J/S: Standing in Awe - Sunshine Bible Academy


J/S: Standing in Awe - Sunshine Bible Academy
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Sunshine Bible Academy
April/June 2012
Baccalaureate, Commencement honor God
From the prelude played by
Allison Deal, to the speakers, to
the Crusader Band’s recessional,
honoring God was the ever-present theme for Baccalaureate and
Commencement held May 20 in
the SBA gymnasium.
As the graduates, speakers,
and staff walked in, the Crusader
Band played “Trumpet Voluntary.” Dean of Students Andrew
Boersma welcomed the audience.
He was followed by Paul Beckwith giving the invocation. Kevin
Waller directed the Small Vocal
Ensemble in “Praise His Holy
Six eighth graders received their
diplomas from Superintendent
Jason Watson and their teacher
Sally Donald.
Megan Burma and Kalli Quicke
brought humor to the morning
during their senior reflections as
they teased each faculty member.
The seniors were next to receive
the humor as Bethany LaDue and
Katie Wilken poked fun at each
of them.
Honoring God continued with
congregational worship led by
the SBA Praise Team directed by
Craig and Lori Brockel.
Joy for graduation is a univeral emotion as seen by these twenty seniors from four countries--the United
States, South Korea, Japan and Ethiopia. The celebration continued with a reception in the new multipurpose building and concluded with a student led worship service.
The featured speaker for the
morning was Jason Watson who
challenged the seniors not to neglect the gift of learning about
God that they have been given
by their parents and the SBA
community. He also reminded
them not to neglect to teach the
next generation what they have
learned. Watson encouraged them
that with God’s help they can do
whatever God asks them to do.
He told them God will use them
mightily if they allow Him to.
After Todd Seaman offered the
benediction, everyone was invited to the cafeteria for lunch.
Commencement began with a
prelude played by Craig Brockel.
It was followed by the traditional
processional “Pomp & Circum-
stance” played by the Crusader
Band. Jason Watson welcomed
the guests and Jim Hofman offered the invocation. Next “Here
I Am, Lord” was sung by the Crusader Choir directed by Kevin
Waller then presented the Kea
Ufen Dearing Scholarship to
Cameron Dosch. Andrew Boersma presented the E. Stanley Morgan Scholarship to Joel Pedersen.
Dosch also received the Citizenship Award and Cole McClain
received the Crusader Award.
Jason Burma presented the Hall
of Fame Award to Ted Brockel,
making note that Ted’s wife Jean
who had passed away in 2008
was also to be honored for her
years of support for SBA.
Cole McClain and Joel Pedersen gave the salutatory and valedictory addresses respectively.
After the senior class sang “Oh
Lord You’re Beautiful,” Jason
Watson introduced the speaker
Leon Wirth.
Wirth shared six things he asks
himself every day. The first was
“What am I free to do and not to
do before the Lord in my present
(con’t page seven COMM)
J/S: Standing in Awe
(Top:)The colorful junior class.
(Left) Megan Burma and Kenny
(Above) Brady Brockel reacting
to his will.
by Shiloh Appel
The Junior/Senior Banquet,
held April 20 in Pierre, was set
off with a rainbow of radiant outfits. Junior boys Israel Appel, Nathan Yost and Jesse Thorne posed
during the photo-shoots in their
white, purple and orange tuxedos,
while seniors Megan Burma and
Kenny Kortuem wore outfits of
matching camouflage and hunter
orange. Many other colors sparkled in the splash of different
dresses worn by the girls.
Humor was also part of the
evening. The juniors were given wills from the seniors. Usually the wills are humorous challenges that focus on the juniors’
characteristics. Nolan Hamilton
reflected on receiving his will.
“I thought Kenny was doing
my will, then he did Israel’s...
it wasn’t me. Then Shiloh came
up to the stand and did the most
hilarious of them all--about me.”
The juniors also did predictions
for the seniors. Like the wills, the
predictions also focused on the
specific characteristics of each
senior, but also predicted their
future in relation to their characteristics. Jerry Jeon’s prediction
stated that he would become a
model for American Eagle and
“make everybody wish they were
Asian.” Megan Burma’s stated
that she would become the first
woman to run around the world—
twice; and Kenny Kortuem’s said
he would own his own camouflage shop in the woods, and although nobody would see him for
years, rumor said he “came out at
The theme for the night was
“Standing in Awe of God.” “I
thought it was really cool,” said
Katie Wilken. “I’ve been thinking
about that in my own life.” The chosen speaker was Clay
Conry, youth pastor from Belle
Fourche’s Christian Life Center.
He challenged thestudents to live
a life like Daniel who didn’t compromise his standards and who
realized the power and might of
God to save him from the mouth
of the lions.
Wilken said, “I learned to have
courage, especially as I go to college.”
Staff sponsor Sally Donald was
assisted by Brady Brockel, Philip
Seaman, DJ Beckwith and Israel
Appel in planning the event. The
decorating crew, Kaylee Goeringer, Shanna Moreland, Brockel,
(con’t page seven J/S)
Boys’ Track Team
takes 3rd at
SD State Meet
(See details page 6)
Page 2
April/June 2012
Rain doesn’t hamper
Track and Bible Day
Becca Hofman takes her turn at
the long jump. All events were
held in the gym or the chapel.
by Jessica Clowdis
The rain showered May 4 and
mud puddles and cold winds
made it difficult to walk off the
sidewalks. Despite the weather,
Track and Bible Day continued
almost as planned—in the gymnasium. Thirty familes from
South Dakota and North Dakota
came to the event. This num-
ber translated to 85 participants.
The children from kindergarten
to seventh grade competed in six
events: long jump, 50 or 100 yard
dash, bean bag throw, Bible trivia, Bible verse memory and Bible
Heidi Seaman, coordinator, was
assisted by 18 SBA students, plus
parents and friends.
The participants who received
four or more blue ribbons were
Allison (K-Pierre), Liza (2ndPlatte), Marissa (3rd-Platte),
Bethany (4th-Platte), Ethan (5thPierre), Kara (7-Pierre) and Jedidiah (7th-Platte).
Seaman said that Track and Bible Day was a “huge hit.”
Gini Appel commented, “I think
it’s wonderful! I enjoy watching
all the kids get together, smiles
on their faces. Even in the rain
the kids enjoy coming. Heidi did
a great job figuring out substitute events because of the rain.
Awesome day! I think the showing even in the rain shows how
important this event is for home
school families.”
Joshua Hofman and Samantha Rogers particpated in the Junior
High Instrumental Contest in Miller. Hofman earned a I on his solo
and Rogers earned a 1-. Their instructor is Kevin Waller.
These four student, Ross Engle (4th), Sarah Pedersen (8th), Christopher Hass (6th) and Renee Seaman (6th), are state winners in the Pony
Hills Reading Council’s Reading Challenge. They will receive awards
in Rapid City July 21 at the South Dakota State Reading Conference.
Elementary students in Reading Council contests
Joel Pedersen accepts his recognition from Gov. Dennis Daugaard.
Pedersen represented SBA as valedictorian of the senior class.
Pedersen meets governor
Joel Pedersen was invited to
represent SBA at the 2012 Academic Excellence Banquet May 1
in Pierre. The banquet was hosted
by the Associated School Boards
of South Dakota and featured
Governor Dennis Daugaard as
The banquet recognizes the top
one percent of the 2012 graduating classes. Each of the state’s
public, private and tribal schools
are asked to identify one student
for every 100 graduating seniors.”
Gov. Daugaard invited the students to dream big and summon the perseverance to follow
through on their aspirations. “You
have the talent and ability to make
big ideas a reality.”
Gov. Daugaard congratulated
the students and urged them
“Let’s thank mom and dad most
of all. They made it all possible.”
This year was the 22nd annual
event and is sponsored by the
South Dakota Community Foundation and Citibank.
The elementary sudents sang two verses of the “Star Spangled Banner” at the Spring Concert. See page 8 for story.
Elementary students participated in the Pony Hills Reading
Council’s contests. Shown above
are four state winners. Other
Reading Challenge winners were
Cassidy Watson, Shariah Brockel, Jade Burma, Travis Hass, Jace
Burma, Benjamin Deal, Tierney
Connell, Joshua Hofman, Samuel
Pedersen, Staci Seaman and Samantha Rogers.
Young Illustrator winners were
Shariah Brockel, Jace Burma,
Travis Hass, Tierney Connell,
Joshua Hofman and Renee Seaman. Brockel was also the Young
Author winner.
To celebrate the students’ efforts, Otto Rosfeld presented a
program for the students May 3.
Otto Rosfeld
Rosfeld is a storyteller and musician who also plays guitar and
washboard. He was sponsored by
the Pony Hills Reading Council
and the S.D. Humanities Council.
After this presentation, Sue
Gose, Pony Hills Reading Council president, presented each winner with a certificate and a book
of their choice.
The senior girls and their mothers were honored at the Senior Girls’
Tea hosted by Kristina Watson May 1. The tea was held at the St. Lawrence Community Church. The guest speaker was Darrelyn Tutt, wife
of St. Lawrence’s pastor. A variety of finger foods along with various
teas was served. Pictured above are (from left) Kristina Watson, Shiloh
Appel, Sheila Appel, Lindsey Hettich, JaLynn Burma, Amy Vande Voort
and April Teel.
Elementary students divided into
two basketball teams, the Crimson and the Gold, for an exhibition game May 3. (Above) Winnie Red Bird is not intimidated
by Jace Burma in her attempt
to steal the ball. Lucas Hall and
Jaden Brockel coached the students.
Malachi Clark, Cameron Dosch
and Olivia Dosch display their
most unusual items found during
Clean-a-thon had
great weather
Students not only got out of
classes for a day, they had great
weather to enjoy. The students
and staff walked the ditches
April 25 to clean them and to
earn money for the school. A total of $16,377.35 was raised from
pledges sent in to support the
students. The Jamie and Cheryl
McClain family rasied the most
money. The Julie and Andy Michaelis family had the most responses. Cheryl McClain headed
up the day, assisted by Sally Donald.
Cleaning House
We’re Cleaning House! And in
doing so, we found some things
you may like to have. We have
available a number of copies of:
* SBA yearbooks from 2001,
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008
and 2009
* SBA Vision for the Future
* Signed editions of Mil Seaman’s book Gumbo, Gumption &
God: The Story of Sunshine Bible
The yearbooks and DVDs are
yours for the asking and are available on a first-come, first-served
basis until they are gone. We will
happily provide as many copies
of the DVD as you would like, if
you have family, friends or church
members who would like to have
a copy. Just call the school office, e-mail sunshinebible@k12.
sd.us, or mail a note making your
The suggested donation for Mil
Seaman’s book is $10.
Page 3
From our
Jason Watson
The 2011-12 school year has
come to an end. If you were able
to attend our commencement in
May you had the opportunity
to celebrate with us a class of
twenty outstanding young men
and women. They will surely be
missed at SBA next year, but we
wish them the very best in their
future endeavors. Many of them
will be continuing on in their
studies, either in college or technical school, and a couple of them
will be serving their countries in
the armed forces. Please continue
to pray for them as they begin this
exciting next phase in their lives.
While summer means that there
will not be bells ringing in the
school or students sitting in desks,
it does not mean that there is
nothing going on at SBA. There
will be plenty of work happening
around the campus this summer.
In addition to work on the new
building, there will be work done
in the old gym, work done in the
main school building, and work
done on the grounds. Two buildings that have long been part of
the SBA campus will go away—
the elementary building and an
old staff housing unit. In early
June there were a number of folks
here for a work day, and I appreciate their time and willingness to
help out. Throughout the summer
we also have a number of couples
that are part of the SOWERS ministry – Servants on Wheels Ever
Ready. These are retired couples
who travel the country with RVs
or campers and volunteer their labor. There will be more than ten
of these couples here at one time
or another this summer, and their
service is invaluable.
Summer time is also spent getting ready for the next school
year, and mid-August will be here
before we know it. There are a
couple of exciting additions to
the SBA curricular offerings next
year. One is the addition of an
art instructor to the faculty. The
art teacher will provide instruction in art for students in grades
K-12. Art classes will meet twice
a week for the elementary and
middle school students, and will
be an elective for the high school
students. There is so much interest in art at the high school level, though, that we have already
scheduled two sections of Art I
for next year. Two, 2012-13 will
mark the beginning of a partnership between SBA and Central
Christian College of Kansas that
will allow SBA juniors and seniors to take dual enrollment
classes, thereby earning college
Cash Gifts Needed
Cash gifts
Cash gifts
as of 6/19/2012
credit while still in high school.
CCCK allows high schoolers to
earn up to twelve credits per year,
meaning a student could conceivably graduate from high school
having already earned 24 college
credits. There is considerable interest among the students in this
program as well, and we plan to
offer six dual enrollment courses
next year.
Summer is also a time to travel for many people, and it is my
hope that my family and I will
get to explore our new state some
during the summer break. Several SBA families have already
invited us to stop by for a visit,
and we look forward to doing
that. We also hope to use our
travels to spread the word about
SBA. If you know of a church
or a camp that would be open to
having someone from SBA speak
or share about this ministry,
please contact the school and let
us know. Word of mouth is by far
the best way to spread the word
about Sunshine Bible Academy,
and I or someone else from our
staff would welcome any opportunity to speak to Sunday school
classes, church congregations,
VBS groups, camps, or just a
gathering of your friends!
School Year Budget
June 30, 2012 100%
June 19, 2012 90%
80% Actual
70% monies
as of
July 1, 2011 0%
The Crusader is published four times a year by Sunshine Bible Academy. It is mailed bulk rate from Madison, SD.
Letters to the editor are welcome but will be printed as space allows and must be signed. News concerning alumni is
To have your name removed from the mailing list, please contact the school via phone or email.
The Crusader is mailed free of charge to the parents of students, alumni, financial supporters, and friends of the school.
The Crusader is produced by the Journalism class. Advisor: Peggy Stacey
SBA does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, or gender.
April/June 2012
David Paul,
Hi, got time to chat?
Wasn’t Graduation Day at Sunshine a great day? Just
look at that photo of the 2012 graduates. They are certainly
a fine group of young men and women. The speakers were
good; the weather was good; the lunch was good; and to top
it all off, they held the reception in the new multi-purpose
building. That worked out well, for everyone in attendance
got the tour of the new building. There is still much work
yet to be done to have this facility ready to do its job by the
time the new school year begins. Jeff Svennes made this
statement in a letter sent out to the supporters of SBA, “The
new building will be a tool that will enable SBA to expand
its impact.”
Another tool at Sunshine is the Cattle Program. This program is very important for the support of SBA. As told in
the April Crusader by Dave Bauman, JD Hewitt is asking
that he might take a lesser role than his current top spot.
While you are browsing through the Crusader, see if you
can find the Employment Opportunities section. There you
will find a golden opportunity to visit interesting places,
meet interesting people, put your feet under some of the
best ranch tables in America! And serve the Lord with
some pay!
Students score well in
standardized testing
by Jason Watson
Standardized testing seems to
be a necessary part of education
in the 21st century. Such tests
are certainly not the only indicator of student achievement, or
sometimes even the best indicator, since some students simply
do not test well and others may
choose not to do their best on the
test if they do not see it as important. Be that as it may, such tests
can be helpful in evaluating student progress, and SBA students
did take such a test again this
year. This year SBA administered
the Terra Nova 3 (TN3) to all
students instead of the Stanford
Achievement Test that was used
in the past. This switch was made
primarily because the Association
of Christian Schools International
(ACSI) switched to the TN3 test.
One added feature was that the
TN3 contained a Bible subtest
in addition to the regular subject
The Mean Scale Score for SBA
as a school exceeded the National
Norm Group Mean Scale Score
in five subject areas: Reading,
Language, Science, Math and
Social Studies. In fact, with the
exceptions of tenth grade science
and twelfth grade social studies,
SBA’s mean scale score exceeded
the national norm group in every
subject at every level. (Since
the Bible subtest is not taken by
all schools who take the TN3 it
is scored differently as is not reflected in any of the reporting
mentioned in this article).
In an effort to encourage students to do their best on the TN3
test an incentive was offered for
outstanding performance. SBA
offered a pizza/ice cream party for
any class that, as a whole, scored
above average on the TN3. For
the purposes of this challenge,
“above average” was defined as
a class’s Total Score beating the
National Percentile of the Normal
Curve Equivalent for our ACSI
Region and for ACSI nationally.
SBA is in the Mid-America Region, which is apparently a very
competitive region, as the regional scores were higher than the
national scores.
SBA had one class beat the National Percentile for ACSI nationally, but not for our region: the eighth
graders. Two classes, however,
did beat the National Percentile for
both the region and the nation…the
ninth graders and the twelfth graders. So, these two classes devoured
twelve pizzas and plenty of ice
cream sandwiches on the last day
of school.
There were additional incentives for any individual students
who scored above average on the
TN3. This was defined as having
a Total Score of 84 or higher on the
percentile rank. SBA had twentyseven students receive such a score,
three in the elementary school, and
twenty-four in grades 8-12.
Finally, special mention should be
made of those students who scored
in the 99th percentile in individual
subject tests. The 99th percentile
is the highest possible ranking, and
(con’t page seven Testing)
Page 4
April/June 2012
The Classes
Ya-gin An
Shiloh Appel
Nathan Barnes
Kasey Bauman
Megan Burma
Ya-gin (Timothy) An is the son
of Gyo-wan An and Eun-a Kong
of South Korea. Timothy has attended SBA two years and plans
to attend Calvin College this fall.
Shiloh Sierra Appel is the
daughter of Patrick and Sheila
Appel of Redfield, SD. She has
attended SBA 1 1/4 years. This
summer Shiloh will work at the
International Music Camp in ND
and then attend SDSU this fall.
She plans to major in journalism
and pursue a career as a foreign
Nathan Llewellyn Barnes is the
fourth child of Ramon and Cathy
Barnes, Lemmon, SD, to graduate from SBA. He follows Jonathan ‘06, Davy ‘08, and Christina
‘10. Ramon is a 1977 graduate
of SBA. Nathan is joining the Air
Force this fall and plans to attend
college while serving.
Kasey Clay Bauman came to
SBA from McLaughlin, SD, and
is the son of Troy and Denise
Bauman. He has attended SBA
3 1/2 years. His older sister Kaitlin Bauman is a 2011 graduate.
Kasey plans to attend Lake Area
Tech, Watertown, for welding.
Megan Jayne Burma follows
three siblings who have graduated from SBA: Kaylyn Doney,
‘06, Samantha, 08, and Preston
‘10. Her parents are Preston and
Amy Burma of Platte, SD. Megan attended SBA 9 years. She
plans to attend Concordia University in Seward, NE, to pursue
pre-veterinary training. She will
also participate in cross-country
and track.
Titus Clark
Cameron Dosch
Jerry Jeon
Rachel Konechne
Kenneth Kortuem
Titus Eugene Clark is from
Nisland, SD, and is the son of
Doug and LeAnne Clark. He has
attended SBA four years. His older brother Caleb graduated from
SBA, his brother Malachi was a
freshman this year, and his brother Isaac will attend next year.
South Dakota School of Mines
and Technology is Titus’s destination this fall where he plans to
major in mining engineering.
Cameron Alexander Dosch
is the son of Carman and Mary
Dosch of Dupree, SD, and has attended SBA four years. His older
sister Nicole graduated in 2011
and his sister Olivia was an eighth
grader this year. Cameron plans
to attend Rhema Bible Training
Center for youth ministry training as well as praise and worship
leadership training.
Jerry Jeon, whose parents MiKyoung Seo and Young Ki Jeon
live in Phnompen, Cambodia, has
attended SBA three years. Jerry
will return to South Korea and
serve in the army for two years.
Rachel Marie Konechne has
attended SBA four years. Her
parents Gary and Lisa Konechne
live in Platte, SD. Her brother
Joshua graduated in 2011 and her
sister Rebekah was in 9th grade
this year. Rachel plans to attend
Mitchell Technical Institute for
Culinary Arts.
Kenneth Dean Kortuem is the
son of Dave and Sandi Bauman of
Carson, ND. Dave attended SBA.
Kenny attended SBA four years
and plans to attend Lake Area
Tech for welding.
Ted Brockel
Bethany LaDue
Collin McClain
Melkam Melaku
Joel Pedersen
Bethany Helene LaDue follows
her sister Brittney who graduated
in 2009. She is the daughter of
Kent and Janet LaDue, Meadow,
SD, both 1986 graduates of SBA.
Bethany attended SBA four years
and her brother Brian will be a junior this fall. She plans to attend
Grace University, Omaha, and
major in psychology.
Collin Nathaniel McClain, son of
James and Cheryl McClain of Miller, SD, has attended SBA 13 years.
He has two older brothers who
are SBA graduates: Will, ‘08 and
Ethan, ‘10. Drew will be a junior
this fall. James and Cheryl graduated in 1979. Will plans to attend
Dordt College in Sioux Center, IA,
this fall and to major in history and
minor in philosophy. He plans to
play football for the Defenders.
Melkam Melaku came to
SBA from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where her parents Meseret
Melaku and Serkalem Mola live.
She has attended SBA four years
and follows her brother Zeleul
who graduated in 2011. She plans
to attend SDSU this fall to major
in nursing.
Joel Thomas Pedersen is the son
of Greg (1979) and Paula Pedersen of Miller, SD. His older sisters
are also graduates: Grace 2007
and Emily 2010. His younger
siblings also attend SBA: Daniel,
Sarah and Samuel. Joel is headed
to SDSU, Brookings, this fall.
Ted and Jean Brockel were
awarded the Hall of Fame Award
during Commencement May 20.
Even though Jean passed away in
2008, Ted was present to accept
the award given for their many
years of support of SBA. Their
four daughters graduated from
SBA. Jason Burma presented the
Page 5
of 2012
April/June 2012
The 8th Graders
Kalli Quicke
Rebekah So
Christian Svennes
Kalli Nichole Quicke is the
daughter of Troy and Rebekah
Quicke of Hot Springs, SD, and
Sean and Cheri Phillips of St.
Lawrence, SD. She has attended
SBA four years and plans to attend Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell, SD, to study nursing and to participate in track and
Rebekah So is the daughter of
Kyho So and Minnim Jong who
live in Tokyo, Japan. She has
attended SBA three years. Her
brother David will be a senior
this fall. Rebekah plans to attend
college in Korea and to major in
Christian James Svennes, Valley
Springs, SD, is the son of Jeff and
Lesa Svennes. He has attended
SBA seven years and has an older sister Blair who graduated in
2010. This fall Christian heads to
St. Paul to attend Bethel University to major in entrepreneurial
Olivia Dosch
Olivia Dosch is the daughter of
Carman and Mary Dosch of Dupree, SD. Her Sister Nichole is
a 2011 graduate and her brother
Cameron graduated this year.
Sarah Pedersen
Sarah Pedersen is the daughter of Greg and Paula Pedersen
of Miller, SD. Her sisters Grace
and Emily are graduates of SBA
as is her father. Her brother Joel
graduated this year and Daniel
and Samuel also attend SBA
Selam Tekle
Katie Wilken
Hyesun Woo
Sergey Pretre
Samantha Rogers
Selam Tekle is the daughter of
Nigist Berhane and Tesfa Tekle
of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She
attended SBA three years. She
plans to attend SDSU but is undecided about her major.
Katie Lee Wilken, daughter of
Gary and Lori Wilken, is from
Meadow, SD. She has attended
SBA four years; her sister Ann is
a 2010 graduate. Her sister Tricia
will be a sophomore this fall. Katie plans to attend Grace University, Omaha, this fall to major in
elementary education.
Hyesun Woo attended SBA for
just this senior year. Her parents
are Kyung-sik Woo and Hak-soon
Lee who live in Seoul, South Korea. Hyesun plans to attend a univesity in Seoul this fall.
Sergey Pretre is the son of Boyd
and Kay Reimnitz and Alan and
Nancy Pretre, all of Mitchell, SD.
Samantha Rogers is the daughter of Kenette and Rod Rogers of
Ree Heights, SD. Her sister Erin
will be a junior this fall.
Staci Seaman
Sierra Young
Staci Seaman is the daughter of
Todd and Heidi Seaman of Miller,
SD. Her older brother Ricky and
sister Stephanie are graduates of
SBA. Her older brothers Daniel
and Philip and her sister Renee
attend SBA.
Sierra Young is the daughter of
Joanne and Tom Young of Onida,
SD. Her older sister Brandi and
brother Austin are graduates of
Page 6
April/June 2012
Boys’ Track Team takes 3rd
Two relay teams win titles
Two relay teams from the boys’
track team ran to first place, propelling the team into an overall
3rd place standing.
The 4x400m relay consisting of Cole McClain, Christian
Svennes, Nolan Hamilton and
Brady Brockel and the 4x800m
relay consisting of McClain,
Brockel, Titus Clark and Svennes
both crossed the finish line first.
Both also broke school records:
the 4x800 with a time of 8:17.29
and the 4x800 with a time of
3:30.87.Their efforts were aided
by the 1600 sprint medley relay
which took 2nd and consisted of
Hamilton, Chibueze Egeruoh,
Brockel and McClain.
Svennes took the stand for 4th
place in the 1600m run and McClain ran for 5th in the 800m run.
The team was aided by a good
showing by Joel Pedersen who
threw a 16th place discus.
Hamilton also competed in the
200m dash.
4x800m Relay
4x400m Relay
Svennes placed 4th in the 1600m Run.
McClain placed 5th in the 800m.
Girls place, break records at state
Megan Burma captured 6th in the 3200m run.
Kalli Quicke takes the stand in the long jump.
Tricia Wilken earned 6th in the 300m hurdles.
All photos this page courtesy of SDPB ©SDPB/Laura Dimock
The Lady ‘Saders qualified
three members for the SD State
Meet and all placed.
Kalli Quicke qualfied in four
events--long jump, triple jump,
200m dash and 400m dash. She
had a tremendous meet, placing
in three of the events--long jump
4th, 200m dash 8th, and 400m
dash 6th. She missed placing
in the triple jump by one place,
earning 9th. Quicke also broke
the school record in the 400 with
a time of 59.81, the first SBA girl
to break 60.
Tricia Wilken qualified in the
300m hurdles and placed 6th.
Wilken had broken the school
record earlier in the season and
broke that record in the preliminaries at State.
Megan Burma won a spot in the
3200m run in which she placed
6th. She broke the school record
with a time of 12:14.70. She also
placed a respectable 11th in the
1600m run.
Page 7
2012 Awards
Academic Awards
Social Studies: Erin Rogers
Math: Joel Pedersen
Science: Joel Pedersen
Bible: Cole McClain
English: Kalli Quicke
Steele Communications Scholar- ship: Daniel Seaman 9th,
Allison Deal 10th,
DJ Beckwith 11th,
Shiloh Appel 12th
Spanish: Titus Clark
Computer: Nathan Yost
Bezalel of Industrial Arts: Kenny Kortuem
Outstanding Actress: Katie Wilken
Outstanding Actor: Cameron Dosch
Letter winners: Cameron Dosch, Megan Burma, Brady Brockel, Katie Wilken, Ethan Hammer, Andrew Shumake, Elissa Stiegel- meier, Allison Deal, Melkam
Outstanding Oral Interper:
Christian Svennes
Letter winners: Megan Burma, Brayden Hammer, Brady Brockel, Cameron Dosch, Ethan Hammer, Christian Svennes, Katie Wilken
Seniors 4 years in choir: Megan Burma, Cameron Dosch, Rachel Konechne, Cole McClain, Joel Pedersen, Bethany LaDue, Christian Svennes, Katie Wilken
Seniors 4 years in band: Joel Pedersen, Christian Svennes
Crusader Director: Megan Burma
Outstanding Instrumentalist: Joel Pedersen
Outstanding Male Vocalist:
Christian Svennes
Outstanding Female Vocalist:
Bethany LaDue
Kea Ufen Dearing Character Award: Ethan Hammer
Cross Country
Christian Svennes- advanced to
State Meet 2 yrs, placed in 2011; Megan Burma-advanced to State Meet 6 yrs, placed 4 yrs, most decorated cross country runner @ SBA
Most improved JV: Bonnie Lee
Most impr. V: Kaylee Goeringer
Most outstanding V and Crimson
and Gold: Bethany LaDue
281 Conf. 3rd team: LaDue
Honorable mention: Kalli Quicke
Academic All-State: Quicke, LaDue, Rachel Konechne
Girls’ Basketball
Team Captions: Kalli Quicke, Bethany LaDue
Most Outstanding JV: Sarah
Most Improved: Jana Hunt
Defensive Award: Tricia Wilken
Most Outstanding V: Kalli Quicke
All 281 Conference: 2nd team Kalli Quicke, 3rd Tricia Wilken
Hon. Mention: Shanna Moreland
Crimson & Gold: Katie Wilken
Leading Tackler: DJ Beckwith
Most Improved: Brady Brockel
Hustler: Nathan Barnes
Crimson & Gold: Cole McClain
All 281 Conf: McClain, Beckwith; Hon. Mention: Nathan Barnes
2nd Semester Honor Roll
A Honor Roll
Academic All State: McClain
Boys’ Basketball
Rebounding: Joel Pedersen (led
state in numbers)
Free Throws: Justin Rake (75%)
Assist/turnover Ratio: Cole McClain
Practice Hustle: McClain
Most Improved: Nathan Barnes
Defensive Player: Brian LaDue
Crimson & Gold: Joel Pedersen
281 Conf: 2nd team Pedersen, Mc- Clain; Hon. Mention: Titus Clark
Academic All State: Clark, Pedersen,
Rookie of the Year: Ben Stiegel-
Most Improved: DJ Beckwith
Break out: Dalton Gerbracht
Most Outstanding: Kenny Kortuem
Grindstone: Jesse Thorne
Roger Paul Award: Trig Clark
Senior Honor Athletes:
Megan Burma, Bethany LaDue, Kalli Quicke, Kenny Kortuem, Cole McClain, Joel Pedersen
E. Stanley Morgan Scholarship:
DJ Beckwith, Brady Brockel,
Jesse Thorne
Diligence Award: DJ Beck-
with, Brady Brockel, Allison Deal,
Jesse Thorne
Character Awards
David: Cameron Dosch
Daniel: DJ Beckwith
Jonathan: Brady Brockel
Barnabas: Christian Svennes
Peter: Kalli Quicke
Mia Philstrom Memorial
Scholarship: Erin Rogers
Grade 8: Sarah Pedersen, Samantha Rogers, Staci Seaman, Sierra
Grade 9: Cassie Beckwith, Jaden Brockel, Heather Deal, Rebekah
*Boys’ Resident
Konechne, Daniel Seaman, Ben Stiegelmeier
Grade 10: Helena Ahn, Allison Deal, Hyunjae Park, Hyunsoo Park,
Erin Rogers, Elissa Stiegelmeier, Grace Thorne
*Girls’ Resident
Grade 11: DJ Beckwith, Brady Brockel, Bonnie Lee, Daniel PederSupervisor
sen, Justin Ryu, Philip Seaman, Jesse Thorne
Grade 12: Ya-gin An, Megan Burma, Titus Clark, Cameron Dosch,
Bethany LaDue, Cole McClain, Melkam Melaku, Joel Pedersen, Kalli (STUDENTS from page eight)
Quicke, Rebekah So, Christian Svennes, Selam Tekle, Katie Wilken, with an upbeat “Happy Day.”
Hyesun Woo
Elisa Hahne slowed the tempo with
B Honor roll
Grade 8: Olivia Dosch
Grade 9: David Cho, Malachi Clark, Jana Hunt, Ben Minor, Andrew
Grade 10: Trig Clark, Dalton Gerbracht, Elisa Hahne, Drew McClain,
David Paul, Brittany Reimnitz, Melinda Schroeder, Kaitlyn Sommer,
Tricia Wilken
Grade 11: Israel Appel, SaDo Ban, Jessica Clowdis, Chibueze
Egeruoh, Chidima Egeruoh, Kaylee Goeringer, Ethan Hammer, Shanna Moreland, David So
Grade 12: Shiloh Appel, Nathan Barnes, Jerry Jeon, Rachel Konechne, Kenny Kortuem
J/S from page one)
Chidima Egeruoh and Jessica
Clowdis, chose the theme colors,
blue and gold.
The juniors’ song, dedicated to
the seniors and directed by Kevin
Waller, was “Holy Crown.”
“I really enjoyed the junior
song,” said Cameron Dosch. “It
was really a blessing that they
sang a song for us.”
Maintenance Dept.
The Maintenance Dept.
is in need of two pickups.
** 3/4 ton 4x4 pickup to
hall cattle to Platte and
pull a trailer
** 4x4 pickup for hauling
garbage around campus
August 13 Sports Week
August 20 classes begin
the song “Wonderful, Merciful Savior.” The Everything Group ended
the show performing a skit which illustrated a girl’s struggle to find God
again after being disappointed with
all of the empty things of life.
Cameron Dosch said, “As somewhat the director of the talent show,
it was great to see participants. I really enjoyed all of the acts. I’m glad
I wasn’t a judge [because] it would
have been extremely hard to pick a
winner from all of the amazing talent
we had.”
The judges Kevin Waller, Christian
Svennes and April Teel pronounced
the Everything Group as the winner
of the show.
(CROWD from page eight)
auregard chased Smedley garnered a
few comments as well. “On the night
of the play, Yost’s heel to his shoe
broke and Mrs. Stacey quickly fixed
it, but during the play, in one of the
chase scenes, he slipped and it broke
all over again,” said Olivia Dosch.
Cameron Dosch summed it up. “I
really enjoyed the entire play. It was
April/June 2012
Memorials Received
Gift Given by
In Memory/Honor of
Given to General Fund
Joe & Barb Warner..........................................Margaret Kindt
Daniel & Deanna Bartkowski.............Lloyd & Josie Campbell
Given to Scholarship Funds
Richard & Betty Bice............................Rev. Fritz Zimmerman
Jack & Ramona Ufen...............Kea L. Ufen Dearing Memorial
Robert & Janice Morgan.........E. Stanley Morgan Scholarship
David B. McClain...........................Joan McClain Scholarship
Given to Building Fund
Elva Belle Carr.................................................Lester Brockel
Phil & Vicki Hahn..............................................Lester Brockel
Lisa Hofer...........................................................Ben Waldner
Phil & Vicki Hahn...............................Janel Brockel Saunders
Luella Teveldal.............................................Leonard Teveldal
Terie Beasley.......................................................Tim Seaman
Terie Beasley..................................................William Beasley
(Testing from page three)
SBA had seventeen students score
at that level in a collective total
of thirty-four different subject
tests. The number in parentheses
indicates the number of subject
tests in which each student scored
in the 99th percentile. Congratulations to Winnie Red Bird
(1), Cassidy Watson (1), Renee
Seaman (2), Staci Seaman (2),
Heather Deal (9), Daniel Seaman
(4), Andrew Shumake (1), Allison Deal (3), Erin Rogers (3), DJ
Beckwith (1), Megan Burma (1),
Titus Clark (1), Bethany LaDue
(1), Joel Pedersen (1), Rebekah
So (1), Christian Svennes (1) and
Katie Wilken (1).
(COMM from page one)
circumstances?” The others dealt
with being wise and letting the Lord
direct his steps, reminding himself
of the promised presence of God.
He closed with “We can live in our
brokenness by humbly living the life
Christ would have us live.”
Jason Watson gave the seniors their
diplomas while School Board Chairman Tim Stampe offered the Board’s
congratulations. The audience was
invited to sing with the choir “The
Lord Bless You and Keep You.”
The graduates were able to have
their reception in the new multipurpose building. To do so, they had
to give of their free time to clean the
main gym area. People were invited
to tour the rest of the facility.
The day closed as it had begun—
with worship through a student led
worship service held in the evening.
Employment Opportunity
Sunshine Bible Academy Foundation is seeking applications or referrals to fill the position of Livestock Director who will be responsible
for the management and planned growth of the Foundation’s livestock
program with the sole purpose of generating proceeds from the sale of
livestock to support the mission of Sunshine Bible Academy – God’s
truth for today’s youth. Typically the Foundation purchases and places
livestock with livestock producers who donate care and expenses for the
livestock owned by the Foundation, thereby generating annual sale proceeds that help reduce tuition and help cover Sunshine Bible Academy’s
costs of operation.
The person who fills this position of Livestock Director will need a
commitment to Jesus Christ and a passion for the Biblical philosophy
of education enhanced with sufficient people, livestock and financial
skills that enable effective communication and growth of the livestock
program. It is expected responsibilities will include travel and meeting
with both current and potential livestock producers in South Dakota and
neighboring states. Administrative support staff and regional livestock
representatives are available to assist. Salary and benefits are negotiable.
If interested, need additional information or have referrals, please contact David Paul, Chairman, Sunshine Bible Academy Foundation, 400
Sunshine Drive, Miller SD 57362 or contact Sunshine Bible Academy
through its website at: http://www.sunshinebible.org/.
Special Need
The school is in need of the following for the boys’ and
girls’ dorms:
Please contact Andrew Boersma at the school if you
have any of these items to donate.
a great melodrama. The actors and
actresses really captured the essence
of a melodrama: over-emphasizing
everything! The crowd did great with
their booing for Ethan and cheering
for Nathan. . . .My favorite part was
probably Ethan as the villain; anyone
can be a hero, but it takes someone
special to play the villain, and he did
Other parts were played by Elisa
Hahne as Evette, Allison Deal as
Hallie, Olivia Dosch as Dora, and
Elissa Stiegelmeier as Lindy Lou.
The actors were supported by the
stage crew: SaDo Ban-sound, Abby
Sybesma-prompt, Daniel Seamanlights, and Jana Hunt-signs.
Fine Arts/News
Page 8
The heroine, sweet Miss Aura Lee (Brittany Reimnitz) and the brave-but-not-too-smart hero Beauregard Mason-Dixon III (Nathan Yost) are enamoraed with each other as Mrs. Mason-Dixon
(Katie Wilken) looks on. (Right) Villain Smedley was played by Ethan Hammer.
Crowd sighs, boos, and
cheers cast of Melodrama
by Shiloh Appel
The crowd booed as Horton
Smedley crept onto the stage.
Soon, however, they were cheering at the sight of Beauregard, the
hero, and sighing at the entrance
of sweet Miss Aura Lee Culpepper, the heroine.
The spring play was presented
April 26 in the SBA gymnasium.
The melodrama, “The Fairest
Flower of the South,” directed
by Peggy Stacey and April Teel,
was set on the banks of the Mis-
sissippi River in 1870, five years
after the Civil War.
Brittany Reimnitz played the
sweet Aura Lee who falls in love
with the wealthy, handsome Beauregard played by Nathan Yost.
Meanwhile, the confused Colonel
Culpepper, father of sweet Aura
Lee, thinks that the Civil War is
still raging. The villainous gambler Horton Smedley, played by
Ethan Hammer, arrives at the
Magnolia Plantation with a plan
to deceive everyone. However,
the plot thickens as Smedley is
found out by Beauregard and reprimanded by Beauregard’s aristocratic mother Mrs. Mason-Dixon
played by Katie Wilken.
“Katie’s interesting costume
like an old lady was funny,” said
Ya-gin An.
“It was fun to see Yost finally
put his southern accent to the test,
and I say he passed with flying
colors,” added Kenny Kortuem.
The scene in which heroic Be(con’t page 7 CROWD)
April/June 2012
The Everything Group portrays a teen girl finding Christ after trying
many ways to find happiness. Elissa Stiegelmeier and Cameron Dosch
were joined by Megan Burma, Nathan Yost, Connor Beeman, Kaylee
Goeringer and Allison Deal.
Students compete in
2nd talent contest
by Shiloh Appel
The evening of April 26 contained more than the spring play.
It contained the second annual
SBA talent show put on by the
Student Council.
Selam Tekle commented on the
show, “One thing that inspired me
is how they work hard to give the
glory to God. My favorite was the
SaDo Band because it makes you
move and dance for Jesus.”
The talent show consisted of
five entries: Ben Stiegelmeier
and David Paul; Bonnie Lee and
Rebekah So; the SaDo Band;
Elisa Hahne; and the Everything Group. The audience gave
Stiegelmeier and Paul a standing ovation. “My favorite was
Ben and David because it came
straight from Ben’s heart,” said
Kenny Kortuem. Stiegelmeier
wrote the song himself at age
thirteen in honor of his father
who passed away in 2001. Paul
accompanied him on the guitar.
Bonnie Lee and Rebekah So
sang “There Can Be Miracles”
from the movie The Prince of
Eqypt. The SaDo Band followed
(con’t page seven STUDENTS)
God Bless America: Praising God Through
American Music is theme of Spring Concert
by Jessica Clowdis
The vocal and instrumental
sounds resonated through the
gymnasium May 11. The Spring
Concert’s theme was patriotism
as heard in the music of the eight
groups: the Elementary Choir,
All-State Octet, Ladies’ Ensemble, Crusader Band, Small Vocal
Ensemble, Handbells, Men’s Ensemble and Crusader Choir.
The Elementary Choir sang two
verses of the “Star-Spangled Banner,” “America” and “America
the Beautiful” which was accompanied by Andrew Shumake.
The All-State Octet sang “Surrexit Pastor Bonus,” a song composed by Vijay Singh. Ethan
Hammer said, “It’s really a beautiful song because it talks about
how Christ, the Good Shepherd,
has risen. It meant a lot to me personally.”
The Ladies ensemble sang “Steal
Away” and “We’re Gonna Make
It.” “In ‘We’re Gonna Make it,’ I
really felt encouraged by the fact
that God strengthens us by His
power,” said Megan Burma.
The Crusader Band performed
“At a Dixieland Jazz Funeral,”
“Fantasy on an African-American
Spiritual” and “The Stars and
Stripes Forever.” Hyesun Woo
said that the band “focused on the
Joel Pedersen hands off senior
class leadership to his brother
Staff members Craig Brockel-keyboard, Lindsey Hettich-clarinet, Jason Watson-trumpet, and Kevin Waller-trombone, were featured with
the band in the number “At a Dixieland Jazz Funeral.”
music and worked together.”
The Small Vocal Ensemble
sang “Praise His Holy Name!”
and “Children Don’t Get Weary.”
Brady Brockel said, “I think we
did really well and followed Mr.
Waller well.”
“In the Garden” and “I’m Just
a Poor Wayfaring Stranger” were
performed by the Handbells.
The Men’s Ensemble sang
“Sometimes I Hear God’s Music” and “Soon and Very Soon.”
DJ Beckwith said “I really liked
[the first song] because it reminds
me of Christ coming back for
us. When I sing it, I feel like I
understand the sacrifice of Jesus
To close the program, the Crusader Choir sang five numbers
ending with “When the Saints
Go Marching In.” Instrumental
accompanists were Justin Ryuclarinet, Philip Seaman-bass guitar, Joel Pedersen-trombone, and
Jaden Brockel-percussion.
Director of all groups Kevin
Waller said, “The concert went
very well. I had a lot of people
talk to me after the concert and
tell me how much they were
moved by the performances of
the night.”
Shiloh Appel
At the close of the Awards Night,
Shiloh Appel was announced as
the Student of the Quarter. Student Council President Cameron
Dosch said that Appel stood out
for her leadership, friendliness
and Godliness.
Donald J. Beckwith (DJ) was
elected president of Student
Council. Vice-president will be
David Paul. Ethan Hammer and
Justin Ryu also ran for president
and Allison Deal challenged Paul
for vice-president. Class officers
and Student Council representatives will be elected in the fall.
Juniors encouraged to
surrender to Christ at
J/S Dedication
“I encorage you to be a good
leader.” “...surrender to His guidance.” “...hope you grow through
your relationship with Christ.”
These are just a few of the challenges given the juniors by the
seniors during the Junior/Senior
Dedication held May 9.
Speaker for the event, Jason
Burma, encouraged the classes to
remember that a Christian should
always act as a child of Christ
so as not to let Christ down. Jim
Hofman challenged the students
to use the talents they have been
given. Jason Watson gave the
blessing to the seniors. He told
them their “senior chapels have
been incredibly meaningful to

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