2014 weeHouse - Alchemy Architects
2014 weeHouse - Alchemy Architects
Oceanside weeHouse, 2009 ® 2014 weeHouse © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 weeHouse is Your House weeHouses are factory-built and shipped with everything essentially complete. With on-site help from a local contractor, Alchemy can facilitate all your weeHouse project needs. Whether small or large, weeHouses are sturdy enough to withstand extremes from desert to tundra. The weeHouse can be placed anywhere accessible by truck. The weeHouse system is based on modern aesthetics; HIĆFLHQWXVHRIVSDFHLQWHOOLJHQWDGDSWDWLRQRI prefab building technology, and good environmental stewardship. + The original weeHouse concept. No matter the size, all weeHouses feature fabulous NLWFKHQVXQLTXHVLGLQJGHOX[HĆWWLQJVDQGĆQLVKHVDQG many opportunities for green energy upgrades. Just Ask. wee Delivers. ® OUR STORY © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 Why weeHouse? DESIGN Led by Geoffrey Warner AIA, Alchemy’s projects have received numerous prestigious design awards, have been included in major museum shows, and have been widely published. QUALITY )URPWKHćRRUVWRWKHZLQGRZVWKHSURGXFWVXVHGLQHYHU\ZHH+RXVHZHUHFDUHIXOO\FKRVHQ based on their durability, sustainability, and overall quality. AFFORDABILITY The weeHouse is typically 10-15% less expensive than conventional construction. Compared to similar modern custom architecture, the weeHouse brings high quality at an accessible cost. EASE 7KHZHH+RXVHVLPSOLĆHVWKHGHVLJQDQGEXLOGSURFHVVE\PDQDJLQJWKHPRGXODUFRQVWUXFWLRQ and partnering with a local contractor to prepare your site. EFFICIENCY ,QVSLUHGE\VXVWDLQDEOHGHVLJQSULQFLSOHVVXFKDVEXLOGLQJVPDOODQGHIĆFLHQWWKHZHH+RXVHDFWV to offset prevalent practices of overbuilding by bringing smart design to modern homes. TIME Building in a factory minimizes weather, labor and other common construction issues which all help expedite the building process. FACTORY-BUILT 7KHUHDUHPDQ\EHQHĆWVWREXLOGLQJLQDIDFWRU\FRQVLVWHQWO\SHUIHFWEXLOGLQJZHDWKHUOHVV PDWHULDOGDPDJHOHVVPRLVWXUHLQĆOWUDWLRQEHWWHUVHDODQWDGKHVLRQOess material waste compared to equivalent site-built homes through precision cutting and material reuse, and lastly, less travel to the jobsite by numerous contractors. AIRTIGHT CONSTRUCTION Houses built indoors are constructed ‘from-the-inside-out.’ Everything is sealed tight prior to the ĆQDOVKHDWKLQJDSSOLFDWLRQ6SUD\IRDPLQVXODWLRQHQVXUHVDWLJKWEXLOGLQJHQYHORSHKLJKVRXQG insulation, and 2x higher R-value ratings. CRANE-READY 6WXUG\ZHOOEXLOWPRGXOHVFRQVWUXFWHGWRZLWKVWDQGWKHVWUHVVHVRIVKLSSLQJDQGFUDQLQJ COOL 6LPSO\SXWZHH+RXVHVDUHUHDOO\FRROZHH+RXVHFXVWRPGRRUEHOOVOLJKWVKDUGZRRGćRRULQJ GUDZHUSXOOVDQGRWKHUVSHFLDOLW\GHVLJQHUFKRVHQSURGXFWVDUHLQHYHU\ZHH+RXVH weeHouse founder, Geoffrey Warner, assists the crane operator on set day. ® ADVANTAGES © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 I have decided I want a weeHouse. Now what? 1. LAND Identify a building site. 2. BUDGET Establish your project budget using our Budget Estimator. 5HVHDUFKĆQDQFLQJRSWLRQVDYDLODEOHWR\RX 8A. FABRICATION 9. DELIVERY Your weeHouse is built in factory. 8B. SITE WORK 10. POST DELIVERY SITE WORK Coordinate delivery and set with factory, truck, General contractor completes “hook-up”, crane, and on-site contractors. “button-up” and remaining site work. Local general contractor coordinates and prepares foundation for your weeHouse. 3. CONTRACT Enter into contract with Alchemy. 4. SCHEMATIC DESIGN AND PRELIMINARY BUDGETING 6FKHPDWLFGHVLJQGUDZLQJVDQGDIDFWRU\HVWLPDWHGHSRVLW 5. IDENTIFY LOCAL CONTRACTOR Alchemy handles the modular work and works with your “on site” FRQWUDFWRUZKRKDQGOHVVLWHZRUNDQGĆQLVKLQJ 6. SECURE FINANCING 7. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Owner makes deposit for modular construction documents. $OFKHP\VHQGVGUDZLQJVWRWKHIDFWRU\IRUĆQDOSULFLQJ Upon approval, owner pays fabrication deposit. Alchemy Design Services WEEHOUSE DESIGN :HFDQGHVLJQRUGHOLYHUWRDOO8QLWHG6WDWHVWKRXJK CUSTOM DESIGN SERVICES Want something more customized or site-built? Led by Additional design services are often required for Geoffrey Warner, AIA, our architects are open to a wide engineering and structural adjustments for weeHouses LQPLQG$OFKHP\XWLOL]HVWKHEHQHĆWVRIIDFWRU\EXLOGLQJ variety of project types and creative production methods. in high wind, high snow load, seismic hazard zones, or for and the range of weeHouse design capabilities to deliver We work in residential and commercial realms using both other special local building requirements. a superior house in an expedited time frame. With our prefab and site-build processes and have received local and We can provide site and garage design on an hourly or plethora of built projects and pre-designed models, national AIA Honor Awards for both. project basis. Timelines and costs are more open-ended, but the Site visits are not required but are encouraged as they possibilities are extensive. Alchemy’s fees for custom are extremely valuable in optimizing the siting and layout The published brochure price estimates include Alchemy’s architecture on a more traditional project path run RI\RXUSURMHFW:HELOOVLWHYLVLWVRQDGD\UDWHRI standard design fees of 15% of the modular build cost, nominally 15% of the project budget for full services, and SOXVWUDYHOH[SHQVHVLIDSSOLFDEOH/RFDO0LQQHVRWD less travel. lesser amounts for partial services. Fees are billed on :HVWHUQ:,VLWHYLVLWVFDQEHELOOHGDWTXDUWHUDQGKDOI an hourly or pre-bid basis according to the needs of the day rates. Using a cost-effective, standardized system, every ZHH+RXVHLVFXVWRPEXLOWZLWKDVSHFLĆFFOLHQWDQGVLWH shipping rates do increase for Alaska or Hawaii. We can build in most Canadian provinces as well. Alchemy works with you to suit your needs and make weeHouse your house. project. ® PROCESS © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 Project Budgeting Because every weeHouse is individually designed and built, project budgets are dependant on a variety of factors. However, we can break it down into three major project components. What is included? Once the Initial Deposit has been made, Alchemy works with regional factories to SXOOWRJHWKHUDVSHFLĆFZHH+RXVHHVWLPDWH based on your site. The weeHouse is designed and permitted for a permanent foundation. Alchemy works with you and your general contractor WRKDQGOHDOOVLWHVSHFLĆFQHHGVIRU\RXU weeHouse project. What may be extra? Both the modular component and site work have custom options that affect your overall project budget. Numerous changes to your weeHouse will affect the accuracy of the original factory estimate. ® 10RGXODU:RUN 26LWH:RUN 3 Delivery The modular component of your project is the element we can most accurately estimate. Your weeHouse will be fabricated in factory while a local general contractor prepares your site for the modular delivery. The cost of site work will also include general contracting fees. Alchemy can help you determine if is more practical to construct your weeHouse in a factory or on site. If built in a factory, we generally attempt to work with a factory less than 500 miles from your site. ,QFOXGHGLQ6WDQGDUGZHH+RXVH 0RGXODU3ULFLQJ 6RPHZRUNLVPRUHSUDFWLFDOO\H[HFXWHG on site. Alchemy does provide design VHUYLFHVLQFOXGLQJ Alchemy will coordinate with the modular factory to provide delivery VHUYLFHVLQFOXGLQJ 6LWH9LVLW$OORZDQFH )XOO6LWH'HVLJQ Landscape Design Garage Design and Road Access Finished Basement Design Decking Design Future or Phased Design weeHouse Delivery Crane Allowance 6HW&UHZ$OORZDQFH 6HW'D\&RRUGLQDWLRQ 3RVW6HW&RRUGLQDWLRQ 'LIĆFXOW([FDYDWLRQ Geothermal Heat $FWLYH6RODU 3DVVLYH6RODU :DWHUDQG6HSWLF Water Collection Out Buildings Delivery to Remote Location 0RGXODU'HVLJQDQG%XGJHWLQJ Factory Coordination Lighting and Electrical Cabinetry - Ikea Applad Plumbing Fixtures Bathroom Fixtures weeHouse Flooring &RUUXJDWHG6WHHO6LGLQJ Appliances Doors and Windows 0DWHULDOV%H\RQG6WDQGDUG)LQLVKHV Increased Insulation In-Floor Hydronic Heat Custom Cabinetry Upgraded Appliances Upgraded Doors and Windows Fireplace PROJECT BUDGETING © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 0RGXODU3ULFLQJ([DPSOHV To better illustrate weeHouse pricing, here are a few examples of projects and the budget expectations associated with each size and ĆQLVKLQJOHYHO 10RGXODU:RUN 26LWH:RUN 3 Delivery Shown here is the expected price difference between VWDQGDUGĆQLVKLQJDQGRXU XSJUDGHGVWDQGDUGĆQLVKHV Because site work is particular to local labor, material cost and availability, and site design requirements, the cost of site work can vary VLJQLĆFDQWO\ Delivery rates depend on the location of the site and the location of the factory where your module is constructed. The upgraded weeHouse estimate includes all standard ĆQLVKHVDVZHOODVIXOOVSUD\ IRDPLQVXODWLRQLQćRRU hydronic heat, select woodwrapped walls and ceilings, custom siding design, and custom cabinetry fronts. 450sf, 1 bed, 1 bath Total Low End........ $110K-$120K High End....... $125K-$155K VIEHGEDWK Total Low End........ $300K-$330K High End....... $350K-$400K Total Low End........ $330K-$390K High End....... $370K-$490K Not including the cost of land, a general estimate for necessary VLWHZRUNRQDW\SLFDOćDWVLWH is 40%-60% of your modular cost. &DOFXODWLQJSHU module per mile can provide a reasonable delivery estimate. This example demonstrates the cost for a 200 mile delivery. %XGJHWEHWZHHQ IRUDIXOOGD\RIFUDQH assistance. For a set crew, EXGJHWEHWZHHQ for a full day work. &UDQH. 6WDQGDUG.. /RZ.. 6HW&UHZ. 8SJUDGHG.. +LJK.. 'HOLYHU\. &UDQH. 6WDQGDUG.. /RZ.. 6HW&UHZ. 8SJUDGHG.. +LJK.. 'HOLYHU\. &UDQH. 6WDQGDUG.. /RZ.. 6HW&UHZ. 8SJUDGHG.. +LJK.. 'HOLYHU\. VIEHGEDWK ® PROJECT BUDGETING © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 LARGE SPACE, smaller package The greenest square foot is the one you don’t build. Growth of the Average Home Over the Past 100 Years: The weeHouse achieves a ‘big house feel’ in a smaller package E\MXGLFLRXVXVHRIćRRUWRFHLOLQJJODVVRSHQNLWFKHQVUHGXFHG circulation space, and built-in cabinetry. MORE QUALITY, LESS CONSUMPTION With less stuff, your money and our Earth’s resources go further. 6LPSO\OHVVLVPRUH UPGRADE TO weeZERO How far is far enough? The weeZERO takes it all the way. By combining low-tech passive solar principals with the most high tech renewable energy technologies, the weeZERO is able to produce as much energy as it consumes. Talk to us about the costs and energy reductions you can expect. It’s good for you and good for our Earth. 2080 sq ft 2392 sq ft Average American Home Size in 2010 PASSIVE SOLAR DESIGN The combination of a well insulated building envelope, solar orientation, shading, and natural ventilation allow the weeHouse to be heated by the sun and cooled with the wind. Fold-down overhangs protect your glazing and walls from summer sun and 1500 sq ft rain. REFLECTIVE ROOF :KLWHUXEEHUURRIVUHćHFWWKHVXQèVKHDW9HQWHGURRIVSDFHVDOORZ additional heat separation. 983 sq ft weeHouse 3BR Pair 1400 sq ft 700 sq ft weeHouse 2BR Tall 1150 sq ft RENEWABLE ENERGY 2XUKRPHVDUHHDVLO\LQWHJUDWHGZLWK6RODU39HOHFWULFLW\DQG 6RODU7KHUPDO&ROOHFWRUVZKLFKFROOHFWWKHVXQVHQHUJ\ GEOTHERMAL HEATING Ground source heat pumps which use the Earth’s 55º year-round GREEN DESIGN © 2013 Alchemy LLC 2004 1990 1970 1950 1900 JURXQGWHPSHUDWXUHDVODWHQWHQHUJ\WRKHDWRUFRROćXLGVUXQQLQJ weeHouse Studio 435 sq ft your house. Urban or rural sites can be served by tubing buried in GHHSZHOOVRULQODUJHĆHOGV ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 The building siting is equally important as the building design. $OFKHP\LVDYDLODEOHWRKHOSZLWK\RXUVLWHGHVLJQGHFNVJDUDJHKDUGVFDSHODQGVFDSH etc. We help orient the house’s elevation, the views, the sun angles, the access points, and provide your site with organizing ideas worthy of your house. N W E S What is the site’s orientation? The goal is to shade the high south and low west summer sun and let in the low winter sun. SUHYDLOLQJZLQGV wind break? Where are the primary yards or views? solar panels face south weeRoom his+hers garages 1x double garage back yard? shade trees? slope + house elevation? ry 2x.A 1-sto side yard? front yard? 4x ry -sto x.B 1 2 fences, visual screens, or screens for the western sun entry + access y 2x or 2-st geothermal heat? tuck-under garages elevated deck or inset deck rooftop deck roof overhangs urban sites rural sites ® SITE DESIGN © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 BUILDING BLOCKS How much space are you looking for? 1x 300 - 850 SF 2x 1200 - 1600 SF 3x 4x 1200 - 2000 SF 1800 - 2400 SF TWIN CROSS 2x options PAIR ® MODELS © 2013 Alchemy LLC TALL ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 How big can your weeHouse be? The maximum dimensions for a module are determined by transportation restrictions. H W 14’ or 16’ ® MODULE SIZE © 2013 Alchemy LLC Need more space? Just add a module! ior inter ’ 9 r 8’ o + L ’ o 60 up t ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 Small 1x Medium 2x Large 3x & 4x Custom ® MODEL PROTOTYPES © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 A ® 1x © 2013 Alchemy LLC B ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 A B A B C ® 2x © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 A B 2 2 A 2 1 1 C 2 1 1 ® 2x © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 A B C 2 D 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 ® 3x © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 A 2 ® 4x © 2013 Alchemy LLC B 2 C 2 ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 ® CUSTOM © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 Wood Siding weeHouse® Corn Crib Siding Corn Crib Siding is made from locally sourced, renewable, rough sawn wood. The wood rainscreen both shades your house from the sun and allows the siding to breathe, extending the life of the product. Available in any color or stain. Steel Siding Corrugated steel siding can be installed in both a vertical and horizontal orientation. White Silver Black Oxidized Corrugated Steel 3DLQWHGVWHHOFRPHVVWDQGDUGZLWKD\HDUZDUUDQW\DJDLQVWSHHOLQJDQGIDGLQJ&KRRVHIURPDYDULHW\RISDLQWFRORUVLQFOXGLQJZHDWKHULQJVWHHODQDWXUDOO\R[LGL]LQJVHOIVHDOLQJĆQLVK NEW FOR 2014! Custom Siding Choose from standard weeHouse® options or we can design a custom exterior treatment for your house. ù6LGLQJZLOOEHLQVWDOOHGLQWKHIDFWRU\RURQVLWHGHSHQGLQJRQKRXVHGHVLJQDQGIDFWRU\ORFDWLRQ ® EXTERIOR FINISHES © 2013 Alchemy LLC + Upgrade ù,QVWDOOHG2Q6LWH ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 Overhangs : Eaves : Porches Railings ù ù (DYHVRYHUKDQJVJXWWHUVZLQGRZVKURXGVVXQSRUFKHVFDQEHGHVLJQHGWRVXLWH\RXUVLWHDQGWR protect your glazing and walls from summer sun and rain. Steel Window Shroud ,QWHULRU([WHULRU6WHHO&DEOH5DLOLQJ Sliding Doors + Windows Door Hardware + $QGHUVHQ:LQGRZVZLQGRZVSDWLRGRRUVZLWK/RZ(JODVVDUHVWDQGDUGZLWKHYHU\ZHH+RXVH Doors and windows feature no-maintenance exteriors and come with a 25-year warranty. Standard colors: White, Terratone. 'RRUV:LQGRZV/RHZHQ Triple glazed Heat-Smart® technology for the highest level of thermal protection Exterior Accessories (QWU\'RRURSWLRQ Satin Nickel Interior Lighting ù weeHouse®,'3ODWH Z/('VRIWWRXFKGRRUEHOO + Sliding Doors :: Stone House Numbers 2013 weeHouse®([WHULRU:DOO6FRQFH 5HFHVVHG + /RHZHQ'RRUV 3RLQW/RFN Satin Nickel ,QWHULRU'RRUV Stainless Steel Interior Doors Surface Mounted 'LPPDEOHLQFDQGHVFHQWRUćXRUHVFHQWWR drastically increase bulb life and reduce energy use Solid Core 2-Panel Wood Door Available in Birch or White Trim: White + Upgrade ù,QVWDOOHG2Q6LWH ® OPTIONS © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 weeHouse® Hardwood Flooring Door Pulls +DUGZRRG ćRRULQJ KDUYHVWHG IURP sustainably managed North American forests. Choose from our line of seven ĆQLVKHV H[FOXVLYHO\ GHVLJQHG IRU WKH ZHH+RXVH2SWLRQVIRUIHDWXUHZDOOVRU wrapped ceilings available. Bleached Oak + Driftwood Standard Pull :: Brushed Aluminum Ebonized Oak weeHouse®'RRU3XOO6LOLFRQH5XEEHU Designed and produced by Alchemy Countertops Aged Saddle Deerskin Black Plastic Laminate w/ Oak Edge &RXQWHUWRSV)6&&HUWLĆHG3DSHU&RPSRVLWH Grey + Marble White + &RXQWHUWRSV1DWXUDO4XDUW]5HVLVWDQWWR6WDLQVDQGVFUDWFKHV Cabinets Limed Oak Warehouse Matte White Ebonized Oak (Foil) Walnut + White Oak + &DELQHWVFRPHHTXLSSHGZLWKKLJKHQGVRIWFORVH(XURSHDQKDUGZDUH + Upgrade ù,QVWDOOHG2Q6LWH ® INTERIOR FINISHES © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 Appliances* (OHFWULF + *DV Cooktop :: Bosch (OHFWULF*DVRUKLJKHIĆFLHQF\,QGXFWLRQ options available ù Vent Hood :: Broan ,Q&DELQHW2SWLRQ$YDLODEOH %XLOWLQ:DOO2YHQ,NHD White, Black or Stainless 3XOOGRZQ)DXFHWZ6RDS'LVSHQVHU.RKOHU Stainless Steel $UWLFXODWLQJ)DXFHW.RKOHU.DUERQ Stainless Steel 'LVKZDVKHU,NHD ,QWHJUDWHG:KLWH%ODFNRU6WDLQOHVV 5HIULJHUDWRU)LVKHU3D\NHO Stainless Steel or White Fixtures + Undermount Stainless Steel Sink :: Single and Double Bowl Available Laundry * We feel it is important to make every attempt to reduce the impact we have on our environment. That is why all of the appliances LQVWDOOHGLQ\RXUZHH+RXVHZLOOEH(1(5*< 67$54XDOLĆHG ù :DVKHU'U\HU/*Z6WDFNLQJ.LW *UDSKLWH6WHHORU:KLWH We will work with you to determine the best layout for your culinary needs! + Upgrade ù,QVWDOOHG2Q6LWH ® KITCHENS © 2013 Alchemy LLC ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 Fixtures (3$:DWHU6HQVH$SSURYHG'XDOćXVK7RLOHW 7272$TXLD,,:KLWH Floating Vanity with Drawers :: Matte White %DWK)DXFHW.RKOHU7RREL Brushed Nickel Wall-hung Sink :: Duravit Scola $QLFHRSWLRQIRU3RZGHU5RRPV Accessories +ù ® 7RZHO%DUDQG7LVVXH+ROGHU.RKOHU6WLOOQHVV Brushed Nickel weeHouse ‘Mirror Trio’ 1 Convex, 2 Flat Floor Tile Wall Tile Floor Tile :: Natural Stone - Slate Black :DOO7LOHë[ë&HUDPLF7LOH Matte White + ù ë)UDPHOHVV*ODVV6KRZHU(QFORVXUH &OHDU*ODVV:KLWH6ROLG6XUIDFH)ORRU + + ® BATHROOMS © 2013 Alchemy LLC :DOO7LOHë[ë&DUUDUD0DUEOH White 6KRZHU&RQWUROV.RKOHU7RREL RU.RKOHU6KLIW+DQGVKRZHU Brushed Nickel Soaking Tub :: Duravit Starck White 6KRZHU:DOO7LOHë0XUDQR*ODVV 2SDO + Upgrade ù,QVWDOOHG2Q6LWH ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 Utility Options Upgrade to net-zero energy use! Plumbing, electrical, an electrical panel, GXFWZRUN DQG LQćRRU KHDW WXELQJ DUH all handled in factory. For servicing and maintenance reasons, heating and cooling equipment are supplied by your local contractors. Cost of these utility options must be added to the published weeHouse prices due to local sourcing unknowns. INSULATION weeHousesuse spray whenever possible. RAIN WATER COLLECTION &ROOHFWLRQWDQNVJDWKHUUDLQZDWHUIRUćXVKLQJ toilets and other non-potable uses PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING Overhangs and south facing windows heat the home with the sun’s energy W SOLAR THERMAL foam insulation HEATING Forced-air heat is standard. Upgrade to HQHUJ\HIĆFLHQW VXSHU FRPIRUWDEOH UDGLDQW KHDWJHRWKHUPDOPLQLVSOLWXQLWVRUĆUHSODFHV COOLING <RX PD\ FKRRVH WR FRRO \RXU ZHH+RXVH ZLWK D PLQLVSOLW RU FRQGHQVHU $& V\VWHP (YHU\ ZHH+RXVH GHVLJQ LQFRUSRUDWHV RSHUDEOH ZLQGRZV GRRUV VWUDWHJLFDOO\ placed to provide natural cross ventilation. 2SWLRQVIRUFHLOLQJIDQVDUHDYDLODEOH CONTROL (YHU\ ZHH+RXVH FRPHV HTXLSSHG ZLWK D 1HVW ç/HDUQLQJè 7KHUPRVWDW ZKLFK automatically adapts to your changing lifestyle and temperature needs. HOT WATER HEATER Choose between a regular tank water heater or a space-saving, on-demand tankless water heater. Flat plate collectors mounted to the roof gather HQHUJ\DQGKHDWWKHKRPHèVUDGLDQWćRRUV SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAICS PV Panels supply 100% of the home’s energy! SPATIAL EFFICIENCY The most sustainble square foot is the one you don’t build: weeHouses pack a lot in a small package weeZERO Standard Home Standard weeHouse weeZero 12000 kbtu 2500 U/Carbon 3000 kbtu 700 U/Carbon Energy Consumed Green House Gas Emissions Do you wish to use Solar or Wind Power? We can accommodate these and other sustainable technologies to help upgrade your weeHouse to weeZERO for net-zero energy use! Cooling Hot Water Heaters :: Tank or Tankless $&0LQL6SOLW6\VWHP HEATING + COOLING © 2013 Alchemy LLC 19000 kbtu 3000 U/Carbon Hot Water Heaters ® S (QHUJ\6DYLQJç/HDUQLQJè7KHUPRVWDW1HVW Standard in every weeHouse! Fireplaces :: Can be accomodated where venting is possible. Ceiling Fan :: Minka-Aire Concept Brushed Nickel *DV)LUHSODFH)OXVKPRXQWHG:DOO,QVHW Wood Fireplace :: weeHouses can accomdate PDQ\ĆUHSODFHRSWLRQV ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650 STANDARD EXTERIOR :LQGRZV 6OLGLQJ3DWLR'RRUV +LQJHG(QWU\'RRUV Roof 6LGLQJ ,QVXODWLRQ INTERIOR :DOOV &HLOLQJ &HLOLQJ+HLJKW ,QWHULRU7ULP ,QWHULRU'RRUV ,QWHULRU'RRU+DUGZDUH 6WDLU5DLOLQJ 6WUXFWXUDO&ROXPQV &XUWDLQ7UDFN FLOORING 7LOH ï3UHĆVKHG:KLWH2DN BATHROOM :DOO7LOH $QGHUVHQ6HULHV $QGHUVHQ6HULHV $QGHUVHQ)UHQFKZRRG %ODFN(3'0 $OFKHP\&RUQ&ULE ë&RUUXJDWHG6WHHO )LEHUJODVV /RHZHQ7ULSOH3DQH /RHZHQ7ULSOH3DQH /RHZHQ7ULSOH3DQH :KLWH732 Custom By Request )ODW:KLWH )ODW:KLWH )RRW,QWHULRU )ODW3URĆOH:KLWH 3DQHO:KLWH 2DN6ODE (PWHNç6WXWWJDUWè/HYHU :RRG:UDSSHG :RRG:UDSSHG )RRW,QWHULRU *\SVXP%RDUG:UDS %ODFN6ODWH&XVWRP&XW 6ROLG 'ULIWZRRG(ERQL]HG 'HHUVNLQ$JHG6DGGOH :DUHKRXVH ë[ë&HUDPLF6XEZD\ :KLWH0DWWH )ORRU7LOH 6KRZHU3DQ 6KRZHU'RRU 6KRZHU)DXFHW %XLOW,Q7XE 6RDNLQJ7XE 7RLOHW 6LQN9DQLW\ :DOO0RXQW6LQN 6LQN)DXFHW 7RZHO%DU 7LVVXH+ROGHU Mirror ® UPGRADE 6SUD\)RDP 3DQHO0DSOH )URVWHGRU&OHDU*ODVV %UXVKHG6WDLQOHVV6WHHO +&RUQ&ULE3DUWLWLRQ 6WHHO:UDS $OXPLQXP+RVSLWDO6W\OH7UDFN (QJLQHHUHG %OHDFKHG/LPHG2DN ë[ë0DUEOH White ë*ODVV0RVDLF 0DUEOH RWKHUVL]HV ï%ODFN6ODWHFXVWRPFXW ë[ë6ROLG6XUIDFH White ë)UDPHOHVV&OHDU*ODVV .RKOHU7RREL .RKOHU6KLIW+DQGVKRZHU Kohler Archer 'XUDYLW6WDUFN2YDORU2WKHU 7RWR$TXLD,,'XDO)OXVK ,NHD*RGPRUJHQ9DQLW\ ï&XVWRPPDGHVROLGZRRGOLYH 2GHQVYLN6LQJOH%RZO6LQN HGJHWRPDWFKZHH+RXVHZRRG 'XUDYLW6FROD:KLWH .RKOHU7RREL .RKOHU6WLOOQHVV .RKOHU6WLOOQHVV ï&&ODPS+ROGHU )UDPOHVV5HFWDQJOH0LUURU ï7UXFN0LUURU6HW ZHH+RXVH6SHFLĆFDWLRQV © 2013 Alchemy LLC STANDARD KITCHEN .LWFKHQ6LQN *DUEDJH'LVSRVDO 3XOO2XW)DXFHW 6RDS'LVSHQVHU 3XOO2XW7UDVK CABINETRY %DVH&DELQHWV &DELQHW'RRUV)URQWV :DOO&DELQHWV &DELQHW+DUGZDUH &RXQWHUWRSV APPLIANCES þ :DOO2YHQ 0LFURZDYH2YHQ &RRNWRS(OHFWULF &RRNWRS*DV &RRNWRS,QGXFWLRQ 9HQW+RRG 'LVKZDVKHU +5HIULJHUDWRU &RXQWHU'HSWK +5HIULJHUDWRU 8QGHUFRXQWHU +:DVKHU'U\HU UPGRADE 6LQJOHRU'RXEOH%RZO 6WDLQOHVV6WHHO8QGHUPRXQW ,QVLQNHUDWRU(YROXWLRQZLWK 7RS0RXQW%XWWRQ .RKOHU(ODWH6WDLQOHVV6WHHO .RKOHU.DUERQ .RKOHU&ODLUHWWH6WDLQOHVV Steel ,NHD 5HY$6KHOI ,NHD$NXUXP )ODW:KLWH %ODFN%URZQ :KLWHZLWK)URVWHG*ODVV ,NHD%ODQNHWW$OXPLQXP ,NHD.OLSSLJ:KLWH 5LFKOLWHë%ODFN /DPLQDWHZLWK2DN(GJH ,NHDRUë1XWLG &RQYHFWLRQ2YHQ ,NHDë1XWLG0LFURZDYH %RVFKëVWDQGDUG Bosch 30” 500 Series )DEHUë,QFD6PDUW,Q &DELQHW9HQW ,NHDë,QWHJUDWHG3DQHO :KLWH%ODFNRU6WDLQOHVV )LVKHU3D\NHOZLWK %RWWRP)UHH]HU 6XPPLWë8QGHUFRXQWHU 5HIULJHUDWRU /*ë)URQW/RDG 6WDFNDEOH Custom Doors By Request :DOQXW +LJK*ORVV:KLWH&UHDP%ODFN :KLWH2DNRU(ERQL]HG2DN 6ROLG:RRG ï6LOLFRQH5XEEHU3XOO ï/HDWKHU3XOO 4XDUW]RUë STANDARD ELECTRICAL ,QWHULRU/LJKWLQJ &HLOLQJ)DQ %DWKURRP)DQ 'RRUEHOO ([WHULRU/LJKWV 2XWOHW&RYHUV 8QGHUFRXQWHU/LJKWLQJ %RVFKRULQGXFWLRQ %RVFK ,NHDë1XWLG,QGXFWLRQ &RRNWRS ,NHD,VODQG&KLPQH\+RRG UPGRADE + HEATING & COOLING +HDWLQJDQG&RROLQJ )RUFHG$LU 'XFWOHVV0LQL6SOLW 7KHUPRVWDW 1HVW/HDUQLQJ7KHUPRVWDW )LUHSODFH :DWHU+HDWHU 7DQN :DOO5HJLVWHUV White Steel )ORRU5HJLVWHUV 3DLQWHG6WHHO ë5HFHVVHG&DQ 6XUIDFH0RXQWHG)RUHFDVW ê%HDFRQë ë0LQND$LUH&RQFHSW,, 3DQDVRQLF:KLVSHU*UHHQ ï,OOXPLQDWHGZLWK ZHH+RXVH,'3ODWH ï$OFKHP\6FRQFH :KLWH:DOO%UXVKHG $OXPLQXP,Q)ORRU ;HQRQ+DUGZLUHG/LJKW White GREEN ENERGY +6RODU(OHFWULF39 +6RODU7KHUPDO +*HRWKHUPDO+HDWLQJ +7KHUPDO0DVVLQJ ,QćRRU+\GURQLF+HDW +9DULRXV2SWLRQV 7DQNOHVV :RRGWRPDWFKćRRULQJ +DLNXZKLWHEODFNEDPERR 6WDLQOHVV6WHHO ,QWHJUDWLRQDVVLVWDQFHLVDYDLODEOH IRUDOOJUHHQHQHUJ\RSWLRQV HLWKHUXSIURQWRUIRUIXWXUHZRUN %RVFK6WDLQOHVV6WHHO )LVKHU3D\NHOZLWK)UHQFK 'RRUVDQG%RWWRP)UHH]HU ï&XVWRP'HVLJQHGE\$OFKHP\ +6XSSOLHGDQGLQVWDOOHGRQVLWHE\RZQHUJHQHUDOFRQWUDFWRU þ%XLOWLQDSSOLDQFHVDUHLQVWDOOHGLQIDFWRU\)UHHVWDQGLQJ DSSOLDQFHVDUHW\SLFDOO\SURYLGHGE\RZQHU$OFKHP\FDQ FRRUGLQDWHRZQHUGHVLUHGDSSOLDQFHVZLWKFDELQHWU\RQDQ $GGLWLRQDO6HUYLFHVEDVLV ALCHEMY Architects www.weehouse.com 651.647.6650
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