18 page pdf file that describes the various benefits of X2O


18 page pdf file that describes the various benefits of X2O
Did you know that there is a little-known secret
about water that has existed for thousands of
years and it was carefully hidden from us?
¾ Some Scientists and Health Professionals know about it
¾ The powers that control the Pharmaceutical Industry know about it
¾ Tested & verified by independent lab in the NASA Langley Research Centre
¾ Yet 99% of the world has never even heard of it!
Why Every BODY Needs X2O
Most people without knowing it could be:
¾ Dehydrated
¾ Mineral deficient
¾ Too acidic
Whether you drink tap, filtered, distilled,
reverse osmosis or bottled water, add a
sachet of X2O to transform your water to
Mineral Enhanced, Oxygen-Rich Super
Water. Use to replace sport’s drinks.
ƒ Simply drop an X2O sachet into 750 ml of water in a Xooma bottle
ƒ Shake for 10-15 seconds
ƒ Allow 5 minutes for X2O to transform your water
X2O is a Natural Organic Mineral Complex
providing Electrolytes:
74+ trace minerals including Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium
Hydrates - the ultimate way to hydrate the body
Mineralizes - in ionic form at the cellular level
Alkalizes - balances your body’s pH for optimum health
Revitalizes - your energy levels
Rejuvenates - your body and skin
Oxygenates - your body’s cells
Cleanses - Removes toxins from the body
Try X2O for Yourself
The following testimonials share some of the personal benefits experienced by using X2O. We
encourage you and your family to experience first hand, the benefits of X2O.
My X2O came & I have 3 people trying it... My first results were fantastic... My work-out was completed for
it's first time w/o skipping anything... Afterwards I did not feel tired!!! Thanks, Bob
My niece had acne on her face. She started taking X2O and her skin cleared up within days! LM Qld
With X2O, my recovery from lactic acid build up has improved dramatically after my Hatha Yoga practice.
Peter, SA
My daughter is pregnant and has been taking one sachet of X2O per day. When she ran out of it for 4 days
she had morning sickness, which disappeared as soon as she went back onto it again. Vicki L, NSW
30 years of traveling has me totally used to jet lag. After recent 36-hour trip to London, I have never
arrived in such a fit condition after drinking X2O on the flight. I also no longer suffer from stiffness in
my feet and ankles when I wake up and I have total relief from arthritis in my hands. What a product!
Stewart G., QLD
My partner has had most of her large intestine removed due to cancer & eating was a problem especially
at dinner as it could upset her stomach most of the night. After being on the X2O she has been able to eat
more food with less reaction. Lindsay QLD
This presentation is intended for educational purposes only. We recommend that you try X2O yourself. Any individual testimony and views
expressed reflect a personal experience only, have not been evaluated medically and are not intended to suggest, generalise, imply or
guarantee results for others. Please consult your health practitioner for any medical condition or disease and discuss your personal situation and
any possible effects of the product. X2O is a water enhancing/purification product and is not intended as a therapeutic product, nor to diagnose,
prevent, treat or cure any medical condition or disease. The body, when properly hydrated, mineralized and balanced, can usually unlock its
own innate wisdom to heal and take care of itself. March 31st 2006.
X2O Hydrates
NASA Langley Research Centre Laboratory independently tested X2O.
They found X2O to be the only product of its kind to register "minus" readings on the ORP
meter, making it more bio-available and bio-absorbable to your body’s metabolic function.
X2O lowers the surface tension of the water molecules, allowing your body to hydrate at
the cellular level.
HYDRATION: Did you know?
9 Dehydration is a primary reason for daytime fatigue & can slow down
your metabolism as much as 3%
9 Just a 1%-2% drop in body water can impair your mental focus,
concentration & physical performance
9 Drinks that have caffeine like colas, coffee, or tea actually stimulate
fluid loss & promote dehydration
9 The primary cause of a hangover is major dehydration. Alcohols and
the sugars they contain deplete fluids from the body's cells and
particularly the brain - a key reason for headaches, dry mouth, upset
stomachs & overall malaise.
Dr. Alexis Carrell, 1912 Nobel Prize - Medicine
Since the molecular structure of water is the essence of all life, the man
who can control that structure in cellular systems will change the world."
X2O Mineralizes
Every Sachet of X2O is a natural ORGANIC mineral complex containing calcium,
magnesium, potassium and over 70 trace minerals. These essential minerals become ionic
in water, allowing them to be absorbed quickly and easily by your body. Many of these
minerals CANNOT be obtained from our diet as they have been depleted from the soil.
ELECTROLYTES: Did you know?
9 Exercise and prolonged physical activity cause you to lose
vital electrolytes, which are critical for nerve impulses and
muscle contractions
9 Quickly replenishing lost electrolytes is essential for peak
physical performance
9 Major electrolytes (minerals) needed by your body are
calcium, magnesium and potassium, which can all be
found in X20
Dr. Linus Pauling, 1954 Nobel Prize – Chemistry, 1962 Nobel Prize - Peace
“Every sickness, every disease, can be traced to a mineral deficiency”
X2O Alkalizes
Importance of Correct pH
Dr Otto Warberg, 1931 Nobel Prize - Physiology
“If our internal environment is changed from an acidic, oxygen deprived environment
to an alkaline environment full of oxygen… viruses, bacteria and fungus cannot live.”
“Alkalinity” = oxygen = good health. A one-point drop on the pH scale means "10 times more
acidity." That means having a drink with a pH reading of 2, (eg. Cola) is 100,000 times more
acidic than a drink with a pH reading of "7" (such as water). It takes approximately 35 glasses
of water to neutralise the acidity from 1 bottle of Cola.
7.365 7.5
What is Acidosis?
¾ Our body systems work to keep our blood and the fluid surrounding our cells slightly
alkaline at pH 7.365 – your body will do EVERYTHING it can to maintain the correct pH,
including cannibalising first the muscles then the tendons, joints and bones, looking for
calcium, magnesium and potassium. This can result in illness and other degenerative
¾ The process of metabolism (the digestion and burning of
our foods to produce energy) results in waste products,
which are acidic. The body produces fat cells to store this
acid to protect your vital organs. This can lead to Obesity.
Acidity weakens the immune system and leads to a
condition called acidosis and disease.
When treated with X2O the pH of your drinking water is raised to between 9 – 10 on the pH
scale. It is a simple, practical and affordable way to help counteract the acidity in your body.
Dr Theodore Baroody - Alkalize or Die – “The countless names attached
to illness do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the
same root cause: too much tissue acid waste in the body."
Why Athletes & Anyone
Exercising need X2O
Sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade are popular
with Athletes and sporting participants but these drinks
are VERY acidic.
The implications of X2O are extremely exciting to those
interested in physical fitness. In a performance or
training situation the body strives to get oxygen to the
muscle cells and to take the lactic acid away from them.
The alkalinity of X2O helps the body neutralise the build
up of acid waste in the muscles.
Reduced levels of lactic acid can allow athletes to lift more, go further, recover faster and
experience less stiffness and soreness during the following days and nights.
X2O also hydrates and replaces important electrolytes lost during exercise.
Whether you’re an athlete looking for peak performance, a regular participant in sports, a
parent who’s concerned about your children’s beverage choices, someone who works out at
the gym or who is just looking to enjoy better health, X2O is the right choice. Just one
sachet can transform your water into “premium fuel” for your body’s daily needs.
Try X2O for Yourself
Many of us have come to accept a lesser standard of wellness than we need to.
We may only realise how much better we can feel after using X2O. We may find we are less
tired, have less pain, less swelling and stiffness in the joints & muscles, more energy, clarity
of mind, movement and flexibility, improved sleep & digestion. .
Subtle, seemingly small improvements can really enhance the quality of our lives
I am a registered nurse and for several years I have suffered from lower back and leg pain - at times it
was hard for me to walk. I have tried so many medications, nutritional products, etc. and nothing worked. I
thought I would have to learn to live with the pain. I was also taking medication for acid reflux. Within the
first week of using X2O, I noticed my back pain was less and I was able to walk more freely. 8 weeks later I
feel so good I could dance. I have no pain in my back or legs and my acid reflux has completely
gone. I no longer need the medication and my doctor is interested in trying X2O. My friends say I look great
or younger and ask what I am doing. Imagine how good that feels! My sweet tooth has completely gone and
I have lost weight. I am amazed that adding a sachet of X2O to my drinking water could achieve such
results. Jill, Sydney
I am so thrilled with X2O. I had torn the ligaments in my right knee and had had swelling in that knee for
about 3 years. After only 5 days of taking X2O, the swelling in my knee has completely gone. What a
phenomenal thing! My energy is astounding and I am so excited about my future with Xooma. Joe
This presentation is intended for educational purposes only. We recommend that you try X2O yourself. Any individual testimony and views
expressed reflect a personal experience only, have not been evaluated medically and are not intended to suggest, generalise, imply or
guarantee results for others. Please consult your health practitioner for any medical condition or disease and discuss your personal situation
and any possible effects of the product. X2O is a water enhancing/purification product and is not intended as a therapeutic product, nor to
diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any medical condition or disease. The body, when properly hydrated, mineralized and balanced, can usually
unlock its own innate wisdom to heal and take care of itself. March 31st 2006.
See How X2O Works!
Images magnified 45,000 times "show" the difference X2O made
in Paul C's blood analysis.
This photo shows Paul’s live blood just seconds after it was sampled
from his finger. It shows a condition called blood rouleau or clumping,
where red blood cells stick together and stack like coins. The cells get
less oxygen and movement of blood through small veins and
capillaries is slowed. The cause is poor digestion and undigested fat
and protein in the blood.
Clumping can result in poor circulation leading to many health
problems, including heart related conditions.
Immediately after drawing the first sample, Paul drank his first X2O…
one quart of X2O water treated with two sachets.
This photo is of a sample drawn a half hour after Paul drank the X2O
treated water. The red blood cells become larger, are separated and
free flowing. Nothing else was ingested and there was no other
treatment of any kind.
X2O changes the molecular structure of the water so that it integrates into the blood cells,
taking with it the 70+ trace minerals. A massive 90% goes into the blood stream BEFORE 11
reaching the digestive tract!
Try X2O for Yourself
I used to wake up in the mornings with stiffness in the lower back and legs. I had high blood
pressure and cholesterol and my blood sugar was over 6. My parents died of heart attacks and
there’s a family history of type 2 diabetes. My doctor told me I MUST lose weight.
I started using X2O and noticed changes after the first few days. I was waking up without the stiffness in my
lower back or legs and was more alert in the evenings. My energy levels increased and my cravings for sweet
foods started to fade.
Ten weeks later I am feeling the best I have felt in years - I have more energy, sleep much better,
no cravings at all for sweet foods & best of I have lost 18 pounds (Approx 8kg). I went to the
doctor for a blood test and the results are fantastic! My blood sugar is down to 4.6 and my cholesterol
and blood pressure are down to normal.
I use 3 - 5 sachets daily as I was not in good shape and am not keen to end up dying too young like my
parents. I start my day with 2 sachets in 250ml of water to give me a real boost, then refill the bottle.
Stephen, Melbourne
My courier son was VERY angry that I signed him up in Xooma. His money needed to go into his courier van,
not a “tea bag”. He was really sceptical. He was buying from ALDI, their Gatorade-type thing before. He has
done a test, just drinking PURIFIED WATER... Na, don't feel as good. Then he drank half a bottle of the
Xooma and felt just great after... Now he loves X2O - wakes up early in the morning, not groggy & keeps
going with his courier work better than before. He is hooked! Ruth, VIC
This presentation is intended for educational purposes only. We recommend that you try X2O yourself. Any individual testimony and views
expressed reflect a personal experience only, have not been evaluated medically and are not intended to suggest, generalise, imply or
guarantee results for others. Please consult your health practitioner for any medical condition or disease and discuss your personal situation
and any possible effects of the product. X2O is a water enhancing/purification product and is not intended as a therapeutic product, nor to
diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any medical condition or disease. The body, when properly hydrated, mineralized and balanced, can usually
unlock its own innate wisdom to heal and take care of itself. March 31st 2006.
Look who's talking about pH!
Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., probably the most recognized author on human physiology, states
in his Textbook of Medical Physiology: “The first steps in maintaining health is to alkalize
the body (pH or acid/alkaline balance). This is one of the most important aspects of
Homeostasis. Changes in pH alter virtually all body functions."
“The cells of a healthy body are alkaline while the cells of a diseased body are below a pH of 7.0. The more
acidic the cell, the sicker we become. If the body cannot alkalize the cells they will become acidic
and thus, disease sets in. Most cells will die in the 3.5 pH range. Our bodies produce acid as a bi-product
of normal metabolism. Since our bodies do not manufacture alkalinity, we must supply the alkalinity from an
outside source to keep us from becoming acidic and dying."
Dr Batmanghelid
Your Body's Many Cries For Water
”You are not sick, you are THIRSTY‘”
Harald Tietze
author of “Youthing”, says that “By drinking alkaline water, the aging process
can be reversed and the wastes can be reduced in the long-term to a level of
a much younger person. The functions of the organs can be revived."
Dr Theodore Baroody - Alkalize or Die – “The countless names attached
to illness do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the
same root cause: too much tissue acid waste in the body."
Sang Whang - 'Reverse Ageing‘ - "What I am telling the world is to drink alkaline water
in order to wash out acidic wastes, the universal cause of many adult diseases"
How do you get X2O?
Become a wholesale customer with
FREE registration and receive:
9 Wholesale prices
9 Direct delivery to your home, business or PO Box
9 Personalised website with:
• Re-order facility
• Purchase facility for family and friends
• Opportunity to receive loyal customer bonuses
• Potential to earn additional income
For your convenience, the company will set up a standing order of a
minimum of 30 sachets of X2O to ensure you don’t run out each month.
(Your order can be modified, skipped or cancelled at any time.)
Once people start using X2O, they usually continue to do so and
also share it with people they care about.
Our “Mission” is to Change
the Health of a Generation
Look what our children are exposed to:
¾ Junk food and drinks full of Sugar,
Flavouring, Colouring, Preservatives,
Artificial Sweeteners
¾ Chemicals
¾ Pesticides
¾ Pollution
¾ Stress
This can result in:
Obesity, learning difficulties, degenerative diseases,
diabetes and more…
Together we can
Make a Difference
Sharing the gift of X2O with others, will enable you to make a difference and be
part of our mission to change the health of a generation.
For sharing the message of X2O with others, you may receive financial
rewards through our friendly co-op bonus system. Rather than spend
money on expensive advertising, Xooma pays YOU.
¾ First Order Rewards Program
¾ Ongoing Income for Repeat Orders
This can help you to cover the cost
of your X2O and provide you with an
additional income source.
Our mutual support system is based on teamwork,
personal development and everyone helping each
other. There is no cost or fee for a wholesale
customer to start receiving income
Which Pack suits you best?
1. Smart way to try the product
International Value Pack
US$49.99 (Outside USA & Canada)
2. Best way for the family or business person
Best Buy Pack
US$199 + $34.95 delivery
60 sachets
Includes FREE…
Bottle, DVD & delivery
6 Bottles
& more
X2O complements and supports whatever nutritional/dietary program you are on,
including weight loss/management, through enhancing your body's ability to
assimilate and absorb nutrients and to improve vitality.
Please contact the person who invited you for more information
This presentation is intended for educational purposes only. We recommend that you try X2O yourself. Any individual testimony and views expressed
reflect a personal experience only, have not been evaluated medically and are not intended to suggest, generalise, imply or guarantee results for
others. Please consult your health practitioner for any medical condition or disease and discuss your personal situation and any possible effects of
the product. X2O is a water enhancing/purification product and is not intended as a therapeutic product, nor to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any
medical condition or disease. The body, when properly hydrated, mineralized and balanced, can usually unlock its own innate wisdom to heal and
take care of itself. March 31st 2006.