February 2016 Newsletter
February 2016 Newsletter
FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 1 CANDOR CENTRAL COMMUNICATIONS Candor Schools - Shaping Our Future FEBRUARY 2016 www.candorcsd.org District Mission Statement The mission of the Candor Central School Community is to challenge students to become responsible, knowledgeable, contributing citizens within a caring environment where lifelong learning is valued and differences are accepted. Dear School Community Member: It’s hard to believe that the 2015-2016 school year is already more than half completed. Very soon, construction for Phase I of our Capital Project will be underway. The work, originally slated for last summer but held up by delays in the State Education Department, will include the new entrance driveway in front of the High School and parking lot and sidewalk reconstruction at both buildings. Work will begin when the threat of winter weather has passed and is projected to continue through mid-summer. Currently, the District is also exploring the option of merging some selected sports teams with our neighbor Spencer-Van Etten. Merging sports teams has become very common among smaller schools in New York and has been shown to be an effective way to maintain extracurricular opportunities for students. In recent years, Candor and Spencer-Van Etten have had difficulties maintaining full rosters for some sports teams. Both schools currently have committees reviewing the possibility of maintaining full sports programs together rather than losing opportunities for our student athletes. More information on this important issue will develop in the near future. As always, please use our website to stay informed or feel free to contact the District with any questions you may have. Thank you. Respectfully, Jeffrey J. Kisloski Superintendent of Schools FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS News & Notes February 12th - 16th: Winter Recess - School Closed February 29th: NHS Blood Drive March 3rd: Budget Advisory Committee Meeting @ 6:30pm March 10th: NHS Induction Ceremony March 19th: Spring Musical @ 7:00pm March 20th: Spring Musical @ 2:00pm March 23rd: Elementary Band & Chorus Concert @ 7:00pm March 24th: Budget Advisory Committee Meeting @ 6:30pm March 31st: NHS Pancake Dinner @ 4:30pm April 25th - 29th: Spring Break - School Closed May 10th: Budget Hearing @ 7:00pm May 11th: Kindergarten Registration May 12th: Kindergarten Registration May 16th: Kindergarten Registration May 17th: Budget Vote @ Noon - 9:00pm Elementary Art Show @ 6:00pm May 30th: Memorial Day - School Closed June 2nd: Jr. High Band & Chorus Concert @ 7:00pm High School Art Show @ 5:00pm (tentative date) June 3rd: Grandparent’s Day for Kindergarten Classes June 7th: Sr. High Band & Chorus Concert @ 7:00pm June 14th - 22nd: Regents Exams June 15th: Elementary Band & Chorus Concert @ 7:00pm June 24th: Graduation @ 7:00pm PAGE 2 FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 PAGE 3 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS News & Notes The December 2015 Box Tops for Education submission total was $746.00 - that’s 7,460 box tops!!!!! Thank you for your continued support of this program. Keep clipping and sending in those box tops! More information on the program and a list of participating products is available on the web site at: http://www.boxtops4education.com/ TRANSPORTATION TO PRIVATE SCHOOLS Please remember that applications for transportation to private schools for the 2016-2017 school year are due to the District Office by April 1, 2016. Thank you. REMINDER: The speed limit on school grounds is 15 mph. Please slow down on school grounds! Thank you! Please help to keep the kids safe STOP for flashing red lights! This includes while on school grounds. Reminder: Dogs should not be in school property during or after school hours. Thank you. FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 4 Important Information from the Nurse’s Office MENINGOCCAL VACCINE SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 2016 Children entering or attending seventh and twelfth grade or after September 1, 2016 are required to receive an adequate dose or doses of vaccine against meningococcal disease as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. The ACIP recommends the meningococcal vaccine be administered to all adolescents at age 11 or 12 years. A second (booster) dose should be administered at age 16 years. The booster dose is not necessary for adolescents who receive the first dose at 16 years of age or older. Questions & Answers Regarding Meningococcal Disease: What is meningococcal disease? Meningococcal disease is a severe bacterial infection of the bloodstream or meninges (a thin lining covering the brain and spinal cord) caused by the meningococcus germ. Who gets meningococcal disease? Anyone can get meningococcal disease, but it is more common in infants and children. For some adolescents, such as first-year college students living in dormitories, there is an increased risk of meningococcal disease. Every year in the United States approximately 2,500 people are infected and 300 die from the disease. Other persons at increased risk include household contacts of a person known to have had this disease, immunocompromised people, and people traveling to parts of the world where meningococcal meningitis is prevalent. How is the meningococcus germ spread? The meningococcus germ is spread by direct close contact with nose or throat discharges of an infected person. What are the symptoms? High fever, headache, vomiting, stiff neck and a rash are symptoms of meningococcal disease. The symptoms may appear two to 10 days after exposure, but usually within five days. Among people who develop meningococcal disease, 10 to 15 percent die, in spite of treatment with antibiotics. Of those who live, permanent brain damage, hearing loss, kidney failure, loss of arms or legs, or chronic nervous system problems can occur. What is the treatment for meningococcal disease? Antibiotics, such as penicillin G or ceftriaxone, can be used to treat people with meningococcal disease. Should people who have been in contact with a diagnosed case of meningococcal meningitis be treated? Only people who have been in close contact (household members, intimate contacts, health care personnel performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, daycare center playmates, etc.) need to be considered for preventive treatment. Such people are usually advised to obtain a prescription for a special antibiotic (either rifampin, ciprofloxacin or ceftriaxone) from their physician. Casual contact, as might occur in a regular classroom, office or factory setting, is not usually significant enough to cause concern. FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 5 Important Information from the Nurse’s Office Q & A continued... Is there a vaccine to prevent meningococcal meningitis? There are three vaccines available for the prevention of meningitis. The preferred vaccine for people ages 2-55 years is Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4). This vaccine is licensed as Menactra (sanofi pasteur) and Menveo (Novartis). Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4; Menomune [sanofi pasteur]), should be used for adults ages 56 and older. The vaccines are 85 to 100 percent effective in preventing the four kinds of meningococcus germ (types A, C, Y, W-135). These four types cause about 70 percent of the disease in the United States. Because the vaccines do not include type B, which accounts for about one-third of cases in adolescents, they do not prevent all cases of meningococcal disease. Is the vaccine safe? Are there adverse side effects to the vaccine? The three vaccines available to prevent meningococcal meningitis are safe and effective. However, the vaccines may cause mild and infrequent side effects, such as redness and pain at the injection site lasting up to two days. Who should get the meningococcal vaccine? The vaccine is routinely recommended for all adolescents ages 11-12 years, all unvaccinated adolescents 13-18 years, and persons 19-21 years who are enrolling in college. The vaccine is also recommended for people ages 2 years and older who have had their spleen removed or have other chronic illnesses, as well as some laboratory workers and travelers to endemic areas of the world. Who needs a booster dose of meningococcal vaccine? CDC recommends that children age 11 or 12 years be routinely vaccinated with Menactra or Menveo and receive a booster dose at age 16 years. Adolescents who receive the first dose at age 13-15 years should receive a one-time booster dose, preferably at ages 16-18 years. Teens who receive their first dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine at or after age 16 years do not need a booster dose, as long as they have no risk factors. All people who remain at highest risk for meningococcal infection should receive additional booster doses. If the person is age 56 years or older, they should receive Menomune. How do I get more information about meningococcal disease and vaccination? Contact your physician or your student health service. Additional information is also available on the websites of the New York State Department of Health,http://www.health.state.ny.us/; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,http://www.cdc.gov/DiseasesConditions/; and the American College Health Association, http://www.acha.org.au/info/general/Home/get/0/0/. Stop the spread of germs that can make you and others sick! Influenza (flu) and other serious respiratory illnesses like respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), whooping cough, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) are spread by cough, sneezing, or unclean hands. To help stop the spread of germs: * Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. * Put your used tissue in the waste basket. * If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, not your hands. * You may be asked to put on a facemask to protect others. * Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for 20 seconds. * If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 6 Student Services Information SCHEDULING CLASSES FOR 2016-2017: Students will meet with their counselors in February and March to begin discussing course options for next year. Please see “Scheduling Tips” below. If you have any questions about graduation requirements, please contact your child’s School Counselor. Current 8th grade students will be scheduling their courses at the 9th Grade Parent Transition Night. There will be two nights available, March 8th & March 15th , for parents and students to learn about the transition to high school and schedule 9th grade courses. A letter will be mailed out at the end of February explaining in more detail. SCHEDULING TIPS FOR COLLEGE-BOUND STUDENTS: If you take challenging courses: It shows colleges that you are more likely to be able to do college work. You will probably score higher on the SAT and/or ACT. You will be less likely to need remedial courses in college. You will have more options for college and a career. If you participate in extracurricular activities: You will be more likely to be considered for a scholarship. You have something more than GPA and test scores to show colleges. You will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills. Also, it is important to keep a record of the activities you have participated in, your responsibilities, awards and achievements. Your child’s Guidance Counselor has a form called the “Student Data Sheet” where your child can record all of the things he/she has accomplished and is proud of. This sheet becomes very useful when it’s time for Counselors to write letters of recommendation for college during senior year! FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 7 Student Services Information SENIOR INFORMATION: Seniors should be well into the college application process. Many students have already received acceptance letters! Now is the time to be completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Form. Online applications can be found at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Please keep in mind that the financial aid application is free. You should not have to pay for help in completing the FAFSA. There is plenty of free assistance available. If you have questions or need additional help, please contact Mr. Banks. JUNIOR INFORMATION: It’s not too early to be thinking about post graduation plans, especially if your plans include college. Now is a perfect time to begin looking at colleges. You could even begin scheduling college visits. A couple of useful college search websites include www.collegeboard.org and http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/. For students who want more information about careers the www.careeronestop.org student section provides a wealth of information for students including interest and skills assessments along with specific career information. If students or parents need help navigating the college and/or career search process feel free to contact Mr. Banks in student services. Juniors have received their PSAT Score Report. It was given to them in January in their English class. They were also given the opportunity to create an account on the College Board website at www.collegeboard.org. They now have access to take practice tests, search for colleges and scholarships, register for future SAT tests, and much, much more. Another great free website for SAT practice is the Khan Academy at www.khanacademy.org. Juniors should be on the look out for two important information sessions in the near future. First, Mr. Banks will be going into English classes this March to discuss the SAT exam. Most four year college and universities require that students take the SAT or ACT for admission. The majority of students take one of these exams in the spring of their junior year. Second, in the spring there will be a parent information night on March 24th in the High School Library at 6:30 p.m. to provide information about the college admissions process. Information will include what to expect on college visits, questions to ask college representatives, general timeline for the admissions process, common application and other useful information to help guide students and parents in the admissions process. SOPHOMORE INFORMATION: All of the sophomores will participate in career exploration activities. They will be able to gain self awareness about career interest, values and explore different career options. They can continue to research career options at http://www.mynextmove.org. On Friday, February 18th, teachers and counselors from TST BOCES will be visiting 10th grade English classes to present their current Career and Tech programs. Also, 10th grade students will be visiting the TST BOCES Career Tech. Center on Thursday, March 3rd from 9:05 to 10:15 a.m. to check out various programs offered. FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS Special Education News SAVE THE DATE for a Special Education Informational Night * Representatives from local organizations will be on hand to showcase the services that they provide to individuals from birth - 21 years, and to answer any questions about them. More information will be mailed out as the event gets closer. Pizza and beverages will be provided. MAY 5, 2016 - 6 to 8 p.m. Candor Elementary Multi-Purpose Room Important Special Education Information The Procedural Safeguard Notice is a mandated document which outlines “your legal rights under federal and state laws to be informed about and involved in the special education process and to make sure that your child receives a free appropriate public education (FAPE)”. The document is 43 pages long and must be provided to the parents of Special Education Students each year. The document is available online at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/formsnotices/psgn/psgn414.htm as well as the school website under the Special Education link. If you would prefer to receive a hard copy, you can contact the Special Education Office at 607-659-7727 or the District Office at 607-659-5010. PAGE 8 FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 9 Jr/Sr High School News A Message from the Jr/Sr High School Principal... It seems hard to believe that we are into the second half of the school year. This is the time when our guidance counselors begin meeting with students regarding course selection. I wanted to share that next year, the high school will be implementing a weighted grade policy for select advanced courses. The rationale for weighted grades is to encourage, recognize and reward students who are taking rigorous coursework. The weighted grade policy will be applied to the College Core Courses. These include the four core content strands (English, Math, Science & Social Studies). Courses which are considered for weighting are: * AP English Composition * English 101/102 (CE) * AP US History * Algebra 2 / Trig * Advanced Algebra (CE) * Statistics (CE) * Calculus (CE) * Chemistry (Reg. & CE) * Advanced Biology (CE) * Physics (CE) * Spanish 4/5 (CE) (As course offerings expand in the future, new courses may be added to the list.) The Class of 2018 will be the first to benefit from the weighted grade policy, and it will continue with each cohort thereafter. If you have any questions pertaining to the details of the policy, feel free to contact me or our high school guidance counselor Mr. Banks. Best wishes, Wayne Aman FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS Jr/Sr High School News Career and Technical School Student of the Month November: Sarah Jordan, Digital Media (AM) December: Danny Hutnik, Auto Body (AM) January: Marissa Slocum, Cosmetology (PM) Criteria for Student of the Month: *Exemplary behavior resulting in a flawless behavior record for the month. *Present and on time and prepared for class every day of the month. *Respectful, kind, generous, and cooperative with peers and adults. *Eager and motivated to learn. *Exhibits exceptional contribution to class or academic improvement in class. *Demonstrates a positive and helpful attitude towards fellow students. *All assigned work is complete for the month. Technology Department Donation The Technology Education Department received a generous donation of a five point racing harness from Marshall Balzer of Candor. This donation will further keep our Principals of Technology Students safe as they test scratch built go-karts in class. Thank you Mr. Balzer for thinking of our students and for your continued support. PAGE 10 FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 11 Jr/Sr High School News NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NEWS The National Honor Society will host its annual fund raising all you can eat pancake dinner in High School cafeteria on Thursday, March 31st, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $7 in advance or $9 at the door. Children under 12 are free. We will offer pancakes, butter, syrup, sausage, bacon, juice and coffee. The Induction Ceremony will be in the High School Auditorium on Thursday, March 10th at 6:30 p.m. The Faculty Council is currently reviewing completed applications. Accepted students will be notified by mail, at least one week prior to the ceremony. All questions can be directed to either Ms. Westervelt, NHS Advisor, or Mr. Aman, Jr/Sr High School Principal. The students of our local Chapter have been busy extending their volunteering efforts at different local events. As a group, they continue to tutor after school twice a week for the homework club in the Jr/Sr High School. For the third year in a row, our members have been offering enrichment activities weekly to selected 6th grade students. Some of the activities that have been taught or they will be teaching are: friendship bracelets, how to draw caricatures, making pinch pots, styrofoam stamping, and volleyball, to name a few. We are collecting gently used jeans to provide to the ‘Jeans for Teens Collection’ to help teens in need. You can read about it: www.dosomething.org/us/campaigns/teens-jeans. Over a million young people experience homelessness in the United States every year. One item they often request is a pair of jeans. We will donate our collection to the local shelter. The NHS will host their second and final blood drive of this school year on February 29, 2016, in the High School Auditorium. Please check the school’s website for updated information on the dates and times of these drives, in the event anything were to change. Our first drive was successful, and we hope that you have been able to, and continue to support our local chapters of the National Honor Society and American Red Cross. Each pint of blood donated can help save three lives! FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 PAGE 12 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS Jr/Sr High School News PRIDE IN THE TRIBE !! Candor Central Schools PO Box 145 Candor, NY 13743 Athletic Coordinator: School: 607.659.5020 GO INDIANS!! Steve Frye [email protected] Fax: 607.659.4692 Greetings from the Athletic Department! The winter sports season is winding down and before you know it, we will be standing outside freezing at some spring sports. I would like to congratulate all of the athletes and coaches for their seasons this past winter. We may have started a little more slowly than planned, but each team has really shown dramatic improvement as the season has progressed. It is great to see that we do not just give up when things get tough. The spring sports schedules are up on the website already. In case you don’t remember - please check out www.schedulegalaxy.com and follow the prompts to the sport in which you are most interested. Baseball, softball, track, and golf are as up-to-date as possible right now. If you click on the button towards the bottom of the webpage, you will automatically receive instant notification about any rescheduling that might occur throughout the entire season. If you click on any game that is on the schedule, you will be given information about that game and the ability to see a map with directions to that game. It is a great feature of the program. Please check it out and let me know if you have questions. Sign-ups for spring sports have already taken place, physicals are all set to take place here at the school on 2/23 and 2/26, and Family ID will be ready for you to register your kids for the sport and playing level of their choice (Mod, JV, Var). If you have any questions about anything related to Candor sports, don’t hesitate to contact the office - [email protected] or call during school hours at 659-5020. Steve Frye Athletic Coordinator FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS Jr/Sr High School News Advanced Medical Careers The Health Service Elective Program at Candor High School originated January, 2004. The first three courses created were (1) Health Services 1: Introduction to Health Service Careers, Medical Terminology and CPR certification, (2) Health Services 2: Anatomy and Physiology, and (3) Health Services 3: Ethics, Personal Health and Wellness, Nutrition, and CPR re-certification. This school year, the district added a new and distinctive advanced course to interested juniors and seniors. The course focuses on teaching students what Health Care Professionals learn in their career course of study. Examples include: basic and advanced patient care, phlebotomy (drawing blood from a patient), fundamentals of physical therapy, and medical office assistant proficiency. The course uses a blended learning concept utilizing a powerful on line curriculum to teach skills. Students explore the topic, followed by instructor guided in class discussion and lecture, self-guided online learning, in class projects and hands on skill sets, and ultimately culminating with a reflection activity. The students take unit quizzes and module tests on line, and are capable of tracking their progress. This course was developed through research of Health Care Professions as a practical introduction to this continually growing and expanding career field. Students who complete this unique course, will have real life experiences in Health Care fields of study that will distinguish them from their peers, and aide in determining their future career path. PAGE 13 FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 14 Jr/Sr High Honor Students HONOR ROLL - SECOND QUARTER Seventh Grade: Breanna Baker, Teagan Bartlow, Trinity Bogert, McKenzie Burgess, Lindsay Hollenbeck, Brooke Judson, Madison Phillips, Ian Potter, Ashlynn Shelton, Ciera Vega. Eighth Grade: Arianna Aman, Amber Bareham, Evan Barnett, Rianna Benesh, Rebecca Burdick, Cameron Doane, Alexander Doucett, Chelsea Dukerich, Kailyn Edwards, Kolden Foster, Brandon Hoyt, Jasmine Inners, Jennah Kareem, Alyssa Leonard, Ryan Morse, Molly Parillo, Eli Reese, Kilie Streeter, Savanna Tuttle, Cassidy Wells. Ninth Grade: Searra Allen, Delaney Fatcheric, Emily Henry, Kaleigh Hills, Ethan Howe, Shaiann Kellogg, Joseph Lockwood, Matthew Perry, Abbey Quick, Tyler Shepardson, Meadow Thayer, Caleb Vaow, Hunter Vineyard, James Wells. Tenth Grade: Christine Frost, Lexis Inners, Jamie Meyers, David Sandgren. Eleventh Grade: Timothy Dizer, Kaidyn Foster, Nicole Gates, Quintin Haus, Jesse Johnson, Cade Kelly, Siarahjo Rose-Tompkins, Amanda Washburn, Brianna Westgate, Brittany Williams. Twelfth Grade: Kelsi Avery, Martina Ayres, Morgan Cotton, Joseph Dizer, Tiffany Emond, Breanna Fields, Jacobe Flanagan, Emilio Garcia, Cristopher Hopkins, Javan Hornick, Kyrsten Licata, Angela Martone, Danielle Morse, Seth Nichols, Haley Pantle, Merissa Tuttle, Emily Weber, Adam Wilcox. FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 15 Jr/Sr High Honor Students HIGH HONOR ROLL - SECOND QUARTER Seventh Grade: Cora Anderson, Sidney Brown, Leah Cook, Asia Curkendall, Lauren Davies, Kadrianna Foster, Megan Henry, Braelyn Hornick, Luke Huizinga, Bryce Mills, Jenna O’Connell, Alexis Quick, Selah Ray, Shelby Soper, Brayden Watkins, Nash Whitmore. Eighth Grade: Ty’vone Benners, Camille Brock, Erin Bruttomesso, Carolynne Horstmann, Cassie Howe, Lance Jensen, Corinne Manzer, Owen Parillo, Kori Strong, Matthew Suttmeier, Kayleigh Wulf. Ninth Grade: Stella Garrard, Jennifer Hopkins, Jenna Huizinga, Paige Jackson, Chloe Kidney, Leah O’Connell, Jebadiah Parillo, Corey Whatley, Paedyn Whitmore. Tenth Grade: Nathaniel Benjamin, Kolyn Blinn, Jared Compton, Emily Davies, Lillian Jensen, Morgan Kurtz, Gwendolyn Manzer, Kaiyir Minoia, Mary Standinger, Kendra Starr. Eleventh Grade: Michael Angelo, Julia Bitencourt, Hannah Brown, Vanessa Doane, Lindsay Dougherty, Hannah Hatton, Lily Parker, Julia Russell, Amatha Showerman. Twelfth Grade: Kylee Edwards, Alexis Fivie, Mikayla Hallett, Nicole Hart, Kayla Hinkle, Taylor Horton, Kara Kelly, Breanna Kern, Kayla Kidney, Rhyne Maas, Emily Potter, Mikayla Short. FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 16 Elementary School News A Message from the Elementary Principal… Hello and Happy New Year! It is hard to believe we have reached the half way point in the 2015-16 school year. I am looking forward to a great second half of the year. I am pleased to mention that the holiday music programs in December were outstanding. I appreciate the hard work and many hours of practice put in by Mrs. Marilley, Miss Dziekan and all the students. The performances were very impressive and we are extremely proud of our music program. Kopernik Science Center and Observatory visited the elementary school during the week of January 19th. Every class in the elementary building visited the Digital Dome Planetarium. The Dome, which is over 10 feet high, was located in the multipurpose room. We are very grateful to The Floyd Hooker Foundation for supporting this event that engaged students in an activity that will spur further interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) subjects. In the next few weeks we will celebrate Valentine’s Day, Winter Recess, Dr. Seuss’s Birthday, and Saint Patrick’s Day. Stay tuned for more information. I continue to see innovative and creative learning as I visit classrooms. I am impressed by the learning opportunities that our teachers provide. As the district continues to support a projectbased learning initiative, I’m excited to see what new and engaging experiences we are able to provide in the future. As always, I feel privileged to be part of an amazing school community where we all strive to provide what is best for children. Thank you for the continued support! Respectfully, Mrs. Volpicelli FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 17 Elementary Honor Students ACADEMIC HONOR ROLL SECOND QUARTER Fourth Grade: Hudson Ahart, Levi Anderson, Angelique Avery, Cassandra Bogausch, Cassondra Doane, Julia Dunham, Grace Handy, Jadon Heidl, Owen Huizinga, Maggie Jennison, Beylah Parillo, Emily Paterson, Jamesynn Pritchard, Ella Reese, Jocelyn Rennells, Parker Robinson, Talon Sill, Jacek Teribury, Abigail Vorhis, Autumn Watkins Fifth Grade: Ian Alexander, Riley Aman, Jacob Banks, Morgan Bensley, Taylor Brock, Kathryn Cary, Brianna Cole, Calvin Curkendall, Kamala Deming, Ty Evans, Serenity Hall, Lilly Hobi, Trinity Howe, Kaylee Jastremsky, Kjelbi Jayne, Skyler Kwiatkowski, Kiera Licata, Lilliana Mills, Kara Morse, Zebulun Soper, Darren Starkweather, Wyatt Stouffer, David Vega, Jessica Wells, Addison Young Sixth Grade: Olivia Bennett, Madison Bensley, Hailey Coppage, Benjamin Dizer, Cadriana Edwards, Anna Greeno, Madison Hall, Elisa Hatton, Kiera Heidl, Ethan Jayne, Jackson Jennison, Liam Lang, Garrett Lindhorst, Isabel Makie, Seth McBride, Nena Morse, Olivia Parillo, Angelina Patitucci, Alexis Peabody, Trishton Pritchard, Pearl Ricardo, Madison Robbins, Brianne Schweiger, Sierra Schweiger, Cole Strong, Andrew Suttmeier, Shelby Swartz, Nicholas Thomas, Kayla Ward, Zachary Watson, Brooke Wilcox, William Zimmer FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 18 Elementary News Registration for eligible students planning to be enrolled for the 2016-2017 Kindergarten classes at the Candor Elementary School will be held Wednesday, May 11, 2016; Thursday, May 12, 2016; and Monday, May 16, 2016. Parents/Guardians of children listed in the current school database will be notified of their registration date and time. For those families new to the district or if you are not sure you are in the school database, please telephone the elementary school office at 659-3935. Children who will have reached their 5th birthday on or before December 1, 2016 are eligible for registration. Parents/Guardians are required to bring proof of age (birth certificate), two (2) proofs of residency, court documents pertaining to the child (order of protection, law guardian, custody arrangements), and official medical documents which indicate that their child is adequately protected against Hard Measles, Rubella (3-day measles), Mumps, Polio, DTP, Hepatitis B, and Varicella (chicken pox). If your child needs additional immunization shots or you are unsure of requirements, you may contact the Tioga County Health Department at 687-8600. If your child is lactose intolerant, please provide a doctor’s note stating this. A doctor’s note is required by Child Nutrition Management Services, a division of the New York State Education Department. A new note must be on file at the beginning of each school year. If a doctor’s note is not submitted, lactaid or juice cannot be provided. A copy of the doctor’s note must be provided to our Elementary School Nurse, Nurse Kizzy; and a copy faxed to our Cafeteria Manager, Brian Lanphere at 659-4692. Physical and Dental Screening forms will be available at the registration desk to be completed by your physician and dentist. These forms must be completed and returned prior to the first day of school. If your child has a physical and/or dental appointment scheduled prior to the registration dates, you can access the required forms at the Candor Central School website ~ www.candorcs.org FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 19 News & Notes Candor Central School Music Theatre Presents Saturday, March 19th, 7 p.m. Sunday March 20th, 2 p.m. Candor High School Auditorium Step back in time, back to the jazz and flappers of the Roaring '20s. Tickets (all $7) may be purchased from the high school and elementary school offices, cast members, or at the door. Book by Richard Morris and Dick Scanlan New Music by Jeannine Tesori New Lyrics by Dick Scanlan For advertising in the program, please contact Amelia O’Hara ([email protected]). Please contact Gary Holmes ([email protected]) or Amelia O’Hara ([email protected]) with any questions. FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 20 New & Notes Annual Alumni Banquet Alumni Newsletter Information The Candor Alumni Newsletter is mailed or emailed to alumni in May. Please make sure we have your current mailing address, or email address if you wish to view the newsletter online. Address/email address updates can be sent to [email protected] or Denise Ahart, PO Box 145, Candor, NY 13743. If you have information to include in the newsletter, please send to Nancy King, [email protected]. The newsletter is also available on the Candor Schools website at www.candorcsd.org. Our 107th annual Alumni Banquet will be Saturday, June 11, 2016, at 5:00pm in the Candor High School cafeteria. The Class of 1966, our 50 year class, will be our honored guests, as well as the graduating seniors in the Class of 2016. The Alumni Banquet is open to all who would like to attend; you need not be a Candor graduate. Reservations are required by sending your information and check c/o Candor Alumni Association, PO Box 145, Candor NY, 13743, or by returning the reservation form included in the annual Alumni Newsletter. The cost of the buffet meal, with beverage and dessert, will be $15.00. Candor Community Chorus The Candor Community Chorus has been in existence for forty years and formerly did two concerts and a musical each year. Now it performs a Christmas concert and an Independence Day concert each year, and last year participated in Candor's first Holiday Parade. This year's Independence Day concert, under the direction of Jewel Griffith, will be held in the Candor High School auditorium on Saturday, July 2nd, at 7:00pm. Rehearsals are on Sundays from 7:00pm - 9:00pm, beginning March 13th, in the Elementary School choral room. High school students in their junior and senior years are eligible to participate and are invited to do so, as are other adults who love to sing! No formal training--only the ability to carry a tune--is required! FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS Community Happenings Family Enrichment Network Tioga County Head Start/Early Head Start IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for children age six weeks to 4 years old living in Tioga County, including Candor area residents. Head Start and Early Head Start are pre-school programs at no cost to participants. Meals and limited transportation are provided within our service area. Families must meet income guidelines. Early Head Start provides programming for infants and toddlers beginning at six weeks of age to 3. Head Start provides programming for 3 and 4 year olds. Head Start/Early Head Start assists children with special needs. Sites at: Taylor Road, Owego Whig Street, Newark Valley Cooper Street,Waverly For more information call (607) 723-8313, Ext. 850 or 880. PAGE 21 FE B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 C A ND O R C E N T R A L C O MM U NI C A T I O NS PAGE 22 News & Notes Fundraiser for the Jr./Sr. Prom & the Senior Class Trip This FREE event is open to the public. Please stop by to show your support. Make sure you spread the word! Are You Interested in Becoming A School Board Member? The terms for two of our present school board members will expire on June 30, 2016. If you are interested in becoming a school board member, you must be a qualified voter of the district (at least 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States), a resident of the Candor School District for a continuous and uninterrupted period of at least one year, and submit a petition which contains at least 25 signatures from other district residents. Petitions will be available in the District Office at 1 Academy Street, starting on Friday, March 25, 2016. The petitions must be returned to the District Clerk no later than Monday, April 18, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. Please feel free to contact Kathy Hinkle, District Clerk, by phone at 659-5010, or by email at [email protected], if you have any questions. CCSD Yearbook 2016! You have to see this to believe it! The Candor Yearbook is thrilled to announce that the interactive yearbook will be published again this year. Some of the pictures will come to life with the help of your smart phones, by turning still images into video! You will be able to hold your iPhones or iPads over selected pictures and actually see a video magically appear. This incredible technology will not increase the price of the book, and the app that you will need to download is absolutely free. Be sure to buy your copy of this amazing 2016 Candor Yearbook before they are all sold out! Please see the order form on the following page. On Sale Now! Order Today! Go to YBPAY.COM and enter your ID code For the High School, Enter 10291316 For the Elem School, Enter 10896116 Item Price Qty High School Yearbook $45.00 $ Elementary School Yearbook $15.00 $ Add Namestamping (HS Only) $5.00 $ Add Icons (up to 4) (HS Only) $3.00/ea $ Totals Total $ If ordering Namestamping, please enter name below (maximum of 30 characters). Name: _____________________________________________________________________ If ordering Icons, please circle selections below. 2016 Icon Selections If paying by cash/check, return to Mrs. Gates in the high school building. If you have any questions, please either call Mrs. Gates at 659-5020 during the day or at 659-5349 in the evening, or email her at [email protected]. Checks made payable to: Lifetouch DEADLINE for orders: April 15, 2016 Name of student: __________________________________________ Elementary ~ Teacher’s Name: __________________________________________ High School ~ Grade: __________________________________________ Candor Central School District P.O. Box 145 Candor, NY 13743 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Candor, NY 13743 Permit No. 14 BOXHOLDER Candor School District Phone Numbers District Office 659-5010 Nurse’s Office (EL) 659-4965 High School Office 659-5020 Nurse’s Office (HS) 659-5225 Elementary Office 659-3935 Student Services 659-3195 Attendance Office (HS) 659-5873 Cafeteria Manager 659-7227 Attendance Office (EL) 659-3935 Bus Garage 659-3115 Special Education Office 659-7727 Alternate School 659-7496 Visit our school website at WWW.CANDORCSD.ORG for information on the school calendar, sports updates, school closings, Board of Education information, and the latest news for Candor Schools. Candor Central School District Home of the Candor Indians
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