ave you been thinking of getting a tattoo? We are here to tell you to


ave you been thinking of getting a tattoo? We are here to tell you to
ave you been thinking of getting a tattoo? We are here to tell
you to Think Before You Ink. Just to be clear, we are not taking
a stand against tattoos — it is important, however, to make sure that
cleanliness and post-tattoo care are things that you think about before
you ink. Don’t be reckless and think that getting a tattoo is nothing
— it is something that can have an effect on your health if you do not
have it done in a clean setting, take care of it afterward, etc.
Permanent tattoos are created by injecting colored ink
below the surface of the skin. While it is true that tattoos can be removed, usually through laser removal, it is
expensive and painful. The laser removal may also not
be able to completely remove the tattoo, so it’s important to think before you ink.
We have all heard about the risk factors associated with
unsterile instruments, but there are also other risks that
come with getting a tattoo. Here are a few to look out for:
Infections—dirty needles can pass infections, such as
HIV or hepatitis, from one person to another
Allergies—allergic reactions from ink pigments in both
temporary and permanent tattoos have been reported
Scarring—unwanted scar tissue can form from getting
a tattoo or having it removed
Granulomas—when the body senses foreign material
entering the body, it sometimes causes small knots or
bumps to form
MRI complications—swelling or burning have been
reported when people with tattoos have received MRIs.
These complications occur rarely and do not last long.
If you decide to get a tattoo, make sure you check the
safety precautions of the tattoo studio. Here are some
questions that you can ask:
Does the tattoo artist wear gloves? For every procedure,
the tattoo artist should wash his or her hands and wear
a new pair of sterile gloves.
Does the tattoo artist sterilize non-disposable equipment?
The tattoo artist should use a heat sterilization machine
on surfaces such as tables, drawer handles, and sinks in
between procedures. Using bleach solution or commercial
disinfectant should also be common procedure.
n Remove the bandage after 24 hours: Apply antibiotic
ointment to the tattooed skin while it is healing.
n Keep tattooed skin clean: When cleaning the tat-
too, use plain soap and water. Avoid contact with
direct water flow and pat, don’t rub, the area dry.
n Use moisturizer: Apply moisturizer to the tattooed
area several times per day.
n Avoid sun exposure: For the first few weeks, avoid
direct sunlight on your tattoo.
n Avoid swimming: Stay out of pools, hot tubs, rivers,
lakes, and other bodies of water while the tattoo is
n Allow up to two weeks for healing: Don’t pick any
scabs while your tattoo is healing. This can increase
the risk of infection as well as damage the design
and cause scarring.
Just remember, before you get a tattoo, think about
whether or not you really want to have it for the rest
of your life. If you decide that you do, be sure to take
precautions to keep yourself safe.
Sources: http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/
Does the tattoo artist use proper equipment? Before
the procedure begins, make sure the tattoo artist takes
the needles, tubes, pigments, trays, or containers out of
sealed packages to ensure sterility.
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