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TRADE WORKBOOK UP TO A K C UP DEC 2 0 1 6 - MAY 2 0 1 7 Посмотреть товары в наличии или заказать модели из новой коллекции со склада производителя можно в интернет-магазине ВКРУЖЕВАХ.РФ ----- ПЕРЕЙТИ В МАГАЗИН -----GODDESS FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 1 1 24/05/2016 00:30 YOUR EDEN Calming sunlight cuts through the haze, releasing the earthy scents of wet stone and verdant growth. Steadfast and uncompromising , y o u r p a ra d i s e i s s h a p e d b y e x p e r i e n c e , j u s t l i k e y o u . In s p i re d by beaut i ful details, you remain composed and empowered by incredible f it . 2 INTRODUCTION FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 2 24/05/2016 00:30 CONTENTS FASHION CONTINUITY ABBY 9 ALLEGRA 29 ALEX 26 BELLE 29 ANGELINA 22-23 ECLIPSE 30 ELOISE 27 ELLA 30 ESTELLE 18-19 ELODIE 30 GRACE 8 HELENA 31 ISABELLA 24-25 IVANA 31 JACQUELINE LACE 10-11 JACQUELINE 31 KIMBERLEY 28 LOIS 32 MARIANNA 14-15 MAE 32 REBECCA LACE 13 REBECCA 33 ROSANNE 12 SAMANTHA 33 SASHA 16-17 SERENE 33 SOFIA 20-21 SMOOTHING 34 SPECIALITY 34 ZOE 34 SIZES WITHOUT SURPRISES 35 Colour Availability Key Be l o w e a ch s t y l e y o u ’ l l f i n d o n e o r a s e r i e s o f c o l o u r s w a t ch e s , which allows you to see what shades all your favourite pieces a re a va ila b le t o b uy in . CONTENTS FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 3 3 24/05/2016 00:30 H ERI TAGE Lose yourself to ref ined shapes, exquisite f it and opulent e m b r o i d e r y w i t h t h i s s e a s o n ’s Her i t a g e t re n d . L e t t h e cascading f loral prints of Rosanne and elegant blooms of K imberley t ra n s p o r t y o u t o a g a rd e n o f c o m p l e t e s e re n i t y. Eloise e x p e r i m e n t s w i t h a s e re n e p a s t e l c o l o u r stor y, whilst Mar ianna combines t imeless shapes with e l e g a n t l a c e a n d e x q u i s i t e d e t a i l ca p t u r i n g t h e e s s e n c e o f this beaut iful trend. 4 TRENDS FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 4 24/05/2016 00:30 RI V I ERA Ex p l o re t h e s o p h i s t i ca t e d a n d l u x u r i o u s R i v i e ra w i t h Fa n t a s i e ’s SS 1 7 l i n g e r i e c o l l e c t i o n . C o m p l i m e n t a r y s i l h o u e t t e s i n s o ft Mediterranean hues meet romant ic lace to create Isabella, a s e n s u a l a n d e f f o r t l e s s l y re f i n e d ra n g e . C o n t i n u i n g t h e j o u r n e y t h r o u g h the serene, let the exquisite embroider y and muted olive tones of Sof ia, z e s t y c i t r u s a c c e n t s o f Sasha a n d b e r r y b r ig h t s o f Rebecca L ace carr y you to a tranquil haven. TRENDS FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 5 5 24/05/2016 00:31 JACQUELINE L ACE FL9403 B ODY SURROUND YOURSELF IN NEW SHAPES AND STYLES FOR S S1 7 This season’s Fantasie Lingerie collection brings a refreshing twist to our best-selling ranges with the addition of exciting new styles for the new season. Refined cuts and gorgeous styling come together to offer our signature uncompromising fit and support necessary to create elegant curves and the perfect silhouette. Complete with contemporary design finishes, every inch of the prints, laces and embroideries used have been designed exclusively for Fantasie this season. A new style for Fantasie Lingerie, the Jacqueline Lace Body adopts the FL9401 UW Full Cup frame for the uncompromising support of a bra, encased within a beautiful wearable body suit. Crafted from a premium soft handle fabric, the finishing touches include a padded hook and eye for ultimate comfort and adjustability, a pretty lace trim on the straps and a delicate bow at the centre front. Available in two sumptuous shades for you to adore. 6 NEW SHAPES FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 6 24/05/2016 00:31 JACQUELINE L ACE FL9402 S OFT CUP BRA REBECCA LACE FL9421 UW SPACER FULL CUP BRA The Jacqueline Lace Soft Cup Bra is an exciting addition to the collection, offering a supportive and comfortable fit without an underwire. The beautiful, exclusively designed French corded lace covers the cup and cradle, and creates an exquisite shape whilst the top cup has an elasticated neck edge for ease in fitting. To keep you supported, the cup has a special make up of bagged out seams in the inner cup with a completely seamless bottom cup to give a smooth silhouette under clothing. The finishing touches include a padded hook and eye for ultimate comfort and adjustability and a pretty lace trim on the straps and a delicate bow at the centre front complete the look. Fantasie’s best-selling Rebecca collection acquires a lacy addition for SS17. The new look UW Spacer Full Cup Bra is a twist on your everyday favourite, and boasts a stunning deep lace back detail, which smooths the back as it wraps around the body from the wire to the hook and eye. An additional inner wing offers anchorage and support. Effortlessly elegant, this signature lace design has been crafted exclusively for Fantasie and features a beautiful corded design. Our signature breathable, lightweight spacer cups offer comfort and support without adding volume to the bust, and have been designed completely seam free so you can achieve a clean line under clothing. Flexibility of fit through the neckline and underarm make this the perfect bra for all bust types. NEW SHAPES FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 7 7 24/05/2016 00:31 FL9282 UW FULL CUP BRA / FL9826 SHORT FL9281 UW BALCONY BRA / FL9285 BRIEF FL9281 UW BALCONY BRA UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP GRACE Delicate Austrian designed embroider y adorns this feminine collection. Grace offers our renowned classic Belle shapes, balcony and full cup, in a contemporar y Mink and timeless White colour way. FL9281 Strap Width Hook & Eye C-D 13mm 30-42 C-E 65-95 C-F 80-110 C-F 8-20 C-E 30-42 C-DDD 65-95 D-G DD-E 16mm FL9282 UW FULL CUP BRA 30-38 F-G 65-85 G-I 80-100 G-I 8-16 F-G 30-38 G-I 65-85 H-J F-FF 18mm UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP G 20mm 2 Hook Price • • • • Based on Belle style FL6010 Wide wired for additional comfort and support Three piece cup for good uplift and separation Two colour Austrian designed top cup and cradle embroidery • Opaque simplex cups for comfort and support • Wide set straps for less coverage FL9282 Strap Width Hook & Eye 30-42 DD-E 65-95 E-F 80-110 E-F 8-20 DD-E 30-42 DD-DDD 65-95 F-G DD-E 16mm 30-40 F-GG 65-90 G-J 80-105 G-J 8-18 F-GG 30-40 G-J 65-90 H-K F-G 18mm 2 Hook FL9285 BRIEF 30-38 H-JJ 65-85 K-N 80-100 K-N 8-16 H-JJ 30-38 K-N 65-85 L-O GG-H 20mm HH-JJ 24mm FL9826 SHORT 3 Hook Price • • • • XS-XXL Price Based on Belle style FL6000/FL6001 Wide wired for additional comfort and support Three piece cup offers a natural rounded shape Two colour Austrian designed embroidery adorns the top cup and cradle • Opaque simplex cups for comfort and support • Centre pull straps to prevent strap slippage XS-XXL Price (MIN) MINK Fashion Available: (WHE) WHITE New Continuity 8 GRACE FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 8 24/05/2016 00:31 FL9616 SHORT / FL9612 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA FL9612 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA / FL9615 BRIEF FL9612 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA NEW ABBY UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP FL9612 Strap Width Hook & Eye 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 80-105 D-H 8-18 D-FF 30-40 D-H 65-90 E-I DD-E 16mm 30-38 G-H 65-85 I-K 80-100 I-K 8-16 G-H 30-38 I-K 65-85 J-L F-G 19mm 2 Hook GG-H 19mm 3 Hook FL9616 SHORT XS-XXL Price • &RRUGLQDWHVIHDWXUHDµDW´QLVKDWOHJHGJHIRU comfort and reduced VPL • Printed Austrian designed embroidery side panel • Delicate bow at centre front Price Abby exhibits a contemporar y floral print in a striking monochromatic colour stor y. With Austrian designed printed embroider y, the three piece cup with side support panel offers uncompromising uplift and for ward projection. • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Three piece cup with side support for great uplift and forward projection • Printed Austrian designed embroidery adorns the top cup and front cradle • Delicate bows at centre front and apex FL9615 BRIEF XS-XXL Price • &RRUGLQDWHVIHDWXUHDµDW´QLVKDWOHJHGJHIRU comfort and reduced VPL • Printed Austrian designed embroidery side panel • Delicate bow at centre front (MOM) MONOCHROME Fashion Available: ABBY FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 9 9 24/05/2016 00:31 JACQUELINE LACE Jacqueline Lace returns for the new season with two must have shape additions. This delicately crafted collection boasts an exclusively designed all over corded French lace, in soft shades of Slate and Ivor y for SS17. (SLE) SLATE Fashion Available: (IVY) IVORY New Continuity Available: (SOI) SOFT BEIGE Continuity (NAY) NAVY Continuity (FL9402 &FL9403 New Continuity) 10 JACQUELINE LACE FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 10 24/05/2016 00:31 DD-E 16mm FL9402 SOFT CUP BRA – NEW SHAPE 30-38 G-H 65-85 I-K 80-100 I-K 8-16 G-H 30-38 I-K 65-85 J-L F-G 18mm UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP GG-H 20mm 2 Hook shape FL9407 BRAZILIAN THONG D 13mm NEW FL9402 Strap Width Hook & Eye D 13mm 30-40 D-G 65-90 D-I 80-105 D-I 8-18 D-G 30-40 D-I 65-90 E-J DD-E 16mm 30-38 GG-H 65-85 J-K 80-100 J-K 8-16 GG-H 30-38 J-K 65-85 K-L F-G 18mm FL9403 BODY - NEW SHAPE UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP GG-H 20mm 3 Hook Price Price • Based on Jacqueline • Exclusive corded French designed lace adorns the cup and cradle • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Three piece cup with side support for great uplift and forward projection • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Side support with fuller coverage in cup and underarm • 7RSFXSKDVDQHODVWLFDWHGHGJHIRUHDVHRI´W at neckline • Toe back to give central pull through the straps and to prevent strap slippage • Padded hook and eye for comfort • Concealed seams in inner cup with seamless bottom cup for smooth silhouette under clothing • 2IIHUVDVXSSRUWLYHDQGVHFXUH´WZLWKRXWDQXQGHUZLUH • Exclusively designed corded French lace adorns the cup and cradle • 7RSFXSKDVDQHODVWLFDWHGHGJHIRUHDVHRI´W at neckline • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Concealed seams in inner cup with seamless bottom cup for smooth silhouette under clothing • Padded hook and eye for comfort FL9405 BRIEF FL9401 Strap Width Hook & Eye 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 80-105 D-H 8-18 D-FF 30-40 D-H 65-90 E-I shape FL9403 BODY UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP FL9402 SOFT CUP BRA / FL9405 BRIEF FL9401 UW FULL CUP BRA WITH SIDE SUPPORT / FL9407 BRAZILIAN THONG FL9401 UW FULL CUP BRA WITH SIDE SUPPORT NEW FL9403 Strap Width Hook & Eye 32-40 D-FF 70-90 D-H 85-105 D-H 10-18 D-FF 32-40 D-H 70-90 E-I D 13mm 32-38 G 70-85 I 85-100 I 10-16 G 32-38 I 70-85 J DD-E 16mm F-G 18mm FL9405 BRIEF 32-36 GG 70-80 J 85-95 J 10-14 GG 32-36 J 70-80 K GG 20mm 2 Hook XS-XXL Price • • • • • Full corded French designed lace front Fully lined front for modesty and comfort Soft handle fabric Narrow lace trim around the waistband Delicate bow detail at centre front *GUSSET HOOK AND EYES ARE 3 HOOKS FOR ALL SIZES * Price • Based on the Jacqueline Lace FL9401 frame • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Three piece cup with side support for great uplift and forward projection • Side support with fuller coverage in cup and underarm • 7RSFXSKDVDQHODVWLFDWHGHGJHIRUHDVHRI´W • Concealed seams in inner cup with seamless bottom cup for smooth silhouette under clothing • Exclusively designed corded French designed lace in cup, throughout body and around leg edge • Inner powernet wing with hook and eye closure for anchorage, support and adjustability • Adjustable hook and eye closure at leg • Padded hook and eye for comfort FL9407 BRAZILIAN THONG XS-XL Price • • • • • Full corded French designed lace front Fully lined front for modesty and comfort Soft handle fabric Narrow lace trim around the waistband Delicate bow detail at centre front JACQUELINE LACE FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 11 11 24/05/2016 00:32 FL9447 THONG / FL9442 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA FL9442 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA / FL9445 BRIEF FL9442 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP NEW ROSANNE FL9442 Strap Width Hook & Eye D 13mm 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 80-105 D-H 8-18 D-FF 30-40 D-H 65-90 E-I DD-E 16mm 2 Hook FL9447 THONG 30-38 G-H 65-85 I-K 80-100 I-K 8-16 G-H 30-38 I-K 65-85 J-L F-G 18mm XS-XL Price GG-H 18mm 3 Hook Price Feel effortlessly feminine in Rosanne, with its cascading rose print and Swiss designed printed embroider y. Adorned with a delicate bow and pearl drop detail this range is the essence of refined beauty and elegance. (IVY) IVORY Fashion Available: 12 • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Three piece cup with side support for great uplift and forward projection • Printed Swiss designed embroidery adorns the top cup and front cradle • Scalloped edge embroidery • Tear drop embroidery detail runs up the front strap • Delicate bow at centre front with pearl drop detail • Printed Swiss designed embroidery adorns the side panels • All over printed embroidery on lined front panel • Soft handle fabric • Scalloped edge cut co-ordinates for second skin feeling and no VPL • Delicate bow at centre front with pearl drop detail FL9445 BRIEF XS-XXL Price • Printed Swiss designed embroidery adorns the side panels • All over printed embroidery on lined front panel • Soft handle fabric • Scalloped edge cut co-ordinates for second skin feeling and no VPL • Delicate bow at centre front with pearl drop detail ROSANNE FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 12 24/05/2016 00:32 shape Detail NEW REBECCA LACE Fantasie’s best-selling, lightweight, breathable spacer moulded collection acquires a lacy addition for SS17. Rebecca Lace offers the natural shape and uplift of its predecessor but boasts a luxurious edge with an exclusively designed corded lace finish in three sumptuous shades. (CHR) CHERRY Fashion Available: (IVY) IVORY New Continuity Available: FL9427 THONG / FL9421 UW SPACER FULL CUP BRA FL9421 UW SPACER FULL CUP BRA / FL9425 BRIEF NEW FL9421 UW SPACER FULL CUP BRA - NEW SHAPE UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP FL9421 Strap Width Hook & Eye 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 80-105 D-H 8-18 D-FF 30-40 D-H 65-90 E-I 30-38 G 65-85 I 80-100 I 8-16 G 30-38 I 65-85 J 30-36 GG 65-80 J 80-95 J 8-14 GG 30-36 J 65-80 K 30-34 H 65-75 K 80-90 K 8-12 H 30-34 K 65-75 L FL9427 THONG XS-XL Price • Soft handle fabric • Beautiful corded lace adorns front and back • Delicate bow detail at centre front DEPENDENT ON BACK SIZE 13mm 16mm 19mm 2 Hook Price • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • 6SDFHUPRXOGRIIHUVJUHDWVKDSHDQG´WZLWKIXOO breast coverage in cup without adding volume • Flexibility at neck edge and underarm for ease RI´W • Cup is seam free for a smooth line under clothing • Spacer fabric is lightweight and breathable • Full corded lace cradle and back • Smoothing back lace wing panel • Inner powernet wing for anchorage and support • Centre pull straps and toe back for added support and to prevent strap slippage • Side support in larger sizes for forward projection and additional support • Great size range for a spacer up to a H cup • Narrow lace trim at front strap • Delicate bow detail at centre front and apex FL9425 BRIEF XS-XXL Price • Soft handle fabric • Beautiful corded lace adorns front and back • Delicate bow detail at centre front (SAD) SAND New Continuity Available: REBECCA LACE FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 13 13 24/05/2016 00:32 MARIANNA Show stopping Marianna exudes sensuality with her delicate two tone lace and diamante bow trims. Returning in an opulent R aspberr y shade for the new season in a wealth of carefully crafted styles. (RAY) RASPBERRY Fashion Available: (SIR) SILVER Continuity 14 MARIANNA FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 14 24/05/2016 00:32 C-D 13mm 30-38 D-G 65-85 D-I 80-100 D-I 8-16 D-G 30-38 D-I 65-85 E-J DD-E 16mm 2 Hook FL9202 UW SIDE SUPPORT PLUNGE BRA UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP F-G 18mm FL9202 Strap Width Hook & Eye 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 80-105 D-H 8-18 D-FF 30-40 D-H 65-90 E-I D 13mm DD-E 16mm 2 Hook 30-38 G 65-85 I 80-100 I 8-16 G 30-38 I 65-85 J F-G 18mm 30-36 GG 65-80 J 80-95 J 8-14 GG 30-36 J 65-80 K GG 20mm 3 Hook Price Price • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Lightly padded foam cups for support and smooth rounded shape • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Silky smooth cuff detail at neck edge • Lace centre front and cradle • Delicate diamante bow trims • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Three piece cup with side support for great uplift and forward projection • Low centre front for plunge neckline • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Lace centre front and cradle • Delicate diamante bow trims FL9208 CHEMISE FL9201 Strap Width Hook & Eye 32-38 C 70-85 C 85-100 C 10-16 C 32-38 C 70-85 D FL9206 SHORT UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP FL9205 BRAZILIAN BRIEF FL9202 UW SIDE SUPPORT PLUNGE BRA / FL9206 SHORT FL9201 UW PADDED HALF CUP BRA / FL9205 BRAZILIAN BRIEF FL9201 UW PADDED HALF CUP BRA FL9205 BRAZILIAN BRIEF FL9208 CHEMISE XS-XXL XS-XL Price Price • Reduced back coverage at back leg • Lace adorns front and back • Delicate diamante bow trim • • • • Full lace cups Deep lace hem Fully adjustable rouleau straps Delicate diamante bow trim FL9206 SHORT XS-XL Price • Medium coverage • Lace adorns front and back • Delicate diamante bow trim MARIANNA FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 15 15 24/05/2016 00:32 NEW SASHA Sasha features a sketched monochromatic floral design with flashes of zesty citrus hues. Crisp white lace teams with pearl trimmed bows to complete this refreshing, contemporar y collection. (ZET) ZEST Fashion Available: 16 SASHA FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 16 24/05/2016 00:32 UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP FL9432 Strap Width Hook & Eye D 12mm 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 80-105 D-H 8-18 D-FF 30-40 D-H 65-90 E-I DD-E 15mm 2 Hook FL9436 SHORT 30-38 G-H 65-85 I-K 80-100 I-K 8-16 G-H 30-38 I-K 65-85 J-L F-G 19mm FL9437 THONG / FL9432 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA FL9436 SHORT / FL9432 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA FL9432 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA / FL9435 BRIEF FL9432 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA FL9437 THONG XS-XL XS-XL Price Price • Printed front • Soft stretch lace adorns front and back • Delicate lace bow with pearl trim • Printed front • Soft stretch lace adorns front and back • Delicate lace bow with pearl trim GG-H 19mm 3 Hook Price • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Three piece cup with side support for great uplift and forward projection • Lined top cup for additional support • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Lace adorns top cup and cradle • Printed strap detail • Delicate bows at centre front and apex FL9435 BRIEF XS-XXL Price • Printed front • Soft stretch lace adorns front and back • Delicate lace bow with pearl trim SASHA FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 17 17 24/05/2016 00:33 ESTELLE A lingerie drawer must have, sophisticated Estelle returns for the new season boasting an exclusive Austrian designed embroider y with a stylised floral pattern. Available in soft tones of Silver and Sand for SS17. (SIR) SILVER Fashion Available: (SAD) SAND New Continuity Available: (BLK) BLACK Continuity 18 ESTELLE FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 18 24/05/2016 00:33 FL9357 BRAZILIAN THONG / FL9352 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA FL9352 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA / FL9355 BRIEF FL9352 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP FL9352 Strap Width Hook & Eye 30-40 D 65-90 D 80-105 D 8-18 D 30-40 D 65-90 E D 12mm 30-42 DD-F 65-95 E-G 80-110 E-G 8-20 DD-F 30-42 DD-G 65-95 F-H DD-E 15mm 2 Hook 30-40 FF-G 65-90 H-I 80-105 H-I 8-18 FF-G 30-40 H-I 65-90 I-J F-G 19mm 30-38 GG-J 65-85 J-M 80-100 J-M 8-16 GG-J 30-38 J-M 65-85 K-N GG H-J 19mm 23mm 3 Hook FL9357 BRAZILIAN THONG S-XL Price • All over embroidery lined front panel for modesty and comfort • Scallop edge cut co-ordinates for second skin feeling and no VPL • Soft handle fabric • Delicate bow detail at centre front Price • Based on best-selling Elodie • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Three piece cup with side support for great uplift and forward projection • Powernet wing for control, anchorage and support • All over embroidery in bottom cups with opaque lining to create a luxurious look with great support and shape • Delicate bow detail at centre front and apex FL9355 BRIEF S-XXL Price • All over embroidery lined front panel for modesty and comfort • Scallop edge cut co-ordinates for second skin feeling and no VPL • Soft handle fabric • Delicate bow detail at centre front ESTELLE FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 19 19 24/05/2016 00:33 FL9321 UW PADDED HALF CUP BRA / FL9325 BRIEF FL9321 UW PADDED HALF CUP BRA SOFIA Refined and luxurious, indulge yourself with Sofia. This premium Fantasie collection showcases Swiss designed, baroque inspired embroider y, and returns for the new season in a rich Olive and Pewter colour stor y. UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP FL9321 Strap Width Hook & Eye 32-38 C 70-85 C 85-100 C 10-16 C 32-38 C 70-85 D C-D 13mm 30-38 D-G 65-85 D-I 80-100 D-I 8-16 D-G 30-38 D-I 65-85 E-J DD-E 16mm 2 Hook F-G 19mm Price • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • 6RIWO\SDGGHGWRJLYHIDQWDVWLFVKDSHGH´QLWLRQ and uplift • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Fully embroidered cup • Delicate Swiss designed embroidery trim adorns the strap, cradle and hook and eye • Bow with gem detail (OLE) OLIVE Fashion Available: (IVY) IVORY Continuity (BLK) BLACK Continuity 20 SOFIA FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 20 24/05/2016 00:33 D 13mm DD-E 16mm 2 Hook 30-38 G-H 65-85 I-K 80-100 I-K 8-16 G-H 30-38 I-K 65-85 J-L F-G 18mm 30-36 HH 65-80 L 80-95 L 8-14 HH 30-36 L 65-80 M GG H-HH 18mm 20mm 3 Hook FL9325 BRIEF FL9329 CHEMISE FL9327 BRAZILIAN THONG FL9322 Strap Width Hook & Eye 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 80-105 D-H 8-18 D-FF 30-40 D-H 65-90 E-I FL9328 WASPIE / FL9326 ITALIAN BRIEF / FL9322 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA FL9325 BRIEF FL9322 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA / FL9327 BRAZILIAN THONG FL9322 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP FL9328 WASPIE FL9329 CHEMISE XS-XXL S-XL Price Price Price &OHDQFXWEULHIWRJLYHDVPRRWK´QLVKVHFRQG skin feeling with no VPL • All over embroidery lined front panel for modesty and comfort • Soft handle fabric • Bow with gem detail • • • • • • • • • XS-XL Fully lined and boned for smooth silhouette Continuous hook and eye fastening at back Fully adjustable suspenders Delicate Swiss designed embroidery trim adorns the hook and eye and waist • Bow with gem detail Lightweight soft handle fabric Full band of embroidery decorates hem Back split detail with bow and gem Fully adjustable rouleau straps Darted for shaping over bust Price • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Three piece cup with side support for great uplift and forward projection • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Fully embroidered cup • Delicate Swiss designed embroidery trim adorns the strap, cradle and hook and eye • Bow with gem detail FL9327 BRAZILIAN THONG XS-XL FL9326 ITALIAN BRIEF XS-XL Price Price &OHDQFXWWRJLYHDVPRRWK´QLVKVHFRQGVNLQ feeling with no VPL • All over embroidery lined front panel for modesty and comfort • Soft handle fabric • Bow with gem detail • Ultra-low rise shape with reduced coverage at back • All over embroidery lined front panel for modesty and comfort • Fully embroidered at front and back • Bow with gem detail SOFIA FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 21 21 24/05/2016 00:33 NEW ANGELINA Angelina is a captivating and romantic collection with a premium edge. Exclusive for Fantasie, the Swiss designed floral embroider y rests on a warm Café au Lait base, and is adorned with three tone bows and a diamante trim. (CAT) CAFÉ AU LAIT Fashion Available: 22 ANGELINA FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 22 24/05/2016 00:33 DEPENDENT ON BACK SIZE 13mm 16mm 19mm 2 Hook NEW shape FL9552 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA 30-36 G 65-80 I 80-95 I 8-14 G 30-36 I 65-80 J UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP FL9552 Strap Width Hook & Eye 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 80-105 D-H 8-18 D-FF 30-40 D-H 65-90 E-I 30-38 G-GG 65-85 I-J 80-100 I-J 8-16 G-GG 30-38 I-J 65-85 J-K DEPENDENT ON BACK SIZE 13mm 16mm 19mm 2 Hook Price Price • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Vertical seamed cup creates cleavage and uplift without padding • An inner side support sling offers additional support for larger sizes • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Three colour Swiss designed embroidery through the cups and cradle • Delicate embroidery trim adorns the front strap and hook and eye • Three tone bow with diamante trim at the centre front • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Three piece embroidered cup with side support for great uplift and forward projection • Fully lined bottom cup for additional support • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Delicate embroidery trim adorns the front strap and hook and eye • Three tone bow with diamante trim at the centre front FL9558 CHEMISE 30-38 D-FF 65-85 D-H 80-100 D-H 8-16 D-FF 30-38 D-H 65-85 E-I shape FL9557 DEEP THONG FL9551 Strap Width Hook & Eye 32-38 C 70-85 C 85-100 C 10-16 C 32-38 C 70-85 D FL9555 BRIEF FL9552 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA / FL9557 DEEP THONG FL9551 UW VERTICAL SEAM BRA / FL9555 BRIEF FL9551 UW VERTICAL SEAM BRA UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP NEW FL9555 BRIEF FL9558 CHEMISE - NEW SHAPE XS-XXL XS-XL Price Price • Three colour stretch embroidery through the front • Soft handle clean cut fabric to give a smooth ´QLVKVHFRQGVNLQIHHOLQJZLWKQR93/ • Gathered back for shaping • Three tone bow with diamante trim at the centre front • Lightweight soft handle fabric • Three colour embroidery decorates top cup and under bust • Gentle gathers under bust for shaping • Fully adjustable rouleau straps • Three tone bow with diamante trim at the centre front FL9557 DEEP THONG - NEW SHAPE XS-XL Price • Brand new luxury deep thong shape • Three colour stretch embroidery runs from front to back • Soft handle fabric • Three tone bow with diamante trim at the centre front ANGELINA FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 23 23 24/05/2016 00:34 FL9331 UW PADDED HALF CUP BRA / FL9335 BRIEF FL9331 UW PADDED HALF CUP BRA UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP ISABELLA Crafted and considered; Isabella adorns herself in premium French lace designed especially for Fantasie Lingerie. Fresh Sea Breeze tones revive this luxur y collection for the summer season, with beautiful organza bows and gem detailing completing the look. FL9331 Strap Width Hook & Eye 32-38 C 70-85 C 85-100 C 10-16 C 32-38 C 70-85 D C-D 12mm 30-38 D-G 65-85 D-I 80-100 D-I 8-16 D-G 30-38 D-I 65-85 E-J DD-E 15mm 2 Hook F-G 19mm Price • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • 6RIWO\SDGGHGWRJLYHIDQWDVWLFVKDSHGH´QLWLRQ and uplift • Silky smooth cuff detail at neck edge • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Overlaid lace in cup and cradle • Delicate lace trim adorns the front straps • Organza bow with gem detail (SEZ) SEA BREEZE Fashion Available: (SHW) SHADOW Continuity 24 ISABELLA FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 24 24/05/2016 00:34 30-42 DD-F 65-95 E-G 80-110 E-G 8-20 DD-F 30-42 DD-G 65-95 F-H 30-40 FF-G 65-90 H-I 80-105 H-I 8-18 FF-G 30-40 H-I 65-90 I-J 30-38 GG-H 65-85 J-K 80-100 J-K 8-16 GG-H 30-38 J-K 65-85 K-L D 12mm DD-E 15mm 2 Hook F-G 19mm GG-H 19mm 3 Hook FL9333 UW STRAPLESS BASQUE UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP XS-XXL Price 30-38 D-G 65-85 D-I 80-100 D-I 8-16 D-G 30-38 D-I 65-85 E-J FL9337 BRAZILIAN THONG FL9332 Strap Width Hook & Eye Price • Based on Susanna • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Three piece cup with side support for great uplift and forward projection • 5RXQGHGSUR´OHZLWKJUHDWVXSSRUW • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Fully lined bottom cup for additional support • Overlaid lace in cup and cradle • Delicate lace trim adorns the front straps • Organza bow with gem detail FL9333 Strap Width Hook & Eye XS-XL Price • Fully lined all over lace front with contrast liner for modesty and comfort • Full lace back • Key hole detail at the back • Pin tuck styling details • Soft handle fabric • Organza bow with gem detail FL9338 SUSPENDER BELT / FL9335 BRIEF / FL9332 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA FL9337 BRAZILIAN THONG FL9335 BRIEF 30-38 D 65-85 D 80-100 D 8-16 D 30-38 D 65-85 E FL9333 UW STRAPLESS BASQUE / FL9335 BRIEF FL9335 BRIEF FL9332 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA / FL9337 BRAZILIAN THONG FL9332 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP Multiway D-G 12mm CONTINUOUS FL9338 SUSPENDER BELT XS-XL Price • • • • • Full lace suspender with contrast lining Delicate lace trim adorns the waist Hook and eye back opening Fully adjustable suspenders Organza bow with gem detail Price • • • • • • • • • • • Wide wired for additional comfort and support Strapless shape based on padded half cup frame Fully boned through front 6OLJKWO\ORQJHULQWKHERG\IRUDYHU\µDWWHULQJ silhouette over the hip Continuous hook and eye back opening Stay for sure gripper elastic along top edge of back to reduce slippage Overlaid lace in cups and through the front Narrow lace trim adorns the hem edge Silky smooth cuff detail at neck edge Fully adjustable removable straps Organza bow with gem detail ISABELLA FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 25 25 24/05/2016 00:34 FL9156 SHORT / FL9152 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA FL9152 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA / FL9155 BRIEF ALEX Alex revives the roaring twenties with this simple yet stunning fan inspired embroider y detailing. The side support, up to a J cup, is now available in a soft Denim shade and is the perfect twist on your lingerie drawer essential. FL9152 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP FL9152 Strap Width Hook & Eye D 13mm 30-42 D-FF 65-95 D-H 80-110 D-H 8-20 D-FF 30-42 D-H 65-95 E-I DD-E 16mm 2 Hook F-G 19mm 30-38 G-J 65-85 I-M 80-100 I-M 8-16 G-J 30-38 I-M 65-85 J-N FL9156 SHORT XS-XXL Price • Scallop edge clean cut co-ordinates for second skin feeling and no VPL GG H-J 19mm 22mm 3 Hook Price (DEN) DENIM Fashion Available: • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Three piece cup with side support for great uplift and forward projection • Swiss designed geometric embroidery detailing (WHE) WHITE Continuity (PEL) PETAL Continuity FL9155 BRIEF (BLK) BLACK Continuity XS-XXL Price (SAD) SAND Continuity 26 • Scallop edge clean cut co-ordinates for second skin feeling and no VPL ALEX FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 26 24/05/2016 00:35 FL9127 THONG / FL9122 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA FL9122 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA / FL9125 BRIEF FL9122 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP FL9122 Strap Width Hook & Eye ELOISE A soft feminine stor y, Eloise is a collection refined by pastel hues and floral print design. A three colour embroider y and delicate bow detail complete the look. D 13mm 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 80-105 D-H 8-18 D-FF 30-40 D-H 65-90 E-I DD-E 16mm 2 Hook F-G 18mm FL9127 THONG 30-38 G-J 65-85 I-M 80-100 I-M 8-16 G-J 30-38 I-M 65-85 J-N GG 18mm H-HH 20mm 3 Hook XS-XL Price J 24mm • • • • Soft handle fabric Embroidery insert at front leg )ODWHODVWLFHGJH´QLVKIRUUHGXFHG93/ Delicate bow detail at centre front Price • Three piece cup plus side support panel for great uplift and forward projection • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Opaque printed simplex cups for great support • Delicate bow detail at centre front FL9125 BRIEF XS-XXL Price • • • • Soft handle fabric Embroidery insert at front leg )ODWHODVWLFHGJH´QLVKIRUUHGXFHG93/ Delicate bow detail at centre front (IBE) ICE BLUE Fashion Available: ELOISE FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 27 27 24/05/2016 00:35 FL9367 THONG / FL9362 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA FL9362 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA / FL9365 BRIEF FL9362 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA UK EU FR AUS/NZ USA JP KIMBERLEY Kimberley resonates laid back chic, with a feminine blossom print in pastel pink tones on a striking black base. Exclusively for Fantasie, the Swiss designed embroider y echoes the sheer beauty of this enchanting collection. FL9362 Strap Width Hook & Eye D 12mm 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 80-105 D-H 8-18 D-FF 30-40 D-H 65-90 E-I DD-E 15mm 2 Hook F-G 19mm 30-38 G-J 65-85 I-M 80-100 I-M 8-16 G-J 30-38 I-M 65-85 J-N FL9367 THONG S-XL Price • Three colour Swiss designed embroidery • Two tone bows GG-H HH-J 19mm 23mm 3 Hook Price • Based on Joanna • Wide wired for additional comfort and support • Three piece cup with side support for great uplift and forward projection • Powernet wing for anchorage and support • Opaque printed simplex cups for great support • Three colour Swiss designed embroidery • Two tone bow detail at centre front and apex FL9365 BRIEF XS-XXL Price • Three colour Swiss designed embroidery • Two tone bows (BLK) BLACK Fashion Available: 28 KIMBERLEY FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 28 24/05/2016 00:35 CONTINUITY ALLEGRA (SIR) SILVER Continuity (BUH) BUTTERSCOTCH Continuity (WHE) WHITE Continuity FL9091 UW VERTICAL SEAM BRA (BLK) BLACK Continuity UK EU 32-38 C 70-85 C 30-38 D-FF 65-85 D-H FL9092 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA UK EU 30-36 G 65-80 I 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 30-38 G-GG 65-85 I-J FL9095 BRIEF XS - XXL ALLEGRA (SIR) SILVER Continuity (BUH) BUTTERSCOTCH Continuity (WHE) WHITE Continuity (BLK) BLACK Continuity FL9098 HIPSTER BRIEF FL9099 SUSPENDER XS - XXL S - XL FL9097 BRAZILIAN THONG XS - XL BELLE (BAO) BAMBOO Continuity (WHE) WHITE Continuity (BLK) BLACK Continuity FL6000 UW FULL CUP BRA UK EU 30-42 DD- E 65-95 E- F 30-40 F-G 65-90 G-I FL6001 UW FULL CUP BRA UK EU 30-40 GG 65-90 J 30-38 H-JJ 60-85 K-N FL6010 UW BALCONY BRA UK EU UK EU 34-40 B 75-90 B 30-40 F 65-90 G 30-42 C-E 65-95 C-F 30-38 FF 60-85 H FL6015 BRIEF S - XXL CONTINUITY FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 29 29 24/05/2016 00:36 CONTINUITY ECLIPSE FL9002 UW SPACER MOULDED BALCONY BRA (IVY) IVORY Continuity UK EU 32-38 C 70-85 C 30-40 D-F 65-90 D-G 30-38 FF 65-85 H 30-36 G 65-80 I FL9005 BRIEF XS - XXL FL9006 SHORT XS - XXL FL9007 BRAZILIAN THONG S - XL ELLA FL2009 BRAZILIAN THONG FL2000 UW LONGLINE BASQUE (IVY) IVORY Continuity UK EU 30-38 D-G 65-85 D-I 30-36 GG 65-80 J XS - XL ELODIE (BLK) BLACK Continuity (WHE) WHITE Continuity (CAN) CAPPUCCINO Continuity FL2182 UW BRA WITH SIDE SUPPORT UK EU 30-40 D 65-90 D 30-42 DD-F 65-95 E-G 30-40 FF-G 65-90 H-I 30-38 GG-J 65-85 J-M FL2185 BRIEF S - XXL 30 CONTINUITY FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 30 24/05/2016 00:36 CONTINUITY HELENA (BLK) BLACK Continuity (WHE) WHITE Continuity FL7700 UW FULL CUP BRA (NUE) NUDE Continuity UK EU 30-44 D-E 65-100 D-F 30-42 F 65-95 G FL7719 BRIEF FL7710 UW BALCONY BRA 30-40 FF-G 65-90 H-I UK EU 34-38 B 75-85 B 30-38 C-GG 65-85 C-J XS - XXL I VA N A FL9021 UW BALCONY BRA (OYR) OYSTER Continuity UK EU 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 30-38 G-GG 65-85 I-J FL9025 BRIEF FL9022 UW PADDED HALF CUP BRA UK EU 32-38 C 70-85 C 30-38 D-G 65-85 D-I XS - XXL FL9027 DEEP THONG XS - XL JACQUELINE (WHE) WHITE Continuity (BLK) BLACK Continuity FL9081 UW FULL CUP BRA WITH SIDE SUPPORT (NUE) NUDE Continuity UK EU 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 30-38 G-H 65-85 I-K FL9085 BRIEF XS - XXL FL9086 SHORT XS - XL CONTINUITY FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 31 31 24/05/2016 00:36 CONTINUITY LOIS (BLK) BLACK Continuity (WHE) WHITE Continuity FL2972 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA (PIK) PINK Continuity UK EU 30-42 D-FF 65-95 D-H 30-38 G-J 65-85 I-M FL2975 BRIEF XS - XXL MAE (CHN) CHAMPAGNE Continuity (BLK) BLACK Continuity FL9100 UW MOULDED STRAPLESS BRA UK EU 32-40 D 70-90 D 30-40 DD-E 65-90 E-F 30-38 F-G 65-85 G-I 30-36 GG 65-80 J FL9101 UW PADDED HALF CUP BRA UK EU 32-38 C 70-85 C 30-38 D-G 65-85 D-I FL9102 SIDE SUPPORT UW BRA UK EU 30-38 D 65-85 D 30-42 DD-F 65-95 E-G 30-40 FF-G 65-90 H-I 30-38 GG-H 65-85 J-K MAE (CHN) CHAMPAGNE Continuity (BLK) BLACK Continuity 32 FL9107 BRAZILIAN THONG XS - XL FL9105 BRIEF XS - XXL FL9108 HIGH WAIST BRIEF XS - XL FL9109 GARTER S/M - M/L FL9104 SUSPENDER BELT S - XL CONTINUITY FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 32 24/05/2016 00:36 CONTINUITY REBECCA (NUE) NUDE Continuity (BLK) BLACK Continuity (WHE) WHITE Continuity FL2024 UW SPACER MOULDED FULL CUP BRA UK EU 30-40 D-FF 65-90 D-H 30-38 G 65-85 I 30-36 GG 65-80 J 30-34 H 65-75 K FL2025 BRIEF XS - XXL SAMANTHA (BLK) BLACK Continuity FL2270 UW STRAPLESS BRA (IVY) IVORY Continuity UK EU 30-40 D-F 65-90 D-G 30-38 FF 65-85 H FL2275 BRIEF 30-36 G 65-80 I XS - XXL SERENE (WHE) WHITE Continuity (BLK) BLACK Continuity (NUE) NUDE Continuity FL2231 UW FULL CUP BRA UK EU 30-40 D-G 65-90 D-I 30-38 GG 65-85 J FL2232 UW FULL CUP BRA UK EU 30-38 H-HH 65-85 K-L FL2235 BRIEF XS - XXL CONTINUITY FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 33 33 24/05/2016 00:37 CONTINUITY SMOOTHING (WHE) WHITE Continuity (BLK) BLACK Continuity (NUE) NUDE Continuity FL4520 UW MOULDED BALCONY BRA UK EU 34-38 C 75-85 C 30-40 D-F 65-90 D-G FL4530 UW MOULDED STRAPLESS BRA UK EU UK EU 30-38 FF-G 65-85 H-I 34-38 B 75-85 B 30-38 F 65-85 G 32-42 C-D 70-95 C-D 30-36 FF-G 65-80 H-I 30-40 DD-E 65-90 E-F FL4510 UW MOULDED T-SHIRT BRA UK EU UK EU 34-38 C 75-85 C 30-38 FF-G 65-85 H-I 32-40 D 70-90 D 30-36 GG 65-80 L 30-40 DD-F 65-90 E-G 30-34 H 65-75 K SPECIALITY (BLK) BLACK Continuity (WHE) WHITE Continuity (NAL) NATURAL Continuity FL6500 COTTON/POLYESTER SMOOTH CUP BRA UK EU 30-42 D 65-95 D 30-44 DD-E 65-100 E-F 30-40 F-GG 65-90 G-J ZOE (PEL) PETAL Continuity (SOI) SOFT BEIGE Continuity (BLK) BLACK Continuity FL9261 UW MOULDED PLUNGE BALCONY BRA UK EU UK EU 34-38 C 75-85 C 30-38 FF 65-85 H 32-40 D 70-90 D 30-36 G 65-80 I 30-40 DD-F 65-90 E-G FL9262 UW SIDE SUPPORT BRA UK EU 30-42 D-FF 65-95 D-H 30-38 G-J 65-85 I-M FL9265 BRIEF XS - XXL FL9267 THONG XS - XL FL9268 HIGH WAISTBRIEF XS - XXL 34 CONTINUITY FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 34 24/05/2016 00:37 S I Z E S W I T HOU T S U R P R I S E S The right fit is everything when choosing lingerie. So to make sure you always have the key facts, this workbook features detailed sizing information, along with Japanese sizes and these handy international conversion tables. BAND SIZES CUP SIZES UK 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 UK C D DD E F FF G GG H HH J JJ K EUROPE 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 EUROPE C D E F G H I J K L M N O F RANCE 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 F R A N CE C D E F G H I J K L M N O AUSTRALIA/NZ 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 AU S TR A L IA/N Z C D DD E F FF G GG H HH J JJ K U SA 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 USA C D DD DDD G H I J K L M N O JA PAN 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 J A PA N D E F G H I J K L M N O P A BRIEF EX PL ANAT ION Once you’ve found a gorgeous bra in just the right size, all you need are great-fitting briefs to complete your look. However, different sizes are described in different ways, depending on where you are in the world. Just check our size chart to make sure you’re choosing briefs that give you the perfect fit every time. UK XS S M L XL XXL EUROPE XS S M L XL XXL F RANCE XS S M L XL XXL 8 10 12 14 16 18 XS S M L XL XXL S M L LL 3L 4L AUSTRALIA/NZ USA J APAN Brief sizes throughout this workbook are based on UK sizing. Just check our size chart to make sure you’re choosing briefs that give you the perfect fit every time. Reproduction of this workbook, in part or whole, is strictly prohibited without prior written consent. Colour representation is the best that can be achieved via the conventional print process. All information is correct at the time of going to press. SIZES WITHOUT SURPRISES FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 35 35 24/05/2016 00:37 UK, IRELAND & REST OF THE WORLD Wacoal EMEA Ltd., The Corsetry Factory, Rothwell Road, Desborough, Northants, NN14 2PG, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1536 760282 Fax: +44 (0) 1536 762149 Email: [email protected] WACOAL EUROPE SAS (PARIS) 81 Rue Saint Lazare 75009 Paris Tel: +33 (0) 1 55 93 03 10 WACOAL EUROPE SAS (LYON) 4, Allée Du Moulin Berger 69130 Ecully, Lyon, France Tel: +33 (0) 4 37 59 80 30 Fax: +33 (0) 4 72 17 53 14 EVEDEN INC. 65 Sprague Street, Hyde Park, MA.02136 Tel: 1 617 361 7559 Fax: 1 617 361 7527 USA Toll Free: 1 800 733 8964 USA Customer Service Toll Free: 1 800 467 1269 Fax: 1 866 533 1385 Email: [email protected] Посмотреть товары в наличии или заказать модели из новой коллекции со склада производителя можно в интернет-магазине ВКРУЖЕВАХ.РФ НАШИ ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА: - Принимаем заказы без предоплаты; - Скидки на заказы со склада производителя -10%; - Ваш заказ принимает менеджер магазина, хорошо знакомый с ассортиментом (не call-центр!); - Предлагаем доставку с примеркой. EVEDEN CANADA Accounts Office: 65 Sprague Street, Hyde Park, MA.02136, USA Tel: 1 617 361 7559 Fax: 1 617 361 7527 Canada Toll Free: 1 800 733 8964 Canada Customer Service Toll Free: 1 800 467 1269 Fax: 1 866 533 1385 Email: [email protected] CARIBBEAN & LATIN AMERICA Ko-Ach Distributor, Inc. 3165 NE 207th Terrace, Aventura, FL.33180 Tel: 1 305 409 9166 Fax: 1 309 401 7860 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web: www.ko-ach.com WACOAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD. Suite 3/169 Pascoe Vale Road, Moonee Ponds 3039 Tel: +61 3 9326 0318 Fax: +61 3 9370 1074 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] NEW ZEALAND Rich Pickings: Kathleen Ritchie Tel/Fax: 0064 9 411 9174 Email: [email protected] Web: www.richpickings.co.nz WACOAL-EUROPE.COM для перехода в магазин --- НАЖМИТЕ ЗДЕСЬ --FANTASIE.COM FANTASIE_LINGERIE_SS17_V1.indd 36 24/05/2016 00:37
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the cradle and wing, this collection
is complete with an adorable white
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