Dimensions of Indigenous journalism culture: Exploring Māori news
Dimensions of Indigenous journalism culture: Exploring Māori news
495757 2013 JOU15810.1177/1464884913495757JournalismHanusch Article Dimensions of Indigenous journalism culture: Exploring Māori news-making in Aotearoa New Zealand Journalism 2014, Vol. 15(8) 951–967 © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1464884913495757 jou.sagepub.com Folker Hanusch University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia Abstract Indigenous news media have experienced significant growth across the globe in recent years, but they have received only limited attention in mainstream society or the journalism and communication research community. Yet, Indigenous journalism is playing an arguably increasingly important role in contributing to Indigenous politics and identities, and is worthy of closer analysis. Using in-depth interviews, this article provides an overview of the main dimensions of Indigenous journalism as they can be found in the journalism culture of Māori journalists in Aotearoa New Zealand. It argues that Māori journalists see their role as providing a counter-narrative to mainstream media reporting and as contributing to Indigenous empowerment and revitalization of their language. At the same time, they view themselves as watchdogs, albeit within a culturally specific framework that has its own constraints. The article argues that the identified dimensions are reflective of evidence on Indigenous journalism from across the globe. Keywords Indigenous, Indigenous media, journalism, journalism culture, Māori, native journalism, New Zealand, role perception Introduction Like a variety of so-called alternative types of media, the Indigenous media sector has grown over the past decade in many countries and regions, such as Australia, Canada, Corresponding author: Folker Hanusch, School of Communication, University of the Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore, DC, Qld 4558, Australia. Email: [email protected] Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 Downloaded from http://www.elearnica.ir 952 Journalism 15(8) New Zealand, Scandinavia and the United States. Partly due to the emergence of new technologies, Indigenous peoples around the world have increasingly been able to reach their own urban, regional and remote communities. Having historically been portrayed mainly through the eyes of non-Indigenous media, this development has provided Indigenous peoples an opportunity to have their own voices heard and to tell their own stories, primarily to their own people but also to non-Indigenous communities. As Meadows (2009: 522–523) has argued, these media ‘enable Indigenous people to deliberate together, to develop their own counter-discourses, and to interpret their own identities and experiences’ and in this way they can act ‘as a cultural bridge between the parallel universes of Indigenous and non-Indigenous society’. While Indigenous media in a broad sense have attracted considerable attention from scholars concerned with the way in which Indigenous peoples adopt their own media strategies, news production and journalistic activities within those media have been examined somewhat more rarely. One reason for this may lie in the fact that the vast majority of scholarly work on Indigenous media has been conducted mostly from a cultural studies or anthropological perspective, while the field has attracted considerably less attention from journalism studies or communication researchers. However, the way in which Indigenous journalists think about and practise their work is important in order to understand how the growing number of Indigenous news providers across the globe may be contributing to their own cultures’ identities. Journalism is an important cultural resource and remains culturally contextualized, and it is crucial we examine the way in which Indigenous journalism cultures may constitute and identify themselves in a predominantly non-Indigenous news environment. This article explores Indigenous journalism culture in the case of the Māori of Aotearoa New Zealand, a country that boasts a relatively sizeable Indigenous news media landscape, with competing news and current affairs programs on two television stations, and a syndicated radio news service, as well as a monthly magazine. Based on in-depth interviews with 20 Māori journalists, the article examines their motivations for pursuing their occupation and their views about their professional roles, identifying a number of important dimensions that constitute Māori journalism culture. Indigenous media Indigenous media have existed in many parts of the world for a considerable time, but they had been given relatively little attention in mainstream society or academia until around the 1980s and 1990s (Meadows and Molnar, 2002: 9). The past two decades, however, have seen a rapid rise of Indigenous media around the world, and with it a renewed interest in the role that media which are controlled by Indigenous people can play in contributing to Indigenous public spheres. Research on Indigenous people and the media can typically be divided into two main approaches. The first is concerned with the way Indigenous people are portrayed in the mainstream media, where media content is produced by non-Indigenous people. Some examples include analyses of news media coverage of Aotearoa New Zealand’s national day (Abel, 1997), mainstream media coverage of Australian Aborigines (Hartley and Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 953 Hanusch McKee, 2000; Meadows, 2001), Hollywood’s portrayal of Native Americans (Kilpatrick, 1999; Rollins and O’Connor, 1998), or mainstream news portrayals of the Sámi (Pietikäinen, 2003). All these studies show that Indigenous people are repeatedly and consistently marginalized and stereotyped in mainstream media, portrayed through a variety of tropes, and are under-represented among the number of media workers. The second approach examines the media strategies of Indigenous people themselves, in their attempt to break out of the stereotypical portrayal by the mainstream and to create a space where they can tell their own stories, in their own ways. An example of this approach is the seminal work of Faye Ginsburg (1991, 1993, 1995). Other studies include: an analysis of Native American media and their struggle for cultural sovereignty (Singer, 2001); Indigenous Canadians’ adoption of television (Roth, 2000, 2006; Santo, 2004) and other media (Alia, 1999); the impact of satellites on Indigenous communication in Australia, Canada and New Zealand (Molnar and Meadows, 2001); the poetics of Indigenous media in Chile (Salazar, 2004); and broader overviews of the state of Indigenous media around the globe (Alia, 2010; Browne, 1996; Ginsburg et al., 2002; Wilson and Stewart, 2008). These two major perspectives are inherently linked, as Ginsburg (2002: 51) points out when she argues that media technologies such as film, video and television ‘contain within them a double set of possibilities’ (2002: 51). On the one hand, they can be ‘seductive conduits for imposing the values and language of the dominant culture on minoritized people’. This has famously been described as the ‘neutron bomb’ effect, a term coined by Inuit broadcaster Rosemarie Kuptana (1982), who argued that non-Indigenous television ‘destroys the soul of a people but leaves the shell of a people walking around’. Kuptana made this reference in view of the absence of native television, however, and, as the subsequent period has shown, media technologies can also ‘offer possibilities for “talking back” to and through the categories that have been created to contain Indigenous people’ (Ginsburg, 2002: 51). Thus, Indigenous media are almost always a response to the dominant culture’s media treatment of Indigenous people. Indigenous peoples around the globe have in recent decades experienced an ‘explosion of Indigenous news media, information technology, film, music, and other artistic and cultural developments’ (Alia, 2009: 39). Often a result of different cultural and political renaissance processes, these media have allowed Indigenous societies to tell their own stories in culturally specific ways, enabling them to engage in (re)building their own identities. Increasingly, this process has occurred in a transnational and global way, with numerous collaborative projects, such as the establishment of the World Indigenous Television Broadcasters Network (WITBN) which currently includes representatives from Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, the United States, and Wales. The increasing media collaboration between various Indigenous peoples prompted Alia (2003) to argue that they constituted a ‘New Media Nation’: No real ‘nation’ in the political sense, it exists outside the control of any particular nation state, and enables its creators and users to network and engage in transcultural and transnational lobbying, and access information that might otherwise be inaccessible within state borders. (Alia, 2010: 7–8) Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 954 Journalism 15(8) Indigenous journalism culture While much attention has been paid to Indigenous media and the role they can play in revitalizing Indigenous communities and rebuilding their identities, Indigenous journalism has typically been only one of many aspects that were examined. This is surprising considering the long history of Indigenous journalism: the first tribal newspaper in the USA began publishing in 1828 (Littlefield and Parins, 1984), the first Aboriginal newspaper in Australia appeared in 1836 (Meadows and Molnar, 2002), the first Māorilanguage newspaper in 1842 (Curnow, 2002), and the first Sámi political newspaper in 1906 (Lehtola, 2005). Nevertheless, there does exist enough evidence for theorizing about the dimensions of journalism culture – here defined as ‘a particular set of ideas and practices by which journalists legitimate their role in society and render their work meaningful’ (Hanitzsch, 2007: 369) – in Indigenous societies. In the following, these dimensions, identified as empowerment, counter-narrative, language revitalization, culturally appropriate reporting, and the watchdog function, are discussed. As the general literature on Indigenous media has argued, Indigenous journalists play a crucial part in the empowerment of Indigenous society. Pietikäinen’s (2008: 173) interviews with Sámi journalists working in Finland noted that journalists believed they had an important role to play in ‘providing an alternative public space’, a space that enables Indigenous peoples access for discussion of their issues, on their terms. Such media can be ‘symbols of empowerment and means for political mobilization of ethnic communities’ (2008: 177). Indeed, this process is crucial for Indigenous politics, with Salazar (2003, 2004), who studied Mapuche media in Chile, arguing that Indigenous media are a critical form of making politics. Closely connected to empowerment is the ability to offer a counter-narrative to mainstream media reporting. Many Indigenous news outlets – though not all – started as activist organizations, with Alia (2010: 110) arguing that ‘throughout history, Indigenous media projects have often begun in “illegal,” “outlaw,” “guerilla,” “rebel,” or “pirate” ways’. Grixti (2011: 343) notes that they are typically ‘the work of activists who use Western media technologies in order to counter dominant media misrepresentations of Indigenous people by documenting Indigenous cultural traditions from an Indigenous perspective, and in the process articulate Indigenous cultural identities and futures’. Concerned with negative portrayals in the mainstream news media, many Indigenous journalists aim to provide a narrative that goes in the opposite direction. This can of course result in biased reporting. For example, interviews with Native American newspaper editors showed most thought their publications needed to counter the negative mainstream portrayals by focusing on positive stories about their own people (Perkins, 2003). Similarly, Alia (2009: 41) has noted that her numerous interviews with Indigenous media practitioners and audiences had shown that there was a strong perception of such media as ‘operating in the people’s interest’. Language revitalization is an important concern in many countries where the dominant culture is non-Indigenous. Pietikäinen’s (2008) study of Sámi journalists found they all recognized the role they played in this process, and Browne (2005) has noted that many minority media have to deal with the issue of whether to help revitalize a language. Often, Indigenous media have emerged out of concerns that an Indigenous language may be threatened with becoming extinct. Surveys with journalists in 10 European Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 955 Hanusch minority-language communities (Basque, Catalan, Galician, Corsican, Breton, Frisian, Irish, Welsh, Scottish-Gaelic, and Sámi) have found that more than two-thirds of them ‘understand professional journalism as an activity in which they incorporate a function of language backing, either at the support or advocacy levels’ (Zabaleta et al., 2010: 204). Mainstream news values are often perceived by Indigenous peoples as being based on values that are in contrast with their own. Hence, Indigenous journalism tends to be practised within a culturally appropriate environment that is based in Indigenous values and practices. Grixti (2011) notes that Indigenous value systems are typically oriented more towards the collectivity than the individual-focused values of western societies. Pietikäinen (2008: 177) argues that having their own media makes it possible for Indigenous journalists to ‘practise culturally typical ways of communication, to recognize experiences, perspectives and topics often disregarded by other media’. Based on a study of newspaper content as well as in-depth interviews, Loew and Mella (2005) found that journalists working for Native American newspapers invoked cultural values in their reporting of the environment. They argued that ‘native interpretations of legal disputes, political differences, historical events, and economic decisions are driven by a clear sense of place, which, for Native Americans, embodies identity and culture’ (2005: 132). In the Pacific Islands, most notably in Papua New Guinea and Fiji, there have been calls from journalists to reclaim Pacific images away from western news media, which ‘have failed to seriously take Pacific and Indigenous cultures and their world views into account’ (Robie, 2004: 249). Finally, the watchdog function, so synonymous with the development of western journalism, is also a relevant part of Indigenous journalism. It appears that many Indigenous journalists sense a need for being objective reporters and to be watchdogs of those who are in power in their own societies, even if this is not always easy and sometimes quite difficult to reconcile with the aim of focusing on positive stories. In her account of Inuit and First Nations journalists in northern Canada, Alia (2010) has noted their struggles to remain independent of Indigenous governments. This conflict between journalistic objectives and tribal allegiances is rarely easy to resolve for the journalists. As Kemper (2010: 7) has argued in the context of the USA, ‘native journalists are native and journalists, regardless of the order in which you put the words. From their writings, it appears it would be unthinkable to most of them to do anything that would undermine the Indigenous people they serve’ (emphasis in original). Based on an extensive review of the literature and interviews with tribal journalists, he argues that ‘there have been and still are enormous pressures, especially when those media outlets are owned by tribes’ (2010: 35). When news media are not owned by particular tribes or Indigenous authorities, they may be more likely to act as watchdogs. For example, the news director at Norwegian Sámi radio has been quoted as saying: ‘Of course we are independent of Sámediggi (Sámi parliament). We maintain a critical point of view. We can’t be the fan club for Sámediggi’ (Buljo in Alia, 2010: 133). All these dimensions are inter-connected, of course. For example, the ability to practise culturally specific ways of journalism leads to a sense of empowerment. Indigenous journalists appear to consider as their primary goal the provision of information that is relevant to their audiences, their culture and an overarching goal of contributing to the Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 956 Journalism 15(8) survival of Indigenous identities and languages (see also Santo, 2004). Against the background of developments in Aotearoa New Zealand, Grixti (2011) has noted the interplay between language, cultural identity and political activism. The dimensions identified above also appear to combine in a complex mix that at first glance may be difficult to reconcile, such as the dimensions of empowerment and watchdog. Native American journalist Paul DeMain (2001) has stated that he regards himself as both a ‘guerrilla’ and a ‘legitimate’ journalist – a position which may appear unusual from a traditionally western understanding that strongly differentiates between the two. One way to deal with the potential conflict is to declare any biases – an approach practised by Indigenous journalists in Malta (Sammut, 2007). Indigenous journalism in Aotearoa New Zealand Before examining Māori journalists’ professional views, it is important to briefly provide some context on Indigenous news media in Aotearoa New Zealand. While the first Māori-language newspaper was established in 1842, it took until 1862 for the first Māori-controlled newspaper to be published (Curnow, 2002). Māori newspapers never lasted for very long, and the continuing subjugation through wars and assimilationist policies, which led to a loss of Māori speakers, meant these newspapers died out during the first two decades of the 20th century (Walker, 2004). It was not until the 1970s and 1980s that Māori journalism would be practised in a meaningful way again. The creation of the Waitangi Tribunal led to at least partial reparations for past injustices committed against the country’s Indigenous population and it also played a crucial part in establishing what may well be regarded as one of the more vibrant Indigenous media sectors. In a decision in 1986, it established that the Māori language was a taonga (treasured possession) which, under the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi – the country’s founding document establishing relations between Māori and the British Crown – needed to be protected and nurtured (Walker, 2004: 268). The decision soon led to the establishment of the first Māori radio stations in the 1980s and, in 2004, the birth of Māori Television (Middleton, 2010). Māori TV’s mission is ‘to make a significant contribution to the revitalization of tikanga Māori (Māori values and customs) and reo Māori (Māori language) by being an independent, secure and successful Māori Television broadcaster’ (Māori Television, 2012). Māori journalism today has a variety of outlets. There are 21 iwi (tribal) radio stations which broadcast a syndicated national radio news program; news and current affairs shows in Māori or with a Māori focus on Māori Television and its second, digital, channel Te Reo, which broadcasts exclusively in the Māori language; news and current affairs in the Māori language or with a Māori focus on the state broadcaster Television New Zealand (TVNZ); as well as a small number of magazines but no regular newspaper. The phenomenal rise of the Māori news media sector in just the past three decades has been well documented in the scholarly literature in Aotearoa New Zealand. The emergence of modern Māori journalism culture can thus be traced back to the year 1983 when the news program Te Karere was first aired on TVNZ. Established by journalist Derek Fox with the help of others, it aimed to take a specifically Māori Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 957 Hanusch perspective on the news – an approach reminiscent of evidence already discussed from other Indigenous societies. Fox (1992, 1993) is adamant that this does not mean reporting only positive news, but taking a different perspective to that of Pākehā (of European descent) journalists reporting on Māori issues. One example was the mention of interviewees’ tribal affiliations. ‘These things are important, because Māori people need to know someone’s tribal affiliation in order to properly consider what they are saying in public’ (Fox, 1993: 129). Stuart (2002: 44) has argued that Māori and Pākehā news cultures are ‘so different that Māori approaches are nearly impossible to reconcile with western cultural approaches to “news”’. He sees significant differences in reporting decision-making processes, for example, where it may be inappropriate for other Māori to comment on decisions that have been made. Writing styles are another aspect, with cultural traditions necessitating a different approach to the news formats developed within a western context. Journalist Wena Harawira (2008) notes the importance that the Māori language plays for Māori journalists, and the way in which they are able to help shape the language by developing new terms for which there may not have been a Māori word previously. Further, she argues that there are important cultural concepts for journalists to adhere to, such as when interviewing elders. At the same time, she strongly rejects any accusations of biases, saying she would ‘only accept that kind of criticism if, say, Radio New Zealand, TVNZ or TV3 are labelled as biased towards Pākehā’ (2008). Comparing Māori and Pākehā radio news, McGregor and Comrie (1995: 36) found the Māori program focused ‘not on dissention between people but rather on dilemmas for Māori’. Archie (2007) argues that Māori media focus more on issues, provide a wider range of views, and do so in a less confrontational way. Comparative studies of Māori and Pākehā television news programs have also found considerable differences. Comrie (2012) found that news on Māori Television had a stronger public service orientation, for example more in-depth interviews, longer soundbites, and they used a strategy frame less frequently than the mainstream Pākehā channels TVNZ and TV3. The longer airtime given to sources, in particular, reflects a Māori cultural notion that everyone is entitled to be heard (Comrie, 2012: 287). Methodology Against the background of the literature on and dimensions of Indigenous journalism culture identified earlier, this study’s aim was to paint a picture of modern-day Māori journalism culture. So far, there had been no systematic study of Māori journalists’ professional views and only very few comprehensive approaches to studying Indigenous journalism culture at large. For this reason, two main research questions guided the analysis: (a) What are the main dimensions of Māori journalists’ professional views in Aotearoa New Zealand?; and (b) To what extent may these views reflect wider developments in Indigenous journalism cultures around the globe? Twenty Māori journalists were sampled from the following organizations: from TVNZ, five journalists from news program Te Karere (in Māori) and three journalists from current affairs show Marae Investigates (mostly in English); three journalists from the Radio Waatea syndicated news service (in Māori); and at Māori Television, four each Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 958 Journalism 15(8) from Te Kaea (news in Māori) and Native Affairs (current affairs mostly in English). Further, one journalist was interviewed from Mana Magazine, a monthly publication in English. These media constitute the main outlets for Māori journalism in Aotearoa New Zealand. Eighteen interviews were conducted in Auckland during the week of 29 August to 2 September 2011. Additional interviews were conducted via Skype, one in late September 2011 and another one in February 2012. Respondents included reporters, directors, producers, news editors and general managers. In terms of their iwi affiliations, journalists mirrored the whole spectrum of Aotearoa New Zealand, with all major tribal groups represented. Journalists’ backgrounds varied widely, ensuring a variety of views on Māori journalism would be heard. The youngest journalist was 24 years old, and the oldest was 64. Half the respondents were aged in their thirties, however, reflecting the relative youth that exists in a media sector which has significantly expanded since the arrival of Māori TV. At the same time, five journalists were over 50, which allowed for crucial insights from these ‘elders’ of Māori journalism who had vast experience in the business. At the other end of the spectrum, six journalists had fewer than 10 years’ experience, with the least experienced having worked in the industry for three years. The average work experience was around 15 years. The sample was relatively evenly spread on gender terms: nine women and 11 men. The interviewed journalists were highly educated, with a total of 13 journalists having at least a Bachelor’s degree, while five others had a diploma or certificate from a polytechnic. Only two journalists did not have a degree, but both had studied for some time at university. Typically, journalists had studied courses in Māori language and development as well as journalism/media studies. Journalists identified mostly as middle of the road or slightly to the left of centre as regards their political views, and in terms of income, most earned between NZ$70,000 and 90,000, although there was considerable variation. It should be pointed out that the above selection did not aim to provide a representative picture of Māori journalists, but rather to provide a variety of views to assist in theory-building around Indigenous journalism culture and its dimensions. Results and discussion The interviews with Māori journalists point to the existence of a number of dimensions which appear to constitute a distinctly Indigenous journalism culture, and which compare with findings from elsewhere across the globe. The respondents’ self-descriptions of their professional views are broadly in line with the dimensions identified earlier, in that roles of empowerment, providing a counter-narrative, playing a part in language revitalization, and conducting culturally appropriate journalism, as well as being a watchdog of Indigenous leaders, were raised as the most important functions that Māori journalism plays in the country. The majority of respondents, when asked to define journalism, noted the existence of a Māori perspective of the news. This term, introduced more than 20 years ago by Derek Fox (1990, 1992, 1993), provides a crucial foundational element for Māori journalism culture even today. The Māori perspective is connected closely to the development of Māori broadcasting in the 1980s, the purpose of which was language revitalization as Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 959 Hanusch well as a way to empower Māori to tell their own stories in light of the widespread stereotypical reportage of all things Māori in the mainstream, Pākehā media of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Māori perspective can be defined as journalistic practice that explicitly focuses on news in the context of what it means for Māori society. It privileges a Māori point of view, but at the same time aims to do so according to the generally agreed reporting guidelines of fairness and balance. It is grounded in and ideologically closely connected to the imbalance that exists in mainstream reporting of Māori issues, and in the desire to empower Māori and to provide a counter-narrative. If Māori journalism’s purpose is to serve Māori society, one Radio Waatea journalist said, it is important to focus on the Māori perspective: ‘We need to provide our perspective on all sorts of issues, right across the broad spectrum of mainstream journalism. There’s always a Māori point of view, and there’s always a Māori way of telling it.’ A senior Māori TV journalist agreed, pointing out that it was now generally acknowledged that everyone wrote from a perspective. The difference between us and mainstream is that mainstream will try to make out in their journalism courses that there’s no such thing as a Pākehā perspective, that they’re neutral. But I would challenge them on that. They’re not neutral. They come from a Pākehā perspective and they don’t say that they come from a Pākehā perspective, but they do, or they have certainly done in the past. But we’re willing to admit that we write from a Māori perspective and how stories affect Māori and we’ll say that. Mostly the stories deal with Māori events and issues, but they can also be about general world events and their implications for Māori. Providing a counter-narrative to mainstream media reporting was a prime motivation for many of the respondents. A number of studies have highlighted the stereotypical and negative mainstream media coverage of Māori (Abel, 1997; Nairn et al., 2009; Rankine et al., 2011), and it is this coverage that drives many journalists to work in Māori news media. You had mainstream media who were quite ignorant of Māori issues and then you had a very badly resourced Māori media through radio and a couple of hours a week, maybe, on TVNZ, who could be doing a better job as well. I felt at the time, rather than sit back and complain and criticize, I suppose, it’s just in my nature to want to be a part of it. (TVNZ journalist) A Māori TV journalist agreed: ‘I’ve always perceived our role as balancing the inequity in the way that Māori issues were told previous to things like Māori TV.’ The counter-narrative also contributes to an empowerment for Māori, a further strong motivation as expressed by the respondents. For example, one Māori TV journalist made it clear the negative reporting in the mainstream media was not so much a motivation for her, but rather to ‘bring about an awareness of the truths that run underneath the serious issues and the lifestyle elements of the Māori world […] so that Māori communities can make informed decisions when making choices in our own lives’. This desire to report on Māori politics and society was echoed by a TVNZ journalist, who wanted ‘to be able to influence decisions we are making, because if we Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 960 Journalism 15(8) don’t do that now, then we’ll rely on everyone else still telling the same stories’. Another Māori TV journalist always knew she wanted to work in a Māori environment, ‘telling our people’s stories because I think they are the most interesting. And they are the ones who I have a strong connection to.’ Providing a counter-narrative and contributing to empowerment on the one hand, and performing an advocacy role on the other can lead to a certain tension. While advocacy journalism is often rejected by mainstream journalists in Europe and North America, it is quite openly welcomed by journalists in other societies, as well as alternative journalists in the West, which has a long tradition in and, in some cases, government support for providing alternative viewpoints to mainstream media (Atton and Hamilton, 2008). The Māori journalists interviewed for this study noted the difficulty they had in divorcing themselves from the issues they cover. One Māori TV journalist with more than 20 years’ experience said covering the political upheaval in Aotearoa New Zealand during the 1980s and 1990s was not easy for many Māori journalists who tried to maintain objectivity, because inherently they were part of the story. ‘We were part of that change in that political landscape and, I mean, we all have feelings,’ he said. He recounted an instance where his reporters had been marching with protesters. They felt that they were very much part of all this and they didn’t see their roles as being just reporting the story and divorcing themselves from it completely. They felt it was their right to be able to join their people and become part of the protest. When he questioned the journalists, arguing they should report the news rather than be part of it, they responded that they had reported the news earlier in the day, but that now, after work, they needed to participate, saying: ‘Just because we’re journalists, we’re not different, and we’re not standing away from our people.’ Such responses resonate with previous evidence that Native American journalists consider themselves both native and journalists at the same time, and do not necessarily regard the two as being in conflict with each other (Kemper, 2010). General opinion on the issue of whether journalists should perform an advocacy role was somewhat split among the respondents. While some believe there is a definite role to be advocates, others believe it has been resigned to the past, although some of the differences may be due to diverging understandings of what it means to be an advocate. Most typically, advocacy that is permissible is perceived as telling ‘triumph stories, but those are more personal profile stories, or successful Māori businesses – those triumph stories – but we don’t go and advocate for a certain iwi, or a certain political group. You can’t do that’ (TVNZ journalist). A senior Māori TV journalist said he thought journalists marching with protesters were a thing of the past: We are reporters, we are not protesters. You choose to be one of the two, you can’t be both. You can’t carry the flag across the bridge, you record the people carrying the flag across the bridge. You can support them, but you can’t come across. In fact, providing balance was now an immensely important component of their journalism. Said a Māori TV journalist: Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 961 Hanusch Now our challenge is to make sure that we talk to everyone in the story as well and that we don’t just give the Māori point of view. You know, that we talk to the council or to others that might be at issue with what the story in particular is doing. So it’s getting that balance. Another prime characteristic of Māori journalists is that they want to play a role in language revitalization. This motivation, found in Indigenous journalists elsewhere (Browne, 1996; Pietikäinen, 2008), was cited by a majority of respondents as the primary reason for entering the industry. One Māori TV journalist said she hadn’t been brought up in the language and thought journalism provided a good opportunity to help spread it: After learning te reo, I just knew how important it was to myself, and to society and to New Zealand, and so I wanted to be in a role, have a job or position where I could utilize it daily and get it out there as much as I could. Some journalists entered the industry simply because they were fluent in te reo: ‘The boss knew that I had certain language skills and he needed people like that on staff’ (Radio Waatea journalist). Similarly, a TVNZ journalist stated: From high school I identified that journalism was an area that I was interested in, getting into with my te reo Māori … There was an area there that I thought I’d be able to use my language in a way that was positive and interesting. A Māori TV journalist revealed his primary motivation was to be able to keep practising the language: ‘I didn’t really do it to be a journalist. I did it because it was all in Māori, because that was my passion.’ In terms of the general structure of news stories, most journalists argued that they could get the essence of stories across in English, but the use of te reo allowed them much more poetic license to bring the story into line with Māori culture. Said one Māori TV journalist: ‘In a lot of ways, it is much easier to tell stories in Māori because you can be a lot more metaphoric and poetic. It conveys more emotion and more beauty.’ A colleague added that words in Māori had a deeper meaning in their connection to culture and also spiritual aspects. She said she liked being able to combine the spiritual and physical realms in her stories. An advantage of using the language was that Māori journalists could sometimes get better access to sources, as some would only talk to the media if they could speak in Māori. A number of journalists also cited instances when politicians and community spokespeople had been able to get their points across more appropriately in Māori because of the better context this provided. Yet, as one senior journalist put it, while the Māori language is the very foundation of Māori broadcasting, it is also one of its biggest limitations. This is particularly the case for the news programs, Te Karere and Te Kaea, which screen almost exclusively in te reo. Hence, journalists require sources who can speak the language on camera, an undertaking that is often challenging because of the limited number of fluent te reo speakers in the country. A senior Radio Waatea journalist thought the situation was slowly improving, however. ‘With the growing number of second-language speakers that are becoming more confident speakers, it is becoming not so difficult to find speakers.’ To combat language problems, journalists on both Te Kaea and Te Karere now also conduct interviews in Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 962 Journalism 15(8) English, and either translate them or sub-title the information. This is possible because Te Kaea has a 95 per cent te reo requirement, while Te Karere’s is 80 per cent. Radio, on the other hand, cannot simply sub-title, and even voice-overs are rarely appropriate. The solution there is to produce a straight news story, which is read by only the news reader with no interview audio attached. Closely intertwined with language concerns is the desire to practise journalism within an appropriate cultural framework. As one Māori TV journalist with more than 20 years of experience said: Journalism is an important genre of programming for my people that allows Māori people to respond to issues on a daily basis in the Māori language in a framework; a cultural framework that they are familiar with and able to respond and have a say in the issues that concern them. This framework, he believed, was fundamental and the connection of journalists with their respective tribes was, while sometimes challenging, important to maintain cultural identity. Some journalists pointed out they always took their shoes off when entering someone’s house, or even brought small gifts such as biscuits when interviewing sources. Others would have karakia (incantations and prayers) first, or go through a pōhiri (traditional welcoming ceremony). Personal and work values were thus inextricably linked for the vast majority of respondents. They are quite simply bound up in the collectivist relationships of the Māori world and these relationships often guide their behaviour and values when working as journalists, a finding similar to the situation found among Sámi journalists (Pieitkäinen, 2008). One Māori TV journalist used the analogy of wearing a Māori hat and a journalism hat, in that it was not simply a case of going into an interview as a journalist: You don’t take the Māori hat off, you put the journalism hat on. Then you take that off once you finish the interview and then you’re Māori again. And I think that’s where our Pākehā colleagues fall short. It’s that they go in and take their person hat off and put it back on when they’re finished and that’s different for us. In essence, it means always maintaining one’s identity as Māori – including all that entails – and only adding a journalistic identity during work, rather than substituting it. At the same time, cultural aspects can be limitations as well. In Māori culture, kaumatua, or elders, command utmost respect from those who are younger, which can create difficulties for younger journalists. A number of journalists pointed out that their job was made all the more difficult because at the end of the day they were part of their communities, which meant they needed to be able to go back to their iwi even after having covered controversial stories about them. Here, attitudes were somewhat divided, in that some journalists felt they would always be able to cover controversial stories about their own iwi, while others thought it could constitute a conflict of interest and it was better to have someone else do a particular story. It is common for news organizations to send journalists to cover stories that relate to their own iwi, because they are deemed to have inside knowledge and good contacts. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 963 Hanusch At the same time, if journalists are too close to a story, they can be taken off an assignment. Said a Māori TV journalist: I think we generally have a rule at work that if a story comes from your own area you have the first go at it. If that’s your tribal area, the expectation is that you have the contacts in that area. But if it’s something like that and you wish to not cover, then there’s no expectation that you have to cover it. According to the respondents, Māori politicians also often exert pressure, arguing journalists should concentrate on doing nice stories. While journalists do not make any excuses for wanting to provide a counter-narrative to mainstream news as well as being language advocates, this does not mean they do not view their role as watchdogs. In fact, the watchdog role, so synonymous with western journalism, is very important in the Māori context. As one Māori TV journalist said, it is important to examine the decisions that are made by iwi and party leaders. I think that is a really important part of our job because no-one is above scrutiny. No Māori organization is above scrutiny and I absolutely believe that – just like the mainstream media in NZ do a very good job at holding their leadership, and their government departments accountable – our Māori audience deserves exactly the same thing. So I don’t think that any Māori in a leadership position, or any Māori organization or government organization, should get a free ride just because they happen to be Māori. It appears possible to marry the advocacy role with a commitment to being a watchdog for Māori society. A Radio Waatea journalist, who was adamant that Māori journalism’s role was to provide a counter-narrative, said it was just as crucial to hold those in power to account. Absolutely, good or bad, we are not here to be a propaganda [tool] for our people. We are here to make sure that we are portrayed in the correct light. There are no shenanigans or undermining going on behind the scenes, we don’t have hidden agendas. He cited cases of child abuse where the reporting had not shied away from asking the tough questions and essentially was very similar to what was reported in the mainstream media. Nevertheless, younger journalists in particular found it could be quite challenging to question those in power. Said a TVNZ journalist: There’s an expectation on Māori journalists to not be the watchdog in a lot of the cases […] That can be frustrating at times, because while you want to ask them the hard questions, there’s that expectation that as a Māori journalist you won’t ask those hard questions. However, a senior TVNZ journalist said while it could be tough covering a controversy around one’s own aunt and one always seemed to have to explain and justify one’s stories, he found they would typically understand once that explanation had been given. Similarly, a young Māori TV journalist said even though she was probably related to a number of the leaders, she was ‘still not afraid to question them because they’ve been paid to do their work’. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 964 Journalism 15(8) Conclusion This article explored the ways in which Māori journalists in Aotearoa New Zealand make sense of their work. Through the interviews with 20 news workers in various Māori media, five main dimensions of Indigenous journalism culture in the country could be identified. Māori journalists see themselves primarily as providing a counternarrative to balance negative mainstream media reporting, and are interested in aiding Māori empowerment and the maintenance of identity. They believe in providing a Māori perspective of the news, which also includes journalistic practices that follow cultural values and customs. While many see themselves as advocates, they are also adamant that they have a crucial watchdog role to play for the benefit of Māori society. In this regard, it is extremely important to hold Māori politicians and other leaders to account. Finally, the vast majority of Māori journalists view the revitalization of the Māori language as an enormously significant part of their role. Many entered the news industry mainly because they could speak the language and thought they could play a positive part in nurturing its growth. The dimensions identified here are also reflective of literature from across the globe, which has touched on Indigenous news-making practices. In fact, Pietikäinen’s (2008: 188) description of Sámi journalists – who she said ‘consider their primary goal to be to provide relevant Sámi information in the Sámi language from a Sámi perspective and, by doing this, to help guarantee the survival of the Sámi community’ – could easily be applied to Aotearoa New Zealand if one substituted Sámi with Māori. As noted earlier, Alia (2010) has argued that a ‘new media nation’ has emerged, which is characterized by increased transnational cooperation between Indigenous media organizations. Based on the evidence presented here, it would appear that Indigenous journalism culture is also characterized by dimensions which can be applied transnationally. Whether this necessarily equates to a transnational consciousness among Indigenous journalists across the globe is yet to be analysed. As noted earlier, the field of Indigenous journalism is still underexplored, yet the dimensions which have been identified here may be able to lead us to a more nuanced understanding of the various tensions in and opportunities for its practices across the globe. At the same time, it must be stressed that this study represents only a pilot study of the Māori context – more research with a larger sample of Māori journalists is necessary to determine whether the trends and dimensions identified here are representative of this particular journalistic field at large. Similarly, more research on journalism practices among Indigenous societies in other parts of the globe will be necessary to validate the argument that Indigenous journalism culture is transnational in nature. It is possible that the dimensions highlighted may be present to different degrees in different Indigenous contexts, or that additional dimensions may emerge through such research. Nevertheless, it is hoped that this study can provide some useful ideas for such examinations. Acknowledgements The author would like to thank the journalists who participated in this study. Special gratitude is owed to Maatakiri Te Ruki, who worked as a research assistant on this project. Ehara i te toa takitahi. Engari, he toa takitini. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 965 Hanusch Funding This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. References Abel S (1997) Shaping the News: Waitangi Day on Television. Auckland: Auckland University Press. Alia V (1999) Un/Covering the North: News, Media and Aboriginal People. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. Alia V (2003) Scattered voices, global vision: Indigenous peoples and the new media nation. In: Karim KH (ed.) The Media of Diaspora. London: Routledge. 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Journalism Studies 11: 190–208. Author biography Folker Hanusch (PhD, University of Queensland) is Senior Lecturer in Journalism at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. His main research interests are in comparative journalism practices, Indigenous journalism, lifestyle and travel journalism, as well as news representations of death and dying. His most recent book publication is Journalism across Cultures: An Introduction (co-authored with Levi Obijiofor and published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2011). He has published more than 30 articles in international and Australian journals. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 505997 earch-article2013 JOU15810.1177/1464884913505997Konieczna and Robinson Article Emerging news non-profits: A case study for rebuilding community trust? Journalism 2014, Vol. 15(8) 968–986 © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1464884913505997 jou.sagepub.com Magda Konieczna University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Sue Robinson University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Abstract A new news disseminator has emerged to revitalize the profession of information gathering – the non-profit news organization. Adopting a framework of community trust, this article begins a scholarly response to the questions: Who are these nonprofit journalists and what do they aim to accomplish? A rhetorical analysis of nearly 50 mission statements and ethnographic work on two case studies revealed a commitment to rebuilding public trust, to reclaiming community journalism, to re-emphasizing the “ordinary” citizen, and to pioneering collaborative news work by means of digital technologies. Our analysis demonstrated that many of these organizations, in considering news as a public good, work to re-conceptualize the industry for citizens, but depend upon a level of funding that might not be viable in the long term. However, this research posits that little in the way of true community trust can be achieved until these organizations discover a sustainable business model. Keywords Non-profit news, community, journalism, trust, digital Many media watchers are sounding alarms about the floundering journalism industry and proposing replacement models (McChesney and Nichols, 2010; Picard, 2008). One new type of journalism has emerged with the aim of filling the void left by editorial Corresponding author: Magda Konieczna, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 5148 Vilas Hall, 821 University Ave., Madison, WI 53706, USA. Email: [email protected] Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 Downloaded from http://www.elearnica.ir Konieczna and Robinson 969 layoffs and shrinking news holes – non-profit news centers. These organizations are proliferating, collaborating, and becoming a significant part of the emerging media ecology. In 2009 they banded together into the Investigative News Network (INN), which formed with just 20 groups. In four years, 60 more ventures had joined the INN – most of them brand new. Although formal figures are hard to come by because of changes in Internal Revenue Service categorization, most anecdotal reports show a giant spike in news non-profit births since 2008 (Stearns, 2011). The vast majority assume the Web as their news production platform, encourage citizen journalism, utilize crowdsourcing as a reporting technique, employ data-visualization experts and populate email list serves, Twitter hashtags, Facebook groups, blogs, and all sorts of digitally enabled forums and venues. Their voices are becoming louder and more insistent, with many of their stories showing up on mainstream sites and publications and even winning Pulitzer Prizes (Susman, 2010). This article begins a scholarly response to the questions: Who are these non-profit journalism organizations, and what role are they playing in democracy? Textually analyzing the mission statements of the organizations and ethnographically observing their behavior, the researchers qualitatively approach these questions to produce a snapshot of this burgeoning industry as of 2013. We seek to apply a framework of community trust that considers the news to be a public good, necessary for a working democracy in the tradition of civic journalism tenets. The evidence shows that these groups aim to re-connect citizens with news about public affairs primarily through a rebuilding of community trust, which has decreased over time. News non-profits aim for a new journalist–audience relationship borne of mutual understanding and citizen agency in information co-production. Through digitally enabled collaboration and networking, non-competitive practices and citizen participation, the news non-profits strive to find common ground, tell stories, seek solutions, engage with citizens and thus reclaim community for the “ordinary” citizen. At the core of these missions and their practices lies a commitment to civic journalism and the idea that citizens represent a fundamental component of any venture to provide accurate, significant information about public affairs. This analysis demonstrates that these groups hope to re-establish the trust connection between people and their news sources and have worked to re-define that journalist–citizen relationship through their daily activities. The model these non-profits are building represents a laboratory for operationalizing the community–news relationship so essential for civic revitalization. However, this model must combine the old trustee model of journalism, in which the public relied on journalists to monitor those in power, with a more recent model of civic-based journalism that focuses on engaging citizens rather than watchdogging government and other institutions. This is a complex balance that arises from the fact that these organizations were born from mainstream media themselves and thus mirror those long-established structures. Community, journalism, and citizen trust Trust as a concept is much studied in various disciplines. It is considered an essential component of building communities, according to scholars (Asen, forthcoming; Putnam, 2000, 2007). Warren (1999: 1) defined trust as “a judgment, however implicit, to accept Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 970 Journalism 15(8) vulnerability to the potential ill will of others by granting them some discretionary power over some good.” Messick and Kramer (2001: 89) think of trust as a “social dilemma” that offers a choice and demands a decision on the part of any truster. Putnam (2000: 137) wrote that “people who trust others are all-round good citizens.” Asen (forthcoming) argued that trust manifests in the relationships that form in public arenas for good public deliberation via flexibility, forthrightness, engagement, and heeding. For example, storytelling – a major sub-mission of the non-profit news organizations examined in this paper, according to the evidence we present below – necessitates a level of trust between author and listener for any textual significance to manifest (Fisher, 1987). From the news, citizens as readers must rely on stories to relate not only what has happened but also their societal values (Gans, 1998; Lule, 2001). In terms of the relationship between the journalist and the news consumer, trust implies a future promise, a level of risk-taking, an intentional action, a valued commodity, and a sense that the reporter is going to provide an essential public good: relevant and significant, accurate and truthful accountings of the news (Hayes et al., 2007; Kohring and Matthes, 2007; Vanacker and Belmas, 2009). Gans (1998) defined journalists as the self-appointed purveyors of democracy who operate under a theory that if they inform people, these citizens are more likely to participate culturally and politically. What was once a partisan press in colonial times had become “trustee journalism,” in which the public trusted that reporters would represent their interests and uncover truths needed for self-government (Carey, 1999; Rosen, 1999a; Schudson, 1999). This trust grew out of early trends of muckraking and investigative reporting initiatives in the late 20th century, as well as the development of the beat reporter as a public authority (Carey, 1999). Citizens endowed the press with the authority to be the primary purveyors of news for their community, trusting them to gather, report, analyze, and disseminate civic information (Altschull, 1984; Cook, 1998). Commercial news organizations adopted this call toward social responsibility, establishing tenets of their trade including truthfulness, relevance, loyalty to the citizens, verification, provision of comprehensive and balanced information, independence, monitoring of power elites and institutions, a forum for public discussion, and an ethical sensibility (Kovach and Rosenstiel, 2007: 5–6). Many proudly described their practice as a kind of “community journalism,” which sometimes meant small-town papers committed to a specific geographic place and always referred to a “nearness” to citizens as a representative of their interests in civic life (Reader and Hatcher, 2011). Implicit in this relationship, according to scholarship, has been an assumed institutional authority over a general public that necessitates a dependability and longevity of existence even within its topdown approach (Cook, 1998; Offe, 1999). Any kind of civic trust in institutions must incorporate consistent performance, a uniformity in application of a specific set of values and ideology, and a commitment to fairness and impartiality (Offe, 1999; Warren, 1999; Wuthnow, 1999). The press was able to maintain this trust for many years because of its status as an institution. Journalism’s longevity, the press’ stated commitment to core values such as truth, and its consistent exercising of its storytelling power on behalf of the public helped nurture a community–trusting relationship (Altschull, 1984; Cook, 1998; Hayes et al., 2007; Warren, 1999). However, as Carey noted, the side effect of this trustee journalism was that “the public became a passive observer…. The public had to do no more than keep itself informed Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 Konieczna and Robinson 971 and exercise its power now and again in election” (1999: 57). In addition, we should note, what has generally not been included in the missions of the press has been any intention on the part of mainstream journalists to cooperate with each other, collaborate with others, operate at less than a profit for shareholders, or engage citizens as anything other than audiences (Allan, 1999; Bagdikian, 1983; Lewis et al., 2005; Robinson, 2007). Scholars have lamented this disconnect between journalists and their audiences, and, in the early 1990s, began recommending civic journalism tenets. These new principles advocated that as primary stakeholders in democracy, citizens must also play a role in journalism (Carey, 1999; Haas, 2007; Merritt, 1995; Rosen, 1999b). Merritt (1995) specifically noted that incorporating “regular” people into newsgathering and production practices (including story selection) could regain public trust. Carey (1999) called public journalism a “reform” movement that would reinvigorate citizen participation in community. At least on a theoretical level, this kind of citizen-centered, bottom-up trustbuilding exercise might offer an effective strategy for boosting the press-audience relationship (Offe, 1999). However, after an initial flurry of activity in the late 1990s, the movement essentially failed, in part because of a failure to fully incorporate citizens or to commit to the ideal beyond one-shot projects (Haas, 2007; Ryfe and Mensing, 2010; Zelizer, 1999). Meanwhile, the economic downturn of 2008 pushed many newspapers over the fiscal edge, leading to the closure of at least 48 American newspapers and bankruptcy filings by six companies that publish daily papers in late 2008 and 2009 (McChesney and Nichols, 2010). More than 17,000 journalism jobs were lost in the United States in 2009 and 2010 (NewspaperLayoffs.com, 2010). Simultaneously, the level of public trust that the news media report information accurately and fairly has steadily declined each year; almost two-thirds of Americans distrust the news media (Morales, 2010). The news non-profit These accelerating problems with the funding model for mainstream media, coupled with a lowered barrier to entry via digital technologies, have led to a new movement – one some hope will take up where the civic journalists left off. Funded by foundations, donations, and alternative revenue streams, non-profit news organizations have begun proliferating. Of course, the idea of non-profit journalism has existed for decades: The Christian Science Monitor was founded in 1908 and National Public Radio (NPR) went on the air in 1971. As the commercial media industry showed signs of weakness, media funders and others began to highlight the non-profit model as a possible savior of journalism (Akst, 2005; McChesney and Nichols, 2010; Overholser and Jamieson, 2005; Picard, 2008). Since 2005, 308 non-profit news projects have been funded in 25 states with US$249 million (Schaffer, 2013). These numbers only include those that received foundation support. Although many genres of non-profit news organizations exist, this study examines only those that have no (stated) political ideology, that consider themselves “news” disseminators, that report and produce information themselves (as opposed to paying someone else to do it), that have organized under a formal structure of a dominant trade organization, and that have come to the scene since 2002. Not a great deal has been Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 972 Journalism 15(8) written about these new players from a scholarly perspective, other than in trade publications or white papers (Christoffersen, 2009; Downie and Schudson, 2009; Horwitz, 2007; Osder and Campwala, 2012; Rowe, 2011; Schaffer, 2009; Zipken, 2012). The literature available categorizes the non-profit organizations as entrepreneurial, experimental ventures with the express aim of supplementing journalism (Schaffer, 2009: 32). We do know that a large portion of these organizations derive most of their funding from foundations, depend on freelance and user-generated content, and cannot replace traditional news publications (Friedland and Konieczna, 2010; Schaffer, 2009; Shaver, 2010; The State of the News Media, 2012). Most of the major studies on non-profits have involved specific case studies or interviews with a limited number of participants (Birnbauer, 2011; Schaffer, 2009; Shaver, 2010). The study at hand examined missions of new non-profit news organizations as they appear on websites and IRS tax filings for the organizations, and analyzed the practice of a small sub-group of the sample. The mission statements reflect how the newest members of a growing genre of journalism think the industry should behave. We sought to document the values that they put forward, their ideals, and their intentions; in order to understand the role these new players fulfill in the digital news environment, we must first catalogue what they hope to accomplish. The ethnographic work examined how these missions played out in practice. Our research questions included the following. •• In their mission statements, how are non-profit news organizations framing their role in this new media ecology? •• According to these statements, by what methods are they trying to accomplish these missions? What values seem most important to them? •• How does their actual behavior reflect what is observed in their mission statements? •• Following our framework of community trust, how is the notion of news as a public good produced by “trustees” reflected in these mission statements and their daily behavior? To answer these questions, we collected the mission statements of non-profit news organizations that are members of the INN, a trade organization whose members have a specific journalism-oriented news standard that requires non-partisanship and a commitment to funding transparency (see list, by geographical orientation, in Table 1). We used INN membership to guide our purposive sampling. This flagship professional association has worked to organize and define its industry by setting the rules and terms of membership. The INN offers a formalized structure for news organizations that have two goals: to improve the quality of journalism, and to experiment with alternative business models in creating a sustainable new field of newswork. We culled the list to weed out more established, older organizations such as NPR and international groups; several did not have operating websites or had become defunct, leaving 46 viable organizations with mission statements. In addition, we analyzed a March 2012, 88-page report that the INN released after in-depth surveys of its members (Osder and Campwala, 2012). We performed a rhetorical analysis on the mission statements, which we considered to be cultural artifacts that reflected a larger emerging Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 973 Konieczna and Robinson Table 1. Geographical distribution of news non-profits. Hyperlocal (City/Town) Local (Regional or State-Level) National or International New Haven Independent National Institute on Money in State Politics ProPublica Tucson Sentinel Investigative West (Pacific Northwest) Investigative News Source (Southern California) New America Media (Pacific News Source) Texas Observer Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism WyoFile Voice of San Diego Broward Bulldog SF Public Press Aspen Journalism MinnPost.com New England Center for Investigative Reporting Oklahoma Watch Philadelphia Public School Network Oakland Local PublicSource (Pittsburgh) St. Louis Beacon Austin Bulldog ChicagoTalks Opensecrets.com Newsdesk.org Online Journalism Project Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting Schuster Institute for Investigative journalism New America Media PublicSource Toni Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism California Watch Spot.us Connecticut Health Investigative iTeam.tv Team Maine Center for Public Interest Common Language Project Reporting Education News Colorado FairWarning Florida Center for Investigative 100 Reporters Reporting Health News Florida Alicia Patterson Foundation Iowa Center for Public Affairs Media Crime and Justice Journalism Michigan News Center Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting The Lens VTDigger.org WyoFile narrative about the non-profits’ position in society. We explored the interplay between word choice and meaning, discerning patterns of thought (Foss, 2008). This technique allowed us to unveil the values, motivations, and dominant ideology present via framing, historical references, allusions, metaphors, and phrasings (Brummet, 2009). We drew from terminology found in the normative press literature describing what is necessary for community trust to exist between journalists and their citizen audiences, including a sense of authority, a protector of a precious public good, a dependability, and a Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 974 Journalism 15(8) commitment to the truth (Kovach and Rosenstiel, 2007). We sought articulation of the notion of community trust between journalists and audiences. From our reading of past scholarship about these trust relationships in American journalism, we can understand components of these ideals as including promises for particular kinds and standards of content and the specific, acknowledged relationships and considerations of audiences. We also conducted ethnographic work at two of the non-profits in our sample, MinnPost and the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism. MinnPost is a nonprofit news website in Minneapolis, publishing stories aimed at “a news intense public.” Co-founded in 2007 by Joel Kramer, a former editor and publisher at the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and his partner Laurie Kramer, MinnPost employed 15 active reporters and 10–15 editors, web staff, and ad people at the time of the fieldwork. The Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism in Madison publishes stories via mainstream news organizations. Founded in 2009 by former reporter Andy Hall, the Center had two permanent reporters at the time of fieldwork, one of whom used to work at an alternative weekly, and a mix of professionals and student interns. The two organizations were chosen because: (1) both were willing to commit time and access to the researchers; and (2) they represent two types of news non-profits, one distributing a product for a single outlet – its website – and the other housed at a university and disseminating through mainstream news and non-profit sites. Work at MinnPost was conducted over two separate weeks in the summer of 2011, and two weeks in the spring of 2013. That included roughly 100 hours of observation of newsroom interactions and workflow and about 30 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with all the editors and business staff and many reporters. Research at the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism was conducted between September 2011 and April 2013. Over that time, most staff meetings (about 40) were attended, as were two board meetings and a meeting between the center and the local public television staff. In total, about 100 hours of observations and interviews were conducted, including three formal interviews with three main employees and dozens of more informal conversations. News non-profits’ missions The first research question investigates the stated intentions of the new non-profit news organizations, all of which consider themselves to be “filling a void” in journalism to tell the truth about “overlooked” topics regarding government and American society (Osder and Campwala, 2012: 63). Almost all acknowledged the goal of truth-telling and investigative work, as in this broad statement by ProPublica: Investigative journalism is at risk.…This is therefore a moment when new models are necessary to carry forward some of the great work of journalism in the public interest that is such an integral part of self-government, and thus an important bulwark of our democracy. The 2012 industry study by the INN (Osder and Campwala, 2012) included this goal among the mission of news non-profits, and it was stated in most of the other organization missions in our sample. This evidence also demonstrated four recurring submissions among the sample that extended beyond the investigative journalism ideal: Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 Konieczna and Robinson 975 finding common ground, telling stories, searching for solutions to community problems, and stimulating civic engagement by training citizens and future journalists to be information producers. Such principles nearly mirror those set forth by scholars advocating for the civic journalism movement in the 1990s (Ryfe and Mensing, 2010) and provide the foundation for establishing a kind of institutional, community trust relationship. Finding common ground Any trust relationship must incorporate an assurance that all parties are paying attention. Public-policy rhetorician Robert Asen (forthcoming) calls this “heeding” in the sense that people engaged in some deliberative relationship must understand and acknowledge all perspectives that want to be heard. One of the holes unfilled by commercial news organizations includes the voices of “regular” people, that is, non-officials and nonactivists (Lewis et al., 2005). These new non-profits argued that they could provide a mouthpiece for those who are voiceless (Common Language Project, New America Media (NAM), Newsdesk.org, Texas Observer). NAM’s mission said it: … is dedicated to bringing the voices of the marginalized - ethnic minorities, immigrants, young people, elderly - into the national discourse. The communities of the New America will then be better informed, better connected to one another, and better able to influence policy makers. These outlets aimed to bridge differences, rather than carve out a singular space. Note here how NAM sought to bring those who are marginalized into the national discourse, as opposed to creating a separate community. Other groups use similar language, such as the New Haven Independent, which called out to “people, from knuckleheads to dreamers” and wanted to “reclaim community.” The TucsonSentinel.com “encourages interaction in civic dialogue that features diverse viewpoints and advocates constructive change.” Common Language Project strove to produce journalism that “can help foster dialogue among people across the political, geographic, ethnic and linguistic barriers that divide them.” All of this goes to the idea of re-emphasizing the commune in community to downplay the political polarization and to highlight non-mainstream perspectives. This rhetoric brings these organizations in line with civic journalism mandates that require “getting the connections right” (Rosen, 1996: 81). Citizens must want to become more informed and inspired to act civically and collectively in order for ordinary people to form attachments to communities. Telling stories The ability to connect is essential in the formation of trust (Putnam, 2000; Warren, 1999). One way these non-profit news organizations have hoped to establish that connection has been through storytelling (Common Language Media, FairWarning, Florida Center for Investigative Reporting, iTeamTV, InvestigateWest, Oakland Local, ProPublica, Voice of San Diego). Narrative theorists such as Walter Fisher (1987) have long posited that stories demand a trusting relationship between author and reader and that through the Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 976 Journalism 15(8) telling of stories we can know, rely on, and engage with one another. Of course storytelling has long been part of journalists’ normative practices. Lule (2001) and other scholars showed the mythologizing tendency of reportorial work in our nation’s newspapers as a way of building common ground for connection. Many mission statements adopted narrative language, such as ProPublica’s commitment to being a “moral force” in the “public interest.” The Voice of San Diego suggested that this kind of mythologizing was needed to make people feel present and engaged in the world around them: “Our commitment is to engage you through lucid storytelling and serial narratives, to bring you along with our reporters as they do what they love and get you involved in a conversation about San Diego.” Through its telling of stories, The Voice of San Diego hoped to encourage dialogue and deliberation via some kind of connection – core tenets of both traditional and civic journalism and a key component of developing community trust. Seeking solutions Citizens have trusted the press to produce information in the name of public interest as a path toward vibrant, working democracy (Altschull, 1984; Cook, 1998; Gans, 1998). Prior to the Internet, people depended on a collective source of public affairs reporting that could help solve community problems. These news non-profits stated an intention to fulfill that role in the citizen–journalist relationship (Investigative Newsource, Open Secrets, Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, to name a few): “In our dedicated pursuits, the Investigative Newsource satisfies a need for deep, thoughtful, datadriven journalism that illuminates government actions, accounts for public monies, provokes a search for solutions to governmental and societal problems and strengthens democracy in the region” (Investigative Newsource). News non-profits intended to provide a space for resolving societal problems. “In the best traditions of American journalism in the public service, we seek to stimulate positive change. We uncover unsavory practices in order to stimulate reform” (ProPublica). Thus, new news non-profits suggested they were worthy of citizen’s trust and that, if granted this power over information, they would carry out a promise to provide for the public interest. Engaging with citizens Any trust relationship insists upon reciprocity, or at least acknowledgment of the truster’s needs and desired outcomes (Asen, forthcoming; Putnam, 2000). One major mission taken on by these organizations was to “arm” consumers and workers (FairWarning) with valuable information to be engaged democratically (Investigative Newsource, MinnPost.com) in order to inform the populace (National Institute on Money in State Politics) and be civically engaged (Oakland Local). “It’s a community media project where independent reporters, community members and non-profit organizations can come together and collaborate to support civic engagement” (Oakland Local). The Voice of San Diego “encourages interaction;” The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting offered educational programs that “provide students with fresh information on global issues, help them think critically about the creation and dissemination of news, and inspire them to become active consumers and producers of information.” Many of the sites offered Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 Konieczna and Robinson 977 spaces for user-generated content; some were training citizens and students (Common Language Project, Oakland Local, PublicSource, The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, The Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism, Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism). Oakland Local made it its business to “offer hands-on trainings, mentoring and support for staffers and volunteers from non-profits and local community groups and local small business people who wish to improve their skills in telling stories, using social media, and build an online presence.” 100Reporters was “planning to train citizens – the first victims of graft and cronyism – to expose the corruption around them, and to bring these citizens into the reporting of stories wherever possible.” In these ways, the new news non-profits aimed to incorporate citizens as full members of the community– trust relationships they are trying to build. News non-profits’ stated strategies The second research question explores the methods that news non-profits report to be using to accomplish these missions. Our analysis found the following four common strategies: using digital technology; aligning and collaborating with journalists; networking with each other; and building citizen relationships. Digital technology Non-profit news organizations aimed to reinvent the industry by using database reporting, video and social media, according to their mission statements (St. Louis Beacon; Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism) – as in this statement from the New Haven Independent: “Power of the press now belongs not to those who own one, but to those who own a modem. We own a modem. Update: Or we used to own a modem. You don’t even need a modem anymore.” Journalistic alignment, collaboration News non-profits’ sense of authority in the realm of information production derived from their relationships, associations, and collaborations with mainstream media. Many of these organizations depended upon partnerships with mainstream publications that disseminated their content (MinnPost.com, ProPublica, Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism) or boosted their brands by boasting of connections with mainstream publications (FairWarning, InvestigateWest, OpenSecrets, Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism). Networking together Many of these groups partnered on stories, had members who served on each other’s boards, applied for grants together, and linked to each other’s projects (Common Language Project, FairWarning, Investigative Newsource, Spot.us, Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, and WyoFile). Several of them, such as Investigative Newsource, emphasized that they are “not competitive.” The Center for Public Integrity Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 978 Journalism 15(8) organized large-scale collaborations with other non-profits on specific projects. Broward Bulldog accepted an invitation to collaborate with 100Reporters in February 2012, while Spot.us joined with American Public Media in November 2011, and the Bay Citizen and the Center for Investigative Reporting merged in February 2012. The 2012 INN report stated, “More non-profits will have to do what businesses have done – merge or collaborate. But it will be difficult to survive on their own” (Osder and Campwala, 2012: 27). Building citizen relationships Many of the mission statements in our sample asked citizens to co-produce local content through “citizen-reporting submissions” (Common Language Project) or “building a membership base of citizen watchdogs” (InvestigateWest). Others teach digital literacy and multimedia production (Common Language Project, Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism). Oakland Local and the St. Louis Beacon sponsored gatherings to foster community dialogue. The INN listed citizens and the public (as opposed to “audiences”) as the number one stakeholder for news non-profits and suggested that without community ties the groups would not be sustainable. News non-profits in practice The third and fourth research questions seek to determine whether practices in these working newsrooms reflected their stated missions and also the tenets of building trust with the community. If we remember that to instill a sense of community trust, an organization must nurture relationships, perform consistently, hold dear a set of values, and commit to the understanding that news is a public good, we can examine briefly our two ethnographic cases – the Wisconsin Center and MinnPost – in relation to this framework. The Wisconsin Center’s mission statement declared it would: “Protect the vulnerable. Expose wrongdoing. Seek solutions to problems,” focusing on under-covered topics such as mental health in the state’s jails or rural population loss. During one December 2012 journalism class at the University of Wisconsin, executive director Andy Hall highlighted in particular a labor-intensive project involving an examination of the governor’s calendars to determine how he spends his time. “I think it helped provide voters with a lot of important information before the [2012 Wisconsin] recall election,” Hall told the class. Between its founding in 2009 and 2013, the Center had produced more than 125 full reports and 105 columns with the stated, oft-articulated desire to “do good.” By 2012, Hall was taking calls from all over the country asking him to share his expertise as a non-profit manager or the Center’s specialties in database reporting, mapping – which the center had started doing in earnest in 2010 – or investigative work. “Collaboration is key,” the organization declared at the top of its webpage, and the topic was one of Hall’s favorite discussion points in the halls of the journalism school. Many of the Center’s stories incorporated either non-profit or mainstream media partners, such as the story on the Wisconsin governor’s calendars. The Center did not have the resources to do the work on its own, so it shared tasks with reporters at a commercial newspaper, public television, and students in the j-school. During 2012, the Wisconsin Center was Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 Konieczna and Robinson 979 observed moving into topical areas of interest it shared with other news non-profits (including MinnPost), such as frac sand mining and other forms of content presentation such as interactive mapping. The Center also collaborated with alumni, distributing stories written by a former intern in Haiti and requesting photos from another who had become a photographer at a Wisconsin newspaper. Hall and his staff conducted trainings for mid-career journalists, thinking of themselves as contributing valuable skills to journalists around the state and country. Hall said, “It’s why we get grants – because we’re seen as national leaders helping the industry.” Here, Hall connected the Center’s collaborative strategy with its continued longevity and sustainability – an essential element for community trust moving forward. That collaboration was also a key part of the Wisconsin Center’s ability to perform consistently – another key to community trust-building. During the course of the ethnography, Hall asked staff to track where the organization’s stories appeared, and post results on the website so citizens and potential funders could see evidence of the Center’s performance. During one 2013 meeting, Hall announced to staffers that, “The Capital Times is planning on running [current project] as the cover story on Wednesday. Lauren will check to see where it shows up. Ten news organizations requested the password.” The meeting’s 10 attendees clapped for the undergraduate intern whose story had garnered so much mainstream press attention. The intern worked as a peer with the rest of the staff, exemplifying the Center’s relationship building with journalism faculty and students. Hall was very cognizant of the fragile future of the Center, and he and the full-time reporters spent much time training students to learn the trade: in an editorial meeting in January 2013, Hall passed around correspondence between the Center and one of its funders, explaining that “I’m sending it around because one of our goals here is that in addition to the journalism experience, you get some exposure to the financial end.” For Hall, the media partners, non-profit collaborators, alumni, and student interns all represented core partners necessary for the health of the fledgling organization. Hall’s enacted strategy was to build audiences through existing media channels, even defining “public engagement” in relation to how many news organizations had picked up their stories (personal communication, 2013). Hall wanted to reach as many “regular” citizens as possible; he estimated 30 million people had seen the Center’s products through July 2013. For Hall, rebuilding public trust in news meant doing so through traditional journalistic practices, filling in the voids mainstream news outlets had let grow. That includes transparency, which Hall said is key to building trust. The Wisconsin Center was open about its sources of funding, posting those organizations’ and individuals’ names on its website and ensuring that those sources did not impact content. Hall sometimes interacted with readers critical about their perception of the Center’s loyalties – who either contacted him directly or were forwarded on to him by the news organizations that carried the Center’s stories. He pointed them to the organization’s financial support policy that explained funders cannot influence content. He has also delved into the comments on news stories written by the Center and published on the websites of other news organizations, especially when it came to setting the facts straight. After one particularly controversial story about an altercation between Supreme Court judges in Wisconsin, some readers were saying that the Center had reported that one judge put another in a chokehold. Hall jumped in on that discussion to clarify that the Center had Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 980 Journalism 15(8) never used the term chokehold. He has also asked news organizations to publish corrections if they had mischaracterized how the Center presented the story. “At some point we decided, don’t just sit there and let the inaccurate, untruthful criticism mount. If somebody wants to criticize a decision, fine, but let’s be clear about what we published before we get attacked,” (personal communication, 2013). It should be noted, however, that the Wisconsin Center’s reputation was intertwined with that of the media who publish its pieces. These relationships were reciprocal: some of the Center’s reputation influences the reputation of the collaborating or reprinting organization, and vice versa. “We’re in bed together,” Hall said (interview, April 25, 2013). But he was hopeful that the Center could leverage these relationships to improve trust in journalism as a whole. “As a relatively small, relatively young news organization, we can in fact play a role in helping increase the public’s trust in what’s reported not just by asking the public to trust us or other news organizations, but by working really hard every day to make sure our stories are thoroughly reported, fairly written and accurate. Through that process of leading by example, we potentially can play a role in increasing the public’s trust in journalists,” (personal communication, 2013). One way the Center enacted this was by offering the organizations that published its content access to primary documents and alternative forms of the content, such as graphics. News organizations around the state have slowly been incorporating all of this content – not just the text. “They (readers) can hold us accountable if they think we misinterpreted or distorted…. It helps the reader see much of the body of information upon which conclusions in the report were drawn,” (personal communication, 2013). In contrast, MinnPost’s mission statement targeted only the “news-intense” public (compared to the 30 million potential readers of the Wisconsin Center). “MinnPost made a concrete decision when we started that we were looking for a subset of the newspaper audience – half of the half. We estimated our target audience is one-sixth of adults – those who are news intensive and read multiple sources,” CEO Joel Kramer said (personal communication, 2011). In 2013, Kramer said the organization still had work to do on this front. While he believed that MinnPost was well known among people actively engaged in policy – the organization’s primary target – there remained what he called a “second band of college-educated, news-engaged people” who had yet to find the organization (personal communication, 2013). And, like Hall, Kramer was also keenly aware of the need for his organization to become a stable news source. Much of MinnPost’s efforts on this front involved looking for a new business model for journalism. Not content with simply getting by year by year, the organization created strategy groups in late 2012 to help establish metrics and best practices for improving its scoring on each of those metrics. Most of the strategy groups were related to financial sustainability – focusing on topics such as acquiring major gifts and growing readership. On the readership front, although its website was the primary venue for MinnPost work (with 12.5 million page views in 2012), MinnPost contracted with newswires to distribute its stories in mainstream media: “What we get out of it is brand recognition,” Kramer said (personal communication, 2011), acknowledging here that his organization’s survival was linked to the institutional press. That link, though, was much more tenuous than it was for the Wisconsin Center. In 2013, almost two years after setting up a relationship with the Minnesota Newspaper Association to carry MinnPost’s stories, MinnPost was Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 Konieczna and Robinson 981 not tracking where its stories ran. The organization’s focus remained on its main platform – its own website – and on building the sustainability of that product. In contrast, the Wisconsin Center saw tracking as a key path to its brand of donation-based sustainability because it allowed the organization to make an argument to foundation and individual donors alike about its impact. In terms of nurturing relationships, MinnPost worked on new ways to build links to citizens of Minneapolis. For example, the organization hosted a series of Town Hall meetings in 2011 in which journalists interviewed newsmakers in front of a crowd. Also, as part of a 2011 fundraiser, it auctioned off a “conversational salon” in which experienced mediators would help the buyer set up a debate between 30 people on the topic of his or her choice. As another example, editors in 2011 discussed setting up opinionwriting workshops for people who wanted to contribute to the organization’s op-ed section and in 2013 planned to accept letters to the editor to create an avenue for reader contribution less intensive than an op-ed but more intensive and visible than an online comment. In addition, as part of the organization’s strategy groups, MinnPost began to build structures focused on increasing its readership. While the organization worked on engaging that second band of educated people, it was more important, Kramer said, to build stronger relationships with existing readers, getting them to stay on the site longer at each visit, and click on more pages (personal communication, 2013). “We concluded we had more prospect for growth by deepening existing relationships,” Kramer said. That’s based, he said, on industry metrics that show that some news sites get four to six clicks per viewer, whereas MinnPost was getting roughly two. The organization was applying a similar strategy to raising money, focusing first on building stronger relationships with existing donors. As of 2012, MinnPost also was moving into collaboration with other non-profits – in fact, the Wisconsin Center and MinnPost worked together during the year on an application to a Minnesota foundation for money to report on frac sand mining, happening in both states. Through all of their coverage, Kramer articulated that the organization’s role was to empower citizens through information; he asserted that he could accomplish this better than mainstream organizations. For example, MinnPost commissioned a poll of Minnesotans’ views of the shutdown of the state government to fill what editors perceived to be a hole in the information available about the shutdown. “I’m still shocked that the Star Tribune isn’t doing this,” Kramer said during an editorial meeting in July 2011. For MinnPost, rebuilding community trust in news organizations involved only a portion of the public, but the organization sought to engage with that segment intensely. The organization played up such sentiments in its publicity material, emphasizing the organization’s values and the idea that news is a public good. Its 2011 year-end publication, an almost 50-page tabloid reprint of its top stories of the year, had this statement to readers at the end: “MinnPost’s message to the community is simple: High-quality journalism is not just a consumer good, and we can no longer depend only on the private sector to provide it. High-quality journalism is a community asset, the underpinning of democracy, community and quality of life.” In articulating news as a “community asset,” MinnPost made a public trust argument about journalism as a reliable watchdog. Yet Kramer also strove to nurture a more citizen-centric trust relationship through transparency. The organization disclosed its funding sources as well as any conflicts of interest. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 982 Journalism 15(8) But in addition, he discouraged MinnPost reporters from putting on a “false air of objectivity,” having them explain to readers how they came to their conclusions. “We think it’s just a better way to do journalism, but it also builds trust because it enables the reader to make his or her own judgment,” (personal communication, 2013). Kramer tried to encourage this kind of writing during his time at the Star Tribune too, but it is harder for a mainstream newspaper to publish this kind of writing because of reader expectations. “A start-up can more easily do it; a place with a small dedicated audience that understands what you’re doing can easily do it” (personal communication, 2013). Finally, he also worked to incorporate reader engagement such as accepting reader-generated content and story ideas. A discussion: Rebuilding community trust The evidence in this study indicates that these news non-profits are indeed based on the traditional model of trustee journalism, but that they also wish to re-define the relationship between journalists and citizens and erase the previous boundaries of informational authority. Not only are these journalists working to have citizens “trust” non-profits to uncover those stories the local news organization failed to report, but they are also actively cultivating a sense of ownership over information and over the news organization itself for citizens (100Reporters, InvestigateWest, Midwest Center for Investigative Journalism, New England Center for Investigative Reporting, ProPublica, Texas Observer, VTDigger). In establishing goals about storytelling and strategies around relationship building, the organizations aim to help readers move beyond being the passive observer Carey (1999) worried about. They work to empower citizens in the information exchange and provide them with an opportunity to identify with the material as a community document. This article suggests that through such missions and strategies, these non-profits hope to “reclaim our communities” (New Haven Independent) as new kinds of civic journalism with citizens as primary stakeholders and, most importantly, collaborators via relational trust-building. The values innate in any trusting exercise depend on relational interaction between information producers, information sources, and information sharers – something many of these news non-profits purport to offer via the communal re-connecting they aspire to generate. A majority of the studied organizations called for independence and transparency as part of their missions for producing content (FairWarning, INN, National Institute on Money in State Politics, PublicSource, ProPublica, Wisconsin Center, WyoFile). In declaring that its newsrooms were “free from partisan political influences,” as PublicSource did, these organizations hoped to build trust in the balance of the content. In mapping a blueprint for collaboration with stakeholders, media organizations, and citizens, the INN (Osder and Campwala, 2012) posited in its 2012 report that significant “trust” relationships among all of these players will be essential to any form of sustainability for these non-profits. In aligning their missions with the ideals of legacy media while also differentiating themselves, the non-profits demonstrate an intimacy and a shared knowledge of the norms and practices of journalism as an accepted, authoritative profession. As Warren (1999) stated in an essay about democracy, government, and trust (relevant to the institution of the press as well): “Because the rules of an institution can Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 Konieczna and Robinson 983 be known and generalized to a very large number of strangers (i.e. reporters), the truster (i.e. the news consumer) can extrapolate those rules to individuals about whom he has little direct knowledge” (349). Not only are these organizations assuring citizens of their knowledge of the rules of good information sharing, but the non-profits are also urging people to take an active role in the information-exchange relationship. This brilliant strategy positions citizens in the middle of that trust relationship and forces them to take ownership over parts of it. That “social dilemma” truly becomes relational in a way legacy media never asked of its constituents. It should be noted that these findings demonstrate a significant contradiction: while almost all aimed to re-connect with citizens and fill a void left by mainstream publications, many adopted the existing institutional framework of media organizations – and in particular ascribing to the trustee model journalism – to do so. In part, this comes from having former journalists at the helm of many of these organizations; they do not know any other structure. Also in part, this results from the need of these new actors to tap into a resource base; non-profit directors are borrowing institutional cache. Nonetheless, these new news organizations run the risk of replicating the dominant – and failing – structure rather than challenging it. At the same time, the collaborative model observed in the ethnographic data showcases a new news model, one eschewing the status quo. Many of these organizations seek to collaborate not only with mainstream news organizations – perhaps a necessary survival mechanism – but also with each other and with citizens. Our case-study organizations purposefully generated deeper relationships with student interns, for example, and resurrected civic journalism practices such as Town Hall meetings. Their choice of investigative news topics and rejection of more popular, sensationalized stories demonstrated their commitment to news as a public good. This bodes well for these non-profits’ contribution to American democracy, as these dynamics shall foster a much different environment. Conclusion As these civically minded non-profits carve out their niche and build trust relationships with citizens, many legitimate questions swirl around the sustainability of these new business models. These uncertainties necessarily jeopardize any kind of community reclamation by way of trust relationships. Controversy, cynicism, and doubts dog these groups. Foundations or wealthy patrons fund many – how sustainable is such a model? Some (not in our sample) decline to disclose where their money comes from – how can we trust the veracity of their information and the altruism of their agenda? Many have a very small readership – how can a group with so little marketability hope to survive amidst the glut of the information age? The very digital technologies that enable these groups to produce and disseminate news and take a shot at rebuilding community trust might also bring about their demise. This article does not begin to answer these questions, which are fodder for another paper. Nonetheless, it must be remembered that one of the fundamental characteristics of any kind of trusting relationship is risk-taking (Vanacker and Belmas, 2009). News organizations in particular should be gathering information “in ways that make readers want to go through the effort of receiving it” (Meyer, 2004: 229), with quality content Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 984 Journalism 15(8) that promotes civic engagement. The evidence presented in this paper demonstrates how the news non-profits say they are using digital technologies to bring citizens further into the newsgathering process, which might lead to more significant relationships between the public and political life. Vanacker and Belmas (2009) call for collaboration among citizens, politicians, old-school media organizations, and other community players to raise the bar for political reporting and ensuing deliberation. This research also argues that the mission statements appear to reflect much of the work of the early public journalism movements, especially in regards to a commitment toward communitybased issues as well as mutual understanding, the illumination of marginalized concerns, and the encouragement of solutions-based citizen action. The evidence from our two case studies indicates some exercising of those tenets. We call on future researchers to observe, through more comprehensive content/discourse analysis methods, what these organizations actually do. Perhaps a longitudinal study would be warranted, revisiting these organizations in a few years. When we look back at this time period, we may see that the non-profit news organization served as the foundation for renewed trust between American citizens and their journalists (via strategies of storytelling and collaboration). 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Author biographies Magda Konieczna is a graduate student in the School of Journalism & Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She studies journalism and media management issues, particularly as the industry is changing in the digital age. Sue Robinson is an associate professor in the School of Journalism & Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She teaches and researches online journalism, information authority, and new technologies. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Istanbul Universitesi on December 19, 2014 508608 earch-article2013 JOU15810.1177/1464884913508608JournalismLiu and Berkowitz Article “Where is our Steve Jobs?” A case study of consumerism and neo-liberal media in China Journalism 2014, Vol. 15(8) 1006–1022 © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1464884913508608 jou.sagepub.com Zhengjia Liu University of Iowa, USA Dan Berkowitz University of Iowa, USA Abstract When covering foreign events, journalists bring resonant cultural meanings to an otherwise little-understood occurrence. From a cultural perspective, we analyzed “Steve Jobs fever” in five publications of a progressive neo-liberal media group in China. The media texts allowed us to understand society’s neo-liberal narratives. The media re-crafted Jobs’ death into a story about Chinese society: the first theme foreshadowed the greatness and necessity of having Steve-Jobs-style genius; the second theme raised the question why not having an equivalent Steve Jobs and immediately answered it; finally, the third theme logically provided the solution to solve this social crisis. This story fits into the enduring narratives of national salvation through technological consumption and further Westernized liberalization. The study attempts to move research on Chinese media beyond the Chinese context by making a conceptual contribution for understanding journalism in a global environment. Keywords Cultural proximity, consumerism, neo-liberalism, Steve Jobs, China When the death of Apple, Inc.’s CEO Steve Jobs was announced on 5 October 2011, China’s neo-liberal media reacted intensely. Like others, Southern Metropolis Daily – a Corresponding author: Zhengjia Liu, School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Iowa, E305 AJB, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52246, USA. Email: [email protected] from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 DownloadedDownloaded from http://www.elearnica.ir Liu and Berkowitz 1007 regional newspaper in Guangdong Province – reserved its entire front page and seven other pages for stories about Jobs. A second-page editorial read:1 [DQ]China has the largest number of Apple users. Steve Jobs did not only amaze us, but also raised a question: when can we have our own Jobs? … [I]f China’s system and cultural environment could be more open, we will have our own great innovators! (Southern Metropolis Daily, 7 October 2011). This extensive coverage in the neo-liberal media about Jobs’ death highlights his symbolic meaning to the Chinese consumerist context. Southern Metropolis Daily’s ownership, the Southern Media Group, represents an icon of China’s neo-liberal media well known for cross-line reporting and advocating for political liberalization (Zhao, 1998, 2003, 2008a, 2008b). Their reporting style clearly stands out as distinct from the Party media, such as People’s Daily, that simply reported Jobs’ death as a loss to America, appearing at the very end of the second to last page of its7 October paper (Chen, 2011). The intensive coverage of Job’s death exemplifies how, through the process of covering foreign events, journalists attempt to bring resonant cultural meanings to an otherwise little-understood occurrence. To do this, they create cultural proximity by selecting story elements and interpretations that better fit enduring and well-established cultural narratives (Berkowitz, 2011; Gans, 1979). Neo-liberalism as a world-view is understood as a maximization of global market governance and a minimization of state government, because the market is associated with competition and is a better way to achieve economic efficiency and choice (Larner, 2000). As an ideology, neo-liberalism is often criticized as new American imperialism, promoting low wages and inequality, particularly in developing countries disadvantaged by globalization (Howell and Diallo, 2008). In China, neo-liberalism is contextualized in the nation’s historical background and political agenda. To understand the Chinese neo-liberal culture in a transitional moment, Southern Media Group’s portrayal of Steve Jobs is used as a device in this study. From the conceptual framework of cultural construction of news, we conduct a textual analysis of news and opinion items appearing in five nationally well-known publications in the media group. Our underlying argument addresses how neo-liberalism is associated with other ongoing cultural themes, such as nationalism, technological progress and consumerism in media narratives. Cultural construction of news Proximity, one of several often-debated news values, is not simply a geographic concept (Harcup and O’Neill, 2001). When news is lacking geographic proximity, journalists – the interpretive community (Zelizer, 1993) – adapt it by creating connections to cultural proximity, so that audiences are able to relate to what has happened in unfamiliar societies. To do this, journalists write their stories through long-standing narratives that coincide with established cultural values of the domestic society (Berkowitz, 2011; Nossek and Berkowitz, 2006). In this way, a foreign event is “domesticated” and can better resonate with the audience (Cohen et al., 1995). Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 1008 Journalism 15(8) For example, American newspaper coverage of Sudanese refugees drew on an enduring narrative of “the promised land.” Refugees were represented through familiar stereotypes of backward people from a dark continent. American consumerist values and liberal capitalist beliefs are further reinforced as a pre-eminent cultural element that those refugees need to adopt. These news stories offer little about Sudan but instead retell cherished stories about America (Robins, 2011). To understand re-crafting of cultural proximity in media narratives, scholars need to explore how reality is constructed within a distinct cultural environment. This approach of studying news centers on cultural constructions and argues that to report and write news is not just a strategic activity, but a process that re-uses meanings already present in the culture of journalism and the culture of society (Ettema, 2011). To turn Philip Graham’s famous quote on its head, history is a rough draft of the news (Berkowitz, 2011). For instance, the death of an iconic figure evokes collective memory – a mythological version of the past rearticulating the present significance to society (Meyers, 2011; Zelizer, 2011). By referring to the past, media memory in turns offers society a diagnosis of the present and a warning for the future (Kitch and Hume, 2007). In contrast, the conventional normative approach of journalistic research focuses on the possibility of – and the reasons for – producing biased stories. Such a perspective could be problematic when the American journalistic ideology of reporter as objective informer is taken for granted as the standard (Berkowitz, 2009, 2011; Berkowitz and Eko, 2011). For instance, different from American journalists trying to be bystanders and to distance themselves from elites, advocacy journalists in Asian transitional societies tend to actively collaborate with elites to challenge an absolute power, which in turn can benefit that society’s long-term democratic development (Waisbord, 2009). Likewise, the normative approach may fall into a false dichotomy of domination versus subordination and inappropriately simplify the complexity of social strata (Thornton, 1996). In the last three decades, research on Chinese media has been primarily based on a government-control versus press-freedom framework, which is largely influenced by Western liberal democratic ideology. This etic paradigm becomes redundant because it largely neglects that news is produced in the historical context and conveys cultural meanings to society (Akhavan, 2012). As a result, research on Chinese media has often limited the discussion to a specific topic within the Chinese context and has failed to provide a conceptual contribution to the larger field (Meng, 2010). Therefore, in this study, we focus on how cultural meanings shape the news, aiming research at journalists’ work as story brokers of a culture to understand journalism beyond the normative approach. The Chinese media’s coverage of Steve Jobs’ death provides the case that the media craft cultural proximity of foreign news to retell enduring cultural stories in their society. Changing China and changing media China is the second-largest market for Apple. By the end of 2012, this market accounted for 13% of Apple’s overall revenue, and its fourth-quarter sales increased 67% – compared with 15% in America and 11% in Europe. As the penetration rate of high-tech products in China grows dramatically, the Chinese market is expected to be increasingly Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 Liu and Berkowitz 1009 crucial to Apple. There are eight Apple retails stores in China, among which the Wangfujing store is the largest one in Asia (Shinal, 2013). In total, Apple’s original equipment manufacturers (OEM), such as Foxconn, have 331 plants in mainland China (Apple, 2013). Apple’s growth in China is one example of the nation’s political and economic reform, which was initiated in 1978. Soon after Mao’s death, the second generation of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping initiated a national reform program to establish a bureaucratic state capitalist system. The program has established a limited market economy system within the state plans (Lieberthal, 2004). Particularly since 2001 when China rejoined the World Trade Organization (WTO), the nation has further embraced the global market. This economic reform accompanies an ideological shift. The regime has switched from Mao’s totalitarianism to Deng’s authoritarianism and has gradually withdrawn from some aspects of people’s social life (Lee, 2003). From the political economy perspective, scholars have observed the ideological expansion of neo-liberal capitalism in the nation. In the Western context, neo-liberalism emphasizes a globally-free market and recasts governmentality “as non-political and non-ideological problems that need technical solution[s]” (Zhao, 2008b: 25). In the Chinese context, neo-liberalism maintains its emphasis on market economy and technological solutions, but fragments into ideological factions when they advocate for different political agendas. The more conservative coalitions defend a powerful government to protect the nation’s interests in global competition. They believe that Western democracy – in essence the American new imperialism – does not fit into China’s culture. The more progressive coalitions posit that the current political system conflicts with free market economy. They believe that the government has been interrupting healthy and beneficial market competition and argue for further Westernized political reform (Li, 2010; Lieberthal, 2004; Zhao, 1998, 2003, 2008a, 2008b). As a political buffer zone for Hong Kong, Guangdong Province has been governed by the more progressive neo-liberal leadership (Page, 2012; Yang, 2004). In 1979, the province governor convinced the central government to allow Guangdong to establish its own trade policy and to invite foreign investment. It established the nation’s first three Special Economic Zones, where privately-run enterprises have been allowed to dominate the regional economy, in contrast to the state-dominated economy in the rest of the nation. Today, 20 Economic and Technological Development Zones have been established in Guangdong. Several of Apple’s major OEMs are located in these zones, with local government expecting high-tech manufacturing to account for more than 20% of its GDP by 2015 (The China Perspective, 2010). The changing media environment As the political and economic environment has changed in society, the Chinese press system has been less monolithically manipulated by government than it once was (Donald and Keane, 2002; Polumbaum, 2008; Zhao, 1998, 2008a, 2008b). The media industry started its own reform program in the 1990s, which accelerated when China entered the WTO in 2001. As a result, the Chinese press system has become more commercialized and focused on audience interests (Lee, 2003). Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 1010 Journalism 15(8) Also, as scholars consistently point out, press control in China has never been operated through any formal, institutionalized, and universalized pre-publication censorship apparatus. Instead, news organizations self-censor news content and report to the regional party’s propaganda departments, which have the authority to intervene in the news process. Reporters may face ad hoc punishments if the published content has crossed an acceptable line, which is also situational to the specific context. Therefore, there are considerable chances for local party committees and news organizations to advocate for their own agenda (Polumbaum, 1994; Zhao, 2008b). In addition, younger generation journalists are brought up, educated and trained in a more open social environment and are unwilling to equate propaganda with news when pursuing their professional dream (Polumbaum, 1994, 2008). The changing media are not only the consequences of the reform program but also are playing roles in this transitional society. The Southern Media Group, for example, is affiliated with, but not financially reliant on, the provincial Party Committee. Its main readership comprises educated urban residents (Shirk, 2011; Zhao, 2003, 2008b). Supporters honor these publications as “the real media with a conscience” (Shirk, 2011). For instance, when Southern Weekend’s 2013 New Year Letter to Readers was censored, journalists and their supporters demonstrated through both online and offline protests (Johnson, 2013; Wong and Buckley, 2013). However, the conservative faction labeled the Southern Series “the traitors of China,” because they believed that these media showed bias by advocating for Western democracy (Han, 2011). It is vital to point out that liberalization does not equate to democratization, even though progressive neo-liberal elites are often praised as democratic reformers (Zhao, 1998). Liberalization merely aims to deconstruct absolute political power, while democratization includes the reconstruction of power structure (Zheng, 2008). By examining several social phenomena, Zhao (2008a) warned that Chinese neo-liberal media, just like Western liberal media, widely represent the interests of business corporations and liberal elites. As Zhao (1998, 2003, 2008a, 2008b) observed, these progressive media are not independent from authoritarian power but are associated with the progressive neo-liberal coalition in power. In the 1980s, the pioneering progressive newspaper – World Economic Herald – was protected by Zhao Ziyang’s authoritarian government and its agendas of political reform never went against Zhao’s policy. When Zhao stepped down from power during the Tiananmen demonstration in 1989, the newspaper was immediately closed. Similarly, in the current environment, the Southern media’s proactivity is associated with the regional Party committee’s liberal leadership. In general, from the political economy perspective, Zhao (1998, 2003, 2008a, 2008b) concluded that Chinese media struggle between the Party line and the money line. However, based on a normative paradigm, such discussion is easily able to find problems in the neo-liberal media without providing an understanding of how neo-liberal narratives are constructed in media texts. Conceptually, such a discussion fails to move research on Chinese media beyond the Chinese context. Therefore, this study argues for a cultural perspective to understand journalism within its social context. It explores how neo-liberal narratives are packaged with other ongoing cultural themes – such as nationalism, technological progress and consumerism. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 Liu and Berkowitz 1011 Nationalism and technological progress Political science scholars have consistently noticed nationalism as a crucial component in Chinese society (Gries 2004; Schwarcz, 1986; Tang and He, 2010; Zhao, 2008b). Nationalism is defined as an imaginary social construct that creates a collective identity among individuals who feel belongingness to their given nation (Benedict, 1991). A national survey project in 2008 showed that the Chinese people felt the highest level of nationalism compared with people in other countries, such as the US, Canada, South Africa, Venezuela, and Japan (Tang and He, 2010). By examining historical events since the 1990s, Gries (2004) distinguished popular nationalism from state nationalism and noted that they conflicted with each other. Popular nationalism separates the concepts of state and motherland and rejects the Party’s nationalist creditability. The state is also trying to control popular nationalism when it threatens to create instability for the regime. State nationalism is also associated with the neo-liberal governmentality that participates in the global market. For example, when NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999, there were street demonstrations in more than 100 Chinese cities expressing discontent with the government for not being tough against the US. As a response, the Party media – People’s Daily, Central China Television, and Xinhua News Agency – issued similar stories that under the Party’s leadership, people were working hard to promote technological development to increase the national strength, to assuage populists’ anger toward the US (Gries, 2004; Zhao, 2008b). The Chinese nationalist movement is also tied into the theme of technological progress. Since 1840, when the Chinese Empire’s historical legacy collapsed because of Westerners’ invasion, the Chinese have deeply believed that the nation was defeated by Westerners’ advanced technology (Schwarcz, 1986). Technological progress would therefore be the crucial strategy to achieve national salvation. In more than 150 years, different elite groups launched their own technological development movements. When the current economic reform was initiated to re-establish the nation’s power, Deng Xiaoping’s saying, “Science and technology are the primary productive forces” became a guiding slogan (Lieberthal, 2004). Consequently, consumption of technology is articulated with meanings of supporting the nation’s development. Consumerism with Chinese characteristics When consumption – the individual-level purchasing behavior – is reconstructed and interpreted with social meanings, it becomes a “psycho-social” apparatus conceptualized as consumerism. For instance, consumption of high-tech products is interpreted as supporting scientific and social progress; consumption of popular music is packaged with peace and love; consumption of fashion is illustrated as a high-end lifestyle. In general, symbolic values of consumer goods are endowed with social significance (Miles, 1998). In the early 21st century, China is the second-largest market of luxury products (Karon, 2011). Consumption functions as a way to fulfill one’s desires, to support economic development, to establish a lifestyle, and to symbolize success. Since consumerism is an unstable cultural articulation, it is flexible enough to be packaged with any ideological factions (Miles, 1998) and also able to be reconstructed within enduring cultural contexts Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 1012 Journalism 15(8) (McCracken, 1990; Miles, 1998; Sunderland and Denny, 2007). In a society highly valuing nationalist pride, Chinese consumerism is inevitably associated with nationalism (Zhao and Belk, 2008). Consumers prefer to have Chinese celebrities, particularly sports stars, as spokespersons, because those stars can evoke nationalist pride (Zhou and Belk, 2004). In contrast to favoring Chinese spokespersons, Chinese consumers prefer Western brands, because of the norm of seeking prestige faces (mian zi) in this collectivist society. Culturally, the West represents a source of admiration and antipathy (Belk and Zhao, 2003). Therefore, worship of Western lifestyle is a significant consumerist value orientation in the Chinese marketplace (Wei and Pan, 1999), where Chinese consumers show higher openness to foreign products than do their American counterparts (Parker, Haytko, and Hermans, 2011). Young urban Chinese consumers are found to have few differences with their global counterparts in consumption, embracing modern capitalism and global consumerist values just like their American peers (Podoshen et al., 2011). In general, the interaction of these ongoing cultural themes provides the background to craft the cultural proximity of Steve Jobs’ death. Based on the conceptual and contextual development, this study incorporates a close reading of the Chinese neo-liberal media’s portrayal of the American business icon Steve Jobs’ death, helping to understand the cultural stories these media retell to the society. Our analysis is guided by the following questions: •• What do the Chinese neo-liberal media stand for? •• How are cultural themes intertwined to craft cultural proximity of Steve Jobs’ death? Method Textual analysis was conducted to identify common themes and to summarize storylines (Attride-Stirling, 2001; Fairclough, 1995; Schrøder, 2002). Our data come from coverage of Steve Jobs’ death appearing in Southern Media Group’s five nationally-influential publications.2 Because the publications are in Chinese, only one author read through the content and a Chinese-speaking graduate student helped with double-checking the selection decisions. From the media group’s online archive3 we scanned the publications from 6 October 2011, the day when Steve Jobs’ death was announced, until 6 November 2011, when this event faded from coverage. In total, 47 items were found relating to Steve Jobs’ death. We excluded advertorials and excerpts translated from American media. In addition, items focusing on anecdotes about Steve Jobs’ and Apple’s history were not included. As Nossek and Berkowitz (2006) suggest, this chronicle form of news only serves an informational function while the story form of news is most like cultural narratives. After eliminating those items, our analysis focused on the remaining 20 stories of Chinese society’s reaction to Jobs’ death. In qualitative research, 20 cases are acceptable to reach data saturation and variability (Bernard and Ryan, 2010; Guest et al., 2006; Morgan et al., 2002). Although only one author read through the content, theoretical frameworks were discussed between both authors. When each article was read, notes were taken of the Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 Liu and Berkowitz 1013 emerging themes (Attride-Stirling, 2001; Saldana, 2009). The general themes were later categorized based on the agreed cultural frameworks (Nossek and Berkowitz, 2006). A social crisis: The absence of Steve-Jobs-style genius Through our analysis of the news narratives, we found a general storyline underlying the coverage: Chinese society was facing a crisis of not having an equivalent to Steve Jobs. Three themes can best summarize stories that were examined. The first theme explicated how Steve Jobs, glorified as an innovator or scientist, has amazed Chinese high-tech industry and consumers. The second theme raised the question of why China has fallen behind America in terms of innovation. The third theme advocated a solution that to catch up with America, China needs systemic changes. Being amazed: The utopian view of technology progress The first theme was associated with technological progress. Steve Jobs was defined as an innovator or scientist parallel with Newton and Einstein, instead of a businessman or entrepreneur (Jin, 2011). Therefore, Apple products were technologies, rather than commodities, invented by Steve Jobs. In this way, consumption of these products was not simply a purchasing behavior but an adoption of emerging technology (Miles, 1998). This theme manifested the utopian discourses of technology from both the Apple consumers’ and the high-tech entrepreneurs’ perspectives. Southern Weekend covered Apple consumers grieving outside an Apple Store in Beijing: [DQ]Apple fans poured into the Apple Store in downtown, with flowers, poems, candles, and even tears … The passers-by stopped and stood in silent tribute. “He was a good man.” stated Chen Jianrong, a Beijing resident, who was feeling sad, “Because of my iPad, I can play with my grandson without learning how to use a computer. He brought us the simplest happiness.” (Ye, 2011) The quoted interviewee, Chen, made a morally-positive evaluation of Steve Jobs, because iPad, a product of Jobs’ company, brings happiness to him and his grandson. Chen was illustrated as an exemplar of the Apple fans and Chen’s story explained why fans poured into the store to mourn Jobs. In another opinion piece, the columnist explained the reason why consumers like iPhones: “iPhone 4 makes everyone equal. There is no special iPhone 4 only possessed by dignitaries. The added value for common people to own iPhone 4 is the equally shared dignity” (Nie, 2011). This excerpt suggests that the value of social equality was added to the consumption of iPhone 4, even though the price of an iPhone is beyond the reach of many laborers in Apple’s OEM factories. Apple consumers, in fact, were not the focal point of the media’s portrayal. Chen was the only quoted consumer in the 20 analyzed news stories. Rather, the focus of the “amazed” theme was on the entrepreneurs who make their fortunes through deals with Apple, including App software designers, OEM owners, venture capital partners and local Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 1014 Journalism 15(8) smartphone developers. These high-tech elites are called “Jobs’ Chinese disciples” (Qiu, 2011; Ye, 2011; Zeng, 2011a, 2011b). Their stories were similar: Apple gave them opportunities to make profits all over the world. “Steve Jobs’ Apple has changed the Chinese Internet Technology industry and has brought up a group of millionaires and has provided millions of people with jobs” (Zeng, 2011a). Terry Gou, the CEO of Apple’s largest OEM, Foxconn, told the reporter that Jobs once gave him a business card with his signature and Gou kept this card as a priceless treasure. Gou stated, “The world lost a real hero and I lost a friend. His spirit of utter devotion and creativity will never be forgotten” (Zeng, 2011a). In this example, Jobs was glorified as a philanthropist sowing dreams, hope and money, but the exploitation of workers in Apple’s production plants was not mentioned. Also the story did not mention the sensational news that in 2010, 11 Foxconn employees committed suicide in the plant’s dormitory, and Terry Gou was widely criticized as a sweatshop owner (Malone and Jones, 2010). In addition, when Steve Jobs’ death news was being broadcast, an environmental NGO (non-governmental organization) criticized Apple’s exploitation and pollution problems. One of the polluting factories was Foxconn’s branch plant (Wang, 2011), yet that story only appeared once, on the second to last page of the 10 October Southern Metropolis Daily. Likewise, none of the Chinese coverage mentioned Jobs’ notoriously eccentric nitpicking personality that often has been covered in American media (Gladwell, 2011). Thus, Steve Jobs was idealized and romanticized in the Chinese neo-liberal media’s memorial, a narrative tailored for the Chinese cultural background. The asymmetrical portrayal of the changes brought by technological products highlights the enthusiasm that the technology in general is making progress for individuals in China. In contrast, the second theme focused on progress at the national level. Why them? Why not us? Neo-liberal capitalism as the promised land In this second theme, stories focused on the reasons why the Americans had innovators like Steve Jobs but “we,” the Chinese, cannot find an equivalent genius. The news narratives ascribed Steve Jobs’ success to the American culture and blamed the absence of an equivalent Steve Jobs on the Chinese culture and political-economic system. For instance, one opinion piece in Southern Weekend listed four components of American culture that allowed Steve Jobs to be successful: [DQ]The culture of tolerance and curiosity allows a free spirit like Steve Jobs being able to come into his own … Free business environment lets Jobs come back to Apple for a second time … The culture of equality decides that iPhones are affordable to anyone, celebrities or common people … The culture of optimism encourages a terminally ill person to continue pursuing his dream. (Nie, 2011) In another piece, a columnist even argued, [DQ]No other people can compare with Americans in terms of creativity: not French, not Russian, not Japanese … America is a hybrid nation with immigrants from all over the world … so the people are born to be creative (Wu, 2011). Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 Liu and Berkowitz 1015 In these articles, America was portrayed as “the promised land,” much like portrayals by American media (Robins, 2011 – in these stories, the problems of capitalism, racism and class conflict in American society disappeared. Such a portrayal did not fit either the state nationalist or popular nationalist advocacy narrative. It did not place the US in a holistic position as a Western invader; neither was Apple portrayed as an American capitalist giant exploiting Chinese laborers. In addition, these stories did not simply glorify the American capitalist culture; they also sharply blamed the absence of an equivalent Steve Jobs on the Chinese culture. In one article, the editor collected six posts from microblogs on a Chinese social networking site, Sina Weibo, which is a Chinese equivalent of Twitter with users dominated by members of the newly-arising middle class: 18 to 35-year-old, highly educated and financially better-off urban residents (SOHU IT, 2011). These microblogs parodied the possible tragedy, as if Jobs were a Chinese (Deng, 2011). For example, one piece read: [DQ]Five possibilities if Jobs was born in China: 1. His patent was pirated so he died; 2. He could not pass the Public Servant Exam4 so he died; 3. He could not find a job after he quit school, so he went back to his hometown in the countryside and set up a stall without permission. Later he was beaten to death by municipal administrators; 4. He invented iPhone and MacBook, but the products were banned because they could facilitate freedom of speech and threaten regime stability. 5. He invented iPhone and MacBook, but was accused of plagiarism. (Deng, 2011) The newspaper editor’s selection of these satirical pieces implied his/her agreement with the micro-bloggers’ criticism of the Chinese system: •• first, the law has not given a secure protection of innovation; •• second, the administrative system has been exploiting the small-size business; •• third, the education system has killed the young generation’s creativity, so young people are eager to be part of the power system; •• fourth, technological development has been restricted by the authoritarian regime. Comparing America and China, these stories placed the former as a leading nation, with advanced technology and culture. However, the stories did not simply suggest that China is backward. Instead, the overarching question, “Where is OUR Jobs?” implied the ambition to catch up with America. This ambition was illustrated by the third theme, in which the neo-liberal media posit the solution to produce “our Jobs.” The solution: Advocating for further political reform The third theme connected Apple products and Steve Jobs with political demands. For instance, one article in Southern Weekend elaborated a historical connection between Apple and the current reform program (Ye, 2011). The story traced back to 1980. An Apple employee came to Shanghai to promote the Apple II computer. Because the Cultural Revolution, which ended in 1976, had ruined technological development in China, the Chinese at that time had no knowledge about computers. The promotion did not go Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 1016 Journalism 15(8) successfully. The salesperson was disappointed and left an Apple II at a youth recreation center in Shanghai. A boy, Lin Jin, later learned how to use a computer by playing with that Apple II. In 1984, Deng Xiaoping visited that recreation center and watched Lin playing chess on the computer. Deng stated, “The introduction of computers should begin at an early age.” The reporter wrote, “The little computer opened a window for China to learn the world … Since then, China’s computer wave has continued” (Ye, 2011). In this story, Apple products were again portrayed as technology that needed to be adopted. This technology had not only made economic progress, as the first theme elaborated, but also triggered the political figure, Deng, to strengthen his reform directive. A historical tie between Apple and Chinese politics was constructed by the reporter. The news stories then focused on the current political plan. On 10 October, the local government of the City of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, announced an official plan, which included RMB50m (about US$8m) in order to produce 1,400 Steve-Jobs-style talented people in five years. This plan drew criticism of the government’s plans for even “having our Jobs” (Jin, 2011; Ye, 2011). Southern Metropolis Daily’s famous columnist, Wu Yue San Ren (2011) argued that Steve Jobs could not be copied in China. Jobs’ success was based on two levels of freedom – free choice and the free market – both of which were absent in the current Chinese society. He stated, [DQ]We need a complete market economy. Today, when an enterprise gets bigger, it is exploited by all levels of governmental institutions. As a result, either it has to work for the government or its further development is limited … Government can build up a big company but a great enterprise can never be fostered by government. (Wu Yue San Ren, 2011) The columnist directly elaborated the neo-liberal elites’ opinions of how to have “our Jobs.” The overpowering government has not only prevented young Chinese talent from becoming equivalent to Steve Jobs but has also kept Chinese enterprises from becoming an equivalent to Apple. In a complete market economy, the government will step down from controlling economic development and people’s free choices. It is noticeable that the government did not have its voice in the media coverage, though there were intense criticisms against it. Therefore, though the neo-liberal media have been recognized for their efforts to push the bottom line of free speech, these media were not playing objective bystander roles as American journalists do, but were like the advocacy journalists in other traditional Asian societies – they intend to reduce the absolute power and aim to promote the society’s long-term political development (Waisbord, 2009). The consumerist meaning of Steve Jobs was essentially associated with the progressive neo-liberal elites’ political appeal. In summary, the media re-crafted Jobs’ death into a story about Chinese society: the first theme foreshadowed the greatness and necessity of having a Steve-Jobs-style genius; the second theme raised the question why China did not have an equivalent to Steve Jobs – and immediately answered it itself. Finally, the third theme logically provided a solution to solve this social crisis. In all, this story fits into the enduring narratives of “national salvation through technological consumption” and “the importance of further Westernized liberalization.” Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 Liu and Berkowitz 1017 Conclusion Our study is based on the concept of cultural proximity, which allows journalists to craft coverage of foreign events to fit well-established cultural narratives of a society. Such narratives help understand the cultural stories that the Chinese neo-liberal media wrote for their society at the time of Steve Jobs’ death. We asked two questions: •• What do the Chinese neo-liberal media stand for? •• How are cultural themes intertwined to craft cultural proximity of Steve Jobs’ death? The findings, first of all, present the dynamics of the Chinese press system. Media scholars have argued for years that the Chinese media have developed more than one voice. Not all media are still playing a mouthpiece role for the central government, so that there are opportunities for the Party’s regional committees and news organizations to promote their own agendas. As we demonstrated, the progressive neo-liberal media of the Southern Media Group were affiliated with local government by a neo-liberal leadership and rooted in a market-driven local economy. Their circulation numbers and national reputation created media content that resonated with a considerable number of readers nationwide. These media recast the meaning of Jobs’ death by drawing on cultural proximity to make a political appeal against suppressing the free market. This appeal did not go beyond the authoritarian government’s overall neo-liberal ideology, acknowledging Deng’s economic policy and remaining consistent with the regional Party’s position on further political liberalization. A second finding of this study illustrates connections among the society’s ongoing themes: consumerism, technological progress, nationalism and neo-liberalism. Steve Jobs was portrayed as an innovator instead of a business figure and Apple products were correspondingly defined as technological advances instead of commercial commodities. Apple consumers were accordingly labeled as fans instead. From this perspective, the purchase of Apple products was interpreted as the adoption of technology and the support of progress and development. Likewise, business partners of Apple were admired for their individual success. Such utopian views of technology and consumerism were not unfamiliar in Western neo-liberal capitalism but less a part of the Chinese political-economic system. However, as this study shows, consumerism in China can also be associated with liberal nationalism. The overarching focus of the Chinese neo-liberal elites’ reaction to Steve Jobs’ death was that “we” have fallen behind and need to catch up with Americans’ creativity. This perspective indicates an ambition to make the nation stronger through greater technological innovation. Different from both state and popular nationalism (Gries, 2004), the liberal nationalist notion regards America as a model to follow instead of an enemy to fight. Similar to popular nationalism, though, it also rejects the state’s nationalist credibility. Even further, this neo-liberal nationalism accuses the current regime of constraining the nation’s development and expresses the political appeal of further reform. Compared with The New Yorker’s presentation of a dark side of Steve Jobs (Gladwell, 2011), the Chinese neo-liberal media’s commemoration of Jobs offered a diagnosis of the current political and economic system’s problems and warned their society of a very likely failure from falling behind the Americans. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 1018 Journalism 15(8) In summary, the journalists at these neo-liberal newspapers crafted the meanings of Steve Jobs’ death to fit existing cultural narratives of the current Chinese society, with themes such as technological progress, consumerism and neo-liberal nationalism. This study demonstrated how coverage of geographically-distant occurrences became culturally proximate and meaningful to the domestic society. The cultural construction of news approach used here treats news as the text to understand the larger culture that produces it. As the case indicated, Chinese society is far more complicated than the previous control-versus-resistance model frequently presented. Liberal nationalism is different from either state nationalism or populist nationalism. Neither right nor wrong, different groups for their own political agendas could reconstruct the meaning of consumerist values. For future research in this vein, scholars should be aware of the complexity of social structure, which can be unwittingly simplified by adopting a normative false dichotomy. In addition, the normative paradigm easily limits research on Chinese media within a specific context and fails to make further dialogues between Chinese media studies with the larger field (Meng, 2010). In other words, normative research may provide description of Chinese media but can hardly explain media phenomena in a different social context. Thus, the cultural approach taken here argues to situate journalism in both the professional culture and the culture of its society. It does not presume a universal norm of journalism but allows scholars to acknowledge the diversity of press systems and journalistic cultures in the current global context, a notion that can also be adapted to studying news media in other transitional societies. Funding This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Notes 1. All block-quoted press excerpts are originally in Chinese and translated by one author with a Chinese-speaking graduate student’s assistance. 2. Southern Weekend, the flagship press of the Southern Media Group, was established in 1984. It was the first weekly in the nation and by 2012 had a circulation of 1.6 million readers, the largest number among all weeklies. Southern Metropolis Daily became nationally known in 2003 when it intensively reported the severe spreading of SARS and pushed the government to make the epidemic situation transparent to the public. Its current circulation is about 1,790,000. Southern Weekly is Southern Metropolis Daily’s weekend periodical, with a circulation of 500,000. 21st Century Economic Herald’s precursor was 21st Century World Herald, which had covered too many “risky” stories and was closed in 2003 (Polumbaum, 2008). This business herald has become the biggest financial newspaper with a circulation of 670,000. Southern Figure Weekly lives out its belief in “equality, tolerance, and human welfare.” The magazine’s current circulation is about 360,000. All these circulation numbers are from the publications’ online introduction. 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Some of her recent publications appear in the International Journal of Sports Communication and the Journal of Magazine and New Media Research. Dan Berkowitz is a professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication and associate dean in the Graduate College at the University of Iowa. His main research interests focus on cultural approaches to the study of news. Some of his recent work appears in this journal, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, and Memory Studies. He is also author/editor of Cultural Meanings of News: A Text-Reader published by Sage. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION on December 19, 2014 511572 research-article2013 JOU0010.1177/1464884913511572JournalismVobič and Milojević Article “What we do is not actually journalism”: Role negotiations in online departments of two newspapers in Slovenia and Serbia Journalism 2014, Vol. 15(8) 1023–1040 © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1464884913511572 jou.sagepub.com Igor Vobič University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Ana Milojević University of Belgrade, Serbia Abstract This study offers insights into articulations between the normative and the empirical in online journalists’ self-negotiations concerning their roles in people’s assimilation of information, the daily provision of news and their institutional status in online departments. In-depth interviews with online journalists from two leading newspapers, Delo in Slovenia and Novosti in Serbia, are used to investigate their negotiations with respect to their societal role. The analysis reveals troubled negotiation processes among interviewed online journalists when they consider what is regarded as “true” journalism, news production requirements and their institutional status. This indicates that rearrangements of political–economic relations in both post-socialist societies have increased journalism’s responsibility to the media owners and power holders and surpassed its normatively defined responsibility to the public. Both case subjects are compared through the prism of the processes of negotiation of normative principles of journalism in the social, national and institutional contexts of the two newspapers. Keywords Online journalists, societal roles, identity, political relevance, institutional status, news production, Slovenia, Serbia Corresponding author: Igor Vobič, Chair of Journalism, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Kardeljeva ploščad 5, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia. Email: [email protected] from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 Downloaded Downloaded from http://www.elearnica.ir 1024 Journalism 15(8) Introduction The roles of journalists in society has been one of the core subjects of theoretical and empirical explorations of journalism in the last two decades (e.g. Christians et al., 2009; Hallin and Mancini, 2004; Hanitzsch et al., 2011; Schudson, 2011; Splichal and Sparks, 1994; Zelizer, 2004). By taking different epistemological positions and inquiry levels, these studies have explored services that journalists offer to people in different media cultures and social contexts. Journalists’ roles and their self-negotiations reflect articulations between the prevailing normative models of media and democracy and empirical realities in which journalists try to connect people to political life. Various commonalities can be identified in transnational studies (e.g. Deuze, 2005; Donsbach and Klett, 1993; Hanitzsch et al., 2011; Weaver, 1996), but different media traditions are also apparent. Scholarly work on journalists’ roles has tended to be dominated by studies from Western Europe and the United States (Josephi, 2005), leaving journalism’s normative predispositions and empirical dynamics in other parts of the world under-theorized and rarely explored (e.g. Jakubowicz, 2007). Therefore, this study attempts not only to provide insights into journalists’ roles in often-neglected Slovenia and Serbia, where relations between the media, civil society and the state have gone through profound changes in the last two decades, but also to offer evidence of context-related contingencies in role negotiations among journalists in the two countries by focusing on a particular group: online journalists in traditional newspapers. With the rise of the Internet and particularly the consolidation of social media in people’s lives, it has become more difficult to assess ideas about journalism and the roles of journalists (e.g. Dahlgren, 2013; Deuze, 2007; Hermida, 2013; Papacharissi, 2009; Singer et al., 2011; Zelizer, 2009). Journalists’ roles with regards to the Internet have been explored through the prisms of media systems (Fortunati et al., 2009), the social organization of the newsroom (Boczkowski, 2010), the culture of news making (Paterson and Domingo, 2008), journalist–audience relations (Bruns, 2005) and professional identities (Weaver et al., 2006). These studies indicate that the Internet creates a sense of discomfort among journalists when reassessing their roles in society, but at the same time they indicate that journalism’s future lies online. However, these studies offer little insight into the complexities and conflicts within the processes of role negotiation within heterogeneous journalistic communities in terms of national traditions, technological convergence and institutional particularities. In these contexts, there are indications that online journalists in traditional media institutions face identity difficulties and often do not perceive themselves as rightful members of the professional community. Some researchers have superficially explored or theoretically debated the aforementioned issues, but their primary research interests have been elsewhere (e.g. Colson and Heinderyckx, 2008; Deuze and Paulussen, 2002; García, 2008; Quandt et al., 2006; Singer, 2003; Vujnovic et al., 2010). Thus, this study’s main aim is to identify how online journalists in specific contexts perceive their roles in society and how they negotiate the normative predispositions of journalism within the conditions of news work. The research objective is relevant in the context of Slovenian and Serbian journalism, as the normative setting of journalism has become ambiguous since the fall of socialism two decades ago. From this perspective, Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 Vobič and Milojević 1025 the study offers insights into articulations between the normative and the empirical in online journalists’ self-negotiations concerning their roles in people’s ensemble of information, the requirements in daily provision of news, and their institutional status at newspapers. In-depth interviews with online journalists from two leading newspapers, Delo in Slovenia and Novosti in Serbia, are used to investigate their negotiations with respect to their societal role. Both case subjects are compared through the prism of the processes of negotiation of normative principles of journalism in the social, national and institutional contexts of the two newspapers. Conceptual background: Online journalists and their selfnegotiations Debates on who counts as a journalist and who does not are becoming ever more complicated (Papacharissi, 2009; Lee-Wright et al., 2012; Zelizer, 2009), and people’s linkage to political life is increasingly accompanied by a growing sense of cynicism and disempowerment (Dahlgren, 2009; McNair, 2006; Schudson, 2011). The self-negotiations of journalists with respect to their roles in society call for continuous scholarly attention. At the same time, the growth of user-generated content on the web is significantly altering the parameters of journalists’ self-negotiation. With non-journalists using social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogs, to generate, share information and interpret information, journalism is becoming more multifaceted, collaborative and diverse, with different actors becoming actively involved in news production (Hermida, 2013; Papacharissi, 2009; Singer et al., 2011). These dynamics have unquestionably deepened and broadened the public spheres of democratic societies and helped to challenge the power structure in authoritarian ones. However, they have simultaneously given rise to additional complexities to permanent conceptual dilemmas in journalism and journalistic identity (e.g. Vobič and Dahlgren, forthcoming), many of which arise because of the distinctive character of the journalistic field: its foundation in explicit values and its identity as a set of unique practices guided by ethical horizons. Journalists’ identities are being undercut as journalism is mixed with other forms of media activities, such as advertising, public relations, entertainment, political communication and marketing (Dahlgren, 2013; Friend and Singer, 2007; Gitlin, 2009). In this setting, articulations between the normative and the empirical have considerably reshaped journalism’s relevance to people’s assimilation of information, the need for journalists in the daily production of news, and the structure and organization of news media institutions. The occupational ideology of journalism serves to continuously reach a consensus about who counts as a “true” journalist and what news providers can be considered to be examples of “true” journalism (Deuze, 2005). Yet, this consensus is being continuously refined. It varies in its tenacity and reflects specific societal configurations. Scholarly works in the last decade indicate that online journalists, particularly in traditional media institutions, find it very difficult to label themselves as “true” journalists (e.g. Boczkowski, 2004; Colson and Heinderyckx, 2008; Deuze, 2007; Deuze and Paulussen, 2002; García, 2008; Quandt, 2008; Robinson, 2011). According to these studies, online journalists are Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 1026 Journalism 15(8) often self-deprecating when assessing their roles with regard to their (1) political relevance, (2) news production requirements and (3) institutional status. With respect to their political relevance, journalists in online departments are somewhat ambivalent towards participatory ideals of online communication as they follow notions of detached journalism, “notions that tend to exclude, rather than include” (Deuze et al., 2007: 335). In this regard, many studies have shown that online journalism in traditional media institutions tends to retain gatekeeping control over news making, despite opening up somewhat to the audience (Domingo et al., 2008; Hermida and Thurman, 2008; Singer et al., 2011). Online journalists continue to rate the disseminator role as the most important (Weaver et al., 2006) and acknowledge the importance of quick, neutral and accurate information production (Malik and Scholl, 2009). Yet, power is moving away from journalists as gatekeepers of information towards the audience who are assuming a more active role as assemblers, editors and even creators of their own news (State of the Media, 2006). Some have acknowledged that journalists’ function in society is being transformed, with their role now one of orienting people in the 24-hour overpowering stream of news (e.g. Pöttker, 2012). Online journalists feel inadequate because their news making rests mostly on already published information and interpretation of information available online, downsizing their relevance in political life to “second-hand” journalists (e.g. Quandt, 2008). Regarding online journalists’ news production requirements, review articles (Kopper et al., 2000; Mitchelstein and Boczkowski, 2009; Scott, 2005; Steensen, 2011) indicate that online journalists are required to continuously gather, assemble and produce news items throughout their work shifts to respond to the assumed needs of the “people formerly known as the audience” (Rosen, 2012). As a direct result, the Internet has introduced a “special breed of journalists” (Colson and Heinderyckx, 2008: 144) devoted to preparing online editions of traditional media under tight deadlines (Fortunati et al., 2009) and work minced into small processes (Quandt, 2008). To cope with the demands for immediacy and the requirement to continuously make news, online journalists hardly ever provide original content. Instead they “copy-paste” content from agencies or “monitor” other media and “mimic” their news (Boczkowski, 2009). Due to the constant time constraints, online journalists hardly ever leave their desks and newsrooms, developing almost an inferiority complex to the imagined “true” journalists that is reflected in phrases such as “mouse monkeys” (Deuze, 2007: 142) or “desktop” journalism (Deuze and Paulussen, 2002: 241). In regards to online journalists’ institutional status, online departments are organized separately from their print counterparts and tend to be populated by newcomers and less experienced journalists (e.g. Jones and Salter, 2012; Meikele and Redden, 2011; Paterson and Domingo, 2008). They produce their own “mini-cultures” and nurture specific values, practices and ideals distinct from those in print or broadcast journalism (Deuze, 2007). Despite trends of newsroom convergence and cross-media production, selfunderstanding among journalists from formerly distinct departments is increasingly a problem (e.g. Dupange and Garrison, 2006; Fortunati et al., 2009; Singer, 2003). For instance, in their transnational study, Fortunati et al. (2009: 935) acknowledge the danger of the “demise of the reporter” and the rise of “new kinds of workers”, with less social protection and fewer labour rights, who can be more accurately labelled news producers Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 Vobič and Milojević 1027 than journalists. Traditional media institution research has identified an ever-greater division between “privileged professionals” who enjoy greater job security and career development in print or broadcast and “a periphery of semi-affiliated professionals” in subcontracted arrangements, often working in online departments (Deuze, 2009: 85). Commenting on the institutional status and self-deprecation of online journalists, García (2008: 73) noted that they regard themselves as “half stupid” and “minor brothers” of print journalists. Research in Slovenia also points to complex dynamics in role negotiations in the journalistic community in the context of on-going transformations in media, culture and society, but it has barely scratched the surface of the subject. For instance, Oblak Črnič (2007) identifies “defenders” and “critics” of online journalism among Slovenian journalists and notes that online journalists are often not seen as “real” journalists but as “assemblers of stories”, because they primarily make news by reassembling already published news. Similarly in Serbia, a recent study of Serbian journalists’ attitudes towards the changes in journalism suggests that the professional community is deeply polarized between the techno-sceptics, those who defend the traditional way of performing journalism, and the techno-enthusiasts, those who embrace new media technologies in their everyday practice (Milojević and Ugrinić, 2011b). A comparative study indicates that online journalists in Slovenia and Serbia nurture a rather detached relationship with their audiences as they try to reproduce the traditional role of journalists as gatekeepers (Vobič and Milojević, 2012). Thus, research in Slovenia, Serbia and elsewhere implies that the rise of the Internet has sparked a fierce debate among journalists and added a new dimension to negotiations of journalists’ roles. Yet, the above review of studies indicates that negotiations about the socially prescribed behaviour of online journalists in relation to other important actors in journalistic conduct—audiences, journalistic colleagues and newsroom decision makers—have been neglected. As these issues have been explored only partially in studies primarily dealing with other issues, this article tries to overcome this research gap and provide insights into how online journalists in Slovenia and Serbia perceive themselves within the institutional conditions of news work. The main research question of the study is: How do online journalists negotiate their roles in terms of their political relevance, news production requirements and institutional status? Contextual background: Journalists’ roles in Slovenia and Serbia The discussion on journalists’ roles in Slovenia and Serbia needs to be considered in the specific context of the considerable shifts that the two nations have undergone in the last two decades. After the fall of socialism in both countries, the media experienced major normative changes, reshaping the idea, function and character of journalism. In Slovenia, the media significantly contributed to the collapse of socialism and to the building of Western-type democracy and market economy (e.g. Poler, 1996; Splichal, 2001; Vobič, 2009). In contrast, Serbian mainstream journalists played an integral part in the singleparty regime of Slobodan Milošević in the 1990s (Milivojević, 2006; Veljanovski, 2009). Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 1028 Journalism 15(8) Research in the last decade indicates common patterns in terms of the position of journalists in Slovenian and Serbian societies. In Serbia (e.g. Milojević and Ugrinić, 2011a; Veljanovski, 2006) and Slovenia (e.g. Volčič and Erjavec, 2012), they rarely established themselves as independent forces, but rather as active actors in the reproduction of clientelistic social dynamics at systemic, interactional and actor levels. In terms of the normative framework, the self-regulatory system in Slovenia requires journalists to perform on behalf of the public while their fundamental obligation is “true and genuine informing” (e.g. Poler, 1996). The normative shift from the advocacy character of socialist journalism to what Splichal (2000) labels “mediative journalism” has its roots in the new social movements of the 1980s and was codified already in 1988 before the disintegration of Yugoslavia (e.g. Poler, 1996). However, in Serbia, societal change was more turbulent, with the shift towards a liberal conception of journalism more a matter of momentum in 1989 (Milivojević, 1993) than societal transformation after the fall of socialism. After 2000, the Serbian media scene underwent a democratic and professional transformation (Veljanovski, 2009), leading the normative predispositions of Serbian journalism to become increasingly similar to those in Slovenia. These normative changes in Slovenia and Serbia imply a paradigmatic shift to highmodernism, where journalism serves as “an integrative force” and “a forum for debate” (e.g. Vobič and Dahlgren, 2013). Despite stressing detachment, the separation of “facts” from “opinions” and the balancing of claim and counterclaim in the conquest of the public good, journalism research implies doubt in the realization of the normatively grounded and codified roles of journalists. Namely, the currents of the market economy, rearranged political–economic relations and increasing responsibility to the media owners and power holders have surpassed journalism’s normatively defined responsibility to the public in Slovenia (e.g. Volčič and Erjavec, 2012) and Serbia (e.g. Milojević and Ugrinić, 2011a). On the one hand, the model of market-driven journalism has prevailed in Slovenian journalism (e.g. Poler Kovačič, 2009; Poler Kovačič and Erjavec, 2008), meaning that journalists do not offer what the public should know, but provide what the audience (allegedly) wants. Sensationalism, dramatization and trivialization have become the common denominators of journalism, which principally serves the “public curiosity” of consumers rather than the “public interest” of citizens (Poler Kovačič, 2005). The most recent study of the media industry in Serbia shows that recent downsizing due to the economic crisis is lowering the quality of journalism, with even the state media struggling to provide proper “public service” (Radojković, 2012; Ugrinić, 2012). Despite ambiguous empirical realizations of normative predispositions of journalism, the degeneration and the downsizing of journalists’ roles by expanding institutional goals seem to be common in both Slovenia and Serbia. Insights into articulations between the normative and the empirical in journalists’ self-negotiations have been rare in Slovenia and Serbia, particularly in the context of the Internet. Thus, this study sheds light on online journalists’ roles in two newspapers in Slovenia and Serbia. Their negotiations are investigated through the prisms of online journalists’ relevance to people’s assembling of information, their requirements in the daily provision of online news and their status in the structure of news media institutions. The study focuses on online journalists from two leading newspapers in Slovenia and Serbia, taking into account the readership of their daily newspapers, the number of Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 Vobič and Milojević 1029 unique visitors to their news websites, the number of staff and the size of the news production department (Milosavljević and Vobič, 2009; Radojković, 2012). Historically, Delo and Novosti were established as “societally owned” in the 1950s, but they were privatized after the fall of socialism two decades ago. Delo1 and Novosti2 started their news websites in the late 1990s. In the 2000s, they set up online departments, which were separated from the print department in terms of space, processes and staff. In the last two years, both started the process of integration of news work environments and reconsideration of the role of online journalists and online news. Delo has already built a common newsroom for print and online journalists. At Novosti, they try to integrate the print and online processes and content without a common workspace. To focus on aspects of specific cases and to deal with the main research questions, the in-depth interview method was used. Delo has 15 online journalists, and Novosti has nine. The online departments of both newspapers are populated by less experienced journalists, with mostly temporary employment status. Methodology This study focuses first on how online journalists gather, assemble and share news and second on how the institutional context shapes their conduct. A case study research approach was adopted to investigate the online journalists’ self-negotiations in the specific institutional realities of the two newspapers. The case study approach can shed light on specific cases rather than seeking empirical generalizations (Mabry, 2008; Stake, 1995; Yin, 2003). The study does not attempt to generalize the findings to other modes of online journalism in both countries. Instead, it aims to provide in-depth knowledge of the dynamics between the structure (i.e. the context in which online journalists work) and the subjectivity (i.e. what online journalists bring to their work) in online journalists’ negotiations. In-depth interviews were adopted as the main research method. The interviews focused on three areas: problem centring, object orientation and process orientation. Problem centring refers to the researcher’s orientation to the relevant problem(s) (i.e. the role negotiation processes among the online journalists in the traditional news media institutions); object orientation refers to the development or the modification of the interviews with respect to the object of the research (i.e. the specific processes at Delo and Novosti); and process orientation refers to the understanding of the object of the research (i.e. the normative grounding of journalism and the dynamics of its negotiations in particular settings) (Flick, 2006: 161). The study departed from “focused” or “structured” interviews in which the interviewer strictly follows an interview guide and adopted instead a “semi-structured” or “semi-standardized” type of interview. The interview guide was organized but not fixed and adopted as a tool for theoretically informed and contextually grounded conversation. More specifically, three types of questions were combined: open, content mapping and nondirective (Flick, 2006; Legard et al., 2003). Each of the questions was intended as a distinct stimulus with a particular purpose at a certain stage of the conversation. The aim was to encourage conversation on a particular topic, and the questions were answered based on the current knowledge of the interviewee (e.g. “How do you usually gather, assemble and produce online news items?”). The interviewer Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 1030 Journalism 15(8) asked theory-driven (Flick, 2006: 156) questions based on the literature review and the theoretical framework of the study (e.g. “Why is online journalism relevant to people’s participation in political life?”). Finally, the third type of questions, which were confrontational (Flick, 2006: 157) or content mining (Legard et al., 2003: 150), responded to the notions that the interviewee had presented up to that point to critically re-examine them (e.g. “How do you explain the differences between your self-understanding of your role as a journalist and those written in journalists’ code?”) In January and February of 2011, five in-depth interviews were conducted with Delo online journalists, and four online Novosti journalists were interviewed in July 2011. The interviewed Delo online journalists were aged between 25 and 32 years, they were members of the online department, and they had temporary employment status. Editors were not included. Three of the interviewees covered national affairs, one covered foreign affairs and one reported on sport events. At Novosti, two of the interviewed journalists were permanent employees, and all were under 35 years. One was the news editor, another specialized in sport and the other two covered general news. The online journalists at Delo and Novosti are mostly employed in the newsroom where their role is to post content from in-house print colleagues on the newspaper’s website, reassemble or copypaste press agency news and translate foreign media news. The interviews lasted an average of one hour and 40 minutes and were held outside the newsroom in a quiet public space, most often the cafeteria, to diminish the influence of organizational settings. They were voice-recorded and later transcribed in full. Results The analysis of the in-depth interviews with the online Delo and Novosti journalists revealed discrepancies in how they negotiate their socially prescribed behaviour with respect to other actors: audiences, print journalists and media management. On the one hand, the interviewees from both online departments view their service as being in accordance with normative predispositions of Slovenian and Serbian journalism, that is, providing timely “objective” news to enable people to make competent decisions and actively participate in political life. On the other hand, they do not regard themselves as “true journalists” (Delo online journalist A) because they rarely make “original” news due to speed requirements. Instead, they mainly shovel in-house print content online, reassemble press agency news and translate foreign media news. Regarding their institutional status, differences were identified between the Delo and Novosti journalists. The Delo online journalists stressed that they are “not regarded as equal” (Delo online journalist A) with their in-house print colleagues in terms of career opportunities and labour relations. However, the Novosti interviewees did not acknowledge subordination, but rather “isolation” of the online department (Novosti online journalist C) from the main decision-making bodies at the newspaper. Political relevance: “We deliver information that people need” The Delo and Novosti online journalists said that they provide “fast news” (Delo online journalist C), “credible information” (Delo online journalist B) and “direct news” Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 Vobič and Milojević 1031 (Novosti online journalist A). Their responses imply timeliness, truthiness and conciseness in their output and suggest that they see themselves as timely impartial mediators of social reality. Delo online journalist D acknowledged the importance of online news in the process of opinion making and political participation: “With the news we provide, people can act not just like a flock of sheep, and they cannot be manipulated easily. They can make better decisions”. Novosti online journalist B explained that they work “in the service of citizens”, and that “we need to show the people that there is some kind of link and that life is transmitted through news. News is what they live”. All the interviews clearly had a modern view of journalism, which offers heterogeneous citizenry and a public forum. In addition, to a certain extent, the interviewees’ narratives indicate that besides gatekeeping, the online journalists at Delo and Novosti take on what can be labelled as an orientation function. For instance, as noted by one of the Delo online journalists (journalist C), “we help people by providing fast and selected news. We narrow the frame of importance, especially on the first page. We are, in a way, a filter”. This shift was particularly salient when the interviewees spoke about social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter. For instance, one said, “we use social media to publish website links that lead to our stories. In particular, the younger generation follows the news stream more closely and clicks on the item that appears” (Novosti online journalist A). Both online departments use social media for promotional purposes, and they are ambivalent towards interactions with online users. However, the interviewees stressed that they follow what users click, read and comment “to push a certain story” (Novosti online journalist C). At the same time, they have no intention of interacting with them, let alone involving them in news production. They “try to ignore them” (Delo online journalist A) or “get nervous when they talk with us” (Novosti online journalist A). Therefore, the online journalists appear to be aware that journalists’ roles in how people’s ensemble of information is changing with always-on stream news. However, at the same time they retain traditional detachment from the audience. Most of the Delo and Novosti interviewees clearly expressed a willingness to act as critical journalists, or as what Delo online journalist A called “critical watchdogs”, but they have problems taking on this role for different reasons. The Novosti online journalists cited the apparent close relationship between media owners, editors and political actors. For instance, “we do not perform as investigative journalists. It makes me sick to work as a journalist taking into account so many personal interests of the powerful. /…/ Generally, we are in the service of politicians and others” (Novosti online journalist A). At Delo, on the other hand, the interviewees acknowledged different news production requirements. “We should reveal stuff and control the powerful. /…/ We can do stories in our free time, but I am sorry—I do not feel like it. There is no motivation: that is the problem. Then, I ask myself, why I would bother making an effort for 600 euros per month” (Delo online journalist A). Production requirements: “Need for speed” As noted earlier, the Delo and Novosti online journalists do not produce news based on active information seeking outside the newsroom but rather shovel the contents of Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 1032 Journalism 15(8) in-house print colleagues onto the website, reassemble or copy-paste press agency news and translate foreign media news. The members of both online departments strongly emphasized the need for speed and the importance of timely news, reflecting news production requirements aimed at immediacy and not authenticity, let alone exclusivity. Some online journalists at Delo see themselves as gatekeepers of the second order in their attempts to provide “non-stop” news (Novosti online journalist C) and fulfil the “need for speed” (Delo online journalist B). “I think it is terrible. Somebody else makes all the decisions for you, gathers information and selects what is important. Somebody else is a gatekeeper: it’s not me really. The quality of our news cannot reach the level of the news from the field” (ibid.). The interviewees from Novosti also explicated that “there is almost no author’s work” (Novosti online journalist B) and call the service they provide “copy-paste journalism” (Novosti online journalists A, B, C). The interviewees stressed that the pace of work is so intensive that they cannot find time for one of the fundamental principles of quality journalism: to verify information. When asked if they verify the information they use, nobody replied with an affirmative answer. Instead, they rely on the accuracy of other journalists, who are their primary information resources. For instance, “often we do things without thinking. We have to do everything almost immediately, which often results in mistakes, from spelling to factual mistakes” (Delo online journalist B). In the process of routinization of their production, the online journalists of both departments acknowledged the use of translating tools, such as Google Translate, when reporting on foreign matters. For instance, Novosti online journalist D who covers sports said she uses Google Translate to follow news websites from other countries: “You cannot get information on player transfers from football clubs directly. You read sites from their countries by using online translating tools, and you know exactly what is happening”. Delo online journalist A uses online translating tools to translate foreign media faster. “There is nothing wrong with that. I just work much faster. I have to go through the text of course and get rid of mistakes made by the tool”. The interviewees’ answers indicate that they are not content with their highly routinized response to news production requirements. For instance, “what we do is not actually journalism. We sit, skim the web looking for information and reassemble it” (Delo online journalist B). Many other examples illustrate that the online journalists at Delo and Novosti do not regard themselves as “true” journalists. Often-used phrases such as “copy-pasters” (Delo online journalists A, B, D), “recyclers” (Delo online journalist E) and “sitting job” (Novosti Journalist B) point to the notion of work alienation. “We are not the cognitive workers. I get the news items, reassemble them and publish them online. I sit in the newsroom and write about events that I didn’t experience” (Delo online journalist C). When characterizing the online news work, the Delo interviewees used metaphors such as “robots” (Delo online journalist E), “assembly line” (Delo online journalist A) and “factory” (ibid.) to stress the monotony of their practice. In this context, Novosti online journalist A acknowledged, “journalism is pure economy. We hunt for clicks by following what is out there online and what might get our readers’ attention. /…/ Maybe I was naive, but I pictured journalism differently”. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 Vobič and Milojević 1033 Institutional status: “Not regarded as equal” The interviewees from both newspapers acknowledged that online departments have a peripheral institutional status at Delo and Novosti. Phrases such as “bunch of students” (Delo online journalist C), “backup journalists” (Delo online journalist C) and “copypaste” journalists (Novosti online journalist D) are only some examples used by the interviewed online journalists when explaining their status within the structure and organization of both newspapers with regards to their labour relations, cooperation with print colleagues and roles in daily news production. With regards to labour relations, the employment status of the online journalists at Delo and Novosti is precarious, with the large majority engaged in short-term contractual, casual, temporary and freelance work. For instance, “I have graduated and have been working at Delo for two years. The biggest problem is that you do not know what is going to happen the next day” (Delo online journalist D). Delo online department staffers, except editors with a permanent contract, are not paid for sick leave. However, the topic of labour relations did not stimulate a fierce debate among the Novosti online journalists, probably because two of them who used to work for printed newspapers now have regular employment. In contrast, the Delo interviewees all work in risk-filled and open job arrangements. In terms of cooperation with print colleagues, according to the Delo and Novosti interviewees, cooperation among online and print journalists is primarily the result of collaboration grounded in the occasional common interests of individuals. The online journalists otherwise portray the relationship with counterparts in print as often conflicting and full of misunderstandings. For example, “some print journalists are arrogant. They regard us as a bunch of students. It is constantly implied that ‘old-school’ print journalism is the real thing. Nothing will change until online journalists become older” (Delo online journalist C). Similarly, “it seems that print journalists do not understand or do not want to understand that speed is essential online. The mindset is ‘let’s take it easy’” (Novosti online journalist B). In this sense, some of the interviewees also indicated that they are “underestimated” in relation to the print department members and “not regarded as equal” by members of the newsroom (Delo online journalist A). Regarding their roles in daily news production, the interviewed online journalists said that the online department is “forgotten” at Delo (Delo online journalist A) and “isolated” or “alone” at Novosti (Novosti online journalist C). The interviewees acknowledged the business factor as the primary motivation for the online arm of the newspaper being an institutionally peripheral department: the absence of a consolidated business model for the Internet results in small revenue for online departments and minor financial investments in staff and technology. “It seems that at the company level, there is no consensus and no institutionalized decision making for active cooperation in news making” (Delo online journalist B). The situation is similar at Novosti. “I have good cooperation with one print colleague. But it is completely individual. Otherwise, there is no strategy of cooperation across the department”. At both newspapers, cross-department cooperation is limited to morning and afternoon editorial meetings, and ad hoc encounters between online staffers and print editors-in-chief are rare. In addition, the Delo online journalists stressed that the print editor-in-chief, who is formally also in charge of Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 1034 Journalism 15(8) the online department, “does not care” about online news (Delo online journalist E). For example, “she does not give a rat’s ass. She does not know us, she does not say hello. She is terrible. She has her office really close to us and often passes by, but does not say anything. /…/ We probably do not even exist for her” (Delo online journalist A). Discussion and conclusion This study confirms the insights of previous works, which pointed to troubled negotiation processes among online journalists in traditional news media institutions when they consider what is regarded as “true” journalism, news production requirements and their institutional status (e.g. Boczkowski, 2004; Colson and Heinderyckx, 2008; Deuze, 2007, 2008; Deuze and Paulussen, 2002; García, 2008; Quandt, 2008; Robinson, 2011). In addition, the study indicates that institutional set-up prevents online journalists at Delo and Novosti newspapers offering some of the services they wish to offer to the public. According to the interviewees from the Slovenian newspaper, online journalists cannot perform as watchdogs because they are overwhelmed by constant time constraints. Their Serbian counterparts also acknowledged political pressures. This indicates that rearrangements of political–economic relations in both post-socialist societies have increased journalism’s responsibility to the media owners and power holders and surpassed its normatively defined responsibility to the public (e.g. Milojević and Ugrinić, 2011a; Splichal, 2001; Vobič, 2009). The department staffers in both online departments deprecated their socially prescribed behaviour compared with that of print journalists and key decision makers in the newsroom. The Delo and Novosti online journalists have what Deuze (2008: 206) calls “a perpetual in-between status”, that is, working for a prestigious news brand, yet not (self-) acknowledged as fully fledged members of the journalistic community. The Delo and Novosti online journalists have clear and surprisingly similar problems defining journalism and its public role, and they find it difficult to position themselves inside or outside the “we” community. On the one hand, the dynamics reflected in the online journalists’ self-perceptions reaffirm “a strong culture of separation between insiders and outsiders” (Hartley, 2008: 43), despite the lines between journalism and non-journalism becoming increasingly blurred (e.g. Dahlgren, 2013). On the other hand, they point to what has been labelled “journalism’s crisis of authority” (e.g. Gitlin, 2009) where the gap between actual journalism and its self-presentations appears to be increasingly hard to bridge in the contemporary media environment. The findings of this study point to the corrosion of the journalistic characters of the online journalists at Delo and Novosti where the “integrity of occupational ideology” (Deuze, 2005) is being degraded due to, among other things, the workers’ contingent employment status, unsteady work environments and flexible duties. Despite paradoxes in the self-negotiations of the Delo and Novosti online journalists and difficulties in positioning themselves within news media and in society at large, the analysis of the interviews shows that they all cite five ideal-typical values when relating themselves to other actors: public service, objectivity, autonomy, immediacy and ethics. These values were referred to as occupational ideology by Deuze (2005). Therefore, regardless of differences in the media environment shaping journalists’ identification Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 Vobič and Milojević 1035 processes and indications of a more porous “we” community of journalists (e.g. Deuze, 2008), this study of Delo and Novosti online journalists shows that “new” journalists in terms of social self-positioning are not being invented within the news media. Instead, some sort of adaptation of “old” models in “new” contexts and purposes is taking place. According to the present study, the dynamics of adaptation are more exclusivist than inclusivist, because online journalism has not been incorporated into the community, as previous research in Slovenia (e.g. Oblak Črnič, 2007) and elsewhere (e.g. Singer, 2003) shows. Research from the Netherlands (Deuze, 2007) and Greece (Spyridou and Veglis, 2008) also suggests a generation gap within traditional newspapers, where “younger” and educated newcomers pose a serious threat as far as jobs, tasks and status are concerned, resulting in the “older” generation being sceptical about online journalism, which is seen as unnecessary and a waste of money and time. The sense-making of the Delo and Novosti online journalists also suggests a gap between the progressive “younger” journalists mostly populating the online departments and the conservative “older” journalists primarily working for print. For instance, “print journalists are really scared because they realize that the future is online. And it appears that personally, people just cannot accept that” (Novosti online journalist A). In these respects, by reflecting what Vecchi (2004: 11) labels as “eminently negotiable” identity, the study on Delo and Novosti online journalists’ self-negotiations points towards what Bauman (2000) names “liquid identity” in his analyses of late modern society. Not only socio-political, cultural, religious and sexual identities, but also occupational identities are in the process of constant transformation, where identities’ quality of ambivalence is rooted in a nostalgia for the past, together with a complete compliance with liquid modernity, resulting in the continual shifting of belonging (Bauman, 2000). Further, turbulent changes and different transitional paths in the last two decades have influenced cooperation among people in Slovenia and Serbia and the human condition. Moreover, journalism’s development has been contingent on political, economic and cultural factors (e.g. Veljanovski, 2009; Vobič, 2009). In this context, this study suggests that parallels can be drawn between attempts to bridge online- and print-imposed identification insecurity and uncertainty among online journalists in the news media environment and what Deuze (2008: 206) calls “unfinished” identity and “typical migrant experience”. “They do not feel like members of their ‘home country’ anymore, but at the same time they are not fully accepted by their ‘host country’” (Deuze, 2008). These problems, at least to a degree, correspond to Sennett’s (1998) acknowledgement of a “corrosion of character” in late modern society, where the integrity of the moral dimensions of people’s identities is being degraded due to, among other things, contingent work relations, unsteady work environments and flexible duties. From the perspective of the corrosion of journalistic character, claims of common occupational ideology (Deuze, 2005), which force journalism and journalists to continuously reinvent themselves, call for further critical attention. The paradoxes of the self-negotiation by the Delo and Novosti online journalists indicate that the ideal-typical values of the occupational ideology of journalists seem to be crucial qualifiers in articulating the relationship between similar news making across the locales and their roles as “copypaste” journalists (Novosti online journalist D), “translators” (Delo online journalist E), and “recyclers” (ibid.). Members of the online departments at Delo and Novosti are an Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 1036 Journalism 15(8) example of how occupational ideology can be used as a tool not only to question or eventually even resist imposed journalistic deskilling in the newsroom, but also, as some other studies suggest (e.g. Deuze, 2009), to modify and counteract technologydriven innovation in news making, for instance, in cross-perspective, interactive and multimedia journalism. In terms of theoretical reasoning, future scholarly investigations might build on the literature from self- and identity studies, not only drawing on their theoretical sources but also bringing back to them on the basis of empirical findings. Issues pertaining to journalists’ self-negotiations will undoubtedly remain an important topic in the future because journalism will continue to change (e.g. Lee-Wright et al., 2012). Whether news making proceeds in accordance with the traditional mode or moves towards more participatory modes, news will remain in the terrain of “institutional difficulty”, “professional uncertainty” and “political contention” (Dahlgren, 2009: 159). Methodological recoating might be fruitful in this regard, most notably by incorporating the methodological tradition of analysis in at least two ways (e.g. Boczkowski, 2011). Firstly, undertaking quantitative analyses of data gathered through ethnographic methods might enable researchers to attain an additional level of precision and to make differences or commonalities in journalism more salient. Secondly, conducting complementary research using quantitative methods, for instance, surveys among (online) journalists, might enable scholars to enhance the findings produced by qualitative investigation and gather data that could not be collected and assembled through ethnographic examination. Funding This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors. Notes 1. The serious broadsheet Delo has an average sold circulation of 42,800 copies (Slovenian Advertising Chamber, 2012a) and is read by, on average, 119,000 people (Slovenian Advertising Chamber, 2012b). Since 2007, Delo’s readership has fallen by 56 per cent (Slovenian Advertising Chamber, 2012b). The news website Delo.si has a reach of 245,000 online users (Slovenian Advertising Chamber, 2012c). Slovenia has 2.0 million residents, of whom 66 per cent access the Internet every day (Milosavljević and Kerševan, 2012). 2. The Serbian daily newspaper Novosti sold 114,600 copies on an average day in September 2012, giving the paper the highest circulation in the country (ABC Serbia, 2012). 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Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 1040 Journalism 15(8) Ana Milojević is a Teaching Assistant at the Journalism and Communication Department at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Her research interests are in transformation of the societal roles of professional communicators in the modern society and changes in their professional praxis as well as working routines, induced by the development of new communication technologies. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at UNIV FED DO RIO DE JANEIRO on December 19, 2014 504258 research-article2013 JOU15810.1177/1464884913504258HarryJournalism Article Journalistic quotation: Reported speech in newspapers from a semioticlinguistic perspective Journalism 2014, Vol. 15(8) 1041–1058 © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1464884913504258 jou.sagepub.com Joseph C Harry Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, USA Abstract A qualitative sample of newspaper articles covering Israeli commandos’ killing of passengers aboard a pro-Palestinian cargo ship was examined to discern how direct and indirect quotation modes function as propositional re-assertion. Using a linguisticsemiotic perspective, journalistic quotation was conceptualized as a series of verbal speech-act signs of three types: direct, free-indirect, and standard indirect quotation. These three essential quotation modes are shown to conform to the semiotic icon, index, and symbol, respectively, and at the linguistic level to entail either relatively neutral, ‘non-subjectivized’ re-assertion, or evaluative, ‘subjectivized’ re-assertion on the reporter’s part. Newspaper quotation segments are related to each variety of quotation, drawing out these co-occurring semiotic and linguistic characteristics to show how each quote mode performs as either a source or writer-centered doubleduty speech act, allowing journalists within the traditional objectivity norm to variously provide relatively neutral or highly interpretive re-voicings of propositional assertions originally uttered by news sources. Keywords Semiotics, linguistics, quotation, sign, reported speech, objectivity, subjectivization Journalists use direct quotation to mimic, reproduce, or resemble what others say, and varieties of indirect quotation to boil down, paraphrase, characterize, echo, or more distantly represent what others say (Keizer, 2009; Li, 1986; Lucy, 1993; Sternberg, 1982; Vandelanotte, Corresponding author: Joseph C Harry, Department of Communication, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, 213 Eisenberg, Slippery Rock, PA 16057, USA. Email: [email protected] Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 Downloaded from http://www.elearnica.ir 1042 Journalism 15(8) 2004). In either case the quoting reporter engages in a two-step compositional process, using language that, from a linguistic/semiotic perspective, constructs verbal (i.e., linguistic) signs interpretable as the immediate ‘voice’ or the more distant ‘re-voicing’ of what someone else supposedly said. But all quotation, from direct to indirect, is a re-voicing. To quote someone is always to re-voice previous speech at some temporal distance from its original utterance. Journalistic quotation is restricted to only factual – and presumably truthful – statements, but is nonetheless a highly interpretive compositional activity. As a means of delivering putatively truthful information, quotation is the fundamental compositional means of creating the multi-voiced narrative called the news ‘story.’ Quotations from different sources, especially in newspaper stories, create the fundamental journalistic narrative as an interwoven series of complementary and contrasting voices. Quotation is fundamental in this sense because most news involves relatively little observational description, instead centering mostly on repeating what others (sources) have already said (Ericson et al., 1989) via either prepared or off-the-cuff interviews.1 Journalists using indirect quotation – which, in the present study, occurred much more often than direct quotation in newspaper articles analyzed – act more like creative reanimators than, in the case of direct quotation, stenographers sticking to a script. Journalists within the modern democratic tradition of reporting are occupationally constrained to remain objective, by keeping their own views out of the story, while freely quoting, directly or indirectly, the raw opinion and openly persuasive, ideologically fueled rhetoric voiced by news sources, who may be as subjective as they wish. This article explores the way quotation performs this subjective/objective balancing act by applying a combined linguistic and semiotic perspective to the complex interaction between source and reporter voices in newspaper stories. Article overview and research aims What linguists have traditionally called reported speech allows newspaper reporters to rhetorically craft their stories as verbal performances that, as objective discourse, must convince readers that the story is a factual, truthful, accurate, verifiable representation (van Dijk, 1988) of previous-speaker voices. This objective rehash of factual information is just as much a rhetorical accomplishment as is the equally rhetorical success, in other communicative contexts, of overtly persuading someone toward a certain viewpoint (van Dijk, 1988). The overall rhetorical intent of news discourse lies in the journalist imaginatively constructing a quote-based narrative couched as plausibly disinterested (i.e., objective) toward the quoted facts and ideological perspectives (van Dijk, 1988: 82–88). Quotation serves this purpose well, since it only attempts to faithfully re-assert primary source assertions. In this regard, the reporter is operating within the professional bounds of objectivity, having only limited liability for the truthfulness of the re-assertions. Because journalism in all its forms is itself a powerful public-sphere institution (Jensen, 1986) whose goal, in the sub-generic case of the straight news article, is to cull and share the supposedly accurate views of news actors regarding a newsworthy event or issue, then the journalist must define and constitute news as what happens from within the operational logic and attendant rhetorical positioning of various other public and private-sphere institutions (Fishman, 1980; Tuchman, 1972), most often by presenting Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1043 Harry the views of an array of officially sanctioned sources (Ericson et al., 1989). This is one way journalists within a distinct professional field of factual, objective storytelling regulated by occupational norms (Schudson, 2001) and reporting ‘rituals,’ such as objectivity (Tuchman, 1972), may also be seen as members of a distinct interpretive community (Zelizer, 1993). This study focuses on journalists’ use of reported speech in its compositional role, as a distinctly semiotic/linguistic phenomenon. As both language use and sign process, factual reported speech will be conceptualized as fundamentally a semiotic speech act functioning logically as propositional assertion, or more appropriately to quotation, re-assertion. This idea is explored with regard to the reporter’s informational role in the semiotic/linguistic re-assertion process, and how factual quotation, whether direct or indirect, can then be seen as a kind of justifying ritual of and for journalistic objectivity, if the latter is considered a kind of complex subjectivity on the reporter’s part, as opposed to the simple subjectivity offered by news sources. To ground quotation within a theoretical framework, I combine perspectives from contemporary linguistics, and from the tradition of pragmatic-semiotics founded by Charles S Peirce (1839–1914). I demonstrate that different quote forms, depending on their ‘writer-centered’ or ‘source-centered’ status, can be seen as performing relatively lesser or greater degrees of informational sign complexity or, using linguistic terminology, subjectivization, and within a given quote, what can be understood as relatively lesser or greater objectivity, if the latter is re-construed as subjectivized assertion, the reporter’s own subjective but informed judgment. Factual reported speech as language and sign Journalistic reported speech in newspapers has been studied in different ways, for example, the role of direct quotation in news articles (Pan, 2010); as a discursive property linked mainly with free-indirect quotation [a hybrid mode of direct and indirect] (Pietila, 1992); as revealing the journalist’s own ‘voice’ (Pounds, 2010; Sanders, 2010); its role in constructing argumentative (i.e., opinion/editorial) discourse (Smirnova, 2009); how quotation can construct a certain ideological stance (Sclafani, 2008); and how journalists using quotation may cast different social actors into differing power roles (Calsamiglia and Lopez Ferrero, 2003). The current article complements previous research by focusing on journalistic quotation – specifically, direct, indirect, and the hybrid direct-indirect mode, free-indirect (Li, 1986; Oltean, 1993; Schlenker, 2004; Sotirova, 2004; Sternberg, 1982; Vandelanotte, 2004; Wierzbicka, 1974) – as a distinct semiotic/linguistic sign process, a double-duty speech act rhetorically designed to persuade a news audience an original speaker actually said what the reporter said the source said. In so doing, these quotational re-assertions perform their role as allegedly faithful renditions of previous speech, with the quoting reporter, whether stenographer or ventriloquist (using direct quotation) or re-animator (via indirect modes), having, at most, only limited liability for the essential truthfulness, soundness, or even accuracy of the re-asserted claims. With indirect quotation, the reporter is liable only for a relatively accurate paraphrasing and summary of an original quote by means of synonyms, re-phrasings and Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1044 Journalism 15(8) re-wordings, general analytical characterizations, and especially an endless variety of verbs of speech (Bamgbose, 1986; Li, 1986; Wierzbicka, 1974), all of which recontextualize an original statement into something new and distinct. Indirect quotation only loosely replicates, or generally represents and interpretively characterizes (Lucy, 1993) an original-speaker statement but is far from an exact replica of it, so questions of truthfulness and accuracy arise in ways not nearly as pertinent to direct quotation. Indirect quotation allows not only for both neutral (said) speech verbs, also known as ‘hear-say evidentials’ (Li, 1986), but also for ‘marked’ (Bamgbose, 1986) or ‘infused’ (Pounds, 2010) speech verbs, such as warned, claimed, complained, cautioned, and an endless variety of others, and is a key element in the journalist’s evaluative intrusion into source re-voicing. Peirce’s notion of signs and assertion All verbal language is, by definition, symbolic. Quotation of any kind is therefore a particular type of symbolic sign-making. Peirce divides all signs into three distinct but irreducibly connected categories, or predominant presentational modes, each with its own rhetorical effect or ‘interpretant.’ These presentational modes and related rhetorical effects are useful in characterizing how different quotation modes can function as specific verbal sign-types. As a species of verbal-symbolic sign, I would suggest that quotation most predominantly qualifies as what Peirce would call asserted propositions, or an indexical (secondorder) sign quality (Hartshorne and Weiss, 1960 [eds] CP 4.38:26)2 – a verbal indication that points out or to some pragmatic intention issued by an utterer. Since quotation, in practice, re-asserts, directly or indirectly, what a current speaker or writer indicates a previous speaker said, quotation qualifies pragmatically as a kind of second-order indexical/propositional semiotic speech act. The indexical sign, as proposition, is couched in language, and language is, as noted, a symbolic (third-level) sign in that it is autonomous, general, and representational. As such, the factual-propositional assertion is what Peirce variously called a ‘dicent symbol’ or ‘informational symbol’ – a general proposition (Hartshorne and Weiss, 1965 [eds] CP 2.271: 154) that, by asserting, claims to represent real-world states of affairs and is therefore open to questions of truth and falsity by virtue of its providing real information (CP 2.315: 178) about those states of affairs. This semiotic conceptualization in valuable ways defines much of what the quoting journalist attempts to convey, as well. Peirce formulates the sign as consisting of three mutually interacting elements – firsts, seconds, and thirds, or the icon, index, and symbol, respectively. Different modes of quotation can be thought of in the same way. Any sign as representamen (Hartshorne and Weiss, 1965 [eds] CP 5.72: 50), or representational object, always brings to mind, first, in its most immediate unexamined state, an icon (picture, image, physical resemblance, sound, or initial, immediate, fundamental thought) experienced as a simple ‘quality of feeling’ (CP 5.66: 47), existing ‘by virtue of a character which it possesses in itself’ (CP 5.72: 50). A sign in its secondary quality, as a second, is an index, experientially connected and evolving from the icon and functioning ‘by virtue of a character which it could not have if its object did not exist’ (CP 5.73: 50–51), the index being ‘a reactional Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1045 Harry sign, which is such by virtue of a real connection with its object’ (CP 5.75: 51). In logical terminology, the icon and index perform different, but related, functions. The icon functions logically, at the level of rhetorical effect – in semiotic language, as interepretant – as a ‘term,’ which in itself is neither true nor false – ‘it names something but asserts nothing; a proposition asserts’ (Hartshorne and Weiss, 1960 [eds] CP 4.39: 27), while the propositional sign is always connected to, but always extends or fleshes out, an icon. In similar fashion, an indirect quote fleshes out and extends the verbatim thought embodied in a direct quote. Peirce explains this logical-extensional function of the index, the formally propositional sign, by stating that the proposition or ‘dicisign’ (a secondary sign) ‘is a further determination of an already known sign of the same object’ (i.e., the icon) [Hartshorne and Weiss, 1965 [eds] CP 2.320: 184]. If thought of as a linguistic speech act, the index carries an indicative function, a proposition pointing to, but somewhat detached and thus autonomous from, its generating icon, while retaining a ‘real connection’ with it. The most completely developed and independently functioning sign – the third element in the sign matrix – is a symbol, at a still more distant remove from (but simultaneously incorporating into it) both the icon and index. However, the symbol works only through social conventions of shared meaning, and ‘fulfills its function regardless of any similarity or analogy with its object [i.e., with no necessary likeness to its icon] and equally regardless of any factual connection therewith [i.e., to its index], but solely and simply because it will be interpreted to be a representamen,’ another name Peirce sometimes uses for ‘sign’ (Hartshorne and Weiss, 1965 [eds] CP 5.73: 51, italic in original; bracketed information added for clarity). As such, a symbol, as rhetorical ‘effect’ or interpretant, functions as argumentative – that is, in informational terms, as an argument extending and developing the indicative (indexical) and imagistic or impressionistic (iconic) qualities to which it is attached. The symbol, as argument, is the most complex and intellectually developed sign, what Peirce frequently calls the ‘most complete sign,’ and with respect to quotation modes can be associated with more reporter-involved, distanced modes of indirect quotation. To summarize, as opposed to the simple and immediate quality of feeling inherent in the iconic sign and the experiential, reactive, indicative quality of the indexical sign, the symbolic sign qualifies as the most evolved, generalized thought-object.3 Seen in this way, quotation as re-assertion can also be tied to its function of presenting supposedly factual truths claims, or statements subject to some minimum standard of truth or falsity. This is also a hallmark of objective discourse. One of Peirce’s clearest indications that the indexical-propositional sign performs as what later scholars, drawing on Peirce, would call a performative or illocutionary speech act (Austin, 1965; Brock, 1981) can be seen in how he ties the act of assertion to subsequent potential acts of belief, assent, and even social condemnation should the assertion be found false (Hartshorne and Weiss, 1965 [eds] CP 2.315): For an act of assertion proposes that, a proposition being formulated, a person performs an act which renders him liable to the penalties of the social law (or, at any rate, those of the moral law) in case it should not be true, unless he has a definite and sufficient excuse; and an act of assent is an act of the mind by which one endeavors to impress the meanings of the proposition Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1046 Journalism 15(8) upon his disposition, so that it shall govern his conduct, including thought under conduct, this habit being ready to be broken in case reasons should appear for breaking it. (p.178) Applied to quotational speech acts, this means that a primary asserter – a news source – has full responsibility for propositional claims-making while the journalist, as propositional re-asserter, has only limited liability, restricted to the good-faith effort of accurately reflecting previous-speaker commentary via quotation. The subjectivization thesis Within the context of quotation, to say and to warn (in addition to, in the latter case, a long list of other marked/infused [Bamgbose, 1986; Pounds, 2010] speech verbs), both perform different re-asserted propositions. In one case (to say, as in: he said) the reporting verb is neutral (Bamgbose, 1986), lacking overt evaluation of what someone else said. But the reporter using a marked/infused (Pounds, 2010) verb of attribution (to warn, to assert, to protest, to condemn, etc.) consciously infuses or marks the original speech with an interpretive or, in recent linguistic terminology, ‘subjectivized’ (Company Company, 2006; Vandelanotte, 2006) take, thus adding interpersonal/propositional ‘scope’ (Vandelanotte, 2006) to the original statement, or an ‘extra-propositional’ dimension (Company Company, 2006). This extra-propositional scope can then be contrasted with the ‘intra-propositional’ and thus ‘non-subjectivized’ (Company Company, 2006) language of the original speaker. Within subjectification theory, as original, ‘innovative’ meaning is ‘paraphrased’ and re-appropriated by a secondary speaker or writer, ‘the innovative meaning becomes less and less dependent on the surrounding syntactic and semantic context, and, as a consequence, becomes more abstract and more polysemous’ (Company Company, 2006: 97). The semantic transformation – from initial-speaker simple subjectivity to secondaryspeaker/reporter subjectivization – is, in propositional terms, a move from the intra-propositional to extra-propositional viewpoint (Company Company, 2006). The linguistic/semantic movement at work is ‘from forms conveying descriptive, textual, and the [original] speaker’s external meanings toward the same forms conveying nondescriptive, text-independent and the [secondary] speaker’s internal meanings’ – thus the ‘intra-propositional to extra-propositional’ continuum (Company Company, 2006: 98, bracketed information added). Adapting this semantic and linguistic framework to journalistic quotation, direct quotation – requiring no substantial intervention from the reporter – can be assigned nonsubjectivized/intra-propositional status, or simple subjectivity. More indirect quotation modes – usually involving a reporter’s significant interpretive intervention – can be categorized as veering increasingly toward extra-propositional/reporter-subjectivized discourse, or a more complex objectivity. Intra-propositional meaning, as ‘non-subjectivized,’ is, in quotational terms, relatively reporter-neutral, while ‘subjectified’ extra-propositional meaning is highly interpretive, resulting in semantically transformed, or what Peirce would label ‘modified’ (Hartshorne and Weiss, 1965 [eds] CP 1.339: 171) meaning, in the hands of a secondary speaker (Company Company, 2006; Vandelanotte, 2004). For quotation modes falling somewhere in between direct and indirect, it seemed Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1047 Harry necessary to create one more category – inter-propositional – to better contrast these kind of mid-level quote modes with intra-propositional speech signs at the direct-quote end and extra-propositional speech signs at the more distanced indirect pole. Sampled news articles and quotation analysis A sample of newspaper articles from 12 national or international papers, and one from the Associated Press, producing 33 relevant stories on one topic (on either May 31 or June 1, 2010), and 740 separate quote segments, was examined.4 Each story was read closely by the author at least three times, then classified into one of the following canonical reported-speech categories: direct quotation; free-indirect quotation; and three varieties of indirect quotation, depending on whether marked or neutral speech verbs were used. The one-day, single-topic sample provided a journalistic snapshot or ‘critical discourse moment’ (Gamson, 1992), narrowly focused and discretely time-bound but a substantively rich topic area for exploratory analysis. The selected quote segments used (below) as examples are reasonably representative of the different ideological positions reflected in all 740 quotation segments within the 33 newspaper articles. The news topic is Israeli commandos’ killing, on May 31, 2010, of nine passengers aboard a Turkish-sponsored flotilla headed to the occupied Gaza territory. The articles were chosen because they were certain to contain a wealth of ideologically rich, highly partisan quotations from Israeli, pro-Palestinian and various diplomatic sources offering a range of direct-through-indirect reported speech. The sample of US, British, and one Israeli paper was chosen to offer a reasonably broad range of coverage for exploratory purposes. Using representative quotation examples for linguistic/semiotic analysis revealed three distinct, albeit unsurprising, ideological sides: the directly contrasting pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli sides, and more measured middle-ground commentary offered by diplomats or scholars. An initial perusal of nearly 200 newspaper articles written in the first two days of the Israeli commando raid, combined with repeated readings of articles in the focused sample, revealed by-now standard opposing viewpoints familiar to anyone cognizant of the long-standing Israeli–Palestinian conflict. A distinct tone of condemnation of Israel emerged, although less so among diplomats. Israel, along with Egypt, having enforced a blockade of cargo-ship transports into Gaza since the pro-Palestinian, terrorist-connected Hamas faction took control of the region in 2007, left Israel with suspicions that an allegedly peaceful flotilla, led by the Mavi Marmara cargo ship carrying some 700 passengers and what news reports routinely described as ‘humanitarian aid,’ might also contain bomb-making materials. This was the immediate socio-political context in which these articles were written. The quotation examples presented below are in the following order: direct, freeindirect, and standard indirect, following each quote-type’s progressing linguistic/ semiotic categorization as generally either iconic/non-subjectivized/intra-propositional; indexical/moderately subjectivized/inter-propositional; or symbolic/fully subjectivized/extra-propositional. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1048 Journalism 15(8) Direct quotation Jerusalem Post, May 31 ‘Israel condemns the anti-Semitic chants that were publicized this morning,’ Ayalon said. ‘That fact that participants on the flotilla would chant such things shows the true nature of some of the participants’ real motivation. This amply demonstrates that many are not against a particular policy of the Israeli government, but have very real and dangerous hatred for Jews and the Jewish state.’ International Herald Tribune, June 1 ‘What we saw this morning is a war crime,’ said Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator for the government in the West Bank. ‘These were civilian ships carrying civilian and civilian goods – medicine, wheelchairs, food, construction materials.’ Washington Post, June 1 ‘The E.U. does not accept the continued policy of closure,’ she [Catherine Ashton, European Union foreign policy chief] said in a statement. ‘It is unacceptable and politically counterproductive. We need to urgently achieve a durable solution to the situation in Gaza.’ (Bracketed information added for clarity). In these direct quotation segments – direct quotation comprising 23% of all quote segments across articles – we encounter three distinct views: the first two are diametrically opposed with regard to blame for the incident and the last is critical but measured and diplomatic. One virtue of direct quotation is its rhetorical unboundedness, free of any restrictions on objective balance or fairness. Direct quotes are almost always used to embrace colorful and/or contentious views, and in this way add relevant drama and even a theatrical (Larson, 1978; Wierzbicka, 1974) quality to a story. The stark contrast in partisan positions related to the Israeli ship incident are most clear: Israel’s spokesman accuses the other side of anti-Semitism and hatred for Jews; the Palestinian negotiator accuses Israel of a war crime – a term that, by definition, is wide open to interpretation, thus not immediately amenable to analysis of its objective truth or falsity. However, anti-Semitism and hatred for Jews, by the same token, are equally matters of rancorous rhetoric, although not easily pinned-down as objective truth. Even the EU policy chief’s more measured view of the incident being ‘unacceptable and politically counterproductive’ is contentious, because while the pro-Palestinians would certainly agree that the claim is objectively true, pro-Israelis would not. Semiotically, direct quotation is an iconic first-level verbal sign, expressible as what Peirce would call a ‘quality of feeling,’ and its corresponding rhetorical effect – its semiotic interpretant – interpretable as a ‘rheme’ or ‘term,’ which is ‘…any sign that is not true or false,’ and which ‘is simply a class-name or proper-name’ (Burks, 1966: CP 8.336: 229).The sign-work of direct quotation, as the above examples show, is to bring readers into the immediate mental orbit of a source and the source’s iconic ‘quality of feeling,’ as an almost visual-pictorial-vocalized resemblance. The icon ‘is very perfect in Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1049 Harry respect to signification, bringing its interpreter face to face with the very character signified’ (Peirce, 1904: 7). Peirce’s notion of the icon as a feeling, neither true nor false, captures well the nature of direct quotation, so that it can be characterized as a terminological proposition, not clearly discernible as true or false, and for which the ‘source-centered’ reporter, merely reproducing verbatim statements, assumes essentially no content liability. Direct quotation, as such, is a very weak proposition, with any moral force behind its language residing purely in the source’s hands, as the verbatim-quoting reporter employs a neutral avoidance of any interpretive responsibility. This kind of neutrality – letting a source speak in his or her voice without the reporter re-interpreting – results in a reader encountering what can be characterized as simple subjectivity: the source’s raw, usually one-sided rhetoric. Linguistically, the ‘sourcecentered’ journalist deploying direct quotation is in a writer-neutral, non-subjectivized, intra-propositional role. Free-indirect quotation LA Times, June 1 The raid is a public relations nightmare for Israel and has put the Obama administration in an awkward position just as it hoped to put to rest a frosty period in their alliance. Associated Press, June 1 And while Israel had hoped to defend its tight blockade of Hamas-ruled Gaza with yesterday’s high-seas raid, it instead appeared to be hastening the embargo’s demise, judging by initial international condemnation. Washington Post, June 1 Iran, whose nuclear ambitions deeply concern Israeli leaders, also is a beneficiary. Turkey holds one of the rotating seats on the U.N. Security Council and was already deeply skeptical of the U.S.-led push to impose new sanctions on the Islamic republic. But now the council’s attention will be diverted by the Israeli assault. Daily News, June 1 But even inside Israel, the country’s vaunted military was being blamed for bungling the mission and handing the country’s many critics more ammunition. The Times (London), June 1 The shockwaves from the Israeli commando raid on the Mavi Marmara passenger ferry were still reverberating around the world last night, as Israel scrambled to defend its battered reputation. Already damaged after the Gaza war and a fumbled Mossad assassination of a Hamas militant in Dubai, it faced even tougher scrutiny as it began to examine what happened, and why. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1050 Journalism 15(8) Free-indirect quotation accounted for 23% (N = 170) of all quotation instances across articles. It offers the reporter’s semantic gloss, without any direct quotation added, on whatever might actually have been uttered originally. In every case in the above examples, reporters could have chosen a wide variety of other verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and analytical phrases to creatively reformulate original-speaker content, as is the case with all indirect quotation (Pietila, 1992). With indirect quotation modes – and unlike direct quotation – the reader relies entirely on the reporter to do all of the speaking, the journalist re-casting what someone else supposedly said. However, free-indirect quotation typically features an additional and uniquely interesting difference from any other indirect-quotation mode: usually, it lacks any clearly marked or neutral speech verbs (Keizer, 2009; Oltean, 1993; Sotirova, 2004; Vandelanotte, 2004) – no he said (neutral) or she warned (marked) reporting clauses – rendering it a psychological quality of tone, dramatically evoking the originating source’s discrete mental perspective and innermost thoughts, but from the reporter’s functionally omniscient perspective. Like direct quotation, free-indirect is dual-voiced (Keizer, 2009; Oltean, 1993; Schlenker, 2004; Sotirova, 2004; Vandelanotte, 2004; Wierzbikca, 1974) – that is, we still do encounter a source and a reporter voice, but much less clearly than with direct quotation, since the voices in free-indirect speech are merged and blurred because of the lack of any clear attribution. In this sense, free-indirect is probably the most distinctly analytical mode of quotation, because of this blurring of source and reporter voices, granting the reporter free rein to openly reinterpret, but still somewhat relatively, from within a source’s perceived mental space that is reference or pointed back to, indexically. As a narrative device, free-indirect quotation is roughly a half-way house between primary and secondary utterances (Keizer, 2009; Oltean, 1993; Vandelanotte, 2006) or, with respect to journalistic quotation, a narrative mid-point between source-focused and writer-centered re-assertion. The London-based newspaper, The Times (above), offers perhaps the clearest example of this blurring of source and writer perspectives. Without any distinct attribution to sources, The Times writer provides a highly evaluative perspective: asserting that ‘shockwaves’ were ‘still reverberating around the world’ following the raid; that Israel was scrambling to defend its battered reputation, ‘already damaged’ due to a previously fumbled assassination attempt against terrorist-affiliated Hamas; that Israel now faces ‘even tougher scrutiny’ as it examines how and why the raid went wrong. Here, it is almost as if the reporter views Israel as a person rather than a country, and has conducted a sit-down interview or even a bit of psychotherapy resulting in the patient, Israel, opening up, somewhat defensively, about its faults. Moreover, The Times reporter even individualizes ‘the world’ itself as experiencing a kind of psychological trauma, with ‘shockwaves’ ‘reverberating’ globally. Readers will understand this kind of evaluative, analytical reporting as just that, but as a narrative device – as a specific type of blurred quotation, half-way between source and writer stances – we, as readers, nonetheless learn whatever we learn about this particular slice of reality from within the reporter’s own assertional space. We must take it on good faith that the reporter’s source-centered psychologistic insight is, as an act of reported speech, a relatively accurate re-assertion of what more than a few Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1051 Harry people, fairly recently, supposedly said or implied. The reporter’s liability for the accuracy of the repeated speech claims is more exposed, if only because he or she must work harder to get it right, using their own words instead of the verbatim speech of an original source. An interesting aspect, then, in all the examples of free-indirect quotation, is that countries are depicted as doing the speaking. Unlike with direct quotation, where the attribution clearly links, via distinct neutral or marked verbs of speech, to real individuals, the free-indirect examples are more metaphorical, assigning psychological qualities to pluralized entities – Iran, Israel, Turkey, for example. The journalists’ resulting highly evaluative analysis and speculation about any number of conditions and consequences related to the cargo-ship incident then functions as an all-seeing, all-knowingness. Israel, for example, now finds itself in a ‘public relations nightmare,’ leaving the Obama administration feeling ‘awkward,’ as it was already experiencing a ‘frosty period’ with Israel (LA Times); Israel ‘appeared to be hastening the embargo’s demise’ (its military plan of stopping ships from entering Gaza), ‘judging by’ the subsequent ‘condemnation’ from other countries (Associated Press). Turkey ‘was already deeply skeptical’ about US intentions toward Iran: ‘But now, the (UN Security Council’s) attention will be diverted by the Israeli assault’ (Washington Post). While some quotational sentences reveal analytical phrases alongside what can be taken as observational fact or description, in other cases, such as the latter example, the entire sentence is, in essence, quotationally analytical, as if the thought has been plucked directly from ‘inside’ a source’s head. The Daily News of June 1 (see above) offers another example of full-sentence quotational attribution, asserting that ‘even inside Israel,’ the ‘vaunted military’ is ‘blamed for bungling’ things, thus ‘handing the country’s many critics more ammunition.’ The Times (London) example, already referred to, also carries this full-sentence attributional quality. Free-indirect quotation, linguistically, moves somewhat further toward a reportersubjectivized (reporter-independent) stance and semiotically, as a sign property, toward an indexical, more acutely propositional meaning – an indexical-iconic sign – mixing iconic (first-level) source perspectives with indexically distanced (second-order) reporter reassessment, the language now fully in the reporter’s interpretive hands. Here, the writer must take on more ethical and epistemological responsibility, but not for the truth-claim itself, which remains with the original speaker. Rather, the journalist is responsible for a greater level of accuracy required – compared to direct quotation – in factual paraphrase and summary. This can be considered free-indirect quotation’s inter-propositional quality, its half-way status, as verbal sign, between primary, iconic, imagistic original speech and the reporter’s own analytical, second-order sign indexing and faithful reconstruction of previous speech. Standard indirect quotation The final quotation examples, standard indirect of three varieties, comprising 38% of all quotation segments (286 instances), were the single-most predominant type of quotation across newspapers. As a verbal-semiotic sign, the journalist using standard indirect quotation modes crafts a third-level, symbolic re-animation of original-source commentary – linguistically, an Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1052 Journalism 15(8) extra-propositional gloss on original speech – having evolved past the moderately sourcecentered inter-propositional, mentalistic nature of free-indirect, as well as the strongly source-centered intra-propositional, immediate impressions of the original speaker, voiced within direct quotation. The semiotic symbol is the most evolved, conventionalized sign-type – and in linguistic terms, with regard to quotation, the most semantically distanced-from-an-original utterance – and so fundamentally metaphoric in character, any metaphoric sign, especially of a verbal kind, ‘representing a parallelism in something else’ (Hartshorne and Weiss, 1965 [eds] CP 2.277: 157). This verbal-metaphoric parallelism – one set of comments standing in for previously asserted ones – seems to best characterize the three kinds of standard indirect-quote modes. We no longer encounter the raw, unfettered, ideologically inspired, purely subjective rhetoric of the original speaker. Nor are we exposed to a mostly psychologistic, source/ reporter hybrid speech evoked by free-indirect quotation. Rather, these standard indirectquotation modes can be seen as offering a more complex subjectivity, a newly subjectivized, writer-centered, discursively flattened out and objectified re-assertion more fully in the reporter’s control, only distantly echoing whatever was originally uttered. Other than positional differences in attribution placement, all three indirect-quote varieties appear to pragmatically share more common semantic traits than any significant differences – the differences being mainly in use of either marked or neutral speech verbs. Each indirect-quote type allows for substantial source-distancing and the reporter’s interpretive autonomy, compared to the reporter’s relatively more restricted, more source-focused role in crafting free-indirect as well as direct quotation. Linguistically, with standard indirect quotation modes, the original speaker’s voice, prominent in earlier quotation modes, is now glossed over and grammatically integrated, subdued, subordinated, and virtually eliminated. The original commentator’s voice is finally so enmeshed within indirect quotation’s powers of creative reformulation and original-speaker distancing that there exists only a ‘singular’ (Keizer, 2009; Li, 1986; Vandelanotte, 2006: 141) narrative viewpoint – the reporter’s – as opposed to the ‘dual’ (Vandelanotte, 2006: 141) narrative viewpoints (the source’s and the reporter’s) evident via direct and freeindirect quotation. The following examples are focused more on the journalist’s use of neutral, marked, or a combination of neutral and marked speech verbs regardless of where the attribution occurs, in addition to other analytical and interpretive qualities common to each. Underlined words or phrases indicate speech attributions, while bold-faced words or phrases indicate accompanying interpretive qualities. Indirect quotation with marked-only speech verbs Washington Times, June 1 Israel defended the raid and posted a video on the Internet showing Israeli soldiers during the raid being attacked with metal pipes and knives by the Turkish ship’s crew. Israel’s deputy foreign minister, Danny Ayalon, on Monday accused the IHH of being a front for Hamas with ties to al Qaeda. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1053 Harry New York Times, June 1 Turkey proposed a statement that would condemn Israel for violating international law, demand a United Nations investigation and demand that Israel prosecute those responsible for the raid and pay compensation to the victims. It also called for the end of the blockade. These dramatically contrasted views regarding the cargo-ship incident reveal how even a relatively brief indirect-quotation segment can encapsulate a country or speaker’s overall ideological stance. The reporter, understanding a given source’s ideological position, then attributes it with infused/marked speech verbs (defended, accused, condemn, demand, call for), alongside any analytical and evaluative characterizations (paying compensation, prosecuting those responsible, being attacked, being a front for, etc.). Using only marked/ infused speech verbs makes this type of indirect quotation semantically similar to the psychologistic, source-centered/writer-centered hybrid quality encountered in freeindirect quotation, although now with clearly attributed speech verbs providing, compositionally, some arm’s-length semantic distancing, compared to free-indirect quotation’s even more source-centered mentalistic perspective. The next examples gain further semantic distance, and are seemingly somewhat more objective in being still more detached characterizations, by mixing neutral (said-based) reporting verbs with infused speech verbs. Indirect quotation with marked and neutral speech verbs The Times (London), June 1 Accused by European leaders of using disproportionate force – a charge reminiscent of the Gaza conflict and the subsequent UN inquiry – Israel rushed to defend its actions, saying that IHH, the Turkish Islamic charity that chartered the ferry, had links to Hamas and even al-Qaeda. The Mirror, June 1 And the partner of British peace worker Peter Venner, who is on the flotilla, said it was ludicrous to suggest the activists could have been a threat to heavily-armed Israeli special forces. Christian Science Monitor, June 1 Despite the Israeli killing of nine pro-Palestinian activists, negotiator Saeb Erekat said on Monday that the Palestinians would not abandon the negotiations, emphasizing that they are speaking with the US only. Although these examples mix neutral and marked speech verbs to objectify the originally voiced source positions, somewhat flattening out the discourse, there is no loss of evaluative drama or emotional richness. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1054 Journalism 15(8) In the example from The Times of London, the reporter uses neutral and marked verbs with a range of evaluative characterizations to analytically make an ideological contrast within a single quote segment. In this instance, central characteristics of indirect quotation are on display: paraphrasing, modifying, and extending original (intra-propositional) voices into extra-propositional ones. In The Times’ single-sentence quote, the journalist is able to cobble together otherwise disparate information into a remarkably unified, multi-voiced quotation: European leaders are presented as ‘accusing’ Israel of ‘disproportionate force,’ reminiscent of a previous United Nations (UN) finding, while Israel ‘rushes’ to defend itself via a justification of protection from its terrorist-linked enemies – ‘even’ al-Qaeda. The last set of neutral-verb-only indirect quotations move perhaps furthest away from any original-source voice, but are as unrestricted in evaluative/analytical opportunities as either of its two predecessors. Indirect quotation with neutral-only speech verbs Jerusalem Post, May 31 Flotilla organizers said they detected three Israel Navy ships on the radar […] Mary Hughes, one of the founders of the Free Gaza Movement, told the Jerusalem Post from Cyprus that the group was determined to reach Gaza. Jerusalem Post, June 1 Israel must be prepared to face the consequences and be held responsible for its crimes, he [the Turkish foreign minister] said. [Bracketed information added for clarification.] New York Times, June 1 Israel said the violence was instigated by pro-Palestinian activists who presented themselves as humanitarians but had come ready for a fight […] The official said there was clearly an intelligence failure in that the commandos were expecting to face passive resistance, and not an angry, violent reaction. Using only ‘neutral’ (Bamgbose, 1986), ‘hear-say evidential’ (Li, 1986) attributive verbs (said and told), these last examples show how the reporter’s formal, occupational neutrality remains compositionally open to a wide range of evaluative, analytical paraphrasing – the difference now being, perhaps only slightly (compared to the other indirect quote examples) some marginally extra semantic distance achieved by the predominance of neutral-verb attribution. While the Jerusalem Post’s May 31 quotation is semantically flat, sticking closest to a just-the-facts kind of traditional attribution, the second example from this same newspaper (June 1) is dramatically different in its emotionally focused, distinctly ideological commentary. In this second example, the commentary is issued as imperative command, a moral indictment: Israel ‘must face consequences’ and ‘be held responsible for crimes.’ The neutral ‘said’ speech attribution contextualizes this otherwise strident comment, Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1055 Harry taming the ideological force of the moral declaration by the reporter’s attaching it to a simple act of re-statement. However, in the third example, we revisit Israel’s defensive posture: the violence being ‘instigated’ by the activists, who were masquerading as ‘humanitarians’ but had actually come ‘ready for a fight,’ the proof being the ‘angry, violent reaction’ Israeli soldiers encountered. In this example, each of the two quotational sentences is introduced by neutral ‘said’ verbs, allowing the reporter, as is also clear from earlier examples, to issue highly evaluative ideological re-assertions tied to a given source. The distancing at work here, really more of an echoing, is one in which the journalist prepositions his or her strict neutrality, then quickly defuses it with the metaphorical infusion of highly charged, re-animated, creatively reformulated original voices. The journalist’s own complex subjectivity – functioning linguistically as extra-propositional subjectivization, and, as sign-use, metaphoric symbolization – is in full force. The creative reformulation at work in indirect quotation makes it ‘harder to distinguish the action that the utterance ‘originally’ performed’ (Holt, 2000: 429), thereby placing epistemic responsibility for the assertion – occurring as re-assertion – most fully into the reporter’s hands. We cannot know what words the original sources used, or how accurate the re-characterized perspectives are to the original. Generally, with direct quotation, and with increasing specificity with regard to indirect quotation, we take it on faith that the journalist’s subjectivizing voice, in the form of objectified double-duty propositional re-assertions, is responsibly and ethically sufficient to the task. Conclusion While the value of traditional objective journalism has been questioned for some time, especially since the emergence of online news-media formats, this article assumes mainstream newspaper journalism still follows an objectivity norm, ‘a set of routine and unwritten rules’ that ‘include assuming the role of a political neutral, using standardized formats for packaging stories, balancing competing opinions,’ and ‘focusing on officially sanctioned events’ (Miraldi, 1989: 3). The objectivity norm, as a storytelling model of interpretive constraint, also functions as the reporter’s own inherently ideological perspective (Schudson, 2001), a protective cover or ritual practice (Tuchman, 1972), thus a general guideline of how news should be conceived of and produced, if only to keep the reporter’s potential biases or overt evaluations in check. I have tried to show how this sociological notion of objectivity reveals itself discursively, as a kind of textual imprint, through the fundamental narrative device of source quotation, and how the variety of quotation modes, while constrained within the objectivity norm, also provide journalists an extremely wide range of interpretive options through reporters’ use of iconic, indexical, and symbolic signs – direct, free-indirect, and standard indirect quotation, respectively. These quotation modes, as linguistic sign-types, form a perspectival continuum, from relatively neutral, non-subjectivized, source-centered viewpoints associated with direct quotation, to moderately and fully subjectivized, more writer-centered propositional re-assertions, as direct speech is semantically transformed into free and standard indirect modes. Just as Peirce’s icon/index/symbol triad assumes indexical signs incorporate and extend icons, and that symbolic signs incorporate and Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1056 Journalism 15(8) extend iconic and indexical ones, free-indirect and standard indirect quotation modes work the same way, appropriating an original source’s directly iconic, impressionistic speech, discursively extending it into newer, more nuanced directions. The first-day newspaper stories, all from mainstream papers covering the Israeli cargo-ship incident, conformed to the above-listed characteristics of objective journalism by the reporters’ political neutrality – no real evidence of bias toward one side or another – and by their general balancing of opinions focused on ‘officially sanctioned events.’ Often, as was shown in one form of indirect quotation examined, opinionbalancing can occur in even a single-sentence indirect quotation merging pro, con, and middle-ground sides, demonstrating quotation’s inherent economy of paraphrase. The most ‘standardized format’ for ‘packaging stories’ was, in these news articles, reporters’ use of direct, free-indirect, and standard indirect quotation modes, which collectively made up nearly the entire verbiage of any particular story. The first-day articles revealed, in an immediate and somewhat impressionistic sense, many of the convenient complaints, alleged violations and subsequent demands voiced more broadly by both sides during the painful history of the Israeli–Palestinian crisis. Further research into journalistic quotation might take a more extensive look at how reported speech works within entire news articles, broadening the findings of the present article’s more microscopic, clause-specific exploratory approach. An analysis of quotation practices in other news media, such as television, radio, and internet outlets, would also be valuable in discerning similarities or differences. Conceiving journalistic quotation as a type of objectivized, occupationally bound discourse, the focus has been to provisionally establish the discursive variety of quotation modes filling the journalist’s linguistic-semiotic sketch book. If source-centered simple subjectivity and a relative neutrality are given voice through direct quotation, a more autonomous, writer-centered, nuanced, openly interpretive and more complex subjectivity – as subjectivized symbolic re-assertion – is echoed when the officially objective reporter shifts from simple ventriloquist to creative re-animator. Funding This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Notes 1. See Schudson (2001) for an overview of the historical emergence and importance of notetaking and interviewing and their centrality to increased autonomy and professionalization of journalism for roughly the last century. See Hackett (1984) for a thorough and historically sensitive account contrasting and critiquing notions of bias and objectivity in journalism. 2. Peirce’s scholarship is cited, with reference to the Collected Papers (CP), by volume, paragraph and page number, a standard format for citing Peirce’s work within the many volumes of the Collected Papers. Editors of the Collected Papers and a particular volume’s year of publication are listed first in in-text citations, followed by the numbered edition of the Collected Papers in which Peirce’s work appears. 3. See Bergman (2000, 2009) for a more extensive Peircian pragmatic-semiotic perspective applied to the general-communication discipline, and Greenlee (1968) for an account of the Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 1057 Harry 4. sign-predominance function – how the sign usually manifests itself predominantly as icon, index, or symbol while still incorporating all three sign qualities. New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, Jerusalem Post (five stories each); Daily News [(New York), four stories]; Washington Post, Los Angeles Times (three stories each); Washington Times, International Herald Tribune, Associated Press (one story each); The Times of London (three stories); The Independent, The Sun, and The Mirror (each a UK publication, with one story from each). All stories downloaded from the Lexis-Nexis database on June 21, 2010. Due partly to space limitations I do not include analysis of mixed quotation (a mixture of direct and indirect), which accounted for 16% of quote segments, the least frequent quote mode to occur. While mixed quotation is in some ways close, because of its partial use of direct quotation, to direct quotation proper, and is interesting in its own right, it is canonically a species of indirect quotation. 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Author biography Joseph C Harry (PhD, Michigan State University) is an associate professor in the Department of Communication, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. His published research covers topics of media ethics, the sociology of journalism, the nature of news sourcing, and the rhetorical and semiotic analysis of mass-media texts. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at Baskent Universitesi on December 19, 2014 513430 research-article2013 JOU0010.1177/1464884913513430JournalismBelair-Gagnon et al. Article Reconstructing the Indian public sphere: Newswork and social media in the Delhi gang rape case Journalism 2014, Vol. 15(8) 1059–1075 © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1464884913513430 jou.sagepub.com Valerie Belair-Gagnon Information Society Project, Yale Law School, USA Smeeta Mishra Centre for Culture, Media & Governance (CCMG), Jamia Millia Islamia, India Colin Agur Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, USA Abstract In recent years, a growing literature in journalism studies has discussed the increasing importance of social media in European and American news production. Adding to this body of work, we explore how Indian and foreign correspondents reporting from India used social media during the coverage of the Delhi gang rape; how journalists represented the public sphere in their social media usage; and, what this representation says about the future of India’s public sphere. Throughout our analysis, Manuel Castells’ discussion of ‘space of flows’ informs our examination of journalists’ social media uses. Our article reveals that while the coverage of the Delhi gang rape highlights an emerging, participatory nature of storytelling by journalists, this new-found inclusiveness remains exclusive to the urban, educated, connected middle and upper classes. We also find that today in India, social media usage is rearticulated around pre-existing journalistic practices and norms common to both Indian reporters working for English-language media houses and foreign correspondents stationed in India. Keywords Social media, news production, India, Delhi gang rape case, space of flows, networked public sphere Corresponding author: Valerie Belair-Gagnon, Information Society Project, Yale Law School, 127 Wall Street, New Haven, CT 06511, USA. Email: [email protected] from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 Downloaded fromDownloaded http://www.elearnica.ir 1060 Journalism 15(8) Introduction On 16 December 2012, after boarding a bus in South Delhi with a male friend, a 23-yearold female physiotherapy intern was brutally attacked and gang raped by six men, including the driver, while the victim’s friend was beaten unconscious. The attackers threw the pair from the bus onto a roadside, where they were discovered and taken to hospital. On 29 December, after being flown to Singapore for further medical treatment, the young woman died from injuries that included severe internal bleeding, the loss of more than 90% of her intestines, and brain damage (Human Rights Watch, 2012; Mandhana and Trivedi, 2013). Although a large numbers of rapes occur in India every year — the National Crime Records Bureau registered 24,206 reported rape cases in 2011 (Human Rights Watch, 2012) — “the brutality of the attack and the scale of the protests brought international attention to India’s problem of violence against women” (Belair-Gagnon et al., 2013). Women’s and human rights groups, politicians of all stripes, and prominent figures inside and outside India condemned the attack (Gohain, 2013; The Economic Times, 2012). In the days following the rape and the victim’s subsequent death, protesters staged large demonstrations in Delhi, at the India Gate and outside government buildings, protesting the government’s failure to provide security for women and pass robust anti-rape laws. These protests soon spread to other major cities of India (The Economic Times, 2013). Following the events, five out of the six men were accused of gang rape and tried in a fast-track court (Mukherjee, 2013). The sixth accused was tried before the Juvenile Justice Board (Mukherjee, 2013). On 11 March 2013, Ram Singh, the bus driver, died in the Tihar Jail, South Asia’s largest prison, located in west Delhi. Debate continues as to whether Singh died of murder or suicide (BBC, 2013; Pandey and Sikdar, 2013). As Daniel Drache and Jennifer Velagic point out in their empirical analysis of leading Indian English-language newspapers (The Hindu, India Today, Indian Express and Tehelka), the number of articles about rapes in India increased approximately 30% after the events (Drache and Velagic, 2013). During the protests, amid heightened news coverage of rape cases in India, activists and journalists used social media to follow and report events (Belair-Gagnon et al., 2013; Rao, 2013). Our research indicates that the principal social media platforms used by journalists included Twitter, which offered a helpful tool for journalists aggregating and disseminating content, and Facebook, which served as a venue for discussion groups on the topic. According to Google Trend search volume index, “Delhi Gang Rape”, “Rape in Delhi” and “gang-rape victim” were the top search phrases in India in December 2012 (Prasad and Nandakumar, 2012). These developments demonstrate how, in a time of national and international crisis, social media contributed to Indian news reporting (Belair-Gagnon and Agur, 2013; Belair-Gagnon et al., 2013). In this article, we use the Delhi gang rape case to explore how social media have added to and altered debates in India’s public sphere. Our study builds on the literature on India’s changing public sphere and highlights the utility of Manuel Castells’ (2007) concept of the ‘space of flows’ in national case studies of journalism. Our research is based on in-depth interviews we conducted in early 2013. The article begins by conceptualizing India’s public sphere, developing Castells’ ‘spaces of flows’ discussion, presenting our research method, analyzing how journalists utilized social media during their coverage of the events, and discussing how social media contributes to today’s public Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1061 Belair-Gagnon et al. sphere in India. Throughout, we explore how Indian and foreign journalists used social media during coverage of the Delhi gang rape and protests, how journalists represented the public sphere in their social media usage, and what this representation says about the future of the Indian public sphere. An Indian public sphere? In this section, we summarize the literature on the public sphere in India and describe how it helps us understand the relationship between current journalistic uses of social media and the long-term potential of social media to extend public debates to wider national audiences. The literature on the public sphere helps us understand changes in the Indian public sphere during and after the Delhi gang rape. We identify limitations in the literature and show how a discussion of social media updates and enriches the concept of a public sphere in India. The concept of a public sphere offers a framework of analysis that, while traditionally put to use in Western European contexts, can also enrich our understanding of India. The public sphere offers us what Peter Hohendahl calls “a paradigm for analyzing historical change” and “a normative category for political critique” (Hohendahl, 1979: 92). We can highlight the rise of a public in terms of evolving boundaries of public and private, a changing relationship between government and citizens, and the rigor of rational-critical discourse fostered by the rituals of public debate. And shifting from historical analysis to the present, the public sphere may give us “an archaeology of the ideas and ideologies that inform current practices and policies of the mass media” (Peters, 1993: 542). Indian social theorists have remained lukewarm about the applicability of Habermas’ (1962) theory to India. Rajeev Bhargava (2005) concedes that a Habermasian public sphere helps us in a general sense, by offering an explanation of Indian public life. But he is skeptical that specific aspects of Western European public sphere formation, such as individuation and freedom, have the same importance in India. Instead of a public sphere formed by autonomous individuals, Bhargava sees a more complex set of relations based on social networks and historical forces. Amir Ali (2001) accepts the public sphere as a concept applicable to India and charts a historical trajectory that follows the country’s colonial and post-colonial history. India’s colonial experience created a nascent public sphere with characteristics quite different from those described by Habermas. Much of this was the result of different modes of governance. Whereas the public spheres of Western Europe formed in relation to (and in reaction to) the crown, India’s early public sphere grew out of its unique role as an ‘empire-within-an-empire’ – a colony too diverse for Britain to govern as a unitary entity. To deal with the scale and diversity of India, the British established a particular type of colonial rule – Freitag calls it an intruding state – that relied on pre-existing ethnic, religious, linguistic, and geographical differences (Freitag, 1989). British officials were especially reticent about intruding on the private sphere after the 1857 uprising (Sarkar, 1993). The result was a nascent public sphere that reflected the divisions of the country, its colonial power structure and its complex social relations. With a population size and of diversity without parallel in Western European countries, India’s public sphere was inevitably shaped by compromises and competition among the country’s Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1062 Journalism 15(8) different communities (Ali, 2001). As India’s bourgeoisie gained confidence, it began to chip away British control of rational discourse (Bhattacharya, 2005). That new legitimacy was checked by Indians’ different relationship with their government and by their different understanding of ‘the state’ than that of Western Europeans struggling under absolute monarchy. In the decades since independence, national and international forces have supplanted the forces of community that had previously kept India’s public sphere weak. On the surface this appears to foster national cohesion, it can also lead to a false sense of a national public sphere (Tamir, 1993). Instead of encouraging representation, these forces can produce a public sphere based on the cultural values and symbols of a dominant group, to the detriment of groups less able to take advantage of the new economic and technological context (Tamir, 1993; see also Ninan, 2007). Today, with a telecommunications revolution sweeping the country, India’s public sphere offers new possibilities for national discourse at a distance; at the same time, it also faces the perennial challenges of inclusion, representation, and overcoming weak rule of law (Singh, 2009). This public sphere literature helps us understand the contributions and limitations of social media in Indian journalism. Prasun Sonwalkar (2009) argues that in recent years, journalism has provided additional voices to civil society than was the case in the 1990s, with satellite television now an effective medium for journalists to transcend India’s geography. Sonwalkar describes “the slow but sure rise of citizen participation in news production, despite the limited infrastructure to practice citizen journalism beyond the urban areas” (Sonwalkar, 2009: 12). Sevanti Ninan (2007; Robin, 2000) provides evidence of the interconnection between rising literacy, public participation, purchasing power and technological development in rural Northern India. Ninan argues that these changes are associated with the rise of Hindu nationalism and Dalit-focused parties as political forces. To understand changes in journalistic practices, we explore the news coverage of the Delhi gang rape, focusing on social media. Manuel Castells’ concept of the ‘space of flows’ informs our examination of journalists’ uses of social media. Castells writes that “the diffusion of Internet, mobile communication, digital media, and a variety of tools of social software ... have prompted the development of horizontal networks of interactive communication that connect local and global in chosen time” (Castells, 2007: 246). The ‘space of flows’ thus refers to a reconceptualization of spatial arrangements in ways that allow distinct, synchronous, asynchronous, multimodal, and real-time information (Castells, 2007). Castells writes that, “a new round of power making in the communication space is taking place, as power holders have understood the need to enter the battle in the horizontal communication networks” (Castells, 2007: 259). This concept allows us to explore the shift from traditional institutions and hierarchy to a more horizontal communicative network in journalistic sourcing practices (Atton and Wickenden, 2005; Bowman and Willis, 2003; Bruns, 2008). Today, India’s public sphere includes communicative aspects of the industrial society (mass broadcasting and distribution of print media) as well as nascent aspects of the network society (many-to-many communications via social media). News coverage of the Delhi gang rape offers a glimpse of a future conflict between forces of tradition and hierarchy in news production, and forces of modernity and horizontality in new journalistic discourses. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1063 Belair-Gagnon et al. Focused on structural changes and on corresponding shifts in power dynamics, Castells’ concept of the ‘space of flows’ allows us to examine how India’s networked public sphere is evolving. This concept also allows us to understand the role of social media in the emerging contestations of that public sphere. For this reason we focus on the features of a ‘networked public sphere’ evident in contemporary sourcing practices. We ask: How did journalists use social media during the Delhi gang rape case? What factors influenced their decisions regarding social media usage? Which groups were included or excluded from conversations held on social media? What do journalists’ interactions with their sources tells us about whether India’s public sphere has expanded? And what does Castells’ ‘spaces of flows’ concept add to the historical literature on India’s public sphere? Methods This study seeks to answer the following research questions: RQ1: How did Indian and foreign journalists use social media during their coverage of the Delhi gang rape and protests? RQ2: What does journalists’ social media usage reveal about changes in India’s public sphere? To answer those research questions, we selected interviewees using the snowball method. Our aim was to get journalists from diverse backgrounds so that we could explore the ways in which journalists used social media during coverage of the rape and associated protests. We included Indian and foreign journalists in our sample since the Delhi gang rape received extensive coverage in Indian and international media. Including foreign correspondents and Indian journalists also gave us an opportunity to identify similarities and differences in their use of social media for coverage of the Delhi gang rape case. Another purpose for getting perspectives from a multiplicity of sources was to triangulate the data. While triangulation is often associated with multi-method research, Norman Denzin (1970; Bryman, 2004) extended the idea of triangulation to include other forms such as data, investigator, and theoretical triangulation apart from the commonly used methodological triangulation. In this study, we triangulated data by ensuring that our sample included a diverse set of journalists with a variety of experiences. We opted for investigator triangulation by involving three researchers in interviews and interpretation of data. We began our study by soliciting interviews from Indian and foreign journalists who had written about the Delhi gang rape, and continued to solicit more interviews using word of mouth in Delhi’s journalistic community. We gathered interview data until we had a broad and diverse set. Our sample included six Indian journalists, eight foreign correspondents working in India, and two freelance journalists who write for foreign and Indian media. All 16 journalists in our sample reported on the Delhi gang rape. In addition to these 16 journalists, we also interviewed another Indian journalist, Pierre Fitter, who used social media extensively to post updates on the Delhi gang rape. At the time of Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1064 Journalism 15(8) our interview with Fritter, he worked as an assistant editor with the India Today Group. While selecting our purposive sample, we kept in mind the need to interview a diverse set of journalists with different backgrounds and experiences. Thus, we included journalists from different media, including several who worked in converged settings: nine print/online journalists (newspapers and magazines, including their online versions and blogs) and eight broadcast journalists (TV and radio). These journalists held a diverse array of job titles: our sample included reporters, senior reporters, correspondents, foreign correspondents, freelance journalists and a social media editor. While all the Indian journalists interviewed for this study worked for English-language media in India, our foreign correspondents wrote in Dutch, French, German and English. Due to constraints of language and scope, we did not include journalists from vernacular Indian media outlets. In total, we interviewed 11 male and six female journalists. We conducted semi-structured interviews with these journalists between February and May 2013, with sessions lasting an average of 40 minutes. Most respondents were willing to speak on the record; for those who requested anonymity, we have protected their identity. We conducted the open-ended interviews by telephone and Skype. In some cases we interviewed journalists in several sessions as the case evolved. Telephone interviews present distinct advantages as they allow respondents to talk in a relaxed atmosphere that may help them disclose more information than they would in surveys or email communications (Novick, 2008). The journalists in our sample preferred telephone interviews due to the pressure of their work deadlines. In all interviews, our questions explored journalists’ media platform, organization, usage of social media, motivations, influences, and perceptions of the opportunities and drawbacks of social media in reporting events. Questions guiding our interviews included: ‘how did you use social media?’ and ‘where did you get information on social media?’ With our data set of interviews, our next task was to code the responses journalists gave us. As Thomas R. Lindlof writes, because qualitative analyses rely on researcher reflexivity, the goal of qualitative coding is to tag segments of interest in the data and categorize speech in order to simplify the evidence inductively (Lindlof, 1995). Therefore, once transcribed, we read the interviews several times. First we read the interviews beginning to end without coding. Then, as Juliet Corbin and Anselm Strauss (2007) suggest, we identified themes in relation to our object of interest. Following Lindlof’s (1995) recommendation, we constantly reevaluated our categories in relation to our data. We looked for tag segments related to themes discussed in the literature section above. In this article we do not claim to answer all questions in our case study; instead we add to the literature by focusing on the emergence of social media in Indian journalism (Hannerz, 2003; Manchin, 2002). Emerging spaces in India’s networked public sphere Our empirical data shows that Indian and foreign journalists used Twitter as their primary social media platform during the Delhi gang rape coverage, more than other social media platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Storify or LinkedIn. We also found that journalists put to use new flows of communication on social media, and did so within pre-existing boundaries and expectations of their daily work. In that regard, our results Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1065 Belair-Gagnon et al. are consistent with the literature on news production in new media environments from the mid-2000s onward (Carlson, 2007; Lasorsa et al., 2012; Singer, 2005). In addition, our analysis shows that journalists utilized social media for background information and social discovery, as a Rolodex of potential sources, as an aggregator of updates on rapidly changing events, and as a tool to explore new beats. We found that journalists used social media primarily in ways that reflected the ideas and interests of the urban middle class, which includes members of city-based women’s groups, activists, university students and intellectuals. This research provides further insights on how Indian and foreign reporters used social media in their coverage of the Delhi gang rape case and what kind of representation of the public sphere this coverage fosters. Our research also lays a foundation for future work mapping the use of social media by journalists through big data and network analysis. Background information Many times, interviewees pointed to the importance of social media for finding background information. Among the journalists we interviewed, Twitter was the most popular source of background information, because the major events were city-based and involved middle-class professionals, university students and mobile users. We did not find significant differences between foreign and Indian journalists in our sample, possibly because the Indian journalists we interviewed worked for English-language media in the national capital of the country. Had our sample included journalists working in vernacular languages from rural areas in India where Internet penetration is marginal and literacy levels are much lower, differences in social media usage among Indian and foreign journalists would have been more likely. For example, Michael Edward, South Asia correspondent for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, told us: Our coverage was more concentrated on Twitter than other stories because it was a city-based story and that it was in the hot of things for the middle class, university students, mobile professionals. Since December, we have continued to look at social media sources for any developments. Casper Thomas, foreign correspondent and editor at De Groene Amsterdamme, stated that he used Twitter to find reports and other information on the social causes of rape cases in India. Similarly, Indian journalists discussed social media as a “story discovery tool” (Pierre Mario Fitter, Assistant Editor at the India Today Group). Journalists felt that Twitter offered easy and immediate access for background information. As Drache and Velagic write, “The attention granted by other sources such as newswire, independent journalists, social media, and civil society organizations also brings fresh perspective to bear on gender justice” (Drache and Velagic, 2013). Sourcing information Interviewees mentioned that they used social media to find sources for stories. Foreign and Indian journalists alike used the term ‘Rolodex’ to describe the role social media had Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1066 Journalism 15(8) come to play in their research and reporting. Speaking about Facebook, Fitter said: “it’s basically a list of people I met and a good way to keep in touch. I don’t use it for newsgathering. I do have a few things up on Storify but don’t use it much.” A number of interviewees said they had used social media to track down individuals relevant to a story. Some did this by following other journalists on Twitter. A journalist from The Hindu told us: I look at tweets by our own editor, editors from other newspapers, well-known journalists such as Pritish Nandy (Columnist with The Times of India and the Hindi newspaper Dainik Bhaskar), Abhijit Majumder (Editor, Delhi edition of the Hindustan Times), and Saikat Dutta (Delhibased editor, DNA newspaper). I also look up tweets by television journalists such as Shiv Aroor. (Deputy Editor, Headlines Today) Interviewees told us how they looked for newswires, reputable journalists and civil society organizations on Twitter. Several also mentioned that social media has allowed would-be sources to initiate contact. Jaskirat Singh Bawa, correspondent with NewsX, said that people often contact him through Twitter and suggest stories and follow-ups. Most Indian news organizations have limited digital features at present, and few have immediate plans to make social media a high priority for reporting or for news distribution in hard news (Belair-Gagnon and Agur, 2013). Many Indian journalists shared this sentiment. Rohini Mohan, a freelance journalist who has worked for The Hindu, CNNIBN and Tehelka, said that although social media gives access to an emerging network of sources, it plays a small part in her reporting: I watch the Twitter accounts of some politicians and others in power (many of their accounts – except those of Sushma Swaraj [Member of Parliament and Leader of the Opposition], Subramaniam Swamy [President, Janata Party] and Omar Abdullah [Chief Minister, Jammu & Kashmir] are updated by interns, so they’re useless). However, unless desperate, I don’t think I will ever use social media as a networking or contact-making tool. It has worked only rarely, and it has the danger of making me seem frivolous or lazy. It is only in the last 5–6 years that politicians even respond to email, and yes, some of the younger politicians and PAs do respond to personal Twitter/Facebook messages sometimes, but this is only with those I have already met first in person. The actual contacts are still made in the old way – calling incessantly, or grabbing their elbow at a press conference, or waiting weeks/months for a 10-minute interview where you get little information but ensure you make an impression. Many interviewees expressed concerns similar to those raised by Mohan. Some worried that social media foster speed over accuracy and verification, and wanted to avoid becoming dependent on fast but ultimately unreliable information. Mohan spoke about the broad challenge of accuracy in social media: While social media in India helps reporters access people in diverse corners of the country and be aware of their concerns and moods while sitting at our desks, journalists need to apply the caution and professionalism they do offline. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1067 Belair-Gagnon et al. A significant limitation of social media in India’s public sphere is in inclusion and representation (Singh, 2009). Journalists we interviewed were quick to point out that whatever their merits as tools for background information, updates or sources, social media remain unrepresentative of the country. Indian citizens who use social media are more likely to live in cities, hold a passport, and share values with social media users in the West. Both Indian and foreign reporters we interviewed stated that if they relied too heavily on social media, their coverage would be skewed toward a narrow readership. Speaking about the coverage of the Delhi gang rape case, a reporter for Neue Zürcher Zeitung said: It is easy to share ideas and read articles of colleagues or see what intellectuals think ... Television, newspapers, and talking to people on the streets were much more important [in newsgathering]. Only a very small part of society has access to social media, but everyone watches television. … If you read social media you would think everyone was extremely shocked and devastated. But if you talked to people on the streets, in slums you would get an idea that many Indians are having extremely backward and conservative idea about women and how they had to behave. Social media cannot replace doing research on the ground, in slums and villages. That’s the most important thing of working in India. Yet journalists said that Twitter helped them to be in contact with the urban middle class. Fitter indicated that he uses Twitter to communicate with contacts who live outside the capital: “Twitter helps me connect with voices I do not get exposed to sitting at a news center in Delhi. Twitter has replaced my RSS Feeds and makes up 90% of my social media usage.” On Twitter, many journalists followed hashtags (including #delhigangrape, #iamhayat and #amanet), @PMOIndia (the official Twitter account of the Indian Prime Minister), several prominent women’s groups, other lobby organizations, political parties, and Indian media covering the protests. A foreign correspondent said that: “Twitter was really helpful to get a sense of the public sentiment.” Twitter was used for sourcing to cover a particular segment of India. Intentionally or not, this gave priority to the voices of the urban middle class, intellectuals, city-based women’s groups, social organizations, and political elites. Julien Bouissou from Le Monde said: “I don’t need real-time. My work is to explain the movement. Twitter is not going to give me information on feminism. I am going to understand that by talking to people for hours.” Reflecting the majority of journalists we interviewed, Bouissou added that: It’s more interesting to go to a chai shop in the streets. Twitter has a skewed vision of reality: it’s rich people, English-speaking and those who have access to a computer. I am wary of this skewed vision of India. … The danger with Twitter is what we lose touch with reality. I could have covered the demonstrations on Twitter, but while we are not in the field we don’t see people. Similarly, a senior reporter with The Hindu told us: I don’t depend on social media for sources. I rely on what I see when I am on the ground. We really don’t have the time to look for sources on Twitter. Twitter just helps me know various perspectives on news offered by well-known journalists. I don’t interact with readers on Twitter. That is for senior journalists, famous personalities, whom readers recognize on Twitter. Also, I Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1068 Journalism 15(8) don’t have time to spare for finding out what people say on Twitter. I am not a 24-hour social media person. There’s so much clutter on Twitter that really don’t help you in any way. While social media offer instant information, they also reflect the priorities of their participants. In their efforts to get the best out of social media while avoiding the drawbacks, the journalists we spoke to followed the ‘boundary maintenance’ discussed in journalism studies (Carlson, 2007; Hallin, 1986; Lewis, 2012; Revers, 2013). It was striking how much time our interviewees (even those who followed, tweeted and sourced enthusiastically) spent discussing the limitations of social media in Indian journalism. We nevertheless found that social media have enhanced storytelling and political dissent in India because social media have become a space for journalists to engage with their audiences, and offer a new window on a small but growing part of India’s public sphere. An aggregator of updates Most journalists we interviewed said that they used Twitter to monitor updates and get immediate responses from activists at events. To a greater extent than in previous protests, the journalists we interviewed felt that social media helped them keep a finger on the pulse of the Indian urban middle class, and get immediate feedback on events as they unfolded. Rohan Venkataramakrishnan, Senior Reporter and Editorial Writer at Mail Today said: Social media evolved in India during the Anna Hazare and Delhi gang rape protests. … These days I see more journalists and editors go to social media in response to a major event. You have to use social media because the conversation online is way ahead of what’s in the paper. Michael Edward, whose public service media organization is committed to social media uses, told us that he and colleagues turned to Twitter to find the latest on the case: “[When one of the accused was found dead in his jail cell], we found out about it on social media. Students tweeted it, and from there, the Indian media pick-up and we called sources and confirmed the story.” Similarly, Ruchira Singh, social media editor at Network 18, said that during the protests, social media played a critical role in reporting: Our editors and reporters were tweeting individually – we had very hectic social media activity during the case. We were inviting opinions on the goings on in the case; we were asking questions, we were asking people what they think are the solutions to the problems. We were interacting with people, asking them if they are joining a protest and how they are reaching the protest grounds. We promoted certain petitions by change.org. We asked people if they felt certain provisions should be incorporated in these petitions. As the Delhi gang rape story played out, journalists used social media to aggregate updates from protests, press conferences and media outlets, allowing them to compare and scrutinize fast-flowing information before deciding what to accept as fact. While many journalists were concerned with accuracy in social media postings, some also pointed out the risks journalists face when they depend on mobile devices for coverage. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1069 Belair-Gagnon et al. Some of these are ethical matters. To preserve his independence as a journalist, Jaskirat Singh Bawa, a reporter for NewsX made a point of following strict procedures while tweeting about the Delhi gang rape protests: When the scene got crazy during the protests at India Gate, I tweeted a picture of the area. When the government stopped public transportation in certain areas, I tweeted about it. Of course, I did not tweet information about where people were gathering for the protests. I am a journalist, not an activist. I always maintained that boundary line. But once the police allocated a certain area for the protests, I tweeted about that too. In addition to the problem of being seen as biased, journalists we interviewed stated that they were at risk from hackers who want to scoop, monitor or intimidate journalists. Ridhima Tomar told us that hacking was one of biggest challenges to journalists’ use of social media. Not all journalists focused on public commentary on social media. A senior reporter with The Hindu said that during the case he focused mainly on what journalists posted: I was reading what other journalists were saying. I was on vacation during the protests in Delhi. If I had been in Delhi, I would have done a couple of stories on the protests. I started covering the case when it went to the court in January. I would read what other journalists are posting about the case during this. I did not really look up what readers or ordinary people were posting. The Hindu journalist’s remark shows that social media allow inward reporting among journalists; while the public may participate in discussions, this is no guarantee that journalists will pay attention. Rather than enlarging the public sphere, social media can lead to a reinforcement of practices that exclude the public and minimize public debate. New beats for journalists When asked about the wider implications of social media in Indian journalism, several journalists described the creation of new beats for reporters and new narrative spaces in India’s public sphere. The networked nature of the protests, based largely on communication by mobile phone, enabled large gatherings of like-minded protesters. Mohammad Ali, a reporter at The Hindu covering the “Religious Minorities and Social Movements” beat, said it was impossible to ignore social media in the coverage of the Delhi gang rape case: In order to understand the sense of popular outrage, it was important to see how people were expressing themselves on social media. People poured their emotions out on social media. I also posted stories on the case on Facebook. There were several Facebook pages formed within a day or two of the gang rape demanding justice. Ali followed the events highlighted on these Facebook pages and kept track of the multiple ways in which the protests against the Delhi gang rape were shaping up in both online and offline spaces. With events unfolding in physical spaces and updates and analysis arriving online in real time, journalists gained a new and more complex understanding of what constituted a beat in their reporting. Ridhima Tomar, a reporter with Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1070 Journalism 15(8) NewsX, a 24-hour English-language news channel in India, realized the extent of online audiences when she was injured while reporting the Delhi gang rape protests: I was standing at India Gate when they imposed Section 144.1 Suddenly, they started firing tear gas shells at the protesters. It was horrible. I started running to the outer circle of India Gate. Just as I was describing the situation on camera, a tear gas exploded on my right leg. I did not realize it at first and we continued shooting. Then I must have fainted. I was taken to the hospital. A journalist friend of mine tweeted about my injury when I was in hospital. After just one tweet about my injury, the number of people following me dramatically increased in a matter of a few hours. International journalists started calling me up probably because I was the only journalist who was injured. Shivam Vij, blogger at kafila.org and freelance writer for The Daily Beast, said that social media helped him follow the protests. He described how he covered the events from the streets of Delhi, posting updates as events unfolded and issuing corrections when he thought that mainstream coverage was inaccurate or missing information. With social media at their disposal, some journalists were able to change the spatial dynamic of reporting, by simultaneously reporting a media event, disseminating directly to audiences, and interacting with those audiences. Reporters have previously reported from live events and at a distance. What is new in India’s contemporary public sphere is the speed with which events can be reported, the accountability provided by related technologies (e.g. cameras in phones), and the ability for more people (inside and outside India, including Non-Resident Indians) to participate in discussions related to the news. These changes highlighted in the Delhi gang rape case news coverage reveal how social media have enabled wider conversations with audiences across India and, increasingly, worldwide. Our data suggest that conversations are transforming the traditional gatekeeping process of journalism and making it more collaborative, but to what extent? At the same time, social media offer a shortcut to journalists who lack the time or inclination to go into the streets to report events. Several of our interviewees suggested that excessive use of social media for sourcing was ‘frivolous’ or ‘lazy.’ This point will be discussed in more detail in the following section. We found that journalists’ uses of social media varied more between types of news organizations than between Indian and foreign correspondents. For example, in our sample, television broadcast foreign journalists used social media to a greater extent than foreign correspondents using print. Ali spoke about this tendency: I think print journalists are not as much on social media as broadcast journalists. I think that’s because broadcast is live and has continuous deadlines while print usually has just one deadline. But it’s also true that high-flying print journalists, the decision makers, are more on social media than the foot soldiers, the news reporters. The latter have to be more out in the field. Social media beats have a spatial and social dimension (Broersma and Graham, 2012). As Marcel Broersma and Todd Graham write: “Twitter has turned into a beat: a virtual network of social relations of which the journalist is a part with the purpose of gathering news and information on specific topics” (Broersma and Graham, 2012: 405). Our research substantiates these claims: today in Indian journalism, social media is adding Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1071 Belair-Gagnon et al. new complexities, new points of inquiry and new accountability in the networked public sphere. The following section will discuss how Castells’ concept of the ‘space of flows’ enables us to understand India’s networked public sphere using national and international reporting of the Delhi gang rape. Discussion Social media is still marginal in India’s public sphere. Our interviews documented journalists’ relationship with social media during coverage of the Delhi gang rape and protests. These interviews showed the emergence of a networked public sphere based on new ‘spaces of flows’ in India, transcending geographical distances between posh neighborhoods in a handful of Indian cities, while simultaneously following pre-existing social divisions. We found that social media coverage of the Delhi gang rape reveals new spaces of storytelling and a new participatory culture of networked online conversations that has emerged in India thanks to social media. As Rohan Venkataramakrishnan, Senior Reporter and Editorial Writer at Mail Today, highlighted, the protests have been incubators for social media sophistication in India: “following the Anna Hazare case and the Delhi gang rape case, social media began to achieve a critical mass.” Journalists used social media for background information, beat reporting, and sources of information. Yet these practices, both for foreign and Indian reporters, were managed and rearranged around pre-existing journalistic norms and practices including reputation of sources, balance between social media and non-social media users, time constraints, accountability, and accuracy. These new spaces of storytelling remain exclusive in terms of social media skills, types of news organization, and access to social media. In their efforts at social media participation, journalists have so far reached an unrepresentative segment of India’s people. Today, social media are being put to increasingly active and sophisticated uses within niche populations. While social media offer possibilities of greater participation in public debates, they also reveal limitations in India’s contemporary public sphere. In the case of the Delhi gang rape, social media presented journalists with questions of representation, inclusion and national interest in a fragmented society. In India, social media play a more limited role than in Western journalism and generate a discourse limited mostly to young members of the middle and upper classes. Socialbakers (2013) indicates that in India, 48% of users on Facebook are between 18 and 24 years old. The second largest user group (with 28% of users) is between 24 and 35 years old. Together these two groups make up for 76% of the total users of Facebook in India. Journalists told us that social media provide a narrative space for a small but growing percentage of the country. In the coverage of the Delhi gang rape, journalists often struggled with the lack of inclusivity in India’s social media. This shows the persistence of India’s diversity, as well as the social and communicative legacy of India’s colonial divisions (Freitag, 1989; Sarkar, 1993). To gain access to the vast majority of Indians not on social media, journalists realized that they had to “go in the slums” and “spend time in chai shops.” Conversely, within Delhi, several journalists we spoke to were able to get multiple voices on social media. According to Michael Edwards, “social media is city-based and at the center of the life of the middle class, university students, and mobile professionals.” While social media are subject to limitations, we can identify changes in the scale of public discourse on social Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1072 Journalism 15(8) media. Among those groups who use social media, the past few years have seen noticeable changes: social media have provided a window into India’s middle class and youth, and provided a medium on which previously taboo subjects have gained attention. From the perspective of journalists, despite significant limitations, social media interactions with sources have added value to news coverage in India. We see this value in journalists’ enhanced ability to do background research, follow updates and find new sources. We also see it in the time-space expansion of news coverage. We found that in this case, journalistic uses of social media reflected a complex, and at times conflicting, set of changes: the growth of a networked public sphere in India, the maintenance of existing divisions (linguistic, economic and social) in access to public discourse, and new relationships with time and space for the country’s small but growing number of social media users. In this article we have analyzed how Indian and foreign journalists used social media during the coverage of the Delhi gang rape and protests, how journalists represented the public sphere in their social media usage, and what this representation says about the future of the Indian public sphere. Our study highlights how emerging networks add new complexity to a public sphere characterized by historical divisions and diversity. We found a set of remarkable possibilities for Indian journalism: symbolically and materially, the Delhi gang rape case shows a new ‘space of flows’ in Indian journalism, as well as a growing mix of traditional journalistic reporting and contributions from ordinary citizens in times of crisis. At the same time, social media remain a niche element in news production in India. We have noted the importance of the urban middle class in India’s development of social media, as well as the omission of vast swaths of the country’s population in the new communicative space. While this article provides revealing data on social media usage in Indian journalism, there are limits to what the data can tell us. First, a larger sample of interview subjects would offer greater external validity and reliability. Second, our research leaves room for further study: this could include in-depth social network analysis and mapping. Current trends in usage of mobile phones and social media suggest that emerging communication networks will play a growing role in India’s public sphere. With fiber optic networks still limited and computer ownership rare outside urban elite and middle-class populations, mobile phones are the most common means of social media access (TRAI, 2012). The divergence in technological access suggests that urban and rural India will have different experiences with social media. As India’s social media networks continue to develop, a major question for researchers will be what effects these networks will have on India’s public sphere. Funding This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Note 1. Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code in India empowers a magistrate to prohibit an assembly of more than 10 people in an area. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 1073 Belair-Gagnon et al. References Ali A (2001) Evolution of public sphere in India. Economic and Political Weekly 36(26): 2419–2420. Atton C and Wickenden E (2005) Sourcing routines and representation in alternative journalism: A case study approach. Journalism Studies 6(3): 347–359. BBC (2013) Delhi rape accused found dead in prison. In: BBC Online. 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She holds a PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. Colin Agur is a PhD candidate in Communications at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, New York, USA. Since 2011, he has been a Visiting Fellow at Yale Law School’s Information Society Project. He tweets @colinagur and blogs at www.colinagur.com. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at FUDAN UNIV LIB on December 19, 2014 521581 research-article2014 JOU0010.1177/1464884914521581JournalismShumow Article Media production in a transnational setting: Three models of immigrant journalism Journalism 2014, Vol. 15(8) 1076–1093 © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1464884914521581 jou.sagepub.com Moses Shumow Florida International University, USA Abstract This study presents an empirical, qualitative investigation into the practices of Venezuelan journalists in South Florida. The Venezuelan population in the United States has more than doubled in the past decade, making it the fastest growing sub-population of Latinos in the country, and a majority of these new arrivals have settled in South Florida. Given the rapid changes this community has undergone in the previous 10 years, the results of this investigation provide a more complete picture of global journalism and transnational migration in the digital media era through the recognition of the complexities inherent in the work of immigrant journalists, offering new contributions to conceptualizations of immigrant assimilation as non-linear and providing an updated framework for understanding the production of Spanish-language, immigrant media in the United States. Three models of immigrant journalism are presented and discussed as a final result of the research. Keywords Journalism, transnationalism, Venezuela, immigration, community media Introduction In South Florida, the counties of Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach have some of the largest immigrant populations in the United States, as a percentage of their overall population (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). When combined with the international diversity Corresponding author: Moses Shumow, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Florida International University, 3000 NE 151st Street, BBC ACII-317, North Miami, FL 33181, USA. Email: [email protected] Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 Downloaded from http://www.elearnica.ir 1077 Shumow of these communities, the region presents an amalgam of cultures, languages, food, and national symbols – and, as a result, the landscape is dotted with community media outlets providing these communities with news and information that is culturally relevant to their communities and provides important connections to both home and host countries (Shumow, 2010, 2012). Among those immigrant groups in South Florida that have grown most rapidly in recent years is the Venezuelan community, whose numbers increased significantly after the election of Hugo Chávez in 1999 (Census: South Americans more than double Florida presence, 2011; Semple, 2008). Alongside this growth has been the parallel growth of Venezuelan community media in South Florida (Ocando, 2009). While these media are focused on local issues, the mediated communication being produced and distributed among its members is also transnational in scope (Shumow, 2012). There are myriad and complex social processes at work when immigrant audiences, buffeted by the forces of modernity and globalization, produce and consume mediated communication (Appadurai, 1996; Christiansen, 2004; Georgiou, 2006, 2007; Karim, 2003; King and Wood, 2001; Soruco, 1996). Among the theoretical outcomes that emerge from these processes is “glocalization” – a complex merging of what would traditionally be considered “local” with that which is “global” – which often manifests in the identity of these deterritorialized communities (Kraidy, 1999; Morley, 2000; Ong, 1999; Robins and Aksoy, 2005). Additionally, there is a wide body of literature dedicated to the role that ethnic minority media play in the development of community identity (Deuze, 2006; Hollander, Stappers and Jankowski, 2002; Riggins, 1992; Tsagarousianou, 2002). One of the areas that remain under-investigated, however, is an attempt to describe and explain more clearly the motivations and professional guidelines that help to shape the work of the producers of this media. As has been put forth by other scholars working with this field (Benson, 2006; Deuze, 2005; Hughes, 2006; McNair, 1998), these are essential sociological elements that must remain as the center of focus for researchers of journalistic practices. Guided by the methods of grounded theory, this study addresses this gap through an empirical, qualitative investigation into the practices of Venezuelan journalists in South Florida. The results of this inquiry provide a more complete picture of global journalism in transnational contexts in the digital media era through the recognition of the complexities inherent in the work of immigrant journalists. It also offers new contributions to theories of immigrant assimilation and provides an updated framework for understanding the production of Spanish-language immigrant media in the United States. Three distinct models of immigrant journalism – Oppositional, Market-driven/hybrid, and Immigrant/community – are conceptualized as the outcomes of the work of the journalists interviewed for this study. These models are presented as a heuristic tool for drawing out the most important variables that inform and shape the work of these journalists and their production of transnational media spaces, a concept that builds on the idea of the social spaces connecting populations across borders, but focuses particularly on how these spaces are produced and modified through media and communication. In this sense, while the models themselves describe journalistic practices, they also help to inform and better conceptualize the different forms that immigrant media can take on as immigrant communities develop over time. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1078 Journalism 15(8) Table 1. Media outlets, formats and language(s) used by the participants in their work. Media outlet Format Language RadioNexx.com Agenda Latina Venezuela Sin Mordaza Venezuelanawareness.com Patriciapoleo.com Venezuela en la Mira Miami en la Mira Sehablavenezolano.com Venezuela al Día El Venezolano Actualidad 1020 Ciudad Doral Newspaper Doral News Columnaestilos.com Conexiones Veintiseven Internet radio Newspaper Newspaper Website Website Television Magazine Blog Newspaper Newspaper Radio Newspaper Newspaper Blog Magazine Magazine Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish/English Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish/English Spanish/English Spanish/English Spanish Spanish Karim (2003: 5) has written that the places where migration and global media meet are the “diasporic site(s)” that form the “cultural border between the country of origin and the country of residence.” Understanding these cultural sites and how they are created is a key outcome of this investigation. The variables that shape the work of these journalists include the context of departure and arrival, the unique role that ideology plays in the formation of their work, and the inherent transnational nature of these media outlets that allows them to shift their focus depending on the demands of international events and the needs of local audiences. The discussion of these models of the work of immigrant journalists and the resulting media spaces also helps to uncover some of the complexities inherent in transnational migration that challenge traditional, linear notions of immigrant assimilation and acculturation and recognizes the distinct role that mediated communication plays in the lives of 21st century immigrants. Methods This investigation and the resulting analysis and theoretical conclusions emerged out of a larger, long-term study looking at the production and consumption of immigrant media among Venezuelans in South Florida, based around a series of in-person interviews conducted between 2009 and 2010. In order to gather a sufficient number of participants (see Table 1 for a complete list of media outlets, language, and formats), snowball sampling was used to make primary and secondary contacts, an effort that resulted in 34 in-depth, semi-structured interviews and over 500 pages of transcripts. Because there is a scarcity of similar research, a grounded theory inquiry, defined as “a systemic, inductive, and comparative approach for conducting inquiry for the purpose of constructing theory” Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1079 Shumow (Bryant and Charmaz, 2007a: 1), was used to investigate the work of Venezuelan journalists in South Florida. An axial qualitative coding approach was used to analyze the interviews in order to create the models outlined below, with the assistance of the qualitative software package NVivo as an organizational, analytical and modeling tool. This process took on a fluid nature throughout the analysis, as the constant comparison method (Bryant and Charmaz, 2007b: 607) of moving back and forth between data, categories, and findings, along with a continuing interaction and dialogue with existing literature, led to an evolution of theoretical findings. A peer reviewer was asked to read a sampling of transcripts as well as the written description of these models in order to peer-check the findings, which led to new insights as well as slight adjustments to the models to account for differences in perception. Three models of immigrant journalism These models are presented with the recognition that while this group shares elements in common – profession, nationality, culture, geography – there are key differences in their backgrounds and how they approach their work as journalists within an immigrant community. It is these differences that lend themselves to the creation of three distinct models of journalistic practice. The models also represent a spectrum regarding levels of connectivity to Venezuela versus connections to their community in South Florida; occupational ideologies that range from a balanced approach to journalism, to one that is politically driven; and the varying immigration experiences of the participants regarding their context of departure from Venezuela, whether they were forced from the country either as a direct outcome of their work or an ideological opposition to Chávez versus a voluntary departure for reasons unrelated to politics, such as economic motivations, family ties, job relocation, etc. It is important to note that these models should not be seen as representing separate silos; there is in fact considerable overlap between the models, as will be seen in the analysis below. The three models of immigrant journalism are conceptualized as follows: •• Oppositional model: Journalists in this model remain heavily focused on events in Venezuela and firm in their opposition to Chávez; the reasons they give for pursuing journalism are politically driven as well as transnational in scope, as their work is often aimed directly at, and followed closely by, audiences in Venezuela. There is also a political-economy to their work illustrated by the difficulties these media producers have had in finding advertisers who are not scared away by their anti-Chávez rhetoric. •• Market-driven/hybrid model: These journalists continue to draw on events in Venezuela as part of their work, aware that many in their audience still have family and business connections to the country. There is also recognition of the information needs of the community as a group of newly arrived immigrants and a desire to help their fellow Venezuelans adjust to life in a new country. Additionally, they perceive that in order to create an economic model for their content, a wider, Latin American immigrant, and even Hispanic American, audience must be Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1080 Journalism 15(8) reached, reflecting the political economy of producing mediated communication in a city where ideas of nationality must be weighed against the dangers of focusing too narrowly on individual groups of immigrants and thereby possibly ignoring potential audiences. •• Immigrant/community model: This model closely resembles older definitions of community and ethnic/minority media found in the literature on the topic (e.g. Deuze, 2006; Hollander, Stappers and Jankowski, 2002; Howley, 2005; Jankowski, 2002) with an emphasis on covering local events, the importance of understanding the information needs of the audience, an effort to provide coverage not found in the mainstream media, and the development of a circular relationship between the producer and the audience. However, this model is also distinguished by its emphasis on issues relevant to immigrants (addressed first and foremost by the fact that these outlets are almost entirely in Spanish1) and the national and cultural identity the producers draw on as a guiding reference in their day-to-day work as immigrant journalists. “A burning candle”: Oppositional model In 2004, Paul Sfeir, who moved to the United States from Venezuela in 2001, decided to launch an Internet radio station called RadioNEXX. Sfeir’s family had emigrated from Chile to Venezuela during the presidency of Salvador Allende, and he grew up hearing about what his family had lost under that government. By the time he moved to the United States, three years after the election of Hugo Chávez, Sfeir had already become ideologically opposed to the direction in which he believed the country was headed. “Look, first we left a communist government in Chile,” he said. “And now I have to leave because of a communist government in Venezuela” (personal communication with the author).2 Sfeir had worked in the broadcast media in Venezuela and felt there was a dearth of coverage on the situation in Venezuela among media in South Florida. Looking for an outlet, Sfeir launched RadioNEXX. The radio station quickly became popular among the exile community as well as for Internet listeners inside Venezuela, especially during moments of political and social unrest, such as the constitutional referendum in December of 2007 to abolish presidential term limits. According to Sfeir, during that vote, RadioNEXX received 4000 phone calls and eight million website hits in a 24-hour period. The reach and impact of RadioNEXX, because it used the Internet as its platform and opened up a phone line for reports from Venezuela as well as callers in South Florida, became completely transnational in scope. This media phenomenon was reflected in the seamless transitions that Sfeir and others made in referring to Venezuelans that were both here and there. RadioNEXX’s programming and audience represented a blurring of borders that vexed Venezuelan government monitors, who were very interested in finding the source of these vehement opposition voices but whose powers are territorially bound. Other oppositional journalists echoed this transnational experience. Patricia Poleo, a prominent exiled journalist who continues to publish her column in Venezuela, often used information from highly placed contacts in the military and government: Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1081 Shumow Oppositional Market-driven/hybridImmigrant/community modelmodel model Connections to Venezuela Forced departure Subjective ideology Connections to community Voluntary departure Objective ideology Figure 1. Spectrum of influences shaping models of immigrant journalism. I write about things in Venezuela that are so up to the minute that they still think I’m there and continue to look for me…I think this has been, of all my professional successes, the most important. That they keep recognizing me there in Venezuela…even though I’m not physically there. The simultaneity inherent in the work of Poleo and the hosts on RadioNEXX is illustrative of the time–space compression that is a defining hallmark of globalization. It was also a key element in the mental models of the work of these immigrant journalists, especially those within the oppositional model of journalism. These connections appeared to create an audience in the minds of these producers that exists simultaneously in Venezuela and the United States, a phenomenon reflected repeatedly in the comments offered up during the interviews. As Luis Ortíz, who had a political program on RadioNEXX, explained, in the case of their media outlet, technology had facilitated these connections: “Why the Internet? Well, first because it is important to us that the majority of people who listen to us are in Venezuela. And those of us who are creating the programming, the majority can’t go to Venezuela for political reasons.” However, RadioNEXX often had to negotiate a complex political economy, efforts that are a defining characteristic of the oppositional model of immigrant journalism. Despite the station’s popularity during moments of crisis in Venezuela, Sfeir and his supporters were unable to find a sustainable economic model to keep the station functioning. Often, advertisers were wary of aligning themselves with journalists who had such an ideological bent to their programming, conscious of the sensitivities of cross-national implications that could hurt their interests either in the United States, Venezuela, or both. Many of the media outlets in the oppositional model went through moments of popularity but were unable to sustain their audiences over the long term. Edgard Paredes, a radio announcer who for a time published a weekly newspaper in Miami called Venezuela Sin Mordaza (Venezuela Ungagged), an oppositional, politically oriented outlet, had a similar experience: “…there were clients that were telling me, ‘Hey, what a good newspaper. I like it, you are doing good work, but I have businesses in Venezuela and they might be affected if I support you.’” Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1082 Journalism 15(8) Downing (2003: 628) has noted this problem of economic sustainability in his writing on alternative media and their audiences: “…public support is unmistakably tangible during a period of acute political contention, but misleads the activists into seeing it as more widespread and durable than it is, so that they take it for granted beyond the point they should.” This often appeared to be the case in the oppositional model, particularly with RadioNEXX, where the producers saw a real explosion of popularity and attention to their efforts. The producers came away with a sense of being an important source of alternative information, but were not able to develop a long-term strategy for audiencebuilding and economic stability. There were elements of personal sacrifice in nearly all of the stories told by oppositional journalists, from having to flee the country, as in the case of Poleo; economic sacrifice, as with Sfeir, who sold his house to keep RadioNEXX running; or the experience of Roger Vivas, an exiled politician and AM Radio host, who, as he explained, made very little for his work: “I really have to struggle here. I make 10 dollars an hour and my checks are never more than $500. I live in an efficiency apartment.” Another member of this group had recently been evicted from his apartment and was sleeping on a friend’s sofa; yet another interviewee’s marriage fell apart during the process of seeking exile in the United States. These personal experiences combined with the underlying political elements inherent in the work of the oppositional journalists helped to create the anti-Chávez rhetoric that was the defining political characteristic binding this group together. Finally, within a larger historical and societal context, even though this group’s rhetoric focused on the Chávez government, this model should not be seen as unique to this particular immigrant group and their circumstances. In the United States, some of the earliest examples of Spanish-language immigrant media were produced by political exiles. In New York City, early Puerto Rican newspapers called for independence from Spain (Fitzpatrick, 1987), while Cuban journalist Felix Varela begin pressing for Cuban independence from Spain in the mid-1800s in the pages of El Habanero, which was published in Philadelphia but circulated in Cuba. This was followed by the work of José Martí and the publication of La Patria in New York (Kanellos, 2000). There is also the case of Mexicans writing about the Mexican revolution from Texas and California (Cortés, 1987; Kanellos, 2000), which eventually led to the founding of one of the country’s oldest Spanish-Language newspapers, La Opinión in Los Angeles. Contemporarily, Hamid Naficy (1993) has written eloquently about the media produced by and for the Iranian diaspora, while similar scholarship on exile media has been produced on Tibetans in exile (Dukes, 2006), Burmese democratic efforts in Sweden (Pidduck, 2012), and, of most significance to this inquiry, the use and production of exilic media by Cubans living in South Florida (e.g. Bardach, 2002; Larson, 2006; Soruco, 1996). “Finding a balance”: Market-driven/hybrid model Following on the oppositional model, and drawing on similar elements, the marketdriven/hybrid model is defined by these journalists’ search for a balance between focusing on Venezuela when necessary, especially during moments of crisis, but also making sure that events in Venezuela do not become their sole focus. This was an economic Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1083 Shumow decision as much as a professional one, with the recognition that focusing too intently on the Venezuelan community would limit their reach among wider immigrant groups. There was an effort among the members of this group, not to avoid Venezuela politics or Chávez completely, but to place more of an emphasis on life in their new country, on what it means to be an Hispanic immigrant in the United States, and to reach out to the other Spanish-speaking immigrant groups that make up their audiences – whether they are Colombian, Ecuadoran, or Panamanian. Actualidad 1020 is the Miami outlet of one of Venezuela’s largest national radio chains. The station launched in 2008 and has grown rapidly ever since. Three of the journalists that work there were interviewed during this research: Eli Bravo, Julio Cesar Camacho, and Lourdes Ubieta, each of them respected by other Venezuelan journalists as well as familiar to Venezuelan immigrant audiences. This background helped them establish solid, successful careers in the United States, securing a space among immigrant audiences that was both influential and economically sustainable. The insights they offered about working as an immigrant journalist, all of which were connected through the theme of finding a balance,3 were emblematic of the kind of immigrant journalism that the market driven/hybrid model represents. There was a general reflection of the realities of working in a multicultural market with its own particular form of political economy. In this context, given the influence of the Cuban community and the global nature of commerce in Miami and the transnational business connections that exist, political considerations must constantly be weighed against the multinational, multicultural nature of the audiences that exist for Spanish-language media. This group recognized that Chávez and events in Venezuela are newsworthy, and therefore an unavoidable topic for Latin American journalists working in Miami. However, an even treatment of this topic remained important for this group, as Eli Bravo pointed out: …when I have something that I really want to share, I’ll write about Chávez. But I don’t feel that I have to slam Chávez in the face because that’s the way I think we should do it. … There are spaces, media, and outlets for that, but I don’t think that’s our work. Although he did not mention them directly, Bravo was acknowledging the existence of the oppositional journalists outlined in the previous section, and appeared to be trying to put some distance between their form of strident journalism and the role that he envisions for his work within the community. Camacho, the station’s news director and former manager, reached a similar conclusion, acknowledging the influence of the Venezuelan community in the station’s programming, but pointing to his colleagues’ and his own efforts to move beyond this group: … (Actualidad 1020) even though it was founded by Venezuelan businessmen, concerns itself with all of the communities. The Venezuelans are one of the communities that we serve. Because we want to serve all of the communities represented here, in Miami, in South Florida, that are Latin American. From the Caribbean, from Central America. Despite the rhetoric of providing an important service, there are clearly economic implications behind the decision to focus the station beyond the Venezuelan community, in Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1084 Journalism 15(8) trying to break out of the mold of being seen as a “Venezuelan station.” Bravo and Camacho, as well as other journalists whose work fell within the definition of this model, emphasized their efforts at reaching wider audiences; this is a calculated decision that is an outcome of the financial pressures placed on all media outlets as they seek out economic models that lead to long-term sustainability. For Lourdes Ubieta, the decision to focus on local information was an obvious one: I’m focusing my show in the news…So this means finances, jobs, local laws, local things. That’s because even though you are from Puerto Rico, or Colombia, you live here, you will have to pay taxes, and we will have to take care of our families, etcetera. So I’m focused on what is important for us as residents, as people who live here, as immigrants. However, at the same time, Ubieta was clearly conscious of her connections to the Venezuelan community and the importance of their support: “…people know that I’m not on the side of President Chávez, not because of President Chávez but because of the way he’s behaving and the things that he is doing.” Ubieta said she avoided joining up with the multiple exile Venezuelan groups that have been formed in South Florida in recent years, which she saw as problematic from a professional perspective. At the same time, “…when they phone me and say, We’re gonna have this meeting, I air it. And when they say we’re going to do this collection of money, for whatever, I go (on air) and say it.” Again, inherent in the experiences of working as an immigrant journalist shared by Ubieta, and key to the conceptualization of the hybrid model, is the idea that a balance must be found between maintaining a cultural connection with the Venezuelan community while at the same time reaching out to larger immigrant audiences that share similar information needs. Connecting too closely with the more politically oriented opposition-exile groups might not only alienate Ubieta’s non-Venezuelan listeners, but her station’s continued business connections to Venezuela would also temper the ideologies that might emerge in her work. A transnational existence is a foundational element in the work of these immigrant journalist, but the fact that these media models modulate between a focus entirely on Venezuela to, as will be seen in the community model, an alignment with local realities and information needs, confirms what Alba and Nee (1997: 827) have written about the continued relevance of theories of assimilation for understanding the lives of immigrants: …we hold that this social science concept offers the best way to understand and describe the integration into the mainstream experienced across generations by many individuals and ethnic groups, even if it cannot be regarded as a universal outcome of American life. The role of mediated communication as an important element in the creation of these interactions has been theorized as following a similar course. In their research on ethnic media production and consumption among Turkish immigrants in Germany, Arnold and Schneider (2007: 133), have reached very similar conclusions, noting that: Ethnic media do not communicate separation nor is this the intention of ethnic journalists. We did, however, find specific functions of ethnic media that point to a specific role for integration Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1085 Shumow and matters of cultural identity…On one hand, the audience is looking for orientation in everyday life; on the other, emotional aspects play a crucial role. This is a key insight, as emotional motivations and the underlying connections and conflicting tension with ideologies of journalistic professionalism remained a defining issue throughout the interviews conducted during this research. However, also relevant to the conceptualization of these models of immigrant media are those scholars on the other side of the assimilation versus pluralism debate surrounding immigration. Their theories question the linearity of historical conceptualizations of assimilation, many of which date back to the first waves of immigrants to the United States at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th. Immigration scholar Rumbaut (1997: 924) has criticized these views as assigning assimilation with a “certain passivity and one-wayness.” Scholars on this side of the immigration debate between assimilation and pluralism question overly broad definitions of the “mainstream culture” that immigrants are supposed to assimilate into, and see the process of adjusting and adapting to life in a new country as happening much more in fits and starts, particularly in a global city like Miami. Studies of transnationalism are an attempt to bridge this divide, recognizing that while not linear, the process of adaptation to a new culture by immigrants is multi-faceted, shaped by “historical contexts” (Rumbaut, 1997: 943), and often pulled in more than one direction. Along with the material drawn from the interviewees at Actualidad 1020, it is also helpful here to look at the interviews with Manuel Corao, publisher and editor of Venezuela al Día, and Oswaldo Muñoz, publisher and CEO of El Venezolano, as a way to further define the hybrid model. Together, these two newspapers represent the oldest Venezuelan media outlets in the study. Both are emblematic of this second model, with a clear focus on Venezuela, particularly from a political, analytical standpoint. At the same time, both newspapers, according to their publishers, have become key information sources not only for the Venezuelan community in South Florida, but for other Latin American immigrant groups as well. As Muñoz saw it, his newspaper has “a wider vision of what we consider to be important for Venezuelans that live here,” but at the same time, despite efforts to focus on the local, the goals of El Venezolano remain distinctly transnational in nature. “We are interested in what happens here and what happens there,” said Muñoz. Corao pursues a similar model with his newspaper. During an interview in his office, as a demonstration, Corao pulled an archived edition of Venezuela al Día from the shelf, and encouraged the interviewer to do the same. Both issues were opened to the same page. In one edition, there was a story about efforts by the government to expropriate businesses in Venezuela in the name of the Bolivarian Revolution; in the other, there was a story about a health clinic opening in Miami aimed at serving the Venezuelan community. For Corao, this was a clear example of the balancing act that he performs with his publication: “…so this means that for this edition, there was more weight given to community news than national news. And in this edition, the events of the country (Venezuela) meant that there was more news nationally than from the community.” Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1086 Journalism 15(8) There should be no question about the editorial line that El Venezolano and Venezuela al Día took when it came to the situation in Venezuela. As Biaggio Correale, a Venezuelan photographer who has worked for Muñoz at El Venezolano, pointed out: Yes, perhaps there is a partiality that is political, but that’s how it is…Let’s analyze the context: What is the name of the newspaper? “El Venezolano.” And where is it? In the United States… So this immediately gives you the idea that it’s not going to speak well of Chávez. This statement recognized the political leanings of the Venezuelan immigrant community that has exploded in size in the United States in the past decade; while there may be various levels of opposition and attachment to Venezuela, this was a community that remained nearly 100% opposed to the government currently in power. Similar to the oppositional model, the journalists within the hybrid model also performed a balancing act when it came to the fundamentally political nature of their editorial line and the need to keep attracting sponsors who may have still had business interests in Venezuela. This often meant putting distance between themselves and the more vocal exile community. As Muñoz pointed out, the United States: …maintains commercial and diplomatic relations with Venezuela; and very good commercial relations, because it is the largest buyer, and the truth is that we can’t talk about exile. Ninety to 95% [of Venezuelans in Miami] are against the Chávez regime, but in no way can we say that we are exiled. However, despite claims to the contrary, even Muñoz was not immune to the influence that the Venezuelan government is still able to exert on his operations. Yolanda Medina, a journalist who worked at El Venezolano and was interviewed several months after Muñoz, revealed that Muñoz had recently run into trouble with the government there for material published in his newspaper and had to curtail his visits: “No, recently he hasn’t gone…Because right now Oswaldo is being persecuted there and his friends have advised him not to go because he could be detained for no reason.” Muñoz’s experience illustrated the fluidity inherent in the political balancing act of these journalists as they maintained a defiant stance toward the Venezuelan government and at the same time drew on the economic connections and support of the Venezuelan community to keep their operations afloat. “Turn off the switch”: Immigrant/community model Finally, at the other end of the spectrum from the oppositional model, there is the immigrant/community model. The elements that define this model are a strong emphasis on connections with local audiences, particularly the Spanish-speaking, Latino community, and the issues that are important to them both as an ethnic group and as immigrants. There was a stated effort by these journalists to disconnect from Venezuela. This often meant complete avoidance of Venezuelan politics and even the mention of Chávez; however, as indicated in the definition provided above, this did not mean that the Venezuelan identity of these media professionals did not have an impact on the final Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1087 Shumow product. As Biaggio Correale, who along with his wife, Militza Rodríguez, launched a monthly magazine aimed at Hispanic audiences called Veintiseven, put it: “Those of us that come to this country know how to ‘turn off the switch,’ as we say. We understand the situation and that the reality… is different. And that we have to, you know, move forward.” The case of Ciudad Doral Newspaper, published by Luis Alcala, and Doral News, published by Carlos Herrádez, were both illustrative of the immigrant/community model. For Herrádez, there was an interesting connection between the founding of Ciudad Doral Newspaper and the political campaign to incorporate Doral as a city with the county of Miami-Dade,4 both of which occurred in 2002. Ciudad Doral Newspaper championed the cause of the incorporation campaign, which was called “One Doral.” “We used the name of the newspaper as the name of the city,” Herrádez said, “and we started covering events and we wrote about the community on topics that had to do with family, religion, culture, society, businesses, commerce, students.” Herrádez saw this relationship with his fellow “Doralinos” as being at the heart of his work as a journalist, calling himself a cronista de la comunidad (chronicler of the community). He said it is this relationship to the community that makes this model work: “So, people began to care about the newspaper, because they had a newspaper that reflected in its pages the events of the city. And beyond that, it was in Spanish.” Alcala saw a similar formula for the success of these community media outlets, connecting their growth with larger societal changes. “The importance of community media has been a growth based practically in the necessity for local information,” he said. Alcala also recognized the political challenges inherent in a Spanish-language newspaper that wants to be useful to a community where not everyone speaks the language: “The first six editions (of Ciudad Doral Newspaper) were totally in Spanish. And we got an avalanche of emails, because there is an important population of Anglos here, that don’t speak Spanish.” Given the historic tensions that have existed between Anglos and Hispanics in Miami (Grenier and Portes, 1992; Portes and Rumbaut, 2006; Portes and Stepick, 1994), the decision to include English on the part of Alcala, and later by Herrádez, was astute, both politically and economically. They saw the potential to expand the size of their audience by including two languages, while at the same time avoiding ethnic and racial divisions that could in the end actually harm their distribution and standing within the community. This emphasis on trying not to alienate certain segments of the audience ties in with a final component of the production decisions made on the part of the journalists in the immigrant/community model, which was a complete avoidance of anything having to do with Chávez or the political situation in Venezuela. This did not necessarily affect their readership among Venezuelans, as Herrádez pointed out: “I would say that all of the Venezuelans that come to Doral see this newspaper, all of them, even though here there is no news from Venezuela…Absolutely none. Here the news is about Doral.” There was the perception among these producers that, especially among Latin American immigrant groups in South Florida, many of whom arrive from situations of political instability, there was a fatigue that had set in when it comes to political discussions. According to Militza Rodríguez, of Veintiseven, this recognition was a key component in their editorial discussions prior to launching the magazine: Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1088 Journalism 15(8) First of all, we all agreed that we wouldn’t have any political content in the magazine and the main reason for that is that we have so many nationalities here, and our countries are so in conflict because of politics, that we said, “Ok, people are sick of politics. Let’s try to do something different.” The decision to stay away from politics also translated into an avoidance of being overly focused on the Venezuelan immigrant community as well. Nataly Salaz, a television reporter in Venezuela who now works with Luis Alcala at Ciudad Doral Newspaper, saw the emphasis on the community as the most important function of the newspaper: We never touch on it, at least in Ciudad Doral Newspaper, focusing directly on the Venezuelan community, because even if they are a majority in Doral,5 they are not the only population. And that’s something that I agree with. I feel that a community newspaper has to be aimed at the community, not at just one segment…We’re going to see what affects the community, it doesn’t matter if it’s Cuban, Venezuelan, Panamanian, or Brazilian. It should be noted here that although Salaz was talking about “community,” she was still focused on Latin American immigrants. This is an important clue to the mental model that drives the work of the producers operating within this model, as well as a fascinating insight into the global nature of Miami-Dade County. For Salaz, the wider community did not signify English-speaking Anglos but rather her fellow Latin American immigrants. Salaz also emphasized the fact that what separates these outlets from those serving only the Venezuelan community is their focus on the information needs of immigrants: You look at a Venezuelan newspaper focusing on the Venezuelan community and they’re constantly coming back to repeat the things that Chávez did, or what he said, what the ministers said, what is happening there…but no. For this, I have the Internet, if I want to know what is happening in Venezuela. Ultimately, according to the interviews with these journalists, these key decisions about content and the emphasis on a wider immigrant audience served to ingratiate and connect them with the wider Hispanic community. Conclusion and future directions The three models of immigrant journalism that have been presented here are an attempt to not only explain the motivations and professional ideologies of these journalists and where they fit within a larger, theoretical framework, but to offer conceptualizations of concrete outcomes that recognize the complexities inherent in this form of mediated communication and that the multiplicity of influences and processes shaping the work of these journalists result in distinct forms of journalistic production. Within a larger contextual framework, there are also implications from this type of media production for understanding processes of immigrant assimilation and acculturation and how these more traditional theories contrast and interact with newer conceptualizations of transnational migration. This is especially true when considering a geographic context such as the once presented by the heavily globalized city of Miami. Since this research was Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1089 Shumow conducted, there has also been a significant development in the political situation in Venezuela: the death of President Hugo Chávez. There are, of course, larger implications for the future of the country contained within this event; however, for the community of Venezuelans living in South Florida, given that Chávez’s handpicked successor Nicolas Maduro was recently elected and promises to continue the “Bolivarian Revolution” (Neuman, 2013), it is difficult to imagine that it will have a significant impact on the oppositional nature of the diaspora, who will continue to rally not against Chávez, but the larger framework of chavismo and all that it entails.6 In the course of their work, the journalists in this study go about the process of narrating the experience of migration within their community. They maintain a focus that is bi-national in scope and that varies in degree and intensity on either the home or host country. Because of this particular journalistic formulation, their work must be viewed as playing a role in the process of adaptation and assimilation for their audience. Nearly all of the interviewees saw at least part of their job as helping to make the process of adjusting to life in a new country smoother and less jarring for their fellow immigrants, while at the same time allowing them to remain connected to events at home. Given the growing influence, scope, and impact of new communication technologies worldwide, it is worth asking whether or not these changes are also going to impact the ways in which migration is both studied and conceptualized by researchers from multiple disciplines. At the same time, these models build on, as well as move beyond, older theories of ethnic/minority media. This work is a continuation of research that regards these types of media outlets as providing a voice to communities that may be left out of the discourse found in mainstream, national media (Husband, 2005; Riggins, 1992) – after all, the specific focus brought to bear on Venezuela and Venezuelan immigrants, given the background of these journalists, is not coverage that would be found necessarily in The New York Times or broadcast on ABC News. At the same time, these models, taken together as a whole, can also be seen as an extension of the “dual role” for ethnic media theorized by Subervi-Vélez (1986), in which he sees opportunities in the consumption of ethnic/ minority media for both cultural pluralism and steps towards assimilation and acculturation regarding political orientation. These models show that within the larger framework that has been illustrated in prior work on ethnic/minority media, the motivations, ideologies, and contextual variables that influence the producers of ethnic/minority and community media lead to very particular forms of communication. The contribution from Subervi-Vélez underscores the wider need to recognize the multi-faceted nature of immigration and how it is a constantly evolving and changing phenomenon, dependent on factors of geography, technology, socio-economic status, contexts of departure and arrival, legal status, length of time as an émigré, etc. To confine these processes to one or two defining characteristics is an exercise in futility. As Portes (1997: 800) has written, immigration theory “in the contemporary world” has involved “describing the novelty and complexity of contemporary immigration, culling concepts and insights from the classic literature on the subject and, simultaneously, getting rid of the dead weight of irrelevant debates.” It is the contention here that this research into the production of immigrant journalism contributes new insights into immigration theory by focusing on the role of mediated communication in the processes and social phenomena that are created through the confluence of media and migration. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 1090 Journalism 15(8) It is also the hope on the part of the author that these models will lead to further elaboration and testing. This effort could be approached through content analyses, which could be used to test whether the insights gained from the interviews match up with the reality of what is finally produced within these three models (some of this work has already been initiated; see Fernandes and Shumow, 2012, and Shumow and Pinto, 2013). Of even greater significance would be to test whether or not these findings can be applied to the media produced by journalists within other immigrant groups, an effort from which truly valuable insights might emerge, as they could be seen as helping to explain the wider social phenomena that emerge from the connections between migration and media. Funding This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Notes 1. Two of the outlets studied, Doral News and Ciudad Doral Newspaper, are bilingual. 2. Unless otherwise indicated, all interviews were conducted by the author in Spanish and translated into English. 3. Husband (2005) has written about this tension between professionalism and identity among ethnic media producers, noting that “for media workers within minority ethnic media the defensive carapace of ‘professionalism’ may be fractured by other strong and possibly contradictory claims; namely, a personal identity politics that commands an allegiance to an ethnic community” (462). 4. As of the 2010 census, the city Doral had the largest percentage of Venezuelans of all cities in the United States at 13.3%. Anecdotally, it is worth mentioning that of the 34 interviews conducted for this research, nearly half took place in Doral. 5. As of 2010, Venezuelans were not the majority in Doral, although of the nearly 50% of the population in Doral that is from Latin America, Venezuelans represent the largest sub-group of that immigrant community; however, given their influence in Doral politics, media, and business, this is often the perception. It is no accident that, in the past few years, Doral has come to be known as “Doralzuela” (Ocando, 2009). 6. As an anecdotal example, the Facebook page for El Venezolano bears the headline “No somos la oposición; somos la solución [We are not the opposition; we are the solution].” References Alba R and Nee V (1997) Rethinking assimilation theory for a new era of immigration. International Migration Review 31(4): 826–874. Appadurai A (1996) Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Arnold AK and Schneider B (2007) Communicating separation? Ethnic media and ethnic journalists as institutions of integration in Germany. 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Available at: http:// factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk (accessed 17 March 2011). Author biography Moses Shumow is an Assistant Professor of Journalism and Broadcasting in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Florida International University. His current research is on mediated geographies, transnationalism, and the production and consumption of immigrant and Spanish-language media in South Florida and nationally and his work has been published in the International Journal of Communication, Taiwan Journal of Democracy, Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business, Media, Culture and Society, Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, and the edited volume, News Literacy: Global Perspectives for the Newsroom and the Classroom. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 19, 2014 504259 earch-article2013 JOU15810.1177/1464884913504259JournalismVu Article The online audience as gatekeeper: The influence of reader metrics on news editorial selection Journalism 2014, Vol. 15(8) 1094–1110 © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1464884913504259 jou.sagepub.com Hong Tien Vu University of Texas at Austin, USA Abstract This study provides a snapshot of the hierarchy-of-influences model in the new media environment through examining the effects of audience web metrics on editors. Surveying 318 gatekeepers, the study found that audience metrics influence editors in gatekeeping. Editors’ likelihood to monitor web metrics is affected by their journalism training. Gatekeepers who attach the importance of high readership to economic benefits are more likely to have different news decisions based on web metrics. The study suggests a revision of the hierarchy-of-influences model with more emphasis being placed on the role of the audience. Keywords Web metrics, audience, gatekeepers, hierarchy of influences, online newsroom In the highly technological world of today, at any given time journalists can easily pull out figures on such audience behaviors as how many web cruisers are reading a story, what stories they prefer, or whether they comment, email, “Facebook,” or Tweet a story. At The Washington Post, for example, detailed web metrics are displayed on a television screen for the entire newsroom. Editorial staff at The Post also receive emails everyday with specific data on web traffic. In other news organizations, web metrics have become important indicators of how well newsrooms perform (Peters, 2010). Indeed, the Internet has afforded journalists and news audiences an unprecedented interactivity, which did not exist in the traditional print media context. Corresponding author: Hong Tien Vu, Doctoral Student, School of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin, 300 W. Dean Keeton, Austin, Texas 78712, USA. Email: [email protected] from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 DownloadedDownloaded from http://www.elearnica.ir 1095 Vu A number of studies have found evidence of audience influence on the gatekeeping process. For example, scholars have discovered that it is becoming common for online journalists or gatekeepers to monitor web metrics and track readers’ behaviors, hoping to learn more about their audiences (MacGregor, 2007; McKenzie et al., 2011). However, little is known about how much the availability of such data affects editorial decisions in newsrooms or whether journalists are willing to accommodate readers’ content preferences, or what kinds of editorial adjustment to news selection gatekeepers are willing to adopt to get more subsequent online traffic. Unveiling these issues is the aim of this research. Surveying news editors across the United States, this study examines the extent to which web metrics affect online news editors’ decision-making, and ultimately, news coverage. It investigates factors that lead online editors to monitor online traffic and other web analytics. Most importantly, using quantitative data, this study revisits the hierarchy-of-influences theory (Reese, 2011; Shoemaker and Reese, 1996), a model created in the traditional media environment, when gatekeepers had limited access to information about readers’ news preferences, through comparing the importance of audience against other factors in influencing editorial decision-making in newsroom today. Because the gatekeeping role is occupationally journalistic, the study provides an analysis of how technology has fueled the repositioning or sharing of this role by professional gatekeepers who increasingly allow some audience influence on their editorial responsibility. In doing so, the study is expected to also provide some real-world implications by shedding light on how editorial practices have evolved in the new media environment to adapt to audience tastes. Gatekeeping and hierarchy of influences Traditional gatekeeping research has focused largely on the role of gatekeepers in controlling what should be presented to audiences and what should not. In the original study, gatekeeping was described as “highly subjective,” with the gatekeeper exercising his control with biases (White, 1950: 386). Although this whole process of selection or rejection of news stories was based on the gatekeeper’s judgment and experience, news decisions are considered intuitive. Responding to the question: “What is news?” David Brinkley, a well-known TV journalist said news is “What I say it is,” (Rowe, 2005). For Arthur McEwen, an editor of the San Francisco Chronicle “News is anything that makes a reader say ‘Gee Whiz!’” (Boorstin, 1961). These two examples illustrate that there is no absolute rule in determining what make a news story, and thus confirming White’s conjecture about the gatekeeping process. Communication scholars contended that White’s original assumption of the media gatekeeping was too simplistic. Gatekeeping has been shown to also include “writing, editing, positioning, scheduling, repeating, and otherwise massaging information to become news” (Shoemaker et al., 2008: 73). Along with this process many other factors can come into play. For example, Sylvie and Huang (2008) found that an editor’s decision on passing or rejecting a piece of news can be influenced by his or her own background and the organization he or she represents. Shoemaker and Reese (1991) argued that apart from the common newsworthiness’ constituents, social significance, Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 1096 Journalism 15(8) complexity, and personal relevance, other factors, either being intrinsic or coming from outside to the communication workers, could also affect the process of transforming information from news sources to media messages. Shoemaker and Reese (1996) delineated a five-level model of micro and macro influences on gatekeepers, arguing that gatekeeping no longer happens at only one gate of an individual communication worker as White did, but at multiple gates. The first level – the lowest – focuses on the individual factors of the communicator (e.g., personal background, experiences, attitudes, beliefs, etc.). The second level is media routines (e.g., audience orientation, newsroom routines). The third level of the model concentrates on the organizational influences (e.g., internal structure, ownership, goal, and policy). Extramedia forces or factors extrinsic to media organizations constitute the fourth level (e.g., sources, advertisers, audience, government control, market competition, technology). The last level –– is media ideology. Shoemaker and Reese (1996) posited that although each level in the concentric model has its own range of influences, the lower is subsumed by the higher one(s), which must take the lower ones into account. In the original model the audience factor, however, did not receive adequate attention, and thus impressionably deemphasizing the weight of such influence on the gatekeeping process. Contextually, the hierarchy-of-influences model was created in the traditional media environment with journalists being notably distant from their audience. Yet a question still exists about the extent to which the influence of factors in this model exerted on gatekeeping work in the new media era, especially when declining readership, tough competition, fragmented audiences, plummeting advertising revenues, and downsizing newsrooms are darkening the picture of the journalism industry (Lowrey and Woo, 2010). Scholars have begun to explore possible changes of professional journalistic gatekeeping (McKenzie et al., 2011; Shoemaker et al., 2011; Singer, 2011). What is missing from the literature are the ways online audiences may have affected those newsroom practices. Audience role Journalists have often been accused of being aloof from their audiences in the context of traditional media (MacGregor, 2007). Gieber asserts (1960: 204) that “news selection has no direct relationship to the wants of readers.” Gans (1979) supports this view, arguing that journalists pay little to no attention to audience feedback, but mainly put together content based on what they think would interest their audiences. One of journalists’ excuses was technological constraints. In order to learn about their audiences, news organizations used to rely on marketing companies (e.g., Nielsen) for audience research, which provided them with information on readers’ general interests. However, this kind of research did not “come often enough to help” news producers and editors adjust their daily editorial decision-making (Shoemaker and Reese, 1996: 105). Consequently, news became a product of a top-down, centralized model, with stories produced independently of news audiences (Schultz, 1999). With the Internet and two of its key elements –interactivity and immediacy (Chung, 2008) –learning sooner about audiences and their news consumption experiences is no Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 1097 Vu longer a problem for journalists and news organizations. Interactivity, according to Chung (2008: 660), is a unique feature of digital technology that facilitates medium-to-human (e.g., commenting system, customizability of web pages) and human-to-human interactions (e.g., emailing links, reposting on social media sites). Immediacy allows for “publishing stories as quickly as possible” (Domingo, 2008: 692) and also encourages immediate communication with and among audiences (Chung and Yoo, 2008). Technologies have made it possible for news organizations to record, in quantifiable details, audience news consumption – through keeping track of numbers of clicks, amount of viewing time, number of shares, or degree of engagement (e.g., commenting and “like”) – to gather a better view of audience preferences (Napoli, 2010). In a qualitative study, MacGregor (2007) interviewed online journalists and found that gatekeepers monitor audience data to re-weigh their editorial priorities. According to this study, in response to a story with more clicks, some journalists would expand the coverage of it, provide additional analysis for it, or publish stories of the same type. Other research on the issue has found mixed results. Lowrey and Woo (2010), for example, discovered that uncertainties in newsrooms caused by recent financial woes within the industry have driven journalists’ attention to audience information. Boczkowski and Peer (2011), comparing placement of stories on news sites with most-viewed articles on these web pages, found that journalists’ and audience members’ choices of news do not intersect. Through a time-lag analysis of stories on the most-viewed lists and news sites’ agendas, Lee and Lewis (2012) argued that audience preferences are influencing editorial judgments of news stories more than the other way around. Other studies also found abundant evidence of journalists monitoring traffic to their news sites (Domingo, 2008; Lowrey and Woo, 2010; McKenzie et al., 2011). However, what is not well understood is why journalists are adopting this new routine of monitoring web metrics. Thus, it would be necessary to ask: RQ1: What are the primary reasons an editor monitors online traffic to his/her news site? For decades, newspapers have depended greatly on audience and advertisers for revenue generation. Also, the latter source often requires “sufficiently sizable readership” (Gabszewicz et al., 2002: 319). The competition for advertisements to appease that readership becomes tougher as news websites face a large number of competitors such as Craigslist offering no-cost advertisements. It is undeniable that newspapers or news sites, especially major metro dailies, play an important role in covering news in local communities and setting the agenda for other media from local TV news sites to blogs. However, statistics on page views and numbers of visitors are also important for these sites to sustain themselves financially. These statistics can be monetized by attracting more advertisements to news sites (Benbunan-Fich and Fich, 2004; Napoli, 2010). Now, more than ever, being able to keep and engage audiences is seen as an important way to salvage the in-peril news industry. From reader standpoints, technologies have provided audiences with ample choices for selecting what kinds of news they want in a borderless world of abundant news providers. Audiences today are not mere recipients of news. Some have become active Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 1098 Journalism 15(8) participants in news production and distribution (Shoemaker et al., 2011; Singer, 2006, 2011). Besides consuming news, audiences now contribute to content production of news sites (Kperogi, 2011; Lewis et al., 2010), or help spread the news (Baek et al., 2011; Baresch et al., 2011). Under pressures of driving more traffic to their sites, online news organizations have found different ways to attract and engage their audiences. Professional gatekeepers now are more willing to give up their autonomy by passing off some of their tasks to audience members (Singer, 2011). Besides allowing audiences to personalize settings such as creating profiles, tracking stories of their interests, or changing layouts of the websites (Bucy, 2004; Singer, 2011), news sites also offer web applications that enable readers to leave feedback and engage in news production and delivery through emailing journalists. Site applications also allow participation and feedback with the reader capabilities of generating news on their own, commenting, sharing, and customizing content to their needs (Singer, 2011). In the increasingly interactive media environment, news has become more of a socially shared experience according to the Pew Project For Excellence in Journalism (2010a). Singer (2011: 4) argued that as news media become more interactive, for any news story to emerge from the vast pool of online articles, “the gatekeeping role must necessarily be shared far more broadly than in a traditional media environment.” According to Boczkowski (2004: 183), digitizing news is somewhat equal to moving it from “being mostly journalist-centered, communicated as a monologue … to also being increasingly audience-centered, part of multiple conversations.” Theoretically, this new phenomenon of sharing the gatekeeping role is clear evidence of a transformation in journalism practices, blurring the line between gatekeepers and audience members, challenging the notion of journalistic professionalism (Singer, 2003). Any influence these statistics might have on news production is, therefore, economically and journalistically important. That influence demonstrates a possible reconfiguration of the relationship between audiences and journalists (Bucy, 2004), altering “the sociology of news production,” which suggests changes in the gatekeeping process (Hoffman, 2006: 59). It shows new tensions that arise from the negotiation between journalism professional control and open participation, challenging the boundaries of the profession (Lewis, 2012). This change has drawn significant attention from media scholars. From an audience perspective, studies have focused on the increasing choices offered by news sites (Chung, 2008; Shoemaker et al., 2011; Singer, 2011). Envisioning the change from news workers’ standpoints, scholars have found that this evolution does have an impact on journalists (Cassidy, 2008; Lee and Lewis, 2012; McKenzie et al., 2011). What is unclear here is the importance of the audience among other factors proposed in Shoemaker and Reese’s model, in exerting influences on the gatekeeping process, especially by using quantitative data. Therefore, RQ2 asks: RQ2: Compared to other factors involved in editorial decision-making, how strong is audience appeal? Empirical gatekeeping studies have found evidence of online audience metrics influencing journalists (MacGregor, 2007; McKenzie et al., 2011). For example, in an ethnographic study, Anderson (2011: 561) reported that at Philly.com audience metrics are Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 1099 Vu “primary ingredients” for news judgment. However, like MacGregor’s (2007) and Domingo’s (2008) studies, the qualitative nature of the study made its results ungeneralizable to a larger population. More importantly, what gatekeeping tasks journalists are willing to compromise to audience choice remain a myth. Thus, it is relevant to ask: RQ3: Based on audience content preferences, what kinds of editorial adjustments regarding article selection are editors more likely to make? Recent economic woes have hit journalism hard, with newsrooms across the country reporting declining advertising revenues and layoffs (Kirchhoff, 2010; Napoli, 2010; Perez-Pena, 2008; Seelye, 2006). Of different types of news media, newspapers experienced the biggest economic problem and did not see any promising trend since the beginning of the last decade. In 2010, for example, newspaper circulation in the United States declined by 10.6% compared to a year earlier. Other media sectors being in the same boat were magazines, local TV, and network TV news (Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism, 2010b). However, local, cable, and network TV news saw recovery signs with viewership in 2011 increasing by 1.4%, 1%, and 4.5% for each of the sectors, respectively. The picture was not any brighter for newspapers and magazines (Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism, 2012). The growing online readership may be the salvation. Pew estimated that, in 2012, about 100 news websites have moved to digital subscription as a matter of survival. Uncertain about which directions to go in order to increase readership, journalists tend to check whether their editorial decisions resonate with audiences’ preferences (Lowrey and Woo, 2010). In addition, according to Shoemaker and Reese’s model, economic, organizational, and market competition pressures can influence journalists. Therefore, assessing economic influences on gatekeepers’ routines, including monitoring traffic and changing editorial decisions on news selection, is the focus of the following research questions: RQ4: Does editors’ perception of economic benefits of getting high readership predict their adoption of new routines including (4a) monitoring web traffic and (4b) making editorial adjustments to article selection? Method Sample and instruments This study employed a survey not only to collect data but also to assess views of editors of daily American newspapers and news sites on the influence of reader metrics on news selection. A list of newspaper editors across the United States, including their contact details, was provided by the media relations division of a public university. Editors from daily newspapers with a circulation of less than 10,000 were excluded from the population, because those editors are more likely to have tasks other than editorial as a result of recent financial cutbacks and technological changes (Anderson, 2011). Compared to the 2009 edition of Editors & Publisher, which lists 770 daily newspapers in the United States with a circulation of 10,000 and above, the database used in this study consists of Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 1100 Journalism 15(8) 720 daily newspapers. The database was chosen because it provides direct contact to editors, who are directly involved in content production and placement across the country rather than just managing editors. One of the goals of this research is to look at how declining readership and dwindling revenues have stricken the news organizations, forcing them to find better way to draw in audiences. This study chose to survey only newspapers’ editors, not online broadcast news sites, for the reason that for most broadcast institutions, television channels still play the major role in generating revenues. According to the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism (2012), revenues generated from circulation and advertising for newspapers had fallen sharply, reaching a loss of 43% in 2011 compared to 2000. Advertising revenues for broadcast had posted a gradual increase for cable news, a fluctuation for local TV news, and a decline for network TV. The economic pressure for TV news sites’ gatekeepers may presumably be different from that for their online and print fellows. Because the purpose of the study is to look at editorial decision-making on news articles, journalists with titles like photo editor, editor of photography, columnist, or editorial assistants were also excluded. The sampling frame consisted of 7012 editors of online news sites or newspapers. A systematic random sampling, which takes every other subject on the list, was conducted to select 3506 editors to participate in a web-based survey. The survey questionnaire, containing 31 questions, was pretested several times online and offline on current and former editors before going through a standard institutional review board (IRB) process. The survey was administered online through Qualtrics, an online site. An invitation to participate in the survey was sent to 3506 editors in the list. Thirty-three emails were no longer valid as the recipients had either changed their jobs, or retired. The final sample included 3473 editors. After three weeks, a total of 396 editors completed the survey, yielding a response rate of 11.4%. Although this response rate was low, it is not uncommon for web-based surveys. For example, when conducting a meta-analysis of organizational research in 17 refereed management and behavioral sciences journals in 2000 and 2005, Baruch and Holtom (2008) recorded web surveys with a response rate of as low as 10.6%. When using online methods to survey medical practitioners in Australia, Aitken et al.’s study (2008) on pharmacotherapy prescription posted an overall response rate of 8.7%. Mass communication research has also experienced the problem of declining response rate. Gibbs et al. (2006) received a response rate of 14.3% for their study on self-presentation in Internet dating. The rate seems to be even lower when surveying news workers. Aiming for a national sample of sport journalists, Wigley and Meirik (2008) had 13% out of 3021 subjects complete their survey. The present study adopted measures that are found to boost survey response rates, such as limiting the time to complete the survey to less than 15 minutes, keeping the questionnaire format simple, sending email reminders, emphasizing the academic benefits of the study to journalism research, guaranteeing confidentiality of respondents, and offering an incentive (Andrews et al., 2003). Out of 396 editors who responded to the survey, 78 of them skipped too many questions and were excluded from the analysis. The final sample size for analysis was 318. It was, however, large enough for analysis (Dillman, 2007; Keeter et al., 2000). Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 1101 Vu Measures The survey asked respondents how much they were involved in editorial decisionmaking with regard to assignment of articles, selection of articles for sections, placement of articles on the homepage or the front page of the print newspaper, and/or selection of such additional elements as videos, photos, or audio. This filter question allowed for exclusion of those who were not involved in editorial decision-making. The survey also asked editors whether they monitor online traffic and how they did so. Control variables. Demographics: editors were also asked to provide information on their age and journalism training. The age of respondents was assessed using five categories (18–25; 26–35; 36–45; 46–55; and 56 or older). Journalism education was measured using four categories (no training; short courses; undergraduate college training; and graduate training). The database used for sampling contained editors’ newspapers’ circulations. Previous research has found, in many cases, influence on journalists in their day-to-day work comes from various demographic factors such as their age, education, or their publication’s circulation (Herscovitz, 2004; Lowrey and Woo, 2010; McKenzie et al., 2011; Meyer, 2011; Schultz, 2002, Sylvie and Huang, 2008). Major variables. Reasons to monitor traffic: editors’ reasons for monitoring traffic were measured through an open-ended question on why they monitor online traffic. Answers were then coded into five different categories based on what respondents had explicitly stated, including (1) audience scrutiny (e.g., “To see what people are looking at and what is keeping them on our site,” “to gauge the stories that interest and involve readers,” “to see what kinds of stories, videos, databases draw traffic and readers’ preferences”); (2) content adjustment (e.g., “to help in constantly adjusting mix and display on site,” “to help determine coverage; how to allocate our resources,” “to get an idea of how to play future stories; to pursue follows that have high readership; to decide what kinds of stories to cover”); (3) audience resonation (e.g., “just try to get all the feedback I can to make sure we’re doing what we should,” “to make sure that what we assign resonates with readers”); (4) corporate pressure (e.g., “Corporate wants us to,” “to please corporate”); and (5) advertising and/or marketing purpose (e.g., “to compile data for advertising”). Two coders, who were graduate students, coded 40 (22.1%) of the answers for the intercoder reliability test. The Cohen Kappa result was .96, showing a strong agreement. Factors of influences were measured by asking editors nine questions corresponding to the five levels of influences in Shoemaker and Reese’s (1996) model. The questions were on a four-point scale range: “not likely,” “somewhat likely,” “likely,” and “very likely.” For these questions, editors were asked about their likelihood of running an article if: (1) “Many readers might read it”; (2) “You believe readers need to know about it”; (3) “The sources are newsworthy”; (4) “Your newspaper/site usually covers it,” (5) “You think your competitor is going to run something similar”; (6) “It would get your organization more advertisement”; (7) “It promotes democracy or the greater good”; (8) “Your boss likes it”; and (9) “It’s in line with your personal values.”1 Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 1102 Journalism 15(8) Editorial adjustments are identified in this study as changes in editorial work according to audience appeals. Examples of adjustments are changing the placement of stories (e.g., increase or decrease the prominence of stories on their sites based on audience preferences), or updating most-viewed/most-read stories more frequently. Editorial adjustments were measured through seven four-point scale questions: “not likely,” “somewhat likely,” “likely,” and “very likely.” The question asked editors about what they would do based on audience metrics. Scenarios included (1) “Running articles of the same kinds as the most-viewed/ most-read;” (2) “Look for possible follow-up articles for the most-viewed/most-read ones;” (3) “Try to update most-viewed/most-read articles more often to attract audiences;” (4) “Try to look for possible editorials for most-viewed/ most-read articles;” and (5) “Look for possible additional elements (video, pictures, sounds, etc.) for most-viewed/most-read articles.” Two items were about placement of articles: (1) “Make articles that drive more traffic more prominent on the homepage or on the front page;” and (2) “Make articles with low hits less prominent.” These scenarios were partially adapted from Cox (2010). Choices ranged from “not likely,” to “somewhat likely,” “likely,” and “very likely.” The responses for these seven items were then summed to form an interval index to make it a dependent variable on editorial adjustments. The index showed a Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of .84. Traffic monitoring routines were measured by the question: “How often do you monitor traffic to your new site?” Answer choices comprised: (1) daily, (2) two to three times a week; (3) once a week; (4) two to three times a month; (5) less than once a month; and (6) never. Those who picked the first choice were asked how many times a day they monitored the traffic. These responses were then turned into numerals for analysis. Editors’ perceived economic benefits were measured by asking them to rate their agreement on a seven-point scale statement: “Getting more readers is necessary because more readers mean high revenues,” with one meaning strongly disagree and seven mean strongly agree. Results The sample size was 318 editors across the United States. Most editors (60%) were responsible for both online and print content. About one-fifth (22%) worked only for the print version, while only a small number (2%) were online editors. In addition, 17% of respondents said their job titles were more specific (e.g., editorial page editor, features editor, travel editor, etc.). The inclusion of these respondents was based on whether they were involved in content decision-making (e.g., assignment of articles, selection of articles for sections, homepage article placement, etc.). In terms of age, the largest were those in the 46–55 age group (38%). More than onethird of the respondents (35%) were 56 or older. One-fifth of the editors (20%) were between 36 and 45 years of age, whereas 7% were between 26 and 35. Only 1% was younger than 25. Of the 312 respondents who answered the question about journalism training, 68% held an undergraduate in journalism. Nearly one-fifth (17%) had graduate training in journalism. Some editors (8%) did not receive any journalism training. A small number of editors (6%) took short courses in journalism. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 1103 Vu In comparison to the characteristics of American journalists in a national survey by Weaver et al. (2007), the sample of this study was similar with regards to gender with 66% online and 66.4% print journalists being male. In this study 64% of the respondents were male and 36% were female. The median age for online and print journalists in Weaver et al.’s study was 39 and 41, respectively. The majority of American journalists (63%) did not major in journalism. In this study, the largest age group was between 46 and 55 (38%), and most respondents (85.3%) majored in journalism. Our sample skewed high in terms of age and education. A possible explanation is while Weaver et al. looked at all journalists without differentiating their positions, this study aimed at editors, who are more senior and experienced in news organizations. Regarding circulation, the largest circulation was over 2 million, while the smallest was 10,274. The mean was 130,236 (SD = 212,728). The median was 52,510. Of the 248 who were responsible for online or both online and print content, 84% said they monitored web traffic on a regular basis. Among those who monitored web traffic, more than half (52%) said they did so daily. Some said they checked online metrics hourly, whereas others did so either once or several times a day. RQ1 asked about the reasons editors monitor web traffic. Responses to an open-ended question reveal: Almost three-fifth of editors (58%) monitor web traffic to scrutinize readers’ behavior; nearly one-third (31%) of editors said they use online metrics to plan content production. The remaining editors use online metrics (1) to check their news judgment against audience preferences (2%), (2) to follow corporate requests (6%), or (3) to prepare reports for advertising and marketing (3%). To answer RQ2, which focused on comparing influences of different factors on the gatekeeping process, the study reported descriptive data on editors’ likelihood of running an article. We also used repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Greenhouse–Geisser and Bonferroni corrections. Because this study tested nine factors and compared them pairwise, the use of these two statistical correction procedures would help minimize problems with sphericity violation and family-wise errors. Results of the ANOVA test with Greenhouse–Geisser correction showed that the mean of editors’ likelihood differed significantly between the nine scenarios (F(6.24, 1529.54) = 197.1, p<.001, ŋ2 = .45). Post hoc tests using Bonferroni correction showed that editors’ likelihood to run an article because many readers might read it, M = 3.7, is significantly higher than how likely it is that they would publish a story based on the assumptions that (a) “The sources are newsworthy,” M = 3.4, p < .001; (b) “Your newspaper/site usually covers it,” M = 3.3, p < .001; (c) “You think a competitor is about to run something similar,” M = 2.8, p < .001; (d) “It would get your organization more advertisement;” M = 1.7, p < .001; (e) “It promotes democracy of the greater good,” M = 3.0, p < .001; (f) “Your boss likes it,” M = 2.7, p < .001; and (g) “It’s in line with your values,” M = 2.4, p < .001. The only comparison that was not statistically significant was between the two scenarios “Many readers might read it” and “Readers need to know about it,” M = 3.7, p = 1. This means when deciding on whether or not to run an article, editors are most influenced by the two assumptions about readers: “Many readers might read it” and “Readers need to know about it.” RQ3 was concerned with the kinds of editorial adjustments that gatekeepers are more likely to make based on audience appeals. Of the seven practices included in the survey, Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 1104 Journalism 15(8) editors are most likely to “make articles that drive more traffic more prominent (on the homepage or on the front page of the newspaper)” (M = 2.9, SD = .92) (see Table 1). Looking for “possible editorials for most-viewed/most-read articles” is the least likely change that editors would make (M = 2.0, SD = .98). RQ4 is about the relationships between editors’ perceived economic benefits and two of their routines adopted as part of online newsroom practices, including monitoring traffic (RQ4a) and making editorial adjustments to news selection and placement (RQ4b; see Table 2). Control variables were age, journalism training, and newspaper circulation. In terms of predicting editors’ monitoring traffic, results of a multiple regression indicated that only journalism training was a negatively significant predictor of respondents’ attention to web traffic (β = –.14, p < .05). This means that those with journalism training will be less likely to monitor traffic. Perceived economic benefits, however, was not a statistically significant predictor for monitoring traffic. In assessing the relationship between editors’ perceived economic benefits and their likelihood of making editorial adjustments based on audience appeal, regression results showed that none of the demographics saw significant association with the dependent variable. However, editors’ perceived economic benefit of getting high readership was a significant predictor of their willingness to change their decisions on content production and/or presentation based on audience metrics (β = .23, p < .001). This demonstrates that the more editors feel that getting high readership brings economic benefits to the organizations, the more likely they are to make editorial changes based on online audience web analytics. In the last model (Model 2a2 in Table 2), R2 is significant at .06, p < .001, indicating that the model accounts for 6% of the variance. Discussion and conclusion This study investigated the influence of online audience metrics on editorial decisionmaking. It found that to some extent, editors are willing to adjust their editorial decisionmaking based on web metrics. This willingness is influenced by their perceived economic benefits of getting readership. Table 1. Editors’ likelihood of making editorial changes. Changes Mean SD “Make articles that drive more traffic more prominent on the homepage or on the front page.” “Look for possible follow-up articles for the most-viewed/most-read ones.” “Look for possible additional elements (video, pictures, sounds etc., for most-viewed/most-read articles.” “Try to update most-viewed/most-read articles more often to attract audiences.” “Run articles of the same kind as the most-viewed/most-read ones.” “Make articles with low hit less prominent.” “Try to look for possible editorials for most-viewed/most-read articles.” 2.9 .92 2.7 2.7 .88 .92 2.6 .9 2.3 2.1 2.0 .86 .85 .98 Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 1105 Vu Table 2. Editors’ perceived economic benefits as a predictor for monitoring traffic and making editorial adjustments. Variable Block 1 Age Journalism training Newspaper circulation Block 2 Economic benefits R2 Traffic monitoring Editorial changes Model 1a1 Model 2a1 Model 1a2 Model 2a2 β β β β .08 –.14* .00 .07 –.15* .01 –.04 –.03 –.06 –.05 –.05 –.04 .03 .03 .04 .01 .23*** .06*** Notes: *p < .05, *** p < .001. In further examining this tendency of audience influence on newsroom practices, this research offered preliminary information on different reasons for editors to monitor web traffic. Still, most editors said that they monitor web metrics to only scrutinize audience behavior. However, nearly one-third also explicitly said that online metrics helps them plan future content production and/or placement. This, perhaps, is because the journalistic occupational pride of sustaining autonomy against any kind of nonprofessional influences made it harder for editors to admit that their editorial decisionmaking is affected by audience metrics. It is important to note that those who said they monitor web metrics only to learn about audience did not elaborate on the reason why they check online traffic statistics to scrutinize audience behavior. But just like an editor wrote about his motivation to track audience content preferences – “To judge what readers want, which is then balanced against what readers need” – this new routine in newsroom does raise a question on whether following web metrics would eventually affect editorial decision-making. Findings of this study have theoretical implications. It provides an update of the hierarchy-of-influences model, comparing the importance of each factor in the model on the gatekeeping process in the new media environment. Specifically, the study found that gatekeeping today is very much audience-centric, with editors saying their decision to run an article is most affected by audience factors, either they think “readers need to know,” or “many readers might read it.” In the original hierarchy-of-influences model, audience is just one of many other extramedia factors including advertisers, sources, competing media, government controls, and economics. However, in the context of greater audience fragmentation coupled with the instantly available readers’ metrics, the audience factor has become more influential to online gatekeepers. Findings of this study suggest a revision of the model with more emphasis being placed on the audience role when journalists practice gatekeeping. Perhaps, because of its importance to newsroom practice, audience factor should be given a separate level for how influential readers are to gatekeepers. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 1106 Journalism 15(8) Another important contribution of this study is that it went a step further in explicating what sort of gatekeeping tasks in terms of news selection and placement journalists are willing to compromise to the audience’s wants manifested through the number of clicks on stories. Previous research mostly concentrated on investigating what affects gatekeepers in doing their job (McKenzie et al., 2011), or whether online audience behaviors have an impact on editorial decision-making (Lowrey and Woo, 2010). Knowledge on the degree to which audiences are involved in shaping news content today is generally short, especially in terms of quantitatively generalizable results. An insightful finding of this research shows most editors reported a relatively strong likelihood of making editorial changes based on web metrics ranging from “somewhat likely” to “likely.” This finding is in line with a stream of qualitative research on changes in newsroom practices. It demonstrates that, to a certain degree, journalists in digital newsrooms are increasingly exercising their gatekeeping selection-based audience interests. New tasks range from changing placement, adding extra editing or analysis, seeking additional web elements to running similar stories to what readers want to read. Statistical analyses show associations between editors’ perceived economic benefits and their willingness to make editorial adjustments based on audience web metrics. A rather confounded finding is that there was a difference in the predictability of the economic pressure variable. It was found that editors’ perceived economic benefits of getting high readership do not drive them to monitor web metrics. However, this perception was a predictor of editors’ likelihood to make editorial changes. Perhaps this finding shows such an uncertainty in newsrooms today: journalists are trying to cope with rampant financial problems that have hit the industry, but are still unsure whether allowing deeper audience interference on their professional turf is the solution. A similar complication was also seen with editors’ demographics. Results from this study show that journalism training does have influence on what new routines editors have adopted. However, there was an inconsistency in its predictive power. Editors with less journalism training tend to attend to web metrics more than those with higher journalism degrees. However, this tendency was not detected in its relation with editors’ willingness to change their decisions on content production and/or presentation. These relationships (i.e., between journalism education and economic benefits with the dependent variable) are therefore open for further exploration. As Lowrey and Woo (2010) point out, when having economic uncertainty, journalists tend to monitor traffic more. It is logical to believe that gatekeepers with journalism training would be more confident in making editorial judgment than those who did not gain the expertise through formal training. In terms of the relationship between economic pressure and editorial changes, a possible explanation is that occupational pride might, perhaps, have made it harder for journalists to admit that news content is increasingly becoming more like other products: catered to the tastes of consumers. Thus, they tend to downplay the importance of economics when self-reporting the influences on their decision-making. This research supports the findings of previous studies such as Lee and Lewis (2012), Anderson (2011) and Domingo (2008), which stipulate that in the digital newsroom today, audiences have a significant role influencing editorial practices. Methodologically, this study found strong evidence on this influence by providing quantitative results through surveying current editors in newsrooms across the United States. The study proposes an update Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 1107 Vu to the theory of influences in the new media environment with an increasingly important audience role. Also, findings of this study suggest that it is necessary to assess whether what online gatekeepers are willing to concede would match with what audience wants. This study is not without limitations. Most notably, its response rate was low, weakening its representation of editors in the United States. Secondly, it uses only quantitative data, which might not help capture all the nuances of such a complex issue. However, it suggests several directions for future research. For example, studies should look deeper at factors that motivate editors to monitor traffic. As said, because of their occupational pride, some journalists might not admit economic influences when they do self-reporting about influences on their work. Another research study in the form of an experiment might help to discern such issues when these factors are manipulated. This study offers insights into ongoing changes to the journalism industry, which eventually affect the quality of news. It explores an emerging issue within newsrooms across the United States, or perhaps the globe. That is, the tension between news users as content consumers and journalists as content producers in repositioning the gatekeeping control in the new media environment. Continuing efforts in examining such tension is important to journalism to help redefine journalism identity in the age of increasingly blurring boundaries between news users and producers. Acknowledgements The author would like to thank Renita Coleman, Thomas Johnson, George Sylvie, Iris Chyi, Paula Poindexter, and the two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on earlier versions of this article. Funding This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Note 1. This is the wording given to journalists regarding the nine items corresponding to the five levels of the hierarchy-of-influences model: 1. media ideology: it promotes democracy or the greater good; 2. extramedia: many readers might read it; the sources are newsworthy; it would get your organization more advertisement; you think that your competitor is going to run something similar; 3. organizational influences: your boss likes it; 4. media routine: your newspaper/site usually covers it; readers need to know about it; 5. individual: it’s in line with your personal values. Note: The questions were composed based on the hierarchy-of-influences model suggested by Shoemaker and Reese (1996) and were tested multiple times with editors who were still in or who had just left the newsroom. Editors were consulted for both language (e.g., common terms use in newsrooms) and all possible tasks performed by gatekeepers. 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He has published articles in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly and the Asian Journal of Communication. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at NATL TAIWAN UNIV of Sci and Tech on December 20, 2014 505030 research-article2013 JOU15810.1177/1464884913505030ArtwickArtwick Article News sourcing and gender on Twitter Journalism 2014, Vol. 15(8) 1111–1127 © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1464884913505030 jou.sagepub.com Claudette G Artwick Washington and Lee University, USA Abstract Traditional news sourcing practices that favor official, male voices have been widely documented over time and across media. But do these patterns persist in today’s social media environment, where women outnumber and spend more time than men? This study explores news sourcing and gender on Twitter by analyzing more than 2700 tweets from reporters at 51 US newspapers. Guided by hegemony and set within the framework of social networking technology, the research examines quoting practices and interaction with sources by gender, beat, newspaper size, and live coverage. The analyzed tweets show a severe underrepresentation of women in quotes, indicating perpetuation of the status quo. The data also suggest a conformity mechanism may be at work in larger newspapers, where female reporters quoted fewer women than their counterparts in smaller news organizations. But at the same time, the research offers evidence that both male and female reporters are using the technology to engage with a more diverse community via @mentions and to share conversations by retweeting those messages to their networks. Keywords Source, Twitter, hegemony, gender, reporter, conformity, quote News sourcing and gender on Twitter From police chief to politician, official sources dominate the quotes and sound bites in mainstream news media coverage. “One study after another produces essentially the same observation… Journalism, on a day-to-day basis, is the story of the interaction of reporters and government officials…” (Schudson, 2011: 142). And, in study after study, findings show that the overwhelming majority of sources in traditional news have been Corresponding author: Claudette G Artwick, Department of Journalism & Mass Communications, Washington and Lee University, 304 Reid Hall, Lexington, VA 24450, USA. Email: [email protected] Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 Downloaded from http://www.elearnica.ir 1112 Journalism 15(8) men (Armstrong, 2004; Global Media Monitoring Project, 2010; Zoch and Turk, 1998). While reporter gender appears related to sourcing (Armstrong, 2004; Correa and Harp, 2011; Zeldes and Fico, 2005, 2010), women are less likely to be used as news sources overall (Poindexter, 2008). For decades, scholars have questioned how the press can serve democracy if it underrepresents women and minority voices in the news (Silver, 1986), and some have even described the absence of women in the media as ‘symbolic annihilation’ (Gerbner, 1972; Tuchman, 1978a). But in today’s social networking environment, where women outnumber men, and also spend more time than men (Blakley, 2011; Brenner, 2012), will male news sourcing patterns persist? And specifically on Twitter, with its majority of female users (Beevolve, 2013) and its power to facilitate connections among journalists, sources, and readers (Hacker and Seshagiri, 2011), will journalists’ reliance on elite male voices prevail? Hermida et al. (2012) suggest that social media technology could enhance pluralism in media discourse. On Twitter, where the networked audience can take part in ‘many-tomany’ communication (Marwick and boyd, 2011: 16), opportunities for alternative sourcing are emerging (Hermida et al., 2012). Despite the promise of diversity offered through Twitter, this technology exists within the hegemony of social, political, and institutional arenas. And in this real-time environment where news breaks, the dominant forces may dictate which voices are carried on reporters’ live Twitter feeds. The process of normalization, which carries traditional practices to the new medium (Lasorsa et al., 2012), would suggest that official, male voices in mainstream media would also dominate on Twitter. Guided by hegemony and set within the framework of social networking technology, the research examines newspaper reporter quoting practices and interaction with sources on Twitter by gender, beat, newspaper size, and live coverage. Sources in journalism Without sources, contemporary news is “unimaginable” (Carlson and Franklin, 2011: 1). Sources bring credibility (Reich, 2011) and authority (Schudson, 2011) to news reports, and have been called the reporter’s “life blood” (Mencher, 1977: 218). And sourcing can define news, as it is not necessarily what happens, but “what a news source says has happened…” (Turk, 1985: 48). Reliance on official and elite sources This paradigm tends toward a reliance on elite and official sources. Tuchman (1978b: 210) argues that news sourcing is related to institutional structures, where journalists are wedded to beats and bureaus that are “objectified” as appropriate information sites. This official framework can marginalize the voices that fall outside elite circles and can establish social norms (Reese, 1997). From Sigal’s (1973) study of The New York Times and The Washington Post to contemporary scholarship, research shows mainstream news media rely heavily on official and elite sources. Livingston and Bennett (2003: 363) concluded from their study of 1200 CNN news stories that despite advances in technology and live coverage that could Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 1113 Artwick liberate journalists from highly managed institutional settings, “…officials seem to be as much a part of the news as ever.” And their prevalence as sources may be increasing over time. Research on newspaper coverage of social protests set three decades apart found journalists in 1999 relied on authorities more than their counterparts covering antiVietnam war protests in 1967 (Jha, 2007). Sourcing patterns favoring official voices can be found in both general and topicspecific news coverage. A study of front-page stories from six newspapers showed that the majority of sources cited were from the government (Brown et al., 1987). Similarly, more than half the sources in network television news on Alzheimer’s disease over a 25-year period were doctors, researchers, and politicians (Kang et al., 2010). These patterns extend beyond US borders. In Canadian newspapers, more than three-quarters of the quotes in stories about homelessness were from experts, not from those living in poverty (Schneider, 2011), and Danish journalists initiated contact with experts in a large percent of cases (Albaek, 2011). Male source dominance The Global Media Monitoring Project (2010) studied nearly 1300 newspapers, television and radio stations in 108 countries and found fewer than one in four news subjects were women. Results from the Project for Excellence in Journalism (2005) found similar results. In 45 US news outlets and nearly 17,000 stories, more than three-quarters included male sources, while only a third contained even one woman’s voice. A few years earlier researchers found an even smaller representation of female voices in newspapers—just over one-fifth of sources (Zoch and Turk, 1998) and just over 16 percent in network television news (Liebler and Smith, 1997). A decade before that, the findings were even more extreme, showing that only 10 percent of sources in newspaper front-page stories were women (Brown et al., 1987). Armstrong (2004: 148) cites a “mirror” explanation for the male sourcing practice. Women, she argues, appear in newspapers less frequently than men because they do not hold positions that represent their agencies. Others have documented a relationship between occupation and coverage (Silver, 1986) and attribute low numbers of women in news stories to their underrepresentation in the institutions reporters often turn to for sources (Brown et al., 1987). Statistics show relatively few women hold political office and serve in the judiciary. According to the Center for American Women and Politics (2012), women held about 17 percent of the seats in the 112th US Congress. About the same percent of mayors in US cities with populations over 30,000 were women, and among state legislators, just over one-fifth were women. Among judges, women held 27 percent of federal and state benches in 2012 (Refki et al., 2012), and only 20 Chief Executive Officers in the Fortune 500 were women (Leahey, 2012). If the mirror concept holds, we would expect to find a similar representation of women in today’s news on Twitter. Reporter gender and sourcing Numerous studies point to a relationship between reporter and source gender, with female reporters using more female sources (Armstrong, 2004; Rodgers and Thorson, Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 1114 Journalism 15(8) 2003; Zeldes and Fico, 2005, 2010; Zoch and Turk, 1998). But this gendered pattern has not been supported universally (Ross, 2007). Instead, others argue that organizational and institutional factors relate to the sources journalists use in their stories. Socialization and hegemony Soon after her appointment as The New York Times Executive Editor, Jill Abramson said, “The idea that women journalists bring a different taste in stories or sensibility isn’t true” (Brisbane, 2011). Several months later, the paper’s incoming public editor, Margaret Sullivan (2012), tweeted: Margaret Sullivan @Sulliview 18 Jul As editor (or public editor), does being a woman matter? Of course http://blogs.buffalonews.com/sulliview/2012 … via @TheBuffaloNews While anecdotal, the comments illustrate varying perspectives among women in the news industry. To explain such differences, scholars have drawn from socialization theory and hegemony to guide their research. Rodgers and Thorson (2003) applied job and gender socialization models to sourcing in news organizations of various sizes. In the job model, journalists are socialized to newsroom norms and organizational factors—including both size and demographic structure. The gender model argues that women will bring differences to the newsroom based on their lifelong socialization, which could influence their sourcing practices (Rodgers and Thorson, 2003). Their analysis of a small, medium, and large newspaper showed fewer gender differences in sourcing at the larger organization. This pointed to a possible ‘conformity mechanism’ in larger newspapers, where newsroom norms may, perhaps implicitly, dictate the use of sources (Rodgers and Thorson, 2003: 670). Correa and Harp (2011: 312) also found gendered differences in sourcing between news organizations in their coverage of the HPV vaccine. While female reporters in a male-dominated newsroom used more official and male sources, this was less likely in stories produced by women in a more ‘gender-balanced environment.’ Thus, the masculine order of the newsroom, and in the larger socio-political perspective, the dominance of elite, official, men in power, may play a role in how mainstream news reporters use sources in their stories. The concept of hegemony has guided media scholarship in various contexts (Burch and Harry, 2004; Correa and Harp, 2011; Gitlin, 1980; Reese, 1997). Describing hegemony, Gramsci (1971: 12) wrote that consent is given “to the general direction imposed on social life by the dominant fundamental group…because of its position and function in the world of production.” Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 1115 Artwick The news paradigm operates within the larger ideological sphere, helping the system maintain control through routines that perpetuate conceptions of authority (Reese, 1997). From the newsroom through the social and political spheres, hegemony—encompassing the mirror concept and conformity mechanisms—would predict maintenance of the status quo in social media. But, might Twitter’s networked environment and interactivity through @mentions make a difference in diversifying sources in news reporting? Twitter, journalism, gender, and sourcing More than 200 million people use Twitter (What is Twitter? 2013), accounting for 15 percent of women on the Internet, and 17 percent of male Internet users (Duggan and Brenner, 2013). These figures include 10,000-plus journalists (Sreenivasan, 2012) and mainstream news media whose followings often exceed their circulation many times over (nytimes on Twitter, 2012). The majority of journalists use this information network on the job (Cision, 2010; Oriella, 2011), sending out links to their stories, live-tweeting breaking news, engaging with their communities, and more, all within the 140-character tweet format (Twitter for Newsrooms, 2012). And as journalists and their organizations integrate social media into their daily routines, a body of research on Twitter and news is emerging. At the organizational level, research shows Twitter functioning as a distribution platform for traditional news, with mainstream media tweeting links to their own content (Holcomb et al., 2011). Individual journalists use Twitter to monitor and research news (Sherwood and Nicholson, 2012) and have been found to ‘normalize’ Twitter to fit existing professional norms and practices (Lasorsa et al., 2012), similar to journalist bloggers (Singer, 2005). Deuze (2008: 11) argues that new technology “amplifies existing ways of doing things” and supplements existing practices, taking time to seep into the organizational culture. Earlier studies of technology and news work support these ideas. In their examination of newspapers with electronic news libraries, Hansen et al. (1994) found the technology supported established male sourcing practices. And Livingston and Bennett (2003) found the continued reliance on official sources in live, breaking news, despite opportunities for diversity afforded by the technology. A study of Twitter accounts from six newspapers and three television stations found men were much more likely than women to be mentioned in tweets (Armstrong and Gao, 2011: 500). This appeared to track the gender disparity of the mainstream news content. The study did not, however, examine individual reporters’ Twitter feeds. Lasorsa (2012) examined gender differences among 500 journalists on Twitter, but did not study sourcing. The findings showed female reporters to be more transparent than males in terms of sharing about their personal lives, jobs, and everyday activities. Hermida et al. (2012) argue that social media have the potential to disrupt hierarchical structures. Their case study of sources used by NPR’s Andy Carvin on Twitter during the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings found that non-elite sources accounted for more than half of the 3623 messages in their sample (Hermida et al., 2012). This was the case even though institutional elites and mainstream media made up a greater percent of sources. While this appears to break with established norms, it may reflect Carvin’s real-time reporting practices (Hermida et al., 2012). For example, Carvin has sent 879 tweets in one Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 1116 Journalism 15(8) day (Sonderman, 2011), which is more than other journalists may tweet in an entire year. And his job as senior digital strategist allowed him to take risks and explore new tools while covering the Arab Spring on Twitter (Ingram, 2012). Hermida et al. (2012) suggest looking beyond the Carvin case to include other journalists and sourcing on social media. The present study does so by analyzing Twitter content from a range of US newspaper reporters, examining quotes as well as interactions with followers through @mentions. News sourcing on Twitter: Hypotheses and research questions Several hypotheses follow from the literature synthesized above. Hegemony (Burch and Harry, 2004; Correa and Harp, 2011; Gramsci, 1971; Gitlin, 1980; Reese, 1997), socialization, and the conformity mechanism (Rodgers and Thorson, 2003) would predict a replication of mainstream news sourcing patterns on Twitter. Mainstream media journalists’ reliance on official sources leads this study to predict finding similar patterns on Twitter: H1: Reporters will quote official sources more than they quote other sources in their tweets. The literature on gendered sourcing by journalists in traditional media and by media organizations on Twitter predicts a similar gendered pattern among reporters on Twitter. H2: Reporters will quote male sources more than they quote female sources in their tweets. H3: Female reporters will quote women in their tweets more than their male counterparts do. Assuming the conformity mechanism in large newspapers, a similar pattern would be expected on Twitter. H4: Reporters at large newspapers will quote fewer women in their tweets than reporters at small newspapers. H5: Female reporters at large newspapers will quote fewer women in their tweets than female reporters at small newspapers. Three research questions follow from the scholarship on news work and technology in reporting. According to Hermida et al. (2012), social media could provide for increased news source diversity, finding evidence for greater reporter/source interaction on Twitter through @mentions. The following research question explores reporters’ engagement with sources on Twitter via @mentions. RQ1: How do reporters interact with sources through @mentions on Twitter, and what role might gender play? Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 1117 Artwick Guided by writings on sources and institutional structures (Tuchman, 1978b), technology (Deuze, 2008), sourcing and technology (Hansen et al., 1994), live news coverage (Hermida et al., 2012; Livingston and Bennett, 2003), and the normalization of Twitter (Lasorsa et al., 2012), this study asks: RQ2: How do beats relate to sourcing and gender on Twitter? RQ3: How does live tweeting relate to sourcing and gender on Twitter? Method Using constructed-week sampling, the study analyzed 2733 tweets from newspaper reporters on Twitter. Reporters were drawn from 51 US metro daily newspapers listed on MuckRack (2011). MuckRack has served as a resource in previous scholarly research for sampling journalists who use Twitter (Lasorsa, 2012; Lasorsa et al., 2012). The account of the news reporter with the highest number of Twitter followers for each paper (excluding sports and entertainment journalists) was selected for the study. Number of followers was used to help ensure the sample would yield sufficient tweets for analysis. While having more followers does not guarantee level of tweeting, it does indicate the likelihood of tweeting and the potential to reach the greatest number of people. Those with fewer followers may tweet less frequently or their use may vary. And, because the site includes many types of journalists, those eligible for inclusion had to be identified as a reporter. The work practices of columnists, editors, critics, etc., may be distinct from reporters’ routines, so non-reporters were excluded. The same holds for sports and entertainment journalists; while they may be prolific Twitter users and are often the mostfollowed journalists in their markets, their role in society may differ from that of the metro reporter. Also, the mix of fans and celebrities in their Twitter accounts may fall outside the parameters of this study. The period of analysis spanned April 1 through June 30, 2011, with the sample week constructed by randomly selecting one Sunday from all available Sundays in that period, one Monday, and so on. Constructed-week sampling has been tested and used as a reliable method for sampling media content (Riffe et al., 1993). All tweets from each reporter’s Twitter account were collected for June 25, June 15, June 5, May 26, May 6, April 25, and April 5, 2011. To collect the tweets, the researchers accessed the selected reporters’ Twitter accounts, copied all tweets from the sampled dates, and pasted them into a Word document for numbering and coding. The principal investigator and one research assistant coded the tweets after pretesting the coding categories on a separate collection of tweets. Variables The study measured sourcing by examining quotes in tweets and by exploring @mentions as a means to gauge interactions with followers. Reporter gender – The reporter is coded as male or female for each tweet. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 1118 Journalism 15(8) Quote – The variable measures who is quoted or paraphrased in the tweets. Categories include: no quote, the reporter, staff in the reporter’s news organization, another news organization, politician, public employee, business, academic/scientist, lobby/interest group, attorney, citizen, journalism industry, entertainment, other, can’t tell, and multiple. Further grouping includes politicians, public employees, academics/scientists, and attorneys as official sources, and all others as unofficial sources. Quote gender – The person quoted is coded as male, female, or entity (such as police, the FDA, etc.). @mention – Reporters can communicate with Twitter account holders semi-privately beginning the message with the @ symbol. The @mention indicates a conversation is taking place between the reporter and the person to whom the message has been sent. Including text before the @, adding a hashtag (#) in the message, or retweeting it (RT@) would make it public, allowing the reporter to address a specific follower publicly. This variable measures to whom reporters are sending these messages. It categorizes recipients of the @mention as listed above for quote. Simple mentions using @ are excluded— for example, a tweet such as: “On Air Force One with @barackobama.” @mention gender – The recipient of each @mention is coded as male, female, or entity (such as ‘police’ or ‘the government’). Beat – Ten beats are included in this variable, based on the reporter’s Twitter profile and byline. They include: government/politics, education, business, technology, crime, health/medicine/science, courts, environment, investigative, and general. Size – This variable categorizes the circulation of the reporter’s newspaper as either small (less than 200,000) or large (200,000 or more), based on data from the Audit Bureau of Circulations (2012). Live tweet – Categories include breaking news (such as a fire or natural disaster), planned event, (such as a news conference or speech), and tweets unrelated to live coverage. The live event offers potential for quoting or @mentioning the newsmakers related to events, and others who may be witnesses or participants. Type – The tweet either pertains to reporting or it does not. For example, tweeting a photo of kitty on the sofa would not be considered a reporting tweet unless the story was about a cat virus. Cohen’s Kappa values on a sample of the tweets showed more than acceptable intercoder reliability: quote=.949, quote gender=.943, @mention=.906, @mention gender=.975, live tweet=.93, and type=.786. The researcher determined gender and beat using the MuckRack and Twitter profiles. Newspaper size was based on circulation data from the Audit Bureau of Circulations (2012). Results The 2731 tweets analyzed came from 26 men 25 women. Of the 51 reporters, 14 men and 14 women worked for small newspapers (under 200,000 circulation), and 12 men and 11 women worked for large papers (200,000 and above). Men tweeted more than women, generating 58 percent of the 2731 tweets. Reporters quoted sources in 18.6 percent of their tweets (507 quotes). Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 1119 Artwick Table 1. Percent of quotes by reporter gender and newspaper size. Small paper, male reporter Small paper, female reporter SMALL, ALL Large paper, male reporter Large paper, female reporter LARGE, ALL Men quoted Women quoted Entity quoted 82.4 79.3 81.2 52.9 87.9 79.4 12.6 15.7 13.9 0.0 7.5 5.7 4.9 5.0 5.0 47.1 4.7 14.9 X2=6.797=17.498, N=444, p<.001. H1: The first hypothesis predicted that reporters would quote official sources more than other sources on Twitter, and was supported. A paired samples t-test showed a significant difference between official (M=.80, SD=0.40) and unofficial sources (M=.20, SD=0.40); t=17.922, df=506, p<.001. The largest percent of quotes came from politicians (57.4 percent), followed by public employees (18.3 percent), and citizens (4.5 percent). H2: The data supported previous findings on gendered sourcing in mainstream media. Of all the sources quoted in reporters’ tweets, men accounted for 80.6 percent, women, 11.3 percent, and entities, 8.1 percent—supporting H2. A chi-square test shows a relationship between reporter gender and quoting (X2=6.797, N=444, p<.05). H3: As predicted, female reporters quoted women more than their male counterparts did, albeit a small difference (11.8 versus 10.6 percent, respectively). They also quoted more men. H4: As predicted by previous findings that argued for the conformity mechanism in large newspapers, fewer women were quoted by reporters at large newspapers (5.7 percent), than at small papers (13.9 percent), supporting H4. H5: The female reporters at small papers quoted women more than twice as often as their counterparts at large papers, supporting H5. See details in Table 1, which also shows that the male reporters at the large papers quoted no women in their 539 tweets. Unidentifiable quotes, such as ‘rookie reporter,’ may have been women, but because the gender was not evident in the tweet, the quote was coded as ‘entity.’ And several male reporters referenced women in their tweets, but did not quote them. For example: “Oh #Florida! 85-year-old woman starts fighting & biting her 59-year-old dentist...over illfitting dentures” (Pittman, 2011). RQ1 asked how reporters would interact with sources through @mentions on Twitter. The reporters sent 571 @mentions, or 21 percent of their tweets. One-third were related to reporting on their beats, while two-thirds were unrelated to reporting. This was consistent for male and female reporters. Overall, 55.9 percent of @mentions were directed at men, 35.5 percent at women, and 8.6 percent at entities. See Table 2 for a breakdown of @mentions by newspaper size and gender. As a proportion of their total tweets, male reporters used @mentions slightly more than their female counterparts—22 percent of the men’s tweets versus 19 percent of the women’s tweets. Men showed little difference across markets. But women differed Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 1120 Journalism 15(8) Table 2. Percent of @mentions sent by reporter gender and newspaper size. Small paper, male reporter Small paper, female reporter SMALL, ALL Large paper, male reporter Large paper, female reporter LARGE, ALL Men @ Women @ Entity @ 66.0 50.8 62.5 48.6 48.8 48.7 30.9 39.0 32.8 39.0 38.0 38.5 3.1 10.2 4.7 12.4 13.2 12.8 X2=14.396=17.498, N=487, p</=.001. dramatically. In small markets, they used @mentions in only 12.1 percent of their tweets, while female reporters in large papers did so at more than twice the rate (25.6 percent). For reporting-related tweets, the men and women directed their @mentions most often to citizens. But the percent was greater for male reporters (42.4) than for female reporters (26.4). The next highest percent of reporting-related @mentions for men (14.4) and women (23.6) was other news organizations. Reporters extended the conversations they were having by retweeting 15 percent of their @mentions (N=88), making them publicly available and sending them to their followers. Source gender was more evenly distributed in these tweets, with 46.6 percent male, 37.5 percent female, and 15.9 percent entity @mentions. The bulk of these retweets came from reporters in large newspapers (85 percent), with a chi-square test showing a significant relationship between newspaper size and retweeting @mentions (X2=127.36, N=88, p<.001). In addition, male reporters retweeted a greater percent of female @mentions (35.7) than their female counterparts (34.4). The female reporters retweeted a greater percent of male @mentions (59.4) than their male counterparts (44.6). Official sources accounted for a small percent of these retweets (11.3), while more than a third were citizen @mentions (34.1) and another third came from their own or other news organizations (35.2). RQ2 asked how beats relate to sourcing and gender on Twitter. Of all the quotes, nearly two-thirds came from the politics/government beat, and on that beat both male and female reporters quoted men more than 8 out of 10 times. On the courts beat, female reporters quoted no women (there were no men covering courts). A male education reporter quoted the largest percent of women, 28.6 percent (excluding female general assignment and health reporters whose single quote was a woman). For female reporters, the government beat yielded the greatest percent of women quoted, 14.6 percent (again, excluding the single quotes noted above). This beat generated twothirds of women reporters’ quotes, with many coming out of live coverage during legislative sessions and elections. Details follow below in the section on RQ3 and live tweeting. Both male and female politics reporters sent about two-thirds of their @mentions to men. Male business reporters sent a greater percent of their @mentions to women than their female counterparts. Table 3 offers detail by beat and gender for quoting and sending @mentions. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 1121 Artwick Table 3. Quotes and @mentions as percent of total tweets by beat and reporter gender. Male reporter Male reporter Female reporter Female reporter quotes @ quotes @ Government/politics Education Business Technology Crime Health/medical/science Courts Environment Investigative General TOTAL NUMBER 60.9 11.3 0 1.6 12.1 .8 0 6.9 0 6.5 248 21.2 0 8.5 32.6 16.7 1.7 0 8.2 .6 10.5 218 67.6 .8 5.8 3.1 0 0 22.0 0 0 .4 259 24.8 4.6 34.4 11.5 0 4.1 4.6 0 0 16.1 353 RQ3 asked how live tweeting related to sourcing and gender. Of the identifiable quotes, 68.7 percent were live-tweeted. A chi-square test showed a significant relationship between live tweeting and quoting (X2=47.79, N=444, p<.001). During live planned events, reporters quoted men 86.6 percent of the time, women, 11.4 percent, and entities, 2 percent. These included speeches by President Obama, the Rod Blagojevich trial, elections, and state legislative sessions. As noted above in the findings for RQ2, the politics beat generated a substantial percent of the live tweets while reporting on state government. One of the most active tweet streams featured live coverage of the Wisconsin state legislature. The female reporter’s live tweets quoted female legislators as they participated in sessions addressing the 2011 budget crisis. The women were clearly identified, as this tweet illustrates, “Democratic Rep. Tamara Grigsby: Today’s decisions will haunt you for the rest of your careers,” (Spicuzza, 2011). Interestingly, the percentage of that reporter’s live tweets mirrored perfectly the percent of women who held seats in the Wisconsin state legislature at that time—25 percent (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2011). The pattern was remarkably similar for the other two female political reporters who live-tweeted for smaller newspapers. In Pittsburgh, 25 percent of live quotes featured women, which is actually higher than the 17 percent of state seats held by women in Pennsylvania. In Sacramento, California, where women hold 28 percent of the seats, one-third of the live-tweeted quotes featured women. And, as hegemony and the conformity mechanism would predict, the female reporters at the larger newspapers who live-tweeted quotes on the government beat quoted fewer women. In Indianapolis, 3 percent of the quotes featured women, and in Minneapolis, 20 percent. These figures came nowhere close to mirroring the 21 and 32 percent of women holding seats in those legislatures (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2011). Breaking news accounted for only 1.4 percent of quotes. And for tweets that were not generated during live coverage, men accounted for 69.1 percent of quotes, women, 10.8 percent, and entities, 20.1 percent. Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 1122 Journalism 15(8) Post-hoc analysis: Exploring tweets containing quotes and links To further explore the quotes that reporters tweeted, a post-hoc analysis was conducted that examined their relationship to the news organizations’ mainstream content. This analysis was guided by the Armstrong and Gao (2011) findings, which showed the gender in tweeted quotes predicted the gender in linked stories. They suggested that news organizations were sending their mainstream content through Twitter as another distribution tool. For the present study, evidence of this practice would illustrate maintenance of the status quo in organizational practices. The analysis examined tweets that contained both links and quotes, comparing them between large and small newspapers. The data showed that reporters at the larger papers linked heavily to their own news organizations’ content. About two-thirds of their tweets that contained both links and quotes linked to their own newspapers’ stories. These tweets accounted for about 27 percent of their quotes. The equivalent at the small papers represented only 8 percent of their quotes. So, it appears that the larger papers drew quotes from their mainstream content at more than triple the rate of the smaller papers. Discussion Mainstream media quoting practices that favor official male voices and severely underrepresent women appear to have migrated to the reporters’ Twitter streams examined in this study. The data suggest a conformity mechanism (Rodgers and Thorson, 2003) may be at work, as female reporters at the larger newspapers quoted fewer women than their counterparts at smaller papers, and reflected more closely the large papers’ male reporters, whose tweets did not include a single quote from a woman. But, this did not mean their Twitter streams were devoid of women’s voices. Overall, the reporters were engaging with a more diverse community via @mentions, and sharing conversations by retweeting them to their networks. Twitter’s function as both an interactive communication tool and dissemination platform stands out as a key distinction from mainstream media. By taking into account both quoting and engagement with sources, this study offers a more concise picture of reporters’ use of Twitter. While the findings replicate conventional elite sourcing patterns (Schudson, 2011), and male dominance in quotes (Armstrong, 2004; Global Monitoring Project, 2010; Zoch and Turk, 1998), they also build on the Hermida et al. (2012) findings of alternative voices through @mentions. So, while technology appears to amplify the mainstream media practice (Deuze, 2008) of quoting elite male sources, Twitter’s networked environment also facilitates new journalistic methods—namely, communicating using @ mentions. But, as social, political, and newsroom hegemony would predict, quotes featured primarily elite sources, such as politicians and government authorities. And, the percent of women quoted was even smaller than many recent mainstream news studies have found. Just 11 percent of all the quotes cited women. Given the mirror concept (Armstrong, 2004), that argues news sources reflect those in positions to provide information, these numbers fall short. Considering that women hold 17 percent of seats in the US Congress and account for 17 percent of mayors in cities with populations over 30,000 and one-fifth Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 1123 Artwick of state legislators (Center for American Women and Politics, 2012), women’s voices were relatively silent in the quotes on these reporters’ Twitter streams. The rate was slightly better at smaller papers, where women quoted women in 16 percent of quotes—exceeding that of their male counterparts by three percentage points. But at the larger papers, the findings indicate a possible conformity mechanism (Rodgers and Thorson, 2003), where less than 8 percent of female reporters’ quotes featured women, and male reporters quoted no women at all. The men’s quotes largely referenced entities, such as ‘police,’ or other authorities, nearly half the time. And, while women who hold public relations or spokesperson roles within those organizations may have served as sources, this was not evident in the attributions. During live tweeting, female political reporters from smaller newspapers quoted more women than their female counterparts at the larger papers. The percent of quotes at the smaller papers more closely matched the percent of women holding legislative seats in those states. However, when it came to interacting with followers through @mentions, the reporters’ Twitter streams were clearly more diverse. Nearly four in 10 @mentions were directed to women. But even though the female reporters in larger newspapers were engaging with other women on Twitter, quotes in their tweets did not reflect those conversations. This conformed with the male reporters at the larger newspapers, who also communicated with women in @mentions, but chose to quote no women at all in their tweets. This appears to resonate with the larger papers’ hegemonic quoting practices in their mainstream content. A post-hoc analysis showed that the larger papers were drawing quotes from their own linked stories at more than three times the rate of the smaller papers. Given the relationship between gender in Twitter quotes and gender in linked stories (Armstrong and Gao, 2011), it appears that the underrepresentation and even absence of women in the mainstream content was being carried over to Twitter in quotes. Tuchman (1978b) argued more than three decades ago that institutional structures and the journalistic beat system are related to news sourcing. The findings suggest that these practices may have migrated to Twitter. The politics/government beat generated the majority of quotes, which featured men 80 percent of the time. Many of those tweets came from live election coverage and reporting on state legislatures. Considering that women held about 24 percent of the state legislative seats during this period (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2011), the finding appears in line with the mirror concept, which argues sources reflect those in positions to provide information (Armstrong, 2004). And in an environment where Twitter technology offers journalists the means to cover news as it unfolds, the newsmakers giving the speeches, holding the press conferences, and garnering the spotlight also featured heavily in reporter quotes on Twitter. This resonates with what Livingston and Bennett (2003: 363) found with live reporting on CNN, “…the one predictable component of coverage remains official sources.” Another is quoting primarily men during live tweeting, as the data suggest. Overall, the study advances past research on gender and news sourcing through its findings of mainstream quoting practices among newspaper reporters on Twitter, while also offering evidence for increased diversity through @mentions. It is distinct from others that have included news organizations’ Twitter accounts and other types of journalists Downloaded from jou.sagepub.com at CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARY on December 20, 2014 1124 Journalism 15(8) in their analyses. This strength may also be considered a limitation, as broadcast, magazine, web-only, or other journalists—including those with fewer followers—may use the network differently. And while the content analysis method documents significant differences and relationships, it does not reveal what causes them or measure their effects. Nor does it answer questions about the impact of exposure to the voices in a rapid stream of brief tweets compared to those in legacy media forms. Future studies await further exploration in these directions. Conclusion The nearly-absent female voice in the quotes on reporter Twitter feeds might appear to ring of ‘symbolic annihilation’ (Gerbner, 1972; Tuchman, 1978a), especially in today’s world of social media, where women outnumber and spend more time than men (Blakley, 2011; Brenner, 2012). However, delving deeper than quotes into Twitter’s networked environment reveals enhanced pluralism in reporters’ discourse through @mentions. The research suggests that in navigating social media technology, reporters are increasing diversity by communicating with women via @mentions and retweeting messages to their entire community of followers. But at the same time, the hegemony of reporters’ social, political, and institutional realms appears to perpetuate the status quo of the official, male voice in the quotes that make their way onto Twitter. Examples include livetweeting events featuring male elites, replicating the organization’s male-dominated legacy content on the Twitter stream, and conforming to the masculine order, from the newsroom to political office. Continuing toward pluralism will mean striking a balance between traditional quoting for story generation, and public discourse through @mentions and retweets. And while the technology provides innovation, such as live tweeting, the reporters who use it do not operate within a vacuum. Reshaping the old rules and hegemonic structures that dominate story content and push-through onto Twitter may be needed to make way for the diversity of voices that can better serve democracy. Funding The author gratefully acknowledges Washington and Lee University for its support of this research through a Lenfest Grant. References Albaek E (2011) The interaction between experts and journalists in news journalism. Journalism 12(3): 335–348. 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