Chapter 2: Installation
Chapter 2: Installation
Chapter 2: Installation Before You Begin !" ! # ! ! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ # $$ ! #% $ ! & '! ( ! ( !)* ! $ + !,+ $* ! - $!" '! $ #)" !"$ ! #/0!" #/0#/0*! Mainboard Guide 1$ ! . !"#$%& )!$ ,-- /,, ,#,# $1 3 4#) 5/4 #/4 6!- 6!) ,/ ,#94, , , : : : : : :% >)#, >>)#, '( (*+ # (++.+* ((.'0 +..,# ($12*. (3 (2 2(5( 2(( (++2'* ()42'* ,/ *7 *(8 9)'(*9* *(,3!-0 *.*(,3!-0 (( ++ ;(+(- -!++.<*+ ".2<*+ .+9*/=*. /9! <*+ * +(*3- 3-# / ! 4,!#4,$ *5!56' !#$ 4, !7 $! 2 I/O Ports Side View "9- )$ :758 :7)28 !- (07*8 ('.728 # #+ -, *<'(7(8*+ #+ 59 $2'509* Preparing the Mainboard $: ♦ ♦ ♦ # #;< => -859 ?=!7 ?=!7 8? =! 89 !"#$ Locking lever Pin-1 corner Socket-370 CPUFAN1 SLOT1 -&08 $ ! $$$ -8! Captive nut Cartridge holder Slot1 Locking screw 88 Pins Cartridge holder Slot1 Foam plastic mat Cartridge holders Captive pin Slot1 Foam plastic mat - ! !- $ !$$ ! $ $ !#$ $ =1AB8! !"# $?59C#A! $?=!Do not try to insert a socket-7 processor such as a Pentium or Pentium-compatible processor!?= ,(+ 599D55,(+! = #0-;-<! 8@ 8! &+;C#A<?59 ! @! 08!0 8 !0 8 ! Locking lever Celeron processor Pin-1 corner Pin-1 corner Socket-370 5! $! -$ ! D! # 8!B' ! E! -$ $ ! ! &$=1AB8! # =1AB8! $% $& A 8.5!56 )# ,,;)#,,<! -)4,;-)4,<! ,(+899,(+!# 899,(+ =899 899,(+ !# ,(+ ,(+! 7 )#,,8)#,,@ )#,,5!#-)4, 85 *[email protected]! -)4,*@EF! "=;"=< "==;"==<!# ! 8!&)#,, ! DIMM2 DIMM1 DIMM3 @! )#,,$)#,, $ != )#,, )#,,! 5! )#,,$! D! #)#,, $! $ $)#,,$ ! 8D '&%( = > ! #$ %& >$ !-> $ !G ! 3>$> -(04!#> ;>< 0"B! Jumper cap 2-pin jumper %'(%& > =,0-!7 !=,0- $ $! JP1 3 2 1 8E %)'* %& >$$$ !# $!-=5 ! JP2 1 2 3 %+',&"-& (%& 1> 'B899 ,(+!#B899,(+ !#899,(+$ 899,(+$! JP4 !""#$ 1 2 3 %'"(.,/ (0(%& #0-" 40 ,;"40,<!#0- #0-$ $!- =DA#0-! #0-$#0-G" ! $#0-G) #0- ! JP7 %&' %&' 8 1 2 3 %'"1/1 , */* $ ! 8! &G8*/ ! @! 4 * >*/! 5! #*/* ,),8 $ $!4G88& *$ ! () *+! ! + % !! 8 Install the Mainboard in the System Case 1$ $ !A$ ! )*+ $' You might not need to carry out every step in the following procedure. It depends on the options you are installing, and the features that are supported by your system case. $' Ribbon cable connectors are usually keyed so that they can only be installed correctly on the device connector. If the connector is not keyed make sure that you match the pin-1 side of the cable connector with the pin-1 side of the device connector. Each connector has the pin-1 side clearly marked. The pin-1 side of each ribbon cable is always marked with a red stripe on the cable. 0/2"0003 IDE2 IDE1 FDD 8! & A))8!1 $ ! @! &"#)"#)"8;<#)"@ ;<!#)" $ ! = #)"8! $#)" 8. !#$ , - !- $ ! #)" $ #)"@! * ( 2" CASEFAN1 ATX1 PANEL 8! &$8!=$ $8! ! @! # $ $=-"AB8!= $ =-"AB8! 5! & $ B"&! 0 3 #(" !1 $! ,-./ 2 2 ".' 32 ' ;,' 22 ?? @ %??A & @?% &? ? *3 1(!"2 5 (./6 34, 0 ( 82 #& 2 4 CD2 SPDIF1 CD1 SIR1 8! #$-# #4-#48 ! $' An infrared port (SIR1) and a second serial port (COM2) share the same resources. If you install both of these options, you cannot use them both at the same time. Use the setup utility to configure the system to use either the infrared port or the second serial port. See Chapter 3 for more information. @! !=)8D $ =)40, )6) !=)@** !1=)8=)@ =)/)6) !# $ @D -)#A -)#A/-)#A8! @9 /1 ( 7** $!7 ! AGP1 PCI1 PCI2 PCI3 PCI4 ISA1 ISA2 8! ? $? ! $! 7?!7 =# #-! @! # 5@ =#* =#!# ./8 #- $#-! $' The PCI slot PCI4 and the ISA slot ISA1 are shared slots. This means that you can use either one of these slots, but not both of them at the same time. The two slots correspond to the same expansion card opening in the system case. 5! 3* ** !A * *$$! @8 5! , SIDEBAND1 WOL1 WOM1 D! $$ */!# $*$&B 30&8!# */ *$30,8! E! # -=#* -&-#)"B)8!-& $ $)0-$=#- ! @@ Make the External Connections *! F,-@ 1-8 &8 =0,8 G-8 =0,@ G-8 8! F,-@$-/@)#B! -/@ !$ -/@ ! @! &8 ! &8! 5! 8EG-8/,#)#!7 >,#)# D! $G-8>!> !>! >! E! =0,@ */! =0,@/D! ! =0,8 */! =0,8/5! ! 1-8$1 -!1 1- ! @5
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