2011 Annual Report - The Post Oak School


2011 Annual Report - The Post Oak School
the post oak school  annual repor t
“I have learned to dig
and be
what some people may call
stubborn. I like to call it ‘persistent.’ Because of
this, a lot of doors have been opened for me,
and I have developed into a curious young
lady.” That was fourteen year old Emily Paul
speaking last May. Each eighth-grade student
gives a valedictory speech, looking back at
their Post Oak experiences and the impact
Post Oak has made on them, while looking
forward to what lies ahead.
Anna Arnett spoke of Post Oak’s academic
excellence, identifying specific skills she
mastered, “From learning to
and write, to learning geometry and algebra,” while her classmate, Benjamin
Brenner, said he acquired executive functioning
skills and character traits: “time-management,
self-reliance, and self-motivation.”
> With tho u g h tf u l o r g a n iz a tio n a n d
guidance from teachers,        
conducted an excellent     . Wel l - resea rch ed
and in teresting projects were presen ted by stu den ts with
a sense of ownership a n d en th u sia sm . A f u n a n d
infor mative evening wa s en j oyed by a l l wh o a tten ded.
Amy Pascoe thanked Post Oak for, “Teaching
me to ask the question ‘Why’.” Daniel Brenner
expanded on this idea: “Montessori teaches
students to understand concepts, to know why
things are the way they are. It focuses less on
memorization of facts and more on logical
induction in order to learn things. Because of
this, I have acquired a deeper understanding
of all I have learned at Post Oak. It has provided
me with the fundamentals of how to understand
things, how to figure things out, and how to
overcome obstacles I meet throughout my life.”
Megan Routbort also spoke of perseverance
and optimism, character traits that contribute
to emotional intelligence. “Post Oak taught me
to never give up; no matter how frustrating
the road ahead looks, problems can be solved
with a little
> Ea ch         
wa s a ccepted to h is/ h er        . Mo re th a n
 percen t o f g ra du a tes were pl a ced in to g eo m etr y.
Al l g ra du a tes pl a ced in to l evel  Spa n ish . Mo st
g ra du a tes wil l ta ke h o n o r s l evel En g l ish a s a f resh m a n .
Through independent and collaborative work
in the classroom over many years, Post Oak
graduates develop the skills required of leaders
and entrepreneurs. This includes a healthy dose
of reality while embracing our interdependence.
Brian Henderson said,“Post Oak has taught
me the importance of asking for help, how
not to underestimate a project’s size, and the
importance of little things.”
> Increased emphasis on  
at the   resulted in extra time given to
those classes for PF and added equipment specific to
the needs of the Primar y-age child.
To complement this perspective, Nora O’Neill
celebrated the novel and risk-taking side of
innovation. “Post Oak has inspired me to seek
independence I have learned taught me to
make my own choices. It has taught me to want
to do new things and to learn new things.”
To the conversation about leadership skills and
character development, Thomas Rasor added
a comment about personal integrity. “The most
important qualities that I have developed from
my time at The Post Oak School are leadership,
and flexibility. I have been able to grow my
strengths and practice my skills inside and
outside of school. Being able to be yourself 24
hours a day, even with your teachers, is unique.”
These statements from last year’s eighth grade
class create not only a portrait of a Post Oak
graduate, but also a portrait of the school itself.
Consider a final comment from Devina
Schneider, “I am leaving Post Oak with many
exciting, happy memories, and a mind that will
always be yearning for knowledge.”
> Post Oa k co n tin u es to iden tif y
and sponsor candidates fo r th e        .
Post Oak sponsored Sim ra n So o d wh o received h er
diploma in May. A ssista n ts Ja m ie Wa rd a n d An ita Ta j
received sponsorships to ta ke th e tra in in g co u r se
beginning in the su m m er a n d f a l l o f     .
These are the kinds of young people who will
enter The Post Oak High School when its doors
open in the fall of 2012. During the past year
trustees and administration have been hard at
work to make that new division of Post Oak
a reality. Everywhere we have gone in the
museum district, the concept of a high school
offering partnerships with museums has gained
immediate traction with the leaders of those
cultural institutions. Wait until they encounter
our students, enthusiastic and insightful
young people such as those quoted here.
Post Oak students have developed strong
academic skills,
and more significantly, the character traits and
leadership skills to prepare them for an extraordinary high school experience. They will be
prepared to contribute to an amazing school.
— John Long, Head of School
> For students at the  
 , the world really will be their
classroom. T h e sch o o l , to b e l o ca ted o n Au trey
Street, wil l b e th e f ir st h ig h sch o o l l o ca ted
in th e h ea r t o f           .
Successful and entertaining events led by hardworking and
talented volunteers filled the school’s calendar this year. The list
in the back of the report catalogs the event chairs who worked
tirelessly throughout the year. They created a warm welcome at
the POPA Dinner, an assortment of fun new activities at Field
Day, the magnificent World’s Fair at the Book Fair, and a glorious
performance at the Cinco de Mayo celebration. Our Biennial Gala,
Dancing Across Cultures, was chaired by Post Oak parent Annette
Gregory. The event broke all previous fundraising records and
was a smashing success despite the ice storm that blew in the night
before. We offer heartfelt thanks to each and every volunteer who
gave time and talent, and to all donors who supported these efforts
and in doing so supported the life of the school.
A word of thanks to Melissa Cordero and Erin Stus who, as chairs
of the Parent Association for the past two years, have had a hand
in every event. They’ve creatively solved problems and brought
new ideas to life, and their unyielding support for Post Oak has
made them true ambassadors of the school. Erin additionally
took on the creation of this year’s yearbook with a superb result.
Melissa and Erin are both extraordinary people and the school is
a better place because of their work.
There are a handful of
individuals who have gone
above and beyond in the
volunteer work they have
done this year for Post Oak.
Their names do not appear
as event chairs or in any
program for recognition.
They have worked behind
the scenes in benefit to the
school. We recognize their
efforts with special thanks.
Robert (Bob) Harvey.
Bob’s countless hours as
board chair working on
Post Oak’s path forward has
strengthened this institution
and has brought excitement
for our future. His bold
leadership and approachable kindness make him
Lana Rigsby. Lana makes
Post Oak look good. Her
design team at Rigsby Hull,
has had a hand in our
publications and specifically
on our website, recently
creating the Montessori
gallery pages; beautiful,
elegant, and meaningful
Vikas Mittal. His marketing
expertise has provided
valuable insight into understanding the way we present
ourselves and the way we
communicate. We keep
trying to get better, and
Vikas’ work is helping us
on this journey.
Lynne Mathre. As a former
parent she knows the school
well, and her keen guidance
as our financial advisor
has helped the endowment
remain strong even during
economically challenging
The 2011 Post Oak Fund
Melanie Gray and Mark Wawro
Lori Ann and Michael Foertsch
Vallette and Russell Windham
Bentley Fondren
Donors who generously con-
Kim and Chuck Yates
Rachel and Wayne Franklin
tributed gifts of $2500 and
Anita and Alan Ying
Christa Filak and Martin Fraske
Dolley Levan and
above to The Post Oak Fund
are members of The Post Oak
Fund Leadership Circle.
Meghan and Casey Freeman
Duncan Frearson
Sushila and Durga Agrawal
Amy and Blair Garrou
     
Shonali and Rakesh Agrawal
Eva and Enrique Gasca
Cynthia and Bucky Allshouse
Cathy and Tim Goff
Beth and Frank Apollo
Nancy and John Almon
Hannah and Leonard Golub
Sara and Brian Binau
Stephanie and Phil Arnett
Cynthia and Ashok Gowda
Beverly Bontrager
Teri and Thomas Bair
Annette and Roger Gregory
Kimberly and Michael Callahan
Susan and Walker Beavers
Lenna and Jeff Groudan
Gina Li and Leon Chen
Jeannine and David Bergt
Sowmini and Ravi Gudimetla
Anne Singleton and
Pam and Bill Boyar
Leashanne and James Guo
Jessica and Ben Braun
Colleen and Rudy Haddad
Jennifer and Christian
Sophia Banu and
Jack Douglas
Laurie and Leland Fondren
Abbe and Adam Forman
Tanya and Jerry Gee
Raka and Jay Gohel
Cliona Rooney and
Malcolm Brenner
Muzammil Hanif
Sanjiv and Sandhya Harpavat
Kristin and Joey Hayles
Janice and Barrett Green
Jamie and James Broach
Stephanie and Ben Hertzog
Jessica and Vean Gregg
Courtney and Bill Bucy
Claudia and David Hertzog
Windi and David Grimes
Erin and Brett Busby
David Hilfman
Vicki and Robert Harvey
Nataya and Johnny Carter
Maureen and Douglas Hirsch
Rennae and Joe Henry
Elizabeth and Walter Cassidy
Anh and Doanh Hoang
Kelly and Blake Hill
Deepa and Rajesh Chelapurath
Bianca and Greg Holland
Carol and John Howenstine
Laura and Martin Citardi
Claudia Rojas-Jimenez and
Jeanne-Mey Sun and
Jennifer and Todd Colter
Tom Janssens
Jane Greenberg and
Audra French and
Arnold Colunga
Carlos Jimenez
Catherine and Andrew Kaldis
Bessie Kaldis
Melissa and Felix Cordero
Birgit Kamps
Janet and Mario Kapusta
Rebecca Cornwell
Josie and Jonathan Kaplow
Hallie and Eugene Kim
Lili and Jorge Cortes
Cynthia DeLaney and
Amy and Lloyd Kirchner
Karla and Travis Crabtree
Vivian and Kenneth Lee
Jodie and Laith Daik
Lili and Hans Kirchner
Renée and Michael Locklar
Maday and Jay Dargan
Alyson and Andrew Koval
Kathy and John Long
Kelly and Garth Davis
Vasanthi and Ramanan
Lucinda and Javier Loya
Kelly and James Davis
D'arcy and Robert Madden
Robyn Davis
Dinh Lam
Jenny and André Marshall
Lissa and Bobby Debes
Claire Langston
Melissa and Michael Mithoff
Susan and Marc Dellamea
Beth and Matt Lavine
Nandita Gupta and Vikas Mittal
Maneesha Sharma and
Ashley and Robert Leder
Gregory Kaplan
Tara and Alex Neblett
Melissa Coleman and
Robert Pascoe
Manoj Devashish
Sangeeta Cheema and
Karam Dhillon
Stephan Kinsella
Jamie and Andrew Lee
Amy and James Lee
Ann and Kelvin Lee
Anh Nguyen and Victor Phan
Sandra Fogiel and Stuart Dow
Laurie and Doron Levin
Marilyn Wilson and
Monica and Derek Dunaway
Bubba Levy
Prarthana Durgam
Yan and Haiyang Li
Andrea and Anthony Russo
Kya and Russell Eddington
Amy and Alan Lindsey
Alicia Kowalchuk and
Lisa and W. Christian
Mary and Christopher
Robert Rasor
Benjamin Saldaña
Daniela and Manolo Sanchez
JoAnne and Charles Eskridge
Dawn and Peter Lorenz
Farrell and Stuart Saunders
Monica and Charles Eskridge
Karen and Charles Lu
Sherri and Charles Schugart
Richard Evans
Michelle and Thomas Lu
Jenee and Nick Stefanakis
Analitza and Justin Factor
Cindy and Andrew Lubetkin
Whitney and Marc Walsh
Karen and Stephan Farber
Rosa Wong and Gary Luk
Gina and Carl Luna
Deanna and Glenn Reitman
Erin Smith
Stacey and Mark Martin
Sabrina Reynolds
Nazario Anastacio
Mirani Smith
John and Lori Martinez
Shelly and Bill Richter
Alma Armendariz
Hifa Sobhani
Victoria Matthews
Heidi and Bryan Rosenstrauch
Diana Ayala
Nina Strane
Elise McClain
Jennifer Norten and
Marisol Benner
Anita Taj
Vivian and Henry Blum
Matthew Thompson
Manju and Manish Rungta
Yolanda Bucio
Phylis Tomlinson
Karen and Jim McConkey
Sherri and Gary Sagarnaga
Ruth Cañas
Mark Tucker
Muriel and Marcel Meicler
Suzan and Jeremy Samuels
Christina Kopanidis-Cantu
Jamie Ward
Michele Meicler
Kara and Dax Sanders
Sara Jurney and
Elizabeth and Mark Santikos
Millie Chavez
Tanya Bennett and
David McConkey
Mark Routbort
and Jorge Cantu
Miriam Winton
Mona and Sanjeev Sawhney
Dinah Chetrit
Paula and Mark Mey
Shealynn and Paul Schank
Sandra DeLeon
D. Kent and Linda C.
Jessica and Philipp Meyer
Kate and Greg Scheinman
Raul Diaz
Bernadette Verzosa and
Jacqualin and Jeff Seely
Elizabeth DiCesare
Houston Endowment Inc.
Todd Mensing
Anderson Foundation
Zeenath and Arjun Selvakumar
Andrea Dilger
Mithoff Family Foundation
Pat and Bill Mitchell
Jian and Mike Short
Asenet Garcia
The Oshman Foundation
Sonia Einstein and Ofer Molad
Tina and John Sims
Lilia Garza
The Rochlis Family Foundation
Sharon and George Moudry
Nina and Stephen Skinner
Maria Garza
Cinda and Brian Moye
Carmen Garcia-Smith and
Luiza Grandchamp
Shekkola Gray
Len Cannon Mintz
Michelle and Michael Munn
Todd Smith
Jenny and Edwin Murphy
Valerie and Michael Sonsino
Barbara Hacker
Bank of America
Alana Kennedy-Nasser and
Asha and Gaurav Sood
Debbie and Todd Henderson
BHP Billiton
Simran and Manish Sood
Christine Karnabe
Boss and Hughes
Anne and Alan Speed
Orly and Yoel Kluk
Bouquelle Cleaners
Mary and Garland Stephens
Deidre Lodrig
Kavitha and Sattva Neelapu
Erin and Thomas Stus
Lupe Lopez
ConocoPhillips Company
Jacklyn Nguyen
Julie and Jason Styles
Kimberly Magill
Engineered Procurement
Phuong and Sun Nguyen
Laverne and John Styles
Kelly McNamara
Wendy and Meir O'Hanna
Aimee and Greg Taylor
Christoper Mejia
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Heather and Brenden O'Neill
Nikayla and Aaron Thomas
Manuel Mejia
Kinder Morgan
Teresa Onofre
Jennifer and Sam Touchet
Marvin Mejia
Lands' End
Katie and Bob Orr
Susan GrangerTyler and
Sarah and James Moudry
Pipescape International, Inc.
Diana Muñiz
Rilco Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Dean Nasser
Shailaja Menon and
Sanjay Nayyar
Tahia and Shoyab Panchbhaya
Seth Tyler
Solutions Inc.
Meredith and Mark Parenti
Natalia and Angel Urreta
Shannon and Paul Neufeld
Safeway Inc.
Jenny Mohr and
Karen and Raul Valdez
Debbie Nickerson
The Tasting Room 1 Ltd.
Aparajitha and Amit Verma
Joshua Noah
The Williams Companies Inc.
Renee Parker
Julia and Terry Vine
Emily Hansen and
Jaana Porra and Michael Parks
Khanhuyen and Huy Vinh
Nadia and Nader Parviz
Molly and Coert Voorhees
Diana and Albert Onofre
Callie and Stephen Paul
Catherine Than and
Patricia Onofre
Matthew Parker
Patrick O'Heron
The 2011 Biennial Gala:
Dancing Across Cultures
Julie Parraguirre
Lisa and Patrick Phelps
Liliana and Shabir Walji
Norma Paulin
Ray C. Fish Foundation
Jacqueline and Robert Phillpott
Connie and John Wallace
Jenna Pel
Kelly and Anthony Policastro
Gerry and Lou Waters
Christine Peterson
Jennifer Pon
Ellen and Mark Weinstein
Maya and Errol Pinto
Bev Bontrager,
Lana Rigsby and John Powell
Connie and Jeff Woodman
Kathryn Radecker
Carol and John Howenstine
Hillery Hugg and
Michelle and Kenneth Zagorski
Laura Roark
Jenny and André Marshall
Allison and Gustavo Zapata
Celia Rodriguez
Lisa and John Reed
Jocelyn and Paul Pua
John J. Zelis
Mirna Andrade-Salgado and
Erin and Tom Stus
Elizabeth and Adam Pulaski
Rocio Diaz and Francisco
Stephanie and Bill Perkins
Gregory Press
Joy Pulaski
Joyce and Danny Rafati
Kim and Randy Randolph
Hoang Quan Vu
Jennifer and Fernando
Lino Salgado
Jessica Samano
Shonali Jacob and
Jeff Schneider
Partow and Farhad Ravandi
Donna Scott
Karen and Ken Redding
Francesca Shoemaker
Lisa and John Reed
B.R. Simon
Gerry and Lou Waters
Abbe and Adam Forman
Jamie and Andrew Lee
Other Donations
POPA Dinner Underwriters
Amy and Blair Garrou
Vivian and Kenneth Lee
Jennifer and Christian
Shonali and Rakesh Agrawal
Windi and David Grimes
Daniela and Manolo Sanchez
Kara and Dax Sanders
Whitney and Marc Walsh
Erin and Brett Busby
Laura and Martin Citardi
Farrell and Stuart Saunders
Rocio Diaz and Francisco
Christina Kopanidis-Cantu
Melissa and Felix Cordero
Vallette and Russell Windham
The Gray/Wawro Family
Laurie and Doron Levin
Sonia Einstein and Ofer Molad
Kate and Greg Scheinman
Beth and Frank Apollo
Valerie and Michael Sonsino
Courtney and Bill Bucy
Jennifer and Fernando Zumbado
and Jorge Cantu
Complete Women’s Care
Beth and Frank Apollo
Lili and Jorge Cortes
Maday and Jay Dargan
Center (Susan Hardwick-
Robyn Davis
Smith and Sara Jurney)
Anne Singleton and
Dinah Chetrit and Rich Levy
Jack Douglas
in honor of Melanie Gray
Lisa and Christian Eddleman
and Mark Wawro
Kathleen Padden and
Jennifer and Todd Colter
Claudia and David Hertzog
Melissa and Felix Cordero
Stephanie and Ben Hertzog
Kelly and Blake Hill
Robyn Davis
Abbe and Adam Forman
Dawn and Peter Lorenz
Bernadette Verzosa and
Rennae and Joe Henry
Tanya and Jerry Gee
Anh Doan and Doanh Hoang
Jessica and Vean Gregg
Tanya and Jerry Gee
Annette and Roger Gregory
Mary Ann and Victor Guerrero
Windi and David Grimes
The Kapusta Family
Leashanne and James Guo
The Lindsey Family
Rennae and Joe Henry
Karen and Charles Lu
Kelly and Blake Hill
Pat and Bill Mitchell
Anh and Doanh Hoang
Katie and Bob Orr
Bianca and Greg Holland
Drs. Alicia Kowalchuk and
Carol and John Howenstine
Jian and Mike Short
Julie and Jason Styles
Kim and Mike Callahan
Jeanne-Mey Sun and
Tom Janssens
Ann and Kelvin Lee
Shelly and Bill Richter
Len Cannon Mintz
Jenny Mohr and
Matthew Parker
Nikayla and Aaron Thomas
D’arcy and Robert Madden
Stephanie and Bill Perkins
Mary and Garland Stephens
Proler Steel International
Melissa Coleman and
Sherri and Charles Schugart
Rob Pascoe
Anita and Alan Ying
Lisa and Christian Eddleman
Annette and Roger Gregory
Benjamin Saldaña
Phylis Tomlinson
Karen and Raul Valdez
Complete Women’s Care
Connie and John Wallace
Center (Susan Hardwick-
Richard Evans
Jeanne-Mey Sun and
Tom Janssens
Jane Greenberg and
Gregory Kaplan
Janet and Mario Kapusta
Live Auction Purchasers
Amy and Lloyd Kirchner
The Douglas Family
Beth and Matt Lavine
Janice and Barrett Green
Courtney and Bill Bucy
Amy and James Lee
Andrea and Anthony Russo
Vicki and Bob Harvey
Lissa and Bobby Debes
Ann and Kelvin Lee
Jenee and Nick Stefanakis
Kristin and Joey Hayles
Anne Singleton and
Vivian and Kenneth Lee
Paula and Mark Mey
Suzan and Jeremy Samuels
The Salners Family Foundation
Smith and Sara Jurney)
The Kapusta Family
Jack Douglas
Renee and Michael Locklar
Amy, Lloyd and Luke Kirchner
Annette and Roger Gregory
Kathy and John Long
Drs. Alicia Kowalchuk and
Stephanie and Ben Hertzog
Victoria Matthews
Maureen and Douglas Hirsch
Elise McClain
Wendy and Meir O’Hanna
Catherine and Andrew Kaldis
Bernadette Verzosa and
Erin and Brett Busby
Katie and Bob Orr
Janet and Mario Kapusta
Nataya and Johnny Carter
PM Realty
Amy and Lloyd Kirchner
Debbie Nickerson
Monica and Charles Eskridge
The Samuels Family Foundation
Lucinda and Javier Loya
Heather and Brenden O'Neill
Melissa and Michael Mithoff
Meredith and Mark Parenti
Alana Kennedy-Nasser and
Nadia and Nader Parviz
Shonali and Rakesh Agrawal
Benjamin Saldaña
Rochelle Tafolla and
Richard Hess
Jacqualin and Jeff Seely
Amy and Jim Lee
Lucinda and Javier Loya
Jessica and Philipp Meyer
Melissa and Michael Mithoff
Sangeeta Cheema and
 
Jodie and Laith Daik
Dean Nasser
Len Cannon Mintz
Stephanie and Bill Perkins
Kelly and James D. Davis
Heather and Brendan O’Neill
Anh Nguyen and Victor Phan
Bianca and Greg Holland
Melissa Coleman and
Karen and Ken Redding
Vasanthi and Ramanan
Renée and Michael Locklar
Kathy and John Long
Rob Pascoe
Lisa and John Reed
Stephanie and Bill Perkins
Heidi and Bryan Rosenstrauch
Kimberly and Cristopher
Andrea and Anthony Russo
Alicia Kowalchuk and
Meredith and Mark Parenti
Daniela and Manolo Sanchez
Cindy and Stephan Kinsella
Callie and Steve Paul
Jenee and Nick Stefanakis
Daniela and Manolo Sanchez
Lana Rigsby and John Powell
Aparajitha and Amit Verma
Allison Wawro
Farrell and Stuart Saunders
Julia and Terry Vine
Molly and Coert Voorhees
Kim and Chuck Yates
Catherine Than and Quan Vu
Karam Dhillon
Benjamin Saldaña
Mona and Sanjeev Sawhney
Gifts to Endowment
Aldona and Damon Spiegel
Pat and Bill Mitchell
Jenee and Nick Stefanakis
Erin and Thomas Stus
Lisa and Christian Eddleman
Wendy and Meir O'Hanna
Gifts in Kind
Julie and Jason Styles
Monica and Charles Eskridge
Heather and Brenden O'Neill
Asset Management Advisors
Nikayla and Aaron Thomas
Analitza and Justin Factor
Teresa Onofre
Kelly and James Davis
Aparajitha and Amit Verma
Karen and Stephan Farber
Katie and Bob Orr
Hannah and Leonard Golub
Julia and Terry Vine
Bentley Fondren
Tahia and Shoyab Panchbhaya
Max Movers
Catherine Than and
Abbe and Adam Forman
Jenny Mohr and
Hoang Quan Vu
Rachel and Wayne Franklin
Matthew Parker
Melanie Gray and Mark Wawro
Tanya and Jerry Gee
Nadia and Nader Parviz
Kim and Chuck Yates
Hannah and Leonard Golub
Melissa Coleman and
Rocio Diaz and Francisco
Cynthia and Ashok Gowda
Rigsby Hull
Kim and Chuck Yates
Shekkola Gray
Stephanie and Bill Perkins
The first gift for
The Post Oak High School
Jessica and Vean Gregg
Lisa and Patrick Phelps
Windi and David Grimes
Annette and Roger Gregory
Jennifer Pon
in memory of Bobby Sue
Windi and David Grimes
Kimberly and Cristopher Proler
Smith Cohn
Friends of the Library
Leashanne and James Guo
Joyce and Danny Rafati
Barnes & Noble
Colleen and Rudy Haddad
Kim and Randy Randolph
* * * * *
Sophia Banu and
Karen and Ken Redding
Recognizing our donors is a high
Lisa and John Reed
priority for The Post Oak School.
Jennifer and Fernando
Janice and Barrett Green
Muzammil Hanif
Robert Pascoe
Mary Ann and Victor Guerrero
Kristin and Joey Hayles
Shelly and Bill Richter
We have made every effort to
Melanie Harrell
Rennae and Joe Henry
Heidi and Bryan Rosenstrauch
ensure the accuracy of our honor
Amelia Ng and Tam Ho
Maureen and Douglas Hirsch
Andrea and Anthony Russo
rolls, but it is possible for errors
Anh and Doanh Hoang
Sherri and Gary Sagarnaga
to occur. If you wish to report an
Book Fair Contributors
Bianca and Greg Holland
Alicia Kowalchuk and
error or omission, please contact
Shonali and Rakesh Agrawal
Claudia Rojas-Jimenez and
Roy Alexander
Cynthia and Bucky Allshouse
Nancy and John Almon
Stephanie and Phil Arnett
Tamara and William Basham
Carlos Jimenez
Jane Greenberg and
Gregory Kaplan
Benjamin Saldaña
Suzan and Jeremy Samuels
christinacantu @ postoakschool.org.
Kara and Dax Sanders
Thank you.
Cynthia DeLaney and
Farrell and Stuart Saunders
Stephan Kinsella
Mona and Sanjeev Sawhney
Amy and Lloyd Kirchner
Kate and Greg Scheinman
Sara and Brian Binau
Bhushan Kukkalli
Shonali Jacob and
Jessica and Ben Braun
Jamie and Andrew Lee
Jennifer and Christian
Vivian and Kenneth Lee
Jian and Mike Short
Yan and Haiyang Li
Carmen Garcia-Smith and
Jeff Schneider
Jamie and James Broach
Renée and Michael Locklar
Kimberly and Michael
Dawn and Peter Lorenz
Valerie and Michael Sonsino
Michelle and Thomas Lu
Aldona and Damon Spiegel
Cindy and Andrew Lubetkin
Jenee and Nick Stefanakis
Rosa Wong and Gary Luk
Mary and Garland Stephens
Nataya and Johnny Carter
D'arcy and Robert Madden
Erin and Thomas Stus
Sherry and Lewis Chandler
Jenny and André Marshall
Julie and Jason Styles
Jennifer and Clifton Chavis
Stacey and Mark Martin
Aimee and Greg Taylor
Deepa and Rajesh
John and Lori Martinez
Nikayla and Aaron Thomas
Victoria Matthews
Susan GrangerTyler and
Christina Kopanidis-Cantu
and Jorge Cantu
Jennifer and Todd Colter
Alan McClain
Cindy Comfort
Tanya Bennett and
Melissa and Felix Cordero
David McConkey
Todd Smith
Seth Tyler
Natalia and Angel Urreta
Aparajitha and Amit Verma
Lili and Jorge Cortes
Kelly McNamara
Molly and Coert Voorhees
Karla and Travis Crabtree
Paula and Mark Mey
Whitney and Marc Walsh
Jodie and Laith Daik
Melissa and Michael Mithoff
Kim and Chuck Yates
Robyn Davis
Nandita Gupta and
Anita and Alan Ying
Lissa and Bobby Debes
Sangeeta Cheema and
Karam Dhillon
Zarafsheen and Imran
Kya and Russell Eddington
Vikas Mittal
Sarah and James Moudry
Tara and Alex Neblett
Kavitha and Sattva Neelapu
Susan Hardwick-Smith and
Kevin O'Gorman
-- or by email at
Daniela and Manolo Sanchez
Jeannine and David Bergt
Christina Kopanidis-Cantu at
Michelle and Kenneth Zagorski
Allison and Gustavo Zapata
The Post Oak School continues to be financially stable and strong.
Our audited financial statements for the 2009–2010 school year
resulted in an increase in net assets of $471,241; unaudited results
for 2010–2011 show an increase of $578,191. Enrollment increased
from 389 in 2009–2010 to 397 in 2010–2011.
Successful fundraising for both the annual fund and Gala combined
with increased enrollment and careful stewardship of the School’s
assets resulted in growth of our combined cash/property maintenance reserve to 21 percent of operating expenses or $1,163,667. The
School was also able to transfer $30,500 to our Endowment Fund.
The School’s Endowment policy allows disbursements once the
endowment exceeds $1 million average balance for three years.
The current asset allocation target is 20 percent cash and fixed
income, and 80 percent equities to maximize long-term returns.
More than 80 percent of the portfolio is invested in low cost institutional asset class mutual funds managed by Dimensional Fund
The year ended June 30, 2011 was a challenge for fixed income
because of low interest rates. The fixed income is invested very
conservatively and generated a positive return of just under 2
percent for the year. Continued recovery in the equity markets
resulted in the equity accounts averaging a 33 percent gain for
the year. To put this in perspective, both the S&P 500 Composite
Total Return and MSCI EAFE foreign index gained just over 30
percent year ended June 30, 2011.
The combined portfolio returned 27.2 percent for the year, resulting
in a gain of $232,375 for the one year ended June 30, 2011.
Plans for long-term programming needs and for our new high
school move forward. This year we hired a high school director
and completed marketing and development work. The School’s
continued fiscal discipline has allowed us to continue our work
on these projects without an additional capital campaign.
Income Statement
Operating Fund
Temporary Restricted
‒  Total
Tuition Based Revenues
Other Tuition and Fees
Other Income (Loss)
Annual Giving
Gala Revenue
All Other Giving (Net)
Total Revenue
Net Assets Released from Restriction
Total Revenue
( ,)
( ,) 
Salaries and Benefits
Financial Aid
Other Program Expense
Plant Expenses
General Administration
Total Expenses
Increase in Net Assets
Consolidated Balance Sheet
General Fund
( ,)
Transfers In/Out
( ,) 
Temporary Restricted
‒  Total
Total Cash and Investments
Net Student Receivables
Other Pledges and Receivables Net
Prepaid Expenses and Other Deposits
Interfund Receivables
Total Current Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment
Total Fixed Assets
Accounts Payable
Accrued Salaries and Benefits
Deferred Income
Interfund Payables
Other Accrued Expenses
Total Liabilities
Net Assets Unrestricted
Net Assets – Cash Reserve
Board Restricted
Net Assets – Temp Restricted
Net Assets – Endowment
Total Liabilities and Fund Balance
Total Assets
  
( ,,)
( ,,)
Our graduates remain part of the Post Oak community. Many return
to volunteer in a classroom, or work in the front office as summer
assistants. Often they come back to visit with teachers, or to talk
about their Montessori experiences at our annual Alumni Night.
They always remember the community that nurtured them, and
are willing to talk about how those early experiences at Post Oak
shaped the people they have become.
Class of 1981
Stephen Marchione is the
owner of Marchione Guitars.
He became a full time luthier
in 1989. Montessori education
“made me the artist and
business man that I am now.”
Class of 1991
Jessica Wagner, an alum and
former Post Oak teacher, is
getting married in the spring
and is teaching first grade at
The Fay School.
Class of 1995
Masoud Darvishi is an attorney in the Houston area.
Class of 1996
Allison Dryden recently
completed her residency at
Vanderbilt Medical Center
and is an ER doctor. She is
married to a musician who
travels around the world and
they have an infant daughter.
Rahim Kurji is attending the
Wharton School pursuing
his MBA. He just completed
five years working for the
Clinton Foundation in India
and South Africa, working on
AIDS projects and recently
on alternative energy.
Class of 1997
Philip Storey completed
three years at John Hopkins
Medical School after leaving
Vanderbilt Medical Center.
Prior to that he completed a
year of study in Australia
during which he obtained
his Masters in World Health.
He has also studied in China.
Philip currently lives in a
remote village in Tanzania.
Class of 1998
After working for UBS in
New York for four years,
Rehman Kurji is a student
at Pepperdine University
in its MBA program.
Ellen White completed her
education at Austin Theater
Alliance in 2006. She is continuing her studies at Circle
in the Square Theatre School.
Off-Broadway plays as well
as many other acting projects
allow Ellen to continue to
build her rapport with the
performance industry and
she hopes to start a family
once her career is established.
Class of 2001
Lauren Fondren has started
a job as a Foreign Service
Officer at the State Department.
Kristy Eddington attends
Western State University
College of Law.
Class of 2002
Sam Geer lives and works in
Los Angeles pursuing a
career in the film industry.
Sam worked on The Tree of
Life, which premiered in May
of 2011 at the Cannes Film
Festival and was awarded
the Palme d'Or for feature
films. Sam also recently
worked on the film,
Beginners, which was released in June of 2011.
Ben Jawdat is in graduate
studies at the University of
Houston. He completed his
undergraduate degree at
Emory University in 2010
with a major in physics.
Josh Tobin graduated from
Davidson College. He is
working toward his Masters
of Fine Arts in the professional actor training program
at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. This
past summer he performed
with the Chautauqua Theatre
Conservatory in New York.
Class of 2003
Lindsey Moore graduated
with honors from Southwestern in May 2011 with a degree
in English. She plans to stay
in Houston while embarking
on a career as a writer.
Brittany Fondren graduated
Phi Beta Kappa from Southwestern University. She works
at Texas Inter-Faith where
she is developing a group
that will publicize the company and help Texas provide
more complete communities
for its residents.
Laura McClure is continuing
studies at University of
Colorado and plans to graduate in the spring of 2012.
Sam Boyar had a paid summer internship with Plains
Exploration Co. He plans to
pursue an MBA, but would
like to work as a geologist
for a few years first.
Class of 2004
Jennie Kamin is studying at
Tulane University and will
graduate in 2012. She is a
political science and communications major. This past
fall she studied in London.
Christina Moser is currently
a student at The University
of Texas in Austin. She spent
half of her 2011 summer
break traveling in Italy, visiting Rome, Venice, Florence,
and more.
Bethany Sharp is an undergrad working toward her BA
in graphic design at Boston
University. This past summer,
she took animation classes
at New York University.
Class of 2005
Allison Bereswill is a junior
at Southern Methodist University studying accounting
at the Cox School of Business.
She served four years on the
honor counsel board at Episcopal High School and is
serving her third year as an
officer at SMU. She is serving
her second year as an intern
at The George Bush Presidential Center.
Rebecca Bereswill is a sophomore at the University of
Michigan in Ann Arbor. She
practices figure skating
intensely for six hours a day
to build her skills. Rebecca
aims to become a part of the
U.S. Olympics team.
Stephanie Styles has won
several awards for her performances in music theatre.
She is attending the University of Michigan.
Lara Brenner studies biology
at Carleton College. She
aspires to become a veterinarian. This past summer,
Lara had an internship with
a wildlife rehabilitation
Class of 2006
Michael Harvey is an honor
student at The University of
Notre Dame. He studies
economics as well as political
science. Michael was an
intern at United Way for the
Class of 2008
Alexi Beaver is a senior at
St. John's School. She plans
to travel to Costa Rica with
her school, where she will
tutor young students.
Jeffrey Davis, a senior at
Episcopal High School,
received the Rensselaer
Medal, a scholarship awarded
for academic achievement
in mathematics and science.
Tom Harvey is in his senior
year and is the vice head
prefect at St. John's School.
This summer he interned for
the Ellen Cohen campaign.
Now in his senior year at
Episcopal High School,
Nikhil Schneider is very interested in movie making.
He has earned awards for
Most Promising Movie
Maker, and Most Outstanding Screenwriter. He is also
interested in environmental
science, runs on the cross
country and track teams,
and worked backstage on a
few on-stage productions.
During his sophomore year,
he also rode the MS 150 with
his sisters, Devina and
Jahnavi (2011), and dad,
Elementary Director Jeff
Class of 2009
Joshua Brenner is a junior at
St. John’s School in Houston.
Upon graduation, Natalie
Wade moved to Tucson to
attend St. Gregory College
Preparatory High School,
where she is a junior this year.
She says, “Post Oak School
was such a great experience
for me and really shaped the
relationship I have with
school and learning.” She
looks forward to going to
school each day and to
learning new things, as well
as traveling to Kenya with
her high school this year to
help teach children.
Class of 2011
Benjamin Brenner is attending Carnegie Vanguard High
Daniel Brenner is attending
St. John’s School.
Other Alumni
Vanessa Friedemann is a
freshman at Stanford
Will Geer is a sophomore at
the University of Southern
California. He is in the inaugural class of the Popular
Music Program at the USC
Thornton School of Music.
Mary Elizabeth Harvey is
in her freshman year at
St. Johns School.
Both Aziza and Azam
Janmohamed received the
President’s Award for Educational Excellence in 2011.
They left The Post Oak
School last year and moved
to Pakistan where they attend
Karachi American School.
Aziza achieved outstanding
student for the eighth grade,
and participated in a
community service trip to
Galapagos Island. Azam was
selected to speak at his Elementary graduation because
of his academic qualification.
He attended the Cowboys
football camp in Dallas and
is trying to introduce American football at his new school.
Pooja Salhotra completed
Houston Chronicle’s four
week summer fundamentals
of journalism program and
was listed by them as a
“Future Headliner,” crediting
her journalistic maturity.
Pooja received the news
quiz plaque for being an
outstanding student. When
at Post Oak, she was in
Barbara Hacker's Primary
Elizabeth Sills attended
Post Oak for four years before
her family moved to San
Antonio in early 2010. She is
currently in the third grade
and spends five days a week
ice skating and competes at
the pre-preliminary level.
Elizabeth supplements ice
skating training with classes
in ballet and modern dance.
Alison Wong is living in
Houston and works as an
attorney/trial consultant.
Her child will start at Post
Oak this year.
2010–2011 Trustees
Luiza Grandchamp
Frank Apollo
Elizabeth Santikos
Bev Bontrager
Melissa Coleman
Stuart Dow
Jeannine Bergt
Amy and Lloyd Kirchner
  
Adam Forman
Emily Hansen
Tamara Basham
Windi Grimes
Sonia Einstein
Alicia Kowalchuk
Bob Harvey, chair
Jamie Lee
Benjamin Saldaña
Orly Kluk
Barbara Hacker
Rennae Henry
Ann Lee
Renée Locklar
Deidre Lodrig
Emily Hansen
John Long, president
Meghan Freeman
Tanya Gee
Kathy Long
Orly Kluk
Heather O’Neill
Stephan Kinsella
John Howenstine
Post Oak
Barbara Hacker
The Post Oak Fund
2010–2011 Chairs
Andrew Kaldis
Lloyd Kirchner
Vikas Mittal
Manolo Sanchez
Marilyn Wilson
Russell Windham
Jessica Gregg
Middle School
      
Walker Beavers
Pam Boyar
Leland Fondren
Jian Short
Sarah Moudry
Kara Sanders
Melanie Gray
Debbie Nickerson
Pat Mitchell
Elise McClain
Jenny Murphy
John Wallace
Julie Parraguirre
Vivian Lee
POPA Chairs
Errol Pinto
Melissa Cordero
Tanya Gee
Erin Stus
Cinda Moye
POPA Dinner Chairs
Tanya Gee
Julia Vine
Maya Pinto
Karen Redding
Phoebe Yeager
Cynthia Alonso
Field Day Chairs
Teri Bair
Amy Garrou
Book Fair Chairs
Beth Cassidy
Laura Roark
Laurie Levin
Jennifer Touchet
Deidre Lodrig
Rochelle Tafolla
Kathy Long
Dinh Lam
Middle School
Bev Bontrager
Sarah Moudry
Shonali Agrawal
Debbie Nickerson
Annie Singleton
Julie Parraguirre
Daniela Sanchez
Errol Pinto
Lewis & Sherry Chandler
Maya Pinto
Liz Pulaski
Phoebe Yeager
Aimee Taylor
Laura Roark
Beth Apollo
Jennifer Chavis
Erin Smith
Jessica Gregg
Leashanne Guo
Erin Smith
Gerry Waters
Gina Luna
Hifa Sobhani
Hifa Sobhani
Lisa Reed
Shonali Agrawal
Cinco de Mayo
Ann Lee
Elise McClain
Miriam Winton
Miriam Winton
2011 Biennial Gala
Michelle Lu
Mary Stephens
Annette Gregory, Chair
Valerie Sonsino
2010–2011 Room Parents
Tamara Basham
Kim Yates
Dinah Chetrit
Aimee Taylor
John Long
Shekkola Gray
Faculty and Staff
Norma Paulin, Before-School
Assistant (7:00–8:15 am)
     
   
Half-Day Infant Community
(ages 14 months – 3 years)
Deidre Lodrig, Lead Teacher
Diana Ayala, Classroom
Sarah Moudry, Lead Teacher
Yolanda Bucio, Classroom
Full-Day Infant Community
(ages 14 months – 3 years)
Phoebe Yeager, Lead Teacher
Elizabeth DiCesare,
Classroom Assistant
Lilia Garza, Classroom
Diana Onofre, Classroom
Primary Department
(ages 3 – 6 years)
Tamara Basham, Lead Teacher
Celia Rodriguez, Classroom
Barbara Hacker, Lead Teacher
Norma Paulin, Classroom
Emily Hansen, Lead Teacher
Ruth Cañas, Classroom
Julie Parraguirre,
Lead Teacher
Nina Strane, Classroom
Erin Smith, Lead Teacher
Alma Armendariz, Classroom
life of Post Oak parent, wife,
and friend, Tracey Hilfman.
Phylis Tomlinson, Counselor
Tracey’s work as a room parent,
Lower Elementary
Mark Tucker, Athletics
her constant willingness to
(grades 1– 3)
School Assistant
(7:00–8:15 am)
Marisol Benner, Classroom
Millie Chavez, Classroom
Director & Bearkats Coach
Orly Kluk, Lead Teacher
Jamie Ward , Classroom
Kathy Long, Lead Teacher
Melanie Koehn, Classroom
Maya Pinto, Lead Teacher
Anita Taj, Classroom Assistant
Hifa Sobhani , Lower
Elementary Teacher
Lupe Lopez, Classroom
Upper Elementary
(grades 4– 6)
Debbie Nickerson, Lead
Sandra DeLeon, Classroom
Errol Pinto, Lead Teacher
Jessica Samano, Classroom
Laura Roark, Lead Teacher
Kimberly Magill, Classroom
Middle School (grades 7 – 8)
Shekkola Gray, Middle School
Coordinator & Mathematics
Kelly McNamara, Science
Joshua Noah, Humanities
Asenet Garcia, Upper School
Alma Armendariz, Before-
We celebrate the wonderful
B.R. Simon, Librarian
Christine Karnabe, Classroom
Dinah Chetrit, Lead Teacher
In Memory
   
    
Before- & After-Care
Primary Home Environment
Donna Scott, Music Teacher
Miriam Winton, Lead Teacher
Patricia Onofre, Spanish
good humor and positive
energy was an inspiration to
Mirna Andrade-Salgado,
those who knew her. We were
Technology Director
Vivian Blum, Admission
Debbie Henderson, Office
Christina Kopanidis-Cantu,
Development Director
John Long, Head of School
Robin Lunsford, Director of
Finance and Facilities
James Moudry, Middle School
& High School Director
Shannon Neufeld/Elaine
Schweizer, Communications
Christine Peterson, Business
Office /HR Specialist
Jeff Schneider, Elementary
Francesca Shoemaker,
Mirani Smith, Early Childhood
Matt Thompson, Facilities
Mark Tucker, After-School
Enrichment Program
(ASEP) director
Miriam Winton, Summer
School Director
 
Manuel Mejia, Maintenance
Daniel Anastacio, Custodian
After-Care Director
Nazario Anastacio, Custodian
Jenna Pel, Upper School
Christopher Mejia, Custodian
After-Care Assistant
  
Andrea Dilger, Physical Fitness
Specialist & Bearkats Coach/
Meg O’Connell
Luiza Grandchamp,
Art Specialist
Diana Muniz, Art Specialist
volunteer, and her unending
Marvin Mejia, Custodian
blessed to have her in our
community and we miss her
Elon University
University of Georgia
Evergreen State College
University of Houston
During 2011 Post Oak School
Fashion Institute of Technology
University of Houston
graduates were admitted to the
Fordham University
following highly recognized
Georgetown University
University of Indiana
college preparatory schools:
Georgia Tech
University of Kansas
Goucher College
University of Massachusetts —
Awty International School
Bellaire High School
Carnegie Vanguard High
School (CVHS)*
Duchesne Academy
Emery/Weiner School
Episcopal High School*
High School for the Performing and Visual Arts*
Incarnate Word Academy
The Kinkaid School*
St. Agnes Academy*
St. John’s School*
St. Pius X
St. Thomas High School
Xavier Educational Academy*
* Denotes school attending
Ithaca College
University of Miami
Lone Star Community College
University of Michigan
Louisiana State University
University of Mississippi
Loyola Marymount
University of North Carolina
Loyola University, New Orleans
University of Notre Dame
Millsaps College
University of Oklahoma
New York University
University of the Pacific
Notre Dame University
University of South Carolina
top colleges and universities
University of Southern
Oberlin College
Rhodes College
University of Southern
California — School of
Rice University
Cinematic Arts
Rollins College
San Diego State University
University of Texas — Austin
San Francisco Conservatory
University of Texas — Austin,
Plan II
of Music
University of Texas —
Business Honors
Savannah College of Art
and Design
Post Oak alumni populate
Hampshire College
Sarah Lawrence College
College Admissions
University of Texas —
San Antonio
Sewanee — The University
of the South
University of Texas — Tyler
throughout the state, the
Skidmore College
University of Tulsa
nation, and abroad. In 2011,
Smith College
University of Vermont
all but one 2007 middle school
Southern Methodist University
University of Virginia —
graduates were accepted to
Southwestern University
their college of first choice.
Stanford University
U.S. Naval Academy
Post Oak college acceptances
St. Edwards University
Vanderbilt University
over the past eight years
St. John’s College
West Point
Syracuse University
Wesleyan University
American University
Art Institute of Boston
Art Institute of Chicago
Art Institute of Houston
Auburn University
Austin College
Baylor University
Boston University
Brooks Institute of Photography
Brown University
California College of the Arts
Carnegie Mellon University
Clemson University
College of Charleston
Colorado College
Colorado School of Mines
Cranbrook Academy of Art
Drexel University
Eckerd College
Texas A&M University
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University
The Citadel
Trinity University
Tulane University
University of Alabama
University of Arkansas
University of Arizona
University of California —
Los Angeles
University of California —
San Diego
University of California —
Santa Barbara
University of California —
Santa Clara
University of Colorado —
Photography by Terry Vine and Erin Stus.
High School Admissions
Mission Statement
The mission of The Post Oak
School, as an accredited
Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) school, is to
provide a superior Montessori
environment and dynamic
learning experiences which
are designed according to the
developmental characteristics
and needs of children; to guide
and nurture each child —
intellectually, socially, and
              ,         .     . 