The Hydro - IREN Energia


The Hydro - IREN Energia
The Hydroelectric Power Plants
Iren Energia is the company in the Iren Group whose core
The Iren Energia pumped-storage and run-of-river hydro-
businesses are the production and distribution of electri-
electric power plants have an overall installed capacity
city, the production and distribution of thermal energy for
of about 500 MW and a power output of over 1,100 GWh
district heating and the provision of technological services.
per year.
Iren Energia, which has always been sensitive to envi-
The plants are situated:
ronmental protection issues, produces electricity and heat
• in the Orco Valley (Agnel-Serrù-Villa, Ceresole-Rosone,
from renewable energy sources (hydroelectric power
Valsoera-Telessio, Telessio-Eugio-Rosone, Rosone-Bar-
plants) or similar sources (cogeneration plants).
donetto, Bardonetto-Pont and San Lorenzo-Rosone);
• in the Susa Valley (Pont Ventoux-Susa, Salbertrand-
Iren Energia constantly pursues its objectives, which are quality, reliability, sustainable development, energy efficiency
and a close relationship with the areas in which it operates.
Iren Energia S.p.A.
Corso Svizzera, 95
10143 Torino - Italy
Tel. +39 011 5549 111
Fax +39 011 53 83 13
Chiomonte and Chiomonte-Susa);
• in the outskirts of Turin (Po-Stura-San Mauro and La
The Hydroelectric Power Plants
Iren Energia is the company in the Iren Group whose core
The Iren Energia pumped-storage and run-of-river hydro-
businesses are the production and distribution of electri-
electric power plants have an overall installed capacity
city, the production and distribution of thermal energy for
of about 500 MW and a power output of over 1,100 GWh
district heating and the provision of technological services.
per year.
Iren Energia, which has always been sensitive to envi-
The plants are situated:
ronmental protection issues, produces electricity and heat
• in the Orco Valley (Agnel-Serrù-Villa, Ceresole-Rosone,
from renewable energy sources (hydroelectric power
Valsoera-Telessio, Telessio-Eugio-Rosone, Rosone-Bar-
plants) or similar sources (cogeneration plants).
donetto, Bardonetto-Pont and San Lorenzo-Rosone);
• in the Susa Valley (Pont Ventoux-Susa, Salbertrand-
Iren Energia constantly pursues its objectives, which are quality, reliability, sustainable development, energy efficiency
and a close relationship with the areas in which it operates.
Iren Energia S.p.A.
Corso Svizzera, 95
10143 Torino - Italy
Tel. +39 011 5549 111
Fax +39 011 53 83 13
Chiomonte and Chiomonte-Susa);
• in the outskirts of Turin (Po-Stura-San Mauro and La
The Hydroelectric Power Plants
Iren Energia is the company in the Iren Group whose core
The Iren Energia pumped-storage and run-of-river hydro-
businesses are the production and distribution of electri-
electric power plants have an overall installed capacity
city, the production and distribution of thermal energy for
of about 500 MW and a power output of over 1,100 GWh
district heating and the provision of technological services.
per year.
Iren Energia, which has always been sensitive to envi-
The plants are situated:
ronmental protection issues, produces electricity and heat
• in the Orco Valley (Agnel-Serrù-Villa, Ceresole-Rosone,
from renewable energy sources (hydroelectric power
Valsoera-Telessio, Telessio-Eugio-Rosone, Rosone-Bar-
plants) or similar sources (cogeneration plants).
donetto, Bardonetto-Pont and San Lorenzo-Rosone);
• in the Susa Valley (Pont Ventoux-Susa, Salbertrand-
Iren Energia constantly pursues its objectives, which are quality, reliability, sustainable development, energy efficiency
and a close relationship with the areas in which it operates.
Iren Energia S.p.A.
Corso Svizzera, 95
10143 Torino - Italy
Tel. +39 011 5549 111
Fax +39 011 53 83 13
Chiomonte and Chiomonte-Susa);
• in the outskirts of Turin (Po-Stura-San Mauro and La
Plants in the
Orco Valley
Plants in the Susa
The hydroelectric power plants in the
Orco valley have an overall installed
capacity of about 300 MW and a power
output of almost 720 GWh per year.
Agnel - Serrù - Villa
This plant uses the water stored in the
two seasonal regulation reservoirs of
turbine, generator and pump, both of
The Salbertrand-Chiomonte and Chio-
which have a vertical axis.
monte-Susa plants are to be subjected
Downstream of the plant, a pressure
to a requalification project by the com-
Downstream of the plant, the water is
tunnel 1.6 km long returns the water
pany Valle Dora Energia S.r.l..
returned to the Telessio reservoir from
diverted from the bed of the river Dora
Ceresole - Rosone
This run-of-river plant uses the water
Valsoera - Telessio
stored in the seasonal regulation reservoir in Ceresole, which stands at an
The Bardonetto plant houses two elec-
This pump-storage plant with seasonal
altitude of 1,572 m a.s.l. and is capa-
tricity generation units with an installed
regulation reservoirs (555 m head) uses
ble of storing 34 million cubic metres
(813 m head).
At the Rosone plant there are two
Agnel and Serrù (700 m head).
electricity generation units with an in-
The Agnel and Serrù reservoirs, situa-
stalled capacity of 49.3 MW each and a
ted at an altitude of 2,296 and 2,275.5
and on the River Po
power output of about 250 GWh/year.
m a.s.l., can store up to 2.14 and 14.49
capacity of 9.0 MW each and a power
output of about 70 GWh/year.
Bardonetto - Pont
This run-of-river plant has an hourly
regulation forebay with a capacity of
8,000 cubic metres and uses water
the water from the torrents Piantonetto, Valsoera and Balma stored in the
Valsoera reservoir situated at 2,412 m
a.s.l. and capable of containing 7.7 million cubic metres or water.
The Telessio plant (in a cavern) houses
an electricity generation and pumping
Pont Ventoux - Susa
which it can be pumped back into the
Valsoera reservoir at night-time so that
it can be used to produce energy during the daytime when the demand for
it is higher.
Telessio - Eugio - Rosone
This plant with its seasonal regulation
San Lorenzo - Rosone
This run-of-river plant uses water from
the Piantonetto torrent (254 m head).
The hydroelectric power plant of Pont
Ventoux-Susa has an installed capacity
of 150 MW and a power output of 350
The diverted water flows through a gra-
Riparia to the Gorge reservoir, which
vel and sand remover and then into an
has a capacity of 420,000 cubic metres
off-take canal made in a tunnel, which
and is created by an arch-gravity dam
runs about 14 km to the reservoir of
About 515 m below the foot of the for-
about 30 metres high.
ced pipeline stands the electrical power
The Gorge reservoir allows a normal
The Rosone plant houses an electricity
Clarea Valley, which has a capacity of
generation unit with an installed capa-
The intake works are situated at Pont
561,000 cubic metres and enables the
plant inside a large underground cavern
flow of water to be released into the
Ventoux in the Oulx area on the river Dora
flow to be regulated on a daily basis.
with a width of 18 m, length of 51 m and
bed of the river Dora Riparia.
Riparia at an altitude of 1046.3 metres
A pressure tunnel 4.3 km long extends
height of 49 m.
The pump in the three-component
city of 4.3 MW and a power output of
about 8 GWh/year.
million cubic metres of water.
Rosone - Bardonetto
from the Orco torrent and water re-
unit with an installed capacity of 38
reservoirs (1,217 m head), uses the wa-
a.s.l.: it consists of a dam forming a small
from the Clarea reservoir to the upstre-
The Villa power plant houses an elec-
This run-of-river plant, which has an
turned by the Bardonetto plant (111
MW in generation mode and 34 MW in
ter from the torrents Piantonetto and
reservoir of 40,000 cubic metres upstre-
am piezometric well, which is the star-
neration units: a two-component unit
pumping mode and a power output of
Eugio stored in the reservoirs of Te-
am of the barrier and enables a maxi-
ting point of a1.3 km forced pipeline with
made up of a turbine and generator and
mum flow rate of 33 m3/s to be diverted.
a diameter ranging from 3.5 to 2.8 m.
a three-component unit made up of a
tricity generation unit with an installed
hourly regulation forebay with a capa-
m head). The Pont plant houses two
capacity of 40 MW and a power output
city of 10,000 cubic metres, uses water
electricity generation units with an in-
about 40 GWh/year (of which 13 GWh/
lessio and Eugio situated at 1,917 and
of about 80 GWh/year.
from the Orco torrent and water retur-
stalled capacity of 7.3 MW each and a
year from natural runoff and the rest
1,900 m a.s.l., respectively, and with a
ned by the Rosone plant (127 m head).
power output of about 70 GWh/year.
from pumping).
capacity of 23 and 4.95 million cubic
metres, respectively.
At the Rosone plant there are two electricity generation units with an installed capacity of 41.2 MW each and a
power output of about 200 GWh/year.
Photovoltaic power
plant of Telessio
This plant houses the two electricity ge-
electricity generation unit transfers the
water in the Gorge di Susa reservoir to
the Val Clarea reservoir at night-time so
Salbertrand - Chiomonte
La Loggia - Moncalieri
This run-of-river plant uses water
This run-of-river plant uses water from
from the river Dora Riparia and three
the river Po diverted in the municipali-
tributaries Pontetto, Galambra and
ty of La Loggia (with a flow rate of 70
Clarea (326 m head).
m3/s and head of 6.0 m).
The Chiomonte plant houses three
At the Moncalieri plant there is an
electricity generation units with instal-
electricity generation unit with an in-
led capacities of 4.5, 4.5 and 6.0 MW.
stalled capacity of 3.2 MW and a power output of about 20 GWh/year.
Chiomonte - Susa
Po - Stura - San Mauro
that it may be used to produce electri-
This run-of-river plant, with its hourly
city during the daytime when the de-
regulation forebay, uses water from
This run-of-river plant uses water from
mand for it is higher.
the river Dora Riparia and that re-
the river Po diverted immediately
power plant situated near the Telessio
turned by the Chiomonte plant (128
downstream of the point at which it
dam and put into operation in 1996 as
m head).
receives the Stura torrent (with a flow
part of the European Union Thermie
The Susa plant houses two electrici-
rate of 120 m3/s and head of 8.0 m).
ty generation units with a capacity of
The San Mauro power plant houses an
The plant is made up of multi-junction
6.2 MW each.
electricity generation unit with an in-
amorphous silicon solar cells and has
In the Turin area, Iren Energia has two
stalled capacity of 8 MW and a power
an installed electrical capacity of 12 kW.
run-of-river plants situated along the
output of about 40 GWh/year.
The photovoltaic power generator oc-
river Po.
The Orco valley houses a photovoltaic
cupies a continuous surface area of almost 250 m2 and consists of about 400
solar cells with a power of almost 30 W
and an output voltage of 68 V d.c..
Pont Ventoux-Susa Plant
Salbertrand-Chiomonte and Chiomonte-Susa Plants
Plants in the
Orco Valley
Plants in the Susa
The hydroelectric power plants in the
Orco valley have an overall installed
capacity of about 300 MW and a power
output of almost 720 GWh per year.
Agnel - Serrù - Villa
This plant uses the water stored in the
two seasonal regulation reservoirs of
turbine, generator and pump, both of
The Salbertrand-Chiomonte and Chio-
which have a vertical axis.
monte-Susa plants are to be subjected
Downstream of the plant, a pressure
to a requalification project by the com-
Downstream of the plant, the water is
tunnel 1.6 km long returns the water
pany Valle Dora Energia S.r.l..
returned to the Telessio reservoir from
diverted from the bed of the river Dora
Ceresole - Rosone
This run-of-river plant uses the water
Valsoera - Telessio
stored in the seasonal regulation reservoir in Ceresole, which stands at an
The Bardonetto plant houses two elec-
This pump-storage plant with seasonal
altitude of 1,572 m a.s.l. and is capa-
tricity generation units with an installed
regulation reservoirs (555 m head) uses
ble of storing 34 million cubic metres
(813 m head).
At the Rosone plant there are two
Agnel and Serrù (700 m head).
electricity generation units with an in-
The Agnel and Serrù reservoirs, situa-
stalled capacity of 49.3 MW each and a
ted at an altitude of 2,296 and 2,275.5
and on the River Po
power output of about 250 GWh/year.
m a.s.l., can store up to 2.14 and 14.49
capacity of 9.0 MW each and a power
output of about 70 GWh/year.
Bardonetto - Pont
This run-of-river plant has an hourly
regulation forebay with a capacity of
8,000 cubic metres and uses water
the water from the torrents Piantonetto, Valsoera and Balma stored in the
Valsoera reservoir situated at 2,412 m
a.s.l. and capable of containing 7.7 million cubic metres or water.
The Telessio plant (in a cavern) houses
an electricity generation and pumping
Pont Ventoux - Susa
which it can be pumped back into the
Valsoera reservoir at night-time so that
it can be used to produce energy during the daytime when the demand for
it is higher.
Telessio - Eugio - Rosone
This plant with its seasonal regulation
San Lorenzo - Rosone
This run-of-river plant uses water from
the Piantonetto torrent (254 m head).
The hydroelectric power plant of Pont
Ventoux-Susa has an installed capacity
of 150 MW and a power output of 350
The diverted water flows through a gra-
Riparia to the Gorge reservoir, which
vel and sand remover and then into an
has a capacity of 420,000 cubic metres
off-take canal made in a tunnel, which
and is created by an arch-gravity dam
runs about 14 km to the reservoir of
About 515 m below the foot of the for-
about 30 metres high.
ced pipeline stands the electrical power
The Gorge reservoir allows a normal
The Rosone plant houses an electricity
Clarea Valley, which has a capacity of
generation unit with an installed capa-
The intake works are situated at Pont
561,000 cubic metres and enables the
plant inside a large underground cavern
flow of water to be released into the
Ventoux in the Oulx area on the river Dora
flow to be regulated on a daily basis.
with a width of 18 m, length of 51 m and
bed of the river Dora Riparia.
Riparia at an altitude of 1046.3 metres
A pressure tunnel 4.3 km long extends
height of 49 m.
The pump in the three-component
city of 4.3 MW and a power output of
about 8 GWh/year.
million cubic metres of water.
Rosone - Bardonetto
from the Orco torrent and water re-
unit with an installed capacity of 38
reservoirs (1,217 m head), uses the wa-
a.s.l.: it consists of a dam forming a small
from the Clarea reservoir to the upstre-
The Villa power plant houses an elec-
This run-of-river plant, which has an
turned by the Bardonetto plant (111
MW in generation mode and 34 MW in
ter from the torrents Piantonetto and
reservoir of 40,000 cubic metres upstre-
am piezometric well, which is the star-
neration units: a two-component unit
pumping mode and a power output of
Eugio stored in the reservoirs of Te-
am of the barrier and enables a maxi-
ting point of a1.3 km forced pipeline with
made up of a turbine and generator and
mum flow rate of 33 m3/s to be diverted.
a diameter ranging from 3.5 to 2.8 m.
a three-component unit made up of a
tricity generation unit with an installed
hourly regulation forebay with a capa-
m head). The Pont plant houses two
capacity of 40 MW and a power output
city of 10,000 cubic metres, uses water
electricity generation units with an in-
about 40 GWh/year (of which 13 GWh/
lessio and Eugio situated at 1,917 and
of about 80 GWh/year.
from the Orco torrent and water retur-
stalled capacity of 7.3 MW each and a
year from natural runoff and the rest
1,900 m a.s.l., respectively, and with a
ned by the Rosone plant (127 m head).
power output of about 70 GWh/year.
from pumping).
capacity of 23 and 4.95 million cubic
metres, respectively.
At the Rosone plant there are two electricity generation units with an installed capacity of 41.2 MW each and a
power output of about 200 GWh/year.
Photovoltaic power
plant of Telessio
This plant houses the two electricity ge-
electricity generation unit transfers the
water in the Gorge di Susa reservoir to
the Val Clarea reservoir at night-time so
Salbertrand - Chiomonte
La Loggia - Moncalieri
This run-of-river plant uses water
This run-of-river plant uses water from
from the river Dora Riparia and three
the river Po diverted in the municipali-
tributaries Pontetto, Galambra and
ty of La Loggia (with a flow rate of 70
Clarea (326 m head).
m3/s and head of 6.0 m).
The Chiomonte plant houses three
At the Moncalieri plant there is an
electricity generation units with instal-
electricity generation unit with an in-
led capacities of 4.5, 4.5 and 6.0 MW.
stalled capacity of 3.2 MW and a power output of about 20 GWh/year.
Chiomonte - Susa
Po - Stura - San Mauro
that it may be used to produce electri-
This run-of-river plant, with its hourly
city during the daytime when the de-
regulation forebay, uses water from
This run-of-river plant uses water from
mand for it is higher.
the river Dora Riparia and that re-
the river Po diverted immediately
power plant situated near the Telessio
turned by the Chiomonte plant (128
downstream of the point at which it
dam and put into operation in 1996 as
m head).
receives the Stura torrent (with a flow
part of the European Union Thermie
The Susa plant houses two electrici-
rate of 120 m3/s and head of 8.0 m).
ty generation units with a capacity of
The San Mauro power plant houses an
The plant is made up of multi-junction
6.2 MW each.
electricity generation unit with an in-
amorphous silicon solar cells and has
In the Turin area, Iren Energia has two
stalled capacity of 8 MW and a power
an installed electrical capacity of 12 kW.
run-of-river plants situated along the
output of about 40 GWh/year.
The photovoltaic power generator oc-
river Po.
The Orco valley houses a photovoltaic
cupies a continuous surface area of almost 250 m2 and consists of about 400
solar cells with a power of almost 30 W
and an output voltage of 68 V d.c..
Pont Ventoux-Susa Plant
Salbertrand-Chiomonte and Chiomonte-Susa Plants
Plants in the
Orco Valley
Plants in the Susa
The hydroelectric power plants in the
Orco valley have an overall installed
capacity of about 300 MW and a power
output of almost 720 GWh per year.
Agnel - Serrù - Villa
This plant uses the water stored in the
two seasonal regulation reservoirs of
turbine, generator and pump, both of
The Salbertrand-Chiomonte and Chio-
which have a vertical axis.
monte-Susa plants are to be subjected
Downstream of the plant, a pressure
to a requalification project by the com-
Downstream of the plant, the water is
tunnel 1.6 km long returns the water
pany Valle Dora Energia S.r.l..
returned to the Telessio reservoir from
diverted from the bed of the river Dora
Ceresole - Rosone
This run-of-river plant uses the water
Valsoera - Telessio
stored in the seasonal regulation reservoir in Ceresole, which stands at an
The Bardonetto plant houses two elec-
This pump-storage plant with seasonal
altitude of 1,572 m a.s.l. and is capa-
tricity generation units with an installed
regulation reservoirs (555 m head) uses
ble of storing 34 million cubic metres
(813 m head).
At the Rosone plant there are two
Agnel and Serrù (700 m head).
electricity generation units with an in-
The Agnel and Serrù reservoirs, situa-
stalled capacity of 49.3 MW each and a
ted at an altitude of 2,296 and 2,275.5
and on the River Po
power output of about 250 GWh/year.
m a.s.l., can store up to 2.14 and 14.49
capacity of 9.0 MW each and a power
output of about 70 GWh/year.
Bardonetto - Pont
This run-of-river plant has an hourly
regulation forebay with a capacity of
8,000 cubic metres and uses water
the water from the torrents Piantonetto, Valsoera and Balma stored in the
Valsoera reservoir situated at 2,412 m
a.s.l. and capable of containing 7.7 million cubic metres or water.
The Telessio plant (in a cavern) houses
an electricity generation and pumping
Pont Ventoux - Susa
which it can be pumped back into the
Valsoera reservoir at night-time so that
it can be used to produce energy during the daytime when the demand for
it is higher.
Telessio - Eugio - Rosone
This plant with its seasonal regulation
San Lorenzo - Rosone
This run-of-river plant uses water from
the Piantonetto torrent (254 m head).
The hydroelectric power plant of Pont
Ventoux-Susa has an installed capacity
of 150 MW and a power output of 350
The diverted water flows through a gra-
Riparia to the Gorge reservoir, which
vel and sand remover and then into an
has a capacity of 420,000 cubic metres
off-take canal made in a tunnel, which
and is created by an arch-gravity dam
runs about 14 km to the reservoir of
About 515 m below the foot of the for-
about 30 metres high.
ced pipeline stands the electrical power
The Gorge reservoir allows a normal
The Rosone plant houses an electricity
Clarea Valley, which has a capacity of
generation unit with an installed capa-
The intake works are situated at Pont
561,000 cubic metres and enables the
plant inside a large underground cavern
flow of water to be released into the
Ventoux in the Oulx area on the river Dora
flow to be regulated on a daily basis.
with a width of 18 m, length of 51 m and
bed of the river Dora Riparia.
Riparia at an altitude of 1046.3 metres
A pressure tunnel 4.3 km long extends
height of 49 m.
The pump in the three-component
city of 4.3 MW and a power output of
about 8 GWh/year.
million cubic metres of water.
Rosone - Bardonetto
from the Orco torrent and water re-
unit with an installed capacity of 38
reservoirs (1,217 m head), uses the wa-
a.s.l.: it consists of a dam forming a small
from the Clarea reservoir to the upstre-
The Villa power plant houses an elec-
This run-of-river plant, which has an
turned by the Bardonetto plant (111
MW in generation mode and 34 MW in
ter from the torrents Piantonetto and
reservoir of 40,000 cubic metres upstre-
am piezometric well, which is the star-
neration units: a two-component unit
pumping mode and a power output of
Eugio stored in the reservoirs of Te-
am of the barrier and enables a maxi-
ting point of a1.3 km forced pipeline with
made up of a turbine and generator and
mum flow rate of 33 m3/s to be diverted.
a diameter ranging from 3.5 to 2.8 m.
a three-component unit made up of a
tricity generation unit with an installed
hourly regulation forebay with a capa-
m head). The Pont plant houses two
capacity of 40 MW and a power output
city of 10,000 cubic metres, uses water
electricity generation units with an in-
about 40 GWh/year (of which 13 GWh/
lessio and Eugio situated at 1,917 and
of about 80 GWh/year.
from the Orco torrent and water retur-
stalled capacity of 7.3 MW each and a
year from natural runoff and the rest
1,900 m a.s.l., respectively, and with a
ned by the Rosone plant (127 m head).
power output of about 70 GWh/year.
from pumping).
capacity of 23 and 4.95 million cubic
metres, respectively.
At the Rosone plant there are two electricity generation units with an installed capacity of 41.2 MW each and a
power output of about 200 GWh/year.
Photovoltaic power
plant of Telessio
This plant houses the two electricity ge-
electricity generation unit transfers the
water in the Gorge di Susa reservoir to
the Val Clarea reservoir at night-time so
Salbertrand - Chiomonte
La Loggia - Moncalieri
This run-of-river plant uses water
This run-of-river plant uses water from
from the river Dora Riparia and three
the river Po diverted in the municipali-
tributaries Pontetto, Galambra and
ty of La Loggia (with a flow rate of 70
Clarea (326 m head).
m3/s and head of 6.0 m).
The Chiomonte plant houses three
At the Moncalieri plant there is an
electricity generation units with instal-
electricity generation unit with an in-
led capacities of 4.5, 4.5 and 6.0 MW.
stalled capacity of 3.2 MW and a power output of about 20 GWh/year.
Chiomonte - Susa
Po - Stura - San Mauro
that it may be used to produce electri-
This run-of-river plant, with its hourly
city during the daytime when the de-
regulation forebay, uses water from
This run-of-river plant uses water from
mand for it is higher.
the river Dora Riparia and that re-
the river Po diverted immediately
power plant situated near the Telessio
turned by the Chiomonte plant (128
downstream of the point at which it
dam and put into operation in 1996 as
m head).
receives the Stura torrent (with a flow
part of the European Union Thermie
The Susa plant houses two electrici-
rate of 120 m3/s and head of 8.0 m).
ty generation units with a capacity of
The San Mauro power plant houses an
The plant is made up of multi-junction
6.2 MW each.
electricity generation unit with an in-
amorphous silicon solar cells and has
In the Turin area, Iren Energia has two
stalled capacity of 8 MW and a power
an installed electrical capacity of 12 kW.
run-of-river plants situated along the
output of about 40 GWh/year.
The photovoltaic power generator oc-
river Po.
The Orco valley houses a photovoltaic
cupies a continuous surface area of almost 250 m2 and consists of about 400
solar cells with a power of almost 30 W
and an output voltage of 68 V d.c..
Pont Ventoux-Susa Plant
Salbertrand-Chiomonte and Chiomonte-Susa Plants
Plants in the
Orco Valley
Plants in the Susa
The hydroelectric power plants in the
Orco valley have an overall installed
capacity of about 300 MW and a power
output of almost 720 GWh per year.
Agnel - Serrù - Villa
This plant uses the water stored in the
two seasonal regulation reservoirs of
turbine, generator and pump, both of
The Salbertrand-Chiomonte and Chio-
which have a vertical axis.
monte-Susa plants are to be subjected
Downstream of the plant, a pressure
to a requalification project by the com-
Downstream of the plant, the water is
tunnel 1.6 km long returns the water
pany Valle Dora Energia S.r.l..
returned to the Telessio reservoir from
diverted from the bed of the river Dora
Ceresole - Rosone
This run-of-river plant uses the water
Valsoera - Telessio
stored in the seasonal regulation reservoir in Ceresole, which stands at an
The Bardonetto plant houses two elec-
This pump-storage plant with seasonal
altitude of 1,572 m a.s.l. and is capa-
tricity generation units with an installed
regulation reservoirs (555 m head) uses
ble of storing 34 million cubic metres
(813 m head).
At the Rosone plant there are two
Agnel and Serrù (700 m head).
electricity generation units with an in-
The Agnel and Serrù reservoirs, situa-
stalled capacity of 49.3 MW each and a
ted at an altitude of 2,296 and 2,275.5
and on the River Po
power output of about 250 GWh/year.
m a.s.l., can store up to 2.14 and 14.49
capacity of 9.0 MW each and a power
output of about 70 GWh/year.
Bardonetto - Pont
This run-of-river plant has an hourly
regulation forebay with a capacity of
8,000 cubic metres and uses water
the water from the torrents Piantonetto, Valsoera and Balma stored in the
Valsoera reservoir situated at 2,412 m
a.s.l. and capable of containing 7.7 million cubic metres or water.
The Telessio plant (in a cavern) houses
an electricity generation and pumping
Pont Ventoux - Susa
which it can be pumped back into the
Valsoera reservoir at night-time so that
it can be used to produce energy during the daytime when the demand for
it is higher.
Telessio - Eugio - Rosone
This plant with its seasonal regulation
San Lorenzo - Rosone
This run-of-river plant uses water from
the Piantonetto torrent (254 m head).
The hydroelectric power plant of Pont
Ventoux-Susa has an installed capacity
of 150 MW and a power output of 350
The diverted water flows through a gra-
Riparia to the Gorge reservoir, which
vel and sand remover and then into an
has a capacity of 420,000 cubic metres
off-take canal made in a tunnel, which
and is created by an arch-gravity dam
runs about 14 km to the reservoir of
About 515 m below the foot of the for-
about 30 metres high.
ced pipeline stands the electrical power
The Gorge reservoir allows a normal
The Rosone plant houses an electricity
Clarea Valley, which has a capacity of
generation unit with an installed capa-
The intake works are situated at Pont
561,000 cubic metres and enables the
plant inside a large underground cavern
flow of water to be released into the
Ventoux in the Oulx area on the river Dora
flow to be regulated on a daily basis.
with a width of 18 m, length of 51 m and
bed of the river Dora Riparia.
Riparia at an altitude of 1046.3 metres
A pressure tunnel 4.3 km long extends
height of 49 m.
The pump in the three-component
city of 4.3 MW and a power output of
about 8 GWh/year.
million cubic metres of water.
Rosone - Bardonetto
from the Orco torrent and water re-
unit with an installed capacity of 38
reservoirs (1,217 m head), uses the wa-
a.s.l.: it consists of a dam forming a small
from the Clarea reservoir to the upstre-
The Villa power plant houses an elec-
This run-of-river plant, which has an
turned by the Bardonetto plant (111
MW in generation mode and 34 MW in
ter from the torrents Piantonetto and
reservoir of 40,000 cubic metres upstre-
am piezometric well, which is the star-
neration units: a two-component unit
pumping mode and a power output of
Eugio stored in the reservoirs of Te-
am of the barrier and enables a maxi-
ting point of a1.3 km forced pipeline with
made up of a turbine and generator and
mum flow rate of 33 m3/s to be diverted.
a diameter ranging from 3.5 to 2.8 m.
a three-component unit made up of a
tricity generation unit with an installed
hourly regulation forebay with a capa-
m head). The Pont plant houses two
capacity of 40 MW and a power output
city of 10,000 cubic metres, uses water
electricity generation units with an in-
about 40 GWh/year (of which 13 GWh/
lessio and Eugio situated at 1,917 and
of about 80 GWh/year.
from the Orco torrent and water retur-
stalled capacity of 7.3 MW each and a
year from natural runoff and the rest
1,900 m a.s.l., respectively, and with a
ned by the Rosone plant (127 m head).
power output of about 70 GWh/year.
from pumping).
capacity of 23 and 4.95 million cubic
metres, respectively.
At the Rosone plant there are two electricity generation units with an installed capacity of 41.2 MW each and a
power output of about 200 GWh/year.
Photovoltaic power
plant of Telessio
This plant houses the two electricity ge-
electricity generation unit transfers the
water in the Gorge di Susa reservoir to
the Val Clarea reservoir at night-time so
Salbertrand - Chiomonte
La Loggia - Moncalieri
This run-of-river plant uses water
This run-of-river plant uses water from
from the river Dora Riparia and three
the river Po diverted in the municipali-
tributaries Pontetto, Galambra and
ty of La Loggia (with a flow rate of 70
Clarea (326 m head).
m3/s and head of 6.0 m).
The Chiomonte plant houses three
At the Moncalieri plant there is an
electricity generation units with instal-
electricity generation unit with an in-
led capacities of 4.5, 4.5 and 6.0 MW.
stalled capacity of 3.2 MW and a power output of about 20 GWh/year.
Chiomonte - Susa
Po - Stura - San Mauro
that it may be used to produce electri-
This run-of-river plant, with its hourly
city during the daytime when the de-
regulation forebay, uses water from
This run-of-river plant uses water from
mand for it is higher.
the river Dora Riparia and that re-
the river Po diverted immediately
power plant situated near the Telessio
turned by the Chiomonte plant (128
downstream of the point at which it
dam and put into operation in 1996 as
m head).
receives the Stura torrent (with a flow
part of the European Union Thermie
The Susa plant houses two electrici-
rate of 120 m3/s and head of 8.0 m).
ty generation units with a capacity of
The San Mauro power plant houses an
The plant is made up of multi-junction
6.2 MW each.
electricity generation unit with an in-
amorphous silicon solar cells and has
In the Turin area, Iren Energia has two
stalled capacity of 8 MW and a power
an installed electrical capacity of 12 kW.
run-of-river plants situated along the
output of about 40 GWh/year.
The photovoltaic power generator oc-
river Po.
The Orco valley houses a photovoltaic
cupies a continuous surface area of almost 250 m2 and consists of about 400
solar cells with a power of almost 30 W
and an output voltage of 68 V d.c..
Pont Ventoux-Susa Plant
Salbertrand-Chiomonte and Chiomonte-Susa Plants
The Hydroelectric Power Plants
Iren Energia is the company in the Iren Group whose core
The Iren Energia pumped-storage and run-of-river hydro-
businesses are the production and distribution of electri-
electric power plants have an overall installed capacity
city, the production and distribution of thermal energy for
of about 500 MW and a power output of over 1,100 GWh
district heating and the provision of technological services.
per year.
Iren Energia, which has always been sensitive to envi-
The plants are situated:
ronmental protection issues, produces electricity and heat
• in the Orco Valley (Agnel-Serrù-Villa, Ceresole-Rosone,
from renewable energy sources (hydroelectric power
Valsoera-Telessio, Telessio-Eugio-Rosone, Rosone-Bar-
plants) or similar sources (cogeneration plants).
donetto, Bardonetto-Pont and San Lorenzo-Rosone);
• in the Susa Valley (Pont Ventoux-Susa, Salbertrand-
Iren Energia constantly pursues its objectives, which are quality, reliability, sustainable development, energy efficiency
and a close relationship with the areas in which it operates.
Iren Energia S.p.A.
Corso Svizzera, 95
10143 Torino - Italy
Tel. +39 011 5549 111
Fax +39 011 53 83 13
Chiomonte and Chiomonte-Susa);
• in the outskirts of Turin (Po-Stura-San Mauro and La