ANTONIA PIA GORDON MOMENTS OF HISTORICAL IMPACT ANTONIA PIA GORDON MOMENTS OF HISTORICAL IMPACT PROLOGUE Moments of Historical Impact Antonia Pia Gordon Antonia Pia Gordon’s series Moments of Histori- pose universal future-oriented questions in this common to all religions of - in the most pre- the word revelation, namely the unveiling of hu- cal Impact began in the aftermath shock of 9/11 context and not to pass judgment on what has cious works - combining pictures with words. In man nature and the ongoing struggle between and is a dystopian collection of works of impres- happened nor to raise questions limited to one The Attack the helpers of 9/11 find their place good and evil and is an ode to the maintenance sive impact. The apocalyptic dimensions of the country or political system in the story-telling among inferno towers with tumbling people set of freedom. Gordon’s combination of different event are clearly depicted in the mixed media opening piece in this series, bringing computer in blue calmness, in a witness to human support styles and sources of inspiration in this expres- application entitled chips, GPS, video cameras and super-robots as in times of need. The paintings entitled Why I sive and striking series is typical of her versatile digital devils, reminiscent of many video games and Why II, combining letterism in manifold lan- range as an artist. to this respect, without putting the blame for guages set in silent colour fields and including the event at the door of any one particular newspaper articles and applications, which as country or any particular peoples. Rather again a whole are reminiscent of street art, unite the she looks at mutual intrinsic human motivations world in asking why these events took place, and common human reactions and controls. in a nod again to Gordon’s universal outlook in Call for Wisdom in which Gordon cites the second beast from the Book of Revelations 13:11 in lettrist statement and combines this with sentiments of George Orwell’s 1984, where the never-seen character Big Brother is the enigmatic dictator of a state, in which the ruling bodies her topical art and in not letting fear become have total power over the citizens in their state Throughout the Moments of Historical Impact by means of constant surveillance. series and typical for the Gordon style, colours Despite the first impression of the Bible being applied to the painting and the Revelations originating from it, Gordon has once again demonstrated political and religious impartiality by having chosen symbolism common to many religions, for revelations of similar dimensions are common to all prophets of all religions. Her artistic time-witness protest in series directs itself to the loss of individuality and the loss of freedom, which she pre-empts as a result of the 9/11 attacks. Just as September 11th is the first a silent dictator in a loss of freedom due to it. are boldly applied that are unexpected in such a The series culminates in the wooden cabinet dramatic context. The collage applied towers in mounted time icon Hell on Earth, with which Call for Wisdom and The Attack are placed in a Gordon continues the tradition of the artistic serene and almost heavenly colour field of blue, presentation of the apocalypse in icon art but symbolic of the glorious sunny day, on which propels this tradition into the 21st century by the events took place, and only the lava-type her interpretation and use of materials. With fire that is reminiscent of the destruction of the inspiration in Rodin’s Gates of Hell and Pompeii by volcanic intervention bears witness Dante Inferno Gordon typically refers to clas- in colour to the dramatic happenings. This set- sical artistic tradition and Hell on Earth towers ting strongly conveys the sense of surreal hap- above its viewers with its epic proportions that pening of 9/11. are of course reminiscent of the Towers that provided the vivid image of inspiration for the day of a new year in the Coptic or Alexandri- Channelling the moving moments in analytic complete Moments of Historical Impact series. an Calendar, September 11th is to become the avant-garde art, Gordon appeals with her Mo- The historical relevance of Moments of Histori- beginning of a new era of fear and the control ments of Historical Impact series to all peoples cal Impact and the time icon Hell on Earth could measures that fear causes. Similar to Eric Arthur - irrespective of origin, religion or political be- form the basis for a constant increase in value. Blair (pseudonym: George Orwell) Gordon’s lief - for wisdom and sober-mindedness in the intensive multi-cultural background of living aftermath of this dramatic event making use Taken as a whole, the Moments of Historical in different countries and cultures calls her to of a striking, traditional and antique technique Impact series represents the Greek meaning of The Attack | 2001 9 / 11 Mixed media, acrylics on chip board, 3D 163 x 215 cm Why 1 | 2001 9 / 11 Collage, mixed media, acrylics on canvas 160 x 100 cm Why 2 | 2001 9 / 11 Collage, mixed media, acrylics on canvas 160 x 100 cm ARTIST STATEMENT The Attack It was a glorious, cloudless September morning in 2001. But I shall never forget the impact of what embedded itself in my memory that day. The image of two aircrafts hurled into the Towers of the World Trade Center is still as vivid as if it only just happened a moment ago. It was madness. Despite the barbarity of this terrorist crime, I was stunned by the visual power and uniqueness of the spectacle. It was most impressively replayed over and over again by the media. No one was prepared for this terrorist act. To express my deepest indignation, I rushed to my studio to transfer the overload on my mind to the materials at hand. I suddenly realised that this historic moment must be the end of peace and freedom, as we had known it up until then. 9 / 11 changed everything. It changed us, it changed me. But another terrible aspect about this event is that we will probably never learn the whole truth behind it. What really happened? And above all: WHY! When the frenzy connected to this moment of historic impact had calmed a little, I set out to transfer my vision of “Hell on Earth” into a sculptural installation. A SPIRIT ON THE MOVE Antonia Pia Gordon was born in Hamburg, Germany and lives and works in the United Arab Emirates. She was educated in Germany, Switzerland and in France. Her diversified interests and talents manifested themselves early on in her choice of studies in French, Literature, Art, Design, Psychology and Business Administration. After leaving the business world to explore the works and techniques of famous artists such as Van Gogh, Chagall, Picasso, Rodin, Hockney, Warhol, participating in theatre, film, cross-cultural and media projects all over the world, and investigating different life patterns, Antonia Pia Gordon went on to leave the beaten path with her own individual artistic style creating works of art that encompass highly expressive paintings, striking sculptures and continual experiments with new materials, and eloquent and poignant writing, presenting classic thoughts in modern contexts. She participated in a number of artistic projects such as screenplay and play writing at UCLA, Los Angeles and studying and reading plays at the London Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Gordon has a distinct and unmistakable style of multi-media interdisciplinary modern and expressive art. Among these are monumental TIME ICON installations combining different styles and integrating historical and economic themes in cultural settings that pre-empt future developments reminiscent of such theorists as Rifkin. Her magnum opus is Spheres & Vortices, a series she began working on in the 1990s and which still today forms a basis for future visionary works of artistic elegance. What makes Antonia Pia Gordon’s works unique are her occupation with dualities of colour and theme and the harmonic combination of opposites such as male and female, child and adult media, light and dark, serenity and chaos. Gordon possesses the exceptional ability to tame chaos with harmony and to move tradition into the modern with classical installations reminiscent of masters with modern media. She is gifted to bridge cultures with her works. Her pre-empting social and economic theorism and her visionary genius are combined with timeless fashionability. Antonia Pia Gordon’s art bears witness to the deep and secure values of tradition, whilst simultaneously questioning the staidness of tradition with breaks to move it into a forward-looking basis for innovative movement and reflection. Impressum: Copyright: © 2016 Antonia Pia Gordon. Concept: FIREBIRD FZE, DUBAI, UAE Repros and Realisation: FIREBIRD FZE, DUBAI, UAE Portrait Paul Pannak, London, UK Photos: Christian Mehr, CH-5036 Contact: Antonia Pia Gordon, FIREBIRD FZE, c/o HLP, P.O. Box 185616, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel + 971 50 147 83 16, info(@), ISBN: ANTON IA PIA G O R DON F I N E A R T - C O N T E M P O R A R Y