volume discount
volume discount
y r o t c e r i D n e m Se WWW.ZWTRANCH.COM Tony Mayes Owner Jason Upchurch (256) 239-8540 Bob Palmore (502) 542-0284 Gale Merritt (865) 585-4170 6 1 1 4 c i t s e j a M T W Z ZWT MAJESTIC 4116 #Connealy Lead On CONNEALY ONWARD #14216491 Altune of Conanga 6104 #Basin Rainmaker 654X #Basin Rainmaker DS 380U Basin Bardolene 423U #DHD Traveler 6807 +Brooks Donna 319 COLEMAN DONNA 386 +14800153 +KMK Donna J311 CED Top % I+10 15% BEPD -.8 10% WEPD +54 20% YEPD +116 3% SC I+.39 DOC I+22 15% Birth Date: 2-19-2014 Bull +18038296 Tattoo: 4116 #Connealy Leadtime Eligence Plus of Conanga #GAR Traveler 1489 Avalon 1418 of Conanga 6276 MILK +31 5% Coleman Donna 714 Full Sister to Majestic MARB +.25 RE $W $B •Semen $20 Certificates $35 •Majestic is a full brother to the legendary ZWT donor, Coleman Donna 714. •Majestic is a no-miss sire for low birth weight that should sire consistency adding pounds in his progeny. •Majestic should produce cattle that are maternal, fertile and built for longevity. +.75 +51.30 +118.56 15% 6 Coleman Donna 38 Dam of Majestic 5 6 6 3 e d a g i r B T W Z ZWT BRIGADE 3665 +Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV RESOURCE 1441 SAV Blackcap May 4136 +17016597 #Connealy Onward COLEMAN DONNA 714 +Coleman Donna 386 +15706882 CED Top % I+9 20% BEPD I+1.2 WEPD I+70 1% YEPD SC I+128 I+1.01 1% DOC I+38 1% Birth Date: 9-23-2013 Bull +17872038 Tattoo: 3665 #RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] #+SAV May 2397 #Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 #Basin Rainmaker 654X +KMK Donna J311 MILK I+34 2% MARB I+.18 RE $W $B I+.81 +87.66 +139.67 10% 1% 15% •Semen $25 Certificates $35 •Brigade is a stout, sound made Resource son that combines growth, stoutness and unlimited maternal power. •Brigade is a direct son of Coleman Donna 714. He brings a unique capability of producing power, pounds and maternal ability. •If looking for a Resource son out of a truly great cow that combines exceptional phenotype with breed-leading balanced EPDs, look no further. Coleman Donna 714 Dam of Brigade 1 ZWT Just ice 357 ZWT JUSTICE 3575 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] MF NET RETURN 8197 +SAV May 2436 +16036822 #Basin Rainmaker 654X COLEMAN DONNA 386 +KMK Donna J311 +14800153 CED Top % I+6 BEPD I+1.3 WEPD I+51 YEPD I+92 SC I+.03 DOC I+19 5 Birth Date: 7-23-2013 Bull +17873875 Tattoo: 3575 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 #SAV May 6269 #Basin Rainmaker DS 380U Basin Bardolene 423U #DHD Traveler 6807 +Brooks Donna 319 MILK I+32 3% MARB I+.21 RE $W $B I+.68 +62.59 +94.10 25% 10% 77 5 3 ty r e ib L T W Z •Semen $20 Certificates $35 •Justice is wide based, deep and soft-made with a big hip. He travels well with a big foot. •Justice progeny should be deep-bodied, wide-based cattle that are easy fleshing. Justice should sire exceptional females being a direct son of the legendary Coleman Donna 386. 6 Coleman Donna 38 Dam of Justice & Liberty ZWT LIBERTY 3577 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] MF NET RETURN 8197 +16036822 +SAV May 2436 #Basin Rainmaker 654X COLEMAN DONNA 386 +14800153 +KMK Donna J311 CED I+6 BEPD 2 WEPD I+1.3 I+51 Top %% YEPD SC DOC I+92 I+.03 I+19 Birth Date: 7-22-2013 Bull +17873877 Tattoo: 3577 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 #SAV May 6269 •Semen $20 Certificates $35 •Liberty is a full brother to ZWT Justice 3575. •Liberty is a larger framed version of his full brother. •Use Liberty to make those females that last forever. #Basin Rainmaker DS 380U Basin Bardolene 423U #DHD Traveler 6807 +Brooks Donna 319 MILK MARB RE $W 25% 10% $B I+32 I+.21 I+.68 +62.59+94.10 3% 9 5 0 4 r o l a V ZWT ZWT VALOR 4059 Birth Date: 1-31-2014 Bull +17911830 Tattoo: 4059 #SAV Heritage 6295 +SAV Emblynette 7749 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 #SAV Emblynette 7319 SAV Harvestor 0338 SAV HESSTON 2217 +SAV Emblynette 3301 +17318946 RR 7407 Rainmaker 2154 TLA BEAUTY 5R Terrlene Beauty 35F 17262980 CED Top % I+4 BEPD +1.9 WEPD +54 YEPD SC DOC +104 I+.56 I+18 15% #AAR Rainmaker 7407 #HA Concepciona 0224 Terrlene Executive Pride 10D KBJ Beauty 257B MILK +28 20% MARB +.61 RE $W $B +.48 +50.02 +102.63 TLA Beauty 5R •Semen $20 Certificates $30 •Valor is a crowd favorite! He is phenotypically flawless. His unique pedigree offers unlimited breeding capabilities. •His dam is the noted TLA Beauty 5R, also known as the dam of Soo Line Motive 9016. •Valor offers phenotype, performance and maternal in an outcross package. •Valor is a complete, big topped, big hipped bull that’s beautiful fronted. Dam of Valor 3 7 ZWT Titan 405 ZWT TITAN 4057 Birth Date: 1-26-2014 Bull 17911828 Tattoo: 4057 +Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 BR Polly 8077-472 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV Madame Pride 8264 +SAV 707 Rito 9969 SAV RESPONSE 2411 +17318819 SAV Madame Pride 0075 +OCC Hercules 941H OCC LADY BLACKCAP 753L 14024656 OCC Lady Blackcap 822H CED Top % +4 BEPD +2.3 WEPD YEPD +57 20% +96 SC I+.88 DOC I+16 Rito 9Q4 of 1H1 Sasquatch OCC Juanada 709Z #OCC Anchor 771A OCC Lady Blackcap 755D MILK +23 MARB +.26 RE $W $B +.41 +54.33 +129.43 25% 20% •Semen $20 Certificates $35 •Titan is a wide based, big bodied, stout made son of the legendary OCC Lady Blackcap 753L that possesses extra bone with a big foot. •Titan should sire cattle that thrive in harsh environments. us 0103 l u im t S L 3 5 7 T ZW ZWT 753L STIMULUS 0103 +Duff New Edition 6108 DUFF STIMULUS 856 +16270571 OCC Juanada 927K +OCC Hercules 941H OCC LADY BLACKCAP 753L 14024656 OCC Lady Blackcap 822H CED Top % +7 BEPD +1.1 WEPD +38 YEPD +92 SC I+.24 DOC I+6 Birth Date: 2-24-2010 Bull +16836756 [D2F] Tattoo: 0103 +OCC Genesis 872G OCC Dixie Erica 814G #+OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Juanada 624G Rito 9Q4 of 1H1 Sasquatch OCC Juanada 709Z #OCC Anchor 771A OCC Lady Blackcap 755D MILK +25 MARB +.28 RE $W $B +.56 +28.07 +84.87 •Semen $20 Certificates $35 •0103 sires cattle with explosive muscle expression and added dimension, all in a complete and consistent package. •0103 sires cattle that thrive in the harshest of environments, as they possess exceptional fleshing ability. ulus 3682 L 3 5 7 p a c k c a l B y d a OCC L ZWT U104 St im ulus 34 93 ZWT U081 St im Son of 0103 Son of 0103 4 Dam of Titan and “0103” 7 1 2 2 n o t s s e SAV H S A V HESSTON 2217 #SAV Heritage 6295 SAV HARVESTOR 0338 16687737 +SAV Emblynette 7749 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV EMBLYNETTE 3301 +14454788 #SAV Emblynette 7319 CED Top % +0 BEPD +3.7 WEPD +69 4% YEPD +116 10% SC +1.06 DOC +22 15% Birth Date: 3-1-2012 Bull +17318946 Tattoo: 2217 #CAR Duke 104 SAV Blackcap May 4136 #SAV Net Worth 4200 #Sav Emblynette Diamond 6377 #Bon View Bando 598 +SAF Royal Lass 1002 +SAV Ext Emulation 5040 Sav Emblynette Diamond 5369 MILK +27 MARB +.56 RE $W $B +.47 +66.84 +132.49 15% 20% •Semen $35 Certificates $35 •SAV Hesston 2217 is a real breeding bull who combines masculinity, muscle, and true Angus breed character with the volume and fleshing ability to be a true cow maker. •His phenomenal dam is a model Angus cow for the breed. Other ZWT sires from 3301 are SAV First Prize 3642 and SAV Momentum 9274. •Owned with Schaff Angus Valley & DeBusk Angus ntense 4092 ZWT Everelda E 01 SAV Emblynet te 33 ZWT Dixie Erica 42 18 Daughter of Hesston ZWT Eisa Erica 4012 Daughter of Hesston Dam of Hesston Daughter of Hesston 5 2 4 6 3 e z i r P t s r i F V SA S A V FIRST PRIZE 3642 #SAV Net Worth 4200 SAV FIRST CLASS 0207 16687685 #SAV Duke Girl 7348 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV EMBLYNETTE 3301 +14454788 #SAV Emblynette 7319 CED Top % +6 BEPD +3.1 WEPD +60 20% YEPD +98 SC +.22 DOC +12 •Semen $25 Certificates $35 •First Prize has proven himself to breed consistency. He adds explosive early growth, consistent phenotype and stamps his progeny with a beautiful front one-third. •Use First Prize to sire exceptional phenotype, excellent feet and legs, that should mature into beautiful maternal cows. Birth Date: 1-10-2013 Bull +17633777 Tattoo: 3642 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] +SAV May 2410 #SAV Peacemaker 3179 #AC Duke Girl 57 #Bon View Bando 598 +SAF Royal Lass 1002 +SAV Ext Emulation 5040 Sav Emblynette Diamond 5369 MILK +33 4% 01 SAV Emblynet te 33 MARB +.49 RE $W $B +.59 +72.95 +134.74 10% 20% se 5041 ZWT Ever Enten Daughter of First Prize Dam of First Prize 6 ZWT Eota 52 73 Daughter of First Prize 4 7 2 9 m u t n e m o M V SA S A V MOMENTUM 9274 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] SAV NET WORTH 4200 #14739204 +SAV May 2410 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV EMBLYNETTE 3301 +14454788 #SAV Emblynette 7319 CED Top % +4 BEPD +2.0 WEPD +55 YEPD +98 SC +1.39 15% DOC +4 Birth Date: 3-20-2009 Bull 16396574 [CAF] Tattoo: 9274 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 #SAV May 6269 #Bon View Bando 598 +SAF Royal Lass 1002 +SAV Ext Emulation 5040 Sav Emblynette Diamond 5369 MILK +37 1% 01 SAV Emblynet te 33 MARB +.69 20% RE $W $B •Semen $30 Certificates $35 •Momentum is wide-based, moderate and powerful in his phenotype. He adds exceptional structure and fleshing ability. His progeny are moderate at birth, very docile and super complete. •Use Momentum to produce moderate, wide-based, easy fleshing, consistent cattle. •Owned with Eldrod and Tolbert, Talmo, GA; Casey Green, Bishop, GA. +.35 +65.18 +136.51 15% 15% Britt Rita 35 54 E/T Lass 414 Daughter of Momentum 49 E/T Eisa Erica 4 Daughter of Momentum Dam of Momentum Daughter of Momentum 7 SAVResponse 2 411 •Semen $35 Certificates $35 •Stout made, big-footed, deep bodied bull from a dam that continues to dominate as one of the most influential cows of the breed. •Response has been widely used by many astute cattlemen across the country. •Owned with DBL, INC. ZWT Titan 405 7 S A V RESPONSE 2411 +Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV 707 RITO 9969 +16417285 BR Polly 8077-472 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV MADAME PRIDE 0075 13592871 SAV Madame Pride 8264 Son of Response CED -3 Top % BEPD +3.1 WEPD +61 15% YEPD +103 25% SC +1.72 10% DOC +29 3% Birth Date: 1-2-2012 Bull +17318819 Tattoo: 2411 #RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 #Papa Equator 2928 +VDAR Polly 8077 #Bon View Bando 598 +SAF Royal Lass 1002 #+Leachman Right Time #SAR Cruzs Pride 8597 MILK +23 MARB +.09 RE $W $B +.14 +53.60 +126.95 25% 75 4 4 e id r P l a e R V SA de 0075 ri P e am ad M V A S Dam of Response & Real Pride S A V REAL PRIDE 4475 +Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV RESOURCE 1441 +17016597 SAV Blackcap May 4136 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV MADAME PRIDE 0075 13592871 SAV Madame Pride 8264 CED Top % 8 I+4 BEPD I+3.0 WEPD I+63 10% YEPD SC I+113 +1.37 10% 15% DOC +32 1% Birth Date: 1-8-2014 Bull +17923531 Tattoo: 4475 #RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] #+SAV May 2397 #Bon View Bando 598 +SAF Royal Lass 1002 #+Leachman Right Time #SAR Cruzs Pride 8597 MILK I+29 15% MARB +.33 RE $W $B +.65 +67.89 +154.38 25% 5% 5% •Semen $30 Certificates $35 •Real Pride was our pick of the Resource sons at the SAV 2015 Sale. He blends the maternal power of SAV Blackcap May 4136 and SAV Madame Pride 0075. •Real Pride should breed much like his sire but with the added maternal characteristics of his dam. 0 7 6 3 y a W t h ig R SAV •Semen $25 Certificates $35 •Right Way is the ZWT/Buford herd sire selected at the 2014 SAV Sale. •Right Way produces progeny that have power, growth and fleshing ability. •Owned with Buford Ranches. S A V RIGHT WAY 3670 #RR Rito 707 RITO 707 OF IDEAL 3407 7075 +13066860 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] SAV ELBA 5383 15108227 SAV Elba 1094 CED Top % I+5 BEPD +2.0 WEPD +57 25% YEPD +91 SC +1.01 DOC +22 15% SAV Elba 5383 Birth Date: 1-9-2013 Bull +17633794 Tattoo: 3670 Rito N Bar Eriskay of Rollin Rock 3 #Ideal 1418 of 8103 4286 Ideal 076 of 692 8375 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV Elba 7099 MILK +25 MARB +.04 RE $W $B +.09 +57.91 +91.73 25% Dam of Right Way 3670 353 Y r e m r o sf n a r T d r fo Bu SAV Elba 4436 Dam of Transformer ZWT Dixie Erica 37 71 BUFORD TRANSFORMER Y353 Birth Date: 3-22-2011 Bull +17022251 Tattoo: Y353 #GDAR Traveler 71 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137 #Bon View Bando 598 SAV Sky Emulous 2124 #Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV FINAL ANSWER 0035 [RDF] #13592905 SAV Emulous 8145 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] SAV ELBA 4436 #+14811945 SAV Elba 1094 CED Top %% +12 10% BEPD +.9 WEPD +52 YEPD +80 SC +.11 DOC +16 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV Elba 7099 MILK +26 10% MARB +.36 RE $W $B +.30 +57.49 +58.53 25% Daughter of Transformer •Semen CALL Certificates $35 •Limited Supply of Semen. •Transformer is a calving-ease option that offers consistent low BW, phenotype and growth. •Owned with Buford Ranches. 9 SAVReceptor 4837 S A V RECEPTOR 4837 +Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV REGISTRY 2831 +17318928 SAV Madame Pride 0075 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] SAV BLACKCAP MAY 4136 14739095 #+SAV May 2397 CED Top % SAV Grant 4828 I+0 BEPD +2.6 WEPD YEPD +69 2% +120 2% SC +1.50 10% DOC +32 1% #Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV May 7238 MILK +29 15% S A V GRANT 4825 #RR Rito 707 RITO 707 OF IDEAL 3407 7075 +13066860 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] SAV BLACKCAP MAY 4136 14739095 #+SAV May 2397 CED Top % 6 I+3 BEPD I+2.4 WEPD YEPD I+61 10% RE $W $B +.57 +65.41 +162.09 10% 3% SC I+107 +2.08 15% 2% DOC +31 2% Birth Date: 1-19-2014 Bull +17923685 Tattoo: 4825 Rito N Bar Eriskay of Rollin Rock 3 #Ideal 1418 of 8103 4286 Ideal 076 of 692 8375 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV May 7238 MILK I+28 20% S A V REVOLUTION 4846 +SAV 707 Rito 9969 SAV REVERE 1180 17016481 #AC Duke Girl 57 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] SAV BLACKCAP MAY 4136 14739095 #+SAV May 2397 CED Top % I+2 BEPD I+2.5 WEPD I+57 25% YEPD SC I+114 +1.89 4% 3% MARB +.06 RE $W $B +.63 +69.31 +141.54 5% 10% DOC +33 1% Birth Date: 1-31-2014 Bull +17923418 Tattoo: 4846 +Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 BR Polly 8077-472 CAR Tracker 305 #AC Duke Girl 330 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV May 7238 MILK I+34 2% MARB +.22 RE $W $B +.50 +61.96 +160.38 10% 3% •Semen $30 Certificates $35 •A massive, stout individual that will add pounds to any cow herd. •Revolution has been used on some of the top cows in the country. •Revolution gives a unique package of growth, pounds in dimension and maternal power. •Owned with DBL Inc. Dam of Receptor, Grant and Revolution 10 +.34 •Semen $30 Certificates $35 •The highest scrotal bull of the 2015 SAV Sale. •Use Grant to produce “Real World” cattle that are heavy, fertile, and easy-fleshing. 4136 SAV BlackcapMay MARB •Semen $30 Certificates $35 •A crowd favorite at the 2015 SAV Sale. •A complete phenotypic standout that offers a lot of cow power combining the great Blackcap May 4136 and Madame Pride 0075. •Owned with Kiker Farms SAVRevolut ion 484 Birth Date: 1-15-2014 Bull +17923479 Tattoo: 4837 #RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV Madame Pride 8264 SAV Stallion 2 413 •Semen $25 Certificates $35 •Deep ribbed, large testicled, docile bull that exhibits top economic traits that beef herds require. •Makes complete, docile cattle with added length. •Stallion’s dam, SAV Madame Pride 5290, helps Stallion have unlimited potential for high quality replacement females. •Owned with Kiker Farms. S A V STALLION 2413 #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] SAV MUSTANG 9134 16397246 #SAV Emblynette 7415 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] SAV MADAME PRIDE 5290 15108042 SAV Madame Pride 0075 CED Top % +11 15% BEPD +1.1 WEPD +48 YEPD +84 SC +1.83 4% DOC +16 90 2 5 e id r P e m a d a SAVM Birth Date: 1-3-2012 Bull +17318797 Tattoo: 2413 #Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #SAV Net Worth 4200 #SAV Emblynette 7260 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV Madame Pride 8264 MILK +31 10% MARB +.82 10% RE $W $B +.59 +56.18 +106.81 r 975 e st e h c in W e c n ia l l Angus A Dam of Stallion 6 Coleman Donna 38 Dam of Winchester 6 ZWT Lady 2 56 ANGUS ALLIANCE WINCHESTER975 Birth Date: 2-22-2009 Bull +16533253 Tattoo: 975 #Emulation 31 [DWF-RDF] Ankony 8F78 Lass 8F275 #Emulation 31 [DWF-RDF] Primrose N Bar 9962 #Emulation N Bar 5522 N BAR EMULATION EXT #10776479 N Bar Primrose 2424 #Basin Rainmaker 654X COLEMAN DONNA 386 +14800153 +KMK Donna J311 CED Top % +3 BEPD +.6 WEPD +64 10% YEPD +112 10% SC -.01 DOC +3 #Basin Rainmaker DS 380U Basin Bardolene 423U #DHD Traveler 6807 +Brooks Donna 319 MILK +22 MARB +.31 RE $W $B +.16 +67.57 +84.36 10% Daughter of Winchester •Semen $20 Certificates $35 •Calving-ease sire that adds unlimited maternal ability. •With the combination of EXT and Donna 386, use this sire to restock your cow herd with highly maternal females that have longevity built right in. 11 2 3 6 3 t e k c o r C T ZW •Semen $25 Certificates $35 •Crocket can add growth, dimension and bone to many cow herds. His unique pedigree allows widespread use over many Angus pedigrees. ZWT CROCKET 3632 +Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 SAV 707 RITO 9969 +16417285 BR Polly 8077-472 #Connealy Onward COLEMAN DONNA 714 +15706882 +Coleman Donna 386 CED Top % I+2 BEPD I+2.6 WEPD I+66 3% YEPD SC I+122 I+1.03 2% DOC I+36 1% #Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 #Basin Rainmaker 654X +KMK Donna J311 MILK I+30 10% #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] MF NET RETURN 8197 +16036822 +SAV May 2436 #Connealy Onward COLEMAN DONNA 714 +15706882 +Coleman Donna 386 CED 12 MARB I+.07 582 3 r e k a m y a H T ZW ZWT HAYMAKER 3582 Top % I+10 15% BEPD I+.7 WEPD I+58 20% YEPD I+102 20% SC I+.73 DOC I+26 10% Coleman Donna 714 Birth Date: 9-11-2013 Bull +17873268 Tattoo: 3632 #RR Rito 707 Ideal 3407 of 1418 076 #Papa Equator 2928 +VDAR Polly 8077 RE $W $B I+.40 +69.45 +123.22 5% Dam of Crocket and Haymaker. Birth Date: 7-25-2013 Bull +17640239 Tattoo: 3582 #Sitz Traveler 8180 +Boyd Forever Lady 8003 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 #SAV May 6269 #Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 #Basin Rainmaker 654X +KMK Donna J311 MILK I+34 2% MARB I+.39 RE $W $B I+.64 +71.00 +117.20 4% •Semen $20 Certificates $35 •Haymaker comes from one of the most consistent groups of flushmates ever produced. •Haymaker offers performance and maternal ability but maintains an easy-keeping appearance with a pedigree that is unique to most herds. •Haymaker should add depth, soundness, and base width, and excellent feet and legs in a calving-ease package. Duff St imulus 856 DUFF STIMULUS 856 [D2F] +OCC Genesis 872G DUFF NEW EDITION 6108 +15459486 OCC Dixie Erica 814G #+OCC Emblazon 854E OCC JUANADA 927K 13941390 OCC Juanada 624G CED Top % +0 ZWT Heiress 117 9 BEPD +1.1 WEPD YEPD +59 20% +105 20% #DHD Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 High Valley 5B5 of 3D22 OCC Juanada 806E DOC MILK +10 +26 DUFF ENCORE 702 [AMF-CAF-DDF-M1F-NHF] #QAS Traveler 23-4 DHD TRAVELER 6807 #10858958 #Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 #OCC Anchor 771A OCC DIXIE ERICA 814G 12966367 OCC Dixie Erica 764C CED Top % +0 MARB +.22 RE $W BEPD +3.7 WEPD +41 YEPD +72 SC -.33 DOC +12 Birth Date: 1-1-2007 Bull +15944136 Tattoo: 702 #Band 234 of Ideal 3163 QAS Blackbird Eve 601 1 #PBC 707 1M F0203 Bemindful Maid of RR 1079 #DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Juanada 709V #N Bar Emulation EXT +OCC Dixie Erica 739A MILK +11 MARB +.25 RE $W •Semen $20 Certificates $30 •Encore has produced many top cattle for ZWT. Encore will produce moderate cattle with the rib shape and mass to weigh heavy. Siebring Elba 2 47 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 [RDF] SAV BIRTHSTONE 8258 16107741 +SAV Emblynette 4408 SAV Prosperity 9131 SIEBRING ELBA 247 +17341001 +SAV Elba 801 CED Top % +13 4% BEPD +.3 25% WEPD +67 3% YEPD +105 15% SC N/A DOC N/A Birth Date: 1-21-2014 Bull 17912962 Tattoo: 4030 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] SAV Emblynette 1182 Dam of Chaperone #+SAV Providence 6922 #SAV Emblynette 3123 #SAV Net Worth 4200 SAV Elba 1094 MILK +28 20% MARB +.63 RE $W $B +.65 +71.93 +149.22 25% 3% 10% $B +.71 +19.26 +84.46 20% 0 3 0 4 e n o r e p a h C ZWT ZWT CHAPERONE 4030 $B +.53 +64.10 +80.49 15% •Semen $20 Certificates $30 •Stimulus is a proven ZWT sire that produces cattle that are deep, wide and very maternal. •Stimulus cattle are easy-fleshing and have the growth that most desire. •Stimulus adds more frame and scope than most bulls with a similar pedigree. Daughter of Duff Stimulus 856. Duff Encore 702 SC +.45 Birth Date: 1-11-2008 Bull +16270571 Tattoo: 856 #+OCC Doctor 940D #Blackbird of RR 1204 #OCC Anchor 771A OCC Dixie Erica 764C •Semen $25 Certificates $35 •Chaperone is an impressive individual who offers power and performance in a calving-ease package. •Look for Chaperone to produce cattle that are phenotypically correct, perform well and breed consistency. Semen? r e d r o I o How d Contact: Tony Mayes Owner Jason Upchurch or (256) 239-8540 Retail Price 50+ Straws 100+ Straws 200+ Straws 300+ Straws 500+ Straws Bob Palmore (502) 542-0284 VOLUME DISCOUNT $35 $31.50 $28.00 $24.50 $21.00 $14.00 $30 $27.00 $24.00 $21.00 $18.00 $12.00 Gale Merritt (865) 585-4170 $25 $22.50 $20.00 $17.50 $15.00 $10.00 $20 $18.00 $16.00 $14.00 $12.00 $8.00 Free Shipping with any order of $1,000 or Higher with 3-Day Shipping. Buy ZWT BULL DEVELOPMENT •ZWT Bulls are developed with fertility, longevity and soundness in mind. •ZWT Bulls are fed a high roughage diet and are slowly developed. •ZWT Bulls are marketed at an older age. •ZWT Bulls are hand-fed to maintain good dispositions. •ZWT Bulls offer genetics that fit ALL breeding scenarios. •ZWT Bulls are developed in large contemporary groups. Contact Us for your next Herd Sires. Bulls available by private treaty. Bulls THE ZWT CUSTOMERS •We at ZWT take pride in our customer relations. We believe in our product and want our customers to be successful with the genetics purchased. •No matter if you buy one bull or truckloads of bulls, EVERY ZWT customer is important to us! We do business the old-fashioned way and want to earn your business, not take it! COW POWER •ZWT has assembled one of the top maternal oriented set of cows in the country. If you are rebuilding your cow herd, take advantage of these genetics by the straw or by the bull or BOTH! WWW.ZWTRANCH.COM To see videos of ZWT herd sires, please visit http://www.zwtranch.com/herdsires.html.
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