MALAYSIA MY SECOND HOME (MM2H) CENTRE Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia APPENDIX 1 MALAYSIA MY SECOND HOME (MM2H) PROGRAMME CHECKLIST FOR DIRECT APPLICATION For direct application only Please tick () 1. For official use Please tick () Letter of Application (cover letter); o Include information on personal background, intention to join the MM2H Programme, if joining as a single or with family and briefly explain how you will support your stay in Malaysia (financial capabilities) 2. 3. A copy of resume by the main applicant which includes the following information: o Academic qualification o Working experience o Skills or expertise acquired One (1) copy of MM2H Application Form (downloadable from MM2H website) Note: Form has to be completed individually for main applicant and all dependents. 4. Three (3) copies of IM.12 Form – Social Visit Pass o One (1) original copy (form is downloadable from MM2H website); and o Two (2) Photostat copies. Note: Form has to be completed individually for main applicant and all dependents. 5. Four (4) coloured passport sized photographs (3.5 x 5.0 cm) 6. Copy of Passport/ Travel documents o One (1) copy with certification on personal particulars page (all pages) o Two (2) copies of personal particulars page Note : Copy of the previous passport is required if main applicant/dependent(s) has renewed passport within the last 12 months 7. Letter of Good Conduct from your relevant government agency 8. Self declaration on main applicant’s/ dependents health conditions – Form RB I (downloadable from MM2H website) 9. Certified copy of Marriage Certificate (if accompanied by spouse) Updated as of June 2013 1 MALAYSIA MY SECOND HOME (MM2H) CENTRE Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia APPENDIX 1 For direct application only Please tick () 10. For official use Please tick () Certified copy of Birth Certificate/ legal documents (if accompanied by children/ adopted children/ stepchildren/ parents); o o o 11. Letter of Confirmation from Medical Specialist/ General Practitioner (if accompanied by children aged 21 years and above with disabilities). Statutory Declaration by main applicant to bear all expenses and financial requirements during stay in Malaysia for dependents. Legal custody documents (for sole custody) and letter of authorization from other parent (for divorced parents accompanied by children) Certified Copy(s) of latest 3 months bank statement/ other related financial document(s) to indicate the financial capability to support stay in Malaysia; 12. Certified copies of latest 3 months payslip & income statement (if employed/pension slip/etc) 13. Financial Authorization Letter; to verify the financial documents with the relevant financial Institutions (downloadable from MM2H website) IMPORTANT NOTES: o All copies must be certified TRUE COPIES OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS by EMBASSY/ HIGH COMMISSION/ SOLICITOR/ JUSTICE OF PEACE/ NOTARY PUBLIC/ COMMISSIONER OF OATHS/ GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. o Where original documents are not in ENGLISH, translation must be done by a qualified translator and CERTIFIED. o Dependent(s) refer to: o Spouse o children aged below 21 years (maximum 6 months before reaching 21 years old at time of application) and not married; and o parent(s) of main applicant aged 60 years and above. o Application to include parent(s) as dependents is to be submitted AFTER main applicant’s application has been approved. o All documents enclosed with the present application become the property of the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Centre and will not be returned. For APPROVED Participants: o Security bond is to be submitted for main applicant only o However, for dependents added after application has been approved, Personal Bond has to be submitted for each dependent. o The Security Bond Form must be stamped (RM10.00) by the Stamping Office in Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia o The Security Bond is payable in the form of Cash or Bank Draft to the KETUA PENGARAH IMIGRESEN MALAYSIA o The Security Bond Fee can be withdrawn if the participant/ dependent decides to exit from the MM2H Programme o The amount chargeable is according to Country of Origin of the applicant/ participant. Please refer to Rate of Security Bond by Country. Updated as of June 2013 2 FOR INDIVIDUAL DIRECT APPLICANT / SPOUSE v1.2 MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND CULTURE MALAYSIA Malaysia My Second Home Centre Telephone: +603 88917424 Fax: +603 88917415 APPLICATION FORM FOR THE MALAYSIA MY SECOND HOME PROGRAMME A. GENERAL Passport-sized Photograph of Applicant (coloured) (3.5 x 5.0 cm) 3 pieces Please tick for applied category: 50 Years And Above Below 50 Years Please tick if applicant is accompanied by Spouse Children Please tick location of stay Peninsular Malaysia Sabah Sarawak For the age category 50 years and above only, please specify preferred financial requirement (if application is approved): Fixed Deposit of RM150,000 Monthly government- approved pension of RM10,000 B. PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT 1. Full Name (Capital Letters) 2. Please tick () 3. Marital Status [Please tick ()] Gender Male Ex-Malaysian Malaysian I/C : Single Married Other 4. Place of Birth (Country) 5. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) 6. Nationality 7. Passport Number / Female Divorced Widow/ Widower Please Specify: / Page 1 of 5 Updated June 2013 FOR INDIVIDUAL DIRECT APPLICANT / SPOUSE v1.2 8. Date of Expiry (dd/mm/yyyy) 9. Permanent Address 10. Mailing Address 11. E-mail Address (if any) / / Country Code 12. I) Telephone Number Area Code Number 1) - - 2) - - If currently employed (Q13 – Q16): 13. Current Employment 14. Income (Per Annum) 15. Current Employer/ Organisation 16. Employer’s Address Page 2 of 5 Updated June 2013 FOR INDIVIDUAL DIRECT APPLICANT / SPOUSE v1.2 II) If retired (Q17 – 20): 17. Last employment 18. Pension Received (Per Annum) (if any) 19. Last Employer/ Organsation 20. Address of Last Employer/ Organisation 21. Working Experience No. Position Organisation Year 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Applicant’s Signature Date Note: This form is to be submitted together with documents / information as per listed in Appendix A. Compulsory to be completed by applicant. Page 3 of 5 Updated June 2013 FOR INDIVIDUAL DIRECT APPLICANT / SPOUSE v1.2 C. DECLARATION BY INDIVIDUAL DIRECT APPLICANT I , Passport No Government of , issued by the agree that : 1. All information given in the application form and the attached supporting documents are genuinely correct and true; 2. that I hereby authorize the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Centre, under the Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia to verify my financial records with the financial institutions as listed in items (12) and (13) of Appendix A; and 3. that any false information given by me as the main applicant will result in the Social Visit Pass issued to me and my dependents (if applicable) under this Programme cancelled without further notice. Dated this (day) of (date) in the month of of the year at (address) in the State of ; Country ; Date : Signature of the above named: Signed and executed by the above named in my presence : Signature of Witness : Fullname of Witness : Nationality : Passport/ MyKad Number : Date : Page 4 of 5 Updated June 2013 FOR INDIVIDUAL DIRECT APPLICANT / SPOUSE v1.2 * For office use only : Individual With wife [Number of wives : person(s)] With children [Number of children : person(s)] Additional Information : * IMPORTANT : o No fee is chargeable for individual direct application to participate in the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Programme. o The MM2H Centre under the Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia will not be held responsible for any non-performance by unauthorised third parties who assist with your application. o Submission of application by third parties for the MM2H Programme is only authorised to MM2H Licensed Agents. A list of registered MM2H licensed agents is available on the “LICENSING” page of the MM2H Centre website at Page 5 of 5 Updated June 2013 FOR CHILDREN BELOW 21 YEARS v1.2 MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND CULTURE MALAYSIA Malaysia My Second Home Centre Telephone: +603 88917424 Fax: +603 88917415 APPLICATION FORM FOR THE MALAYSIA MY SECOND HOME PROGRAMME Passport-sized Photograph of Applicant (coloured) (3.5 x 5.0 cm) A. PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT 1. Full Name (Capital Letters) 2. Please tick () 3. Place of Birth (Country) 4. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) 5. Nationality 6. Passport Number 7. Date of Expiry (dd/mm/yyyy) 8. Please tick () 9. Student Pass Number (if any) 10. School/ College/ University Gender / / / / Student Pass Male Female Yes No (if any) Page 1 of 2 FOR CHILDREN BELOW 21 YEARS v1.2 11. Field of Study (if any) 12. Mailing Address Country Code 13. Telephone Number Applicant Signature Area Code Number 1) - - 2) - - Date Note: This form is to be submitted together with the main/ principal application. Page 2 of 2 JABATAN IMIGRESEN MALAYSIA BORANG PERMOHONAN PAS LAWATAN VISIT PASS APPLICATION FORM PERATURAN-PERATURAN IMIGRESEN, 1963 [Peraturan 11(12) dan 11(15)] IM. 12 – Pin. 1/97 *Jenis Pas Type of Pass Iktisas Professional Sosial Social *Jenis Permohonan Type of Application Berniaga Business Baru New Kerja Sementara Temporary Employment Lanjutan Extension A. MAKLUMAT PEMOHON PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT 1. Gambar Pemohon Photograph Of Applicant (3.5 cm 8 5.0 cm) Nama Penuh (Huruf Besar) Full Name (Capital Letter) 2. *Jantina Gender Lelaki Male Perempuan Female 3. Tempat/Negara Lahir Place/Country of Birth 4. **Tarikh Lahir Date of Birth hari day bulan month 5. Warganegara Nationality tahun year B. MAKLUMAT PASPORT PERJALANAN / DOKUMEN PERJALANAN PARTICULARS OF PASSPORT / TRAVEL DOCUMENT 6. Jenis Dokumen Perjalanan Type of Travel Document 7. Nombor Number 8. Tempat / Negara Dikeluarkan Place / Country of Issue 9. **Sah Sehingga Valid Until hari day bulan month C. MAKLUMAT PENGANJUR DI MALAYSIA PARTICULARS OF SPONSOR IN MALAYSIA 10. Nama Penuh (Huruf Besar) Full Name (Capital Letter) 11. No. Kad Pengenalan NRIC 12. No. Telefon Telephone No. 13. Alamat Address Negeri State D. KEPERLUAN VISA VISA REQUIREMENT 14. *Adakah Visa Diperlukan Visa Requirement 15. *Jenis Visa Type of Visa Tarikh Date Ya Yes Tidak No Sekali Perjalanan Single Entry Berulangkali Perjalanan Multiple Entry Tandatangan Pemohon / Penganjur Signature of Applicant / Sponsor • Borang ini hendaklah ditaip. Tandakan (x) dalam petak yang berkenaan. This form should be typed. Mark (x) in the appropriate box. ** Format Tarikh 99/99/9999 Date Format DD/MM/YYYY tahun year BORANG RB I RB I Form MEDICAL REPORT FOR MALAYSIA MY SECOND HOME PROGRAMME PERINGATAN Reminder BAHAGIAN II DAN II HENDAKLAH DIISI OLEH PEMOHON YANG BERKENAAN Part I and II are to be completed by the applicant 1. BAHAGIAN I : Part I : a) 2. BUTIR-BUTIR PERIBADI PEMOHON Personal Particulars of Applicant NAMA PENUH : Fullname : (DALAM HURUF BESAR / IN CAPITAL LETTERS) b) NAMA LAIN (JIKA ADA) : Other Name (if any) (DALAM HURUF BESAR / IN CAPITAL LETTERS) c) JANTINA : Sex : d) NOMBOR PASPORT : Passport Number : e) TARIKH DAN TEMPAT LAHIR : Date and Place of Birth : BAHAGIAN II : Part II : a) LATAR BELAKANG KESIHATAN Medical History ADAKAH ANDA PERNAH MENGHADAPI PENYAKIT BERIKUT? Have you every suffered from the following ailments? YA Yes i. PENYAKIT OTAK Mental Illness ii. BATUK KERING Tubercolosis iii. SAWAN Epilepsy 1 TIDAK No JIKA YA, BERI ULASAN If yes, give brief details BORANG RB I RB I Form YA Yes iv. LELAH Chronic Asthma v. HEPATITIS A / B vi. AIDS vii. KENCING MANIS Diabetes Mellitus TIDAK No JIKA YA, BERI ULASAN If yes, give brief details viii. PENYAKIT JANTUNG Heart Disease b) RANGSANGAN Senses i. RASA Taste ii. BAU Smell iii. SENTUHAN Touch iv. PENGLIHATAN Vision v. PENDENGARAN Hearing BERFUNGSI Functioning 2 TIDAK BERFUNGSI Not Functioning BORANG RB I RB I Form DECLARATION BY APPLICANT I , Passport No. issued by the Government of , agree that: 1. All information given in the application form and the supporting documents are genuinely correct and true; and 2. Any false information given by the applicant / Licensed Company will result in the Social Visit Pass issued under this Programme being cancelled without further notice. Date this day of (month) (year) at (address) in the State of , Country . Date : Signature of the abovenamed 3 Director Malaysia My Second Home Centre Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia Level 1, No 2, Tower 1, Jalan P5/6, Precinct 5, 62200 Putrajaya, MALAYSIA. Date: AUTHORIZATION LETTER I /we __________________________ Passport Number _______________________ hereby attached the financial statements for the purpose of participation in Malaysia My Second Home Programme as follows: 1. Account No ____________________ from _________________________________ (the said financial institution and branch) 2. Account No ____________________ from _________________________________ (the said financial institution and branch) 3. Account No ____________________ from _________________________________ (the said financial institution and branch) 4. Account No ____________________ from _________________________________ (the said financial institution and branch) 5. Account No ____________________ from _________________________________ (the said financial institution and branch) I /we hereby give permission/consent to the authorised officer(s) from Malaysia My Second Home Centre, Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia to verify my/our financial status or account with the said financial institution (s). The permission hereby given is solely for the purpose of my/ours participation in the Malaysia My Second Home Programme. Signature, _______________________ Name: Address: Telephone Number: GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA Immigration Ordinance, 1959 (F.P.M. 12 of 1969) Immigration of Malaysia Regulation, 1963 (F.L.W. 228/63) SECURITY BOND Stamp RM10.00 By the stamping office in Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (Regulations 18) Where’s it is a condition of the issue of a to me / the said of that there furnished by me / on behalf of the said security in the sum of as a guarantee that I / the said will comply with the provisions of the above Ordinance and of any regulations made there under and with any conditions imposed in respect of, or instructions endorsed on such pass. Now I, NRIC of do hereby bind myself that I / the said will comply with the provisions of the above Act and of any regulations made there under and with any special conditions imposed in respect of, or instructions endorsed on such pass. And in case of my / the said making default therein, I hereby bind myself to forfeit to the Government of Malaysia the sum of which I hereby deposited with the Government of Malaysia vide Receipt No. Dated this . day of at the state of . Signature of the abovenamed Signed and executed by the abovenamed In my presence Signature of Witness : Fullname of Witness : Address of Witness : FILE REF : Note : The amount chargeable is according to country of origin of the participant : refer to Rate of Security Bond by country in Security Bond/ Bank Guarantee Rates RM 2000.00 RM1000.00 RM1000.00 Canada USA Colombia Angola Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Central African Republic Republic Congo Republic Democratic Congo Cote D'Ivoire Djibouti Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Guinea-Bissau Ghan Liberia Mali Mozambique Niger Nigeria Rwanda Western Sahara RM1500.00 Japan South Korea Macao Hong Kong Japan South Korea Macao Hong Kong RM 750.00 Saudi Arabia Africa Australia British C.I Brunei China Europe Iran Iraq Portugal C.I Taiwan Tunisia Vietnam RM500.00 Bangladesh Phillipines India Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Fee for other countries is RM1500.00 RM300.00 RM200.00 Indonesia Thailand Singapore Source : Last Updated on Friday, 09 March 2012 02:10 BORANG RB II RB II Form MEDICAL REPORT FOR MALAYSIA MY SECOND HOME PROGRAMME PERINGATAN Reminder BAHAGIAN II DAN II HENDAKLAH DIISI OLEH PEMOHON YANG BERKENAAN Part I and II are to be completed by the applicant 1. BAHAGIAN I : Part I : a) 2. BUTIR-BUTIR PERIBADI PEMOHON Personal Particulars of Applicant NAMA PENUH : Fullname : (DALAM HURUF BESAR / IN CAPITAL LETTERS) b) NAMA LAIN (JIKA ADA) : Other Name (if any) (DALAM HURUF BESAR / IN CAPITAL LETTERS) c) JANTINA : Sex : d) NOMBOR PASPORT : Passport Number : e) TARIKH DAN TEMPAT LAHIR : Date and Place of Birth : BAHAGIAN II : Part II : a) LATAR BELAKANG KESIHATAN Medical History ADAKAH ANDA PERNAH MENGHADAPI PENYAKIT BERIKUT? Have you every suffered from the following ailments? YA Yes i. PENYAKIT OTAK Mental Illness ii. BATUK KERING Tubercolosis iii. SAWAN Epilepsy 1 TIDAK No JIKA YA, BERI ULASAN If yes, give brief details BORANG RB II RB II Form YA Yes iv. LELAH Chronic Asthma v. HEPATITIS A / B vi. AIDS vii. KENCING MANIS Diabetes Mellitus TIDAK No JIKA YA, BERI ULASAN If yes, give brief details viii. PENYAKIT JANTUNG Heart Disease b) RANGSANGAN Senses i. RASA Taste ii. BAU Smell iii. SENTUHAN Touch iv. PENGLIHATAN Vision v. PENDENGARAN Hearing BERFUNGSI Functioning 2 TIDAK BERFUNGSI Not Functioning BORANG RB II RB II Form 3. BAHAGIAN III : Part III : PENGESAHAN DOKTOR Certification by Doctor TO BE COMPLETED BY A REGISTERED DOCTOR I have this day examined Passport No. and certify that: i. He/ She is not suffering from any disease and is healthy. ii. He/ She is not very healthy but is not suffering from any contagious or infectious disease. iii. He / She is not healthy and is suffering from contagious or infectious disease which makes his/ her presence dangerous to the community. iv. He / She is not healthy and unfit for long distance travel, and chances of recovery is very slim. Signature and Name of Doctor : Position Held : Official Seal : Dated this day of (month) 3 (year).
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