Printable Documentation


Printable Documentation
Printable Documentation
The complete text of the Online Help
Updated April 10, 2007
Table Of Contents
Administrative .................................................................................................................................. 1
Add a picture to your Agent Profile .............................................................................................. 1
Add a bio to your agent profile ..................................................................................................... 1
Add an additional phone number ................................................................................................. 2
Change your Agent Preferences ................................................................................................. 2
Change your contact phone numbers.......................................................................................... 3
Change your office information .................................................................................................... 3
Change your password ................................................................................................................ 3
Delete an additional phone number............................................................................................. 4
Display your home fax number instead of your office fax number............................................... 4
Instruct clients on how to look up your listings............................................................................. 5
Setting up your Agent Profile ....................................................................................................... 5
Using your Agent Preferences ..................................................................................................... 6
View sent e-mail........................................................................................................................... 6
Caravans ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Does my MLS use caravans or broker tours? ............................................................................. 8
Add your listing to a caravan........................................................................................................ 8
View caravans.............................................................................................................................. 9
Add a broker tour to your listing ................................................................................................. 10
Search for broker tours .............................................................................................................. 10
CMA............................................................................................................................................... 11
Create a CMA Package ............................................................................................................. 11
CMA Package Step 1: Select Contact ....................................................................................... 11
CMA Package Step 2: Select Fields.......................................................................................... 12
Table Of Contents
CMA Package Step 3: Enter Subject Property .......................................................................... 14
CMA Package Step 4: Make Adjustments................................................................................. 14
CMA Package Step 5: Perform Analysis ................................................................................... 15
CMA Package Step 6: Assemble Package................................................................................ 15
Subject Property Comparison Report ........................................................................................ 16
Contacts......................................................................................................................................... 17
About Client Portal ..................................................................................................................... 17
About Contacts and Prospects .................................................................................................. 17
Can anyone else see your contacts?......................................................................................... 19
Change your contact's information ............................................................................................ 19
Create a Client Portal for an existing prospect .......................................................................... 19
Create a contact......................................................................................................................... 20
Create prospects on the fly ........................................................................................................ 21
Delete a contact ......................................................................................................................... 21
E-mail your prospect a link to their Client Portal........................................................................ 22
Export contacts .......................................................................................................................... 23
Using Comments in a Prospect Cart ......................................................................................... 24
Manage newly matched listings ................................................................................................. 24
Manage the listings in your Prospect Cart ................................................................................. 25
Modify a prospect's search criteria ............................................................................................ 26
Preview a Client Portal............................................................................................................... 26
Print a list of your contacts......................................................................................................... 27
Prospect Cart features ............................................................................................................... 28
Run a Reverse Prospecting Search .......................................................................................... 30
Save listings for a prospect........................................................................................................ 30
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Search for listings for a prospect ............................................................................................... 31
Set up a prospect....................................................................................................................... 32
Set up auto-prospecting............................................................................................................. 33
Set up Reverse Prospecting ...................................................................................................... 34
Track information on your clients ............................................................................................... 35
Using Comments with the Client Portal ..................................................................................... 35
Using Reverse Prospecting results............................................................................................ 36
View your contacts and prospects ............................................................................................. 37
Custom Report Writer.................................................................................................................... 39
Create a custom report .............................................................................................................. 39
Using the Custom Report Writer ................................................................................................ 40
My custom reports won't display................................................................................................ 42
Enter Listings ................................................................................................................................. 43
Copy a listing.............................................................................................................................. 43
Create or revise a listing so that it cannot be viewed by the public ........................................... 43
Enter a new listing...................................................................................................................... 43
Enter additional information into a listing ................................................................................... 44
Enter unit information................................................................................................................. 45
Finish an incomplete listing........................................................................................................ 45
Map pin placement..................................................................................................................... 46
Prevent your listing's street address from displaying to the public ............................................ 47
Revise listing information fields.................................................................................................. 47
Save information in an incomplete listing .................................................................................. 48
Using large text fields................................................................................................................. 48
Validate a listing address ........................................................................................................... 49
Table Of Contents
Exports........................................................................................................................................... 50
Export listings............................................................................................................................. 50
Set up a custom export .............................................................................................................. 51
Internet and System Issues ........................................................................................................... 52
Access the MLS using a Macintosh........................................................................................... 52
Antivirus software configuration ................................................................................................. 52
Run the Browser Optimization Tool ........................................................................................... 52
Change your browser's cache size ............................................................................................ 53
Delete your cache ...................................................................................................................... 53
Hardware Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 54
Internet Explorer 7 and MLS Slowness ..................................................................................... 54
Optimize your system performance ........................................................................................... 55
Recommended Internet browsers for the MLS .......................................................................... 56
Recommended screen resolution for the MLS .......................................................................... 57
Settings applied by the Browser Optimization Tool ................................................................... 57
Time limitations for being logged on to the MLS........................................................................ 58
Log On ........................................................................................................................................... 60
"An incorrect Agent ID or Password was entered." error message ........................................... 60
"Your Agent ID is already logged on to the MLS" error message.............................................. 60
Enter your Agent ID to log on..................................................................................................... 60
Logging off of the MLS............................................................................................................... 60
Logging on to the MLS............................................................................................................... 60
Retrieve a forgotten password ................................................................................................... 61
Office Information .......................................................................................................................... 62
Approve a listing ........................................................................................................................ 62
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Approve agent-entered listings before publishing them ............................................................ 62
Change an agent's access rights............................................................................................... 63
Office Assistant access rights .................................................................................................... 63
Set up an IDX search on your Web site..................................................................................... 63
Customize your IDX search ....................................................................................................... 64
Set up a banner for your office................................................................................................... 65
What is an office banner? .......................................................................................................... 65
Upload your office logo .............................................................................................................. 66
View all of the listings for your office.......................................................................................... 66
What is IDX? .............................................................................................................................. 66
Open Houses................................................................................................................................. 68
Advertise your upcoming open house ....................................................................................... 68
Change an open house in the MLS ........................................................................................... 68
Cancel an open house in the MLS............................................................................................. 69
Keep a history of open houses for your listings ......................................................................... 69
Save an open house search ...................................................................................................... 69
Search for open houses............................................................................................................. 70
Other.............................................................................................................................................. 71
Getting around in the MLS ......................................................................................................... 71
Access the MLS from a PDA or other handheld device ............................................................ 72
Access public tax records .......................................................................................................... 74
Items missing from your menu................................................................................................... 74
Quick Reference Icon Guide...................................................................................................... 75
Submit an enhancement suggestion ......................................................................................... 75
Train for the MLS software......................................................................................................... 76
Table Of Contents
Use Keyboard Shortcuts ............................................................................................................ 76
What are "hits"? ......................................................................................................................... 77
What does APN mean? ............................................................................................................. 77
What is a Broadcast Notice?...................................................................................................... 78
What is an Agent Notice? .......................................................................................................... 78
Pictures.......................................................................................................................................... 80
Add descriptions to property pictures ........................................................................................ 80
Add a picture to your Agent Profile ............................................................................................ 80
Add a property picture................................................................................................................ 81
Change the order of property pictures ....................................................................................... 81
Create pictures that can be uploaded to the MLS ..................................................................... 82
Delete a property picture............................................................................................................ 83
Delete your agent picture........................................................................................................... 83
Error 696 - Uploading a photo.................................................................................................... 84
Recommended picture sizes...................................................................................................... 84
Reports .......................................................................................................................................... 86
Access statistical reports ........................................................................................................... 86
Adjustable CMA Report ............................................................................................................. 86
Subject Property Comparison Report ........................................................................................ 87
Change a report ......................................................................................................................... 87
Change the amenities that display on the flyer.......................................................................... 87
Change the phone number that displays on the flyer ................................................................ 87
E-mail a report to someone........................................................................................................ 87
Generating reports in PDF format.............................................................................................. 88
Is there a limit on the number of listings that can print on a report?.......................................... 88
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Run a CMA report ...................................................................................................................... 89
Run a report ............................................................................................................................... 89
Select listings ............................................................................................................................. 90
Sort listings on a report .............................................................................................................. 91
About the Flyer........................................................................................................................... 91
ActiveX Enhanced Report Functionality .................................................................................... 92
Install ActiveX............................................................................................................................. 92
Revise Listings............................................................................................................................... 94
Add virtual media to your listing ................................................................................................. 94
Attach a document to a listing.................................................................................................... 94
Change an expired listing back to active ................................................................................... 95
Change the status of a listing..................................................................................................... 95
Copy pictures from one listing to another .................................................................................. 96
Delete a listing............................................................................................................................ 96
Enter mortgage information ....................................................................................................... 96
Enter sold information ................................................................................................................ 97
Find listings near expiration ....................................................................................................... 97
Modify another agent's listing .................................................................................................... 98
Opening the Revise Listing Menu .............................................................................................. 98
Revise your listings .................................................................................................................... 98
Use Quick Change..................................................................................................................... 99
View past history of changes for a listing................................................................................... 99
Search Listings ............................................................................................................................ 101
Add listings to the Listing Cart ................................................................................................. 101
Choose a different format for your search results.................................................................... 101
Table Of Contents
Customize the One Line Grid................................................................................................... 101
Limits on the number of listings in your search results ............................................................ 103
Manage your saved searches and Hotsheets ......................................................................... 103
Map listings .............................................................................................................................. 105
Minimum search criteria guidelines ......................................................................................... 105
My search results said, "No listings found." Why?................................................................... 105
Save a search .......................................................................................................................... 106
Search for listings .................................................................................................................... 106
Set up a Map Search default ................................................................................................... 107
Revise your custom search...................................................................................................... 107
Sort listings............................................................................................................................... 108
Sort your search results ........................................................................................................... 110
Start the search after choosing your search criteria ................................................................ 110
Types of searches.................................................................................................................... 111
Using amenities in your search................................................................................................ 112
Using the Additional Criteria tab .............................................................................................. 112
Using the Address Search ....................................................................................................... 113
Using the APN Search ............................................................................................................. 113
Using the Custom Search ........................................................................................................ 114
Using the Hotsheet .................................................................................................................. 114
Using the Listing # Search ....................................................................................................... 115
Using the listings in the Listing Cart......................................................................................... 115
Using the Map Search ............................................................................................................. 116
Using the Parcel ID Search...................................................................................................... 118
Using Preview Count ............................................................................................................... 118
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Using the Quick Search ........................................................................................................... 118
Using the Radius Search ......................................................................................................... 119
Using the search criteria page ................................................................................................. 119
Using the search results page buttons .................................................................................... 120
Using the Standard Search...................................................................................................... 121
Using the Statistics button ....................................................................................................... 122
Using the Tax ID Search.......................................................................................................... 122
What is a Listing Cart?............................................................................................................. 122
Why isn't my listing showing up in any searches?................................................................... 123
Add a picture to your Agent Profile
Your agent picture will display to anyone looking at your agent information online, as well as on
many reports when you add a picture to your agent information page.
To upload a photo
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Modify Your Profile.
2. Click the Upload Picture link (located at the top of the form).
3. From the Upload Agent Picture window, click Browse to locate and open the
picture file.
4. Click Upload Picture.
5. Confirm that you would like to attach your picture by clicking OK.
6. Click the Close this window and continue link to close the Upload Agent Picture
TIP: Type in a greeting or brief biographical statement in the text area next to where the picture
displays. This text will introduce yourself to anyone who looks up your information online.
See also
Add descriptions to property pictures
Recommended picture sizes
Create pictures that can be uploaded to the MLS
Delete your agent picture
Add a bio to your agent profile
You can enter a brief biographical statement to introduce yourself to anyone who views your
agent information page.
To enter or modify your bio
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Modify Your Profile.
2. Enter your information in the box that displays near the top-right corner of the
Agent Profile page.
3. Click Save in the toolbar.
TIP: Click the View Your Profile link to preview your Agent Information page.
See also
Add a bio to your agent profile
Add a picture to your agent profile
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Add an additional phone number
Add an additional phone number
To add a phone number to your personal information
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Modify Your Profile (shortcut).
2. Click the Mange Contact Phones link (located at the top of the form) to display
the Manage Contact Phones pop-up window.
3. In the Manage Contact Phones window, enter the new phone number in the
fields near the top of the window. NOTE: The cursor automatically advances to
the next field as you enter the number, so you do not have to press the Tab
4. Specify the Phone Type using the drop-down field, then click the Add button.
5. Click the Save button near the top of the window.
See also
Change your contact phone numbers
Delete an additional phone number
Change your Agent Preferences
Preferences are organized into tabs (similar to file folders), which can be expanded and collapsed
using the plus
and minus
symbols located on each tab.
To access your Agent Preferences
1. From the Admin menu, choose Your Preferences (shortcut).
2. Expand the appropriate tab to display fields.
3. Change the options in the desired fields and click Save.
NOTE: For preferences with check boxes, a check in the box indicates “yes,” you do want that
item to apply; an unchecked box indicates “no,” you do not want that item to apply.
TIP: Click the Help icon
next any preference field for detailed information on how to use that
See also
Using agent preferences
Quick Reference Icon Guide
Change your contact phone numbers
You can specify up to three contact phone numbers. These numbers display wherever your agent
information displays (on flyers, reports, etc.).
To change your contact phone numbers
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Modify Your Profile (shortcut).
2. Click the Manage Contact Phones link (located at the top of the form) to display
the Manage Contact Phones pop-up window.
3. In the Manage Contact Phones window, select your desired phone number(s) from
the Primary, Secondary, or Other drop-down fields.
4. Click Save.
NOTE: You can also specify whether your contact phone numbers display to the public as
Primary, Secondary and Other, or as Phone Types, such as Office, Home or Cell. Select
your preference using the Display Labels radio buttons, and click Save.
TIP: Click the Help icon
next any preference field for detailed information on how to use that
See Also
Add an additional phone number
Change your office information
If you move to a new office, contact your MLS staff and they will update your office information.
You cannot modify this information directly in the MLS.
Change your password
Passwords cannot exceed twelve (12) characters.
1. To change your password
2. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Modify Your Profile.
3. Click the Change Password link (located at the top of the form).
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
4. In the Change Password window, type in your new password.
5. Click Submit.
NOTE: You will need to type your new password twice to ensure accuracy. Your new password
will be effective immediately.
See also
Retrieve a forgotten password
Delete an additional phone number
To delete a phone number
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Modify Your Profile.
2. Click the Manage Contact Phones link (located at the top of the form) to display
the Manage Contact Phones pop-up window.
3. In the Manage Contact Phones window, select the phone number(s) you want to
delete using the check boxes on the right-hand side.
4. Click Delete.
NOTE: You will need to check the boxes on the right-hand side in order to select the phone
number(s) you want to delete.
See also
Add an additional phone number
Display your home fax number instead of your office fax number
You can display either your personal or office fax number in your agent information.
To specify your preferred fax
1. From the Admin menu, choose Modify Your Profile (shortcut).
2. In the Preferred Fax field, select either Office or Personal .
3. Click Save.
Instruct clients on how to look up your listings
If your MLS offers a public view of listing data, you can tell clients how to look up your listings on
the Internet.
To look up your listing
1. Give your client your Web address (URL) for your MLS.
2. From the MLS Web site, they can click on the Find a Realtor® or Find Agent
3. Have them type in your name, then click Search.
4. From your agent information page, have them click See My Listings to view all of
your active listings.
Attaching a link to your Web site
You can also attach a link to your own Web site.
NOTE: This only applies if your MLS offers this feature.
To attach a link
From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Public Access Links.
Locate the Hyperlink to "See My Listings" and click Copy Link to Clipboard.
Paste the appropriate URL to a button, link, or graphic on your Web site.
From your agent information page, have them click See My Listings to view all of
your active listings.
Setting up your Agent Profile
Your Agent Profile allows you to enter and update the information that other agents and members
of the public see when they click on your agent name (your MLS Agent Information page).
In addition, you can change your password, update your home address (displays only to your
MLS staff) and more.
To access your Agent Profile page -- From the Admin drop-down menu, select Modify Your
Here are some additional topics on updating features of your Agent Profile:
Add a bio to your agent profile
Add a picture to your agent profile
Add an additional phone number
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Change your contact phone numbers
Change your office information
Change your password
Delete an additional phone number
Delete your agent picture
Display your home fax number instead of your office fax number
Using your Agent Preferences
You can set up defaults called Agent Preferences to specify how particular aspects of the MLS
software will work best for you. You can modify your preferences in the Agent Preferences form.
To access your Agent Preferences form -- From the Admin menu, choose Your Preferences.
TIP: Click the Help icon
next to any preference field for detailed information on how to use that
See also
Change your agent preferences
View sent e-mail
You can see a history of listing reports that you have e-mailed from the MLS (manually or through
auto-prospecting) during the past 30 days.
The following information and options are available for each e-mail record:
Click the icon to display the listing report that was sent.
See all of the e-mail addresses the message was sent to.
See the e-mail address the message was sent from.
See the "Subject" of the e-mail message.
See the date and time the e-mail was sent.
Check the "Report Viewed" column to see whether the recipient has clicked the "View
Listings" link in the e-mail message.
icon to send the listing report again.
Click the
View all sent e-mail (for the last 30 days)
1. From the Admin menu, choose View Sent E-mail (shortcut).
2. Use the tabs near the top of the page to toggle between viewing Manual (sent
using the e-mail button) or Auto-Prospecting e-mail.
View e-mail for a specific prospect (for the last 30 days)
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
2. Locate the desired prospect, then click one of the numbered hyperlink below the
Prospect Cart column to access their Prospect Cart.
3. Expand the Options pane (if it is collapsed). Click the View E-mail History link
located in the Prospect Options box.
View e-mail for a specific listing (for the last 30 days)
1. From the Admin menu, choose View Sent E-mail.
2. In the Filters area near the top of the page, enter the desired listing number in the
Listing # field, and click Search.
See also
E-mail a report to someone
Does my MLS use caravans or broker tours?
You may have access to either caravans or broker tours, depending on your MLS's setup. These
features may alternately be called "MLS tours" or "Realtor® tours," or another label of your MLS's
To determine which feature is used by your MLS
1. Click on the Listings menu.
2. If Caravans (or an alternate name for this feature) is available in this menu, then your
MLS uses Caravans. If the feature does not display here, go to step 3.
3. Click on the Searches menu.
4. If Broker Tours (or an alternate name for this feature) is available in this menu, then
your MLS uses Broker Tours.
NOTE: If neither feature displays, your MLS may not use either caravans or broker tours. It is also
possible that you do not have the required access rights. If both features display then your
MLS uses both caravans and broker tours.
See also
Items missing from your menu
View caravans
Search for broker tours
Add your listing to a caravan
A caravan is an organized tour of new listings, designed to familiarize agents and brokers with
newly listed properties. (Caravans may alternately be called "MLS tours," or another label of your
MLS's choosing.)
Caravans are usually managed by the MLS. In some cases, an office may set up a caravan for its
agents only.
To add your listing to a caravan
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings.
2. Next to the desired listing number, click the Revise icon
3. In the Revise Listing menu (under Listing Information), click Caravan Dates.
4. Drop down the list of caravans that have been scheduled and select the desired
caravan. If necessary, enter a comment.
5. Click Submit.
See also
View caravans
Does my MLS use caravans or broker tours?
Items missing from your menu
View caravans
A caravan is an organized tour of new listings, designed to familiarize agents and brokers with
newly listed properties. (Caravans may alternately be called "MLS tours," or another label of your
MLS's choosing.)
Caravans are usually managed by the MLS. In some cases, an office may set up a caravan for its
agents only.
To view a caravan, or print a caravan report
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose Caravan.
Select a caravan by activating its check box
on the left.
Click the Reports button to display all listings in that caravan.
Verify that the listings you want to display on your caravan report are checked.
Click the Report button in the toolbar.
Use the Report Option field to choose the type of report you want to view: A
Caravan Summary report displays basic information such as location, listing
office/agent, and price. A Caravan Detail report displays additional information
such as marketing remarks and amenities.
7. Click Submit. The caravan report is generated and displayed in a new browser
See also
Add your listings to a caravan
Does my MLS use caravans or broker tours?
My PDF reports won't display
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Add a broker tour to your listing
Broker tours are set up by agents as an open invitation for other agents and brokers to view
newly listed properties at a specified date and time.
To add a broker tour to your listing
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings. All of
your active listings display.
2. Next to the desired listing number, click the Revise icon
3. In the Revise Listing menu (under Listing Information), click Broker Tour Dates.
4. Enter the information for your broker tour, adding a comment if desired.
5. Click the Save button in the MLS toolbar.
See also
Search for broker tours
Does my MLS use caravans or broker tours?
Search for broker tours
Broker tours are set up by agents as an open invitation for other agents and brokers to view
newly listed properties at a specified date and time.
To search for broker tours
1. From the Searches drop-down menu, choose Broker Tours.
2. Enter a date range for your search as well as your desired search criteria.
3. Click Search to start the search.
See also
Add a broker tour to your listing
Does my MLS use caravans or broker tours?
Create a CMA Package
The CMA Package software lets you create a subject property comparison report, and choose
from a variety of other pages to put together a complete CMA presentation package for your
To begin a CMA Package
1. Run a search for listings, or go to a Prospect Cart or your Listing Cart.
2. Select listings you want to use for comparison by clicking in the check boxes to the
left of desired listings.
3. Click the CMA button.
5. From the CMA Option drop-down field, select CMA Package.
6. Click
NOTE: The CMA Package software opens. This software leads you step-by-step
through creating your CMA Package. The tabs at the top show you which step you are
on; you can also click on a step to jump to it, if necessary.
7. Complete the various steps in order (as needed), clicking the Next Step link when
finished with each form to move through the steps. Use the following links for more
Step 1: Select Contact
Step 2: Select Fields
Step 3: Enter Subject Property
Step 4: Make Adjustments
Step 5: Perform Analysis
Step 6: Assemble Package
CMA Package Step 1: Select Contact
Step 1 of create a CMA Package lets you specify the contact (i.e., client) for whom you are
preparing the CMA. You can either choose one of your existing contacts, or set up a new contact
on the fly. The contact's name and address will display in the final CMA Package.
To select a contact
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
If you have already set up the contact:
next to the Contact field. A selection
1. Click the Look up field choices icon
window containing all of your active contacts displays.
2. Check the box next to the desired contact and click OK. The contact's information
displays. (You can click the contact's name to modify his/her information, if
3. Click the Next Step link to continue to Step 2: Select Fields.
If you want to enter a new contact:
1. Click the Create New Contact link.
2. Enter the contact's information.
3. While in the Create New Contact form, check the Manage as Prospect box if you
want to be able to create searches and save listings for this prospect. (See Set up
a prospect for details.)
4. Click Submit. The contact's information should display in the Step 1: Select
Contact form.
5. Click the Next Step link to continue to Step 2: Select Fields.
See also
Create a CMA Package
About contacts and prospects
CMA Package Step 2: Select Fields
When creating a CMA Package, step 2 lets you specify which fields you want to display on the
comparative market analysis report, and in what order. You can also add custom fields, if desired.
The software gives you the flexibility to include the features you feel are most important to your
CMA, and exclude others as needed.
NOTE: If you want the report to use the default selected fields, you can simply click Next Step to
The fields selected by default show in the right-hand window. They display in the order they will
appear on your CMA report. In the left-hand window, you can see other fields that are available
for you to add, if desired.
To add fields
1. Using the left-hand window of available fields, highlight one or more fields you want
to add to your CMA report. (You can hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple
2. Click
to move them to the Selected Fields list.
3. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to move fields up or down the list, if
4. If you have no further changes to make in Step 2, Click the Next Step link to
continue to Step 3: Enter Subject Property.
To remove fields
1. In the right-hand Selected Fields window, highlight the field(s) you want to remove
from your CMA report.
2. Click
to move them out of the Selected Fields list.
3. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to move fields up or down the list, if
4. If you have no further changes to make in Step 2, Click the Next Step link to
continue to Step 3: Enter Subject Property.
To add a custom field
1. Click
2. Type a label for your custom field, then click OK. The software adds the new field
label to the right-hand window, beneath whichever field was highlighted.
3. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to move fields up or down the list, if
4. If you have no further changes to make in Step 2, Click the Next Step link to
continue to Step 3: Enter Subject Property.
To change the field order
1. To change the order fields display on your CMA report, in the right-hand Selected
Fields window, highlight a field you want to move.
2. Use the Move Up or Move Down button to move the field up or down in the list.
3. Repeat steps 1–2 until the fields display in the desired order.
4. If you have no further changes to make in Step 2, Click the Next Step link to
continue to Step 3: Enter Subject Property.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
See also
Create a CMA Package
CMA Package Step 3: Enter Subject Property
Step 3 of create a CMA Package lets you enter the subject property, if any, for your CMA. If you
are preparing the CMA for a potential seller, you would enter the seller's property as the subject
To enter the subject property
If the subject property exists as a listing in the MLS:
1. Type in the listing number and click
2. Modify the property information as needed.
If the subject property is NOT a listing:
1. Type the complete property address.
2. Click Validate Address for Mapping. The system attempts to obtain the geocodes
(i.e., latitude and longitude) for the property so that it can be located on a map.
(You can include a map showing the locations of all selected properties in your
CMA Package.)
3. For the features listed below the address fields, enter the appropriate value or
To upload a picture of the subject property
1. Click the Upload Subject Property Picture link.
2. Click the Browse button, and select the desired picture. (Must be in JPEG format.
See Create pictures that can be uploaded to the MLS for details.)
3. Click the Next Step link to continue to Step 4: Make Adjustments.
See also
Create a CMA Package
CMA Package Step 4: Make Adjustments
Step 4 of create a CMA Package enables you to compare the subject property to the listings you
selected as comparable, and adjust for individual features of each comparable property in order
to produce a more accurate analysis. This is an optional step. The software displays only one
comparable listing at a time, to make it easier to use.
This page displays a columnar format showing the subject property's information next to the
comparable property's information for each feature. You may adjust the value of a comp by
entering a positive or negative amount in the Adjustments column next to a particular feature.
Example: You could type a negative amount, such as -5000, next to the Bedrooms field for a
comp that has more bedrooms than your subject property. This would reduce the Adjusted
Value for the comparable property by $5,000, giving a more accurate comparison with the
subject property.
To do this
1. Use the Previous Listing/Next Listing links to navigate through the comparable
listings, or use the Listing # drop-down field in the upper right corner to jump to a
specific listing.
2. When finished making adjustments, click the Next Step link to continue to Step 5:
Perform Analysis.
See also
Create a CMA Package
CMA Package Step 5: Perform Analysis
Step 5 of create a CMA Package allows you to recommend a listing price for the subject property.
This page shows you several statistics (in red) to help back up an informed decision, based on
the comparable adjusted listings. The software does not make a recommendation; you must type
in the price or price range you choose.
To complete the analysis
1. Type your recommended price or price range for the subject property in the
Suggested Price or Range field. (Type the exact text you want to print on your
CMA report, including a dollar sign, if desired.)
2. If you want to add another listing as a comparable, you can. Type the listing
number in the Listing # field and click the Add button.
3. If you want to make additional adjustments to a comparable listing, click its Revise
4. If you want to remove a listing from your CMA report, click the Delete link to the
right of the unwanted listing.
5. If you want to change the order the listings will print on the CMA report, change the
numbers in the Sort column and click the Refresh button.
6. Click the Next Step link to continue to Step 6: Assemble Package.
See also
Create a CMA Package
CMA Package Step 6: Assemble Package
Step 6 of create a CMA Package lets you choose which items to include in your CMA Package.
The final CMA Package is produced in HTML format, and you have the option to e-mail it or view
and print it.
TIP: You can set up a standard cover letter, agent resume, and office resume by choosing CMA
Documents Setup from the Admin menu. The CMA Package program uses these standard
documents as the default, and lets you make changes as needed for each individual CMA
Package. This saves you time when creating CMA Packages.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
To select items for your CMA Package
1. Using the check boxes on the left, make sure that each item you want to include is
2. In the Sort column, you can modify the numbers to re-order the selected items.
3. Click the Update button in the toolbar.
4. Click the Preview link if you want to see what a particular item will look like.
5. If you are including a cover letter, click the Revise link next to the cover letter to
modify the text if necessary. (The cover letter automatically inserts the contact's
name and address at the top, and uses the body text from your default cover letter.
See TIP above for details.)
6. Click the Revise link next to any other items you want to modify.
To output your CMA Package
To e-mail the package:
1. To e-mail the completed package, click the E-mail button in the toolbar.
2. Be sure to click Click here to preview CMA Package if you want to check the final
package before sending.
3. Type a subject line in the Subject field and modify other fields as desired.
4. Click the Send E-mail button.
To print the package:
1. To view or print the CMA Package, click the Print Preview button in the toolbar.
Your CMA Package displays in a separate window.
2. Click the Print this page link in the upper right corner and output your package
using your desired printer settings.
See also
Create a CMA Package
Subject Property Comparison Report
The Subject Property Comparison Report allows you to compare a subject property to any
number of listings you select as comparable. You can adjust values for individual features of each
comparable property in order to produce a more accurate analysis.
NOTE: The Subject Property Comparison Report is created by assembling a CMA Package. See
Creating a CMA Package for step by step instructions.
See also
Create a CMA Package
Adjustable CMA Report
About Client Portal
You can enable your clients to view and manage the listings in their Prospect Cart with a Client
Portal Web page.
When you provide your prospect with a Client Portal, they can view the listings in their Newly
Matched, Saved, and Rejected tabs, post comments about listings, and even manage their cart
by saving and rejecting listings themselves. All comments and changes they make in their Client
Portal are automatically reflected in their Prospect Cart within the MLS for you to see.
Your contact information and picture (from your Agent Profile) are automatically featured at the
top of your Client Portal Web pages, and your client can see that this page has been "Prepared
Exclusively" for them. Also, if your office has uploaded an office banner into the MLS it will
automatically display at the top of the page.
See also
Create a Client Portal for an existing prospect
Preview a prospect's Client Portal
E-mail your prospect a link to their Client Portal
Using Comments with the Client Portal
About Contacts and Prospects
The MLS software includes a contact manager that enables you to save and organize information
about your contacts and prospects, such as phone numbers, e-mail addresses, notes and more.
Contact vs. Prospect - What is the difference?
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Contact: A person or company that you want to save information for, such as phone numbers,
e-mail or street addresses.
Prospect: A contact that you want to save listing searches for. Every prospect has their own
Prospect Cart where you can save and manage listings that match their criteria.
Contacts and prospects are managed in the same area of the software. Simply enable the
Manage as Prospect field in the Contact Information form to activate prospect features for a
Organize your contacts with Groups
You can organize your contacts into groups. Default groups are set up for you, and you can
create new groups to personalize your contact organization (from the Contacts drop-down menu,
select Manage Groups).
Since you can assign each contact to as many groups as you like, using groups makes working
with your contact records more efficient. For example, you can:
View all of the contacts in a group.
Print address labels or run a report of all contacts in a group.
Export the contact information for all contacts in a group.
Send an e-mail message to all of the contacts in a group.
Auto-Prospecting searches automatically for newly added or changed listings that match your
prospect's search criteria. These listings are placed into the prospect's cart, and can optionally be
sent to you or your prospect via e-mail notification.
Viewing Contacts and Prospects
The main Contacts/Prospects page (accessed by choosing Contacts/Prospects from the
Contacts drop-down menu) displays both contacts and prospects. In the diagram below, the first
contact is not a prospect; notice that the Prospect Cart columns are blank.
The second contact, Bill Mathews, is a prospect. The "Prospect Cart" column shows you how
many listings are in the prospect's cart (in this case, 2 listings are Newly Matched, 5 are Saved,
and 0 are Rejected). You can access the cart by clicking one of the numbers.
You can click the icon next to a prospect's name to display an additional row of information and
options for that prospect:
View the multimedia demo entitled "Spotlight on Contacts/Prospects" for a quick
overview of this feature. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Feature Spotlights,
then select Contacts/Prospects.
See also
Create a contact
Create prospects on the fly
Set up auto-prospecting
About Client Portal
Can anyone else see your contacts?
No one else has access to your contacts or their information, since their information is saved
under your agent ID.
NOTE: If you let someone else use your agent ID and password to log on to the MLS, then he or
she would be able to view your contacts and prospects.
Change your contact's information
To revise a contact's information
From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
2. Locate the contact you want to modify. (You can use the Search function at the top
of the page to find a contact either by name or by prospect code.)
3. Click the contact's name to open the Modify Contact Information form.
4. Change the information as needed, then click Save.
See also
Delete a contact
Create a contact
Set up a prospect
Create a Client Portal for an existing prospect
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
You can enable your clients to view and manage the listings that are in their Prospect Cart with a
Client Portal Web page.
To set up a Client Portal for an existing prospect
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects
2. Locate the desired prospect, and click their name to access their Modify
Contact Information form.
3. Locate the Prospect Options area, near the bottom of the page (click if
necessary to expand the area).
NOTE: The Manage as Prospect field must be enabled for this area to display.
4. Click the Client Portal check box.
5. Click the Save button in the MLS toolbar.
IMPORTANT: You must click Save after enabling the Client Portal field before using the Preview
or E-mail Client Portal Invitation links.
See also
About Client Portal
Preview a prospect's Client Portal
E-mail your prospect a link to their Client Portal
Using Comments with the Client Portal
Create a contact
Creating a contact involves entering the contact's information. If desired, you can manage a
contact as a prospect, and set up search criteria as well, but this is not necessary.
To set up a contact
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
2. Click Create New Contact.
3. Type in the contact's information. You can enter any text that will be useful for you.
(No one else has access to your list of contacts or their information.)
4. If you would like to manage your contact as a prospect ( so you can set up search
criteria, save listings for them, etc.), check the Manage as Prospect box.
Additional settings become available; see Set up a prospect for details.
5. Click Save. The list of your contacts should display.
TIP: You can modify your contact information any time by clicking the contact's name on this list.
See also
About contacts and prospects
Delete a contact
Create prospects on the fly
You can create new prospects on the fly from any search criteria or results page. The software
saves the new prospect's criteria automatically, then lets you enter the other person's information.
To create a prospect from a search
1. Fill in your desired criteria.
2. From the Save Options box (located in the Options pane), locate and click in the
Save as a New Prospect field.
3. Type in a new prospect's name (up to 20 characters) and click Save.
4. The Modify Contact Information page will display, here you can enter details about
your new prospect. Make sure the Manage as Prospect check box is selected.
5. After entering the additional information, click Save.
See also
About contacts and prospects
Set up auto-prospecting
Prospect Cart features
Modify a prospect's search criteria
Delete a contact
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
To delete one or more contacts or prospects
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
2. Select the contacts you want to delete using the check boxes in the left-hand
3. From the Options pane, locate the Organize Options box.
4. From the Action drop-down field, choose Delete Selected.
5. Click Go.
6. A confirmation box displays. If you are sure you want to delete the contacts that
you have checked, click OK.
To delete one contact or prospect
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
2. Locate the contact you want to delete. (You can use the Search function at the top
of the page to find a contact either by name or by prospect code.)
3. Click the contact's name to open the Modify Contact Information form.
4. Click the Delete button in the toolbar.
5. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.
TIP: If you would like to keep a contact on file, but are no longer working with that contact, you
can change the Status field to Inactive, instead of deleting the contact.
See also
Create a prospect
E-mail your prospect a link to their Client Portal
Once you have set up a Client Portal for a prospect, you can e-mail them an invitation
announcing their Client Portal, including a link they can use to gain access.
NOTE: If you have just activated the Client Portal field for a prospect and are still in the Modify
Contact Information form, you must click Save in the MLS toolbar before using the E-mail
Client Portal Invitation link.
To e-mail a Client Portal invitation
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects
2. Locate the desired prospect and click their name to access their Modify Contact
Information form.
3. Locate the Prospect Options area, near the bottom of the page (click if
necessary to expand the area).
4. Click the E-mail Client Portal Invitation link that displays next to the Client
Portal field.
5. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.
6. Click Close in the E-mail Confirmation window
See also
About Client Portal
Create a Client Portal for an existing prospect
Preview a prospect's Client Portal
Using Comments with the Client Portal
Export contacts
You can export your contact information and then download it to various third-party products.
To export contacts
From the Contacts drop -down menu, select Contacts/Prospects.
From the Filters drop-down menu, select the group you want to export.
Click Go.
Select the contacts you want to export using the check boxes in the left-hand
column (click the check box at the top of the column to automatically check all
visible contacts).
5. Click the Exports button.
6. Select an option from the Contact Export Option drop-down field, then click
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Using Comments in a Prospect Cart
You can add comments to listings in the Prospect Cart, and even share comments with your
prospect through a Client Portal.
To add comments for a listing in a Prospect Cart
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, select Contacts/Prospects.
2. Locate the desired prospect, then click the appropriate numbered hyperlink below
the Prospect Cart column.
3. Locate the desired listing, then click the
icon for that listing. If comments have
not previously been added for the listing, the Comments window automatically
opens, ready for you to enter a new comment. If previous comments exist for the
listing, click the "Add Comments" link near the top of the window.
4. Enter your comments, then click the Save button. The date and time will
automatically be saved for each comment.
NOTE: If the Client Portal feature is enabled for this prospect, a "Private" check box
displays. You can select the Private check box if you do not want your prospect to
see this comment from their Client Portal.
To read the comments for a listing in a Prospect Cart
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, select Contacts/Prospects.
2. Locate the desired prospect, then click the appropriate numbered hyperlink below
the Prospect Cart column.
3. Locate the desired listing, then click the
icon for that listing. The comments
window displays.
NOTE: If no comments have been added for the listing, the Comments window
automatically opens ready for you to enter a new comment.
See also
Using Comments with the Client Portal
Save listings for a prospect
Manage the listings in your Prospect Cart
Manage newly matched listings
You can view and manage all of your prospects' newly matched listings in one place. The
Manage Newly Matched feature enables you to quickly decide to save or reject listings for
prospects, one after another. Any listing you save or reject becomes part of the appropriate
prospect's Saved or Rejected tab, as applicable. This is the most efficient way to manage your
auto-prospecting results.
To view the Manage Newly Matched page
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
2. Locate the Manage Newly Matched link at the top of the page and click it. (If the
link is gray, then there are no new matches for your prospects' search criteria and
the link cannot be clicked.)
3. On the Manage Newly Matched page you can view a complete list of prospects
who have new listings that match their search criteria.
4. Click the plus symbol to the left of a desired prospect's name. (All of the newly
matched listings for that prospect are displayed.)
5. Click in the appropriate check box on the left of each listing either to Save or
Reject that listing. Alternately, you can click the Check All link above either
column of check boxes to quickly save or reject all of the listings currently
6. After you've chosen to save or reject some or all of your prospects' listings, click
button in the toolbar. Any remaining listings display, or if
there are no more newly matched listings left, your Contacts page displays.
TIP: The Home page offers a Newly Matched Listings module that displays prospects that have
newly matched listings, and lets you quickly access them. Click the individual prospect's
listing count (such as 6) to view that prospect's cart; or click the Manage Newly Matched
link to go directly to the Manage Newly Matched page.
NOTE: The maximum number of listings that can be displayed in Manage Newly Matched is
1,000. If you have more than that, you must manage each prospect cart separately.
See also
Prospect Cart features
Manage the listings in your Prospect Cart
Set up auto-prospecting
Manage the listings in your Prospect Cart
Each of your prospects has a Prospect Cart for keeping track of listings. Each cart is divided into
three tabs: Newly Matched, Saved and Rejected. When you look at your list of contacts ( from the
Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects), you can see at a glance how many
listings are in each prospect's cart tabs, using the color-coded numbers next to the prospect's
name. In the example pictured below, prospect Bill Mathews has 2 listings in the Newly Matched
tab, 5 in the Saved tab, and 0 Rejected:
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
By clicking on one of the color-coded numbers, you can access that tab in the Prospect Cart.
Newly Matched tab: Listings are automatically added to this tab when you run a prospect
search, or if you have auto-prospecting set up for your prospect.
Saved tab: This is where you can keep listings that might be of interest to your prospect. You can
select listings using the check boxes in the left-hand column, then e-mail listings, run a report, or
other. (See Prospect cart features for more details.)
Rejected tab: This is where you want to keep listings that the prospect is NOT interested in, even
though they may match the prospect's search criteria. Having a listing in the Rejected tab
prevents the software from re-adding it to the prospect's Newly Matched tab the next time you run
a prospect search. However, auto-prospecting will still e-mail the listing if it changes, since that
change may make it more desirable.
See also
Save listings for a prospect
Modify a prospect's search criteria
To revise a prospect's search criteria
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
2. Locate the appropriate prospect. (You can use the Search function at the top of the
page to search either by name or by prospect code.)
3. Click the icon next to the prospect's name. In the second row that displays, click
the Revise Criteria link. (If there is more than one search for your prospect, a
separate row of links will display for each search).
4. In the search criteria page, make the desired criteria changes.
5. Optional: Click the Preview Count link near the top of the page to see how many
listings match your criteria. If the number is too high, modify your criteria to narrow
down the search. If the number is acceptable, click View Results to save your
criteria. The search results are automatically added to your prospect's Newly
Matched listings.
6. If you did not click Preview Count: To save your criteria, click the Search button in
the toolbar. The search results are automatically added to your prospect's Newly
Matched listings.
NOTE: You can also modify a prospect's search criteria from their Prospect Cart by selecting the
icon that displays next to the prospect's name near the upper-right corner of the page.
See also
About contacts and prospects
Create a prospect
Search for listings for a prospect
Preview a Client Portal
Once you have set up a Client Portal for a prospect, you can preview the new Web page before
inviting your client to view it.
NOTE: If you have just activated the Client Portal field for a prospect and are still in the Modify
Contact Information form, you must click Save in the MLS toolbar before using the
Preview link.
To preview a prospect's Client Portal
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
2. Locate the desired prospect and click their name to access their Modify Contact
Information form.
3. Locate the Prospect Options area, near the bottom of the page (click if
necessary to expand the area).
4. Click the Preview link that displays next to the Client Portal field.
5. The prospect's Client Portal Web page displays in a new Internet Explorer
window. When you are done viewing the Client Portal, simply click the red "X" in
the upper-right corner of the preview window to close it.
See also
About Client Portal
Create a Client Portal for an existing prospect
E-mail your prospect a link to their Client Portal
Using Comments with the Client Portal
Print a list of your contacts
You can print a report or address labels for some or all of your contacts.
To print a list of your contacts
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects. All the
contacts in the first contact group display by default.
2. Depending on which contacts you want to include in your report, you may select a
different group (from the list on the left), or select All Active to display all your
active contacts and prospects.
3. Select the contacts you want to include, using the check boxes on the far left.
(Click the check box at the top of the column to automatically check all visible
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
4. In the Options pane, locate the Report Options box.
Select Contact Report, and click Go . (Or, choose Address Labels, if desired.)
NOTE: Your report displays in a separate window in PDF format.
Prospect Cart features
Once listings are in your prospects cart, you can
View listing detail
1. Click a listing number to see the listing detail page.
2. Once there, you can use the
buttons at the top of the page
to view the other listings from that tab of your prospect's cart.
View listing pictures -- Click the Camera icon
current display option).
to see the listing pictures(s) (if available on the
Sort the listings
1. In the Options pane, change the sort order of listings in the cart by selecting your
desired sort options in the Sort Options box.
2. Click Go. Or, you can activate Sort as Selected to put listings in the order you
select them.
Empty the tab -- To remove all listings from the current tab, click the Empty Tab link near the top
of the page.
Run a report
1. Select the listings you want to include in a report (using the check boxes in the
right-hand column).
2. Click the Reports button in the toolbar
3. Select the report(s) you want to print.
4. Click Run Reports.
E-mail listings to the prospect
1. First select the listings you want to include (using the check boxes in the left-hand
2. Click the E-mail button in the toolbar.
Export the listings
1. Select the listings you want to export (using the check boxes in the left-hand
2. Then click the Exports button in the toolbar, select the type of export.
3. Click Submit.
Map the listings
1. Create a map that plots multiple listings.
2. Select the desired listings (using the check boxes in the left-hand column).
3. Click the Map button in the toolbar.
Enter showing dates & comments -- Enter Dates & Comments to help track the listings you
have shown the prospect, by clicking the Comments icon next to each listing.
Delete listings from the cart
1. To remove listings, first make sure all listings are selected EXCEPT for the ones
you want to delete.
2. In the Selection Options box (located in the Options pane), click the Remove All
Unchecked link.
IMPORTANT: If you have auto-prospecting set up for the prospect, you should NOT delete
listings from the cart, since they may be added to Newly Matched again if they still
match your prospect's criteria. Instead, move unwanted listings to the Rejected tab.
To do this, select listings you want to reject using the check boxes on the left, and
then click the Rejected link near the top of the page. Thereafter, auto-prospecting
will still e-mail those listings when they are modified, since the change may make
the property desirable.
NOTE: There is a limit to the number of listings you can store in a Prospect Cart. If you exceed
the limit, Auto-Prospecting will be automatically turned off for the prospect.
View the multimedia demo entitled "Spotlight on Contacts/Prospects" for a quick
overview of this feature. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Feature Spotlights,
then select Contacts/Prospects.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
See also
Manage the listings in your Prospect Cart
Search for listings for a prospect
Quick Reference Icon Guide
Run a Reverse Prospecting Search
You can use Reverse Prospecting to match listing data against prospects’ search criteria and find
prospects who might be interested in your listings. You can run a reverse prospecting search
based on an actual listing, or on any listing data you choose.
To search based on a listing
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu or from the Revise Listing page, choose
Reverse Prospecting.
2. From the My Listings drop-down field, select a listing number to automatically fill
in the search form with your listing's information. Or, type a listing number into the
Listing Number box, and click Get Info. (To increase the likelihood of finding
matching prospects, you should uncheck some of the criteria by de-selecting check
boxes to the left of fields you want to remove from your search.)
3. Click the Search button in the toolbar to start your search, or click Preview Count
to see how many prospects match your search.
TIP: You may want to run the search several times using different criteria. For example, some
prospects' search criteria may be based on ZIP code, while others are based on City. Also,
be sure to uncheck any fields that are not pertinent to your search. For instance, you might
remove School District to be sure you locate prospects, whether or not they specified School
District in their search requirements.
To search based on hypothetical listing information
1. Enter the information you want to base your search on (such as city, price and
bedrooms). The left-hand check boxes should be selected next to criteria fields you
want to match.
2. Click the Search button in the toolbar to start your search, or click Preview Count
to see how many prospects match your search.
See also
Set up Reverse Prospecting
Using Reverse Prospecting Results
Save listings for a prospect
You can save listings for a prospect using the Prospect Cart. The Prospect Cart has three tabs to
help you manage listings for the prospect.
To add listings to a Prospect Cart manually
1. In any search results page or in the Hotsheet, select the listings you want to add to
the cart by selecting the appropriate check boxes (in the left-hand column).
2. From the Options pane, locate the Save Options box.
3. Drop down the list of prospects, and select the appropriate name.
4. Click the Save button.
NOTE: There is a limit to the number of listings you can store in a Prospect Cart. If you exceed
the limit, Auto-Prospecting will be automatically turned off for the prospect.
To add listings to a Prospect Cart automatically -- Once you have created a prospect, see the
instructions for set up auto-prospecting.
See also
Manage the listings in your Prospect Cart
Prospect Cart features
Search for listings for a prospect
Once you have set up your prospect and his/her search criteria, you can run the search manually
as often as you like, or you can have the system automatically run it for you through autoprospecting.
NOTE: If you have set up auto-prospecting for your prospect, you do not need to run the prospect
search manually.
To manually run a prospect search from the main Contacts/Prospects page
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
2. Locate the desired prospect. (Use the Search function at the top of the page, if
3. Click the plus icon next to the prospect's name to display search options for the
4. Click the Run link next to the desired search. Any listings that match the prospect's
search criteria that are not already in the prospect's cart, will be added to the Newly
Matched tab.
To manually run a prospect search from a prospect's cart
1. Click the
icon that displays next to the prospect's name near the upper-right
corner of the page.
2. Click the Run link next to the desired search. Any listings that match the prospect's
search criteria that are not already in the prospect's cart, will be added to the Newly
Matched tab.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
See also
Modify a prospect's search criteria
Save listings for a prospect
Create a prospect
Set up auto-prospecting
Set up a prospect
Setting up a prospect involves entering the person's information as a new contact, activating the
desired prospect options, and then running an initial search using the prospect's search criteria.
Another way to create a prospect is to enter search criteria in any of the search forms and save
that criteria as a new prospect record.
To set up a prospect:
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
2. Click Create New Contact.
3. Type in the person's information. You can enter any text that will be useful for you;
no one else has access to your list of contacts or their information.
4. Check the Manage as Prospect box to indicate that this contact is a prospect.
5. Next to the Groups field, click the
icon to assign the prospect to the
appropriate group(s).
6. Optional: If you want the software to automatically search for listings that match the
prospect's search criteria and add those listings to the Prospect Cart, check the
Auto-Prospecting option. Then specify to whom e-mail notifications should be sent.
(For any of the e-mail options that you enable, you must have valid e-mail
addresses in the corresponding text fields in order for e-mail to be sent.)
7. Optional: If you want to provide your client with an interactive view of their own
Prospect Cart in a personalized Web page, check the Client Portal option.
8. Optional: If you want other MLS agents to be able to notify you when they have a
listing that matches your prospect's criteria, check the Reverse Prospecting option.
(Watch the Feature Spotlight on Reverse Prospecting for an overview of this
feature. From the Help menu, choose Feature Spotlights and select Reverse
9. Click Save in the MLS toolbar.
10. Optional: The Search Options page displays. If you want to create a search for this
prospect, select a Search Type and specify a name for the search, then click
Submit. OR, click Cancel to skip this step (you can create a search for your
prospect at a later time).
11. If you are creating a search, the search form displays based on the Search Type
you selected. Enter your prospect's search criteria.
12. Click the Search button in the MLS toolbar to save the criteria for this prospect.
The listings that match your search criteria are automatically added to your
prospect's cart. NOTE: The listings found during this initial search are NOT
automatically e-mailed to your prospect. The auto-prospecting feature will
automatically e-mail new and changed listings that match your prospect's criteria in
the future, based on the E-mail options you selected for your prospect.
See also
About contacts and prospects
Create prospects on-the-fly
Search for listings for a prospect
Delete a contact
Set up Reverse Prospecting
Set up auto-prospecting
Auto-prospecting automatically finds new or changed listings that match your prospect's criteria,
adds them to the prospect's cart, and sends e-mail notification, if you like.
To set up auto-prospecting
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
2. Locate the contact you want to modify, then click the contact's name to open the
Modify Contact Information form.
3. Make sure the Manage as Prospect check box is selected, then locate the
Prospect Options box toward the bottom of the screen (click to expand the box
if necessary).
4. Select the Auto-Prospecting check box. This enables the software to
automatically add listings that match the prospect's search criteria to the Newly
Matched tab of the cart. (Make sure that the prospect's status is set to Active, and
the type set to Buyer.)
6. Optional: If you want to receive e-mail messages when listings are added, choose
Yes in the Send E-mail to Agent field.*
7. Optional: If you want your prospect to receive e-mail messages when listings are
added, choose Yes in the Send E-mail to Prospect field.* (Requires that Send Email to Agent is also set to Yes.)
8. Optional: If you want a copy of the e-mail messages to be sent to the Cc e-mail
address for this prospect, choose Yes in the Send E-mail to Cc field.* (Requires
that Send E-mail to Prospect is also set to Yes.)
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
9. Optional: If you want listings that are e-mailed from auto-prospecting to display in a
particular report format, make your desired selection from the E-mail Report
Format field. (Only available when Send E-mail to Prospect is set to Yes AND
Client Portal is NOT selected.)
10. Click Save.
IMPORTANT: You must also set up your prospect's search criteria. See Set up a prospect for
*NOTE: This feature may not be available, based on your MLS's setup.
See also
About Client Portal
Save listings for a prospect
Create a prospect
Set up Reverse Prospecting
Reverse Prospecting helps to connect agents who have listings, with other agents who have
prospects that may be interested in those listings. Prospect information is never shared with the
agent performing the search, so you can have full confidence in allowing your prospects to be
included in reverse prospecting searches.
To enable reverse prospecting for your prospect
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
2. Locate the contact you want to modify. (You can use the Search function at the top
of the page to find a contact either by name or by prospect code.)
3. Click the contact's name to open the Modify Contact Information form.
4. Locate the Prospect Options box toward the bottom of the screen (click the
symbol to expand the box if necessary). Next, make sure the Reverse
Prospecting check box is selected. This allows your prospect to be included in
reverse prospecting searches conducted by other agents.
5. Optional: Set Allow E-mail to Agent to Yes if you would like to be contacted via email by agents whose listings match your prospect’s search criteria.
NOTE: Be sure to assign a Prospect Code to each of your prospects so that you can identify
them when another agent contacts you. You can use up to six digits, alpha or numeric.
For example, you may want to use your prospect’s initials and the last two digits of their
ZIP code. (If you do not type in a prospect code and Allow E-mail to Agent has been set to
Yes, the system automatically assigns one for you.)
See also
Set up a prospect
Run a Reverse Prospecting Search
Track information on your clients
You can track all types of clients as contacts and prospects in the system.
To track -- From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose Contacts/Prospects.
See also
About contacts and prospects
Set up a prospect
Search for listings for a prospect
Using Comments with the Client Portal
When using the Client Portal feature, both you and your prospect can add and read comments for
listings in the Prospect Cart.
There are several ways to view new comments from your clients:
The MLS Home page offers a Client Portal Activity module that displays an icon for
icon to view
each listing for which new comments are available. Just click the
the corresponding comments.
The main Contacts/Prospects page displays
icons next to all Prospect Carts
that contain new comments that you have not read.
Within individual Prospect Carts, the
icon indicates that new comments are
available for a particular listing.
To add comments for a listing:
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
1. From the Contacts drop-down menu, select Contacts/Prospects.
2. Locate the desired prospect, then click the appropriate numbered hyperlink below
the Prospect Cart column.
3. Locate the desired listing, then click the
icon for that listing. If comments have
not previously been added for the listing, the Comments window automatically
opens, ready for you to enter a new comment. If previous comments exist for the
listing, click the "Add Comments" link near the top of the window.
4. Enter your comments, then click the Save button. The date and time will
automatically be saved for each comment.
NOTE: You can select the Private check box if you do not want your prospect to see
this comment from their Client Portal.
NOTE: A "Post Comments" link displays next to each listing in the Client Portal so that your client
can easily leave comments about any listing in their prospect cart. Also, a message
displays at the top of the page to alert your client when you have added new comments
that they have not read.
See also
About Client Portal
Create a Client Portal for an existing prospect
Preview a prospect's Client Portal
E-mail your prospect a link to their Client Portal
Using Reverse Prospecting results
You can use the reverse prospecting results to contact the agents whose prospects might be
interested in your listing (i.e., your listing data matched their saved search criteria). The agent’s
name, phone number, e-mail address (if available) and office display right on the search results
Contacting agents via e-mail -- An E-mail button, located on the reverse prospecting search
results page, allows you to quickly notify agents that their prospects' criteria match your listing.
NOTE: The E-mail button is only available if your search was based on one of your own listings,
and if you have selected at least one, but not more than 20, prospects.
How to contact agents via e-mail
1. Click the E-mail button if it is available.
2. Click Preview/Edit E-mail Note if you want to modify the text that is included in the e-mail
To send e-mail to agents in your search results
1. Check the box to the right of each agent (not more than 20 at a time) you want to contact.
2. Click the E-mail button.
Creating a report from your Reverse Prospecting search results -- You can print a report
from your search results. The Reverse Prospecting Report contains all the information you need
to contact agents that appear in your results.
To create a report
1. Check the box next to each agent you want to include, or click Check All to automatically
check all agents in your search results.
2. Click the Report button to generate the report.
See also
Set up Reverse Prospecting
Run a Reverse Prospecting Search
View your contacts and prospects
To view your list of contacts and prospects -- From the Contacts drop-down menu, choose
From this page you can
Create New Contact -- Click this link to create a new contact and set them up as a prospect if
Manage Newly Matched -- Click this link to view and manage all of your prospects' newly
matched listings in one place.
Report Options (in the Options pane) -- Choosing Contact Report lets you generate a list of
selected contacts in PDF format so it can be printed or saved to a disk. Choosing Address
Labels lets you generate address labels for selected contacts, and print mailing labels for them
using standard label stock.
Send E-mail -- Click on the envelope icon below the Send column (if available) to open a new
message window in your e-mail software, so you can send the contact message.
Modify Contact Information -- Click a contact's name to edit his/her information.
Enter Task -- Click the task icon
to set up a meeting or other to-do item for a contact.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
View the listings in a prospect's cart by clicking one of the three numbers representing the
prospect's Newly Matched, Saved, or Rejected tabs.
For each prospect that displays, you can click the plus icon
and options
Run the prospect's search manually against all listings in the MLS.
Revise the prospect's search criteria.
View the prospect's search criteria.
Delete a search for the prospect.
See also
Modify a prospect's search criteria
Create a prospect
to view additional details
Custom Report Writer
Create a custom report
The Custom Report Writer software lets you create your own custom reports, using any of the
fields that are available in your MLS.
To create a custom report
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, select Custom Report Writer. The Custom
Report Writer software opens in a new window.
2. Click New
in the Report Manager task pane on the right side of the window.
3. In the toolbar, click in the Report Name field, and type the name you want to use
for your report (for example, My Client Summary Report).
4. Select the Property Type from the drop-down menu, if necessary.
5. Select the Viewable Level from the drop-down menu. (The software defaults to
Personal, which means that you are the only person who can run this report.)
6. Select the Page Style from the drop-down menu..
7. Add the fields, images or other items (such as text and borders) you want on your
report to the layout area. Use your mouse to move items within a section of the
layout area. (To move an item to another section of the report, such as the Header
Section, right-click the item with your mouse, and select the desired section.)
in the toolbar to save your report. (Once it has been saved, your
8. Click Save
custom report will be available for selection anytime you run a report in the MLS.)
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
View the multimedia demo entitled "Spotlight on Custom Report Writer" for a quick
overview of this feature. From the Help drop-down menu, choose Feature Spotlights, then
select Custom Report Writer.
See also
Using the Custom Report Writer
Using the Custom Report Writer
The Custom Report Writer allows you to create your own custom reports for use in the MLS.
To access this feature
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, select Custom Report Writer.
2. The Custom Report Writer opens in a separate window, allowing you to continue
working in the MLS while you are creating or modifying reports.
Getting familiar with the Custom Report Writer window
Toolbar – located at the top of the window, the toolbar contains many functions and short cuts.
For example, you can specify a name for your report, select the property type the report will be
used for, and even select font sizes and colors.
Task Pane – located on the left side of the window, the task pane lets you "switch" between
several different tabs (click a tab header to switch to that tab). See below for details about each
Report Manager
The items in this tab allow you to create and manage your custom
reports. Once you have selected a function, the software will
automatically take you to the next step in the report management
For example, to begin creating a brand new report from scratch, click
. You will notice that the task pane automatically switches to the
Fields tab, and the work area changes to display a report layout with
grid guides.
All other items under this tab allow you to manage reports that you've already created. These
functions appear to be unavailable (low-lighted) until you have selected a report from the work
area by checking the box to the left of the report (see "Work Area" below).
TIP: When creating a new report, first check to see if you have any existing custom report that
are similar to the report you want to create. If so, you can save time by copying the already
existing report, and then using the Edit tool to complete your changes.
Custom Report Writer
This tab displays all of the data fields that are available for use on your
custom reports, in alphabetical order.
Click on a field to add it to the report layout. Then use your mouse to
"drag" the field where you want it to display on the report.
IMPORTANT: Available fields are based on property type. Make sure you have selected the
desired property type before adding any fields to your report layout.
NOTE: Some listing information has been broken out into several fields, such as Address. This
gives you more flexibility to arrange your report in just the format you want.
This tab allows you to add pictures and other images to your custom
reports. For example, you can personalize your reports by adding your
agent photo or office banner.
Click the desired image type to add it to the report layout. Then rightclick the image on the report layout to move it to the desired section, if
NOTE: Custom reports that include listing pictures will display the
primary listing picture only (additional pictures cannot display on
custom reports).
This tab contains several tools designed to help you further customize
your reports.
Click the desired tool to activate it for use in the work area. The mouse
pointer changes based on the active tool.
Use the Line tool to “draw” horizontal lines on your custom report.
Use the Text tool to add your own custom text anywhere on your report.
Use the Border tool to "draw" a border around a field or group of fields.
Use the Select tool to move or resize items that you have placed onto
the report layout.
Work Area – the main portion of the
Custom Report Writer window is your
work area.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Each time you open the report writer, the work area displays a list of your available custom
Four tabs at the top of the work area organize reports based on their “viewable level.” For
example, reports that are listed under the Personal tab can only be viewed by you; reports listed
under the Office Wide tab can be viewed by everyone in your office, and so on. Click a tab to see
the reports listed under that tab.
When you are creating a new report (or
editing an existing report), the work area
changes to display report sections and
grid guides. This is where you place fields
and other items (such as pictures) that
you want on your report.
NOTE: When you add fields, images or
other items to your report, they
are automatically added to the
“Detail Section.” To move these
items to either the Header or
Footer sections, right-click with
your mouse on the item and select
the area you want to move the
item to.
View the multimedia demo entitled "Spotlight on Custom Report Writer" for a quick
overview of this feature. From the Help drop-down menu, choose Feature Spotlights, then
select Custom Report Writer.
See also
Create a Custom Report
My custom reports won't display
All reports created using the Custom Report Writer are generated in PDF file format. In order to
view and print PDF reports, you must have Adobe Reader installed on your computer. This
software is available free of charge, and may be downloaded from Adobe's Web site at
Click here to download your FREE Adobe Reader.
Enter Listings
Copy a listing
To copy, or clone, an existing listing to create a new listing
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose Copy Listing.
2. Type the listing number you want to copy, and click Next.
3. Leave the check boxes selected for the information you want to copy, then click
4. Modify and complete the listing information as appropriate.
5. Click Submit when finished.
See also
Copy pictures from one listing to another
Create or revise a listing so that it cannot be viewed by the public
If you do not want a listing to be viewed by the public, then set the Public Viewable field to No.
You can do this when you first enter the listing, or if you have already entered the listing you can
revise this field.
NOTE: This field only applies if your MLS offers a public view of listing data.
To create or revise a listing so that it cannot be viewed by the public
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings.
2. Click the Revise icon
next to the desired listing.
3. Choose Listing Information, and then change the Public Viewable field to No.
4. Click Submit.
Enter a new listing
Entering a listing involves entering all required listing information. Once a listing is successfully
entered, you can upload property photos, attach documents, and more from the Revise Listing
Required fields display in red and are denoted with an asterisk (*).
To enter a new listing
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, select Enter New Listing. ( If you do not see
these menu items, you may not have the access rights needed to enter listings.)
2. Enter the information required on the initial Enter New Listing page ( Property
Type, County, etc.) and click the Next button in the MLS toolbar.
3. Complete the Listing Information page, entering all information for the listing.
4. Click Submit in the MLS toolbar.
NOTE: The system will automatically check for errors and display them at the top of the form after
Toolbar buttons
Submit – Click when all listing information has been entered.
Save Progress - Click to save your progress as you work.
Save as Incomplete & Exit - Click if you want to return to work on your listing at another
Cancel - Click to cancel the listing.
TIP: Click the help icon
for help on a specific field.
See also
Save information in an incomplete listing
Finish an incomplete listing
Upload a property picture
Enter additional information into a listing
To enter a piece of information for which there is no specific field, you can type it in an
appropriate Comment field, or include it in the Marketing Remarks field for the listing.
Information entered into the Marketing Remarks field is searchable, while individual comments
added to amenities (if available for your MLS) are not. Any additional information you enter into a
listing is displayed in the listing detail.
Enter Listings
See also
Submit an enhancement request
Enter unit information
If your MLS has set up a multi-family property type, you can enter individual unit information for a
listing such as a duplex, apartment building or other multi-family property.
To enter a listing with unit information
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose Enter New Listing.
2. Select the appropriate multi-family property type. On the listing input form,
complete all required (red) fields, and additional information fields as appropriate.
3. When you have filled in the listing input form, click Submit.
4. In the Modify Unit Detail, enter a Unit Description for the first unit as well as any
additional information in the fields provided.
5. Click Continue to display the Unit Management page where you can review the
information you just entered. You can add additional unit information by clicking
Create New Unit.
6. Continue repeating steps 4 and 5 until you have entered information for each unit
in the listing.
7. Click Exit Unit Management when you are finished.
NOTE: Entering individual unit detail is available only if your MLS has chosen to enable this
option for the property type you've selected.
See also
Revise your listing
Finish an incomplete listing
If you have any incomplete listings, you can see the count displayed in the Your Listings module
on the Home page. This count displays as a link you can use to access your incomplete listings.
To finish entering an incomplete listing
1. Click the numeric link on the Home page, or from the Listings drop-down menu,
choose Incomplete Listings.
2. Click the appropriate listing number. The listing input form displays, with your
previously saved information in the fields.
3. Complete all required (red) fields, and additional information fields as appropriate.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
NOTE: Incomplete listings are not active in the MLS, and cannot be included in searches.
See also
Save information in an incomplete listing
Attach a document to a listing
Upload a property picture
Map pin placement
When submitting a new listing, there may be times when the system cannot validate the listing’s
address. Without a valid address, your listing cannot be found through the Radius or Map search.
You can use the Map Pin Placement feature to specify a map location for your listing, and enable
agents to access your listing through a Radius or Map search.
To place the map pin for your listing
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, click View/Revise Your Listings.
2. Click the Revise Icon
next to the desired listing number.
3. Under Listing Information, click the Map Pin Placement Link.
4. Click the Adjust Pin Location button located at the top of the window.
5. On the map, click on your desired location.
6. In the confirmation box that displays, click Yes to save your selected location.
NOTE: If this box does not display, you need to disable a pop-up blocker on your computer.
7. The page automatically adjusts to display the pin’s new location in the center of the
Enter Listings
8. Click the Close button to finish.
NOTE: Click the Restore Defaults button to place the pin in its original location.
See also
Revise your listings
Prevent your listing's street address from displaying to the public
If you do not want a listing's address to display to the public, then set the Show Address to Public
field to No. You can do this when you first enter the listing, or if you have already entered the
listing you can revise this field.
To prevent your listing's street address from displaying to the public
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings.
2. Click the Revise icon
3. Choose Listing Information, and then change the Show Address to Public field to
4. Click Submit.
Revise listing information fields
The following fields from the Revise Listing Information form may be accessible when you enter
or revise a listing (depending on your MLS's setup). Here are brief explanations:
Property Subtype - If your MLS has set up property subtypes within the property type, a listing
may be assigned to a primary subtype, and in some cases up to two additional property subtypes.
Example: If your MLS handles rural properties, then within the Residential property type you
may have a Rural Residence subtype and a Single Family Dwelling subtype. A house that is
on a 50-acre lot could be assigned to both subtypes. Anyone searching for Rural Residence
would find this listing, as would anyone searching for Single Family Dwelling.
Public Viewable* - This is a yes/no field. Select No if you do not want your listing to be
accessible in a public search.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Show Address to Public* - This is a yes/no field. Select No if you do not want the address to
display when the listing is viewed in a public search.
Picture Provided by - This field determines whether the property needs to be photographed by
the MLS photographer (if applicable). The options are:
Agent = You intend to provide the listing picture, if any.
Photographer = You want the MLS photographer to take pictures of the property. (The listing
will show on the Photographer Report.)
Both = You want the MLS photographer to take pictures of the property, AND you also plan to
upload some pictures yourself. (The listing will show on the Photographer Report.)
None = The listing will not have any pictures.
Photographer Instructions - Type brief instructions for the photographer, if desired. (These will
show on the Photographer Report.)
*NOTE: These fields apply only if your MLS offers public access to listing data.
Save information in an incomplete listing
The software lets you save your work periodically when you're entering a new listing.
To save what you've entered so far -- Click the Save Progress button in the toolbar.
NOTE: After a moment, you can continue entering your listing information.
If you cannot finish entering a listing for some reason, and want to leave the form -- Click
the Save as Incomplete & Exit button. Later, you can finish your incomplete listing.
NOTE: The Session Timeout feature is disabled when you're entering a new listing, or modifying
an existing one (from the Listing Information form). If you have partially entered a listing
and have to leave your computer for some reason, your MLS session will not expire.
See also
Finish an incomplete listing
Using large text fields
When you enter a new listing, large text fields such as Marketing Remarks and Directions to
Property let you enter detailed information in the listing. There is a limit to the number of
characters that can be entered in each text box. As you enter text in these fields, you can see a
running total of the number of characters you've entered next to the field's character limit.
Enter Listings
In some cases, the character count functionality may interfere with your browser or operating
system. If you experience such problems, you can disable the character count by locating the
Enable Character Count check box and clicking it to remove the check mark.
NOTE: De-activating the Enable Character Count check box will not change the character limit
your MLS has instituted.
Validate a listing address
When you enter a new listing, the system attempts to validate the address information against a
national address database in order to determine its geographic codes, which are needed in order
to perform searches based on radius or map. If the address cannot be validated, the system
displays a message on the Revise Listings menu.
NOTE: Listings with non-validated addresses cannot be mapped, and cannot be found using the
Radius or Map Search.
Export listings
You can export listings data in bulk, or select particular listings to export from the MLS and then
download it to various third-party products.
NOTE: Look for the
button in the toolbar when working in the following areas of the
software. Also, To select listings, check the boxes in the left-hand column.
To export any search criteria page
1. From any of the search choices in the Searches drop-down menu, enter your search
2. Click Exports.
3. From the Listing Export Option drop-down list, choose an export type.
4. Click Submit.
NOTE: This method benefits you since maximum search limits do not apply to exports. For
example, you can only include a few hundred listings in search results, but you can export
thousands of listings.
To export search results
1. From your search results page, select the listings you want to export.
2. Click Exports.
3. From the Listing Export Option drop-down list, choose an export type.
4. Click Submit.
To export items from a listing or a prospect cart
1. From either the listing or the prospect cart, select the listings you want to export.
2. Click Exports.
3. From the Listing Export Option drop-down list, choose an export type.
4. Click Submit.
To export listings from the caravans page
1. Select a caravan, and then click Exports.
2. Select the listings you want to export.
3. Click Export.
4. Click Submit.
See also
Using the search criteria page
Using the search results page buttons
Using the listings in the Listing Cart
Set up a custom export
View Caravans
Set up a custom export
You can create your own customized exports that let you download listing information from the
MLS in whatever format you need. Once set up, your customized exports will be available to you
whenever you click the Exports button, along with the other exports provided by your MLS.
To set up a custom export
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Custom Export Setup.
2. Click the
button in the toolbar .
3. In the Create Listing Information Export Layout form, enter the appropriate
information in each field, then click Save.
4. In the Revise Listing Information Export Layout form, select which fields you want
to export per property type. To do this, highlight fields on the left that you want to
export, and click the Add>> button to move them to the Selected Fields list on the
right. You can use the Move Up/Down buttons to reorder the fields, if desired.
When finished, click Save.
5. Next, choose another property type link and repeat the field selection procedure.
Continue until you have finished selecting the desired export fields for all property
types, clicking Save after each.
6. Click the Manage Listing Information Exports link near the top of the form to
return to the main Listing Information Export page.
See also
Export listings
Internet and System Issues
Access the MLS using a Macintosh
By running a simple one-time installation, Mac users can access the MLS using a Macintosh OSX
computer and the associated Safari browser.
To Install -- Go to and click on About this Site for details and
complete instructions.
NOTE: This option is only available if your MLS offers the Macintosh solution.
Antivirus software configuration
You can improve the speed and overall performance of the MLS on your computer with proper
configuration of your antivirus software. Without this configuration, antivirus software may scan
every page of the MLS before allowing it to display, causing slow performance.
Examples of common antivirus software products
The Shield
There are many antivirus products on the market, and configuration steps may vary.
NOTE: In addition to configuring your antivirus software, be sure to run the Browser Optimization
Tool. This simple step can improve performance of the MLS and prevent many common
Run the Browser Optimization Tool
The Browser Optimization Tool automatically applies recommended browser settings and
whitelists the MLS for many common pop-up blockers. It is highly recommended that all users run
this utility on each computer they use to access the MLS. This simple step often improves
performance of the MLS and prevents many common problems.
Run the Browser Optimization Tool from within the MLS
1. From the Help drop-down menu, select Diagnostic Center.
2. Click the Browser Optimization Tool link near the top of the Diagnostic Center
3. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.
4. Choose Run in each of the dialog boxes that display.
5. An "Update Complete" message displays to let you know the utility has
successfully run.
IMPORTANT: If a pop-up blocker is preventing you from accessing the MLS, use the following
steps to run the Browser Optimization Tool and then try to log on to the MLS again.
Internet and System Issues
Run the Browser Optimization Tool before logging on the MLS
1. Navigate to
2. Click Support> Rapattoni MLS> Technical Information.
3. Under "Solutions and downloads to enhance your MLS experience" click Browser
Optimization Tool.
4. Choose Run in each of the dialog boxes that display.
5. An "Update Complete" message displays to let you know the utility has
successfully run.
See Also
Settings applied by the Browser Optimization Tool
Antivirus software Configuration
Change your browser's cache size
What is cache? Your browser's cache is a temporary storage area on your hard disk where
frequently or recently visited Web pages are stored, so that they do not have to be re-downloaded
the next time you visit them. This can speed up the load time for the Web pages.
Is a larger cache size better? The size of the Microsoft Internet Explorer cache can affect how
fast you can use the Web. In general, the faster your Internet connection speed, the smaller the
cache should be. By default, Internet Explorer is designed to use a percentage of the total
amount of available hard drive space, however, the bigger the cache, the slower the system
response. If you have a high speed Internet connection, your computer can probably download all
the image files faster then it can pull them off your hard drive’s cache. Also, when the cache gets
too large, it tends to become corrupted or excessively slow, and you may have to delete your
cache to reset the cache database.
What size is recommended? High speed connections (such as cable or DSL) should be set
around 50MB to 80MB of cache. Dial-up modem connections should be set for no larger than
To adjust your browser's cache size
1. Open Internet Explorer and from the menu bar choose Tools,and then click Internet
2. When the dialog box opens, click the General tab (if necessary) and then click the
Settings button.
3. When the Settings dialog opens, adjust the “Amount of disk space to use” slider to
increase (or decrease, if necessary), your cache size.
4. After you make your changes, click OK.
5. In Internet Options, click OK again to close the dialog box.
See also
Optimize your system performance
Delete your cache
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
If an MLS page does not display correctly, you may be able to resolve it by clearing your
browser's cache. Issues that can be corrected with the following procedure include (but are not
limited to) missing scroll bars, blank pages and the display of outdated listing information.
To delete your browser's cache
1. Log off from, or close, the MLS.
2. Open Internet Explorer (for more information about Internet Explorer, see
Recommended Internet browsers for the MLS).
3. From the menu bar choose Tools, and then select Internet Options. The Internet
Options dialog box opens, with the General tab selected.
4. Click the Delete Files button. The Delete Files dialog box opens.
5. Select the "Delete all offline content" check box, then click the OK button.
6. Click OK on the Internet Options window to close it.
7. Log on to the MLS and check to see if your problem is resolved. If you are still
experiencing problems, you may want to reboot your computer.
See also
Change your browser's cache size
Hardware Guidelines
Your MLS system is designed to be accessible from any PC with Internet access. Since
satisfactory performance of the MLS software functions may not be achieved if the computer's
hardware and software are less than adequate, the following guidelines are provided.
Ideal Specifications for a New Computer Purchase
Intel Core 2 Duo 1.86GHz or higher, OR AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+ or higher
1 GB RAM or more
Windows Vista or XP operating system
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher
Minimum Requirements for Existing Computers
Pentium III 1.4 GHz or higher
256 MB RAM or more
Windows XP or 2000 operating system
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or higher
NOTE: Using the Windows 98 operating system is not recommended and will result in slow
Internet Explorer 7 and MLS Slowness
Are you using Internet Explorer 7 and experiencing slowness in the MLS?
Microsoft released an update on February 13, 2007 that fixes slowness caused by the Internet
Explorer 7 Phishing Filter. If you use IE 7 and experience slowness in the MLS, running this
update may resolve the issue.
Internet and System Issues
If you have Automatic Updates enabled, the update should be automatically installed on your
If you do not have Automatic Updates enabled, select Tools > Windows Update from an IE 7
browser window. This opens a Microsoft Web page that walks you through downloading and
installing updates that Microsoft recommends for your computer. If you experience difficulties, you
can get assistance directly from Microsoft by calling 1-800-MICROSOFT (1-800-642-7676).
NOTE: You can enable the Phishing Filter without affecting MLS performance after running the
update. From an IE 7 browser window, select Tools > Phishing Filter and choose the setting that
you want to use.
To fix slowness without running Windows Updates
If you have not installed the update that Microsoft released on February 13, 2007, the IE7
Phishing Filter may cause the MLS to run slowly. If you do not wish to run the Microsoft update,
there are two additional ways you can restore MLS speed:
Option 1: Disable the Phishing Filter for your trusted sites
1. From a new Internet Explorer (IE) window, click Tools > Phishing Filter >
Phishing Filter Settings.
2. Scroll down to the Phishing Filter setting, and verify that you have selected
either Turn off automatic website checking or Turn on automatic website
checking, as desired. Be sure to click Apply if you make a change. (For more
information about the Phishing Filter, see Microsoft's documentation.)
3. While still in the Internet Options window, click the Security tab.
4. Click the Trusted sites icon (large green check mark).Then, click the Sites
5. Verify that http://* is in your list of trusted sites. If it is not, enter
http://* into the field at the top of the window and click Add. Then,
click OK.
6. Click the Custom Level button. Then, scroll down to the Use Phishing Filter
setting, and select Disable. Then, click OK.
7. Close all IE browser windows, then open a new IE browser window to log on to
the MLS.
Option 2: Disable the Phishing Filter for all sites
1. From a new Internet Explorer window, click Tools > Phishing Filter >
Phishing Filter Settings.
2. Scroll down to the Phishing Filter setting, and click Disable Phishing Filter.
3. Click OK.
Looking for more ways to optimize your MLS speed? Be sure to run the Browser Optimization
Tool, and review the system's recommended hardware guidelines.
Optimize your system performance
The first steps you should take to ensure that the MLS runs at optimum speed on your computer
Proper configuration of your antivirus software
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Running the Browser Optimization Tool
In addition, many factors affect how fast your computer can perform on the Internet.
Consider adding more RAM to your computer: If your computer runs slowly, especially when
multiple programs are open (such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook),
adding more RAM (random access memory) will improve your computer's performance. If your
computer has less than 256MB of RAM, try increasing it to at least that amount. This is the least
expensive and most effective type of hardware upgrade you can purchase.
Improve your Internet connection: Your computer’s performance on the Internet depends
greatly on the type of Internet connection you are using. If you currently use a dial-up connection
and would like a faster Internet experience, consider upgrading to a broadband connection, such
as DSL or cable. Even with a dial-up connection, you can optimize your experience by using a
modem that conforms to the V.92 standard and disabling any background programs, such as
instant messengers, while running the MLS.
Consider your software provider’s hardware guidelines: Most software providers offer
specifications for the hardware you will need to run their applications. To experience satisfactory
performance, it is important that your computer meets or exceeds these requirements. See
Hardware Guidelines for more information on the Rapattoni MLS Hardware Guidelines.
Recommended Internet browsers for the MLS
It is recommended that you access the MLS through Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher.
Since the MLS is a complex Web application, and not just an informational Web site, other
browsers such as AOL or Mozilla Firefox are not guaranteed to fully support its functionality. You
may experience various issues, including problems logging on, if you access the MLS using a
browser other than Internet Explorer.
If you are using a dial-up Internet connection, such as AOL or NetZero
1. Connect to the Internet as you normally would. If the AOL or other browser
window is open, minimize it.
2. Open an Internet Explorer window. If you’re not sure how to open Internet
Explorer, locate the small blue “e” icon. If you do not see one on your desktop,
click the green “start” button (in the lower left corner of your screen) and look for
“Internet Explorer” in your programs.
3. Once Internet Explorer is open, enter your MLS web address in the address bar
near the top of the window, and log on to the MLS.
If you are using a high-speed connection, such as cable modem or DSL
1. Simply open an Internet Explorer window. If you’re not sure how to open
Internet Explorer, locate the small blue “e” icon. If you do not see one on your
desktop, click the green “start” button (in the lower left corner of your screen)
and look for “Internet Explorer” in your programs.
2. Once Internet Explorer is open, enter your MLS web address in the address bar
near the top of the window, and log on to the MLS.
TIP: Click here to download the FREE Internet Explorer browser:
Internet and System Issues
Recommended screen resolution for the MLS
The MLS software is designed to keep all of the information and features that you need at your
fingertips. To make this possible, a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels is
recommended for optimum viewing and to reduce the appearance of scroll bars.
Follow these easy steps to make sure your screen resolution is set to at least 1024x768
1. On any empty area of your desktop, right-click and choose Properties.
2. Click the Settings tab.
2. Locate the Screen resolution setting. If it is lower than 1024x768, change it to
1024x768. (A higher resolution is also OK.) Then, click OK to save the settings.
Settings applied by the Browser Optimization Tool
The Browser Optimization Tool automatically applies recommended browser settings and
whitelists the MLS for many common pop-up blockers. It is highly recommended that all users run
this utility on each computer they use to access the MLS.
What does the Browser Optimization Tool (BOT) do?
Adds the MLS to the Trusted Sites list
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
The BOT adds the MLS site to the IE Trusted Sites Zone. This is a list of sites that you
trust not to damage your system or compromise your information.
Whitelists" the MLS site for the Yahoo!® & Google™ toolbars
Rather than disabling the Yahoo! or Google pop-up blocker, the BOT adds the MLS to
the Yahoo! and Google whitelists, so that you can leave these pop-up blockers enabled
if desired.
Sets the "Check for newer versions of stored pages" option in IE to
This important setting ensures that you will always see the most recent MLS
Automatically installs Flash Player 8
Adobe's Flash Player 8 is required for viewing Feature Spotlights and other multimedia
presentations available in the MLS. Running the BOT automatically updates computers
that have Flash Player 6 to Flash Player 8. Those without Flash Player 6 are directed to
Adobe's Flash Player download page.
See "Run the Browser Optimization Tool" to learn how to run this utility.
NOTE: In addition to running the BOT, you can improve the speed and overall performance of the
MLS on your computer with proper configuration of your antivirus software.
See Also
Antivirus software configuration
Run the Browser Optimization Tool
Time limitations for being logged on to the MLS
You can stay logged on to the MLS for an unlimited period of time, as long as you are actively
working in the system. If you stop working in the MLS (i.e., stop clicking any buttons) but do not
log off, the system will display a notification 5 minutes before it automatically logs you off.
Typically the maximum inactivity time allowed on the MLS is one hour. So each time you click a
toolbar button, the one-hour time period is extended.
NOTE: Your browser may be set up to automatically disconnect your Internet connection after a
specific number of minutes of inactivity. If this happens, your computer may appear to be
still logged on to the MLS, although the software does not function. Please check your
Internet connection, reconnect, and log on to the MLS again. (If you do this within an hour,
you may receive a warning that your agent ID is already logged on to the system, so just
click "Continue" to start a new logon session.)
See also
Internet and System Issues
Logging off the MLS
Log On
"An incorrect Agent ID or Password was entered." error message
If you receive an error when you try to log on to the MLS, check the following items:
Make sure you have the correct agent ID and password. If you are not sure, call
your MLS staff.
The Password field is case-sensitive, so be sure to type your password using
lowercase or uppercase letters as appropriate. (Check to make sure your Caps
Lock is off.)
"Your Agent ID is already logged on to the MLS" error message
If you see the message "Your Agent ID is already logged on to the MLS" when you try to log on,
then one of the following is true.
You were logged on to the MLS within the past hour and did not click Log Off to
Someone else is using your agent ID and password to access the MLS.
Simply click Continue to access the MLS. This terminates the previous session.
TIP: If you suspect that someone else may be using your agent ID and password, then change
your password.
See also
Logging off of the MLS
Enter your Agent ID to log on
The cursor must be active in the Agent ID field when you type your agent ID. Click in the Agent ID
field to make sure the cursor is active, and then start typing.
Logging off of the MLS
To exit the MLS -- Click
near the top right corner of the MLS window.
NOTE: If you close the MLS window without clicking Log Off, then the system still thinks you are
logged on. After a specific length of time (usually one hour) of inactivity, the system
automatically terminates your session. However, if you attempt to log on during that
period, you will receive a warning message before continuing in to the MLS.
Logging on to the MLS
To access the members-only MLS
1. Type your agent ID in the Agent ID field.
Log On
2. Press Tab once to move the cursor to the Password field, and then type your
password. Type your password exactly, using uppercase or lowercase
characters, as appropriate. (Make sure your Caps Lock key is off.)
3. Click the Submit button.
NOTE: For security purposes, your Agent ID and Password cannot be saved or automatically
filled in.
See also
Logging off the MLS
Retrieve a forgotten password
Retrieve a forgotten password
If you forget your password
1. Click the Forgot your password? link on the logon page.
2. On the Forgot Password screen, type in your agent ID and click Submit.
NOTE: The system will automatically send your password to your e-mail address listed in your
Agent Profile. You should receive the e-mail within a few minutes. If you had no e-mail
address saved in your Agent Profile, you will need to contact your MLS staff.
Office Information
Approve a listing
Brokers can approve a listing by completing the following steps
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Office Menu.
2. Select the appropriate office (if applicable).
3. Click Unapproved Listings. (The number of unapproved listings for the office, if
any, displays next to the menu item.)
4. Click the listing number.
5. From the Revise Listing menu, select Listing Information.
6. Locate the Listing Approved field (scroll down, if necessary), and change it to Yes.
7. Click Submit.
NOTE: If you do not see the menu item Unapproved Listings, then your MLS does not use this
See also
Approve agent-entered listings before publishing them
Approve agent-entered listings before publishing them
A broker can enable his/her agents to enter their own listings, yet prevent the listings from being
available on the MLS until the broker approves them (if your MLS has enabled this feature).The
broker can set this up by assigning the appropriate access rights to the agent.
To assign access rights
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Office Menu.
2. Select the appropriate office (if applicable), then select Manage Member
3. Click the appropriate agent name, then make sure that the following access
rights are set up as indicated below (leave all other rights as they are).
• Listing Add: checked
• Listing Modify: checked
• Approve Listing: NOT checked
NOTE: This set of access rights allows the agent to add a listing with the status of unapproved,
can enable his/her agents to enter their own listings, yet prevent the listings from being
available on the MLS until the broker approves them (if your MLS has enabled this
Office Information
See also
Approve a listing
Change an agent's access rights
Your access rights determine which items are available on the menus. If you do not have the
access rights required for a feature, then the menu item related to that feature does not display.
Brokers can modify the access rights of their agents. A broker's access rights can be modified
only by an MLS staff member. Brokers cannot assign any access right that they do not personally
have. Agents cannot modify their own access rights. If you are an agent and would like to request
a change to your access rights, please contact your broker.
To change an agent's access rights
From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Office Menu.
Select the appropriate office (if applicable).
From the Office menu, choose Manage Member Access.
When the list of agents in the office displays, click the name of the member you
want to modify. Make any changes necessary (a checked box indicates that the
access right is assigned).
5. Click Save.
See also
Items missing from your menu
Office Assistant access rights
Enabling Office Assistant access rights makes it possible for office assistants and secretaries to
print reports for an agent that feature the agent's name and contact information on them, rather
than the office assistant's. With this access right enabled, additional parameters are available on
the Report Options page. After choosing which type of report to run, you can enter an agent's
name in the Presented by Agent field or click the Select Agent link to choose from a complete
list. The selected agent's name and contact information will display on the report, just as if the
agent had generated it.
NOTE: Your broker must assign Office Assistant access rights to you before you can use this
See also
Change an agent's access rights
Set up an IDX search on your Web site
If your MLS has enabled IDX Smart Framing, you can offer a public search of live MLS listings
right on your own Web site.
To set up an IDX smart-framed search
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
For Brokers
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Office Menu. The Office Menu page
2. From here, click Public Access Links.
3. Locate the heading for the appropriate type of IDX search, such as Hyperlink for
company IDX framed solution, and click Copy Link to Clipboard. (If this
hyperlink text does not display, check with your MLS board staff to see if IDX is
4. Paste this hyperlink text into an e-mail message to your webmaster, or directly into
your Web site. Attach the hyperlink to a button, graphic or link labeled Search for
Properties or whatever you choose.
For Agents
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Public Access Links.
2. Locate the Hyperlink for IDX framed solution and click Copy Link to Clipboard.
(If it does not display, check with your broker. It may be that your MLS does not
offer agent-level IDX. If it is available, then your broker needs to authorize this
feature for an individual agent.)
3. Paste this hyperlink text into an e-mail message to your webmaster, or directly into
your Web site. Attach the hyperlink to a button, graphic or link labeled "Search for
Properties" or whatever you choose.
See also
Customize your IDX search
What is IDX?
Customize your IDX search
If your MLS offers IDX Smart Framing, you can customize the IDX search form that you set up on
your Web site. You can remove or reorder the criteria fields, or change the colors to make the
form blend in better with your site.
To customize your IDX search
For brokers
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Office Menu.
2. From the Office menu, select Office IDX Search Preferences. (If this menu item
does not display, check with your MLS board staff to see if it is available.)
For agents
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose IDX Search Setup. (If this menu item
does not display, check with your broker. It may be that your MLS does not offer
agent-level IDX. If it is available, then your broker needs to authorize this feature
for an individual agent.)
2. Select desired fields from the box on the left side of the form by highlighting a field
name and clicking Add. The fields move to the Selected Fields box on the right.
3. If you want to remove a field, highlight it in the box on the right and click Remove.
Office Information
4. If you want to move a field up or down on the form, highlight it and click Move Up
or Move Down.
5. To change the colors, in the Custom Form Colors section at the bottom of the
page, click the Color icon
next to the desired item. In the Color Chooser window
that displays, click directly on the desired color. A sample of the selected color
automatically displays next to the appropriate item.
6. Click Save. Your changes are immediately active on your Web site's IDX search.
(You may need to refresh your browser to view the changes.)
See also
How can I set up an IDX search on my Web site?
What is IDX?
Set up a banner for your office
Office banners display at the top of property flyers, allowing you to showcase your office's name
and/or logo.
IMPORTANT: Only users with the Office Modify access right can add (upload) a banner.
Creating your own office banner: If you are creating your own office banner make sure it is in
JPEG format, and exactly 600 pixels wide by 50 pixels high. Be sure to choose a standard format
option when saving your pictures. Progressive formatted JPEGs will not display on the flyer.
To have a banner created for your office: Fill out and submit the "Office Banner Logo
Information and Purchase Order Form" (available from your MLS).
To upload your banner to the MLS
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Office Menu. (If you do not see the Office
Menu option then you do not have the necessary access rights.)
2. Select Upload Office Banner.
3. Follow the instructions that display.
If your banner does not display on the flyer: Your banner may have been saved as a
progressive JPEG, rather than a standard JPEG. Contact MLS Support if you need assistance
(from the Help drop-down menu, choose Contact MLS Support.)
See also
What is an office banner?
About the Flyer
What is an office banner?
The system enables each office to upload a banner graphic that displays at the top of any
property flyers produced by the office's agents.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
See also
Set up a banner for your office
Upload your office logo
Your office logo displays on the CMA Office Resume, which is used when creating a CMA
To upload an office logo
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Office Menu.
2. Select Upload Office Logo.
3. Follow the instructions that display.
NOTE: Office logos must be in .jpg format and should be 200 pixels wide by 200 pixels high (200
X 200). If the logo exceeds these limits, the software automatically reduces the size of the
View all of the listings for your office
To see all the listings for your office
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Office Menu.
2. Select the appropriate office (if applicable).
3. Click View/Revise Office Listings to display all of your office's listings.
NOTE: These menu items display based on access rights. If you do not see them, then you can
only view the active listings for your office. To do this, first access your Office Information
page (either by clicking your office name in the detail for a listing, or by using the
Agent/Office search accessible from the Searches drop-down menu), and then click See
Our Listings.
What is IDX?
IDX (or "Internet Data Exchange") allows MLS members to offer on their own Web sites a public
search of live MLS data, including their own listings and those of other IDX participants.
Depending on your MLS's setup, your Rapattoni MLS software may offer the following IDX
IDX "Smart Framing" – If your MLS has set this up: The IDX smart framing option lets brokers
frame a public-view search of MLS listings right in their offices' Web sites. Setting up an IDX
search is simple: the broker copies a hyperlink, then pastes it to a button or link in his/her own
Web site labeled something like "Search for Properties."
When someone from the public clicks this link, a search form displays within the broker's Web
site. The form offers criteria fields specified by the MLS as public-searchable. The broker can
Office Information
customize the search form by removing or reordering fields, and by changing the colors to blend
in with the site.
Search results display real-time listing data, showing only the information designated as publicviewable. Reciprocal listings (those belonging to another broker who also participates in IDX)
display an IDX logo and may identify the name of the listing broker/agent (depending on MLS
rules) with the heading "Courtesy of ..."; however, contact information is given only for the broker
hosting the Web site. Listings belonging to the hosting broker contain active links to the broker's
NOTE: Agents may also be able to set up IDX smart-framed searches on their own Web sites. If
your MLS allows agent-level IDX, your broker must turn on this feature for an individual
agent (by choosing Manage IDX Member Access from the Office menu). Once the broker
has done this, you can set up your IDX search.
TIP: View the multimedia demo entitled "Spotlight on IDX Smart Framing" for a quick overview of
this feature. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Feature Spotlights, then select IDX
Smart Framing.
See also
Customize your IDX search
How can I set up an IDX search on my Web site?
Open Houses
Advertise your upcoming open house
Open house information can be entered in the MLS and seen by agents (and the public, if your
MLS offers a public view).
To advertise an open house for a listing
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings.
2. Next to the desired listing number, click the Revise icon
3. In the Revise Listing menu, under Listing Information, click Open House Dates.
4. Enter the appropriate information and click the Save button.
NOTE: The Open Houses button that is available to the public displays open houses scheduled
within the next two weeks (or other time period, as specified by your MLS), if your MLS
offers a public view of listing data.
See also
Cancel an open house in the MLS
Keep a history of open houses for your listings
Search for open houses
Change an open house in the MLS
To make changes to an open house that has been entered in the MLS
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings.
2. Next to the desired listing number, click the Revise icon
3. In the Revise Listing menu, under Listing Information, click Open House Dates.
4. Locate the open house date you want to modify and click the corresponding Revise
Open Houses
4. Make desired changes in the Date, Time and Comments fields.
5. Click Save.
Cancel an open house in the MLS
To cancel an open house that has been entered in the MLS
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings.
Next to the desired listing number, click the Revise icon
In the Revise Listing menu, under Listing Information, click Open House Dates.
Locate the open house date you want to cancel and select the Delete check box.
Click Save.
Keep a history of open houses for your listings
You can keep a history of open houses for your listings indefinitely. As the listing agent, you can
see the complete list of open houses and caravans for your listing on the Listing Detail page (not
including cancelled ones).
NOTE: Open houses that occurred in the past are not displayed to other agents or to the public.
The Open Houses button only displays open houses that are scheduled within the next
two weeks (or other time period, as specified by your MLS).
See also
Cancel an open house in the MLS
Save an open house search
You can save an unlimited number of open house searches and access them conveniently by
choosing Saved Searches from the Searches drop-down menu.
To save an open house search
1. From the Searches drop-down menu, choose Open Houses.
2. Fill in your desired criteria, including Additional Criteria such as amenities if
desired. (Additional Criteria is only available when you select one property type.)
3. Before starting the search or after viewing your search results, locate the following
field in the Options pane.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
4. Type a name for the search (up to 20 characters) and click the Save button.
See also
Search for open houses
Search for open houses
To search for open houses
1. From the Searches drop-down menu, choose Open Houses.
2. Enter a date range for your search as well as your desired search criteria.
3. Click Search.
See also
Save an open house search
Getting around in the MLS
Since this is an Internet-based system, the keystrokes and mouse actions that you use to get
around any Web site work the same way in the MLS. Here are some helpful tips for getting
around in the MLS.
Home page - The Home page is a useful starting place that includes a 24-Hour Market Watch,
Newly Matched Listings for your prospects, quick access to your saved Hotsheets, a Support
Center, and more. You can click any link on the Home page to see the related information.
Menu Bar - The Menu Bar allows you to access any function in the MLS from any area of the
software. Click any menu item to display a drop-down list of available selections. For example,
click “Searches” to display a list of every type of search, then click the search you want to use.
Toolbar - The MLS toolbar offers standard navigation and functions, such as Home, Back,
Forward, Refresh, and Print. In addition, some buttons display dynamically based on the current
task. For example, when viewing search results many options are available, such as Reports,
Exports and E-mail.
Options Pane - You can find many useful options in the Options pane. Options display
dynamically based on the current task. For example, sort and save options are available when
viewing search results. You can click anywhere on the vertical Options tab to expand or collapse
the Options pane.
Tabs - Tabs organize information on a page. For example, if you search for multiple property
types, your results are organized into tabs
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Go back - To return to the previous page, click the Back button
on the toolbar.
Move between fields - Press the Tab key on your keyboard to move the cursor to the next field.
Press Shift+Tab to move the cursor back to the previous field.
Move up and down in a page - Use the scroll bar (by dragging the button along the right edge of
the window), or press the Page Up and Page Down keys, in order to view all information on a
See also
Search for listings
Logging off of the MLS
Run a CMA report
Access the MLS from a PDA or other handheld device
The PDA interface lets you access the MLS using most handheld PDA devices that have an
HTML-compliant browser * (see below for recommended specifications). All information on the
PDA site is displayed in real-time, meaning it is always up-to-date.
To find your PDA site address -- From the Help drop-down menu, choose PDA Interface Info.
*Specifications for wireless devices used to access the PDA site
Minimum – Wireless device with an Internet connection and an HTML-compliant
browser that supports JavaScript 1.0 and CSS.
Recommended – Wireless device with broadband Internet connection, a screen
resolution of at least 240 x 240 pixels, and an HTML-compliant browser that supports
JavaScript 1.0 and CSS.
Click a link below for more information:
Log on to the PDA Interface
1. Using your wireless handheld device, navigate to the URL for your MLS's PDA
interface (for example:
2. Enter the same agent ID and password your normally use to access the MLS,
and tap the Submit
3. The PDA Interface Home page displays.
Search for listings
1. Select Search
or Hotsheet .
2. Enter criteria in the desired fields.
3. Tap the Search button at the bottom of the screen to begin your search, or tap
Count to see how many listings match your criteria.
Save a PDA search
or Hotsheet .
1. Select Search
2. Enter the search criteria you want to save.
3. Enter the name of your search in the Save Search field at the bottom of the
page, then click the Save button.
Manage saved PDA searches
1. From the PDA interface Home page, select Saved PDA Searches
2. A list of your Saved PDA Searches and Hotsheets displays.
to run a saved wireless search.
to view the criteria for a saved wireless search.
to revise a saved wireless search.
to delete a saved wireless search.
View Contacts/Prospects
1. Select Contacts/Prospects . Your default group of contacts displays. (NOTE:
To view a different group of contacts simply use the drop-down field in the
upper left corner of the screen.)
2. Tap a contact's name to view their information, or tap a linked listing count next
to their name to view listings in their prospect cart.
Modify Contacts/Prospects
1. Select Contacts/Prospects . Your default group of contacts displays. (NOTE:
To view a different group of contacts simply use the drop-down field in the
upper left corner of the screen.)
2. Select the desired contact.
in the upper left corner of the screen.
3. Tap the revise icon
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
4. Make changes to the contact's information as desired, then tap the Update
Search Agents/Offices
1. From the Home page, select Agent/Office Search .
2. Specify the type of search you want to run (agent or office) using the radio
buttons at the top of the page.
3. Enter criteria in the desired fields.
4. Tap the Search button.
5. When your search result display, you can tap an agent or office name to view
their information.
PDA Interface Icon Reference
Return to the Home page
Search for listings
Run a Hotsheet
View or revise Contacts and Prospects
Search for agents or offices
Manage saved PDA searches
Log Off
Access public tax records
If your MLS has elected to import public tax information, then you have access to it.
To search the tax records -- From the Tax drop-down menu, select Tax Search.
NOTE: You can also click a listing's APN (if it displays as a hyperlink) in order to view the
property's record in the public tax data.
Items missing from your menu
Your access rights determine which items are available on the menus. If you do not have the
access rights required for a feature, then the menu item related to that feature does not display.
For more information or to request a change to your access rights, please contact your broker.
NOTE: Your MLS may decide not to use a particular feature of the software, in which case it
would not display for any user, regardless of access rights.
Quick Reference Icon Guide
Watch Feature Spotlight video
Look up field choices
Display Help description
Look up dates on calendar
Redisplay listings using Sort as
Indicates a recent listing price
reduction or increase
Indicates listing is either recently
back on market (B) or new (N)
Schedule tasks for a contact
View report
Run spelling checker
Create prospect search
Expand / collapse
Run prospect search
Display tax record for listing
View search criteria
View listing picture(s)
Delete prospect search
View virtual media
View existing CMA package
Show attached documents
Access Buyer's Closing Costs or
Seller's Net Sheet financial
View property history
View sent e-mail messages
View maps and aerial photos
Send e-mail
View additional information
Read or add comments
Display printable version
New unread comments are
Diagnostic Center
View listing detail history
What's New
Tips for New Users
Printable Documentation
Contact MLS support
Online Help
Feature Spotlights
Submit an enhancement suggestion
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
If you have a request for a new amenity field, a new report field, or another type of enhancement
that you would like to see implemented in the MLS, please submit the request to your MLS staff
for their review.
Rapattoni works closely with your MLS committee, and all enhancements approved and
requested by them will be considered for future upgrades.
Train for the MLS software
Rapattoni Corporation offers several training tools to help you learn to get the most out of your
MLS software.
The Help drop-down menu offers
Feature Spotlights -- These multimedia demonstrations present a quick overview of highlighted
software features.
To access
1. From the Help drop-down menu, choose Feature Spotlights.
2. Click the title you want to view.
Online Help -- The Online Help offers a search function that lets you locate information easily.
Tips for New Users -- If you're new to the MLS, this condensed guide to using the MLS software
will get you started.
Printable Documentation -- The Printable Documentation gives you the entire text of the Online
Help in a printable chapter format, for those who prefer a paper reference guide. (This document
is updated frequently.)
In addition, many areas of the MLS contain context-sensitive Help links. Click a question mark
next to a field to view detailed information about that field.
NOTE: Your MLS may also schedule live training sessions you could attend. Contact your MLS
staff for more information.
Use Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts allow you to quickly select items from the menu bar without using your
mouse. You can drop-down any menu on the menu bar by holding down the specified keys
For example, to access the Searches menu
1. Hold down the Alt key and the S key at the same time (see list of keyboard
shortcuts below).
2. Then type the letter that displays next to the item you want to select. (For example,
after typing Alt + S to drop-down the Searches menu, simply hit the H key to go to
the Hotsheet search.)
Searches menu - Alt + S
Listings menu - Alt + L
Cart - Alt + R
Contacts menu - Alt + C
Links menu - Alt + N
Admin menu - Alt + A
Help menu - Alt + H
What are "hits"?
The Hits field displays how many times agents/clients have accessed your listing to look at the
detail page. This information helps you gauge the interest level for your listings.
To view the number of hits for your listings
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings.
2. The Hits field is located beneath the camera icon .
What does APN mean?
Every listing can be identified by an APN, which stands for Assessor's Parcel Number.
Depending on your setup, your MLS may refer to this with a different label, such as "Tax ID" or
"Parcel ID."
To search for listings based on their APN -- From the Searches drop-down menu, click APN
(or equivalent) to start the search.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
What is a Broadcast Notice?
A broadcast notice is a message that is sent to everyone in the MLS, usually by your MLS staff.
Broadcast notices display immediately after you log on, if any have been sent. They are also
archived for your future reference.
To view a broadcast notice
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose View Broadcast Notices.
2. Enter a date range for archived notices you want to view.
3. Click Submit.
See also
What is an agent notice?
What is an Agent Notice?
An agent notice is a message that is sent to you individually, usually by your MLS staff. Agent
notices display immediately after you log on, if any have been sent to you. They are also archived
for your future reference.
To view agent notices
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose View Agent Notices.
2. Enter a date range for archived notices you want to view.
3. Click Submit.
See also
What is a Broadcast Notice
Add descriptions to property pictures
You can add descriptions to property pictures that will display to anyone viewing the listing.
To add a description
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings. All of
your active listings automatically display. You can use the Filters area at the top of
the page to view a different status, if necessary.
2. Next to the desired listing number, click the Revise icon
. The Revise Listing
menu displays.
3. Under the Pictures heading, click Upload/Manage Pictures. The Manage
Pictures page displays.
4. Scroll down to the Manage Pictures area of the page.
5. You can enter a description of the picture that is displays at full size. To view a
different picture at full size, click the thumbnail image on the left.
6. Click
in the toolbar.
NOTE: To delete a picture description, simply delete the text and click Save.
See Also
Add a property picture
Change the order of property pictures
Add a picture to your Agent Profile
Your agent picture will display to anyone looking at your agent information online, as well as on
many reports when you add a picture to your agent information page.
To upload a photo
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Modify Your Profile.
2. Click the Upload Picture link (located at the top of the form).
3. From the Upload Agent Picture window, click Browse to locate and open the
picture file.
4. Click Upload Picture.
5. Confirm that you would like to attach your picture by clicking OK.
6. Click the Close this window and continue link to close the Upload Agent Picture
TIP: Type in a greeting or brief biographical statement in the text area next to where the picture
displays. This text will introduce yourself to anyone who looks up your information online.
See also
Add descriptions to property pictures
Recommended picture sizes
Create pictures that can be uploaded to the MLS
Delete your agent picture
Add a property picture
To add property pictures to a listing
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, click View/Revise Your Listings. All of your
active listings automatically display. You can use the Filters area at the top of the
page to view a different status, if necessary.
2. Next to the desired listing number, click the Revise icon
. The Revise Listing
menu displays.
3. Under the Pictures heading, click Upload/Manage Pictures. The Manage
Pictures page displays.
4. Click the Browse button (near the top of the page) to locate and open the picture
you want to add to the listing. NOTE: Pictures must be in JPEG (.jpg) format.
5. The file name of the picture you selected displays in the Selected Files box below
the Browse button. You can upload up to five pictures at a time (unless this number
exceeds the maximum), so repeat Step 4 until you have selected all of the pictures
you want to upload.
6. Click the Upload Pictures button (below the Selected Files box).
The pictures now display in the Manage Pictures area of the page (you may need to scroll down
to view all of the pictures). In the Manage Pictures area you can add a description to each picture,
modify the display order, and delete pictures.
TIP: If picture changes do not display as expected, click the refresh button
in the MLS
toolbar. If your changes still do not display correctly, then you may need to clear your cache.
See also
Add descriptions to property pictures
Change the order of property pictures
Delete a property picture
Recommended picture sizes
Create pictures that can be uploaded to the MLS
Revise your listings
Change the order of property pictures
For listings that have more than one picture, the pictures sort based on the Display Order field.
The picture with the lowest number (such as "1") is the primary picture.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
To change the order of property pictures for a listing
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings. All of
your active listings automatically display. You can use the Filters area at the top of
the page to view a different status, if necessary.
2. Next to the desired listing number, click the Revise icon
. The Revise Listing
menu displays.
3. Under the Pictures heading, click Upload/Manage Pictures. The Manage
Pictures page displays.
4. Scroll down to the Manage Pictures area of the page.
5. Modify the numbers in the Display Order column, to the left of the thumbnail
images as desired.
6. Click
in the toolbar.
NOTE: By default, pictures sort in the order you upload them. In other words, the first picture you
upload for a listing is automatically assigned Display Order = 1; the second picture is
assigned Display Order = 2; and so on.
TIP: If picture changes do not display as expected, click the refresh button
in the MLS
toolbar. If your changes still do not display correctly, then you may need to clear your cache.
See also
Upload a property picture
Delete a property picture
Revise your listings
Create pictures that can be uploaded to the MLS
There are several ways to create pictures (of agents or properties) that can be uploaded to the
Use a digital camera. If you have a digital camera, you can take pictures and then download or
send them directly to your computer. You can use the software that came with your camera, or
another image editor such as Adobe Photoshop, to crop or resize your picture as desired.
Develop photographs in digital format. You can take pictures using a standard 35mm camera,
then have the film processed into digital format (such as Kodak Photo CD). You'll get back a CDROM that contains all the images as files, rather than prints. Many regular film-processing
vendors offer this service.
Scan photographs or other artwork. Using a scanner connected to a computer, you can scan
photographs, floor plans, brochures, or other types of images. Then you can make any
adjustments needed (size, cropping, etc.) using your image editing software. Save your picture
files in JPEG format (*.jpg) in order to upload them to the MLS. Be sure to choose a standard
format option when saving your pictures. Progressive formatted JPEGs are not compatible with
Adobe Acrobat and will not appear in your reports.
NOTE: Property pictures are sometimes handled by a photographer hired by the MLS. For more
information or to find out if this service is available, contact your MLS staff.
See also
Add a picture to my personal information page
Upload a property picture
Recommended picture sizes
Delete a property picture
To delete a picture that is attached to a listing
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings. All of
your active listings automatically display. You can use the Filters area at the top of
the page to view a different status, if necessary.
2. Next to the desired listing number, click the Revise icon
. The Revise Listing
menu displays.
3. Under the Pictures heading, click Upload/Manage Pictures. The Manage
Pictures page displays.
4. Scroll down to the Manage Pictures area of the page.
5. Select the picture(s) you want to delete using the Delete column to the right of the
thumbnail images.
6. Click
in the toolbar.
in the MLS
TIP: If picture changes do not display as expected, click the refresh button
toolbar. If your changes still do not display correctly, then you may need to clear your cache.
See also
Change the order of property pictures
Revise your listings
Delete your agent picture
To delete your agent picture
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, click Modify Your Profile.
2. Click the Delete Picture link, located near the top of the page.
See also
Add a picture to your agent information page
Error 696 - Uploading a photo
If you see the message "Error 696 – Error validating the image" when you try to upload a photo to
a listing or your agent profile, then one of the following is true.
The file name contains an invalid character, such as a space, comma, slash,
apostrophe or asterisk.
To correct: Locate the file through Windows Explorer, right-click on the filename,
and select “Rename.” Rename the file without using spaces or punctuation.
The photo exceeds the maximum width (400 pixels for listing photos; 200 pixels
for agent profile photos).
To correct: Resize or crop the photo with image editing software (such as
Microsoft Office Picture Manager or Adobe Photoshop). Refer to your image
editing software’s documentation if you need instructions.
The photo is not in JPEG (.jpg) format.
To correct: Convert the photo with image editing software (such as Microsoft
Office Picture Manager or Adobe Photoshop). Depending on your image editing
software, this may be done using the Save As or Export feature. Refer to your
image editing software’s documentation if you need instructions.
Correct your file, and then upload the photo again.
See also
Recommended picture sizes
Create pictures that can be uploaded to the MLS
Recommended picture sizes
When you upload a picture to the MLS, if the picture width exceeds the following limits, the
software automatically reduces the size of the picture proportionately.
Maximum width for property pictures is 400 pixels.
Maximum width for personal (agent) pictures is 200 pixels.
Tips for faster uploading
If possible, reduce the size of large pictures using a third-party photo editing software
before uploading to the MLS.
Picture height is not restricted; however it is recommended that picture height not exceed
300 pixels.
Pictures must be in JPEG format.
NOTE: Picture dimensions are listed in pixels, not inches, because they are displayed on screen
rather than printed. MLS pictures have a resolution of 72 pixels per inch.
See also
Create pictures that can be uploaded to the MLS
Add a picture to my personal information page
Upload a property picture
Access statistical reports
There are several types of statistical reports available.
-- The simplest way to obtain statistical information is to click the
Statistics button
statistics button in the toolbar. The Statistics button is available from any search, search results or
listing cart. This allows you to view several formats of statistics based on any search criteria or
group of listings you choose. Additionally, you can view statistics as various colored charts and
graphs by clicking the Charts button.
Published Statistical Reports -- Available from the Listings drop-down menu, this option lets
you view reports containing statistics for the entire MLS. These reports have been created and
posted by your MLS staff.
NOTE: If you need to request a report, contact your MLS staff.
You can also run reports to give you statistics on your own activity
From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Agent Reports.
Select one of the following reports:
Agent Market Share Report
Agent Production & Inventory Report
TIP: View the multimedia demo entitled "Spotlight on Statistics" for a quick overview of this
feature. From the Help drop-down menu, choose Feature Spotlights, then select Statistics.
See also
Search for listings
Adjustable CMA Report
An adjustable CMA report enables you to compare a subject property to any number of listings
you select as comparable, and adjust values for individual features of each comparable property
in order to produce a more accurate analysis.
The CMA Package contains an adjustable CMA report called the Subject Property Comparison
See also
Create a CMA Package
Subject Property Comparison Report
Subject Property Comparison Report
The Subject Property Comparison Report allows you to compare a subject property to any
number of listings you select as comparable. You can adjust values for individual features of each
comparable property in order to produce a more accurate analysis.
NOTE: The Subject Property Comparison Report is created by assembling a CMA Package. See
Creating a CMA Package for step by step instructions.
See also
Create a CMA Package
Adjustable CMA Report
Change a report
All reports in the MLS are preformatted, and you cannot modify which fields they include.
However, there are many reports to choose from, and you can control which listings are displayed
and their sort order.
TIP: The Custom Report Writer is an advanced tool that allows you to create your own custom
See also
Sort listings on a report
Submit an enhancement request
Change the amenities that display on the flyer
The flyer is a preformatted report, and you cannot change which fields are included. The
amenities that display on the flyer are determined by your MLS.
TIP: The Custom Report Writer is an advanced tool that allows you to create your own custom
See also
Submit an enhancement request
About the Flyer
Change the phone number that displays on the flyer
The agent information that displays on the flyer includes your "contact" phone numbers. You can
easily change these phone numbers. For details, see: Change your contact phone numbers.
E-mail a report to someone
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
There are two ways to e-mail listing reports to a prospect or other recipient.
E-mail button - This function lets you send a dynamic listings report by e-mail
1. First select the listings you want to include, and then click the E-mail button in
the toolbar.
2. Choose your desired report type, and then click Submit.
3. In the E-mail Listings form, enter the appropriate information. If desired, you can
preview the selected listings prior to sending the message.
4. Click Send E-mail to send the message.
Send a PDF report from your e-mail software
1. Run the report.
2. When it displays, click the E-mail as PDF link in the upper right corner of the
report window.
NOTE: To utilize the E-mail as PDF feature, you must select the Enable ActiveX check box in
your Agent Preferences and install the ActiveX component on your PC. See Install
ActiveX for more information.
Generating reports in PDF format
Through ActiveX technology, you can utilize the following PDF file format features when creating
reports in the MLS. These features are available even if you do not have PDF creation software
(Adobe Reader) installed on your PC.
Save as PDF - Lets you save reports in PDF file format. (Reports are saved to your hard
drive, network, or other location you specify.)
E-mail as PDF - Lets you e-mail reports in PDF file format, as an attachment. (This
option uses your default e-mail editor, i.e. Outlook.)
To use these features, you must select the Enable ActiveX check box in your Agent Preferences
and install the ActiveX component on your PC.
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, select Your Preferences.
2. Under General, locate the Enable ActiveX field and make sure its check box is
3. Install the ActiveX control (click here to download this file now).
4. When prompted, click Run and follow the simple installation instructions. (If you
are using a dial-up connection it may take several minutes to download the
installation file.)
See also
Installing ActiveX
Is there a limit on the number of listings that can print on a report?
In order to optimize system performance, each report has a maximum number of listings it can
include. The system will not run a report if the number of selected listings exceeds the report's
limit. You need to reduce the number of listings selected, then select the desired report.
NOTE: If you select more than one report to print at once, the report with the lowest limit will
apply. For example, if you choose Agent Detail and Client Detail, and Agent Detail has a
limit of 30 listings, you will only get 30 listings on each report.
See also
Run a report
Run a CMA report
To run a CMA report, you must first find and select the listings you want to use for comparison in
your report.
1. Choose a search from the Searches drop-down menu, enter your selection criteria
(be sure to select the appropriate statuses).
2. Click Search.
3. In the search results, check the box to the right of each listing you want to include
on your report (or click at the top of the column to select all listings).
4. Next, click the CMA button.
5. Select one of the CMA report options from the drop-down list.
6. Click Submit.
NOTE: The "CMA Package" Option Lets you create an adjustable CMA called the Subject
Property Comparison Report, and/or an entire presentation package. See Create a CMA
Package for details. CMAs and other reports can be run from anywhere you can select
listings. For convenience, the CMA button can be found on the Listing Cart, Prospect Cart,
and the results page for the Hotsheet, Open House Search, and other searches.
See also
Subject Property Comparison Report
Sort listings on a report
Run a report
Search for listings
Types of searches
Using the search results page buttons
Run a report
A wide variety of listing reports are available in the MLS. To run reports, first select (or check) the
listings you want to include, and then click the Reports button in the MLS toolbar and choose the
report(s) you want to run. You can even produce multiple reports at the same time, using the
same selection of listings.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
To run and print reports
1. Search for listings or use the Hotsheet in order to obtain a list of listings.
(Alternately, you can open your Listing Cart or a Prospect Cart that contains
2. Select the listings you want to include in the report, then click the Reports button
(or the CMA button if you want to run a CMA Report or CMA Package).
3. Select the desired report(s) from the selection window.
4. Click Run Reports.
5. The following options display in the upper right corner of the window:
Print this page - Click this link to send the report to your printer. When the Windows
Print dialog box displays, be sure the desired printer is selected, then click Print.
Save as PDF* - Click this link to save the report in PDF file format. In the Windows
Save As dialog box, specify a location and file name for the report, then click Save.
E-mail as PDF* - Click this link to send the report as an attachment in PDF file
*NOTE: To utilize the Save as PDF and E-mail as PDF features, you must select the Enable
ActiveX check box in your Agent Preferences and install the ActiveX component on your
PC. See Installing ActiveX for more information.
See also
Sort listings on a report
Run a CMA report
Is there a limit on the number of listings that can print on a report?
Select listings
You select listings by checking the box to the left of each desired listing. In the example below,
the first listing is selected, and the second listing is not selected:
To check/uncheck a box, simply click in it. To select ALL listings on the page, click in the
top of the column.
at the
You can use this process throughout the software in order to select listings — on a search results
page, Hotsheet results page, Listing Cart, Prospect Cart, or any other place where listings
display. You can then use the selected listings to run a report, send an e-mail report, move them
to another area of the software, and more. (See Using the search results page buttons for more
See also
Sort listings
Search for listings
Types of searches
Using the search results page buttons
Sort listings on a report
Reports sort listings in the same order as the listings are displayed when you create the report.
To change the way listings sort on a report, you must change the way they are sorted in your
search results, Listing Cart or Prospect Cart.
If you are creating a CMA Package: Use the Sort field in Step 6: Assemble Package to reorder
the listings in the report.
See also
Sort listings
Search for listings
Sort your search results
About the Flyer
The flyer presents a single property, in a professionally formatted report designed for you to hand
to a client.
Your office banner (if applicable) displays at the top, followed by the primary listing picture and
information about the property. Your contact information and agent picture (if one has been
uploaded) displays in the Presented By section at the bottom of the page.
To generate a flyer
1. Select the desired listing(s). (If you select multiple listings, a separate flyer will be
generated for each listing.)
2. Click the
button in the toolbar.
3. In the Reports window, select the Flyer by clicking the check box
4. Click the Run Reports button.
to its left.
NOTE: Flyers that you create always display your contact information, regardless of who the
listing agent or office is. A disclaimer at the bottom of the flyer states: "The above featured
property may not be listed by the office/agent presenting this brochure."
See also
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Can I change the amenities that display on the flyer?
Change the phone number that displays on the flyer
Run a report
ActiveX Enhanced Report Functionality
Through ActiveX technology, you can utilize the following PDF file format features when creating
reports in the MLS. These features are available even if you do not have PDF creation software
(Adobe Reader) installed on your PC.
Save as PDF - Lets you save reports in PDF file format. (Reports are saved to your hard
drive, network, or other location you specify.)
E-mail as PDF - Lets you e-mail reports in PDF file format, as an attachment. (This
option uses your default e-mail editor, i.e. Outlook.)
To use these features, you must select the Enable ActiveX check box in your Agent Preferences
and install the ActiveX component on your PC.
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, select Your Preferences.
2. Under General, locate the Enable ActiveX field and make sure its check box is
3. Click the Save button in the MLS toolbar.
4. Install the ActiveX control (click here to download this file now).
5. When prompted, click Run and follow the simple installation instructions. (If you
are using a dial-up connection it may take several minutes to download the
installation file.)
Once you complete these steps, links to "Save as PDF" and "E-mail as PDF" will automatically
display in the upper-right corner when you run reports.
See also
Installing ActiveX
Run a report
Install ActiveX
Installing the ActiveX component is a simple procedure that will enable you to use PDF file format
features when generating reports.
NOTE: If multiple user profiles are used to access the MLS from the same PC, installation must
be completed for each user who wishes to use the ActiveX features.
To enable PDF report functionality
1. Install the ActiveX control (click here to download this file now). When prompted,
click Run and follow the simple installation instructions. (If you are using a dial-up
connection it may take several minutes to download the installation file.)
2. Locate the Enable ActiveX field in your Agent Preferences (available from the
Admin drop-down menu), and make sure the check box is selected. Then, click
Save in the MLS toolbar.
3. For optimum performance, it is recommended that you run the Browser
Optimization Tool.
NOTE: Local administrator rights are required when installing the ActiveX control. If the following
message displays, contact your network administrator:
See also
ActiveX Enhanced Report Functionality
Revise Listings
Add virtual media to your listing
You can add virtual media to your listings, such as a virtual tour or floor plan. Adding a virtual tour
to a listing enables potential buyers to view properties before doing an on-site visit. Your MLS
determines what types of virtual media can be added to listings.
To add virtual media
1. Open the Revise Listing menu for the listing you want to modify.
2. Under Listing Information, click Virtual Media.
3. Select the type of media you want to add from the Virtual Media Type drop-down
4. Use the text field to enter the full URL (Internet address), starting with "http://", then
click Save.
5. To add another virtual media type repeat steps 1 through 3.
To see your virtual media
1. From the Revise Listing menu, click View Listing Detail.
2. Locate and click the Virtual Media link. If only one type of media has been
attached it automatically opens in a separate window. If multiple types of media
have been attached, a separate window opens with links to each media item.
3. If you entered the correct URL, your virtual media will display. If not, go back to the
Revise Listing menu and click Virtual Media. Existing virtual media displays at
the bottom of the form. You can modify the URL here, or delete the entry and
repeat steps 2 and 3 above.
See also
Modify another agent's listing
Attach a document to a listing
You can attach documents, such as a disclosure statement or floor plan, to a listing. These
documents will be viewable from the listing's detail page. Your MLS has set up the allowable
types of documents per property type, and you may only attach one document per type to each
There are two ways to attach a document: either fax the hard copy, or upload a PDF file.
To fax a hard-copy document
Revise Listings
Open the Revise Listing menu for the appropriate listing.
Under Other, click Attach External Document.
Choose the type of document(s), then click Print Cover Sheet.
When the fax cover page displays, click the Print button in the Adobe Reader
toolbar at the top of the window.
5. Fax this cover page, followed immediately by your document, to the toll-free fax
number indicated on the cover page.
NOTE: When attaching multiple types of documents, be sure to fax each set of documentation in
To upload a PDF document file
1. Open the Revise Listing menu for the appropriate listing.
2. Under Other, click Attach External Document.
3. Choose the type of document, then click Upload PDF. (Select only one type of
document; PDF documents must be uploaded one at a time.)
4. Click the Browse button, then locate the PDF file.
5. Click Submit.
6. When the confirmation message displays, click Continue.
7. You can attach multiple documents (each of a different type) to a listing. To
attach another document, follow the numbered steps again.
See also
Modify another agent's listing
Change an expired listing back to active
If your listing has expired, you may or may not be able to change it back to active, as determined
by your MLS. If this is not allowed, contact your MLS staff for assistance.
To change a listing's status back to active
1. Open the Revise Listings menu for the appropriate listing.
2. Under Listing Information, click Status Information.
3. In the Status field select Active, then modify or clear the remaining fields as
4. Click the Submit button in the toolbar.
Change the status of a listing
To change the status of your listing
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings. All of
your active listings display. (If you need to access listings that are not active,
drop down the Status options, select the appropriate status, and click
2. Next to the listing number you want to change, click the Revise icon
3. Under Listing Information, click Status Information.
4. Select the new status from the drop-down options and complete any other
required fields.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
5. Click the Submit in the toolbar.
To change the status of another agent's listing -- If you have the proper access rights, you
can change the status of someone else's listing. See Modify another agent's listing for more
IMPORTANT: To change a status to sold, see Enter sold information.
See also
Approve a listing
Find listings that are near expiration
Change an expired listing back to active
Copy pictures from one listing to another
You can use the Copy Pictures interface to view all of the pictures for a specific listing and select
the ones you want to copy to your revised listing. This feature is extremely useful if you are
entering multiple, similar listings that use the same pictures.
TIP: Before you begin, make a note of the listing # that you want to copy pictures from.
To copy a picture from one listing to another
1. Open the Revise Listing menu for the listing you want to copy pictures to.
2. Under Pictures, click Copy Pictures.
3. In the Listing # field, enter the listing number you want to copy pictures from.
4. Review all of the pictures for the listing and select the pictures you want to copy by
activating the check boxes next to each picture.
5. Click Submit to copy the selected pictures to your listing.
6. To add descriptions for the new picture(s), choose Manage Pictures.
7. Enter the desired text and then click Save. Optionally, you can choose View
Listing Detail to view your listing with the newly added picture(s) and
Delete a listing
Only the MLS staff can delete a listing. If you want to have a listing deleted from the system,
contact your MLS staff.
Enter mortgage information
If your MLS has installed this feature, you can enter mortgage information on listings.
To enter mortgage information for a listing
Revise Listings
1. Open the Revise Listing menu for the appropriate listing.
2. Under Listing Information, choose Mortgage Loans.
NOTE: The ability to enter mortgage information is based on access rights. If you do not see the
menu item Mortgage Loans, then you have not been assigned the corresponding access
right. For more information or to request this access right, contact your broker.
See also
Modify another agent's listing
Enter sold information
To enter sold information for a listing
Open the Revise Listing menu for the appropriate listing.
Under Listing Information, click Status Information.
In the Status field, select Sold.
Enter the appropriate sold information and click Submit.
If you receive an error message -- Your MLS may have rules set up preventing certain statuses
from being changed to Sold. If you see an error message regarding this, you may need to change
the listing to another status first (such as Pending), before changing it to Sold.
NOTE: The ability to enter sold information is based on access rights. If you do not see the menu
item Status Information, then you have not been assigned the corresponding access right.
For more information or to request this access right, contact your broker.
See also
Modify another agent's listing
Find listings near expiration
To find out when your listings are going to expire, you can run an Expiration Report.
To run an Expiration Report
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose Expiration Report.
2. Type in an ending date or click on the Look up Field Choices icon
3. Click Submit.
NOTE: The report shows you any listings you have that will expire on or before the specified
ending date.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Modify another agent's listing
If you have the appropriate access rights, you can modify other agent or co-agent's listings.
If you are the broker, you can change your office's listings as follows
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Office Menu.
2. Select View/Revise Office Listings.
3. Choose the appropriate office (if applicable). All of the office's active listings
display.(If you need to access listings that are not active, drop- down the Status
Options, select the appropriate status, and click Submit.)
4. Next to the appropriate listing number, click the Revise icon
Revise Listing menu.
to access the
If you have the appropriate access rights, you can change the status of someone else's
listing as follows
From the Listings drop-down menu, choose Quick Change.
Enter some criteria and click Search.
Click the appropriate listing number to access the Revise Listing menu.
From the Revise Listing menu, click either Listing Information or Status
Information, depending on what information needs to be changed.
See also
Revise your listings
Opening the Revise Listing Menu
The Revise Listing menu allows listing owners to make changes to a single listing. For example,
you can change a listing's status, upload pictures, attach documents and much more.
To open the Revise Listing menu for a listing you want to modify:
1. Locate the listing.
2. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings. All of
your active listings automatically display. You can use the Filters area at the top of
the page to view a different status, if necessary.
3. Click the Revise icon
menu displays.
next to the listing you want to modify. The Revise Listing
Revise your listings
To change a piece of information about your listing
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings. All of your
active listings display. (If you need to access listings that are not active, drop down the
Status options, select the appropriate status, and click Submit.)
2. Next to the listing number you want to change, click the Revise icon
Revise Listings
To modify an information field (other than Price) - Choose Listing Information. Modify the
appropriate field, then click Submit.
To modify the status - Choose Status Information. See Change the status of a listing for
To modify the price - Choose Status Information.
To upload a picture - Choose Upload. See Upload a property picture for instructions.
To change pictures or picture descriptions - Choose Manage Pictures. See Change the
order of property pictures or Deleting a property picture.
See also
Opening the Revise Listing menu
Modifying another agent's listing
Items missing from your menu
Use Quick Change
Quick Change enables you to quickly access a listing by searching on any of the following fields:
Listing #, APN, Office ID, Agent ID, Status, and/or Street Address.
To use Quick Change
1. From the Listings drop-down menu, choose Quick Change.
2. Enter your search criteria (in one or more fields) and click Submit. A summary of
listings that match your criteria displays.
next to a listing to access the Revise Listing menu. If
3. Click the Revise icon
only one listing matches your criteria, the Revise Listing menu automatically
See also
Modify another agent's listing
View past history of changes for a listing
You can view the history of changes made to a listing by clicking the Property History icon
The icon is available on most display formats and when viewing a property's detail.
The Property History page displays the dates and times when changes were made to the listing.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
If you are the listing agent, co-agent, or broker for the listing: This form displays a time
stamp for each change, shows who made the change, and indicates changes in status and price.
In addition, the following icons may display for each change.
View Listing Detail History - allows you to view a snapshot of changes made for a
limited period of time based on your MLS setup.
Create Report - allows you to view a comparative report of all changes made for a
limited period of time based on your MLS setup.
If you are NOT the listing agent, co-agent, or broker for the listing: This form displays
changes in status or price only.
The change history for previous listings of the same property may also display depending on your
MLS setup.
Search Listings
Add listings to the Listing Cart
You can add listings to the Listing Cart from any search results page or other page where listings
To add listings
1. Select the listings you want (by selecting their check boxes).
2. Click the Add to Cart button.
3. A confirmation dialog box displays the number of listings that were added. (The
count may be less than the number you had selected, if some listings were already
in the cart.)
TIP: When you view your Listing Cart, only the most recently added listings default as selected.
See also
Select listings
What can I do with listings in the listing cart?
Choose a different format for your search results
There are many different display formats available for viewing search results. You can select your
preferred format in your Agent Preferences form, and this will be used as the default format each
time you perform a search.*
You may also change formats while viewing listings.
*NOTE: Prospect searches, saved searches and the Listing Cart retain whichever format you
To change formats -- Locate the Display drop-down field near the top of the page, and choose
from the available formats.
See also
Sort your search results
Change your agent preferences
Customize the One Line Grid
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
The One Line Grid Setup form lets you customize the appearance of your One Line Grid display
To begin – from the Admin drop-down menu, select One Line Grid Setup.
Using the tabs near the top of the page, be sure the property type that you want to modify the
One Line Grid for is selected (residential is initially selected by default).
IMPORTANT: After making changes, click Save in the MLS toolbar.
Add Fields (columns)
You can add any field from the Available Fields list (on the left) to your One Line Grid. Simply
click a field to highlight it, and then click the Add button to move it to the Selected Fields list on
the right.
TIP: Select multiple fields at once by holding down the Ctrl key (on your keyboard) while you
select fields.
Remove Fields
The Selected Fields list on the right shows all of the fields that will display in the One Line Grid.
To remove a field, click to highlight it, and then click the Remove button.
Specify the Sort Order
The Sort column in the Selected Fields list determines the
order in which fields will display when you view listings
using the One Line Grid display format.
You can type directly into the Sort fields to quickly modify
the sort order. When you press the Tab key, the fields are
automatically rearranged in the list and the sort numbers
are revalued (based on multiples of 10).
Alternately, you can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to reorder your selected fields.
NOTE: Check boxes, sort order fields and Listing #s automatically display as the first columns in
the One Line Grid. These fields cannot be modified and do not appear in the one Line Grid
Setup form.
“Fix” Fields in Place
You may choose to fix fields in place, so that they won’t move
when you scroll to the right. This can come in handy when
your One Line Grid contains more fields (columns) than can
Search Listings
display on the page at one time. (NOTE: You can include up to 30 fields in your One Line Grid).
Starting with the first field in your list, check up to four fields that you want to remain fixed in
place. They must be checked sequentially, since a field that is not fixed cannot display before a
field that is fixed.
Select Icons
Near the bottom of the form, make sure that each of the icons that you want to display on the One
Line Grid are selected (checked).
IMPORTANT: After making changes, click Save in the MLS toolbar.
Limits on the number of listings in your search results
In order to optimize system performance, there is a limit on the number of listings that may be
included in search results. If you try to run a search and the number of matching listings exceeds
the limit, an error message displays. Simply refine your search criteria, then try the search again.
TIP: On the search criteria page, you can click the Preview Count link to preview how many
listings match your search.
NOTE: The Statistics button (which outputs statistical information based on your search criteria,
not actual listings) and the Exports button allow a much higher collection limit than regular
search results do.
See also
Using the Preview Count link
Manage your saved searches and Hotsheets
To manage your saved searches
1. From the Searches drop-down menu, choose Saved Searches.
2. From the top of the Saved Searches window, click Manage Saved Searches.
To manage your saved Hotsheets
1. From the Searches drop-down menu, choose Saved Hotsheets.
2. From the top of the Saved Hotsheets window, click Manage Saved Hotsheet
Searches. (You can also access your saved Hotsheets from Your Hotsheets
module on the home page.)
In these forms you can
View your saved searches -- The form lists all of your saved searches, including the saved
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Delete a search
1. Click the Delete check box to the right of any search you want to remove.
2. Click the Save/Refresh button in the toolbar.
Rename a search
1. Modify the text.
2. Click the Save/Refresh button in the toolbar.
Run a search -- Click Run next to the desired search.
Revise a search
1. Click Revise
next to the desired search, and change the criteria.
2. Locate the Save Options box on the right side of the page (expand the Options
pane, if necessary).
3. Click the Save button, next to the Save as a Saved Search field.
4. When the confirmation message displays, click OK to save the new criteria.
Choose whether to display a search or not
Check the On/Off box next to any search that you want to display in the Saved
Searches list.
2. Uncheck the box if you do not want a search to display.
Sort the searches -- Saved searches can be sorted by name or by a custom display order. The
default, or initial sort, is by name.
To specify a custom sort
1. Locate the Sort Saved Searches Options box on the right side of the page
(expand the Options pane, if necessary), and select the By Display Order option.
2. Type a number in the Display Order field to the left of any search, to indicate the
display order for that search. For example, enter 10 for the search you want to
display at the top, and then 20 for the next search, and so on.
Search Listings
3. Click the Save/Refresh button in the toolbar to apply the changes. (Using
increments of 10 allows you to easily make adjustments without renumbering all of
your searches.)
NOTE: If you fill in the Display Order for a field, the software automatically checks its On/Off box.
Automatically check/uncheck all -- You can click the check box in the On/Off column header to
alternately select or un-select all saved searches. The display order fills in automatically, and you
can manually adjust the sort, if desired.
See also
Save a search
Map listings
The MLS software includes easy-to-use map features that let you locate listings on a printable
map, view aerial photos of properties, and more.
To map a single listing
Click a listing's See Map link or the Map icon
to access mapping for a single listing,
To map multiple listings
From any listing display page, use the check boxes on the left to select the listings you want to
map. Then, click the Map button in the MLS toolbar
NOTE: Listings that cannot be mapped are denoted by an asterisk (*). This would occur if the
listing's address could not be validated during listing input.
Minimum search criteria guidelines
In order to optimize system performance, your MLS has specified a minimum combination of
search criteria that must be entered before a search is begun. A variety of criteria combinations
qualify; for example, you could enter values for the Property Type, Status, and Price fields before
beginning your search. Additional criteria can always be included with the minimum search
If you try to perform a search without entering a minimum combination of search criteria, a page
displays listing all of the combinations of criteria that meet the minimum guidelines. After
reviewing this page, you can return to the search form containing all of the values you have
previously selected by clicking the Close button.
See also
Start the search after choosing your search criteria
My search results said, "No listings found." Why?
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
The message "No listings found" indicates that there were no listings that matched your search
criteria. Check for conflicting criteria. For instance, if you used the Standard Search and entered a
ZIP code that is outside the cities or areas you entered, no listings would match.
Keep in mind that if you selected any amenities (from the Additional Criteria tab), your search is
restricted to include listings only if they match that amenity (as well as all of your other search
See also
Using amenities in your search
Using the search criteria page
Why isn't my listing showing up in any searches?
Save a search
You can save searches (of all types, including Hotsheets), and access them conveniently from
the Searches menu.
To save a search
1. From the Searches drop-down menu, select the type of search you want to
2. Enter your desired criteria. You can also specify amenities using the Additional
Criteria tab (if only one property type is selected).
3. Either before or after running the search, locate the Save Options box on the
right side of the page (expand the Options pane, if necessary).
4. Enter a name for the search (up to 20 characters) and click Save.
View "Spotlight on Saved Searches" for a quick overview of this feature. From the
Help drop-down menu, choose Feature Spotlights, then select Saved Searches.
See also
Manage your saved searches
Search for listings
Search for listings
To start a search for listings
Search Listings
From the menu bar, click Searches.
Select the type of search that best suits your needs.
Enter your desired search criteria.
Click the Search button to display your search results.
See also
Types of searches
Search for listings for a prospect
Using the Search criteria page
Set up your custom search
Set up a Map Search default
You can set up your most frequently used map display to be the default whenever you start a new
Map Search.
To set up a map default
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, select Your Preferences. The Agent
Preferences form displays.
2. Locate the Radius/Map Search Defaults section (click the to expand the section,
if necessary).
3. Adjust the map to your desired location and zoom level. (For help, see Using the
Map Search.)
4. Click
in the toolbar.
See also
Using agent preferences
Change your agent preferences
Revise your custom search
The Custom Search lets you set up your own search template. You can choose the criteria fields
you want, and specify the display order for those fields. You can modify your Custom Search
using the Custom Search Preferences form.
NOTE: Initially, your Custom Search looks exactly like the Standard Search. This default
configuration has been done for you, so that you only need to modify this layout to suit
your needs.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
To modify your Custom Search
1. From the Admin drop-down menu, choose Custom Search Setup. Or, from the
Searches drop-down menu, choose Custom and click the Revise Custom
Search Setup hyperlink at the top of the Custom Search.
2. Setting up your Custom Search is a two-step process. First you select fields for the
General criteria; then you can select Additional criteria (amenity fields) that you
want to include for each property type (optional).
Step 1: Select general criteria fields
1. Be sure the General tab is active. Fields that are available for your
custom search template display on the left.
2. Select the fields you want, and then click the Add button to move them
into the search form. (Hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one
field at a time.)
3. To remove fields from the search form, select a field, then click the
Remove button.
4. Use the Remove All button if you want to remove all of the fields on the
search form and begin with a blank form.
5. You can rearrange the fields using the Move buttons; just click on a
field in the search form and click Move Up or Move Down as desired.
Step 2: Select additional criteria fields (optional)
1. Be sure the Additional tab is active.
2. Use the Property Type field (near the upper right corner of the page) to
select a property type.
3. Specify your criteria fields and their display order, then click Save.
4. Repeat this process for another property type, if desired.
5. To save your Custom Search, click Save.
NOTE: If you do not specify amenities for a particular property type, the Additional Criteria tab will
not be available in the Custom Search for that property type.
See also
Using the Custom Search
Sort listings
There are several ways to sort listings. (NOTE: Reports keep the same sort order you specify
when viewing listings.)
TIP: You can customize the default sort order by modifying the Sort By and Then By fields in your
Agent Preferences.
To sort by clicking a column heading
1. In the Display drop-down field, make sure the One Line Grid format is selected.
(NOTE: If you want to view listings using a different display format, use one of the
methods described below to sort listings.)
Search Listings
2. Click the column heading that you want to sort by. To reverse the sort order
(ascending to descending), click the column heading again.
To sort listings in any display format
1. Locate the Sort Options box on the right side of the page (expand the Options
pane, if necessary).
2. Use the Sort By and Then By fields to specify how you want listings to be sorted.
You can specify up to 3 levels of sorting.
3. Click Go.
To sort listings in any order you wish
1. Activate the Sort as Selected check box (at the bottom of the Sort Options box).
2. Select (check) listings in the order you want them to be sorted. The listings are
automatically numbered as you select them.
icon, next to the Sort As Selected field, to redisplay the listings in the
3. Click the
order you specified.
4. You can manually change the sort order numbers to modify the sort order without
re-selecting all of your listings.
TIP: Enable the Sort as Selected field in your Agent Preferences if you want the Sort
as Selected feature to be activated by default when you view listings. In addition,
you can customize the numeric increment that is automatically entered when you
select listings using the Sort as Selected Increment field. Setting your default
increment to greater than 1 (for example, to 5 or 10) makes it easier to modify the
sort order when working with listings.
See also
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Sort listings on a report
Sort your search results
Sort your search results
You can control how listings sort in your search results.
Listings are initially sorted based on options set up in your Agent Preferences form under
"Searching Defaults" (you can change these at any time).*
To sort listings after running a search
1. Locate the Sort Options box on the right side of the page (expand the Options
pane, if necessary).
2. Use the Sort By and Then By fields to specify up to three levels of sorting.
3. Alternately, you can use the Sort As Selected feature to sort listings in a hand
selected order. In addition, special sorting features are available when viewing the
One Line Grid display format.
TIP: Reports that you create keep the same sort order that you set up when selecting the listings.
*Note: Prospect searches, saved searches and the carts retain whichever sort options you
See also
Sort listings
Choose a different format for your search results
Change your agent preferences
Sort listings on a report
Start the search after choosing your search criteria
Search Listings
To begin a search -- Click the Search button in the toolbar (view shortcut).
To preview how many listings your search will include
1. Click the Preview Count link.
2. The count displays and the Preview Count link changes to View Results.
3. If the count is acceptable, click View Results to go directly to your search results.
See also
Using the Preview Count link
Using the search criteria page
My search results said, "No listings found." Why?
Using the Additional Criteria tab
Using the Statistics button
Types of searches
The system offers a variety of searches, each designed to let you search for listings in a different
way. You should be familiar with them all, so you can quickly choose the most efficient type of
search for your needs. Access them from the Searches drop-down menu.
The types of listing searches are
Listing #
APN (label may vary, depending on your MLS setup)
Open House
Saved Searches
See also
Search for listings
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Search for listings for a prospect
Using amenities in your search
You can include amenity criteria in any search, as long as you select only one property type.
To select an amenity
1. Click the Additional Criteria tab to access the amenities for the selected property
2. Check the Include box next to a desired amenity. Only listings that have that
amenity will be included in your search results.
3. If you select an option for an amenity, you do not also have to check Include. The
software assumes you want the selected option.
4. Once you finish selecting amenities, click Search in the toolbar to start the search.
To exclude an amenity -- Check the Exclude box next to any amenity you do NOT want listings
to have.
Example: Click Exclude next to the Pool amenity if you're doing a search for a client who has
small children and does not want a pool.
See also
Using the search criteria page
Start the search after choosing your search criteria
Using the Additional Criteria tab
The Additional Criteria tab, which displays on each of the searches, lets you select amenities for
your search. Use the tabs at the top of each type of search to switch between General Criteria
and Additional Criteria.
NOTE: You must select only one property type in order to specify amenities, since amenities are
different for each property type. If you have selected more than one property type, the
Additional Criteria tab is not available.
See also
Search based on amenities
Using the search criteria page
Search Listings
Using the Address Search
The Address Search lets you search for listings based on partial or complete address information.
There is one set of address fields on the main search page; to enter multiple addresses, click the
Additional Addresses link.
To search
1. You must enter a value in at least one of the Street Number or Street Name fields.
2. After you have entered all your desired criteria, click Search in the toolbar to go
directly to your search results, or click Additional Criteria to select more criteria.
In the Street # field: If you are searching for a specific house/street number,
type the number in the Street # field only. To search for a range of numbers,
enter the beginning value in the Street # field, and the ending value in the Street
# Thru field.
In the Street Name field: Click Exact if you want to match the street name
exactly as you typed it. Click Contains if you want to include all streets that
contain what you typed.
Example: If you type "Lime" and select Exact, then only listings whose
street name is Lime will display. If you choose Contains, then all street
names that have the text "lime" in them will display (Lime, Sublime,
Limerick, etc.).
In the City and Area fields: Select the cities or areas you want to search.
In the ZIP Code field: Do not enter a partial ZIP code. Type a five-digit ZIP
code, or leave blank to include all.
In the Status field: The Address Search starts out with all statuses included. If
you want to restrict your search to include only certain statuses of listings, you
must select them in the Statuses field section.
See also
Search for listings
Search for listings for a prospect
Using the search criteria page
Using the APN Search
The APN Search lets you search for listings based on their assessor's parcel number (also
referred to as "Tax ID," "Parcel ID" or other, as determined by your MLS).
To search
1. In the APN field, type in one or more complete or partial (the first few characters)
APNs, separated by commas. Do not type any spaces, and do not use special
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
characters such as dashes. Make sure the correct county is selected below the
2. After you have entered all your desired criteria, click the Search button on the
toolbar to go directly to your search results.
See also
What does APN mean?
Search for listings
Search for listings for a prospect
Using the search criteria page
Using the Custom Search
The Custom Search lets you search using your own search template. You can choose just the
criteria fields you want, and specify the order those fields should display. Then you can use it just
as you would any other type of search.
NOTE: Initially, your Custom Search looks exactly like the Standard Search. This default
configuration has been done for you, so that you only need to modify this layout to suit
your needs.
To set up your Custom Search -- Click the Revise Custom Search Setup link at the top of the
Custom Search or from the Admin drop-down menu, choose Custom Search Setup.
To search
1. Enter criteria in as many fields as desired.
2. Click the Search button on the toolbar to go directly to your search results, or click
Additional Criteria to select more criteria.
See also
Set up your custom search
Search for listings
Search for listings for a prospect
Using the search criteria page
Using the Hotsheet
The Hotsheet enables you to view MLS activity (listing changes and additions) for a specified
period of time.
To access
Search Listings
1. From the Searches drop-down menu, choose Hotsheet.
2. Once you fill in your desired criteria, just click the Search button on the toolbar to
view the Hotsheet results.
TIP: You can save time by entering your Hotsheet criteria once and save the search. Then you
can run it quickly right from the Home page.
On the Hotsheet Criteria page
Date/Time - These fields default to the last date and time you ran the Hotsheet through the
present. You can change this if desired, or switch to Days Back to simply look at recent activity
for a certain number of days back. To optimize system performance, your MLS has established a
maximum number of days for which you can view changes on the Hotsheet.
Example: If the maximum is 7 days of activity, you could use the Date Range option and enter
Changes From 2/1/06 and Changes Thru 2/7/06 to view activity during the first week in
February 2006.
Changes to Include - Check the box next to each type of listing activity you want to view. You
can leave all the boxes blank to include all. (You can set up defaults for this section in your Agent
Preferences form.)
Other Criteria Fields - You can enter other criteria as desired, just as you would for any search.
If only one property type is selected, you can also click the Additional Criteria button to enter
amenity criteria.
NOTE: Listings may show up more than once in your Hotsheet results if they were changed more
than once.
Using the Listing # Search
The Listing # Search lets you search for listings based on their listing number. This is the number
that the system assigns to each listing when it is entered in the MLS.
To search
1. Type in the listing number(s) you want to find, one per field. You must type the full
listing number (leading zeros are not required).
2. After you have entered all your desired criteria, click the Search button on the
See also
Search for listings
Search for listings for a prospect
Using the listings in the Listing Cart
By adding listings to your Cart you can work with any group of listings, even if they do not match
the same search criteria. Once you add listings to your cart, you can:
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Run reports
1. Use the check boxes on the left to select the listings you want to include in a
2. Click the Reports button in the MLS toolbar. A list of available reports displays
in a new window.
3. Select the desired report(s), then click the Run Reports button.
Export the listings
1. Use the check boxes on the left to select the listings you want to export.
2. Click the Exports button in the MLS toolbar. A list of available exports displays.
3. Select the desired export, and click the Submit button in the MLS toolbar.
Map listings
1. Use the check boxes on the left to select the listings you want to plot on a map.
2. Click the Map button in the MLS toolbar.
3. The Map Listings window displays.
E-mail listings to someone
1. Use the check boxes on the left to select the listings you want to e-mail.
2. Click the E-mail button in the MLS toolbar. Select a report option, and click
3. Fill in the E-mail Listings form, then click the Send E-mail button.
Remove listings from the cart
1. To remove unwanted listings, first make sure all listings are selected EXCEPT
the ones you want to delete.
2. Expand the Options pane (if it is collapsed). Use the Remove Unchecked
link(s) located in the Selection Options box. Alternately, you can click the
Empty button in the toolbar if you want to remove ALL listings from the cart.
NOTE: Listings stay in the Listing Cart indefinitely if the agent preference "Empty Cart at Login" is
not selected (see Changing your agent preferences for more information). The system
automatically updates listings in the cart anytime a change is made to their status, price,
etc., so the listing data is always up-to-date.
See also
Add listings to the Listing Cart
Quick Reference Icon Guide
Using the Map Search
The Map Search lets you search for listings based on their location on a map or proximity to a
particular address.
Search Listings
Zoom: To move the map in (closer) or out (farther)
use the zoom bar that displays over the left portion
of the map.
Pan: You can move the map in any direction
(north, south, east, west, etc.) by clicking the
borders around the map.
Change Views: You can switch between viewing
the standard street map, an aerial view, or a hybrid
of the street map and aerial view. Just click the
buttons near the top-left corner of the map.
Restore the Map: To reset the map to it's default location, click the Restore Default Map link
(above the map).
Using the Radius selection tool
1. Be sure that
is selected above the map (click the Radius tab if
2. Click your target search location on the map and hold down the mouse button while
you drag the mouse to the desired radius distance.
3. Alternately, you can use the Radius/Map Target Criteria section (below the map) to
specify a target location and distance for your radius.
Using the Area selection tool
is selected above the map (click the Area tab if
1. Be sure that
2. Click on the map and drag your mouse to draw a rectangular selection on the map.
Using the Polygon selection tool
is selected above the map (click the Polygon tab if
1. Be sure that
2. Click once on the map to anchor the starting point (do not hold down the mouse
3. Continue clicking points on the map to draw your selection.
4. Close the polygon by clicking the same spot that you started with.
Once you have drawn your selection on the map, you can specify other criteria if desired. To run
the search, click Search in the toolbar, or click the Preview Count link.
IMPORTANT: Listings with addresses that could not be validated during listing input, and have
not had their map location manually selected, will not appear in the Map search
See also
Set up a Map Search default
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Search for listings
Search for listings for a prospect
Using the Radius Search
Using the search criteria page
Using the Parcel ID Search
See: Using the APN Search
Using Preview Count
The Preview Count feature lets you see how many listings match your search criteria before you
run the search.
If the number is too high, you may want to add more criteria to narrow down your results. If the
number is too low, you may be able to remove criteria to widen your search (as long as you meet
the minimum search guidelines).
To use the Preview Count feature
1. After entering your search criteria, click the Preview Count link.
2. The number of listings that match your search criteria display to the right. If the
count is acceptable, click the View Results link to display the listings. Or, modify
your criteria and try again.
See also
Using the search criteria page
My search results said, "No listings found." Why?
Using the Quick Search
The Quick Search lets you search using a template configured by your MLS to suit the particular
needs of its members. Your MLS staff has chosen which criteria fields to display and specified the
order those fields should display. The Quick Search can be used just as you would any other type
of search.
Search Listings
To search
1. Enter criteria in as many fields as desired.
2. Click the Search button on the toolbar to go directly to your search results, or click
Additional Criteria to select more criteria.
See also
Search for listings
Search for listings for a prospect
Using the search criteria page
Using the Radius Search
The Radius Search lets you search for listings based on their proximity to a particular address.
There are several ways to specify the center point for your radius search. Use the radio buttons to
select one of the following methods
Address: Enter a complete street address.
Listing Number: Enter a listing number.
APN/Tax ID: Select a county, then enter the APN/Tax ID (NOTE: Your MLS may use a
different name for this field).
In the Search for Listings Within Radius field, specify the distance around the target address
that you want to search.
Once you have drawn your selection on the map, you can specify other criteria if desired. To run
the search, click Search in the toolbar, or click the Preview Count link.
IMPORTANT: Listings with addresses that could not be validated during listing input, and have
not had their map location manually selected, will not appear in your search results.
See also
Search for listings
Map pin placement
Using the search criteria page
All search types share common elements and enable you to define specific items that you are
searching for. You can specify criteria in any number of fields, and then click the Search button
on the toolbar to start the search. Some items default based on your Agent Preferences for your
convenience, but you can modify them when you perform a search if desired.
Property Type -- Select the property type(s) you want to search.
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Property Subtypes -- If you selected only one property type, property subtypes display
automatically (if any are set up for that property type). You can select one or more subtypes, or
leave blank to include all.
Sale/Lease/Both -- If your MLS uses transaction types: You can select Lease to search for lease
listings only; Sale for sale listings only; or Both to include either sale or lease listings.
General Criteria -- You can further narrow your search by entering more selection criteria. (Click
to read Help for an individual field.)
Additional Criteria -- To include amenities as search criteria click the Additional Criteria tab (The
Additional Criteria tab is available when only one property type is selected).
Preview Count -- You can use the Preview Count link to see how many listings match your
search criteria. If the count is acceptable, you can click the View Results link to go directly to
your search results.
Toolbar Buttons -- When you finish entering criteria, click the Search button in the toolbar to
view your search results. Or, choose one of the following buttons:
Exports - Export all listings matching your criteria.
Statistics - Compile statistical information based on your criteria.
Map - View all listings matching your criteria on a map.
Save Options -- You can save your criteria to use it again. Locate the Save Options on the right
side of the page (expand the Options pane if necessary). Enter a name for the search, then click
Save. For more information click in the Save Options box, or see Save a search.
See also
Start a search after choosing your search criteria
Sort your search results
Choose a different format for your search results
"My search results said, "No listings found." Why?
Using the search results page buttons
The buttons on the search results page (and other pages, such as the Hotsheet results) let you
choose what to do with listings that you have selected. Whatever button you choose will apply
only to those listings that have a check in the box on the far left.
1. Click this button to create a CMA report of the selected listings.
Search Listings
2. From the drop-down list, choose either a CMA report or the CMA Package.
3. Click the Go button in the toolbar.
1. Click this button to run report(s) of the selected listings.
2. In the Reports window that displays, select the report(s) you want to run, then click
the Run Reports button. (For more information, see Running reports.)
1. Click this button to export the selected listings.
2. Choose the type of export you want from the drop-down list.
E-mail -- Click this button if you want to send an e-mail message about the selected listings. (For
more information, see E-mailing a report to someone)
Map -- Click this button to view the selected listings on a visual map.
Add to Cart -- Click this button to add the selected listings to the Listing Cart.
Statistics -- Click this button to generate statistical reports and/or charts about the selected
See also
Select listings
Quick Reference Icon Guide
Using the Standard Search
The Standard Search gives you a wide variety of criteria fields all on one page. The Standard
Search uses fill-in fields that let you type in the values you want. Or, click on the
most fields if you want to view and select from all possible values.
icons next to
To search
1. Enter criteria in as many fields as desired.
2. Click the Search button on the toolbar to go directly to your search results, or click
Additional Criteria to select more criteria.
TIP: Be careful not to enter conflicting criteria. For instance, if you enter only "Brownville" in the
Cities field and only "45012" in the ZIP Codes field, this ZIP code must be at least partially in
the city of Brownville. If it is not, then no listings can match both of these criteria.
See also
Search for listings
Search for listings for a prospect
Rapattoni MLS Printable Documentation
Using the search criteria page
Using the Statistics button
The Statistics button lets you view statistics based on your search criteria or selected listings. You
can include any criteria, including amenities, and then calculate statistics for the listings that
match. Statistics can be viewed in a variety of formats including pie charts and bar graphs.
The first page of statistics contains summary figures, such as the number of listings included, and
the minimum/average/maximum square feet, bedrooms, bathrooms, list price, sold price, and
days on market.
To see more detailed information
1. From the Statistical Format drop-down field, select a report.
2. Click Submit.
TIP: View the multimedia demo entitled "Spotlight on Statistics" for a quick overview of this
feature. From the Help drop-down menu, choose Feature Spotlights, then select Statistics.
See also
Access statistical reports
Using the search criteria page
Using the Tax ID Search
See: Using the APN Search
What is a Listing Cart?
The Listing Cart allows you to gather listings from different areas of the MLS into one location, so
that you can run reports, send an e-mail, etc. You can add and remove listings from the Listing
Cart at any time. The system dynamically updates all listings in the cart, so the information is
always current.
To view the Listing Cart -- Click Cart in the menu bar.
NOTE: You can specify whether you want to empty your Listing Cart each time you log on to the
MLS, or keep the listings in your Listing Cart until you manually delete them. This is
controlled by the Empty Cart at Login preference in your Agent Preferences form. (See
How do I change my agent preferences?)
See also
Using the search results page buttons
Search Listings
Using the listings in the Listing Cart
Why isn't my listing showing up in any searches?
If you have entered a listing but you cannot find it in any searches, it may be due to one of
the following.
The listing may be unapproved. Unapproved listings are not viewable by agents or the public.
Ask your broker to review and approve the listing.
The listing may be incomplete. If you did not finish entering the listing, it is not available for
searching yet. See How can I finish entering an incomplete listing? for instructions.
The listing may need a disclosure form attached. Your MLS may have set up a requirement
that a certain type of disclosure form must be attached to a listing before it is complete. If this is
the case, then a message displays on the Revise Listing menu for your listing. (See How can I
attach a document to a listing? for instructions.)
See also
Approve a listing