hick hargreaves
hick hargreaves
2 PAGE 47 Large pumps and pumping systems Application and accessory information 50 Oil sealed pumps and accessories EM oil sealed rotary pumps Electrical data Accessories BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum oil sealed piston pumps EVC single stage oil sealed pumps Accessories 52 56 56 60 68 83 GV/GVM Drystar® pumps and accessories GV industrial dry pumps GVM industrial dry pumps GV dry pump packaged solutions Dry pumping combinations Accessories 89 93 96 97 99 Mechanical booster pumps EH mechanical booster pumps EDD mechanical booster pumps MB mechanical booster pumps BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum booster pumps HV high capacity mechanical booster pumps 104 114 116 121 125 BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum multistage vacuum systems Series MB Series 1800 Series 1700 129 130 134 BOC Edwards has purchased the vacuum and pressure interests of The Smiths Group. The businesses acquired, were part of Smith's Sealing Solutions Division, and are comprised of Stokes Vacuum, Hick Hargreaves, Hibon and Wilhelm Klein (WKE). This section reflects the Stokes Vacuum product lines now sold by BOC Edwards. shop online: www.bocedwards.com The dimension drawings in this section display both metric and imperial measurements. Imperial measurements are shown in brackets. LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Introduction 2 PAGE 48 BOC Edwards range of mechanical boosters, oil sealed rotary pumps, oil sealed piston pumps and GV industrial dry pumps is the most comprehensive available to the industrial user. Add our extensive range of accessories, and the pumps can be configured for a wide range of applications. The pumps and accessories can be supplied either as individual components or as fully systemized, factory tested combinations. EVC oil sealed rough-pumps A revised range of vacuum pumps for industrial applications requiring rough vacuum providing an economical solution. • Gas ballast as standard • Vacuum non return valve • Extended range • Improved ultimate vacuum • Stainless steel mesh inlet filter The range consists of: • EM oil sealed rotary vane pumps • BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum oil sealed piston pumps • EVC oil sealed rotary vane pumps • GV Drystar® dry pumps • EH, EDD, MB, BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum 6" and HV booster pumps EM oil sealed rotary pumps PHOTO REQUIRED GVM Drystar® dry pumps BOC Edwards rugged mechanical oil sealed pumps are available in sizes from 40 to 275 m3h-1 / 30-206 ft3min-1, in both one and two stage designs. They feature: • Advanced oil lubrication circuit • High reliability • Accessories to match your application needs BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum oil sealed piston pumps BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum oil sealed piston pumps are available in sizes 50-1240 m3h-1 / 30-728 ft3min-1. They feature: • Rugged design • Internal oil piping to eliminate potential leaks • Oil sight glass and flow indicator to provide easy monitoring of oil level and flow • ‘O’ ring sealed covers to eliminate potential oil leaks • Integral gas ballast valve The Drystar® GV260M - 600M range is based on the well proven BOC Edwards patented claw mechanism but has an additional roots stage, enhancing pumping speed in the working range and reaching a peak speed of up to 560 m3h-1 / 330 ft3min-1. The patented claw mechanism results in short gas paths within the operating mechanism, providing the ability to handle large amounts of dust and water vapor, when compared to oil sealed pumps, without deterioration of performance. • Low cost of ownership in harsh conditions • High reliability - dry mechanism proven in 60,000 installations • Oil free mechanism - reduced maintenance • Higher dust and water vapor tolerance • Accessories to optimize pump performance to process variables • Fast pump down with BOC Edwards hydrokinetic drive booster pumps. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 EH mechanical boosters BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum 6" mechanical booster pumps 2 PAGE 49 The EH mechanical booster pumps feature the unique hydrokinetic drive, providing an efficient power transmission with benefits in economy, performance and compactness. The hydrokinetic drive provides the following features: • Pump down times cut by 50%, when compared with direct drive pumps • No bypass lines or pressure switches required • Universal voltage motors • Reduced capital and operating costs • Air cooled motors - with water cooled options • Quiet, vibration free operation BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum 6" mechanical boosters are available in sizes 1020-5100 m3h-1 / 600-3000 ft3min-1. Features include: • Rugged design for reliable and extended operation • Simple maintenance features incorporated in design • Options of direct drive motors or bare shaft machines • Options of by pass technology to reduce pump down time • Dynamically balanced impellers HV mechanical booster pumps We also offer the EDD mechanical booster pumps - with direct drive. For more information, see page 101. MB mechanical booster pumps PHOTO REQUIRED We offer a range of large direct drive mechanical booster pumps, from 11000 m3h-1 to 30000 m3h-1 / 7900 ft3min- to 17100 ft3min-1(see page 103). The speed of the pump motor can be controlled by an inverter. BOC Edwards MB mechanical boosters are available in sizes 800-5700 m3h-1 / 477-3357 ft3min-1. They feature: • Cartridge seal design • Options on bare shaft, direct drive motors and variable speed drives to suit all applications. • Air cooled motors and pumps • Dynamically balanced and vibration free In addition, the pumps offer the following features: • Water cooled shaft seals and after cooler • Fitted with thermal snap-switch, to protect the pump from over temperature • Nitrogen purge inlet fitted as standard • Vertical flow, direct drive • Control with inverter, or interlock with a pressure switch input. Systemization BOC Edwards comprehensive range of pumps forms the basis for the manufacture of factory tested combination systems, with displacements from 310 m3h-1 to 30,000 m3h-1 / 180 ft3min-1to 17700 ft3min-1. With a wide and robust range of accessories to choose from, the pumping system can be optimized for your application. BOC Edwards systemization service offers fully factory tested combinations with appropriate accessories. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS PHOTO REQUIRED APPLICATION AND ACCESSORY INFORMATION 2 PAGE 50 The use of BOC Edwards mechanical booster pumps and rotary pumps with our comprehensive range of accessories will result in enhanced performance and reliability. The information below will help you to select the correct accessories for your application. However, we recommend that you treat this as a guide only, because the final selection of components can be influenced by the operation of your vacuum system and the process by-products. If in doubt, please contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier for further advice from an BOC Edwards application specialist. When you select accessories for your system, the major aim is to prolong the life and the safe operation of the pumps and to ensure that the system continues to perform at its ultimate specification. To do this, you need to ensure that the system is able to accommodate the process media and any process by-products, including vapors, liquids or particulates, which may damage the pumps. At the same time, you should ensure that any materials discharged from the system to atmosphere are not harmful to the environment and to people nearby. Trapping particulates In any application, first ensure that particulates in the process stream are trapped before they get into the pump: use the ITM or ITF inlet filters which are suitable for use with oil-sealed and dry pumps. However, in processes which generate or contain large amounts of particulates, some will enter the pump: use our EOF an external oil filter to remove particulates from the pump oil during operation. ITF inlet dust filters If the mechanical pump is a backing pump for a diffusion pump, the diffusion pump will trap particulates during normal operation, but the diffusion pump will not trap dust during the roughing stage of the process cycle. We recommend you fit an ITF filter to the mechanical pump inlet (that is, in the foreline): this filter has a replaceable element. Note that the impedance of a clean filter will cause the pumping speed to decrease by about 10% at 1mbar and 20% at 10-2 mbar. The ITF filter is more that 96% efficient, when tested in accordance with BS2831. ITM high capacity inlet dust filters Use an ITM filter for applications where there is a high load of dust and particulates. Fit the ITM directly to the inlet of a rotary or mechanical booster pump. This filter has a stainless steel mesh element that can be washed and re-used. It is ideal for use when backing diffusion pumps or for wet processes where a paper filter may become blocked quickly. The ITM filter has high conductance and is therefore ideal for applications which require fast pump down times. The ITM filter has an efficiency of 90%, when tested in accordance with BS3831. EOF external oil filters Use the EOF’s with the EM oil-sealed rotary pumps, to remove particulates trapped in the pump oil. There are two types of EOF filter. The EOFA and EOFM filters use the internal pressurized oil system of the pump to continually filter a proportion of the pump oil. These filters are only suitable for hydrocarbon oil. The EOFM filter removes particulates down to 0.5 microns, and the EOFA filter both removes particulates and includes an active element to remove acidic and other aggressive contaminants from the oil. EOF pumped external oil filters have their own oil re-circulation pump. The re-circulation pump has a high flow rate and allows large quantities of oil to be filtered. The filter is fitted with a gauge which indicates when the filter need to be changed. This filter is suitable for hydrocarbon and PFPE oils. Pumping vapors The use of gas ballast significantly improves vapor handling capability of oil sealed rotary pumps. We offer a number of accessories to improve the utility of gas ballast. TCV temperature control valve The vapor pumping performance of the larger oil sealed pumps can be enhanced by fitting a TCV. Use the TCV both to warm-up the pump faster (which reduces the amount of condensation in the pump) and to reduce water usage and cost. ITC inlet chemical traps Fit an ITC trap to the inlet of the pump to protect against the aggressive process vapors that may corrode the pump or degrade the oil. Trapping liquids The use of gas ballast allows an oil sealed pump to process significant quantities of vapor. However, oil sealed pumps can not pump liquid streams and it is important both to remove liquids before they reach the pump inlet and to prevent condensed liquids from flowing back into the pump outlet. The following accessories may be suitable for your application: ITO inlet trap The ITO inlet trap is ideal for processes where there is a risk of liquids in the process entering the pump inlet. Fit the ITO trap to the pump inlet or elsewhere in the foreline. CP catchpot Process vapors passing through the pump may condense after the pump outlet, in the exhaust line. Fit a CP catchpot to the pump outlet to trap the condensates and prevent them flowing back into the pump. Exhaust management You should aim to minimize the impact of gases and vapors which exhaust from the pump outlet. BOC Edwards offers a range of exhaust management systems for the most exacting applications (see page 223). However, for most straight-forward applications of oil sealed rotary pumps, we recommend that you fit an oil mist filter to the pump outlet to remove oil mist vapor. A mist filter is not required if you vent the exhaust gases remotely or pass them through exhaust scrubbing equipment. MF oil mist filters The MF filters remove oil mist (vapor) from the process gases exhausted from the outlet of an oil sealed pump. The filters remove both odor and oil vapor and so prevent it from reaching the atmosphere and the workplace. Back migration When operated at ultimate pressure for extended periods of time, any oil sealed pump allows oil vapor to back migrate into the process chamber. The back-migration of oil vapor could contaminate your process or your vacuum system. ITC inlet chemical trap Fit an ITC inlet chemical trap (filled with an alumina charge) to the pump inlet to trap oil vapor and to prevent back migration. APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Refrigeration dehydration Brake line evacuation TV aluminizers Vacuum metallurgy Fluorescent light tube pumping Thin film coating IT hard disc coating Vacuum distillation Cryogenic vessel evacuation Transformer and cable drying Pharmaceutical freeze drying Space simulation Crystal growing Automotive Chemical processing EBV gas ballast control valve Fit EBV gas ballast control valve to allow remote or automated control of gas ballast. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 DATA SUMMARY 2 PAGE 51 E1M40 Catalog page Displacement 50 Hz 60 Hz Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Number of stages Ultimate vacuum (total pressure) without gas ballast with gas ballast Maximum water vapor inlet pressure Maximum water vapor pumping rate Pump connections Inlet Outlet Motor protection rating Motor power 50 Hz Motor power 60 Hz Weight Oil capacity - maximum - minimum m3h-1 m3h-1 m3h-1 m3h-1 E2M40 / ft3min-1 / ft3min-1 / ft3min-1 / ft3min-1 E2M80 53 80 / 47.1 96 / 56.5 74 / 43.6 90 / 53 1 2 1 2 mbar / Torr mbar / Torr mbar / Torr 0.1 / 7.5 x 10-2 0.5 / 3.75 x 10-1 40 / 30 0.001 / 7.5 x 10-4 0.007 / 5.25 x 10-3 7 / 5.3 0.07 / 5.25 x 10-2 0.4 / 3 x 10-1 30 / 22.5 0.001 / 7.5 x 10-4 0.007 / 5.25 x 10-3 5 / 3.8 kg h-1 / lb h-1 1.1 / 2.4 0.2 / 0.4 1.7 / 3.8 0.7 / 0.3 ISO40 25 mm flange IP kW / hp kW / hp kg / lb liter / qt liter / qt PUMP m3h-1 m3h-1 m3h-1 m3h-1 70.5 / 155 4.6 / 4.8 2.2 / 2.3 kg h-1 / lb h-1 72 / 159 4.07 / 4.3 2.2 / 2.3 95 / 210 7.0 / 7.3 4.0 / 4.2 E2M175 E1M275 54 178 / 105 214 / 126 160 / 94 196 / 115 / ft3min-1 / ft3min-1 / ft3min-1 / ft3min-1 mbar / Torr mbar / Torr mbar / Torr 44 or 542 2.2 / 3 3/4 44 or 541 1.1 / 1.5 1.5 / 2 E1M175 Catalog page Displacement 50 Hz 60 Hz Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Number of stages Ultimate vacuum (partial pressure) without gas ballast with gas ballast Maximum water vapor inlet pressure Maximum water vapor pumping rate Pump connections Inlet Outlet Motor protection rating Motor power 50 Hz Motor power 60 Hz Weight Oil capacity - maximum - minimum E1M80 52 42.5 / 25 50.5 / 29.7 37 / 21.8 44 / 25.9 105 / 231 6.3 / 6.7 4.0 / 4.2 E2M275 55 292 / 172 350 / 206 255 / 150 306 / 180 1 2 1 2 0.07 / 5.25 x 10-2 0.4 / 3 x 10-1 50 / 38 0.001 / 7.5 x 10-4 0.005 / 3.75 x 10-3 20 / 15 0.09 / 6.75 x 10-2 0.6 / 4.5 x 10-1 50 / 38 0.001 / 7.5 x 10-4 0.005 / 3.75 x 10-3 12 / 9 5.8 / 12.8 2.4 / 5.3 9.2 / 20.3 2.3 / 5.1 ISO63 ISO40 IP kW / hp kW / hp kg / lb liter / qt liter / qt 44 5.5 / 7.5 6.5 / 8.5 194 / 428 25 / 26 16 / 17 44 7.5 / 10 8.5 / 11 200 / 441 25.0 / 26 16.0 / 17 220 / 485 28 / 29.5 19 / 20 1IP44: A344-01-935, A364-01-935, A364-11-935 IP54: A344-02-982, A364-02-982, A364-12-982 2IP44: A345-01-935, A365-01-935, A365-11-935 IP54: A345-02-982, A365-02-982, A365-12-982 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 225 / 496 28.0 / 29.5 19.0 / 20 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS PUMP E1M40 ONE STAGE, E2M40 TWO STAGE 42.5 m 3 h -1 , 25 ft 3 min -1 , 700 l min -1 10 1 ft 3 min -1 10 2 2 PAGE 52 1 10 2 1 0 E2M40 10 2 E1M40 60Hz -1 10 -4 10 1 -3 10 without gas ballast -2 10 2 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 Torr with gas ballast 191 (7.52) 42.5 m3h-1 / 25 ft3min-1 50.5 m3h-1 / 29.7 ft3min-1 ISO40 m 3 h -1 NW25 240 (9.45) 50 (1.97) 45˚ ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 40 mbar / 30 Torr 7 mbar / 5.3 Torr 1.1 kgh-1 / 2.4 lb h-1 0.2 kgh-1 / 0.4 lb h-1 70.5 kg / 155 lb 72 kg / 159 lb 1.1 kW 1.5 kW / 2 hp 4.6 liter / 4.8 qt 4.07 liter / 4.3 qt 2.2 liter / 2.3 qt - 3.5 liter / 3.2 qt 1.32 liter / 1.6 qt Ultragrade 70 70.5 72 3 4 E1M40 E1M40 E2M40 E2M40 E2M40 E2M40 220-240 V or 380-415 V 3-ph 50 Hz 230-460 V 3-ph 60 Hz 220-240 V or P380-415 V 3-ph 50 Hz PFPE version of above* 230-460 V 3-ph 60 Hz PFPE version of above* ORDERING NUMBER A344-01-935 A344-02-982 A364-01-935 A364-11-935 A364-02-982 A364-12-982 Ultragrade 70 oil, NW40 ‘ O’ ring and centering ring, ISO 40 ‘ C’ clamp, bolts, washers, 28 mm external diameter coupling tube and compression sleeve for outlet, ISO 25 ‘ C’ clamp, bolts and washers supplied with each pump * No oil supplied SPARES ORDERING NUMBER The clean and overhaul kit contains all of the springs, gaskets, seals and other components required for routine maintenance and whenever the pump is dismantled. Add a blade kit for a full service. The major service kit contains gaskets, seals, filters, blades, bearings and other components required for a complete service after prolonged operation or after pumping corrosive or gases and vapors. Clean and overhaul kit A344-01-131 E1M40 Blade kit A344-01-050 E2M40 Blade kit A364-01-050 E1M40 Major service kit A344-01-815 E2M40 Major service kit A364-01-815 0 ACCESSORIES E2M40 10 25 (0.98) 0.5 bar gauge 1 2 500 (19.69) 4 x M8 x 15 (0.59) 2 1 4 x Ø12 (0.47) 665 (26.18) 1.0 × 10-3 mbar 1.0 × 10-1 mbar 7.7 x 10-4 Torr 7.7 × 10-2 Torr 7.0 × 10-3 mbar 5.0 × 10-1 mbar 3.8 x 10-1 Torr 5.4 x 10-3 Torr ISO40 25 mm flange suitable for NW25 Inlet connection Outlet connection Maximum permitted pressure at outlet Maximum inlet pressure for water vapor Maximum water vapor pumping rate Weight Motor power 50 Hz - 4 pole Motor power 60 Hz - 4 pole Standard oil capacity Maximum Minimum PFPE oil capacity Maximum Minimum Recommended oil (supplied) Noise level dB(A) 10 220 (8.66) 87 87 (3.43) (3.43) 37.0 m3h-1 / 21.8 ft3min-1 44 m3h-1 / 25.9 ft3min-1 with gas ballast 10 E2M40 120 (4.72) E1M40 Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz 60 Hz Speed (Pneurop) 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate vacuum (total pressure) without gas ballast 397 (15.63) 395 (15.55) TECHNICAL DATA 10 40 E1M40 50Hz -1 10 10 -4 10 -2 10 -3 -1 10 10 -2 0 10 10 -1 1 10 10 0 2 10 10 1 3 10 10 2 4 mbar Pa 1 50 Hz E2M40 without gas ballast 2 50 Hz E2M40 with gas ballast 3 50 Hz E1M40 without gas ballast 4 50 Hz E1M40 with gas ballast MF100 outlet mist filter MF100AE outlet mist filter Vibration isolators (set of 4) ORDERING NUMBER A462-03-000 A462-11-000 A248-01-405 For electrical data, including recommended fuse ratings, see page 56. For accessories, see page 56. For rotary pump oils, see page 489. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 E1M80 ONE STAGE, E2M80 TWO STAGE 80 m 3 h -1 , 47 ft 3 min -1 , 1333 l min -1 10 1 ft 3 min -1 10 2 1 10 2 1 2 PAGE 53 E2M80 E1M80 60Hz -1 10 -4 10 1 -3 10 without gas ballast -2 10 2 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 Torr with gas ballast 220 (8.66) 80 m3h-1 / 47.1 ft3min-1 96 m3h-1 / 56.5 ft3min-1 10 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 30 mbar / 22.5 Torr 5 mbar / 3.8 Torr 1.7 kgh-1 / 3.8 lb h-1 0.3 kgh-1 / 0.7 lb h-1 95 kg / 210 lb 105 kg / 231 lb 2.2 kW 3 kW / 4 hp 7 liter / 7.3 qt - 6.37 liter / 6.7 qt 4 liter 4.01 liter / 4.2 qt 2.19 liter / 2.3 qt Ultragrade 70 70 70 E1M80 E2M80 E1M80 E2M80 220-240 220-240 208-230 208-230 V V V V or or or or ORDERING NUMBER 380-415 380-415 460 V 3 460 V 3 V 3 ph 50 Hz V 3 ph 50 Hz ph 50/60 Hz ph 50/60 Hz E1M80 50Hz -1 10 10 10 -2 10 -1 10 10 -2 0 10 10 -1 1 10 10 0 2 10 10 1 3 10 10 2 4 mbar SPARES 50 Hz E2M80 without gas ballast 2 50 Hz E2M80 with gas ballast 3 50 Hz E1M80 without gas ballast 4 50 Hz E1M80 with gas ballast ORDERING NUMBER The clean and overhaul kit contains all of the springs, gaskets, seals and other components required for routine maintenance and whenever the pump is dismantled. Add a blade kit for a full service. The major service kit contains gaskets, seals, filters, blades, bearings and other components required for a complete service after prolonged operation or after pumping corrosive or gases and vapors. Clean and overhaul kit A345-01-131 E1M80 Blade kit A345-01-050 E2M80 Blade kit A365-01-050 E1M80 Major service kit A345-01-814 E2M80 Major service kit A365-01-814 ORDERING NUMBER A462-03-000 A462-11-000 A248-01-405 For electrical data, including recommended fuse ratings, see page 56. For accessories, see page 56. For rotary pump oils, see page 489. Pa 1 A345-01-935 A365-01-935 A345-02-982 A365-02-982 Ultragrade 70 oil, NW40 ‘ O’ ring and centering ring, ISO 40 ‘ C’ clamp, bolts, washers, 28 mm external diameter coupling tube and compression sleeve for outlet, ISO 25 ‘ C’ clamp, bolts and washers supplied with each pump * No oil supplied ACCESSORIES 4 0 -3 430 (16.93) 133 (5.24) 266 (10.47) ORDERING INFORMATION 0.5 bar gauge MF100 outlet mist filter MF100AE outlet mist filter Vibration isolators (set of 4) -4 NW25 45˚ 1.0 × 10-3 mbar / 7.0 × 10-2 mbar / -2 Torr 7.7 × 10-4 Torr 5.4 × 10 7.0 × 10-3 mbar / 4.0 × 10-1 mbar / 3.1 × 10-1 Torr 5.4 × 10-3 Torr ISO40 25 mm flange suitable for NW25 3 E2M80 10 ISO40 25 (0.98) 4 x M8 x 15 (0.59) 1 1 550 (21.65) 74 m3h-1 / 43.6 ft3min-1 90 m3h-1 / 53 ft3min-1 2 m 3 h -1 10 255 (10.04) 4 x Ø12 (0.47) 98 98 (3.86) (3.86) 795 (31.30) with gas ballast 10 E2M80 53 (2.09) E1M80 Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz 60 Hz Speed (Pneurop) 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate vacuum (total pressure) without gas ballast Inlet connection Outlet connection Maximum permitted pressure at outlet Maximum inlet pressure for water vapor Maximum water vapor pumping rate Weight Motor power 50 Hz - 4 pole Motor power 60 Hz - 4 pole Standard oil capacity Maximum Minimum PFPE oil capacity Maximum Minimum Recommended oil (supplied) Noise level dB(A) 80 428 (16.85) TECHNICAL DATA For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 10 2 0 2 ft 3 min -1 10 3 2 PAGE 54 1 10 2 1 2 1 E2M175 E1M175 60Hz 0 10 -4 10 1 155 (6.1) -3 10 -2 10 without gas ballast 2 226 (8.9) -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 Torr with gas ballast 938 (36.93) 2 (0.08) 10 55 (2.17) 13 (0.51) 10 14 (0.55) E1M175 ONE STAGE, E2M175 TWO STAGE 178 m 3 h -1 , 105 ft 3 min -1 , 2967 l min -1 F 54 (2.13) with gas ballast Inlet connection Outlet connection Maximum permitted pressure at outlet Maximum inlet pressure for water vapor Maximum water vapor pumping rate Recommended cooling water flow at 20 °C Weight Motor power 50 Hz - 4 pole Motor power 60 Hz - 4 pole Standard oil capacity maximum Standard oil capacity minimum PFPE oil capacity maximum PFPE oil capacity minimum Recommended oil (supplied) Noise level dB(A) 10 2 0.5 bar gauge 20 mbar / 15 Torr 5.8 kgh-1 / 12.8 lb h-1 2.4 kgh-1 / 5.3 lb h-1 80 l h-1 194 kg / 428 lb 200 kg / 441 lb 5.5 kW 6.5 kW / 8.5 hp 25 liter / 26 qt 16 liter / 17 qt 18 liter / 19 qt 6.5 liter / 6.9 qt Ultragrade 70 75 75 3 4 1 E1M175 800 (31.50) 4 x Ø14 (0.55) 112 (4.41) 329 (12.95) ISO63 196 (7.72) 30 (1.18) ISO40 404 (15.91) 1.0 × 10-3 mbar / 7.0 × 10-2 mbar / 7.7 × 10-4 Torr 5.4 × 10-2 Torr -1 mbar / 5.0 × 10-3 mbar / 4.0 × 10 3.1 × 10-1 Torr 3.8 × 10-3 Torr ISO 63 blank flange with seal ISO 40 flange center tapped 1½ inch BSP 50 mbar / 38 Torr 390 (15.35) 4 x M10 388 (15.28) 160 m3h-1 / 94 ft3min-1 196 m3h-1 / 115 ft3min-1 E2M175 10 E 290 (11.42) 2 1 10 145 (5.72) D 3 m 3 h -1 10 178 m3h-1 / 105 ft3min-1 214 m3h-1 / 126 ft3min-1 C 50Hz 45 ˚ 45 ˚ 128 113 (5.04) (4.45) Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz 60 Hz Speed (Pneurop) 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate vacuum (total pressure) without gas ballast E2M175 159 (6.26) E1M175 175 248 (9.76) TECHNICAL DATA 518 (20.39) A B 237 (9.33) A Union for oil return connection D Oil drain tap (tapped ½ in BSP) from oil mist filter E Oil filter mounting plate (allow 330 mm to withdraw filter from pump) B Gas ballast control valve C Water connections (tapped £/8 in BSP) F Oil pressure take-off (tapped !/8 in BSP) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION E1M175 E2M175 E1M175 E2M175 220-240 V or 380-415 V 220-240 V or 380-415 V 230 V or 460 V 3-ph 60 230 V or 460 V 3-ph 60 ORDERING NUMBER 3-ph 50 Hz 3-ph 50 Hz Hz Hz A346-01-935 A366-01-935 A346-03-982 A366-03-982 Ultragrade 70 oil supplied with each pump * No oil supplied SPARES ORDERING NUMBER The clean and overhaul kit contains all of the springs, gaskets, seals and other components required for routine maintenance and whenever the pump is dismantled. Add a blade kit for a full service. The major service kit contains gaskets, seals, filters, blades, bearings and other components required for a complete service after prolonged operation or after pumping corrosive or gases and vapors. E1M175 Clean and overhaul kit A346-01-131 E2M175 Clean and overhaul kit A366-01-131 E1M175 Blade kit A346-01-134 E2M175 Blade kit A347-01-134 E1M175 Major service kit A346-01-831 E2M175 Major service kit A366-01-831 E1M175 Complete interior assembly A346-01-100 E2M175 Complete interior assembly A366-01-100 0 10 10 -4 10 -2 10 -3 -1 10 10 -2 0 10 10 -1 1 10 10 0 2 10 10 1 3 10 10 2 4 ACCESSORIES mbar Pa 1 50 Hz E2M175 without gas ballast 2 50 Hz E2M175 with gas ballast 3 50 Hz E1M175 without gas ballast 4 50 Hz E1M175 with gas ballast MF300 outlet mist filter Vibration isolators (set of 4) ORDERING NUMBER A462-04-000 A248-01-406 For electrical data, including recommended fuse ratings, see page 56. For accessories, see page 56. For rotary pump oils, see page 489. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 2 ft 3 min -1 10 3 1 10 2 1 PAGE 55 E2M275 E1M275 60Hz 0 -4 10 1 155 (6.1) -3 10 -2 without gas ballast 10 2 226 (8.9) -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 Torr with gas ballast 1036 (40.79) 2 (0.08) 10 55 (2.17) F 54 (2.13) TECHNICAL DATA 292 m3h-1 / 172 ft3min-1 350 m3h-1 / 206 ft3min-1 0.5 bar gauge 12 mbar / 9 Torr 9.2 kgh-1 / 20.3 lb h-1 2.3 kgh-1 / 5.1 lb h-1 120 l h–1 / 0.53 US g min-1 220 kg / 484 lb 225 kg / 495 lb 7.5 kW / 10 hp 8.5 kW / 11 hp 28 liter / 29.5 qt 19 liter / 20 qt 18 liter / 19 qt 7 liter / 7 qt Ultragrade 70 75 75 3 2 m 3 h -1 10 1 10 2 3 4 1 E2M275 10 E1M275 50Hz 10 10 -2 10 10 -3 -1 10 10 -2 0 10 10 -1 10 1 10 0 2 10 10 1 3 10 10 112 (4.41) 425 (16.73) ISO63 294 (11.58) 30 (1.18) ISO40 45 ˚ 2 4 1 50 Hz E2M275 without gas ballast 2 50 Hz E2M275 with gas ballast 3 50 Hz E1M275 without gas ballast 4 50 Hz E1M275 with gas ballast mbar Pa 128 113 (5.04) (4.45) 45 ˚ 333 (13.11) A Union for oil return connection from D Oil drain tap (tapped ½ in BSP) oil mist filter E Oil filter mounting plate (allow 330 mm to B Gas ballast control valve C Water connections (tapped £/8 in BSP) withdraw filter from pump) F Oil pressure take-off (tapped !/8 in BSP) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION E1M275 E2M275 E1M275 E2M275 220-240 V or 380-415 V 3 ph 50 Hz 220-240 V or 380-415 V 3 ph 50 Hz 230 V or 460 V 3 ph 60 Hz 230 V or 460 V 3 ph 60 Hz ORDERING NUMBER A347-01-935 A367-01-935 A347-03-982 A367-03-982 Ultragrade 70 oil supplied with each pump SPARES ORDERING NUMBER The clean and overhaul kit contains all of the springs, gaskets, seals and other components required for routine maintenance and whenever the pump is dismantled. Add a blade kit for a full service. The major service kit contains gaskets, seals, filters, blades, bearings and other components required for a complete service after prolonged operation or after pumping corrosive or gases and vapors. E1M275 Clean and overhaul kit A346-01-131 E2M275 Clean and overhaul kit A366-01-131 E1M275 Blade kit A347-01-134 E2M275 Blade kit A347-01-134 E1M275 Major service kit A347-01-831 E2M275 Major service kit A367-01-831 E1M275 Complete interior assembly A347-01-100 E2M275 Complete interior assembly A367-01-100 ACCESSORIES 0 -4 800 (31.50) 404 (15.91) 1.0 × 10-3 mbar 9.0 × 10-2 mbar -2 Torr 7.7 × 10-4 Torr 6.9 × 10 6.0 × 10-1 mbar 5.0 × 10-3 mbar 4.6 × 10-1 Torr 3.8 × 10-3 Torr ISO 63 blanking flange with seal ISO 40 flange center tapped 1½ in BSP 50 mbar / 38 Torr 390 (15.35) 4 x M10 4 x Ø14 (0.55) 388 (15.28) 255 m3h-1 / 150 ft3min-1 306 m3h-1 / 180 ft3min-1 1 Fitted with thermostatic control valve 10 E 290 (11.42) with gas ballast Inlet connection Outlet connection Maximum permitted pressure at outlet Maximum inlet pressure for water vapor* Maximum water vapor pumping rate Recommended cooling water flow at 20 °C Weight Motor power 50 Hz - 4 pole Motor power 60 Hz - 4 pole Standard oil capacity maximum Standard oil capacity minimum PFPE oil capacity maximum PFPE oil capacity minimum Recommended oil (supplied) Noise level dB(A) 145 (5.72) D 248 (9.76) Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz 60 Hz Speed (Pneurop) 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate vacuum (total pressure) without gas ballast C E2M275 159 (6.26) E1M275 275 518 (20.39) A B MF300 outlet mist filter Vibration isolators (set of 4) ORDERING NUMBER A462-04-000 A248-01-406 For electrical data, including recommended fuse ratings, see page 56. For accessories, see page 56. For rotary pump oils, see page 489. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 10 2 2 1 13 (0.51) 10 14 (0.55) E1M275 ONE STAGE, E2M275 TWO STAGE 292 m 3 h -1 , 172 ft 3 min -1 , 4867 l min -1 ELECTRICAL DATA 2 PAGE 56 LARGE PUMP ACCESSORIES The table shows current data and suggests a suitable fuse rating. Starting current is drawn for less than one second and slow blow fuses should be used to prevent unnecessary rupture during starting. Pump outfits are rated for operation above 12°C / 54°F. Pump starting at temperatures lower than 12°C / 54°F will increase the current drawn due to the higher start torque required. This may cause the motor thermal overload to trip. 2 3 1 Three-phase motors should be protected by a starter consisting of a suitably rated contactor and thermal overload. The trip current regulator on the thermal overload should be set according to the starter manufacturers' instructions. FULL LOAD START CURRENT (A) CURRENT (A) Electrical supply E1M40/E2M40 220-240 V 3 ph 50 Hz 380-415 V 3 ph 50 Hz 230 V 3 ph 60 Hz 460 V 3 ph 60 Hz E1M80/E2M80 220-240 V 3 ph 50 Hz 380-415 V 3 ph 50 Hz 230 V 3 ph 60 Hz 460 V 3 ph 60 Hz E1M175/E2M175 220-240 V 3 ph 50 Hz 380-415 V 3 ph 50 Hz 230 V 3 ph 60 Hz 460 V 3 ph 60 Hz E1M275/E2M275 220-240 V 3 ph 50 Hz 380-415 V 3 ph 50 Hz 230 V 3 ph 60 Hz 460 V 3 ph 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 4.5 2.6 50 Hz 60 Hz 25 14 6.5 3.1 SUGGESTED FUSE RATING (A) 39 18.6 4 15 10 25 15 5 8 8.5 4.9 51 29 11.8 5.6 19.7 11.40 71 34 30 20 40 20 145 69 60 35 80 40 186 93 100 50 100 50 118 68 24.2 11.5 26.8 15.5 160 93 31.8 15 Minimum starting voltage is 10% below lowest nominal voltage. 6 7 1 Inlet dust filter 2 Inlet catchpot 3 Outlet catchpot 4 Oil level monitor (E1/2M40 + E1/2M80 only) 5 Thermostatic control valve (E1/2M175 + E1/2M275 only) 6 Vibration isolators 7 Pumped external oil filter 8 External oil filter Industrial wet pumps are used in a wide variety of applications and produce reliable vacuum for many processes. To optimize the installation and to prolong pump life, BOC Edwards offer a range of accessories for our large oil-sealed pumps. Our pumps and accessories are designed to ensure that accessories are easy to install. We offer inlet and exhaust traps and filters, together with external oil filtration and oil pressure monitoring, pump temperature control and vibration isolators. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING INFORMATION MF OUTLET MIST FILTERS The MF30, MF100 and MF300 mist filters are suitable for pumps from E2M28 to E2M275. They are very efficient at 99.85% DOP test (pre-wetted filter; 99.5% with dry element). The oil level sight-glass provides easy monitoring of mist filter status. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Model MF100 mist filter (12 kg/26.5 lb)1 Model MF100AE mist filter (12 kg/26.5 lb)1 Model MF300 mist filter (28 kg/62 lb)2 ORDERING NUMBER A462-03-000 A462-11-000 A462-04-000 1Supplied with two NW25 ‘ C’ clamps, NW25 elbow, two NW25 centering ring and ‘ O’ rings, bolts, washers, mounting brackets and studs 2Supplied with two ISO40 ‘ C’ clamps, ISO40 elbow, two 40 mm Co-Seals, bolts, washers, mounting brackets and studs A version of the EMF clean application oil return kit is available for all the MF filters, except the MF100AE. MF100 MF100AE MF300 Spares kits MF100, MF100AE MF300 MF100AE sight-glass kit MF100, CP100 and MF100AE 91 (3.58) 386 (15.20) 32.5 (1.28) 1.69 (43) NW25 ACCESSORIES Clean application oil return kit (E1M40 to E2M80) Clean application oil return kit (E1M175 to E2M275) SPARES ORDERING NUMBER A500-04-000 A500-05-000 ORDERING NUMBER A223-04-020 A223-04-052 A223-04-021 A462-03-800 A462-04-800 A500-80-000 19 (0.75) CP OUTLET CATCHPOTS ½" BSP 203 (7.99) 32 (1.26) 2 x M10 65 (2.56) 344 (13.54) 21 (0.83) 29 (1.14) 273 (10.75) 86 (3.39) 1" BSP 150 (5.91) 112 (4.41) 25 (0.98) MF300 and CP300 50 (1.97) 524 (20.63) 25 (0.98) In some industrial applications it is desirable for pumps to be provided with piped exhaust arrangements to carry gases and vapors to the outside of the building. 65 (2.56) ½" BSP 50 (1.97) 2 x M10 27 (1.06) 202 (7.95) 58 (2.28) 52.5 (2.07) 390 (15.35) 561 (22.09) 450 (17.72) 58 (2.28) 50 (1.97) 488 (19.21) 185 (7.28) 119 (4.69) 40 (1.57) 27 (1.06) There is always a risk that some vapor carried out with the effluent gas will cool and condense as it travels up the exhaust line and the liquid produced will drain back into the pump causing serious contamination. For this reason, it is good practice to use a catchpot between the pump outlet and the exhaust line to prevent this from happening. These catchpots are designed for fitting directly to the pump outlet, or can be remotely mounted if required. A ‘high level’ sight glass is provided to indicate the need for draining the catchpot when the nominal capacity is reached. A drain plug is also provided. Note: When an oil mist filter is used, a separate catchpot is generally unnecessary. IS040 23 (0.91) For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 2 PAGE 57 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS The MF100AE is a version of the MF100, designed for use with corrosive gases and vapors and for greater security when processing toxic substances. It is very efficient at 99.1% DOP test (pre-wetted; 98.4% with dry element). This version is leak tested to 1 × 10-4 mbar l s-1 / 3.8 x 10-3 Torr. The filter element, sight-glasses and seals are resistant to chemical attack. The MF100AE is fitted with an acrylic sight-glass (for use with fluorinated processes); a glass sight-glass is also supplied with the filter (for use with chlorinated processes). ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A461-03-000 A461-04-000 1Supplied with two NW25 ‘ C’ clamps, NW25 elbow, two NW25 centering rings and ‘ O’ rings, bolts, washers, mounting bracket and studs. 2Supplied with two ISO40 ‘ C’ clamps, ISO40 elbow, two 40 mm ‘ O’ rings and centering rings, bolts, washers, mounting brackets and studs. EXTERNAL OIL FILTERS: EOF100A/300A (CHEMICAL) AND EOF100M/300M (DUST) These filters are operated by the internal pressurized oil system of the pump, which by-passes a proportion of the oil through the filter. The filters are easy to install - just connect the flexible hoses supplied to the oil outlet and return connectors on the pump. The oil capacities are approximately 6 liters / 5.7 qt (EOF100) and 15 liters / 14.3 qt (EOF300). The EOF100A and EOF300A chemical filters have a renewable high-capacity, activated earth element. The filters purify the oil by removing acidic and other aggressive contaminants. These filters are intended for use with hydrocarbon oils, and they will greatly increase the interval between oil changes. The EOF100M and EOF300M dust filters have pleated paper elements which trap small dust particles (down to 0.5 micron diameter). Use these filters for applications which produce large quantities of abrasive dust (for example, vacuum furnaces). EOF100A/EOF100M oil filter EOF300A/EOF300M oil filter PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Activated earth element EOF100A EOF300A Dust filter element EOF100M EOF300M A223-04-043 A223-04-033 A223-04-044 A223-04-042 PUMPED EXTERNAL OIL FILTERS EOF filters have their own pump, which delivers 3.5 l min-1 / 0.89 US gal min-1 (50 Hz) clean, decontaminated oil to the pump oil system. The canister is available in two sizes to suit the contaminant load. The 25P and 40P elements filter dust contaminants from the oil. The 25C and 40C elements filter both dust and chemical contaminants. Both elements have a pleated paper filter to trap dust particles; the 25C and 40C elements have a bed of activated alumina for chemical adsorption. Oil pump flow rate 3.5 l min-1 / 0.8 US gal min-1 (50 Hz) Electrical supply Current Dimensions Height Width Depth Weight (dry) Base units 25CR canister 40CR canister 100-120 / 200-240 V, 1-ph, 50/60 Hz 5 A (start), 2.5 A (run) 435 mm / 16.97 in 385 mm / 15.02 in 320 mm / 12.49 in 22.5kg / 50 lb 2.8 kg / 6 lb 4 kg / 9 lb Please consult BOC Edwards or your supplier for other technical data. ½" BSP 250 (9.84) ORDERING INFORMATION 56 (2.21) 26 (1.02) 557 (21.93) 332 (13.07) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 280 (11.02) 4 x Ø9 (0.35) ¼" BSP 240 (9.45) 20 (0.79) 14 (5. 3 63 ) 132 (5.20) 170 (6.69) 140 (5.51) 4 x Ø11 (0.43) 160 (6.30) 2 PAGE 58 ORDERING NUMBER Model CP100 outlet catchpot, 6.5 liter/6.2 qt capacity (12.0 kg/26.5 lb)1 Model CP300 outlet catchpot, 23.0 liter/22 qt capacity (28.0 kg/62 lb)2 ½" BSP 100 (3.94) ¼" BSP Ø175 (6.89) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER External oil filter, without connection kit EOF100A EOF100M External oil filter, with E1M/E2M175 and 275 connection kit EOF300A EOF300M Connection kit for E1M/E2M40 and E1M/E2M80 EOF100A and M EOF300A and M ORDERING NUMBER CR base module, PFPE prepared A540-11-999 Supplied with hoses and 2 pairs of disconnects. When you order, specify a base module, canister, element and a pump connection kit separately. EOF canisters 25CR A540-12-022 40CR A540-14-022 Spare elements 40P A223-04-068 25C A223-04-090 40C A223-04-091 Oil sampling valve A504-09-000 Canister outlet pressure gauge H019-00-013 Pump connection kits E1M/E2M40 A540-00-002 E1M/E2M80 A540-00-004 A500-24-000 A500-25-000 A500-03-000 A500-23-000 A500-39-000 A364-01-020 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 VIBRATION ISOLATORS EBV GAS BALLAST CONTROL VALVES You may need to fit vibration isolators to your pump if you mount it into a frame or system, if the mounting points are not level or if you need to minimize the transmission of vibration and noise in your application. You must fit flexible bellows or other flexible pipes to the pump inlet and outlet. E1M/E2M40 and 80 E1M/E2M175 and 275 Ø64 (2.52) 8 (0.32) 60 (2.36) 8 (0.32) 50 (1.97) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 64 (2.52) 83 (3.27) 88 (3.47) 114 (4.49) A500-06-930 A500-18-930 A500-16-930 A500-17-930 2 x Ø13 (0.51) TCV300 TEMPERATURE CONTROL VALVE 48 (1.89) 38 (1.50) 2 x Ø8.5 (0.34) ORDERING NUMBER EBV20 (0.5 kg) 220-240 V s.ph 50/60 Hz EBV100S (0.5 kg) 220-240 V s.ph 50/60 Hz EBV300S (1.2 kg) 220-240 V s.ph 50/60 Hz EBV300D (1.0 kg) 220-240 V s.ph 50/60 Hz M8 x 13 (0.51) Use the TCV300 with the E1M/E2M175 and 275 pumps. The valve facilitates rapid pump warm-up and higher operation temperatures. This improves the pump’s vapor pumping performance. The TCV300 also reduces the use of cooling water and reduces operation costs. M10 x 18 (0.71) ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING INFORMATION PUMP APPROXIMATE REDUCTION IN HEIGHT WITH PUMP FITTED (mm) WEIGHT SET OF FOUR E1M40/E2M40 E1M80/E2M80 E1M175/E2M175 E1M275/E2M275 .5 2.5 3 3.5 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 kg/1.3 lb kg/1.3 lb kg/2 lb kg/2 lb PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER A248-01-405 A248-01-405 A248-01-406 A248-01-406 TCV300 (1.2 kg/2.6 lb) Details of vibration isolators for use with rotary/mechanical booster pump combinations are available on request. OPG OIL PRESSURE GAUGES Fit the OPG to the pump to allow visual indication of the oil pressure. This will provide early indication of a reduction in oil pressure so you can plan preventative maintenance. The 0 - 30 psig OPG gauges are buffered against pulses in the oil pressure, to give a steady reading. The OPG100HC is made of brass construction. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER OPG100HC brass oil pressure gauge Connection kit for fitting to E2M28 A504-35-000 A504-13-000 OLM100 OIL LEVEL MONITOR Fit the OLM100 in place of the oil sight glass on the E1M/E2M 40 and 80 pumps. The OLM100 continues to allow visual inspection of the oil level and condition, while also providing a switched output for remote indication. Technical data: 24 V ac or dc, maximum current 0.5 A, switching power 10 W (12 VA). ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION OLM100 oil level monitor ORDERING NUMBER A504-33-000 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A500-01-000 2 PAGE 59 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Ø52 (2.05) Fit the EBV valve (EBV20 for RVs and E2M1.5 to E2M28, EBV100S for E1M40 and 80, EBV300S for E1M175 and 275, EBV300D for E2M40, 80, 175 and 275) to allow remote operation of the pump’s gas ballast control. For example, the EBV can be configured to switch off the gas ballast when the pump is switched off, to provide suck-back protection. The EBV can also be configured to prevent the 175 and 275 from running backwards when the gas ballast valve is open and the pumps are stopped under vacuum. NEW ( ) BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM MODEL 146H 2 756 (29.75) PAGE 60 305 (12.0) 70 (2.75) 343 (13.5) 394 (15.5) ORDERING INFORMATION TECHNICAL DATA PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 50 m3h-1 / 30 ft3min-1 800 rpm 51 mm / 2 FLG 32 mm / 1 1/4 NPT Air 143 kg / 315 lb 1.1 kW / 1 1/2 hp 2 liter / 1/2 US gal Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Exhaust connection Method Weight Motor power Oil capacity 25 42.5 20 34.0 1 25.5 2 10 m 3 h -1 ft 3 min -1 51.0 15 17.0 5 146H 0 8.5 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 torr (mm Hg) 1 Without gas ballast 2 ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your pump and accessory requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. With gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 N EW BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM MODEL 148H 813 (32.0) 2 684 (26.94) 70 (2.75) 241 (9.5) 486 (19.125) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your pump and accessory requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. TECHNICAL DATA 85 m3h-1 / 50 ft3min-1 610 rpm 38 mm / 1 1/2 FLG 38 mm / 1 1/2 NPT Air 157 kg / 345 lbs 1.5 kW / 2 hp 5 liter / 1 1/4 US gal Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Exhaust connection Method Weight Motor power Oil capacity 50 85 68 1 30 51 2 20 m 3 h -1 ft 3 min -1 40 34 10 148H 17 0 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 torr (mm Hg) 1 Without gas ballast 2 With gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 279 (11.0) 329 (12.94) PAGE 61 NEW 596.90 (23.5) BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM MODEL 149H 511.18 (20.13) 2 984 (38.75) PAGE 62 184.15 387.35 (15.25) (7.25) 298.45 (11.75) 424 (16.69) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TECHNICAL DATA ft 3 min -1 75 127.5 60 102 1 45 76.5 2 30 m 3 h -1 135 m3h-1 / 80 ft3min-1 490 rpm 51 mm / 2 FLG 38 mm / 1 1/2 NPT 13 mm / 1/2 NPT 13 mm / 1/2 NPT Water 3.8 l min-1 / 1 US gpm 256 kg / 565 lbs 2.2 kW / 3 hp 10 liter / 2 1/2 US gal Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Exhaust connection Water outlet Water inlet Method Water consumption Weight Motor power Oil capacity 51 15 149H 22.5 0 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 torr (mm Hg) 1 Without gas ballast ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your pump and accessory requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. 2 With gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 N EW BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM MODEL 149HS 596.90 (23.5) 511.18 (20.13) 2 184.15 387.35 (15.25) (7.25) 298.45 (11.75) 424 (16.69) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TECHNICAL DATA ft 3 min -1 100 170 90 153 80 136 70 119 1 60 102 2 50 85 40 m 3 h -1 170 m3h-1 / 100 ft3min-1 615 rpm 51 mm / 2 FLG 38 mm / 1 1/2 NPT 13 mm / 1/2 NPT 13 mm / 1/2 NPT Water 3.8 l min-1 / 1 US gpm 256 kg / 565 lbs 3.7 kW / 5 hp 10 liter / 2 1/2 US gal Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Exhaust connection Water outlet Water inlet Method Water consumption Weight Motor power Oil capacity 68 30 51 20 149HS 10 0 34 17 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 torr (mm Hg) 1 Without gas ballast ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your pump and accessory requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. 2 With gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 984 (38.75) PAGE 63 NEW 516 (20.32) BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM MODEL 212J 2 1111 (43.74) PAGE 64 216 (8.50) 476 (18.74) 330 (12.99) 514 (20.24) 667 (26.26) 581 (22.87) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your pump and accessory requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. TECHNICAL DATA ft 3 min -1 150 255 120 204 1 90 153 2 60 m 3 h -1 255 m3h-1 / 150 ft3min-1 500 rpm 76 mm / 3 FLG 52 mm / 2 FLG/2 NPT 13 mm / 1/2 NPT 13 mm / 1/2 NPT Water 5.7 l min-1 / 1.5 US gpm 431 kg / 950 lbs 5.5 kW / 7 1/2 hp 15 liter / 4 US gal Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Exhaust connection Water outlet Water inlet Method Water consumption Weight Motor power Oil capacity 102 30 212J 51 0 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 torr (mm Hg) 1 Without gas ballast 2 With gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 N EW BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM MODEL 412J 651 (25.63) 1289 (50.75) 2 PAGE 65 527 (20.75) 702 (27.64) 578 (22.76) 1022 (40.24) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TECHNICAL DATA 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1 490 rpm 103 mm / 4 FLG 76 mm / 3 FLG/3 NPT 13 mm / 1/2 NPT 13 mm / 1/2 NPT Water 7.6 l min-1 / 2 US gpm 794 kg / 1750 lbs 7.5 kW / 10 hp 46 liter / 12 US gal Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Exhaust connection Water outlet Water inlet Method Water consumption Weight Motor power Oil capacity 300 510 250 425 1 340 150 255 2 100 m 3 h -1 ft 3 min -1 200 17.0 50 412J 0 85 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 torr (mm Hg) 1 Without gas ballast ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your pump and accessory requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. 2 With gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 495 (19.49) NEW 1438 (56.63) BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM MODEL 612J 2 PAGE 66 1136.65 (44.75) 1778.0 (70.0) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your pump and accessory requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. TECHNICAL DATA 1020 m3h-1 / 600 ft3min-1 490 rpm 153 mm / 6 FLG 2 x 76 mm / 3 FLG/3 NPT (x2) 13 mm / 1/2 NPT (x2) 13 mm / 1/2 NPT (x2) Water 15.2 l min-1 / 4 US gpm 1724 kg / 3800 lbs 7.5 kW (x2) / 10 hp (x2) 92 liter / 24 US gal Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Exhaust connection Water outlet Water inlet Method Water consumption Weight Motor power Oil capacity 600 500 825 1 680 300 510 2 200 m 3 h -1 ft 3 min -1 400 340 100 612J 170 0 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 torr (mm Hg) 1 Without gas ballast 2 With gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 N EW 1682.75 (66.25) BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM MODEL 912J 2 PAGE 67 850.90 (33.5) 812.8 (32.0) 908.05 (35.75) 1282.7 (50.5) 1012.83 (39.88) ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your pump and accessory requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. TECHNICAL DATA 1240 m3h-1 / 728 ft3min-1 438 rpm 153 mm / 6 FLG 127 mm / 5 NPT 25 mm / 1 NPT 25 mm / 1 NPT Water 18.9 l min-1 / 5 US gpm 2495 kg / 5500 lbs 22 kW / 30 hp 76 liter / 20 US gal Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Exhaust connection Water outlet Water inlet Method Water consumption Weight Motor power Oil capacity 750 1275 1020 1 2 450 765 300 m 3 h -1 ft 3 min -1 600 510 150 255 912J 0 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 torr (mm Hg) 1 Without gas ballast 2 With gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 508.0 (20.0) EVCA 15 SINGLE STAGE 15m 3 h -1 EVC SINGLE STAGE OIL SEALED PUMP EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. TECHNICAL DATA 2 PAGE 68 Oil sealed rotary vane pumps 15 to 1280 m3h-1 / 9 to 750 ft3min-1 Standard features include: • Fine mesh inlet filter • Vacuum non return valve • Gas ballast valve • Oil cooler and separator • Flange mounted IP54 motors • Ultimate vacuum 0.5 mbar • Continuously rated 0.5 to 130 mbar A new EVC range of vacuum pumps provides an economical solution for many industrial applications requiring rough vacuum. Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate pressure Electrical supply 50 Hz, 1ph 60 Hz, 1ph 50 Hz, 3ph 60 Hz, 3ph Motor Power 50 Hz, 1 ph 60 Hz, 1 ph 50 Hz, 3 ph 60 Hz, 3 ph Current drawn 50Hz, 1 ph 60Hz, 1 ph 50Hz, 3 ph 60Hz, 3 ph Rotational speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight (typical with motor) Oil capacity 15 m3h-1 / 9 ft3min-1 18 m3h-1 / 11 ft3min-1 0.5 mbar / 3.8 x 10-1 Torr 220-240 V 230 V 230 / 400 V 200-255 / 346-440 V 0.75 kW 1.3 kW 0.55 kW 0.65 kW 6.1 A 10.9 A 2.6 / 1.5 A # 1450 rpm 1740 rpm 56 dB(A) 58 dB(A) 37 kg / 81 lbs 0.46 l / 0.12 US gal # - on request Water vapor tolerance The pumps are fitted with a fixed gas ballast valve as standard to obtain good water vapor tolerance and to prevent any condensation in the pump. This can be increased for high vapor loads. 10 2 10 1 1 Achieved by careful design, low noise and vibration are a feature of the whole range. 0 10 APPLICATIONS Food packaging Lifting Vacuum transporting Conveying Thermoforming EVCA 15 326 (12.84) 10 -1 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Pa 1 463 (18.23) 60 Hz 2 50 Hz 132 81 (8.27) (3.19) 10 2 10 1 1 ft 3 min -1 160 210 (6.30) 256 (10.08) 222 (8.74) 4 x Ø10.5 (0.41) 2 10 0 340 (13.39) ½" B.S.P EVCA 15 10 -1 10 -1 Ø158 (6.22) 146 (5.75) 10 105 1 ½" B.S.P 60 Hz 0 2 10 1 50 Hz (4.13) 150 (5.91) 122 (4.80) 270 (10.63) (5.20) 218 (8.58) • • • • • 2 m 3 h-1 Low noise and vibration 71 (2.80) For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 10 2 10 3 Torr ORDERING INFORMATION EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EVCA EVCA EVCA EVCA 15 15 15 15 50 50 60 60 Hz Hz Hz Hz 1 3 1 3 ph ph ph ph ORDERING NUMBER 230V 230/400V 220V 220V/380V ORDERING NUMBER Accessories see page 83. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 2 PAGE 69 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS SPARES KIT A695-01-956 A695-01-961 A695-01-953 A695-01-968 512 (20.16) (1 ph) 25 m3h-1 / 15 ft3min-1 30 m3h-1 / 18 ft3min-1 0.5 mbar / 0.38 Torr (8.70) 221 150 (5.91) 255 (10.04) Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate pressure Electrical supply 50 Hz, 1 ph 60 Hz, 1 ph 50 Hz, 3 ph 50/60 Hz, 3 ph Motor Power 50 Hz, 1 ph 60 Hz, 1 ph 50 Hz, 3 ph 60 Hz, 3 ph Current drawn 50Hz, 1 ph 60Hz, 1 ph 50Hz, 3 ph 60Hz, 3 ph Rotational speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight (typical with motor) Oil capacity 218 (8.58) TECHNICAL DATA 4 x Ø10.5 (0.41) 10 ¾" B.S.P 0 ORDERING INFORMATION 7.2 A 10.9 A 3.5 / 2.0 A # EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EVCA25 EVCA25 EVCA25 EVCA25 1450 rpm 1740 rpm 57 dB(A) 59 dB(A) 133 kg / 293 lbs 1.0 l / 0.26 US gal 50Hz 50Hz 60Hz 60Hz 230V 1ph 230/400V 3ph 220V 1ph 220/400V 3ph 2 EVCA 25 10 -1 10 -1 10 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 1 60 Hz 0 2 2 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 3 10 4 10 5 Pa 10 3 50 Hz 1 2 10 0 EVCA 25 10 -1 10 -1 10 1 60 Hz 0 2 10 1 70 (2.76) m 3 h-1 10 105 (4.13) Ø176 (6.93) 145 (5.71) 139 (5.47) 1.0 kW 1.3 kW 0.75 kW 0.90 kW 1 1 80 (3.15) ½" B.S.P 2 10 210 (8.27) 360 (14.17) 220-240 V 230 V 230 / 400 V 200-225 / 346-460 V # - on request ft 3 min -1 PAGE 70 270 (10.63) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 2 462 (18.19) (3 ph) 333 (13.11) 132 (5.20) 160 (6.30) EVCA 25 SINGLE STAGE PUMP 25m 3 h -1 10 2 Torr 50 Hz For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A695-02-956 A695-02-961 A695-02-953 A695-02-968 573 (22.56) (1 ph) 40 m3h-1 / 24 ft3min-1 48 m3h-1 / 28 ft3min-1 0.5 mbar / 0.38 Torr 150 160 270 (10.63) 235 (9.25) TECHNICAL DATA 218 (8.58) 270 (10.63) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 4 x Ø10.5 (0.41) (5.91) 2 10 1 10 0 EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EVCA40 EVCA40 EVCA40 EVCA40 1450 rpm 1740 rpm 61 dB(A) 63 dB(A) 50 kg / 110 lbs 2.0 l / 0.53 US gal 50Hz 50Hz 60Hz 60Hz 230V 1ph 230/400V 3ph 230V 1ph 230/400V 3ph m 3 h-1 EVCA 40 10 -1 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Pa 10 3 Torr 10 2 10 1 10 0 2 50 Hz 1 ft 3 min -1 2 EVCA 40 10 -1 10 -1 10 1 60 Hz 0 2 10 1 89 (3.50) ORDERING INFORMATION 9.0 A # 4.7 / 2.7 A # 2 60 Hz 111 1" B.S.P (4.37) Ø176 (6.93) 188 (7.40) 139 1.5 kW 1.8 kW 1.1 kW 1.3 kW (5.47) ¾" B.S.P 1 1 116 (4.57) 411 (16.18) 220-240 V 230 V 230 / 400 V 200-225 / 346-440 V # - on request 10 210 (8.27) 10 2 50 Hz For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A695-03-956 A695-03-961 A695-03-953 A695-03-968 2 PAGE 71 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate pressure Electrical supply 50 Hz, 1 ph 60 Hz, 1 ph 50 Hz, 3 ph 50/60 Hz, 3 ph Motor Power 50 Hz, 1 ph 60 Hz, 1 ph 50 Hz, 3 ph 60 Hz, 3 ph Current drawn 50Hz, 1 ph 60Hz, 1 ph 50Hz, 3 ph 60Hz, 3 ph Rotational speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight (typical with motor) Oil capacity 510 (20.08) (3 ph) 380 (14.96) 137 (5.39) (6.30) EVCA 40 SINGLE STAGE PUMP 40m 3 h -1 EVCA 60 SINGLE STAGE PUMP 60m 3 h -1 580 (3 ph) - 614 (1 ph) 390 147 150 270 270 218 60 m3h-1 / 35 ft3min-1 72 m3h-1 / 42 ft3min-1 0.5 mbar / 0.38 Torr 160 Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate pressure Electrical supply 50 Hz, 1 ph 60 Hz, 1 ph 50 Hz, 3 ph 50/60 Hz, 3 ph Motor Power 50 Hz, 1 ph 60 Hz, 1 ph 50 Hz, 3 ph 60 Hz, 3 ph Current drawn 50Hz, 1 ph 60Hz, 1 ph 50Hz, 3 ph 60Hz, 3 ph Rotational speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight (typical with motor) Oil capacity 210 4 x Ø10.5 1" B.S.P 14.7 A 6.4 / 3.7 A # EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1450 rpm 1740 rpm EVCA60 EVCA60 EVCA60 EVCA60 62 dB(A) 65 dB(A) 60 kg / 132 lbs 2.0 l / 0.53 US gal 50Hz 50Hz 60Hz 60Hz 230V 1ph 230/400V 3ph 220V 1ph 230/400V 3ph 1 2 1 10 0 10 -1 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 -1 60 Hz 2 2 10 3 EVCA 60 mbar 1 50 Hz 1 2 EVCA 60 10 -1 10 1 60 Hz 0 2 10 1 111 ORDERING INFORMATION 2 10 122 139 2.2 kW # kW 1.5 kW 1.8 kW Ø176 188 ¾" B.S.P # - on request 10 161 481 220-240 V 230 V 230 / 400 V 200-225 / 346-440 V m 3 h-1 PAGE 72 TECHNICAL DATA ft 3 min -1 2 242 EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 10 2 10 3 Torr 50 Hz For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A695-04-956 A695-04-961 A695-04-953 A695-04-968 EVC 100 707 (27.84) 406 (15.98) 10 3 10 2 110 m3h-1 132 m3h-1 0.1 mbar abs. 142 320 (12.60) 185 4 x M8 (7.28) (5.55) 1½" B.S.P 184 200-255 / 346-440 V 460 V 2.2 kW 2.6 kW 281 (11.06) 1450 min 1740 min-1 404 (15.91) 141 (7.24) 113 (4.45) (5.59) -1 2" B.S.P 8.3 / 4.8 A 10.0 / 5.8 A ORDERING INFORMATION EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 66 dB(A) 69 dB(A) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EVC 100 200-255/346-440 V, 50/60 Hz, 3-ph EVC 100 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph 88 kg 90 kg 4.0 l 216 (06) ZFP 32 (54) ZVF Other voltages available on application 100 / 63 ZMS 100 / 63 ZMS 1 2 m 3 h-1 3 10 4 1 EVC100 10 0 10 -1 10 1 10 0 10 10 2 3 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 1 60 Hz without gas ballast 2 50 Hz without gas ballast 3 60 Hz with gas ballast 4 50 Hz with gas ballast 2 PAGE 73 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A694-05-905 A694-05-908 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Nominal capacity 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate partial pressure Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor version 50/60 Hz 60 Hz Motor power 50 Hz 60 Hz Current drawn 50Hz 60Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Oil capacity Dust separator vacuum tight Vacuum tight suction filter Motor starter 50 Hz 60 Hz 300 11.81) TECHNICAL DATA 262 (10.32) 300 (11.81) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. EVC 150 707 (27.84) 50Hz 406 (15.98) 10 150 m3h-1 180 m3h-1 0.1 mbar abs. 142 320 (12.60) (7.28) 404 (15.91) 141 (5.55) 1½" B.S.P 184 200-255 / 346-440 V 460 V 3.0 kW 3.6 kW 281 (11.06) 1450 min-1 1740 min-1 2" B.S.P 11.4 / 6.6 A 13.7 / 7.9 A ORDERING INFORMATION 68 dB(A) 71 dB(A) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 89 kg 98 kg 4.0 l 216 (06) ZFP 40 (53) ZVF EVC 150 200-255/346-440 V, 50/60 Hz, 3-ph EVC 150 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph Other voltages available on application 160 / 100 ZMS 160 / 100 ZMS 3 1 2 10 2 10 1 300 11.81) 262 (10.32) 185 4 x M8 (5.59) (7.24) Nominal capacity 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate partial pressure Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor version 50/60 Hz 60 Hz Motor power 50 Hz 60 Hz Current drawn 50 Hz 60 Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Oil capacity Dust separator vacuum tight Vacuum tight suction filter Motor starter 50 Hz 60 Hz 113 (4.45) PAGE 74 TECHNICAL DATA 3 4 m 3 h-1 2 300 (11.81) 50Hz EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 315 (12.40) 60Hz 724 (28.50) 60Hz EVC150 10 0 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Pa 1 60 Hz without gas ballast 2 50 Hz without gas ballast 3 60 Hz with gas ballast 4 50 Hz with gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A694-06-905 A694-06-908 EVC 200 3 10 2 425 (16.73) 220 (8.66) 365 (14.37) 240 (9.45) 4 x M10 200-285 / 246-440 V 460 V 211 (8.31) 4.0 kW 5.5 kW 183 (7.21) 1450 min-1 1740 min-1 2" B.S.P 2" B.S.P 15.6 / 9.0 A 11.5 / 6.6 A 69 dB(A) 73 dB(A) m 3 h-1 3 EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 144 kg 161 kg 6.0 l 50 (03) ZRK 216 (01) ZFP 50 (53) ZVF PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EVC 200 200-255/346-440 V, 50/60 Hz, 3-ph EVC 200 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph Other voltages available on application 160 / 100 ZMS 160 / 100 ZMS Size on request 4 EVC200 10 1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 210 (8.27) ORDERING INFORMATION 1 10 0 10 -1 245 (9.65) 310 (12.21) 690 (27.17) 1 2 10 200 m3h-1 240 m3h-1 0.1 mbar abs. 2 PAGE 75 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 1 60 Hz without gas ballast 2 50 Hz without gas ballast 3 60 Hz with gas ballast 4 50 Hz with gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A694-07-905 A694-07-908 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Nominal capacity 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate partial pressure Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor version 50/60 Hz 60 Hz Motor power 50 Hz 60 Hz Current drawn 50Hz 60Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Oil capacity Non return valve Dust separator vacuum tight Vacuum tight suction filter Motor starter 50 Hz 60 Hz Soft starter Ø220 (8.66) 50Hz Ø246 (9.69) 60Hz 395 (15.55) TECHNICAL DATA 307 (12.09) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 10 775 (30.51) 50hZ 880 (34.65) 60Hz 584 (22.99) 225 (8.86) 10 3 10 2 10 1 220 (8.66) 240 (9.45) 425 (16.73) 395 (15.55) 300 m3h-1 360 m3h-1 0.1 mbar abs. 307 (12.09) 4 x M10 5.5 kW 7.5 kW Ø246 (9.69) 211 (8.31) 200-255 / 346-440 V 460 V 2" B.S.P 13.0 / 7.5 A 20.0 / 11.5 A EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 204 kg 209 kg 8.0 l 50 (03) ZRK 216 (51) ZFP 50 (53) ZVF PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EVC 300 200-255/346-440 V, 50/60 Hz 3-ph EVC 300 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph Other voltages available on application 160 / 100 ZMS 200 / 160 ZMS Size on request EVC300 10 0 10 -1 10 1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 245 (9.65) ORDERING INFORMATION 72 dB(A) 76 dB(A) 4 3 245 (9.65) 2" B.S.P 1 2 380 (14.96) 800 (31.50) 1450 min-1 1740 min-1 183 (7.21) Nominal capacity 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate partial pressure Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor version 50/60 Hz 60 Hz Motor power 50 Hz 60 Hz Current drawn 50 Hz 60 Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Oil capacity Non return valve Dust separator vacuum tight Vacuum tight suction filter Motor starter 50 Hz 60 Hz Soft starter m 3 h-1 PAGE 76 TECHNICAL DATA 365 (14.37) 225 (8.86) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 2 950 (37.40) 632 (24.88) EVC 300 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 1 60 Hz without gas ballast 2 50 Hz without gas ballast 3 60 Hz with gas ballast 4 50 Hz with gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A694-08-905 A694-08-908 EVC 400 330 (12.99) 514 (20.24) 400 m3h-1 480 m3h-1 0.1 mbar abs. 2 PAGE 77 380 (14.96) 787 (30.98) 3" B.S.P Ø312 (12.28) 310 (12.21) 400 / 690 V 400 / 690, 460 V 9.0 kW 11.0 kW 21 / 12 A 25.5 / 14.7 A 3" B.S.P 73 dB(A) 75 dB(A) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 485 kg 485 kg 12.0 l Size on request PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EVC 400 400/690 V, 50 Hz, 3-ph EVC 400 400/690 V, 60 Hz 3-ph EVC 400 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph 1 2 1 4 m 3 h-1 10 3 EVC400 10 0 10 -1 10 1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 337 (13.27) ORDERING INFORMATION Other voltages available on application 2 405 (15.95) 950 min-1 1140 min-1 3 10 415 (16.34) 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 1 60 Hz without gas ballast 2 50 Hz without gas ballast 3 60 Hz with gas ballast 4 50 Hz with gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A694-09-908 A694-09-963 A694-09-964 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Nominal capacity 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate partial pressure Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor version 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor power 50 Hz 60 Hz Current drawn 50 Hz 60 Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Oil capacity Soft starter 606 (23.86) TECHNICAL DATA 372 (14.65) 539 (21.22) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 10 1381 (54.37) 931 (36.65) 410 (16.14) EVC 500 10 330 (12.99) 550 m3h-1 660 m3h-1 0.1 mbar abs. 514 (20.24) 606 (23.86) Nominal capacity 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate partial pressure Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor version 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor power 50 Hz 60 Hz Current drawn 50 Hz 60 Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Oil capacity Soft starter 380 (14.96) 3" B.S.P Ø312 (12.28) 310 (12.21) 400 / 690 V 400 / 690 V, 460 V 11.0 kW 13.0 kW 14 / 13.9 A 28 / 16.2 A 3" B.S.P 75 dB(A) 77 dB(A) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 575 kg 575 kg 17.5 l Size on request PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EVC 500 400/690 V, 50 Hz, 3-ph EVC 500 400/690 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph EVC 500 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph Other voltages available on application 2 10 1 3 4 EVC500 10 0 10 -1 10 1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 337 (13.27) ORDERING INFORMATION 1 2 472 (18.58) 926 (36.46) 3 10 485 (19.09) 950 min-1 1140 min-1 m 3 h-1 PAGE 78 TECHNICAL DATA 417 (16.42) 540 (21.26) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 2 1517 (59.72) 986 (38.82) 410 (16.14) 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 1 60 Hz without gas ballast 2 50 Hz without gas ballast 3 60 Hz with gas ballast 4 50 Hz with gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A694-10-908 A694-10-963 A694-10-964 EVC 700 425 (16.73) 609 (23.98) 700 m3h-1 840 m3h-1 0.1 mbar abs. 2 PAGE 79 500 (19.69) 926 (36.46) 3" B.S.P Ø360 (14.17) 310 (12.21) 400 / 690 V 400 / 690, 460 V 15.0 kW 18.0 kW 30 / 17.5 A 33 / 19.0 A 3" B.S.P 78 dB(A) 80 dB(A) 605 kg 605 kg 17.5 l Size on request EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EVC 700 400/690 V, 50 Hz, 3-ph EVC 700 400/690 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph EVC 700 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph Other voltages available on application 2 1 4 m 3 h-1 10 3 EVC700 10 0 10 -1 10 1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 337 (13.27) ORDERING INFORMATION 1 2 472 (18.58) 950 min-1 1140 min-1 3 10 506 (19.92) 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 1 60 Hz without gas ballast 2 50 Hz without gas ballast 3 60 Hz with gas ballast 4 50 Hz with gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A694-11-908 A694-11-963 A694-11-964 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Nominal capacity 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate partial pressure Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor version 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor power 50 Hz 60 Hz Current drawn 50 Hz 60 Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Oil capacity Soft starter 765 (30.12) TECHNICAL DATA 417 (16.42) 635 (25.0) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 10 1584 (62.36) 986 (38.82) 410 (16.14) EVC 900 10 425 (16.73) 830 m3h-1 995 m3h-1 0.1 mbar abs. 699 (27.52) 805 (31.69) Nominal capacity 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate partial pressure Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor version 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor power 50 Hz 60 Hz Current drawn 50 Hz 60 Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Oil capacity Soft starter 500 (19.69) 3" B.S.P Ø360 (14.17) 375 (14.76) 400 / 690 V 400 / 690 V, 460 V 18.5 kW 22.0 kW 43 / 24.8 A 45 / 26.0 A 4" B.S.P 79 dB(A) 81 dB(A) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 710 kg 710 kg 20 l Size on request PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EVC 900 400/690 V, 50 Hz, 3-ph EVC 900 400/690 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph EVC 900 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph Other voltages available on application 2 10 1 4 3 EVC900 10 0 10 -1 10 1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 458 (18.03) ORDERING INFORMATION 1 2 523 (20.59) 916 (36.06) 3 10 425 (16.73) 950 min-1 1140 min-1 m 3 h-1 PAGE 80 TECHNICAL DATA 420 (16.54) 685 (26.97) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 2 1604 (63.15) 1083 (42.64) 480 (18.90) 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 1 60 Hz without gas ballast 2 50 Hz without gas ballast 3 60 Hz with gas ballast 4 50 Hz with gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A694-12-908 A694-12-963 A694-12-964 EVC 1100 3" B.S.P Ø360 (14.17) 375 (14.76) 400 / 690 V 400 / 690, 460 V 22.0 kW 26.0 kW 45 / 26 A 51 / 30 A 4" B.S.P 81 dB(A) 83 dB(A) 1 960 kg 960 kg 26 l Size on request EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EVC 1100 400/690 V, 50 Hz, 3-ph EVC 1100 400/690 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph EVC 1100 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph 4 EVC1100 10 0 10 -1 10 1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 472 (18.58) ORDERING INFORMATION m 3 h-1 10 602 (23.70) 1074 (42.28) Other voltages available on application 3 2 505 (19.88) 950 min-1 1140 min-1 1 2 425 (16.73) 500 (19.69) 3 10 699 (27.52) 1100 m3h-1 1320 m3h-1 0.1 mbar abs. 2 PAGE 81 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 1 60 Hz without gas ballast 2 50 Hz without gas ballast 3 60 Hz with gas ballast 4 50 Hz with gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A694-13-908 A694-13-963 A694-13-964 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Nominal capacity 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate partial pressure Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor version 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor power 50 Hz 60 Hz Current drawn 50 Hz 60 Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Oil capacity Soft starter 805 (31.69) TECHNICAL DATA 441 (17.36) 685 (26.97) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 10 1763 (69.41) 1122 (44.17) 480 (18.90) EVC 1300 10 500 (16.69) 10 2 10 1 3" B.S.P Ø622 (24.49) 375 (14.76) 400 / 690 V 400 / 690 V, 460 V 30 kW 36 kW 60 / 35 A 64 / 37 A 4" B.S.P 82 dB(A) 84 dB(A) 1050 kg 1050 kg 26 l Size on request EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EVC 1300 400/690 V, 50 Hz, 3-ph EVC 1300 400/690 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph EVC 1300 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-ph Other voltages available on application 4 10 1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 472 (18.58) ORDERING INFORMATION EVC1300 10 0 10 -1 602 (23.70) 1074 (42.28) 1 3 505 (19.88) 950 min-1 1140 min-1 3 2 425 (16.73) 1280 m3h-1 1535 m3h-1 0.1 mbar abs. (699 (27.52) 805 (31.69) Nominal capacity 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate partial pressure Speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor version 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor power 50 Hz 60 Hz Current drawn 50 Hz 60 Hz Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Oil capacity Soft starter m 3 h-1 PAGE 82 TECHNICAL DATA 441 (17.36) 685 (26.97) EVC pumps not available for sale in North America. 2 1900 (74.80) 1122 (44.17) 480 (18.90) 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 1 60 Hz without gas ballast 2 50 Hz without gas ballast 3 60 Hz with gas ballast 4 50 Hz with gas ballast For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A694-14-908 A694-14-963 A694-14-964 D A ACCESSORIES FOR ROUGH PUMPS B 3 2 2 PAGE 83 C 1 F G H ZFP 1 Dust separator 2 Suction filter horizontal 3 Suction filter vertical 145 145 216 216 216 216 ZFP IN LINE DUST SEPARATOR Vacuum tight dust separator complete with paper filter, cartridge and special lid, allowing installation of filter in the vacuum line. Filter cartridges have a separation efficiency 99.9%, for a particle size of more then 5 micron (11) (06) (06) (01) (51) (52) A B C D E F G H 28 28 50 50 65 65 221 221 334 334 361 361 25 25 25 25 25 25 72 72 114 114 114 114 129 129 194 194 194 194 134 134 220 220 230 230 £/4” BSP 1” BSP 1!/2” BSP 2” BSP 2!/2” BSP 3” BSP £/4” BSP 1” BSP 1!/2” BSP 2” BSP 2!/2” BSP 3” BSP ORDERING INFORMATION EVC pump accessories are not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR PUMP ZFP145(11) ZFP145(06) ZFP216(06) ZFP216(01) ZFP216(51) ZFP216(52) EVCA 15, 25 EVCA 40, 60 EVC 100, 150 EVC 200 EVC 300 EVC 400 SPARES Spares filter elements ZFP145(11) ZFP145(06) ZFP216(06) ZFP216(01) ZFP216(51) ZFP216(52) For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A695-01-003 A695-03-003 A695-05-003 A696-02-003 A696-03-003 A697-01-003 ORDERING NUMBER A695-01-702 A695-01-702 A695-01-703 A695-01-703 A695-01-703 A695-01-703 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS ØE ZMS DOL STARTER ZAD SOFT STARTER A direct on line motor starter fitted with thermal overload to protect the motor. 2 Soft starter unit for automatic start-up of motor. The soft starting and run out of the machine are adjustable. Peak loads are avoided in comparison to star/delta connection. The mechanical stress to machine parts is reduced by soft starting. PAGE 84 B C A ZMS MOTOR STARTER A X Y Z Amperage range Starter casing Lockable start bottom Overload switch ZMS 63 100 160 200 250 # 212728 212729 212730 212731 212732 ZAD A B C 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 250 250 250 250 250 375 375 375 175 175 175 175 175 225 225 225 A X Y Z ZAD 4.0 - 6.3 6.3 - 10 10 - 16 16 - 20 20 - 25 820930 820930 820930 820930 820930 # # # # # 820818 820819 820927 820928 820929 (01) (02) kW A X1 X2 X3 X4 On request On all direct on line starters a short time delay has been built in, before the starter reacts to a possible overload situation. This feature has been designed so that the unit will tolerate a short overload, therefore when a unit is cold started, the starter will not overload immediately. ORDERING INFORMATION EVC pump accessories are not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR PUMP ZMS63 ZMS100 ZMS160 ZMS200 ZMS250 EVC EVC EVC EVC EVC 100 150 200 300 400 ORDERING NUMBER A694-05-004 A694-06-004 A694-07-004 A694-08-004 A694-09-004 # SOFT STARTER Standard version with main switch and On/Off key Motor rating Current drawn Fixing for motor Fixing for motor Fixing for motor Fixing for motor flange flange flange flange 300 350 400 450 mm mm mm mm kW (400 V) ZAD (01) (02) 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 209759-0016 209759-0010 209759-0011 209759-0012 209759-0013 209759-0014 209759-0015 # 209759-0026 209759-0020 209759-0021 209759-0022 209759-0023 209759-0024 209759-0025 # On request For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 A (max.) 10 10 16 24 32 40 40 63 - 16 16 25 32 40 63 63 80 ZAD ZVF SUCTION FILTER X2 (01) (02) (01) (02) 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 209759-0136 209759-0130 # # # - 209759-0146 209759-0140 # # # - # 209759-0150 209759-0151 209759-0152 209759-0153 # - # 209759-0160 209759-0161 209759-0162 209759-0163 # - A vacuum tight suction filter complete with paper filter element fitted in a steel housing for installation at the suction side of pump. Filter cartridges have a separation efficiency of 99.9% for a particle size of more than 5 micron. On request X3 X4 (01) (02) (01) (02) 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 # # # 209759-0173 209759-0214 # # # # # 209759-0183 209759-0224 # # 209759-0235 # 209759-0245 # C ZAD kW (400 V) ØA # On request B Suitable for all machines in the range. Fitting kit is available as an option on request. ORDERING INFORMATION F D EVC pump accessories are not available for sale in North America. L EVC EVC EVC EVC EVC EVC EVC EVC EVC EVC EVC EVC EVC ZAD 15 ZAD 18.5 ZAD 22 ZAD 30 ZAD 37 200 50/60 HZ 300 50/60 Hz 400 50/60 Hz, 500 50 Hz 500 60 Hz, 700 50 Hz 700 60 Hz, 900 50 Hz 900 60 Hz, 1100 50 Hz 1100 60 Hz, 1300 50 Hz 1300 60 Hz, A694-07-005 A694-08-005 A694-09-005 J E ZAD 5.5 ZAD 7.5 ZAD 11 ORDERING NUMBER G FOR PUMP H PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A694-10-005 K K A694-11-005 A694-12-005 A694-13-005 A694-14-005 BACK PRESSURE GAUGE Back pressure gauge to provide a visual indication of when oil mist filters require changing in EVCA and EVC pumps. ØA ZVF20 (52) ZVF20 (53) ZVF20 (54) ZVF32 (52) ZVF32 (54) ZVF40 (53) ZVF50 (53) ZVF100 (51) B C D E F 97 59 70 88.5 78 45 97 59 70 88.5 65 45 97 59 70 88.5 77 45 136 81 75 116 95 68 136 81 75 116 93 68 176 100 140 200 93 111 200 114 212 258 136 130 272 197 165 263 - 147 G H J K L 15 16 19 17 20 19 24 30 93 83 100 116 124 112 170 133 13 15 17 17 19 19 24 30 !/2 £/4 1 1 1!/2 1!/2 2 4 37 43 52 52 65 65 74 98 ORDERING INFORMATION EVC pump accessories are not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Back pressure gauge A694-05-006 2 PAGE 85 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS # X1 kW (400 V) For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 SPARES ORDERING INFORMATION EVC pump accessories are not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2 PAGE 86 ZVF20(52) ZVF20(53) ZVF20(54) ZVF32(52) ZVF32(54) ZVF40(53) ZVF100 (51) FOR PUMP EVCA 15 EVCA 25 EVCA 40 EVCA 60 EVC 100 EVC 150 EVC 400, 500, 700 EVC pump accessories are not available for sale in North America. SPARES Spares filter elements ZVF20(52) ZVF20(53) ZVF20(54) ZVF32(52) ZVF32(54) ZVF40(53) ZVF50(53) ZVF100(51) ORDERING NUMBER A695-01-002 A695-02-002 A695-03-002 A695-04-002 A695-05-002 A694-06-002 A694-09-002 1 2 Two kits are available for the EVC range of pumps. • Seals kit - contains replacement seals required during stripdown. • Overhaul kit - contains filter, blades, etc. ORDERING NUMBER ORDERING INFORMATION A695-01-700 A695-01-700 A695-01-700 A695-01-701 A695-01-701 A694-06-700 A696-01-704 A696-09-700 EVC pump accessories are not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Spares kit EVCA 15 EVCA 25 EVCA 40 EVCA 60 EVC 100 EVC 150 EVC 200 EVC 300 EVC 400 EVC 500, EVC700 EVC 900 EVC 1100 EVC 1300 ORDERING NUMBER ORDERING NUMBER Seals kit A695-01-800 A695-02-800 A695-03-800 A695-04-800 On application On application 102566 0101 102567 0101 102568 0101 102570 0101 On application On application On application Overhaul kit A695-01-801 A695-02-801 A695-03-801 A695-04-801 On application On application 102566 0103 102567 0103 102568 0103 102570 0103 On application On application On application For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 GV/GVM DRYSTAR ® PUMPS (to expel the compressed gas). The claw mechanism offers the following features: • Dry operation, non contact mechanism • Self valving - the pump can deliver to atmospheric pressure • Short gas path - better particulate handling • Staged compression - efficient power use • High process temperature - excellent water vapor handling New roots claw technology 6 year major service intervals The GV range of pumps are designed to be ‘fit and forget’, with the ‘M’ products having oil-lubricated bearings that extend major service intervals to 6 years. The high vacuum oil lubricated bearings are based on the well-proven technology found in EH boosters, using high performance seals. With re-greasing eliminated on the ‘M’ products and bearing replacement confined to 6-year intervals, the need for pump intervention is significantly reduced. As a result, pump productivity is increased. Our GV Drystar® pumps are a new series of dry vacuum pumps designed to perform reliably and economically in a range of demanding industrial applications. The GV pumps have displacements from 90 m3h-1 to 560 m3h-1 / 50 ft3min-1 to 330 ft3min-1. Benefits of switching to BOC Edwards GV series dry pumps • Repeatable pumping performance No degradation in speed or pressure - no oil contamination • Fit and forget performance No user intervention for 1 year • Good dust handling using existing filters Claw mechanism is self cleaning and will pass micron size particulate • Noise and Vibration reduced • Oil free exhaust fumes • No oil reclaim. Clean environment around exhaust area • Increased up time • Maintenance cost savings No oil associated issues or frequent rebuilds • Continuous atmospheric pumping with no detrimental effects to the pump • Highly reliable dry mechanism, proven in 60,000 installations GV technology A B Dry running seal Oil seal Hardened seal sleeve Oil thrower Bearing Oil thrower and labyrinth Oil drain and pressure vent to oil box Reduced utility costs Despite the increase in speed, the GV range have been designed with energy efficiency in mind. In the operating region below 10 mbar the power consumed significantly reduces so that its pumping efficiency in terms of m3/hr/kw is better than alternative technologies. This means that it can offer significant savings in power consumption costs alone, as much as £2500 / $3500 per pump per annum depending on the process cycle. On some clean applications, an optional atmospheric shaft seal purge can eliminate the need for nitrogen and reduce cost of ownership still further. 90 50 C m3 / h / kW D 45 70 40 60 35 30 50 GV600M 25 40 20 GV410M 30 cfm / kW GV 80 15 20 A Inlet exposed C Outlet exposed 10 B Inlet isolated D Outlet isolated 0 The design of the BOC Edwards GV dry pumps is based on the wellproven claw technology for dry pumps. Two pairs of claw shaped rotors on two shafts rotate in opposite directions to trap and compress the process gas which flows along the axis of the shafts between the claw pairs. During each complete rotation of the claws, first the inlet port of each claw pair is exposed (to admit gas to the pump), then both the inlet and outlet are isolated (to trap and compress the gas), and then the outlet is exposed 10 5 0 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 2 10 5 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 Pa LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS The Drystar® GV260-600M range is based on the well proven BOC Edwards patented claw mechanism but has an additional roots stage, enhancing pumping speed in the working range and reaching a peak speed of up to 560 m3h-1 / 330 ft3min-1 BOC Edwards have pioneered the use of dry vacuum pumps in some of the most harsh applications, with over 10 years experience and more than 60,000 Drystar® pumps installed worldwide. 2 PAGE 87 GV and GVM Drystar® pumps offer excellent vacuum performance and reliability in the harshest of industrial processes, with low running costs. The pumps may be used simply on their own (with minimum installation and services) or in conjunction with a range of accessories to allow them to be tailored to your exact requirements. 2 PAGE 88 GV TCV (temperature control valve) Use a TCV in conjunction with indirect cooling or air blast cooling, to control the pump temperature. This optimizes the pumping of vapors by preventing condensation within the pump. For ordering information see page 96. GV Pumping Systems The GV range is available with a variety of standard and bespoke systemization accessories. The more commonly requested items are explained below and a full listing is available on page 96. Indirect cooling kit with temperature control valve GV Acoustic Enclosures, Exhaust Silencer and Motor Mufflers GV pumps produce a steady noise level of 75 to 81 dB(A). This can be reduced (by about 5dB(A)) by the use of acoustic enclosures, exhaust silencers and motor mufflers. Acoustic enclosures to enclose a GV dry pump or a GV dry pump and EH mechanical booster combination are available. The exhaust silencer reduces pulsations in the exhaust pressure (and so minimizes pump-induced resonance in your exhaust extraction system). The exhaust silencer also traps dust and condensates from the pump, which can then be easily and conveniently processed at atmospheric pressure. GV EH booster connection kit This kit is used to fit a BOC Edwards EH mechanical booster pump to the GV pump, to increase the pumping speed of the system up to 3000 m3h-1 / 1770 ft3min-1. The connection kit is designed so that the compact footprint of the GV dry pump is maintained. The combination of BOC Edwards GV dry pump and a BOC Edwards EH booster pump gives optimum oil free vacuum performance. In addition to the single piece silencer, for heavier dust loads we offer a breakable, flanged unit to allow easy cleaning. GV Gas and Water Control Panel A gas and water control panel can be added to the GV dry pump to monitor and control the gas and cooling water supplies to the pump. The panel allows full integration with supervisory control systems. Four variations of gas control are available: • Shaft seal purge • Gas ballast purge • Exhaust purge • Atmospheric purge GV Water Kit The water kit (suitable for use with direct or indirect water cooling) contains components used to control and monitor the cooling water supply to the GV pumps. Three kits are available: • GV Direct/Indirect Kit, for use with a GV pump only. • GV /EH Booster Direct/Indirect Kit, for use with a GV and EH booster pump combination. • Booster Retrofit Kit, for existing GV installations which require the addition of an EH booster pump. GV Indirect Cooling Kit This kit contains a heat exchanger and connection hoses. Use indirect cooling with dirty cooling water supply (as the external cooling water flows only through the heat exchanger and not through the pump) and when control of the pump temperature is required. Inlet Dust Filters Many industrial processes produce large quantities of dust: we recommend that you install inlet dust filters to remove the most of the dust before it enters the pump and exhaust system. For information about inlet dust filters, see page 99. We recommend ITM filters for applications which generate wet dust and for backing diffusion pumps, and ITF filters for dry dust applications. GV400 or GV250 pump with exhaust silencer GV Modular Frame Base Fit a frame base when you fit acoustic enclosures and to provide stability for large EH booster combinations systems. Motor control modules Used for GV pumps and for EH booster combination systems, these modules provide motor overload protection, automate start-up and shut-down, and integrate with supervisory control systems. There are two models available; • top level module - a PLC based unit with interface to external tool controls • base level module - a unit with no interface to external tool controls. For particularly dusty applications or dusty applications with high process cycle rates we now offer a tunable inlet filter/silencer and high flow (700 mbar) air purge. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 GV80 INDUSTRIAL DRY PUMP 350 GV80, 60Hz 300 ft 3 min -1 250 200 2 150 PAGE 89 100 0 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr 813 (32.01) 87 (3.42) 301 (11.85) 275 (10.83) TECHNICAL DATA Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz 91.5 m3h-1 / 54 ft3min-1 60 Hz 109.8 m3h-1 / 65 ft3min-1 Pumping speed1 50 Hz 80 m3h-1 / 47 ft3min-1 60 Hz 96 m3h-1 / 57 ft3min-1 Ultimate pressure <0.1 mbar / <0.08 Torr Power consumption at 10 mbar / 7.5 Torr 50 Hz 3 kW / 4 hp 60 Hz 3.7 kW / 5 hp Motor Rating 50 Hz 4 kW / 5.4 hp 60 Hz 6 kW / 8 hp Cooling-water flow at 20 ºC 1 l min-1 / 0.26 US gal min-1 Seal purge (dry air) <25 l min-1, 0.4 bar <6.5 US gal min-1, 0.3 Torr Noise level 50 Hz 78 dB(A) 60 Hz 81 dB(A) Inlet connection ISO40 Outlet connection NW40 Weight 145 kg / 319 lb Gear box oil capacity 0.4 liter / 0.1 US gal min-1 Electrical supply 50 Hz, 3 ph 200 - 240 V/380 V/400 V/415 V 60 Hz, 3 ph 230 V/460 V 737 (29.02) 173 (6.81) ISO40 143 (5.63) NW40 4 x Ø9 (0.35) 80 80 (3.15) (3.15) 182 (7.16) 270 (10.63) ORDERING INFORMATION Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. 1Measured in accordance with Pneurop 6602 at 40 ºC 10 3 10 2 3 m h -1 1 2 10 1 10 0 GV80 10 -2 10 0 1 10 -1 10 1 60 Hz 2 10 0 10 2 10 1 10 3 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 50 Hz For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 50 GV160 INDUSTRIAL DRY PUMP 350 GV160, 50/60Hz 300 250 ft 3 min -1 2 PAGE 90 200 150 100 50 0 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr 1213 (47.76) 628 (24.72) 337 (13.27) TECHNICAL DATA Noise level (50 and 60 Hz) Inlet connection Outlet connection Weight Gear box oil capacity Electrical supply 50 Hz, 3 ph 60 Hz, 3 ph 50 Hz, 3 ph (Jpn) 60 Hz, 3 ph (Jpn) 457 (17.99) 200 m3h-1 / 118 ft3min-1 180 m3h-1 / 106 ft3min-1 <0.1 mbar / <0.08 Torr 4.2 kW / 5.7 hp 4.2 kW / 5.6 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 8.5 kW / 11.4 hp 1 l min-1 / >0.45 US gal min-1 <30 l min-1, 0.4 bar 7.8 US gal min-1, 0.3 Torr <78 dB(A) ISO63 NW40 230 kg, 506 lb 1.2 liter / 0.31 US gal min-1 119 (4.68) Displacement 50/60 Hz Pumping speed 50/60 Hz1 Ultimate pressure Power consumption at 10 mbar / 7.5 Torr 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor Rating 50 Hz 60 Hz Cooling-water flow at 20 ºC Seal purge (dry air) 297 (11.69) ISO63 NW40 379 (14.92) 220 - 240 V/ 380 - 415 V 208 - 230 V/ 460 V 200 V 200 - 208 V/ 380 V 1Measured in accordance with Pneurop 6602 at 40 ºC 10 3 ORDERING INFORMATION 1 2 10 1 10 0 Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. 3 m h -1 10 GV160 10 -2 10 0 1 10 -1 10 1 10 0 10 2 10 1 10 3 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 50/60 Hz For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 ft min -1 GV250 INDUSTRIAL DRY PUMP 3 2 PAGE 91 GV250, 60Hz -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr 1432 (56.38) TECHNICAL DATA Displacement 50 Hz 341 m3h-1 / 200 ft3min-1 60 Hz 409 m3h-1 / 240 ft3min-1 Pumping speed* 50 Hz 250 m3h-1 / 147 ft3min-1 60 Hz 315 m3h-1 / 186 ft3min-1 Ultimate pressure <0.4 mbar / <0.3 Torr Power consumption at 10 mbar (7.5 Torr) 50 Hz 6 kW / 8 hp 60 Hz 7.4 kW / 9.9 hp Motor Rating 50 Hz 11 kW / 14.8 hp 60 Hz 15 kW / 20.1 hp Cooling-water flow at 20 °C <4 l min-1 / <1.1 US gal min-1 Seal purge (dry air) <22 l min-1, 0.4 bar 0.6 ft3 min-1, 6 psi Noise level 50 Hz 79 dB(A) 60 Hz 82 dB(A) Inlet connection ISO100 Outlet connection ISO63 Weight 750 kg / 1650 lb Gear box oil capacity 1.4 liter, 0.37 gal (minimum) 1.6 liter, 0.42 gal (maximum) Electrical supply 50 Hz, 3 ph 380 V /400 V/415 V 60 Hz, 3 ph 230 V/460 V 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 377 (14.84) 255 (10.04) 460 (18.11) ORDERING INFORMATION Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. 3 m h -1 1 2 GV250 10 -2 10 0 1 10 -1 10 1 60 Hz 2 10 0 10 2 10 1 10 3 581 (22.87) 1000 (39.37) 1Measured in accordance with Pneurop 6602 at 40 °C 10 148 (5.83) 315 (12.4) 366 (14.41) 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 50 Hz For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 10 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 0 ft min -1 GV400 INDUSTRIAL DRY PUMP 3 2 PAGE 92 GV400, 60Hz 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr 1480 (58.27) (50Hz) / 1470(57.87) (60Hz) TECHNICAL DATA Displacement 50 Hz 60 Hz Pumping speed1 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate pressure Power consumption at 10 mbar 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor Rating 50 Hz 60 Hz Cooling-water flow at 20 °C Seal purge (dry air) 540 m3h-1 / 318 ft3min-1 592 m3h-1 / 348 ft3min-1 377 (14.84) 255 (10.04) 7 kW / 9.4 hp 8.2 kW / 11 hp 18 kW / 24.1 hp 22.5 W / 30.2 hp <4 l min-1 / <1.1 US gal min-1 <22 l min-1, 0.4 bar 0.6 ft3 min-1, 0.3 Torr 460 (18.11) 82 dB(A) 82 dB(A) ISO100 ISO63 820 kg / 1804 lb 1.4 liter / 0.37 gal (minimum) 1.6 liter / 0.42 gal (maximum) Electrical supply 50 Hz, 3 ph 60 Hz, 3 ph ORDERING INFORMATION Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. 380 V/400 V/415 V 230 V/460 V 1Measured in accordance with Pneurop 6602 at 40 °C 3 1 2 -1 10 3 m h 2 10 1 10 0 GV400 10 -2 10 0 1 10 -1 10 1 60 Hz 2 581 (22.87) 1000 (39.37) 380 m3h-1 / 225 ft3min-1 425 m3h-1 / 252 ft3min-1 <0.4 mbar / <0.3 Torr Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Inlet connection Outlet connection Weight Gear box oil capacity 10 148 (5.83) 315 (12.40) 414 (16.30) 10 0 10 2 10 1 10 3 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 4 10 5 Pa 50 Hz For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 GV260M INDUSTRIAL DRY PUMP 600 GV260M, 50Hz 500 m3 h-1 400 300 2 200 PAGE 93 0 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Pa 350 GV260M, 60Hz 300 250 336 m3h-1 / 198 ft3min-1 404 m3h-1 / 238 ft3min-1 3h-1 ft3min-1 / 141 240 m 320 m3h-1 / 189 ft3min-1 170 m3h-1 / 100 ft3min-1 220 m3h-1 / 130 ft3min-1 200 150 100 50 0 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr 1464 (57.64) (50Hz) 1607 (63.27) (60Hz) <0.6 mbar / <0.45 Torr <0.4 mbar / <0.03 Torr 112 461 (18.15) (4.41) 6 kW / 8 hp 6.5 kW / 8.65 hp 581 (22.87) 11 kW / 14.6 hp 15 kW / 20 hp 5 l min / 1.3 US gal min-1 5 l min / 1.3 US gal min-1 <22 l min / 0.6 ft3 min-1 78 dB(A) 80 dB(A) ISO100 ISO63 1000 (39.37) 4 x Ø22 (0.87) 377 (14.84) 84.7 (3.34) 255 (10.04) 201 (7.91) 725 kg / 1595 lb 750 kg / 1650 lb 1.6 liter / 0.42 US gal 1 380 V / 415 V 230 V / 460 V 291.98 (11.50) 315 (12.40) Displacement 50 Hz 60 Hz Pumping speed @ 1 mbar 50 Hz 60 Hz Pumping speed at atmosphere 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate pressure 50 Hz 60 Hz Power consumption at 10 mbar 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor Rating 50 Hz 60 Hz Cooling-water (maximum flow rate) 50 Hz 60 Hz Seal purge (dry air) Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Inlet connection Outlet connection Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Gear box oil capacity) Electrical supply 50 Hz 60 Hz ft 3 min -1 TECHNICAL DATA 460 (18.11) 1 Alternative inlet ORDERING INFORMATION Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 100 600 GV410M INDUSTRIAL DRY PUMP GV410M, 50Hz 500 400 m3 h-1 2 PAGE 94 300 200 100 0 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Pa 350 GV410M, 60Hz 300 250 380 m3h-1 / 224 ft3min-1 460 m3h-1 / 271 ft3min-1 3 -1 3 -1 150 100 50 0 10 -2 10 -1 300 m h / 177 ft min 360 m3h-1 / 212 ft3min-1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr 1547 (60.91) (50Hz) 1663 (65.47) (60Hz) 112 544 (21.42) <0.065 mbar / 0.048 Torr <0.04 mbar / 0.03 Torr (4.41) 7 kW / 9.3 hp 8 kW / 10 hp 581 (22.87) 15 kW / 20 hp 18.75 kW / 25 hp 5.6 l min / 1.46 US gal min-1 6 l min / 1.56 US gal min-1 <22 l min / 0.6 ft3 min-1 1180 (46.46) 4 x Ø22 (0.87) 78 dB(A) 78 dB(A) ISO100 ISO63 377 (14.84) 84.7 (3.34) 255 (10.04) 201 (7.91) 780 kg, 1716 lb 810 kg, 1782 lb 1.6 liter / 0.42 US gal 1 380 V/415 V 230 V/460 V 315 (12.40) Electrical supply 50 Hz 60 Hz 526 m3h-1 / 310 ft3min-1 635 m3h-1 / 374 ft3min-1 200 291.98 (11.50) Displacement 50 Hz 60 Hz Pumping speed @ 1 mbar 50 Hz 60 Hz Pumping speed at atmosphere 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate pressure 50 Hz 60 Hz Power consumption at 10 mbar 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor Rating 50 Hz 60 Hz Cooling-water (maximum flow rate) 50 Hz 60 Hz Seal purge (dry air) Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Inlet connection Outlet connection Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Gear box oil capacity) ft 3 min -1 TECHNICAL DATA 460 (18.11) 1 Alternative inlet ORDERING INFORMATION Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 600 GV600M INDUSTRIAL DRY PUMP GV600M, 50Hz 500 m3 h-1 400 2 300 PAGE 95 200 100 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Pa 350 GV600M, 60Hz 300 250 793 m3h-1 / 467 ft3min-1 727 m3h-1 / 428 ft3min-1 560 m3h-1 / 330 ft3min-1 540 m3h-1 / 318 ft3min-1 3 -1 3 -1 200 150 100 50 0 10 -2 10 -1 400 m h / 236 ft min 420 m3h-1 / 247 ft3min-1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr 1664 (65.51) (50Hz) 1714 (67.48) (60Hz) <0.06 mbar / <0.045 Torr <0.05 mbar / <0.0375 Torr 634 (24.96) (50Hz) 112 594 (23.39) (60Hz) (4.41) 581 (22.87) 7 kW / 9 hp 9 kW / 12 hp 22.5 kW / 30 hp continuous rating 22.5kW / 30 hp continuous rating 4.5 l min / 1.17 US gal min-1 5.5 l min / 1.43 US gal min-1 <22 l min / 0.6 ft3 min-1 1180 (46.46) 4 x Ø22 (0.87) 377 (14.84) 78 dB(A) 80 dB(A) ISO100 ISO63 84.7 (3.34) 255 (10.04) 201 (7.91) 950 kg, 2090 lb 980 kg, 2156 lb 1.6 liter / 0.42 US gal 1 380 V/415 V 230 V/460 V 291.98 (11.50) 315 (12.40) Displacement 50 Hz 60 Hz Pumping speed @ 1 mbar 50 Hz 60 Hz Pumping speed at atmosphere 50 Hz 60 Hz Ultimate pressure 50 Hz 60 Hz Power consumption at 10 mbar 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor Rating 50 Hz 60 Hz Cooling-water (maximum flow rate) 50 Hz 60 Hz Seal purge (dry air) Noise level 50 Hz 60 Hz Inlet connection Outlet connection Weight 50 Hz 60 Hz Gear box oil capacity) Electrical supply 50 Hz 60 Hz ft 3 min -1 TECHNICAL DATA 460 (18.11) 1 Alternative inlet ORDERING INFORMATION Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 0 10 -2 GV DRY PUMP PACKAGED SOLUTIONS 2 PAGE 96 BOC Edwards have the capability to provide packaged solutions based on a modular range of accessories to give optimal pumping packages to suit any given application. Drawing on many years of experience provided by an application group the correct pump and accessories are selected to give safe and reliable performance to match the process conditions. The applications group can provide a comprehensive sizing of a pump system using in-house designed software package which ensures the optimal selection of pump sizes taking into account the process conditions, pipework and configuration of the pumpset. 2 1 8 3 7 US ORDERING INFORMATION To choose the correct accessories for your application, refer to the information about GV accessories in the introduction (see page 87). Dry pump 2 GV80 A GV260M 3 GV160 B GV410M 4 GV250 C GV600M 5 GV400 D GV260M + skid 6 GV250 + skid E GV410M + skid 7 GV400 +skid F GV600M + skid Booster selection 0 No booster 1 EH250 2 EH500 3 EH1200 4 EH2600 5 EH4200 Gas and water flow control panel 0 No gas water control 1 Shaft-seal (SS) A Atmospheric ss purge 2 SS + gas ballast + exhaust purge (EP) 3 SS + GB + exhaust purge ((EP) + flow switch 4 SS + water B Atmospheric ss purge + water 5 SS + GB + EP + water 6 SS + GB + EP + flow switch + water Pump cooling 1 Direct water cooling 3 Indirect cooling + temperature control valve N.B. Air blast cooling option available on request J 6 – – 4 5 1 Booster connection kit 5 Indirect cooling kit 2 Inlet filter 6 Exhaust silencer 3 Audible alarm 7 Gas and water control panel 4 TCV Temperature control valve 8 Motor control module UK ORDERING INFORMATION To order any GV Pump system, please contact your local BOC Edwards representative or call direct on +44 (0)1293 528844 Acoustic enclosures No enclosures 0 GV motor muffler (not available on 1 GV80/GV160) Pump enclosure 2 Silencer only 3 GV motor muffler + exhaust silencer 4 (not available on GV80/GV160) Pump enclosure + exhaust silencer 5 (not available on GV80 & pump + skid option) Booster motor muffler 6 Combination enclosure (available 7 on pump + skid option) GV + booster muffler + exhaust 8 silencer Combination enclosure + exhaust 9 silencer (not available on GV80/GV160 Voltage options 230 V 60 Hz 0 460 V 60 Hz 1 380/400/415 V 50Hz 2 200/212 V 50 Hz 3 200/212 V 60 Hz 4 Electric controls No control 0 Bacic MCM control wall mount 3 Basic MCM control frame mount 4 PLC control wallmount 5 PLC control frame mount 6 Control voltage 24 V AC 110 V AC 220 V AC For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 6 7 8 DRY PUMPING COMBINATIONS 4000 GV600M, 50Hz 3500 EH4200 50 Hz pumping speed curves for GV80-600M and combinations: 3000 m3 h-1 2500 900 GV80M, 50Hz 800 700 2 1500 PAGE 97 EH1200 1000 600 500 EH500 400 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Pa 300 200 EH250 100 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Pa 2000 GV160M, 50Hz 1750 1500 m3 h-1 1250 EH2600 EH1200 1000 750 EH500 500 250 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Pa 2250 GV260M, 50Hz 2000 1750 m3 h-1 1500 1250 EH2600 EH1200 1000 750 EH500 500 250 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Pa 3500 GV410M, 50Hz EH4200 3000 2500 m3 h-1 EH2600 2000 1500 EH1200 1000 500 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 mbar 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Pa For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 500 EH1200 m3 h-1 EH2600 2000 60 Hz pumping speed curves for GV80-600M and combinations: 2500 GV600M, 60Hz 2250 700 GV80, 60Hz 1750 600 2 500 PAGE 98 400 ft 3 min -1 ft 3 min -1 EH1200 1500 EH2600 1250 1000 750 EH500 EH1200 300 500 250 200 EH250 0 10 -3 100 0 10 -3 EH4200 2000 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 3 Torr 1400 GV160, 60Hz EH2600 1200 ft 3 min -1 1000 800 EH1200 600 400 EH500 200 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr 2500 GV260M, 60Hz 2250 2000 1750 ft 3 min -1 EH4200 1500 1250 EH2600 1000 EH1200 750 500 EH500 250 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr 2500 GV410M, 60Hz 2250 EH4200 2000 ft 3 min -1 1750 1500 EH2600 1250 1000 750 EH1200 500 250 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 10 2 10 3 Torr ITF3000 and ITM3000/5000 dimensions ITM HIGH CAPACITY INLET DUST FILTERS ØA G H C B 2 ØE 3000 PAGE 99 F A B C D E F G H mm 460 570 420 153 153 8 x Ø11 x Ø200 300 16 in 18.1 22.4 16.5 6.0 6.0 0.3 x Ø0.4 11.8 x Ø7.9 mm 460 773 568 262 262 12 x Ø11 x Ø310 325 16 in 18.1 30.4 22.4 10.3 10.3 0.5 x Ø0.4 12.8 x Ø7.9 0.6 ORDERING INFORMATION 5000 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER ITM100 high capacity dust filter (7.2 kg/16 lb)* ITM300 high capacity dust filter (8.7 kg/19 lb)† ITM800 inlet dust filter (20.2 kg/44 lb)** ITM3000 inlet dust filter†† ITM5000 inlet dust filter * Supplied with bolts, washers, 40 mm ‘ O’ ring and centering ring † Supplied with 63 mm Co-Seal, bolts and washers ** Supplied with 100 mm Co-Seal, bolts and washers †† Supplied with 160 mm Co-Seal, bolts and washers A443-02-000 A443-03-000 A443-04-000 A443-12-000 A443-13-000 SPARES ORDERING NUMBER ITM100 filter element ITM300 filter element ITM800 filter element ITM3000 filter element (2 required) A223-05-020 A223-05-019 A223-05-018 A223-05-033 Dimensions of ITO, ITC, ITF and ITM filters E A 0.62 ITF INLET DUST FILTERS The ITF inlet dust filters prevent the entry of dust particles into the pump. The impedance of a clean filter reduces the pumping speed of a 20 m3h-1 / 12 ft3min-1 pump by about 20% at 1 mbar / 0.75 Torr and 25% at 10 mbar / 7.5 Torr. Depending on your application, you can normally clean the filter element with a vacuum cleaner or a clean air blast, and then re-use the element. The benefits of the ITF filters include: • Thick aluminum casting, to withstand abrasion • Tangential entry port, to promote centrifugal separation of dust particles • Filter efficiency better than 96% (tested to BS2831, dust number 2) G ORDERING INFORMATION D C B F PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A B C D E F G mm 227 251 182 62 92 145 ISO 40 in 8.9 9.9 7.2 2.4 3.6 5.7 300 mm 227 308 210 62 80 165 in 8.9 12.1 8.3 2.4 3.1 6.5 800 mm 285 456 315 81 97 200 in 11.2 18.0 12.4 3.2 3.8 7.9 100 ISO 63 ISO 100 ITF100 inlet dust filter (7.0 kg/15 lb)* ITF300 inlet dust filter (8.3 kg/18 lb)† ITF800 inlet dust filter (20.2 kg/44 lb)** ITF3000 inlet dust filter†† * Supplied with bolts, washers, 40 mm ‘ O’ ring and centering ring † Supplied with 63 mm Co-Seal, bolts and washers ** Supplied with 100 mm Co-Seal, bolts and washers †† Supplied with 160 mm Co-Seal, bolts and washers SPARES ITF100 element and gasket kit ITF300 element and gasket kit ITF800 element and gasket kit ITF3000 element (2 required) For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A442-02-000 A442-03-000 A442-04-000 A442-12-000 ORDERING NUMBER A442-02-800 A442-03-800 A442-04-800 A223-04-037 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS The benefits of the ITM filters include: • Thick aluminum casting, to withstand abrasion • Tangential entry port, to promote centrifugal separation of dust particles • Filter efficiency better than 90% (tested to BS2831, dust number 2) • Glass cover, to allow a visual check of the filter element ØD The ITM deep, stainless steel mesh elements are ideal for applications where fast pump-down times are required and which produce high levels of dust and grit (which would normally clog the ITF filters very quickly). You can wet the stainless steel mesh element with oil to improve dust adhesion. You can wash the mesh elements and re-use them indefinitely. ITO INLET CATCHPOTS 2 PAGE 100 These catchpots minimize the entry of condensable vapors into the pump. Benefits of the catchpots include: • Capture condensable vapors • Helps prevent froth or spray from the process from carrying over to the pump • Corrosion-resistant body • Visual indication of trapped liquid level • Hand-tightened drain plug, for easy drainage ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER ITO100 inlet catchpot, 5.47 liters/5.2 qt capacity (6.8 kg, 15 lb)* ITO300 inlet catchpot, 7.87 liters/7.5 qt capacity (8.0 kg/18 lb)† IT0800 inlet catchpot, 9.5 liters/10 qt capacity (19.5 kg/43 lb)** * Supplied with bolts, washers, 40 mm ‘ O’ ring and centering ring † Supplied with 63 mm Co-Seal, bolts and washers ** Supplied with 100 mm Co-Seal, bolts and washers A441-02-000 A441-03-000 A441-04-000 ITC INLET CHEMICAL TRAPS The ITC series of chemical traps provides the following benefits: • Protection against various aggressive vapors, which may attack the pump or pump oil • Prevent high molecular weight vapors (such as might arise in a resin treatment plant), from reaching the pump. These vapors could cause lacquering or clogging • The standard sorbent (activated charcoal), has relatively high trapping properties (absorbs around 25% of its own weight), even when large amounts of water vapor are being pumped • When filled with activated alumina on two-stage pumps, backstreaming of pump oil can be controlled ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER ITC100 inlet chemical trap* Charcoal charge 0.75 kg/1.7 lb, weight 16.5 kg/ 1.7 lb ITC300 inlet chemical trap† Charcoal charge 1.1 kg/2.4 lb, weight 9 kg/20 lb ITC800 inlet chemical trap** Charcoal charge 3.3 kg/2.4 lb, weight 21 kg/20 lb * Supplied with bolts, washers, 40 mm ‘ O’ ring and centering ring † Supplied with 63 mm Co-Seal, bolts and washers ** Supplied with 100 mm Co-Seal, bolts and washers SPARES A444-02-000 A444-03-000 A444-04-000 ORDERING NUMBER 0.5 kg/1.1 lb activated charcoal 3 kg/6.6 lb activated charcoal 0.45 kg/1 lb activated alumina 0.2 kg/0.5 lb activated alumina H122-05-001 H122-05-002 H026-00-050 H026-00-056 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMPS mineral oils, such as Ultragrade 20. The alternative version has PFPE (perfluoropolyether) oils and is suitable for applications where oxygen or other reactive and corrosive gases are processed. Pa 10 The EH and EDD mechanical booster pumps, based on the simple Roots principle, remain the favorite pumps for applications where high pumping speeds over 3000 m3h-1 / 176 ft3min-1 are required in the pressure region of 0.01 to 50 mbar / 0.0075 to 37.5 Torr. These pumps must always be backed by another pump which can deliver against a high pressure differential to atmospheric pressure. 10 mbar 5 10 4 10 3 2 C 10 3 10 1 Operating at relatively low pressures, the mechanical booster pump is not exposed to the same concentrations of corrosive process media as is the backing pump, which makes it highly reliable. High performance pumping mechanism The EH and EDD pumps both have the same high quality, oil-free pumping mechanism. This offers: • Quiet, vibration free operation • Rugged and corrosion resistant • Advanced shaft-seal technology - no oil contamination of process chamber A 10 2 10 1 10 200 400 600 s A With backing pump and EH mechanical booster pump switched on together B With mechanical booster pump switched on at 5 mbar C With backing pump only (pumping through booster pump) 10 10 3 2 Torr C 10 1 EH pumps with hydrokinetic drive EH booster pumps have universal voltage, air-cooled motors and are available with effective pumping speeds of up to 4140 m3h-1 / 4140 ft3min-1. The pump bodies of the EH1200, EH2600 and EH4200 pumps are watercooled. -1 0 The design of the shaft seals is optimized to ensure that no lubricants can migrate into the pumping mechanism. This maintains booster pump performance in applications which demand the highest standard of cleanliness. In addition, this prevents the build-up of trapped particles on the rotor lobes and end-faces which have very close tolerances. EH booster pumps have a unique and patented hydrokinetic fluid drive, which couples the motor to the pumping mechanism. The hydrokinetic drive offers the following advantages: • Pump down times cut by up to 50% • Reduced capital and operating costs • No pressure sensors, by-pass lines or valves • Can operate continuously at all pressures - when used with a backing pump 0 B The corrosion resistant pumping mechanism is manufactured from high grade cast iron. The proven shaft-seal arrangement ensures that no oil enters the pumping stator, and the absence of internal and external by-pass lines and valves which may corrode or stick minimizes maintenance requirements. The dynamically balanced rotors and precision ground gears contribute to the smooth, quiet operation of the pumps, as demanded by manufacturers of advanced technology equipment. 10 A 10 0 B 10 -1 0 200 400 600 s A With backing pump and EH mechanical booster pump switched on together B With mechanical booster pump switched on at 5 mbar C With backing pump only (pumping through booster pump) Two versions of each EH booster pump are available, with different oils used for the lubrication of the seals and gears. The standard version uses For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 2 PAGE 101 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Pump-down times cut by up to 50% The hydrokinetic drive allows the booster pump to be started at the same time as the backing pump (at atmospheric pressure) as it prevents motor overload. The EH booster pump therefore assists the pumping process from the start of pump-down. In comparison pumping systems with conventional, direct drive mechanical booster pumps (where the booster pump is switched on when the chamber pressure has been reduced to, typically, less than 10 mbar / 7.5 Torr), the total evacuation time can be reduced by as much as 50%. The graph below shows data for a 2.8 m3 / 100 ft3 chamber, with a 2600 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1 mechanical booster pump and a 255 m3h-1 / 150 ft3min-1 backing pump. 2 PAGE 102 Automatic overload protection The hydrokinetic drive automatically varies the rotational speed of the pump. This protects the motor from overload, prevents over-heating, and allows the pump to operate with high pressure differentials. Consequently, EH booster pumps are not damaged by sudden increases of inlet pressure and even by the entry of solid debris into the pump. BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum 6" mechanical booster pumps Important cost savings When you use EH mechanical booster pumps, you save money on installation and operation. Your capital costs are reduced as you do not need valves, by-pass lines and pressure switches, and you can use a smaller backing pump than with conventional drive booster pumps. Operation costs are reduced because EH booster pumps have smaller motors than direct drive pumps and, when operating at full speed, they use only a fraction of the rated power. EDD pumps with direct drive The EDD mechanical booster pumps have effective pumping speeds of up to1 4140 m3h-1 / 2940 ft3min-1. The high power motors are coupled to the pumping mechanism with a direct drive that maintains a constant high pressure differential. The pump bodies are water-cooled and are oriented for vertical gas flow with optional side exhaust on the larger pumps. The pump’s direct drive means that the pumping speed is maintained when the pumps are used for applications where contaminants may accumulate in the pump. MB mechanical booster pumps The BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum 6" mechanical booster range operates on the Roots principle. Product description The BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum 6" mechanical booster is a rotary displacement unit consisting of two profiled contrarotating dynamically balanced impellers. These provide vibration free and quiet operation. Internal seals provide maximum resistance to heat corrosion and protect lubrication oil from the process gas and debris ensuring no oil contamination of the process chamber occurs. High pressure differentials across the pump are possible, although thermal effects may have to be considered for extended periods of operation. Three sizes are available 1020, 2210, 3400 m3h-1 / 600, 1300, 2000 ft3min1 and are available in a number of configurations: • Bare shaft • Direct drive single speed motor • By pass valve technology to shorten pumpdown times Both horizontal and vertical gas flow variants are available. ACCESSORIES (EH EDD AND MB) The MB mechanical booster range operates on the Roots principle are need to be combined with a backing pump as they can not discharge to atmosphere. Impellers and rotors are constructed from cast iron, making them highly reliable even when pumping corrosive process media as it is not in the same concentration as it may be in backing pumps. Product description The MB mechanical booster is a rotary displacement unit consisting of two profiled contra-rotating dynamically balanced impellers. These provide vibration free and quiet operation. This combined with advanced internal seal arrangement ensures no oil contamination of the process chamber. All models are capable of operating with up to a 500 mbar pressure differential across the pump, although thermal effects may have to be considered for extended periods of operation. To improve the performance of the mechanical booster pumps in your application, select suitable accessories from our range. • Use inlet dust filters to trap grit and other particles in the process gases • Use oil mist filters to trap oil mist from the exhaust of the backing pump, MB and BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum 6" (if oil sealed pumps are selected), particularly important when the pumps are operated with high throughputs for long periods • Use inlet and outlet catchpots to trap liquids before they can enter the pumps • MB mechanical booster pumps • BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum 6" mechanical booster pumps Five sizes are available 800, 1200, 2600, 4200 and 5700 m3h-1 / 477, 719, 1520, 2521, and 3357 ft3min-1 and all are available in four options: • Bare shaft • Motor flange and coupling for customers to fit their own motor • Direct drive fitted with single speed motors • Direct drive fitted with variable speed motors In all cases both horizontal gas flow or vertical gas flow variants are available. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 HV OIL-FREE VACUUM PUMP SYSTEMS • Thermal processing The EH, EDD, MB and BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum 6" pumps are used in a wide range of applications. When backed with a suitable primary pump, the pumps are most useful in the range 500 to 1 x 10-3 mbar. Use more than one booster pump in series to achieve low system pressures. 2 PAGE 103 1 2,000 3 -1 ls 2 100 4 10 10 10 -4 10 -2 10 -3 10 -1 10 -2 10 0 10 -1 10 1 10 0 10 2 10 1 10 3 10 2 4 mbar Pa • Dry operation vacuum pump systems with pumping speed from 11000 to 30000 m3h-1 / 7900 - 17700 ft3min-1 • Dresser’s Roots technology combined with BOC Edwards vacuum expertise in dry industrial pumps and mechanical booster pumps 1 2,000 A winning combination The Dresser HV pumps are based on their well proven HR series and will be exclusively distributed by BOC Edwards. Dresser’s worldwide service and support will be complemented by BOC Edwards extensive sales and service organization. Dresser Roots HV pumps -1 ls The HV pump systems combine BOC Edwards expertise in manufacture and assembly of complete industrial vacuum systems with Dresser’s worldrenowned Roots pump technology. We use BOC Edwards’ GV, DP Drystar® pumps or BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum oil sealed piston pumps and EH, EDD, MB or BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum LRP’s 6" mechanical boosters to back the HV. 3 1,000 2 100 4 10 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 0 10 1 10 2 Torr As shown in the diagrams above, in their most efficient range, booster pumps (1) fill the gap between the pumping speeds of vapor diffusion pumps (2), vapor booster pumps (3) and rotary or dry high vacuum pumps (4). • Oil-free, vertical flow orientation as standard (horizontal flow available on some pumps) • Direct drive with flange mounted motors, and thermal snap-switch to prevent over-temperature seizure • Reliable, water-cooled bearings and seals, with after-cooler This new range of high capacity mechanical booster pumps is designed to operate reliably for long periods with no need for maintenance. The HV pumps can be fitted with an inverter to allow them to be started at atmospheric pressure, at the same time as the dry pumps. An optional inverter also allows the HV11000 and HV14000 to operate at 60 Hz from a 50 Hz supply. APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10 Semiconductor processing Vacuum distillation Vacuum packaging Steel degassing Thin film coating Vacuum metallurgy Low density wind tunnels Space simulation Vacuum impregnation Oil drying and degassing Pharmaceutical freeze drying CO2 lasers Automotive manufacture Chemical processing For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 1,000 EH250 MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP 10 3 TECHNICAL DATA 3h-1 10 E2M80 2 E1M80 ft3min-1 / 141 240 m 274 m3h-1 / 161 ft3min-1 E2M40 EH250, 60Hz 0 - 2900 rpm 0 - 3500 rpm 2 × 10-2 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr 2 × 10-3 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr 1 × 10-3 mbar / 0.75 x 10-2 Torr 0 - 1000 mbar / 0 - 760 Torr 1000 mbar / 760 Torr 10 1 10 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr ISO63 125 (4.92) 231 (9.09) 682 (26.85) 98 (3.86) 3 x M10 x 15 (0.59) ISO40 8 (0.32) 187.5 (7.38) 220 - 240 V/380 - 415 V 208 - 230 V/460 V 1.5 kW / 2 hp 5 - 40 °C/40 - 104 °F -10 to 80 °C/14 - 176 °F 90% RH 292 (11.50) Inlet connection Outlet connection Electrical supply voltage, 3-phase 50Hz 60 Hz Motor power Ambient temperature range Operating Storage Maximum operating humidity Recommended oil Standard version PFPE version Oil capacity Coupling cover Shaft seal reservoir Weight -3 140 (5.51) Recommended backing pumps 10 138 (5.43) 0 - 180 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr 0 - 150 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr GV80, E1M/E2M40, E1M/E2M80 ISO63 ISO40 60 Hz supply -4 270 (10.63) Pressure differential across pump3 50 Hz supply Pump is shown with inlet and outlet blanking flanges fitted. Dimensions are to the top surface of the pump flange. Ultragrade 20 Fomblin YVAC 16/6 ORDERING INFORMATION 1.5 l / 1.6 qt 1.25 l / 0.25 qt 61 kg / 134 lb PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1 Effective pumping speed for air at 0.3 mbar with 50 Hz supply. Effective pumping speed with 60 Hz supply will be at least 20% higher than operation with 50 Hz supply. 2 Depends on pressure. 3 Determined by the hydrokinetic drive. 10 ft 3 min -1 310 m3h-1 / 185 ft3min-1 375 m3h-1 / 220 ft3min-1 Ø183 (7.21) PAGE 104 Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Effective pumping speed1 with backing pump E1M40 or E2M40 E1M80 or E2M80 Rotational speed2 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Total pressure, single stage backing pump, with gas ballast Ultimate pressure, permanent gases, single stage backing pump, no gas ballast Total pressure, two stage backing pump, with gas ballast Operating continuous inlet pressure range (with suitable backing pump) Maximum outlet pressure 3 EH250, 50Hz Standard PFPE EH250, 60Hz Standard PFPE ORDERING NUMBER A301-51-935 A301-53-935 A301-52-936 A301-54-936 Pump is supplied fitted with one trapped ‘ O’ ring, one Co-Seal and flange covers. Standard pumps are supplied with Ultragrade 20 oil. PFPE pumps are supplied without PFPE oil. SPARES 10 2 4 2 Clean and overhaul kit Module kit Shim kit 3 5 EH250, 50Hz 10 1 10 10 -4 10 -2 ORDERING NUMBER The clean and overhaul kit contains seals, gaskets, sleeves and other components required for routine maintenance and whenever the pump is dismantled. The module kit contains additional bearings and seals for a full service. The shim kit contains a selection of shims for correct pump set-up. 1 m 3 h -1 2 GV80 E1M40 10 -3 -1 10 10 -2 10 0 10 -1 1 10 10 0 2 1 50 Hz E2M80 2 50 Hz E2M40 4 50 Hz E1M40 5 50 Hz E1M80 10 10 1 3 3 10 10 2 4 10 10 3 5 mbar Pa 50 Hz GV80 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 A301-51-815 A301-51-820 A301-51-825 EH500A MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP 10 3 TECHNICAL DATA 505 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1 605 m3h-1 / 355 ft3min-1 ft 3 min -1 E2M80 10 / 206 ft3min-1 / 236 ft3min-1 / 259 ft3min-1 / 271 ft3min-1 GV80 E1M80 EH500, 60Hz 0 - 2900 rpm 0 - 3500 rpm 2 × 10-2 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr 2 × 10-3 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr 1 × 10-3 mbar / 0.75 x 10-3 Torr 0 - 1000 mbar / 0 - 760 Torr 1000 mbar / 760 Torr -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 98 (3.86) Torr 212 (8.35) 292 (11.50) 146 (5.75) 196 (7.72) Pump is shown with inlet and outlet blanking flanges fitted. Dimensions are to the top surface of the pump flange. ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1.5 l / 1.6 qt 1.25 l / 0.25 qt 74 kg / 163 lb EH500A, 50Hz Standard PFPE EH500, 60Hz Standard PFPE ORDERING NUMBER A302-71-935 A302-73-935 A302-72-936 A302-74-936 Pump is supplied fitted with 2 trapped ‘ O’ rings and flange covers. Standard pumps are supplied with Ultragrade 20 oil. PFPE pumps are supplied without PFPE oil. 3 SPARES 2 Clean and overhaul kit Module kit Shim kit 2 3 4 EH500, 50Hz 1 -4 10 -2 ORDERING NUMBER The clean and overhaul kit contains seals, gaskets, sleeves and other components required for routine maintenance and whenever the pump is dismantled. The module kit contains additional bearings and seals for a full service. The shim kit contains a selection of shims for correct pump set-up. 1 m 3 h -1 3 4 x M8 x 16 (0.63) 115 (4.52) 222 (8.74) 5 - 40 °C / 40 - 104 °F -10 to 80 °C / 14 - 176 °F 90% RH Ultragrade 20 Fomblin YVAC 16/6 ISO63 Ø182 (7.16) 220 - 240 V/380 - 415 V 208 - 230 V/460 V 1.5 kW / 2 hp 3 Determined by the hydrokinetic drive. 10 10 106 (4.17) 234 (9.21) 0 - 110 mbar / 0 - 68 Torr 0 - 90 mbar / 0 - 825 Torr GV80, GV160, E1M/E2M80 ISO100 ISO63 2 Depends on pressure. 10 2 179 (7.05) will be at least 20% higher than operation with 50 Hz supply. 10 10 ISO100 1 Effective pumping speed for air at 0.3 mbar with 50 Hz supply. Effective pumping speed with 60 Hz supply 10 1 770 (30.32) M10 x 15 (0.59) Inlet connection Outlet connection Electrical supply voltage, 3-phase 50Hz 60 Hz Motor power Ambient temperature range Operating Storage Maximum operating humidity Recommended oil Standard version PFPE version Oil capacity Coupling cover Shaft seal reservoir Weight 10 1 10 Pressure differential across pump3 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Recommended backing pumps PAGE 105 GV160 350 m3h-1 400 m3h-1 440 m3h-1 460 m3h-1 10 Rotational speed2 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Total pressure, single stage backing pump, with gas ballast Ultimate pressure, permanent gases, single stage backing pump, no gas ballast Total pressure, two stage backing pump, with gas ballast Operating continuous inlet pressure range (with suitable backing pump) Maximum outlet pressure 2 2 10 -3 -1 10 10 1 50 Hz E2M80 4 50 Hz GV160 -2 10 0 10 2 -1 1 10 10 0 2 50 Hz GV80 10 10 1 3 3 10 10 2 4 10 10 3 5 mbar Pa 50 Hz E1M80 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 A301-51-815 A301-51-820 A301-51-825 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Effective pumping speed1 with backing pump E1M40 or E2M40 E1M80 or E2M80 E1M175 or E2M175 E1M275 or E2M275 EH1200 MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP 10 3 1 TECHNICAL DATA 3 Maximum outlet pressure Pressure differential across pump 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Recommended backing pumps 3 Inlet connection Outlet connection Electrical supply voltage, 3-phase 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor power Ambient temperature range Operating Storage Maximum operating humidity Recommended cooling water flow (inlet temperature 20 °C)4 Recommended cooling water supply pressure Cooling water connections Recommended oil Standard version PFPE version Oil capacity Gear case Coupling cover Shaft seal reservoir Weight 1 840 m3h-1 / 495 ft3min-1 930 m3h-1 / 548 ft3min-1 1020 m3h-1 / 601 ft3min-1 EH1200, 50Hz 10 1 10 0 - 2900 rpm 0 - 3500 rpm 10 -4 -2 2 × 10-2 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr 10 0 - 1000 mbar / 760 Torr 1000 mbar / 760 Torr 10 -1 10 10 1 50 Hz E2M175 4 50 Hz E2M80 -2 10 0 10 2 -1 1 10 10 0 10 2 10 50 Hz GV160 1 10 3 10 3 2 10 4 10 3 5 mbar Pa 50 Hz GV250 3 2 × 10-3 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr 1 × 10-3 mbar / 0.75 x 10-3 Torr 10 -3 E2M175 E2M80 10 2 GV160 GV250 EH1200, 60Hz 0 - 90 mbar / 0 - 68 Torr 0 - 75 mbar / 0 - 56 Torr GV160, GV250, E2M80, E2M175 ISO160 ISO100 10 1 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 5 - 40 °C / 40 - 104 °F -10 to 80 °C / 14 - 176 °F 90% RH 120 l h-1 / 0.53 US gal min-1 10 2 10 3 Torr 947 (37.28) 277 (10.91) ISO160 220 - 240 V/380 - 415 V 208 - 230 V/460 V 3 kW / 4 hp 1 110 (4.33) M12 x 15 (0.59) 230 (9.06) 2 - 6 bar £/8 inch BSP male ISO100 316 (12.44) Operating continuous inlet pressure range (with suitable backing pump) 10 180 (7.09) Total pressure, two stage backing pump, with gas ballast / 715 1195 m 1435 m3h-1 / 845 ft3min-1 4 2 48 (1.89) Ultimate pressure, permanent gases, single stage backing pump, no gas ballast ft3min-1 ft 3 min -1 Rotational speed2 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Total pressure, single stage backing pump, with gas ballast 3h-1 348 (13.70) PAGE 106 Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Effective pumping speed1 with backing pump E1M80 or E2M80 E1M175 or E2M175 E1M275 or E2M275 Ø218 (8.58) 2 m 3 h -1 2 220 (8.66) 380 (14.96) Ultragrade 20 Fomblin YVAC 16/6 1.25 l / 1.3 qt 2.4 l / 2.5 qt 0.125 l / 0.25 qt 149 kg / 329 lb 4 x Ø18 (0.71) 260 (10.24) Effective pumping speed for air at 0.3 mbar with 50 Hz supply. Effective pumping speed with 60 Hz supply will be at least 20% higher than operation with 50 Hz supply. 2 Depends on pressure. 3 Determined by the hydrokinetic drive. Pump is shown with inlet and outlet blanking flanges fitted. Dimensions are to the top surface of the pump flange. 4 Under many circumstances the EH1200 may operate without cooling water. Apply to BOC Edwards for more information. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EH1200, 50Hz Standard PFPE EH1200, 60Hz Standard PFPE ORDERING NUMBER A305-90-935 A305-92-935 A305-91-936 A305-93-936 SPARES ORDERING NUMBER The clean and overhaul kit contains seals, gaskets, sleeves and other components required for routine maintenance and whenever the pump is dismantled. The module kit contains additional bearings and seals for a full service. The shim kit contains a selection of shims for correct pump set-up. Clean and overhaul kit Module kit Shim kit A305-51-815 A305-51-820 A305-51-825 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Pump is supplied fitted with 2 trapped ‘ O’ rings and flange covers. Standard pumps are supplied with Ultragrade 20 oil. PFPE pumps are supplied without PFPE oil. 2 PAGE 107 EH2600 MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP 10 4 Operating continuous inlet pressure range (with suitable backing pump) Maximum outlet pressure Pressure differential across pump3 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Recommended backing pumps Inlet connection Outlet connection Electrical supply voltage, 3-phase 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor power Hydrocarbon PFPE Ambient temperature range Operating Storage Maximum operating humidity Recommended cooling water flow (inlet temperature 20 °C)4 Recommended cooling water supply pressure Cooling water connections Recommended oil Standard version PFPE version Oil capacity Gear cover Coupling cover Shaft seal reservoir Weight 1 4 ft3min-1 3 / 1031 1750 m 1900 m3h-1 / 1119 ft3min-1 2 EH2600, 50Hz 10 2 0 - 2900 rpm 0 - 3500 rpm 10 10 -4 -2 2 × 10-2 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr 2 × 10-3 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr 10 10 10 -3 -1 10 10 1 50 Hz E2M275 4 50 Hz GV250 -2 10 0 10 2 -1 1 10 10 0 10 2 10 50 Hz E2M175 1 10 3 10 3 2 10 4 10 3 5 mbar Pa 50 Hz GV400 4 EH2600, 60Hz 1 × 10-3 mbar / 0.75 x 10-3 Torr GV250 GV400 0 - 1000 mbar / 0 - 760 Torr 1000 mbar / 760 Torr 0 - 80 mbar / 0 - 60 Torr 0 - 67 mbar / 0 - 50 Torr GV250, GV400, E2M175, E2M275 ISO160 ISO100 10 3 E2M275 E2M175 10 2 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1225 (48.23) (50Hz) 1093 (43.03) (60Hz) 220 - 240 V/380 - 415 V 208 - 230 V/460 V 1 10 2 10 3 Torr 312 (12.28) 11 kW / 14.6 hp 7.5 kW / 9.75 hp 5 - 40 °C / 40 - 104 °F -10 to 80 °C / 14 - 176 °F 90% RH 250 l h-1 / 1.1 US gal min-1 2 - 6 bar £/8 inch BSP male 461 (18.15) Total pressure, two stage backing pump, with gas ballast 3 285 (11.22) Ultimate pressure, permanent gases, single stage backing pump, no gas ballast 3h-1 10 M16 x 16 275 (10.83) 110 (4.33) 220 (8.66) 481 (18.94) Ultragrade 20 Fomblin YVAC 16/6 245 (9.65) ISO160 3.5 l / 3.3 qt 6.5 l / 7 qt 1.5 l / 1.4 qt 308 kg / 679 lb 1 Effective pumping speed for air at 0.3 mbar with 50 Hz supply. Effective pumping speed with 60 Hz supply will be at least 20% higher than operation with 50 Hz supply. 2 Depends on pressure. 3 Determined by the hydrokinetic drive. 4Under many circumstances the EH2600 may operate without cooling water. Apply to BOC Edwards for more information. 375 (14.76) Rotational speed2 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Total pressure, single stage backing pump, with gas ballast 2590 m3h-1 / 1525 ft3min-1 3110 m3h-1 / 1830 ft3min-1 ft 3 min -1 PAGE 108 Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Effective pumping speed1 with backing pump E1M175 or E2M175 E1M275 or E2M275 Ø312 (12.28) (50Hz) Ø260 (10.24) (60Hz) 2 m 3 h -1 TECHNICAL DATA * 4 x Ø22 370 (14.57) ISO100 Pump is shown with inlet and outlet blanking flanges fitted. Dimensions are to the top surface of the pump flange. 1 Alternative outlet position For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EH2600, 50Hz Standard PFPE EH2600, 60Hz Standard PFPE ORDERING NUMBER A307-51-946 A307-53-935 A307-52-982 A307-54-936 SPARES ORDERING NUMBER The clean and overhaul kit contains seals, gaskets, sleeves and other components required for routine maintenance and whenever the pump is dismantled. The module kit contains additional bearings and seals for a full service. The shim kit contains a selection of shims for correct pump set-up. Clean and overhaul kit Module kit Shim kit A307-51-815 A307-51-820 A307-51-825 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Pump is supplied fitted with 2 trapped ‘ O’ rings and flange covers. Standard pumps are supplied with Ultragrade 20 oil. PFPE pumps are supplied without PFPE oil. 2 PAGE 109 EH4200 MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP 10 4 TECHNICAL DATA Maximum outlet pressure Pressure differential across pump3 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Recommended backing pumps Inlet connection Outlet connection Electrical supply voltage, 3-phase 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor power Hydrocarbon Fomblin Ambient temperature range Operating Storage Maximum operating humidity Recommended cooling water flow (inlet temperature 20°C)4 Recommended cooling water supply pressure Cooling water connections Recommended oil Standard version PFPE version Oil capacity Gear cover Coupling cover Shaft seal reservoir Weight m 3 h -1 EH4200, 50Hz 10 -2 2 × 10 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr 2 10 10 -4 -2 2 × 10-3 mbar / 1.5 x 10-2 Torr 0 - 60 mbar / 0 - 45 Torr 0 - 50 mbar / 0 - 38 Torr GV400, E2M275 ISO250 ISO100 10 1 10 1 × 10-3 mbar / 0.75 x 10-3 Torr 0 - 1000 mbar / 0 - 760 Torr 1000 mbar / 760 Torr 10 -3 10 -1 10 -2 10 0 10 50 Hz E2M275 2 -1 10 1 10 0 10 2 10 1 10 3 10 2 10 4 10 3 5 mbar Pa 50 Hz GV400 4 EH4200, 60Hz E2M275 10 3 GV400 10 2 10 220 - 240 V/380 - 415 V 208 - 230 V/460 V -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 1405 (55.32) (50Hz) 1273 (50.12) (60Hz) 11 kW / 14.6 hp 7.5 kW / 9.75 hp 10 2 10 3 Torr 402 (15.83) 5 - 40 °C / 40 - 104 °F -10 to 80 °C / 14 - 176 °F 90% RH 250 l h-1 / 1.1 US gal min-1 2 - 6 bar £/8 inch BSP male Ultragrade 20 Fomblin YVAC 16/6 461 (18.15) Operating continuous inlet pressure range (with suitable backing pump) 0 - 2900 rpm 0 - 3500 rpm 285 (11.22) Total pressure, two stage backing pump, with gas ballast 2 10 3 M16 x 16 290 (11.42) 185 (7.28) 370 (14.57) 481 (18.94) 3.5 l / 3.3 qt 6.5 l / 7 qt 1.5 l / 1.4 qt 400 kg / 882 lb 245 (9.65) ISO250 375 (14.76) Ultimate pressure, permanent gases, single stage backing pump, no gas ballast 1 4140 m3h-1 / 2440 ft3min-1 4985 m3h-1 / 2935 ft3min-1 3100 m3h-1 / 3100 ft3min-1 ft 3 min -1 PAGE 110 Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Effective pumping speed1 with E1M275 or E2M275 Rotational speed2 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Total pressure, single stage backing pump, with gas ballast Ø312 (12.28) (50Hz) Ø260 (10.24) (60Hz) 2 1 Effective pumping speed for air at 0.3 mbar with 50 Hz supply. Effective pumping speed with 60 Hz supply will be at least 20% higher than operation with 50 Hz supply. 2 Depends on pressure. 3 Determined by the hydrokinetic drive. 4Under many circumstances the EH4200 may operate without cooling water. Apply to BOC Edwards for more information. * 4 x Ø22 370 (14.57) ISO100 Pump is shown with inlet and outlet blanking flanges fitted. Dimensions are to the top surface of the pump flange. 1 Alternative outlet position For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EH4200, 50Hz Standard PFPE EH4200, 60Hz Standard PFPE ORDERING NUMBER A309-51-946 A309-53-935 A309-52-982 A309-54-936 SPARES ORDERING NUMBER The clean and overhaul kit contains seals, gaskets, sleeves and other components required for routine maintenance and whenever the pump is dismantled. The module kit contains additional bearings and seals for a full service. The shim kit contains a selection of shims for correct pump set-up. Clean and overhaul kit Module kit Shim kit A307-51-815 A307-51-820 A307-51-825 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Pump is supplied fitted with 2 trapped ‘ O’ rings and flange covers. Standard pumps are supplied with Ultragrade 20 oil. PFPE pumps are supplied without PFPE oil. 2 PAGE 111 OIL SEALED PUMPED BOOSTER SYSTEMS Our comprehensive range of mechanical booster and oil sealed rotary pumps forms the basis for the manufacture of factory tested combinationpumping systems. These systems have displacements from 310 to 4140 m3h-1. BOC Edwards rotary pumps are specifically designed with centrally placed inlets, so that the mechanical booster pump can be mounted on the backing pump with minimum overhang, to give a very compact arrangement. The pannier-style outlet accessories together with the absence of gas-lines and pressure switches contribute further to the neat, compact designs. 2 PAGE 112 ORDERING INFORMATION - ALL TERRITORIES EXCEPT NORTH AMERICA RB Rotary pump (includes pump, frame, and coupling components) Voltage 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B C D E Frequency None E1M40 E1M40 and oil level switch E2M40 E2M40 and oil level switch E1M80 E1M80 and oil level switch E2M80 E2M80 and oil level switch E1M175 E2M175 E1M275 E2M275 Booster pump (includes booster and coupling components) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 None EH250 EH250 and oil level switch EH500 EH500 and oil level switch EH1200 EH1200 and oil level switch EH2600 EH4200 Enter voltage 1 2 50 Hz 60 Hz Oil 0 1 2 3 None Ultra-grade (both pumps) TW (rotary pump only) PFPE (both pumps) Electric control 1 2 None On line starter for each pump Notes 1 2 3 Other combinations can be supplied on application Other accessories can be supplied on application Pumped EOF requires 100-120/200-240 V, 1-ph, 50/ 60 Hz electrical supply Mist filter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 None MF100 (E1/2M40/80) MF100AE (E1/2M40/80) MF300 (E1/2M175/275) MF100 with oil return (E1/2M40/80) MF100AE with oil return (E1/2M40/80) MF300 with oil return (E1/2M175/275) Oil filtration (includes connection kit) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 None EOF100A (E1/2M40/80) EOF100M (E1/2M40/80) EOF300A (E1/2M175/275) EOF300M (E1/2M175/275) Pumped EOF E1/2M40/80 25CR Pumped EOF E1/2M40/80 40CR In some applications it may be possible to use oil sealed rough pumps or our range of MB mechanical booster pumps as an alternative. Should this be of interest please discuss your requirements with BOC Edwards or your local representative. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING INFORMATION - NORTH AMERICA DM - - G - - DM - Simple direct mount, accessories optional for self assembly G - Easy roll around frame, fully assembled system and tested Rotary pump (includes pump, frame, and coupling components) None E2M40 E2M80 E2M40 + oil level E2M80 + oil level E1M40 E1M80 E1M40 + oil level E1M80 + oil level E2M175 E2M275 E1M175 E1M275 None EH250 EH500 EH1200 EH250 + oil level EH500 + oil level EH1200 + oil level EH2600 EH4200 Mist filter 0 1 2 3 7 8 9 None-PFPE prepared PFPE BOC Edwards TW Ultragrade oil Electrical Supply (no additional charge) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Booster pump (includes booster and coupling components) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 2 3 4 None MF100AE (for E1/E2M40, E1/E2M80) MF100AE with semi-automatic oil return MF100AE with oil return MF300 MF300 with semi-automatic oil return MF300 with oil return None1 208 V, 60 Hz 230 V, 60 Hz 460 V, 60 Hz 575 V, 60 Hz 220 V, 60 Hz 380 V, 60 Hz 415 V, 60 Hz Electrical controls – motor control module, stop/start switches and interlocks (credit) S Controls Supplied X No Controls Supplied EH250, EH500 and EH1200 Combinations EH2600 and EH4200 Combinations Flow control 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 None Dry Nitrogen Box Purge (OB100) Dry Nitrogen Gas Ballast External Gas Module (EGM100) External Gas Module Corrosive Applications Dry Nitrogen Oil Box Purge and Oil Pressure Gas Ballast and Oil Pressure Alarm (AOP) External Gas Module (EGM100) and Oil Pressure Alarm (AOP) External Gas Module (EGM100FS) and Oil Pressure Alarm (AOP) Dry Nitrogen Oil Box Purge, Gas Ballast and Oil Pressure Alarm (AOP) Oil filtration (includes connection kit) 0 2 6 8 None EOF4000 + pressure switch EOF4000 + outlet pressure EOF4000 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 2 PAGE 113 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B C D E Oil (prices included with pump) EDD2600 DIRECT DRIVE MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA 1140 m3h-1 / 677 ft3min-1 1380 m3h-1 / 820 ft3min-1 2820 rpm 3420 rpm 100 mbar / 75 Torr 80 mbar / 60 Torr 4 kW / 5.3 hp 10-4 mbar l s-1 / 7.5 x 10-5 Torr ls-1 120 Ih-1 / 0.53 US gal min-1 Cooling water flow at 20 °C inlet temp Oil charge, vertical flow Gear and coupling case Shaft seal reservoir Recommended BOC Edwards oil Weight 120 mbar / 90 Torr 100 mbar / 75 Torr 11 kW / 15 hp 10-4 mbar l s-1 / 7.5 x 10-5 Torr ls-1 250 Ih-1 / 1.1 US gal min-1 10.8 l / 10.3 qt 1.5 l / 1.4 qt Ultragrade 20 340 kg / 750 lb 1225 (48.23) (50Hz) 1093 (43.03) (60Hz) 312 (12.28) 185 (7.28) 370 (14.57) 285 (11.22) Ø312 (12.28) (50Hz) Ø260 (10.24) (60Hz) 461 (18.15) 285 (11.22) 402 (15.83) M16 x 16 275 (10.83) 110 (4.33) 220 (8.66) 481 (18.94) 481 (18.94) 245 (9.65) 2900 rpm 3500 rpm Oil charge, vertical flow Gear and coupling case Shaft seal reservoir Recommended BOC Edwards oil Weight M16 x 16 290 (11.42) 2590 m3h-1 / 1525 ft3min-1 3125 m3h-1 / 1840 ft3min-1 Cooling water flow at 20 °C inlet temp 3.2 l / 3.38 qt 0.35 l / 0.37 qt Ultragrade 20 157 kg / 346 lb 1405 (55.32) (50Hz) 1273 (50.12) (60Hz) Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz 60 Hz Rotational speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Maximum pressure differential 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor power Leak tightness 245 (9.65) ISO160 375 (14.76) 375 (14.76) ISO250 * 4 x Ø22 370 (14.57) 461 (18.15) Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz 60 Hz Rotational speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Maximum pressure differential 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor power Leak tightness Ø312 (12.28) (50Hz) Ø260 (10.24) (60Hz) 2 PAGE 114 EDD1200 DIRECT DRIVE MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP * ISO100 4 x Ø22 370 (14.57) ISO100 Pump is shown with inlet and outlet blanking flanges fitted. Dimensions are to the top surface of the pump Pump is shown with inlet and outlet blanking flanges fitted. Dimensions are to the top surface of the pump flange flange ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER EDD1200 pump Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. EDD2600 pump Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. SPARES SPARES ORDERING NUMBER ORDERING NUMBER The clean and overhaul kit contains seals, gaskets, sleeves and other components required for routine maintenance and whenever the pump is dismantled. The module kit contains additional bearings and seals for a full service. The shim kit contains a selection of shims for correct pump set-up. The clean and overhaul kit contains seals, gaskets, sleeves and other components required for routine maintenance and whenever the pump is dismantled. The module kit contains additional bearings and seals for a full service. The shim kit contains a selection of shims for correct pump set-up. Clean and overhaul kit Module kit Shim kit Clean and overhaul kit Module kit Shim kit A305-51-815 A305-51-820 A305-51-825 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 A307-51-815 A307-51-820 A307-51-825 EDD4200 DIRECT DRIVE MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP ACCESSORIES TECHNICAL DATA OLM500 OIL LEVEL MONITOR 2 4140 m3h-1 / 2440 ft3min-1 5000 m3h-1 / 2940 ft3min-1 PAGE 115 2900 rpm 3500 rpm Cooling water flow at 20 °C inlet temp Oil charge (vertical flow) Gear and coupling case Shaft seal reservoir Recommended BOC Edwards oil Weight 85 mbar / 64 Torr 70 mbar / 53 Torr 15 kW / 20 hp 10-4 mbar l s-1 / 7.5 x 10-5 Torr ls-1 250 l h-1 / 1.1 US gal min-1 10.8 l / 10.3 qt 1.5 l / 1.4 qt Ultragrade 20 430 kg / 948 lb Fit the OLM500 in place of the oil sight-glass on the EH250 and EH500 oil seal reservoirs, and on the EH1200, EH2600 and EH4200 oil seal reservoirs and gear boxes. The OLM500 provides a switched output for remote activation or warning devices. Technical data: 24 V ac, maximum current ORDERING INFORMATION 1405 (55.32) (50Hz) 1273 (50.12) (60Hz) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 402 (15.83) ORDERING NUMBER 461 (18.15) 285 (11.22) Ø312 (12.28) (50Hz) Ø260 (10.24) (60Hz) OLM500 oil level monitor INLET SEAL WITH MESH SCREEN Designed to prevent objects falling into the inlet of our booster pumps, the mesh aperture is 3.3mm. ORDERING INFORMATION M16 x 16 290 (11.42) 185 (7.28) 370 (14.57) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Inlet seal with mesh screen ISO63 ISO100 ISO160 481 (18.94) 245 (9.65) 375 (14.76) ISO250 * 4 x Ø22 370 (14.57) ISO100 Pump is shown with inlet and outlet blanking flanges fitted. Dimensions are to the top surface of the pump flange 1 Alternative outlet position ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER EDD4200 pump Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. SPARES ORDERING NUMBER The clean and overhaul kit contains seals, gaskets, sleeves and other components required for routine maintenance and whenever the pump is dismantled. The module kit contains additional bearings and seals for a full service. The shim kit contains a selection of shims for correct pump set-up. Clean and overhaul kit Module kit Shim kit A504-34-000 A307-51-815 A307-51-820 A307-51-825 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER C105-21-085 C105-23-085 C105-24-085 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz 60 Hz Rotational speed 50 Hz 60 Hz Maximum pressure differential 50 Hz 60 Hz Motor power Leak tightness NEW MB 800 MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP MB booster pumps not available for sale in North America. ORDERING INFORMATION MB booster pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Ultimate (depending on backing pump) Maximum pressure differential across pump (standard motor) 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Maximum pressure differential across pump (any circumstances) Maximum operating temperature of pump Maximum discharge temperature Maximum temperature rise across pump Inlet connection Outlet connection Motor power Recommended oil Oil capacity (vertical gas flow) Drive end Non drive end Oil capacity (horizontal gas flow) Drive end Non drive end Weight (typical with motor) 810 m3h-1 / 477 ft3min-1 980 m3h-1 / 524 ft3min-1 1 x 10-3 mbar / 7.5 x 10-4 Torr 150 mbar / 113 Torr 110 mbar / 83 Torr 500 mbar / 375 Torr 145 °C / 293 °F 120 °C / 248 °F ISO100 ISO100 3 kW / 4 hp HH V-lube H oil 0.5 liter / 0.13 US gal 0.7 liter / 0.18 US gal 0.4 liter / 0.11 US gal 0.6 liter / 0.16 US gal 133 kg / 293 lbs MB800 Bare shaft pump, horizontal gas flow Bare shaft pump, vertical gas flow Motor flange (C type), horizontal gas flow Motor flange (C type), vertical gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50 Hz, horizontal gas flow 208-230/460 V, 3-ph, 60 Hz, horizontal gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50 Hz, vertical gas flow 208-230/460 V, 3-ph, 60 Hz, vertical gas flow 208-240 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 380-450 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 460-500 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 208-240 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow 380-450 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow 460-500 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow 947 (37.28) 338 (13.31) 356 (14.02) 170 ISO100 (6.69) 2 PAGE 116 TECHNICAL DATA ISO100 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A310-01-985 A310-02-985 A310-01-970 A310-02-970 A310-01-935 A310-01-936 A310-02-935 A310-02-936 A310-01-992 A310-01-993 A310-01-994 A310-02-992 A310-02-993 A310-02-994 N EW MB 1200 MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP MB booster pumps not available for sale in North America. ORDERING INFORMATION MB booster pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TECHNICAL DATA Displacement (swept volume) 1220 m3h-1 / 719 ft3min-1 1480 m3h-1 / 872 ft3min-1 1 x 10-3 mbar / 7.5 x 10-4 Torr 100 mbar / 75 Torr 75 mbar / 56 Torr 500 mbar / 375 Torr 145 °C / 293 °F 120 °C / 248 °F ISO160 ISO160 4 kW / 5.3 hp HH V-lube H oil 0.5 liter / 0.13 US gal 0.7 liter / 0.18 US gal 0.4 liter / 0.11 US gal 0.6 liter / 0.16 US gal 173 kg / 381 lbs 1049 (41.30) 338 (13.31) 356 (14.02) 170 (6.69) ISO160 ISO160 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A310-05-985 A310-06-985 A310-05-970 A310-06-970 A310-05-935 A310-05-936 A310-06-935 A310-06-936 A310-05-992 A310-05-993 A310-05-994 A310-06-992 A310-06-993 A310-06-994 2 PAGE 117 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Ultimate (depending on backing pump) Maximum pressure differential across pump (standard motor) 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Maximum pressure differential across pump (any circumstances) Maximum operating temperature of pump Maximum discharge temperature Maximum temperature rise across pump Inlet connection Outlet connection Motor power Recommended oil Oil capacity (vertical gas flow) Drive end Non drive end Oil capacity (horizontal gas flow) Drive end Non drive end Weight (typical with motor) MB1200 Bare shaft pump, horizontal gas flow Bare shaft pump, vertical gas flow Motor flange (C type), horizontal gas flow Motor flange (C type), vertical gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50 Hz, horizontal gas flow 208-230/460 V, 3-ph, 60 Hz, horizontal gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50 Hz, vertical gas flow 208-230/460 V, 3-ph, 60 Hz, vertical gas flow 208-240 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 380-450 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 460-500 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 208-240 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow 380-450 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow 460-500 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow NEW MB 2600 MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP MB booster pumps not available for sale in North America. ORDERING INFORMATION MB booster pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Ultimate (depending on backing pump) Maximum pressure differential across pump (standard motor) 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Maximum pressure differential across pump (any circumstances) Maximum operating temperature of pump Maximum discharge temperature Maximum temperature rise across pump Inlet connection Outlet connection Motor power Recommended oil Oil capacity (vertical gas flow) Drive end Non drive end Oil capacity (horizontal gas flow) Drive end Non drive end Weight (typical with motor) 2580 m3h-1 / 1520 ft3min-1 3120 m3h-1 / 1838 ft3min-1 1 x 10-3 mbar / 7.5 x 10-4 Torr 85 mbar / 64 Torr 65 mbar / 49 Torr 500 mbar / 375 Torr 145 °C / 293 °F 120 °C / 248 °F ISO160 ISO160 7.5 kW / 10 hp HH V-lube H oil 0.9 liter / 0.24 US gal 1.5 liter / 0.39 US gal 0.7 liter / 0.18 US gal 1.3 liter / 0.34 US gal 340 kg / 748 lbs MB2600 Bare shaft pump, horizontal gas flow Bare shaft pump, vertical gas flow Motor flange (C type), horizontal gas flow Motor flange (C type), vertical gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50 Hz, horizontal gas flow 208-230/460 V, 3-ph, 60 Hz, horizontal gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50 Hz, vertical gas flow 208-230/460 V, 3-ph, 60 Hz, vertical gas flow 208-240 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 380-450 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 460-500 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 208-240 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow 380-450 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow 460-500 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow 1272 (50.08) 414 (16.30) 409 (16.10) 200 ISO160 (7.87) 2 PAGE 118 TECHNICAL DATA ISO160 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A310-09-985 A310-10-985 A310-09-970 A310-10-970 A310-09-935 A310-09-936 A310-10-935 A310-10-936 A310-09-992 A310-09-993 A310-09-994 A310-10-992 A310-10-993 A310-10-994 N EW MB 4200 MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP MB booster pumps not available for sale in North America. ORDERING INFORMATION MB booster pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TECHNICAL DATA Displacement (swept volume) 4280 m3h-1 / 2521 ft3min-1 5160 m3h-1 / 3039 ft3min-1 1 x 10-3 mbar / 7.5 x 10-4 Torr 60 Hz supply Maximum pressure differential across pump (any circumstances) Maximum operating temperature of pump Maximum discharge temperature Maximum temperature rise across pump Inlet connection Outlet connection Motor power Recommended oil Oil capacity (vertical gas flow) Drive end Non drive end Oil capacity (horizontal gas flow) Drive end Non drive end Weight (typical with motor) 70 mbar (11 kW) / 53 Torr (11 kW) 50 mbar (11 kW) / 38 Torr (11 kW) 500 mbar / 375 Torr 145 °C / 293 °F 120 °C / 248 °F ISO200 ISO200 7.5 kW or 11 kW / 10 hp or 15 hp HH V-lube H oil 1.5 liter / 0.39 US gal 2 liter / 0.53 US gal 1 liter / 0.26 US gal 1.5 liter / 0.39 US gal 433 kg / 953 lbs 1559 (61.38) 490 (19.29) 471 (18.54) 230 (9.06) ISO200 ISO200 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A310-13-985 A310-14-985 A310-13-970 A310-14-970 A310-13-935 A310-13-936 A310-14-935 A310-14-936 A310-13-992 A310-13-993 A310-13-994 A310-14-992 A310-14-993 A310-14-994 A310-17-935 A310-17-936 A310-18-935 A310-21-935 A310-22-935 2 PAGE 119 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Ultimate (depending on backing pump) Maximum pressure differential across pump (standard motor) 50 Hz supply MB4200 Bare shaft pump, horizontal gas flow Bare shaft pump, vertical gas flow Motor flange (C type), horizontal gas flow Motor flange (C type), vertical gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50 Hz, 7.5 kW, horizontal gas flow 208-230/460 V, 3-ph, 60 Hz, 7.5 kW, horizontal gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50 Hz, 7.5 kW, vertical gas flow 208-230/460 V, 3-ph, 60 Hz, 7.5 kW, vertical gas flow 208-240 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, 7.5 kW, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 380-450 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, 7.5 kW, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 460-500 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, 7.5 kW, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 208-240 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, 7.5 kW, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow 380-450 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, 7.5 kW, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow 460-500 V, 3-ph, 47-63 Hz, 7.5 kW, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50 Hz, 11 kW, horizontal gas flow 208-230/460 V, 3-ph, 60 Hz, 11 kW, horizontal gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50 Hz, 11 kW, vertical gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50/60 Hz, 11 kW, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50/60 Hz, 11 kW, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow NEW MB 5700 MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP MB booster pumps not available for sale in North America. ORDERING INFORMATION MB booster pumps not available for sale in North America. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Displacement (swept volume) 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Ultimate (depending on backing pump) Maximum pressure differential across pump (standard motor) 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Maximum pressure differential across pump (any circumstances) Maximum operating temperature of pump Maximum discharge temperature Maximum temperature rise across pump Inlet connection Outlet connection Motor power Recommended oil Oil capacity (vertical gas flow) Drive end Non drive end Oil capacity (horizontal gas flow) Drive end Non drive end Weight (typical with motor) 5700 m3h-1 / 3357 ft3min-1 6880 m3h-1 / 4052 ft3min-1 1 x 10-3 mbar / 7.5 x 10-4 Torr 75 mbar / 56 Torr 60 mbar / 45 Torr 500 mbar / 375 Torr 145 °C / 293 °F 120 °C / 248 °F ISO200 ISO200 15 kW / 20 hp HH V-lube H oil MB5700 Bare shaft pump, horizontal gas flow Bare shaft pump, vertical gas flow Motor flange (C type), horizontal gas flow Motor flange (C type), vertical gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50 Hz, horizontal gas flow 208-230/460 V, 3-ph, 60 Hz, horizontal gas flow 220-240/380-415 V, 3-ph, 50 Hz, vertical gas flow 208-230/460 V, 3-ph, 60 Hz, vertical gas flow 3-ph, 50/60 Hz, variable speed drive, horizontal gas flow 3-ph, 50/60 Hz, variable speed drive, vertical gas flow 1.5 liter / 0.39 US gal 2 liter / 0.53 US gal 1 liter / 0.26 US gal 1.5 liter / 0.39 US gal 508 kg / 1118 lbs 1712 (67.40) 490 (19.29) 471 (18.54) 230 ISO200 (9.06) 2 PAGE 120 TECHNICAL DATA ISO200 For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 ORDERING NUMBER A310-23-985 A310-24-985 A310-23-970 A310-24-970 A310-23-935 A310-23-936 A310-24-935 A310-24-936 A310-27-935 A310-28-935 N EW BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM 607 DIRECT DRIVE BOOSTER PUMPS BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM 607 BARE SHAFT BOOSTER PUMPS TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Outlet connection Water cooling Maximum pressure differential Maximum temperature rise Maximum discharge temperature Weight Oil capacity 60 Hz * 800 607 700 PAGE 121 1360 800 1190 700 1020 600 850 500 1360 607 1190 1 1020 850 2 400 680 300 510 300 510 200 340 200 340 170 100 170 100 0 0 0 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 0 10 -4 With 300 ft3min-1 backing pump 2 With 150 ft3min-1 backing pump -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Blower speeds: Top curve 2750 rpm; Bottom curve 1800 rpm. 1 With 300 ft3min-1 backing pump 2 With 150 ft3min-1 backing pump ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 10 torr (mm Hg) torr (mm Hg) Blower speeds: Top curve 2750 rpm; Bottom curve 1800 rpm. 1 m 3 h -1 680 ft 3 min -1 2 m 3 h -1 500 400 2 1615 m3h-1 / 950 ft3min-1* 2750 rpm* 153 mm / 6 in 153 mm / 6 in 1.8 l min-1 / 0.5 US gal min-1 495 mbar / 380 Torr 135 °C / 275 °F 191 °C / 375 °F 215 kg / 475 lb 3.28 liter / 6.90 pint Maximum 1 600 ft 3 min -1 * 1020 m3h-1 / 600 ft3min-1* 1800 rpm* 153 mm / 6 in 153 mm / 6 in 1.8 l min-1 / 0.5 US gal min-1 495 mbar / 380 Torr 135 °C / 275 °F 191 °C / 375 °F 273 kg / 600 lb 3.28 liter / 6.90 pint ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Outlet connection Water cooling Maximum pressure differential Maximum temperature rise Maximum discharge temperature Weight Oil capacity NEW BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM 615 BARE SHAFT BOOSTER PUMPS TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Outlet connection Water cooling Maximum pressure differential Maximum temperature rise Maximum discharge temperature Weight Oil capacity 2210 m3h-1 / 1300 ft3min-1* 1800 rpm* 203 mm / 8 in 203 mm / 8 in 1.8 l min-1 / 0.5 US gal min-1 495 mbar / 380 Torr 135 °C / 275 °F 191 °C / 375 °F 321 kg / 705 lb 3.28 liter / 6.90 pint Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Outlet connection Water cooling Maximum pressure differential Maximum temperature rise Maximum discharge temperature Weight Oil capacity 60 Hz * 2000 3400 m3h-1 / 2000 ft3min-1* 2750 rpm* 203 mm / 8 in 203 mm / 8 in 1.8 l min-1 / 0.5 US gal min-1 495 mbar / 380 Torr 135 °C / 275 °F 191 °C / 375 °F 234 kg / 515 lb 3.28 liter / 6.90 pint Maximum 2000 3400 3400 615 2 1600 1600 2720 2720 1 1 2040 800 1360 400 680 0 ft 3 min -1 1200 1200 2040 800 1360 400 680 0 0 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 0 10 -4 1 With 600 ft3min-1 backing pump With 150 ft3min-1 backing pump 2 With 300 ft3min-1 backing pump -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Blower speeds: Top curve 2750 rpm; Bottom curve 2000 rpm. 1 With 600 ft3min-1 backing pump 3 With 150 ft3min-1 backing pump 2 With 300 ft3min-1 backing pump ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 10 torr (mm Hg) torr (mm Hg) Blower speeds: Top curve 2750 rpm; Bottom curve 2000 rpm. 3 m 3 h -1 3 3 10 615 2 m 3 h -1 * ft 3 min -1 2 PAGE 122 BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM 615 DIRECT DRIVE BOOSTER PUMPS ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 N EW BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM 615 BYPASS DIRECT DRIVE BOOSTER PUMPS BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM 615 BYPASS BARE SHAFT BOOSTER PUMPS TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA 60 Hz * 2000 3400 1 2000 3400 615BP 1 2 2550 2 1500 500 850 0 1000 1700 500 850 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 0 3 0 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 torr (mm Hg) With 600 ft3min-1 backing pump -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Blower speeds 2750 rpm. 2 With 300 ft3min-1 backing pump ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 10 torr (mm Hg) Blower speed: 2750 rpm. 1 m 3 h -1 1700 ft 3 min -1 1000 -4 2550 3 m 3 h -1 3 10 PAGE 123 Maximum 615BP 1500 ft 3 min -1 * 2 3400 m3h-1 / 2000 ft3min-1* 2750 rpm* 203 mm / 8 in 203 mm / 8 in 1.8 l min-1 / 0.5 US gal min-1 135 °C / 275 °F 191 °C / 375 °F 284 kg / 625 lb 3.28 liter / 6.90 pint Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Outlet connection Water cooling Maximum temperature rise Maximum discharge temperature Weight Oil capacity 1 With 600 ft3min-1 backing pump 2 With 300 ft3min-1 backing pump ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS 1300 m3h-1 / 2210 ft3min-1* 1800 rpm* 203 mm / 8 in 203 mm / 8 in 1.8 l min-1 / 0.5 US gal min-1 135 °C / 275 °F 191 °C / 375 °F 321 kg / 705 lb 3.28 liter / 6.90 pint Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Outlet connection Water cooling Maximum temperature rise Maximum discharge temperature Weight Oil capacity NEW BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM 622 BARE SHAFT BOOSTER PUMPS TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Outlet connection Water cooling Maximum pressure differential Maximum temperature rise Maximum discharge temperature Weight Oil capacity 60 Hz * 3000 3000 5100 2500 4250 1500 2550 170 1000 170 850 500 850 2550 1000 500 ft 3 min -1 3400 1500 0 0 0 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 2 2000 3400 -4 4250 1 2 2000 10 5100 622 2500 1 3 0 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 With 600 ft3min-1 backing pump -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Blower speed: 2750 rpm. 2 With 300 ft3min-1 backing pump 1 With 600 ft3min-1 backing pump 2 With 300 ft3min-1 backing pump ORDERING INFORMATION ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 10 torr (mm Hg) torr (mm Hg) Blower speed: 2750 rpm. 1 5100 m3h-1 / 3000 ft3min-1* 2750 rpm* 203 mm / 8 in 203 mm / 8 in 1.8 l min-1 / 0.5 US gal min-1 325 mbar / 250 Torr 121 °C / 250 °F 177 °C / 350 °F 335 kg / 740 lb 3.28 liter / 6.90 pint Maximum 622 m 3 h -1 * 3400 m3h-1 / 2000 ft3min-1* 1800 rpm* 203 mm / 8 in 203 mm / 8 in 1.8 l min-1 / 0.5 US gal min-1 325 mbar / 250 Torr 121 °C / 250 °F 177 °C / 350 °F 485 kg / 1065 lb 3.28 liter / 6.90 pint m 3 h -1 Displacement Rotational speed Inlet connection Outlet connection Water cooling Maximum pressure differential Maximum temperature rise Maximum discharge temperature Weight Oil capacity ft 3 min -1 2 PAGE 124 BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM 622 DIRECT DRIVE BOOSTER PUMPS ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 840 (33.07) 1347 (53.03) 40 mbar / 30 Torr 33 mbar / 25 Torr GV400 / DP400 and EH2600 400 V 50 Hz 3-ph or 460 V 60 Hz 3-ph 18.5 kW / 24.8 hp 22 kW / 29.5 hp Motor power 50 Hz Motor power 60 Hz Cooling-water supply Maximum pressure Inlet temperature Recommended oil Oil capacity Ambient operating temperature Maximum operating humidity Weight 4 x Ø27 (1.06) 290 290 (11.42) (11.42) 435 435 (17.13) (17.13) Ø350 (13.78) 10 bar / 145 psi 20 ºC Ultragrade 20 20 l / 21.1 qt 5 - 40 ºC 100% RH 1250 kg / 2756 lb 310 (12.20) 415 2 (16.34) 400 11200 m3h-1 / 6600 ft3min-1 13400 m3h-1 / 7900 ft3min-1 ISO160 12 x Ø22 (0.87) x Ø445 (17.52) 310 (12.20) Dimensions are for pumps with 50 Hz motors. Contact BOC Edwards for dimensions of pumps with 60 Hz motors. 10 m 3 h -1 10 10 5 ORDERING INFORMATION 4 Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. 3 HV11000 + GV400 / DP400 + EH2600 10 10 2 1 HV11000, 50Hz 0 10 -4 10 10 -2 10 -3 -1 10 -2 10 0 -1 1 10 0 2 10 1 10 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 This data was measured from the HV pump fitted with an inverter. 2 10 4 10 3 mbar 5 Pa Contact BOC Edwards for details of pumps without an inverter. 10 ft 3 min -1 10 10 5 4 3 HV11000 + GV400 / DP400 + EH2600 10 10 2 1 HV11000, 60Hz 0 10 -4 10 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr This data was measured from the HV pump fitted with an inverter. Contact BOC Edwards for details of pumps without an inverter. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 PAGE 125 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Displacement 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Maximum pressure differential 50 Hz 60 Hz Recommended backing pumps Electrical supply 390 TECHNICAL DATA (15.35) 714 (28.11) (15.75) HV11000 HIGH CAPACITY MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP 1547 (60.91) 840 (33.07) 34 mbar / 26 Torr 28 mbar / 21 Torr GV400 / DP400 and EH4200 400 V 50 Hz 3-ph or 460 V 60 Hz 3-ph 18.5 kW / 24.8 hp 22 kW / 29.5 hp Motor power 50 Hz Motor power 60 Hz Cooling-water supply Maximum pressure Inlet temperature Recommended oil Oil capacity Ambient operating temperature Maximum operating humidity Weight (without motor) 4 x Ø27 (1.06) 390 390 (15.35) (15.35) 435 (17.13) Ø400 (15.75) 415 (16.34) 14100 m3h-1 / 8300 ft3min-1 16900 m3h-1 / 10000 ft3min-1 390 Displacement 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Maximum pressure differential 50 Hz 60 Hz Recommended backing pumps Electrical supply ISO200 435 (17.13) 10 bar / 145 psi 20 ºC Ultragrade 20 20 l / 21.1 qt 5 - 40 ºC 100% RH 1945 kg / 4530 lb 310 310 (12.20) (12.20) 16 x Ø22 (0.87) x Ø495 (19.49) Dimensions are for pumps with 50 Hz motors. Contact BOC Edwards for dimensions of pumps with 60 Hz motors. 10 m 3 h -1 10 10 5 ORDERING INFORMATION 4 Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. 3 HV14000 + GV400 / DP400 + EH4200 10 10 2 1 HV14000, 50Hz 0 10 -4 10 10 -2 10 10 -3 -1 10 10 -2 0 10 10 -1 1 10 10 0 2 10 10 1 3 10 10 2 4 10 10 3 5 mbar Pa This data was measured from the HV pump fitted with an inverter. Contact BOC Edwards for details of pumps without an inverter. 10 10 ft 3 min -1 2 PAGE 126 (15.35) TECHNICAL DATA 400 814 (32.05) (15.75) HV14000 HIGH CAPACITY MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP 10 5 4 3 HV14000 + GV400 / DP400 + EH4200 10 10 2 1 HV14000, 60Hz 0 10 -4 10 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr This data was measured from the HV pump fitted with an inverter. Contact BOC Edwards for details of pumps without an inverter. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 HV30000 HIGH CAPACITY MECHANICAL BOOSTER PUMP 870 (34.25) 1942 (76.46) 1036 (40.79) 29 mbar / 22 Torr 24 mbar / 18 Torr 2 x GV400 / DP400 and 2 x EH4200 400 V 50 Hz 3-ph or 460 V 60 Hz 3-ph 30 kW / 40.2 hp # Electrical supply Motor power 50 Hz Motor power 60 Hz Cooling-water supply Maximum pressure Inlet temperature Recommended oil Oil capacity Ambient operating temperature Maximum operating humidity Weight (without motor) 4 x Ø27 (1.06) 490 490 (19.29) (19.29) 540 540 (21.26) (21.26) Ø19.68 (500) 10 bar / 145 psi 20 ºC Ultragrade 20 33 l / 34.9 qt 5 - 40 ºC 100% RH 3100 kg / 6820 lb 390 (15.35) 2 515 (20.28) 500 30000 m3h-1 / 17700 ft3min-1 36000 m3h-1 / 21204 ft3min-1 ISO250 20 x Ø22 (0.87) x Ø600 (23.62) 390 (15.35) Dimensions are for pumps with 50 Hz motors. Contact BOC Edwards for dimensions of pumps with 60 Hz motors. # On request 10 m 3 h -1 10 10 ORDERING INFORMATION 5 Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. 4 3 HV30000 + 2 x GV400 / DP400 + 2 x EH4200 10 10 2 1 HV30000, 50Hz 0 10 -4 10 10 -2 10 10 -3 -1 10 10 -2 10 0 10 -1 1 10 10 0 2 10 10 1 3 10 10 2 10 4 10 3 mbar 5 Pa This data was measured from the HV pump fitted with an inverter. Contact BOC Edwards for details of pumps without an inverter. 10 ft 3 min -1 10 10 5 4 3 HV30000 + 2 x GV400 / DP400 + 2 x EH4200 10 10 2 1 HV30000, 60Hz 0 10 -4 10 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 Torr This data was measured from the HV pump fitted with an inverter. Contact BOC Edwards for details of pumps without an inverter. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 PAGE 127 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Displacement 50 Hz supply 60 Hz supply Maximum pressure differential 50 Hz 60 Hz Recommended backing pumps (19.68) 490 (19.29) TECHNICAL DATA NEW BOC EDWARDS STOKES VACUUM MULTISTAGE VACUUM SYSTEMS 2 PAGE 128 BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum Multi-stage vacuum pumping systems are available in three options, all consisting of a BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum piston pump with a BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum direct drive booster. A full range of accessories is available for these systems, please discuss with your BOC Edwards representative for more information. Series 1800 These systems are based on BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum piston pumps with BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum seal-less boosters. These feature canned motors and are close coupled to the piston pump. Control options are available. Series MB These are BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum piston pumps with a direct drive BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum vacuum booster, a pressure switch is included with controls as an option. MB systems with a booster have a bypass valve operate from atmosphere without the need for a pressure switch. Series 1700 These are generally higher capacity combinations, based on BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum piston pumps with belt driven horizontal flow BOC Edwards Stokes Vacuum superblowers. Variants with Process isolation boosters are available. Controls for 1700 series machines include a pressure switch, motor starters and overloads. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 N EW SERIES MB TECHNICAL DATA 412MBX * 1040 m3h-1 / 612 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* No N/A Torr 15 kW / 20 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 152 mm / 6 in 3FLG / 3NPT in 11.4 l min-1 / 3 US gal min-1 4.2 liter / 1.1 US gal 45.4 liter / 12 US gal 1040 m3h-1 / 612 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* No N/A Torr 15 kW / 20 hp - kW / - hp 152 mm / 6 in 102 mm / 4NPT in 11.4 l min-1 / 3 US gal min-1 4.2 liter / 1.1 US gal 45.4 liter / 12 US gal 1314 mm / 51.75 in 1132 mm / 44.56 in 1194 mm / 47 in 1414 mm / 55.69 in 1202 kg / 2650 lb 1434 mm / 56.44 in 1434 mm / 56.44 in 1181 mm / 46.5 in 1022 mm / 40.25 in 1452 kg / 3200 lb 60 Hz 1 612MB & 412MBX ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 2 PAGE 129 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Blower displacement Pump displacement Pressure switch required Normal cut-in pressure Blower drive Microvac drive Flanged inlet connection Pipe outlet connection Maximum water consumption Blower oil requirements Microvac oil requirements Height Overall To inlet Length Width Net weight 612MBX NEW SERIES 1800 TECHNICAL DATA 1836 2 PAGE 130 Blower displacement Pump displacement Pressure switch required Normal cut-in pressure Continuous operation pressure limit Blower drive Microvac drive Flanged inlet connection Pipe outlet connection Maximum water consumption Blower oil requirements Microvac oil requirements Height Overall To inlet Length Width Net weight * 1821 1822 1040 m3h-1 / 612 ft3min-1* 255 m3h-1 / 150 ft3min-1* Yes 25 Torr 8 Torr 7.5 kW / 10 hp 5.6 kW / 7.5 hp 152 mm / 6 in 2FLG / 2NPT in 13.3 l min-1 / 3.5 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 15 liter / 4 US gal 2209 m3h-1 / 1300 ft3min-1* 255 m3h-1 / 150 ft3min-1* Yes 15 Torr 3 Torr 7.5 kW / 10 hp 5.6 kW / 7.5 hp 203 mm / 8 in 2FLG / 2NPT in 13.3 l min-1 / 3.5 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 15 liter / 4 US gal 2209 m3h-1 / 1300 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* Yes 25 Torr 15 Torr 7.5 kW / 10 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3NPT in 15.1 l min-1 / 4 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 1105 mm / 43.5 in 1070 mm / 42.12 in 1206 mm / 47.5 in 876 mm / 34.5 in 715 kg / 1575 lb 1105 mm / 43.5 in 1070 mm / 42.12 in 1308 mm / 51.5 in 1070 mm / 42.12 in 770 kg / 1700 lb 1289 mm / 50.75 in 1133 mm / 44.62 in 1384 mm / 54.5 in 1102 mm / 43.38 in 1225 kg / 2700 lb 60 Hz 1 1822 25 Torr cut-in pressure 3 1836 25 Torr cut-in pressure 2 1821 15 Torr cut-in pressure ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 N EW SERIES 1800 BYPASS TECHNICAL DATA 1822BP * 1839HCBP 1839HDBP 2209 m3h-1 / 1300 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* No N/A Torr 15 Torr 7.5 kW / 10 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3NPT in 15.1 l min-1 / 4 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 4418 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* No N/A Torr 2 Torr 15 kW / 20 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3NPT in 15.1 l min-1 / 4 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 4418 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1* 1020 m3h-1 / 600 ft3min-1* No N/A Torr 3 Torr 15 kW / 20 hp [email protected] kW / 2@10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3NPT (2) in 22.6 l min-1 / 6 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 91 liter / 24 US gal 4418 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1 1240 m3h-1 / 730 ft3min-1 No 25 Torr 4 Torr 15 kW / 20 hp 22.4 kW / 30 hp 203 mm / 8 in 127 mm / 5FLG in 26.4 l min-1 / 7 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 76 liter / 20 US gal 1289 mm / 50.75 in 1133 mm / 44.62 in 1390 mm / 54.75 in 1102 mm / 43.38 in 1262 kg / 2780 lb 1289 mm / 50.75 in 1133 mm / 44.62 in 1390 mm / 54.75 in 1102 mm / 43.38 in 1267 kg / 2790 lb 1413 mm / 55.62 in 1289 mm / 50.75 in 2286 mm / 90 in 1270 mm / 50 in 2306 kg / 5080 lb 1683 mm / 66.25 in 1251 mm / 49.25 in 1867 mm / 73.5 in 1311 mm / 51.62 in 2915 kg / 6420 lb 60 Hz 1 1839HDBP 2 1839HCBP 3 1839BP 4 1822BP ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 2 PAGE 131 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Blower displacement Pump displacement Pressure switch required Normal cut-in pressure Continuous operation pressure limit Blower drive Microvac drive Flanged inlet connection Pipe outlet connection Maximum water consumption Blower oil requirements Microvac oil requirements Height Overall To inlet Length Width Net weight 1839BP NEW SERIES 1800 TECHNICAL DATA 1833 2 PAGE 132 Blower displacement Pump displacement Pressure switch required Normal cut-in pressure Continuous operation pressure limit Blower drive Microvac drive Flanged inlet connection Pipe outlet connection Maximum water consumption Blower oil requirements Microvac oil requirements Height Overall To inlet Length Width Net weight * 1833HC 1833HD 6528 m3h-1 / 3840 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* Yes 5 Torr 0.6 Torr 15 kW / 20 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3NPT in 15.1 l min-1 / 4 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 6528 m3h-1 / 3840 ft3min-1* 1020 m3h-1 / 600 ft3min-1* Yes 10 Torr 1 Torr 15 kW / 20 hp [email protected] kW / 2@10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3NPT (2) in 22.6 l min-1 / 6 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 91 liter / 24 US gal 6528 m3h-1 / 3840 ft3min-1* 1240 m3h-1 / 730 ft3min-1* Yes 15 Torr 1.5 Torr 15 kW / 20 hp 22.4 kW / 30 hp 203 mm / 8 in 127 mm / 5FLG in 26.4 l min-1 / 7 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 76 liter / 20 US gal 1289 mm / 50.75 in 1164 mm / 45.81 in 1384 mm / 54.5 in 1208 mm / 47.56 in 1330 kg / 2930 lb 1413 mm / 55.62 in 1321 mm / 52 in 2286 mm / 90 in 1346 mm / 53 in 2406 kg / 5300 lb 1683 mm / 66.25 in 1283 mm / 50.5 in 1867 mm / 73.5 in 1381 mm / 54.38 in 3009 kg / 6625 lb 60 Hz 1 1833HD 15 Torr cut-in pressure 3 1833 5 Torr cut-in pressure 2 1833HC 10 Torr cut-in pressure ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 N EW SERIES 1800 TECHNICAL DATA 1839 * 1839HD 4418 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* Yes 15 Torr 2 Torr 15 kW / 20 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3NPT in 15.1 l min-1 / 4 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 4418 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1* 1020 m3h-1 / 600 ft3min-1* Yes 20 Torr 3 Torr 15 kW / 20 hp [email protected] kW / 2@10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3NPT (2) in 22.6 l min-1 / 6 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 91 liter / 24 US gal 4418 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1* 1240 m3h-1 / 730 ft3min-1* Yes 25 Torr 4 Torr 15 kW / 20 hp 22.4 kW / 30 hp 203 mm / 8 in 127 mm / 5FLG in 26.4 l min-1 / 7 US gal min-1 4.1 liter / 1.1 US gal 76 liter / 20 US gal 1289 mm / 50.75 in 1133 mm / 44.62 in 1384 mm / 54.5 in 1102 mm / 43.38 in 1230 kg / 2710 lb 1413 mm / 55.62 in 1289 mm / 50.75 in 2286 mm / 90 in 1270 mm / 50 in 2270 kg / 5000 lb 1683 mm / 66.25 in 1251 mm / 49.25 in 1867 mm / 73.5 in 1311 mm / 51.62 in 2915 kg / 6420 lb 60 Hz 1 1839HD 25 Torr cut-in pressure 3 1839 15 Torr cut-in pressure 2 1839HC 20 Torr cut-in pressure ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 2 PAGE 133 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Blower displacement Pump displacement Pressure switch required Normal cut-in pressure Continuous operation pressure limit Blower drive Microvac drive Flanged inlet connection Pipe outlet connection Maximum water consumption Blower oil requirements Microvac oil requirements Height Overall To inlet Length Width Net weight 1839HC NEW SERIES 1700 TECHNICAL DATA 1721 2 PAGE 134 Blower displacement Pump displacement Pressure switch required Normal cut-in pressure Continuous operation pressure limit Blower drive Microvac drive Flanged inlet connection Pipe outlet connection Maximum water consumption Blower oil requirements Microvac oil requirements Height Overall To inlet Length Width Net weight * 1721S 1722 1722S 2209 m3h-1 / 1300 ft3min-1* 255 m3h-1 / 150 ft3min-1* Yes 15 Torr 3 Torr 5.6 kW / 7.5 hp 5.6 kW / 7.5 hp 203 mm / 8 in 51 mm / 2FLG in 5.7 l min-1 / 1.5 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 15 liter / 4 US gal 2781 m3h-1 / 1600 ft3min-1* 255 m3h-1 / 150 ft3min-1* Yes 10 Torr 2 Torr 7.5 kW / 10 hp 5.6 kW / 7.5 hp 203 mm / 8 in 51 mm / 2FLG in 5.7 l min-1 / 1.5 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 15 liter / 4 US gal 2209 m3h-1 / 1300 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* Yes 25 Torr 15 Torr 5.6 kW / 7.5 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT in 7.6 l min-1 / 2 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 2781 m3h-1 / 1600 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* Yes 15 Torr 8 Torr 7.5 kW / 10 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT in 7.6 l min-1 / 2 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 1260 mm / 49.63 in 1035 mm / 40.75 in 1419 mm / 55.88 in 919 mm / 36.19 in 1225 kg / 2700 lb 1260 mm / 49.63 in 1035 mm / 40.75 in 1419 mm / 55.88 in 919 mm / 36.19 in 1270 kg / 2800 lb 1438 mm / 56.63 in 1035 mm / 40.75 in 1407 mm / 55.38 in 1048 mm / 41.25 in 1588 kg / 3500 lb 1438 mm / 56.63 in 1035 mm / 40.75 in 1407 mm / 55.38 in 1048 mm / 41.25 in 1633 kg / 3600 lb 60 Hz 1 1722S 15 Torr cut-in pressure 2 1721S 10 Torr cut-in pressure 3 1722 25 Torr cut-in pressure 4 1721 15 Torr cut-in pressure ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 N EW SERIES 1700 TECHNICAL DATA 1738 * 1738HD 3398 m3h-1 / 2000 ft3min-1* 150 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* Yes 10 Torr 3 Torr 7.5 kW / 10 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT in 7.6 l min-1 / 2 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 3398 m3h-1 / 2000 ft3min-1* 1200 m3h-1 / 600 ft3min-1* Yes 25 Torr 5 Torr 7.5 kW / 10 hp [email protected] kW / 2@10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT (2) in 15.1 l min-1 / 4 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 91 liter / 24 US gal 3398 m3h-1 / 2000 ft3min-1* 1240 m3h-1 / 730 ft3min-* Yes 40 Torr 12 Torr 11.2 kW / 15 hp 22.4 kW / 30 hp 203 mm / 8 in 127 mm / 5FLG in 18.9 l min-1 / 5 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 76 liter / 20 US gal 1438 mm / 56.63 in 1035 mm / 40.75 in 1407 mm / 55.38 in 1048 mm / 41.25 in 1633 kg / 3600 lb 1438 mm / 56.63 in 1035 mm / 40.75 in 1800 mm / 70.88 in 1778 mm / 70 in 2404 kg / 5300 lb 1689 mm / 66.5 in 1035 mm / 40.75 in 1981 mm / 78 in 1295 mm / 51 in 3187 kg / 7025 lb 60 Hz 1 1738HD 40 Torr cut-in pressure 3 1738 10 Torr cut-in pressure 2 1738HC 25 Torr cut-in pressure ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 2 PAGE 135 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Blower displacement Pump displacement Pressure switch required Normal cut-in pressure Continuous operation pressure limit Blower drive Microvac drive Flanged inlet connection Pipe outlet connection Maximum water consumption Blower oil requirements Microvac oil requirements Height Overall To inlet Length Width Net weight 1738HC NEW SERIES 1700 TECHNICAL DATA 1738BP 2 PAGE 136 Blower displacement Pump displacement Pressure switch required Normal cut-in pressure Continuous operation pressure limit Blower drive Microvac drive Flanged inlet connection Pipe outlet connection Maximum water consumption Blower oil requirements Microvac oil requirements Height Overall To inlet Length Width Net weight * 1738HCBP 1738HDBP 3398 m3h-1 / 2000 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* No N/A Torr 3 Torr 11.2 kW / 15 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT in 7.6 l min-1 / 2 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 3398 m3h-1 / 2000 ft3min-1* 1200 m3h-1 / 600 ft3min-1* No N/A Torr 5 Torr 11.2 kW / 15 hp [email protected] kW / 2@10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT (2) in 15.1 l min-1 / 4 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 91 liter / 24 US gal 3398 m3h-1 / 2000 ft3min-1* 1240 m3h-1 / 730 ft3min-1* No N/A Torr 12 Torr 11.2 kW / 15 hp 22.4 kW / 30 hp 203 mm / 8 in 127 mm / 5FLG in 18.9 l min-1 / 5 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 76 liter / 20 US gal 1499 mm / 59 in 1035 mm / 40.75 in 1416 mm / 55.75 in 1038 mm / 40.88 in 1690 kg / 3725 lb 1499 mm / 59 in 1035 mm / 40.75 in 1800 mm / 70.88 in 1778 mm / 70 in 2449 kg / 5400 lb 1689 mm / 66.5 in 1035 mm / 40.75 in 1981 mm / 78 in 1295 mm / 51 in 3221 kg / 7100 lb 60 Hz 1 1738HDBP 3 1738 BP 2 1738HCBP ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 N EW SERIES 1700 TECHNICAL DATA 1739 * 1739HD 4418 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* Yes 15 Torr 2 Torr 22.4 kW / 30 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT in 7.6 l min-1 / 2 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 4418 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1* 1020 m3h-1 / 600 ft3min-1* Yes 20 Torr 3 Torr 18.6 kW / 25 hp [email protected] kW / 2@10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT (2) in 15.1 l min-1 / 4 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 91 liter / 24 US gal 4418 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1* 1240 m3h-1 / 730 ft3min-1* Yes 25 Torr 4 Torr 18.6 kW / 25 hp 22.4 kW / 30 hp 203 mm / 8 in 127 mm / 5FLG in 18.9 l min-1 / 5 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 76 liter / 20 US gal 1318 mm / 51.88 in 1067 mm / 42 in 1905 mm / 75 in 1270 mm / 50 in 1803 kg / 3975 lb 1410 mm / 55.5 in 1067 mm / 42 in 2134 mm / 84 in 1778 mm / 70 in 2733 kg / 6025 lb 1683 mm / 66.25 in 1067 mm / 42 in 2388 mm / 94 in 1651 mm / 65 in 3504 kg / 7725 lb 60 Hz 1 1739HD 25 Torr cut-in pressure 3 1739 15 Torr cut-in pressure 2 1739HC 20 Torr cut-in pressure ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 2 PAGE 137 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Blower displacement Pump displacement Pressure switch required Normal cut-in pressure Continuous operation pressure limit Blower drive Microvac drive Flanged inlet connection Pipe outlet connection Maximum water consumption Blower oil requirements Microvac oil requirements Height Overall To inlet Length Width Net weight 1739HC NEW SERIES 1700 TECHNICAL DATA 1739BP 2 PAGE 138 Blower displacement Pump displacement Pressure switch required Normal cut-in pressure Continuous operation pressure limit Blower drive Microvac drive Flanged inlet connection Pipe outlet connection Maximum water consumption Blower oil requirements Microvac oil requirements Height Overall To inlet Length Width Net weight * 1739HCBP 1739HDBP 4418 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* No N/A Torr 2 Torr 22.4 kW / 30 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT in 7.6 l min-1 / 2 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 4418 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1* 1020 m3h-1 / 600 ft3min-1* No N/A Torr 3 Torr 18.6 kW / 25 hp [email protected] kW / 2@10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT (2) in 15.1 l min-1 / 4 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 91 liter / 24 US gal 4418 m3h-1 / 2600 ft3min-1* 1240 m3h-1 / 730 ft3min-1* No N/A Torr 4 Torr 18.6 kW / 25 hp 22.4 kW / 30 hp 203 mm / 8 in 127 mm / 5FLG in 18.9 l min-1 / 5 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 76 liter / 20 US gal 1530 mm / 60.25 in 1067 mm / 42 in 1905 mm / 75 in 1270 mm / 50 in 1837 kg / 4050 lb 1530 mm / 60.25 in 1067 mm / 42 in 2134 mm / 84 in 1778 mm / 70 in 2767 kg / 6100 lb 1683 mm / 66.25 in 1067 mm / 42 in 2388 mm / 94 in 1651 mm / 65 in 3538 kg / 7800 lb 60 Hz 1 1739HDBP 3 1739BP 2 1739HCBP ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 N EW SERIES 1700 TECHNICAL DATA 1754 * 5100 m3h-1 / 3000 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* Yes 15 Torr 1 Torr 15 kW / 20 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT in 7.6 l min-1 / 2 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 5100 m3h-1 / 3000 ft3min-1* 1020 m3h-1 / 600 ft3min-1* Yes 30 Torr 3 Torr 18.6 kW / 25 hp [email protected] kW / 2@10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT (2) in 15.1 l min-1 / 4 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 91 liter / 24 US gal 1470 mm / 57.88 in 1067 mm / 42 in 1695 mm / 66.75 in 1111 mm / 43.75 in 1678 kg / 3700 lb 1438 mm / 56.63 in 1067 mm / 42 in 2134 mm / 84 in 1778 mm / 70 in 2722 kg / 6000 lb 60 Hz 1 1754HC 30 Torr cut-in pressure 2 1754 15 Torr cut-in pressure ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800 2 PAGE 139 LARGE PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEMS Blower displacement Pump displacement Pressure switch required Normal cut-in pressure Continuous operation pressure limit Blower drive Microvac drive Flanged inlet connection Pipe outlet connection Maximum water consumption Blower oil requirements Microvac oil requirements Height Overall To inlet Length Width Net weight 1754HC NEW SERIES 1700 TECHNICAL DATA 1733 2 PAGE 140 Blower displacement Pump displacement Pressure switch required Normal cut-in pressure Continuous operation pressure limit Blower drive Microvac drive Flanged inlet connection Pipe outlet connection Maximum water consumption Blower oil requirements Microvac oil requirements Height Overall To inlet Length Width Net weight * 1733HC 1733HD 6528 m3h-1 / 3840 ft3min-1* 510 m3h-1 / 300 ft3min-1* Yes 5 Torr 0.6 Torr 18.6 kW / 25 hp 7.5 kW / 10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT in 7.6 l min-1 / 2 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 45 liter / 12 US gal 6528 m3h-1 / 3840 ft3min-1* 1020 m3h-1 / 600 ft3min-1* Yes 10 Torr 1 Torr 22.4 kW / 30 hp [email protected] kW / 2@10 hp 203 mm / 8 in 3FLG / 3 NPT (2) in 15.1 l min-1 / 4 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 91 liter / 24 US gal 6528 m3h-1 / 3840 ft3min-1* 1240 m3h-1 / 730 ft3min-1* Yes 15 Torr 1.5 Torr 22.4 kW / 30 hp 22.4 kW / 30 hp 203 mm / 8 in 127 mm / 5FLG in 18.9 l min-1 / 5 US gal min-1 2.0 liter / 0.52 US gal 76 liter / 20 US gal 1438 mm / 56.63 in 1067 mm / 42 in 1695 mm / 66.75 in 1111 mm / 43.75 in 1710 kg / 3770 lb 1438 mm / 56.63 in 1067 mm / 42 in 2134 mm / 84 in 1778 mm / 70 in 2767 kg / 6100 lb 1683 mm / 66.25 in 1067 mm / 42 in 2299 mm / 90.5 in 1283 mm / 50.5 in 3538 kg / 7800 lb 60 Hz 1 1733HD 15 Torr cut-in pressure 3 1733 5 Torr cut-in pressure 2 1733HC 10 Torr cut-in pressure ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ORDERING NUMBER Contact BOC Edwards or your local supplier to discuss your requirements with one of our sales engineers or product specialists. For North American orders shop online: www.bocedwards.com or call: 1-800-848-9800
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