Product Description
Product Description
TechSAT ADS2 Product Overview TechSAT GmbH is a leading supplier of high performance development and test systems for avionics, automotive, maritime and industrial control applications. We provide state-of-the-art software, tools, interface hardware, and support for test and simulation applications that use distributed realtime systems. Founded in 1986, TechSAT GmbH has proven to be a reliable partner for the aerospace industry. The company’s headquarters are at Poing, near Munich, Germany. Additionally, it maintains sales and support subsidiaries in Hamburg and Seattle, USA, and is supported by a worldwide network of distributors. TechSAT’s industry-leading warranty and commitment to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 quality assures reliability, repeatability and continuous improvement. All TechSAT products are designed to perform in a manner that is consistent with industry requirements. Our company understands the special needs of the aerospace, defense and automotive industries. We have extensive experience in avionics and vetronics design, development, integration, validation and verification. Our multi-disciplinary, highly qualified and motivated hardware and software specialists are fully prepared to help our customers meet the most challenging technical requirements. Index TechSAT ADS2 - Overview 4 Supported Projects 6 Application Areas 8 ADS2 Product Family 12 Data Monitoring, Acquisition & Analysis 14 Simulation, Emulation & Stimulation 16 Data Visualisation & Control 18 ADS2 System Hardware Overview 20 ADS2 used for Development of High Lift System for A380 22 ADS2 used for A380 Cabin0 Integration 26 ADS2 Used for Testing of DECMU 29 Product Specification 30 TechSAT ADS2 Overview ADS2 stands for Avionics Development System 2nd Generation. It is an integrated and scalable software environment and hardware platform for prototyping, development, integration, test and validation of avionics systems. A typical configuration of an ADS2 System is a SIB (System Integration Bench) which includes realtime computing and I/O resources, wiring matrix (WMX), fault insertion and breakout unit (FIBO), workstations and one or more units under test (UUTs) connected through standard or custom UUT mounts. Additional instruments like DMMs, signal generators or power supplies can be added to the configuration. Two platforms are available: PCI Express (PCIe) and VME. All common avionics I/O types are supported on both platforms. Computing Host CPU VxWorks, RT Linux ADS2 Realtime Core CPU Ctrl I/O WMX Wiring Matrix and Signal Conditioning I/O Simulation System Architecture of an ADS2 SIB 4 … real dev n real dev 2 real dev 1 I/O Board FIBO Fault Insertion & Breakout UUT 2 … UUT n … CPU UUT 1 Ctrl The control software of an ADS2 system is based on a realtime core which schedules and performs the data exchange between simulations, I/O, data visualization, recording and test executive. Around this core, a set of tools are available for system configuration, session control, simulation integration, data visualization and stimulation, and offline data analysis. A specific set of tools is used for definition, execution and reporting of automatic test procedures. Interfaces to the most popular third-party tools like MATLAB/Simulink, SCADE®, Rhapsody, VAPS, LabVIEW, DOORS, etc. are provided. ICD C DDB ICDDDB DBB ICD (Albatros) A ((Albatros) Alblbaatrto ross) ) ADS2 A ADDSS22 ADS2 DataView DDataView Data DaatatViewer aVVieieww Diadem D Diadem Diaiaddeemm ADS2 A TTDM ADDSS22TDM TDDMM ADS2 Rhapsody R Rhhaappssooddyy Rhapsody MATLAB/ Matlab/ M aatltalabb/ / Matlab/ SS Simulink iM m imuulilninkk Simulink ADS2Data A DDSS22DDaatata ADS2 AA DDSS22 ADS2Data A ADS2 R Recorder MMonitor Recorder Reeccoord rdeerr Monitor Moonnitio torr DOORS D OOOORRSS DOORS D VAPS V AAPPSS SCADE® VAPS V AP2633 A PP22663333 A AP2633 AADS2 ADS2 DDSS22 PanelBuild P Panel aanA B P neelEditor lBuuilidld PanelBuild Component & Com Environment Env Simul ulat s Simulations Panels P aanneelsls Panels P AA DDSS22TPM TTPM PPMM ADS2 A DDSS22TPM TT PPMM ADS2 ADS2 A ADS2 TPM Reporter R eeppoortrT eterr Editor EE dditio or Reporter R torr Editor TT Test eesst t Test PPrograms og gr Programs Pro rog gra rammss ADS2 A DDSS22Real RReal TTime CCore ADS2 A Reeaal lTime Tim imeeCore Coorree ADS2 A /I/O Protocols Drivers rriviveerrss ADS2 Protocols Drivers ADDSS22I/O IO /OP Prrooto toccoolsls&&D D ADS2 system functionality 5 Supported Projects In the past few years, ADS2 systems have been used in the most important aircraft development projects worldwide. Some examples: A350 Testing Factory for Cabin0, Fuel, Electrical Power, IMA, High Lift, ECS A400M Test systems for Mission Control, Doors, Cargo B787 Test systems for health monitoring protocol, RDC Simulator, Data Loading MS21 Avionics Integration & AFDX Network 6 A380 A380 Test Testsystems systemsfor forCabin, Cabin, Doors, Doors,Slat/Flaps, Slat/Flaps,Fuel Fuel Tiger Test systems for Engine Controller Eurofighter Test systems for Engine Controller C919 Cockpit Display Development and V&V Support 7 Application Areas Model-in-the-Loop (MiL) Virtual Prototyping In the early phase of the development process, simu- A virtual prototype simulates a real device, including lation models are used to validate functional speci- all its I/O interfaces and realtime behavior, for the pur- fications. ADS2 provides an integration platform for pose of evaluating various aspects of the design as models created with different tools, and it organizes well as to provide replacement for the real device in the data exchange between them. larger simulation environments. TestProgram User Panel Simulation SimulationModel Model Simulation Simulation Model (MUT) (MUT) (MUT) I/O Hardware I/O is connected to simulation interface variables The simulation scenario is tested either manually or through the ADS2 I/O maps. The user is not required automatically. For manual interactive testing, ADS2 to create I/O-specific drivers or interface code. provides a powerful panel builder, for automatic testing the ADS2 TPM tool is available. 8 Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) In HiL applications, the environment of a UUT must The example system shown in the following picture be simulated with high fidelity. The ADS2 system is a typical ADS2 based HiL configuration for vali- provides the hard realtime platform and required I/O dation of a Digital Engine Control Unit. It is a VME interfaces for this task. based system with MIL-1553, analog I/O (with 0.01% accuracy), LVDT/RVDT, synchro/resolver, digital I/O, As for MiL applications testing can be performed function generators and pulse width modulation either manually or automatically, supported by ADS2 channels. panels or ADS2 TPM, respectively. The cost of testing can be dramatically reduced through reusability of test programs and the automated test process. TestProgram User Panel Simulation Simulation Simulations Model Model (MUT) (MUT) I/O Hardware Equipment (UUT) 9 Man-in-the-Loop (MiTL) MiTL configurations are also supported by ADS2. The ADS2 simulation interface supports SCADE® and VAPS®, tools for building data-driven, interactive, man-machine interfaces. Therefore prototypes of cockpit and other control displays can be integrated in ADS2 configurations for the purpose of either validating the displays or as part of larger system/function integration benches. System/Function Integration At function integration level, large sections of an aircraft are integrated with real equipment, sensors, actuators, displays, etc. and connected through the TestProgram real I/O lines and data busses. The integration bench User Panel Simulation Simulation Simulations Model Model (MUT) (MUT) is used for simulation of the environment (missing systems and actual physical environment), data acquisition and visualization, and manual or automa- I/O Hardware tic testing. An important feature of ADS2 based function integration benches is the ability to easily switch between real and simulated components. 10 Equipment Simulator Equipment2 (UUT) Equipment3 (UUT) Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) Special-to-Type Test Equipment ADS2 is an ideal platform for the next generation of STTE characterizes test systems that are designed ATE equipment. As a common core test platform it and built according to detailed customer specifica- provides the software environment and the system tions. Typical requirements that STTE systems need architecture for a wide range of ATE configurations. to fulfill are: ADS2 system architecture supports the “tester-per- >> Harsh environmental conditions regarding pin” concept, which speeds up test procedures temperature, humidity, shock, etc. including significantly by performing parallel tests on multiple certification UUT pins. >> Standard or even extended EMC conditions plus certification >> Certification according to AGE (Aircraft Ground Equipment) requirements >> Compact design (high packaging) >> Execution of approved standard tests STTE systems are usually employed in production and maintenance. This distinguishes them from system rigs or system integration benches, which are predominantly used during development and integration. Based on the standard ADS2 system software, TechSAT plans, designs, develops, manufactures, tests and delivers STTEs tailored to customer specifications defining the required functions, environmental conditions, qualifications and documentation. 11 ADS2 Product Family Thanks to the open and modular architecture, ADS2 system software and hardware components can be used as building blocks to realize a large range of system configurations according to the application requirements. From model based requirement validation platforms to aircraft system and function integration rigs, all these can be assembled under a consistent architectural concept. ADS2 System Software Overview Realtime Core Control Desk The ADS2 Realtime Core is responsible for schedu- The ADS2 Control Desk provides the tool set for ling and performing the data exchange between I/O, configuration and control of the test and simulation simulation, data recording and visualization, and test scenarios as well as control, monitoring and recor- executive. ding of process data. I/O Protocols & Drivers Session Manager Session Manager is a session configurator which The ADS2 system supports all I/O interfaces com- provides all the controls needed to prepare and exe- mon in avionics applications. On top of these inter- cute ADS2 test sessions. It is the main entry point to faces, several higher level protocols are provided. all other user interface functions. Argus Viewer Argus Viewer is an interactive monitor used for instant and easy visualization of all process variables. Recorder Recorder is an interactive data recorder with numerous configuration options and several data viewers. Data Viewer Data Viewer is a data analyzer and converter tool that supports various text and graphical display modes, data decomposition, absolute and relative timestamps, and powerful filter/search functions. 12 Replay The Replay tool allows replaying data streams, which were previously recorded with the Recorder, into user-defined process variables. Simulation Interface Through devExchange, ADS2 integrates the most popular modeling tools like MATLAB/Simulink, SCADE®, Rhapsody, VAPS, and others into a realtime HiL simulator. Hand-coded user applications written in C, C++, Test Process Manager (TPM) Python, Ada, Fortran can also be imported into the TPM links requirements and test case definitions ADS2 platform. into an automatically executable test description document. Test cases are defined in a form based Development Tools editor as event triggered stimulate/wait/expect sequences. Configurable test reports are generated A tool set for developers and test engineers. as PDF documents. Configuration Editor Requirement Engineering Interface Configuration Editor is a tool used for creation, The interface to requirement engineering systems viewing, and maintenance of all system configuration like DOORS allows integrating requirements into test data. case definitions. Panel Editor PySim Panel Editor and panel runtime interpreter are used PySim is a script language based on the open to create and run control and visualization panels. source Python scripting language well suited for rapid prototyping and automatic test applications. ICD Importer ICD Importer generates the system configuration from customer ICD automatically. The Airbus Albatross ICD format is integrated in ADS2. 13 Data Monitoring, Acquisition & Analysis The ADS2 system is ideal for medium to large scale data acquisition applications, either in conjunction with hardware-in-the-loop testing, or in a distributed realtime system integration and test environment. ADS2 provides extensive realtime and UIS software support for data acquisition and analysis applica- External application interface allowing to inte- tions. Time-aligned recording and viewing of data is grate tools of third-party vendors as well as user- available from different sources, such as: built simulations. > Bus messages (AFDX, MILBUS, ARINC 429, CAN, TTP, RS 232 / 422 / 485, Synchro / Resolver, LVDT / RVDT, GPIB) > Discrete and Analog I/O > Simulation variables > User inputs The ADS2 user interface allows for easy configuration of data acquisition scenarios, including realtime monitoring and data recording, which may be selective or total. Support for the ADS2 ICD realtime database is fully integrated with all data acquisition and analysis tools. This provides the ability to handle data in numerous formats, including engineering units. Generic realtime data monitor with resource browser to configure the desired data items. The monitor also offers some simple graphical instruments for visualization. 14 High-speed recorder supporting multiple logging rates, triggered and continuous logging, and multiple I/O data formats. Data Viewer is used to display the post-process data previously recorded with the Recorder tool. The data can be viewed and analyzed in text or graphical format. The ADS2 Configuration Editor is used to create and maintain the configuration information for ICD, I/O, process variables, devices, component, and simulation interface. An integrated consistency check automatically verifies the validity of the configuration. The configuration is stored in readable ASCII. 15 Simulation, Emulation & Stimulation Two types of ADS2-based simulations are available. One is the Virtual Prototype, which simulates a real system in realtime for the purpose of evaluating various strategies for the operation of the system. The second is an Environment Model, which simulates the real environment of a system under given conditions in order to understand the behavior of the system under test. The following diagram shows the basic concept of simulation in an ADS2 system: Hand-Coded C, C++, Fortran Python, Tcl, Ada SCADE® LabVIEW MATLAB/Simulink Simulation Model Output Input I/O Device 16 UUT The user can create a simulation model with MAT- internal variables of the simulation model is defined LAB/Simulink, SCADE®, or LabVIEW, or hand-code in a Simulation Interface Definition (.sid) file. This file it in C, C++, Fortran, Python, Tcl/Tk or Ada. is generated automatically when the user creates the simulation model from MATLAB/Simulink, SCADE®, The I/O-Map, which is the ICD (Interface Control or LabVIEW. If the simulation model is a hand-coded Document) for the UUT, maps all physical inputs program, the user will need to create it manually and outputs to/from the UUT to the corresponding using the ADS2 Configuration Editor. The user is process variables maintained by the ADS2 software. not required to produce any I/O-specific drivers or The mapping between process variables and the interface code. The Session Manager is the top-level ADS2 configuration and control manager. It provides easy access to all available hardware resources and software tools within the ADS2 environment. It allows the operator to start and stop sessions, connect to a running session, or create a new session. The user activates test panels, recorders, monitors, replay tasks, graphical displays, and simulations by dragging their icons to the workstation and realtime system panes. 17 Data Visualization & Control ADS2 provides two possibilities for the user to control the test process. One is manual control through Panel Editor and the other is automatic control through PySim. Manual Control: Panel Editor The ADS2 Panel Editor is a powerful graphical editor for generating control panels by dragging and dropping appropriate icons. For each inserted object, the Panel Editor provides a configuration dialog that is used to configure the object properties (colors, fonts, optional elements, etc.) and to assign system variables to be displayed/controlled by the object. Panel Editor supplies an ample set of ready-to-use graphical objects that are designed to meet the needs of test data visualization and control applications. User-provided widgets can be added to the object library to cover custom needs. Since panels can be nested, and widgets can be used without restriction as to type and number, Panel Editor allows panels of virtually unlimited complexity. 18 Automatic Control: PySim PySim is a high-level, extensible scripting language. It is a combination of Python and ADS2 extensions. The salient features of PySim are: > Manipulation of process variables to change the value or generate a specified function, such as ramp, toggle, etc. > Branching to varying program paths on the occurrence of certain events > Parallel execution (ramp several parameters, watch conditions) > Trigger certain system activities, like starting/ stopping simulations, opening/closing panels, etc. Additionally, a rich set of tools (such as editor, debugger), libraries (such as database interfaces, graphics libraries, math package) are available in the public domain. 19 ADS2 System Hardware Overview ADS2 system hardware components include computing resources, I/O boards, breakout & wiring and UUT mount. Versatile system configurations are created through various combination of these components together with system software. I/O Boards > Avionics Busses: AFDX/ARINC 664, ARINC 429, ARINC 825, MIL-STD-1553, RS 232/422/485; ARINC 717 Power Supply > AC / DC > Power Switch Matrix Instruments > DMM > Signal Generators > Field Busses: TTP, Flexray, CAN > Ethernet > Avionics Discrete I/O, TTL I/O, Relay > IndustryPack for PCI, cPCI, VME > Analog I/O > PMC for PCI, cPCI, PXI, PCI Express, > Resistor Simulation (RSS) > LVDT/RVDT, Synchro/Resolver > Waveform Generators, Frequency Carrier Racks Generators and Counter > Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Computing Resources > 19” in various heights Crates > PC > VME > PC: Windows, RT Linux, CentOS > cPCI SBC: Windows, RT Linux > ARINC 600 > VME SBC: VxWorks > Custom Breakout & Wiring > RICE (Routing and Interconnection Equipment) > AFDX BOP (Breakout Panel) > FIBO (Fault Insertion & Breakout) > Custom Signal Conditioning 20 VME > Various Loads, Pull Up / Pull Down > Custom > Dynamic load simulation UUT Mount Possible system configurations with their purpose are shown as examples in the following table. Architecture Components Purpose ADS2-OFFLINE • PC (Desktop or Laptop) • No I/O • Complete SW Suite Development and test of simulations, panels, and tests ADS2-PC • PC, • PCI I/O • Complete SW Suite Small equipment simulators, small test systems with reduced I/O and reduced performance ADS2-PCIe • PCIe RT System • Optional PC Workstations • Complete SW Suite High I/O capacity, high performance Integration Test System Large / Multi-Equipment Test System ADS2-VME • VME RT System • PC Workstations • Complete SW Suite High performance, reduced I/O capacity. Equipment simulators, equipment tests, production tests 21 ADS2 Used for Development of High Lift System for A380 Avionics products are usually composed of multi- ADS2 can provide the avionics development team an ple hardware and software elements. By improving integration environment with a mix of virtual and phy- system specification and requirements verification sical prototypes of system (components) under de- techniques, early shortcomings - thus future pro- velopment throughout all phases of the development blems - can be avoided. Therefore, early verification (from requirements analysis to test and integration). is important as a general quality objective, and early In the following sections, the development process prototyping has become an important means to of High Lift System (HLS) of A380 with ADS2 will be achieve this. presented as an example to show how ADS2 is used System modeling techniques are being applied to to support the relevant activities from requirement create virtual prototypes for verification by simulation analysis at A/C integrator Airbus during the early in early stages of the development. stage, subsystem (SFCC) development at supplier Diehl Aerospace during the system development, to system integration at Airbus in the end phase. Phase 1: Virtual prototyping of HLS by Airbus and TUHH Airbus Airbus + TUHH Specification, Specification S ppeeccifiifcicaatito Model ooddeel l Specification, S ionn, ,M M Model DD e v e l o p m e n t and a n Test eesst t Development evelopment a nddT T Development and Test Integration n Test eesst t Inte teggrraatito ionnT T Integration Test Diehl Aerospace EE Equipment qquuip Equipment ipm meennt t DD eevveelo Development loppm meennt t Development TT e s t Test e st Test 22 At the early stage, Airbus worked together with the technical university Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH) to prepare the top level system specification and to complete the requirements verification. The system modeling technique was employed to fulfil this task. The important activities are: 1. Structural and aerodynamic simulation 2. Realtime system specification and modeling >> Create system requirements >> Create subsystem and interface requirements for - Power Control Units (PCU) - Transmission (TM) - Slat/Flap Control Computer (SFCC) >> Simplified - PCU - TM - SFCC >> Modeled with MATLAB/Simulink >> Integrated >> Create >> Use structural models turned into realtime models for as realtime models in ADS2 test cases both at system and subsystem level ADS2 Test Process Management (TPM) to perform tests on ADS2 realtime system 23 3. Integration of real simulations ADS2 PC HLS TRS HLS SRS HLS ICD Test Proc SFCC SIM User Panel PCU SIM Process Variables The TRS (Test Requirement Specification) was derived from the HLS SRS (System Requirement Specification), and the relevant test program was created with TPM based on the TRS. All simulations were integrated in ADS2, communicating with each other through the process variables. Testing can be performed either manually or automatically, supported by ADS2 Panel Editor or TPM, respectively. 24 TM SIM Phase 2: SFCC Development at Diehl Aerospace As SFCC380 supplier, Diehl Aerospace recieved the SFCC requirements, The SFCC ICD (Interface Control Document), environment models and the simplified SFCC model from Airbus which had been developed in the first phase. To develop the SFCC Diehl Aerospace employed ADS2 SIB SFCC TRS ADS2. From the physical prototype to the final pro- Test Proc User Panel PCU SIM SFCC SRS TM SIM Process Variables SFCC ICD duct, the ADS2 system was used to allow the development team to refine and validate the design step by step. In this phase, instead of the SFCC simulation model, a real device was connected to the ADS2 system through real I/O signals. The PCU and TM simulati- ADS2 I/O Hardware ons behaved as target environment of the UUT (i.e. SFCC). Test programs and user panels from phase 1 were reused. SFCC Phase 3: Integration and Validation of HLS at Airbus After the suppliers had delivered all HLS subsystems, Airbus began to integrate and validate the whole system with ADS2. ADS2 SIB SFCC TRS Test Proc User Panel The high reusability of the ADS2 test system architecture, configurations, panels and test programs in this phase reduced the integration process and SFCC SRS saved costs dramatically. The use of a consistent test Process Variables SFCC ICD tool family improved the comparability of the results. ADS2 I/O Hardware HLS System SFCC 25 ADS2 Used for A380 Cabin0 Integration At function integration level, large sections of an aircraft are integrated with real equipment, sensors, actuators, displays, etc., and connected through the real I/O lines and data busses. The integration bench is used for simulation of the environment (missing systems and actual physical environment), data acquisition and visualization, and manual or automatic testing. The technological objectives of the test facility for A380 Cabin0 integration were due to: >> More >> Test efficient and comprehensive test processes of all integrated cabin systems functionalities before first power on >> Similar >> Tracing test architecture of all types of tests of test results to basic system functional requirements >> Reduction of A380 program risks and support ‘First Time Right’ Fulfilling these requirements, ADS2 was selected by Airbus Germany as test facility for this task. Test Rig The following picture shows the new hangar 51 in Hamburg in which an integration and test rig for the A380 forward fuselage is installed. At full length the test rig is 60 m long and three floors high. Moveable Platform Virtual Reality Lab Water / Waste - Testrig Cabin Systems Integration & Verification Test Facility Full-scale engineering mock-up of a megaliner fwd. fuselage with fullycabin equipped cabin sensors, actuators and wire harnesses Full-scale engineering mock-up with fully equipped interior, interior, sensors, actuators and wire harnesses 26 More than 20 ADS2 systems were used as A380 engineers together controlled by a central test stati- Cabin 0 test facilities in the test rig as shown in the on. following diagram. The rectangles with blue frame are ADS2 test engines. In the lab the test engines were installed for electrical systems, CIDS, IMA, IFE, etc. Each system has its own computer, sensors and actuators. Each system can be operated indepen- All test engines use the same ADS2 software packa- dently. It also allows a test engineer to run the whole ge independently of the size of the test engine and system chain by connecting all systems and the test the number and types of interfaces. Integration Rig The Cabin 0 integration rig allowed the installation of Two ADS2 test clusters combined with a few ADS2 cabin related systems and interior, for example, ligh- test engines were applied for the integration rig. One ting systems, galleys, entertainment systems, power cluster, named „ADS2 system 1“ in the following distribution, etc. picture, was responsible for data acquisition/moni- It is designed to run the network of cabin systems. toring/recording, system simulations, test control All installed systems work in wire harnesses and on a and power control. The other cluster, named „ADS2 power distribution system as in the A/C. system 2“, was used for environment simulations and remained cabins. 27 Considering the power supply in Cabin 0 integration test, the integration rig was assigned the following tasks: >> Checking systems operation under various behavior of the power supply - Power interrupts - Power switching - Simulation of power transients - Simulation of A/C flight phases >> Simulation of different supply scenarios >> Simulation of different bus bars (on, off, line impedances) >> Systems operation under frequency variation >> Simulation of harmonic distortion >> Measurement >> Test of current consumption i(t) of cabin systems of common mode failures Data Recording & Archive ADS2 Central Control Station Control / Data Exchange ADS2 System 1 Data Aquisition ADS2 System 2 Avionic Rack 2300VU, 2400VU FC Equipment. Simulation Simulation Remain. Cabin Tapping / Simulation Wiring Power Supplies •AC Full Simulation •AC High Power •DC Full Simulation 28 Optional Break Out Panels Module / Controller System Simulations Test Control Power Control ADS2 Used for Testing of DECMU (Eurofighter’s Digital Engine Control and Monitoring Unit) The Eurofighter's EJ200 engine is the most advanced in its class worldwide, providing the combat aircraft with breathtaking agility. Starting with Tranche 2, the EJ200's digital engine control unit (DECU) is being recreated as a digital engine control and monitoring unit (DECMU) which marries control and monitoring functions in a single unit. Two dual redundant DECMUs were connected to the HiL test system through the provided I/O interfaces. The ADS2 I/O mapping mechanism maps the real Digital Engine Control and Monitoring Unit - DECMU I/O channels to system I/O variables according to the ICD. The environment of the UUT, i.e. the engine and the The system delivered to MTU shown in the following flight control system, was simulated by two MAT- picture is for testing the DECMU. It is a VME based LAB/Simulink created models running on the ADS2 system with MIL-1553, analog I/O (with 0.01% system with a step time of 0.25 ms. accuracy), LVDT/RVDT, synchro/resolver, digital I/O, function generators, and pulse width modulation Automated tests were realized through TPM, it channels. required fewer test engineers and could run unmanned overnight. 29 Product Specification General Features >> High-level user interface >> Modular and scalable system >> Integrated ICD (Interface Control Document) support >> ICD browser and data entry tools (Configuration Editor) >> Support for multiple ICD databases >> Hypertext online help system >> Support for Chinese and Korean character sets Data Acquisition and Analysis >> Data Monitoring >> Resource browser for selecting signal sources >> Graphical instruments toolbar for data visualization >> Various display formats: decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary >> Addition or removal of data points on the fly >> Data Recording >> Time-aligned recording of data from different I/O sources >> Full or filtered recording >> Multiple simultaneous recording sessions >> Flexible triggering >> Recording to local disk or file server >> Time tagging >> 1 µs resolution timestamps for all I/O and simulation data >> IRIG-B synchronization with other equipment >> Post-processing of recorded I/O data >> Text or graphical view >> Data decomposition down to the parameter level with EUC (Engineering Unit Conversion) >> Representation in hex or engineering units with time stamp >> Filtering, search and sort utilities >> Tools for generating data replay files Emulation, Simulation, Replay >> Bus Emulation >> Creation of I/O-type-specific transmit schedules from ICD data for all supported I/O types >> Closed loop simulation >> Simulation frame rates down to 100 µs >> Self-hosted and remote workstation-based simulations 30 >> One-point control of a distributed simulation scenario >> Easy mapping of simulation variables to I/O resources through GUI (Graphical User Interface) – no programming of driver or other low level code required. >> Simple and powerful library for interfacing user-written simulation code >> Supported simulation and animation products >> MATLAB/Simulink® >> SCADE® >> VAPS® >> LabVIEW™ >> Supported languages for simulations and test scripts >> C >> C++ >> Python >> Data Replay >> Selected process variables >> User-defined replay speed >> User-defined offset of replay start and end >> Replay control via user-defined trigger point >> TPM Test Process Management Debugging of Test Scenario >> Graphical or numerical monitoring of simulations variables >> Simultaneous use of data acquisition and analysis capabilities Supported I/O Types >> MIL-STD-1553 >> Emulation of one bus controller and 31 remote terminals per MILBUS channel, up to 4 MILBUS channels per PMC module or PCI slot >> Raw or message data acquisition and trigger system >> 1 microsecond timestamp resolution >> 2 external trigger inputs and outputs >> Error statistics >> AFDX/ARINC 664 >> Avionics Full DupleX switched Ethernet >> UDP data exchange protocol >> Error monitoring >> Recording of full data stream (redundancy enable / disable) >> Raw data recording >> 1 microsecond timestamp resolution >> ARINC 429 >> 8 receivers and 4 transmitters per PMC module >> 100 kbps or 12.5 kbps data rates >> Transmit schedules with up to 256 labels, with different update rates per channel >> 100 microsecond timestamp resolution >> Data acquisition >> Data replay >> CAN >> CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0B support >> 2 kbps to 1 Mbps speed >> Scheduled and asynchronous transmissions >> Sampling & FIFO receive mode >> Raw & signal data interface >> Data acquisition >> Data replay >> TTP >> Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) bus access scheme >> Support for 25 Mbps synchronous and 5 Mbps asynchronous transmission >> Data frames can carry a payload of up to 240 bytes each >> Allows a free choice of the number of data bytes per transmission >> An application using TTP can send both time-triggered and event-triggered messages >> Data acquisition >> Data replay >> RS232 / 422 / 485 >> Up to 32 full duplex channels per IP module >> Bit rates from 115 kbps to 921 kbps >> Configurable record format >> Data acquisition >> Data replay >> Discrete / Analog Signals >> All common types of discrete and analog I/O >> Large number of different I/O types through use of IP I/O modules >> High channel density, for example 192 digital TTL-level channel on one VME or PCI slot >> Data acquisition >> Data replay >> Timer boards, pulse strains, RSS simulation >> Synchro / Resolver Signals >> Up to 8 digital-to-synchro/resolver (1.2 VA) channels per slot >> Two-speed or single speed or combination (programmable) >> 16-bit resolution >> Wrap-around self test >> Programmable rotation >> Data acquisition >> Data replay >> LVDT / RVDT LVDT/RVDT-to-Digital >> Up to 16 LVDT/RVDT-to-Digital channels per slot >> 16-bit resolution >> 0.025% FS accuracy >> Self-calibrating, does not require removal for calibration >> Auto-ranging input between 2.0 and 28 V rms >> Data acquisition >> Data replay Digital-to-LVDT/RVDT >> Up to 16 Digital-to-LVDT/RVDT channels per CCA 16-bit resolution >> Continuous background BIT testing with reference loss detection >> Data acquisition >> Data replay >> GPIB (IEEE488) >> Up to 15 devices can be connected to a controller >> 1 MB per second data rate >> 8 bit parallel data transfer mode >> 3 wire handshake, reception of each data byte is acknowledged Supported Platforms >> Workstation for user interface system: >> PC with Windows >> PC with Linux >> Realtime I/O server: >> Linux CentOS with RT kernel >> QNx >> VxWorks >> PC running Windows or Linux >> Simulation Host: >> PC running Windows or Linux >> Support for other platforms can be provided on request 31 techSAT GmbH Technical Systems for Avionics and Test Gruber Strasse 46b • 85586 Poing • Germany Tel +49 (8121) 703-0 Fax +49 (8121) 703-177 [email protected] AFDX® is a registered trademark of Airbus Deutschland GmbH techSAT Hamburg GmbH Hein-Saß-Weg 17 • 21129 Hamburg • Germany Tel +49 (0)40 309 9368-0 Fax +49 (0)40 309 9368-29 [email protected] techSAT Shanghai China JuFeng Road Line 1589 Nr 178 • Shanghai 201206• China Tel +86 135 859504 68 Tel +86 186 21600816 [email protected] techSAT North America Lake Washington Air Harbor • Hangar Three 3849 N.E. 98th Street • Seattle WA 98115 • USA Tel +1 (206) 910-3908 [email protected] Copyright © 2016 TechSAT GmbH | Rev 1006