MANTRA Datasheet Big Data architectures are the rage to give organizations the ability to access broader and more complex data sets with more flexibility. But simply joining, consolidating and managing these volumes of data is not enough. Businesses need Smart Data — which is web and enterprise data with explicit semantics (e.g. semantic annotations and metadata, entities and objects extraction, natural language processing, taxonomies, ontologies, linked data) combined with implicit semantics (e.g. machine learning, inference) — to embed in applications to drive smarter business decisions and processes. MANTRA is a Smart Data Management Platform comprised of three key layers: Contextual Processing Layer that uses semantic algorithms (Altilia’s core IP) to enable fast, accurate, high-performance, execution of APP workflows designed for processing web and enterprise heterogeneous Big Data. Smart Data / Cloud Layer that provides support for managing unstructured data variety and complexity, and structured data (SQL, NoSQL, RDF triplestores), offered as Hybrid Cloud for highly scalable contextual processing workflows. API / GUI Layer that: • Simplifies developer’s work in embedding contextual processing workflows, APPs and Smart Data into end-users solutions and applications by an easy-to-use and intuitive API. • Enables business users to visually and rapidly design and execute APPs workflows by a point-and-click GUI. www.altiliagroup.com 2013 © ALTILIA S.r.l. 2 MANTRA Datasheet MANTRA Model is a set of APPs that enable the user to design automatic data extraction tasks and contextual processing pipelines by using only mouse clicks without writing code, and to write annotation and extraction rules in the MANTRA Language. Extraction tasks enable automatic navigation and access of web data sources to extract contents, documents and object instances from documents and databases. For example, to extract product information from an e-commerce web site a user has just to point and click on information of interest adding pagination method if multiple pages. This visual modeling of web extraction tasks (without code writing) enables high precision extraction with drag and drop “automatic” contextualization. MANTRA Model enables users to design highprecision, unstructured information annotation and extraction (A&E) rules which are supplemented by semantic structures (e.g. taxonomies, ontologies). MANTRA’s A&E rules are written in the MANTRA Language, which has an intuitive logic syntax with XPath-like navigation. The MANTRA Language has powerful object-oriented and spatial features that exploit document layout and visual features in the process of recognizing information to extract. For example, extraction tasks using our annotation and extraction rules are able to recognize objects contained in flat text, in tabular form or in complex layouts such as brochures and web pages. MANTRA annotation and extraction rules can be applied universally to web pages and/or documents having the most common internal formats such as pdf, doc, xls and ppt. MANTRA Model contains an APP called “Contextual Processing Workflow Designer” which allows the user to visually design workflows by simply using drag & drop to bring MANTRA APPs into the work area, set APP parameters and connect various APPs to create workflows. The Designer lets the user check Smart Data resulting from the execution of a given workflow, so that a contextual workflow can be deployed — using a planned scheduling strategy — when it meets the user’s needs. MANTRA Acquire is a set of APPs and Services aimed at acquiring data from heterogeneous information sources. For acquiring data from unstructured and semistructured sources, MANTRA Acquire provides APPs that use automatic information extraction algorithms and acquisition tasks modeled by MANTRA model. Automatic acquisition APPs can spatially and semantically analyze information sources to identify and extract object instances and records for high-precision extraction of online news, posts in blogs, social media, products information, recommendations in e-commerce web sites, etc. For example, automatic APPs can extract news related to a given set of entities (e.g. person, company, brand, product, event, place) or concepts (e.g. merge and acquisition between companies, level of acceptance of a product). Acquisition APPs and Services can acquire unstructured, structured and linked data in enterprise and web data sources. For example, one of the acquisition APPs acts as a client for Twitter API, so users can gather specific sets of tweets without writing code. 2013 © ALTILIA S.r.l. - www.altiliagroup.com MANTRA Datasheet MANTRA Normalize APPs and Services execute annotation and extraction rules designed by MANTRA model with automatic contextualization algorithms based on natural language processing and machine learning approaches. Rule-based and automatic APPs permit: • Entity recognition, information extraction, semantic metadata and complex object instances extraction, into web pages, documents and flat texts semantic annotation. • Semantic indexing of documents. • Sentiment and opinion extraction. • Transformations from unstructured to structured data. 3 MANTRA Actuate provides APPs and Services that apply machine-learning algorithms (e.g. classification, clustering, categorization, statistics) on Smart Data for building rich, dynamic and multidimensional visual reports, and/or feeding Smart Data into third party applications. Users can create very deep and rich analytical applications performing more effective and efficient analysis (actuation) that enable faster and more informed decisions. &217(;78$/352&(66,1*/$<(5 • Combining, linking and integrating information coming from different sources and contextual processing pipelines. • Creating views on subsets of data available in the Smart Data layer. • Filtering, cleaning, and selecting information on the basis of criteria defined by the user. • Representing information in the form of triples which enable reasoning and inference. ZHEHQWHUSULVHKHWHURJHQHXV $336(59,&(6 3,3(/,1(6 63$7,$/6(0$17,&$/*25,7+06 )$67 $&&85$7( 6&$/$%/( UHSRUWLQJ DQDO\VLV LQWHJUDWLRQ Businesses need smart data, to drive smarter business decisions and processes. Businesses need [smart data], to drive smarter [business decisions] and [processes]. DQQRWDWLRQ MANTRA Transform APPs and Services manipulate Smart Data by executing algorithms and queries that enable: $&48,6,7,211250$/,=$7,2175$16)250$7,21$&78$7,21 60$57'$7$ Sketch of a contextual processing workflow www.altiliagroup.com 2013 © ALTILIA S.r.l. - www.altiliagroup.com 4 MANTRA Datasheet In the Smart Data Layer data and documents, handled in contextual workflows, are automatically stored in Big Data engines and returned as JSON documents or by predefined connectors, so developers don’t have to spend much time in learning syntax, or in mapping their applications to the database structures. MANTRA Smart Data Layer is based on NoSQL data stores like Cassandra, Hadoop, and MongoDB that manage semi-structured, unstructured and RDF data. SOLR and ElasticSearch, extended by semantic capabilities, are used for indexing, search and retrieval. MANTRA Smart Data Layer is highly flexible and can provide tailored support for managing smart data on the base of user needs. It has decentralized PaaS architecture where every node has the same role, thus there is no single point of failure. MANTRA Smart Data Layer provides support for heterogeneity, high-velocity and complexity in data manipulation, distribution and synchronization. This way data having different nature can be annotated, indexed, linked, transformed, combined and normalized. MANTRA Platform as Service (PaaS) is offered as Hybrid Cloud for highly scalable contextual processing workflows. Enterprise Data Warehouse and ETL were great for known data sources, but today new APPs and APIs are constantly being developed at the edge of the enterprise and on the web, where things are changing much more rapidly. Today’s development is largely based on robust APIs and easy-to-use GUI to build new applications and solutions. The MANTRA API/GUI Layer enables businesses and developers to deliver well-designed, scalable APIs contextual processing workflow, and to create business value by simplifying information ecosystems integration for a dynamic world. Using the MANTRA API, developers can easily embed MANTRA Services and Smart Data into their applications and programmatically design contextual processing workflows. Using the MANTRA GUI, end-users can visually design contextual processing workflows by MANTRA APPs available as visual components. This way, users may create value by designing workflows of APPs that drive data and systems integration and enrichment. USE CASES To learn more see www.altiliagroup.com ,QFRUSRUDWHGLQ,WDO\LQ (PSOR\HHV :LQQHURIVHYHUDOSUHVWLJLRXV QDWLRQDODQGLQWHUQDWLRQDODZDUGV OLNHê3UHPLR1D]LRQDOHGHOOè,QQRYD]LRQHë ,WDOLDQ1DWLRQDO3UL]HRI,QQRYDWLRQ 3ULYDWHHTXLW\IXQGHGE\3ULQFLSLD6*5 ,WDOLDQYHQWXUHFDSLWDOLVW &XVWRPHUVLQ,WDO\RWKHU(XURSH86$ $OWLOLDLVDVPDOOWRZQLQ&DODEULD ZLWKDWHUULĆFPRXQWDLQYLHZ DQGWDVWHIRUZLQHDQGIRRG LVQRWHZRUWK\ Piazza Vermicelli, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy Tel. +39 0984 494277 [email protected] www.altiliagroup.com 2013 © ALTILIA S.r.l. - www.altiliagroup.com