Our Lady of Peace


Our Lady of Peace
Jour ney
L ady
VOLUME I - 2010
Of Good Counsel Home
Carrying on where the sisters left off
Twenty months ago, the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne
transferred ownership of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Home to Franciscan Health Community. Since the
transfer, Our Lady is thriving, pooling its resources,
applying best practices and taking in more patients – all
while continuing to provide totally free end-of-life care.
“It was a big deal,”
Wornson said of the
Sisters’ departure from
Our Lady. The religious
women had forged
deep bonds with the
entire staff.
switch became official in February 2009. A transition
team met for several months to ease the process.
Imitating the nuns
Our Lady’s staff has been making a concerted effort to
honor the Sisters’ legacy, Tom said. “I
try to emulate them – the compassion
they showed each patient, their
concern for the dying and the excellent
care they gave. My feeling is that we
have to carry the torch and keep their
spirit alive.”
something unusual comes up, we say,
‘OK, what would the Sisters do?’”
“They were like a
second family to me,”
who’s been a nurse at
Our Lady for 22 years.
That question has
become a rallying
cry and a guiding
principle for Our
Lady’s staff.
Kim Perez was saddened but not
surprised when the Dominican Sisters
of Hawthorne relinquished ownership
of Our Lady of Good Counsel Home,
the free St. Paul-based hospice they
had been operating since 1941.
It was about seven years ago when
the Sisters began bringing in more lay
staff to help with the work.
“I knew that was huge for
them to have come to the
point where they needed
more lay help,” Kim said.
Kim and her colleagues
watched as the Dominican
hospices they had been
operating, hoping that
their work would continue
in St. Paul. Meanwhile, the
Sisters found it increasingly
challenging to perform
their work, which once
included all the cooking,
cleaning and patient care.
For Kim, staying calm in trying moments is
what the Sisters would do. She thinks of Sr.
Daniel, who hired her 19 years ago. “Even
with the most difficult patients, I never
heard her say a cross word,” Kim said. “If
she would be frustrated, she would have
little sayings like, ‘Oh, fluffy duff.’”
(top) Our Lady of Good Counsel Home.
(center) Cathy Kramer, Mekonnen Dori,
Maren Lund, and Frezgi Hiskias confer
about their patients. (bottom) Hospice
social worker Gretchen Peterson shares a
laugh with a colleague.
ownership of Our Lady to another Catholic, St. Paulbased non-profit, the Franciscan Health Community,
which provides services to seniors, including operating
St. Mary’s Hospice and Franciscan Home Health. The
The Journey
For Kathryn, making
an exception and
admitting a young
patient represented
would do. So did
the lavish care staff
poured on a patient
who was a refugee
and the dignity they
have shown homeless
Guarding traditions
In big and small ways, the staff is continuing
the Sisters’ practices. Our Lady still provides
end-of-life care free of charge to patients
and their families – contrary to some
misunderstandings that have cropped up.
In a difficult economy, this is a noteworthy feat and a
point of pride, Kathryn said.
(cont. on page 2)
(Carrying On cont. from page 1)
Then there are the smaller steps, like the decision
to continue the Sisters’ tradition of greeting new
patients at the door, introducing themselves and
escorting them to their rooms.
Of course, some changes have been made. The
lay staff has made a point to formalize practices
and to network with Catholic affiliates like the
Catholic Senior Services, which has proved fruitful.
While the Sisters never directly asked for money,
Our Lady’s new leaders have opted to integrate a
development program, including the creation of a
fundraising network called “Friends of Our Lady.”
“We seek donations because we want to assure our
future and preserve their mission,” Kathryn said.
The staff also has requested particular items, creating
a wish list that supporters have been quick to fill.
When Kim had seven new volunteer positions, she
was amazed to see them filled in just a week. “When
something comes together so quickly and randomly,”
she said, “I think, ‘The Sisters must be praying for us.’”
(upper right) Meghan McTeague, an administrative
assistant, is a friendly face for all who enter the new
offices of St. Mary’s Hospice. (right) Diana Sallis visits her brother Charles Dillingham, a retired pilot.
Blending of staffs yields many benefits at Our Lady
A change that occurred last summer and has yielded positive results was moving the offices of St. Mary’s Hospice
and Home Health staff to Our Lady of Good Counsel Home. The move has required both groups to be nimble.
“At first there was a little bit of confusion,” said Tom Cassidy, who has been a nurse at Our Lady for 22 years.
But both groups have been gracious, and their merge has allowed for a healthy collaboration, Tom said. “We talk
things over. They might see something I missed. There’s more give and take. It has made us stronger as a group.”
Cathy Kramer, a nurse at St. Mary’s Hospice, praised her new colleagues. “They’ve been really accommodating. I
think there’s a real collaboration among all of us. We know we’re working for the same purpose and everyone is
really invested.”
Uniting St. Mary’s Hospice with Our Lady of Good Counsel allows for a continuum of care, pointed out Cathy, who
cared for a St. Mary’s patient who later came to Our Lady. “It’s wonderful,” she said. “I get to go upstairs and see
her whenever I want. The family was so thankful that she could come here. Things were getting really difficult at
The partnership has created helpful parallels for people like Kim Perez, the volunteer coordinator at Our Lady who
now meets regularly with St. Mary’s volunteer coordinator to share ideas. “The nice thing about St. Mary’s is they
have been just amazing in being open to questions that I have or to run an idea by somebody,” Kim said. “I like
that feeling of having other people out there we can go to for support.”
Twenty months after the transfer was made official, staff say their mindset has shifted. As Tom Cassidy noted: “It
used to be ‘them’ at St. Mary’s and ‘us’ at Good Counsel and now it’s just ‘we.’”
Donor Profile
Fundraiser supporting Our Lady for more than three decades
Thirty-two years ago, Helen Weides knew very little
about Our Lady of Good Counsel Home. As a member
of the Antone Guild at Annunciation Parish in south
Minneapolis, their sole purpose was to “raise funds for
the cancer home,” Helen recalled.
So she did a little research, including reading the book
“Sorrow Built A Bridge,” the story of Rose Hawthorne,
founder of the Servants for Relief of Incurable Cancer
who started Our Lady of Good Counsel Home in 1941.
“After reading the book, I realized that this was a very
good cause to support,” Helen said. So she and Mary
Theurer of the Annunciation Women’s Council, decided
to have a benefit dinner for Our Lady. “We did most
of the work, including preparing the meal, serving and
Son Jim works for
D’Amico & Sons
so he handles the
food preparation.
They also receive
volunteers from the
Annunciation Youth
Over the years, the The money raised from the event
dinner has ebbed helps in creating a peaceful and
and flowed, with restful environment for patients
attendance ranging and their families.
from well over 200
to as few as 134.
For a few years they even added a silent auction. “We’ve
raised anywhere from $2,000 to almost $10,000 a year,”
Helen said.
After 20 years, Mary told Helen that “she just couldn’t
continue any longer because of health concerns,” Helen
explained. “So we announced that that would be our last
dinner.” However, Helen’s son Jim and daughter Patty,
who had started helping with the dinner, had other plans.
“This dinner is a labor of love. The fact that the money
we raise goes to Our Lady of Good Counsel Home is
very rewarding. It’s my favorite charity. The whole staff
there is so friendly,” Helen added.
“They came up to me after the dinner and said that they
wanted to continue doing the event. So they took over and
it has really become a family affair, with most of my children
and grandchildren helping,” Helen added proudly.
This year’s dinner was held October 10 and still only
costs $16. “My children keep telling me I should charge
more, but I want to make sure that anyone who wants to
come can afford it.”
Development Update
Mike Randall, Director of Development
The opening feature in this newsletter examines the way
Our Lady’s staff is carrying on the traditions begun by the
Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne. One of those traditions
was to not actively seek donations. Unfortunately, that is
one tradition we cannot afford to keep.
Each year thousands of people make donations to Our
Lady in memory of someone they knew who died of
cancer, here or elsewhere. Others have heard about the
wonderful mission of Our Lady – providing free care to
patients dying from cancer – and want to support that
effort. A few very generous and thoughtful people have
left Our Lady of Good Counsel in their estate plans. These
are the gifts that truly make operating this home possible.
Moving forward, we need to be more proactive in our
efforts to raise money. This fall many of you will be
receiving a letter asking you to consider donating to
The Journey
the home. A Remembrance
Fundraising Event is planned
for December, when we
will honor loved ones who
passed away at Our Lady. In
the spring of 2011, we will
hold our first annual benefit
My hope is that when you
receive our mailings or
an invitation to an event that you will give thoughtful
consideration to supporting the work we do. Our entire
operating budget is funded through gifts from a generous
donor community. That generosity allows us to continue
providing free end-of-life care to our patients and their
families. And that is a tradition truly worth keeping.
The Giving Tree
City grant to refresh Our Lady’s grounds
For nearly seven decades, Our Lady of Good Counsel
was home to the Dominican Sisters. The backyard was
their private sanctuary – a beautiful, peaceful space
where they could find solitude. We would now like to
open that space to our patients and their families, so
that they too can enjoy its beauty.
However, the area is in need of some work. We have
put together a landscaping plan that includes adding
and repairing sidewalks to make the area handicap
accessible. A picnic shelter for family gatherings will be
added, along with park benches, new plantings, and
water features.
The city of St. Paul recently awarded a STAR grant of
$27,164 to help Our Lady redesign the grounds. As part
of the grant, Our Lady has to raise the same amount to
complete the project.
Anyone interested in donating toward the project should
contact Mike Randall at 651-789-5029. The money will
help transform our grounds into a beautiful setting that
our patients and their families can enjoy together.
A Sweet Last Supper
No special request goes unmet at St. Mary’s Hospice –
especially one involving a hungry belly.
Last July Kelly Pietrzak, the medical social worker for St.
Mary’s Hospice, was listening to a patient named John
reminisce about his childhood. The story he shared most
fondly pertained to a dish called sweetbread that he ate
with his grandparents. Kelly assumed John was referring
to some kind of breaded roll, but he looked it up in the
dictionary for her: “the thymus or pancreas of a young
animal (as a calf) used for food.”
The 91-year-old terminally-ill man said he hadn’t eaten
sweetbread since he was a boy – and that he would just
love to have it “one more time.”
“That’s all I had to hear,” Kelly said.
That Friday afternoon she began hatching a plan, and
the entire office immediately joined in on the mission
to determine who could make John sweetbread. They
began calling local restaurants. No one said they could
or would make sweetbread until Kelly got a hold of Wyatt
Evans, the head chef at the popular Selby Avenue eatery
W.A. Frost.
Wyatt knew how to prepare the dish and responded with
excitement, saying he would need a little time to get
the ingredients: He could have it prepared tomorrow by
noon. Kelly said Monday would suffice.
On Monday chef Zac Leeman made sweetbread using the
high-end protein of veal thymus and risotto. He also made
the Italian dessert tiramisu, adding caramelized bananas.
W.A. Frost provided the meal at cost.
“It felt good, like I was I was getting more out of it,” Zac
said. “I was happy to give somebody their wish. I know
this person didn’t have much time left.”
When the meal was presented to John, he laughed in
sheer delight. Two weeks later he passed away.
Your home became our home and made it possible for the two of us to share love and joy in our final days
together.That sense of loving embrace from Our Lady allowed us to share love when we both needed it most.
It would not have been possible without you. Everyday my husband was at Our Lady, he expressed gratitude for
your loving care.We were very lucky. Our Lady of Good Counsel is how we all deserve to live and die.
May God bless you forever.
– Naomi B.
Learning from Leslie
Staff takes great lengths to accomodate deaf, blind patient
When he heard a deaf and blind person would be arriving
at Our Lady of Good Counsel, nurse Frezgi Hiskias was
skeptical about how communication would go.
But it didn’t take long for Frezgi to realize there was
nothing to fear, for Leslie Peterson of Minneapolis was
a “genius.”
That genius was evident in
how he set up his room at Our
Lady. In the four and a half
months he spent there, Leslie
set up his room like no other
resident, social worker Anne
Marie Bartlett said. There
were speed bumps on the
floor, extra shelving units, a
brail computer and Styrofoam
noodles around his walker so
Leslie would know when he
was getting too close to a wall.
“He pretty much knew what
Leslie Peterson
he was doing and we took our
lead from him,” Anne Marie
said. “He put all of the electrical things in place so that
he could plug his ammunition in correctly. He did it all
himself. He was a very, very independent guy. He had
lived like that for a long time and so he really knew what
he needed to make his days work.”
Leslie, 67, died June 28 of lung cancer, though he never
smoked. According to a July 2 article in the Star Tribune,
his blindness and deafness were due to a rare genetic
disorder called Usher syndrome. Leslie, who was a past
president of the Minnesota DeafBlind Association, was
born deaf and by age 14 he began losing his sight.
While the staff marveled over Leslie’s resourcefulness,
his family marveled over the staff’s extra effort to put
him at ease. They made sure an interpreter was present
for doctors’ rounds each week in order to better
communicate how he was doing and to answer his
questions. Staff also learned to communicate with Leslie
by spelling out words in his hands. Some staff members
even had Leslie teach them sign language.
“They were always eager to figure out ways to
communicate,” recalled Leslie’s daughter, Mitzi Uribe.
“They knew him and all of his ways as to how he did
things because he did things very uniquely. Frezgi would
do everything that he possibly could to get his message
across to my dad and vice versa.
The Journey
“Dad always felt very well cared for,” Mitzi continued.
“He felt that they tried as best they could to communicate
with him. He had a unique relationship with each person
who cared for him and he had a way of identifying each
person who worked with him and they had their own way
of identifying to him as to who they were, whether it
was the nuns or the nursing staff or social worker. We
couldn’t have asked for anything better.”
In addition to the attentive staff, Leslie was impressed
by the food (see page 6). “As a family we would get
together and a lot of the time would have cake and ice
cream and on different occasions would bring in pizza
or Chinese and he’d always want to eat the food there
instead,” Mitzi said.
Looking back, Mitzi said she feels indebted to the staff.
“They genuinely cared and did a wonderful job. They
were so good to him and so good to us – even the
An amazing staff
The staff, meanwhile, downplay the measures they took.
“The routine was not very hard to learn because he was
such a genius,” Frezgi said. “He did things that amazed
One of those things was his use of technology. Leslie
would e-mail back and forth with the staff and would surf
the internet. He could also guess a word or sentence
before Frezgi finished writing it in his palm. The nurse
would then tap Leslie on the shoulder to let him know
he was correct.
To assist with Leslie’s routine, Frezgi said the staff would
anticipate his needs and get things ready when he
returned from the dining hall or other activities. If Leslie
had visitors who knew sign language, Frezgi would also
use them to help communicate with him.
Ultimately, Anne Marie said, Leslie made it easy on the
staff. “Les had such a wonderful personality that he
taught us what he needed.”
Both Anne Marie and Frezgi said Leslie’s personality and
humor have left a mark on them.
“Once I saw him in action, doing things for himself, then
I understood that a human being has so many talents, so
many gifts, but we do not use them,” Frezgi said. “It was
an amazing experience for me. I will never forget him.”
Behind the Scenes
Home-cooked meals bring comfort
Food is one thing that can bring comfort. That’s why
Our Lady of Good Counsel’s kitchen crew takes pride in
preparing home-cooked meals for its patients.
“I like planning menus,” explained Bonnie Swanson,
dietary manager. “We provide home-cooked meals and
have the freedom to be creative.”
Bonnie, who has been at Our Lady for 11 years, heads a
regular staff of seven. Besides cooking for the residents,
the staff has also prepared food for special functions,
such as the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, Antone Guild
Appreciation Luncheon, lunch for the Archdiocesan
Council of Catholic Women and others. What makes the
talented staff unique, she said, is their dedication.
“Most members of my staff have been here for a long
time and they enjoy working here,” Bonnie said. One of
those staff started out as a dishwasher and is now a cook.
Weekly chats with patients regarding their menu and
getting to know them personally are what Bonnie enjoys
most about her job. Meatloaf, spaghetti, roast beef
and desserts such as strawberry angel food dessert are
patients’ favorites.
The staff is always open to suggestions, too. One of Our
Lady’s residents looked through her recipes to find dishes
the kitchen could add to their rotating menu, Bonnie
said. “We try to be flexible in planning our menus.”
The kitchen staff also
relies on volunteers
to make the kitchen
successful. Volunteers
come for breakfast,
lunch and supper and
replace water pitchers,
deliver and collect
meal trays, do the
dishes and clean the Bonnie Swanson
“Most of them volunteer maybe once a week and so
they get to know people and they do a wonderful job,”
Bonnie said. “They’re a great group.”
Shari Mahnke is one of those volunteers. A volunteer for
almost four years, Shari said she keeps coming back to
Our Lady because she appreciates the wisdom of the
residents and loves working with elderly people.
“They’re an inspiration that we all need to emulate,” she
said. “There’s no whining around here.”
Germaine Mouyard has also volunteered at Our Lady for
almost four years. Working with terminal patients, she
didn’t know if she would be able to handle it, she said.
It becomes very difficult when residents she’s formed
friendships with pass away. Still, Germaine said it’s worth
“Our goal is just to give our patients food they like
and are able to tolerate when they’re not feeling well,”
Bonnie explained. “Sometimes something will sound
really good and if they don’t see it on the menu, they
always know they can ask for it.” The kitchen and staff
are equipped to accommodate most requests.
“It’s just something you want to do,” she said, fighting
back the tears. “It’s my little part.”
Working in the kitchen has been an amazing experience,
Bonnie said, adding that others would agree. “It’s such a
privilege to work here.”
Two coolers of cookies
from one Council of
Catholic Women
The Council of Catholic Women from St. Anne’s in Le Sueur elicited a
great response to their request for cookies, personal care items and
paper products for Our Lady of Good Counsel Home. The donation
included two coolers of cookies (approximately 28 dozen), a cart
full of paper and personal care products, and $50. Pictured here
delivering the goods to Our Lady’s Mary Tillman (right) are Monica
Clark (left) and Julie Rabaey (right), both from St. Anne’s CCW.
Volunteer profiles
A pre-med student reads
the classics to make
a difference
in a hospice setting, but he said this unique experience
will help anyone grow as a person and be prepared for
the hard times in life.
Some may consider TJ
VerHage an expert in
classic literature. From “The
Count of Monte Cristo” to
“Swiss Family Robinson” to
“Treasure Island,” VerHage
knows the characters, the
plot lines and the writing
styles. But most importantly,
VerHage knows his audience:
VerHage considers his friends.
Most of all, VerHage’s volunteer work at St. Mary’s has
solidified his passion for his vocation, for people and for
service. “It has opened my eyes to how much you can
make a difference.”
T J VerHage
VerHage, 20, has spent the last three summers as a
volunteer reading from the pages of these classics to
St. Mary’s Hospice patients. As a pre-medicine student
at Wheaton College in Illinois, VerHage hoped to gain
volunteering experience before heading off to school
and discovered that St. Mary’s was not only close to his
home, but also his heart.
Each year he has volunteered more time there, visiting
and reading with one to three hospice patients a summer.
When he’s not reading to a patient, he can be found at St.
Mary’s Nursing Home chatting in the lobby or spending
time with the patients in one of the common areas.
”I hope that I bring life into this place,” VerHage said.
VerHage has developed strong relationships with his
patients. There was Helen, who told VerHage she just
liked to hear his voice. There was Fred, to whom VerHage
read “Daniel Boone” once he learned of Fred’s love for
history and English. And there was Dorothy, who shared
some of her final moments with VerHage.
“It made me realize that the most important things in
life are relationships,” VerHage said. “It’s all about our
relationships with our family and with God.”
VerHage began his undergraduate education with
plans of becoming a surgeon. After his experience in
the hospice, he now hopes to work in a more patientfocused role.
“I get a sense of fulfillment by serving the patients,” he
said. “I minister beyond the physical and instead help
them personally, emotionally and spiritually.”
VerHage refers to his time spent at St. Mary’s as a “huge
character building experience.” He acknowledges that
some of his peers may be nervous about spending time
The Journey
A mother and her
daughters honor
a lasting tie to
Our Lady
When her husband,
Don, was at St.
John’s Hospital and
Jane Dagen, Lillian Holly, and
Lillian Holly and her
Molly Molly O’Dea
O’Dea and Jane
Dagen were told they should find a nursing home for
him. Not happy with their prior experiences with several
nursing homes, Lillian’s friend suggested taking him to
“the cancer home.”
“We called expecting to be told they didn’t have room,
but much to our surprise they did have an opening,”
Lillian recalled. When they arrived at Our Lady of Good
Counsel Home, they were amazed. “Jane and I had
worked in nursing homes before,” Molly said, “and we
couldn’t believe how peaceful and quiet it was here.”
“Like heaven,” Jane added.
“An absolutely unbelievable experience,” said Lillian.
“The kindness and dignity portrayed by the male nurses
who cared for my husband will never be forgotten.
They were so kind and warm.”
“It’s so much better than I expected,” added Molly. “It’s
a comforting, calming, secure environment. The staff
becomes like family. They make every effort to improve
the quality of life for patients and families.”
Thus, a bond was formed between provider and family
that continues to this day. After Don passed away,
all three women – wife and daughters – decided to
become volunteers at Our Lady. Molly answers the
phones Monday afternoon. Lillian answers the phone on
Thursday afternoon and then joins Jane to serve dinner
that evening.
(cont. on page 8)
The Freedom Of Self Knowledge,
The Ache of Our Goodbyes
By Susan Adam, Director of Pastoral Care Services
We all have those turns in the road. It is what we do or
don’t do with them that makes the difference.
All too often we can let a life transition lodge in our soul,
discomfort us, empty us, discourage us and sometimes
strangle us with its firm, clenching hold. Too often we
can ignore a goodbye or fight it or push it away, but
we do not get rid of the ache in this way. It keeps
raising its voice inside us, at times when we least expect
it. Then it drowns out the voice of joy in our lives and
depletes energy and enthusiasm and can hinder us from
entering into another important relationship. We need
to acknowledge the ache of our goodbyes and approach
them in a way that leads to personal peace.
A dear friend of mine died suddenly a few years ago.
In Milqueya’s case, the end came sooner than we
expected. The good news is that Milqueya was ready
and wonderfully prepared to meet the Lord – even on
such short notice.
It wasn’t because she didn’t love life or deeply love the
people in her life. Everyone who knew her knew how
passionately engaged she was with life and all the issues
that made life rich and fulfilling.
In the end, with God’s grace, Milqueya proved to be
remarkably free. She knew where she came from and
where she was going. She knew the purpose of her life –
in living it and in laying it down at the end.
This faithful freedom
to be who we are
called to be is tested
by all the attractions
of the world, which
pull us in dizzying
directions. Often it
is greed, sometimes
it is fear – worries
and what-ifs – that
steal our ability to
be courageous and
In all of these defining moments, He is there and simply
asks us to be ready to meet Him when He comes to us
Lord, open our hearts today and every day to encounter
you in the many people you place in our lives, in the
many choices which can bring us closer to you. Free
us to love more freely, to say “yes” more completely,
to think of the needs of others first and to know what
is the right choice. Liberate us from the deadly grip of
anger or judgment and the debilitating trap of fear. Let
us embrace life each day as you prepare us for eternal
life with you.
And on that day you come to bring us home, grant us
the grace of loving family and friends to support us as
we surrender to your love completely in our final Amen.
He is asking us to live our lives with freedom, the freedom
that comes from knowing who we are. That freely lived
identity is formed and tested in our everyday lives. It is
formed by the relationships in our lives and by the choices
we make, which shape us into the people we become.
Editor’s note: Watch for a notice announcing an evening of “Praying
Our Goodbyes” that will welcome everyone – young and old, all
faiths. It will be presented by Susan Adam, director of pastoral care.
(Volunteer Profile cont. from page 7)
for me. I love this place!”
“I wanted to continue to be involved at the home,” Molly
said. “I look forward to visiting with the patients and their
families while I’m answering the phones. I can relate to
their emotional ups and downs during this difficult time. I
love Monday and will do just about anything to keep my
volunteering commitment.”
Obviously these three dedicated volunteers had a
unique experience at Our Lady as family members of a
patient. “I never saw a worker have a bad day, never saw
an attitude or an irritation,” Jane said. “The camaraderie
among the staff was amazing.”
Jane’s reason for volunteering at Our Lady is very
personal. “I loved coming here to see my dad and I didn’t
want to give up that memory,” she said. “Coming to the
home, listening, crying and laughing with the patients
makes me happy. Thursday is the best day of the week
“People often ask us how we can volunteer in a place
where people are dying, but for us the days that we are
here are the best days of our week,” Molly said.
Asked how long they would continue to volunteer at Our
Lady, the answer was unanimous: “Forever!”
Generous Donors
We welcome your gifts, which support our mission of providing free end-of-life care
Our Lady of Good Counsel Home is pleased to acknowledge the gifts and memorials from a caring community of
individuals, churches, and groups. These gifts were provided between Jan. 1, 2010 and Aug. 31, 2010. Every effort is
made to ensure accuracy. If you see an error or omission, please contact Michael G. Randall, Director of Development
and Communications, at 651-789-5029.
3M Company
Able Fence Inc.
Allstate Life Insurance Company
American Legion Post 8
Ameriprise Financial
Ameriprise Financial Employee
Giving Campaign
Annunciation Youth Ministries
Baber Auto Repair Services Inc.
Baxter International Foundation
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women
Blaine Eagles #4472
Blue Earth Eagles Aerie 4486
Brainerd Eagles Aerie #287
Bremer Bank
Capital Bank
Catholic Community Foundation
CCW Holy Redeemer Church
CCW St. John the Baptist
CCW St. Odilia’s Parish
Church of St. Henry
Church of St. John Vianney
Church of St. Joseph
Church of St. Mark’s CCW
Church of St. Matthew
Church of St. Thomas the Apostle
Church of St. Timothy
Church of the Holy Family
Church of the Holy Trinity CCW
Church of the Incarnation
Community Shares of Minnesota
CCW of St. Patrick of Cedar Lake
Degree of Honor MN #17
Eagles No. 3282
Family Health Services, P.A.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
First Presbyterian Church
Fluor Foundation Matching Funds
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Fraternal Order of Eagles #2242
Fraternal Order of Eagles #4456
Fred Babcock Ladies Auxiliary 5555
Frontier Communications
Greenstone, LTD
Handi Medical Supply
Hess Corporation
Holy Family Altar and Rosary Society
Holy Family Quilters
Holy Name CCW
Holy Trinity CCW
Holy Trinity Council of
Catholic Women
IBM International Foundation
Immaculate Conception CCW
Kildysart Club
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus Council 9096
Knox Presbyterian Church
Women’s Assn.
Ladies Auxiliary
Ladies of Columbus
Layline Petroleum
Lowry Hill
Mankato Eagles #269
Marshall Eagles Aerie 3405
The Journey
Mary Queen of Peace CCW
Marysburg Council of
Catholic Women
Metropolitan Urology
Michael G. Kula & Associates, P.A.
Minnesota Fifth District Eagles
Mueller-Bies Funeral Home
New Brighton Aerie #3718
Our Lady of Peace
Our Lady of the Lake Church
Our Lady of the Prairie Church CCW
Owatonna Aerie No 1791
Past Worthy Presidents Club
Pfizer Inc.
Qwest Communications
International Inc.
Ramsey County Warrant
Rosary Society of St. Canice
Roseau Eagles Aerie #3882
Sacred Heart Church
Saint Cyril Catholic Church
Saint James Evangelical
Lutheran Church
Sewing Angels
Sinclair Lewis Aerie 3847
Southeast Deanery #6 Council
St John Neuman
St. Alphonsus Council of
Catholic Women
St. Andrews Council of
Catholic Women
St. Benedict Council of
Catholic Women
St. Bernard’s Altar and
Rosary Society
St. Bonaventure Catholic Community
St. Boniface Christian Mothers Guild
St. Boniface Council of CAA
St. Casimars Altar & Rosary Society
and CCW
St. Columba Council of
Catholic Women
St. Cyril Ladies Guild
St. Francis De Sales Rosary Society
St. Girard’s Guild
St. Gregory the Great
Catholic Church
St. James Council of
Catholic Women
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
St. Johns Altar Society
St. Josephs Council
St. Mary’s CCW
St. Mary’s Church, New Trier
St. Matthew’s Mens Club
St. Matthew’s Rosary and CCW
St. Michael Church
St. Michael’s CCW
St. Patrick’s Women’s Council
St. Paul Women’s Club
St. Peters Council of
Catholic Women
St. Richard’s Church
St. Timothy Council of
Catholic Women
St. Wenceslaus Council of
Catholic Women
Sunoco, Inc.
TCF Foundation
The Church of the Holy Cross
The Church of the Visitation
The Saint Paul Foundation
The Slovak Ladies
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
United Way California Capital Region
United Way Greater Twin Cities
United Way of Metropolitan
Dallas, Inc.
U.S. Bank
U.S. Bank Private Client and
Trust Services
U.S. Bank Private Client Group
Vodaphone Group
Warroad Eagles Auxiliary #4195
Waterford Apartments
Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Xcel Energy Foundation
Matching Program
Zumbro Area Eagles #2228
Steve and Jody Anderly
Delbert and Gerianne Austin
Mark Barrett
John Paul and Rachel Barten
Jeffrey Barthe
David Bartholomew
Bernice Bartz
Carlyn M. Batten
Frances A Beaudry
Peter Becken
Linda Bennett
Karen Berg
Mary Ann Bilotta
Jerald and Lorraine Blamey
Lorraine Blaylock
Edward and Bernadine Boegemann
Ruth Borell
Henry Botts
Deloris Brain
Edward and Theresa Brang
David and Mary Angela Breen
Carolyn Breitbach
Elizabeth Brodziak
Joel and Kathy Brown
John and Patricia Bruer
Susan Bucknam
Cliff Bujold
Catherine Bujold
Justus and Beverly Burggraff
Helen Burke
Raymond and Edwina Burrows
Michael and Mary Loiuse Campion
Marilyn Carlson
LaVerne Carney
John and Joan Carroll
Donald and Arlene Casey
Kelley and Debra Casey
Richard and Grace Chapman
Doris Cloutier
James Connolly
Timothy Cook
Margaret Cox
Patrick and Margaret Cullen
Nancy Culligan
Dean and Mary Jane Dahlgren
Anna Marie Dahm
Eugene and Mary Lou Dankowski
Elmer Deutch
Reynold Dittrich
Patricia Dolan
Mary Dramdahl
Patricia and George Dramdahl
Elizabeth Drucker
Christopher and Amie Dufresne
Elizabeth Edlund
Carole Edwards
Estate of Louis Egey
Gordon and Margaret Eischens
David Ellison
Monica Engel
Jon Engfer
Anthony Erickson
James and Raeleen Esser
Rita Field
James Fiorentino Foundation
Marie Fischer
Mary Fischer
Mary Goff Fiterman
James and Roberta Flescher
Rita Fletcher
Eugene Floersch
David and Mary Flugaur
Wanda Foster
Rita Fox
Nancy Fredrickson
Paul and Rita Frenz
Mary Jane Frenzel
Patricia J. Frey
Neal and Phyllis Gallagher
Mary Jane Gantzer
Jane Gassert
Jerome and Beth Marie Geis
Louis and Karen Geislinger
Karen Gemza
Mr. William Given
Mark and Deborah Goettig
Eugene Gorka
Kenneth and Esther Gorlinsky
Elizabeth Gorman
Robert Gray
Daniel Green
Phyllis Gresser
Colleen Grill
LoAnn Joan Grill
Bud and Bev Grossman
Lois Gurney
Beverly Gustafson
K. Darlene Guy
Rolf and Denise Haaland
Lucille Hagner
Betty Lou Hammargren
Marjorie Hammargren
June Hanson
Robert and Audrey Haselman
Dorothy Havlisch
Leroy and Alice Heftman
Barbara Henderscheid
Marie M. Herold
Mary Hilgert
Gerald J. Hirsch
Jerome and Dolores Hogan
Karen J Holdgrafer-Berry
Lillian Holly
Nancy Hoogenhous
Jerry Horazdovsky
Gayle Huss
Ruth Huss
Julian and Carolyn Hynnek
Claire Jacobowitz
Tom Johnson
Linda Johnson
Amber Johnston
Robert Johnston
Walter Jost
Jane L. Judge
Florence Judy
Jerome Juelich
Peggy Juergens
Richard Kaess
Joseph and Constance Kaiser
Dennis and Marlyce Kalmes
Kay and Ted Kay
Mary Keefer
Marvin and Gloria Keenan
David Kelley
Dottie Kelm
Jeffrey and Julie Kennedy
Louis T. Kenny Trust
Kathleen Kieffer
James R. King
Madeline B. Kinney Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kirchoff
Lowell and Katherine Kisrow
Norma Kjos
Charlotte Kleason
Bob and Colleen Klessig
Lester Klos Jr.
Curt and Teresa Klotz
Agnes Kocian
Cheryl Koehnen
Brian Kohler
Loretta Komoroski
Paul and Allene Kovarik
Richard and Barbara Kraft
JoAnne Krantz
Gordon and Kathleen Krenik
Arthur and Marilyn Krick
Richard and Patricia Krinke
George and Harriet Krueger
Lydia Kulesov
Pearl Kuntz
Margaret Kuznia
Nguyet Ky
Mary Lacore
Kenneth and Betty Lou Lang
Lawrence and Jacqueline Langlois
Joan Lannon
Norma Leary
Maurice and Beatrice Leenay
Estate of Isabel F. Lenzmeier
Francine LePage
J. Gary and Joanne Lilyquist
Diane Ling
Richard and Margaret Lipa
Melvin and Billie Jo Lively
Anthony and Eleanor Lombardi
Josephine Lowe
Nicholas and Carol Loye
Mary Lynch
Donald and Evelyn Maddaus
Dona Maki
Ruth Manzi
Judy Markus Gair
Marlys Marschall
Francis N. Mayer, Estate
Craig and Martha McCloud
Catherine McConkey
Celestine McDonald-Olsen
Ellen McGarty
Stewart McKenna
Francis and Dorothy McMahon
Ronald and Sheryl Menard
Bonnie Mereness
Marie Michalski
Charles and Mary Michel
Mary Misica
Madeline Moes
Marceline Mohn
Robert and Cynthia Morin
Debra Mueller
Gerald and Theresa Musielewicz
Dean and Ann Myran
Ross and Lois Naegele
Jeffrey and Josephine Navacek
Arlene Nelson
Lawrence and Theresa Nesheim
Jackie Nielsen
Laurence and Dolores Niesen
Mary Liz Norman
Shirley Norton
Bobbie and Jack Norton
Dolores Novotny
Louise Nygaard
Ronald and Janet Odalen
Sister Peggy O’Leary CSJ
Theodore and Frances Olson
Shelley O’Neill
Robert O’Neill
Ronald Oswald
Jeannette Otting
Dian and Ronald Parent
Terri Parker
James Paul
Caroline Pearson
Robin Peterson
Ken Peterson
Cathleen Pinkosiky
Joseph and Camille Premo
Joyce Pyka
Maureen Quick
Mark A. Reader
Reverend James E. Reidy
Ralph and Elizabeth Reller
Sharon M Rigdon
Audrey Ringdal
Gary and Gayle Ritzer
Richard and Marie Rodier
Patricia Rolewicz
Wesley and Dianne Rolfing
Cindy Ruby
John and Sally Rugroden
Franklyn and Beverly Ruhl
Jerome Rupkus
Rita Ryan
Jane Sando
Leon and Jane Satkowski
David and Judy Schifsky
Gordon Schissel
Rosemarie Schmidt
Judith Ann Schommer
Norman and Janet Schommer
Lawrence Schreiner
James and Janice Schueppert
Richard and Nancy Scovil
Peggy Sellers
Jacklynn Selvig
Steven and Linda Setterlund
Estate of Anne Severson
Jerry and Marilyn Sexton
Carolyn Shada
Patricia Sheehan
Donald and Bernice Shipley
Joseph Shrake
Jeanne Sinn
Diane Sironen
Barbara Sitzman
Joan Skogseth
Martha Slagle
Francis Smith
John B. Smith Living Trust
David and Mooreen Sonday
Hank and Muriel Sperl
Steven and Kay Squiers
Ludmila Stanos
Matt and Molly Steiner
Dorothy Stienstra
Virginia Strese
Barbara Strom
Gertrude Struckman
MaryAnn Sullivan
Janice Sweere
Patricia Ternes
Gerry Thalhuber
Rita Thibault
Carol Toninato
Dean and Annette Townsend
Craig and Mary Jane Treat
Todd and Constance Tsuchiya
Mitzi Uribe
Pamala Vanhazinga
Wayne and Terese Velishek
Helen Waddick
Jean Walstad
Nanette and Bob Warren
John and Rita Waters
John and Patricia Webb
Helen Weides
Tom Weigel
Arlene Welbes
Misty Weldon
Marie Wernersbach
Barbara Whipkey
Mary Wiblishauser
Carl J. Wind
In Honor Of…
Duane Bouley
Michelle Bouley
Phyllis Bouley
Patrick Davern
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inserra
Diane Adam
Joan and Dale Forde
Joseph Ahern
Michael and Judith Kerr
Margaret Allen
Kenneth Detviler
Terri Goldblatt
Roger Meyer
Elizabeth Ofstead
Patricia Rowley
Thomas and Carol Rubbelke
Donald Allie
Thomas and Christine Allie
Cynthia Amendt
Malcolm Davy
Nancy Bronson Anderly
Keith and Cyndia Schweiger
Ardys Anderson
Jeanette Chwialkowski
Gilga Anderson
General Casualty
Maryln Anderson
Michael and Judith Kerr
Gregory and Lynella Paddock
Al Arbeiter
Ardelle LeBlanc
Magdalen Arne
Dale and Janet Johnson
Theresa C. Arnesen
Dorothy Scott
Kenneth Arnold
Joanne M. Pevovar
Mary W. Dramdahl
Patricia and George Dramdahl
Loucas Arvanitis
George Hernandez and
Ann Cassidy
Mary Ellen Arvanitis
Elaine Duffy
Carol E. Aageson
Rachel Asp
Russell and Joanne Johnson
Judy Paone
Deborah L. Paone
Marcella Ayre
Barbara Mill
Vicki Slage
Keith and Cyndia Schweiger
Joe Azzoni
Michael and Margaret Di Ioia
Marcie Smith
Joann Sutton
Iola Baker
Daniel and Shirley Bever
The Birthday of
Beverly Anderson
Phyllis DeLisi
The Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Alfveby
Mary Lou Alfveby
Joanne Ballard
Helen Bestler
The Anniversary of Andy and
Jody Anderly
Keith and Cyndia Schweiger
The Anniversary of Charles and
Renee Gebeke
Lyle and Marcia Hutton
In Memory Of…
Dawn Acko-Loerch
Anita Monette
Harold Barthol
Dorothy Scott
Louise Battaglia
Mary Barron and Rose Palmer
Dolores Harrington
Norma Jeanne Baumann
Robert and Beverley Dolphin
Jennifer Beaudette
AFSCME, MN Local 722
Mary Barlet
Jill Beaudette
Ruth Bramhall
Gerald and Janice Brynteson
Mary Doyle
Joan Gruidl
Marie Lewis
Kathleen Lord
Marie J. O’Brien
James and Eileen Reinardy
Annette Reitter
Diane Speed
Joanne Bergseng
Patricia J. Johnson
Michael Boak
Gary Arnold
Fritz and Kate Bergman
Naomi Boak
Joe Demko
Jane Duden
Denise Fick
Joan Freese
Ezra Gold
Gorton Studios
Daniel Gumnit
Nicholas Hayes
Mrs. Lorraine Hegle
Brian and Pahoua Hoffman
Thomas Holter
Elise Marquam Jahns
Hans and Maggi Kraemer
John and Sherry Lynn Loveland
Stefano and Mary Irey LoVerso
C. H. Maloney
Ann McKinley
Joan O’Brien
James Pagliarini and
Elizabeth Raymond
Pam Palen
Cindy Papenheim
Partisan Pictures
Daniel and Kristin Pederson
Elaine Powell
Margaret Prestrud
Gerald Richman
Steve Spencer
Jayne Stauffer
Nancy Thomas
Diane Thompson
Twin Cities Public Television
Heidi Van Heel
Barbara Van Loenen
Mike Watkins
Nick Watts
Gamble Xiong
Elinor Zimmerman
Neal Bidwill
Margaret Cooney
Bernice Bobendrier
Michael and Janette Sifferle
Gerald Bigaouette
Beverlee Schultz
Bernie Bodensteiner
Helen Weides
Marlys Bilotta
Phyllis DeLisi
Beatrice Boege
Chuck and Yvonne Erding
Elizabeth Edlund
Bernice Bissonette
Darlene M. Schultz
Dianna Veddell
Marion Boller
Marie Boutang
Kevin and Patricia Ellsworth
Joseph and Mary Finley
Ellen E. Kay
Phillip Momont
Randall Becker
Denise Becker
Mae Benack
Jerry Benack
Hester Bennett
Margaret Costello
Dick and Judith Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. H. Philip Heil
Margaret Hubbs
Marjorie Kolar
Rose Lethert
Frank and Julia Litecky
Elizabeth Noland
Stephen Peterson
Michael and Christine Quinn
Peter and Barbara Redpath
Andrew Reeves
Michael and Constance Wittek
Joel Bennett
Keith and Cyndia Schweiger
Vera Benshoof
Elaine Malm
Joseph Benysek
Catherine Benysek
Anne Haugan
Emogene Jacobsen
Karl Berg
Russell and Joanne Johnson
Mark Bittner
Paul and Delores Mordorski
Francis (Timmit) Blake
Donald and Janet Rosett
Jerry Blamey
Jeanetta Barhorst
Mrs. Agnes E. Bennewise
Linnae Bosma
Rose Anna Bradford
Mary Duggan
Laure Engel
Norma Gilbertson
Donna Jarl
Robert Johnson
Phyllis Kirkhorn
Donald and Gail Lundeen
Richard and Mary Jo Morris
Roy and Beverly Pearson
Donald and Donna Schmidt
Tom and Kristine Simon
Sally Tonsager
The Journey
Paul Bollmann
Marian Stevenson
Teri Lou Borchardt
Ronald and Kathleen LeDuc
Richard Borowicz
Carol Carlson
Margaret Kuznia
Douglas Bosscher
Lois Gurney
Mary Lou Rauchwarter
Duane Bouley
Don and Donna Bouley
Joan Bouley
Michael and Brenda Carlson
Katherine Finley
Barb Gau
Mrs. Joan Grundy
Theodore and Karen Kaden
Charles and Kathryn Lindberg
Richard and Sandra Mielke
David and Susan Nordquist
Rita Peterson
Bernadette Snyder
Paul Snyder
Ralph Talbot
Bernie Carlson
Bernie Carlson Golf Classic
Annah Carlson
Mrs. B. A. Carlson, Sr.
Pauline and Bernard Carlson
John and Sandra Deutsch
Beth Honkomp
Stephana Ruppert
Jeffrey Scott
Eugene Bova
Frances Bakeman
Mary Bova
Mr. L.J. Fratto
Thomas and Suzanne Koppe
Leonard and Margaret Masilionis
Eve O’Gary
John and Frances Palma
Paul Caspers
Marie Killian
Adeline Brecke
Catherine Martinson
Kelli Claussen
Mechelle Kelly
William Brenner
Michael and Joan Cook
JoAnn Broderick
JoAnn Blumenthal
Loretta Connelly
Gloria Akins
Daniel Brodhead
David and Elizabeth Brodhead
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Daly
David A. Robinson and Jan Ekern
David and Patricia Schneider
Deana Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Schneider
Lorraine Brown
Agnes Schreiner
Purnell Brown
Doris Butler
Verna and Harold Brustad
Keith and Mary Gustafson
Catherine Bujold
Mario and Patricia Alday
Barker and Castro LLC
Cheryl Benninghoff
Patricia Bergstrom
Gregory and Joanne Browne
Cliff Bujold
Mary Bujold
Cassiday Schade LLP
Robert and Marcia Deike
Robert and Vivian Dunbar
Parker and Kristi Freiborg
Nancy Glavan
Carolyn Hager
Patrick Malloy
Pamela Matula
McBreen, Kopko and Dayal, LLP
Mary O’Grady
John and Sarah Pacini
Carolyn Quinn
Kenneth and Carol Schwartz
P.J. Squier
Stephanie Tricoci
Whitehead Family
Carole P. Busch
Joseph Busch
Michael and Sheila Busch
Vandell Butler
Doris Butler
Robert Campbell, Sr.
Dennis Hauber
Donald J. Carlson
Harry and Jeanne Gallaher
Sam Greenberg
Larry Gunderson
Serta Mattress Company
Oscar Chartrand
Mrs. Agnes M. Dynes
Edgar C. Christenson
Thomas and Mary Kirchmaier
Dr. Joseph P. Connolly
Hank and Muriel Sperl
Eugene Cook
Lois Gurney
Louise Cooper
M.J. and A.J. Cameron
Robert Cox
Daniel Barrett
Mary Ann Bilotta
Phyllis DeLisi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inserra
Emily Olson
Norbert and Gwen Robertson
Pauline Crowe
Elmer and Maravella Schunk
John Crowley
Timothy and Doris Crowley
Gerri Cunningham
Ardelle LeBlanc
Dario Dagastino
Peggy Tallarico
John Dahle
Jean Ames
Alfred Danks
Pauline Anderson
Philip and Dona Andrews
Victoria Andrews
Gloria Bjorkman
Betty Danks
Herbert and LaVerne Dickhudt
Theresa Dunn
David and Vickie Dzieweczynski
Sylvia Engel
Cynthia Eskandary
Ralph and Susan Farnsworth
Cheryl Fiedler
Kurt and Karla Franke
Edward and Donna Hofmeister
Mark Jorgensen
Mark and Evelyn Jorgensen
Michael and Ann Jorgensen
Mitchell and Karen Jorgensen
Diane Kadue
Donald and Bonita Klatt
Elizabeth Klatt
Louise Krause
David and Becky Linders
Scott and Nicole Mechelke
Ronald and Gayle Monson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Moore
Warren and Alyce Nelson
Mary Lou Nyhus
Eleanor Peterson
Gregory and Patricia Plencner
Carol Richter
Eugene Richter
Wayne and Laurel Richter
Wayne and Dorothy Searles
Alan and Kay Smith
Raymond Smith
Cletus and Ramona Tauer
Betsy Vos
Irene Waage
Marian Wolters
Michael and Susan Zilles
Patrick Davern
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inserra
Robert L. Davis
Robert L. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dettling
Mark and Marlene Dramdahl
Megan Dramdahl
Patricia and George Dramdahl
Maureen Dufresne
Joan Eggert
Kay Fellows
Henry Flasch
Donald and Mary Forte
James and Marlene Gormley
Barbara Guenthner
James and Carol Heckard
Gerald J. Hirsch
Suzanne R. Hirsch
Michael and Ann Holland
Geraldine Idzerda
Jeanne Keller
Cheryl Koehnen
Raymond and Richelle Koller
Audrey Lemm
Jack and Judith Maddio
Sheila Dramdahl Maddio and
John P. Maddio
Vincent and Jerry Ann Maddio
Barbara Mahovlich
David and Janet Molda
Bruce and Laurie Paulson
Gary and Constance Porath
Shirley Rubbert
Richard and Lois Schiltz
SEH Technology Solutions, Inc.
Charles and Kathleen Stead
Patricia Swanson
William and Carolyn Toenjes
Robert Walsh
Robert and Patricia Yahnke
Betty Andrews
Gerald DeMars
Patrick and Kay Devaney
Edward DeMuse
Daniel Barrett
Wayne Duncan
Roma Vasseur
Gary Dewing
Bob and Nancy Banchy
Jeanne Schmidt
Frances Dodgson
Robert and Marlys Ferguson
Leo Dunlevy
David and Kathleen Anderson
Beisel & Dunlevy, PA
George Connolly
Stephen and Karen DeBaun
Jerome Dunlevy
Kevin Dunlevy
Patrick Dunlevy
Shawn Dunlevy
John and Joyce Hamblet
Krech, O’Brien, Mueller &
Associates, Inc.
Pierre and Linda Lamoureux
Bill and Mary Mitchell
Corinne Nelson
Duane and Tammie Norton
Marilyn Page
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Powers
Mary Anne Senn
Jack and Jane Traynor
Mary Beth Tuttle
Edward Van Eeckhout
Richard Dolphin
Robert and Beverley Dolphin
Thomas Durbala
Onie Payin
Leslie Dorman
Arthur E. Thom, Inc.
Grace Dusek
Gene and Diane Berglund
Rosella Langer
Gerry De Marco
Mark and Mary Blanchard
Richard and Ruth Nerud
Ann Dehart
Richard and Mary Brady
Winifred J. Demarais
Paul Demarais
Darlyne Deyo
Gretchen Babou
Maximo and Jeanne Gonzalez
David Dhaene
William and Constance Hoye
Elnor Dick
Frank and June Roessler
Leonard Dionne
Shirley Carlton
Lorraine Kneissel
James and Rose Preimesberger
Peggy Tallarico
Helen Dotray
Elaine Malm
Mary Dramdahl
Harold Albrecht
Richard and Charlotte Buratto
Monica and M. R. Carlson
Diane Chehadeh
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics
of Minnesota
Jeff and Jane Dagen
Harry Dynes
Gregory and Jeanette Anderson
Rose Marie Barton
James and Phyllis Bastian
Michael and Joan Connolly
Mary Cunningham
Virginia Davini
Peter and Mary Duryea
Mrs. Agnes M. Dynes
Lana Fruhe
Lenora Galvin
Scott and Ann Hustings
Lawrence and Rosemary Jagoe
Allan and Jacquelyn Kristenson
Robert and Mary Jo Loftus
Peter and Marilyn Loveland
Laura Lovick
Joan McGrath
Lawrence and Barbara McMahon
Walter and Cathleen Mills
J. Thomas Mott
D. Jane Nolde
Paul and Rose Norenberg
Robert and Elaine Ogren
Bernice Olson
LaVerne Olson
Alan and Sandra Pinney
Lorraine Quinn
Bernard and Eleanor Suchy
Elsie Trapp
James and Carol Unger
Leroy and Shirley Willenbring
Laura Eastham
B & W Window Fashions
Geraldine Hohn
Lloyd Eckman
Joseph Busch
William Edwards
Beverly and Richard Anderson
Joyce Arndt
Bruce and Diane Broeffle
Dorothy Cain
Elaine Cobourn
James and Elaine Cobourn
Allen and Irene Durtsche
Shirley Edwards
Vivian Gerold
Darlene Lee
Clarence and Rita Ranallo
Barbara Schmidt
Eileen Spano
William Edwards
Phyllis DeLisi
Shirley Edwards
Carl and Audrae Gardner
Pat Matelski
Kora Eisenbeis
Sheila Dramdahl Maddio and
John P. Maddio
Lucille Elvendahl
Mary Kay Callinan
Family of Lucille Elvendahl
James and Marsha Thompson
Lorena Emerson
Carol Kalan
Maryah Emerson-Tift
Rachel Perez
Oscar Emilson
Roger and Pearl Boldenow
Ervin and Audrey Broda
Ralph and Nancy Darling
Paul and Kathleen Delperdang
Richard and Janyce Dols
Mrs. Lorraine Emilson
Mavis K. Gaul
Kevin and Catherine Habas
Ronald and Phyllis Habas
Ervin and Marie Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Sanchez
Sandra Schirmers
Barbara Seviola
Gordon Essen
Richard and Mary Brady
Paul and Rosemary Novotny
Orrel and Joan Thompson
Albina “Bea” Evans
Eileen Kill
Theresa Cooper and Steve
and Colleen Stelmach
Leona Fake
Alice Fink
Rosemary Fangel
Mr. and Mrs. Alois M. Mazur
Dorothy Farrell
JoAnn Blumenthal
Annette Chamberlain
Richard and Margaret Tansom
Charlotte Rice Feeney
Helen Weides
Gregory F. Felling
Thomas Chapple
Joan Felty
Frank and Lois Felty
Donald Feroe
Patricia J. Johnson
Ann Ferrise
Mary Ann Prescott
Dorthy Ficocello
Jean Ames
Mary Selander
Florine Field
Orville Field
Troy and Donna Field
Nancy Fife
Robert Keene
Gene Filipek
Lorraine Wilson
Marcus Fink
Alice Fink
Richard Flaherty
Dennis and Janet Flaherty
Joanne Gilbert
Judith Sausen
Tina Sowada
Richard Fletcher
Beverly Biagi
Delores Fletcher
Maxine Fluegel
Edward and Mary Jacobsen
Christy Fogarty
Bettie Montpetit
Dennis Foote
Steve and Joy Cortinas
Chuck and Yvonne Erding
Linda Fisher
Cecil and Rosa Foote
Dennis and Rosemary King
Bernard and Janet Krenner
Jeanne Smith-Foote
Dan Foss
Richard and Margaret Tansom
Irene Foster
Juris and Elizabeth Priedkalns
Lucille Frank
Monica Kujawa and Friends
Judd Fulford
Judith Rys
Michael Furlong
Mrs. Agnes M. Dynes
Mother Gacki
Curtis and Shirley Bute
Geraldine Gag
Marilyn Seglem
Antoinette M. Gagnon
Denise Raymond
Tom Gallagher
Veronica Homo
Kathleen Galvin
Patricia Bove
Bette Gassert
Irene McGuire
Mary H. Gavin
Douglas Wolf
Helen Gehlen
Matt and Geri Bisciglia
Robert Boemer
Michael and Peggy Gehlen
Barry and Cynthia Kuscharski
John Maguire
B. J. and Meghan Nodzon
Dudley and Deanne Sherman
Sun Valley Beverage Company
Joseph Gemza
Robert and Barbara Bendel
Karen Beste
Marianne Bonko
John and Barbara Callahan
Suzanne Cook
Paul and Sue Cox
Mary Cunningham
Joseph and Laura Fruci
Henry Kolashinski
Louis and Mary Lanoux
Marie Nordby
Bruce and Judith Norstrem
John and Jean Osborne
Robert and Theresa Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy L. Pilarski
Robert and Jacklyn Slater
Robert and Kathleen Zajac
Mark and Mary Christensen
Rita Daniels
Robert and Carol Dordan
Robert and Marcia Fjerstad
R. A. and J. F. Frakie
Joseph Fuss
Timothy and Kathleen Fuss
Lillian Gomilak
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Gomilak III
Delores Hebbe
Jason and Sharon Helgemoe
Anthony and Diane Hofstede
Irene Marfiz
Francis and Virginia McGoldrick
Gary Moffitt and
Ellen Oliver-Moffitt
Frances Mrugala
Kenneth and Janice Mrugala
John S. Nelson
Peter Riley
Betty Saja
James and Margaret Sandberg
R.L. Sinz
Elizabeth Sullivan
Matthew Sveen and
Pamela Paulsen-Sveen
Stella Symanitz
Harriet Taus
Terri Traudt
Mr. Robert E. Wetoska
Nick Goerger
Bernard and Jeanette Selinske
Barbara Sitzman
LaVonne Gonzales
Stephen Beard
Gerald Gorecki
Gerald and Virginia Zink
John Gouras
Karen Anderson
Thomas Gouras
Keller Properties, Inc.
Harlan and Deanna Lemke
Peter and Carol McGough
Marguerite Pramann
Peggy Graham
Margaret Roth
Harold Green
Lois Gurney
Albert Guizzetti
Marilyn Hotchkiss
Earl Gephart
Loretta Farrell
Rawland Hagstrom
Gayle Bialke
Marvin Gerdesmeier
Jerome and Rosemary Young
Evelyn Hamner
Lois Gurney
Floyd Gillen
Rick Tibesar
Arlene Hanson
Donald and Janet Rosett
Barbara Glaser
Rita Quigley
Joyce Harkins
Lucille Erickson
Joan Glidden
David and Margaret Fait
George Haselman
Kenneth and Lorraine Andreen
Kathleen Bauerfield
Donald and Mary Behr
Albert and Julie Bever
Mary Jane Brahy
James and Patricia Bren
Monica and M. R. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Chandler
Alan and Mary Deutsch
Casimir and Kathleen Drabik
Florence Godlewski
American Family Insurance Group
James and Marva Ballentine
Dolores A. Bertram
Marie Boutang
Elizabeth Chorzempa
Frances C. Chorzempa
Evelyn Christensen
The Journey
Ruth Drake
James and Cynthia Dustin
Chris and Patrice Goetzke
Granite Foundation
Karen Grenier
Frances Hansen
Daniel and Madeleine Haselman
David and Karen Haselman
Mrs. Lorraine Haselman
Robert and Lori Haselman
Eugene and Joyce Haselmann
Lawrence and Janis Haselmann
Joseph and Mary Huss
Keith and Kris Johnson
Michael and Carol Karp
G. J. and Betty Kunik
Diane Lais
Margaret Lais
Rita Jean Lais
Melvin and Janet Larson
Michael and Valerie Lembke
Corrine Lunde
Earl and Corrine Lunde
Dennis and Julia McGinley
MNA Benvolent Fund
William Mosso
Sharon Natzel
Michael and Therese Perrier
Tom and Nancy Poeschl
Penelope Ranum
Richard and Susan Rodgers
James and Judy Rossbach
Thomas and Kathleen Snouffer
Ms. Mary E. Stanek
Stephen and Rosemary Vitelli
Peter and Dorothy Weber
Michael and Bernadette Zasada
Dr. Steven Hauber
Joann Sutton
Dorothy Hayes
Nora Dahlgren
Dorothy M. Hayes
Maurice and Carol Klingele
Robert Head
Mrs. Agnes M. Dynes
Gary Heininger
Mrs. Agnes M. Dynes
Jeffery Herrity, Jr
Richard and Margaret Tansom
Robert Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Gallaway
Gayle Hind
Douglas and Betty Barker
Theodore “Tag” Hinrichs
Marcia Appleton
Donald and Ila Black
Richard Demont
Reynold Dittrich
Marion Handt
Judy Hinrichs
R. G. Hinrichs
Gerald and Deborah Holmstrom
Robert and Sharon Karel
Dorothy Papenheim
Thomas and Joanne Prazak
James and Annette Prifrel
Richard and Rosemary Schmidt
Earl and Joan Smevoll
St. Paul Federal C.U.
Teresina Underhill
Robert Wind
William and Helen Young
Paul Hirsch
James and Carolyn Gorham
Suzanne Rowland Hirsch
William and Joan Beardsley
Timothy and Mary Becker
Maureen Behrens
Jerry and Betty Belanger
Raymond and Judith Bennick
Juliana Berglund
Beverly Bowler
Ralph and Mary Braun
Patrica Brett
John and Marsha Brintnall
Steven and Sherry Carr
Phyllis Cooper
Brian and Patricia Cutshall
Barbara Daly
David and Mary DeZellar
Michael and Jacqueline DeZellar
Sean and Rachel Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar
Thomas and Rosanne Farrell
Douglas and Gloria Faust
Mary Frisk
John and Martha Frisvold
Scott and Jolynn Gamble
Kelly and Mary Gilbert
Dennis Glumack
Mary Greenwood
David and Pamela Hamel
Dale Hanson
John and Mary Harrington
Patrick and Susan Hedrick
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Hedrick
Thomas and Madeleine Hedrick
Timothy and Vickie Hedrick
Donald Hirsch
Gerald J. Hirsch
Kevin and Diana Hirsch
Paul Hirsch
Suzanne R. Hirsch
Gerold and Elizabeth Hirtz
Thomas and Joanne Hirtz
Kevin and Cathi Hogan
David and Karen Hoops
Scot and Susan Housh
Robert and Donna James
John Kraemer & Sons, Inc.
Emery and Patricia Johns
Eunice Johnson
Leo and Mary Kennedy
Robyn Kennedy
Peter and Ana King
Brian and Jane Kise
Matthew and Lisa Koeppen
Randy and Sandra Krivo
Greg and Marianne Kulka
Mary LaFontaine
Robert and Karen Laughlin
Randall and Andrea Lentz
Joseph and Stephanie Letness
Lynn Lettow
Margaret Lewis
Kathleen McCarthy
William and Carol McGlone
Mary McKinley
Timothy and Maureen Monchamp
James and Kathleen Mueller
Jeanne Moyniham Myers
Ardelle Nicoloff
William and Susan O’Brien
Peter and Kelley Ollmann
Timothy and Beverley Ostertag
James and Mary Jo Plantan
Robert and Jacqueline Radde
June Regan
Michael and Lisa Reilly
Philip Reilly
Suzanne Renwick
Leo and Mary Reuder
Leo and Mary Reuder
Philip and Janice Rodberg
Dermot and Helen Rowland
Marjorie Ruedy
Carolyn Sandin
Melvin and Kathleen Saterbak
Patrick and Charlotte Scanlan
Marcia Schug
Thomas and Cynthia Serratore
John and Nancy Slothower
Southdale Dental Associates
Donald Sovell
Harvey Swenson
John Swift
Marianne Tautges
Karin Taylor
H. William and Bryce TenBroek
Ellen M. Thompson
Gerald and Ellen Thompson
Patrick and Theresa Tompkins
Rick and Mary Tourville
Patrick and Barbara Turnbull
Steven and Mary Vance
James and Colleen Wahl
Philip and Linda Wandrei
Steve and Janie Warner
James and Mary White
Thomas Wilharm
Bob and Marian Wright
William Hoch
Thomas and Gail Nelson
Edward A. Hoffman
Gary Hoffman
Margaret Hogen
Conrad and Mary Carpenter
James M. Hogen
Veronica Hoschette
Peter and Dorothy Weber
Ronald Howes
Helen Weides
Donna Huber
Dave and Dorothy Szczepanski
Ron and Donna Wood
Richard Hubers
Norton and Joan Grundy
Sandra Hughes
Steve and Polly Berg
Gordon and Betty Boen
Red and Kay Chesley
Fran Christensen
Nancy Clark
E. Blanche Duehr
Brad and Grace Dykstra
Mrs. Nona Eliason
Brenda Foss
Carol Hedke
Sherry Holmquist
Marylee Hutchinson
Cheryl Keene
Kevin Lane Neighborhood
Kay Knutson
Marjorie Kroonblawd
Land O’Lakes Law Department
Lisa Long
Phil Lucey
James and Amy Malvin
Rick and Sarah McElvain
Julie Murphy
Bob and Jo Norell
Nutra-Blend, LLC
Gary and Colleen O’Malley
Art and Tammy Otten
Mike and Pam Rinderknecht
Ellerd and Janice Rosin
Linda Topel
Donna Zitzloff
Chrissie Hummel
Don and Sandy
Florence Humphries
David and Margaret Johannsen
Susan Johnson
Ted and Barbara Malmsten
Judah and Deborah Sommer
Gary Hunt
Jim and Jo Betty Allen
Steve and Melissa Barton
Milton and Patricia Cashion
Randall Clark and
Debra Hobbs Clark
Jerrell and Beverly Freeman
William K. Glover II
Joseph and Cheryl Guirreri
Steven and Leanne Hardy
Marilyn Hobbs
Mrs. Marybeth Hunt
David and Karen Johnson
Larry and Elizabeth Jones
Dora Kennedy
Raymond and Norinne Kruse
Kevin and Helen Merkle
Carl and Delores Nielsen
Wayne and Helen Reish
Reverend Kim Risedorph
Cyril Roy
J. Dean and Vera Schreiner
Melinda Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith
Robert and Margaret Smith
U.S. Customs and Border
Steve Vanallen and
Rebecca Brenner
Mark and Mary Youngstrom
Jeanne Hyvare
James and Mary Hyvare
Lea Inserra
Mary A Cox
Roger Jackson
Ronald and Kathleen LeDuc
Jan Jacobs
Mary A Cox
Phyllis DeLisi
Phyllis Jacobs
Phyllis DeLisi
Irena Jakus
Betty Saja
Leo Jansen
Ella Spanjers
Donn Eiden
Jerry Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Alois M. Mazur
Todd Kleist
Jodi and Michael Chaffin
Wayne Johnson
Patricia and Wayne Johnson
Patricia A. Johnson
Lester Klos
Lester Klos Jr.
Kathleen Johnston
Kenneth and Margaret Avery
Andrew and Andrea Beede
Charlene Behne
Bruce and Ellen Carlson
Michael and Brenda Carlson
Tenney Crichton
Irene Eiden
Rosalyn Hope
John and Renae House
Georgiana Johnston
Irene Joyce
Lori Keeler
Donald and Audrey Larson
Robert and Cecelia McElwain
Personal Care Dentistry
Kathleen Peterson
Gary and Barbara Riebel
Margaret Riha
Mike and Christine Strahl
Dale and Barbara Thompson
Amy Voelker
Michael and Kristen Wheldon
Irene Jopp
Allison Hamilton
Dorothy Reischel
John Judge
James and Carol Unger
Sharon Jungels
Alice Fink
Arlene Jungmann
Richard and Martha Kohler
Jeanie Kapsner
Bernard and Jeanette Selinske
Stella Karels
Mary A Cox
Robert and Mary Cox
Lucille Kargel
Marian Stevenson
Linda Keaproth
Eugene and Ann Dohmen
Roger and Marian Keapproth
Bruce and Loraine Kelley
Robert Kelley
Madeline Moes
Joseph Salzl
Bernie Kelcher
Walter and Antoinette Cichy
Joseph and Janine Decharinte
Bernie and Jeanie Kelcher
Nancy Janssen
Donn Eiden
Virginia Hartman
Kathy Kenney
Helen Weides
Esther Jirik
Loretta Farrell
Norman Kimura
Larry and Gretchen Kimura
Maureen King Jocat
Richard and Grace Chapman
Paul King
Nancy Jensen
Bettye Jodell
Thomas Culhane
Norma Kjos
Virginia Costello
Judith Getz
Steve and Lori Hindt
Rolland and Bette Kjos
Joyce Peterson
QVC, Inc.
Catherine Johnson
Patricia Bove
Beatrice Knecht
Chuck and Yvonne Erding
Steven and Joanne Schultz
Edna Knight
Robert and Beverley Dolphin
Richard Kodelka
Marion Kodelka
Robert and Gail Kodelka
Margaret Kopp
Mary Selander
Gregory Kramlinger
Art and Audrey Ettl
William F. Krantz
Richard J. Bazille Jr.
Mark and Beth Cotton
Michael Cotton and
Tracy Hoff-Cotton
Thomas H. Fahey Jr.
William and Barbara Frid
Jerry and Joan Friske
Daniel and Patrice Horst
Michael and Kathleen Joyce
Richard and Caroline Kasel
William and Agnes Keller
Gregory and Elizabeth Koszalinski
Mrs. JoAnne Krantz
William and Terre Krantz
Greg and Marilee Kvaal
Camille Mansur
Jerome and Mary McKoskey
Jackie Nielsen
Colleen O’Brien
Willard and Eleanor Sonday
John Spanjers and
Michelle Trudeau-Spanjers
Mimi Trudeau
John and Theresa Tucci
University of St. Thomas
James and Barbara Zimniewicz
Elizabeth Krasky
Gordon and Joan Geritz
David Hoven
Sherry Johnson
Elizabeth B. Krasky
James and Trish Krasky
Dennis and Darlene McGowan
Patrick and Lynn McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Pitts
Gertrude Krawczyk
Alltemp Distribution Co.
Sheryl Becker
Dianna Crenshaw
Psychology Department
Minnesota State University
Margaret Siluk
Michael Siluk
Vernon Kroening
Tom and Nancy Poeschl
Dale Krogman
Bette and George Johans
Betty Kronschnabel
Phyllis Kane
John and Elsie Lonnee
Jean McLaughlin
Keith and Cyndia Schweiger
Patricia Sheehan
Mary Krueger
Thomas and Mary Jane Barrett
Ronald and Sheryl Menard
Kathryn Kuhn
Grace Brown
Herbert Kulenkamp
Bernice Murray
Catherine Kulesov
Irina Corten
Ms. Lydia Kulesov
Leonard and Marrianne
Edward Laberda
Jim and Pat Hovelsrud
Richard LaFavor
Julian and Carolyn Hynnek
Dr. David Lakatua
Gerald and Virginia Zink
Bernice Lantz
Agnes Schreiner
Bob and Pat Lett
Chuck Lauzon
June Post
Michael LaValle
Dale and Deborah Hanson
DeAnn LaValle
Donald and Eleanor Lavalle
Byung Lee
Nicole Moussette
Don Lehman
Shirley Clark
Robert Lestico
John and Rachel Bristow
Rod and Roberta Copeman
Paul and Diane Ebert
Bruce and Sue Ehrenberg
Glen and Marlene Hisey
Mallory Jefferis
Michael Jefferis
Stella Jefferis
Sandy Johnson
Tim and Susan Kempka
Patricia LeFevere
Judith Stites
Burt and Marcia Swan
Carol Waggoner
Eileen and Wayman West
Harriet Leitschuh
Jim and Pat Hovelsrud
Lloyd Leonard
Irene Bossenmaier
Monica Bossenmaier
Adolph O. Letourneau
Renee Sebasky
Louise Levendowski
Monica Kujawa and Friends
Robert J. Levy
Land O’Lakes Ingredient Team
Stanford and Jo Ellen Robins
LaVern Lewis
Dale and Janet Johnson
Helen Weides
The Journey
Dr. Vincent Licari
Jerry and Margaret DeYoung
Mary Markquart
Francis and Mary Pott
William “Bill” McKnight
Lasilla Stephenson
Mary Lou Lieberherr
Bryce and Bernadette Beckman
Curtis and Debra Christensen
Joy Doty
David and Vickie Dzieweczynski
Michael and Susan Ebner
Dennis and Brigid Eiynck
Marian Fox
Karen Gemza
Mary Jean Kelly
John and Sandra Kurschner
Douglas and Christina Longen
Robert and Sandra Luedke
Shirley Nuechterlein
Russell and Geraldine Olson
Miss Vi Palo
A.E. and Pat Radecki
Robert and Maryann Rasmussen
Jacqueline Reeves
Richard R. Reinsberg and
Susan M. Mackin
Elden and Leanne Russell
Thomas and Bonnie Spivak
Richard and Yvette Tillery
Ernest and Gerri Tillman
LeRoy Torkelson
Ms. Maria T. Valencia
Bridget Vetterkind
Laurel A. Martineau
Kevin Scott
Bruce McLaud
Cheryl A. McLaud
Miriam McLaud
Dr. James Little
Mrs. and Mr. Patrick O’Connell
Leo Lohmer
Ronald and Sheryl Menard
Joe Lombardo
Brian and Diane Anderson
Donald Long
Jean Long
Terri Lee McCarthy
Rich and Kathy Schneider
Helen Sholly
United Hardware
Violet Long
Mrs. Gerald Gouette
Robert Lorenz
Margaret Roth
Anita Lund
Mary Wilkens
Earl Lunde
Lowell and Audrey Stafford
Ron Luzinski
William and Constance Hoye
Eleanor Kegley
Marie Lyden
Lorraine Elling
Eleanor Kegley
Henry F. Mahr
Hank and Muriel Sperl
Anna Maranda
Deloris DeMarco
Don Marz
Barbara Joseph
Robert Matthews
Mark and Mary Blanchard
Jill Matzen
Craig and Gale Belk
Dr. Tammy Chiesa
Rick and Theresa Deutsch
Duane and Mary Gilleshammer
Golden Lake Sunshine Fund
Patricia Gruenewald
Keith and Katheryn Hals
David and Gail Hennek
Stephanie Johnson
Boyd Matzen
Mr. and Mrs. James Matzen
Kelly Matzen
Millie Mlinarevich
James and Elaine Priester
Gerald and Joanne Smith
Meggin Treanor
Viking Drill and Tool, Inc.
Geraldine Mazanec
Crystal Anderson
Arlene Freeman
Lennie and Jill Kaufman
Family of Geraldine Mazanec
Frank and Marg McSherry
Nancy Radow
Carol Jean McCann
Michael and Jeanne Anderson
Ron McCann
Jon and Lynn Norberg
Pearle Vision
Eldon and Janet Stark
Joseph McCann
Eric and Cheryl Voth
James McCarthy
Elsie Bauer
Ronald and Marie Beck
Maureen Behrens
Ann Coffey
Scott A. Harness and
Eileen McCarthy Harness
Gerald J. Hirsch
Donald and Frances Lamm
Jean Lowe
Jolene W. Madden
Kaye Matsumoto
Harold and Margaret McCarthy
Grace Olson
William Patton
Genevieve Schubert
Bob and Marian Wright
Peggy Cantwell McConnell
Richard and Grace Chapman
Dianne McDonald
David and Mary Angela Breen
Geno and Gerald Marcaccini
Juanita Johnson
James McGlone
Thomas and Rayma Brunner
Doreen Maurer
Daniel Marchio
Peter and Dorothy Weber
James McGovern
Mark and Mary Blanchard
Doris Marchuk
Betty Andrews
Robert McGuigan
Norbert and Gwen Robertson
John McLaughlin
Barbara McLaughlin Lasser
Richard McLaughlin
Robert and Jacklyn Slater
Erika McManus
Ralph Ambrose
Helen Bekken
Jennie Meier
William Banttari
David Gagnon
Ronald James
Douglas and Brenda Lamb
Merwyn and Celia Lamb
Peter and June Medernach
Barbara Meier
Ethel Tomanek
Elizabeth Volkmeier
Wanda Zechmeister
John Metcalfe
Ray and Sally Gleason
Blanche B. Meyer
LaVonne Frank
Patricia LaBerge
Margery J. MacNeill
C. Marvin Mandery
Margaret Sander
Kathryn Smith
Robert Harold Mielke
Gerald and Maxine McMorrow
Cecelia Miller
Pat Goserud
Don Miller
Ronald and Kathleen LeDuc
George Miller
Pauline and Donna Battaglia
Dan Donohoo
Allen and Mary Jaedike
Joseph and Patricia Jenny
John and Dawn Marvin
Penny and K. L. Ranzinger
Doug and Beverly Yaeger
Matsako Miyasako
Larry and Gretchen Kimura
Gary Moller
Paula Fox
James and Marjorie Jacobsen
Mr. Nutwick
David Spartz
Robert F. Morrison
Robin Peterson
James Mottl
Eleanor Kegley
Bob Mueller
James and Crescense Thompson
Steven J. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Bova
Mary Bova
Arline Mullin
Chuck and Yvonne Erding
Elaine Paguette-Mulvihill
John M. Murray
Bernice Murray
Edna Myers
Edward Flathers
Jean Helliesen
Juliet Mellow and Barry L. Molar
Myra Smaby
John Olson
Alice Fink
Dr. Robert Olson
Richard Brubacher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Foley
Margie Olson
Roger and Angeline Schnobrich
Jack Orme
Drew and Karen Hanson
Joanna Nelson
Marie Kurtz
Rachel Nelson
Lois Orton
Irene Bossenmaier
Forklifts of Minnesota, Inc.
Mary Weimer
Dorothy Neubauer
Gene and Diane Berglund
Deborah Hill Osborne
Thomas and Sheila Egan
Charles Nichols
Lowell and Audrey Stafford
Carl Nicosia
Donald and Joan Allery
Brian and Diane Anderson
Timothy Anderson
Betty Danks
E.S.D., Inc.
Mitchell and Karen Jorgensen
William and Irene Klatt
Cheryl McClellan
Dorothy McDonough
Joyce Nowak
Dennis and Michelle Schiltgen
Lorraine Wasielewski
Patrick Nolan
Helen Weides
Lester Lee Nordin
Bernard Larson
John Norton
John Wolf
John Novak
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Gallaway
Myrtle Nystrom
Joanne M. Pevovar
Vince O’Brien
Julie O’Brien
Nancy Oehlers
Garice and Mary Carlson
Theodore Collins
Carmen Ellingson
Ronald and Virginia Fagely
William and Constance Hoye
Donald Johnson
Eugene and Marilou Johnson
Marilyn Matthews
Ernest and Patricia Nelson
Mary Lou Nyhus
Kenneth and Rosemary Oehlers
Debbie Pinski
Mark and Roxanne Sandquist
Betty J. Stensrud
Ted and Betty Stensrud
Grace Tester
Robert Thornbury
Ralton Tracy
James and Joanne Ward
Jane Olson
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Donahue
Nathan and Robin Kazek
Robert and Marilyn O’Dea
Kathleen Quitter
Judith Paone
Mary Anderson
Candace Barrick
Patricia Beck
Keith and Pam Bontrager
John and Janet Devine
David and Mary Goehle
Matthew and Patti Hankes
David and Meredith Holm
Marge Jerpbak
Susan Jungbauer
Michael and Pamela Kennedy
Theodore and Jeanette Metz
Michael Miller and Olivia Mastry
Minnesota Epilepsy Group, P.A.
Deborah L. Paone
Deborah Peterson
Christina and Richard Royster
John and Shelley Selstad
Ben Staudinger
Florence Stephens
Mary Stone
Gretchen Waggoner
Samuel and Patricia Walker
Sister Mary Ellen Ward
James and Nancy Westcott
Marilyn Woolley
Ron Paradis
Blackie and Joyce Landreville
Vern and Cindy Landreville
Kathrine Parrish
Mark and Mary Blanchard
Ted Landwehr
Katherine A. Parrish
Georgia Paul
James Paul
Anna Mae Peet
Jerome and Rosemary Young
Virginia M. Pehrson
Myrtle Halvorson
Carol Pelkey
Gerald and Virginia Zink
Carl Pelzer
Gerald and Jeanette Mastel
Millie Peppin
Alice Fink
Jerome Perron
Joan Michaud
Richard and Margaret Tansom
Elizabeth Peters
Mr. Arthur J. Peters
Leslie Peterson
Jane Adamski
Arlyn Anderson
Dana and Eva Dillman
Robert and Rebecca Goffman
Katherine Hallet
Rudolph and Marlene Hines
Kent and Patricia LePage
Barbara Schmidt
Michael and Michele Sexton
Joseph Piazza
Mary A Cox
Robert and Mary Cox
Phyllis Pierre
Phyllis Kane
Jacqueline Simpson
Al Podgorski
Jerome and Rosemary Young
Florence Pratt
Dennis Hauber
Lucille M. Raduenz
Colleen Abernethy
Judith Adams
Joan Andresen
Loretta Bies
Patrick and Janet Brady
Jane Brandhagen
Maureen Burns
Ronald and Linda Cylkowski
Janet Egersdorf
Richard and Mary Emanuelson
George and Patricia Falzone
Brian Galowitz
Muriel Gubasta
Margaret Hamburger and
John Kupris
Rita Hamburger
David Heim
Catherine Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Holmes
Thomas and Mary Huelsmann
Rick Jacobs
Bob and Maxi Joselyn
Margaret Kelsch
Nancy Kinney
James and Ann Kochsiek
Eugene and Carol Lovro
Joan Marchek
Karen Martens
Barbara Miley
Helen Morrison
Sherry Munyon
Donald and Gertrude Narusiewicz
Ann Nichols
Elizabeth Nilles
F. Gerald and Monica Nilles
Joel Oberstar
Jeanne Olson
Judith Orchard
David and Claudia Osterman
Bonnie Palmquist
Theodore and Marguerite Pelzer
Curtis and Anne Petersen
Lisa Raduenz
Donald and Carole Roloff
Lois Ross
Marcia Shaw
Philip and Janet Simonet
Lori Statler
Scott and Suzanne Stavnes
Lorraine Stoffel
Vincent and Mary Suerth
Michael Teibel
Tom O’Brien, Inc.
Mary Louise Townsend
Benjamin Welshons
Nathaniel and Betsy Wesenberg
Nicholas Wierzbinski
Fern Rasmussen
Bettie Montpetit
Jean Rausch
Bill and Marie Kelliher
Lewis Rausch
Frieda Reichstadt
Ed and Marjorie Krueger
Mickey Reince
Ella Spanjers
Francis Reuter
Stephen and Lavina Reuter
Patrick Baker
James and Marilyn Gephart
Ruth Richard
Ardelle LeBlanc
Julia P. Richie
Phyllis DeLisi
Mary Riehle
Joan Michaud
Eileen Ries
Virginia Ryan
Steve Riskevich
Diane Riskevich
Vivian Robinson-Hall
Beatrice Hall
Mary Alice Kemp
Gerald Rochel
Joann Dalsted
Jim and Gayle Kolkind
Timothy and Cindy Lois
Raymond and Madonna Mochinski
Sandra M. Rochel
Jeffrey and Kristine Sjoberg
Mark Rosenow
Teresa J. Hanson
Ruth Scott Rosenquist
Phyllis DeLisi
Ray Roskowiak
Alice Fink
Joyce E. Ross
Kevin Scott
Joan Rossbach
Roy and Mary Bierman
Connie Devich
Brede Erickson
Mary R. Johnson
Kim Kahat
Henry Lindloff
Sandy Maturi and Don Harter
Toni Newville
Helen Torelle
Beverly Ruhl
Neshia and Charles Blackmon
Linda Goldstein
Nellie Lind
Michael Walters Advertising
Deb Mier and Sheila Hickey
Franklyn Ruhl
Amy Stankosky
Al Russell
William and Donna Burrs
Marlyn and Marilyn Johnson
Cindee Koll
Gary and Diane Loegering
Janet Lundell
Jean Russell
Edward Thill
Mary Jean Wright
Chuck Ryan
Warren Loe
Robert Schabacker
JoAnn Blumenthal
Marguerite Schifferl
John and Margaret McGlone
Sterling Schloer
Kelly Schloer
Jack Schmidt
Kay and Ted Kay
John Schmokel
Claude and Gayle Schmokel
Al Schreiner
Agnes Schreiner
Louise Schueller
Lorraine Wilson
Ardis Schwalbach
Richard and Martha Kohler
Theodore B. Schwegel
Janet Nelson
William Schwoch
Judi Berger
Joyce Selinsky
Mary Lou Rauchwarter
Peter Serie
Karl and Sue Focht
Gerald and Virginia Zink
Ruby LaVoir Seymour
Mary LeVoir
Dennis Shaw
Gerald and Virginia Zink
Phil Shea
Ardelle LeBlanc
Pam Shoemaker
Joan and Dale Forde
Linda Shoenfeld
Paul and Rosemary Novotny
Mabel Sidla
Alice Fink
Lorraine Simandl
Barbara Arnold
Loraine Lott
Eileen Simonet
Lasilla Stephenson
Joan Singer
Richard and Mary Brady
Gordon “Gordy” Sironen
James and Barbara Boelter
Donald and Mary Bohn
Mark and Wendy Case
The Journey
Gloria Connolly
John and Diana DesRoches
Diane Eichinger
William and Nancy Fox
Ronald Gall
Steve and Diane Gorman
Frederick and Julie Gould
David and Gail Hennek
Diane Hewitt
Mechele Krier
Eugene and Beatrice Lahti
Monica Leger
Michael McDonald and
Suzanne Quinn-McDonald
R. L. and Joanne Myklebust
Kelly and Katherine Nagel
Terry and Stephanie Nelson
Beverly Nix
Cindy Nutter
Jeanette Perpich
Dale and Vivian Probasco
Thomas and Jeanne Radotich
Arnold and Anita Rosenthal
Roberton and Ardith Seeman
William and Brenda Siems
Susan Steinwall
Brian and Nancy Walden
Lorraine Warnberg
Kezia Wicklander
Charles and Luanne Wold
William Skar
Monica Bossenmaier
Mary Skundberg
Norma Brown
Dennis and Bonnie Cheesebrow
Barbara Fonstad
Joan and Jerome Gorka
Roger and Sarah Gustafson
Robert and Mary Harris
Ronald and Joyce Huemoeller
Cynthia Lolich
Kathleen Mahoney
Kathleen and David Mample
Patrick and Karin Mascia
Nancy Mathison
David and Sara Peterson
John Prosser
Timothy and Elin Raymond
Brian and Susan Rowell
Bonnie and Richard Timm
Rebecca Weinand
Carol Sletten
Janet Boyles
Judy Butzer Small
Alice Fink
Donald Smith
Joann Sutton
Kenneth Smith
Michael and Margaret Di Ioia
Robert Smith
Phyllis DeLisi
Stefan Smith
Randy and Linda Berg
Ruth Draut
Reverend and
Mrs. George W. Fisher
Mikell D. Smith Companies
Myron and Muriel Pater
Brandon Smith
Daniel and Susan Smith
Donald and Mary Sylvester
George Smrstik
Joan Hogan
Mark and Sherrie Hornung
John and Catherine Mamer
Jan Miller
Robert and Dorothy Roth
Dorothy Stach
John and Marilyn Stauch
Twin City Chapter #268 Military
Order of the Purple Heart
Karin Van Dyke
Virginia Van Dyke
Elizabeth Wong
Clifford Snyder
Ann L. Snyder
Richard and Ann Snyder
Roger Strandquist
Chuck and Yvonne Erding
Richard Snyder
Loren and Cheryl Hedman
Thomas and Carol Kramer
MGS Machine
Goldine Nielsen
Ann L. Snyder
Gene and Mildred Snyder
Sharon McCormick Snyder
William and Constance Hoye
Lawrence and Constance Ryberg
Joyce Spannbauer
George and Jacqueline Montour
Max Sporer, Jr
Barbara Arnold
Henrietta Carlson
Richard and Irene Cashman
Joseph and Ann Didier
Anne Gagan
Susan Grun
Harry and Kathleen Hohman
Michael Hynes
Merle H Strom
William and Margaret Tate
Edith Steinke
Peter and Judith Boone
Jeffrey Johnson
Mary Muiznieks
Carol Schwartzbauer
Donald and Sonja Steinke
Arthur Waldon
Phoebe A. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Rauzi
Robert and Rita Simmer
Arlene Sims
Gary and Sharon Tonn
Wayne and Joyce Tonn
Phillip and Mary VanTassel
Thomas and Marilyn Weaver
Jean Ann Weinig
Benjamin Storey, Jr
Craig and Gale Belk
Lois Gurney
Barbara Lynne Strege
Agnes Strege
Donald Student
James Lasser
Eleanor Sullivan
Pat Goserud
Hilary Ann Sullivan
Harry and Kathleen Hohman
Robert Sutton
Joann Sutton
George Sweeney. Jr.
Robert Busch
Tim Sweeney
Deborah Phelps
Dianne Syverson
Edward Szalapski
Daniel and Corrine Cylkowski
Elaine Goldberg
Patricia Szalapski
Mehri Tami
Bill and Chris Steel
Dr. Edward Tarara
Rowena Jambor
P.C. “Bud” Taylor
Sally Young
Lorraine Stenmoe
Harry Scott
Elaine Thiel
Gerald and Virginia Zink
David Sterk
Terry Capiz
Juel Thompson
Steven and Kathleen Geis
Donna Stevens
James and Donna Dvorak
William Tinucci
David and Mary Angela Breen
Helen Stewart
Monica Kujawa and Friends
Stephen Tome
Agnes Schreiner
Brian Stienstra
Lynn Smith Carnes
Dorothy Stienstra
Geraldine Thomas
Felix Tranchina
Stella Halvorson
John Stodola
David and Joann Aarthun
James and Gail Davis
Douglas and Carol Farmer
Roger Geske
Robert and Frances Glomb
Beverly Jagiello
Lorraine Jobe
James Kalkes
Robert and Marilyn King
Robert and Susanne Lange
Judith McGovern
Henry Tuzinski
Pamela Cantley
John Thoma and
Kathleen Cummings
Linda Flick
Steven and Janet Grothjan
Ronald and Leslie Hahn
Jack and Roxanne Hanley
James and Colleen Hoska
Charles and Lisa Jernell
George and Karen Kaczor
Kathleen Kennedy
William and Jean Kiehnbaum
Judy Landstiener
Mitchell and Jan McMillen
James McShane
Donna Morgan
Debra Nelson-Grant
Suzanne Noskey
Kurt and Debra Olson
Robert and Rita Peichel
Frank and Dolores Peterson
Evelyn Ramin
Earl Shamp
Kathy Tuzinski
Lois Tuzinski
Alvina Vaughn
John and Marcia Woell
Clint Underdahl
Catherine Martinson
Raymond Weitzel
Bryan and Susie Geary
Ted Van
John and Helena Barber
Gerald Vimr
Bernard and Marlys Christianson
Dolores Figura
Catherine Thomas Fox
Paul and Carole Mayers
Daniel and Jacqueline Nerud
Vernon and Yvonne Nerud
Peter and Elizabeth Rekstad
Mary Kay Rottach
Scherer Brothers Lumber Company
Frank and Elizabeth Schneider
Ann L. Snyder
John Werner
Helen Werner
Edward Vogt
Edouarda A. Opatrny
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Corbett
Clara Vorlicek
Alice Fink
Roger Vos
Dan and Jen Braunschweig
Robert Daly
Brent and Kimberly Ebert
Gregory and Susan Ebert
David and Roberta Fox
Dale and Deborah Hallin
Helen Kissel
Larry Larson
William and Virginia Lent
Eugene and Louise Owczarzak
Elaine Pemberton
Carolyn Rosen
John and Marjorie Schaefer
John and Mary Schmitz
Steven and Sandra Slavik
Richard and Charlotte Thompson
Frank and Vicki Walters
Dick Wallace
Leone Bauer
Kathleen Jacobs
Jack Wallin
Thomas and Sheila Brunelle
Art and Audrey Ettl
Barbara Waryan
Joan and Dale Forde
Dave Gosen
Janice Hollowell
Laurence and Patricia Jocelyn
Bob and Fran Rode
LaVonne Sand
Paul and Camille Schroeder
Patti Wales
Gary Waryan
Jeffrey Waryan
Marlys Weber
Elaine Malm
Regina Weinke
Mary Selander
Ken Wesenberg
Robert and Claudia Melbye
Ethel Wilke
Thomas and Rayma Brunner
Elden Wilken
Edouarda A. Opatrny
Elaine Williams
Melanie Bavage
Pete Williams
Lorraine Wilson
Barbara Wilson
Robert and June Anderson
Debra Arone
Lorinne Bergman
Patricia Bergstrom
Ervin and Marion Bernard
Raymond and Peg Bohn
Russell and Beverly Boogren
Barry and Janet Brahier
Steven and Patricia Brekke
Roberta Dahlke
Susan Disalvo
Cynthia Doerr
Kyle and April Donham
Harriet Dunn
Patti Froeber D.D.S.
Gary and Joan Geurts
Laurie Gluesing
Jon Goodrich
Darwin and Sylvia Hadtrath
Douglas and Nancy Hansen
Bertha Hanson
Gerald and Claudia Harter
Gerald and Konni Hovey
Jacobson, Buffalo, Magnuson,
Anderson & Hogen, PC
Harry and Marian Johnson
Joan Jorgensen
Chopper and Marit Krogstad
Roger and Rosalie Lambert
Mary Magnuson
Gary and Katheryn Mayer
Raymond and Betty McAfee
Joann Metling
Elaine Mielke
Ronald and Linda Mielke
National Association of
Fundraising Ticket Manufacturers
Stanley and Donna Parry
Doris Peterson
Todd and Fern Peterson
James and Judy Resler
Verle Rhoades
Dorothy Richardson
Kurt and Marilyn Richter
Gary and Mary Rondeau
Gary and Charlotte Rondeau
Douglas and Carol Ronning
Pamela Sigurdson
Donna Tripp
Gerald and Patricia Utterberg
John and Maureen Vachuska
Delaine Vitek
Frank and Karen Walmsley
Wayne Westwood
Judy Williams
Mr. Don Wilson
Karyl Wilson
Karen Wirkus
Kinglsy Wilson
Shirley Stutzman
Tom Wirtz
Jerome and Rosemary Young
Roger Wiski
William Buth
Donna Froelich
Greater Saint Paul Building
Owners and Managers Assoc.
Anne Klein
Gary Klein
Phillip and Mary Myers
Virginia Olson
Wilkerson, Guthmann &
Johnson, Ltd.
Shawn Wiski
Patricia Wolf
Arnold Wornson
Jay and Julie Abdo
Jodi and Michael Chaffin
Patrick and Jane Collins
D. Bradley and Pamela Dodds
David and Donna Dunlop
M. Kaye Foley
Neil and Susan Johnson
Lisa Maloney
John and Florine Murray
George and Sandra Peterson
James and Margaret Ryan
Robert and Heather Rykhus
Barbara Struyk
Gene and Eydie Swanson
Charles and Gretchen Townsend
Carol Waugh
Bernice E. Wornson
Kathryn Wornson
Bob Worwa
John and Helen McReavy
Lorraine Holman
Lawrence and
Marlene Kazmierczak
Eugene and Betty Kent
Wayne Launderville
Charles and Marilyn Lightfoot
Loraine Lindeman
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Teater
Marietta Wright
Charlotte Wylie
Pierre and Judith Regnier
Donald Yager
Alice Fink
Everett Young
Paul and Linda Henry
Barbara Zabel
Leslie and Nancy Anderson
Douglas and Marlene Berg
Keith and Susan Cardinal
Ms. Mary C. Cardinal
S. Cardinal
Kay M. Chilson
Richard and Cheryl Cords
Michael and Emily Dollerschell
Stephen and Sandra Dvorsky
Leona Farrell
James and Mary Focht
Tim and Tara Garvin
Mildred Grealish
Colleen Grieder
William and Janel Haider
Bill and Donna Hofmeister
Terry Holmgren
James and Theresa Jansen
Leonard and Marcella Koneczny
Donald and Bettye Kortus
Brian Mangine
James and Kathleen Mosner
Joan Niedfeldt
Polish American Club
Marlene Ritzer
Kathy Roland
Thomas and Michelle Sauka
Cindy Vannelli
Norbert and Anne Venne
Marilyn Walrath
Maureen Walsh
Egil Zabel
Sharmain Zabel
Peter Zierman
Anita Monette
Catherine Zweber
Laureen Bluhm
Constance Budzien
Richard and Susan Cunningham
Mr. Melvin Lindemann and Ms.
Michele Sahli-Lindeman
Ms. Miranda S. Morris
James and Jacqueline Poradek
Kevin Trainor
Gary and Anne Vanic
Valerie Whitehead
Robert Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bierwerth
James and Judith Buss
Your Legacy Makes A Difference
A planned estate gift to Our Lady of Good Counsel Home is a wonderful way to leave a lasting legacy. Your deferred gift, in the
form of a will bequest, living trust or gift annuity, supports our mission of providing end-of-life care free of charge to patients
and their families. For more information on planned giving options, please contact Mike Randall, Director of Development and
Communications at 651-789-5029.
U.S. Postage
Of Good Counsel Home
Capitol Direct
2076 St. Anthony Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104
Volunteers Needed!
St. Mary’s Hospice is currently accepting applications to grow our
volunteer department. St. Mary’s Hospice is a community-based
hospice that ministers to people that are at the end of life. Community
Our Lady of Good Counsel
Home is planning a benefit
based means that hospice serves people in private homes, assisted
luncheon in May 2011. We
living facilities and skilled nursing facilities. St. Mary’s Hospice fosters
are looking for people to
our volunteers’ interests and passions by matching them to clients
who may share those interests. For example, current volunteers
serve as table hosts for
enjoy reading, discussing poetry, watching sports, remembering
the event. If you would be
hunting trips and tricks, talking politics, while other volunteers are
more comfortable spending quiet time or prayer. Everyone has
a gift that can be shared! If you are interested in becoming part
of our St. Mary’s Hospice team or would like to further explore
what this could mean to you, please call Kelly at 651-789-5030 or
interested in helping or
would like more information,
please call Mike Randall at