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Annual Meeting
Embassy Suites Las Vegas
4315 Swenson Street
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119
(702) 795-2800
24-27 October 2012
Polly Conrad
Allen Calvert
ML Robinson
Jason Jones
Tom O’Toole
Larry Jones
Larry Jones, Sr. Co-Chair
Rob Lovich
Kary Schlick
Michelle Christman
2012 Meeting Planning Committee
Jessie Stegmeier
Jen Germano
Bob McKeever
Nathan Lenon
Denise Parsons
2011-2012 Steering Committee
Jason Jones, Jr. Co-Chair
Tom Giermakowski
ML Robinson
Bryan Hamilton
Alison Cockrum
Kim & Ken Foos
Justin Meitz
Teri Slatauski
Brian Aucone
Esther Nelson
Clint Henke
Tuesday, October 23rd
1600-2000: Registration Check-in and T-shirts Sales (cash or check only)
Wednesday speakers please drop off your powerpoint presentation at the
registration table. Field workshop vehicle space coordination sign-up
sheets located at the registration table. [Outside Flamingo Room]
1700-1800: SW PARC Regional Steering Committee Meeting
1730-1930: Embassy Suites Managers Social w/ Appetizers and Drinks [Coconuts
Wednesday, October 24th
0700-1800: Registration Check-in and T-shirts Sales (cash or check only)
Thursday speakers please drop off your powerpoint presentation at the
registration table before 1730. Field workshop vehicle space coordination
sign-up sheets located at the registration table. [Outside Flamingo Room]
0700-0745: Poster, Vendor, Exhibitor & Auction Item Set Up [Stardust Room]
0800-1700: Meeting & Presentations [Flamingo Room]
0800: Welcome, Larry Jones, SW PARC Sr. Co-Chair
0815: What is PARC? Terry Riley
0900: Keynote Address– Renewable Energy Development and Terrestrial
and Aquatic Wildlife Conservation: The New Frontier - Jeff Lovich
1000: Break [Stardust Room]
Session 1: In the face of energy development throughout the Southwest, what questions do we
need answered relative to amphibian and reptile conservation? Moderator Rob Lovich
1030: Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas - Randy Jennings
1050: Automated Pattern Recognition Program for Leopard Frogs – David S. Pilliod
1110: Modeling Effects and Mitigation: Solar Energy Development and the Mojave
Desert Tortoise – Roy Averill-Murray
1130: Lunch [On your own – see map of local options]
Session 2: Tools Available for Addressing Energy Development and Herpetofauna Conservation,
Moderator Jason Jones
1300: Western Governors’ Association’s Critical Habitat Assessment Tool - Chet
1320: Water Development, Ranching, and the Northern Leopard Frog – Aaron Ambos
1340: SW PARC Habitat Management Guidelines - Rob Lovich
1400: Conservation Corridors for Desert Tortoises – Ken Nussear
1420: Existing Mitigation Proposed for Amphibians and Reptiles Impacted by Energy
Development Projects - Brad Hardenbrook
1440:Desert Tortoise Line Distance Sampling- Linda Allison
1500: Break [Stardust Room]
Session 3: Current Projects Assessing Energy Development and Herpetofauna
Conservation in the Southwest, Moderator Michelle R. Christman
1530: Flat-tailed horned lizard - Rob Lovich
1550: Nevada Amphibian conservation efforts - Jon Sjöberg
1610: Solar Energy Development and the Relocation of Desert Tortoises- Kim Field
1630: Midget-faded Rattlesnakes and Energy Development in Colorado - Stephen Spear
1730-1930: Embassy Suites Managers Social w/ Appetizers and Drinks [Coconuts Lounge]
Field Trip Sign up [Outside Flamingo Room]
1800-2200: Poster Social and Cash Bar [Stardust Room]
1930: Live Auction and Cash Bar, - ML Robison auctioneer [Stardust Room]
Thursday, October 25th
0730-1330: Registration Check-in and T-shirts Sales(cash or check only) [Outside Flamingo
0800-1700: Meeting & Presentations [Flamingo Room]
Session 4: 2012 Year of the Lizard, Moderator Larry Jones
0800: Dissecting the genetic structure of the chuckwalla (Sauromalus ater) at two spatial
scales- Dick Tracy
0820: Year of the Lizard - Larry Jones
0840: Distribution and phylogeographic structure of Greater and Pygmy Short-Horned
Lizards (Genus: Phrynosoma) in the Great Basin with focus on Nevada – Tereza
0900: Will future climates promote range expansions or extirpations of New Mexico’s
lizards? – Tom Giermakowski
0915: 2013 Year of the Snake - Polly Conrad
0930: Break [Stardust Room]
Session 5: SW PARC Business, Moderator Larry Jones and Jason Jones
1000: SW PARC Working Group Updates
Southwest Priority Herpetofauna Species List - Larry Jones
Outreach to Mexico - Rob Lovich
Outreach to Enthusiasts - Jason Jones
Outreach to Tribes – Esther Nelson
1030: PARC Awards - Terry Riley
1040: Nominations for Jr. Co-Chair & Steering Committee Members- Larry Jones
1050: Location of 2013 SW PARC Meeting - Jason Jones and Tom Giermakowski
1100: Identify Priority Needs for 2013 working groups - Jason Jones
1130: Lunch [On your own – see attached map of local options]
Session 6: Break Out Session for Working Groups, Moderator Tom Giermakowski
1300: Summary of priority working group needs
1310: Break out to identify working group members and contacts, task(s), end
product(s) and timeline
1410: Working Groups report back
1500: Break [Stardust Room]
Session 7: More on Energy Development & Conservation - Moderator ML Robinson
1530: Integrating Science and Translocations: Improving Tools for Desert Tortoise
Conservation - Jen Germano
1550: Western red-tailed Skinks on the Nevada National Security Site – Derek B. Hall
1610: Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program with Emphasis on
Covered Herp Species – Allen Calvert
1630: Translocation of Western Rattlesnakes: Valid Management Strategy? – Bryan
1650: Meeting Wrap Up - Jason Jones, SW PARC Jr. Co-Chair
1730-1930: Embassy Suites Managers Social w/ Appetizers and Drinks [Coconuts Lounge]
1730-1830: Poster, Vendor, Exhibitor Pack-up
1900-2200: Live Music by the 2 Jacks [Stardust Room]
Friday, October 26th
Field Workshops
Shark Reef Aquarium is located at Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino:
This AZA accredited aquarium is home to over 2,000 animals with over 100 different species on
display, including 15 species of sharks. Participants will get to tour the entire facility and have a
chance to go behind the scenes to look at how the staff maintains their diverse collection.
10:15 AM Meet at Embassy Suites lobby to carpool to Shark Reef
11:00 AM Meet at Shark Reef front gate for a front of house and then a behind the scenes
tour ending with observing the feeding of some of the animals
Lunch afterward; participants are in charge of their own meals but there are lots of nearby
options (i.e. Border Grill, Fleur, or Burger Bar)
Desert Tortoise Conservation Center located on the southern outskirts of Las Vegas:
Participants will receive a tour of the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center from the experts.
Discussions will include information about conservation efforts for the desert tortoise.
Additionally, Linda Allison from USFWS will give an introduction to the components of distance
sampling and how they are applied when developing regional abundance estimates. Field
survey protocol demonstrations will be provided including opportunities for participation. If
time allows, we will collect and review data using a training arena populated with polystyrene
tortoise models ("styrotorts").
8:00 AM
8:45 AM
9:45 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
1:45 PM
2:30 PM
Meet in the Embassy Suites lobby to carpool to the DTCC
Line distance transect surveys, an overview by Linda Allison (FWS)
Practice on the styrotort lines
Lunch (sandwiches and drinks provided on site)
Tour of the DTCC by Angie Covert
Wrap up of results from the styrotort lines and discussion
Head back to the Embassy Suites
Saturday, October 27th
Field Workshops
Relict leopard frog (Rana onca) habitat south of the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River:
Relict leopard frog, once thought extinct, has a very limited distribution within southern
Nevada. Field workshop attendees will have an up-close and personal look at their habitat and
learn about ongoing and future reintroduction efforts. Additional information will also be
presented about the history of the species and coordination efforts for conservation between
many different agencies.
This will be a full-day field trip to the Colorado River below Hoover Dam. We will car-pool from
the hotel in Las Vegas to Willow Beach in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area where we
will proceed by boat to our hike location. The hike will be in a desert canyon whose riparian
character supports the Relict Leopard Frog. Participants can expect to get wet and are
encouraged to wear suitable footgear, and such footgear must not have been used in another
aquatic environment. Temperatures at this time of year are usually quite comfortable. Dr. Jef
Jaeger will lead the hike and discussion.
A box lunch will be provided, however, participants should bring water or other replacement
fluids. A sign-up sheet will be maintained at the registration table for lunch selection and for
Tentative 0830 departure from hotel lobby for Willow Beach on the Colorado River. We'll
arrive at the river at about 0930/0945. As to return time approximately 1700-1800 to hotel
The Springs Preserve located in Las Vegas
Discover the beauty of a botanical garden right in the middle of Las Vegas! Attendees will enjoy
the guided tour from the experts and opportunities for hands on experience. Information will
be provided about the Desert Living Center, Origen Museum, sustainable and efficient living
and much more.
We will car-pool from the hotel to the Springs Preserve in Las Vegas where a staff Zoologist will
conduct a tour of the trails, animal exhibits, and animal care areas. Participants will then be on
their own to tour the museum galleries at the preserve. Lunch (not provided) is available at the
Springs Café. Temperatures at this time of year are usually quite comfortable. A sign-up sheet
will be maintained at the registration table for car-pooling.
Participants will meet in hotel lobby for a 0830 departure --- tour at 0900 to 1030/1100 --- on
their own for the remainder. We'll have to do some coordination with participants for the carpooling return trip.