MarketWare Administrator Guide


MarketWare Administrator Guide
MarketWare Administrator Guide
Table of Contents
System Requirements
Client Installation Prerequisites
Installing MarketWare 10
Automating Install for multiple Installs
Setting Up a New Database
Removing a Database
Attaching a Database
Setting/Changing Supervisor’s Password
Rebuilding Database Triggers
Updating Activation Key
Applying Additional Updates
Updating Activation Key
Requesting All Users to Exit MarketWare
Managing Access Rights Groups
Adding Users and Managing User Information
Table Management
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System Requirements
Server Requirements
SQL Server 2005, 2008 or greater, 2005/08 Express or greater
Hardware: Pentium III 800 MHZ or better
Memory: 1 Gig
OS: Windows 2003, 2008 or greater
Virtual Machines are supported
Citrix is supported (Potential User limitations may apply)
Client Requirements
OS: Windows XP SP2, Vista, 7 or greater (32bit or 64bit)
Memory: 1 Gig
Hard Disk: 100 MBs
Screen Display 1024 X 768 Minimum
Optional Client Requirements
Required for Document/Mail Merge
MS Word 2003 SP2, 2007, 2010 or greater
Required for Email and Calendar Integration (either of the following)
MS Outlook 2003 SP2, 2007, 2010 or greater
GroupWise 7 or greater
Lotus Notes 8 or greater
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MarketWare Prerequisites
MarketWare currently requires the .NET Framework Version 2.0 SP2 and, optionally Microsoft
SQL Server Express 5.0.
These are included in the MarketWare install program and will be installed if required at that
NOTE: SQL Express is only required if the setup is for a training room (to install a Local
Sample Database for training), or if the user wants to have the flexibility to take the
database offline. You can cancel this part of the setup (a prerequisite install before
MarketWare) if the user does not ever plan on taking the database offline, or if you are
not installing for a training session.
If you choose to install SQL Server for training or off-line support, MarketWare will create an
instance of SQL on the users’ PC called ―marketware_local‖.
If MarketWare requires .NET SP2 it will require a reboot of the PC.
(Note: you may have multiple versions of the .NET framework installed on the same PC without
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Installing MarketWare 10
Here are the steps to install and setup MarketWare on a Client PC/Laptop:
1. Download the MarketWare installation program at
2. During the setup, the program will attempt to install an Add-in for Outlook and Word. (If you
have either of these applications installed on the client PC, please save your work and exit
out of both applications before installing MarketWare.)
3. Run the Setup program (The setup requires that you be logged in as an Computer Administrator
—or you can also Run administrator.)
a. Step 1 – Accept the License Agreement to Continue
b. Step 2 – Enter User/Company Information
i. Enter in the User’s Name (This is the Full Name of the User as Defined in the
MarketWare User Setup and NOT the Network Login name. This is used to
define the shortcut to MarketWare that is created on the desktop, and will serve
to automatically login the user into the program.
ii. Enter the Company Name (the Company Name is tied to your Activation Key, if
you are unsure of the Company Name as Listed in your activation key please
leave the default value for now, this can be changed later using the Client Setup
program that is also installed with the program.).
iii. IMPORTANT: If this setup is being run in a training classroom leave both values
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c. Step 3 – Identify the Database Server, this value can either be a qualified DNS or IP
For example, if you’ve already setup your MarketWare databases on a server called
MYSQLSERVER, and then enter this value in the Database Server box.
Do not include the typical \\ that you would normally use to search for the server using
the windows explorer. Also, if you are referring to a specific instance on the server, you
must include it here. For example, if a SQL Server Instance was named
MYSQLINSTANCE then the full name you would enter in the Database Server box
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are installing in a training room, leave the default unchanged.
d. Step 4—Identify the MarketWare Documents Folder. This folder is primarily used to
store Form Letters, Form Emails and Reports. It will also contain a training (Sample)
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Recommendations for this folder:
The MarketWare Documents folder should be a location that is easily accessible from
both inside and outside of MarketWare. If you are logged in as the end-user we
recommend the above default (the User’s Document folder). However, if you are
installing as an Administrator, then we recommend you use the Public\Documents folder,
i.e., typically C:\Users\Public\Documents or a folder on the Local Disk Such as
The Install program will automatically find the logged in user’s Documents folder if you
leave the default value above unchanged. This will not work if you are logged in as an
Administrator, and leave the default unchanged.
This folder will require read/write access for the MarketWare user.
Once the install is finished, a new Icon will appear on the Desktop.
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4. Run MarketWare by double-clicking the above icon, or you can run the program on the last step
of the installation.
5. Please also make sure the new user has Read, Write, Execute and Modify Rights for the
MarketWare Documents folder and sub folders (which is typical for most users).
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How to Automate Installations for larger organizations
If you need to install MarketWare for a number of users and want to setup an automated installation
that could be set to run via SMS or other tools, you can record an initial install, and then run it from the
MARKETWARE10_SETUP.EXE command line. Here is what you do:
1. Run the normal install with the ―Record‖ command line parameter:
2. After the installation is completed, a setup response file will be created in the ―Windows‖ folder
called SETUP.ISS.
3. You can use this response file to run silent installations on any other computer (using the same
responses you used in the initial install.
4. To invoke the silent, automated response install run the setup program with these parameters:
The command line parameters of /s (Silent), and the /f1 (Response File) tell setup where to find
the response file. In the example above, C:\MYSETUPS is the folder where you placed the
response file (SETUP.ISS).
Recommendations for Silent, Automated Installations
When you Setup an automated Silent Install we recommend the following:
1. Set the User Name to the following: MyUserName. This will force the system to prompt the
user for his/her user name upon login. The user can later edit the shortcut and replace the
―MyUserName‖ value with their actual user name so they can skip the login window (this does
not eliminate entering a password if one is required, and still prevents them from logging in as
another user if not allowed.)
2. Set the MarketWare Documents folder to ―C:\Users\Public\Documents‖ or ―C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Shared Documents‖ or ―C:\MarketWare10‖ depending on your operating
system or preference. This will allow documents, etc. to be placed in a simple location that is
easily accessible to your users.
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Setting up a New Database
In order to setup a MarketWare Database on your Server you will need to Install MarketWare on a workstation
that can “See” the Server (see above for Client Install instructions).
Once MarketWare is installed, go to the Database Manager.
To access the Database Manager, go to the
“Tools” Menu Bar, then select “Database”
from the menu ribbon.
The Database Manager will appear, and display the databases that are available for you to work
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To Create a Database, start at the top of the
menu by clicking on the “New Database”
The system will ask you for the “Name” of
your new database. Name the database
and click “Okay.”
The system will then ask you for the
“Company Name” associated with this
database. Type in a simple company name
when creating your database.
You also have the option to determine how
many days worth of transactions you will
store the transaction log, as well as the
maximum number of records that are
retrieved when you run a search query.
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This second option is important because if a user does a search for someone in the
database and the search term is too broad, and you have hundreds of thousands of records
in the database, your user will get impatient waiting for the database to return the results
of that search. It is recommended that you keep the number to a reasonable amount so
that you don't tie up your system on a runaway query.
Connecting to the Server
The next step you have to identify is how you're going to connect to your new server, your SQL
server. You can use your network credentials, assuming you have authority to access database
with your own network login. Or you can type in a SQL server username and password. If you're
going to use your network login credentials as part of this database, you’ll also want to make
the system aware of what your domain is. In this case, you can just put in “MYDOMAIN”
(whatever it may be).
Then fill in the server name or IP address of the server.
Whenever you create your database, you have the ability to upload data from an existing database.
In this case, since you are using the sample database, as the database that you’re building the
database from, you would copy all of the records from the sample database into the new database
if you checked the Check Box “Copy data from original Database?”
NOTE: This Check box is typically used if we have created your database on our end (adding Custom
Fields, etc) and uploaded your data to that database before setting up the database on your
server.You are now ready to click the “Create the New Database” button.
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When you click the “Create New Database” button, the system will pause and can ask you to
“Confirm” that you want to create this database. It also to warns you that if an existing database on
the server, with the same name already exists, that the database will be deleted before you create
a new database. Additionally, if you're placing the database on a brand-new server, on one that is
not the current server that the system is currently using, then it will also create a
MarketwareAdmin database on the server to store your user information.
When you're sure that you can continue, go ahead and click the “OK” button. The system will then
begin building the database and eventually refresh the screen with the new database information.
You now have a new database on your server with the name of “Mynewdatabase”.
To Remove a Database
To remove a database:
1. Highlight the database from the Menu Bar, and select “Delete
The system will ask if you want to confirm the deletion of the
Just to be clear, all you’re doing is removing it from the list of
available databases within MarketWare. (You will need to use
the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to actually delete
the database permanently.)
2. To Delete the Database, click “Yes” to confirm, and the database will be removed as an
available database within your system.
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After you remove it from the Database Manager Window, it is still an available
database within SQL Server.
You need to detach the database, and remove it from the system. MarketWare can
reattach the database to another server if needed.
Attaching a Database
1. In the Database Manager, click on “Attach Database”. The system will ask a question, “Are
you running from the server that you intend to attach the database to?”
You may only attach a Database if you are running MarketWare from the Server.
A database file can be either in the form of any .mdf file that has been previously
detached from a SQL Server or a .bak file that represents a backup of the database
from server.
1. Once you locate the File click “Open” to attach this database to your server.
The system then responds by telling you that it was able to successfully attach the
database. The database is now one of the available databases as it was before you
detached it.
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Setting/Changing Supervisor’s Password
To change the supervisor password or to set initially, click the “Change Supervisor Password”
the system will prompt you for the password that you want to
use. Make sure that when you type the password that both passwords match. Setting the
Supervisor Password enables security within MarketWare.
Rebuild Triggers
Another tool is the ability to take the currently selected database and Rebuild Triggers, Etc
associated with that database. Sometimes you go back and forth and play around with the
database; you might want to just refresh the triggers and other aspects of behind the scenes of
the database.
1. You do this by just clicking this “Rebuild Triggers, Etc” button at the bottom of the database.
2. Then the system will pause and ask you to confirm that you want to rebuild default index
and triggers. Click “Yes” to get that operation start.
Updating Activation Key
Occasionally you may want to add additional users to your system and you will receive an
updated activation key. Most of the time you can just double-click on this key in the e-mail
message you receive and it will automatically update the key. To manually update the key, Save
the Attached Activation Key to your PC, then click “Update Activation Key” at the bottom
screen. MarketWare will prompt your for the activation key, click “Open”
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to activate/update the key.
Additional Updates
Another type of update is when there are changes made to the structure of your Database
View. In these instances, you will receive a Dictionary file that you can then upload to the server
like the activation key. You can normally double click on the attachment, and the system will be
smart enough to know how to update your Dictionary for you. However, if that does not work
or if you need to make any changes, you may also update that Dictionary in the Database
Just save the dictionary file on your hard drive and then come down and click, “Upload Revise
Requesting All Users to Exit
By clicking the “Request All Users Exit” button, the system will send out a
message to have all MarketWare Users currently in the database disconnect
from the database.
If you need to do any type of database maintenance that requires exclusive use of the database
for, this is a great tool in which to force all of your users out of MarketWare. When you click the
“Request All Users Exit” button, the system will ask you to confirm that you want to exit, click
“Yes” and then within one minute all of your users will
be exited out of the program.
MarketWare also has a built-in Usage Log that
allows you to see who is logging in and logging out
of MarketWare and at what times. You may print
that log and see who has been in MarketWare. You
can also clear the transaction log if you click on the
“Clear Transaction Log,” the system will ask you to
either remove all transactions in the log or to specify a
cut-off date in which you want the log clear from.
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Managing Access Rights Groups
Scope of Security Features
MarketWare’s Security Features allow you to:
 Limiting Access to Certain Operations
 Limiting Editing Privileges within certain tables
You defined access rights groups in the Database Manager. You access the Database Manager by
going to the “Tools” menu and selecting “Database” from the menu ribbon.
Access Privileges
If you initially are denied access, you may enter the Supervisor Password to give you access to this
The access rights definition applies to the database that is listed as the “Active Database” displayed
in the top right corner of the window.
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Go to the access rights page within the database manager.
When you define access privileges, you do so within an access group. This access group is then
assigned to individual users and they inherit the privileges that are defined here. Take a look at this
first group which is the administrator group.
You should have an administrator group defined; in fact MarketWare will create one automatically
for you. The Group will have complete privileges by default. So all users in the Administrators
Group will be able to add, edit, delete, in any table within the database. You will also be able to see
every single page in the database, by default.
Creating Access Rights Groups
To Create a New Access Group Click the
button at the bottom of the
window. MarketWare will prompt you for the name of the group.
There are several aspects of the Access Rights to Set, let’s review each area in turn.
Limit User Access by Table
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In the Table Management grid, you will get a sense for what types of privileges you have
that you can give to your users.
You are able to grant or restrict the ability to Add, Edit, or Delete records by individual table.
NOTE: When you delete any entity within MarketWare, you also delete all of the child entities
along with it. In the hierarchy of MarketWare, you have a company entity then underneath that
you have a contact entity, under the contact entity, you have issues, action plans, facilities,
history, etc. If you delete a company entity, you also delete all of the associated contacts,
issues, action plans, history, etc.
It is recommended that you restrict the ability to delete to
only to an administrator.
You can also restrict Editing and Deleting or even Viewing
Permissions dependent upon the ownership of the
record. Each Record in MarketWare can be assigned to a
specific user, many times you will only want the person
that has ownership of that record to edit or delete (or
even View) that record.
We recommend allowing all users to Delete/Edit their
Records from the Actions (Calendar Events), History,
Issues, and Action Plan records.
There may be certain fields within a table that would not be appropriate or are not appropriate
to allow the average user to either edit or to view. We are able to restrict Edit and View
permissions for specific fields in MarketWare.
To do so, Click on the
corresponding to the table you wish to review.
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A complete List of Fields for the selected Table will appear. You are able to uncheck any
Field to remove the Edit and View Permissions for each of the fields in the table.
Limiting Permissions to View Pages
You can also limit access to
certain pages within the
database. For example, it
may not be appropriate for
the average user to see the
recruiting information page.
So you can limit that
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information from being viewed.
Other Limitations
These check boxes allow you to limit privileges of your users. You may limit the ability to modify the
drop-down boxes defined within MarketWare, Import or Export Records, Take the Database
Offline, or Create/Edit Reports.
It may be appropriate to have the drop-down values managed centrally by an administrator.
This prevents every single person creating and editing their own drop-down values with
their own meanings behind those drop-down boxes. This will keep your data more
When you go in and define the drop-down boxes, especially one like the Objective and
Topics Discussed (seen when recording results). These should be standardized and
understood by all of your users. This way when you generate reports, those reports have
meaning because everybody's on the same page.
You may not want to allow Import privileges to everyone in the system. Importing data into
MarketWare is a powerful tool, and those who use that tool truly need to understand how
it works so that they don't mess up the database by creating duplicate records or
overwriting good data with bad data.
It is recommended that you give export privileges so that people can export data to Excel or
to Outlook.
It is also recommended that you allow people to take the database off-line so they can work
out in the field with the database.
And there’s typically not a problem with allowing people to create and edit reports.
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Updating Server with Changes
The changes we applied will need to be uploaded to your SQL Server. SQL Server will maintain
all permissions each Access Rights Group contains directly from the Server.
To update these role definitions, you need to click the “Update SQL Server for Revised Group
button. The actual database role on the server will have
“mw_” added to the front of the group name.
One-Time Overrides
If you attempt to delete a record without having the access privileges to do so, the system will
respond and say, “Sorry you do not have privileges.” However, the database administrator may
enter the supervisor password on your computer and for this one time only, MarketWare will
delete this record.
Adding Users and Managing User Information
To access User Preferences window go to the “Tools”
Menu and select “User Preferences” from that menu
ribbon. The User Preferences window will display, and the
person that you are currently logged in will display by
The User Setup Menu Bar gives you the ability to:
1. Create New Users.
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Delete the Currently Displayed User.
Print a List of All Users.
Search for all Users.
Navigate from one User to the next using any of the arrow buttons.
User Information
The window displays the Name of the User that is currently logged in. It also tells you how
many total licenses you have available (Total User Licenses) and how many have been
consumed at this point (Licenses Used).
Creating a New User
When creating a new User, MarketWare will prompt for the Users’ Name. This is their full
name, not their Windows Login, or anything like that; we will enter their Login Information
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When you click “New Record” at the bottom we will create a new user record in MarketWare.
We will copy much of the user preferences from the user you were looking at so you aren’t
required to re-enter much of the preferences that are similar to all users.
Setting User Preferences
In the upper half of the User Information page of User Preferences window you can define your
Title, what department you belong to Department or Facility, your Address, Email Address, and
Phone Number.
You can then identify how frequent MarketWare should look for update (which will be
downloaded and install automatically), and finally identify which view you want MarketWare to
default to when opening the program.
Additional Preferences
In the lower half of the User Information window, there are a few additional preferences that
you can set.
You can set your default database, default Query for off-line views, and default Query Window.
MarketWare's Query Tool comes in two styles. There is a Query Wizard and the Standard Query
Window. You can choose which one you would prefer to use by default, but remember that you
can always switch back and forth between the two.
You can also set your default Objective and Category. Select the most common Objective that
you’re most frequently doing, and set that up as your default. Do the same for Category. This
can save you time when you go to record results of activities.
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Documents and Synchronization
On the Documents and Synchronization Tab, you can define how you want to use different
types of document options. You can establish default folders for your Documents and set your
Letter Template, E-Mail Templates, and Memo Templates.
When you install MarketWare, it automatically creates the “E-mail” folder and a “Form Letter”
folder underneath the MarketWare folder in your “Documents” folder. You can place all of your
e-mail, form letters, and others in these two folders. As a result, when you go to the
“Documents and Synchronization” tab, if you choose the “Default Document Folder,” you're
selecting this standard form letter folder that MarketWare has already established when it
installed the program. If you prefer to keep all your documents in another folder (perhaps on a
network shared drive), you can select a different folder by clicking on the magnify glass icon.
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Then you can navigate through your system
to find any other folder that would be
appropriate to store your Form Letters.
The same is true for your Form E-Mails. You
can define a Default E-Mail Folder, which
would be the typical underneath the
MarketWare folder, or you can select a different folder to use for Form E-Mails. The same is
true for your templates and other documents that you'll be using on it regular basis.
One last option in the Form E-Mails section is that you can have MarketWare pause and
look at every new E-Mail that comes in and automatically place that E-Mail into the History
of the person that sent it to you.
This works assuming that the E-Mail address of the incoming E-Mail matches an E-Mail
address in MarketWare.
Outlook Synchronization
If you're using Outlook you can also synchronize contact information between Outlook
contacts and your physician database. That is the helpful because if you also use a mobile
device and you want those contacts to flow (all the contact information: name, address,
phone number, etc) to your mobile device, then you can use a query in MarketWare that
will extract a group of physicians that you want to synchronize with your Outlook.
For Example:
If you use the “A-Tier Physician” query, it's going to extract all of your “A-Tier
Physicians” and then place them in your contacts folder within Outlook (you can also
create sub-folders in Outlook and place your MarketWare Contacts there.
If you are using Microsoft Exchange, you will need to change this first part to reflect the
E-Mail mailbox that you have in Exchange.
MarketWare will confirm the validity of this folder before it allows you to continue.
Sync In/Out Rules
Once you define the query that you will use to synchronize, then you can take it a step
further and have MarketWare automatically synchronize those folders for you.
You can have a “Sync-In” rule, so that when you log in to MarketWare, MarketWare will
sync your contacts from Outlook into MarketWare. When you exit MarketWare, you can
have the system automatically execute a “Sync-Out” and it will automatically have your
contacts synchronized out to Outlook.
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Setting User Access Rights
Access Group
The last page in the User Preferences window, deals with Access Privileges.
At the top of this page, the first setting (and probably the most important) is what access group
the User will be you assigned to. Select from any available group that has been defined for this
system using the Dropdown Box
There are two different types of Security Authorization accepted in MarketWare. One is
Windows Authentication (Active Directory), and the other is a standard SQL Server login. In this
case, you have checked Windows Authentication, so you will use this users network login ID for
identifying his privileges in the database.
Fill in the network login name (“MyLoginName”), and identify whether or not you want to
extend the privilege to “Allow User to Open a Different Database.” MarketWare does support
the ability to have more than one MarketWare database on the same server.
Dictionary Library
This last setting deals with what “Dictionary Library” you're going to have this user access. The
Dictionary Library refers to the “Database” view that has been defined, as well as the “Today”
view. You can create multiple “Today” views and multiple “Database” views for your users. The
“Default” setting identifies that this particular use user will use the default library associated
with this database. This will typically be the only option. Only if your MarketWare Consultant
has created multiple Dictionary Libraries will you need to change this.
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On the right-hand side of the access page, there are three buttons; each has a unique purpose.
Change Password
If you're using Windows authentication, then it's probably not necessary to set up any separate
password for this User to login into MarketWare. Their network login will serve as their security
protocol and authorization which should be sufficient. You can however always use another
password in addition to your network password, but usually this is overkill.
If you are using SQL login then you may set a password to access the database. This is your only
security the limitation using a SQL login. So make sure that not anyone can just login as this
person to your SQL Server into your database. So fill in a password and then make it a difficult
password to determine.
When you set up a password, the system will ask you to enter the new password (Enter
Password) and then confirm that password (Confirm Password). You may also be required to fill
in the “Original Password” if you are trying to change the existing password.
Unlock User
The “Unlock User” button deals with the situation where your user may be locked out of
This may happen when your User logs in while at the office on their desktop computer. The
User then remains in MarketWare and exits the office with the users’ laptop computer or by
logging into MarketWare from home. Because the user is still logged into MarketWare from
that other computer, MarketWare will not allow the User to log in somewhere else. A User may
only login to MarketWare on one computer at a time.
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Another situation could be if the hard disk crashed, and she needed to have her computer
rebuilt, then she may still be logged into MarketWare if she was logged into MarketWare at the
time her computer crashed.
In either case, the simplest thing to do is to pull up the User’s User Preferences Window and
click the “Unlock User” button. The system will then want to confirm that you want to unlock
this User. Say “Yes” and User will now be able to Log into MarketWare.
Setup SQL Logins
When you set up a new user in the system, you will need to identify that user to the SQL Server.
Although you have identified what User Access Group that User belongs to, and how they will
authenticate into MarketWare, you still need to tell SQL Server that this User has privileges. So
far, only MarketWare is aware of this user's existence.
The last option is “Setup SQL Logins.” This will allow you to set up SQL login. The system will
confirm that you're going to set up that login for this specific database. When you do this
operation, you have a choice:
1. You can set up all Users, and the system will cycle through each user and verify, confirm,
or modify their privileges.
2. Or you can choose a specific access group.
For example: You could just set up all of the “Everyone” group.
3. Or you can select a specific User within your list of available users, and set up just that
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Once you've decided which User or group of Users you're going to set up, all you have to do is
click the “Create Logins” button, and the system will set up that User.
NOTE: Notice the message that you will receive.
This tells you that in the active directory Windows authentication there was no User with
your User login name. At this point, if you if you're having a problem with setting up the
user in using the domain name, you could use the option of setting up this user up without
Windows authentication. If you just click the “Retry” button, the system will try to set up
this User with the standard SQL authentication. Otherwise, if you click “Ignore,” it will give
you the opportunity to skip this user for now and go into Active Directory make sure that
their User ID is correct.
Table Management
Table management functions allow you to create new tables, modifying existing tables, add or
remove fields within those tables, and add and remove indexes within those tables.
Database Manager
To access the Database Manager, you can either run the Database Manager directly from the
icon created when you installed MarketWare, or from the Main Menu. To run it from the Main
Menu in MarketWare, go to “Tools” and select “Database” from the Tools Menu.
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The Database Manager will display, and you'll be able to select which database you wish to
manage from the list of available databases. Then Click on the “Table Management” Tab.
Table Management
When you click on table management, you will be asked to confirm that you have backed up
your data.
This recognizes the possibility that you can damage your database if you're not careful while
using the Add, Remove, and make changes to the tables within your database. You must say Yes
in order to access this operation.
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Table Properties
The table management page is broken down into three separate tabs.
The first tab deals with Table Properties. On the table property window you may create new
tables search or navigate to tables and then modify their individual properties.
You may search for a table or you can move individually from table to table using the next or
When you click the search button the system will display all table definition names and you can
then select a specific table to search for once
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Look at the information about the contact table. Notice that at the top of the window you there
is a box that indicates Table Name. The Table Name can be up to 30 characters long, and must
not include any special characters or spaces.
On the upper half of the screen there are some properties that are associated with this table.
The first property is whether or not this is a standalone table, or whether this table has a
parent-child relationship. The above example, the contact table, contains information about
your contacts. This is a child table to the company table. Additionally, the box has been checked
that allows this table to display on the search list so that you can do some browse searches for
records within this table.
You also want this table to appear on the add and delete panel, within the database view. This
allows you to add individual records to this table and delete individual records from this table.
This icon indicates that this table will be
sorted second from the top.
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Normally, what you do is you identify the sort order based on parent-child relationships. So if
you were to navigate to the company table, you would see that it when it's display order would
be one and then any child tables underneath contact would have a higher display order. This
just makes it more functional to see the parent-child relationships.
Adding Records to the Table
The next section on the table management property sheet asked questions about what to do when
you add records to this table. The first question that you’re asked is, “Do you want to check to see
if duplicate records exist?”
For example, if you are adding the person named Tom Smith, you could have MarketWare
automatically search for another Tom Smith in the database, and it would alert you if there already
existed another Tom Smith in the database. You may also check this option if you want to prevent
the user from creating any duplicate records. In this instance, what if you had a Tom Smith Sr. and a
Tom Smith Jr.? In those cases you will want to relax this restriction and allow your users to add a
duplicate record as needed. In this case, uncheck the “No Duplicate Records Allowed” to give the
flexibility to create that type of scenario.
How to Determine if There is a Duplicate
To determine whether or not the record is a duplicate, you need to define two different fields or
you have to find two different fields among all of the different fields in the Field 1 Table, to define
whether or not a duplicate record exists. In this case, if the “First Name” “And” a “Last Name” are
equal to the “First Name” “And” “Last Name” that you are entering, then you won’t be able to
create this record because it’s a duplication.
Up to three fields can be entered as a prerequisite to creating a record.
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When you click the “New” button, in this
case on the database view, a window will
pop up asking you for the first name and
last name.
Then type those two fields in, click “Okay” and the system will do a duplicate records search.
If it finds a duplicate first name and last name, you will be alerted and then given the option to
either Add that record or not, depending on the circumstance.
Fields Used to Describe the Table
The last properties that you will be interested in are down at the bottom.
The first one asks what individual field within this entire table best describes the contents of this
table. In this case, it was determined that the full name field best describes the contact table. This
is used in various places within MarketWare to display a list of people within this table and ask
questions in reference to it. For this purpose, the name field was selected and is the most
appropriate field to describe the contact table.
The Default Index
The next question, is when you perform the selection to search this database what index will you
use as the default index? In this case, the last name index has been selected as the default index. In
other words, you’re saying that you think the last name best is the best default index to search this
table. In conjunction with that, when the system goes out and performs a child search, in other
words, you’re on the company table and you want to see a list of all of the contacts that are
associated with that company, how do you want that list of contacts to display? You want to sort
out list by the last name field and you want that to sort in ascending order.
The remaining buttons down on the bottom, allow you to preform certain operations associated
with the table. If you click “New Table,” the system will then prompt you for a “New Table” name,
where you can create a brand-new table in the database.
The “Delete” button would normally allow
you to delete the currently displayed table
from the database.
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Notice that it is disabled. The purpose for this is that MarketWare requires both a company and a
contact table as part of its overall structure. So you cannot delete the contact table or the company
table. However, if you were to navigate to a different table, for example, the facility's table, notice
that the delete button is enabled and you could delete that table if you chose to.
This button (“Save and Update Changes”) allows
you to save the changes and update the tables
accordingly based on the changes that you have
The Fields Table
The fields table allows you to define individual fields within the table: what type of field that it
is, and what default values and other variables associated with it are.
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These are the fields for the contact table. The system will display these fields in alphabetical
order with the first field starting with the letter “A” (address_line_1). As before, you may use
the “Next” and “Prior” buttons to navigate from one field to the other within this table. You can
also use the “Search” button to display a list of all fields within the table and select the specific
For example, you may highlight “Original Date” and select that field to be displayed.
Look at this field, notice that its data type is
a “datetime” field. This means that it will
hold a date value, as well as the time value.
You may also set the default value
associated with this field if you click the
“Default Expression” button.
The expression builder will display and allow you to enter a constant value or an expression
that SQL Server understands that can initialize the value in this field.
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In this instance, “Get Date” will display or use the current date and time as the default value.
This means that when you create a new record in the contact table, the original date field will
automatically default to today's date and time.
Another Field
Look at another field to see how its properties are managed. Click the “Prior” button and you'll
notice that you will see the field called office hours on Wednesday.
This field illustrates another concept in relation to managing the properties. Notice that it's
data type is a “varchar,” which means that it is a character-based field but the system will only
store how wide the field actually is and not pad it with spaces on end. To the contrary if you use
a “chardata” type, then even if the value is only three characters wide, it will pad to a full 10
characters with spaces. “varchar” is a more flexible field value and should be used in any
instance when the values that are being populated are being populated using a drop-down box.
The drop-down box expects the value to be exactly matching what the values are in the dropdown box, regardless of any padding of spaces.
The real definition or property that one
should be aware of is called the “MultiSelect List Name.” Notice that this field
has been given “Office_ hours.”
When you go into and define the office hours, you will only want to define the standard values
once. When you click “Prior” to see that the “office_ hours_Tuesday,”
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“office_ hours_Thursday,” each one of these fields is the same multi-select name. As a result, it
makes it easier for you to define just one set of default values.
Another good example of this is the “State” field. As you scroll down and you see “State,” it also
has a multi-select name, which happens to also be “state.” But if you were to use a second address,
state, then simply go to second address. And if you went to third address state, you would see that
all three of these fields have the same multi-select name. This gives you the flexibility to only
maintain one list of state definitions and not have to create multiple state definitions for the dropdown box, so that you don't have to continually update multiple list of the essentially the same
The last two properties that you need to be
aware of is whether or not it is appropriate to
duplicate this field when a new record is
created. When you click the “New” button, on
the database navigation panel whatever
record that you're currently looking at on the
main database window you can duplicate the
Finally, the system also could ask is this a
phone number field?
If you do a search and go down to the
phone number fields, you’ll see that that
this checkbox was checked for this
particular field.
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field that you're looking at and place it in the
new record.
The value of identifying the field is a phone
number field is that when the system
imports data into this field, it will strip the
dashes, slashes, and parentheses and
import only the number that is being used.
This way you can use the phone number
field as the search field and not worry about
whether you type the dashes or a slash in
any particular position on that field.
You can Add new fields by clicking this button,
Delete the currently displayed field using this
and Save and update your changes using this
Fields that cannot be Modified
There are some fields that you cannot modify within the system or example the record ID field
is a key field. All of these boxes or grade out preventing the system from making a change to
this feed.
Index Properties
The last page in the table management window deals with index properties. Indexes allow us to
quickly find the information in a database. These are especially important when you have a
large number of records within the database and you want to quickly be able to find an
individual record.
The most common index that you will use is the lasting index on the contact table and the company
name index in the company table.
Review of an Index Definition
This is the index “last_name.” This is
probably the most common index you will
actually use. So take a look at its properties.
You can click the “New Index” button to
generate any new index.
The name of the index must follow the same naming conventions that are used for table definitions
and field definitions. This essentially means that the name could only be composed of letters and
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an underscore to simulate a space in the name. Numbers and other symbols are not allowed index
name or field or table name.
Index on Search list
The first property that we deal with is
whether or not this index appears on the
search list.
You may not want the index to appear on the search because there a certain indexes that are used
just to optimize reports and other searches that you will be conducting, but you may not actually
do everyday searches on those fields. The most common two indexes that don't get displayed on
the search list are the “record _D” index and the “parent_ID” indexes. These indexes allow for
quick joining of tables and queries but you will rarely if ever use them to search for a specific
person in the database—based on the record ID or parent_Id.
The system will ask what yields the index is based on. The primary Field 1 this is the first index of
the first field the index will be based on. You may also base the index on Field 2 and Field 3, but the
index will always be in priority from first to second.
Best Practice
This works best when the last name of the field that this index is based on is the last name index.
But within last names, if you wanted a list of all people sorted by their last name, you may want to
be able to sort them secondarily by first name.
For example:
So any instance of Mr. Smith, you may see an Albert Smith first, then a Bill Smith and a Charlie
Smith—in that order—based on the fact that you've created the index in this way.
Ascending Index
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Underneath the fields are two properties. The first one is whether or not this is an “Ascending
Index.” If you remove the checkmark it will become descending index. Most of the time you want
your indexes sorted A-Z in ascending order, however there will be times when it might be
appropriate for the index to be in a descending order.
For example: if you want the index to be based on a day, and you wanted the most recent date
to appear first in the sort order, then removing the check box and making this a descending
index would be appropriate.
Clustered Index
A clustered index allows you to essentially separate the index out and order the data in based on
this index. Clustered indexes work very well if you want the all of your data to be sorted essentially
by the index.
When you do a search based on an index, you'll remember that on the “List View” MarketWare
displays a grid information about that index and you may have various fields that are displayed as
part of that index.
Define Query
You define how the query works by clicking
on the “Define Query” button on the side of
page. Look at the index for last name.
The Last Name search works much like any other query; it is just a very specialized query. When
you click on the “Define Query” button, the system will pop up a query window and allow you to
define a query associated with this search.
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Begin by looking at the filter that is created. In this case, you are looking for the last name
(“Contact.last_name”) that is “Like” something.
Note: A tilde character has been placed here. This is a special. This represents whatever you wind
up typing on the keyboard when you perform a search for a last name in the database. When you
search for this last name, whatever you type on the keyboard will be placed in this tilde character,
and the search will be performed accordingly. When the search is completed it will extract the last
name, the full name, the specialty, and the company name associated with this person. The list will
also sort that first by last name and then by full name. That will be how our list will display in the
list view once we complete your search.
When you're done modifying your query, click “Select Query” and the system will return back to
the index page of the Table Management window.
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As with all of the other properties or items in this table management view you may can move from
one index to the other by clicking the “Next” and “Prior” button.
You may “Search” for a specific index by clicking on the search button.
And you may “Delete” an index when you don't think you will need to use that index anymore.
There is a certain amount of overhead in SQL Server to manage indexes. You will want to be
judicious as to how many indexes you define. That isn’t to say to prevent you from creating all of
the indexes you need; however, it is wise not to create an index on every single field. That does
diminish the overall functionality of the database when has to maintain so many different indexes.
Once you are finished making changes to any of the indexes and when you've completed the table
management, you can click the “Save and Update Tables” button.
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