in infant death - The Paper of Montgomery County
CALL FOR A FREE SECURITY ASSESSMENT Ned Swanson 765-362-0401 | 200 W. Spring St.| [email protected] Is your stuff safe? EVERYBODY TUESDAY June 14, 2016 LIKES L L A GET IT VENT SALES E $ $ 0 0 * DOWN , * OSIT , P E D C SE * NING G I S T A DUE AND GET S YMYES!NT A P O N FOR 90 DA ** IES, 00 ENTR FTER 1,0 AY A , S U L P AW GIVING WE’RE A NEW OLET! ^ CHEsttiiHVHuR b IN IN AT TO W y.c ISTER v . om REGIS lerChe Chri *On select models to very well qualified buyers with approved, above average credit. Zero due at signing. No security deposit required. Take delivery by 6/30/2016. See dealer for details. **Payments may be deferred up to 90 days. On select models to well qualified buyers. On select models. See dealer for details. ^Year lease payments = 12 months, provided by Christi Hubler Chevrolet. No purchase necessary. Winner subject to finance restrictions. Other restrictions may apply, see dealer for details. Drawing for the lease payments for the year will occur after 1,000 entries. TODAY’S VERSE In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. – John 1:1 The Paper COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY Montgomery County’s only locally owned independent newspaper CRAWFORDSVILLE, INDIANA WWW.THEPAPER24-7.COM Red's his color Father charged in infant death The Paper FACES of MONTGOMERY People who call our community their own. The Paper photo by Jennifer Callis Zoey Issac is 6 and lives in Crawfordsville with her parents. She was on her way home from the Strawberry Festival. She loves the amount of stuff available for her to do. THREE THINGS You Should Know: 1 Perhaps the weather was a little too good last weekend at the Strawberry Festival. Word from the stage is that the sun made the surface a little too warm for the dancers and performers. 2 The Paper caught some flak from observant readers. We published a graphic of an American Flag Monday to celebrate Flag Day. But we inverted the image. We humbly apologize. Despite good intentions we fell short. 3 Our favorite quarterback Peyton Manning got his second Super Bowl ring recently. Sure we like Andrew Luck but we wish Peyton had earned that ring in Indiana instead of Denver. 50¢ Wally Wabash stopped by Crawfordsville's famous Strawberry Festival Saturday. Wally joined several thousand other festival goers as the weather, the entertainment, booths and crowds all made for a perfect weekend. According to Festival officials, there are no official attendance numbers yet. Stay tuned to The Paper for a complete report when it is available. A 5-month-old Crawfordsville boy died and his father is facing more serious charges. Connor Filley died early Sunday afternoon at Riley Children’s Health in Indianapolis of head trauma injuries. Steven Allen Filley was arrested and transported to the Montgomery County Jail just after midnight Thursday by the Crawfordsville Police Department. As a result of the autopsy, Filley’s charges were amended. Filley, 26, is now facing preliminary charges of felony battery resulting in serious injury (Level 2), felony aggravated battery (Level 1) and felony neglect of a dependent (Level 1). Originally the charged were all filed at Level 3. Level 1 felony charges are the highest level which can be filed. Crawfordsville Det. Lt. Bob Rivers said Filley called 911 at 7:43 a.m. Tuesday reporting that his son was unresponsive. Crawfordsville Fire Department Monday MEETINGS The Crawfordsville City Council and the Montgomery County Commissioners both met Monday. Read both stories online at www.thepaper24-7. com. paramedics and police went to the Campus View Apartments, 408 S. Walnut S. where they found the child with head injuries. They took him to Franciscan St. Elizabeth Health-Crawfordsville and from there he was airlifted to Riley. According to police, Filley initially said he found the boy unresponsive and then tripped and fell with him on his way to make the 911 call. Child Protective Services of Montgomery County is also investigating. Filley is being held on a $20,000 cash bond and remains the Montgomery County Jail. Bad news doesn't just happen at 3 a.m. It used to be that bad news came in the form of a phone call or knock on the door. In today’s world, it’s just as likely to be an e-mail, a Facebook post or some other electronic harbinger of news. Progress, I guess. The e-mail tagline on my computer screen simply said “A Hoosier legend has died.” Who knew an e-mail could feel like a phone ringing at 3 o’clock in the morning? Hello, everyone I’ve learned that Ray Moscowitz, an Indiana Journalism Hall of Famer and legend amongst many Hoosier journalists, has died. in 1938, he spent his adult life working in newspapers – good newspapers that were made better by his presence. The 14-part series he wrote when covering the Middle East was lauded by the editor of the Chicago I suppose the TIM TIMMONS Daily News as the word legend is Two Cents best he had seen. probably overRay won more used today. Not journalism awards so in this case. individually than most newsRay Moscowitz, a man small in stature, was a giant in the news- paper staffs do. And he was a great editor and teacher. He sent paper industry. He had a sharp former staff members to USA laugh and a wit to match. Born He had been battling brain cancer and had a recent emergency surgery for a perforated bowel. All journalists lost a friend with his death, Steve Key Hoosier State Press Association HONEST HOOSIER Let me get this straight. We spent a bunch a bucks on the courthouse parking lot because it’s the “gateway” to our fair city. But we couldn’t clean up the weeds all around the new sign and parking lot before all the out-of-town visitors showed up for the Strawberry Festival? TODAY’S HEALTH TIP If you sit a lot at work, take walking breaks as often as you can to help keep your weight in check. Today’s health tip was brought to you by Dr. John Roberts. Be sure to catch his column each week in The Paper and online at INSIDE TODAY’S EDITION Arni’s.................... A4 Beltone................. A3 Boots Bro’s........... A4 Davis Material...... A2 Goings’s............... A4 Gould................... A2 Haleys.................. A1 Haybush............... A2 J.M Thompson....... A4 Kirtley Taylor.......... A3 Meadow Sales...... A4 Surbs��������������������A7 Tri-County�������������A4 Williamsburg��������A3 Today, U.S. News & World Report, wire services, the Indianapolis Star, universities and beyond. Ray grew up in Los Angeles but eventually ended up with the Nixon newspaper family and settled in Indiana. Hoosier journalists who were lucky enough to work for and with him often said they graduated from the Ray Moscowitz School of Journalism. Most readers in Montgomery County never knew Ray, but he had an impact on the little newspaper that could. Ray and I met what seems like a hundred See RAY Page A7 THE MONTGOMERY MINUTE 32E bridge could cause traffic delays Wednesday Travelers on State Road 32 east of Crawfordsville may find the going a little slower than usual Wednesday. That’s because the Indiana Department of Transportation plans to inspect the bridge over Big Walnut Fork, weather permitting. The one-lane restriction is scheduled to take place between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. so bridge engineers can perform a routine inspection. Flaggers will control traffic at the bridge. TODAY’S QUOTE “Men are governed only by serving them; the rule is without exception.” TODAY’S JOKE I was going to buy a pocket calculator . . . but then I thought, who cares how many pockets I have? V. Cousin The Paper appreciates all our customers. SERVING ALAMO BROWNS VALLEY DARLINGTON CRAWFORDSVILLE Today, we’d like to personally thank LADOGA LINDEN MACE NEW MARKET NEW RICHMOND NEW ROSS Katherine Melvin of Crawfordsville for subscribing! WAVELAND WAYNETOWN WHITESVILLE WINGATE YOUNTSVILLE The Paper OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY OBITUARIES Benton Millis The Paper of Montgomery County Bonus Page The Paper O F M O N T G O M E RY 101 W. Main St. Suite 300 P.O. Box 272 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 main: 765-361-0100 classifieds: 765-361-8888 fax: 765-361-5901 twitter: @ThePaperNews @ThePaperSports COUNTY PAGE A2 Tuesday, June 14, 2016 Habitat schedules open house "That the first Habitat for Humanity day isn't from 9 of Montgomery Counthe end a.m. to ty's Family Selection of our 10:30 Committee Chair John partnera.m., ship, Edie can already enand the vision the next family but second who will make their just the from transition house on begin1 p.m. Russell Avenue a home. ning." to 2:30 Photo provided p.m. HabOutdoor barbecues, itat for Sessions scheduled for June 25. The children playing in the Humanspacious yard, meeting information presentation will neighbors: these experi- ity is having an open ences are readily waithouse on Saturday, begin promptly at the ing for the right family June 25 at 810 Jennison start of the sessions. who is ready to invest Street in CrawfordsIf there are enough ville. The intent will be participants signing up, in their future. to talk to potential part- a third meeting during "The day we hand ner families about our over the keys is one of the following week may process and give them the greatest days in the be added. the information needed lives of both the family "We are always to apply to become a and Habitat for Hulooking for new partmanity of Montgomery ner families who are partner family. There County," said Edie. struggling to make ends will be two sessions, meet, don’t have a lot of the means yet, but still have the desire to build their future," Edie said. "We really get Benton Millis excited about building May 15, 1927 – June 11, 2016 houses for those kinds Benton Millis, 89 of Greensburng, Ind. passed away of families." on Saturday, June 11, 2016. He was born May 15, 1927 to Robert J. & Beth Reid Millis in Crawfordsville. He married Mary Louise Oxer in 1951. Mrs. Millis proceeded him in death in 2011. Private family services will be held at a later date. Family and friends can leave condolences at www. The Paper THE PAPER OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY (USPS 022-679) June 14, 2016 Volume 12 Number 140 101 W. Main St., Suite 300 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 765-361-0100 Periodicals Postage Paid at Crawfordsville, Ind. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Paper of Montgomery County, 101 W. Main St., Suite 300, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 Ready Mix Concrete Serving Montgomery, Tippecanoe & surrounding counties 11528 N. US 231 S., P.O. Box 9 Linden, IN 47955 Locally owned & operated 765-339-4055 • Fax 765-339-4088 Pettit & Sons Pools & Spas Your local pool experts! OBITUARIES 415 415 W. W. Market Market St. St. Crawfordsville, In Crawfordsville, In 47933 47933 765-364-0072 765-364-0072 HayBush - 765-364-9227 M E C H A N I C A L $65 • Refrigeration • Heating • Air-Conditioning • Plumbing Insurance work welcome “Our Business is a Wreck” 607 WAYNETOWN RD., CRAWFORDSVILLE 364-1067 A/C Tune-up Residential & Commercial State Certified Well Driller/Pump Installer For ALL your water needs! License 4053 WD PI 765-364-9227 2301 Indianapolis Rd., Crawfordsville 1609 Lafayette Road Across from Franciscan St. Elizabeth Health 765-364-0363 The Paper of Montgomery County Tuesday, June 14, 2016 A3 NEWS BRIEFS Traffic could be a problem Wednesday Travelers on State Road 32 east of Crawfordsville may find the going a little slower than usual Wednesday. That’s because the Indiana Department of Transportation plans to inspect the bridge over Big Walnut Fork, weather permitting. The one-lane restriction is scheduled to take place between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. so bridge engineers can perform a routine inspection. Flaggers will control traffic at the bridge. Skate to Russellville The Russellville Community Center invites everyone to lace up their skates for a Summer Skating event Saturday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Various snacks and refreshments will be sold during the event. There will be a $3 charge for skate rental per person. The profit will help pay for costs at the community center. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. Flags at half-staff INDIANAPOLIS – In accordance with a presidential proclamation, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence directed flags be flown at half-staff at state facilities statewide to honor the victims of Sunday’s terror attack in Orlando. Flags should be flown at half-staff beginning immediately until sunset on Thursday, June 16. Paper made mistake with American flag The directive overlaps a previous directive from the governor, which ordered flags be lowered to half-staff for the passing of Hoosier West Point Cadet Mitchell Alexander Winey. Winey was one of nine soldiers killed when their truck overturned in a flooded area in Ft. Hood. Flags for Cadet Winey should remain at half-staff until sunset Saturday, the day of his funeral. Purdue hangs help wanted sign WEST LAFAYETTE – Want to work at Purdue? Then set aside June 28 when the school has a job fair aimed at filling open positions at the university. The event will be from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 to 6 p.m. at Hall for Discovery and Learning Research, 207 S. Martin Jischke Dr., West Lafayette. Attendees may park for free in a nearby lot. Breakout sessions will be held during the fair, including a question-and-answer panel featuring Purdue Human Resources staff and key departmental hiring managers; an overview of the Purdue hiring process; and tips on resume writing and interviewing. Although registration for the career fair is not required, the first 15 registrants for each session will receive a complimentary resume critique. There will be a sign-up sheet available at the event entrance. To see specific times for each breakout session, visit www.purdue. edu/careers. Those attending the fair also will be able to get information on Purdue benefits, how to apply at Purdue and the job categories available. Outdoor Recreation administers the grant funding to applicants for both non-mo- Want to talk turtle? Facebook followers of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources can talk online with biologist Sarabeth Klueh-Mundy on Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on the DNR’s Facebook wall. Klueh-Mundy will discuss box turtles in Indiana, including characteristics, habitat, behavior, lifespan and conservation status. Participants are invited to join the conversation and ask questions. To join a chat, go to the DNR’s Facebook wall,, and click “like” (if you are not already a “friend”). You may begin typing questions during the time slot. The DNR experts will answer questions as time allows. The Indiana Trails Advisory Board won an award for 2016 Outstanding State Recreational Trails Advisory Committee. The award is a part of the Coalition for Recreational Trails Annual Achievement Awards. The winner is chosen by the awards committee of the National Association for State Parks Directors. The DNR Division of Auction July 11th • 6:30 PM Judi’s Catering • 101 Plaza Ln • Lafayette 115 Acres • 3 Tracts +/- Quality Farmland 4 miles south of Lafayette, 1 mile east of Concord, at the southwest corner of CR 800 S and CR 450 E Gary Bohlander: 765-794-0221 Bill Earle: 260-982-8351 Jon Rosen: 260-740-1846 Dedicated, D e Effective Advocacy: E f Business Formation Wills & Trusts Personal Injury Criminal Defense Real Estate Family Law Committed To Providing West Central Indiana Communities Excellent Client Service 105 N. Washington St. ɸ Crawfordsville, Indiana (765) 361-9680 Owner: Cheryl Anne Cloyd HLS# WFE-11782 800.424.2324 HRES IN Auct. Lic. #AC69200019 AUCTIONEER: RUSSELL D. HARMEYER, IN Auct. Lic. #AU10000277 LEBANON COLUMBIA 2214 N. Lebanon CITY St. Northfield Center 119 Hoosier Drive (765) 482-7777 260-244-4111 lion in Recreational Trails Program funds have been invested in Indiana trails. Tyler M. Nichols, Associate Attorney Indiana trails are best Lauramie Twp, Tippecanoe County Dear Editor: The June 13 issue of The Paper has all the rules of handling the American flag but your printer prints a full page flag that can not be hung properly with the stars on the left corner whether hung vertical or horizontal.. An apology should be made. Bill Stieg Crawfordsville torized and motorized trail-development projects. Since 1994, nearly $19 mil- | Commitment Service Community ONLINE BIDDING CRAWFORDSVILLE HUNTINGTON WARSAWNOBLESVILLE 1880 US 231 S. Suite F. 247 Sheridan Rd. in Woodcreek (Across from Wal-Mart) (Western Plaza) 2808 Theater Ave, Suite B 1127 E. Winona Ave. (765) 359-2222 (317) 770-9999 260-356-2220 574-269-6555 INDY WEST 1451 S. Green St. • Brownsburg (SR 267 of Brownsburg Med. Ctr.) (317) 858-8444 Beltone will beat any competitors price quote or coupon! Most Trusted among adults over 50. Tuesday, June 14, 2016 A4 Take a step back in time at West Baden Springs Hotel Want to take a step back in time and meet costumed characters from the Indiana’s historic and colorful past? You can rub shoulders with some of the rich, famous and notorious guests who visited West Baden Springs during its heyday in the early 1900s during monthly Twilight Tours at the National Historic Landmark hotel. The tours are offered at 7 p.m. on June 25, July 23, Aug. 13 and Sept. 17. West Baden Springs attracted the rich and famous from around the globe during the early 20th Century as people sought out the healing mineral springs. The 75-minute Twilight Tour relates stories from the early days, delivered by costumed characters. This year, the 100th anniversary of World War I, visitors will hear from actors playing Nurse Alice Beatle and Lt. Col. Raymond Bliss about how West Baden Springs served as an Army Hospital for nine months in 1918. An actor will portray palm reader Mademoiselle Louise, a former school teacher, who took a correspondence course in the art of palmistry, then worked full time in the hotel charging 50 cents for a reading. Also back this year is crowd-favorite Margaret Brown, the Unsinkable Molly Brown, who tells of her harrowing experience aboard the Titanic. Other actors portray Show Boat author Edna Ferber and Chicago gangster Big Jim Colosimo. New characters introduced this year include silver screen cowboy Tom Mix, a friend of the family that owned the hotel, and famed defense attorney and civil libertarian Clarence Darrow. Twilight Tours on June 25, July 23, Aug. 13 and Sept. 17 begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $15 ($14 for Indiana Landmarks members) and $10 for children 13 and under. Reserve tickets online at http://twilighttours2016. Springs Hotel near French Lick in Orange County WHO: Staged by Indiana Landmarks, with actors portraying some of the famous and infamous people who stayed at the hotel in the early 20th Century. COST: $15 per person ($14 for Indiana Landmarks members); $10 for children 13 and younger. RSVP:, Sandi Woodward, French Lick-West Baden Program Coordinator, 866571-8687, swoodward@ The Paper of Montgomery County POLICE BLOTTER CRAWFORDSVILLE POLICE See full police blotter Incidents Sunday online at our website: 12:24 a.m. – Report of a disturbance in the 1000 block of Corey Blvd. 4:16 a.m. – Report of loud music in the 400 block of S. Walnut St. 6:02 a.m. – Report of a business alarm in the 200 block of Waynetown Road 1:51 p.m. – Report of a vehicle accident on S. U.S. Hwy. 231 near Valero gas station 1:56 p.m. – Report of a vehicle accident involving personal injury near the intersection of Washington St. and Chestnut St. 3:10 p.m. – Report of drug activity in the 200 block of S. Water St. 10:14 p.m. – Report of a medical run in the 800 block of E. Elmore St. 10:27 p.m. – Report of a civil dispute in the 200 block of Argonaut Drive 11:20 p.m. – Report of an animal complaint in the 900 block of W. Market St. SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT Incidents Sunday 12:35 a.m. – Report of a domestic disturbance in the 0 block of E. CR 1050 S., Ladoga 2:48 a.m. – Report of a business alarm in the BOB: WANT TO GO . . . WHAT: Twilight Tours at West Baden Springs takes visitors on a tour of the hotel’s colorful history WHEN: June 25, July 23, Aug.13, and Sept. 17. The 75-minute tours begin at 7 p.m. WHERE: West Baden Turn laundry day into laundry hour. 100 block of S. Main St., Linden 7:57 a.m. – Report of breaking and entering in the 100 block of E. Madison St., Alamo 1:44 p.m. – Report of a vehicle accident involving personal injury near the intersection of State Road 47 and CR 1000 E., Darlington red wing Built to Fit. Built to Last. Sizes 5-15 In Stock SAVE $40-$50 Off Suggested Retail Waterford Apartments Phase 1 2001 Zelmar Dr. • Crawfordsville 765-362-6131 • TDD 1-877-895-2077 MEADOW SALES 765-597-2133 8-7 Mon-Sat; Closed Sun. Located 5 miles south of Turkey Run State Park at 3701 E. on CR 450 N., Marshall, IN 47859. Watch for Red Wing Wolverine & CARHARTT signs Head to Wash N Go, where you will find rows of clean washers and dryers just waiting to make quick work of your wash day. We have small and large capacity machines that will handle up to 80 pounds of laundry Don’t struggle with dropping quarters Use our new easy Pay Central payment kiosk with bills, coins or credit card! WASH ‘N GO Coin Laundry Open 7 Days A Week 7am - 10pm 208 N. Pine St (Behind Shell Station on Darlington Ave.) Remodeling or New Home Project Crawfordsville High School Campus Walk Walk Date: June 18, 2016 Walk Location: Crawfordsville High School Check-in/Registration Time: 9:00 a.m. Register Need to talk to someone? Walk Begins: 10:30 a.m. Call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at Online Now! (800) 273-8255. Or text HELLO to 741-741. Walk Ends: 2:00 p.m. May is Mental Health Awareness month Or log in to Suicide Warning Signs: “Your Space Comes From Our Place” Countertop | Faucet | Sink Cabinets | Flooring | Hardware Decorative Tile Backsplash Visit our Showroom! Hours: M-F 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Other times by appointment 450 East Division Rd. Veedersburg, IN 47987 Talking about wanted to die Sleeping too little or too much Acting anxious or agitated: behaving recklessly Talking about feeling of hopelessness Searching for methods online Withdrawing or feeling isolated Feeling like a burden to others Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain Increased use of alcohol or drugs Contact: Terri Simpson (765-230-6881 / [email protected]) Shawn Randall (765-376-0468 / [email protected]) Online registration closes at noon (local time) the Friday before the walk. However, anyone who would like to participate can register in person at the walk from the time check-in begins until the walk starts. Walk donations are accepted until June 30, 2016 Bainbridge 522-6216 Roachdale 522-1000 Russellville 435-2620 J.M. THOMPSON INSURANCE Crawfordsville (Downtown) 362-4900 (South Blvd.) 362-9555 One g good name. A team of good people. Insurance, Answers & A Personal Touch 362.8858 121 S. Washington St. 3,590 The Paper of Montgomery County STK#52097C SAVINGS TOTAL $ 1,697 SAVINGS TOTAL $ STK#52177C FMCCFinance Retail CustomerCash Friends&Neighbors FMCCFinance Retail CustomerCash PackageDiscount Friends&Neighbors 1,250 1,250 $ 1,090 $ $ New 2015 C/MAX HYBRI D C/MAX HYBRID NewFriends2015& Neighbors $ Package Discount Retail Customer Cash FMCC Finance 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 3,590 TOTAL $ SAVINGS 8488420000-CJ $250 $750 $490 $207 New 2 FIESTA SE H/B FIESTA S New 2015 1,090 Friends & Neighbors Retail Customer Cash FMCC Finance Bonus Page STK# 52177C TOTAL $ NewSAVINGS 2015 FIESTA SE H/B New 2015 C/MAX HYBRID Friends & Neighbors $207 2051 Sagamore Pkwy So., Lafayette, • Friends & Neighbors IN 47905 1,090• 765-447-9444 • 877-484-4557 New 2015 New 2015 C/MAX HYBRID TOTAL TAURUS $ SEL SAVINGS 3,590 MIKE RAISOR NewNew 2015 2 FIESTA SE H/B Explorer $ $ Retail Customer Cash FMCC Finance STK# 52097C Package Discount Retail Customer Cash FMCC Finance 1,250 $ 1,250 $ STK# 52177C Friends & Neighbors $2,010 1,090 Friends & Neighbors RetailCash Customer Cash $4,000$1,250 New 2015 Retail Customer $ now It’s an inside deal, TAURUS SEL 1,250 FMCC Finance FMCC Finance Bonus Cash $750 Friends & Neighbors $2,010 STK# 52072C STK# 52072C TOTAL 6,760 $ TOTALSAVINGS $ $ TOTAL TOTAL SAVINGS $ SAVINGS SAVINGS 6,760 FMCC Finance Bonus Cash $750 3,590 6,760 Retail Customer Cash FMCC Finance Bonus Cash $4,000 $750 1,697 Package DiscountDiscount New 2016 Package Retail Customer Cash Explorer 4x4 XLT Retail Customer Friends & Neighbors $2,390 Cash FMCC Finance $800 SAVINGS Package Discount for everyone. STK# 52177C STK# 60373T STK# 60373T STK# 60373T TOTAL 3,690 FMCC $ Finance 1,693 TOTAL TOTAL$ $250 $ $250 SAVINGS 3,690 SAVINGS Retail Customer Cash FMCC Finance FMCC Finance TOTAL $ Cash Retail Customer SAVINGS Package Discount Friends & Neighbors Retail Customer Cash $4,000 It’s an inside deal, now for everyone. Friends & Neighbors $2,010 JC-0000248848 $490 $750 $250 TOTAL FriendsFriends & Neighbors SAVINGS & Neighbors $ STK# 52097C 1 $250 $250 $800 $2,390 Newdeal, 2015 2016 ExplorerNew 4x4 XLT TAURUS SEL now for everyone. It’s an inside New 2016 4x4 X TAURUS SEL New 2015 Explorer MIKE RAISOR Friends & Neighbors $2,010 Friends 1,697 & Neighbors SAVINGS $ Discount 3,590 SAVINGS Retail Customer Cash $4,000 TOTAL Package TOTAL $ MIKE RAISOR 2051 Sagamore Pkwy So., Lafayette, IN 47905 • 765-447-9444 • 877-484-4557 • NewFinance 2016 FUSION New 2015 EDGE AWD SEL STK# 52097C FMCC Bonus CashSE $750STK# 52177C 6,760 Friends & Neighbors FMCC Finance Package Discount Retail Customer Cash Retail Customer Cash Friends & Neighbors FMCC Finance Bonus 1,242 1,250 $ $ 490 1,250 $$1,500 1,090 $$1,000 $ Retail Customer Cash FMCC Finance $250 $ 2,267 FMCC Finance $1,100$750 $ $490 250 Friends & Neighbors $207 TOTAL SAVINGS $ Friends & Neighbors Retail Customer Cash Package Discount Package Discount Retail Customer Cash TOTAL $ STK# 60373T TOTAL SAVINGS $ FIESTA SE H/B C/MAX HYBRID 3,617 gamore Pkwy So., Lafayette, IN$3,982 47905 • 765-447-9444 • 877-484-4557 • www.R TOTAL SAVINGS SAVINGS New 2015 STK# 52072C #60192C #52515T New 2015 It’s an inside deal, now for everyone. New 2015 F150 4X4 S/C New 2016 ESCAPE SE Friends & Neighbors Package Discount Retail Customer Cash FMCC Finance JC-0000248848 #603227 1,064 $ 490 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ Friends & Neighbors Package Discount Special Retail Cash Retail Customer Cash FMCC Finance Bonus Retail Bonus Customer Cash Bonus Customer Cash MIKE RAISOR 3,054 TOTAL SAVINGS $ 3,69 #52342T 3,761 $ 2,000 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 750 $ 1,000 $ 1,500 $ It’s an inside deal, now for everyone. TOTALSAVINGS $10,511 2051 Sagamore Pkwy So., Lafayette, IN 47905 • 765-447-9444 • 877-484-4557 • www.Raisor.c MIKE RAISOR 2051 Sagamore Pkwy So., Lafayette, IN 47905 • 765-447-9444 • 877-484-4557 • Sports Tuesday THE TICKER A5 June 14, 2016 The 41st Strawberry Festival Men’s Softball Tournament champion was HRC from Illinois with a 13-2 win over Brew Crew of Avon. See more about a local Co-ed team on A6. “Her work ethic is 110 percent” Softball P lay of the Yea er r - Southmont’s softball coach Jennifer Watson on The Paper’s 2016 Softball Player of the Year Sydney Casteel Mountie Sydney Casteel swings hot bat junior year By Maria Leichty [email protected] Extra base hits were somewhat of a specialty for Sydney Casteel her junior season. In fact, they have been somewhat of a specialty all three years of her high school career. This year, Casteel has been named The Paper’s 2016 Softball Player of the Year. The deep left or right-center hits were a signature for the junior Mountie when she stepped up to the plate. This allowed her to finish the season with 15 doubles – bumping her career doubles to 36. “When she stepped up to bat, I had a sense of confidence built inside me that I knew that she was going to get on base,” Mountie coach Jennifer Watson said. Casteel made her way to a .552 on base percentage and .906 slugging percentage this year. Her walks seemed to increase as the season went on and pitchers feared her bat. “For a period of the season I actually moved her to leadoff hitter because I was concerned about people intentionally walking her,” Watson said. “If that was going to be the case, I moved her to lead off for Paige and Avery to get her around.” She punched through four homeruns, ending with a .477 batting average this season. Two of her homeruns came in the County matchups between Southmont and Crawfordsville. One of them ended the first game with a walk off to run-rule the Athenians. “It just proves one swing of the bat can completely change the game,” Casteel said. One of her swings also changed momentum in Southmont’s final game of the season at the Sectional finals. Casteel came up to bat in the fifth inning after teammate Paige Knowling had walked. Down 3-2, Casteel’s swing gave Southmont the two runs they needed to get ahead. “It’s great knowing you’re a part of something,” she added. Watson said Casteel actually performs better under pressure situations. “Sydney is a pressure athlete,” she stated. “Just like the Sectional game, we were down Casteel DEETS Casteel STATS (through junior year) • Position: First Base / Utility • College: Louisiana Tech • Career Goal: Medical Research • Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese Career: 36 Doubles, 9 Homeruns, .450 batting average • 2016: 15 Doubles, 4 Homeruns, .477 batting average • 2015: 9 Doubles, 4 Homeruns, .459 batting average • 2014: 12 Doubles, 1 Homerun, .417 batting average and we needed to get ahead and there was a lot of pressure for her. She felt it and she took care of it.” Despite the Sectional loss, Casteel and the Mounties finished 18-9 on the season. Watson said Casteel really grew in her leadership skills this season. “She was named a captain this year and she really took that leadership role within her team,” Watson said. “If she saw somebody struggling with batting, she would help them out and give them some drills to do and help whatever issue they were having.” One of the times she had to step up was after the team suffered a loss to Turkey Run. The seven-hour practice fell into the captains’ laps. “We really started to work on our competitiveness and not letting off the pedal,” Casteel said. Her favorite game of the season was one of their last non-conference games against Class 4A Westfield. The Mounties were behind going in to the seventh inning. “It was 30 degrees . . . after spring break and it was this big 4A school against these little country people,” Casteel reminisced. “We were down the entire game and we rallied in the sixth and seventh and ended up winning it.” Casteel has one more season to go before she heads off to Louisiana Tech where she committed in September of 2015. “I’m just excited for a new experience and be in someplace totally different,” she said. “Coach Montgomery has done a really good job of improving upon the program.” Watson said she is excited for another year with her. “Her work ethic is something I don’t need to worry about, it’s already there for her. She is a very focused player.” Casteel kicked off her summer club ball season this past weekend and will continue throughout the summer into the fall. “She is going to continue to get better and I’m excited that she has another year and I’m excited to coach her,” Watson said. “What more could a coach ask her?” Casteel and the Mounties will hit the fields next spring but her commitment to the game will continue on. “I haven’t seen someone so passionate about softball,” Watson said. “There isn’t a day that goes by that she is not working on something. She has a lot of heart. She has a lot of desire and her commitment is through the roof.” Mounties dominate The Paper’s All-County 1st Team By Maria Leichty [email protected] Four Southmont Mounties and one Crawfordsville Athenian made it on to The Paper’s 2016 Softball All-County 1st Team. The All-County Teams and Players of the Year are chosen by Montgomery County coaches and The Paper sports staff. Sydney Casteel took the helm of the All-County Team as 2016 Softball Player of the Year accompanied by three teammates on the 1st Team. Mounties Paige Knowling, Avery Hess and Paige Sheean also helped fill out four of the five spots. Knowling led the team as a freshman pitcher, tossing most of the games and ending with a 15-8 pitching record. She not only showed her leadership on the mound but also at the plate. She finished the season hitting .359 with 33 hits and 25 RBIs. Knowling held the third highest number of RBIs for the strong offensive team. Hess was one of two Mounties to hit above a .400 average. Hess split her time between middle infield and outfield on defense while championing a .459 batting average with 45 hits and 17 RBIs. She hit as many doubles as she did triples (seven each) while tacking on a homerun as well. As a leadoff hitter for much of the season, she scored the most runs for the Mounties with a total of 42. Sheean was around the .400 mark ending with a .393 at the plate. She had 33 hits and 30 RBIs (tying for the most runs batted in.) She also added 10 doubles and a homerun to the repertoire. Sheean spent most of her time at second base, fielding a .906 percentage. Crawfordsville’s Mi- chaela French represented the Athenians on the 1st Team. French joined Hess and Casteel in the .400 zone at the plate. Her .418 gave Crawfordsville five homeruns and four doubles. She accumulated 23 hits and 17 RBIs over the season. Her leadership extended to the catcher position for the Athenians as well. The five spots on the 2nd Team were filled by an Athenian, two Chargers and two Mounties. Mia Stadler stepped up as the main pitcher for Crawfordsville as a freshman, with 20 appearances on the mound. She supplemented that with a .242 batting average. Becca Adams and Cheyenne Warren were nominated from the North Montgomery softball team. Warren’s stick led the offensive battle for the Chargers with a .452. Her and Adams each had 14 Today in Montgomery County Sports June 14, 2005 Southmont High School boys golfer Nic Hamm shot an 81 (nine-over-par) and Crawfordsville’s Toby McCullough fired an 87 (15-over-par) at the first day of the IHSAA State Golf Finals. They missed the cut for the second day. Hamm tied for 80th after the first day, while McCullough tied for 123rd. The top nine teams and top nine individuals qualified for the final round. 1st Team Casteel French Hess Knowling Sheean Stadler Warren 2nd Team Adams Crist hits. Adams ended with a .378 as well as eight RBIs. Jordan Crist and Stazia Mikalik put the Mountie count up to six on the Mikalik All-County Team. Crist and Mikalik each sat around .320 for the season with about 25 hits. Mikalik sent out seven doubles while Crist chipped in a SPORTS FEATURE • Lady Charger youth camp coming to North: The North Montgomery High School girls soccer team will be offering a three-day youth girls soccer camp from Monday, June 27 to Wednesday, June 29. The camp will go from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the North Montgomery High School soccer fields. It is available to girls finishing grades K-5. The cost is $25 which includes a camp t-shirt. homerun. The Paper’s All-County team has four seniors: Michaela French, Stazia Mikalik, Paige Sheean and Cheyenne Warren. On the Air PRO CARDINALS June 14 Astros 7:15 p.m. FS-M June 15 Astros 6:15 p.m. FS-M CUBS June 14 at Nationals 6:05 p.m.ABC 7 June 15 at Nationals 3:05 p.m. WGN REDS June 14 at Braves 7:10 p.m. FS-O June 15 at Braves 7:10 p.m. FS-O WHITE SOX June 14 Tigers 7:10 p.m. CSN June 15 Tigers 7:10 p.m. CSN Tuesday, June 14, 2016 A6 Outlaws finish second at Strawberry Festival tournament The Paper of Montgomery County Top of the Second EMPLOYMENT ANIMAL The Paper of Montgomery County currently has a parttime, entry level Business Office Assistant position open. Hours - The Position is 15 hours per week Candidate must have: Ability to multi-task Strong communication skills Attention to detail Ability to research and troubleshoot accounts Legendary customer service skills Knowledge of Microsoft Office. Word and Excel Knowledge of Quickbooks (preferred, but not required) Resumes can be emailed to [email protected] Buy. Sell. Rent. Lease. Lab Puppies AKC. Silver, champagne, chocolate, white, fox red, black, and charcoal . (765)7446201 or MERCHANDISE Brand NEW Queen Pillowtop Matresses and Box Springs. $200. Still in factory plastic. We can deliver. Call 317-480-6463 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Nice property in Wingate. A building 34x74 has nice garage overhead doors, new paint. $12,000 765-267-0085 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes, Contract Sales, Hooks, 18-8700 362-0185. Photo provided EMPLOYMENT THE PAPER Looking for a part-time job that doesn't involve the words, Would You Like Fries With That? Do you like to write? Are you good at typing? Are you available in the evenings? If you answered yes, then e-mail us at [email protected] and let us know. We're looking for bright, eager people to report local news and events. Sound like you? Then e-mail us today! The Paper! Find one in the classifieds. THE PAPER classifieds. The Outlaws softball team finished second in the Strawberry Festival Coed tournament held over the weekend. (Top L-R) Brendon Craft, Amanda Laws, Emily Jarvis, Morgan Laws, Megan Mitchell, Katie Perry). (Bottom L-R) David Kennedy, Cody Kelley, Levi Cate, Austin Fleming, Kyle Davis, Kyle Williams, Mike Morgan, Matthew King. In the men’s tournament, the highest finishing local team was Eagles/Tom’s Marine who tied for fifth. Thanks for reading need a job? 765.361.8888 Steel Technologies in Crawfordsville, Indiana, has an immediate Entry Level Packaging position with a starting wage of $12.00/hr. Benefits are available after a 90-day probationary period. Previous experience is a Plus! Must be willing to work flexible hours and overtime as needed. Opportunities for advancements. Steel Technologies is an established and progressive company with excellent pay that provides uniforms, tools, boot allowance, prescription safety glasses, medical/dental/vision benefits, 401K, Incentive/Attendance bonus, and Wellness programs. EOE. Accepting applications and resumes in person 8am-5pm or Mail to Steel Technologies Attn: Human Resources 3560 South Nucor Road Crawfordsville, IN 47933 BABY BLUES MONTGOMERY MIX-UP Below is a list of words that can be found in the puzzle below. They may be written forward, backward, or even diagonally. The solution will be in tomorrow’s edition of The Paper. Converse Mumble Hiss Talk Whisper Yell E H I H L S HN E R I N E Y O I I E L BMUML S P L E RN I H E S R E VNOC L I Y HV UR S RH E N T S E N AWL A HO L P NR L S P U EM S K OMS A HH THATABABY Talk Converse Snarle MALLARD FILLMORE CRANKSHAFT BARNEY GOOGLE Saturday Whisper Mumble Shout Yell Hiss U E S V E U E L T E L P S S U E U M E U Snarle Shout Solution to previous puzzle R P P B Y S OO I B E L NPONT E ARB T RB E UOOOT OBAB YO E E U NWU BD I A P E Y T Y E I Y EOT RBB E I I Y Y B N R N Y OTO BOB NOO NO I ABR A E S B EO SOA EUA NBA 2016 The Newborn ©Baby Boy Paper Tiny Toes of Montgomery Diapers Bottle County Burp The Paper of Montgomery County Tuesday, June 14, 2016 A7 Þ RAY From Page A1 years ago and became friends. He followed my career from one coast to the other and often sent me notes saying he was proud of this or that I had done. A note of that sort from Ray meant everything because he wasn’t one to pass out compliments lightly. When we opened our doors in Crawfordsville a dozen years ago, Ray was one of my first phone calls. Actually, wherever I worked Ray was one of my first calls. When I wanted to upgrade training for reporters in North Carolina, I called Ray. When we set up a leadership training program for senior managers in South Bend, I called Ray. When I was thinking about leaving a cushy job to help start a newspaper in Crawfordsville, I called Ray. He was there every single time. Ray’s worked with The Paper’s news staff, giving them the kind of information that only someone who’s been there and exceled can give. He came to Crawfordsville to speak to the company shareholders at one of our first board meetings. He had 10 of us seated around the table and asked each one to share why they had invested significantly in a daily newspaper. Most of us said something along the lines of creating a community partner, being an advocate for readers and things like that. After the last one, the diminutive Ray slammed his open palm down on the table and said, “Wrong! You own a business to make money! If you don’t make money, the business won’t survive! Don’t ever forget that!” As the years flew by, I guess Ray liked what we were doing. He called one day and asked if we would consider starting a paper in another city. He said the existing paper had lost touch with the readers and the community. We talked a long time about that. A newspaper that wasn’t truly connected to its community was simply a foreign concept to Ray. It’s not possible to sum Ray Moscowitz up in a nice, neat, tidy paragraph. He was a member of the Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame. When the Hoosier State Press Asso- ciation created something to honor Indiana newspapers that went above and beyond the call of duty, they chose to name it the Ray Moscowitz Award. His many other accolades, the honors could literally take up pages. Steve Key, the director of Hoosier State Press, said it perfectly in the e-mail – all journalists lost a friend in his death. Rest in peace, Ray Two cents, which is about how much Timmons said his columns are worth, appears periodically on Tuesdays in The Paper. Timmons is the publisher of The Paper and can be contacted at [email protected]. Full Synthetic Oil Change $44.95 with this coupon some vehicles may not apply Napa Auto Care Center up to 5 qts. Expires 6/30/16 We sell full line Free Alignment Check with set of 4 tires Surb’s Tires 210 N. Walnut St. • 362-0279 Happy Flag Day! HAPPY FLAG DAY! It’s all included in a Zippy Lube Oil Change! •Change Oil & Filter •Chassis Lube •Top Off Fluids -Power Steering -Washer -Transmission •Vacuum Interior •Check -Tire Pressure -Wiper Blades -Air Filter -Battery -Differential -Transfer Case $5 off oil change Expires 6/31/16 w zippyl 707 N. Englewood Dr. B, Crawfordsville Free in Town (765) 362-3371 Pick-Up & Delivery 107 N Grant Ave., Crawfordsville 362-0440 Full Service Oil & Lube Center JEFF NEAL PAINT & BODY SHOP Thank you for our freedom! 1394 S. 700 E • Clarks Hill, IN 47930 765.523.2787 • FAX 765.523.2001 Chad Smith Manager AMERICAN LEGION BYRON COX POST #72 101 Walter Remley Dr. Crawfordsville Bingo Every Friday Night AUCTION NEW LISTING June 21, 2016 @ 6PM, Preview @ 5PM – 300 N Main St., Veedersburg 109 Wallace Ave., Crawfordsville (21406715) $234,900 Outstanding 3 BDRM, 2.5 BA home in the City’s appealing historic district, w/2C att gar, impressive sunroom w/tiled floor & large foyer, built-ins throughout. Pocket doors, mission style windows, kt w/breakfast bar & applcs, frml dining, family rm w/fireplace, living rm, laundry rm, & half bath. 2nd level offers MBR, 2 BDRMS, & more. Spend this summer relaxing on the timeless front porch BLC# 21420131 JAY ALLEN – AUCTIONEER Large commercial block building, former Veedersburg Star Market grocery store. Total 9573 sq ft, with main store area approx 7224 sq ft, and remaining square footage approx. 2349 sq ft. Abundant shelving, displays, refrigerated and freezer display units and walk-ins, racks, checkout islands, corrugated box baler, deli & meat department with equipment & all remaining store equipment included. Roof & gutters are approximately 13 yrs old. Gas fired hot water forced air heat & central AC. Property contains 2 parcels with store lot being .40AC and parking lot being .20 AC with 30+ parking spaces and street parking Bingo # 127155 Crawfordsville, IN 47933 Office: (765) 362-5060 [email protected] We’re The Fender Menders NEW PRICE NEW LISTING 1110 Ridgeway Dr., Crawfordsville (21418640 ) $185,000 Great 3 BDRM 2 bath home located in upscale Northridge Addition. Formal dining room, gas log fireplace, fenced back yard, lots of storage above garage with pull down ladder. Almost new furnace, water heater, and water softener with dual tanks 1200 S Grant Ave., Crawfordsville (2137889) $332,900 Beautiful custom built one owner with over 5500 SF, 4 BDR, 3.5 BA, Great Room w/frplc, large sunrm, kitchen w/breakfast area, & basement. 2C att garage, workshop, in-ground pool heated pool. Hot tub, pool house w/bath, deck & covered patio area, private fenced back yard & more. GREG MORRISON OWNER/BROKER 765-366-1521 1721 Lebanon Rd., Crawfordsville | 765-362-5878 STEVE ZACHARY 765-225-1279 LISA TAYLOR-FRANKE 765-225-4123 DALE WILSON 765-376-6178 FIND US ONLINE AT DAVISMORRISON.COM Tuesday, June 14, 2016 A8 The Paper of Montgomery County MIKE RAISOR FORD NEW ‘16 EDGE AWD TITANIUM PKG NAVIGATION TOW PKG MOONROOF LEATHER 180° CAMERA HEATED STEERING WHEEL #52234T LIST PRICE $46,160 SALE PRICE $42,533 LESS RET. CUST. - $1,450 LESS FMCC FINANCE -$500 LESS SMART BONUS - $1,000 39,583 $ NEW ‘16 EDGE SPORT LIST PRICE $46,975 SALE PRICE $44,329 LESS RET. CUST. - $1,000 LESS SMART BONUS - $1,000 2.7 ECOBOOST LEATHER NAVIGATION MOONROOF 21” ALLOYS D.V.D ENTERTAINMENT 42,329 $ YOU SAVE YOU SAVE $ 6,577 $ NEW ‘15 FOCUS AUTO MOONROOF POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS ABS BRAKES 16” WHEELS #52390C LIST PRICE $21,915 SALE PRICE $20,743 LESS RET. CUST. - $2,000 LESS RETAIL BONUS - $1,000 LESS SMART BONUS - $1,000 16,743 $ NEW ‘16 FUSION LIST PRICE $30,475 SALE PRICE $27,395 LESS RET. CUST. - $1,450 LESS RETAIL BONUS - $1,000 LESS SMART BONUS - $1,000 SE PKG MOONROOF MYFORDTOUCH 18” WHEELS FULL POWER HTD STEERING WHEEL LEATHER W/ HEAT 23,945 $ YOU SAVE 5,172 $ ‘16 ESCAPE SE PACKAGE POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS REAR VIEW CAMERA SYNC ALLOY WHEELS 17” WHEELS #60601T LIST PRICE $26,475 SALE PRICE $24,705 LESS RET. 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