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The total worldwide circulation of Import/Export Wood Purchasing News is 38,886 (12,000 copies mailed per issue) Import/Export Wood Purchasing News is published once every two months, or six times per year. It has a total worldwide circulation of 38,886 and growing, going to these types of firms: (1) exporters of forest products such as lumber, dimension, veneer, logs, plywood and other panel products; (2) importers of forest products; (3) agents dealing in forest products; (4) distribution/concentration yards and warehouse operations that buy and sell forest products; (5) domestic and overseas sawmills, log yards, veneer mills and plywood plants; (6) large and small trading companies that deal in forest products; (7) woodworking plants such as the manufacturers of furniture, cabinets, millwork, mouldings, wooden doors and windows, wooden toys and novelties, furniture and cabinet components, dimension, wooden mantels, etc.; (8) the buying offices of mass merchandisers that purchase domestic and imported wood products such as Lowe’s, Wicks, 84 Lumber, Home Depot, Handy Dan, Moore’s Lumber and Building Supplies; and (9) buying cooperatives (or groups) like Ace Hardware, Servistar, HWI, etc., that buy domestic and imported forest products. OVERSEAS ………….. ……………………………21,502 UNITED STATES …………………………………15,847 CANADA …………….………………………………1,537 TOTAL WORLDWIDE CIRCULATION ………. 38,886 WPN STATE COUNT: as of 1/26/04 ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FLORIDA GEORGIA GUAM HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTES MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA 388 13 128 214 1210 161 186 23 14 703 539 0 28 88 490 523 139 134 265 200 176 214 339 601 309 314 385 37 80 28 125 297 52 801 1004 34 OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA PUERTO RICO RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA VIRGIN ISLANDS WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING 589 121 583 943 41 63 218 42 556 719 78 142 405 2 489 103 495 16 CANADA PROVINCES: ALBERTA BRITISH COLUMBIA MANITOBA NEW BRUNSWICK NEW FOUNDLAND NOVA SCOTIA ONTARIO PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND QUEBEC SASKATCHEWAN YUKON 83 301 41 47 8 62 536 5 429 24 1 IMPORT/EXPORT WOOD PURCHASING NEWS COUNTRY COUNT UPDATED LAST: January 26, 2004 Algeria 5 Brunei 8 Andorra 1 Bulgaria 11 Antigua 2 Burma 3 Argentina 42 Cameroon 11 Australia 755 Cayman Islands 4 2000 Chile 152 Azerbaijan 1 China 621 Bahamas 7 Colombia 26 Bahrain 23 Congo 9 Bangladesh 11 Costa Rica 25 Barbados 35 Cote D’Ivoire 13 Belarus 1 Croatia 8 Belgium 554 Cuba 9 Belize 8 Curacao 2 Benin 2 Cyprus 60 Bermuda 3 Czech Republic 9 Bolivia 25 Denmark 128 Botswana 1 Dominican Republic 5 Brazil 169 Ecuador 52 British Virgin Islands 1 Egypt 72 Austria El Salvador 2 Indonesia 362 Estonia 7 Iran 7 Ethiopia 19 Israel 65 Fiji 3 Italy 1257 Finland 188 Jamaica 21 France 776 Japan 3433 Gabon 6 Jordan 1 Gambia 1 Kazakhstan 1 Germany 1238 Kenya 141 Ghana 361 Korea 303 Great Britain 1140 Kuwait 23 Greece 83 Laos 1 Grenada 5 Latvia 4 Guadeloupe 5 Lebanon 10 Guatemala 32 Liban 1 Guyana 27 Libya 2 Haiti 3 Liechtenstein 1 Honduras 17 Lithuania 3 Hong Kong 171 Luxembourg 21 Hungary 4 Macao 4 Iceland 21 Madagascar 17 India 158 Malawi 6 Malaysia 1182 Paraguay 4 Malta 57 Peru 32 Martinique 3 Philippines 306 Mauritius 11 Poland 30 Mexico 868 Portugal 91 Monaco 4 Qatar 10 Montserrat 1 Reunion Islands 2 Morocco 14 Romania 4 Mozambique 8 Russia 13 Namibia 7 Rwanda 1 Nepal 6 Saudi Arabia 147 Netherlands 351 Scotland 53 New Zealand 155 Senegal 2 Nicaragua 10 Serbia Montenegro 13 Nigeria 39 Sierra Leone 2 Northern Ireland 192 Singapore 293 Norway 55 Slovenia 7 Oman 36 Solomon Islands 5 Pakistan 105 South Africa 88 Palau 3 Spain 521 Panama 8 Sri Lanka 7 Papua New Guinea 18 St Kitts 2 St Lucia 4 Yugoslavia 2 St Vincent 3 Zambia 2 Suriname 15 Zimbabwe 18 Swaziland 1 Total count: 21,502 Sweden 241 Switzerland 265 Syria 12 Taiwan 694 Tanzania 15 Thailand 325 Tonga 1 Trinidad & Tobago 31 Tunisia 12 Turkey 111 Uganda 1 Ukraine 2 United Arab Emirates 57 Uruguay 9 Vanuatu 2 Venezuela 58 Vietnam 4 Yemen 26 IMPORT / EXPORT WOOD PURCHASING NEWS 1235 Sycamore View, Memphis, TN 38134 Tel: (901) 372-8280 (800) 844-1280 Fax: (901) 373-6180 Preferred Material: We require a high resolution Adobe Acrobat PDF format file (C,M,Y,K, embedded fonts and photos & crop marks) with a printed checking proof of the Ad to compare with what we print from CD to avoid copy errors. They should be done on Macintosh format – we primarily use Quark Xpress 4 and Photoshop. NOTE: All colors printed in C,M,Y,K – No 4-color Black. Recommended Screen 100. Resolution 1200 dpi. Ads and Photos (tiff or jpeg) can be submitted via e-mail to: [email protected] You may email the PDF file to: [email protected], or send overnight on CD to: Phyllis White Import / Export Wood Purchasing News 1235 Sycamore View Memphis, TN 38134 Should you have any questions, please call me at 901-372-8280 or 800-844-1280. NOTE: Anything other than an Adobe Acrobat PDF format may incur a minimum $100.00 (U.S.) conversion charge. SIZES 1 Page 1/2 Page (Island) 1/2 Page (Horizontal) 1/4 Page Width 10-1/8 7 10-1/8 5 Depth 13-3/4 9 6-3/4 6-3/4 Page is 4 columns, each column 2-3/8 inches wide. Minimum artwork or typesetting charge $35.00 for corrections; $100 for new layouts.