Efficient Endemic Endless 1 195 1365 2400 1 235
Efficient Endemic Endless 1 195 1365 2400 1 235
Aa Meiringen-Innertkirchen-Train (MIB) Gelmer funicular Trift aerial cable car Tälli aerial cable car Handeck – Gerstenegg aerial cable car Oberaar aerial cable car Sommerloch aerial cable car Sidelhorn aerial cable car Reichenbach funicular re 1 9 1 go rge H 3 a Innertkirchen s 2 622 m ü. M. a G 4 5 m d e Handeck – Hotel and Nature resort Hospiz – Historic Alpine hotel Visitors’ Centre 3 Oberaar – Restaurant and Mountain Hut 4 Bäregg – Alpine hut 2303 m Speichersee Oberaar Trübtensee Stausee Grimsel 1909 m Sustenpass Steingletscher 3 1 2400 Gigawatt hours of electricity. The KWO produces this amount of energy annually in its eleven power plants, usually as peak and regulating energy – produced exactly then, when it is needed. Sustenhorn 2 Oberhasli Hydroelectric Company Grimselstrasse 19 CH-3862 Innertkirchen Telephone +41 33 982 20 11 www.grimselstrom.ch This production volume represents the total annual energy consumption of 1.2 million Swiss people. Trift bridge l Grimsel Hotels a t n l Oberalp / Gotthard / Tessin e G Gadmen Meiringen megawatt capacity. So powerful are the eleven KWO power plants with their 28 turbines. This enormous amount of capacity is necessary to ensure that, at any given moment, exactly enough power is being produced as is being used. The high capacity pumps enable the KWO to store large amounts of energy by pumping water up to higher lying lakes. Impressum 2014 Publisher: Oberhasli Hydroelectric Company, Innertkirchen Editor: KWO Communication Design: Atelier KE, Meiringen Photos: KWO / Robert Bösch / Beat Kehrli / Daniel Göz Printing: Stämpfli Druck AG, Bern Translation: KWO Communication Paper: Ecologically friendly & climate neutral production 9 4 1 ift Guttannen e r g r b t e er a cubic metres of concrete. This huge amount of concrete was needed to build our eight storage dams. These dams hold back the huge amount of 195 000 000 cubic metres of water. The ratio of concrete to storage volume is only 0,63 %. n tsch i gle re W Aa t KWO Headquarters / Grimsel Hydro 1 235 450 Tr 2 i U r b a c h t a l 1 At 114 metres, the Grimsel dam is the KWO’s highest. After completion in 1932 it was, for a short time, the highest dam in the world. l Dammastock Wetterhorn Ritzlihorn 7 G au li Founded 1925 gl 9 et 7 sc he 6 8 7 r r 8 g t 6 he 7 r n sc 6 Aare l a 2 Handeck et 5 H a s l i b e gl 4 1365 1 Share Capital 120 million Swiss Francs ne 3 Titlis 5 Shareholders 50 % BKW Energie AG 16 2/3 % Industrielle Werke Basel 16 2/3 % Energie Wasser Bern 16 2/3 % Stadt Zürich Schreckhorn Rho 2 195 Brünigpass Interlaken / Thun / Bern 1 Totensee Grimselpass Speichersee Gelmer Aaretal Handeck Gaulisee Mattenalpsee 622 m Trift lake / catchment Gadmental / Trift Power Plant 2 Grund Power Plant 3 Grimsel 1 E Power Plant 4 Grimsel 3 Power Plant 5 Enlargement Grimsel lake 6 Water diversion from Minstigerbach 7 Handeckfluh Power Plant Tourism services in the area of hydroelectric power production www.grimselwelt.ch million cubic metres of water. So much water can be stored in the KWO’s eight storage lakes. This energy storage relates to the same amount of water that four million Swiss people use per year. 8 1 Manufacturing company for hydroelectric componants www.grimselhydro.ch percent of Switzerland’s surface area. Our catchment area is this big. 700 million cubic metres of water fall annually in this area of approximately 420 km2. The highest point is the Finsteraarhorn at 4274 m. above sea level and the lowest point is Innertkirchen at 622 m. above sea level. This altitude difference gives the water the power to turn the huge turbine wheels. Storage dam Intake conduits / penstock Water catchment Surge chamber Luzern / Zürich / Basel Expansion projects Transportation 1 6 Gerstenegg Bächlistock Lauteraarhorn 5 Crystal cavern Furkapass 3 10 7 Unt 2 eraar gletscher 5 3 4 11 N Finsteraarhorn 4274 m ü. M. Oberaarhorn Ob er gle aar tsch 3 4 2 Grimsel Hospiz 4 160 kilometres of tunnels. The largest part of the KWO’s installation lies hidden, deep in Grimsel granite – power plants, surge chambers, water conduits, penstocks, tunnels for energy transport and access tunnels. 500 employees (352 fulltime) work for the KWO. The wide structure of professions range from power plant technology to tourism. This range of professions is exceptionally valuable for the alpine region of the Oberhasli. Grimselpass 8 6 1 Gotthard / Tessin Oberaar Lake 57 Trübten Lake 1 Grimsel Lake 94 Toten Lake 2 Räterichsboden Lake 25 Gelmer Lake 13 Mattenalp Lake 2 Engstlen Lake 1 Total195 KWO Associated divisions Aare 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 Speichersee Räterichsboden Volume in million cubic metres 2 10 Innertkirchen Storage Lakes 1 Guttannen Speichersee Trift Gadmental Sustenpass Fuhren 105 Hopflauenen92 Innertkirchen 2 62 Innertkirchen 1 255 Innertkirchen 1 E (from 2016) 150 Handeck 1 100 Handeck 2 136 Handeck 2 E (from 2016) 90 Handeck 3 55 56 Grimsel 1 67 Grimsel 2 348 363 Total 1365424 Wenden 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 Gental 1 InstalledMaximum turbine capacity pump capacity in MW in MW 1850 m Engstlensee Power Plants Gletsch Sidelhorn 23 Oberaar er 6 t r a g r a A Water catchment area Intake conduits Access tunnel Nufenen / Brig / Lausanne apprenticeships. The KWO offers a wide range of apprenticeships; poly-mechanic, electrician, motor vehicle mechatronics technician, facility caretaker, cable car technician, constructing engineer, office administrator and even apprenticeships in the hotel industry. This range is exceptional for an alpine region. Efficient Endemic Endless Grimsel 2 – largest pump-storage plant in Switzerland Grimsel Hydro – Hydroelectrical Competence Centre Gauli Waterfall – thundering natural power Lake trout in a residual flow reach Gelmerbahn – once for the KWO’s workers, now a tourist attraction Grimseltor Innertkirchen – Village Centre with Tourist Center PIONIEERING SPIRIT DYNAMIC NATURAL POWER PARTNERSHIP ADVENTURE ALPINE REGION The history of the KWO goes back to 1908 when pioneering spirited engineers came to the Grimsel and recognised the area’s inherent hydroelectric potential. In 1925 the first hydro dam was built – the highest in the world at that time. With entrepreneurial courage and vision those pioneers succeeded in utilizing the water’s potential for the production of electricity. This pioneering attitude still remains today, and is the basis for continual innovation, coupled with a commitment to sustainability. Switzerland is in the throes of an energy change, moving towards sustainable energies. The KWO, with its large capacity plants, already plays an important role in this regard. New power plants are in the process of being built in Innertkirchen and Handeck and further projects with increased output are in the pipeline. Energy production and storage volume. In keeping with the company’s own historical past, the KWO continues to invest with a long term horizon. The landscapes in the Grimsel and Susten areas are magnificent and literally full of energy – the source of our hydroelectricity. The interaction between trusted machines and modern technology enable the KWO to react quickly to produce electricity when required. The alpine power plants play a deciding role when it comes to balancing the erratic energy supply caused by solar and wind power plants – instantaneous, immense, efficient and emmission free. The symbiosis between nature and technology is evident in the landscapes in the Grimsel and Susten areas. Harnessing the power of water is based on a partnership with nature. The KWO is the first power company in Switzerland to have its own ecology department and is committed to landscape maintenance and biodiversity. The legally required valorization of the waters used for the production of electricity has been carried out. Electricity production can be called sustainable here. The KWO’s power plants are open for visitors and you can visit this underground world of tunnels, shafts, caverns, turbines and generators. Find out more about the technology behind hydrolectricity. And above ground the KWO also has lots to offer: mountain lifts which were once solely used to transport KWO workers are now open to the public and can take visitors up to storage lakes and structures such as the Trift suspension bridge or the historic Grimsel Hospiz. Just two examples of the many destinations in the Grimsel and Susten area. The KWO would not move anywhere else for all the money in the world. The company has a close connection to the alpine world in the Oberhasli. Only here are the natural requirements at hand; only here is an abundance of water combined with granite bedrock and high altitude differences. As one of the largest employers in the area, the KWO also has an important socio-economic role to play, maintains many diverse cooperations with regional partners and is committed to regional development. Hydroelectricity is partnership with nature MATTERHORN MONT BLANC ALETSCHHORN FINSTERAARHORN 4274 m ü. M. JUNGFRAU MÖNCH LAUTERAARHORN SCHRECKHORN WETTERHORN WELLHORN BRIENZER ROTHORN H OBERAARSEE A S L I T A L INNERTKIRCHEN 622 m ü. M. S G O M GRIMSELSEE GRIMSELPASS RÄTERICHSBODENSEE TOTENSEE GELMERSEE