`winner`s curse`. Asymmetric agency problem. Technology and input
`winner`s curse`. Asymmetric agency problem. Technology and input
Study Programme Course Status of the Course Year ECTS Credits Teacher e-mail consultation hours Associate / Assistant e-mail Consultation hours Place of Teaching Mode of Teachins Teaching Workload Lectures + Seminars + Graduate Studies in Management Applied Microeconomics Compulsorv 2014./201.s. Semester 1.. 8 Anita PeSa, Ph. D. a pesa @ unizd.hr current consultation hours are published at www.ekonomiia.unizd.hr Diiana eidin-5ain [email protected] current consultation hours are published at www.ekonomija.unizd.hr Department of Economics, Splitska 'J.,Zadar Lectures and exercises 30 hours of lectures + 30 hours of exercises Exercises Start date Enrolment Requirements 01,.10.201,4. End date 31..O1..201.s. Supply and demand: Market. Market demand. Elasticity of demand. Market supply. Elasticity of supply. Equilibrium price. lmperfect information, auctions and the 'winner's curse'. Asymmetric information. Analysis of the Atlanta Brewing Company case study. Firms, technologies and production costs: Maximizing profits. The agency problem. Technology and input. Short and long term. Production function. Law of diminishing marginal returns. Production functions with two variable inputs. lsoquants. Long term and returns on scale. Measuring product functions. Optimal input combinations. The nature of costs. Cost functions in the short term. Average and marginal cost curves. Cost functions in the long term. Expansion paths and long term total costs. Shape of long term average cost curves. Learning curves. Analysis of the 'The case of Milk and Dairy products" case study. Course Contents Consumer behavior and market demand: Consumer tastes and preferences. lndifference curves. Marginal rate of substitution. Budget line. The equilibrium of consumer. Ordinal and cardinal utility. Marginal utility. The budget allocation rule. Consumer behavior and individual demand. Revenue curves - spending and the Engel curve. Price curves - spending and spending curves. lncome effect and substitution effects. Normal and inferior goods. Consumer surplus. Consumer Price lndex. Market demand. Pricing, income and cross elasticity of market demand. Market demand and marginal revenues. Measurement of the demand curve. Analys.is of the 'Black Gold' case study. Market structure, prices and products: Perfect competition. Shortterm and long-term pricing. Short-term and long-term allocation of resources. Consumer surpluses and products and efficient production. Monopolies. Short-term and long-term prices and products. Monopolies with several production units. Monopoly power. Price discrimination. Two-part tariffs and bundling. State regulation of monopolies. Monopolistic competition. Short-term and long-term prices and quantities. Production capacity surplus and product diversification. Rule of thumb for setting prices. Advertising costs. Social value of advertising. Oligopoly. Nash's equilibrium. Cournot's model. Stackelberger's model. Bertrand's model. Agreements and cartels. Price leadership. Breaking the demand curve. Market entry and market competition. Game theory. Strategic moves. Oligopoly effects. Analysis of the'Kina Carmike'case study. Markets for inputs: Maximizing profits and using inputs. Company demand curves with a single variable input. Company demand curves with multiple variable inputs. Market demand input curves. Determiners of price flexibility input demand. Market supply input curve. Price balance and input quantity. Rent. Monopsony. Trades unions. lnvestment decisions and risks. Equilibrium level of interest rates. Present value. Valuing current receipts. Net present value rule. Risky decisions. Expected monetary value. Maximizing expected monetary value. Maximizing expected utility. Risk tendency. lnsurance. Analysis of the "The case of Jetliners" case study. Economic efficiency, externalization and public goods: Analysis of partial equilibrium compared to an analysis of general equilibrium. Allocation of resources and Edgeworth box diagram. Exchanges. Production. Necessary conditions for the efficient allocation of resources. Economic efficiency and equivalence. Perfect competition and economic efficiency. External economy and diseconomy. Effective pollution control. Proprietary rights and the Coase theorem. Optimal response to global warming. Public goods. Efficient production of public goods. Analysis of the 'California Water System' case study. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, L1E, W.W. Norton & Companv, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc.,1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Required Reading Additional Reading Zaereb. 2005. Course Evaluation Procedures Student surveys Conditions for Obtainine Sisnatures Regular attendance, submitted homework and esseys 50 65 - 64% -77% 78-89% Mark Grading Scale 90 - class Final Grade Calculation 100% sufficient (2) good (3) very good (4) excellent (5) preparation t5% homework esseys written exam oral exam 5% 20% 30% 30% Topics - Lectures No. 7. Date Title Supply and demand: The market. Market demand. Elasticity of demand. Market supply. Elasticity of supply. Equilibrium price. lmperfect information, auctions and the'winner's curse'. Asvmmetric information. Analysis of the Atlanta Literature Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company Brewing Company case study. 2. Firms, technologies and production costs: Maximizing profits. The agency problem. Technology and input. Short and long term. Production function. Law of diminishing marginal returns. New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE 3. Production functions with two variable inputs. lsoquants. Long term and returns on scale. Measuring product functions. Optimal input combinations. The nature of costs. Cost functions in the short term. Average and marginal cost curves. d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE 4. Cost functions in the long term. Expansion paths and long term total costs. Shape of long term average cost curves. Learning curves. Analysis of the 'The case of Milk and Dairy products" case study. 5. Consumer behavior and market demand: Consumer tastes and preferences. lndifference curves. Marginal rate of substitution. The budget line. Equilibrium of the consumer. Ordinal and cardinal utility. Marginal utility. The budget allocation rule. 6. Consumer behavior and individual demand. Revenue curves - spending and the Engel curve. Price curves spending and spending curve. lncome effect and substitution effect. Normal and inferior goods. Consumer surplus. Consumer Price lndex. d.o.o., Zasreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb,2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zasreb, 2005. ' Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld Market demand. Pricing, income and cross flexibility of 7. 8. 9. 10. 1_1 market demand. Market demand and marginal revenues. Measuring the demand curve. Analysis of the 'Black Gold' case study. Market structure, prices and products: Perfect competition. Short-term and long-term pricing. Short-term and longterm allocation of resources. Consumer surpluses and products and efficient productlon. Monopolies. Short-term and long-term prices and products. Monopolies with several production units. Monopoly power. Price discrimination. Two-part tariffs and bundling. State regulation of monopolies. Monopolistic competition. Shortterm and long-term prices and quantities. Production capacity surplus and product diversification. Rule of thumb for setting prices. Advertising costs. Social value of advertising. Oligopoly. Nash's equilibrium. Cournot's model. Stackelberger's model. Bertrand's model. Agreements and cartels. Price leadership. Breaking the demand curve. Market entry and market competition. Game theory. Strategic moves. Oligopoly effects. Analysis of the'Kina Carmike' case study. Markets for inputs: Maximizing profits and using inputs. Company demand curves with a single variable input. Company demand curves with multiple variable inputs. Market demand input curves. Determiners of price elasticity input demand. D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microecondmics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld Market supply input curve. Prlce balance and input quantity. Rent. Monopsony. Trades unions. lnvestment decisions and risks. Equilibrium level of interest rates. 12. Present value. Valuing current receipts. Net present value ru le. D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zasreb. 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Risky decisions. Expected monetary value. Maximizing expected monetary value. Maximizing expected utility. Risk tendency. lnsurance. Analysis ofthe "The case ofJetliners" case study. 13. Microeconomics, theory/applications, L1E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Economic efficiency, externalization and public goods: Analysis of partial equilibrium compared to an analysis of general equilibrium. Allocation of resources and Edgeworth box diagram. Exchanges. Production. Necessary conditions for the efficient allocation of resources. Economic efficiency and equivalence. Perfect competition and economic 14. efficiency. New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld External economy and diseconomy. Effective pollution control. Proprietary rights and the Coase theorem. Optimal response to global warming. Public goods. Efficient production of public goods. Analysis of the 'California 15. Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, Water System' case study. D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Exercises No. Date Title Supply and demand: The market. Market demand. 1. Flexibility of demand. Market supply. Flexibility of supply. Price balancing. lncomplete information, auctions and the 'winner's curse'. Asymmetric information. Analysis of the Atlanta Brewing Company case study. Literatu re Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE 2. Firms, technologies and production costs: Maximizing profits. The agency problem. Technology and input. Short and long term. Production function. Law of diminishing marginal returns. d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld Production functions with two variable inputs. lsoquants. Long term and returns on scale. Measuring product 3. functions. Optimal input combinations. The nature of costs. Cost functions in the short term. Average and marginal cost cu rves. D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomlcs, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. 4. Cost functions in the long term. Expansion paths and long term total costs. Shape of long term average cost curves. Learning curves. Analysis of the ,The case of Milk and Dairy products" case study. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE 5. Consumer behavior and market demand: Consumer tastes and preferences. Indifference curves. Marginal rates of substitution. Budget lines. Consumer balance. Ordinal and cardinal utility. Marginal utility. Budget allocation rule. Consumer behavior and individual demand. Revenue - spendlng and the Engel curve. price curves spending and spending curve. lncome effect and substitution effect. Standard and inferior goods. Spending surplus. Consumer price lndex. curves 6. d.o.o., Zagreb,2O0S. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb,2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Market demand. Pricing, income and cross flexibility of 7. market demand. Market demand and marginal revenues. Measuring the demand curve. Analysis of the'Black Gold' case study. Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zasreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., 8. Market structure, prices and products: Perfect competition. Short-term and long-term pricing. Short-term and longterm allocation of resources. Consumer surpluses and products and efficient production. Monopolies. Short-term and long-term prices and products. Monopolies with several production units. Monopoly power. Price discrimination. Two-part tariffs and bundling. product packages. State regulation of monopolies. Monopolistic 9. competition. Short-term and long-term prices and quantities. Production capacity surplus and product diversification. Rule of thumb for setting prices. Advertising costs. Social value of advertising. 10. L1,. Oligopoly. Nash's equilibrium. Cournot's model. Stackelberger's model. Bertrand's model. Agreements and cartels. Price leadership. Breaking the demand curve. Market entry and market competition. Game theory. Strategic moves. Oligopoly effects. Analysis of the 'Kina Carmike' case study. Markets for inputs: Maximizing profits and using inputs. Company demand curves with a single variable input. Company demand curves with multiple variable inputs. Market demand input curves. Determiners of price flexibility input demand. Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 1iE, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Plndyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomlja, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb ,2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, Market supply input curve. Price balance and input quantity. Rent. Monopsony. Trades unions. lnvestment 12. New York, 2004. decisions and risks. Balance of level of interest rates. Present value. Valuing current receipts. Net present value Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., ru le. 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomlja, MATE 13. 74. d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, Risky decisions. Expected monetary value. Maximizing expected monetary value. Maximizing expected utility. Risk tendency. lnsurance. Analysis ofthe "The case ofJetliners" case study. New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld Economic efficiency, externalization and public goods: Analysis of partial equilibrium compared to an analysis of general equilibrium. Allocation of resources and Edgeworth box diagram. Exchanges. Production. Necessary conditions for the efficient allocation of resources. Economic efficiency and equivalence. Perfect competition and economic efficiency. D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb,2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE 15. External economy and diseconomy. Effective pollution control. Proprietary rights and the Coase theorem. Optimal response to global warming. Public goods. Efficient production of public goods. Analysis of the 'California Water System' case study. d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Mansfield, E., Yohe, G., Microeconomics, theory/applications, 11E, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2004. Mansfield, E., Applied Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company, lnc., 1997. Pindyck, R., Rubinfeld D., Mikroekonomija, MATE d.o.o., Zagreb, 2005. Teacher: Anita Pe5a, Ph.D.
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