robert Drew
Lynn & Clifford Gurnham
Heather Hackley
Gordon & Virginia Halstead
Henry Haskell & Ellen Cordes
Robert & Joan Haversat
Charles Havrda
Ruth & Jim Heckman
Paul & Kathleen Hermes
Richard & Yvette Howard
Paul Hughes & Marcella Hourihane
John & Sue Ireland
Edward & Sally Jennings
Cyrus & Shanta Kapadia
Stephen Kops
John Kozub
Wendy Evans Kravitz
Leslie & Harlan Krumholz
Melissa & Steve Lamoreaux
James & Suzanne Lee
Lawrence & Patricia Leete
Tony & Susan Leonard
Stuart Low
Lindalea Ludwick
George Lyons
Gary & Kathleen MacElihiney
Stephanie Mayor
Amy McCauley
Tom & Jamie McCauley
Matthew & Elizabeth McCleery
Brian & Sue McGlone
Judith McGrath
Carolyn McNally
Joseph & Anita Milano
George & Susan Morriss
Ronald & Joanne Nault
Gary & Barbara Novick
Elizabeth & Michael O’Connell
Stacy Offner & Nancy Abramson
Bob Oman
Calvin & Rebecca Page
H. Logan Page
Laura Page & Richard Beatty
Michael & Gail Pappas
Harry & Irene Penner
Physical Therapy Specialists
Steven Pincus & Maryjane Minkin
Noel & Liza Petra
Tony & Ruth Pinto
Joan Platner
Charles Possidente
Robert & Cynthia Raines
Matthew Renola
Richard Misenti
Stanton & Elizabeth Robison
Sandra Ruoff
Richard & Janet Sandella
Philip Schaeffer & Irene Auerbach
Mary Scheimann
Amy Schiess
Larry Schwartz
We extend our deepest gratitude to the following individuals, businesses and foundations who made
financial contributions to the Guilford Foundation from February 1, 2014 to January 31, 2015.
James & Karen Scialabba
Edward & Winfred Seibert
Jonathan Silbert & Bonnie McHale
Jim & Marta Slattery
Philip Smyth
Veronic Soell
Parry & Sandra Spahr
Saint George Church
Robert Stanko
Annette Strumolo
Diane Svigals
Peter & Susan Tattersall
Lee & Linda Titus
Barbara Truex
Patricia Turner & Thomas Jensen
Howard Tuttle
Anthony & Mary Ann Valentino
Rex & Wendy Walden
Cindy & John Wallace
Jeffrey Weber & Linda Hanick
Richard & Sandra Whelan
Steven Wolfson & Elsa Stone
Up to $99
Roger & Barbara Adams
Arthur & Nancy Aery
Cameron Alexander
Kathryn & Justin Appi
Larry & Sylvia Appleton
Nancy Arnold
Patricia Baldwin
Mary & Jeffrey Beeman
Christine Beime
Michael & Maureen Belden
Arthur & Mary Benson
Asa & Joan Ames Berkowitz
Patti Biller & Richard Halperin
Kent & Nona Bloomer
Christie Bondos
Laurie Bourgoin
Dana & Tina Bowers
Craig Bradley
Harry & Susan Brady
Peggy Britt & Louis King
Alan Brooks
Theodore & Marcia Brysh
James & Deborah Bussman
Robert Cairns
Jeffrey Capone
Martin Carbone
Zeno Chicarilli
Janet Ciszek
Karen Clark
CNM Management
Dorothy Colonese
Nancy & Scott Conover
Rosemary Cordes
Keith & Patricia Cunningham
Brian Phelps
Ronald & Marianne DeMartino
Tom & Debbie DeMusis
Connor Dolan
Dennis & Rose Dostert
Louis Drago
Lois Dudley
Marjorie Dudley
Raymond Dudley
Linda Duncan
Kathleen Duncan
Amy & Matt Earls
Michael & Ellen Ebert
Audrey & Douglas Eisenlohr
Philip & Nancy Elderbaum
Michael Elliot
John English
Ann & Red Erda
William & Gail Etter
Lou & Carrie Federici
William & Sarah Fleming
Tim & Sue Flood
Elizabeth Frederick
Connie Frontis & Neil Brockwehl
Samuel & Sarah Gerritz
Irving Glassman
Philip & Karen Goldberg
Henry & Louise Graver
Diane Gray
Jacquelyn & Brian Grimwade
Richard & Mary Louise Gross
Gwendolyn Gunn
Suellen Heinrich
Joel Helander
Amy Hopkins
Sharon & John Hunt
Albert & Dana Jehan
Howard & Mary Johnson
Kelly & Douglas Keck
Suzanne Kelly
James & Margaret Kenefick
Noelle King
Paul Kirwin
Gary & Pamela Knowles
Vaughn & Judith Knowles
David & Holly Koncz
James & Claire Landon
David & Glenda Leake
Lisa LeMonte
Jonas & Rusne Lieponis
Ralph & Carol Linsely
Margaret & Lee Livingston
Bernard Lombardi
Philip & Ninette Long
Tatjana Lorkovic
William & Monic Lynders
Victoria Magin
Jane & Joe Marshall
Rick & Theresa Maynard
Sandra Metcalfe
Mark & Patricia Michna
Christopher & Shana Moore
V. Morgan
John & Margaret Motzer
Helen Mullett & David Egan
Peter Muszynski
Charlotte Nelson
Larry & Joanna Noble
Paul & Estelle Nusbaum
Robert Oppel
Pamela Orton
James Osga
Robert & Margaret Owen
William & Elizabeth Pasieka
Abby Patrizio
Michael Paz
Linda & Randolph Perham
Walter & Mary Ann Pillartz
Erik & Joan Pingoud
Susan & Don Pogue
Kristen Popolizio
Susan Popplewell
Thomas & Elizabeth Pugh
Richard & Karen Quercia
Alayne Reed
Ron & Mary Repetti
Roger & Barbara Richard
Carol & Lawrence Rizzolo
Tracy Rooney
Elizabeth & Richard Rubin
Bette-Lou Rush
Peter & Patricia Russell
John & Barbara Ryden
Heidi Samuelson
Katherine Scalise
Doris & Robert Schaper
Elizabeth Schioppo
Gerald Shadel & Susan Kaech
Jeffrey & Mary Shapiro
Michael & Pat Sholly
Joel & Tina Silidker
Robert & Nancy Sisson
Scott & Robin Sogge
James & Barbara Solomon
Michael Storiale
Karen Strickland & Humphrey Cordes
Steven Supernaugh
Henry Syvertsen
Amelia Tarantino
Anne Tedstone
Matthew Tift
Brian Toman
Sheldon Toubman & Claire Morduch
Roger Tucker
John & Mary Tully
David & Nancy Valley
Robert Valley
Denise VanHemert
David & Annie Verzella
Elizabeth Vincenzi
Fred & Mary Vogt
Anne Waehner
Flenn & Diane Warr
Eugene Wasynczuk
Jeffrey & Cheryl Weisberg
Joseph & Eleanor Weissberg
Robyn Westerkamp
Ulrika Wettlaufer
Richard & Georgia Whitney
Sally & Joe Woolston
David Young & Suzanne Conlon
William & Wendy Zabel
Lawrence Zukof & Pamela Carley
2014 Annual Dinner Sponsors
Lead Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Guilford Savings Bank
The Bilco Company
Frank’s Package Store
Gold Sponsor
ARIA — Assett & Retirement Investment
Prospector Funds
Silver Sponsor
In-Kind Sponsor
The Guilford Courier
Catherine Kiernan Photography
Murtha Cullina LLP
We worked carefully to ensure the completeness and accuracy of
this list. We apologize for any mistakes, and ask that you contact
Liza Janssen Petra at [email protected] or (203) 745-9930 to
correct any inconsistencies.
P.O. Box 35, Guilford, CT 06437 • 203.745.9930 • GuilfordFoundation.org