B A R N A R D - C A S T L E , M I D D L E T O N , STAIJVDROP, A N D G A I M O R D A D V E R T I S E R . No. . # # BARNARD-CASTLE, WEDNESDAYS D E C E M B E R 3RD, 75.] * Advertisements forthu paper rt- eexeed if) to a lot* hour every Tuesday evening. ry"./". ~ - i £500, nm, tnoo, to tad on gjlXAJxJf Mortgage. Apply to M r . Koine, Solicitor, Romaldkirk. f * O Q A T O B E L E N T on good secu3JdU(j\J. rit].—Apply to M r . Kirby, Solicitor, Barnard Castle. A GOAL T A B . quantity of Coal Tar now on Sal* at the Gas Works, Barnard Cattle. TTSSCRPIfRgri C O P L B Y G O A L S Are now selling at the R A I L W A Y D E P O T , At 7s Od per Ton. A P A R T M E N T S . — T o Be Let, furnished, a large S I T T I N G B O O M and T W O B E D ROOMS on the second floor; and S I T T I N G B O O M and B E D R O O M below, eligibly situated, near the Railway Hotel, Barnard Caatk—Apply at the office of this paper. A MB. CARD. HARBISON Y B T E B P f ART PROCTER, StntC.EOK, BARNARD-CASTLE.. BOOTS A N D SHOES. A L A R G E A W E L L ASSORTED STOCK of B O O T S A SHOES, of every description, suitable for the Season, at GBO. M O O S E ' S , B A N K , B A R N A R D C A S T L E . Orders punctually attended to. S T E E L P E N S , From the best makers, F R O M o d . T O 5s. P E R OR039, AT A B . W. J. A T K I N S O N ' S , B A B S A B D CASTLE. FISH ! FISH !! FISH ! ! 1 JAMES n i R D , B Fishmonger, Barnard Castle, to announce that he has commented KGS business as aboTe, in K I N O S T K E S T , and he hopes, by punctuality and strict attention to orders, to merit the patronage of his iriands and the public TABMOUTIt BLOTTERS & OYSTEES FRESH K V i : v D A T . A job hot of E N V E L O P E S , AT J. 4d. per 100. A R . \V. A T K I N S O N , Barnard Castle. B A R N A R D C A S T L E 4 TEES D A L E B E N E F I T BTTHDINQ SOCIETY. T HIS Society was established in 1819, with t view to enable the industrious classes to form an eligible investment lor their savings, in the acquisition of small freehold properties. At the Society's last annual rueetiug, a d i v i dend o f 9 per cent, was declared. A few Shares on Sale. Further particulars may be obtained on application to MR. ' DAT A G. B U T T E R F I E L D , Jun., Secretary. BOOKS, LEDGERS, M E M O R A N D U M BOOKS, ice. large and excellent assortment, of all sites and prices, may be seen at J. & R. W. ATKINSON'S, Booksellers, BATtJTAJtn MS. CASTX*. M U S I C . W. RAPER, Organist of St. M a r y ' s Church, Barnard Castle, O N T I N U E S to give lessons on the Organ and Piano Forte, and in Singing. He also keeps on hand a select stock of new and standard Music, which he sells at low prices. H e has recently received a well-selected stock of PIANO FORTES, of superior quality ; Cottage, Semi-cottage, and Piccolos, Gj Octaves, in Rosewood, Walnut, & c , by fixing low prices for which, he hopes to secure a •hare of public patronage. N.B. Old Piano Fortes taken in exchange. P I A N O - E O R T E 8 T U N E D , Ac. C GENERAL CABINBT, UPHOLSTERY, 4 FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. GEORGE MONKHOTJSE, 1TOESE M A R K E T , B A R N A R D - C A S T L E , AS always on hand, at his Show Rooms, a large selection of well-seasoned and well made , F U R N I T U R E , In rosewood, mahogany, maple, American birch, oak, Ac. A GOOD ASSORTMENT O F L O O K I N G GLASSES. Bngravings Framed in Oold Moulding, Bird's-eye Maple, Rosewood, &[c. LICENSED APPRAISER. H VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. COMMERCE HOUSE, BARS&.RD 1856 [PRICE O N E PEWNT. T H E N i o H T i i f 8 A l » FUITD.—Yesterday (Toesday) an influential Meeting was held in the W i l h am Testimonial, Barnard Castle, in aid of thk fund. W . J . S. Morritt, Esq., occupied thechair. Inan eloquent addrces the chairman introduced the object of the meeting, and tho various resolutions will be found recorded in another column. The sum of £20 l i s was subscribed in the room. CASTLE. A P L U C X T WITE.—Wfflurm Hemalsy, . hewer, rose at 8 o'clock on Thursday njornint the SOth mat., to go to work at Washington coUiorv S E L L I N G 0FF1 SELLHfG O F F ! ! He lives in " Loanin' House," Washington buw • TO B E S O L D B Y A U C T I O N , and when he proceeded to his early toil i n the The whole of M E . J . Cmnticx'g large and valuable Stock of D R A P E R Y GOODS. At the King's Head Inn, Barnard Castle, <nine, he left his wife behind him. We have elsein the county of Durham, where spoken of a pitman who can lecture to hie friends ond neighbours on Health, Digestion and B Y M R . T A R N , Begs tosannounoo that he has purchases! the above Stock the CircuUt ion of the Blood. Our present piteiaa On WEDNESDAY, the 1(MA DECEMBER, FOB OAS H, AT A L A R G E D I S C O U N * F R O M COST PRICE, Jamce Pearson, one of tho ohoir of Barnard Cas— M r I Tern .ley—is a naturalist a r . l a taxidermist 1866, at 5 o'clock precisely in the afternoon, And has commenced Selling Off the same, upon the premises lately occupied by M r C , at prieee regard tle Church, has received an appointment as chor- —a colliery Hancock ; and keeps several fowling subject to such conditions as uilt be read at the less of original cost, in order to insure an immediate clearance. ister at Durham Cathedra), which must prove highpieces in his cottage, to shoot new subjects for his * time of Sale, tie undernamed. H E Stock consists of Yorkshire, Scotch, and West of England broad and narrow Cloths, Vesting*, ly gratifying to M r Roper, his tutor, who has paid museum. Mrs Hemsley, too, can handle a gun [paces, Circassians, Gala Plaids, Irish VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. Hats, Blankets, Flannels, Serges, Mcrinoes, Cobajxs, so much attention to the Barnard Castle choir. She has travelled in America with her husband backs, Toweling*, Hollands, Bed Ticks, Scotch, and Barnsley Linens, Fronting?, Lawns. Diapers, fltn LOT 1. and is as good a shot as himself.—Well! her eposes L L that F A R M called Arkengarthdala Head, Sheeting and Shirting Calicoes, Long Cloths, India Twills, M ' lins, Muslinctts, Dimities, Doyle's and B A B V A H D CASTLE BRASS B A W D . — W e are glad had gone to his work, and she was lying in bed aSchwabbe's Prints, Checks, Ginghams, Black and Fancy Gros, . tins, Satinet!*, Velvets, Plushes, R i b - to learn that a handsome sum has already been situate in the Township of Arkengarthdale, hme, when she heard a robber on the housetop bona. Flowers, Lace Goods, together with a General Stock of . A M I L Y M O U R N I N G , the whole of in the North Riding of the Countyof York, consubscribed, and a number of valuable instruments The rascal was del.beralely unroofing her cotUgewhich has been re-marked in plain figures, far cask. taining by estimation, 43a. l r . B p . of excellentpurchased. The Band is industriously practising, domicde, to make his way in. " Who's there?'' P. I., in soliciting a continuance of that patronage so liberally bestowed upon his predecessor, begs to Meadow and Pasture Land, with a eastalua Dweland as the members are all skilled musicians, there shouted she. " It's no business of yours," replied intimate t W h e W jiwt returned from thevarioiw marfrts, wjfre he lias made, large and Cash purchases, ling House and Outbuilding!, in the occupation of is no doubt their performance will be of a most he: " you had better be quiet." Her opinion in M A N T L E S ' , S n A W L S , S T U F F S , F A N C Y DftESSRS, I V U S , 4e., arrd-m consequence of the deMr. William Bouafleld. satisfactory character. Far several v ears past, our pressed state of the markets, he has obtained many advantages from the Manufacturers, the whole benefit diff-red from that of the burglar:—she thought she Lor 2. Christmas and New Year's celebrations have been of which he will accord to his customers, and he therefore feel* assured that his Stock, in every departhv) h -iter ffrTTTJs^SftEsVj^A^ejipgiaj^gBjp^tp^p^y^^-^^ A l l that F A R M called Low Fagger Gill, situate shorn of much of their cheering influence through ment, will bear favourable comparison with that of any other respectable house in the trade. in the Township of Arkengarthdale aforesaid, conthe absence of the town's Band ; but we hope for she bawled to her visitor that she w i a U blow^Es™ N.B.—This establishment opens at 7 a.m. during the winter months. brains out if he did not be off. He derided her taining by estimation, 21a. l r . 24p. of Meadow the future, to hear no further complaint on this warning, telling her to " fire away " and she fired and Pasture Land, with a good Dwelling House subject, and that the festal occasions alluded to TO T H E I N H A B I T A N T S OF B A B N A B D C A S T L E A N D V I C I N I T Y . through the roof. Simultaneously with the shot and Outbuildings, in the occupation of Mr. W i n . will be ushered in with " musical honours." . she heard a heavy fa FT to the ground. It was Liddle and Mr. W. Bousfield. now 4 o'clock. She had disposed of the villain, GEORGE STEPHENSON The above Property has unlimited right of PasCAUTTOH.—Since the opening of the Railway, and composed herself to sleep with an approving^ EGS to call their special attention to his present Stock of S U P E R I O R C L O T H I N G , suitable for the turnpike road between Barnard Castle and conscience. In the morning, by appointment, a j * turage on the extensive moor of Arkeugarthdale, esquire or workinj man, of every variety of colour and fabric, all N E W GOODS T H I 8 S E A S O N . Winston, being little fre men ted, is peculiarly loneand can be much improved by draining and liming, neighbour woke her about eight o'clock, and aha The Stock of Cloths, Beavers, Pilots, Witneys, 4o., Fancy Doeskins, Black do., and Wool and Silk lime being found in the immediate vicinity. Laud ly. The other Wednesday evening, M r Hodgson, asked if there was a dead man at the door ; for • Vestings is not to be excelled. of Hedgeholm, near Winston, who generally rides Tax redeemed. The land ia in good cultivation. thief had come in the night, and " she was sflaid on horseback to market, was returning home, and The R E A D Y M A D E D E P A R T M E N T is large, varied, well made, and excellent in style. Possession of the land may be had by the purchasshe'd shot h i m ! " The fellow, however, had got when crossing Westwick Moor, observed several Quotation of some of the Prices. er, on the 6th of April, and of the houses on the away—and was heard of no more. Next night, suspicious-looking fellows loitering on the roadPilot 4 Witney Over Coats 10/6 to 30/ Cloth, Sflk, and Plush Vesta ... 2/9 to 12/ 13th.May. she was expressing some Little uneasiness at being Mohair and Beaver, 4c 18/ to 40/ side. These persons, on seeing him approach, adMen's Coloured Flannel Shirts . . . 9/ to 10/6 The Tenants will show the premises, and further left alone but her husband told her she was well24/ to 40/ " Striped, Fancy, and White do. 1/6 to 6/ vanced into the middle of the road, with the apparparticulars may be obtained by applying to M r . Every variety of Capes... armed, and there was no fear of her. Gateshead Cloth and Fancy Doeskin Trousers 6/ to 20/ ent intention of intercepting his passag?; upon J O H N B R O W N , Weat Briscoe, near Cotherston, Observer. Barnard Castle, or A large Stock.of Working Men's Cord and Mole T R O U S E R S , from 4s to 7s; J A C K E T S , do., 5s to which M r Hodgson, wisely considering " discretion Asr O L D B O T . — A zealous upholder of the law the better part of valour," whipped his horse 7s 6V1; VESTS, 2s to 3s 6 d ; a good and cheap lot of W A T E R P R O O F COATS, 6s 2d to 16s; O V E R MB. KIRBY, which forbids the use of climbing boys in the sweepround, and found his home by a different route. A L L S 4 L E G G I N S , 2s 3d to 5s 5d. Solicitor, Barnard Castle. ing of chimneys, recently got scent in Newcastle Gentlemen's Silk and Felt H A T S , Youths' Cloth C A P 8 , Infants' Felt H A T S A B E A V E R S . o f " a goad case." A sweep-boy had gone into a Good warm Woollen Wove S H I R T S and D R A W E R S , 2s 4d to 4a 6d. A C C I D E N T . — O n Wednesday night last, an aged boose with an adult, and there oould be no doubt TO B E L E T , Stockings, Braces, Collars, Fronts, Stocks, Ties, Bilk and Cotton Pocket Handkerchief* and Neckerfemale named Hildreth, whilst turning the comer that the law was about to be broken. Our hero N D may be entered upon at the usual times chiefs, Silk and Wool Scarfs, Cloth and Leather Gloves. * of Newgate Street into the Market Place, was therefore ran off for a policeman—who made hia in the Spring, 17 Acres or thereabouts of L I V E R I E S on economical terms. M O U R N I N G on the shortest notice. knocked down by a passing cart, and in the fall way into the bouse, and was just in time to catch Rich Old Grass Land, with an excellent Dwelling Accept of my best thapks for past favours, and I now invite you to inspect and buy from the best and fractured one -ot her arms; she also narrowly esthe parties in the act. The sweeping of the House, and suitable Outbuildings thereto belonglargest Stock ever offered here. G E O R G E 8TEPHENSON, caped being crushed by the wheels. In this i n - chimney was in progress—the sweeper had no door ing, situate at Bowes Cross, in the parish of Bowes. TAILOR, HATTER, HOSIER, AND OUTFITTER, stance, as in many other?, the driver of the cart, of escape but the chimney-top. A n attempt was For further particulars apply to M r Henry Dent, Market Place (near the Market Cross), Barnard Castle, and 14 4 15, Skinnergate, Darlington. instead of leading his horse, was sitting upon his made, on the part of the inmates of the house, to vehicle,—a practice which, in a crowded street, of Bowes Hall. persuade P.C. that aU was tight—that DO dimbstrongly demands the attention of the police. The LARGE, V A L U A B L E , A N D HANDSOME DISPLAY OF DRAPERY. ing-boy was at work. He was not, however, to be poor woman was taken to her house, in Newgate hoodwinked :—he went to the bottom of the chimStreet, and still suffers from the effect of the injury. ney—removed the cloth—and shouted up the darkMIDDLETON 4 B A R N A B D CASTLE. some tube, " How old are you ?" " H o w old am N O M N I B U S leaves M I D D L E T O N , every M A R K E T PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE, I ?" responded a deep bass voice i — " t'm fortyP A I B T U L A C C I D E N T . — O n Monday last, a young morning (except Sundays) at 6-10 a.m., by EOS to intimate his return from London witli an e!eg-.nt assortment of Goods for the present man, named Henry Gardner, (son of M r Gardn'-T, five ."' The journeyman had stripped to the task way of Eggleston, Romaldkirk, Cotherston, anJ 8e«jon, embracing the Newest Styles in R E V E R S I B L E C L O A K S , including the B E R - of £gglcston) and apprentice to M r Marshall, drahimself; for the sweeps are now so closely watched Lartington, arriving at the Rose and Crown Inn, NOtJS A L V B l i D O U l N , F L O U N C E D 4 D O C B L ' C S K I R T K J X [>Rg&JBJL S H A W L S , by the Suppression Society that they are many of per, of this town, met with a serious aeci.-lent B A R N A R D C A S T L E , in time for the 9 o'clock F R E N C H M E K I N O E S , C O B O U R G C L O T H S , R I B B O N S , FTOVVERS, L A C E S , F U R S , them afraid to use climbing boys. The discomfited whilst returning from Egglestoh to Barnard Castle train; and leaves Barnard Castle at 5 1 0 p.m. STRAW, V E L V E T , & SATIN BONNETS, policeman retired from the field.—Gateshead in Mr Parmerley's spring cart. There were severObserver. JAMES PARMERLEY. H O S I E R Y , G L O V E S , C R I M E A N SHIRTS, L A M B S ' W O O L V E S T S , A c , 4c. al passengers in the conveyance, and it appears Having made extensive purchases during the Summer, in anticipation of the great advance which has that the youth selected a seat for himself on the taken place in all descriptions of Woollen and Cotton Goods, he can offer decided bargains i n outside of the cart, with his feet resting on the S U P E R F I N E A N D W I T N E Y CLOTHS, THOMAS CABNELL, B A R N A R D C A S T L E F K T T Y SESSIONS, shafts, near M r Parmerley, who was driving. In B L A N K E T S , F L A N N E L S , C A L I C O E S , COTTON S H E E T S , B E D R U G S , CORDS, Wednesday, Kov. 26th, DRUGGIST, GROCER, 4 SPIRIT RITAILER, coming down Lartington Lane, the horse, through MOLESKINS, G I N O H A i l S . .i Before the Rev. G . Dugard, T. 8. Edger, E s q , AND D E A L E R I NBRITISH WINES, some unknown reason, commenced kicking, and T I C K S , U N I O N A A L L - W O R S T E D D A M A S K S A N B MOEEjENS, A c , A c >.'". s, ^tlieyouug man fell off tite,cart, evlajming that he and Captain Maude., Bank, Barnard Castle, ^was afraid-he had been struck by the horse's feet. E G S most respectfully to call the attention John Casey, labourer, Bernard Castle, charged O B S E R T I : — M A R S H A L L ' S General Drapery House, Market Tlace, Barnard Castls. • Mr Panncrlry also fell olf on the other side, but with assaulting Mary Phelin, married woman, of his friends, and the public generally, to hi immediately recovered his footing, and succeeded on the l l ' t l l nit.; ease compromised, defendant his choice stock of D R U G S , GROCERIES, & SPIRITS, in quietening the horse. The greatest alarm prepaying 3s 6d costs.—John Blenkimop, farm-serM A R K E T PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE. of the best qualities, which he is offering at very T H E 17I3HTIHGALE F U N D . vailed among the remaining passengers, who, howvant, charged by Mary Kales, singlewoman, Barlow prices. nard Castle, with being the putative father of her ever, alighted in safety, and on the young man At a> Meeting held in the Wit 1mm Testimonial, F. W I N P E N N Y illegitimate child ; defendant made application for being lifted from the ground, it was found that Barnard Castle, yesterday, (the 2nd inst.) E S P E C T F U L L Y informs his friends and an adjournment, which was granted.—Robert CHEAP GROCERIES. both his legs were broken. Ho bore his injuries W. J . S. Morritt, Esq., of Kokeby, in the chair, the public generally, that his stock is unusuWalker, labourer, Barnard Castle, charged by with great composure, and the same day was re—the following resolutions were passed— BUY Y0TJB TEAS ally well supplied in every department, and the Bupt. Knox, with keeping a common lodging house, moved to his father's house at Eggleston. The 1. Moved by the Rev. G . Dugard, seconded by AT bulk of it having b » n purchased in the early part on the 19th u l t , the same not being registered, skilful treatment of his medical attendants (Dr. Cftpt. Maude—"That the noble exertions of Miss GREGSON'S, B R O T H E R S . of the present year will be sold at the OLD PRICES. contrary to the Lodging House A c t ; fined 10s Helmer, of Eggleston, and Dr. Cust, of Barnard Nightingale and her associates, in the East, and Wool dyed Blacks, fast colours, in West of Establishments at B A R N A R D C A S T L E , K I R X B Y and 6s costs.—William Longstaff and William Castle) has done much to alleviate his sufferings, England and Yorkshire makes ; Black and Fancy thi invaluable services rendered by them to the S T E P H E N , A P P L K B T , W AUCOP, and A I X O N B Y . EUery, weavers, Barnard Castle, charged by James and we are glad to learn that his early recovery is sick and wounded, demand the grateful recogniDoeskins, of various mixtures ; Scotch Tweeds ; anticipated. From the information we have re- Burt, gamekeeper, West wick, with trespassing on tion of the whole British nation." H E largest and cheapest Stork of Teas in the Beavers, Serpentines, Witneys, and Pilots ; Cords land belonging to W. F . Webb, E s q , for the purceived not the slightest blame can be attributed to 2. Moved by the Hon. and Rev. F . Sugden, North of England, and not to be surpassed and Moleskins; Cloth Blankets; Home-made pose of killing game; were each fined 20s includthe driver. seconded by E . Kemp, Esq.—" That this meeting for strength and flavour. s. d. a. d. Flannels ; Silk and Strong Wool Hats; and every ing costs, in default committed for one month each. hereby desires to express its cordial approval of Good Congou . . . - 3 4 to 3 8 per lb. article in the Trimming Department. Gibson Raine, miner, Stony Cow, charged by Ann L O S T . — O n Thursday night last, great anxiety the steps already taken to perpetuate the memory Fine Pekoe flavoured - 4 6 " Anderson, singlewoman, same place, with being was expressed as to the safety ot M r T. Dalston, ot Miss Nightingale's signal devotion, in enabling NEW LINEN 4 WOOLLEN Strongly recommended. the putative father of her illegitimate child ; this of this town, who had left his house at noon, with her to establish an institution for the training, D R A P E R Y , M I L L I N E R Y , A N D Good Coffee-'1 0 per lb. case was dismissed, there being no evidence to subthe intention of taking a walk. M r Dalston is sustenance, and protection of Hospital Efurses." STRAW BONNET ESTABLISHMENT, Fine Jamaica ditto - - - - 14 " stantiate the charge. advanced in years, and suffers from defective vision 3. Moved by the Rev. W. F . Wharton, secondBan;!;, Barnard Castle. AN APPRENTICE WANTED. and other infirmities. A t 8 o'clock, no tidings ed by H . Benning, Esq.,—"That this Meeting do Supt. K N O X . co-operate with the central committee, and does having b> en heard, the bellman went round the W. W E I G H T town, and a strict search was entered upon. A t hereby invite all classes in this town and neighS T A I N D R O P P E T T Y SESSIONS, EGS to announce that he has opened the above midnight M r Dalston was discovered in a cowCheese! Cheese!! Cheese!!! bourhood to subscribe." Nov. 29th, 1856. establishment with a large, varied, and entirebyre, in a field on the Staindrop road, in the occu4. Moved by the Rev. T. E . Jones and secondBefore the Rev. H. C. Lipscomb, T. 8. Edger, Esq. ly new stock! lor particulars of which see handbills. pation of his son, M r G . Dalston. Whilst walkE. TILBURN ed by the Rev. H . C. Lipscomb,—" That the Chairand Captain Maude. N . B . — A n A P P R E N T I C E Wanted. ing, he by somo means hsd strayed from the path EGS to inform his friends and the public in man of t h i 3 Meeting,the Rev. W. F. Wharton, the John Walker, charged by Elizabeth Shaw, with to the place where he was found. The night was general, that he has received a S E C O N D Rev. G. Dugard, W . Watson, jun., Esq., and Mr. PHIPPS'S G E N E R A L D R A P E R Y & M I L refusing to pay £3 wages due to her; ordered to inclement, but we are glad to 6ay that M r Dalston LOT of P R I M E W E N S L E Y D A L E C H E E S E , Badcoek, bo appointed a Committee, with power to pay the amount of wages, and costs.—George LINERY ESTABLISHMENT, lias taken no harm from his lengthened exposure from the dairy of M r R Mason, Wensleydale, who add to their number, for the purpose of carrying Lamb, of Cockfield, ass collier, a notorious charN E A R T H E M A R K E T CROSS, to the cold. obtained the second prize at the Agricultural Show those resolutions into effect, and that M r . T. Caldacter, charged by p. e. Austin, »ith being drunk Barnard Castle. at. Barnard Castle, on the 15th ult. well ba requested to act as Hon. Secretary and and disorderly, on the 15th u l t . ; fined 5s and G.'H. P H I P P S PFOLITIC G O O S E . — M r Clarkson, of Satron, E . T. begs to call attention to the above Cheese, Treasurer." coats, and severely reprimanded.—Ralph Hall and E S P E C T F U L L Y announces his return from Swaledale, has a goose which commenced laying which, for quality and condition, cannot be excel5. Moved by Rev! E . Mason, seconded by W . Joseph Million, both of Cockfield, charged by the Markets, with an entirely new on the 2nd of February last, and hatched two led. All weights, from 41b to 201b. Also a few Watson, jun., Esq.—" That the thanks of this Thomas Walton, with steahng a greyhound dog, S T O C K O F W I N T E R G O O D S , broods of goslings in spring. The goose again fine C H E S H I R E C H E E S E S , of good quality. meeting be given to the chairman for his kindness Which is now ready for inspection. commenced to lay oo the 10th of October, and has on the 24th ult.; ordered to return the dog to the E . T*s. 4s. T E A still maintains its reputation. and courtesy in the chair; and also to M r Caldowner, and pay costs.—William Metcalf and ThoSTUFFS, F R E N C H MKRINOES, PRINTS, produced an egg daily since. He strongly recommends it to ail those who have well, for his valuable services as Honorary Secremas Robinson, two notorious poachers, charged by W I N T E R DKKPBES, not given it a trial. One trial is only asked. Its tary." W. F . Scarth, E s q , with trespassing in pursuit of S H A W L S A N D M A N T L E S , SOUTH D U R H A M & LAKCAannti R A I L W A Y . — strength and flavour cannot fail to please. Teas at Subscriptions will be received and acknowledged game, on the 20th ult.; fined £1 eaoh including In the latest styles. An influential meeting, to promote this Rai'way, lower prices. by the Hon. Secretary or any member of the costs. J O H N F E N W I C K , Sergt. G. H . P . having engagfrl a first-class Milliner, was held at Stockton, on Monday, the 24th ult. C O F F E E from Is to Is 8d per lb., always fresh Committee. can particularly call the attention of his customers Among those present were the Mayors ot Stockroasted. and the public to his immense stock of Millinery. ton, Kendal, Middlesbro', and various gentlemen MARRIAGES. E. T. has received his new F R U I T S for ChristYelvet Uonnets in every variety -, Mourning, Silk, holding a high position in the district,—ironmasmas, which are of good quality. Currants very fine. At the Parish Church, Barnard Castle, on the Almanacks for 1857. and Crape Bonnets ; Mantles of the latest styles, ters, manufacturers, &c. As giving an excellent E. T I L B U R N , 21st u l t , by Rev. * G . Dugard, M r John made to ortler on the shortest notice, and nioet general idea of the merits and prospects of the Eales to Miss Jcssiniine Stubba, both of Barnard UST R E C E I V E D , ft large assortment of G R O C E R , A c , N E A R T H E CROSS, reasonable terms. Ladies own maturiuls made-up hne, we append the speech of M r Henry Pease, as Castle. Market Place, Barnard Castle* A L M A N A C K S , Ac., including the Illustrato order. follows No one had more carefully examined the At the Catholic Chapel, Barnard Castle, M r F . Ribbons, Flowers, and Feather?, Woollen Cloths, ted London Almanack, Is. ; Cassell's Pictorial map of the country than he had, and he belio'-ed Mc Glinchy to Miss M . Morrisrow, both of BarAlmanack, 6 d . ; the Farmers' Almanack, I s . ; Yestings, Gentlemen's Ties, very cheap. the line of route was the best that could be planJUST OPENED, nard Castle, on the 26th ult. Glenny's Gardeners' Almanack, I s . ; Old Moore, An immense Stock of and Mooro Improved ; Hannay's Aknanapk j Ra- ned. It connects itself with the line west of At the Register Office, on the 29ih ult,- M r R. The Tea Establishment, B O N N E T S ! B O N N E T S 1! Bishop Auckland, proceeds on to the Barnard Casphael ; the Pogmoor Oiemenavk; Mann's AlmanWilson to Miss J . Gibson, both at Cotherston ; HOUSE M A R K E T , In every material, adapted exclusively for the season. tle line, and there joined in connection with a ack ; the Churchmans' Almanack, A c , Ac. Sheet same day, M r G. Forest to Miss M Bain bridge, B A R N A R D CASTLE, S H I R T S ! S H I R T S ' ! short line to Stockton; and a reference to the map Almanacks of various descriptions. both of Eggleston. OR the sale only of First-Class T E A * and G. H . P . keeps on hand several different sizes would show that the line was almost straight from DEATHS. The Lady's and Gentleman's Diary, Punch's COPFEES, at London Prices. The leading of Men's Shirts, thus affording every customer, his Stockton to Lancaster, and, from the various conAt Bowes, on the 25th u l t , Mrs Dobbin, agsd articles now offering are— proper lit. A long cloth shirt from 2s 4d to 6s Cd ; Pocket Book j Ladies' and Gentlemen's Pocket nections it would form, was the very best line that 51. Books. B L A C K TEAS. also a large stock of fancy shirts, commencing from could be taken. He was free to say that the proAt Wycliffe, on the 27th u l t , Mrs Jane Shiptosi, Prime strong Congou . . . 3/4 per lb. Is 4d, Fronts, Co-lars. ject was one that would go far to establish the iron aged 26. Superior Congou, pekoe flavor - 3/8 " S E L L I N G O F F , below the regular price, a trade of this district beyond competition. (Cheers) TO C O R R E S P O N D E N T S . Finest Pekoe Souchong ; a most luxlarge stock of Boys' and Men's Caps and Hats. The railways had already established a new trade M A R K E T S . ' urious Tea, rich 4 full flavored 4/0 " Women'* stout Jean Stay?, Ticks, Cotton Sheets, Jnonymous communications can on no account in the district; they had iron ore, coal, and liuie Newcastle, December 2.—The supple of b * f G R E E N TEAS. &c. Umbrellas, Gentlemen's Oilskin Coats. receive attention. Every contribution must be in quantities indestructible, and the quality of comprised 1,083 h. ad. Trade elo.v at a reduction Young Hyson, or Ouchain, G. H . P. solicits an early inspection. authenticated (in confidence) with the name the staple of iron was improved by mixing, and to of 61 per stone from last week. Number of sheep, stzyng and fine - 4/0 to 4/4 per lb. A Junior Assistant, and an Apprentice wanted. produce their iron as good aa it could be possible of the writer. 5,370. A l l breeds in sluggish demand and priors Fine small-leaf Gunpowders - 4/8 A 5/p, " to be made would be to add hematite. The traffic id" per lb. lower. Pigs on offer, 405. Demand Finest Pearl Gunpowder, the of the line would be chiefly from both ends; there D A V I D M ' N A U G H T . steady and all sold at full rates. Prices—Beef, HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. best imported - 6/0 " would not be much intervening traffic. There Wholesale Retail Dealer in 5s 6d to 7s 6 d ; Pork, 7s to 9s per stone of 141b, Jnjerior Teas not kejit. would also be a considerable traflio created with B L B M I K O H A K A N D S H E F F I E L D GOODS, C H I N A , The Raby Foxhounds meet this day (WednesSheep, 5 i d to 71d per lb. COFFEES Newcastle and Sunderland, and other places. He G L A S S , POTS, & C , day) ftt Selaby Park, and on Friday, the 5th, at had for twenty-one years been familiar with the Of rare excellence (always kept fresh-roasted), Com Market—A moderate business was dons G A L G A T E , B A R N A R D C A S T L E , Toft H i l l ; each day at half-past 10 o'clock. From l a to Is 4d per lb. district, and giving this subject his attention he at an enhancement of 2s to Ss per qr an rates of I N C E R E L Y thanks his friends and the pub*„• A trial is most respectfully solicited. believed the line to be necessary. M r Bouch, the this day week for fine dry samples of both English lic generally, for the support he has received Orders from all partB of the neighbourhood, acengineer, had now made an estimate, which he had and foreign, but on the low qualities there was litduring the short time he has been in business, and companied by a remittance, prou ptly forwarded no doubt would be easily carried out. 70,000 tons tle improvement either in price or demand. For he hopes, by keeping first-rate good*, at low price*, by first conveyance, CARRIAGE r«fx. of salt were taken from Chester to Newcastle to be fine 611b Lincolnshire red we obtained 60s to 70s to merit a continuance of their patronage. J . C O L L I N G & Co., manufactured, and if they oould bring the roak per 60 to 621b. Silcsian, made 631b. Fye had very As the whole of the articles he has in Stock are Proprietors. salt from that district to this, there would be great little attention. English malting Barloy being too numerous to particularize, he begs to submit a T H K W E A T H E R . — W i n t e r has set in with unuadvantage from the refining it here. The trade scarce, commanded full prices. Walt dull New few, with their prices, viz.,— sual severity, and for nearly a week, the face of the from Stookton to Lancashire would create a trade Beans neglected. Peas rather cheaper. Oats Sets of China, from 7s. per set. count ry has been covered with snow. The River SUPERIOR EAST INDIA P A L E A L E baok, by the return trucks. There would be were less pressingly offered. Flour was 6d to Is Gold&White do.,with small Tees at Barnard Castle is firmly frozen over, and AND LONDON PORTER. " through " rates, which would be favourable to par sack dearer. plates to match 15s. per set. d. for B e v e r a l days past hundreds of people have enthe trade of their port, and if they took the Tees as A great many other patterns in China equally joyed themselves in*skating and Bliding. East India Pale Ale—Burton - 1 9 per gal. their entrepot, it would, in a mercantile point of cheap. Any article belonging sets of China broken, EDWARD THORNTON EAT, London Porter • - 1 view, be advantageous. He wished to see the S J D D E S D E A T H . — O n Saturday last, the 29th or any oilier goods, matched. " Stout * 1 6 Demesne Terrace, Barnard Castle scheme fully investigated, tad would be glad to ult., M r William White, cabinet-maker, of this A large assortment of Brown Ware. •' Brown Stout- • - 1 9 C C 0 R D E 0 N S , Flutinas, Concert*»« (Rng• town, dropped down dead whilst walking in the give every explanation required. He had • great D. Miller and Sons' superior Sheffield Cutlery liah, French. A German), Harmonmius, A o , At P E T E R - D H I T ' S stake in Stockton, and bellevod that his property yard uttaohud to his premises. M r Wliito's years always in stock. Piano Fortes, Ohuroh, AChambar Organs, Ri»ajr«e| W I N E A N D SPIRIT VAULTS, NiB. Beeaoved to the Shop, near Galgate Cor- were approaching 70, and for some time his health and that of others would be benefited by the rail- and Tuned. Porter St Pale Ale Stores, had been giving way. ner, lately occupied by Mrs. KelUti. B A N K , B A R N A R D CAS'XLB, ARKENGARTHDALE, YORKSHIRE. P. I X E S 0 * T A 1 ( B A JOHN A M. MARSHALL, 1 B R T % B B R J F A B K O U G H C O A C H . C O A C H runs daily (Sundays excepted), from M r . Geo. Dalaton's, New Waterloo Inn, Barnard Castle, leaving at 'J 30 a.m., after the arrival of the trains from York, Newcastle, and Darlington, arriving at B r o u / h in time for passengers, Ac., to be forwarded by the Brough and Penrith. M a i l ; returning from Erough at 10 a.m., on the arrival of the Mail from Penrith, in tunc for the train leaviug Barorad Castle at 1.10 S TEESDUE A HAIL OIMBIS. N Omnibus leaves the Railway Station, Barnard Castle, for Middleton-in-Teesdale, daily, (Sundays excepted) after the arrival of the 8 t 0 Mail and Govt, train from Darlington, the •outh and North, via Lartington, Cotherston, Romaldkirk, and Eggleston. Returning from Middleton at 8 0 p.m., in time for the Mail train to Darlington, the South, and the North. H I G H F O R C E , C A L D R O N S N O U T , Ac. A conveyance may be had on the arrival of the Mail at Middleton, allowing upwards of 2 hours to view the Scenery, Ac., returning in time for the Mad. ITnral "anit wmw Xtm. A