Current CV/Bio
Current CV/Bio
Prof. Gamal Ibrahim Karrouf Email: [email protected] KFMRC Position: Professor Coordinator of Experimental Animal Unit Chief of Experimental Surgery Specialty: Experimental Surgery, Anesthesiology & Diagnostic Animal Imaging Degree: Ph.D Brief Bio: Professor Gamal Karrouf has received his B.Sc. , M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the Zagazig University - Egypt, He has appointed as demonstrator of Surgery ( 1989) and assistant lecturer (1993) at Surgery Dept. Fac. of Vet .Med. Zagazig University and appointed as lecturer (1998), Assistant Prof. 2003 and Prof. of Surgery 2008 at Dept. of Surgery, Anesthesiology & Radiology Fac. Vet .Med. Mansoura University. Egypt. Additional Professional activities and pervious positions: He acts as a Lecturer , Associate Prof. and Prof. of Surgery, Anesthesiology and Radiology for graduated and postgarduated students and graduated practitioners at Fac. Vet .Med, Mansoura University and supervised on the many of Ph.D. and masters thesises Prof. Karrouf participated in the preparation of lists of requirements of instruments , diagnostic tools, machinery and auxiliary bodies for the establishment of the Department of Surgery, Anesthesiology and Radiology, Fac.Vet. Med.,Mansoura University. He also Participate in the establishment and construction of the University Center for Veterinary Services. Participated in the preparation and processing of various educational media. He established a special X-ray diagnostic and experimental surgery units at Veterinary Teaching Hospital Fac.Vet.Med.,Mansoura Univ. Currently, Dr. Gamal Karrouf is a professor, coordinator of experimental animal unit and chief of experimental surgery unit at King Fahd Medical Research Center, King Abdul-Aziz University . He was awarded his Ph.D. degree in Veterinary Orthopedic Surgery and Fracture repair from Zagazig University –Egypt in the year 1997. He has published more than 35 research articles in local and international journals and presented his work in various conferences and symposia. His major research interests are in the area of Experimental surgery for establishment and testing novel surgical modalities and techniques for all specialties on animals and subject it for research to diagnose or treat surgical conditions in human in the futures, Experimental anesthesiology and diagnstic animal imaging. Prof.Gamal Karrouf is a member of Egyptian Vet. Medical Association Fac. Vet. Med. Cairo University, Egyptian Vet., Medical Association for cattle diseases Fac. Vet. Med. Assiut University and Egyptian Vet. Medical Association for camel diseases Fac. Vet. Med. Assiut University. Dr.Gamal Karrouf acts as visiting professor to Vet. Clinical sciences (small animal surgery, cattle and equine surgery) of Justus Liebig University Giessen – Germany from 15-2-2009 to 14-8 2009 through Six months fellowship scientific mission . He also acts as a reviewer at veterinary surgery journal. Area(s) of Research: - Experimental Surgery, Anesthesiology and Diagnostic Animal Imaging - Experimental surgical procedures for all specialties on animals (small and large), and subjected it for researches. - Creation and testing new surgical modalities and techniques to either diagnose or treat surgical conditions in human in the future. Number of Publications: 1-Critical surgical affections at pharyngeal region in horses. Esam Mosbah, Awad Z Rizk, Gamal I. Karrouf, Mohamed I Abou Alsoud, Adel E.Zaghloul, John J Hahn IJAVMS . (Under press) Published . Online : Jan 17, 2013 2-Comparative evaluation of glycerolized bovine pericardium implant with prolene mesh for repairing of abdominal wall defect in dogs Abouelnasr, K.S., Zaghloul, A.E and Karrouf, G.I. Submitted to Australion Vet.J (March 2013) and under Revision 3-Assessment of the analgesic effect of tramadol, nalbuphine and meloxicam in formalin tested albino rats Marwa Abbas, Mosbah E., Karrouf G.I.A. and Zaghloul E. Mansoura Vet. Med. J. 2012. 4-Comparative Ultrasonographic Findings of Traumatic Reticulitis, Perireticular Abscess and Diaphragmatic Hernia in Buffalo (BubalusBubalis) Khaled S. Abouelnasr, EsamMosbah, Gamal I. Karrouf, and Adel E. Zaghloul Journal of American Science 2012;8(8). 01/2012 5-CONGENITAL LIMB DEFORMITIES IN SOME FARM ANIMALS Proc. of the 5th Animal Wealth Research Conf. in the Middle East & North Africa, Pages pp. 23 - 38, 1- 3 October (2012) Mosbah ,E. G. I. A. Karrouf and A. E. Zaghloul 6-Clinical and Biomechanical Evaluation of Three Bio-Scaffold Augmentation Devices Used for Superficial Digital Flexor Tenorrhaphy in Donkeys (Equus asinus) Journal of Advanced Research, (article in press) Available online 9 April 2012 E. A.. El-Shafaey, G. I. A. Karrouf and A. E. Zaghloul 7-A Comparative Study Evaluating Three Bio-Scaffold Augmentation Devices Used for Superficial Digital Flexor Tenorrhaphy in Donkeys (Equus Asinus) by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Ultrasonography El-Sayed A.A. El-Shafaey, Gamal I.A. Karrouf, Adel E.I. Zaghloul. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science November 2012 32 ,11 728-739 8-Magnetic Resonance imaging,Ultrasonography and Biomechanical Evaluation of Digital Flexor tendons in Donkeys(Equus asinus El-Shafey E. Karrouf, G. I. A. and Zaghloul, A. E. Mansoura Vet. Med. J., Vol. 13 No. 1, 2011 9-Diagnosis and Surgical Management of Pythiosis in Draft Horses: Report of 33 Cases in Egypt Mosbah, E, Karrouf, G. I. A. ,Saad H, Younes E.Ahdy A.,and Zaghloul, A. E. I. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, August, 2011 10- Influence of selective immunosuppressive drugs on the healing of exposed dogs'dental pulp capped with mineral trioxide aggregate. Mahmoud SH, Grawish Mel-A, Zaher AR, El-Embaby A, Karrouf GI, Sobh MA J Endod. 2010 Jan;36(1):95-9 11-ASSESSMENT OF SOME ANESTHETIC REGIMENS FOR GENERAL ANESTHESIA IN EQUINE Mansoura Vet. Med. J., Vol. 13 No. 1, 2010. Ali, M, Karrouf, G. I. A. and Zaghloul, A. E. I 12-Dignosis and management of abomasal disorders in cattle El-Shafey E. Karrouf, G. I. A. and Zaghloul, A. The 6th Int .Sci Conf .Fac. Vet. Med.,Mansoura Univ.22- 23 April 2009 13- Incidence and Surgical Management of Some Neoplasms in Ruminants. Karrouf, G.I.A. Mansoura Vet. Med. J., Vol.9 No. 1, (51-79).2007. 14-Studies on Some Surgical Affections of the Head and Neck Regions in Different Animals. Karrouf, G. I. A., Mosbah, E and Abdel-Wahed R.E. The Fifth International Scientific Conference, Fac. of Vet. Med., Mansoura Univ., Mansoura, Egypt. 10-11 April, 2007. 15- Surgical Management of Certain Umbilical Affections in Calves and Foals. Mosbah E. and Karrouf, G.I.A. The Fourth Scientific Conference, Fac. of Vet. Medicine, Minufiya Univ ., Egypt. 26- 27 April, 2006. Minufiya Vet J., 4 (2):249-270, 2006. 16- Surgical Management of Some Ano-rectal Affections in Farm Animals. Karrouf G.I.A. Mansoura Vet. Med. J., Vol.8 No. 1, 2006 (51-79). 17- Radiological Study on Normal and Long-Standing Laminitic Feet in Drafting Equine Zaghloul, A.E.I. and Karrouf, G.I.A. The Fourth International Scientific Conference, Fac. of Vet. Medicine, Mansoura Univ., Mansoura, Egypt. 5-6th April, 2005. 18- Chemical Arthrodesis of the Distal Hock Joints Using Intra-Articular Sodium monoiodoacetate: An Experimental Study in donkeys. Karrouf, G. I. A. and Zaghloul, A. E. I. The Fourth International Scientific Conference, Fac. of Vet. Medicine, Mansoura Univ., Mansoura, Egypt. 5-6th April, 2005. 19-Comparative Studies on Surgical Arthrodesis in Equine: An Experimental Study. Zaghloul, A.E.I. ; Karrouf, G.I.A; Seleim M.A.; El-Sayed, G.A. and Rizk A.Z. 11th Scientific Congress Fac. Vet. Med., Assuit Univ, 5-7 Dec.: 523-552, 2005. 20- Epidural versus Systemic Administration of Alpha 2 Agonists in Sheep Abdel-Wahed R.E. and Karrouf, G. I. A. Assiut Vet. Med. J., 50, (102):301-314, 2004. 21- Clinical Assessment and Management of Equine Wounds. El-Sayed, G.A.; Zaghloul , A.E. and Karrouf, G. I. A. Kafr El-Sheikh Vet. Med. J. Vol 2 No. 2, 107-127, 2004. 22- Differential Diagnosis and Correction of Left Abdominal Tympanitic Resonance in Cattle and Buffaloes. Fouda, T. A.; Zaghloul, A. I. and Karrouf, G. I. A. Suez Canal Vet. Med. J. VII. (2), 2004. 23- Surgical Correction of Rectovestibular Lacerations in Equine Mansoura Vet. Med. J., 5(2): 95-110, Dec., 2003. 24- Repair of Radial and Ulnar Fractures In Dogs By Bone Plating A.H.H.EL Sheikh, A.K. Ibrahim., I.A.A. Shabaan and G.I.A. Karrouf The Third International Scientific Conference, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt. 29-30 April, 2003. 25- Repair of Tibial Fractures in Dogs by Using Plate Fixation. A.H.H.EL Sheikh, A.K. Ibrahim., I.A.A. Shabaan and G.I.A. Karrouf The Second international Sc. Conf., 8-9 April 2001 P.1115-1127 Mansoura. 26- Some Retrospective Study on Equide Neoplasm G.I.A. Karrouf , A.E.I. Zaghloul and A.S. Hussein 6th S.C. Vet Med Zagazig Conference 7-9 Sept. 689-707, 2002 Hughada Red Sea A.R Egypt 27- Diagnosis and Management of Some Testicular Affection in Equine G.I.A. Karrouf and G. Shawky Mansoura Vet. Med. J., (1-18): Vol. IV., No.2: 1-18, 2002. 28- Surgical Management of Some Various Oral Tumors in Different Animals A.E. Behiry, A.E. Kandeel, G.I.A. Karrouf and H.S. Hussein Zag. Vet J., 29 (2): 158-169, 2001. 29- Surgical and Anatomical Studies on Abdominal Wall of the Buffalo in Egypt G.A.E. Youssef, M. Gad and G.I.A. Karrouf. SCVMJ, IV. (1): 65-86, 2001. 30- Controlled Gradual Lengthening and Segmental Mandibular Reconstruction By Distraction Osteogenesis in Goats. G.I.A. Karrouf, A.E. Kandeel A.E., Behery and G.A.E. Youssef 9th Scientific Congress Fac. Vet. Med., Assuit University, 19-20 November: 470-487, 2000. 31- Ultrasonographic and Histopathological Diagnosis and Management of Surgical Affection in Dogs and Cats A.E.I. Zaghloul , Hala M.F. ElMiniawy , S.M . Abuzaid and G.I.A. Karrouf Minufiya Vet. J. Vol. 1 No. 1, 327-346, 2000. 32- Comparison of Three Techniques for Castration of goats G.I.A. Karrouf . Menufiya Vet. J, Vol. 1 No. 1, 201-212. 2000. 33- Some Radiological Studies on the Postnatal Development and Fusion of the Tuber Calcani in Buffaloes .( Bos bublais L.) Seliem, M; El sayad, G; Youssef G and G.I.A. Karrouf Beni-Suef , Vet Med .J. 9(3B) : 739-749-1999. 34- Evaluation of Post-screw Dental Implants: Experimental Study in Dogs. G.I.A. Karrouf, G.A.E Youssef . and M.E. Desouky Egypt. Vet .Med. Cong., 1999 35-Karrouf G.I.A (1993): Studies of Congenital and acquried surgical limb affections in farm ruminant animals in Sharkia Governorate. Master Thesis ,Zagazig University.Zagazig,Egypt. 36-Karrouf G.I.A (1997): Evaluation of different methods for bone repair in animals. PhD thesis Zagazig University.Zagazig,Egypt.
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