Festival Literary 2014 - Bridport Literary Festival


Festival Literary 2014 - Bridport Literary Festival
Sunday 9th – Sunday 16th November
The Tenth
Main Festival sponsors:
supporting Beaminster Festival of Music and the Arts
LegaL advice and services for Life
We are very happy to make
home visits and out of hours appointments
01308 427436
Beaminster 01308 862313
Lyme regis 01297 442580
The Bull Hotel
The 10th Bridport Literary Festival
welcomes all those who read books and
love literature.
We celebrate this special year with a programme of events
to lighten up the gloomy days of November, which we hope
is even more varied and eclectic than ever before. Writers of
fiction and non fiction will intrigue, enlighten and entertain
our audiences who are encouraged to engage in discussion on
subjects of all kinds in venues all around the town.
Electric Palace
Sladers Yard
We are delighted that The Bull Hotel (www.thebullhotel.co.uk)
is again the centre of our activities. Gateway to the stunning
scenery of the West Dorset Jurassic Coastline, this award
winning hotel is one of the reasons that attracts visitors to
Bridport and talks will again take place in the glamorous
Ballroom and the intimate Hayloft Bar. Events will also be
based at the fabulous Electric Palace in South Street
(www.electricpalace.org.uk) and the vibrant Bridport Arts
Centre (www.bridport-arts.com) and again at Sladers Yard
Gallery and Café at West Bay (www.sladersyard.co.uk) – one
of the best in the south west! Arthur Watson and his team at
The Riverside (www.thefishrestaurant-westbay.co.uk) are this
year hosting a very special event to mark the centenary of
WWI - A Dorset Parish Remembers.
We are enormously grateful to our main sponsors: Waterstones
(www.waterstones.com) and Kitson & Trotman, solicitors
(www.kitsonandtrotman.co.uk) who continue to encourage
and support us as do all our Sponsors and Donors who have
given so generously.
We are all passionate about literature and want to share this
passion with you.
Festival Director:
Tanya Bruce-Lockhart
The Riverside
Sir Michael Holroyd CBE
The Team:
Spencer Butler
Lisa Cartwright
James Crowden
Maisie Glazebrook
Sarah Gleadell
Fiona Henderson
Val Hudson
Sally Laverack
Andrew Rutherford (Wild and Homeless Books)
Trustees: John Sacher CBE (Chairman), Deirdre Coates,
Antony Hichens, Kate Hobbs, Venetia Ross Skinner
Advance Booking:
Bridport Tourist Information Centre
The Town Hall, South Street DT6 3LF
Tel: 01308 424 901
Registered Charity No: 1147075
Remembrance Sunday
9th Nov
Event 1
1914 – From
Chandeliers to
Annie Laurie
James Crowden
James Crowden gives
verbatim accounts, poems
and anecdotes which chart
the fast moving events of 1914
and the progress of WWI from
Mons and the Aisne to the
stubborn defence at Ypres.
Embedded in this new book
are nurses’ accounts from
Antwerp, chronicles of certain
naval disasters involving
U boats and descriptions
of the Christmas ‘Truce’
which is forever associated
with a German officer’s
rendition of Annie Laurie on
Christmas Eve. This new book
is a poignant and moving
collection of memories to
mark Remembrance Sunday.
Time: 12 Noon
Tickets: £10/£22*
Venue: Sladers Yard,
West Bay
Event 2
A Life with
Professor John Carey
in conversation with
Howard Davies
Professor Carey’s memoir:
The Unexpected Professor
– an Oxford Life reflects on
time immersed in literature.
Emeritus Merton Professor
of English, controversial
commentator, book critic
and beekeeper, Professor
Carey shares his memories
with another Merton
alumni, Howard Davies,
Professor at the Institute of
Political Science in Paris and
Chairman of the Airports
Commission. Both men have
chaired the Panel of Judges
of the Mann Booker Prize for
Fiction and have much to talk
Time: 3.00 pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Bull Hotel
– Ballroom
Sponsored by: Harold Carter
and Tess Silkstone
Event 3
H is for Hawk Helen Macdonald
in conversation with
Susannah Simons
‘Goshawks resemble
sparrowhawks the way
leopards resemble housecats.
But bigger, bulkier, bloodier,
deadlier, scarier and much
harder to see.’From the age
of seven, Helen Macdonald
was determined to become
a falconer. She learned the
terminology and read the classic
tales including TH White’s
masterpiece: The Goshawk.
When her father died, Helen
was grief-stricken and obsessed
with the idea of training her
own goshawk. ‘Mabel’ was
bought for £800 on a Scottish
quayside. This is a record of a
spiritual journey – an honest
account of a struggle with grief
alongside the taming of ‘Mabel’
and reconciling death with life
and with love.
Time: 6.30 pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Bull Hotel –
Sponsored by: Sarah Wild
*with light lunch
Please telephone Sladers Yard
(01308 459511) for reservations
Denotes an Illustrated Talk
10th Nov
Event 4
Event 5
Remaking a
Myanmar and
the Irrawaddy:
The Laskett
Transformed The moulder of
Burma’s history Sir Roy Strong
Sir Roy Strong, writer,
historian, broadcaster and
gardener gives an illustrated
talk telling the story of the
remodelling of The Laskett,
his garden in Herefordshire.
He describes it as ‘the
portrait of a marriage ……a
mnemonic landscape’ which
he and his late wife, theatre
designer Julia Trevelyan
Oman, created together .
When Julia died the garden
all but died with her but
Sir Roy, with renewed
inspiration, embarked upon
its transformation, bringing
to it new excitement. Clive
Boursnell’s before-and-after
pictures animate all that has
taken place.
Time: 11.00 am
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Bull Hotel
– Ballroom
Sponsored by: Jim Bartos,
John and Jenny Makepeace
Denotes an Illustrated Talk
Event 6
The Fortune
Daisy Goodwin in
coversation with Jason
Caroline Courtauld MBE Goodwin
Writer, photographer, filmmaker and consummate
traveller Caroline Courtauld
gives a breathtakingly
beautiful illustrated talk
about the ‘huge and
ochreous’ Irrawaddy river –
the lifeline of Burma. From
its source in the Eastern
Himalayas, it sweeps down
through the heart of Asia
to the Bay of Bengal. Focus
of an intriguing history of
prosperity and mobility for
the Burmese, the great river
has also provided access to
foreign invaders. Caroline’s
talk will reveal the magic
and the mystery of this still
remote and isolated country.
Time: 2.30 pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Bull Hotel
– Ballroom
Sponsored by:
John and Caryl Hubbard,
Georgia Langton
Denotes an Illustrated Talk
Daisy Goodwin’s latest
historical novel: The
Fortune Hunter tells of the
beautiful and intelligent Sisi,
the Empress Elizabeth of
Austria who, stultified by the
overpowering atmosphere
of the Hapsburg Court and
an unexciting husband,
Emperor Franz Joseph, falls
madly in love with Captain
Bay Middleton, the British
bounder who matches her in
passion and horsemanship.
Daisy has written a story
sizzling with energy and
based on the life of one of the
nineteenth century’s most
charismatic couples.
Time: 6.30 pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Bull Hotel
– Ballroom
Sponsored by:
John and Sue Bradbury,
Robert and Diana Clarke
11th Nov
Event 7
Rising Ground:
A Search for the
Spirit of Place Philip Marsden
Philip Marsden gives an
illustrated talk about how the
shape of the land lies not just
at the heart of our history but
of man’s perennial struggle to
belong on this earth. Why do
we react so strongly to certain
places? When he moved to
a creekside farmhouse in
Cornwall, it led to Philip
exploring the land westwards
to Land’s End through one of
the most fascinating regions
of Europe. From the Neolithic
ritual landscape of Bodmin
Moor to the Arthurian
traditions of Tintagel, he
assembles a chronology of our
shifting attitudes to place.
Time: 11.00 am
Tickets £10
Venue: Bridport Arts
Sponsored by: Nick Amor
Event 8
Malice in
WH Auden
The Life and Work of
Cecil Beaton Graham Fawcett
Denotes an Illustrated Talk
1907 - 1973
Writer and broadcaster,
Hugo Vickers, has edited a
new book of Cecil Beaton’s
fabulous photographic
portraits and incisive pen
profiles from his diaries.
His illustrated talk on one
of the most celebrated
photographers of the
twentieth century reveals
Beaton’s acute insight.
Though the images often
flattered, his diaries and
journals didn’t necessarily
follow suit. Included are
stars of fashion, music, stage,
screen and society: Coco
Chanel, Mick Jagger, Audrey
Hepburn, Pablo Picasso and
Marlon Brando.
WH Auden was a giant
among poets of his generation;
a master-craftsman of metrical
rhythms, and a wonderfully
adventurous organist of the
English language. Nourished
by his native Yorkshire and
the treasures of the AngloSaxon and Middle English;
traveller to Iceland, China,
Spain and Berlin; closequarters commentator on
politics, religion, philosophy,
art and human relations,
Auden translated his gifted
perceptions into some of the
finest and most substantial
poems England and the
world have ever seen. The
experience of hearing him
read from his work was
tantamount to a conversation.
Time: 2.30 pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: Bridport Arts
Time: 6.30 pm
Tickets: £10/£25*
Venue: Sladers Yard,
West Bay
Hugo Vickers
Sponsored by:
David and Sue Orr
Event 9
Denotes an Illustrated Talk
* with light supper.
Please phone Sladers Yard
(01308 459511) for reservations.
11th Nov
Event 10
George Millar DSO MC,
Croix de Guerre and
Legion d’Honneur
The Literary Dinner is held every year in
memory of George Millar who for 50 years
lived in West Dorset until his death in 2005.
His war memoirs and his books on sailing
are still in print and continue to be enjoyed
by generations of readers of all ages.
The George Millar Literary Dinner
Guest Speaker: Anthony Sattin
This year’s Guest Speaker, Anthony Sattin, is a journalist, broadcaster and author of highly
acclaimed books on history and travel. In his newly published book: Young Lawrence: A
Portrait of the Legend as a Young Man, he has written a biography about the charismatic
TE Lawrence - Lawrence of Arabia - in the years that formed him. He uncovers the story that
Lawrence wanted to conceal: the truth of his birth, his tortuous relationship with a dominant
mother, his deep affection for an Arab boy and the intimate details of the extraordinary journeys
he took through the region with which his name is forever connected, and the personal reasons
that drove him from being a student to becoming an archaeologist and spy. One hundred years
ago, in 1914, Lawrence destroyed his first Seven Pillars of Wisdom – a manuscript describing his
adventures in the Middle East prior to the Great War. His second account, with the same title,
chronicles the revolt of the Arabs with whom he fought against Turkish domination. Anthony
Sattin reminds us that in the midst of life, those destined for greatness, have no idea where they
are going or what they might achieve any more than the rest of us.
Time: 7.00 pm
Tickets: £40
Venue: The Bull Hotel – Ballroom
Sponsored by: Francesca Radcliffe
12th Nov
Event 11
Event 12
Captain Charles Lloyd
Sanctuary MC
Private Willam Stone
Acting Petty Officer
Albert Tiltman
Christopher Nicholson
In the winter of 1924, the
most celebrated English
writer of the day, the 84
year old Thomas Hardy,
was living at his Dorset
home at Max Gate with his
second wife, Florence. In
poor health, Florence came
to suspect that her husband
was in the grip of a romantic
infatuation. Gertrude Bugler,
a local actress who came
to be associated with the
dramatic adaptation of Tess
of the d’Urbervilles had
won his heart. Inspired by
these events, Christopher
Nicholson, has created a
captivating story around
these three ‘living’ characters
and the imaginative lives they
cannot hope to lead.
Time: 11.00 am
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Bull Hotel
– Hayloft Bar
A Dorset Parish Remembers
1914 – 1919
James Crowden chairs a discussion with: Richard
Connaughton, Tim Connor and Ian Berry
Last year, as the Centenary of the beginning of the First
World War approached, the West Dorset Parish of Powerstock
decided to produce a book to honour the memory of the
eleven men who gave their lives for King and Country. The
call went out for volunteers to ‘adopt’ one of the lost eleven
with a view to writing a short chapter on each man’s life.
The result was a team of 17 would-be authors from across
the parish whose joint endeavours have turned out to be an
inspirational community-building project.
With a deadline of Remembrance Sunday 2014 looming, the
team set to work. Timing ruled out a conventional publisher,
which meant accepting the additional burden of publicity and
distribution. Nevertheless, the target has been met and the
book was published in July of this
year. Each man’s story is told in a
vivid and original way, ensuring that
those destined not to come home –
would never be forgotten again.
Discussion to be followed by a light
Time: 12 noon
Tickets: £20
Venue: The Riverside,
West Bay
Sponsored by:
Johnnie and Sophie Boden
12th Nov
Event 13
Event 14
The Ark Before Noah:
Please, Mr. Postman
Decoding the Story of the Flood
Alan Johnson in conversation with
Christian Tyler
Dr Irving Finkel
Born in condemned housing in West London
in 1950, with no heating, no electricity and
no running water, Alan Johnson did not have
the easiest start in life. But by the age of 18,
he was married, a father and working as a
postman in Slough. This Boy was the first
part of a bestselling memoir described by The
Times as ‘the best memoir by a politician you
will ever read’ and Please, Mr. Postman is the
sequel describing the next period in Alan’s
life with every bit as much honesty, humour
and emotional impact as his debut. Britain in
the 1970s was a very different country to the
one we know today and Please, Mr. Postman
paints a vivid picture of a bygone era and
reveals another fascinating chapter in the life
of one of our best loved and most respected
public figures.
British Museum expert, Dr. Irving
Finkel gives a compelling illustrated talk
investigating the most famous myth of all
time – and how the re-discovery of an ancient
tablet challenges our view of ancient history
in a new and exciting way. A world authority
on the period, Dr. Finkel’s enthralling real-life
detective story began with a most remarkable
event at the British Museum – the arrival in
2008 of a single, modest-sized Babylonian
cuneiform tablet dating from 1850 BC and a
copy of the Babylonian story of the flood, a
myth from ancient Mesopotamia revealing
among other things, instructions for building
a large boat to survive a flood!
Time: 2.30 pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Bull Hotel – Ballroom
Sponsored by: Jean Edwards
Time: 6.30 pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: Bridport Arts Centre
Sponsored by:
Charles and Siobhan Blundell,
John and Caryl Hubbard
Denotes an Illustrated Talk
Crime Day
13th Nov
Event 15
and Satan
Antonia Hodgson,
James Runcie,
William Ryan, and
Jason Webster
Four distinguished crime
writers discuss their
inspiration for writing crime.
Is it the spirit of place? Or
perhaps the period in which
crime is written? What
makes a sleuth? Antonia
Hodgson’s The Devil in
the Marshalsea is set in
eighteenth century Georgian
England, William Ryan’s The
Twelfth Department features
Captain Korolev, a Russian
police investigator living in
the Moscow of 1937, James
Runcie’s Sidney Chambers
and the Problem of Evil is
set in the 1960s with a sleuth
that is a member of the
clergy and Jason Webster’s
Blood Med evokes the Spain
of today – the world of the
corrida and corruption.
Time: 11.00 am
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Electric
Event 16
Event 17
The 50th Francis! Byzantium
Felix Francis in
conversation with Jason
James Heneage in
conversation with Jason
The Towers of Samarcand is
Book 2 in James Heneage’s
Felix Francis is the younger
enthralling Mistra Chronicles
son of the legendary jockey
Luke Magoris and
and bestselling thriller
band of soldiers who
writer, the late Dick Francis.
He studied physics and
to defend Constantinople.
electronics at London
The Baklava Club is the
University and subsequently
fifth in the bestselling and
collaborated with his father
in the research and writing of much loved Turkish eunuch
detective - ‘Yashim’ - series of
many of his novels when his
mother, Mary, had done much thrillers based in nineteenth
century Istanbul with our
of this duty until her death
hero Yashim, confronted by
in 2000. Felix remembers
the most treacherous situation
that the production of a
of his career. James created
Dick Francis crime novel
the successful Ottaker chain
was always a mixture of
’inspiration, perspiration and of bookshops and is cofounder of the Chalke Valley
Damage is the fifth novel that History Festival. Jason has
written several non fiction
Felix has written on his own
books including Lords of the
and features Jeff Hinkley,
Horizons: A History of the
undercover investigator
Ottoman Empire. James and
for the British Horseracing
Jason always have lots to
share and discuss!
Time: 2.30 pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Electric
Sponsored by: Trish Reed
Time: 6.30 pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Electric
Sponsored by:
Denhay Farms Limited
British History Day
14th Nov
Event 18
A.N. Wilson in
conversation with Sally
When Queen Victoria died
in 1901, she had ruled for
nearly sixty-four years. She
was mother of nine and
grandmother of forty-two,
and the matriach of Royal
Europe. To many, Queen
Victoria was a ruler shrouded
in myth and mystique – an
aging and withdrawn widow,
and the figurehead to an
all-male imperial enterprise.
In truth, Britain’s longest
reigning monarch was
passionate, humorous and
unconventional. Her reign
was a period of lasting change
to the industry, politics and
culture of Great Britain.
A.N. Wilson’s new biography
is a towering achievement
with a wealth of new material.
Time: 11.00 am
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Electric
Sponsored by:
Barry and Islay Mawhinney
Hugh and Sue Robinson
Event 19
Event 20
Killers of the King: Sir Winston
The Men Who Dared Churchill:
to Execute Charles I
His Life and
His Paintings Charles Spencer
Minnie Churchill with
Simon Bird
Historian Charles Spencer
has written a thrilling history
of intrigue, betrayal and
retribution that befell the men
who signed Charles I’s death
warrant. In January 1649,
after seven years of fighting
in the bloodiest war in
Britain’s history, Parliament
overpowered the King and in
ignoring the Divine Right of
Kings, unanimously passed
the death sentence. After his
execution his son, Charles
II was restored to the throne
and set about enacting
punishment on those
responsible for his father’s
Time: 2.30 pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Electric
Sponsored by:
Carol Hammick and
Adam Tindall
Denotes an Illustrated Talk
In 1915 Churchill was forced to
resign from wartime government
and believed his political life
was at an end. He fell into deep
depression but was rescued by
his discovery of painting. In
his lifetime, he painted more
than 500 canvases and this
side of his private life is little
known in comparison to his
public life. Minnie Churchill,
granddaughter-in-law of Sir
Winston, has had an enduring
interest in the paintings which
reveal so much of the private
man and his delight in recording
all he enjoyed on canvas. Her
illustrated talk is an insight to a
multi-talented Englishman.
Time: 6.30pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Bull Hotel –
Sponsored by:
Hugh and Sue Robinson,
Ian and Mary Scott
Denotes an Illustrated Talk
15th Nov
Event 21
The Kenneth Allsop Memorial Talk
A Rough Ride To The Future
James Lovelock CH CBE FRS in conversation
with Bryan Appleyard
The organisers of the Bridport Literary Festival are
delighted to welcome James Lovelock, the distinguished
independent scientist, environmentalist and futurist to
give this year’s Kenneth Allsop Memorial Talk. James
Lovelock has been hailed as ‘the man who conceived
the first wholly new way of looking at life on earth
since Charles Darwin’ (The Independent) and ‘the most
profound scientific thinker of our time’ (Literary Review)
and continues, in his 96th year, to be the great scientific
visionary of our age. He is possibly best known for
putting forward the Gaia hypothesis, which proposes
that the biosphere is a self-regulating entity with the
capacity to keep our planet healthy by controlling
the interconnections of the chemical and physical
environment. His latest book: A Rough Ride To The
Future introduces two new Lovelockian ideas. The first is
that three hundred years ago, when Thomas Newcomen
invented the steam engine, he was unknowingly
beginning what Lovelock calls ‘accelerated evolution’,
a process which is bringing about change on our planet
roughly a million times faster than Darwinian evolution.
The second is that as part of the process, humanity has
the capacity to become the intelligent part of the Gaia
hypothesis which Lovelock first announced fifty years ago.
In conversation with Bryan Appleyard, the award
winning journalist and writer, James Lovelock will reflect
on his own remarkable life as a lone scientist as well as
considering how scientific advances are made.
Time: 11.00 am
Tickets: £12
Venue: The Electric Palace
Part of the proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to
Common Ground, the West Dorset environmental arts
charity www.comonground.org.uk
Sponsored by: Adam and Nicky Fenwick
Kenneth Allsop, was
a broadcaster, writer
and champion of
conservation and lived
near Bridport until his
death in 1973.
15th Nov
Event 22
Event 23
Down to the Sea in Ships
Empress Dowager Cixi:
Horatio Clare in conversation with
Nick Fisher
The Concubine Who
Launched Modern China Acclaimed nature writer Horatio Clare travelled
the great oceans on cargo ships, witnessing the
collision of two temperaments: man and the
sea. For millennia, the seaways have carried
our goods, ideas and cultures, the terrors of
our wars and the bounties of peace – they have
never been busier than they are today. The
crews lead a way of life that is largely unseen
and unrecorded. They are extraordinary men
who are subject to the pressures we all know
– families, relationships, dreams and fears –
and to dangers and difficulties we can only
imagine, from hurricanes and pirates to years
of confinement. Horatio joined two container
ships, travelling this unreported world and
experiencing unforgettable journeys from
East to West - Felixstowe to Los Angeles via
Suez -and through the northerly passage from
Antwerp to Montreal.
Robert Macfarlane has described the book as:
‘magnificent. Clare has written remarkably
about the men who maintain the world, the
ships they sail and the seas they cross’.
Jung Chang
Time: 2.30 pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Electric Palace
Empress Dowager Cixi (1835 – 1908) is the
most important woman in Chinese history. She
ruled China for decades and brought a medieval
empire into the modern age. At the age of
sixteen, Cixi was chosen as the Emperor’s
concubine. When he died in 1861, their five
year old son succeeded the throne and Cixi led
a palace coup to take charge of the Empire.
Jung Chang, best-selling author of Wild Swans,
vividly describes how Cixi fought against big
obstacles to change China. The ancient country
attained virtually all the attributes of a modern
state: industries, railways, electricity and an
army and navy with modern weaponry. She
inaugurated women’s liberation and introduced
parliamentary elections. She also dealt with
national crises: the Taiping and Boxer Rebellions
and wars with France and Japan. This illustrated
talk gives an intimate portrait of a unique
Time: 6.30 pm
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Electric Palace
Sponsored by: John and Felicity Fairbairn
Denotes an Illustrated Talk
16th Nov
Event 24
Confidence Betrayed:
Event 25
the seductive art of the interview
The Poetry of Jazz and the
Jazz of Poetry
Christian Tyler
The Ian Smith Trio
Novelists invent character to give reality to
their stories. Journalists try to dig out the
characters of real people. Does this make
them interrogators, therapists or confessionals
– or perhaps similar to the stranger on
the train? Does every interview involve a
betrayal? Christian Tyler, whose highlyregarded column in the Financial Times ran
for seven years, reveals the tricks and traps of
the trade.
Part of the proceeds of this talk will be
donated to the national charity:
Read Easy UK, a voluntary project which
teaches adults to read and founded in Dorset
in 2010.
We bring this year’s festival to a climax with
the return of the brilliant Ian Smith Trio. As
a musician, and composer of jazz settings for
poetry, Ian has performed at major jazz festivals
and on BBC Radio 3 and 4 and is a regular
contributor to the Bridport Literary Festival with
his blend of poetry, jazz, biography and humour.
Harold Pinter, Nobel Prize Laureate, playwright
and screenwriter, began a love affair with the
Dorset landscape while filming: The French
Lieutenant’s Woman in 1980. His cherished
annual returns to the county for more than 20
years entitle us to claim him as a Dorset writer.
Ian Smith was a close friend of Harold Pinter
over many years, and is author of: Pinter in the
Theatre to which Pinter contributed a foreword.
Both shared a love of jazz and this year’s Ian
Smith entertainment will explore some of the
deep connections between music and Pinter’s
Time: 11.00 am
Tickets: £10
Venue: The Bull Hotel – Ballroom
Time: 12 Noon
Tickets: £15/£30*
Venue: Sladers Yard – West Bay
Sponsored: by “Soixante”
*with lunch.
Please telephone Sladers Yard
(01308 459511) for reservations.
Booking Form
Sunday 9 November
12 Noon James Crowden
Sladers Yard
3.00 pm Professor John Carey
The Bull Ballroom
6.30 pm Helen Macdonald
The Bull Ballroom
The Bull Ballroom
Monday 10 November
11.00 am Sir Roy Strong
2.30 pm Caroline Courtauld
The Bull Ballroom
6.30 pm Daisy Goodwin
The Bull Ballroom
Bridport Arts Ctr
Bridport Arts Ctr
Tuesday 11 November
11.00 am Philip Marsden
2.30 pm Hugo Vickers
6.30 pm Graham Fawcett
Sladers Yard
7.00 pm Literary Dinner
The Bull Ballroom
The Bull Hayloft
Wednesday 12 November
11.00 am Christopher Nicholson
12 Noon Dorset Parish Remembers The Riverside
2.30 pm Dr. Irving Finkel
The Bull Ballroom
6.30 pm Alan Johnson MP
Bridport Arts Ctr
Thursday 13 November
11.00 am Secrets, Sermons & Satan Electric Palace
2.30 pm Felix Francis
6.30 pm Heneage and Goodwin
Electric Palace
Electric Palace
Electric Palace
Friday 14 November
11.00 am A.N.Wilson
2.30 pm Charles Spencer
Electric Palace
6.30 pm Minnie Churchill
The Bull Ballroom
Electric Palace
Saturday 15 November
11.00 am James Lovelock
2.30 pm Horatio Clare
Electric Palace
6.30 pm Jung Chang
Electric Palace
11.00 am Christian Tyler
The Bull Ballroom
12 Noon Poetry / Jazz
Sladers Yard
Sunday 16 November
NB If you would like tickets posted to you please enclose a SAE
Denotes an Illustrated Talk
* with light lunch or supper. Please phone
Sladers Yard (01308 459511) for reservations.
** w
ith light lunch.
Total £
Booking Form
Box Office:
Bridport Tourist Information Centre, The Town Hall, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3LF
Tel: 01308 424 901
Opening times; Open Monday–Saturday 9.00 am – 5.00 pm until 1st November
Open Monday–Saturday 10.00 am – 3.00 pm from 3rd November
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Credit card payment via this form or in person at the Tourist Information Centre.
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made payable to WDDC
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There will be a booking fee of £1 for telephone transactions
Bridport Tourist Information Centre, The Town Hall, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3LF
NB: If you would like tickets posted to you, please enclose s.a.e.
By post:
The Tenth
Map of
To A35,
Lyme Regis
The Electric
Kitson &
The Bull
Wild &
EAST ST. B3162
West Bay
Advance Booking:
Bridport Tourist Information Centre,
The Town Hall, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3LF
Tel: 01308 424 901
The Tenth Bridport Literary Festival
Sunday 9 - Sunday 16 Nov 2014
Sponsors and Donors
The Trustees and Festival Director of the Bridport Literary
Festival would like to thank all the Sponsors and Donors,
including those who have given anonymously, for their
generosity and enthusiasm in supporting this year’s festival.
Many thanks to all our stewards for their patience and good
Howard and Deirdre Coates
Antony and Sczerina Hichens
Venetia Ross Skinner
Kitson and Trotman
John and Buffy Sacher
Nick Amor
Harold Carter and Tess Silkstone
Duke’s Auctioneers
John and Felicity Fairbairn
Adam Tindall and Carol Hammick
Francesca Radcliffe
Hugh and Sue Robinson
Sarah Wild
Johnnie and Sophie Boden
Denhay Farms Limited
Jean Edwards
Adam and Nicky Fenwick
John and Caryl Hubbard
Trish Reed
Caroline, Lady Conran
Charles and Siobhan Blundell
Barry and Islay Mawhinney
John and Jenny Makepeace
Michael and Bettina Pescod
Ian and Mary Scott
Jim Bartos
John and Sue Bradbury
Georgia Langton
Robert and Diana Clarke
David and Sue Orr
Michael and Barbara Fulford-Dobson
Patrick and Lucinda Airy
Rupert Best
Anthony and Valerie Barker
John Caines
Stewart and Catherine Boyd
Cato Strategic Limited
Patrick and Jennifer Corbett
Derek and Jane FitzGerald
Charles and Cindy Gray
Allan and Rachel James
Alan and Anne Peck
Patrick and Mary Pisani
David and Angela Neuberger
Michael and Angela Rose
Mark and Caroline Vaughan Lee John and Ros Senior
David and Angela Ashcroft
Brochure cover: Colmers Hill by Marion Taylor
Website: www.dorsetpaintings.co.uk
Brochure: Wild Apple Design
Printed by: Creeds
Dates for:
11th Bridport Literary Festival
Sunday 8 - Sunday 15 November 2015
The Tenth
Box20Office: Bridport Tourist Centre, The Town Hall, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3LF
Tel: 01308 424901