Lake George Association 2010 Annual Report


Lake George Association 2010 Annual Report
Lake George Association
2010 Annual Report
Protecting Lake George
for 125 Years
125 th An niversary
messages from the president and executive director
n 1975, I started my first year of a five-year time
frame as LGA president. The annual budget was
about $30,000, and we hired our first employee.
How times have changed!
It is 35 years later, I have returned to the board and
the office of president, and I am in my second year of a
two-year term. We now have eight full-time employees,
one summer intern, four part-time lake stewards,
exciting new programs, vital lake-saving projects, and
our annual budget is just under a million dollars.
LGA President
In 1975 our sole source of income was member
dues, and now we have member dues, income from an
endowment, major grant money from the Froehlich
Foundation, grants from other places – federal, state,
and local – and of course, events like the golf tournament, our annual gala, and other special events such
as our recent Ice Out gathering in Albany, to spread the
word about the LGA.
The point in referencing all these numbers, past and
present, is to show that we have grown enormously.
Today we are called upon by all manner of outside
organizations, government and private, to supply all
kinds of services. Managing all of this is an enormous
job requiring a great deal of staffing and significant
financial resources.
Executive Director
Overall, our biggest current challenge is the West
Brook Conservation Initiative and paying off the now
$1.7 million debt shared with our environmental
partner, the Fund for Lake George. To this end, I urge all
LGA members to do two things for this organization and
our Lake: make a special contribution to help pay down
the debt, and make recommendations to the executive
director, Walt Lender, regarding the names of people
whom you think might be approached to make a significant contribution toward reducing our debt obligations.
Many thanks for giving me the great opportunity to
work on your behalf over the past two years as president
of our fine organization. I look forward to the continued
success of the Lake George Association.
LGA President
s this report goes to print, the LGA is celebrating
its 125th Anniversary. Since 1885, the LGA has
been the leading voice for the Lake. With many
years of conservation success and experience behind
us, we are focusing today on only those efforts we
know will be most effective. What is the key to those
efforts, and to protecting the beauty and quality of
Lake George? Working together. Our mission statement
starts with those words and we take them to heart.
To ensure a healthy lake for today and tomorrow we
must work together as partners in protecting the Lake.
This means educating and actively involving everyone
who has a stake in the Lake’s future. Our efforts include
residents, children, visitors, local municipalities,
businesses, county water conservation districts, the
Lake George Park Commission, other lake associations,
our legislators in Albany and Washington, our local
cooperative extension, and many others.
The LGA excels in building relationships and working
together. Together, we clean up a stream, test and
measure water quality, dredge a delta, educate the
stewards of the future and monitor for invasive species.
Dozens of lake-saving projects – stormwater improvements, wetland and sediment basin creation, delta
reduction, erosion control, and pond cleanouts – have had
significant impact on the Lake’s water quality over the past
decade. The LGA manages these efforts and coordinates
the many partners involved: villages, towns, counties, the
Army Corps of Engineers, landowners and others.
LGA’s watershed educators teach thousands of
children, tourists, and lifelong residents each year.
They come aboard the LGA’s beautiful new Floating
Classroom, the Rosalia Anna Ashby, and they engage
in monitoring activities, experiencing first hand what
it means to be a lake scientist, and gaining a thorough
appreciation and understanding of the Lake’s delicate
eco-system. LGA lake stewards inspect over 3,000
boats each year, and ask boaters and anglers, even triathletes, to help us fight the spread of invasive species.
With our partners, the Lake George Land Conservancy
and the Fund for Lake George, our work on the West
Brook Conservation Initiative continues. We have made
significant headway on our obligation to repay our
property loan for the conservation easement. But we
still have a long way to go.
Lake George is a very special place: it brings us
together, enchants us, keeps families strong, gives us
solace, brings us great joy! Like the LGA’s founding
members, let’s leave our legacy for Lake George – for
the next 125 years. Let’s pass on to the next generation
what was so graciously passed down to us.
Executive Director
staff and board of directors
J. Buckley Bryan, Jr. (Bolton Landing)
Executive Vice President
Victor Hershaft (Bolton Landing)
Vice Presidents
Michael Dier (Diamond Point)
William Dutcher (Pilot Knob)
Karen Larkin (Cleverdale)
Robert de Buys (Hague)
Director of Membership
Project Manager &
GIS Coordinator
Director of Education & Outreach
Development Assistant
Watershed Educator
Communications Coordinator
Our Mission Statement
“Working together to protect, conserve and
improve the beauty and quality of the
Lake George Basin.”
The Lake George Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization, established in
1885. All donations are tax-deductible to the
extent allowed by law.
Office Manager
Lake George Association
PO Box 408, Lake George, NY 12845
Kenneth Engler, Jr. (Hague)
Rolly Allen (Hague)
Bruce Ashby (Bolton Landing)
Graham Bailey (Hague)
Dan Behan (Saratoga Springs)
Paul Curtis (Glens Falls)
Holly de Buys (Hague)
Matt Finley (Bolton Landing)
Michael Grasso (Lake George)
Cathy LaBombard (Huletts Landing)
Cheryl Lamb (Bolton Landing)
Peter Menzies (Bolton Landing)
John Schaninger (Huletts Landing)
Emeritus Board Dr. Barbara Chick (Queensbury)
Alison Craig (Hague)
Buzz Lamb (Bolton Landing)
John Lynch (Lake George)
George Singer (Ticonderoga)
Advisory Board
George Beaudoin (Hague)
Keith Ferguson (Bolton Landing)
Ray Freud (Putnam)
William P. Gates (Bolton Landing)
Andrea Maranville (Bolton Landing)
Douglas Smith (Hague)
Legal Counsel
Matthew F. Fuller, Esq.
The paper used for this annual report was produced
and donated with pride by the employees of
International Paper’s Ticonderoga mill. The wood
fiber comes from Adirondack forests that have been
managed responsibly for more than a century and are
harvested according to the principles of the Sustainable
Forestry Initiative and the Forest Stewardship Council.
financial report
Cash & Equivalents
$ 172,459
$ 334,906
Pledges Receivable
Accrued Interest Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Investments - Second Century Account
Investments - Restricted Account
$ 2,873,435
Net Property & Equipment
West Brook Conservation Easement
$ 3,983,944
Total Liabilities
$ 960,940
$ 1,112,929
Unrestricted Net Assets
Restricted Net Assets
$ 3,023,004
$ 2,707,583
$ 3,983,944
$ 3,820,512
$ 144,086
$ 138,208
Other Contributions & Support
Interest & Dividends
Special Events Income
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Net Realized & Unrealized Gains/(Losses)
$ 1,476,028
$ 706,071
$ 374,798
$ 434,681
$ 912,795
$ 1,252,588
$ 434,805
$ 497,700
The stock market had a major
negative effect on our Second
Century Endowment Fund,
starting in 2008 and continuing
through the first quarter of 2009.
By the end of 2009, most of that
loss was recouped and we reported $137,369 in Net Realized
and Unrealized Gains.
At the end of the year, the LGA
had increased its net assets by
$315,421 to $3,023,004. As we
entered 2010, our balance sheet
was strong; however, we still face
many challenges with operational finances, and our need for
fund raising continues.
Many thanks for your continued
Bob de Buys, Treasurer
Karen Larkin, Chair,
Finance Committee
(from audited financial statement)
Total Current Assets
Total Assets
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Note Payable - West Brook
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
Member Dues
(from audited financial statement)
We had many grants and restricted gifts that included $368,045
from the Helen V. Froehlich
Foundation, plus numerous gifts
totaling more than $200,000 to
support capital expenditures
(Floating Classroom) and the
West Brook Conservation Initiative funding and debt reduction.
Grants & Accounts Receivable
iscal 2009 was another
challenging year. The LGA
operated under a conservative budget and, from an
operational standpoint, we came
in close to target with a loss of
$5,806. The audited statements
presented here include those
operations, but they also cover
many other financial activities.
Grants & Bequests
Total Income
Program Expenses
Lake Preservation
Community Relations, Education & Info
Land Use Management
Special Events & Membership Development
In Kind Donation on West Brook Property
General & Administrative
Total Expenses
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Unrestricted Net Assets
Grants Received
Other Contributions
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Increase/(Decrease) in Net Restricted Assets
$ (247,812)
$ 129,595
membership development
s we celebrate 125 years of successful conservation of Lake
George, we would like to thank our dedicated and loyal
supporters over the years. Some of you are descendents of the
LGA’s original founders – those original conservation pioneers who came
together to benefit the Lake at just the right time. Many of you are also
“next generation” supporters. Your families have had homes on the Lake
for years and you have grown up enjoying the beauty of Lake George and
all that the Lake offers, realizing that it can never be taken for granted.
The LGA forges ahead, and many have already left their legacy
for Lake George through a planned gift and membership in the Helen
V. Froehlich Legacy Society (HVFLS). The members of the Helen V.
Froehlich Legacy Society are creating their own legacy for lake protection,
just as Mrs. Froehlich did. HVFLS members work with their attorneys
and financial advisors to design an estate plan that protects their family,
preserves their property, and benefits the Lake George Association. A
percentage of an estate, a dollar amount, specific property, insurance policies,
trusts, or the remainder of an estate, can be bequeathed to the LGA.
LGA donations come in many different forms. Whether they are
gifts of time, treasures or talents, we appreciate each and every one! Donors
have made it possible for us to expand programs, create new educational
opportunities, and take on extensive, monumental projects around the
basin. Your continuing support has been critical for our perseverance and
success over the years.
With the economy still in recovery, it was an especially challenging
year for fundraising. We did, however, step outside our traditional methods
to form some very successful partnerships, such as working with RAMSCO,
a capital district company owned by one of our local supporters. In 2009,
this company decided to merge their company outing
with our golf fundraiser to support our Floating
Classroom and Lake Saving projects. We are very
grateful for their support and participation.
Under the leadership of our event committee
chair, Cheryl Lamb, the LGA’s 2009 Summer Splash
was yet another successful event with another sold out
crowd! As we go to print with this publication, we have
just held our 125th Anniversary Gala on July 16th.
Plans for this event began the day after last year’s gala,
with Cheryl agreeing to chair again. We were able to
add an additional 50 seats, bringing the total to 300,
plus staff and volunteers. Once again, we sold out weeks
in advance. Although the final numbers are not yet in, with very generous
sponsors, enthusiastic bidders at our silent auction, and a packed house, it
appears that we will exceed the net of any of our previous galas. We are
very grateful to all who share in this success: the event committee, staff,
volunteers and attendees.
Today we reap the rewards of a century and a quarter of foresight,
awareness and protection. 2010 is our year to celebrate endurance, longevity,
and success. It is also a year to look forward to our future and the future of
Lake George. Thank you for being part of a 125-year legacy.
lake saving projects
Acknowledgement of Project Support
The LGA’s Lake Saving Projects would not be possible without the
support of the following organizations and individuals:
- Helen V. Froehlich Foundation
- New York State Department of State (DOS)
- New York State Department of Transportation (DOT)
- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
- Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District
- Lake George Watershed Coalition
- Individual homeowners who allowed passage onto their
properties during project planning, design & construction
- Municipalities of Bolton, Hague, Fort Ann, Dresden, Lake
George, Putnam, Queensbury, and Ticonderoga
he LGA’s Lake Saving Projects are sometimes small and straight
forward; others are large and very time consuming. However, all of
them serve the purpose of protecting the water quality of Lake George.
We have been working in different sub-watersheds throughout Lake George
to advance and complete existing projects, and we continuously identify new
projects for future attention. Below is a brief synopsis of some the projects
completed and ongoing in the Lake George watershed.
English Brook Watershed (Lake George)
Design work was completed on a potential 150-foot-long sediment
basin to be constructed at the mouth of English Brook. The LGA worked with
the Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District (WCSWCD) to
design a basin on the Lochlea Estate. WCSWCD listed the basin as a potential
project in their 2008 English Brook Watershed Study. Permits for the project
have been submitted to the appropriate agencies.
Another location identified in the WCSWCD study was a sub-watershed of nearly 48 acres, including the exit 22 off ramp, Lower Hubble Lane and
Route 9N. This acreage drains directly into English Brook without any stormwater abatement. Shallow soils limit the type of stormwater retrofits that can be
done in this area. For this reason, Jarrett Engineering was hired to determine the
best type of stormwater separator to use. Jarrett recommended an Aqua Swirl
Concentrator; first a swirl unit will remove gross pollutants, then a filtration
chamber will remove fine sediments and water-borne pollutants. As this project
moves forward, we will be working with the Department of Transportation to
connect into existing infrastructure on 9N.
Color renderings (above and below) depict the south parcel of the West Brook
Conservation Initiative stormwater treatment and wetland restoration project, currently the LGA’s most important lake-saving project. The LGA funded
production of these drawings. LGA staff and project partners are working
with landscape designers and engineers at the Chazen Companies.
The final project addressed in the watershed was the Hubble Reservoir. The town of Lake George has maintained this old reservoir, along with
oversight from WCSWCD, but recently it has become a burden to dewater the
site due to a non-functioning sluice gate and valve, and the lack of a permanent
dewatering pipe. The LGA hired Patrick J. Galusha Construction to remove
the sluice gate and valve to determine if it could be repaired. Galusha
Construction also fixed the dewatering mechanism and pipe. Since
the pond was completely dewatered, we took the opportunity to completely remove almost 600 cubic yards of sediment that had accumulated in the reservoir. The sluice gate is no longer in working order and
we are seeking additional solutions to replace it.
West Brook Watershed (Lake George)
The West Brook Conservation Initiative continues to be our main
focus in the watershed. This ongoing project is a complicated one, involving many
partners and agencies. Throughout the year many meetings have been attended
to keep things moving forward. Both Walt Lender, LGA’s executive director and
Randy Rath, LGA’s project manager have been heavily involved in this process.
In an effort to expedite the decision-making process on the 2.5 acres
of festival space and to encourage the municipalities to coordinate the festival
site with the rest of the environmental project, the Chazen Companies was
Clean-out of the Hubble Reservoir in the English Brook watershed.
Lake George Association
lake saving projects
hired to create three different designs for the festival
space. Their designs were based on interviews with the
town and village of Lake George, the Warren County
supervisors, and potential users.
We addressed the New York State Historic
Preservation Office’s (SHPO) concern regarding
cultural resources. It was determined that there
would be no impact on the South Parcel. It was also
determined that all of the buildings on both lots
have been cleared by the SHPO and can be demolished and removed from the site, should that be
what all the partners decide is in the best interest of
the project as it goes forward.
Walt Lender, LGA executive director, with NYS Secretary of State Lorraine Cortes-Vazquez, and DOS
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) staff Kevin Millington and George Stafford. The DOS, a key partner in the West Brook Conservation
Initiative (WBCI), held a press conference on the West Brook site in June, praising the work of the
has committed to stormwater remediation on the
LGA and the project’s other partners. Speaking before the group, Walt emphasized how essential
North Parcel, the creation of a sediment basin in West the WBCI wetlands restoration project is for protecting the Lake’s future.
Brook, and stormwater remediation of West Brook
Road. The U.S. ACOE will complete the design, apply for permits and address
any concerns of the SHPO.
Color renderings and cross sections were created by the Chazen
Companies and were based on the final design plans for the South Parcel.
New York State Department of State Environmental Protection Fund
(Lake George Watershed)
Projects and efforts funded by two New York State Dept. of State
(DOS) Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) grants have been completed
and the grants are now closed. The grants represent over $462,000 in state
funds with over $500,000 in matching funds from the Helen V. Froehlich
Foundation, other local matches, and in-kind services. The grants helped to
fund many lake-saving, educational and outreach endeavors.
Foster Brook Watershed (Dresden)
The Foster Brook delta remediation project moved from the planning
phase to the construction phrase this past year. Myers Engineering provided
consultation during the design, planning and construction phase of the project
and Kingsley Construction Inc. completed the project. The remediation project
took about two weeks to complete and was a great success. Approximately 1500
cubic yards of material were removed from the delta. This will greatly improve
navigation and recreation opportunities as well as fisheries at the mouth of the
brook. In fact, this past spring saw the smelt running for the first time in years.
Foster Brook Delta as the project began.
The mouth of Foster Brook after delta remediation.
Fairy Brook Watershed (Dresden)
The Fairy Brook sediment basin project in the Huletts Landing area
continues to move forward. We have been addressing some concerns of the U.S.
ACOE and are working with the Adirondack Park Agency (APA) for a permit
as well. We are seeking funding and are hopeful the project will be completed
this year, as the site is in need of remediation.
Fairy Brook is the site of a potential sediment basin. Shown here
on May 25, 2010 with a buildup of deposited material.
Annual Report to the Community
lake saving projects
Hague and Finkle Deltas (Hague and Bolton)
Dredging plans were developed for Hague Brook and Finkle Brook
deltas. The LGA contracted with the WCSWCD to complete the delta removal plans and to submit permit applications. Plans were developed in conjunction
with local municipalities, permitting agencies and other concerned agencies.
Permit applications were submitted to the APA, DEC and U.S. ACOE. The
plans outline preferred methods of dredging and provide logistics and estimates
for completing the project.
An aquatic vegetation study was also completed at the request of the
APA. The Finkle Brook delta contains some aquatic wetland vegetation. The
study identified the species present and evaluated the impact of dredging on
native and invasive plant species in the area.
Results from the cultural resource study conducted in 2008 were
received and submitted to the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and
Historic Preservation (OPRHP). The study indicated that the dredging will
have no effect on the cultural resources in the area.
Indian Brook site just prior to dredging.
Indian Brook after the site was cleaned out, graded and mulched.
Gull Bay, Glenburnie and Black Point Road (Putnam)
This past December, the LGA signed an agreement with the ACOE
to study the town of Putnam’s current stormwater infrastructure in its lakefront communities of Glenburnie and Gull Bay, and along Black Point Road.
The Putnam area has some stormwater issues and this project will help identify
and rank the priority projects. This project will be funded through the Planning
Assistance to States Grant Program, which requires a 50/50 match. The LGA is
contributing $30,000 of already-awarded Froehlich Foundation money for this
project and will be adding, along with some assistance from the town of Putnam, $35,000 of in-kind services to complete the local match for the planning
grant. LGA in-kind services will include collecting all available geographic data
GIS data), as well as physical collection and analyses of sites in the Gull
Bay area. The Army Corps in return will provide $65,000 of services for the
Brook Watershed (Bolton)
A small section of Indian Brook, formerly an old swimming hole, was
cleaned out in the fall to create an off-line sediment basin. Over the years, the
swimming hole had filled in with enough material to establish non-wetland
All of this material was removed to create a deep pool. The pool has
already collected sediment that will not be carried down to the lake where it
would be deposited on the Indian Brook delta. Some native shrubs were planted
this spring to create a buffer around the site.
Additionally, roadside improvements were made at the same location. A
roadside ditch was stabilized and several check dams were put in place to slow the
flow of water as it runs down the shoulder of Federal Hill Road. A small basin
was installed at the end of the ditch to capture the flow and allow sediment and
debris to fall out. Additional road shoulder work was completed to allow for some
Shown in red above are roads that will be included in a new
LGA lake-saving study of the town of Putnam’s stormwater
Lake George Association
lake saving projects & GIS
stormwater sheet flow to occur over a vegetated area. The remaining shoulder
work reinforced and directed the flow around a bend in the road to another small
basin that will contain the stormwater. These improvements were constructed to
direct the stormwater flow and capture sediment before it enters the stream.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
he GIS program provides critical support to the
LGA throughout the year. In fact, over 60 maps
and images were produced in 2009 and over 100
have been produced to date in 2010.
The GIS program supported the efforts of
many of our Lake Saving Projects, mostly from the
standpoint of permit acquisition.
To get project approval from the New York
State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) on the
West Brook Conservation Initiative we needed to
show how this complicated stormwater project could
be broken down into smaller projects or phases and
we needed to connect each phase to the designated
state or federal money awarded to this project. We
labeled each dataset individually, color-coded it, and
assigned it to a phase and the entity overseeing it.
Independent Utility and Phases of the West Brook Conservation Initiative. The LGA maps above
The GIS map helped us explain which group was
responsible for each phase, and visually showed how helped explain which project partner or funding source was responsible for each construction phase and how
each phase could be completed on its own. The maps each phase could be completed on its own.
allowed the SHPO to view the project phase by
phase, and see it from the different points of view of the eight federal and
state funding agencies involved in the project.
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We also produced additional maps for proposed development
projects, a new Lake Book and the LGA’s annual events (annual meeting,
summer event and golf tournament).
We did not receive any calls on lost buoys or buoys that were floating
adrift this past season. The Lake George Power Squadron plans to update the
charts and we provided them with comments we received for the next iteration.
Near the end of 2009, the Salt and Sand Study Group met to outline
a study of current salt and sand road maintenance practices in the Lake
George watershed. The study will also look at the equipment used, alternative
practices, and the effects of current practices on environmentally critical areas.
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For the Lake Steward program, we once again created maps showing
the water bodies where boats had been navigating just prior to entering Lake
George. One map depicts the entire East Coast. A second map focuses on
only the northeastern U.S., and shows lakes that are listed as infected by at
least one invasive species. These maps dramatically show how easy it is for
invasive species to be transported into Lake George. The maps were part
of a larger seasonal report on the Lake Steward Program.
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GIS map showing NYS waterbodies visited by boaters, prior to launch
in Lake George
Annual Report to the Community
education and outreach
rom January 2009 through June of 2010, the LGA’s Education
and Outreach Program served over 4,000 school-age children
through its Floating Classroom, stream monitoring field trips,
in-school education programs, summer family programs and various
educational events. Topics included lake geological history, water clarity
and chemistry, food webs and plankton, and invasive species. Designed to
encourage and promote lake awareness, stewardship, and protection, these
programs are presented to schools, scout troops, summer camps, and other
youth organizations, as well as young visitors touring our area.
Floating Classroom
Participating Groups
2009 & 2010
The Adirondack Camp - Glenburnie
Black Point Road Civic Association
Bolton Central School District
Bolton Seniors
Champlain Watershed Improvement Coalition of New York
Glens Falls Middle School
Hague Chamber of Commerce
Hague Seniors
Lake George Central School District
Lodges at Cresthaven
Minerva Central School
Northern Lake George Yacht Club Day Camp
Putnam School District
Queensbury Middle School
S. Glens Falls Middle School
Silver Bay Association
St. Mary’s School - Ticonderoga
Stony Creek Youth Commission
Stuart M. Townsend Middle School
(Hadley-Luzerne School District)
Southern Adirondack Education Center
Ticonderoga Cub Scouts
Ticonderoga Kiwanis
Town of Bolton – municipal employees
Town of Hague – municipal employees
Village of Lake George – municipal employees
Warren County Water Quality Strategy Committee
Warrensburg Central School
Whitehall Central School District
In March 2010, engineers, municipal professionals, and CEOs attended a Lake George workshop on Alternative Septic System Design.
Sponsored by the LGA and the Champlain Watershed Improvement
Coalition of New York, the workshop was taught by a certified Onsite
Wastewater Training Network instructor.
In addition, the LGA has provided over 28 presentations to a
wide variety of audiences, including municipal employees, homeowner
and civic associations, community service
clubs, yachting and gardening clubs, as
well as colleagues and professionals in the
environmental field. Presentation topics
included: The West Brook Conservation
Initiative, Lake George Geology and Water
Quality, Rain Gardens, and the LGA Lake
Steward Program.
Each year, the LGA plans a
summer talk series for the general public.
In 2009, the series focused on Lake
George as an inspiration to local artists
and featured photographers, writers, and
painters. A key event of the series was
a book release party for Carl Heilman
II, held at Canoe Island Lodge, for his
newly released Lake George photography
book. The 2010 talk series covers lake-friendly living topics such as
“Landscaping with Native Plants,” offered in June, “Aquatic Invasive
Plants – Do’s and Don’ts,” offered in July, “Water Conservation,”
offered in August, and “Lawn Care and Pest Management,” offered in
The LGA creates curriculum and designs activities for a number
of environmental events throughout the year, including the Environmental Field Days coordinated by Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE), the
Warren County Envirothon, the Crandall Park Discovery Event, the Lake
George Fishing Alliance’s Fishing Clinic, Warrensburg Career Day and
Adirondack Waterfest.
Floating Classroom
May 5, 2009 brought the arrival of the Rosalia Anna Ashby, custom designed for the LGA’s Floating Classroom program. The boat was
purchased from Corinthian Catamaran in Tarpon Springs, Florida and is
named after the mother of Bruce Ashby, an LGA board member whose
generous financial support helped to fund the purchase.
Lake George Association
education and outreach
Since the purchase of the boat,
the LGA has almost doubled participation in the Floating Classroom program.
Not only school groups, but homeowner
and civic associations, tourists, and
municipal staff have participated; these
groups benefit from an increased appreciation and awareness of the Lake
and how to protect it. In 2010, the
LGA started to offer programs for the
first time to the general public, for two
hours every Wednesday during July and
Over 1200 people came aboard
the Floating Classroom in 2009. As of
June 30, 2010, 536 people have participated.
Stream Monitoring Field Trips
In 2009, stream monitoring programs had a
total of 1090 participants. Students from Glens
Falls, South Glens Falls, Moriah, Lake Luzerne,
Queensbury, Whitehall, Bolton, Minerva,
Ticonderoga, and Lake George got a hands-on
look at the indicators of stream health and stream
monitoring. The LGA collaborated with staff from the Lake George Land
Conservancy (LGLC) on a field trip at one of their preserves, for students
from St. Mary’s School in Ticonderoga. The students explored vernal pools
and planted trees. Our Creek Critters program was presented during the
summer to the Bolton Summer Camp.
Citizen Science
The Lake George Turtle Monitoring Program continued for a third
year. Data from 2007 and 2008 was compiled into a report. An additional
24 monitors were instructed during our 2009 training session, bringing the
total number of monitors to 80.
Floating Classroom
Number of Participants
Spring 2010
350 students
Fall 2009
528 students
Summer 2009 472 people
Spring 2009
261 students
Total 2009
2008 *
2007 *
2006 *
* During 2006-2008, participation decreased
because no boat was available, and the program
took place on land.
Once again the LGA coordinated volunteers for the Adirondack
Annual Common Loon Census. Now housed under the newly created
Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation at the Biodiversity Research
Institute, the census continues to provide researchers and managers with
valuable data about loons in the North Country. In 2009, 14 groups of
volunteers signed up to monitor loons on Saturday, July 18.
photo by Sue Pierce
In 2009 we had another great summer of success for our Drop a
Brick on Zebra Mussels Program, an important awareness building and
monitoring program. Seven marinas and 44 individuals reported back to us
for the summer of 2009. All volunteers reported no mussels on their bricks.
Lake George turtle monitors spotted 411 turtles in 2009, including
Painted, Wood, Northern Map, Common Musk and Snapping
turtles. The LGA is working with DEC’s Endangered Species Unit to
gather much needed data on turtles in the Lake George watershed.
Annual Report to the Community
education and outreach
CSLAP (Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program)
The LGA had another very successful year of coordinating volunteers for New York’s CSLAP program; 2009 was our sixth year of participation. In 2009 seven volunteers collected water quality data from around
the lake eight times during the summer; seven volunteers are participating
in 2010.
Peter Leyh, an LGA member and CSLAP volunteer who samples
water near Gull Bay on the north end of the lake, recorded a 13.55m Secchi disk reading on September 2, which was the best reading for 2009 from
any of the 113 participating lakes in New York State.
LGA summer employee Jason Smith collects water
samples for the LGA’s 2009 Fireworks Impact Study.
Results showed no indication of a pollution problem,
but the LGA continues to monitor the issue.
In addition to the normal CSLAP sampling program, the LGA
conducted additional water quality sampling in 2009 to test the effects of
fireworks displays over the lake. Additional indicators needed to be tested,
separate from those typically used in the CSLAP program, so we devised a
new program to test for fireworks effects. The study was titled “An Initial Study into the Effects of Fireworks on Lake George” and the results
showed no indication that fireworks are causing a pollution problem. However, this is an issue that we plan to monitor, as new research continues to
be released in the field of emerging contaminants and water quality.
Additional Outreach Programs
To increase young people’s sense of lake awareness and appreciation, the LGA encourages students to draw upon their creative talents,
while advocating for the Lake. The LGA helps to coordinate annual
contests for students who write
holiday carols and design bookmarks about protecting Lake
The Lake George
Bookmark Design Contest is
conducted each year in coordination with the Public Participation and
Outreach Committee of the Lake George Watershed Coalition. On one
side, the bookmark lists important facts about Lake George. On the
reverse, a student design, advocating for the protection of Lake George, is
displayed. Entries are received from 4th – 7th grade students from communities within the watershed, and are distributed to school
libraries, public libraries and other locations throughout the
region. In 2009, Kimberly Wright, a 7th grader at Bolton
Central School was the winner. Clare Gillman, a 5th grader
from Lake George Elementary created the winning design for
Design by Kimberly Wright
7th grade, Bolton Central School
Kristen Rohne, at right, LGA’s watershed educator, works with
children, our future Lake stewards, during Waterfest.
The winners of the annual Lake George Carol Contest
were Rebecca Putorti and Lauren Baldwin, 5th graders at
Whitehall Elementary who worked together to turn the
tune “Jingle Bells” into “Clean our Boat for Lake George!”
The LGA coordinates Invasive Species Awareness Week each July at the Lake George Visitors Center.
Lake George Association
invasive species
Lake George Lake Steward Program
Now in its third year, the LGA’s Lake Steward Program inspects
boats entering Lake George. Stewards look for and remove invasive
species, and educate boaters on how to prevent their spread. Stewards
are trained in inspection, identification and data collection by the LGA
and at the Adirondack Watershed Institute at Paul Smiths College, in
cooperation with the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program and the
Lake Champlain Basin Program.
In 2008 and 2009 the LGA acquired state funds through the
Lake George Watershed Coalition to provide the Steward Program. In
2010, state funds were not available. To keep this essential lake protection
program running, the LGA secured funds from the towns of Hague and
Ticonderoga, the town of Bolton’s Local Development Corporation, and
the Lake George Park Commission, in addition to those already provided
by the Helen V. Froehlich Foundation. In addition to inspection, lake
stewards collect data about the vessels entering and exiting the Lake.
During 2009, boats visited a total of 158 different water bodies in the two
weeks prior to launching in Lake George. Many of these water bodies
are known to have invasive species. Water bodies visited most often
included the Hudson River (65 visits), Lake Champlain (62 visits), Great
Sacandaga Lake, and Lake Hopatcong (NJ). The Hudson River contains
91 invasive species and Lake Champlain contains 62; the importance of
lake stewards at Lake George launch sites is apparent.
LGA lake stewards provide additional services throughout the
watershed as well. Early in the 2009 season, stewards assisted in garlic
mustard removal efforts at both Battlefield Campground and Rogers Rock
Campground. Stewards also assisted the NYSDEC and members of the
Lake George Fishing Alliance with stocking landlocked salmon in the
lake and learned about the impacts of invasives on the Lake George fishery
from a NYSDEC fisheries biologist. Stewards also set up interpretive displays at the Invasive Species Awareness Week table in Lake George Village
as well as at Adirondack Waterfest in Ticonderoga.
Spreading the Message -- Not the Weeds!
From Ticonderoga to Glens Falls, LGA staff gave presentations to
various community groups about invasive species, both terrestrial and aquatic.
In May of 2009, LGA Director of Education Emily DeBolt gave a presentation on the Lake Steward Program at the Annual New York State Federation of Lake Associations meeting in Hamilton, NY. Later in October,
Emily joined Meg Modley from the Lake Champlain Basin Program and
Eric Holmlund from Paul Smith College’s Adirondack Watershed Institute to give a joint presentation on a Regional Approach to Lake Steward Programs at the North American Lake Management Society’s 29th
International Symposium in Hartford, Connecticut. Our Lake Steward
Program on Lake George is a model program for other lakes across the
state and region.
On her first day out, May 28, 2010 Lake Steward
Monika LaPlante removed three invasive species –
Eurasian watermilfoil, curly-leaf pondweed and zebra
mussels - from the boats she inspected.
Lake Steward Program Numbers
May 23 - August 28, 2009
Boats Inspected
Total Samples Collected
Total Invasive Samples Collected
Eurasian Watermilfoil Specimens *
Curly-leaf Pondweed Specimens
Zebra Mussels Specimens
Water Chestnut Specimens **
Different waterbodies visited during two weeks
prior to Lake George launch
* 22 of these were collected at Mossy Point,
21 of these at Norowal Marina
** Water Chestnut is not currently found in Lake George.
Rich Rose, an LGA Lake Steward, inspects a boat for invasive species.
Annual Report to the Community
invasive species
New Invasive Plant Identified – Wall Lettuce
In June of 2010, a new invasive terrestrial plant, Mycelis muralis,
commonly known as wall lettuce, was identified growing alongside 9L near
Dunham’s Bay in Lake George. Wall lettuce is one of several newer species placed on a watch list earlier in 2010 by the Adirondack Park Invasive
Plant Program. Citizens were asked to contact the LGA if they believed
the plant was growing on their property, and the LGA began to assess the
spread of this invasive plant throughout the watershed.
Wall lettuce, a new invasive terrestrial plant
identified by the LGA in June 2010 has been
found growing alongside Rt. 9L near Dunham’s Bay, also in Bolton, and just north of
the village of Lake George, on Flat Rock Road.
Forest Pest Outreach
The LGA is also concerned about invasive species on land; the health
of the trees in the Lake George watershed has a direct impact on our water
quality. The Asian Long-horned Beetle (ALB) and the Emerald Ash Borer
(EAB) kill trees by burrowing into them and have had a devastating impact
on tree populations in the Great Lakes and the Northeast regions.
In 2009, the LGA partnered with Cornell Cooperative Extension
and a local property management company in Bolton Landing to offer a
program to the community on “Healthy Trees & Healthy Views.” Our
staff attended training and assisted the Nature Conservancy with surveying
the watershed for signs of ALB. During August 2009, ALB Awareness
Month, we partnered with Cornell Cooperative Extension to hold two
informational talks and set up a display at the Firemen’s Family Festival in
Lake George Village to educate the public about these forest invaders.
LGA summer intern Jill Trunko inventories invasive species on
Speaker Heck Island. The LGA, in partnership with the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program, is providing data to the State
of New York so management action can be taken on the islands.
lake friendly living solutions
Regional Coordination
The LGA attends meetings and coordinates other regional groups
on invasive species issues. Our membership on the Invasive Species Task
Force of the Lake George Watershed Coalition and the Adirondack Park
Invasive Plant Program Aquatic Nuisance Species Committee keeps us
informed of developments on the state level.
hile we continue to review and provide comments on proposed
development projects before local boards as needed, the LGA
has found that providing homeowners and municipalities with
solutions during the early stages of a project is much more productive,
and leads to greater overall positive change around the watershed. As a
consequence, property owners regularly call upon the LGA for assistance
and solutions on a wide range of projects, from dredging and rain gardens,
to dealing with unwanted geese.
This two-part comprehensive educational training program was used
by the towns of Lake George and Bolton for training credits. The discussions it prompted encouraged the town of Lake George to adopt a new
law banning phosphorus fertilizer. The town is the first in the watershed to adopt such a law, and the LGA played a key role in this effort.
In February of 2009 we held a roundtable for municipal representatives from around the lake to discuss the stream corridor regulations
proposed by the Lake George Park Commission. The success of this wellattended event led to the creation of an educational training program for
municipalities entitled Lake George-ology. The two-part program includes
a brief introduction to Lake George geology, ecology and limnology, followed by a discussion of water quality indicators and a review of current
data. In early 2010, the towns of Lake George and Bolton both approved
Lake George Association
lake friendly living solutions
the LGA’s Lake George-ology program for training credits
(which are needed by municipal board members).
Our work advising the town of Lake George
continued, with a focus on the issue of phosphorous
pollution in the Lake. The LGA played an instrumental role in helping the town pass a new local ordinance
banning the use of phosphorus fertilizer town wide.
In addition to talks about lake-friendly living
practices, such as rain gardens and shoreline buffers, we
also work with area residents to make their homes and
businesses more lake-friendly. We worked with LGA
members Tom and Dusty Putnam to help them design
native landscaping for their new home. This landscap- An alternative peat-moss septic system at the home of LGA members Tom &
Dusty Putnam. Pictured below, the Putnam’s permeable pavers, with flowing was a great complement to
other lake-friendly projects they ers growing in between. The LGA frequently consults with area homeowners
on lake-friendly landscaping.
installed: an alternative peat
moss septic system and permeable pavers.
Another LGA member, Salim Amersi, used porous asphalt – a type of permeable pavement – for
a new parking lot he installed in 2009 on his hotel
LGA member Salim Amersi
property, Surfside on the Lake. The LGA is endemonstrates the effectiveness
couraging other property owners to follow the lead
of permeable asphalt on his
Surfside on the Lake property. of both Salim and the Putnam’s.
catch vac
he LGA Catch Vac was made available to individual property owners
for the first time this past year. The Catch Vac is a trailer mounted
vacuum unit used to clean out stormwater catchments. It has proven to
be an economical and efficient way for public
works departments, businesses and homeowners to solve the problem of clogged basins.
A primary concern of not only the
LGA, but also the municipalities surrounding
the Lake, is ongoing sedimentation. Due to
necessary road sanding operations, lots of sand
finds its way to the Lake through stormwater
systems, adding significantly to the growth of
deltas and negatively impacting water quality.
The village and town of Lake George,
the town of Hadley, and the Quality Inn Lake
George have used the LGA Catch Vac in recent
years, as have individual homeowners, including
Buck Bryan and James Wolitarski, both in Northwest Bay, and Cathy LaBombard in Huletts Landing. The LGA expects to see expanded use of the Catch
Vac, because individual property owners can now lease it, and a professional
contractor is available to operate the equipment and remove the material.
The Catch Vac visited Buck Bryan’s property (left) and cleaned
five storm basins. Above left - before cleaning. At right - after.
Annual Report to the Community
2009 members
LGA members and financial supporters: key to protecting Lake George.
Robert and Virginia Abbe
Peter Abell
Peter A. Abitante
Donald L. Abrams
Frank A. and Sharon Adamo Jr.
George and Mary Jane Adams *
Adirondack Pub & Brewery
Emily Adler
Anne and Richard Adler
Barbara Ahern
Fred A. Alexy
Heather L. Alfandre
Alison V. Craig Realty LLC
Irwin and Joan Allen
Katherine Allen
Louis Allen
Kathe and Rolly Allen
Robert W. Allerton
Richard Allington & Anne Franzen
Virginia Aloysi
Peter and Susan Amato
Richard and Suzanne Ambler
Salim and Ingrid Amersi
Ruth C. Anderson
V. James Andretta
Mr. and Mrs. Daren Arakelian
Barbara & George Arakelian
Arcady Bay Estates Homeowners
Association, Inc.
Shirley Armstrong
Kenneth and Rosemarie Arnold
Rita H. Arnstein
Joseph Artale
Bruce and Lea Ashby
Bruce and Mary Ashby
Bob and Tina Ashton
John and Diane Asiel
Assembly Point Association
James J. Augstell
Donald B. Aulenbach
Mr. Henry Aumiller
Sandra Austin
Edward and Marianne Axtmann
James Ayers
Mrs. Marie Ayers
Karen Azer
Carolyn Babinsky
Laura and Dave Bacheldor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Badenoch
Thomas Badenoch
Graham and Sheryl Bailey
Dan and Nancy Bailey
Mr. Donald C. Baker
Linda M. Baldwin
David B. Ball
Robert L. and Elizabeth P. Ball
Robert P. Ball
Roger Ball
Denise and John Bambach
Dr. Andrew J. Bania
John P. Bania M.D.
John and Ann Barber
Cathy and Steve Barber
Don and Ann Barbour
Carleen and Richard Baright
Richard Bartlett
Katherine M. Barton
Saul Basch
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bast
Michael and Carol Baum
Nicholas and Grace Bavaro
Louis M.S. Beal and
Ulrich Freyschmidt
Barbara J. Beatty
James and Seddon Beaty
Mr. John T. Beaty Jr.
Julia C. Beaty
George and Marion Beaudoin
Dr. Edward Becker
John and Mary-Arthur Beebe
Robert and Carol Beebe
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Beeman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Behan Sr.
John Behrens
Cynthia and Charles Beiser
Colleen and Paul Bell
Patrick T. Bellantoni
Russell Bellico
Brian D. Belus
Mrs. Margaret D. Bence
Jack and Priscilla Benson
Lev Bentsianov
Tony and Betty Berberian
Laurel and Dr. Herbert M. Bergman
Mr. William Bernard Sr.
Dana Berntson
Mr. Donald Best *
Mr. Michael Bette
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Beyerl
Gregg and Kerri Biche
Frank and Lisa Bifera
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Binley
Birch Family
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Birney
Gary and Charleen Bivona
Black Point Road Civic Association
The Honorable Robert M. Blais
Ron and Ilene Blitzer
Michael Boardman and
Kathryn Tabner
Kevin and Lisa Boland
The Bollman Family
Arliene and Joseph Boochever
Mr. Stephen Boochever
John and Louise Boomer
Arthur and Carol Borin
Mr. Brant Bottum &
Ms. Laurie Zack
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Boullianne
Fred Bova
Mr. S. Lee Bowden
Joan B. Bowen
Stuart and Sallie Bowling
Dr. and Mrs. George E. Boyle
Ellen Brace and Paul Connors
Wendy and Norman Bradburn
Mathew and Eileen Brady
Robert Brady
Elizabeth Brainard
Dick and Susan Brainard
Susan Brainard
Muriel Brattlof
Claude and Margaret Breese
James and Judith Breitenstein
Gerard and Elaine Brennan
Erica Breslau
Bernice and Joel Breslau
Paul Breslin
Ellen Briggs Kreitler
Robert Brilling
Toby S. Brimberg
Richard and Carol Brining
Bill and Mary Brizzell
Tony & Ann Brockelman and John
Steven Broderick
Bob and Sheila Brodie
Jon and Susan Brodie
Don Brovero
Chris and Jim Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Brown, Jr.
Miriam P. Brown
The Brown Family
Brownell Family
Jeffry and Patricia Brozyna
J. Buckley Bryan, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Buchanan
Bob and Maureen Buhrmaster
Frank and Candace Burkle
Mr. Antonio Bustamante
Dr. and Mrs. James N. Butler
Joseph and Susan Cacici
John W. Caffry
Dale Campbell
Douglas Canfield
Michael and Kim Cantanucci
Cape Cod Village Club Inc.
Robert Cardinell
Carillon Garden Club
Daniel and Jean Carnese
Richard J. Carota
George & Tina Carruthers
Richard and Jane Carter
Stu and Sally Cartwright
Art and Lennie Carver
James and Tenee Casaccio
Eileen Casey
William Casperson
Bill and Katie Casperson
Lincoln and Nancy Cathers
R.J. Ceglerski
Pamela and John Cembrook
Sandy Chamberlin
Lyle and Delight Champagne
Robert Cisler
Lester I. Citrin
Louis A. Clairmont Jr. and
Deborah Barker
Frank and Mary Ellen Clemente
Mr. Roger A. Clemente
Brian and Rene Clements
Joyce Cleveland
Charles Close
Karin J. Close
William K. Clough
Sue Clune
Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith Zoll
Mr. Alan F. Coffey
Ms. Margaret Colacino
Frank and Eileen Collins
Mary Florence Collins
Peter and Tina Collins
Jim Colloton
Kenneth B. Colloton
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Comstock
Hal and Michele Connolly *
Robert Cook & Kealy Salomon
Ms. Susan K. Cook
Cool Insuring Agency
Ken and Mary Lou Cooper
Mr. Scott Cooperman
John and Stephanie Copeland
Christopher and Deborah Corbett
Paschal A. Corbo
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cordier
Barbara Cossman
Cotton Point Association, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Coulter
Robert and Sandra Coulter
Mrs. Ilse M. Covals
Diane and Robert Cowan
James Cowie
George and Marion Cowles
Tony Cowles
Crabbs Family
David and Shirley Craig
Jane Craigie
Sy Craimer
Paul and Maggie Craney
Charlie and Kerry Crew *
Norm and Bobbi Crisp
Jeffrey Crist
William Y. Crowell III
Bill and Ming Crusey
Cullen - Brennan Families
Ellen-Deane Cummins
Edward and Dorothy Curley
Julianne T. Currie
Patrick and Kathleen Curtin
Clark and Lynne Curtis
Dennis Curtis and Judith Resnik
John Cushing
Mr. Al Daloisio
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Damiani
John and Jennifer Danese
Danforth Family
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius P. Darcy
David Darrin
Peggy Darrin
Susan Darrin
Kevin Davidow
Louise L. Davidson
Jim and Janet Davies
Roy and Louise Davis
Holly and Bob de Buys
Paul De Masi
Jarka Dearstyne
David and Elizabeth Decker
Ms. Jeanne M. Defliese &
Capt. James Huck, USN
Philip L. and Lenore M. Defliese
Anthony De Franco
Michael and Carmen Della Bella
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald DelSignore
Rich DeMartini and Jenny Brorsen
Richard E. Dench & Family
Julie Denison
Carl R. & Barbara W. Desantis Sr.
Eva M. Detmer
Catherine Devine
Rosemarie Devine
Lari Dhein
Dick Saunders State
Farm Insurance
Lorraine Dickinson
Robert and Diane Dickson
Mike and Kathy Dier
Dietz Family
Catherine Dillingham
F.J. Dillon
Tony and Ellen Dingman
Ira and Ann Doell *
H. Winona and Robert E. Doheny
Linda F. Donaldson
Edward and Janet Donoghue
Mary Beth Dopp and
Robert Sammler
Tom and Paula D’Orazio
Donald and Brita Dorn
Jay Doumaux
Edward and Margaret Doyle
John and Christina Doyle
Ms. Jane Dubin
Gordon Duckel
Ruth Duersch
Dunhams Bay Marina
Edward and Beverly Dunleavy
Drs. Alfred E. Dunlop and
Lynn O. Wilson
Jane and Martin Durkin
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dutcher
Kemp and Sandy Dwenger
Cheryl Lyn Dybas
Rick and Barb Dzembo
Richard and Alexis Eakin
Todd, Rosemarie and Maggie Earl
Heidi and Roy Eastman
Anne Eaton
Don and Ann Eberle
Mr. Robert Eberle
Karen Eckhoff
Nina Eckhoff
Mr. Donald Edmunds
Barbara J. Edwards
Douglas and Zenaida Edwards
Richard and Ann Eger
Sheldon and Mary Eisenberg
Ellie Eldredge
Dr. Richard and Nancy Elkin
Mrs. Elizabeth Ellis
Herb and Annmarie Ellis
Gary and Patricia Ellnor
Raymond and Ellen Ellor
Bob and Trisha End
Stephen and Liz Engels
Frank W. and Kathleen V. England
Ken and Enid Engler
Steven Engler
Robert Ervien III
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Evans
F.R. Smith & Sons, Inc.
Barry and Eleanor Faber
William A. Faber
Fredric and Nancy Fagelman
Mabel Fairley
Philip and Cynthia Farbaniec
Susan and Martin Farber
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Fasano
Elna Faucher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Faulkner
Zack and Sandy Fazackerley
Douglas G. Feick
Rashi and Ruth Fein
Margaret and Sam Feldman
Mr. Robert F. Fennelly
Cynthia K. Ferguson
Keith and Amy Ferguson *
Adele Ferranti
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fiato
Stephen and Elaine Fink
G. Albert Finke
Matt & Denise Finley
Sherwood and Betty Finley
Leo and Martha Fishel
John H. Flagg
Deborah Flomenhaft and
Zivia Flomenhaft
David and Jane Floyd
Dr. and Mrs. James P. Flynn
John and Virginia Ford
Forest Bay Property
Owners Assoc. Inc.
Stuart Forman and Ellen Hitzrot
Carol Forno
Richard Forscy
David and Judy Forshay
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Foulke
Frederick and Norma Fox
Dr. Patricia A. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Franz
Mrs. Esther H. Frederick
Emily and Paul Frederick
Kathleen Fredrick
Dianne Freeman
Richard and Yona Freidin
Al Freihofer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Freihofer III
Lake George Association
Denise Freihofer
Mrs. Jane T. Freihofer
Raymond and Sally Freud
Henry W. Frick
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Friedman
Audrey H. / Joan C. Frier
Charles G. Frink
Richard Frischmann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Fritz
George and Michele Froehlich
George W. and Lesley S. Froehlich
Kenneth Fuchslocher
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Fulco
Richard W. Fuller
Mr. Robert L. Fullman
Zandy Gabriels
John and Deborah Gaddy
Rose Gage
Arnold and Lois Anne Galbraith
Joseph T. Gallagher
Bill and Colleen Gallagher
Gloria Gallo
Louis and Bette Gallo
Dan and Diana Garay
Robert Garfield
Michael and Janet Garry
Richard and Deborah Gasser
Bud and Toni Gates
Donald and Andrea Gearing
Rod and Nema Geer
Melissa and Howard Geiger
John and Virginia Geils
Ken Gethard
Robert and Joanne Gianniny
Lori Gianquitto
Fred Giardinelli
Al and Mary Jane Gilet
David Gilmour, AICP
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Ginsburg
Barry and Leone Gipstein
Bob and Vicki Glandon
John Glass
Glens Falls National Bank
& Trust Company
John Glover
Kenneth Gnade*
Edward and Emily Goddard
Robert and Pamela Golde
Nancy M. Golden
Robert W. and Karen Golden
Frances Goldscheider
Ann and Ely Goldsmith
Marc D. Goldstein
George Goodwin
David and Clair Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gorelik *
Mrs. Eleanor Gorman
Pat Gorman Portela
Bill and Kay Gormley
Gosselink Silver Bay Partners
Dr. Christopher G. Goutos
Pauline Governale
Tim and Judy Gow
Marjorie Graham
Jim and Joanne Grande
Mrs. Isabella H. Grant
Stephen A. Grant and
Gretchen Grant, M.D.’s
Anthony J. Grasso
Michael Grasso
Joe Greco
Anne L. Green
Tom and Holly Groos
Eric and Maureen Gross
Philip M. and Laurie B. Gross
Diana and Rick Grosso
Fredrik J. Gude
Gull Bay Area Owners Association
Jane and Philip Gunther
Mr. Robert Gwirtzman
Harold and Sandra Haber
Andy and Judy Hadjandreas
Hadzewycz Family
Dave Haggett
Hague Motel
Philip and Barbara Hall
William and Diane Hall *
Mark A. Handelman
Timothy Hanifin
Mrs. Martha B. Hannon
Ted Hans
Dr. and Mrs. J. Peter Hansen
Bruce Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Harbour
Sally K. Harder
Stuart Harmon
John and Nancy Harrigan
William Harriman
Doris E. Harrington
Kenneth Harris
Walter Harrison III
Walter and Helen Hartl
Patricia and Derek HasBrouck
Mr. Arthur C. Hatfield
Fred and Barbara Havenick
Neil and June Haverly
Allan S. Hay
Judith B. Hay
Barrett Hazeltine
Karen and Sam Hazleton IV
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Heacock
& Family
William and Joan Healy
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hearburg
Betty Hedges
Chuck and Janis Heiden
Robert and Bev Heineman
Betty B. Heintzelman
Helene E. Jones Foundation
Monica C. Hemmett
Philip H. Henneman
Dorothy J. Henry
Barry Herbold
Victor and Yvette Hershaft
Ann Herttua
Kelly and Ellen Hill
Robert and Marilyn Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hill
James and Barbara Hitzrot
Michael Hmelovsky
Sarah Hoagland
Ted and Carol Hodecker
Mr. Robert C. Hodgkins
Robert and Polly Hodgkins
Dave and Carolyn Hoeschele
Jack Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman
Bill and Debbie Hoffman
Brian and Meredith Hogan
Hogan Family
Mr. Michael T. Hogan
Stephanie Hollander
R. Bruce Hollenbeck
Ms. Robin E. Holmes
Home Place Corporation
(The Bixby Family)
Hon-Dah Cottage Association
Al and Jini Hood
Peter and Mary Hood
Teresa L. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Hoopes
Helene W. Horn
Ann E. Howard
Mrs. Margaret Howe
Bill Howell
Jane E. Howland &
Barbara A. Huebner
Tom and Sally Hoy
John and Ellen Hubbard
Mr. Roger Huegli
Glenda and Doreen Huff
Paul and Patricia Hummel
William and Nancy Hunt
Edward and Mary Hunter
Doré and Vanetta Hunter
Edward T. Hutchinson
David and Nancy Hyman
Richard and Diane Hyman
Nancy Munro Icke
Mr. Patrick R. Ida
M. Indursky
Paul and Jane Ingrey
Inn on the Hill
Inwald Enterprises LLC
Thomas Izykowski
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Jackson
Keith and Sandie Jackson
Richard Jacobs and
Patricia Stafford
Mr. Edward Janiak
Mr. Gerald Jannicelli
Marie F. Jappell
Tom Jarrett
China Jessup
Herman and Ellen Joerger
Mrs. Anne J. Johns
Mrs. Barbara M. Johnson
Peter C. Johnson
R & S Johnson *
Jamie Johnstone and
Kathleen O’Keeffe
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Jones
Steve Jones and Mary Nohara
Dr. Stewart and Dianne Jones
Jami Jordon and Michael Luke
Wayne and Meredith Judge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kafin
Donald and Judith Kahl
Eva Kahn
Mrs. Jean O. Kahn
Stephen Kalajian *
John and Carol Kanis
Herbert and Beatrice Kaplan
Loren and Nita Kashman
Mrs. Mildred Kayne
John and Carol Kearney
Tom Keating
Alexander Keeler
Mrs. William D. Keis
David and Sally Kelly
Chuck Kelsey
Mrs. Dorothy C. Kennedy
Joanne Kennedy & Willam Dunn
Mr. David L. Kent
Mrs. Mary Kent
Ralph Ketcham
Thomas Kieran
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kiessling
J. Morgan Kiker
Steve and Pat Killorin
Ellen Kindl
Fred and Catherine Kindl
Mrs. Edwin D. King
Dick King
Janet C. Kireker
Susan Klebl
Mr. Arthur A. Klein
Eleanor Kaplan Klein
Mrs. Charles T. Klein
James Kloiber & Stephanie Wagoner
Klos Family
Alan and Ruth Knipe
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Koerner
Ethel Kohlhoff
Richard and Mary Kolvek
Ed and Lois Konikowski
Yvonne Koniowka and Family
Dr. Melodee Kopa, DVM
Donald Koretz
Donna Korkus
Vincent W. Kozel
Eric Krantz and Cheryl Tucker
Robert A. Krueger
Ginger Kuenzel
Mrs. Marianne Kuhn
Dr. and Mrs. Harold G. Kunz
Cathy and Jack LaBombard
Mark and Laura Ladu
Douglas Lafferty
Roland and Rachelle LaFond
Lake George RV Park
Lake George Steamboat
Company, Inc.
Buzz and Cheryl Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Lambeth Jr.
Kimberly Landry
Mrs. Robert Landry
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Lang II
Douglas Langdon
Mark Langdon
Mr. and Mrs. Byron J. Lapham
Mr. Michael Lapham
Virginia B. LaPointe
Karen and Glen Larkin
Larsen Fund
Ms. Judy Larter
Frank and Mary Ellen Lasch
Richard and Beth Lashley
Nancy J. Law/Nancy A. Carter
Chip and Gayle Lawrence
Eileen Lawrence
Lonnie Lawrence
Mary Alice Leary
Sibyl and Tim Ledwick
Don and Audrey Lehn
Kevin Leighton
Jeffrey and Sandi Lejuez
Richard Lempert
Walt and Jane Lender
Jim Lennon
Art Levy and Fred Sistarenik
Lewis Family
Mr. Stephen V. Lewis
Peter A. Leyh
Erik and Ann Lichter
Clarence H. Linder
Margaret M. Lindner
C D Lindstrom
Marion Linhart
Andrew and Susan Liucci
Mr. Douglas Livingston
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Livornese
David and Barbara Lloyd
Lochlea Partners, LLC
Dr. Joseph Loffredo
Mr. William M. Loring Jr.
Mr. Paul F. Lotters
Mary E. Loughrey
Mr. and Mrs. James Ludwig
Beth and Jay Lurie
Pamela Lusignan
Chris Lynch
John and Barbara Lynch
Steve and Linda Lynch
Virginia V. Lyons
Mr. Richard Mac Dowell
Roland and Marilyn Mac Dowell
John and Amy Macionis
Raymond and Joanne Maddocks
Lynne Mager
Roger and Joan Mahieu
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Mallon
Jerry and Maddy Malovany
Joseph and Marilyn Mammola
Joyce Manchester
Philip and Rebecca Mandolare
Carol Mann
Mannix Marketing, Inc
Dyzie Marcinkevicius
Mr. David M. Marcy
Daniel and Carol Margolis
Marc Marholin
Carole Mariani
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Marshall
Mrs. John P. Martin and Family
Peter and Barbara Mason
Bill & Lynne Mason
Ed and Judi Mastoloni
Dr. Timothy and Pradhana Mastro
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mather
Dick and Polly Mathews*
Charles and Karla Mattern
Mr. Mitchell D. Matthews
Christopher and Mary Mattson
Dolly and Charles Mayer, Jr.
Mr. Robert W. Mayer
J. William & Margaret Bishop Maynard
Harold “Murph” and Carol McCleery
J. Barry McClennan
Mrs. Carl H. McClure III
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. McClure
Mark McCollister
Meredith McComb
Walter and Isabel McConnell
Joyce McCracken
John and Anne McDonald
Robert McDonough and Charlanne
Philip and Martha McDowell
Mrs. Bernadette McElhenny
Laura McGrew
Betsy E. McIntosh
Winfield McIntyre
Mrs. Susan C. McKeever
Michael and Christine McKenna
Warren J. McLane
Philip and Barbara McLaughlin
Joseph and Anne McMahon
Jeffrey McMullen
James McNeil Jr.
McPhillips Insurance
Paul and Suzanne McPhillips
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mead
David Meath
Thomas E. Meath
Peter and Dianne Meckler
Blanche Meehan*
Lloyd and Toni Meeker
Edward and Elizabeth Mell
Saul Mellman
Bob, Jodie & Gloria Melofchik
Jim and Sheilagh Menzies
Peter and Gretchen Menzies
Betty Merrell
Charles and Gaye Mertz
Robert and Jen Metivier
Barbara L. Meyer
J. David and Lynne Michaels
Donald and Anne Middleton
Robert and Geraldine Middleton*
Earl J. Mikoloski
Pepper and Floyd Milbank
Charles and Helga Miller
Joan S. Miller
John C. and Judy Miller
Robert and Marcia Miller
Ron and Kathy Miller
Joe and Colleen Milot
Albert Mitchell
Anthony and Joan Mitola
Richard and Barbara Moccia
James and Leone Modestino
Mr. Angelo J. Molinaro
Dave and Claudia Montana
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Montana
Ronald and Marjorie Montana & Family
Gary M. Moon
Susan and Joe Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Milo A. Moore
Carl and Mariann Morales
Morgan Stanley
Betty U. Morris
George and Anne Morris
* Participant in Matching Gift Program
Annual Report to the Community
Judith S. Morris
Robert and Susan Morris
Nancy D. Morrison
Phillip and Susan Morse
Susan and Bill Moss
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Mouradian
John and Theresa Murnane
Ken and Sally Murray
The Murrays
Myers Engineering
Laurie Gene Mygatt
Emily Nagamatsu
Bob and Helen Natt
Dr. James W. Nelson
William Neuburger
Monnie Newman
Patti Nichols *
Noelle B. Nielsen M.D.
Bill and Linda Nizolek
Derek and Anna Nolan
Robert G. Nonni
Mr. E. Norbert and Patricia Zahm
Diana M. Nugent
Stephen and Kirsten O’Brien
Charles E. O’Donnell
John W. Oehler
Julian and Jan Offsay
J. Timothy O’Hearn
Doris M. O’Keeffe
Kathryn O’Keeffe & James Fuchs
Arthur Oldham II
Don and Sandy Oliver
Dick and Chris Oliver
Jane Olsen
Peg R. Olsen
Mrs. Jean S. Olton
Leeland O’Neal *
Michael and Marie O’Reilly
Patrick and Barbara O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. John Orlando
and Indian Pipes
Mr. Maurice Ornstein
Bob and Natalie Oshins
Jim and Madeline O’Toole
Mr. Roderick Owens
Bob and Cheryl Paganelli
Mr. Harry Page
Frank and Delores Parillo
John Pariseau
Frank N. Parisi
Kenneth and Sandra Parker
Richard and Ann Parker
Blackwood and Joan Parlin
Mr. Charles C. Parlin Jr.
Mr. Kenneth Parlin
Pamela Louise Parrott
Patchett Family
J.B. and K.W. Paterson
Brian Payne
Lisa Payne
Mrs. Sara Peacock
Mr. Robert Pehnke
Walter L. Perkins
Lois and Barry Perlman
Leonard Perre
Joan M. Peters
John and Johanne Petersen *
Walter E. Peterson III
Mr. Peter I. Pfaffenbach
Claire M. Phillips
Donna Phillips*
Albert and Darcy Picchi
The Pickoff Family
William and Susan Picotte
The Pierce Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pierson
Pilot Knob Association
Pilot Knob Marina
Pioneer Improvement Assoc. Inc.
Donald G. Piper
Peggy and Murray Pitkowsky
Bill and Carol Pittman
Point Comfort Trust
Joseph and Nancy Polonsky
Donald Pompliano & Kathy Taylor
Josh J. Porte
Marie T. Portela
Joseph and Carolyn Potvin
Bob and Sandy Powell
Dr. Rees and Clare Pritchett
Robert Proctor
David and Gladys Prol
Property Owners of Silver Bay
Richard and Debra Provenzano
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Provost
Pucek Family Trust
Don & Gail Puckette*
Dusty Putnam
Jack and Grace Pyle
Paul Quail
The Queen Family
Queensbury Lodge #121
Custer R. Quick
Dr. and Mrs. Brian O’M Quinn
James and Ginny Quirk
Spencer Raggio
Mary E. Raila
Marilyn and Norm Randall
Mark Randall
Dr. Robert H. Randles
Michael and Jo-Ann Rapaport
Mr. Myron Rapaport
Joan and Charles Reach
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Reale
Nancy and Theodore Reale
Pat Reap
Alan and Dorie Redeker
Peter Redmond
Therese Reichert
Bart Reickman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Reid
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Reilly Jr.
Joseph A. Reilly
Vincent and Linda Reilly
Daniel and Abigail Reingold
Jerry and Cathy Reinhart
Greta and Geoff Reinhold
Larry and Anne Reinstein
Jim & Pat Remington
Bernard and Mary Renois
Brenda Rew
Beatrice Reynolds
Thomas H. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Rhodes
Joyce and Don Rice
Vincent T. Riggi
Frank and Elva Ring
Brendan Riordan
Thomas and Beverly Roach
Karen Robbins
Ken and Jane Robbins *
Hugh and Chris Roberts
Christopher and Karen Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund H. Robinson
& Family
Jack and Dorothy Robinson
Mrs. Mitzi Robinson
Timothy J. Robinson
Ronald and Kathryn Rock
Rockledge Properties Inc.
Nancy and William Rogal
Michael and Babette Rogers
Mr. Herman O. Rogg
Dr. Doris Rome
Michael and Lisa Rome
Andrew A. Rooney
Ed Rooney
Ms. Emily Rooney
Cynthia Rosbrook
I. J. Rosen, M.D.
Stuart A. Rosenberg
Richard and Joan Rosetti
Richard and Helen Rosselli
Ben Round
Robert and Barbara Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Rowan
John S. Ruef, M.D.
Lorraine Ruffing and Beverly Pozzi
Rory, Justin, Tin, Jay & Casey Russell
Dr. J. George Russo
Mr. John Ryder
Nadia Rymanowski
Neil and Sandy Rypkema
Howard and Mary Beth Sambrook
Scott and Sally Sambrook
David and Priscilla Sanderspree
Elaine Sands
Marie C. Sauerwald
Amy and John Savage
Kathleen Savage
Susan T. Sawulski
Harvey and Margaret Schadler*
Gail Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schaffer
John Schaninger
Edmund and Jennifer Scheiber
Patrick and Amy Schmidt
Ron and Dorothy Schmidt
Claire K. Schmitt*
Martha G. Schmulbach
James and Joan Schnabel
Steve and Cathie Schonwetter
John and Margaret Schroeder
Joan Schult and Cortlandt Schult
Ken and Judy Schultz
Betsy Schwenker
Joseph J. Schwerman, MD
Janice & David Scott
Christopher Scoville and Debra Vales
Wayne Scoville
Kevin & Jay Scully
Steve and Debby Seaboyer
H. James T Sears / Elsa W. Sears
Ms. Beverly Sebold
Arthur J. Secor
SEFA State Employ. Federated Appeal
Ted Seissen
Karl and Kim Seitz
G. Thomas Selfridge
Mrs. Mary Ellen Sena
Michael and Mary Ellen Sena
Jim and Ann Marie Senese
Wendy Severance
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shannon
E. Joseph Sharkey Jr.*
Richard and Mary Sharp
Edward Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sheridan
Mrs. E.C. Shoemaker*
Mrs. Donna Short
Michael H. Siegel
Patti & Joe Silipigno
Ann and Paul Silk
Janet and Jack Silliman
Stephen J. Sills
Errol and Lynn Silverberg
Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Simberkoff
Mr. Lenton D. Simms
Peter and Courtney Simon
Tom and Arlene Simunek
Frank and Laura Sinatra Jr.
George C. Singer
Mr. Robert Sinkway
Sinnott Family
Sally Skinner
Stephen R. Sloan
Fran Sloatman and Tom Harding
Lynn and Daniel Slote
Dr. Bryan Smead
Candida N. Smith and
Carroll J. Cavanagh
Donald and Barbara Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Smith
Douglas G. Smith*
Elaine S. Smith
Elisabeth A. Smith
Rev. Harold Smith and Camilla Smith
Manning and Virginia Rowan Smith
Marilyn R. Smith
Patrick and Judith Smith
Peter and Ellen Smith
Wayne Smith
Snug Harbor Marina, Inc.
Susan Socha
Henry Sommer
Ms. Patricia M. Sottong
South Beach Association
Nicholas and Joanne Spadavecchia
Mina Spelman
Mrs. Joann Spence
Heidi and Pete Spencer
Peter F. Spiess
Betty Spinelli and Joe Stanek
Lawrence and Sheila Spraragen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Sprole
George Stanford
Joseph Stanilewicz
Mrs. Helen A. Stapley
Alice Starker
Danforth W. Starr
Natalie L. Starr
Mrs. Jane Stavely *
Alan and Lynn Steiner
Derwin and Bonnie Stevens
Roy W. Stevens
Tom and Cheri Budge Stevens
Stewart’s Shops
Still Bay Resort - R. Vergoz
Mrs. Judith Stock
Terry and Lee Storms
Mrs. Allen Strack
R. Sanford Stragnell
David and Rebecca Strang
Robert Strasser
Lynn Breslau and David Straus
Ron and Mari Striegel
Victor and Neva Strom
Bertil & Lynn Stromberg
Angela and Robert Strong
Mr. John Strough III
Michael Strutz
Joseph and Nancy Strykiewicz
Robert and Doris Stupp *
John H. Sturt, Jr.
David G. Suits
Roger R. Summerhayes
Tor and Birgitta Sundlin
Helenmarie Sunkenberg
Sunrise Shores Condominum
David and Elizabeth Swanson
Alan and Francine Swire
John and Lee Tabner
Melba Tacy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taitel
Robert and Jean Tarrant
Dr. Judith C. Tate
Eugene and Laura Jane Tay Family
Judy and Greg Taylor
James Taylor & Caroline
Hessberg Taylor
John H. Taylor
Joseph Taylor
Rad Taylor
Richard and Arlene Taylor
Frederick C. Tedeschi
Nancy C. Teichner
Alice Buff Tepper
Frank and Nancy Tetz
The Chronicle
The Scheibels, Durante, &
VanSlooten Families
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thomas
& Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Tobin
Robert T. Todd
Linda and Jack Toner
Kathleen Toomey
Mr. Kenneth J. Tornvall
Michael Tornvall & Heather Tomko
Luann and Jon T. Toussaint M.D.
Agostino J. Travaly*
Stephen W. Traver
Thomas and Florence Trimboli
Stuart Tucker
Mary M. Turnbull
Kirby McCaw Udall
Mr. Kenneth Uhl
United Health Group
Carole Usaj
Bruce Ushkow
Ed and Marilyn Valla
Michael and Kathleen Van DeLoo
Caroline Krueger Van Dyck
David H. Van Dyck
Roxa Van Dyck
Ms. Jacqueline Van Rhyn
Michael-John van Rhyn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Rhyn
Avis Wilcox Van Vleet
Kirby and Martha Van Vleet
Tom and Camille VanSchaick
Michael and Viola Vassallo
Patricia Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. John Velte
Marcia Verville
Judith M. Viering
Philip J. Viger
Dottie Vilmar
Reg and Shirley Vincent
The Honorable and Mrs. Dominick
J. Viscardi
Rhein Vogel
Nancy R. Vogelsang
Peter Voll
Jane L. Vorel
Allen and Renee Wadler
John and Margaret Wainwright
Sophie and George Walczyk
Dayle Walden
Richard and Mary Waldron*
Mr. George Walker
Richard E. Wardwell
John and Meg Warner and Family
David and Dorothy Warren*
Sandra and John Warriner
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Waterhouse Jr.
Mr. Richard D. Watkins
Lane and Janet Watson
Margaret and Gary Weale
Firm and Joan Weaver
John and Kathy Weber
Susan Weber and Mark Bertozzi
Howard and Rosemary Weeber
Hugh Weed
Mary B. Weedon
Madeline Weisenfeld
Rose Anne Weissel
John F. Werner
Richard and Eunice Werner
William J. Werther
Matthew and Sherry West
West Shore Association
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wetherbee
Mr. John S. Whearty
Dr. and Mrs. D. Billings Wheeler
Bob and Jan Whitaker
Mr. and Mrs. Peter White
Roberta and John Whiteley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whiteman
Wiawaka Holiday House Inc.
David H. Wilcox and Victoria T. Zeldin
Douglas P. & Jennifer Wiley
Diane Williams
Glen and Sherrie Williams
Mrs. Paula M. Williamsen
Dr. Joseph Willner
Ms. Jane Wilshere
Adrienne Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Oliver H. Winn*
Donne-Lynn Winslow
Gert and Charlotte Wolfang
Mr. and Mrs. James Wolitarsky
Kevin Wood
Bob and Susan Woodcock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wotton
Mr. Richard Wray
Mrs. June Wright
Jean A. Yager *
Robert H. Yanney, LTCOL USAF (RET)
Bruce and Sue Young
Mr. Richard Young
Joseph Young & Paula Ann
Richard and Janet Yulman
Florence Zager
Lake George Association
2009 members & donors
Mrs. Sherry Ziegenbalg
Mitch Zimmer
Lawrence A. Zinn
Roberta and Martin Zucker
Annual Fund Donors
Jeff and Donna Adams
Heather L. Alfandre
Kathe and Rolly Allen
The Honorable Robert M. Blais
Louis D. Bolton II
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Boullianne
Bob and Maureen Buhrmaster
George & Tina Carruthers
Tom Catlin
Karin J. Close
Wendy Colley
Ken and Mary Lou Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Coughlin
Holly and Bob de Buys
Donald and Brita Dorn
Jane and Martin Durkin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fiato
Peter and Judith Foster
Raymond and Sally Freud
Arnold and Lois Anne Galbraith
Henry and Ann Geils
General Electric Foundation
Ted Hans
Walter and Helen Hartl
Judith B. Hay
Betty B. Heintzelman
Henry M. Rowan
Family Foundation, Inc.
Victor and Yvette Hershaft
Stephanie Hollander
Al and Jini Hood
Doré and Vanetta Hunter
Steve Jones and Mary Nohara
Janet C. Kireker
Walt and Jane Lender
Mr. William M. Loring Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ludwig
John and Amy Macionis
Dyzie Marcinkevicius
Mrs. Bernadette McElhenny
Mr. Angelo J. Molinaro
Laurie Gene Mygatt
Monnie Newman
J.B. and K.W. Paterson
William and Susan Picotte
Ellen Prakken/John Smolinsky
Kathleen and Harry Simmes
Mr. Robert Sinkway
Roy W. Stevens
Victor and Neva Strom
Mr. John Strough III
The Chronicle
Mary M. Turnbull
Chattie Van Wert
Robert and Margaret Vanderhye
Kenneth J Wagner
Richard and Mary Waldron
David and Dorothy Warren
Howard and Rosemary Weeber
Darcy & Kevin Weeden
Matthew and Sherry West
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wolgin
Lawrence A. Zinn
In Memory Of
Donations Given By:
In Kind Donations:
Mannix Marketing, Inc
A Beautiful Balloon
Peter and Gretchen Menzies
Adirondack Chocolates
Kathe and Rolly Allen
Michael Arthur’s Steakhouse
Adirondack Extreme
Richard Bartlett
Montcalm Liquors
Adventure Course
Bruce and Pamela Barbeau
Phillip and Susan Morse
Adirondack Pub & Brewery
Tom and Susan Beers
Mr. Bruce R. Mowery Jr.
Airway Meadows Golf Course
Rev. Frederick Bowers III
Ms. Marisa Muratori
Jean Bahnsen & Joe Bundrick
Next Summer
Graham and Sheryl Bailey
Theresa Deso
Norowal Marina
Donations Above Were Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Shop
Ken and Enid Engler
Mr. and Mrs. John Orlando
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Birchenough and Indian Pipes
Timothy and Kathleen Gusek
The Honorable Robert M. Blais
International Recreational &
Oscar’s Adirondack Smoke House
Bruce & Mary Ashby
Blue Water Manor Resort
Open Water Rowing Association Tony Bosi
Panera Bread
Boats By George!
Gwen Kade
Parasailing Adventures
Chris & Jane Breiseth
Boathouse B&B
Lida Pos Klesius
Frank and Delores Parillo
Mrs Joel (Bernice) Breslau
Mark Bowie
Barbara Lawrence
Pereau’s Fir Farm
Bob de Buys
Buckman’s Family Fuels, Co
Janet Lawrence
John and Johanne Petersen
Ken Engler
Castaway Marina
Wanita Lawrence-Blanchard
Pizza Jerks
Walt Lender
Chazen Engineering & Land
Don Martin
Queensbury Country Club
Buzz Lamb
Surveying Co., P.C.
Mayfield Site Contractors, Inc.
Cheryl Lamb
Chic’s Marina
Mary Beth McAndrews
Vincent and Dolores Randazzo
Pete & Gretchen Menzies
Christies on the Lake
Mariette du Celliee Muller
Ray Supply
Michael & Linda Petruzziello
Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith Zoll
New York State Insurance Fund
Nancy Rhodes
Tom & Dusty Putnam
Holly and Bob de Buys
Rainbow Beach Association., Inc. Ken Robbins
Risky Business Fishing Charters
Mike and Kathy Dier
Marilyn and Norm Randall
Rock Hill Bakehouse Cafe
Dr. & Mrs. James Schneider
Domino’s Pizza
R.W. & V. Ruopp
Richard and Helen Rosselli
Richard & Mary Beth Young
Kemp and Sandy Dwenger
David & Priscilla Sanderspree
S. J. Garcia’s Restaurant
East Cove Restaurant
Regina Schrameyer & Family
Saratoga Performing Arts Center
Event Sponsors
Emeralds Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Smith
Scoville Jewelers
Ken and Enid Engler
Shirley Armstrong
Dede and Donald Strumpf
Serendipity Boutique
F.R. Smith & Sons, Inc.
Bruce and Mary Ashby
Allison Tucker, Mark Shiffman
Silver Bay YMCA of the Adirondacks
Finishing Touches
Carolyn Babinsky
and Family
Sally Skinner
Baker Landscape & Irrigation, Inc. Matt and Denise Finley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Van Rhyn
Candida N. Smith and
Fitzgerald Morris Baker Firth P.C.
The Honorable Robert M. Blais
Agnes Zacharias
Carroll J. Cavanagh
Fort Ticonderoga
J. Buckley Bryan, Jr.
Snug Harbor Marina, Inc.
Fort William Henry Resorts
Chazen Engineering &
Southwest Airlines Co.
Donations Above Were
Frederick’s Restaurant
Land Surveying Co., P.C.
St. Andrews Ace Hardware
Given In Memory Of:
Friends Lake Inn
Crabbs Family
SUNY Adirondack Culinary Arts Club
Glens Falls Country Club
Ms. Jeanne M. Defliese and
Sweet Basil
Ruth P. Allen
Glens Falls Symphony Orchestra
Capt. James Huck, USN
Robert and Jean Tarrant
Mrs. Ferne Brownell
Dick Saunders State Farm Insurance Golub Foundation
The Adirondack Living Show, LLC
Marty Dion
Goony Golf
Ken and Enid Engler
The Blackburn Gallery
Carl Gmoser
Gore Mountain
F.R. Smith & Sons, Inc.
The Boat Butler
Mrs. William Hawkins
Fitzgerald Morris Baker Firth P.C. Gourmet Cafe
The Chocolate Mill
Margery Hammond
Michael Grasso
Frederick’s Restaurant
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Frank Heidsieck
Griffin House Bed & Breakfast
Glens Falls National Bank &
The Farmhouse Restaurant
Francis J. Kain
GTO Sports Promotions
Trust Company
The Grapevine Fine Wines
Ed Kenney
Hacker Boat Company
Arlene and Vincent Guarino
The Hyde Collection
RoseMarie Koch
Hague Firehouse Restaurant
Judith B. Hay
The Inn at Erlowest
Eleanor Lafferty
Halls Boat Corporation
Victor and Yvette Hershaft
The Lobster Pot
David C Lawrence
Happy Jacks
Paul and Jane Ingrey
The Lodges at Cresthaven
Milford Lester
Kris Hatch
Buzz and Cheryl Lamb
The Uptown Store
BJ Perkins
Lisa and Michael Hayes
Marion Linhart
Ticonderoga Cartoon Museum
Don Rera
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Heacock
Patricia and Todd Mahony
Ticonderoga Country Club
Daniel Seward
& Family
McDonald Real Estate
Tony’s Ticonderoga Sports
Harold Tucker
Healing Spirit Massage
Professionals, Inc.
Top of the World Golf Course
Alton C. Warner
Home Made Theater (HMT)
Chuck and Linda Mezzoprete
Tow Boat USA
House of Frankenstein Wax Museum UnCorked
New Country Motor Car Group
In Honor of
David and Nancy Hyman
Charles E. O’Donnell
Upper Hudson River Railroad
Indian Tepee Gift Shop
Pilot Knob Marina
Donations Given By:
Michael and Viola Vassallo
Juniper Design and Goods
Josh J. Porte
Villa Napoli
Richard Alfred
Cathy and Jack LaBombard
Dr. and Mrs. Brian O’M Quinn
Viridescent Journeys: Original
James and Seddon Beaty
Lake George Carriages
Kelley Richards
Nature Photography
Mr. John T. Beaty Jr.
Lake George Mirror
Tom and Arlene Simunek
Edge Marina and
Abigail Breiseth
Lake George Steamboat
Stewart’s Shops
Lakeside Deli Inc.
Erica Breslau
Company, Inc.
The Adirondack Trust Company
West Mountain Ski Center
Pam and Doug Chase
Lakeside Lodge and Grille
The Michaels Group LLC
Ralph Wilson
Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith Zoll
The Nolan Group of Merrill Lynch Buzz and Cheryl Lamb
Spyder Wilson
Marjorie M. Findlay
Late Show with David Letterman
Tom and Camille VanSchaick
Arlene and Vincent Guarino
Magic Forest
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wolgin
Twig Holland
Ed and Mimi Klein
Alan and Ruth Knipe
Chuck and Linda Mezzoprete
Josh J. Porte
Anne Putnam
Karen Robbins
Judy and Greg Taylor
Todd Young
Annual Report to the Community
West Brook Conservation
Initiative Donors
Adirondack Triathlon Club
Kathe and Rolly Allen
Bruce and Mary Ashby
Mr. John T. Beaty Jr.
J. Buckley Bryan, Jr.
Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith Zoll
Holly and Bob de Buys
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dutcher
Ken and Enid Engler
Matt and Denise Finley
Richard Frischmann
Victor and Yvette Hershaft
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Jones
John and Carol Kearney
Buzz and Cheryl Lamb
Peter and Gretchen Menzies
Dr. and Mrs. Brian O’M Quinn
Ken and Judy Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sheridan
Helen V. Froehlich
Legacy Society Members
J. Buckley Bryan, Jr.
Nancy Cobb-Zoll & Keith Zoll
Holly and Bob de Buys
Mike and Kathy Dier
Linda F. Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dutcher
David and Judy Forshay
Karen and Glen Larkin
Walt and Jane Lender
Derek and Anna Nolan
Donald G. Piper
Matching Gift Companies
(Donors marked with * participated in a
matching gift program)
Bank Of America
Charitable Foundation
C.R. Bard Foundation
Deutsche Bank Matching Gifts
General Electric Foundation
IBM International Foundation
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts
Times Square Capital
Management, LLC
Every effort was made to ensure the
accuracy of these lists, as well those
on the back cover. Please excuse any
errors or omissions and report them
to LGA staff. Thank you.
Lake George Association
P.O. Box 408
Lake George, NY 12845
2009 volunteers
Since 2004, Cathy LaBombard has monitored
and tested water quality – eight times a
summer – as an LGA volunteer for CSLAP.
(Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program)
Cheryl Lamb served as event chair of LGA’s 2009 & 2010 Summer Galas.
Both were a great success, and both sold out!
Two stream clean-up events were conducted in 2009, one at West
Brook in Lake George and the other at Stuart Brook in Bolton Landing.
Volunteers helped clean up the streams and also got a look at stream
monitoring and the indicators of stream health.
Nonprofit Organization
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Lake George, NY
hese dedicated volunteers donate their time, talents, and energy
to the planning and execution of the LGA’s essential lake protection programs, including education and outreach, lake quality
monitoring, lake saving projects, and special events. Thank you!
Deb Allen
Kathe and Rolly Allen
Joan Anderson
Bruce Ashby
Jim and Lyn Rae Ashley
Karen Azer
Graham Bailey
Rick & Marianne Bartlett
Bayfront Cottages
Beckley’s Boat
Dan Behan
Mimi Behr
Kim Bender
Mayor Robert Blais
Louise Bruno
J. Buckley Bryan, Jr.
Sheridan Burleigh
Barbara Buske
David Cady
Tina Carruthers
Lincoln & Nancy Cathers
Sandy Chamberlin
Tracey Clothier
J. Cook
Maureen Coutant
Edward Crabbs
Holly and Bob deBuys
Michael Dier
Michaela & Tabor Dunn
Bill Dutcher
Kemp and Sandy Dwenger
Todd and Maggie Earl
Jay and Lisa Earl
Ken Engler
Robert Ervien
Doug Feick
Keith Ferguson
Matt Finley
Fischers Marina
Rory & Kathleen Fraser
Rick Gage
Richard Gasser
Greg Goetz
Pam and Bob Golde
Anne Green
Kristine Hatch
J. Peter Hansen
Harris Bay Yacht Club
Laurie Heacock
Victor & Yvette Hershaft
Marianne Hines
Ben Hoffman
Karin Hyman
Nancy Hyman
Terri Jamison
Jean Kahn
Carol Kanis
John and Carol Kearney
Cathy & Jack LaBombard
Lake George Boat Co.
Buzz Lamb
Cheryl Lamb
Corky Lamb
Doug Langdon
Karen Larkin
Harvey and Herta Leidy
Peter Leyh
Laura Linder
Don Lindstrom
Patty Mahony
Barry McClennan
Phil McDowell
Kate, Johnny,
and Kyle McMahon
Dave Meath
Peter Menzies
Jen and Bob Metivier
Bob Michaels
Robert C. and Sue Morris
Keith Mountain
Joanne and Mark Mueller
Ken Murray
Norowal Marina
Julie Nathanson
J. Arthur Norton
Sue Pierce
Pilot Knob Marina
Beverly Pozzi
Rosemary Pusateri
Doris Quick
Linda Ranado
Brendan & Dawn
Karen Robbins
Ken and Jane Robbins
Jack Robinson
Mitzi Robinson
Kristen Rohne
Warren Rosenthal
Stuart Roseulerg
Helen Rosselli
Don Russell
John Schaninger
William Schwarz
Laura Sinatra
Jason Smith
Margaret Sing Smith
Snug Harbor South
Betty Spinelli
Joe Stanek
Dave Thomas
Rebecca Van Guilder
David Van Hart
Martha Van Vleet
Rose Ann Weissel
Bob Whitaker
David Wilcox
Susan and Roger Wilson
Charlotte Wolfang
Beth Wright
Norb Zahm
Keith Zoll
Cover and inside
backdrop photographs provided
by Carl Heilman II.
For more information on
Carl’s newest books:
Contemporary Landscape Photography
and Lake George, as
well as his workshops on Landscape
Photography and
Photoshop visit:
Lake George Association
PO Box 408, Lake George, NY 12845